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Burnout in European family doctors: The EGPRN study

  • European General Practice Research Network
  • Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears

Abstract and Figures

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout, and of associated factors, amongst family doctors (FDs) in European countries. Methodology. A cross-sectional survey of FDs was conducted using a custom-designed and validated questionnaire which incorporated the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) as well as questions about demographic factors, working experience, health, lifestyle and job satisfaction. MBI-HSS scores were analysed in the three dimensions of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA). RESULTS: Almost 3500 questionnaires were distributed in 12 European countries, and 1393 were returned to give a response rate of 41%. In terms of burnout, 43% of respondents scored high for EE burnout, 35% for DP and 32% for PA, with 12% scoring high burnout in all three dimensions. Just over one-third of doctors did not score high for burnout in any dimension. High burnout was found to be strongly associated with several of the variables under study, especially those relative to respondents' country of residence and European region, job satisfaction, intention to change job, sick leave utilization, the (ab)use of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic medication, younger age and male sex. CONCLUSIONS: Burnout seems to be a common problem in FDs across Europe and is associated with personal and workload indicators, and especially job satisfaction, intention to change job and the (ab)use of alcohol, tobacco and medication. The study questionnaire appears to be a valid tool to measure burnout in FDs. Recommendations for employment conditions of FDs and future research are made, and suggestions for improving the instrument are listed.
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ÓThe Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
doi:10.1093/fampra/cmn038 Family Practice Advance Access published on 11 July 2008
Burnout in European family doctors: the EGPRN study
Jean Karl Soler
, Hakan Yaman
, Magdalena Esteva
, Frank Dobbs
Radost Spiridonova Asenova
, Milica Katic
, Zlata Ozˇvac
, Jean
Pierre Desgranges
, Alain Moreau
, Christos Lionis
´ter Kota
Francesco Carelli
, Pawel R.Nowak
, Zaida de Aguiar Sa
Eva Marklund
, Dick Churchill
and Mehmet Ungan
General Practice Research Network Burnout Study Group)
Soler JK, Yaman H, Esteva M, Dodds F, Spiridonova Asenova R, Katic´M,Oz
ˇvacˇic´ Z, Desgrange
JP, Moreau A, Lionis C, Kota´ nyi P, Carelli F, Nowak PR, de Aguiar Sa´ Azeredo Z, Marklund E,
Churchill D and Ungan M (European General Practice Research Network Burnout Study Group)
Burnout in European family doctors: the EGPRN study. Family Practice 2008; 25: 245–265.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout, and of asso-
ciated factors, amongst family doctors (FDs) in European countries.
Methodology. A cross-sectional survey of FDs was conducted using a custom-designed and
validated questionnaire which incorporated the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services
Survey (MBI-HSS) as well as questions about demographic factors, working experience, health,
lifestyle and job satisfaction. MBI-HSS scores were analysed in the three dimensions of emo-
tional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA).
Results. Almost 3500 questionnaires were distributed in 12 European countries, and 1393 were
returned to give a response rate of 41%. In terms of burnout, 43% of respondents scored high for
EE burnout, 35% for DP and 32% for PA, with 12% scoring high burnout in all three dimensions.
Just over one-third of doctors did not score high for burnout in any dimension. High burnout was
found to be strongly associated with several of the variables under study, especially those rela-
tive to respondents’ country of residence and European region, job satisfaction, intention to
change job, sick leave utilization, the (ab)use of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic medication,
younger age and male sex.
Conclusions. Burnout seems to be a common problem in FDs across Europe and is associated
with personal and workload indicators, and especially job satisfaction, intention to change job
and the (ab)use of alcohol, tobacco and medication. The study questionnaire appears to be
a valid tool to measure burnout in FDs. Recommendations for employment conditions of FDs
and future research are made, and suggestions for improving the instrument are listed.
Keywords. Burnout, Europe, general practice, job satisfaction, job stress.
Job-related ‘burn out’ or ‘burnout’ has been identified
as an occupational hazard for various professionals in-
volved in people-oriented services. Burnout is a syn-
drome, with reported symptoms including exhaustion,
frustration, anger, cynicism and a feeling of ineffec-
tiveness and/or failure. An important element of the
syndrome is a negative impact on job performance.
The predominant multidimensional model of burnout
defines it as a psychological response to chronic inter-
personal job stressors, characterized by overwhelming
Received 16 October 2006; Revised 5 June 2008; Accepted 6 June 2008.
Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Primary Care, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52
1SA, UK (Maltese Co-ordinator),
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Antalya, Turkey,
Research Unit, Majorca Primary Care Health District Department, Ib-salut, Spain (Spanish Co-ordinator),
Institute of Postgrad-
uate Medicine and Primary Care, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA, UK,
Zagreb, Croatia,
Brittany, France,
Lyons, France,
Crete, Greece,
Budapest, Hungary,
Milan, Italy,
Gdansk, Poland,
Nottingham, UK and
Turkey. Correspondence to Hakan Yaman, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Fam-
ily Medicine, Akdeniz University, 07059 Antalya, Turkey; Email:
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from
the job.
Three dimensions of the syndrome are de-
scribed: emotional exhaustion (EE) is the depletion of
one’s emotional resources and reflects the basic stress
dimension of burnout; depersonalization (DP) usually
develops due to the effect of EE and exhibits features
of detachment and, eventually, dehumanization; and re-
duced personal accomplishment (PA) reflects reduced
feelings of competence and productivity at work, which
are linked to depression.
Factors related to burnout amongst professionals,
including doctors, include situational factors [organiza-
tional commitment and hierarchy, absence of job re-
sources (e.g. inadequate pay), overload, role conflict
and ambiguity, poor career progression and lack of
feedback] and individual characteristics (demographic
variables, personality characteristics, external locus of
control, job satisfaction, job withdrawal and lack of so-
cial support), with the effect of the situational factors
being stronger.
Although burnout has been described in health profes-
and has been reported to be common in family
doctors (FDs),
there are few published studies, and
there is an evident need for further research. This study
is an attempt to address this lacuna in the field of re-
search of burnout in FD populations in Europe.
The scale which has demonstrated the strongest psy-
chometric [Psychometrics: the field of study concerned
with the theory and technique of psychological mea-
surement, which includes the measurement of knowl-
edge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits. The
field is primarily concerned with the study of differ-
ences between individuals (
wiki/Psychometrics)] properties, has been shown to dis-
tinguish job-related neurasthenia from other mental
and continues to be used most widely by re-
searchers is the Maslach Burnout Inventory—Human
Services Survey (MBI-HSS) developed by Maslach and
Jackson in the early 1980s.
It comprises 22 seven-
point Likert-type questions on frequency of symptoms
(ranging from ‘0 = never’ to ‘6 = every day’). The three
dimensions are each measured by subscales: EE on
a subscale with nine items and a maximum score of 54,
DP on a five-item subscale with a maximum score of
30 and a decreased sense of PA (inverse scale, low
scores indicate high burnout) on a subscale with eight
items and a maximum score of 48.
has demonstrated good external validity in FDs and
similar subscale correlations as in Maslach’s normative
The instrument of choice for this study of burnout is
consequently also a questionnaire. Thus, the MBI-HSS
was incorporated (unaltered) into a questionnaire de-
signed to measure other factors previously reported to
be associated with burnout in FDs.
The study in-
strument (Fig. 1) was based on a similar questionnaire
piloted previously in the population of interest.
This cross-sectional study was designed to address
two specific research questions.
Study research questions
1) What is the prevalence of burnout in European
2) Which factors are associated with high levels of
burnout in European FDs?
Study idea
This study was developed from an original idea to
study burnout in Turkish medical and education stu-
dents presented at a meeting of the World Organiza-
tion of Family Doctors (WONCA) European region
and was developed during various meetings of the Eu-
ropean General Practice Research Workshop
[EGPRW—since renamed ‘European General Prac-
tice Research Network’ (EGPRN)] from 1999 to
Twenty-four EGPRW members from 16 Eu-
ropean countries formed an interest group and worked
as a team to develop an instrument to collect data on
burnout and on factors associated with burnout.
Questionnaire design process. A literature search was
performed to identify instruments and tools which mea-
sure burnout and to identify factors associated with
high levels of burnout. The questionnaire instrument
was developed on the basis of such literature. It was pi-
lot tested in 2000, the results being published in 2002.
Translation of the questionnaire instrument. In those
countries where the use of an English-language instru-
ment could potentially pose a language barrier, the
questionnaire was translated to the native language by
the key co-ordinating FD in that country, and the trans-
lation process was cross-checked by cross-translation in
most cases (see Table 1).
Questionnaire instrument structure. The final validated
questionnaire instrument (Fig. 1) comprised, in order:
a) a 25-item questionnaire including questions re-
garding age, gender, marital status, years since
qualification as a doctor, years in current work-
place, earning, workplace conditions (solo/
group, rural/urban setting), working conditions
(working hours per week, patients per week,
night shifts, weekends worked), intention of
changing job, sick leave utilization, sleep pat-
terns, alcohol consumption, smoking and psy-
choactive medication use;
b) a seven-point Likert-type job satisfaction ques-
tion and
c) the MBI-HSS.
Family Practice—an international journal246
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
FIGURE 1Questionnaire instrument
247The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
FIGURE 1Continued
Family Practice—an international journal
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 1Details of the study process in each participating country: co-ordinator, translation and mailing procedure, sample selection and response rates
Country Name of
the co-ordinator
Translation from
English original
Method of
of GPs
Method of sample
Number of
sent out
Date of
Bulgaria Radost Spiridonova
Yes No Post 5222 Random selection 250 May to September,
69 (27.6)
Croatia Milica Katic
Zlata Oz
Yes Yes Post 2400 Stratified random selection 350 November, 2003 117 (33.4)
France Alain Moreau Yes No Post 3113 Partly from college list,
partly random selection
324 June to September,
178 (54.9)
Greece Christos Lionis Yes Yes Not specified 1103 Random selection 85 Late 2003 to early
45 (52.9)
Hungary Pe
´ter Kota
´nyi Yes Yes Post 7000 Random selection 299 February, 2003 87 (29.1)
Italy Francesco Carelli Yes No E-mail Non-random selection from
scientific society and continuing
medical education (CME) events
230 not specified 147 (63.9)
Malta Jean Karl Soler No N/A Post 260 Sent to entire population 260 March, 2003 129 (49.6)
Poland Pawel R. Nowak Yes No Post 5500 Random selection 282 May to September,
150 (53.2)
Spain Magdalena Esteva Yes Yes Post 15 474 Stratified random selection 286 April, 2003 86 (30.1)
Sweden Eva Marklund No N/A E-mail and Fax 5000 Non-random snowball sample >250 not specified 109 (<43.6)
Turkey Mehmet Ungan Yes Yes E-mail 500 Non-random selection from
Turkish college e-mail distribution list
500 not specified 112 (22.4)
England (UK) Dick Churchill No N/A Post 30 000 Stratified random sample by
region of all the GPs in England
300 April to June, 2003 164 (54.7)
Total 3416 1393 (40.8)
N/A, not applicable.
249The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
Data collection procedure
Sampling procedure. The country co-ordinators, one
lead FD in each of 12 participating countries who was
selected from the burnout study interest group, were
tasked to send the questionnaire to a representative
sample of their country’s FDs.
Sample size. The original target was a sample size of
160 completed questionnaires from each country, cal-
culated to allow the discrimination of a population dif-
ference of 10% or more in the mean MBI-HSS
burnout scores in any one dimension between two
countries to an a-value of 0.05 with a power (b)of
80%, based on the variability of the data obtained
from the pilot study. The inclusion criteria were: prac-
tising FDs working in private, or state employment.
