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Comment on "Al-in-Hornblende Thermobarometry and Sr-Nd-O-Pb Isotopic Compositions of the Early Miocene Alaçam Granite in NW Anatolia (Turkey)"

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
Turkish J Earth Sci
(2013) 22: 354-358
Comment on “Al-in-Hornblende ermobarometry and Sr-Nd-O-Pb Isotopic
Compositions of the Early Miocene Alaçam Granite in NW Anatolia (Turkey)”
1Akdeniz University, Department of Geological Engineering, TR-07058, Antalya, Turkey
2Akdeniz University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, TR-07058, Antalya, Turkey
* Correspondence:
Hasözbek et al. (2012, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
21, 37-52) published Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry
and new Sr-Nd-O-Pb isotope data and discussed the
emplacement depth and the petrogenesis of the Alaçam
granites. In this paper, they mainly concluded that these
granitoids were emplaced at shallow crustal levels (4.7±1.6
km) and were not deformed in a ductile manner as the
brittle-ductile boundary of an extended continental crust
is much deeper (15-20 km). ey also suggested that the
Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopic compositions of the Alaçam granite
are consistent with derivation from an older middle crustal
source rather than a mantle source. In our work on the
geological, geochronological, geochemical and isotopic
characteristics of the Alaçamdağ granitoids, together
with other syn-extensional granitoids, we carefully
examined the results of Hasözbek et al. Inconsistencies in
interpretation lead us to comment on some points in this
1. In their petrography, geochemistry and isotopic
data section, Hasözbek et al. stated that the Alaçamdağ
granites have more or less equigranular, ne to coarse
grained holocrystalline textures. However, our eld and
petrographic observations revealed that the Alaçamdağ
granitoids are not as unique as published and can be
divided into two distinct facies: western (Musalar
granitoids) and eastern (Alaçam granitoids) stocks
(Erkül 2010, 2012; Erkül & Erkül 2010). In Figure 2 of
Hasözbek et al., the western stocks correspond to the
stocks labelled AS-1 and AS-3, while the eastern stock is a
single body extending NW-SE. e western stocks consist
of holocrystalline equigranular granites and granodiorites
with intruding aplitic equivalents while the eastern stocks
are characterised by abundant K-feldspar megacrysts
within the holocrystalline matrix (Erkül 2012). ese two
facies are mineralogically similar to each other and include
large amounts of mac microgranular enclaves (MME),
which are quite important in explaining the petrogenesis
of these granitoids.
e western and eastern stocks contain extensional
ductile shear zones that consist of widespread
ultramylonites and protomylonites, which were not
mentioned by Hasözbek et al. Further information about
these shear zones can be found in Erkül (2010). Erkül
(2010) also reported systematic Ar-Ar biotite cooling ages
from the Alaçamdağ granitoids and associated mylonitic
rocks (e.g., western and eastern stocks) in the Alaçamdağ
region. ese Ar-Ar ages, ranging from 20.5 to 19.5 Ma,
clearly demonstrate that the cooling of eastern stocks
was coeval with the formation of mylonitic rocks in the
shear zones that provide clear evidence for Early Miocene
extensional ductile deformation in the region. erefore,
the ductilely deformed Alaçamdağ granitoids are not
genetically related to an older metagranitoid of the Afyon
Zone or Menderes Massif, as suggested by Hasözbek et al.
Ductile shear zones in the Alaçamdağ granitoids are also
characterised by asymmetric structures in shear bands,
sigma-type quartz and feldspar porphyroclasts, oblique-
grain-shape foliation, asymmetric boudins and mica sh
(Erkül 2010; Erkül & Erkül 2010). ese structures in low-
grade mylonitic rocks can be used as good shear sense
indicators that may provide insights into the development
of the extensional regime in the northern Menderes Massif.
Kinematic analysis of the Simav detachment and associated
low/high-angle shear zones in the northern Menderes
Massif has already been presented in many papers (Işık &
Tekeli 2001; Işık et al. 2004; Seyitoğlu et al. 2004; Purvis &
Robertson 2004, 2005; Ring & Collins 2005; Çemen et al.
