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Abstract and Figures

In this research, we address the following questions that are becoming increasingly important to managers in automotive industries: is there a relationship between customer service and product quality with customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of the Indian automotive industry? If yes, how is the relationship between these four variables? The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fast growing globally. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the most important factors that affect the automotive industry. On the other hand, Customer service can be considered as an innate element of industrial products. Customer service quality, product quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty can be measured at different stages, for example, at the beginning of the purchase, and one or two years after purchase. The population of the study is all of the Tata Indica car owners in Pune. Hypotheses of the study will be analyzed using regression and ANOVA. Results of the study show that there are high positive correlation between the constructs of costumer service and product quality with costumer satisfaction and loyalty.
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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 7; [Special Issue June 2011]
Study the Effects of Customer Service and Product Quality on Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty
Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi (Corresponding Author)
PhD Scholar in Business Administration
Department of Commerce & Research Center
University of Pune, India
E-mail:, Phone: 00919890581970
Mohammad Ali Hajizadeh Gashti
Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia,
Seyed Abbas Mirdamadi
PhD Scholar in Banking and Finance
Department of Commerce & Research Center, University of Pune, India
Khaled Nawaser
MBA - Marketing Management, University of Pune, India
Seyed Mohammad Sadeq Khaksar
Master of Information Technology Management, University of Sistan & Bluchestan, Iran
In this research, we address the following questions that are becoming increasingly important to managers in
automotive industries: is there a relationship between customer service and product quality with customer
satisfaction and loyalty in the context of the Indian automotive industry? If yes, how is the relationship
between these four variables? The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of
the fast growing globally. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the most important factors that affect the
automotive industry. On the other hand, Customer service can be considered as an innate element of
industrial products. Customer service quality, product quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty can be
measured at different stages, for example, at the beginning of the purchase, and one or two years after
purchase. The population of the study is all of the Tata Indica car owners in Pune. Hypotheses of the study
will be analyzed using regression and ANOVA. Results of the study show that there are high positive
correlation between the constructs of costumer service and product quality with costumer satisfaction and
Key Words: Product Quality, Customer Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Tata Indica.
1. Introduction
What is the relation between four concepts of product and service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in
Indian automotive industry? The literature of this study can be divided into two main categories:
1) The effect of customer service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction
Proponents of this theory include researchers such as Yi, (1990); Bloemer, et al (1998); Bastos and Gallego
(2008); Chai et al, (2009). Thus far, the few studies discuss about the effect of customer service and product
qualities on customer satisfaction have been on car owners. Using the critical incident technique, Archer and
Wesolowsky (1996) look at how satisfaction with product and service quality simultaneously affects the
intention of owners in automobile industry (Chai et al, 2009). In this regard, Bastos and Gallego (2008)
provide evidence that customer service quality directly affects satisfaction and satisfaction directly affects the
positive behavioral intentions.
2) Relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty has been observed in several studies such as Coyne (1989);
Oliva et al., (1992); Fornell (1992); Guiltinan, et al. (1997); Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt (2000); Bowen, and Chen
(2001); Bansal and Gupta (2001); Silvestro, and Low (2006).
The Special Issue on Behavioral and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
Satisfaction and loyalty are not surrogates for each other (Shankar ad Amy, 2002; Bloemer and Kasper 1995;
Oliver 1999). It is possible for a customer to be loyal without being highly satisfied (e.g., when there are few
other choices) and to be highly satisfied and yet not be loyal (e.g., when many alternatives are available).
(Shankar ad Amy, 2002) The results of Bowen, and Chen (2001) study verified the nonlinear and asymmetric
relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. When satisfaction increased above a
threshold, purchase loyalty went up rapidly and when satisfaction dropped below a threshold level, purchase
loyalty decreased equally rapidly. Guiltinan, et al. (1997) believed that satisfied customers are more likely to
be repeat (and even become loyal) customers. Fornell (1992) have found strong correlations between
satisfaction and loyalty. According to Mittal et al. (1999) the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty
changes over time. However, the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty is expected to be dependent on
the quality of the product and services. This study also is aimed at assessing the relationship between
customer service and product quality with customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of the Indian
automotive industry. This made the researcher to provide answers to the research question, to be able to
achieve the objective of the study and to test the research hypotheses.