Retired FDs and those working less than 50% full
time in family practice were excluded.
Ethical approval
International ethical approval. Many, but not all,
country co-ordinators did apply for and obtain ethical
approval in their country.
Data entry
Data coding. Each country co-ordinator coded the
data from the returned questionnaires into a custom-
designed Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet template, and
these were then imported into SPSS version 11
by HY.
Missing values. Up to one missing response per di-
mension of burnout in the MBI-HSS instrument was
replaced with the average score of the rest of that re-
spondent’s responses for that dimension (rounded to
an integer value). If more than two responses were
missing for any one dimension, the score for that di-
mension was replaced with a ‘missing value’ code rec-
ognized as such by SPSS.
Coding of burnout outcome variables. MBI-HSS
scores were output in the three dimensions of burnout
and were then transformed into dummy categorical
variables for high, average and low burnout in the di-
mensions of EE, DP and PA as recommended by Mas-
lach using the cutoff values applicable for doctors, as
listed below (Maslach C, personal communication,
July 6, 2004).
However, the burnout outcome varia-
bles were re-coded into high and not-high (average or
low burnout) for the statistical analyses.
EE: low burnout <13, average burnout 14–26,
high burnout >27 (The scoring guide actually recom-
mends that average scores for EE range from 19 to 26.
Scores in the range from 14 to 18 are thus difficult to
classify. For the purposes of the description of rates of
burnout found in this study, EE scores in the range of
14 to 18 were classified as average, to avoid unclassified
cases. However, all the statistical analyses performed
on the data set used the outcome variable of high as
against not high burnout in the three dimensions.)
DP: low burnout <5, average burnout 6–9, high
burnout >10.
PA: high burnout <33, average burnout 34–39,
low burnout >40 (inverse scale).
Statistical analysis
Validation of questionnaire instrument in each
country. The MBI-HSS section of the questionnaire
was internally validated by calculating a Cronbach’s
alpha coefficient for each dimension [for the nine
questions which scored for EE, the five for DP and
eight for PA in turn against the respective total for
each dimension], for each translation of the question-
naire used in the 12 different countries.
Respondents. Descriptive statistics have been used to
tabulate the characteristics of the respondents as
TABLE 2Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the MBI-HSS instrument scores for each dimension of burnout in each of the versions/translations of the
questionnaire used in the 12 countries
Country Alpha
for EE
with worst
item deleted
for DP
with worst
item deleted
for PA
with worst
item deleted
England 0.91 0.62 (Q6) 0.91 0.78 0.37 (Q22) 0.80 0.74 0.25 (Q4) 0.75 Original English version
Malta 0.89 0.44 (Q14) 0.90 0.75 0.29 (Q22) 0.77 0.76 0.25 (Q4) 0.77 Original English version
Sweden 0.90 0.44 (Q6) 0.90 0.68 0.29 (Q22) 0.68 0.69 0.12 (Q18) 0.75 Original English version
Bulgaria 0.90 0.16 (Q14) 0.92 0.69 0.26 (Q15) 0.71 0.67 0.09 (Q4) 0.69 Bulgarian one-way translation
Croatia 0.92 0.53 (Q14) 0.92 0.73 0.27 (Q15) 0.75 0.77 0.20 (Q4) 0.78 Croatian one-way translation
Italy 0.88 0.46 (Q20) 0.88 0.73 0.33 (Q11) 0.74 0.83 0.30 (Q12) 0.84 Italian one-way translation
France 0.88 0.45 (Q14) 0.89 0.69 0.37 (Q22) 0.67 0.85 0.49 (Q4) 0.84 French one-way translation
Poland 0.92 0.60 (Q3) 0.91 0.73 0.39 (Q15) 0.71 0.76 0.21 (Q4) 0.76 Polish one-way translation
Greece 0.90 0.45 (Q1) 0.90 0.91 0.67 (Q5) 0.92 0.87 –0.07 (Q4) 0.91 Greek, cross-translation
Hungary 0.86 0.25 (Q14) 0.88 0.73 0.31 (Q22) 0.76 0.80 0.40 (Q4) 0.79 Hungarian, cross-translation
Spain 0.86 0.41 (Q3) 0.86 0.75 0.40 (Q22) 0.75 0.78 0.19 (Q4) 0.79 Spain, cross-translation
Turkey 0.87 0.33 (Q16) 0.89 0.46 –0.70 (Q15) 0.58 0.80 0.31 (Q21) 0.81 Turkish, cross-translation
For each dimension and for each country, the Cronbach’s alpha for the scores from the relevant set of MBI-HSS questions against the total score is
tabulated, followed by the worst individual question Cronbach’s alpha (question number in parenthesis) and the corrected Cronbach’s alpha if that
one question were to be deleted. The lowest item-total correlation is highlighted.
Family Practice—an international journal250
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 3Respondent characteristics (n =1393) as measured by
the questionnaire instrument
Frequencies, n
(%, percentage valid)
Bulgaria (Bu) 69 (5.0)
Croatia (Cr) 117 (8.4)
Hungary (Hu) 87 (6.2)
Italy (It) 147 (10.6)
France (Fr) 178 (12.8)
Malta (Mt) 129 (9.3)
Poland (po) 150 (10.8)
Spain (Sp) 86 (6.2)
Sweden (Sw) 109 (7.8)
Turkey (Tu) 112 (8.0)
England (UK) 164 (11.8)
Greece (Gr) 45 (3.2)
Total 1393 (100.0)
Male 758 (54.4, 54.6)
Female 630 (45.2, 45.4)
Missing 5 (0.4)
Marital status
Married 952 (68.3, 68.7)
Single 325 (23.3, 23.5)
108 (7.8, 7.8)
Missing 8 (0.6)
Number of children less than
5 years old
0 1002 (71.9, 82.7)
1 170 (12.2, 14.0)
2 40 (2.9, 3.3)
Missing 181 (13.0)
Further qualifications
Yes 663 (47.6, 70.7)
No 275 (19.7, 29.3)
Missing 455 (32.7)
Type of work
State employed 717 (51.5, 51.9)
Private practice 607 (43.6, 43.9)
Education/academic 58 (4.2, 4.2)
Missing 11 (0.8)
All choices type of work
State employed only 571 (41.0, 41.3)
Private practice only 496 (35.6, 35.8)
Education/academic only 58 (4.2, 4.2)
State and private employment 77 (5.5, 5.6)
Private and education/
49 (3.5, 3.5)
Private and in training 36 (2.6, 2.6)
State employed and in
32 (2.3, 2.3)
Other combinations not
otherwise specified
65 (4.7, 4.7)
Missing 9 (0.6)
Solo 715 (51.3, 53.1)
Group 631 (45.3, 46.9)
Missing 47 (3.4)
Type of practice
Rural 367 (26.3, 26.6)
Urban 643 (46.2, 46.6)
Mixed 371 (26.6, 26.9)
Missing 12 (0.9)
Hours of sleep
>8 hours 192 (13.8, 13.9)
<8 hours 1193 (85.6, 86.1)
TABLE 3Continued
Frequencies, n
(%, percentage valid)
Missing 8 (0.6)
Night visits
Yes 705 (50.6, 51.0)
No 676 (48.5, 49.0)
Missing 12 (0.9)
Weekend shifts
Yes 917 (65.8, 66.6)
No 460 (33.0, 33.4)
Missing 16 (1.1)
Sick leave last year
0 days 834 (59.9, 66.7)
1 or 2 days 130 (9.3, 10.4)
3 days or more 286 (20.5, 22.9)
Missing 143 (10.3)
Intention of changing job
Yes 450 (32.3, 32.4)
No 836 (60.0, 60.1)
Undecided 105 (7.5, 7.5)
Missing 2 (0.1)
Job satisfaction
1 (low) 74 (5.3, 5.5)
2 133 (9.5, 9.9)
3 307 (22.0, 22.9)
4 410 (29.4, 30.6)
5 293 (21.0, 21.9)
6 (high) 122 (8.8, 9.1)
Missing 54 (3.9)
Yes 210 (14.4, 14.9)
No 1152 (82.7, 85.1)
Missing 40 (2.9)
Increasing smoking
Yes 64 (4.6, 33.2)
No 129 (9.3, 66.8)
Not applicable (non-smokers) 1152 (82.7)
Missing 48 (3.4)
Alcohol consumption
Yes 386 (27.7, 28.5)
No 969 (69.6, 71.5)
Missing 38 (2.7)
Increasing alcohol consumption
Yes 73 (5.2, 19.3)
No 305 (21.9, 80.7)
Not applicable (non-drinkers) 969 (69.6)
Missing 46 (3.3)
Psychotropic medication use
Yes 200 (14.4, 14.8)
No 1151 (82.6, 85.2)
Missing 42 (3.0)
North/South/East Europe
North (Sw, UK) 273 (19.6)
South (Cr, Gr, Tu, Sp,
Fr, It, Mt)
814 (58.4)
East (Hu, Bu, Po) 306 (22.0)
Continuous variables n(%) Mean SD
Age in years 1391 (99.9) 45.4 8.5
Number of children 1362 (97.8) 1.8 1.1
Years since graduation 1387 (99.6) 19.2 8.5
Years in current position 1365 (98.0) 12.2 9.0
Income difference/income
per capita
1313 (94.3) 0.09 1.1
Patients per week 1344 (96.5) 151 83
251The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
measured by the questionnaire instrument, including
the MBI-HSS scores. Continuous variables which were
severely non-normal were re-coded as categorical
variables or transformed (income was re-coded as
a difference from average for that country, expressed
as a proportion of the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) income per cap-
ita for that country).
Point prevalence of burnout—research question
1. Descriptive statistics have been used to present
the proportion of respondents who scored as high
burnout, average burnout or low burnout in each di-
mension, with the 95% confidence interval (CI).
Factors associated with high burnout—research
question 2. The associations between each of the
three principal yes/no outcome variables (high burn-
out present or not in each of the three dimensions of
EE, DP and PA) and each variable in the question-
naire were explored.
The statistical significance and strength of the asso-
ciations between the categorical variables and the
burnout outcome variables were analysed using Pear-
son’s chi-square test and Cramer’s V[Cramer’s Vis
a chi-square-based measure of the strength of associa-
tion, which can be used for nominal variables. Values
range from 0 (no association) to 1]. The statistical
analyses of the distributions of the continuous normal
variables within the two categories of the three burn-
out outcome variables (i.e. high burnout against not
high burnout in the three dimensions) were performed
using the independent samples t-test. Besides the one-
way analysis of associations between the independent
variables and the three burnout outcome variables as
above, a sensitivity analysis was performed to test the
associations in a two-way model with country as a con-
trol variable.
A multivariate analysis was subsequently performed
using SPSS complex samples logistic regression
stratifying samples by country and including
as main effects all variables which reached an alevel
of at least 0.25 (P<0.25) in the one-way analysis, with
the same burnout outcome variables as the dependent
variables. The final model was the one which resulted
from a stepwise backward elimination process using
the maximum likelihood method. SPSS was used to
calculate odds ratios for all independent variables and
the 95% CI for the estimate and the a-value (cor-
rected for multiple comparisons using the sequential
Bonferroni method).
Table 1 details the sample selection process and study
execution in the 12 countries. A total of 1393 com-
pleted and analysable questionnaires were returned
from more than 3416 sent (the reported number sent
out in Sweden was an estimate), giving a response rate
of approximately 41%.
