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High performance liquid chromatography: A short review



High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an important qualitative and quantitative technique, generally used for the estimation of pharmaceutical and biological samples. It is the most versatile, safest, dependable and fastest chromatographic technique for the quality control of drug components. This article was prepared with an aim to review different aspects of HPLC, such as principle, types, instrumentation and application.
ISSN 0975 – 8542
Journal of Global Pharma Technology
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Malviya R, Bansal V*, Pal O.P. and Sharma P.K.
Department of pharmaceutical technology, Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Meerut, India
*For correspondence: Email:
Abstract: High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an important qualitative and quantitative
technique, generally used for the estimation of pharmaceutical and biological samples. It is the most
versatile, safest, dependable and fastest chromatographic technique for the quality control of drug
components. This article was prepared with an aim to review different aspects of HPLC, such as principle,
types, instrumentation and application.
Keywords: High performance liquid chromatography, instrumentation, elution, applications, mobile phase.
High-performance liquid chromatography
(or High pressure liquid chromatography,
HPLC) is a specific form of column
chromatography generally used in
biochemistry and analysis to separate,
identify, and quantify the active
compounds. [1] HPLC mainly utilizes a
column that holds packing material
(stationary phase), a pump that moves the
mobile phase(s) through the column, and a
detector that shows the retention times of
the molecules. Retention time varies
depending on the interactions between the
stationary phase, the molecules being
analyzed, and the solvent(s) used. [2] The
sample to be analyzed is introduced in
small volume to the stream of mobile
phase and is retarded by specific chemical
or physical interactions with the stationary
phase. The amount of retardation depends
on the nature of the analyte and
composition of both stationary and mobile
phase. The time at which a specific analyte
elutes (comes out of the end of the
column) is called the retention time.
Common solvents used include any
miscible combinations of water or organic
liquids (the most common are methanol
and acetonitrile). [2, 3] Sepration has been
done to vary the mobile phase composition
during the analysis; this is known as
gradient elution. [3] The gradient separates
the analyte mixtures as a function of the
affinity of the analyte for the current
mobile phase. The choice of solvents,
additives and gradient depend on the
nature of the stationary phase and the
Types of HPLC generally depend on phase
system used in the process. [3, 4]
Following types of HPLC generally used
in analysis-
Normal phase chromatography: Also
known Normal phase HPLC (NP-HPLC),
this method separates analytes based on
polarity. NP-HPLC uses a polar stationary
phase and a non-polar mobile phase. The
polar analyte interacted with and is
retained by the polar stationary phase.
Adsorption strengths increase with
Bansal V. et al., Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 2010; 2(5): 22-26
increased analyte polarity, and the
interaction between the polar analyte and
the polar stationary phase increases the
elution time.
Reversed phase chromatography:
Reversed phase HPLC (RP-HPLC or RPC)
has a non-polar stationary phase and an
aqueous, moderately polar mobile phase.
RPC operates on the principle of
hydrophobic interactions, which result
from repulsive forces between a polar
eluent, the relatively non-polar analyte,
and the non-polar stationary phase. The
binding of the analyte to the stationary
phase is proportional to the contact surface
area around the non-polar segment of the
analyte molecule upon association with the
ligand in the aqueous eluent.
Size exclusion chromatography: Size
exclusion chromatography (SEC), also
called as gel permeation chromatography
or gel filtration chromatography mainly
separates particles on the basis of size. It is
also useful for determining the tertiary
structure and quaternary structure of
proteins and amino acids. This technique is
widely used for the molecular weight
determination of polysaccharides.
Ion exchange chromatography: In Ion-
exchange chromatography, retention is
based on the attraction between solute ions
and charged sites bound to the stationary
phase. Ions of the same charge are
excluded. This form of chromatography is
widely used in purifying water, Ligand-
exchange chromatography, Ion-exchange
chromatography of proteins, High-pH
anion-exchange chromatography of
carbohydrates and oligosaccharides, etc.
[3, 4]
Bio-affinity chromatography: Separation
based on specific reversible interaction of
proteins with ligands. Ligands are
covalently attached to solid support on a
bio-affinity matrix, retains proteins with
interaction to the column-bound ligands.
Proteins bound to a bioaffinity column can
be eluted in two ways:
Biospecific elution: inclusion of free
ligand in elution buffer which
competes with column bound ligand.
Aspecific elution: change in pH, salt,
etc. which weakens interaction protein
with column-bound substrate.
