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Probabilistic Optimization of Semantic Process Model Matching


Abstract and Figures

Business process models are increasingly used by companies, often yielding repositories of several thousand models. These models are of great value for business analysis such as service identification or process standardization. A problem is though that many of these analyses require the pairwise comparison of process models, which is hardly feasible to do manually given an extensive number of models. While the computation of similarity between a pair of process models has been intensively studied in recent years, there is a notable gap on automatically matching activities of two process models. In this paper, we develop an approach based on semantic techniques and probabilistic optimization. We evaluate our approach using a sample of admission processes from different universities.
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Probabilistic Optimization of Semantic Process
Model Matching
Henrik Leopold1, Mathias Niepert2, Matthias Weidlich3, Jan Mendling4,
Remco Dijkman5, and Heiner Stuckenschmidt2
1Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
2Universit¨at Mannheim, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
3Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, 32000 Haifa, Israel
4Wirtschaftsuniversit¨at Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna, Austria
5Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Business process models are increasingly used by companies,
often yielding repositories of several thousand models. These models are
of great value for business analysis such as service identification or process
standardization. A problem is though that many of these analyses require
the pairwise comparison of process models, which is hardly feasible to do
manually given an extensive number of models. While the computation of
similarity between a pair of process models has been intensively studied in
recent years, there is a notable gap on automatically matching activities
of two process models. In this paper, we develop an approach based
on semantic techniques and probabilistic optimization. We evaluate our
approach using a sample of admission processes from different universities.
1 Introduction
Business process models are increasingly used by companies for documentation
purposes. A process documentation initiative stores an extensive amount of
process models in a centralized process repository. This amount can easily rise to
several thousand models in large enterprises. Due to the size of such companies,
process modeling is often conducted by decentralized teams. A consistent and
systematic documentation of processes is often achieved by defining guidelines.
However, typically none of the team members has detailed insight into the entire
set of process models stored in the repository.
The availability of a detailed documentation of a company’s business processes
bears a lot of potential for business analysis, such as process standardization,
compatibility analysis, or business service identification. Process model matching,
realized by tools called matchers, is a prerequisite for such analyses. It defines
which activities in one process model correspond to which activities in another
model. Such matches are required, for example, to determine which activities
can be merged when deriving standard processes from a collection of processes.
It is also needed to judge behavior compatibility or equivalence, and to query a
collection of business process models for a certain process or process fragment. The
importance of such questions is reflected by recent contributions on computing
similarity for pairs of process models, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5,6].
In this paper, we address process model matching with semantic matching
techniques and probabilistic optimization. The approach comprises two steps.
First, match hypotheses are generated based on automatically annotated activity
labels. We rely on a semantic interpretation of a activity labels, whereas existing
work [
] (despite a notable exception [
]) is limited to syntactical similarity
assessment. Second, match constraints are derived based on behavioral relations
of process models. Those constraints are used for guiding the matching with a
probabilistic model, whereas existing work directly leverages the model structure
or execution semantics [
]. The evaluation of our approach with admission
processes from nine different universities shows that the novel conceptual basis
for process model matching indeed improves performance. In particular, we are
able to show that match results are more stable over different levels of process
model heterogeneity. Besides the definition of the matcher, our contribution is a
comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of classical matchers and
semantic matching with probabilistic optimization. As such, we provide valuable
insights for advancing the field of process model matching.
Against this background, the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 illus-
trates the problem of matching process models. Section 3 presents a matcher that
incorporates the generation of semantic match hypotheses based on automatically
annotated activities and a probabilistic approach towards match optimization
using behavioral constraints. Section 4 challenges our approach using a process
model collection from practice. Section 5 reflects our contribution in the light of
related work. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the findings.
2 Problem Illustration
This section illustrates the problem of matching process models. We present basic
terminology and discuss the state of the art in finding matches.
Given two process models with sets of activities
, matches between
their activities are captured by a relation
× P
). An element
A1, A2
defines that the set of activities
matches the set of activities
, i.e., they represent the same behavior in the organization. If
= 1
= 1, we call the match an elementary match. Otherwise, we speak
of a complex match. For convenience, we introduce a relation
A1× A2
which defines the relations between individual activities as induced by
map ={(a1, a2)|(A1, A2)match, a1A1, a2A2}.
Figure 1 shows admissions processes from two different universities. We
highlighted matches by gray boxes around the activities, e.g., activity Check
formal requirements of University A corresponds to activity Check documents
Check formal
In time
grade times
times 34
Score <
Invite to
Keep in
pool of
documents Evaluate
Rank students
according to
test results
Send letter of
Send letter of
University B
University A
Fig. 1. Example of a business process models with matches.
of University B. Although the processes have the same goal, the organizational
behavior is modeled differently. Different labels are used (e.g., Accept application
versus Send letter of acceptance) and there are differences in the level of detail
(e.g., Evaluate of University B is described in more detail for University A). In
addition to being modeled differently, the behavior represented by the processes
also differs. For example, at University B the Evaluate activity is mandatory,
whereas at University A the matching activities can be skipped. Before these
behavioral differences can be analyzed, however, matches between the activities
have to be determined. The goal of matchers, such as the ones described in [
and [7], is to detect such matches automatically.
