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10(2013) 601 – 630
Abst r a c t
Light weight and long span composite floors are common place in modern
construction. A critical consequence of this application is undesired vibra-
tion which may cause excessive discomfort to occupants. This work inves-
tigates the composite floor vibration behavior of an existing building
based on a comprehensive study of high modal dynamic responses, the
range of which has been absent in previous studies and major analytical
templates, of different panels under the influence of loads induced by
human motion. The resulting fundamental natural frequency and vibra-
tion modes are first validated with respect to experimental and numerical
evidences from literature. Departing from close correlation established in
comparison, this study explores in detail the effects of intensity of passive
live load as additional stationary mass due to crowd jumping as well as
considering human structure interaction. From observation, a new ap-
proach in the simulation of passive live load through the consideration of
human structure interaction and human body characteristics is proposed.
It is concluded that higher vibration modes are essential to determine the
minimum required modes and mass participation ratio in the case of ver-
tical vibration. The results indicate the need to consider 30 modes of
vibration to obtain all possible important excitations and thereby making
third harmonic of load frequency available to excite the critical modes. In
addition, presence of different intensities of passive live load on the com-
posite floor showed completely different behavior in each particular panel
associated with load location of panel and passive live load intensity.
Furthermore, implementing human body characteristics in simulation
causes an obvious increase in modal damping and hence better practicality
and economical presentation can be achieved in structural dynamic behav-
Keywo r d s
Composite floor vibration; finite element analysis; human structure inter-
action; human motion; dynamic response; modal damping
Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a
composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Aras h B ehnia*, a ,
Ahmad Kue h Be n g Ho ngb,
Moha m m a d Mehdi S h a bazi
Navi d R anjba ra,
Nim a B e h n ia
Moha m a d R eza Va f a e ib
aUniversity Malaya- Department of Civil
Engineering- Structure and Material-
Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia
bUniversiti Teknologi Ma laysia, Faculty
of Civil Engineering, Department of
Structure and Materials Steel Technolo-
gy Centre, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malay-
cUniversity of Tehran, Engineering Opti-
mization Research Group, Iran
dIslamic Azad University- Ghazvin
Branch, Department of Civil Engineering,
Received 23 Apr 2012
In revised form 13 Aug 2012
*Author email: behnia.arash@g
602 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Competitive industrial world has compelled structural designers to provide low cost and prompt
construction as well as light weight and low labor cost structures for modern global market.
Composite floors, both steel-deck and dovetailed profile, are one of the most popular construc-
tional methods used in high rise buildings. Long span and slenderness are the main characteristics
of these structures and thereby serviceability problems, particularly floor vibration, have been
found to be the chief concern attributable to structural stiffness and low frequency, which is sus-
ceptible to walking and jumping frequencies due to human motion. Moreover, static method and
one-way spanning assumption which are common in the design of these floors have neglected vi-
brational issues. In practice, the rhythmic activities such as sporting events in stadium, dancing
and jumping in aerobic classes or in gymnasium are the main load sources in floor vibration prob-
lems. To date, there exists a great number of studies in regard to the vibration of structural com-
ponents in literature. Tredgold (1828) dealt with vibration problems and published one of the
first papers on the stiffness criteria in order to avoid vibration troubles. By specifying depth limit
for girders, a simple approach was proposed to provide satisfactory serviceability in preventing
the shaking of items in the room. Lenzen [2] carried out a research in Steel Joist Institute to ex-
amine the vibrational performance of steel joist concrete slab. Also, a series of study on the be-
havior of composite floor, particularly steel deck composite floor had been conducted by Allen
(1990), Williams and Waldron (1994), and Da Silva et al. (2003). With the aid of finite element
method, they investigate the structural behavior subjected to vibration due to human motion.
Studies conducted by Murray et al. (1997) were the main framework used by the American Insti-
tute of Steel Construction to publish AISC Design Guide 11, Floor Vibration Due to Human Ac-
tivity, in providing serviceability design guidelines for designers. In addition to AISC Design
Guide 11, “Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors” by steel construction institute SCI) (Wy-
att,1989) and “Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration (1997)” by International
Standards Organization (ISO 2631-1) have presented limitations based on the acceptable acceler-
ation regarding to human perceptibility in various types of occupancies. Nevertheless, presented
formulae in these guidelines are an approximated consideration of simplified model which are not
able to simulate precisely the behavior of multi-panel and multi-modal floors, a primary concern
in practice.
Loads which are generated by human are hard to formulate in precise detail. Considering the
type of activity, the magnitude and frequency of domain will vary significantly and are difficult
to extract. In order to illustrate amplitude of vibration from a structure, there are several key
factors that influence the response of the structure such as load intensity, type of activity, load
location, activity rate in conjunction with system properties and so on. Copious investigation had
been made intending to establish proper parameters to explain such vibrating loads (Allen et al.,
1985; Bachmann and Ammann, 1987). A study was conducted by Ji and Ellis (1994) to obtain
response of structure applied to different activities such as walking, jumping, and aerobics. Differ-
ent frequencies, resulting displacements, and accelerations were captured. In addition, Da Silva et
al. (2003) worked on the vibrational responses of the structures in active panels.
Thus far, several studies have been carried out to improve the procedure of finite element model-
ing of vibration serviceability problems. Da Silva et al. (2006) modeled a real composite floor
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structure to investigate its dynamic behavior when submitted to different types of activity such
as walking and jumping. With the aid of Fourier series as loading formulation, Da Silva et al.
(2006) conducted numerical modeling for different frequencies and the structural responses were
compared with AISC Design Guide 11 limit criteria. From the study, they pointed out the effect
of consideration of column and its height in finite element results. Thambiratnam et al. (2009), in
order to investigate multi-panel loading and to find the multi-modal response of the floor, imple-
mented half-sinusoidal curve for different contact ratio of jumping and aerobic activities as well
as various damping values. However, they ignored the effect of crowd loading and reduction fac-
tors due to crowd dynamic loading.
Although there are several available studies on composite floor vibration problems, there is still
lack of sufficient information in some details. To existing literature, higher vibration modes and
their contribution in the response of the structure has been neglected. In addition, the effect of
passive occupancy (passive live load) in terms of intensity and human-structure interaction in real
composite floor dimension considering realistic jumping load were not investigated sufficiently.
Recently, Behnia et al. (2013) explored the effect of coordinated passive live load and intensity of
active occupancy (Behnia, 2012), considering synchronization effects of crowd.
This study addresses and investigates all the above mentioned aspects in which a comprehen-
sive examination is carried out through the application of a realistic jumping load pattern on the
composite floor based upon individual and crowd jumping loads. Besides the impact of higher
vibration modes and the mass participation ratio in dynamic response of the composite floor, the
effect of passive live load in two methods, with and without considering human-structure interac-
tions, are investigated.