Because of specificity of the interaction,
bioaffinity chromatography can result in
very high purification in a single step (10 -
For the accurate analysis of a compound,
there are some parameters which are used
as a standard for a particular compound. If
there is a change occurs in the parameters
the result may be affected greatly. The
most commonly used parameters are
internal diameter, particle size, pore size,
pump pressure. For different compounds
the parameters can be changed according
to their nature and chemical properties.
Internal diameter: The internal diameter
(ID) of an HPLC column is a critical
aspect that determines quantity of analyte
that can be loaded onto the column and
also influences sensitivity. Larger columns
are usually seen in industrial applications
such as the purification of a drug product
for later use. Low ID columns have
improved sensitivity and lower solvent
consumption at the expense of loading
Particle size: Most traditional HPLC is
performed with the stationary phase
attached to the outside of small spherical
silica particles (very small beads). Smaller
particles generally provide more surface
area and better separations, but the
pressure required for optimum linear
velocity increases by the inverse of the
particle diameter squared.
Pore size: Many stationary phases are
porous to provide greater surface area.
© 2009, JGPT. All Rights Reserved. 23
Bansal V. et al., Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 2010; 2(5): 22-26
Small pores provide greater surface area
while larger pore size has better kinetics
especially for larger analytes. Pore size
defines an ability of the analyte molecules
to penetrate inside the particle and interact
with its inner surface. This is especially
important because the ratio of the outer
particle surface to its inner one is about
1:1000. The surface molecular interaction
mainly occurs on the inner particle surface.
Pump pressure: Pumps vary in pressure
capacity, but their performance is
measured on their ability to yield a
consistent and reproducible flow rate.
Modern HPLC systems have been
improved to work at much higher
pressures, and therefore be able to use
much smaller particle sizes in the columns
(< 2 micrometres).
Injection of the sample: Septum injectors
are available; using which sample solution
is injected. Sample can be injected when
the mobile phase is flowing or it is
stopped. A new advanced rotary valve and
loop injector can be used to produce
reproducible results.
The detector: There are several ways of
detecting when a substance has passed
through the column. Generally UV
spectroscopy is attached, which detect the
specific compounds. Many organic
compounds absorb UV light of various
wavelengths. The amount of light
absorbed will depend on the amount of a
particular compound that is passing
through the beam at the time.
Interpreting the output from the
detector: The output is recorded as a
series of peaks, each one representing a
compound in the mixture passing through
the detector and absorbing UV light. The
area under the peak is proportional to the
amount of substance, which is passed
through detector, and this area can be
calculated automatically by the computer
linked to the display.
The information that can be obtained using
HPLC includes identification,
quantification, and resolution of a
compound. Preparative HPLC refers to the
process of isolation and purification of
compounds. This differs from analytical
HPLC, where the focus is to obtain
information about the sample compound.
Chemical Separations It is based on the
fact that certain compounds have different
migration rates given a particular column
and mobile phase, the extent or degree of
separation is mostly determined by the
choice of stationary phase and mobile
Purification: Purification is defined as the
process of separating or extracting the
target compound from a mixture of
compounds or contaminants. Each
compound showed a characteristic peak
under certain chromatographic conditions.
The migration of the compounds and
contaminants through the column need to
differ enough so that the pure desired
compound can be collected or extracted
without incurring any other undesired
Identification Generally assay of
compounds are carried using HPLC. The
parameters of this assay should be such
that a clean peak of the known sample is
observed from the chromatograph. The
identifying peak should have a reasonable
retention time and should be well
separated from extraneous peaks at the
detection levels which the assay will be
Other applications of HPLC: Other
applications of HPLC includes
© 2009, JGPT. All Rights Reserved. 24
Bansal V. et al., Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 2010; 2(5): 22-26
Pharmaceutical applications [5-8]
Tablet dissolution study of
armaceutical dosages form.
Shelf-life determinations of
parmaceutical products
Identification of active ingredients of
dosage forms
Pharmaceutical quality control
Environmental applications [9-12]
Detection of phenolic compounds in
Drinking Water
Identification of diphenhydramine in
sedimented samples
Bio-monitoring of pollutant
Forensics [13-15]
Quantification of the drug in biological
Identification of anabolic steroids in
serum, urine, sweat, and hair
Forensic analysis of textile dyes.
Determination of cocaine and
metabolites in blood
Clinical [16-19]
Quantification of ions in human urine
Analysis of antibiotics in blood
Estimation of bilirubin and bilivirdin in
blood plasma in case of hepatic
Detection of endogenous
neuropeptides in extracellular fluids of
FoodandFlavor [20]
Ensuring the quality of soft drink and
drinking water.