Table 2 lists the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the
MBI-HSS instrument and its elements in each transla-
tion of the questionnaire. The worst correlation be-
tween a question and the total burnout score per
dimension is also tabulated, along with the Cronbach’s
alpha for the scale if that question were to be deleted.
The scores for all three dimensions in the various
translations range from good to excellent.
Table 3 gives the frequency distribution of the cate-
gorical variables and describes the distribution of con-
tinuous variables for the respondents. The 1393
respondents (758 males, 54.6%) had a mean age of
45.4 years (SD 8.5 years) and had graduated 19 years
previously to filling in the questionnaire (SD 8.5
years), worked 46 hours per week (SD 14 hours), saw
150 patients per week (SD 83 patients) and were
roughly evenly distributed amongst the 12 countries
(somewhat less respondents in Greece at 45, whilst
France and England were the only two countries that
achieved the target of 160 responses), with 58% of
respondents coming from the South of Europe.
Burnout point prevalence—research question 1
Table 4a lists the frequency distributions of respond-
ents by degree of burnout (high, average or low) in
the three dimensions (EE, DP, PA). Table 4b gives
the frequency distribution of respondents by presence
of high burnout scores in none (0), one or more of the
three dimensions (1, 2 or 3). For both tables, 95% CI
of the proportion is tabulated. In all, 43% of respond-
ents scored high for EE (95% CI = 40.5–45.6%),
35.3% for high DP (32.9–37.9%), 32.0% low for PA
(29.6–34.5%) and 12% of respondents (10.4–13.8%)
scored high for burnout in all three dimensions. Only
35.1% of doctors (32.6–37.7%) did not score high for
burnout in any dimension.
TABLE 3Continued
Continuous variables n(%) Mean SD
Hours per week 1360 (97.6) 45.9 14
Nights per month 1188 (85.3) 2.3 3.0
Weekends off per year 1119 (80.3) 32.2 17.4
Monthly earning (Euro) 1313 (94.3) 2100 3700
Sick leave days availed
of last year
1250 (89.7) 0 2
EE score 1392 (99.9) 24 16
DP score 1393 (100.0) 7 7
PA score 1391 (99.9) 37 11
For categorical variables, n, percentage of respondents and percent-
age of valid responses (ignoring missing values, in italics) are tabu-
lated; for continuous variables, n, mean and SD (or n, median and
IQR if the distribution is non-normal) are tabulated.
% valid when missing data excluded.
Family Practice—an international journal252
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
Figure 2 depicts the distribution of respondents by
percentage with a high burnout score in each of the
three dimensions and in all three dimensions by coun-
try and for all countries together (with error bars rep-
resenting 95% CI for proportions). Bulgarian, Italian
and English respondents demonstrated high propor-
tions of high EE burnout, Greek, Italian and English
respondents demonstrated high proportions of high
DP burnout, whilst Greek and Turkish respondents
demonstrated high proportions of high PA burnout.
Factors associated with high burnout—research
question 2
Tables 5a and 5b list the results of the analysis of asso-
ciation between the three dichotomous burnout out-
come variables (a categorical yes/no variable for high
burnout in each of the three dimensions of EE, DP
and PA) and the questionnaire categorical and contin-
uous variables, variable by variable, respectively. Also
listed are the results of the analysis of the association
between the categorical and continuous variables mea-
sured in the questionnaire and the three dichotomous
burnout outcome variables, all questionnaire re-
sponses from all countries being analysed together
(one way; except for the variable controlled for, i.e.
country). Finally, Tables 5a and 5b also list the results
of the analysis of association between the categorical
and continuous variables measured in the question-
naire and the three dichotomous burnout outcome
variables, variable by variable, controlling for country
(two way). The strongest associations include those
between the burnout outcome variables and country,
European region, job satisfaction and intention to
change job, the (ab)use of tobacco, alcohol and psy-
chotropic drugs, male sex, age, type of work and sick
leave utilization.
Table 6 lists the results of the logistic regression
analysis of the categorical and continuous variables
measured in the questionnaire controlling for country.
The odds ratios, 95% CI and P-values are presented.
The three models each correctly classify approxi-
mately three-quarters of all cases in the database. The
model for high EE burnout correctly classifies two-
thirds or respondents as having high burnout, whilst
the models for high DP and PA burnout perform con-
siderably better in predicting absence rather than pres-
ence of burnout. Again, the highest odds ratios were
found for job satisfaction and intention to change job,
the (ab)use of tobacco, alcohol and psychotropic
drugs, male sex, age, type of work and sick leave
In summary, this EGPRN study of burnout in FDs
from 12 European countries with a validated tool to
measure burnout achieved a response rate of 41%. In
all, 43% of respondents scored high for EE burnout,
35% scored high for DP burnout and 32% scored high
for PA burnout. Only 35% of respondents did not
score high for burnout in any dimension, whilst 21%
scored high for burnout in at least two dimensions
and 12% scored high for all three. There was a wide
variation in the proportions of respondents with high
burnout in the various countries. In the 12 countries,
between 15% and 68% of respondents scored high for
EE burnout, between 12% and 73% for DP burnout,
between 12% and 93% for PA burnout, and between
2% and 25% scored high for burnout in all three di-
mensions. FDs from Southern European countries
had significantly lower levels of EE burnout but higher
levels of PA burnout. After controlling for country,
low job satisfaction, expressed intention to change
job, (ab)use of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic med-
ication, sick leave utilization, younger age, male sex
and type of work were associated with high burnout,
as previously reported.
Table 7 summarizes the comparisons between burn-
out scores and rates reported previously in the litera-
ture and the data from this EGPRN study.
Some earlier studies did report lower rates of burnout,
but a similar number of recent studies did report
TABLE 4a Frequency and cumulative frequency distributions of respondents by degree of burnout (high, average and low) with 95% CI in each ofthe
three dimensions
Burnout EE
(n= 1392)
% (95% CI) Cumulative
(n= 1393)
(95% CI)
(n= 1391)
(95% CI)
High 599 43.0 (40.5–45.6) 43.0 492 35.3 (32.9–37.9) 35.3 445 32.0 (29.6–34.5) 32.0
Medium 557 40.0 (37.5–42.6) 83.0 379 27.2 (24.9–29.6) 62.5 396 28.5 (26.2–30.9) 60.5
Low 236 17.0 (15.1–19.0) 100.0 522 37.5 (35.0–40.0) 100.0 550 39.5 (37.0–42.1) 100.0
TABLE 4b Frequency and cumulative frequency distributions of
respondents by high burnout score in none (0) or any one, any two
or all three dimensions (1, 2 or 3) with 95% CI
High burnout n= 1390 % (95% CI)
No dimension 488 35.1 (32.6–37.7)
One dimension 438 31.5 (29.1–34.0)
Two dimensions 297 21.4 (19.3–23.6)
All three dimensions 167 12.0 (10.4–13.8)
253The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
similar data. As expected, high burnout was more likely
with low job satisfaction and intention to change
high levels of burnout
were found to be more likely with certain organiza-
tional factors (country of origin, as surrogate for health
care system, and type of work) and increased sick leave
utilization, and less so with high workload (patients per
week and hours per week) and other job stressors
(working nights and weekends). Personal factors such
as younger age, sex, marital status and number of chil-
dren were also linked with burnout, but male sex more
strongly so.
Academic work type was linked to
lower EE, but higher PA burnout, as previously re-
Low self-esteem has been previously reported
to be associated with burnout.
In this study, we ob-
served that burnout was more likely with increasing
smoking, increased use of alcohol and use of psychotro-
pic medication, which may be manifestations of low
Other variables, such as income, were sur-
prisingly rather weakly linked with high burnout, whilst
others (non-academic type of work, years since gradua-
tion, not having further qualifications, increasing smok-
ing) seemed to be linked with high EE burnout, but
make high PA burnout less likely; however, such am-
biguous findings have been previously described in
burnout research in doctors, for example, by Deckard
et al.
Generally, the pattern of associated variables
appears similar to that reported by Goehring et al.
those variables which were included in both studies.
The questionnaire was constructed with reference to
the current literature at the time and included those
variables that had been reported to be associated with,
or to cause, burnout. Nonetheless, the possibility exists
that other variables may have an important role to
play. For example, FDs may be more likely to suffer
burnout if they perceive that they have poor control
of their place of work,
but this variable was unfortu-
nately not included in our questionnaire. The rather
low response rate in many countries and the conse-
quent failure to achieve the target sample size weaken
the power of this study to answer the principal re-
search questions, especially the second one using the
regression models. The survey was administered dif-
ferently in the 12 countries, and also not concurrently.
This may have had a variable influence on the non-
response rate, potentially introducing bias.
The validity of the questionnaire has been tested in
a pilot study, and the results have been published sep-
arately by Yaman and Soler.
In the pilot study, fac-
tor analysis confirmed that the three constructs of EE,
DP and PA are distinct and identified which items
loaded to which dimension. The results were consis-
tent with Maslach’s scoring key except for item 16.
The Cronbach’s alpha for EE, DP and PA in the pilot
study was all high, at 0.67, 0.66 and 0.70, respec-
The MBI-HSS section of the questionnaire
has again been validated in the main study using Cron-
bach’s alpha analysis (Table 2). The Cronbach’s alpha
coefficients for each dimension in each country were,
in fact, higher than those found in the pilot study, for
most countries (i.e. 0.9 for EE, 0.5 to 0.9 for DP and
0.7 to 0.9 for PA). In general, deleting questions would
not improve the internal consistency, with few excep-
tions. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire
appear to be high, based on the analyses and compari-
sons performed, and the good consistency of the re-
sults was obtained between countries and between the
pilot and main studies.
