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Grain Yield and Quality of Bread Wheat Varieties under the Agroecological Conditions of Dobroudja Region


Abstract and Figures

The field experiment was conducted in the selected area of Uzovo village, Dobrich area in the period 2004-2007. The test was performed by means of a block method with four replications; experimental field area - 15 m2 after sunflower predecessor. The following wheat varieties were tested; Albena, Pryaspa, Enola and Karat. The aim of the study was to establish the grain yield and quality of four Bulgarian bread wheat varieties, grown in the region of Dobroudja.The analysis of the results showed that under the agroecological conditions of Dobroudja region the highest grain yield was obtained from Karat variety - 6000 kg ha-1, followed by Albena - 5300 kg ha-1 and the lowest one - from Enola variety 5130 kg ha-1.The test weight of the investigated varieties is close values, witch indicates that it is in effect - largely on the weather conditions of the year, rather than the variety. The thousand kernel (grain) weight and wet gluten content of Albena variety were highest (50.7g and 28.0%) and lowest of Enola - (46.51g and 26.0%). The lowest values of relaxation of gluten reported with the variety Albena - 7.3 mm and the highest - with the Karat variety - 9.8 mm. Key words: wheat, grain yield, test weight, thousand grain weight, gluten
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Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16 (No 1) 2010, 17-21
Agricultural Academy
Agricultural University, BG-4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
DELIBALTOVA, V. and Hr. KIRCHEV, 2010. Grain yield and quality of bread wheat varieties under the
agroecological conditions of Dobroudja region. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 16: 17-21
The field experiment was conducted in the selected area of Uzovo village, Dobrich area in the period 2004 –
2007. The test was performed by means of a block method with four replications; experimental field area – 15 m2
after sunflower predecessor. The following wheat varieties were tested; Albena, Pryaspa, Enola and Karat. The
aim of the study was to establish the grain yield and quality of four Bulgarian bread wheat varieties, grown in the
region of Dobroudja.The analysis of the results showed that under the agroecological conditions of Dobroudja
region the highest grain yield was obtained from Karat variety – 6000 kg ha-1, followed by Albena – 5300 kg ha-
1 and the lowest one – from Enola variety 5130 kg ha-1.The test weight of the investigated varieties is close values,
witch indicates that it is in effect – largely on the weather conditions of the year, rather than the variety. The
thousand kernel (grain) weight and wet gluten content of Albena variety were highest (50.7g and 28.0%) and
lowest of Enola – (46.51g and 26.0%). The lowest values of relaxation of gluten reported with the variety Albena
– 7.3 mm and the highest – with the Karat variety – 9.8 mm.
Key words: wheat, grain yield, test weight, thousand grain weight, gluten
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The production possibility of wheat is determined
by the variety, environmental factors as well as by the
technology of growing.
The agroecological and the climatic conditions in
the separate regions of the country influence the de-
velopment and productivity of plants (Delibaltova and
Ivanova, 2006; Tsenov et al., 2004).
The right choice of the wheat varieties and the
proper regional distribution, as well as their growing
by strictly following the agrotechnical practices, are
of vital importance for the yield amounts and the quality
of the produce obtained (Delibaltova et al., 2009;
Ivanova et al., 2007; Nankova and Penchev, 2006;
Yankov, 1999). That necessitates the constant intro-
duction of new varieties that are the most suitable and
efficient for the separate microregions of the country.
The aim of the study was to establish the grain yield
and quality of four Bulgarian bread wheat varieties,
grown in the region of Dobroudja.
Material and Methods
A field experiment with wheat was carried out on
the experimental field of the village of Uzovo, Dobrich
area during the period 2004 – 2007. The test was
performed by means of a block method with four rep-
lications; experimental field area – 15 m2.
Albena, Pryaspa, Enola and Karat varieties were
studied with sunflower predecessor. All the stages of
the established technology for wheat growing were
followed. The grain yield is determined with standard
grain moisture of 13%.