Analysis of beer.
Sugar analysis in fruit juices.
Analysis of polycyclic compounds in
Trace analysis of military high
explosives in agricultural crops.
It can be concluded from the entire review
that HPLC is a versatile, reproducible
chromatographic technique for the
estimation of drug products. It has wide
applications in different fields in term of
quantitative and qualitative estimation of
active molecules.
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... The pair of SEMS and EDX, has had several applications in many disciplines and industries, such as archaeology, for the dating of eras, by examining excavated pots (Zuluaga et al., 2011); forensic science, for studies on inflicted injuries (Gentile et al., 2020); and the aviation, petroleum and chemical manufacturing industries, to detect the causes of malfunctioning (Nasrazadani and Hassani, 2016). High performance liquid chromatography, also known as high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an invaluable analytical tool, that is broadly utilised for the determination of the type, and amount, of the molecules, that compose a drug or an organic compound (Malviya et al., 2010). In HPLC, a sample of the compound is mixed with a dissolving agent, called the mobile phase, and by utilizing high pressure, the mixture is brought into contact with a support material that is fixed in a column (stationary phase) (Petrova and Sauer, 2017). ...
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The worldwide occurrence of antibiotic resistance, has triggered the quest for viable alternatives, to the failing antibiotics in common usage. Biosurfactants have been studied for their potential in this regard. The aim of this study, was to characterize a biosurfactant, produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain S16 (accession number OQ734845), shown to possess effective biocontrol activity, against Staphylococcus aureus SO183 at 0.060 g/L. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain S16 was isolated from soil in a mixed farm, at Ajibode area, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, with the use of the pour plate method, identified through biochemical tests, and confirmed through molecular studies. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the biosurfactant possessed a surface composed of, globular and spindle-shaped projections, while energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy revealed that its elemental composition was mainly oxygen (3.00%), carbon (36.10%), nitrogen (43.00%), phosphorus (3.00%) and sodium (6.60%); the least abundant was manganese (0.48%). High performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, revealed that the monosaccharides, were mainly rhamnose, glucose, xylose and mannose, while the phenol-sulfuric acid method measured their concentration as 0.0047 g/L. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, revealed the presence of carboxyl, alcohol, amine and halo functional groups, amongst others. The biosurfactant produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain S16 was a positively charged, manganese-containing, polymeric biosurfactant made up of carbohydrates, lipid and peptide molecules. It was likely a positively-charged, manganese-containing glycolipopeptide/ glycolipoprotein, polysaccharide-protein-fatty acid composite, or lipopolysaccharide-protein composite. The manganese probably conferred to it, the potential for antibacterial and diverse bioactivities. From available records, this is the first report of a manganese-containing biosurfactant.
... High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a versatile, reproducible column chromatographic technique used in the estimation of secondary metabolites/bioactive compounds (Malviya, 2010). It is an important qualitative and quantitative technique used for isolation, and quantification of the individual components of the MICROPROPAGATION AND SCREENING BASED ON POLYPHENOL AND ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF SIX MEDICINAL ORCHIDS IN MEGHALAYA [6] mixture in phytochemical and analytical chemistry (Boligon & Athayde, 2014). ...
Six medicinal orchids viz. Aerides odorata Lour., Bulbophyllum odoratissimum Lindl., Cephalantheropsis obcordata (Lindl.) Ormerod, Crepidium acuminatum (D.Don) Szlach. (syn. Malaxis acuminata D.Don), Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl. and Dendrobium nobile Lindl. were studied for conservation through in vitro propagation methods; evaluation of secondary metabolites in different plant parts; characterization of phytochemical compounds; and quantitative estimation (through HPLC Chromatograms) of phytoconstituents.
... High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is frequently utilised for this purpose owing to its exceptional precision, sensitivity, and capacity to isolate the medication from other formulation components. [8][9][10] Upon development, the analytical method must undergo comprehensive validation to ascertain its reliability and precision. Validation entails evaluating multiple parameters, such as specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, and the detection and quantification limitations. ...
... Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is a research procedure that analyses the elemental or chemical composition of a sample (Ismail et High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an investigative technique that disassociates, identi es and assesses the amount of the constituents of a composite (Pitigoi 2022). It comprises a column that houses the mobile phase, a pump that drives this mobile phase through where it is located, and an inbuilt detector that displays the retention times of the puri ed disassociated constituents of the composite (Malviya et al., 2010). The disassociation of the constituents of the composite being investigated, occurs as a result of dissimilarities in their molecular masses as they meet with the solid adsorbent compound present in the column, as they move along (Pitigoi, 2022). ...