The sample size calculation, in retrospect, should
have been more precise since the calculated sample
FIGURE 2Distribution of the proportions of respondents by high burnout score in each of the three dimensions and in all three
dimensions in one respondent, by country and for all countries together (with error bars representing 95% CIs for proportions)
Family Practice—an international journal
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 5a Associations between categorical variables in the questionnaire and the three burnout outcome variables (high burnout in each of the three dimensions) explored using Pearson
chi-square (or Somer’s d) and Cramer’s V test (or Spearman correlation) as appropriate
Categorical variables EE high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) DP high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) PA high burnout, n(%, 99% CI)
Overall (95% CI) 599 (43.0, 40.5–45.6) 492 (35.3, 32.9–37.9) 445 (32.0, 29.6–34.5)
Bulgaria (Bu; 95% CI) 43 (62.3, 50.5–72.8) 21 (30.4, 20.8–42.1) 13 (18.8, 14.4–29.6)
Croatia (Cr; 95% CI) 49 (41.9, 33.3–50.9) 14 (12.0, 7.3–19.1) 16 (13.7, 8.6–21.1)
France (Fr; 95% CI) 60 (33.7, 27.2–40.9) 63 (35.4, 28.7–42.7) 49 (27.5, 21.5–34.5)
Greece (Gr; 95% CI) 14 (31.8, 20.0–46.6) 33 (73.3, 59.0–84.0) 41 (93.2, 81.8–97.7)
Hungary (Hu; 95% CI) 32 (36.8, 27.4–47.3) 31 (35.6, 26.4–46.1) 23 (26.4, 18.3–36.6)
Italy (It; 95% CI) 100 (68.0, 60.1–75.0) 81 (55.1, 47.0–62.9) 60 (40.8, 33.2–48.9)
Malta (Mt; 95% CI) 47 (36.4, 28.6–45.0) 40 (31.0, 23.7–39.4) 32 (24.8, 18.2–32.9)
Poland (Po; 95% CI) 72 (48.0, 40.2–55.9) 51 (34.0, 26.9–41.9) 45 (30.0, 23.2–37.8)
Spain (Sp; 95% CI) 26 (30.2, 21.5–40.6) 30 (34.9, 25.7–45.4) 22 (25.6, 17.5–35.7)
Sweden (Sw; 95% CI) 50 (45.9, 36.8–55.2) 38 (34.9, 26.6–44.2) 13 (11.9, 7.1–19.3)
Turkey (Tu; 95% CI) 17 (15.2, 9.7–23.0) 17 (15.2, 9.7–23.0) 77 (69.4, 60.3–77.2)
England (UK; 95% CI) 89 (54.3, 46.6–61.7) 73 (44.5, 37.1–52.2) 54 (32.9, 26.2–40.4)
P-value (one way) <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Cramer’s V(one way) 0.283 0.280 0.383
Controlling for country (two way) Greater proportion in Bu,
It and UK; smaller in, Fr, Sp and Tu
Greater proportion in Greece,
It and UK; smaller in Croatia and Tu
Greater proportion in Greece, It and Tu;
smaller in Bu, Croatia and Sw
North/South/East European
North countries 139 (50.9, 43.2–58.6) 111 (40.7, 33.3–48.5) 67 (24.5, 18.5–31.8)
South countries 313 (38.5, 34.2–43.0) 278 (34.2, 30.0–38.6) 297 (36.6, 32.3–41.0)
East countries 147 (48.0, 40.8–55.4) 103 (33.7, 27.1–40.9) 81 (26.5, 20.5–33.4)
P-value <0.0005** 0.199 <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.110 0.117
One-way effect Smaller proportion in South None statistically significant Greater proportion in South
Male 337 (44.5, 39.9–49.2) 316 (41.7, 37.2–46.4) 256 (33.8, 29.5–38.4)
Female 260 (41.3, 36.3–46.4) 175 (27.8, 23.4–32.6) 185 (29.4, 25.0–34.3)
P-value 0.224 <0.00005** 0.080
Cramer’s V0.145
One-way effect None statistically significant Greater proportion in males None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if male Bu, Tu and UK, as above None statistically significant
Marital status
Married 434 (45.6, 41.5–49.8) 343 (36.0, 32.1–40.1) 271 (28.5, 24.9–32.4)
Single 103 (31.7, 25.5–38.7) 104 (32.0, 25.7–39.0) 136 (42.0, 35.1–49.1)
Divorced–separated 58 (53.7, 41.5–65.5) 42 (38.9, 27.8–51.3) 37 (34.3, 23.7–46.6)
P-value <0.0005** 0.304 <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.134 0.121
One-way effect Smaller proportion in singles None statistically significant Greater proportion in singles
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Tu, as above Tu greater in divorced–separated Fr, Hu and Tu, as above
Children under 5
0 427 (42.7, 38.7–46.7) 336 (33.5, 29.8–37.5) 292 (29.1, 25.6–33.0)
1 64 (37.6, 28.7–47.5) 52 (30.6, 22.3–40.3) 65 (38.5, 29.4–48.4)
2 15 (37.5, 20.9–57.7) 13 (32.5, 17.1–52.9) 11 (27.5, 13.5–47.9)
255The EGPRN Burnout study
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TABLE 5a Continued
Categorical variables EE high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) DP high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) PA high burnout, n(%, 99% CI)
P-value 0.404 0.750 0.047*
Cramer’s V0.071
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant Greater proportion if only one child
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if none It greater if none; Tu if 2 It greater if 1; Sp if 2
Further qualifications
Yes 299 (45.1, 40.2–50.1) 241 (36.3, 31.7–41.3) 208 (31.4, 26.9–36.2)
No 151 (54.9, 47.1–62.4) 93 (33.8, 26.9–41.5) 64 (23.3, 17.4–30.4)
P-value 0.006** 0.461 0.013*
Cramer’s V0.089 0.081
One-way effect Greater proportion if no None statistically significant Greater proportion if yes
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
None statistically significant None statistically significant Po greater if no
Type of work (first choice)
Public 292 (40.8, 36.1–45.6) 269 (37.5, 33.0–42.3) 250 (34.9, 30.5–39.6)
Private 289 (47.6, 42.4–52.8) 212 (34.9, 30.1–40.1) 149 (24.6, 20.4–29.4)
Academic 13 (22.4, 11.6–38.9) 8 (13.8, 5.8–29.2) 40 (69.0, 52.0–82.0)
P-value <0.0005** 0.001** <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.110 0.098 0.199
One-way effect Smaller proportion if academic Smaller proportion if academic Smaller proportion if private; greater
proportion if academic
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if private It greater if private; Mt and Tu if public It and Mt greater if public
Type of work all choices
State employed only 240 (42.1, 36.9–47.5) 216 (37.8, 32.8–43.2) 211 (37.0, 32.0–42.4)
Private only 249 (50.2, 44.4–56.0) 179 (36.1, 30.7–41.8) 131 (26.5, 21.7–31.9)
Academic only 13 (22.4, 11.6–38.9) 8 (13.8, 5.8–29.2) 40 (69.0, 52.0–82.0)
Private and state employed 35 (45.5, 31.8–59.9) 26 (33.8, 21.7–48.5) 22 (28.6, 17.4–43.1)
Private and academic 13 (26.5, 13.8–44.9) 14 (28.6, 15.3–45.7) 4 (8.2, 2.5–23.9)
Private and in training 16 (44.4, 25.7–65.0) 7 (19.4, 7.9–40.6) 8 (22.2, 9.6–43.5)
State employed and in train 5 (15.6, 5.4–37.7) 14 (43.8, 24.2–65.4) 6 (18.8, 7.1–41.2)
Others 24 (36.9, 23.4–52.9) 27 (41.5, 27.3–57.4) 19 (29.2, 17.2–45.2)
P-value <0.0005** 0.005** <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.164 0.122 0.221
One-way effect Greater proportion if private only;
smaller proportion if academic only
or state employed and in training
Smaller proportion if academic only Greater proportion if public only or
academic only; smaller proportion if
private only or private and academic
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if private only It greater if private only; Tu if public only;
Mt if works both public and private
It greater if public only; Mt if public only
or both private and public
Solo 312 (43.7, 39.0–48.5) 238 (33.3, 28.9–38.0) 222 (31.1, 26.8–35.7)
Group 271 (42.9, 38.0–48.1) 236 (37.4, 32.6–42.5) 188 (29.8, 25.3–34.7)
P-value 0.782 0.115 0.606
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if solo Tu greater if group None
Family Practice—an international journal256
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 5a Continued
Categorical variables EE high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) DP high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) PA high burnout, n(%, 99% CI)
Type of practice
Rural 176 (48.0, 41.3–54.7) 126 (34.3, 28.3–41.0) 117 (32.0, 26.0–38.5)
Urban 258 (40.1, 35.3–45.2) 240 (37.3, 32.6–42.4) 208 (32.4, 27.8–37.3)
Mixed 157 (42.4, 36.0–49.1) 124 (33.4, 27.4–40.0) 115 (31.0, 25.2–37.5)
P-value 0.053 0.396 0.899
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Bu and It greater if rural It greater if rural; Sw smaller if urban It, Sp and Tu greater if rural;
Gr smaller if rural
Hours of sleep
>8 71 (37.0, 28.6–46.3) 57 (29.7, 22.0–38.8) 61 (31.8, 23.8–40.9)
<8 527 (44.2, 40.5–47.9) 433 (36.3, 32.8–40.0) 380 (31.9, 28.5–35.5)
P-value 0.060 0.076 0.970
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
None statistically significant Tu greater if >8 None statistically significant
Night visits
Yes 305 (43.3, 38.5–48.1) 265 (37.6, 33.0–42.4) 216 (30.7, 26.4–35.3)
No 291 (43.0, 38.2–48.0) 219 (32.4, 27.9–37.2) 219 (32.4, 27.9–37.2)
P-value 0.936 0.043* 0.493
Cramer’s V0.054
One-way effect None statistically significant Greater proportion if yes None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Tu greater if yes; UK if no None None statistically significant
Weekend shifts
Yes 396 (43.2, 39.0–47.4) 340 (37.1, 33.1–41.3) 263 (28.7, 25.0–32.7)
No 199 (43.3, 37.4–49.3) 141 (30.7, 25.4–36.4) 172 (37.4, 31.8–43.4)
P-value 0.978 0.018* 0.001**
Cramer’s V0.064 0.088
One-way effect None statistically significant Greater proportion if yes Greater proportion if no
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Tu greater if yes Tu, as above It and Sp greater if no; Tu if yes
Sick leave
0 days 316 (37.9, 33.7–42.3) 261 (31.3, 27.35–35.6) 249 (29.9, 26.0–34.1)
1–2 days 68 (52.3, 41.2–63.2) 54 (41.5, 31.1–52.8) 37 (28.5, 19.5–39.5)
3 days or more 143 (50.2, 42.6–57.7) 114 (39.9, 32.7–47.5) 111 (38.9, 31.8–46.6)
P-value <0.0005** 0.006** 0.012*
Cramer’s V0.124 0.091 0.084
One-way effect Smaller proportion if 0 days Smaller proportion if 0 days Greater proportion if >3 days
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It greater if 0; Fr, Tu, UK smaller if 0 It greater if 0 Fr and It, as above
Changing job
Yes 298 (66.4, 60.45–71.8) 212 (47.1, 41.1–53.2) 190 (42.3, 36.5–48.4)
No 248 (29.7, 25.8–33.9) 244 (29.2, 25.3–33.4) 222 (26.6, 22.8–30.7)
Undecided 51 (48.6, 36.5–60.9) 35 (33.3, 22.8–45.9) 33 (31.4, 21.1–43.9)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.341 0.172 0.155
257The EGPRN Burnout study
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TABLE 5a Continued
Categorical variables EE high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) DP high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) PA high burnout, n(%, 99% CI)
One-way effect Greater proportion if yes; smaller
proportion if no
Greater proportion if yes; smaller
proportion if no
Greater proportion if yes, smaller
proportion if no
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
All except Gr, as above Bu, Fr, Hu, It, Mt, Sw and UK,
as above
Fr, Hu, Tu and UK, as above
High (5–6) 78 (18.8, 14.4–24.2) 97 (23.4, 18.5–29.1) 66 (15.9, 11.8–21.1)
Moderate (3–4) 359 (50.1, 45.3–54.9) 277 (38.6, 34.1–43.4) 255 (35.7, 31.2–40.4)
Low (0–2) 127 (61.4, 52.4–69.6) 98 (47.3, 38.6–56.2) 98 (47.3, 38.6–56.2)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Cramer’s V0.326 0.178 0.240
One-way effect Greater proportion if low or moderate,
smaller proportion if high
Greater proportion if low, smaller
proportion if high
Greater proportion if low, smaller
proportion if high
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
All, as above Fr, It, Mt, Po, Sw, Tu and UK,
as above
Hu, It, Mt, Po, Sw, Tu and UK,
as above
Yes 90 (44.8, 36.0–53.8) 76 (37.8, 29.5–46.9) 79 (39.3, 30.9–48.4)
No 497 (43.1, 39.4–46.9) 387 (33.6, 30.1–37.3) 332 (28.8, 25.5–32.4)
P-value 0.666 0.245 0.003**
Cramer’s V0.081
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant Greater proportion if yes
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
None statistically significant None statistically significant It, as above
Increasing smoking
Yes 41 (64.1, 48.0–77.5) 31 (48.4, 33.2–63.9) 22 (34.4, 21.2–50.5)
No 45 (34.9, 25.0–46.2) 41 (31.8, 22.3–43.0) 50 (38.8, 28.5–50.1)
P-value 0.001** 0.043* 0.029*
Cramer’s V0.106 0.068 0.063
One-way effect Greater proportion if yes Greater proportion if yes Greater proportion if no
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
It and Sp, as above None statistically significant It and Tu, as above
Yes 196 (50.8, 44.3–57.3) 166 (43.0, 36.7–49.6) 111 (28.8, 23.2–35.0)
No 394 (40.7, 36.7–44.8) 299 (30.9, 27.2–34.8) 300 (31.0, 27.3–34.9)
P-value 0.001** <0.0005** 0.419
Cramer’s V0.092 0.115
One-way effect Greater proportion if yes Greater proportion if yes None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Hu and Mt greater if no; It if yes Tu, as above None statistically significant
Increasing alcohol
Yes 58 (79.5, 65.1–88.9) 46 (63.0, 47.9–75.9) 23 (31.5, 19.5–46.6)
No 133 (43.6, 36.5–51.0) 114 (37.4, 30.6–44.7) 82 (26.9, 20.9–33.9)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** 0.380
Cramer’s V0.176 0.157
One-way effect Greater proportion if yes Greater proportion if yes None statistically significant
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Hu, Fr, It, Mt, Tu and UK, as above Fr as above None statistically significant
Family Practice—an international journal258
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
would only have achieved enough power to measure
the projected differences if the rate of burnout was con-
siderably lower. Additionally, the effect of non-response
was not fully considered. The responses from the vari-
ous European countries were pooled together in the
one-way analyses of association; if the variability of
burnout rates within the countries is less than that be-
tween countries, then an a-value of 0.05 may be too
large to exclude associations due to chance.