The indices grain yield (kg ha-1); test weight (kg);
thousand kernel (grain) weight (g); wet gluten content
(%); relaxation of gluten (mm) were determined.
For the purpose of determining the quantity de-
pendence between the studied indicators, the experi-
mental data was processed according to the Anova
Method of dispersion analysis, and the differences
between the variants were determined by means of
the Dunkan’s Multiple Range Test (Dunkan, 1995).
The period of the research is characterized with
variety of temperature and rainfall conditions which
enables to evaluate the reaction of the studied variet-
ies in accordance with their quality characteristics un-
der different agricultural and climatic conditions (Fig-
ure 1).
Characteristics features of the year 2005 are com-
paratively warm autumn with low moisture during the
period of germination and tillering. December, Janu-
ary and February are wet, on which the good level of
moisture is based. During the period of the spring veg-
etation (March-April) there was a period of drought
while the period of grain filling and forming was with
enough rainfall, close to the climatic rates.
During the year 2006 the rainfall is uneven, with
months of high moisture (March and May) and dry
January. According to the temperature, it is very close
to the climatic rates, except January during which
month the temperature is -3.4°C or with 3°C lower.
As far as the climate is concern the year 2007 is
especially specific. It is characterized with too low
rates of moisture not only during autumn – winter pe-
riod but also during the period of active vegetation.
The low rates of rainfall are combined with high tem-
peratures, especially during the winter period.
The period of study (2004-2007) comprised years,
which differed significantly concerning the major me-
teorological factors (air temperature and precipitation
sum) having an effect on wheat yield and quality.
Results and Discussion
The total analysis of the results shows that the stud-
ied varieties react in a different way according to the
grain yield during the three years of the experiment
(Table 1). During the separate years of the experi-
ment the highest is the productivity from Karat – 6100,
5900 and 6000 kg ha-1 respectively for 2005, 2006
and 2007.
Fig. 1. Meteorological data for the years of the investigation
V. Delibaltova and Hr. Kirchev
In the first experimental year the lowest is produc-
tivity of Albena variety – 5300 kg ha-1, and in the sec-
ond and the third years – from Enola variety (5400
and 4300 kg ha-1).
The differences among varieties were statistically
During the period of study (2004-2007) Karat
variety realized the yield of 6000 kg ha-1 in average
and it surpassed the varieties Albena and Pryaspa by
13.2 and 13.8%, respectively. The grain yield obtained
from Enola variety was 5130 kg ha-1 and it was less
than the yields from all the other varieties included in
the experiment by 2.7 to 17.0%.
The results from analyses of variance over three
years for the grain yield are presented in Table 2. It
was found that the effects of varieties (V) and year
(Y) on the yield were significant. The interaction (V x
Y) was also statistically significant. The test weight of
the investigated varieties is close values; witch indi-
cates that it is in effect – largely on the weather condi-
tions of the year, rather than the variety (Table 3).
The highest values of the characteristic test weight
were established in the first experimental year (2005),
in the tested varieties varied from 77.2 kg (Albena) to
82.3 kg (Karat). The lowest values of the character-
istic test weight were established in the last year of the
study (2007), from 77.2 to 78.4 kg. It showed that
the low amount of rainfall during the vegetation has a
negative influence on grain formation.
In average, during the three-year period of study,
the test weight of all investigated varieties varied from
79.5 kg of the Karat variety to 78 kg of Albena vari-
ety. It showed that the drain is considered to be good
for flour producing.
The thousand kernel (grain) weight is one of the
important indirect indicators, characterizing grain prop-
erties, its technological value as well as its quality re-
garding using it as sowing material. This indicator char-
acterized its filling up as well as its thickness.
The thousand kernel (grain) weight changes under
the influence of weather conditions during the year
(Table 4).
In the most favorable for wheat year (2005) the
values of this characteristic were within the limits of
47.25 to 54.63g. Statistically proven, the lowest ones
were those of variety Karat and the highest – of Albena.