The studied structural model is based on an existing structure, the Cardington eight-storey
steel framed building with profiled sheet composite floor, located in the United Kingdom. The
floor dimension is 21 m by 45 m. in the present study, dynamic numerical simulations are consid-
ered. The experimental results are available in El-Dardiry et al. (2006) and Ellis et al. (2010).
Dynamic characteristics of this structure were captured in two scenarios:
(i) One 76 kg person walking across the floor at a defined frequency to generate resonance.
(ii) 32 evenly spaced people (of average mass of 67.6 kg) jumping at the critical frequency on
the floor
In order to achieve occupancy comfort and a safe condition for structures, it is necessary to find
the response of the structure for different types of dynamic loading that may be applied to the
floor. It is reasonable that humans are capable of generating forces much greater than their self-
weight through energetic activities such as jumping. As mentioned before, loads generated by
human being are difficult to predict in detail and amplitude and frequency will vary in different
types of induction. As a result, it is necessary to categorize different induction caused by human
based on frequency domain and amplitude. The most common human loadings can be listed as
604 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Walkin g a n d running lo a d s
In general, walking may be categorized as a regular horizontal human body motion considering at
least one foot in contact with the ground at all times during motion. Generally frequency domain
is in the range of 1.4-2.2Hz (Sahnaci and Kasperski, 2005). Raising and lowering of the body cen-
tre of the mass give rise to vertical loads while horizontal loads are arisen from friction weight
shifting. Rarely in individual cases do horizontal loads cause significant effect except in large scale
loading e.g. crowds or in an unbraced structure.
2.2 J u m p i n g load
Jumping is one of the physical that exerts substantial vertical load due to a sudden impact of
human feet onto the contact body, in the current case, the floor. The action can be described as a
transferring of load with magnitude many times that of the human static mass corresponding to
spiking impulsive force the feet made once the jump ends with a landing. Jumping load is difficult
to quantify and characterize in an exact manner since load at high frequencies cannot be repeated
and is not generally periodic. Much effort is required to make correlations of the load under the
influence of factors such as airborne duration, repetition speed, height of jump, and landing type.
Nonetheless, a great account of attempts has been made to obtain load models for iterated jump-
ing of either single persons or small groups by many researchers (Wyatt, 1985; Ellis and Ji, 1994;
Moreland, 1905; Hansen and Sørensen, 2002), the formulations of which are based on equivalent
static loads (Ellis and Ji, 1994; Kasperski, 2002) and Fourier series representation of load as well
as application of equivalent human structure loads (Tilden, 1913). It should be stated here that
from these studies, load frequencies for individuals, small groups with coordinated action such as
aerobic activities and large crowds at concerts are respectively characterized within the range of
1.2–2.8 Hz, 1.5–2.5 Hz, and 1.8–2.3 Hz. In regard to these activities, Littler (2003) has proposed a
load excitation frequency range of 1.0-3.5 Hz with a mean value of 1.8 Hz for applications.
2.3 Rhythmic exercis e l o a d
Rhythmic exercises are classified most often as unique types of load case and as a subset of jump-
ing cases occasionally, as shown by BRE Digest 426 (Ellis and Ji, 1997). The classification
emerged and formed based on investigations of many structures which experienced vibration
Having previously discussed types of human induced loads, it is essential to note that their model
descriptions are not intuitively straightforward. Several works have been devoted in literature to
provide the representation of aforementioned actions, the complexity of which varies from equiva-
lent models to those consider underlying interactions. Since resonance is the chief concern when
dealing with vibrational responses, it is a normal practice to consider model that captures action
resultants, which are sufficiently small to not surpass the natural frequency of structures and to
not cause distress to the occupants.
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Half- S i n e pulse
Half-sine pulse is the load model that expresses jumping load history as a series of half-sine pulses
as proposed in Bachmann and Ammann (1987). The model is characterized by a specified width
and amplitude, which take the form of contact ratio and impact factor, respectively. The contact
ratio is the time fraction of the jumper during contact with the ground in each jumping cycles
whereas the impact factor is the ratio of maximum force to jumper’s body weight. For conven-
ience, measured pulse of jumping obtained from experiment has been fitted using the half-sine
model given as:
G sin πt
⎟ , 0 ≤t≤ t
0 , t
≤t≤ T
Here, G is the static weight of the person, = Fmax /G = (π/2α) is the impact factor and
Fmax is the peak dynamic load. The contact duration is denoted as , the jumping period is de-
noted as
and α= /
is the contact ratio. It should be noted that equation 1 is applicable
only to time dependent problems. When dealing with steady state responses, frequency domain
model is a better option.
Use o f F o u rier seri e s
Widespread use of Fourier series, a frequency domain model, can be tracked in works in regard to
dynamic loadings owing to the fact that it deals with steady state problems without paying the
cost of significant computational time in comparison to the half-sine variant. The working tem-
plate is based on the division of signal into a summation of sets of sine waves at different fre-
quencies, magnitudes, and phase lags/angles (Figure1). Fourier transform is then utilized to de-
rive meaningful parameters from these sine waves for further post-processing (Figure2).
Figure 1 A measured history for jumping (Rainer and Swallow,
Figure 2 Frequency domain versus magnitude (Rainer and
Swallow, 1986
606 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
The typical Fourier series used to represent periodic human loading, takes the simplified form
in equation 2:
G sin πt
⎟ , 0 ≤t≤ t
0 , t
≤t≤ T
F(t)=G{1 +n
Here, F(t) represents the total force at time t, with G representing the weight of the occupant
in the same unit. Using Fourier transform, the peaks of the frequency domain at integers multi-
plies of forcing frequency that equals to 1/Tp can be obtained by considering a sum of n harmon-
ics. In equation 2, rn is the dynamic load factors (DLFs) given by the Fourier amplitude coeffi-
cients and is the phase angle in radians. Note that it is also feasible to get dynamic load fac-
tors and phase angles from measurements or from the contact ratio of the half-sine pulse model
using procedure proposed by Ji and Wang (2001) (see equations 2.1 and 2.2):
0, α=0.5
⎟,nα≠ 0.5
π/2, nα=0.5
⎟,nα≠ 0.5
The dynamic load factors (DLFs) and phase lags may also be derived from works of other pa-
pers, the function can be modified with
. By changing sine to cosine, it gives a time
series with a maximum at t = 0, which is corrected by presuming t = t – tp throughout. Human
activities can be characterized by different DLFs and phase angles.
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The expansion of single imposed load to a realistic crowd model is intended for a wide variety of
structures where crowds may gather at locations, such as gymnasium, dance floors, and grand-
stands. Previously presented load models are mostly reasonable for the individual or a small
group jumping or dynamic loading but for cases in which floor is encountered with considerable
crowd load, equation 1 and equation 2 are not only conservative but also impractical. In some
recent guidelines it can be seen that coordination and crowd size of dynamic loading are being
considered. ISO guidelines make explicit mention through the introduction of modified load equa-
tion in cases prone to large crowd size. Equation 3 is represented considering all above aspects.