2. Theoretical Framework of the Study
2-1 Customer Service Quality
Quality has been defined as fitness for use, or the extent to which a product successfully serves the purposes
of consumers (Beverly et al., 2002). Customer service is one of the organizational processes which companies
perform considering the growing competition and for attracting entrepreneurial opportunities for increasing
profitability and better access to the market and increasing the customer satisfaction and loyalty level (Calif,
1987). According to Goofin and Price (1996) customer service has importance because it ends in increasing
product quality, gaining competitive advantage, gaining profitable opportunities, and as a result increasing
sales and income. As we can observe from following figure, According to Newby & McManus (2000)
excellent quality of customer services is based upon not just the knowledge and skills of the individual but
also upon the way that the organization as a whole, from top management downwards, pulls in the same
direction and presents a clear, positive message to customers.
Figure 1 shows the key features of excellent customer service (Newby & McManus 2000)
The domain of the activities related to customer service is vast. Tour and Kumar (2003) have mentioned
duties and functions of this section in the form of installation and startup services, training, maintain and
repair, documentation, providing logistic and spare parts, improving products, software services, warranty and
call center service. Recognition of profitable opportunities is considered in order to present electronic
customer service in this industry with developing communicational infrastructure and development of
utilization of technology in car manufacturing companies. Services which are presented by car manufacturing
industry today are informational, training, communicational, leasing, repairing and maintenance services, and
also innovational services (considering data mining functions) (Khaksar et al. 2010). Presenting informational
services is in the line of informing customers about new products, information regarding service centers and
also car news. Today, large car manufacturers present their informational services utilizing email, Short
Message Service, and websites (Wilson et al, 1999). Presenting suitable training services create possibility for
increasing the level of customer service and hence the customer satisfaction. Using trained staffs also,
increases the accountability of the company (Nilda et al, 2009). The objective of customer training and
informing in Tata Motors Company is to familiarize a customer with his / her vehicle.
Maintenance schedule explained.
Salient features of the vehicle are explained.
Tips for safe driving & handling of vehicle are given.
Tips given for achieving better fuel economy.
Tips are given for fault diagnosis & troubleshooting - in order that customer develops necessary
confidence to take care of minor troubles which may immobilize the car viz. fuse blowing, air lock in fuel
system, etc.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 7; [Special Issue June 2011]
Table 1 shows the different kinds of Customer Services in automotive industry (Khaksar et al. 2010)
Customer Services in Automotive Industry
Discovery services
Discovering new needs of customers and creating new entrepreneurial
Repair and maintenance services
Changing, cleaning, installing, and restarting up the parts.
Leasing services
Customer can afford and change cars every 3 years without hassles or
trading in.
Communicational services
After sold, establish a long term relationship with customers for any
Informational services
Informing customers about new products, car news and service centers.
Training services
Explain maintenance schedule and salient features of the vehicle. Tips for
fault diagnosis & troubleshooting and safe driving & handling of vehicle.
Presenting communicational services is directly related to customer satisfaction. Customers after purchasing
products may have doubts in their decision making; the only way to manage this uncertainty is to establish a
long term relationship with customers (Flynn et al, 2002). One of the strategies of presenting better customer
services in car manufacturing industry is to provide proper trainings to personnel and customers (Khaksar et
al, 2010). Leasing contracts usually concluded and enforced in the framework of lease condition acquisition.
Leasing services in car manufacturing industry increase the purchase power of people and lead to increase the
sales of the company. Car leasing is one option for acquiring a new vehicle. Instead of buying a new car with
a bank loan, customer rent or lease the car for 3 or more years then give it back to the leasing company at the
end, with a residual value of about 50% of when the car was new. Providing repair and maintenance is the
inseparable part of customer service in car manufacturing industry. Maintenance means changing, cleaning,
installing, and restarting up the parts which has problems (Calif, 1987). Discovery services refer to the
services that company do for detecting defects in the product and rectifying them without causing any loss for
the customers. Discovery services have also used for discovering new needs and creating new entrepreneurial
opportunities. (Kruse et al, 2010). For implementing this type of services, company tests its products in some
markets and with utilizing benchmarking mechanisms satisfaction of the product will be analyzed.
2-2 Product Quality
Tata Motors is committed to attain leadership through business excellence in the car sector while upholding
values and integrity to improve the quality of life of the communities Tata Motors serves (Hanno, Christian,
2009). Meeting the highest quality standards and customers‟ needs in India, Tata Motors Company offers
high quality automobiles. Their aim in developing their products is to be Indian leaders in value and
satisfaction. Quality has been an elusive concept in automotive industry. It is the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs (Winder, 1996 and
Chavan, 2003). If a product fulfils the customer‟s expectations, the customer will be pleased and consider that
the product is of acceptable or even high quality. While studies on the way in which quality affects customer
satisfaction have been going for more than two decades, most of the research on how quality affect
satisfaction and loyalty in the past has focused largely in pure product (e.g. Garvin 1988, Gronroos 1983,
Steenkamp 1990) or pure service settings (e.g. Brady and Cronin 2001, Oliver 1997, Parasuraman et al.