The results of the varieties Pryaspa and Enola had
quite close values and they were statistically insignifi-
In the second experimental year (2006) the values
of thousand kernel weights varied from 45.97 to
51.72g, i.e. they were by 3.8 % lower in average in
comparison with the previous year. Mathematical pro-
cessing of data showed that variety Karat significantly
fell behind Albena and Pryaspa by 7.0 and 10.7%.
The lowest the values of this characteristic were real-
ized by variety Enola – 45.97g.
In the most unfavorable (dry) for wheat year (2007)
the thousand kernel weight in the investigated variet-
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
Albena 5300 a5700 b4900 c5300
Pryaspa 5400
5800 c4600 b 5270
Enola 5700 c5400 a4300 a 5130
Karat 6100 d5900 d6000 d6000
LSD 5% 80.6 95.0 295.0
Variety Years of study Average
Тable 1
Grain yield, kg.ha-1
Sum of square Mean square
Varieties – (V) 4947500.00 3 1649166.70 0.000 59
Years – (Y) 3095000.00 2 1547500.00 0.000 70
Interaction (VxY) 1825000.00 6 304166.67 0.013 47
Residual 2100400.00 24 87516.67
Table 2
Analysis of variance for grain yield for the period 2004 – 2007
Source of
variation DF Sig of F η
Grain Yield and Quality of Bread Wheat Varieties under the Agroecological Conditions....
ies was from 43.44 to 48.64 g, i.e. they were by 10
and 6% lower in average in comparison with the pre-
vious years.
Out of all the investigated varieties smallest the
thousand kernel weight, in average for the three years,
was established in variety Enola – 46.51 g and the
biggest - formed by variety Albena – 50.70.
Meteorological conditions exert certain influence
on the amount of gluten, thus the amount of gluten is
the highest during the first and the third years of the
experiment, and during the two years due to the dry
weather during the period of filling of the grain (Table
It has been established that during the drier years
protein content of grain is higher, hence it follows that
gluten is directly related to protein content as it itself is
a protein component.
During 2006 which is characterized with good
waterfall supply during the period of formation pro-
cess of the grain, the amount of gluten is the lowest –
26.3 %.
In the first experimental year (2005) the wet glu-
ten content varied from 27.0 mm in Enola and Prqaspa
varieties to 29 mm in Albena. It was statistically proven
that Albena variety surpassed by 5.5 % in average all
the other studied varieties.
In the second year of the study (2006) the lowest
values of the characteristic wet gluten content were
reported in Enola variety – 25.0%. Mathematical pro-
cessing of data showed that this variety significantly
fell behind Pryaspa and Albena by 4.0 and 8.0 %
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
Albena 77.2 a78.5
78.4 b 78.0
Pryaspa 79.4 a b 80.3 b 77.6 a b 79.1
Enola 80.1 b 79.4 a b 77.8 a b 79.1
Karat 82.3 b c 79.1 a b 77.2
LSD 5% 3.1 1.4 0.88
for the
79.8 79.3 77.7
Variety Years of study Average for
the variety
Table 3
Test weight, kg
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
54.63 c 50.00 c 47.37 b
50.20 b 51.72
49.68 b 45.97
46.73 b 48.64 b
LSD 5% 2.18 0.22 2.26
for the
50.44 48.61 45.84
Variety Years of study Average for
the variety
Table 4
Thousand kernel (grain) weight, g
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
Albena 29
0 c 27
0 c 28
0 c 28.0
Pryaspa 27
0 a 26
0 b 29
0 d 27.3
Еnola 27
0 a 25
0 a 26
0 a 26
Каrat 28
0 b 27
0 c 27
0 b 27.3
LSD 5% 1.0 0.96 0.85
for the
27.8 26.3 27.5
Variety Years of study Average for
the variety
Table 5
Wet gluten content, %
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
5 a 9
5 b
8 b 9
Karat 9
5 c 9
7 b 10
1 c 9.8
LSD 5% 0.81 0.21 0.95
for the
7.8 9.3 7.4
Variety Years of study Average for
the variety
Table 6
Relaxation of the gluten, mm
V. Delibaltova and Hr. Kirchev
The following indices show the influence of the
variety on the amount of wet gluten. On the average
for the three years of the experiment the highest is the
formation of wet gluten of Albena variety – 28.0%,
while the lowest is of Enola variety – 26.0%. The re-
sults obtained were statistically significant.