Fv(t)N=C(N)Q[1 +α
sin(2πfnt +φ
Here, Fv(t) is the magnitude of the applied load at time t for a crowd of N people, C(N) is a
coordination factor for a crowd of size N (see Table 1). Q is the weight of the associated crowd, k
the number of DLF, αn is the n-th DLF coefficient which is represented by different people in
different values for different activities. For example in ISO guidance for jumping and dancing and
exercise activities these formulae are represented as:
= 2.1 – 0.15(f) (3.1)
=1.9 – 0.17(2f) (3.2)
= 1.25 – 0.11(3f) (3.3)
Table 1 Various crowd coordination factor
ISO 10137
ISO 10137
ISO 10137
mic ability)
and Ji,
BS 6399-
1, 1996
in load
0.8 0.67 0.5
in load
0.67 0.75
2 0.68 0.5 0.4
3 0.5 0.4 0.3
As a first approximation, the values of,, and can be taken to be 1.7, 1, and 0.4, respec-
tively. Again, f is the activity frequency and is the phase lag associated of n-th harmonic of
608 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
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the load. The subscript v implies that the vertical direction is being considered. In addition, αn
and the phase lag are the parameters. It is noticeable that values of the dynamic coefficient for
the i-th harmonic, αi , are based on a commonly encountered event involving a minimum of 20
persons. It implies that in cases where the source of dynamic load is from less than 20 persons,
load pattern will be taken in the form as shown by equation 2.
Human-structure interaction is defined as the dynamic relationship that is formed from the con-
tribution of attributes of dynamic properties of humans and structure in contact. Similar to other
load models mentioned previously, the interaction model is particularly difficult to describe owing
to underlying complexity since human dynamic properties customarily vary in accordance with
different biomechanics found in terms of independent jumping postures and structure-human con-
tact and release conditions which include also the irregular cycles. To date, there are two primary
techniques for the human-structure interaction description:
• Indirect description – Increase damping parameter in addition to execution of load reduction
• Direct description – Prescribe extra degree of freedom with various parameters on structure to
characterize human contribution
It should be stated here that the significantly simplified indirect method is currently provided
in the User’s Guide-NBC 2005, Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (2006). In the
method, no treatment is addressed for occupancy resonant frequencies. The direct technique is
relatively recent (Sachse et al., 2004; Sachse, 2002) and hence not well established more investiga-
tions are warranted. There is a significant difference between the properties of passive crowd
loads and those active crowd loads in activities such as dancing or jumping. Dynamic mechanical
models with multiple degrees of freedoms have been considered to model human body as spring-
mass system (see Figure 3). The works by (Brownjohn, 1999; Sim et al., 2007; Wei and Griffin,
1998) can be referred for modeling details. Although biomechanical properties of human body are
well documented and model descriptions are developed in detail as a result, these models are ha-
bitually too complicated to be utilized for widespread engineering use. For instance, simulating
individuals as a model with multiple degrees of freedoms for a crowd that consists of a thousand
individuals is highly impractical. However, mean values for load frequency, damping ratio, and
mass of human body have been pro-posed in a relatively recent work and given as 3.7 Hz, 37 %,
and (70-80)kg for passive crowd loads in standing position, respectively (Brownjohn, 1999). It is
essential to state that these values are suggested for a single person. So far, detailed dynamic
properties for crowds are still ill-defined and most model descriptions are extended directly from
those of individual or small groups.
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Figure 3 Simplified dynamic representations of the human body: (a) SDOF model, (b) SDOF model with rigid
2DOF model,
2DOF model with rigid support
Wei and Griffin, 1998
struc t u r a l model desc r i p t ion
The typical plan of a floor of the Cardington steel frame building with a floor slab, constructed
using a trapezoidal steel deck (PMF CF70), light weight concrete, and anti-crack meshes (A142
steel mesh), in the third storey of the structural model of the composite flooring system used in
the present investigation is shown in Figure 4. The overall depth of the slab is 130 mm, with the
mesh placed 15 mm above the steel deck. The investigated building is designed as a non-sway
frame with a central lift shaft and two staircases which had been braced to provide necessary
resistance to lateral loads such as construction and wind loads. The aforementioned composite
floor is supported by beams and columns. The details and the location of different sections used
for beams and columns are provided in Table 2.
Table 2 Sections used for beams and columns (El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006)
Floor element Section Dimensions (mm)
Beams Beam 1 610x229x10 UB
Beams Beam 2 356x171x51 UB
Beams Beam 3 305x167x40 UB
Beams Beam 4 254x146x31 UB
Columns C1 254x245x89 UC
Columns C1 305x305x137 UC
610 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
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Figure 4 Typical plan of Cardington building
El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006
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Finit e E l e m ent Model
For numerical investigations, a finite element (FE) model of the above mentioned composite floor
was developed using commercial software package, SAP2000/Standard version 14.2. An eight-
node solid element was allocated for concrete slab. It is based upon an isoparametric formulation
that includes nine optional incompatible bending modes. For profile sheet, four node quadrilateral
shell element was employed considering Kirchhoff theory (thin plate). The primary and secondary
steel beams and columns have all been modeled utilizing linear beam elements 3DOF. In addition,
according to Mello et al., (2008), it has been shown that the consideration of orthotrophy and its
accuracy depends on the geometry of model and composite slab. Hence, in order to eliminate pos-
sible errors, the present composite floor is modeled without any material description simplification
in the definition of shell and solids elements. Overall, the finite element mesh density contains
129461 joints, 4359 frame elements (beams and column with linear elements 3DOF which are
provided in all intersections of solid and plate elements), 48422 shell elements and 87190 solid
elements. With respect to dynamic response, all significant vertical vibration modes are aimed to
be captured by restricting lateral translation in required connections. All connections are consid-
ered simply supported. Material properties of the floor are given in Table 3.
In order to reduce additional stiffness provided by either pinned or fixed supports, a floor-
column model was considered (De Silva and Thambiratnam, 2009; El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006). The
FE model of this steel-deck composite floor has been validated by comparing the numerical re-
sults for the first few fundamental natural frequencies with those of experimental and numerical
works from literature (El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006). The comparison of the results between the pre-
sent model, experiment and numerical works (El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006) can be seen in Figure 5
and Table 4. Additionally, the first four fundamental natural frequencies and associated mode
shapes as simulated by current model are illustrated in Figure 5.