1985). Some of Product quality Criteria in automotive industry includes:
Safety , Comfortable and air pollution
Ergonomics Requirements (Working distance, Clearance ,Weight)
Product design
Functional qualities, such as output or kilometer per liter (VVC, 2007; UNIDO, 2006; Wilhelm, 1993
and Falck et al, 2010)
Tata Motors Limited is India's largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of USD 20 billion in
2009-10. It is the leader in commercial vehicles in each segment, and among the top three in passenger
vehicles with winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. The company's
manufacturing base in India is spread across Jamshedpur, Pune, Lucknow, Pantnagar and Dharwad.
2-3 Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction has been defined in various ways, but the conceptualization, which appears to have
achieved the widest acceptance, is that satisfaction is a post-choice evaluative judgment of a specific
transaction (Bastos and Gallego, 2008). Customer satisfaction is the result of a customer‟s perception of the
value received in a transaction or relationship where value equals perceived service quality relative to price
and customer acquisition costs (Hallowell, 1996; Heskett et al., 1990; Blanchard and Galloway, 1994).
The Special Issue on Behavioral and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
While the literature contains significant differences in the definition of satisfaction, all the definitions share
some common elements (Giese and Cote, 2002). When examined as a whole, three general components can
be identified:
1. Consumer satisfaction is a response (emotional or cognitive);
2. The response pertains to a particular focus (expectations, product, consumption experience, etc.);
3. The response occurs at a particular time (after consumption, after choice, based on accumulated
experience, etc).
2-4 Customer Loyalty
As suggested by several researchers (Kumar and Shah, 2004; Blak and Parks, 2003; Bell et al, 2005 and
Dean, 2007) there are two types of loyalty; behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The behavioral aspects of the
customer loyalty were characterized in terms of repurchase intentions, word-of-mouth communication, and
recommendations of the organization (Nadiri, et al. 2008; Karatepe and Ekiz, 2004; Yi, 1990; Zeithaml et al.,
1996). Liu-Thompkins, et al (2010) defined attitudinal loyalty as a favorable evaluation that is held with
sufficient strength and stability to promote a repeatedly favorable response towards a product/brand or a store.
According to Kumar and Shah (2004) Consumer loyalty seems to be based on a collection of factors. The first
is trust. Consumers must trust the vendor or product they encounter. Second, the transaction or relationship
must have a positive perceived value greater than that supplied by competitors. Third, if marketers build on
the first two factors, they may be able to create a level of positive customer emotional attachment. That
emotional response may be commitment to their brands that is resistant to change (Pitta, et al, 2006). Today,
every industry offers a variety of loyalty schemes aiming at differentiating one competitor from another
(Butscher, 1999). Each time a customer buys, he progresses through a buying cycle (Griffin, 2002). A first
time buyer goes through five steps:
Figure 2: Loyalty and Purchase Cycle
3- Hypotheses of the study is based on research conceptual model
Figure 3: Research Conceptual Model
From the above mentioned model the following hypotheses are developed:
H1: Customer service quality influences customer satisfaction in the automotive industry.
H2: Product quality influences customer satisfaction in the automotive industry.
H3: Customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty in the automotive industry.
Customer Service
Product Quality
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 7; [Special Issue June 2011]
4- Methodology of the Study
4-1) Research Methodology
The objective of the current study is to clarify the relationship between four variables of customer service
quality, product quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. This research can be categorized as
descriptive research based on the method of obtaining the considered data and is of correlative type (Harandi
et al, 2008). Since these data are made for studying the distribution of statistical population characteristics
through sampling of population, this research is a survey done on the basis of cross sectional method.
5- Data Collection & Analysis Tools
In this research, the design of the questionnaire with 53 questions was primarily based on multiple-item
measurement scales taken from previous researches. 24 questions are designed to evaluate customer service
quality and product quality; 13 questions are designed to evaluate customer loyalty and 11 questions are
designed to evaluate customer satisfaction. Satisfaction was measured by a seven-point Likert scale,
Extremely, Very, Fairly satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly, Very and extremely dissatisfied. 5
questions are related to personal information of the respondents. For analyzing data derived from
questionnaire regression and ANOVA test has been used and the software which have been used for
analyzing the data is SPSS 16.
6- Reliability and Validity of the Study
Reliability is the consistency of measurement, or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way
each time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects. For determining reliability of the study
Cronbach‟s Alpha method was used. Followings have been resulted from this analysis:
For questions related to customer service quality and product quality the Cronbach‟s Alpha
coefficient of 0.841 was calculated.