Multicollinearity is present when the independent
variables in a multiple regression equation are highly
correlated, and this causes a lack of precision of the re-
gression coefficient estimates (here expressed as odds
ratios in Table 6). During the logistic regression analysis,
interfactor correlation was examined, and in fact, there
was only one correlation greater than 0.6, that between
age and years since graduation (0.9, data not tabulated).
This is the first reported study investigating the
prevalence of burnout in an European FD workforce,
designed to investigate the factors associated with high
burnout. The limitations of this study include the fact
that it is cross-sectional, that it has not been conducted
concurrently in all countries, that the cultural and lin-
guistic equivalence of the concept of burnout and the
MBI-HSS instrument itself have not been fully investi-
gated in Europe and that the study involved FDs in
various European countries and working in different
health care systems without measuring the complexity
of this environment. The response rate was moderate,
but it is quite possible that non-respondents might
have scored differently to respondents to the MBI-
HSS. However, similar response rates are common in
anonymous questionnaire studies. The burnout scores
found appeared comparable or high with respect to
earlier studies. However, the Italian respondents in
this study, which response rate was the highest in this
study, scored very high for burnout, suggesting that
non-responders may also have high levels of burnout.
Burnout seems to be a common problem in FDs
across Europe, with high levels apparently affecting
two-thirds of respondents in this study. In all, 41% of
respondents reported high levels of EE, 35% DP and
32% low feelings of PA. There is considerable varia-
tion between countries, with doctors from Southern
European countries reporting lower rates of EE but
also lower feelings of PA.
High burnout was found to be more likely in associ-
ation with several of the variables under study, espe-
cially those relative to respondents’ country of
residence and European region, job satisfaction, inten-
tion to change job, sick leave utilization, the (ab)use of
alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic medication, youn-
ger age and male sex.
TABLE 5a Continued
Categorical variables EE high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) DP high burnout, n(%, 99% CI) PA high burnout, n(%, 99% CI)
Psychotropic drugs
Yes 130 (65.0, 55.9–73.1) 89 (44.5, 35.8–53.6) 76 (38.0, 29.7–47.1)
No 457 (39.7, 36.1–43.5) 373 (32.4, 29.0–36.1) 331 (28.8, 25.5–32.3)
P-value <0.0005** 0.001** 0.009**
Cramer’s V0.181 0.091 0.071
Controlling for country
(significant two-way effects)
Greater proportion if yes; Fr, It, Po, Sw,
Tu and UK, as above
Greater proportion if yes; Fr,
as above
Greater proportion if yes Tu,
as above
N, proportion (%) of respondents with high burnout and 99% CI (to correct for multiple comparisons; except for the control variable ‘country’) in brackets, P-value for the statistical significance of
a one-way association, Cramer’s Vfor significant one-way associations, text description of statistically significant one-way trends and text description of associations found to be statistically significant
(P<0.05) when controlling for country (where applicable) are tabulated.
*Significant to an a-value of 0.05.
**Significant to an a-value of 0.01. Recommended minimum alevel for multiple comparisons.
259The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 5b The associations between continuous variables and the three burnout outcome variables (high burnout in each of the three dimensions)
explored using the independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA or two-way ANOVA F-tests, as appropriate
Continuous variables EE burnout mean (99% CI) DP burnout mean (99% CI) PA burnout mean (99% CI)
BO high 46.1 (45.3–46.9) 45.4 (44.5–46.4) 44.7 (43.7–45.8)
BO not high 44.9 (44.1–45.8) 45.4 (44.7–46.2) 45.8 (45.1–46.5)
P-value 0.011* 0.953 0.030*
One-way effect Greater mean with high BO None statistically significant Smaller mean with high BO
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction <0.0005** 0.002** n.s.
P-value for main effect n.s. 0.001** n.s.
Effect Varies Mostly smaller mean with high BO
Number of children
BO high 1.9 (1.8–2.0) 1.9 (1.7–2.0) 1.6 (1.5–1.8)
BO not high 1.8 (1.7–1.9) 1.8 (1.7–1.9) 1.9 (1.8–2.0)
P-value 0.106 0.495 <0.0005**
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant Smaller mean with high BO
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction n.s. n.s. n.s.
P-value for main effect n.s. n.s. n.s.
Years since graduation
BO high 19.9 (19.0–20.7) 19.1 (18.2–20.1) 18.7 (17.7–19.8)
BO not high 18.8 (18.0–19.6) 19.3 (18.6–20.1) 19.5 (18.8–20.2)
P-value 0.016* 0.681 0.108
One-way effect Greater mean with high BO None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction n.s. 0.002** n.s.
P-value for main effect n.s. 0.001** n.s.
Effect Mostly smaller mean with high BO
Years in current job
BO high 12.6 (11.7–13.5) 12.8 (11.8–13.8) 11.7 (10.6–12.9)
BO not high 11.9 (11.1–12.8) 11.9 (11.1–12.7) 12.5 (11.7–13.2)
P-value 0.182 0.087 0.164
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction n.s. n.s. n.s.
P-value for main effect n.s. n.s. n.s.
Patients per week
BO high 160 (151–169) 150 (141–159) 148 (138–159)
BO not high 146 (138–154) 153 (145–160) 153 (146–160)
P-value 0.003* 0.605 0.330
One-way effect Greater mean with high BO None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction 0.0005** 0.0005** n.s.
P-value for main effect 0.0005** 0.017* n.s.
Effect Mostly greater mean with high BO Varies
Hours per week
BO high 47.5 (45.9–49.0) 47.2 (45.7–48.7) 44.7 (42.9–46.5)
BO not high 44.8 (43.5–46.0) 45.2 (44.0–46.5) 46.5 (45.3–47.7)
P-value 0.001** 0.013* 0.029*
One-way effect Greater mean with high BO Greater mean with high BO Smaller mean with high BO
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction 0.009** n.s. n.s.
P-value for main effect 0.0005** n.s. n.s.
Effect Mostly greater mean with high BO
Nights per month
BO high 2.4 (2.0–2.8) 2.8 (2.4–3.2) 2.6 (2.1–3.1)
BO not high 2.2 (1.9–2.5) 2.0 (1.7–2.3) 2.1 (1.9–2.4)
P-value 0.191 <0.0005** 0.019*
One-way effect None statistically significant Greater mean with high BO Greater mean with high BO
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction n.s. 0.004** n.s.
P-value for main effect n.s. 0.001** n.s.
Effect Mostly greater mean with high BO
Weekends off per annum
BO high 33 (31–35) 32.3 (30.2–34.4) 31.3 (28.9–33.9)
BO not high 32 (30–33) 32.1 (30.3–33.8) 32.5 (31.0–34.0)
P-value 0.165 0.804 0.293
Family Practice—an international journal260
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
Future research is needed to explore the problem in
depth, develop models to describe the phenomenon
and to identify causative factors and effective inter-
vention strategies. Job satisfaction is an important ele-
ment in such research, and it should be prioritized by
EGPRN and WONCA Europe as an action point for
research and intervention.
Future research
Recent research work on burnout aims to develop new
theoretical frameworks that explicitly integrate both
individual and situational factors, using a model of
job–person fit. Maslach and Leiter
address the chal-
lenge by formulating a model that focuses on the de-
gree of match or mismatch between the person and
six domains of the job environment, namely workload,
control, reward, community, fairness and values. Re-
search has indicated that the greater the mismatch,
the greater the potential for burnout.
Future research into the phenomenon should ad-
dress these factors when studying burnout in FDs, and
the focus should be on positive rather than negative
states, dealing with job engagement and satisfaction
and not just job stress.
In this regard, the strong rela-
tionships found in this study between low job satisfac-
tion and burnout support the notion of focusing
future research on improving job satisfaction rather
than addressing burnout directly.
Surprisingly, little research has been conducted into
interventions for burnout. Although research indicates
that it is the organizational attributes that seem to have
stronger associations with burnout, most interventions
have in the past ironically been centered on changing
Various intervention strategies have been
studied, some focusing on prevention of burnout and
others on treatment when it has already occurred, and
results have been varied.
This is another important
area where levels of knowledge should improve. A con-
trolled trial of organizational interventions for FDs to
improve job satisfaction should be considered.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr Henk Lamberts and
Dr John Beasley for their invaluable advice on the
analysis of data and presentation of the results. Author
JKS is very grateful to Prof. Isabel Stabile for her in-
valuable assistance in obtaining ethical approval for this
study in Malta. Author HY has been supported by The
Akdeniz University Research Foundation. Distribu-
tion of work: JKS led the project, developed the re-
search idea and study methodology, presented the
research protocol and design at EGPRN meetings, re-
cruited the country co-ordinators, designed the ques-
tionnaire, co-ordinated the pilot and main studies,
provided data, analysed the data and wrote the manu-
script. HY originated and developed the research idea,
designed the questionnaire, analysed the data for the
pilot and main studies and participated in writing the
manuscript. ME provided data, participated in the de-
sign and translation of the questionnaire, analysed the
data and participated in writing the manuscript. FD
developed the research idea and methodology, advised
on data analysis and participated in writing the manu-
script. In the EGPRN Burnout Study Group, DC
TABLE 5b Continued
Continuous variables EE burnout mean (99% CI) DP burnout mean (99% CI) PA burnout mean (99% CI)
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction 0.0005** n.s. 0.0005**
P-value for main effect n.s. n.s. n.s.
Effect Varies Varies
Income—median income/IPC
BO high 13.5% (2.1–24.8%) 13.1% (1.4–24.8%) 10.7% (0–25.7%)
BO not high 5.2% (0–12.7%) 6.3% (0–15.9%) 8.1% (0–16.4%)
P-value 0.155 0.262 0.666
One-way effect None statistically significant None statistically significant None statistically significant
Controlling for country (two way)
P-value for interaction 0.0005** n.s. 0.010*
P-value for main effect 0.002** 0.04* n.s.