Table 3 Material properties of the floor (El-Dardiry and Ji, 2006)
Material Young’s modulus
Poisson’s ratio Material density
Steel sheet 210 0.3 7800
Concrete 33.5 0.2 2000
Table 4 Comparison between obtained natural frequencies and literature results
Mode Present study Numerical model (El-Dardiry
and Ji, 2006)
Experiment (El-Dardiry and Ji,
1 7.22 7.35 -
2 7.78 7.67 -
3 7.91 7.76 -
4 8.11 8.17 8.5
5 8.29 8.25 -
6 8.47 8.70 -
612 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
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1st Mode f=7.22 Hz 2nd Mode f= 7.78Hz
3rd Mode f= 7.91Hz 4 th Mode f= 8.11Hz
Figure 5 Fundamental natural frequency
Based on equations 2 and 3, the dynamic load for individual and group jumping can be calculat-
ed. In this study live load comprises of two different types of dynamic and static loads. The first
type is associated with jumping and is called “active live load” (ALL) and the second type is sta-
tionary live load and is called “passive live load” (PLL), the examples of which include human
standing or sitting. For active live loads, two types of forces are considered: PL1 due to an indi-
vidual jumping and PL2 due to 20 people jumping, both load cases are applied in panel 1. In all
cases, normal jumping is applied and the frequency of jumping is considered in a range of 1.8Hz
to 3.5Hz. The average value of person’s weight is taken as 70 kg. Damping ratio is estimated to
be 2 % based on the suggestion of Eliss et al. (2010) by considering live load.
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For the sake of comparison, two types of panels are presented herein. Activity Panel (AP) which
is subjected to jumping loads and Non-Activity Panels (NAP) for those do not experience any
jumping load.
In order to find out the number of essential modes for dynamic analysis, a comprehensive vi-
brational analysis was done by considering individual jumping load at the mid location of panel 1
which gives the maximum deflection values. Dynamic amplification factor (DAF) and the re-
sponse of the composite floor in the loaded panel through different modal analysis were gained.
The dynamic analysis of the structure has been performed in six different circumstances consider-
ing 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 numbers of modes. From investigation of the response of the struc-
ture in each model and comparison of results, the effect of higher modes, the minimum acceptable
mass participation ratio, and sufficient mode numbers in vertical vibration analysis for this struc-
ture which may be applicable for same composite floors and further analysis, can be determined.
To order to find out the number of essential modes for dynamic analysis, a comprehensive
vibrational analysis was done by considering individual jumping load at the mid location of panel
1 which gives the maximum deflection values. Dynamic amplification factor (DAF) and the re-
sponse of the composite floor in the loaded panel through different modal analysis were gained.
The dynamic analysis of the structure has been performed in six different circumstances consider-
ing 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 numbers of modes. From investigation of the response of the struc-
ture in each model and comparison of results, the effect of higher modes, the minimum acceptable
mass participation ratio, and sufficient mode numbers in vertical vibration analysis for this struc-
ture which may be applicable for same composite floors and further analysis, can be determined:
Allowable DAF = 30/ static deflection
In addition to aforementioned parameters, human-structure interaction is investigated in the
present work. Considering Brownjohn (1999), parameters of human body (f = 4.9Hz, damping
ratio = 37 %, and weight of a normal human = 80 kg) are defined as a SDF equivalent system.
Passive live load (PLL) with 80 kg/m2 intensity is subjected to above mentioned panels (10, 11,
12, 13, 14, and 15) while other parameters, jumping load and etc, have been preserved as con-
stant. In this model, which will be called model three, passive live load is modeled as a spring or
a link in which human body is considered as a SDF spring system with its mass, in contrast to
preceding models. In order to find out the influence of this simulation method, the results of dy-
namic analysis (DAF, displacement, and acceleration) are compared with preceding obtained re-
sults from model of the intensity of 80 kg/m2 that are simply considered as an additional mass.
Note passive live load was just considered as additional mass in previous models.
The structural responses in terms acceleration and DAF are obtained in three different groups of
panels: The responses of the activity panel (AP), responses related to the non-activity panel
(NAP) adjacent to activity panel (panel 5), and responses in the non-activity panel in which the
composite floor experiences the presence of the passive live loads (panel 11). All the maximum
acceleration responses in above mentioned panels are used to determine the appropriate occupan-
614 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
cies of the studied panels that complied with human perceptibility criteria mentioned in AISC
Design Guide11.
9.1 Effect of c o n s i d e r i n g h i g h e r m odes regarding Pattern Load 1 (PL 1)
Figure 6 illustrates all possible Dynamic Amplification Factors (DAFs) of dynamic analysis for
different numbers of modes in panel 1. Results for Dynamic Amplification Factors (DAFs) ob-
tained from different numbers of modes indicate that they have high dependency on the number
of considered modes. It is worth mentioning that neither 12 modes nor 6 modes are adequate for
this composite floor dynamic analysis. It should be noted that both above stated cases cannot
capture all possible resonant peaks in panel 1. In other models, composite floor is excited due to
jumping load with three resonant peaks while the models with 6 and 12 modes are excited only in
the first two frequencies, 2.4Hz and 2.7Hz respectively. In these cases 3.3Hz is the frequency
which is discounted. The present composite floor is excited in the third harmonic of jumping load
that is because models with lower numbers of modes (6 and 12 modes) are not excited with load
frequency of 3.3Hz. Because the fundamental natural frequency of the composite floor in the first
mode of vibration is started from 7.22 Hz hence no frequency of jumping load in the first and the
second harmonic could excite the composite floor. As a result, 3.3Hz load frequency of jumping in
the third harmonics of jumping load could excite the mode of the composite floor whose natural
frequency is close to 9.9Hz. This can be properly addressed and seen in the FFT curve plotted in
Figure 7. On the other hand, models with 6 and 12 numbers of modes do not include this fre-
quency (9.9Hz) in which the composite floor could be excited. In addition, numerical values of
DAF in these two models do not reach the possible value of DAF which could be exerted. This is
because of low mass participation ratio in these models (see Table 5).
Table 5 Properties of models with different numbers of vibration modes
Number of modes Mass participation ratio DLF’s amplitude at 2.7Hz
6 9.56% 1.07
12 18.67% 1.09
18 45.87% 1.1
24 65.19% 1.1
30 72% 1.12
36 88% 1.12
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 615
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Figure 6 Dynamic amplification factors in panel 1 due to PL1 Figure 7 Fourier Amplitude Spectrum Analysis
due to 3.3Hz load frequency of PL1
Although models with 18 and 24 modes could excite the composite floor in all possible critical
frequencies and reach the three possible main peaks of vibration (2.4Hz, 2.7Hz, and 3.2Hz), be-
cause of inadequate mass participation ratio could not reach the ultimate values of displacements
in these peaks. Despite an increase in the mass participation ratio from model with 18 numbers of
modes to model with 24 numbers of modes, there is no important change in the displacement
values. It implies that though there is high increase in the mass contribution from model with 18
modes to model with 24, this contribution due to behavior of mode shape does not have im-
portant effect on the panel 1 displacements and responses. Noticeably, 30 modes seem to be suffi-
cient consideration of modes numbers to be used. It can be seen that there are no considerable
changes in DAF amplitude and displacements of the model with 30 modes compared to the model
with 36 modes. From these observations, 30 modes with 72% mass participation ratio and 1.12
DAF’s amplitude are considered having reliable mode numbers for this composite floor and the
next sets of analysis.