For question related to customer satisfaction Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient of 0.881 was calculated.
For question related to customer loyalty Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient of 0.874 was calculated.
For all questions Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient of 0.910 was calculated.
Validity refers to whether a study measures or examines what it claims to measure or examine. For
determining validity of the questionnaire content credit was used (Harandi et al, 2008). Content credit of this
questionnaire has been justified by guide professors and also initial distribution of questionnaire among
number of experts, scholars and considering their corrective comments, it has the necessary credibility.
7- Statistical Population and Statistical Samples
Statistical population of the study consists of “all Tata Indica Car owners, product of Tata Motors” which has
bought their cars in 2008-2010 (Apr '08-Jan '10) in Pune. Total number of them according to Tata sales
department and Ministry of Commerce and Industry is about 586 people. To raise the accuracy and
correctness of the analyses population samples has been estimated 234 people based on Morgan‟s table.
Therefore, 260 questionnaires were distributed in 3 months period between population samples randomly.
Afterwards, 344 questionnaires were collected and 234 of them were used. As we can observe from following
figures, from 234 respondents, 12 people under high school graduation, 28 people high school graduates, 63
people had associated diploma, 96 with bachelor degree, 31 people with master degree, and finally 4 people
hold a PhD degree. And this is while the age of 29 of these people were 18-25, 60 people between 26-35, 75
between 36-45, 45 people between 46-55 and 25 people were more than 56 years old. Also, among the
respondents, 76 percent were male and 24 percent were female.
Figure 4-5: Statistical Description of Population
The Special Issue on Behavioral and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
8- Testing Hypotheses of the Study using Regression Analysis and ANOVA
For all the hypotheses of the study below hypothesis test was used at 95% confidence interval.
Ho: βi = o Null hypothesis: Regression is not significant
H1: βi ≠ o Alternative hypothesis: Regression is significant
Table 2 shows the results of hypotheses of the study based on Regression Analysis.
Std. of the
Sig. Change
The above table shows Regression analysis for hypotheses of the study. As seen R and R squared values of all
hypotheses are high. Therefore, we can assume a high correlation for variables of these hypotheses. It should
be noted that R-squared values range from 0 to 1. The R squared values for these hypotheses are 0.744, 0.772
and 0.792, respectively.
H1: Customer service quality influences customer satisfaction in the automotive industry.
As significance (sig.) in, first hypothesis is less than 0.05 therefore, this hypothesis is approved.
H2: Product quality influences customer satisfaction in the automotive industry.
As significance (sig.) in, second hypothesis is less than 0.05 therefore, this hypothesis is approved.
H3: Customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty in the automotive industry.
As significance (sig.) in, third hypothesis is less than 0.05 therefore, this hypothesis is approved. The
following table shows result of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for hypotheses of study. ANOVA provides
a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are all equal, and therefore generalizes t-test to
more than two groups. ANOVAs are helpful because they possess an advantage over a two-sample t-test.
Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased chance of committing a type I error. For this
reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing two, three or more means.
Table 3: ANOVA Test
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Table 4: Coefficients
T Value
Customer service quality
and Customer Satisfaction
Product quality and
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction and
Customer Loyalty
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 7; [Special Issue June 2011]
According to statistical analysis in this section the results indicates that customer service and product quality
has been influential on customer satisfaction and also there is a positive relationship between customer service
and product quality with customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of the Indian automotive industry.
9- Conclusion
The links between quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty are one of the most popular research topics
among service researchers (Chai, Ding, and Xing, 2009; Pilkington and Chai 2008). Pilkington and Chai
(2008) studied the importance of quality of products and services on customer satisfaction and found out that
loyal customers mostly lie in category of customers who have used higher quality products. This implies that
better quality of products tends to increase customers‟ loyalty. Researches by Chai and colleagues (2009)
show that quality of services to a customer is one of the most important factors in identifying new customer
needs and as we all know, the key to customer satisfaction and loyalty is providing the customers with their
undiscovered needs. Other studies done by Bastos and Gallego (2008); Yi, (1990); Chai et al, (2009);
Bloemer, et al (1995) also show the importance of products and services quality in enhancing customer
satisfaction and loyalty. One may pursue the common point of these studies in undiscovered customer needs.
In a setting where companies do not depend on others to serve customers, the customer is aware to whom
his/her perception is dedicated, and the direct link between perceived quality, customer satisfaction and
loyalty is naturally expected.