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Antibiotic resistance has reached global proportions, and the discovery of effective alternatives to the common antibiotics in current use, could aid in solving this problem. The aim of this study was to characterise a bioflocculant produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain F29, accession number OQ734844, that possessed 69% flocculating activity, and that had been observed to demonstrate biocontrol activity against Staphylococcus aureus SO183 at concentrations of 0.090 g/L and 0.150 g/L, and against identified Pseudomonas aeruginosa , at a concentration of 0.150 g/L. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain F29, was isolated from pig fecal matter collected from a mixed animal farm in Ibadan, Nigeria via the pour plate method, identified through biochemical tests and confirmed through molecular studies. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of the bioflocculant, revealed the presence of carboxyl, amide/peptide, aromatic alcohol, alkene, halo and polysulfide functional groups. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a clumped and flaky bioflocculant surface, while energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) revealed the presence of chlorine (56.00%), carbon (20.50%), sodium (12.50%), oxygen (4.00%), phosphorus (3.00%), sulphur (2.43%) magnesium (1.06%), potassium (0.32%) and nitrogen (0.30%). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) revealed that the bioflocculant possessed varied peaks of glucose, galactose, inositol and mannose, D-ribose, arabinose, rhamnose and xylose. The phenol sulfuric acid method revealed that the concentration of these sugars was 0.0059 g/L. The bioflocculant was a metal-containing polymeric compound composed mainly of carbohydrates, proteins/polypeptides and organochlorines, possibly a metal-containing “glyco-protein/polypeptide organochlorine.” From available documentation, this is the first report of this type of bioflocculant.
... With a linearity range of 2.5-25 μg/mL in the HPLC method, SER.DMP had a LOD of 0.051 μg/mL and a LOQ of 0.165 μg/mL. [6]  GaddeyPridhvi Krishna & Raja Sundararajan,2021: ...
An ADHD medication called Azstarys was approved by the FDA in March 2021.Because it combined serdexmethylphenidate and dexmethylphenidate for the first time, it is unique. Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) begins with a prodrug called serdexmethylphenidate. CNS stimulants include serdexmethylphenidate. People six years of age and older with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are taken serdexmethylphenidate, a prodrug of dexmethylphenidate, in addition to dexmethylphenidate. Serdexmethylphenidate is a prodrug of the central nervous system stimulant dexmethylphenidate. It alters neurotransmission in the central nervous system by increasing extracellular dopamine and norepinephrine numbers.3[11] As a central nervous system stimulant, serdexmethylphenidate carries a risk of usage, addiction, and abuse that should be monitored. In addition, patients need to be assessed. The accuracy, precision, linearity, robustness, limits of detection and quantitation, system adaptability, robustness, and other factors can all be used to validate the RP-HPLC technology.
... The degassing system eliminates air bubbles that have become captured in the solution. Ultra sonication and filtration are two degassing procedures used [7]. High pressure pump: A pump's function is to pressurize a liquid and provide a particular flow rate. ...
The pharmaceutical industry is dedicated to consistently producing high-quality products at an optimal cost, necessitating the development of robust methodologies across various stages from formulation to commercialization. This review article delves into the critical aspects of designing and validating processes integral to pharmaceutical drug development. Emphasizing the importance of reliable analytical techniques, the review underscores their role in quality assessment of pharmaceutical samples. A cornerstone of pharmaceutical manufacturing is adherence to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations, which mandates comprehensive documentation and validation of processes. From raw material procurement to final batch production, validation ensures adherence to quality standards throughout the manufacturing chain. The article meticulously examines the creation and validation of analytical methods, focusing on parameters including accuracy, specificity, and precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), ruggedness, robustness, and system suitability testing. These validation parameters are instrumental in routine and stability analyses, guaranteeing the reliability and quality of pharmaceutical products. By elucidating the intricate nuances of validation methodologies, this review contributes to the efficient operation of pharmaceutical companies and the continual advancement of drug development practices.