2 Response of A c tivity Panel (AP, i.e. P 1) d u e t o d i f f erent intensit i e s o f P a s s i v e L i v e
Load ( P L L 1 t o PLL7, sub j e c t e d to panel s 1 0 to 15) and P a t t e rn Load 2 ( P L 2 )
From DAF curves shown in Figure 8, it is quite clear that in all cases of PLL, without presence of
PLL (PLL1) and with different intensities of PLL (PLL2 - PLL7), three distinctive peaks can be
observed. It is remarkable to state that in all different values of PLL, first and third peaks turned
out to produce the same amplitude of DAF at similar load frequencies which are 2.4Hz and
3.2Hz, respectively. It is interesting that, load frequency of 2.4Hz could cause resonance at modes
1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, and 6 for PLL1 to PLL7, respectively. Figure 9 illustrates this phenomenon
through an FFT analysis. FFT analysis showed that load frequency of 2.4Hz in its third harmonic
excites the composite floor with natural frequency of 7.188Hz.
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factor
Load Frequency (Hz)
! # % ' !
616 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Figure 8 Dynamic amplification factors in panel 1 due to different
Figure 9 Fourier amplitude spectrum analysis due to 2.4Hz
load frequency of PL2
Figure 10 Natural frequency variations due to PLLs in first six
Figure 11 Natural frequency variations due to PLLs from 7th mode
to 12th mode
From 10 and Figure 11 (the variations of natural frequencies associated with variation of in-
tensity of passive live loads in the 12 first modes of vibration), it can be realized that the range of
variations of natural frequencies due to variations of intensity of PLL in the first six modes of
vibration are quite noticeable (see Figure 10). That is why load frequency of 2.4Hz could excite
the composite floor in a wide variety of different modes in the first six modes (1th to 6th). As
aforementioned, this load frequency could cause a resonance at 7.2 Hz of the composite floor nat-
ural frequency. Therefore, this frequency (7.2Hz) occurs in different modes of each case of PLL
and the range of variation is from first to sixth mode corresponding to the intensity of PLL. On
the contrary, load frequency of 3.2Hz excites the composite floor only at two different modes, 15th
or 16th modes, in all ranges of intensity of PLL. This phenomenon indicates that in higher modes
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factors
Frequency (Hz)
! # % ' !
$ $ ! !$
Frequency (Hz)
Passive live load (PLL1 to PLL7) (kg/m2)
# &$
$ $ !
Frequency (Hz
Passive Live Load (PLL1 to PLL7)(kg/m2)
mode 7 mode 8 mode 9
mode 10 mode 11 mode 12
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 617
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
the effect of intensity of PLL is insignificant and the rate of increase in the natural frequency in
higher vibration modes reduces substantially. This implies that higher stiffness is found for the
composite floor when submitted to the different intensities of PLL in higher modes of vibration.
It should be noted that the most important peak was the second one which is associated with
load frequencies of 2.7Hz or 2.6Hz. While there is no PLL (PLL1) applied to the composite floor,
this peak happens at 2.7Hz. In other cases of PLL (PLL2 to PLL7) this frequency of peak occurs
somewhat alternately at 2.6Hz or 2.7Hz. A regular decline in the DAF amplitude is expected,
corresponding with a rise in intensity of PLL. But, there is an observable exception in the case of
200 kg/m2 of intensity of PLL with the introduction of 1.384 as DAF amplitude at 2.7Hz. And
the second higher peak, as is expected, occurs in absence of PLL (PLL1) at 2.7Hz frequency as
mentioned previously. The other DAF amplitude, related to the rest of intensities of PLL, show a
normal compliance with expected trends. Generally, the variations in DAF amplitude in the ac-
tivity panel are not that high because of considerable distance from panels subjected to PLL.
Table 6 Maximum Accelerations in the panel 1 (m/s2)
Resonant point PLL1 PLL2 PLL3 PLL4 PLL5 PLL6 PLL7
( 2.4Hz) 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
(2.7Hz and 2.6
HZ) 1.99 1.71 1.8 1.61 1.66 2.15 1.71
(3.2Hz) 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77
Table 6 shows the maximum accelerations in panel 1 for the three evident peaks of resonance
happened due to group jumping load (PL 2). Similar trends to the DAF curve are quite obvious
here. Maximum accelerations due to 2.4Hz and 3.3Hz frequencies of dynamic load are constant in
all cases of PLL with 1.56 m/s2 and 1.7 m/s2, respectively. On the other hand, the accelerations
associated with the load frequency of 2.7Hz which possess almost the highest acceleration, vary in
different intensities of PLL. DAFs trend (Figure 8) does not match thoroughly the trend of accel-
erations variations. However, the highest acceleration values are related to the load frequency of
2.7Hz, in some few cases of PLL the maximum accelerations emerge at the load frequency of
3.2Hz which had the lowest DAF’s amplitude among the three main peaks of DAF.
618 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Figure 12 Maximum accelerations for second resonant peak
due to different PLLs in panel 1
Figure 13 Maximum dynamic displacements for second resonant
peak due to different PLLs in panel 1
For the sake of comparison between acceleration and dynamic displacement trends (i.e. dis-
placements due to jumping load without considering effects of self-weight and PLL) considering
the second peak of resonance (i.e. 2.7 Hz and in some cases 2.6Hz), Figure 12 and Figure 13 can
be referred. In general, to some extent both trends have depicted similar trends with some differ-
ences. A descending trend with the presence of PLL (PLL2 to PLL7) for the acceleration trend is
obvious, except a significant rise in PLL6 which presents the highest value of acceleration. Apart
from a gentle increase of dynamic displacement in PLL2, the rest of dynamic displacement curve
match the acceleration graph. Moreover, both graphs (i.e. acceleration and displacement graphs)
experience a slight peak during their descending behavior in PLL3 and PLL4, respectively.
Figure 14 Maximum total displacements for second resonant
peak due to different PLLs in panel 1
Figure 15 Dynamic amplification factors in panel 5 due to different
$ $ ! !$
Acceleration (m/s2)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2) (!
$ $ ! !$
Dynamic Displacement (mm)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
$ $ !