This has been proven by many researchers in both pure product (e.g. Zeithaml 1988, Cronin et al. 2000,
Brady and Cronin 2001) and pure service settings (e.g. Parasuraman et al. 2005, Wofinbarger and Gilly
2003). It may be easy to point out that customer satisfaction increases their loyalty, but there are also many
satisfied customers who are not loyal to that particular brand. Thus, paying attention to satisfaction and
loyalty at the same time is to be a critical and also a challenging task for a company. Studies undertaken by
Coyne (1989); Oliva et al., (1992); Fornell (1992); Guiltinan, et al. (1997); Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt (2000);
Bowen, and Chen (2001); Bansal and Gupta (2001); Silvestro, and Low (2006), show that there is a positive
and meaningful relationship between customer satisfaction and increase in the customers‟ loyalty. Findings
of this research show that the quality of customer service and the quality of products in Tata Motor‟s
Company promotes customer satisfaction, and also there is a positive relationship between customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty in the context of the Indian automotive industry.
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... Product quality mempengaruhi kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan. Sebuah studi yang menguji korelasi antara layanan pelanggan dan product quality terhadap kepuasan dan consumer loyalty di industri otomotif India menunjukkan korelasi positif yang tinggi antara layanan pelanggan dan product quality terhadap kepuasan dan consumer loyalty (Jahanshahi et al., 2017). Penelitian lain juga menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara product quality dan layanan terhadap consumer loyalty di pasar ritel di Kosovo (dalam Xhema et al., 2018). ...
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Menurut data WINA, masyarakat Indonesia mengkonsumsi mie instan pada kategori tertinggi kedua di dunia. Karena tingginya permintaan mie instan dan ketatnya persaingan di pasar mie instan, para pemasar mie instan harus memperhatikan dengan baik unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen terhadap mie instan, seperti kepercayaan merek, kualitas produk, citra merek, dan kepuasan konsumen, yang harus dimunculkan dan dijadikan tujuan utama agar konsumen tetap bertahan dengan merek mie instan yang mereka konsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh positif product quality terhadap consumer loyalty, menganalisis pengaruh positif brand image terhadap consumer loyalty, dan menganalisis pengaruh positif customer satisfaction terhadap consumer loyalty. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lokasi alami (non-contrived setting). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penyebaran kuisioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa product quality tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap consumer loyalty; brand image tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap consumer loyalty dan customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap consumer loyalty. Dengan demikian product quality tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung terhadap consumer loyalty namun harus dimediasi oleh brand trust. Customer satisfaction tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung terhadap consumer loyalty namun harus dimediasi oleh perceived value.
... It has also become an important part of marketing theory and practice because of the many positive effects it has on businesses and their customers, including the discovery of customer loyalty, the comprehension of company reputation, the facilitation of growth and management [58], the reduction of future transaction costs, and the improvement of employee efficiency and productivity [59]. Increasing product quality leads to happier customers, as was discovered by [60]. When a product or service falls short of expectations, it can lead to dissatisfaction [61]. ...
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This study examines how e-haj management systems in Bangladesh affect user satisfaction. Therefore, the authors presented the hypothesis using webQual 4.0 Model. Data was collected using a 5-point-lickert questionnaire. 347 valid data were collected from Dhaka city. SPSS 27 displayed descriptive statistics, and Smart PLS 3.3.3 was analysed for measurement and structural model. The study found the positive impact of the usability, information quality, and service information quality of e-hajj on users' satisfaction. Thus, e-government implementers can get benefits from the findings of the paper as they come to know what factors motivates individuals to use the government's e-haj management portal. This finding also suggested that government should focus on website's easy to navigate option, updated information and 24/7 customer service. As a result, this tendency of the citizens towards e-government services will be increased day by day and motivated to accept these e-hajj system. This research will increase trust and improve the democratic process for all citizens including businesses, or different government agencies by enhancing service quality provided to them. Small sample size, data collection period, and location are the limitations of this study. Future researchers may combine more model's items and reduce these limitations to improve practical application studies.
... Perceived satisfaction has been identified as one of the barriers to household energy transition. Satisfaction relates to ones feeling of content or discontentment after comparing the product performance with expectations (Kotler et al., 2005;Jahanshahi et al., 2011). Consumers' satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a given product influences the subsequent behavior toward the sustained use of a product. ...