2006; omson & Ring 2006; Erkül 2010; Erkül & Erkül
2010). ey provide detailed evidence that the granitoid
rocks and associated basement units underwent low-grade
mylonitic ductile deformation and the overprinting brittle
deformation in the region was due to progressive upli of
footwall rocks in the region, which is a typical exhumation
process in an extended crust (Işık & Tekeli 2001; omson
& Ring 2006; Erkül 2010). ese studies conrm that the
Received: 01.02.2012 Accepted: 08.05.2012 Published Online: 27.02.2013 Printed: 27.03.2013
Research Article
ERKÜL and ERKÜL / Turkish J Earth Sci
Menderes Massif and associated granitoid intrusions were
locally deformed into low-grade mylonitic rocks due to
extensional detachments and shear zones.
2. In the mineral chemistry section, systematic sample
locations chosen for Al-in hornblende thermobarometry
evaluations were neither shown in the gure nor indicated
as geographic coordinates. is also fails to explain the
argument that the emplacement depth of the Alaçamdağ
granitoids increases from east to west.
3. In the discussion section, Hasözbek et al. argue that
the Alaçamdağ granitoids, together with other Aegean and
NW Anatolian granitoids, were emplaced at shallow crustal
levels. ey reported estimated emplacement depths
averaging 4.7±1.6 km for the Alaçamdağ granitoids and
denied the presence of extensional ductile deformation (e.g.,
detachment faults and shear zones) as the ductile-brittle
transition zone occurs at deeper levels (about 15-20 km).
Although the emplacement depth of each stock forming the
Alaçamdağ granitoids is not clear due to missing location
data, ther estimated average emplacement depth conrms
the shallow emplacement of syn-extensional granitoids in
the northern Menderes Massif (Akay 2009; Erkül 2010,
2012). Increasing emplacement depth of granitoids from
east to west in the Alaçamdağ region is also consistent
with previous assumptions (Erkül 2010). However, the
absence or presence of ductile deformation based on depth
parameters alone appears unlikely as low-grade mylonite
formation can be controlled by many other factors as well
as depth. Other factors include lithology (e.g., contrasting
behaviours of minerals), temperature, deviatoric stress,
uid content, uid pressure and uid compositions (Lister
& Davis 1989; Blenkinsop 2002; Passchier & Trouw 2005;
Tro uw et al. 2010 and references therein). e temperature
range for low-grade mylonites is widely accepted as
occurring between 250 and 500 °C (Trouw et al. 2010),
and each mineral has a dierent behaviour at constant
temperature. For instance, thermodynamic estimations in
low-grade mylonitic rocks suggest that plastic deformation
in quartz and mica usually occurs at temperatures greater
than 200 °C and plastic deformation of feldspars is widely
accepted to begin at about 450 °C. Amphiboles, common
mac minerals, begin to deform plastically above 500 °C
(Blenkinsop 2002). However, quartz can deform ductilely
at e.g. 300 oC while feldspars behave in a brittle manner at
the same temperatures. erefore, variation in behaviour
of dierent minerals means that no unique depth or
temperature can be proposed for brittle-ductile transitions.
In the Alaçamdağ region, the mylonitised eastern stocks
include retrograde mineral assemblages dened by an
alteration of biotite to chlorite. is alteration process
suggests that the western stocks were heated at temperatures
above 250 °C. Local skarn mineralisation along the contact
of the Alaçamdağ granitoids with host rocks also indicate
that the uid-related parameters mentioned above can
be other controlling factors during the formation of low-
grade mylonitic rocks in the Alaçamdağ region. Adjacent
metamorphic core complexes (e.g., Kazdağ, Rhodope and
Cycladic Core Complexes), even the footwall of central
Menderes Massif, was also intruded by shallow-seated,
syn-extensional granitoids emplaced on the footwall of
a detachment or cut by shear zones; therefore shallow
emplacement of syn-extensional granitoids is a common
event in the extended continental crust of the Aegean
4. In the isotopic compositions of the Alaçam granite
section, authors indicate that the Miocene granitoids
in northwestern Turkey have mainly peraluminous and
minor metaluminous characters. However, this is not
correct, as Eocene to Middle Miocene granitoid rocks
have I-type, mostly metaluminous and a slightly to mildly
peraluminous character (Aydoğan et al. 2008; Karacık et al.
2008; Boztuğ et al. 2009; Erkül & Erkül 2010; Erkül 2012).
eir A/CNK values and mineralogical composition is
characterised by the presence of hornblende and biotite
as the main mac phases and the absence of sillimanite
and garnets as restite minerals, which is compatible with a
metaluminous rather than peraluminous character.