Effect Varies Greater mean with high BO Varies
n.s., not significant; ANOVA, analysis of variance. The mean, 99% CI (to correct for multiple comparisons) and P-value of the test of difference in
means for the distribution of each variable in each of the categories of the three main outcome variables are tabulated. The two-way ANOVA F-test
with Bonferroni correction analysis is summarized textually as such: P-value for the interaction effect of country and burnout category if significant
(a<0.05), P-value for the main effect of burnout high/not high if significant (a<0.05) and a text description of the observed graphical trend for
different countries.
*Significant to an a-value of 0.05.
**Significant to an a-value of 0.01. Recommended minimum alevel for multiple comparisons.
261The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 6Logistic regression analysis, controlling for country
Variable EE high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
DP high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
PA high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
Intercept –4.32 –2.99 –0.19
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Female 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Male 1.05 (1.01–1.10) 1.83 (1.77–1.89) 1.71 (1.63–1.79)
P-value 0.031* <0.0005** <0.0005**
Marital status
Single 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Married 1.08 (1.04–1.12) 0.79 (0.75–0.83)
Divorced–separated 1.10 (0.99–1.22) 0.97 (0.85–1.10)
P-value 0.179 0.003**
Children under 5
0 1.00 reference
1 0.86 (0.81–0.92)
2 0.72 (0.56–0.92)
P-value 0.019*
Further qualifications
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 0.60 (0.58–0.62) 1.58 (1.52–1.64)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005**
Type of work (first choice)
Public 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Private 1.51 (1.43–1.59) 1.51 (1.49–1.63) 0.84 (0.79–0.89)
Academic 0.07 (0.07–0.08) 0.43 (0.41–0.44) 1.94 (1.82–2.08)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Solo 1.00 reference
Group 1.34 (1.28–1.41)
P-value <0.0005**
Type of practice
Urban 1.00 reference
Rural 1.19 (1.12–1.27)
Mixed 0.68 (0.64–0.73)
P-value <0.0005**
Hours of sleep
<8 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
>8 1.15 (1.08–1.22) 1.02 (0.96–1.08)
P-value <0.0005** 0.501
Night visits
No 1.00 reference
Yes 0.85 (0.81–0.90)
P-value <0.0005**
Weekend shifts
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 1.33 (1.27–1.40) 1.01 (0.95–1.08)
P-value <0.0005** 0.697
Sick leave
0 days 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
1–2 days 2.20 (2.06–2.35) 1.54 (1.48–1.60) 1.44 (1.35–1.55)
>3 days 1.02 (0.96–1.08) 1.21 (1.17–1.26) 1.50 (1.42–1.60)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Changing job
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 3.36 (3.14–3.59) 1.70 (1.63–1.77) 1.08 (1.00–1.16)
Undecided 1.39 (1.31–1.47) 1.03 (0.99–1.08) 1.16 (1.08–1.24)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
High (5–6) 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Low (0–2) 22.8 (21.1–24.7) 3.66 (3.48–3.86) 5.08 (4.54–5.67)
Moderate (3–4) 3.85 (3.63–4.10) 2.34 (2.22–2.47) 3.89 (3.47–4.29)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Increasing smoking
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 2.89 (2.61–3.20) 2.10 (1.95–2.27) 0.56 (0.49–0.64)
Family Practice—an international journal262
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 6Continued
Variable EE high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
DP high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
PA high burnout,
odds ratio
(95% CI)
1.45 (1.37–1.54) 1.00 (0.94–1.06) 0.50 (0.46–0.54)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Increasing alcohol
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 2.94 (2.27–3.81) 2.09 (1.88–2.32)
0.81 (0.75–0.88) 0.88 (0.83–0.93)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005**
Psychotropic drugs
No 1.00 reference 1.00 reference 1.00 reference
Yes 3.10 (2.83–3.39) 1.35 (1.28–1.42) 1.41 (1.30–1.52)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Per 10 years 0.59 (0.54–0.66) 0.84 (0.76–0.93)
P-value <0.0005** 0.001**
Number of children
Per child 0.96 (0.93–0.99) 0.91 (0.88–0.94)
P-value 0.002** <0.0005**
Years since graduation
Per 10 years 2.34 (2.13–2.68) 0.89 (0.80–1.00)
P-value <0.0005** 0.048*
Years in current job
Per 10 years 0.73 (0.70–0.75) 1.07 (1.05–1.10) 1.24 (1.20–1.29)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Patients per week
Per 10 patients 1.02 (1.02–1.02)
P-value <0.0005**
Hours per week
Per 5 hours 1.05 (1.04–1.06) 0.97 (0.97–0.98) 0.92 (0.91–0.93)
P-value <0.0005** <0.0005** <0.0005**
Nights per month
Per night 1.01 (1.00–1.02) 1.07 (1.06–1.07) 0.99 (0.98–1.00)
P-value 0.011* <0.0005** 0.003**
Weekends off per annum
Per 12 weekends 1.03 (1.02–1.05)
P-value <0.0005**
Income—median income/
Per 10% change 1.00 (1.00–1.01)
P-value 0.066
Cases (n) 681 1040 693
Excluded (n) 712 353 700
Model characteristics
Pseudo –2 log likelihood 713.8 1194.0 734.8
Nagelkerke pseudo R
0.397 0.174 0.181
Correctly classified
high BO (%)
66.4 30.6 23.1
Correctly classified not
high BO (%)
78.0 90.5 94.9
Correctly classified
overall (%)
72.6 70.9 75.4
The three burnout outcome variables (high burnout in each of the three dimensions) as the dependent variable in each model, with selected ques-
tionnaire variables (a<0.25 in one-way analysis) as independent variables. Odds ratios, 95% CI and P-values (corrected for multiple comparisons
using the sequential Bonferroni method) sample and model characteristics and classification.
Information from another variable (tobacco or alcohol consumption) re-coded into this variable.
*Significant to an a-value of 0.05.
**Significant to an a-value of 0.01.
263The EGPRN Burnout study
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
TABLE 7Descriptive analysis of previously published studies of burnout in FDs or primary care doctors compared with the EGPRN study
Population Authors and year Burnout rates Comparable EGPRN study data Comparison Limitations of comparison
Switzerland, Swiss
primary care doctors
Goehring et al.
published 2005
High EE burnout in 19%;
high DP burnout in 22%;
high PA burnout in 16%
High EE burnout in 43.0%
(95% CI = 40.5–45.6%),
high DP burnout in 35.3%
(32.9–37.9%), high PA
burnout in 32.0% (29.6–34.5%).
Lower rates of burnout
Only a third of the
respondents in this study
were FDs. There was no
Swiss arm in the EGPRN
study. Comparisons of Swiss
data are against EGPRN
global study rates.
France, French FDs Cathebras et al.
published 2004
5% scored high in all
three dimensions
10% of French respondents
scored high in all three
dimensions (95% CI 6–15%)
Lower rate of burnout
Spain, Spanish
primary care doctors
Prieto Albino et al.
published 2002
66% scored high in at
least one dimension
55% of Spanish respondents
scored high in at least one
dimension (95% CI 44–65%)
Comparable rate of
burnout reported
Not all respondents were FDs
Spain, Spanish FDs
and paediatricians
Esteva et al.
published 2006
High EE burnout in 53%;
high DP burnout in 47%;
high PA burnout in 33%
30% of Spanish respondents
scored high for EE burnout
(95% CI 22–40%); 35% for
DP (26–45%); 26% for PA
Higher rate of EE burnout and
DP burnout and comparable
rate of PA burnout reported
Not all respondents were FDs
Italy, Italian FDs Grassi and Magnani
published 2000
High EE burnout in 32%;
high DP burnout in 27%;
high PA burnout in 13%
68% of Italian respondents
scored high for EE burnout
(95% CI 60–75%); 55%
for DP (47–63%); 41% for
PA (33–49%)
Lower rates of burnout reported
Canada, Canadian FDs Thommasen et al.
published 2001
Moderate to high EE
burnout in 80%; moderate
to high DP burnout in 61%;
moderate to high PA
burnout in 44%
83.0% of all respondents
scored moderate to high for
EE burnout (95% CI
81.0–84.9%); 62.5% for
DP (60.0–65.0%); 60.5%
for PA burnout (57.9–63.0%)
EE and DP rates comparable,
lower PA burnout reported
Comparison of European
and Canadian data
Britain, British FDs Kirwan and Armstrong
published 1995
Mean score of 26.1 for EE;
9.8 for DP; 36.2 for PA
Mean scores for English
respondents were 27.2 for
EE; 9.5 for DP; 36.3 for PA
Comparable scores reported Study in mid-1990s
Europe, European FDs Yaman and Soler
published 2002
Mean score of 25.1 for EE;
7.3 for DP; 34.5 for PA
Mean scores for respondents
were 25.2 for EE; 8.2 for
DP; 36.7 for PA
Comparable scores reported
Family Practice—an international journal264
at University of Crete on April 23, 2013 from
provided data, participated in the design of the ques-
tionnaire and participated in writing the manuscript;
CL provided data, participated in the design and
translation of the questionnaire and participated in
writing the manuscript; RSA, Z de ASA, FC, JPD,
MK, PK, ZO, AM, EM, PRN and MU provided data
and participated in the design and translation of the
Funding: During the course of the main study, finan-
cial support to total Euro 8000 was requested and re-
ceived jointly from European General Practice
Research Network and WONCA Europe for the costs
incurred by country co-ordinators, and to support the
protected time of the study co-ordinators and authors.
Ethical approval: Obtained in most countries individu-
ally, and at the University of Malta by the first author
for the whole study.
Conflicts of interest: None.
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265The EGPRN Burnout study
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... Providing resources for stress management, fostering a supportive work environment, and offering opportunities for professional development and self-care are essential components of such interventions. Critical interventions for health promotion can indeed have a significant impact on Global Health and contribute to preventing burnout and enhancing job satisfaction among GPHIOPs, and other healthcare employees such as PHIs [5, 16,31]. Many studies have explored interventions in this context. ...
... Many studies have explored interventions in this context. The study in [31] examined the effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention program, which included educational workshops, organizational changes, and individual coaching. ...
... The study found that this intervention led to improvements in job satisfaction, reduced burnout, and increased patient satisfaction [31]. Another study in [32] focused on the role of work engagement in preventing burnout among healthcare professionals, including GPHIOPs. ...
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Background: Burnout syndrome is a type of stressful factor that is related to job satisfaction. General practitioners, health inspectors, and occupational physicians (GPHIOPs) are benchmarked regarding burnout syndrome and job satisfaction in this systematic review during the pandemic COVID-19. Methods: Relevant scientific literature was searched in electronic databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane CENTRAL, ScienceDirect, and CINAHL up to August 2023 in order a link among general practitioners, health inspectors, and occupational physicians about the burnout syndrome and job satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic to be found. Results: The studies used show an adjacent joint within lacking job satisfaction and burnout syndrome. Elevated values of burnout and low values of satisfaction appear because of inter-individual variables, working condition causes, and causes within the context of working surroundings. There was a remarkable lift in burnout values amongst GPHIOPs during the last COVID-19 pandemic. However, it remains the factor that needs to be scrutinized through further research that affects the development of the other factor to be found. Conclusions: It is critical psychological interventions be made to address burnout and boost rates of job satisfaction as it causes an unfavorable effect and adverse consequences within medical working surroundings.