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Introduction: The dominance of biomass for cooking has implications for the country. For instance, biomass conversion using traditional technologies (three stone) in poorly ventilated kitchens produce smoke that influences the reproductive health outcomes for expectant mother. Beyond health outcomes, uncontrollable harvesting of biomass for cooking contributes to environmental degradation. Unfortunately, biomass in form of firewood, charcoal, plant and animal wastes is widely consumed by more than 94% of Ugandan households for cooking. This paper examined whether perceived satisfaction plays a significant role in household energy transition in Uganda. Methods: The study adopted a panel data methodology employing an ordered logit model with random effects to estimate the effect of perceived satisfaction on household fuel transition from high to low pollutant cooking fuels in Uganda. The data used was obtained from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBoS) which is mandated by an Act of parliament to develop and maintain a national statistics system to ensure collection, analysis and publication of integrated, relevant, reliable and timely statistical information. Findings and discussion: Our findings demonstrate that perceived satisfaction influences household fuel transition decisions in Uganda. The study concluded by suggesting policy recommendations for government action.
... Cosmetic consumption is influenced by multiple factors, such as price, quality, brand name, brand loyalty, and labeling (Anjana, 2018). The satisfaction level of consumers is determined by the product quality (Jahanshahi et al., 2011;Amanah, 2010) and reasonable prices. These factors play significant roles in shaping customers' satisfaction with their purchases (Martín -Consuegra et al., 2007;Etemad-Sajadi and Rizzuto, 2013). ...
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Aim of the Study: In professional settings, an attractive appearance is often essential. Therefore, cosmetics are a common practice to enhance one's appearance. Globalization has increased competition in the cosmetic business, requiring the right marketing strategies to appeal to consumers. In recent years, there has been growing attention to skincare products in personal care and other areas related to fashion. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of some important factors such as Brand Image, Product Price, Product Quality, and Digital Marketing on Consumer Satisfaction with skincare products. Methodology: This study adopts a quantitative research approach, collecting primary data through the distribution of online questionnaires to 150 respondents (undergraduate females of Pakistan) who have used skincare products of different brands. Findings: The findings reveal that price, product quality, and digital marketing have a significant impact on consumer satisfaction, while reports are insignificant on brand image. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights for firms, enabling them to enhance their brand management strategies based on the findings. By referencing these results, businesses can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals.
... Product quality serves as a vital criterion for consumers when selecting products, enabling companies with highquality offerings to effectively compete for market share (Situmeang et al., 2020). Research has consistently shown that product quality positively impacts customer satisfaction (Jahanshahi et al., 2011). This is supported by Waluya et al. (2019), whose study demonstrates a significant positive relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction, and by Situmeang et al. (2020), who also confirm this effect. ...
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Research aims: The purpose of this study is to investigate and assess the impact of various factors on customer loyalty within Indonesian local coffee shops. Specifically, the research aims to explore how value co-creation, product quality, store ambiance, and service quality influence consumer satisfaction. Additionally, the study will examine the relationships among switching costs, customer loyalty, and trust, as well as the mechanisms by which switching costs and trust affect loyalty through the mediating role of satisfaction. Through this comprehensive analysis, the study seeks to provide insights into the dynamics of customer loyalty in the coffee shop industry.Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, the main quantitative research method was cross-sectional surveys. The hypotheses were assessed using SEM-PLS and Smart PLS.Research findings: The research findings provide valuable insights related to the factors that influence consumer loyalty in the local coffee shop industry in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction, switching costs, trust, and the role of mediating factors in fostering long-term loyalty among customersTheoretical Contribution/Originality: The theoretical contribution and originality of the study lie in its exploration of value co-creation, mediating factors, empirical analysis techniques, localized context, and practical implications within the context of consumer loyalty in local coffee shops in Indonesia. These aspects contribute to advancing knowledge in the field of consumer behavior and loyalty within the coffee shop industry.Practitioners/Policy Implications: By implementing these practical implications, practitioners and policymakers in the coffee shop industry can enhance customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and create a competitive advantage in the market. These recommendations aim to improve customer experiences, strengthen relationships, and drive business growth in the local coffee shop sector in Indonesia.Research Limitations/Implications: The research model may have limitations in capturing the full complexity of customer loyalty dynamics. Including additional variables or exploring different theoretical frameworks could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing loyalty.
... Customer satisfaction for conventional products and services has been studied widely, such as in the catering businesses in Taiwan (Lin, 2011); hotel industry in Malaysia (Mohammed & Rashid, 2018); internet banking in Pakistan (Rahi et al., 2020); and telecommunication industry in the United Arad Emirates (Alzoubi et al., 2020). The mediating role of customer satisfaction has been studied in multiple industries such as organic food restaurant in Turkey (Konuk, 2019), coffeehouse brands in the USA (Choi et al., 2017), internet banking in Pakistan (Rahi et al., 2020), automotive industry in India (Jahanshahi et al., 2011). Based on extant literature, there are lacking studies in investigating the role of customer satisfaction in recycled products. ...