5. In the section “isotopic compositions of the
Alaçam granite, Hasözbek et al. cited that Aldanmaz
et al. (2000), Dilek & Altunkaynak (2007, 2009) and
Aydoğan et al. (2008) claimed a slab break-o model for
the origin of the Miocene granitoids. However, Dilek &
Altunkaynak (2007, 2009) only suggested this model for
Eocene granitoids in north-western Turkey. Lithospheric
delamination is a widely accepted model for the origin
of Miocene magmatism that has been proposed in many
papers (Aldanmaz et al. 2000; Köprübaşı & Aldanmaz
2004; Dilek & Altunkaynak 2007, 2009; Ersoy et al. 2010,
2012). It is claimed that the Miocene granitoids were
derived from hybrid magmas formed by mixing of crust
and mantle (Aydoğan et al. 2008; Boztuğ et al. 2009; Dilek
& Altunkaynak 2009, 2010; Öner et al. 2010; Erkül & Erkül
2010; Erkül 2012).
Hasözbek et al. suggest in their Figure 9 that the
Alaçamdağ granitoid samples plot in the eld corresponding
to middle crust composition, which is dierent from those
of the Central Aegean granitoid samples (e.g., Ikaria and
Tinos granitoids). However, this gure does not show any
eld dening middle crustal compositions. Hasözbek et
al. (2011) had already suggested an upper crustal origin
for the same Alaçamdağ granitoid samples, based on
normalising values of Rudnick & Gao (2003). Finally,
the origin of the Alaçamdağ granitoids explained in this
paper clearly contradicts the suggestions of Hasözbek et
al. (2011).
Hasözbek et al. argued that the Alaçamdağ granitoids
were derived from an older crustal source (e.g., Menderes
Massif or Afyon Zone) based on Sr-Nd-O-Pb isotopic data.
However, our recent research indicates the presence of a
mantle contribution into the crustal components during
the formation of the Alaçamdağ granitoids (Erkül & Erkül
ERKÜL and ERKÜL / Turkish J Earth Sci
2012). Compiled 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O data from the Aegean
granitoids reveal that the Alaçamdağ granitoids have δ18O
values between 8 and 10.5‰ and therefore plot on the
mixed eld, corresponding to mixed magmas (Whalen
et al. 1996) (Figure). MMEs bear critical mineralogical
and geochemical information that may highlight the
petrogenesis of the Alaçamdağ granitoids. Oligocene and
Miocene granitoids in western Turkey have abundant
MMEs up to metres across that are circular to ovoid (Erkül
2012). e MMEs are monzonitic, monzodioritic and
dioritic in composition and their sharp contacts with host
rock are commonly attributed to the undercooling and
mingling of hybrid mac microgranular globules formed
by the mixture of mac and felsic magmas (Perugini et al.
2004). On a microscopic scale, disequibilirium textures
(spongy cellular plagioclase, antirapakivi mantling, blade
shaped biotite and acicular apatite) suggest chemical,
thermal and mechanical equilibrium conditions
(Eichelberger 1980; Barbarin & Didier 1991, Hibbard 1991,
1995; Boztuğ et al. 2009; Erkül & Erkül 2010, 2012; Erkül
2012). Lower SiO2 contents than the host rock, and higher
MgO and Mg numbers of MMEs requires the presence
of a mac component, rather than pure crustal material.
A hybrid origin for the granitoids in western Turkey is
not a new idea and has been suggested by many authors
(Aydoğan et al. 2008; Akay 2009; Boztuğ et al. 2009; Dilek
& Altunkaynak 2009; Erkül & Erkül 2010; Erkül 2012).
Geological, mineralogical and geochemical features of the
MMEs appear to have been neglected by Hasözbek et al.
in revealing the petrogenesis of the Alaçamdağ granitoids.
Hasözbek et al. also support an older purely crustal
source with U-Pb ages of 500-550 Ma obtained from
inherited zircon grains in the Alaçamdağ granitoids.
However, U-Pb dating from inherited zircon grains
requires more systematic study to reveal the protolith of the
granitoids. e granitoid rocks were generated by partial
melting with crustal contamination, crystal fractionation
and magma mixing processes that aect primary melts.
erefore, older ages from inherited zircon grains
may also derive from various processes such as crustal
contamination by host meta-sedimentary or igneous rocks
and by partial melting of source protoliths at deeper crustal
levels. e limited number of U-Pb ages (e.g., 500-550 Ma)
from the Alaçamdağ granitoids is insucient to support
an old crustal protolith for the Alaçamdağ granitoids.