In addition to amount of gluten its quality is deter-
minative too for the bread producing and baking prop-
erties of certain grain yield. The main property deter-
minative for the quality of gluten is its relaxation.
In this study the relaxation of gluten of the four
varieties during the three years of the experiment is
according to standard, i.e. it is lower than the maxi-
mum of 10 mm over which standard the grain is no
good for bread making. Karat variety which in 2007
shows relaxation of the gluten 10.1 mm is an excep-
tion of this standard (Table 6).
The lowest relaxation of the gluten was obtained
in the last year of the study (2007) due to the dry
weather during the period of filling of the grain - 7.4
mm on the average for all the varieties.
The highest relaxation of the gluten were obtained
in the second experimental year (2006) which is char-
acterized with good waterfall supply during the pe-
riod of formation process of the grain and the values
of this characteristic varied from 9.1 to 9.7 mm. The
lowest is the quality of the gluten formed by variety
Karat when relaxation of gluten is significant highest –
9.7 mm. The results of the varieties Pryaspa, Enola
and Albena had quite close values and they were sta-
tistically insignificant.
During the period of study (2004-2007) the stud-
ied varieties form gluten of different quality, the low-
est is relaxation of Albena variety -7.3 mm while the
highest is of Karat variety – 9.8 mm.
Under the agroecological conditions of Dobroudja
region the highest grain yield was obtained from Karat
variety – 6000 kg ha-1, followed by Albena – 5300
kg ha-1 and the lowest one – from Enola variety 5130
kg ha-1.
The test weight of the investigated varieties is close
values; witch indicates that it is in effect – largely on
the weather conditions of the year, rather than the
The thousand kernel (grain) weight and wet gluten
content of Albena variety were highest (50.7g and
28.0%) and lowest of Enola – (46.51g and 26.3%).
The lowest values of relaxation of gluten reported
with the variety Albena – 7.3 mm and the highest –
with the Karat variety.
Ivanova, A., M. Nankova and N. Tsenov, 2007.
Effect of previous crop, mineral fertilization and
environment on the characters of new wheat vari-
eties. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science,
13 (1): 55-62.
Delibaltova, V. and R. Ivanova, 2006. Production
potential of common wheat varieties (Triticum
aestivum L.) grown in the region of South-east Bul-
garia. Field Crop Studies, 3 (No 1): 121-125 (Bg).
Delibaltova, V., I. Zheliazkov and T. Tonev, 2009.
Effect of some herbicides on the weeds and pro-
ductivity of the Triticum aestivum L. winter wheat.
Agricultural Sciences, 2: 19-24 (Bg).
Dunkan, V., 1955. Multiple – range and multiple F –
test. Biometrics, 11: 1-42.
Nankova, M. and E. Penchev, 2006. Effect of long-
term mineral fertilization on the productivity forma-
tion process and the physical properties of the grain
of variety Enola (Triticum aestivum L.). Field Crop
Studies, 3 (1): 125-135 (Bg).
Tsenov N., K. Kostov, T. Gubatov and V. Peeva,
2004. Study on the genotype x environment inter-
action in winter wheat varieties. I. Grain quality.
Field Crop Studies, I (1): 20-29 (Bg).
Yankov, P., 1999. Influence of different kinds of pre-
sowing tillage on wheat grain yield and some
soil physical indices. Res. Commun. of USB,
branch Dobrich, 1: 69-72 (Bg).
Received June, 2, 2009; accepted for printing December, 22, 2009.
Grain Yield and Quality of Bread Wheat Varieties under the Agroecological Conditions....