Recycled products form a crucial component of the Reuse, Reduce and Recycle framework within the broader concept of circular economy. Nevertheless, consumer loyalty towards these products remains uncertain. This research aims to examine the determinants of customer loyalty for recycled goods, with customer satisfaction serving as a mediating factor. The study utilises a quantitative approach, gathering data through an online questionnaire distributed via purposive sampling. To assess the hypotheses, SEM Smart PLS analysis is applied to responses from 302 recycled product consumers. The findings reveal that brand image and environmental concern positively influence customer loyalty. Conversely, brand prestige and product quality demonstrate a negative relationship with loyalty, with the latter showing significant impact. Customer satisfaction mediates the connection between perceived price fairness, product quality, environmental concern, and customer loyalty. This research contributes to marketing and sustainability literature by demonstrating that customers can develop satisfaction and loyalty towards non-food recycled products. For future investigations into recycled product loyalty, a qualitative methodology is recommended.
Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the influence of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty within Pakistan's safety luxury automobile sector, featuring Toyota Indus, Honda, and Suzuki as key players. Methods: Employing a quantitative approach, the research collected data from 275 customer questionnaires. The study examined the relationships between customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, and brand loyalty. Originality: This study contributes original insights by exploring the unique dynamics of brand loyalty within Pakistan's safety luxury automobile sector. It sheds light on the specific challenges faced by major players in this market and emphasizes the critical role of effective customer communication and the strategic use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data to enhance the customer experience and promote brand loyalty. These findings offer valuable perspectives in a sector integral to Pakistan's economic development. Findings: The research uncovered significant associations between customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, and brand loyalty. Despite their market dominance, these companies faced challenges in cultivating brand loyalty due to issues such as subpar quality, high pricing, and inadequate service. Practical implications: This study emphasizes the pivotal role of effective customer communication. It suggests that leveraging Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data can enhance the customer experience, ultimately fostering brand loyalty. These insights are particularly relevant in the context of a sector that plays a crucial role in Pakistan's economic development.
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This research aims to test how big the influence of branding is on customer loyalty. To test how much influence product quality has on customer loyalty. To test how much influence customer satisfaction has on customer loyalty. To test how big the influence of brand and product quality and customer satisfaction simultaneously on customer loyalty among high school students using Xiaomi brand smartphones in the city of South Tangerang. The method approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The population used in this research were high school students who using Xiaomi brand smartphones in South Tangerang. The sample consisted of 388 respondents. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling using the Slovin formula in determining the number of samples. Meanwhile, the data analysis method tests research instruments using validity tests, reliability tests. Data analysis techniques consist of descriptive analysis of respondent characteristics and SEM Lisrel analysis. The results of this research show that brand image influences customer loyalty with positive and signifiant, product quality has positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Brand image, product quality and customer satisfaction simultaneously influence on customer loyalty with positive and significant.
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Despite abundant research demonstrating the impact of servicescape on consumer responses, there is a lack of understanding of how each servicescape dimension distinctly influences consumer satisfaction. To bridge this gap, we utilize the affordance theory to examine the unique impact of various servicescape dimensions on consumer satisfaction. We conducted a meta‐analysis to synthesize previous empirical findings and validate our theorization. We also examined how the service sector and consumer culture moderate the impact of servicescape dimensions on consumer satisfaction. Theoretically, this research extends the literature by introducing the affordance theory as a theoretical lens to explain the influence of various servicescape dimensions on consumer satisfaction. We argue that the consumer's primary consumption goals, shaped by the service sector and consumer culture, drive consumer satisfaction for each servicescape dimension. This research offers valuable insights for practitioners to prioritize specific servicescape dimensions based on the industry sector and cultural context.
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The restorative business in Pakistan has seen significant development as of late, determined by rising shopper interest and the impact of promoting. Notwithstanding the extension, native restorative brands battle to rival worldwide names, and customer fulfillment is frequently molded by elements like item quality, valuing, and brand picture. This study investigates the effect of moral showcasing rehearses on customer conduct and faithfulness in Pakistan's skincare market. The examination centers around understanding how showcasing systems, including the utilization of computerized stages and Corporate Social Obligation (CSR) drives, impact consumer loyalty, especially among female college understudies who structure a critical portion of the skincare market. The concentrate likewise looks at the developing business sector's buyer conduct, featuring what showcasing strategies mean for buying choices in a quickly developing yet serious area. Moreover, it tends to the advancing shopper premium in manageable strategic policies, which are progressively perceived as significant in worldwide business sectors however are still under-explored in creating economies like Pakistan. From the perspective of moral showcasing, this exploration researches the job of trust, fulfillment, and brand unwaveringness in forming buyer mentalities and looks at how nearby and global skincare brands perform against these assumptions. The discoveries add to a more profound comprehension of the Pakistani restorative area's elements and give noteworthy experiences to organizations hoping to upgrade consumer loyalty and devotion through moral and socially dependable showcasing rehearses. The outcomes are supposed to help both scholarly world and industry, offering significant information for creating advertising methodologies that line up with customer assumptions and advance reasonable business development in the skincare business.