In conclusion, the Alaçamdağ granitoids are not as
unique as suggested in the paper by Hasözbek et al. and
they include rather complex lithological and structural
features that need careful examination to highlight their
emplacement mode and to evaluate petrogenetic models.
To relate the emplacement depth of granitoids with
brittle and ductile deformation conditions may lead to
erroneous assumptions, due to various parameters that
must be taken into account. Mineralogical, geochemical
and isotopic features of the MMEs, which were omitted by
Hasözbek et al., appear to have a crucial importance in the
understanding of the magmatic origin of the Alaçamdağ
granitoids. erefore, the older crustal origin for the
Alaçamdağ granitoids suggested by Hasözbek et al. must
be considered with caution.
granodioritic and low-silica granite
Supracrustal Continental Crust
high-silica granites
monzonitic and monzogranitic
granitic and granodioritic
Menderes granitoids
Cycladic granitoids
Lamprophyric-monzonitic dykes
Alaçamdağ granitoids
Laurium, Keros, Serifos,
Mykonos, Delos, Naxos)Tinos,
0.700 0.705 0.710 0.715 0.720
Sr/ Sr
87 86
Figure. Comparison of the 87Sr/86Sr versus oxygen isotopic composition of the
Aegean and Northwestern Anatolian (NW) granitoids and lamprophyric rocks.
Oxygen and 87Sr/86Sr data are taken from Altherr et al. (1998), Altherr & Siebel
(2002), Hasözbek et al. (2012) and Erkül (2012). Mantle, mixed and supracrustal
rock values are from Whalen et al. (1996).
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... Bolhar et al. (2012) provided substantial evidences for that the highly variable compositions of the zircon O and Hf isotopes in the Cycladic granitoids favour complex processes of magma mixing/mingling coupled with variable proportions of supracrustal input by assimilation, indicating the significant role of mafic, probably mantle-derived melts during the generation of granitoid magmas. This argument on the origin of the Cycladic granitoids is significantly consistent with those of the central Menderes granitoids as also defined by tightly clustered Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope plots of two granitoid domains (Figs. 8, 10, 11) (Erkül and Erkül, 2013). Two exceptional Samos and Kos granitoids in the Cyclades, which appear to have a noticeable contribution of mafic components in their origin (Altherr and Siebel, 2002;Altherr et al., 1988), support the possibility of derivation from a mantle source beneath the Cycladic complex (Fig. 12a, b). ...
Plutonic associations in the central Menderes metamorphic core complex are suitable rocks in order to understand the magma forming processes in extended terrains. Syn-extensional Salihli and Turgutlu granitoids have granodioritic composition and contain monzonitic and monzodioritic microgranular enclaves. They are transitional metaluminous/peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline in character and are located on I- and S-type transition. Salihli and Turgutlu granodiorites are geochemically similar to each other while their microgranular enclave chemistry is in contrast with low SiO2 and high Mg # values. Mineral chemistry data from granodiorites and mafic microgranular enclaves confirm their shallow emplacement at about 7 km. Geochemical modelling suggests that syn-extensional granitoids were derived from the mixing of mantle and lower crustal components, which were finally modified by a significant amount of upper crustal contamination and fractional crystallization processes at shallow crustal levels. Early-Middle Miocene syn-extensional granitoids across the Aegean region form a magmatic belt associated with roll-back of the Aegean lithosphere slab. Roll-back induced magmatism together with ductile deformation in western Turkey ceased after cooling of the Salihli granodiorites at 12.2 Ma. But core-complex related magmatism was continuous in the Cycladic metamorphic core complex during Late Miocene and was followed by an active arc volcanism in the southern Aegean. Such abrupt change from ductile to brittle mode of extension in western Turkey can be explained by opening of a slab window on the Aegean lithosphere slab, which would lead to upwelling of fertile subslab asthenospheric mantle, forming transitional and finally OIB-type basalts.
... Bolhar et al. (2012) provided substantial evidences for that the highly variable compositions of the zircon O and Hf isotopes in the Cycladic granitoids favour complex processes of magma mixing/mingling coupled with variable proportions of supracrustal input by assimilation, indicating the significant role of mafic, probably mantle-derived melts during the generation of granitoid magmas. This argument on the origin of the Cycladic granitoids is significantly consistent with those of the central Menderes granitoids as also defined by tightly clustered Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope plots of two granitoid domains (Figs. 8, 10, 11) ( Erkül and Erkül, 2013). Two exceptional Samos and Kos granitoids in the Cyclades, which appear to have a noticeable contribution of mafic components in their origin ( Altherr and Siebel, 2002;Altherr et al., 1988), support the possibility of derivation from a mantle source beneath the Cycladic complex (Fig. 12a, b). ...