Total Displacement (mm)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factors
Frequency (Hz)
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 619
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
In view of comparison between total displacement (Figure 14) and dynamic displacement, it
can be summarized that although the presence of PLL (PLL2 to PLL7) causes upward deflections
in this activity panel, generally both trends are similar.
Table 6 summarizes that although in all cases of PLL maximum DAF amplitude are related to
the second peak of DAF curve, maximum acceleration values at the second peak do not show the
highest value in the all cases of PLL. But it can be mentioned that the most severe one which
happens at the load case of 200 kg/m2 belongs to the second peak of DAF.
Respons e o f N o n - A ctivity Pan e l ( N A P , i .e. P 5) due to dif f e r e n t intensiti e s o f P a ssive
Live L o a d ( PLL1 to PLL7 , s u b jected to p a n e l s 10 to 1 5 ) a n d Pattern L o a d 2 (PL
As can be observed in Figure 15, panel 5 in the all cases of PLL is excited only at one peak of
resonance which is observed at the unique frequency of load, 2.6 Hz. On the contrary with activi-
ty panel (P 1), the minimum DAF amplitude of the present panel occurs in the PLL1 (i.e. zero
passive live load). Immediately after presence of the passive live load (PLL2), the DAF amplitude
reaches its maximum value. The rest of the other load cases in terms of DAF amplitude are be-
tween the above mentioned load cases. The presence of passive live load (PLL2 to PLL7) could
affect mode shape of the composite floor in a way that causes severe displacement in PLL2 load
The variation of the maximum accelerations in the present panel corresponding to the differ-
ent PLL is depicted in Figure 16. It is obvious that the behavior of the acceleration trend of the
present panel is quite in contrast to panel 1. When the composite floor is subjected to the passive
live load (PLL2), a drastic increase in acceleration value can be seen. From 1.4 m/s2 at PLL2,
values of acceleration drop gradually to 1.29 m/s2 at PLL7. In general, submission of passive live
load (PLL2 to PLL7) to the composite floor in panel 5 causes a significant increase in accelera-
tion. Total displacement curve shown in Figure 17 presents a similar manner to the trend of the
acceleration variation in the present panel
Figure 16 Maximum accelerations for resonant peaks to differ-
ent PLLs in panel 5
Figure 17 Maximum total displacements for resonant peaks due to
different PLLs in panel 5
$ $ ! !$
Acceleration (m/s2)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
$ $ ! !$
Total Displacement (mm)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
620 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
9.4 Response of N o n-Activit y Panel submitted to P a s sive L ive L o a d ( N A P , i . e . P 11) d u e
to dif f e r e nt intensi t i e s of Passive L i v e Load (PLL1 t o P L L 7 , subjected t o p a n els 10 to 1 5 )
and Pat t e r n Load 2 (PL 2 )
Figure 18 Dynamic amplification factors in panel 11 due to
different PLLs
Figure 19 Maximum accelerations values due to different PLLs in
panel 11
In Figure 18, it is realized that while there is no passive live load submitted on the composite
floor, the present panel is excited at 2.6 Hz frequency of jumping load with 1.065 amplitude of
DAF, which is quite lower than preceding investigated panels. That is due to the notable distance
of the present panel to the activity panel. In addition, there is no considerable peak in the pres-
ence of the passive live loads (PLL2 to PLL7) in comparison with PLL1. Passive live loads (PLL2
to PLL7) are submitted to the present composite floor directly and it gives rise to higher flexibil-
ity for this panel. This phenomenon causes a reduction of DAF amplitude in the present panel.
However, there are irregular small peaks at different load frequencies and the range of these fre-
quencies is from 2Hz to 3Hz.
Table 7 Maximum accelerations in panel 11 (m/s2)
2 Hz - - - - 0.04 - -
2.1 Hz - - - 0.06 - - -
2.3 Hz - 0.15 - - - - -
2.6 Hz 0.66 - - 0.1 - - 0.08
2.8 Hz - - - - - 0.09 -
3 Hz - - - - 0.08 - -
3.1 Hz - - - - - - -
3.2 Hz - - - 0.14 - - -
3.3 Hz - - 0.16 - - - -
maximum 0.66 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.08 0.09 0.08
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic Amplification factor
Frequency (Hz)
$ $ ! !$
Acceleration (m/s2)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 621
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
With respect to the existence of the multi peaks for each load case in DAF curve, maximum
accelerations are taken in each case of loading which are shown in Table 7. Maximum accelera-
tion curve associated with the highest value of Table 7 is displayed in the Figure 19. Submission
of PLL2 to the composite floor gives rise to a dramatic drop in the value of maximum accelera-
tion with some fluctuations thereafter.
Figure 20 Maximum dynamic displacements values due to
different PLLs in panel 11
Figure 21 Maximum total displacements values due to different
PLLs in panel
Maximum dynamic displacements curve in the present panel, which is illustrated in the Fig-
ure 20, show a similar trend to the maximum acceleration curve of this panel. On the other hand,
total displacements curve in the Figure 21 shows an evident contrast to the maximum dynamic
displacements curve. The total displacement curve increases gradually with the presence of PLL2
to PLL7 whereas an opposite behavior for maximum dynamic displacements curve can be seen
from PLL2 to PLL7. This observation indicates the direct effect of the distance between the pre-
sent investigated panel and activity panel. In the present panel, due to unimportant effects of the
dynamic loading compared to the effect of the intensity of passive live loads, the total displace-
ments are just affected by the intensity of passive live load. In other words, increase of intensity
of live load causes a direct rise in the displacements values.
Based on the fundamental theory (F = ma), a gradual reduction in the values of the maxi-
mum accelerations is expected when the mass of the composite floor is increased. As mentioned
earlier, in all cases of the present analysis for different intensities of PLL, the jumping load (PL2)
is constant. As a result, produced energy due to the dynamic loading in all cases of different PLL
is kept unchanged. In general, as expected, with rise in mass, acceleration values drop. As can be
seen in the Figure 19, apparently in some cases of PLL for the present panel, trend of the acceler-
ation variations does not comply with the theory particularly in the present panel at PLL3 which
has greater value of acceleration than PLL2. Moreover, in panel 1 and panel 5, unexpected signif-
icant increases in acceleration values are obvious at PLL6 and PLL2, respectively.
For the case of panel 11, it can be seen that selected accelerations for Figure 19 are chosen
from a wide variety of different frequencies of maximum accelerations. Then, the produced ener-
gies vary from one case to another. Panel 11 of the present composite floor in PLL2 is excited at
2.3Hz frequency and with 80 kg/m2 it is excited at 3.3Hz. These load frequencies excite the com-
$ $ ! !$
Dynamic Displacement (mm)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
$ $ ! !$
Total Displacements (mm)
Intensity of passive live load (kg/m2)
622 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
posite floor in the third harmonic of jumping load. So, regarding to natural frequencies of these
cases it is found that the 50 kg/m2 load case (PLL2) is excited in the first mode while the 80
kg/m2 is excited at 17th mode with higher value mass participation compared to PLL2. In this
case, the most important effect of additional mass is on the variation of mode shapes and the
frequency of possible peaks. These two abovementioned cases are close in terms of the mass of the
structure rather than frequency of excitation. As a result, with a small difference in mass, a con-
siderable difference in excitation frequency is found.