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The attainment of quality in products and services has become a pivotal concern of the 1980s. While quality in tangible goods has been described and measured by marketers, quality in services is largely undefined and unresearched. The authors attempt to rectify this situation by reporting the insights obtained in an extensive exploratory investigation of quality in four service businesses and by developing a model of service quality. Propositions and recommendations to stimulate future research about service quality are offered.
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As customer-organization relationships deepen, consumers increase their expertise in the firm’s product line and industry and develop increased switching costs. This study investigates the effects of customer investment expertise and perceived switching costs on the relationships between technical and functional service quality and customer loyalty. Technical service quality is hypothesized to be a more important determinant of customer loyalty than functional service quality as expertise increases. Both technical and functional service quality are hypothesized to have a reduced relationship with customer loyalty as perceived switching costs increase. Three-way interactions between the main effects of service quality, customer expertise, and perceived switching costs yield additional insight into the change in relative importance of technical and functional service quality in customers’ decision to be loyal. Six of eight hypotheses receive support. Implications are discussed for customer relationship management over the relationship life cycle.
Customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction has become an important issue for marketing practitioners. The authors examine the issue in terms of customer service. In particular, practitioners and academicians have noted that simply investing in greater service delivery may not return the cost of the additional investment. Part of the problem is that customers’ response to service increments can be nonlinear, and satisfaction and dissatisfaction thresholds may not occur at the same point. The authors propose a method for analyzing this complex behavior in a way that can lead to the development of more accurate service strategies through an understanding of the relationships among customer-transaction costs, satisfaction, and purchase loyalty. They use a catastrophe model to describe a service loyalty customer-response surface. Then, by presenting a “real-world” application with a small service-quality customer dataset provided by General Electric Supply, they show how one actually estimates such a model and interprets the results.
Customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction has become an important issue for marketing practitioners. The authors examine the issue in terms of customer service. In particular, practitioners and academicians have noted that simply investing in greater service delivery may not return the cost of the additional investment. Part of the problem is that customers' response to service increments can be nonlinear, and satisfaction and dissatisfaction thresholds may not occur at the same point. The authors propose a method for analyzing this complex behavior in a way that can lead to the development of more accurate service strategies through an understanding of the relationships among customer-transaction costs, satisfaction, and purchase loyalty. They use a catastrophe model to describe a service loyalty customer-response surface. Then, by presenting a "real-world" application with a small service-quality customer dataset provided by General Electric Supply, they show how one actually estimates such a model and interprets the results.
Through qualitative and empirical research, the authors find that the service quality construct conforms to the structure of a third-order factor model that ties service quality perceptions to distinct and actionable dimensions: outcome, interaction, and environmental quality. In turn, each has three subdimensions that define the basis of service quality perceptions. The authors further suggest that for each of these subdimensions to contribute to improved service quality perceptions, the quality received by consumers must be perceived to be reliable, responsive, and empathetic. The authors test and support this conceptualization across four service industries. They consider the research and managerial implications of the study and its limitations.
Despite the amount of research focusing on brand loyalty, empirical tests of the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty have not been conducted. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of attitudinal brand loyalty on the relationship between customer satisfaction and behavioral brand loyalty. More over, we developed a robust brand loyalty measurement in the lodging industry by using attitudinal and behavioral brand loyalty constructs. The majority of respondents were business travelers who stayed at an upper-middle-class business hotel. The results of this investigation suggested that customer satisfaction had a significant indirect effect on behavioral brand loyalty when mediated by attitudinal brand loyalty, including cognitive-affective-conative brand loyalty stages. Thus, practitioners should consider customers'perceptions of their brand and not rely solely on purchasing frequencies when measuring brand loyalty levels.
Develops and implements a method for hotels to identify attributes that will increase customer loyalty. Other hotels can replicate the methodology used in this study. The study makes the uses of the hotel’s database to draw samples for both focus groups and a mail survey. Based on 564 completed surveys from hotel guests, the authors found the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was non-linear. The authors use the data to develop internal benchmarks for the hotel based on scores that were representative of loyal customers. The study makes use of the hotel’s database to draw samples for both focus groups and a mail survey.