... In recent years, visible changes in temperature and rainfalling both in global and regional aspect have been known as climate change phenomenon in terms of amount and time of occurrence and consequently have exerted different impacts on the inputs and agricultural production (Wolf, 2002). Delibaltova and Kirchev (2010) pointed out the necessity of the constant introduction of new cultivars that are most suitable and efficient for the separate microregions of the country. To reduce these risks, the impact of climate change mitigation strategies and management systems for crop adaptation to climate change conditions should be considered (Valizadeh, 2014). ...
... Therefore, identification of genotypes with better yield traits is helpful in development of new cultivars with high yield and quality (Nasim et al., 2012). Management consideration and prevailed environmental conditions substantially influenced the yield potential of genotypes (Delibaltova and Kirchev, 2010). Each variety has specific genotypic ability to perform in different environmental conditions. ...
... Therefore, identification of genotypes with better yield traits is helpful in development of new cultivars with high yield and quality (Nasim et al., 2012). Management consideration and prevailed environmental conditions substantially influenced the yield potential of genotypes (Delibaltova and Kirchev, 2010). Each variety has specific genotypic ability to perform in different environmental conditions. ...
... In the last few decades, efforts taken by wheat breeders have resulted in successful development of bread wheat varieties possessing higher grain yielding potential, improved resistance to pest and diseases and better quality parameters (Delibaltova and Kirchev, 2010;Tayyar, 2010). ...
Full-text available
During the period of 2008-2011 in south-east Bulgaria a field experiment was researched. The varieties bread wheat Sadovo 1, Aglika, Enola and Milena were studied. The experiment was applied in block design with 4 replications and 15 m2 plot size, after predecessor sunflower. The growing of plants was performed in compliance with the standard technology. The aim of the study was to establish the grain yield and quality of four bread wheat varieties, grown in Southeast Bulgaria. The analysis of the results showed that the highest grain yield was obtained from Enola variety – 6057 kg ha-1, followed by Aglika – 5777 kg ha-1 and the lowest one – from Sadovo1 variety 5060 kg ha-1. The test weight of the investigated varieties is close values; wich indicates that it is in effect – largely on the weather conditions of the year, rather than the variety. The thousand kernel (grain) weight of Aglika variety were highest - 49.7g and lowest of Sadovo 1 – 43.4g. The grain of variety Milena produce was highest vitreousness – 81.7% and variety Aglika lowest –66.5%. Milena variety show the best values (29.1%, 10.4% and 5.7 mm) of the investigated technological properties of the grain (wet gluten, dry gluten and relaxation of the gluten) among the tested varieties winter wheat. © 2014, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences. All rights reserved.
... Gluten rheological properties can be affected by some factors such as wheat variety, crop location, temperature, rainfall, soil fertility and harvest year (Stoeva and Ivanova, 2009b;Delibaltova and Kirchev, 2010). Stoeva and Ivanova (2009a) noted, that the genotype differences with regard to sedimentation and wet gluten were markedly dependent on the year, while the variations of pharinographic values and bread loaf depended more on fertilization. ...
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The aim of the study was to investigate the rheological properties of gluten obtained from several Polish wheat cultivars harvested in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Gluten was separated and its elasticity and spreadability were evaluated. The following rheological methods were used: uniaxial extension using a texture analyser, ultrasound viscosity measurements and small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements. The protein content varied between 14.24% and 11.74%. There were significant differences in rheological properties of gluten obtained from the same wheat cultivars at different harvest year. Gluten behaved as an elastic material similar to particulate gel with a tendency for decrease in elastic component in comparison to viscous component at higher frequencies, which could suggest breaking of some bonds. There was a linear correlation between ultrasound measured viscosity and maximum extensional force, and between ultrasound measured viscosity and storage modulus. All fundamental rheological methods used for gluten investigation gave results with an agreement with basic gluten elasticity measurements performed according to a Polish Standard method. Samples with better elasticity had higher viscosity, maximum extension force and storage modulus. Fundamental rheological methods can give better knowledge of the viscoelastic behavior of gluten, which can improve dough quality control.