But in the case of panel 1 and panel 5, although produced energies for selected higher acceler-
ations in each particular panel are resulted from similar frequency (i.e. load frequency of 2.7Hz for
Figure 8 in panel 1 and load frequency of 2.6Hz for Figure 15 in panel 5), the input energy relat-
ed to each of passive live load varies from each other. For example, input energies for PLL1,
PLL2, and PLL6 in the frequency of 2.7Hz are 135625 N-mm, 128892 N-mm, and 145687 N-mm.
Meanwhile, in the case of maximum acceleration, resulted kinetic energy is higher than other
cases while the modal damping has the lowest value. As a result, considering modal damping and
the input energy associated with modal mass, the observed trend seems to be rational.
10.1 Resp o n s e o f A c t i v ity Panel (AP, i.e. P 1) due to 80 kg/m2 inten s i t y o f P a s sive Live
Load ( P L L 1 t o PLL7, sub j e c t e d to panel s 1 0 to 15) a n d P a t tern Load 2 ( P L 2 )
Figure 22 Dynamic amplification factor in panel 1 considering three
different models
1, 2, 3
Figure 23 Maximum accelerations in panel 1 considering
models 1, 2, and 3
Considering human body properties on the non-activity panels (panel 10 to panel 15) in the mod-
eling procedure of the passive live load of 80 kg/m2 submitted to the composite floor resulted in
interesting findings. Figure 22 and Figure 23 depict the irrefutable effect of the human body in-
teraction with structure on the obtained responses for DAFs and accelerations. By including the
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factor
Frequency (Hz)
! "
Acceleration (m/s2)
Model number
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 623
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
human body and structure interaction in the simulation procedure, it is found that damping ratio
of the structure has a noticeable increase compared to the ordinary model with same condition of
passive live load (PLL2). In contrast to the other models, third peak of the resonance vanishes
herein. First point and second point of DAF curve are observed at 2.4Hz and 2.6Hz, respectively.
The peak resulted from 2.6Hz has lower DAF amplitude compared to the first peak related to
2.4Hz load frequency. In general, a drop in DAF amplitude can be seen. It should be noted that
in the present panel, all other cases with different intensities of passive live load at the first peak
at 2.4Hz have unique amplitude but in this model the amplitude of the load frequency of 2.4Hz
In the case of maximum accelerations, as can be seen in the Figure 23, models of PLL1(model
1) and PLL3 considering passive live load as an additional mass (ordinary model) are compared
to the model of PLL3 in which human body interaction with structure had been included (model
3). Complying with expectations, results show a descending trend from 1.99 m/s2 for model 1 to
1.22 m/s2 for model 3.
Table 8 Acceleration in panels 1 considering human-structure interaction (m/s2)
Resonant frequency PLL1 PLL3 PLL3 considering human structure interaction
2.4Hz 1.56 1.56 1.2
2.6Hz or 2.7Hz 1.99 1.8 1.22
3.2Hz 1.77 1.77 -
Table 9 Displacements in panel 1 considering human-structure interaction
Resonant frequency PLL1 PLL3 PLL3 considering human structure interaction
2.4Hz 1.96 1.96 1.81
2.6Hz or 2.7Hz 1.96 1.94 1.78
3.2Hz 1.77 1.77 -
maximum 1.96 1.96 1.81
From Table 8 and Table 9, it can be summarized that the trend of variation of displacements
is similar to the acceleration graph. It should be noted that both frequencies (2.4Hz and 2.6Hz) in
the third model have noticeable reductions in the acceleration values whereas model 2 does not
show any change in the acceleration and displacement values compared to model 1 at frequencies
2.4Hz and 3.2Hz.
624 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
10.2 R e s p o n s e of Non-Act i v i t y Panel (NA P , i . e. P 5) due t o 8 0 kg/m2 intens i t y o f Passive
Live L o a d ( PLL1 to PLL7 , s u b jected to p a n e l s 10 to 15 ) a n d Pattern L o a d 2 (PL 2)
Figure 24 Dynamic amplification factor in panel 5 considering three
different models
1, 2, 3
Figure 25 Maximum accelerations in panel 5 considering
models 1, 2, and 3
By investigating Figure 24, DAF curves, it is found that human-structure interaction model could
affect notably on the DAF curve. Considering this interaction, there is no longer important peaks.
In this case, just peaks remain with a fluctuation in the range of 2Hz to 3.4Hz whose maximum
peaks occur at 2.5Hz of the jumping load frequency with 1.02 amplitude of DAF. In addition,
maximum accelerations of consideration of human-structure interaction, model 3, significantly
drop to 0.1 m/s2 from a maximum point of 1.36m/s2 in model 2 which is displayed in Figure 25.
Respons e o f N on Activit y P a n e l submitte d t o P assive Liv e L o a d (NAP, i.e. P 1 1 ) due
to d ifferent i ntensity o f P a s s i v e Live L o ad ( P L L 1 to P L L 7, s u b j e cted t o panels 1 0 t o 15)
and Pat t e r n Load 2 (PL 2 )
Figure 26 Dynamic amplification factors in panel 11 considering
three different models
1, 2, 3
Figure 27 Maximum acceleration in panel 11 considering
model 1, 2, 3
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factor
Frequency (Hz)
! "
Acceleration (m/s2)
Model number
' ! !! !# !% !' " "! "#
Dynamic amplification factor
Frequency (Hz)
! "
Acceleration (m/s2)
Model number
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 625
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Figure 26 shows DAF curves in the present panel that illustrated a dramatic plunge in the ampli-
tude of DAF. In fact, the DAF curve changes to a complete steady line and there is no peak in
the model when human-structure interaction is included. Consequently, maximum accelerations
values diminish dramatically and reduce to 0.033 m/s2 for model 3. The variations of the acceler-
ations trend can be seen in Figure 27.
Modal d a m p i n g
In general, total energy component of the structure can be written as below:
Input energy = kinetic energy + potential energy + modal damping
In order to figure out the effect of the link model of human body on the composite floor, it is
possible to compare the modal damping of cases, additional mass of passive live loads, and mass
as a spring link.
Figure 28 Modal damping in two different models of passive live load
Figure 28 depicts the differences of presented models (ordinary model of human mass, model 2,
and spring model of human mass, model 3) which can be seen in Table 10 in numerical form.
Generally, human-structure model could increase modal damping in the range of 2.5 to 5 %.