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During and after the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean and progressive collision of the Tauride-Anatolide Platform with the Sakarya Continent, widespread magmatism occurred in NW Anatolia. This magmatism is manifested in a NW-trending belt along the northern border of the Menderes Massif. Due to the complex geodynamic setting of this region, the exact emplacement depth of the granitoids is still a matter of debate. Here we present Al-in-hornblende barometrical data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions of the Early Miocene Alacam granite. The results imply a shallow emplacement depth of this granite (4.7 +/- 1.6 km) in contrast to previous studies which suggested emplacement along the brittle-ductile boundary of the crust. Furthermore, an evaluation of literature data let us reconsider the general emplacement mechanism of the Alacam and other Early Miocene granitoids in the region. Initial isotopic signatures of the Alacam granite are Sr-87/Sr-86(I)=0.70865-0.70915, e(Nd)(I)= -5.8 to -6.4, delta O-18=9.5-10.5, (206)pb/Pb-204 isotope ratios vary between 18.87 and 18.90. These features indicate an assimilation-dominated crustal crystallization and melt derivation from an older middle crustal protolith.
The deformation of Earth's lithosphere in orogenic belts is largely forced externally by the sinking slab, but can also be driven by internal delamination processes caused by mechanical instabilities. Here we present an integrated analysis of geophysical and geological data to show how these processes can act contemporaneously and in close proximity to each other, along a lithosphere scale discontinuity that defines the lateral boundary between the Hellenide and Anatolide segments of the Tethyan orogen in western Turkey. The Hellenides and Anatolides have experienced similar rates of convergence, but display remarkable differences in the structure of Earth's crust and lithospheric mantle across the Aegean coast of the Anatolian peninsula. We review the tectonics of southwest Turkey in the light of new and published data on crustal structure, cooling history, topography evolution, gravity, Moho topography, earthquake distribution and seismic tomography. Geological data constrain that one of Earth's largest metamorphic core complexes, the Menderes Massif, experienced early Miocene tectonic denudation and surface uplift in the footwall of a north-directed extensional detachment system, followed by late Miocene to recent fragmentation by E–W and NW–SE trending graben systems. Gravity data, earthquake locations and seismic velocity anomalies highlight a north–south oriented boundary in the upper mantle between a fast slab below the Aegean and a slow asthenospheric region below western Turkey. Based on the interpretation of geological and geophysical data we propose that the tectonic denudation of the Menderes Massif and the delamination of its subcontinental lithospheric mantle reflect the late Oligocene/early Miocene onset of transtension along a lithosphere scale shear zone, the West Anatolia Transfer Zone (WATZ). We argue that the WATZ localised along the boundary of the Adriatic and Anatolian lithospheric domains in the Miocene, when southward rollback of the Aegean slab started to affect the central Aegean–Menderes portion of the Tethyan orogen. Transtension across the West Anatolia Transfer Zone affected the entire Menderes Massif in the Early Miocene. The current crustal expression of this boundary is a NNE-trending, distributed brittle deformation zone that localised at the western margin of the denuded massif. Here, sinistral transtension accommodates the continuing velocity difference between relatively slow removal of lithospheric mantle below western Anatolia and trench retreat in the rapidly extending Aegean Sea region. Our review highlights the significance of lateral variations of the lower plate in subduction–collision systems for evolving structure and surface processes in orogenic belts, particularly in relation to the formation of continental plateaux and metamorphic core complexes.