The purpose of the present study was to find out the productivity and quality of new cultivars of common wheat grown in two ecological regions and originating from DZI - General Toshevo, owned by the Agronom company. The experiment was carried out on the training and experimental fields of the Department of Crop Science at the Agricultural University - Plovdiv and on the experimental field of the Agronom Company in the town of Dobrich. The basic meteorological factors affecting the quality and productivity of common wheat were analysed. The cultivars Vyara, Factor and Laska, included in the study, were grown after sunflower as preceding crop, applying the standard technology adopted in the country. The following characteristics were determined: test weight (kg), 1000-grain weight (g), wet gluten yield, crude protein in the dry matter, sedimentation number and grain yield in kg/ha. The results showed higher productivity of the cultivars under the conditions of the town of Dobrich, while the quality characteristics varied depending both on the region and the cultivar. The Vyara cultivar showed the highest productivity, followed by Laska and Factor.
Full-text available
A three-year field trial investigated the effect of previous crop, mineral fertilization and year conditions on grain yield, hectoliter weight and 1000-grain weight on 12 T. aestivum L. varieties. The varieties were grown after three previous crops: bean, sunflower and grain maize. Two levels of nutrition regime were investigated in this study. The applied mineral fertilization depended on the type of previous crop: N0P0K0 and N6P6K0 after bean, and N0P0K0 and N10P10K0 after the other predecessors. The factors fertilization and year conditions were decisive for expression of productivity. Mineral fertilization had the highest effect on grain yield. Hectoliter weight was affected mostly by the year conditions and the genotype. The factors variety and environment had the highest effect on the value of 1000-grain weight. The tested varieties had similar values by this index at the two fertilization norms. The role of the previous crop was most evident in grain formation and was insignificant for 1000-grain weight.
Full-text available
Tsenov N, T. Gubatov and V. Peeva 2006. Study on the genotype x environment inter-action in winter wheat varieties II. Grain yield The effect of environment on grain yield from 35 common winter wheat varieties was analyzed in eight locations in Bulgaria during three successive years. The genotype x environment interaction of the investigated character was significantly high and was es-sentially of a non-linear type. It was established that when environmental conditions changed, the different varieties responded differently and could therefore be grouped ac-cording to their stability and grain yield plasticity. This was analyzed through the well known statistical parameters for evaluation. It was also fount out that there was no significant difference in grain yield between the varieties contrasting by grain quality, vegetation pe-riod and stem height. Possibilities are discussed for correct usage of individual param-eters to evaluate the interaction, as well as their correlation with productivity. The correla-tion between productivity and the stability parameters showed that it is possible to develop varieties compromising between high yield and high ecological stability. Key words: wheat – grain yield – genotype x environment – stability and plasticity – correlation Ðåçþìå
Influence of different kinds of pre-sowingtillage on wheat grain yield and some soil physical indices
  • P Yankov
Yankov, P., 1999. Influence of different kinds of pre-sowingtillage on wheat grain yield and some soil physical indices. Res. Commun. of USB, branch Dobrich, 1: 69-72 (Bg). Received June, 2, 2009; accepted for printing December, 22, 2009. Grain Yield and Quality of Bread Wheat Varieties under the Agroecological Conditions....
Production potential of common wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in the region of South-east Bulgaria . Field Crop Studies
  • V Delibaltova
  • R Ivanova
Delibaltova, V. and R. Ivanova, 2006. Production potential of common wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in the region of South-east Bulgaria. Field Crop Studies, 3 (No 1): 121-125 (Bg).
Effect of longterm mineral fertilization on the productivity formation process and the physical properties of the grain of variety Enola (Triticum aestivum L.). Field Crop Studies
  • M Nankova
  • E Penchev
Nankova, M. and E. Penchev, 2006. Effect of longterm mineral fertilization on the productivity formation process and the physical properties of the grain of variety Enola (Triticum aestivum L.). Field Crop Studies, 3 (1): 125-135 (Bg).