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Envenomations by snakes represent a neglected health problem in tropical and subtropical countries. In South America, Lachesis muta occasionally causes severe human envenomation, with treatment being conditioned to an unspecific antivenom. In this work, we examined the neutralizing ability of Coutarea hexandra stem bark hydroalcoholic extract (Ch-E), including the commercial phytochemicals coumarin and quinine, on the neuromuscular blockade induced by L. m. muta venom in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation. Biological assays were performed following conventional myographic technique ex vivo. Ch-E was phytochemically characterized to detect the presence of coumarin and quinine using analytical methods. Ch-E and commercial phytochemicals were tested separately or combined under pre- and post-venom incubation protocols. Ch-E attenuated the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade only under the pre-venom incubation protocol. Quinine was not detected in Ch-E. Commercial coumarin and quinine exhibited a concentration-dependent counteracting effect on the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade. The pre-venom incubation protocol showed to be efficient in attenuating the L. m. muta venom–induced neuromuscular blockade, most likely due to the presence of coumarin derivatives and unknown alkaloids in this extract.
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Background: A simple, accurate, precise and reproducible Ion Chromatography simultaneous estimation method development and validation for estimation of trace level ions in purified water. Method: A specific and sensitive isocratic IC method was developed and validated for analysis of trace level ions in purified water using thermo scientific AS23 (4×250 mm) with flow rate 1.0 ml/min and Temperature 30 °C. The isocratic mode was used for elution and the mobile phase was 30 mM KOH. Result: The samples were analyzed using 70 µl injection volume. The developed method was validated as per ICH Q2R1 for linearity, specificity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantification and robustness. The linearity of the proposed method was investigated in the range of 0.1-2.0 ppm for Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrite, Bromide, Nitrate, and Sulfate (R2= 0.9991,0.9974,0.9997,0.9982,0.9979,0.9968). The % accuracy was found to be in the range of Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrite, Bromide, Nitrate and Sulfate was found to be in range of 98.05 –99.79%, 98.17 – 101.04%, 99.62 – 101.06%, 98.96 – 102.04%, 99.80 – 101.04%, 99.59 – 102.31%. The RSD for precision and robustness was found less than 2. Conclusion: A rapid and sensitive isocratic elution mode analytical method was developed and validated for the simultaneous analysis for Purified water. Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrite, Bromide, Nitrate and Sulfate been validated in accordance with ICH Q2 (R1) requirements
Precise measurement of drug concentration in pharmaceutical research is critical, especially for anti-viral drugs like boceprevir, elvitegravir, indinavir, and saquinavir that combat viral infections. It is well-known that analytical techniques play an imperative role in identifying and characterizing active pharmaceutical ingredients in biological samples and drug formulations. Moreover, precise drug assessment directly influences safety, stability, and efficacy while providing in-depth insight into drug pharmacokinetics. Other than this, analytical techniques also aid in identifying impurities, deteriorated products, and potential pollutants. Thus, reliable analytical methods have become crucial for addressing challenges imposed by complex drug formulations. The most commonly used analytical technique is UV spectrophotometry, which does not have the high sensitivity to detect complex drug formulations. In contrast, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) merges two analytical techniques, chromatography and mass spectrometry, to accurately quantify biological samples. Furthermore, Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) provides enhanced resolution, faster analysis in short duration, and low solvent consumption in contrast to HPLC. This comprehensive review aims to critically assess each analytical approach's accuracy, applicability, selectivity, and limitation to provide valuable insights for researchers and analysts. Understanding the weaknesses and strengths of these analytical techniques will enable the researchers to select the suitable analytical method based on their needs and requirements for quality assessment, precise drug quantification, and optimal therapeutic efficiency. Eventually, this review intends to advance pharmaceutical research and development, specifically for anti-viral drugs, by ensuring the effective and secure administration of therapies.
Four procedures have ben developed to simplify routine analysis of large numbers of plant lipid samples. First, a rapid extraction method has been devised in which the key step consists of washing propan-2-ol-chloroform extracts with an aqueous phase impregnating solid Sephadex® G-25-300. The extracts are then separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light-scattering detection, using a complex gradient that permits separation of most of the important simple lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid classes in sequence. An example of an application to the analysis of a newly generated mutant is illustrated. In addition, a novel solid-phase extraction procedure with a bonded propylamine phase allows separation of four broad classes, simple lipids, glycolipids, zwitterionic phospholipids and acidic phospholipids (plus sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol), for further analysis. Finally, base-catalysed transesterification followed by HPLC analysis, permits identification of those lipids that do not contain conventional ester bonds.