Western Turkey, which forms the eastern part of the Aegean region, was subjected to continental extension that led to formation of metamorphic core complexes and associated syn-extensional granitoids. This study deals with petrogenesis of the syn-extensional Early Miocene Alaçamdağ (AG) and Middle Miocene Salihli (SG) granitoids and associated mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) in order to better understand the time-progressive evolution of the mantle sources beneath the extended continental crust in western Turkey. AG and SG granitoids consist of undeformed and ductility deformed granitoids together with abundant MMEs. They are calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline rocks that are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous. Mg# of AG host rocks is slightly lower than that of SG host rocks. AG host rocks have higher Na2O, Ba, Rb, Rb/La and lower Al2O3, CaO, MgO, TiO2, Zr/Y values than those of the SG host rocks. AG and SG host rocks differ from those of MMEs, with their lower Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, TiO2, Sr, V, Mg# and higher SiO2 values. MMEs are intermediate, corresponding to monzonite, monzodiorite (in AG) and diorite (in SG) compositions and are more mafic with respect to their host rocks. In the primitive mantle (PM) normalized trace element patterns, host rock and MME samples have similar trace element patterns. All of these rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, Cs, Rb, Ba, Th, K and Sr) and strongly depleted high field strength elements (HFSEs, Ta, Nb, P, Ti) compared to the primitive mantle. The isotope ratios of the syn-extensional AG and SG rocks display increasing radiogenic strontium and decreasing radiogenic neodymium. Isotopic values for the AG and SG host rocks and MME samples are 87Sr/86Sr (AG host) = 0.708835–0.710206 and εNd(t) (AG host) = (− 5.36 to − 7.36); 87Sr/86Sr (AG MME) = 0.709107–0.709801 and εNd(t) (AG MME) = − 5.36 to − 7.36; 87Sr/86Sr (AG MME)=0.709107–0.709801 and εNd(t) (AG MME)=−5.55 to −6.51; 87Sr/86Sr (SG host) = 0.712200 – 0.712408 and εNd(t) (SG host) = − 8.03 to − 8.61; 87Sr/86Sr (SG MME) = 0.712028–0.712351 and εNd(t) (SG MME) = − 7.57 to − 8.48. Syn-extensional granitoids in western Turkey were mainly affected by crustal contamination, fractional crystallization and magma mixing/mingling (MM) processes. Magma mixing/mingling (partial mixing) appear to have larger affects on the compositional range of the magmas than those generated by partial melting, crustal contamination and fractional crystallization. Mafic and felsic magmas forming syn-extensional granitoids have also undergone metasomatism/chemical equilibrium and diffusional exchange processes during cooling. Syn-extensional granitoids have been derived from a hybrid magma that originated from mixing of coeval lower crustal-derived felsic magma and lithospheric mantle-derived mafic magmas during extensional processes.
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The western Anatolian volcanic province formed during Eocene to Recent times is one of the major volcanic belts in the Aegean–western Anatolian region. We present new chemical (whole-rock major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopes) and new Ar/Ar age data from the Miocene volcanic rocks in the NE–SW-trending Neogene basins that formed on the northern part of the Menderes Massif during its exhumation as a core complex. The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are classified as high-K calc-alkaline (HKVR), shoshonitic (SHVR) and ultrapotassic (UKVR), with the Late Miocene basalts being transitional between the early-middle Miocene volcanics and the Na-alkaline Quaternary Kula volcanics (QKV). The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), have high 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70631–0.71001), low 143Nd/144Nd(i) (0.512145–0.512488) and high Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb=18.838–19.148; 207Pb/204Pb=15.672–15.725; 208Pb/204Pb=38.904–39.172). The high field strength element (HFSE) ratios of the most primitive early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks indicate that they were derived from a mantle source with a primitive mantle (PM)-like composition. The HFSE ratios of the late Miocene basalts and QKV, on the other hand, indicate an OIB-like mantle origin—a hypothesis that is supported by their trace element patterns and isotopic compositions. The HFSE ratios of the early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks also indicate that their mantle source was distinct from those of the Eocene volcanic rocks located further north, and of the other volcanic provinces in the region. The mantle source of the SHVR and UKVR was influenced by (1) trace element and isotopic enrichment by subduction-related metasomatic events and (2) trace element enrichment by “multi-stage melting and melt percolation” processes in the lithospheric mantle. The contemporaneous SHVR and UKVR show little effect of upper crustal contamination. Trace element ratios of the HKVR indicate that they were derived mainly from lower continental crustal melts which then mixed with mantle-derived lavas (~20–40%). The HKVR then underwent differentiation from andesites to rhyolites via nearly pure fractional crystallization processes in the upper crust, such that have undergone a two-stage petrogenetic evolution. KeywordsWestern Anatolia–NE–SW-trending basins–Neogene volcanism–Extensional volcanism–Core complex
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It is not our intention to present a thorough theoretical treatment on mylonites and related rocks in this atlas. This can be found in several textbooks (e.g. Shelley 1993; Snoke et al. 1998; Blenkinsop 2000; Vernon 2004; Passchier & Trouw 2005) and in many articles referred to in these books. Especially the excellent photographic atlas by Snoke et al. (1998) gives an extensive overview of current ideas on nomenclature and processes related to fault rocks.