... Al Dabbagh AM et al found that sixty percent participants in his study had a high level of emotional burnout (38) . In Syria Alhaffar BA, et al found (77.9%), (54.6%) of study sample had a high level of (EE) and (DP) respectively, but low level (13.7%) for (PA) (39) . Other study revealed that the percentage of EE was 12%, DP was 35%, and PA was 32% (40) . ...
... This goes with Jadoo SA and et al in Iraq the overall emotional exhaustion was higher among female doctors, especially married, and who are bearing children (41) . This was in opposite to In Syria Alhaffar BA, and et al in Syria who found males had higher levels of EE (82.8%), and DP (55%), and lower levels of PA (14.9%) than females (71.6%), (54%), (12.1%) respectively (39) . Junior resident had higher percent of burnout than permanent residents, (51.9%) of Junior resident had EE in comparison to (29.2%) of the Permanent resident, this relation was statistically significant. ...
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Background: The burnout syndrome has 3 dimensions; first is emotional exhaustion, second one is depersonalization, and third is low personal accomplishment. Work related burnout is increased nowadays and it becomes a serious problem affecting people who working in human services, particularly healthcare workers. This study aimed to: Determine the frequency of burnout syndrome and related factors among Salahaddin resident physicians. Subject and Method: A cross-sectional study , done from 11th of November 2021 to 15th of March 2022. A convenient sample of 100 resident and permanent doctors, working in Salahdin Public hospitals. Inclusion criteria were current residents doctor who had at least one year in a residency program. Data collected using interview questionnaire form based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results: The 100 resident doctor information analyzed and found that 56(56%) , 44(44%) were male and female respectively. High frequency of the resident aged 26-30 years 68(68%), 75(75%) of them living in Salahdin, junior residents represent 52(52%) and 48(48%) were permanent resident. The high scores of occupational exhaustion was reported among 41(41%). The high scores of depersonalization / loss of empathy was reported among 42(42%). The low scores of personal accomplishment assessment scores was reported among 64(64%). Females 21(47.7%) had more occupational exhaustion than male doctors 20(35.7%). high score of depersonalization / loss of empathy reported among 22(39.3%) of the male and 20(45.5%) of the females. Conclusion: burnout frequency was high among Iraqi residents with high scores of occupational exhaustion, and depersonalization/ loss of empathy, and high percentage of low scores of personal accomplishment assessment.
... 12 In Canada, burnout has been attributed to the growing numbers of FPs who are leaving the workforce or narrowing their scope of practice, exacerbating the number of patients without a regular physician. 13 Studies have reported high rates of burnout, anxiety, and stress among FPs in Canada [14][15][16] and internationally [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] prior to and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 12,[26][27][28][29] National survey data also reports that 21% of FPs had felt morally distressed "very often" or "always" since the beginning of the pandemic, and 57% experienced burnout. ...
... Individual-level interventions that have been introduced to combat burnout include enhanced training in communication, stress management, and personal coping strategies, including building resilience, self-care, and spiritual health. 15,[23][24][25][26]58,59 Organizational-level interventions include reducing workload, increasing autonomy, improving team functioning, providing funding for administrative and clerical support, changing performance evaluation criteria, engaging physicians in leadership roles, and increasing employee involvement in pandemic response planning. 9,18,23,26,[60][61][62] Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have reported mixed results and call for more high-quality research evaluating the effectiveness of individual and organizational-level interventions, especially over the long-term. ...
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Background: Medical professionals experienced high rates of burnout and moral distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Canada, burnout has been linked to a growing number of family physicians (FPs) leaving the workforce, increasing the number of patients without access to a regular doctor. This study explores the different factors that impacted FPs’ experience with burnout and moral distress during the pandemic, with the goal of identifying systembased interventions aimed at supporting FP well-being and improving retention. Methods: We conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with FPs across four health regions in Canada. Participants were asked about the roles they assumed during different stages of the pandemic, and they were also encouraged to describe their well-being, including relevant supports and barriers. We used thematic analysis to examine themes relating to FP mental health and well-being. Results: We interviewed 68 FPs across the four health regions. We identified two overarching themes related to moral distress and burnout: (1) inability to provide appropriate care, and (2) system-related stressors and buffers of burnout. FPs expressed concern about the quality of care their patients were able to receive during the pandemic, citing instances where pandemic restrictions limited their ability to access critical preventative and diagnostic services. Participants also described four factors that alleviated or exacerbated feelings of burnout, including: (1) workload, (2) payment model, (3) locum coverage, and (4) team and peer support. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic limited FPs’ ability to provide quality care to patients, and contributed to increased moral distress and burnout. These findings highlight the importance of implementing system-wide interventions to improve FP well-being during public health emergencies. These could include the expansion of interprofessional team-based models of care, alternate remuneration models for primary care (ie, non-fee-for-service), organized locum programs, and the availability of short-term insurance programs to cover fixed practice operating costs.
... However, there are statistically significant range differences in depersonalization and emotional exhaustion in subgroups divided according to gender. Sociodemographic features, organizational policies,work load, specialty, subspecialty, and country of origin may contribute to the difference in the levelof burnout [20]. The findings of our study indicated that depersonalisation affected males more than ...
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Abstract Background. Burnout is a common syndrome among healthcare providers which affects their quality of life and the healthcare service they provide. Physical therapists in burn units are at high risk to develop burnout due to several stressors. Objective. This study’s main objective was to evaluate the extent of burnout experienced by physical therapists employed in burn units. Design. The present study employed a cross-sectional study. Methods. A total of 520 physical therapists, aged 24–44 years, working in burn units of Egyptian hospitals participated in our study. Burnout evaluation was conducted using the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Results. 520 physical therapists participated in the study, about 50% of them were aged between 30 and 40 years, and about 44.9% had a bachelor’s degree. Females represented 63.3% of them. According to the results of the MBI-HSS assessment, it was found that 73.5% of the participants exhibited symptoms of burnout on the emotional exhaustion (EE) scale, while 44% displayed burnout on the depersonalization (DP) scale. Additionally, 51% of the participants reported low personal accomplishment (PA) on the scale measuring this construct. Results confirmed that men, more than women, experienced depersonalization, and they were less satisfied with their professional accomplishments. Conclusion. Physical therapists working in burn units who responded to the survey expressed severe burnout. To assess the impact of burnout on physical therapists working in burn units and to create strategies to lessen it, more study is needed. Keywords physical therapy, burnout syndrome, maslach burnout inventory, burn unit
... However, there are statistically significant range differences in depersonalization and emotional exhaustion in subgroups divided according to gender. Sociodemographic features, organizational policies,work load, specialty, subspecialty, and country of origin may contribute to the difference in the levelof burnout [20]. The findings of our study indicated that depersonalisation affected males more than ...
Background. Burnout is a common syndrome among healthcare providers which affects their quality of life and the healthcare service they provide. Physical therapists in burn units are at high risk to develop burnout due to several stressors. Objective. This study’s main objective was to evaluate the extent of burnout experienced by physical therapists employed in burn units. Design. The present study employed a cross-sectional study. Methods. A total of 520 physical therapists, aged 24–44 years, working in burn units of Egyptian hospitals participated in our study. Burnout evaluation was conducted using the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Results. 520 physical therapists participated in the study, about 50% of them were aged between 30 and 40 years, and about 44.9% had a bachelor’s degree. Females represented 63.3% of them. According to the results of the MBI-HSS assessment, it was found that 73.5% of the participants exhibited symptoms of burnout on the emotional exhaustion (EE) scale, while 44% displayed burnout on the depersonalization (DP) scale. Additionally, 51% of the participants reported low personal accomplishment (PA) on the scale measuring this construct. Results confirmed that men, more than women, experienced depersonalization, and they were less satisfied with their professional accomplishments. Conclusion. Physical therapists working in burn units who responded to the survey expressed severe burnout. To assess the impact of burnout on physical therapists working in burn units and to create strategies to lessen it, more study is needed.
... While some studies have linked pre-existing mental health issues with increased distress during COVID-19 [32], we were unable to determine whether the use of these medications preceded or followed the stresses of working during the pandemic. Other researchers of coping strategies used by HCP during the COVID-19 pandemic reported that Turkish physicians and German HCP coped by taking antidepressants [33,34] or using psychotropic drugs [35] while a Canadian study found that HCP used alcohol [36] to cope with the increased stress. A second Canadian study also found that HCP used alcohol to cope with stress during the pandemic, but in addition, and similar to other studies [37], during qualitative interviews they also identified physical exercise, yoga, meditation, and interacting with friends and family as frequently used coping strategies. ...
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Background: COVID-19 added to healthcare provider (HCP) distress, but patterns of change remain unclear. This study sought to determine if and how emotional distress varied among HCP between March 28, 2021 and December 1, 2023. Methods: This longitudinal study was embedded within the 42-month prospective COVID-19 Cohort Study that recruited HCP from four Canadian provinces. Information was collected at enrollment, from annual exposure surveys, and vaccination and illness surveys. The 10-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) was completed approximately every six months after March 28, 2021. Linear mixed effects models, specifically random intercept models, were generated to determine the impact of time on emotional distress while accounting for demographic and work-related factors. Results: Between 2021 and 2023, the mean K10 score fell by 3.1 points, indicating decreased distress, but scores increased during periods of high levels of mitigation strategies against transmission of SARS-CoV-2, during winter months, and if taking antidepression, anti-anxiety or anti-insomnia medications. K10 scores were significantly lower for HCP who were male, older, had more children in their household, experienced prior COVID-19 illness(es), and for non-physician but regulated HCP versus nurses. A sensitivity analysis that included only those who had submitted at least five K10 surveys consisted of the factors in the full model excluding previous COVID-19 illness, occupation, and season, after adjustment. Models were also created for K10 anxiety and depression subscales. Conclusions: K10 scores decreased as the COVID-19 pandemic continued but increased during periods of high mitigation and the winter months. Personal and work-place factors also impacted HCP distress scores. Further research into best practices in distress identification and remediation is warranted to ensure future public health disasters are met with healthcare systems that are able to buffer HCP against short- and long-term mental health issues.
... The high rates of burnout among GPs (32-43%) [18] and the high suicide rate among physicians in general [19] highlight the importance of mental health and selfcare. As dealing with death can be a potential psychological stressor for GPs, attention should be directed towards this topic. ...
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Background In Germany, general practitioners play a pivotal role in palliative care provision. Caring for patients with palliative care needs can be a burden for general practitioners, highlighting the importance of self-care and mental health support. This study aimed to explore the role of palliative care in general practitioners’ daily work, the stressors they experience, their coping mechanisms, and the potential benefits of Advance Care Planning in this context. Methods An exploratory approach was employed, combining a short quantitative survey with qualitative interviews. The analysis was based on a structuring qualitative content analysis, following a deductive-inductive procedure and integrating the Stress-Strain Model and Lazarus’ Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. We recruited eleven general practitioners to take part in the study. Results General practitioners viewed palliative care as integral to their practice but faced challenges such as time constraints and perceived expertise gaps. Societal taboos often hindered conversations on the topic of death. Most general practitioners waited for their patients to initiate the topic. Some general practitioners viewed aspects of palliative care as potentially distressing. They used problem-focused (avoiding negative stressors, structuring their daily schedules) and emotion-focused (discussions with colleagues) coping strategies. Still, general practitioners indicated a desire for specific psychological support options. Advance Care Planning, though relatively unfamiliar, was acknowledged as valuable for end-of-life conversations. Conclusions Palliative care can be associated with negative psychological stress for general practitioners, often coming from external factors. Despite individual coping strategies in place, it is advisable to explore concepts for professional psychological relief. Trial registration Not registered.