Four procedures have ben developed to simplify routine analysis of large numbers of plant lipid samples. First, a rapid extraction method has been devised in which the key step consists of washing propan-2-ol-chloroform extracts with an aqueous phase impregnating solid SephadexTM G-25-300. The extracts are then separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light-scattering detection, using a complex gradient that permits separation of most of the important simple lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid classes in sequence. An example of an application to the analysis of a newly generated mutant is illustrated. In addition, a novel solid-phase extraction procedure with a bonded propylamine phase allows separation of four broad classes, simple lipids, glycolipids, zwitterionic phospholipids and acidic phospholipids (plus sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol), for further analysis. Finally, base-catalysed transesterification followed by HPLC analysis, permits identification of those lipids that do not contain conventional ester bonds. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of zopiclone in pharmaceutical tablets. The ion-pair reversed-phas
A rapid, specific, stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method has been developed for the assay of Ampicillin in Ampicillin Trihydrate bulk, capsules and oral suspensions and Sodium Ampicillin bulk and injectables. The assay is specific for Ampicillin in the presence of possible contaminants; Penicillin V, Phenylglycine, and 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid (6-APA); the degradation product, Penicilloic Acid of Ampicillin; and all excipients present in the formulations assayed. Ampicillin, Ampicillin formulations, and formulation excipient blends were force-degraded to further demonstrate specificity.The assay is precise, accurate, linear over the range 50% to 125% of expected Ampicillin sample level, and stability-indicating toward the described thermal, acid, base, aqueous, and light degradations.The procedure employs an ion-pairing eluent with UV detection at 254 nm. Ampicillin Trihydrate and Sodium Ampicillin bulk are stable in assay diluent for six hours allowing the use of automatic HPLC injectors for unattended analysis. One set of HPLC parameters can assay bulks and formulations.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method utilizing either ultraviolet (UV) or electrochemical detection for the analysis of erythromycin estolate in pharmaceutical dosage forms is described. Special considerations relating to the stability of the estolate moiety during sample manipulation and storage in the autosampler are discussed. The UV detector was found to be adequate for the routine analysis of dosage forms containing erythromycin estolate while the electrochemical detector provided advantages in stability studies due to its increased sensitivity and its ability to detect trace amounts of degradation products. The inclusion of oleandomycin phosphate as the internal standard greatly increased the precision of the method which was successfully employed for the analysis of individual tablet, capsule and suspension dosage forms containing varying amounts of erythromycin estolate obtained from three different manufacturers.
The retention behavior of phosphatidic acids (PA) and phosphatidic acid methyl esters (PM) was studied by reversed-phase ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC systems consisted of mobile phases of acetonitrile-methanol-water containing tetraalkylammonium phosphates (TAAP) and stationary phases of alkyl-bonded silica and polystyrene-divinylbenzene resins. The lipid solutes were more strongly retained when using mobile phases containing larger TAAP at higher concentrations. The results are indicative of an ion-pair retention mechanism. Molecular species of PM were readily resolved despite the complete inseparability of PA under all conditions used. Except for tetrabutylammonium phosphate, there was a linear correlation between the logarithmic capacity factors (k′) of PM (or PA) and the total number of carbon atoms of TAAP. The significant concentration dependence of separation factors for certain PM components was related to the size effect of TAAP. A normal-phase HPLC method for the separation of PA from other polar lipids is described.
An HPLC method for the assay of ceftazidime in plasma and urine is described. It is sensitive, accurate and reproducible; results show good agreement with those obtained using microbiological assay.
Precolumn derivatization procedures using 1,2,4-triazole for the detection and quantitation of sulbactam and clavulanic acid spiked into urine and blood serum at trace levels have been developed. Sulbactam and clavulanic acid produced derivatives which absorbed maximally at 325 and 315 nm, respectively. The methods allow the detection of clavulanic acid and sulbactam down to 0.05 micrograms ml-1 in serum and 0.5 micrograms ml-1 in urine. The relative standard deviation for five replicate analyses of sulbactam and clavulanic acid at a concentration of 20 micrograms ml-1 in serum and urine ranged from 2-6%. In further HPLC experiments with sulbactam in phosphate buffer solution, ampicillin was found as a contaminant (0.5% by mass) in the sulbactam sample provided. The significance of this finding is discussed.
A reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography method for the quantitation of sulbactam in plasma, urine, and tissue is described. The assay used the formation of an imidazole derivative followed by extraction with acetonitrile and dichloromethane and used UV absorbance for detection. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile, tetrabutylammonium hydroxide, and phosphate buffer. The assay was linear from 100 micrograms/ml (g of tissue) to 1 microgram/ml (g). Within- and between-batch recovery was greater than 90%. The coefficient of variation was generally less than 15%. There were no interfering peaks in the quantitation of sulbactam.