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Microtectonics deals with the interpretation of microstructures, small-scale deformation structures in rocks that yield abundant information on the history and type of deformation and metamorphism. The results are used by geologists to obtain data for large-scale geological interpretations. This advanced textbook treats common microstructures such as foliations, porphyroblasts, veins, fringes and shear sense indicators. The book mainly focusses on optical microscopy as a tool to study microstructures, but also describes other techniques such as EBSD and tomography. Many photographs and explanatory drawings clarify the text. The new edition, substantially revised throughout and extended, features two new chapters (primary structures and experimental microstructures), 68 new figures, more than 800 new references. Microtectonics has proven useful for self study of microstructures and as a manual for short- and one-semester courses. Details of the changes in the second edition - Newest developments in microtectonics have been included in all chapters so that al chapters have been revised and updated, e.g. new information on brittle microstructures Two new chapters have been added, on primary structures and experimental microstructures Chapters on veins, shear zones, natural microgauges experimental modelling techniques and alternative techniques have been completely renewed over 800 new references have been added.
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During and after the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean and progressive collision of the Tauride-Anatolide Platform with the Sakarya Continent, widespread magmatism occurred in NW Anatolia. This magmatism is manifested in a NW-trending belt along the northern border of the Menderes Massif. Due to the complex geodynamic setting of this region, the exact emplacement depth of the granitoids is still a matter of debate. Here we present Al-in-hornblende barometrical data and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions of the Early Miocene Alacam granite. The results imply a shallow emplacement depth of this granite (4.7 +/- 1.6 km) in contrast to previous studies which suggested emplacement along the brittle-ductile boundary of the crust. Furthermore, an evaluation of literature data let us reconsider the general emplacement mechanism of the Alacam and other Early Miocene granitoids in the region. Initial isotopic signatures of the Alacam granite are Sr-87/Sr-86(I)=0.70865-0.70915, e(Nd)(I)= -5.8 to -6.4, delta O-18=9.5-10.5, (206)pb/Pb-204 isotope ratios vary between 18.87 and 18.90. These features indicate an assimilation-dominated crustal crystallization and melt derivation from an older middle crustal protolith.
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The Western Anatolia Extended Terrane in Turkey is one of the best-developed examples of post-collisional extended terranes and contains one of the largest metamorphic core complexes in the world, the Menderes massif. It has experienced a series of continental collisions from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene as the Neotethys Ocean closed and the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone was formed. Based our field work and monazite ages, we suggest that the north-directed postcollisional Cenozoic extension in the region is the product of three consecutive, uninterrupted stages, triggered by three different mechanisms. The first stage was initiated about 30 Ma ago, in the Oligocene by the Orogenic Collapse the thermally weakened continental crust along the north-dipping Southwest Anatolian shear zone. The shear zone was formed as an extensional simple-shear zone with listric geometry at depth and exhibits predominantly normal- slip along its southwestern end. But, it becomes a high-angle oblique-slip shear zone along its northeastern termination. Evidence for the presence of the shear zone includes (1) the dominant top to the north-northeast shear sense indicators throughout the Menderes massif, such as stretching lineations trending N10E to N30E; and (2) a series of Oligocene extensional basins located adjacent to the shear zone that contain only carbonate and ophiolitic rock fragments, but no high grade metamorphic rock fragments. During this stage, erosion and extensional unroofing brought high-grade metamorphic rocks of the central Menderes massif to the surface by the early Miocene. The second stage of the extension was triggered by subduction roll-back and associated back-arc extension in the early Miocene and produced the north-dipping Alasehir and the south-dipping Buyuk Menderes detachments of the central Menderes massif and the north-dipping Simav detachment of the northern Menderes massif. The detachments control the Miocene sedimentation in the Alasehir, Buyuk Menderes, and Simav grabens, containing high-grade metamorphic rock fragments. The third stage of the extension was triggered by the lateral extrusion (tectonic escape) of the Anatolian plate when the North Anatolian fault was initiated at about 5 Ma. This extensional phase produced the high- angle faults in the Alasehir, Buyuk Menderes and Simav grabens and the high-angle faults controlling the Kucuk Menderes graben.