' !" !' ""
Modal damping (Nmm)
Frequency (Hz)
626 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Table 10 Modal Damping for mode1s 2 and 3 (N-mm)
(Hz) Model 2(PLL3) Model 3 (PLL3 through considering
human structure interaction)
rate of increase in
modal damping
1.8 8144.96 8389.3088 1.03
1.9 7811.49 8006.77725 1.025
2 10088.83 10492.3832 1.04
2.1 10983.94 11423.2976 1.04
2.2 13357.77 13892.0808 1.04
2.3 15612.46 16393.083 1.05
2.4 23405.84 24576.132 1.05
2.5 53426.39 55830.57755 1.045
2.6 62149 65256.45 1.05
2.7 83460.71 87633.7455 1.05
2.8 62000 64480 1.04
2.9 31733.56 32685.5668 1.03
3 26370.48 27161.5944 1.03
3.1 28381.16 29090.689 1.025
3.2 38816.35 39980.8405 1.03
3.3 48278.54 49726.8962 1.03
3.4 38304.79 39453.9337 1.03
3.5 41920.98 43178.6094 1.03
11 R E M A R K S
In order to evaluate different investigated panels from the aspect of DAF’s amplitude, limits are
defined and have been compared to the DAF amplitude obtained from dynamic analysis using the
present model. Referring to the preceding texts of the present study, acceptable values of DAF
amplitude can be taken as presented values in the following for the different panels:
• DAF amplitude limit for panel 1 in all cases = conservatively about 6-7.
• DAF amplitude limit for panel 5 in all cases of loading = approximately 5-6.
• DAF amplitude limit for panel 11 = 2.5 to 6 corresponding to different PLLs
As a result, in all presented cases, no DAFs’ amplitude found from the numerical models
has exceeded the limit values of DAF.
We have given extensive treatment to the computation of several dynamic characteristics
and responses of the composite floor. We now wish to present in Table 11 a summary of accepta-
ble types of occupancy in each investigated panel, based on Murray (1975) and AISC Design
Guide 11 criteria. Each discussed panel is investigated for all possible passive live load cases.
Table also includes the model with the consideration of human-structure interaction.
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 627
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
Table 11 Summary of occupancy fit-outs for various load consideration
Live Load)
50 kg/m2
Live Load)
80 kg/m2
Live Load)
100 kg/m2
Live Load)
150 kg/m2
Live Load)
200 kg/m2
Live Load)
240 kg/m2
Live Load)
80 kg/m2
model 0f
Live Load
Panel 1 Occupancy
Panel 5 Occupancy
aOccupancy (U) Uncomfortable
bOccupancy (1) Rhythmic activities / aerobics / dance- type loads
cOccupancy (2) Shopping malls (centres) / weightlifting / Stores / manufacturing / warehouse /walkways/ stairs
dOccupancy (3) Office / residencies / hotels / multi - family apartments / school rooms / libraries
eOccupancy (4) Hospitals / laboratories / critical working areas (e.g. operating theatres, precision laboratories)
In general, there is no comfortable condition in panel 1 due to all different passive live load
cases. Furthermore, submitting any intensity of passive live load cases on the composite floor
brings uncomfortable occupancies as well. If there is no PLL on the composite floor, panels 5 and
11 could obtain occupancy (1) as a comfort condition. It is interesting to note that in spite of
uncomfortable description for panel 5 in presence of all PLL cases, when human-structure interac-
tion is considered, a level of comfort with occupancy (2) is achieved for composite floor.
Contrary to panel 5, by introducing passive live load (PLL) cases to the composite floor, the
level of comfort in panel 11 has been increased from occupancy 1 in NLL load case to higher lev-
els of comfort, 2 and 3. Also, consideration of human-structure interaction has mitigated the level
of comfort from occupancy (2) to occupancy (3) for PLL3 (80 kg/m2) load case.
Dynamic characteristics of the composite floor system of Cardington steel frame building subject-
ed to the individual and group jumping loads have been examined using finite element modeling
technique. Different intensities of passive live load are applied and the resulting responses of the
structure in the activity panel and non-activity panels have been investigated. In one of the cases,
effect of human-structure interaction has been incorporated and explored. Higher modes of vibra-
628 A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10(2013) 601 – 630
tion are found to be significant and they have been taken into account in the dynamic analysis.
Obtained results have been used to evaluate the suitability of different panels, activity panel
(AP) and non-activity panel (NAP), for different occupancies. The main findings of this study
can be listed as followings:
• In addition to the fundamental modes, it is essential to consider higher modes of vibration for
composite floor particularly in real composite floor with notable dimensions as they can partici-
pate in all possible cases of excitation by the higher harmonic of human activity resulting in multi
modal vibration. It is found that, in contrast to previous studies, current investigation covers all
possible vibration modes through the consideration of 30 modes.
• Acceptable mass participation ratio, in order to capture all serious vibration modes, is 72 %
which can be applicable to the other similar composite floors with dimensions that are significant-
ly large.
• First and second harmonics do not cause vibration problems in all considered cases for this
work. Possible vibration problems only occur at the third harmonic of jumping load. Consequent-
ly, for composite floor with large dimension and relative high natural frequencies, the significant
vibration problems and resonance may occur for third harmonic of dynamic loading.
• Although the DAFs amplitude and deflection may found to be in the acceptable range, they
cannot guarantee acceptable responses for the acceleration and level of comfort. Both deflection
and acceleration criteria must be assessed.
• Presence of passive live load alone always does not always have the same effect on the behav-
ior of activity panel. Depending on different intensities and locations of passive live loads, in-
crease or decline in accelerations of composite floor are observed.
• Regarding to notable distance between activity panel and non-activity panels subjected to
passive live loads, the variations of DAF amplitude in activity panel are not significant. For par-
ticular case of intensity and coordination of passive live load, the response of the structure may
vary and must be investigated in each specific case. Generally, in activity panel, DAF amplitude
is affected by intensity of jumping load rather than the intensity of passive live load.
• The responses of the non-activity panels vary from panel to panel depending on the distance
from activity panel and intensity of passive live load as well as the type of non-activity panel in
terms of being subjected to passive live load or not. For example, panel 5 in presence of passive
live load in panel 11 experiences remarkable increase in acceleration whereas panel 11 in presence
of passive live load undergoes significantly lower acceleration compared to PLL1 load case. So, it
can be deduced that the most suitable panel to comply with requirement can be found by dynam-
ic analysis through considering type of activity and intensity of passive live load.
• In general, human-structure interaction model, as a new approach in composite floor response
simulation, contributes a rise in damping coefficient from 2.5% to 5% for 80 kg/m2 passive live
load case. Consideration of this method of simulation may produce more realistically economical
result for dynamic responses.
A. Behnia et al / Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load 629
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