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Introduction Burnout harms workers physical and mental health due to induced brain changes, autonomous nervous system and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis excessive activation. Although several correlations and risk factors have been identified, the research around burnout biological correlates remains underdeveloped. The omega-3 index has been proposed in mental health as a contributor to identify high risk patients and monitor disease advancements but the evidence on its relationship with burnout is limited. This study is meant to test the hypothesis that the omega-3 index is inversely associated with burnout levels and to discuss its potential as a biological correlate of burnout. Methods It had an observational, cross-sectional design and was carried out at a university hospital center between March 2021 and July 2023. We invited 319 healthcare professionals (doctors and nurses) at the occupational health and emergency departments. The omega- 3 index was determined through a prick finger test. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment were measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Descriptive analyses were conducted to examine the participants’ characteristics and outcome variables. Means, medians, interquartile ranges and standard deviations were calculated for continuous variables. Frequencies and percentages were obtained for categorical variables. We have used the individual dimensions’ scores as continuous data in the evaluation of their relationship with the omega-3 index. The relationship between burnout levels and the omega-3 index was assessed through linear regression analysis. Results We surveyed 300 subjects (94% response rate). High emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were reported by 29.9% and 22.1% of participants, respectively; 26.0% reported low personal accomplishment. The mean omega-3 index was 5.75%. The depersonalization score was, on average, 11.132 points higher (95% CI [4.661; 17.603]) in individuals whose omega-3 index was lower than 4%. Discussion An omega-3 index below 4% seems to potentially be a biological correlate of depersonalization. Our results contribute to enlarging the knowledge about burnout biological correlates, an area that has been previously signalled as underdeveloped. Omega-3 index should be included in prospective studies that will investigate the evolution of other burnout biological correlates as the syndrome emerges and progresses in subjects at risk.
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Introdução Os profissionais de saúde estão expostos a um elevado número de fatores de risco psicossociais. Estes têm consequências a nível individual e organizacional. A psicologia da saúde ocupacional aplica princípios da psicologia na proteção e promoção da saúde e bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Neste âmbito, pode atuar a nível da organização, com intervenções que melhorem o ambiente de trabalho, e a nível individual, dotando os indivíduos de recursos para lidar com diferentes tipos de ambientes. Foi neste contexto que um serviço de saúde ocupacional de um centro hospitalar de Lisboa decidiu integrar na sua equipa um psicólogo. Objetivo Descrever uma amostra de profissionais de saúde referenciados à consulta de psicologia, com vista a gerar hipóteses quanto a características que possam constituir fatores de risco para carecer desse apoio. Metodologia Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em que a amostra corresponde ao grupo de trabalhadores referenciado à consulta de psicologia ao longo de sete meses. Foram avaliados os sintomas humor deprimido, pensamentos de morte, ansiedade e alterações do sono. Todos os dados provêm dos registos clínicos do psicólogo e do médico do trabalho, obtidos através de entrevista clínica, tendo sido previamente anonimizados. Resultados Foram acompanhados em consulta de psicologia 47 trabalhadores, correspondendo a 1% da população do centro hospitalar. O grupo profissional mais prevalente na amostra foram os assistentes operacionais. A maioria dos trabalhadores referia já ter um diagnóstico prévio de psicopatologia e 55% mantinham-se medicados. Apenas 15% dos trabalhadores identificavam o trabalho como fator determinante na sintomatologia. Discussão Verificou-se uma maior proporção do sexo feminino, em relação com a população global do centro hospitalar, um achado que poderá relacionar-se com um maior risco inerente às expectativas impostas pela sociedade relativamente ao papel da mulher como cuidadora e o acúmulo de funções na esfera social/familiar. Está ausente da amostra o grupo profissional “médicos”, hipoteticamente por uma menor afluência destes às consultas de medicina do trabalho ou eventual proteção conferida a níveis educacionais mais altos. Conclusões Ao contrário da evidência existente, nesta amostra de profissionais de saúde de um centro hospitalar de lisboa, o trabalho não foi o fator preponderante para o aparecimento de efeitos adversos na saúde e a determinar o seguimento em consulta de psicologia. No futuro, deve ser testada de forma mais robusta a relação entre género, nível educacional e grupo profissional e aumento do risco de psicopatologia.
Il rinnovamento dei sistemi sanitari è da tempo al centro del dibattito istituzionale e la recente crisi epidemica ne ha acuito la rilevanza. Una riforma della sanità territoriale sembra ormai improcrastinabile, ed è essenziale che gli attori del sistema conoscano i propri stakeholder. Si è voluto, quindi, cambiare il punto di vista provando a indagare la Medicina Generale attraverso gli altri protagonisti del SSN. I corsisti DIAS e DSC della Lombardia hanno risposto a un questionario, validato da un panel di esperti, al fine di indagare le loro conoscenze e prospettive future riguardo la figura del MMG. I risultati offrono molti spunti di riflessione. Le risposte sono state eterogenee, dimostrando una parziale conoscenza della MG e una grande differenza di aspettative sul futuro di questa professione. Esistono però alcuni fondamentali punti di convergenza, utili per la riorganizzazione delle cure primarie.
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Objective Assess the extent of burn out among the general practitioners of the Loire region (France). Methods A questionnaire in 3 parts was sent to 480 general practitioners: the first concerned the socio-demographical variables such as the age of the practitioners, their marital status, time when the installed their practice, type of practice and quantification of their professional activity; the second corresponded to the French version of the Maslach Burn out Inventory (MBI) and the third part foresaw the eventual consequences of burn out, such as the wish for retraining, use of psychotropics or suicidal thoughts. Results 306 practitioners replied (response rate 64%). Mean scores on the three dimensions of burn out (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low personal accomplishment) were similar to those of other studies using the same instrument. Five per cent of the practitioners had high scores of burn out on the 3 subscales, but professional accomplishment remained high for a majority of physicians. More than 1 practitioner out of 2 had thought of retraining, 5.5% declared excessive drinking, 30% had taken psychotropics, and 13% have envisaged suicide. Emotional exhaustion was statistically associated with female sex, heavy workload, wish to retrain, drinking, psychotropics and suicidal ideation. The causes of burn out expressed by the practitioners were organizational and administrative (high workload, administrative demands, conflicts with social welfare organizations) but also relational (demands considered as excessive from their patients and families). Discussion Burn out among general practitioners is a reality. The quality of life of practitioners suffering from burn out appears significantly impaired, and published literature indicates that it may lead to deleterious consequences on the care provided to their patients.
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Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job, and is defined by the three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. The past 25 years of research has established the complexity of the construct, and places the individual stress experience within a larger organizational context of people's relation to their work. Recently, the work on burnout has expanded internationally and has led to new conceptual models. The focus on engagement, the positive antithesis of burnout, promises to yield new perspectives on interventions to alleviate burnout. The social focus of burnout, the solid research basis concerning the syndrome, and its specific ties to the work domain make a distinct and valuable contribution to people's health and well-being.
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Job burnout has long been recognized as a problem that leaves once-enthusiastic professionals feeling drained, cynical, and ineffective. This article proposes two new approaches to the prevention of burnout that focus on the interaction between personal and situational factors. The first approach, based on the Maslach multidimensional model, focuses on the exact opposite of burnout: increasing engagement with work by creating a better “fit” between the individual and the job. The second approach draws from the decision-making literature and reframes burnout in terms of how perceptions of the risk of burnout may lead to suboptimal choices that actually increase the likelihood of burning out. These new approaches provide a more direct strategy for preventing burnout than typical unidimensional “stress” models because these new approaches (1) specify criteria for evaluating outcomes and (2) focus attention on the relationship between the person and the situation rather than one or the other in isolation.
Burnout and stress are common, linked problems in health-care workers. We aimed to clarify their causal associations. We assessed stress and the three components of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and low personal accomplishment) using structural equation modelling in a 3-year longitudinal study of a representative sample of 331 UK doctors. Emotional exhaustion and stress showed reciprocal causation: high levels of emotional exhaustion caused stress (beta=0 189), and high levels of stress caused emotional exhaustion (beta=0 175). High levels of personal accomplishment increased stress levels (beta=0 080), whereas depersonalisation lowered stress levels (beta=-0 105).
Objectives To analyse the degree of professional burnout in primary care doctors from our province and the effect of various factors. Design Descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study. Setting Primary care (PC) in the province Participants All the PC doctors in the province of Cáceres (n=255). Main measurements and results Self-administered anonymous questionnaire: the Maslach Burnout Inventory that evaluates Depersonalisation (DP), Self-esteem (SE), and Emotional Exhaustion (EE); social and personal variables, work data, personal questions and measures taken if there was work stress. Student´s t test, ANOVA (means), and Chi-square or Fisher test (percentages) were used. 157 valid questionnaires were returned (62% response rate). Mean age was 41.5 years old±7.2; 75% were male, 80.2% married, 73.2% had tenure, 48.9% worked in towns, and their mean case-load was 40.5±16.5 patients/day. Mean values found were: DP, 8.3±5.8; SE, 35.2±8.4; EE, 22±11.3; 65.8% scored high on one of the three. For EE mean scores were significantly higher in men, doctors with tenure, in towns, those with >10 years seniority or who saw >40 patients a day. 50% had had psycho-physical disorders in the previous 3 months; 33% withstood a lot of bureaucracy; both groups had EE averages. Dedicating <2 hours a day to leisure was associated with >EE; and being a tutor with a significantly higher level of burnout. Disorders in the family or social/work sphere were associated with high levels of DP and EE (P<.001). Conclusions Like other studies, we found a moderate level of burnout in our sample. Seniority, social/labour or family conflict, and certain personal and job characteristics were associated with high burnout.
Correspondencia: M. Esteva. Gabinete Técnico. Unidad de Investigación. Gerencia Atención Primaria de Mallorca. Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears (Ibsalut). C./ Reina Esclaramunda, 9. 07003 Palma.
Examined the relationships among hardiness, stress, temperament, coping, and burnout in a sample of 448 health care professionals. Ss completed several questionnaires. Multivariate statistics showed that hardiness did not account for a significant amount of the variance in burnout after stress and coping had entered the regression equations. Subsequent analyses identified significant relationships between stress, coping, temperament, and burnout. Finally, Ss exposed to a 6-week proactive training program designed to improve adaptive coping reported significant increases in functional coping and sense of personal accomplishment, and decreased feelings of depersonalization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
There are probably many causes, some of them deepSee editorial p 1078 News pp 1082, 1083Doctors are unhappy. They are not all unhappy all the time, but when doctors gather, their conversation turns to misery and talk of early retirement. The unhappiness has been illustrated in a plethora of surveys and manifests itself in talk of a mass resignation by general practitioners from the NHS.1 The British government is rattled by the unhappiness of doctors, recognising that a health service staffed by demoralised doctors cannot flourish. It has responded by trying to hand more control of the service to frontline staff. 2 3 But is this the right treatment? Treatment must, of course, follow diagnosis, and the causes of doctors' unhappiness may be many and deep. Doctors and patients: redrafting a bogus contract The bogus contract: the patient's view Modern medicine can do remarkable things: it can solve many of my problemsYou, the doctor, can see inside me and know what's wrongYou know everything it's necessary to knowYou can solve my problems, even my social problemsSo we give you high status and a good salary The bogus contract: the doctor's view Modern medicine has limited powersWorse, it's dangerousWe can't begin to solve all problems, especially social onesI don't know everything, but I do know how …