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Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U-Th-Pb dating of magmatic zircon from the synkinematic Egrigoz and Koyunoba granites and a leucogranite dyke dates core-complex formation in the northern Anatolide belt of western Turkey at 24-19 Ma. The granites intrude into the footwall of the Simav detachment and are strongly elongated in the NNE direction parallel to tectonic transport on the detachment. Although large parts of the granites are undeformed, localized mylonitic to ultramylonitic deformation occurs directly beneath the Simav detachment and preserves evidence of progressive deformation from ductile to brittle conditions. Oscillatory zoned rims of long-prismatic zircon from the Egrigoz and Koyunoba granites yield identical and well-constrained intrusion ages of 20.7 +/- 0.6 Ma and 21.0 +/- 0.2 Ma, whereas inherited grains range from Palaeoproterozoic (2972 +/- 13 Ma) to Neoproterozoic (653 +/- 6 Ma to 500 +/- 5 Ma) in age. A leucogranite dyke yields an intrusion age of 24.4 +/- 0.3 Ma, with inherited Neoproterozoic (640 7 Ma to 511 +/- 6 Ma) grains. Our data, in conjunction with published Ar-40/Ar-39 biotite ages, indicate very rapid cooling (greater than c. 200 degrees C Ma(-1)) for the granites during and after synkinematic emplacement.
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To better understand the driving mechanisms behind the transition from collision to extension in a convergent orogen, data from multiple low-temperature thermochronometers were obtained from the Simav detachment fault (SDF), the earliest developed major extensional structure recognized in the western Anatolide orogen of western Turkey. Twenty-two zircon fission track (FT), 26 apatite FT, 12 apatite (U-Th)/He ages, and 26 apatite FT track length analyses are presented. The data establish that the SDF was a major extensional fault active between ~25 and ~19 Ma. The coincidence in timing of magmatism with cessation of SDF activity implies the detachment became locked owing to doming induced by magma emplacement. Zircon FT ages away from the influence of Miocene magmatism record rapid footwall cooling between ~25 and ~21 Ma at a slip rate of up to ~15 km/Myr and demonstrate that active ductile deformation along the SDF migrated northward with time. Apatite FT ages from the footwall of the SDF are spatially invariant over >100 km and consistently ~2-3 Myr younger than the zircon fission track ages from the same samples. These data are consistent with a regional, but relatively rapid erosion-linked cooling phase that removed ~2-3 km of overburden following cessation of SDF activity but before deposition of sedimentary rocks on the detachment surface at 16.4 Ma. Postcollision extension of the Anatolide orogen with development of the SDF can be best explained as the result of postcollision magmatism and thermal weakening of the crust inducing the extensional reactivation of an earlier major out-of-sequence thrust.
This chapter reviews the present-day composition of the continental crust, the methods employed to derive these estimates, and the implications of the continental crust composition for the formation of the continents, Earth differentiation, and its geochemical inventories. We review the composition of the upper, middle, and lower continental crust. We then examine the bulk crust composition and the implications of this composition for crust generation and modification processes. Finally, we compare the Earth's crust with those of the other terrestrial planets in our solar system and speculate about what unique processes on Earth have given rise to this unusual crustal distribution.
Extensive magmatic activity followed major plate convergence and Eocene continent-arc collision in northwest Anatolia, Turkey. This produced a considerable volume of eruptive products, as well as a large proportion of plutonic bodies along the suture zone. The main plutonic bodies in northwest Anatolia are exposed in the Armutlu, Kapidag, and Lapseki peninsulas where they form an E-W trending magmatic belt that comprises three individual intrusive suites. The plutonic bodies intrude Paleozoic—Mesozoic metamorphic basement rocks overthrust by Upper Cretaceous—Tertiary ophiolite fragments. Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of these three plutons are remarkably similar, indicating that the magmas that formed each of them were generated from the same source and experienced similar petrogenetic processes. The plutons are generally calc-alkaline, metaluminus, and I-type, and range in composition from hornblende-monzogranite and granite to granodiorite. The rocks are characterized by enrichment in LILE and LREE and depletion in HFSE relative to N-MORB values (e.g., negative Nb and Ta anomalies). They follow assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) trends indicative of extensive crustal contamination of magma derived from a mantle source that had been modified by earlier metasomatic events. The chemical characteristics of the plutonic rocks are remarkably similar to those of subduction-related or active continental margin granites. Subduction-related dehydration metasomatism may therefore be inferred as the likely process that modified the mantle wedge source region from which the initial melts were generated. Late orogenic delamination of either the subducting slab or the lowermost part of the mantle lithosphere (e.g., the thermal boundary layer) and concomitant rise of hot mantle asthenosphere appears to be a suitable explanation of the heat that triggered partial melting within the metasomatized part of the mantle lithosphere after subduction waned