Systems thinking' includes a number of interdisciplinary theories based on organizational approach to problems, in other words considering everything as systems. The paper discusses the connection of Iannis Xenakis and Agostino Di Scipio with 'systems thinking' and proposes an experimental compositional model related to this line of thinking. Xenakis, in order to formulate and explain what he called 'Stochastic Music' he used the methodology of 'cybernetics', one of the most important theories of 'systems thinking'. Also, based on the same approach, he formulated the hypothesis of 'second order sonorities'. After this historical point Di Scipio comes to add his objection to Xenakis's approach. Di Scipio doubts that the stochastic laws are capable of determining the emergence of 'second order sonorities'. Resulting from this problematics on Xenakis, his criticism of the conventional model of interactive music and the application of notions found in 'systems thinking', Di Scipio is suggesting a 'self-organized' interactive model. According to this model, the sound system is able to observe itself and regulate its own processes. It can be considered as a self-organized system, an organism, placed in his environment, the space of the concert hall. Based on this line of music evolution connected with 'systems thinking', we have attempted to develop a systemic model of symbolic music, an experimental compositional model mainly used for instrumental writing. The term 'symbolic' refers to the focus on the information's flow through symbolic means, i.e. through music notation. In addition, the approach treats 'systemically' the compositional work, applying notions found in 'systems thinking' through the cognitive sciences. We have abstracted the 'live interactive music model' used in live electronics, from a systemic viewpoint, using it as the basis of what we call the Creative System of Symbolic Music. Using simple examples, the structural design and the functional performance of the model will be presented.
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Phivos-Angelos KolliasAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Phivos-Angelos Kollias
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