A matching approach of particular interest is the ICoP framework [
]. It defines
a generic architecture for assembling matchers along with reusable matching
components. As such, it integrates several of the proposed matchers, e.g., the
graph-based matcher presented in [
]. Following the ICoP architecture, the
procedure for automatically detecting matches involves four kinds of matching
components: searchers find potential matches between activities, boosters improve
the quality of potential matches by combining them, selectors construct the actual
mapping from potential matches, and evaluators evaluate the quality of an actual
mapping with the purpose of finding the best mapping.
Matching components implemented for the ICoP framework leverage syn-
tactic measures, such as string edit distance or vector-space scoring, to find
match candidates. Selection and evaluation is guided by the structure of process
models, e.g., utilizing the graph edit distance. An evaluation of the existing
ICoP components showed that much improvement is still possible with respect
to automatically detecting matches. Given the focus on syntactic measures of the
existing components, approaches that relate activities based on the semantics of
their labels can particularly be expected to improve matching performance.
3 Matching based on Semantics and Constraints
This Section introduces our approach for matching process models. It consists
of four distinct phases. In the first phase we annotate the activities of the
considered models with their semantic components such as action and business
object. Afterwards, we use the annotated information in order generate match
hypotheses for activity pairs. In the third we phase we compute behavioural
constraints in order to properly incorporate control flow aspects into the matching
process. Finally, in phase four, we determine the most likely match constellation
by using the previously computed aspects as input for a Markov logic network.
3.1 Activity Label Annotation
The goal of the annotation phase is the enablement of a semantic matching of
activities which goes beyond a simple string comparison. Therefore, we annotate
each activity with the comprised components. As pointed out by [
], every
activity label can be characterized by three components: an action, a business
object on which the action is performed, and an optional additional information
fragment which is providing further details. As an example consider the activity
label Forward Request to Insurance Department. This label contains the action
forward, the business object request and the additional information fragment to
Insurance Department.
In order to accomplish the annotation of these components, we employ a
technique introduced in prior work [
]. This technique builds on the insight
that activity labels follow regular structures, so called label styles. The most
frequent label styles are the verb-object and the action-noun style. Labels of
the verb-object style are characterized by an imperative verb in the beginning
which is followed by the business object and the additional fragment. Examples
for verb-object label are Calculate Costs for Production or Verify Invoice of
Vendor. While the action in verb-object labels is given as a verb, the action in
action-noun labels is captured as a noun. As examples consider Order Shipment
to Customer or User Registration for ERP System. These examples illustrate
that the knowledge about the structural patterns of label styles can be used to
properly derive action, business object and the additional fragment. Respectively,
the annotation phase is subdivided into two main steps: the recognition of of
the activity label style and the actual derivation and annotation of the label
Recognition of Label Style
In the first step the correct label style is de-
termined. This is impeded by two main challenges which are associated with
activity labels: The lack of a rich sentence structure and the zero derivation
ambiguity. The latter aspect refers to misinterpretations of words due to the fact
that one syntactic word can be interpreted as verb and noun at the same time.
Examples are the plan and to plan or the transfer and to transfer. In order to
cope with these challenges we designed an algorithm which uses different stages
of the label context to adequately determine its style. As a typical ambiguous
example consider the activity label Plan Data Transfer from the SAP Reference
Model. From analyzing the label in isolation it is not possible to decide about
the label style. The activity could instruct to plan adata transfer or also to
transfer a record of plan data. However, if we broaden the context and consider
the whole process model collection, we can learn that many other processes from
this collection deal with the business object plan data. Respectively, the label is
classified as an action-noun label. If we encounter cases where the context of the
process model collection is not sufficient to resolve the ambiguity, we use a word
frequency list to probabilistically decide about the word class of the first word in
the label. Depending on the result, it is accordingly categorized as a verb-object
or action-noun label.
Derivation of Action and Business Object
In the second step of the anno-
tation phase action, business object and the additional fragment are determined
and respectively annotated. As we already determined the label style in the pre-
vious step, this is straightforward. Making use of the structural knowledge about
the label styles we e.g. know that a verb-object label begins with an imperative
verb which is followed by the business object and the additional fragment. Hence,
the verb-object label Calculate Costs for Production can be easily decomposed
into the action calculate, the business object costs and the additional fragment
for production. In the same vein, we derive these components from action-noun
labels. We know that the action in action-noun labels is captured as a noun
and positioned before the preposition which introduces the additional fragment.
Accordingly, the action noun label User Registration for ERP System can be de-
composed into the action registration, the business object user and the additional
fragment for ERP system. By employing the lexical database WordNet [
], the
verb register can be derived from the nominalized action registration. Having
derived these components, the considered label can be annotated accordingly.
3.2 Generation of Semantic Match Hypotheses
The generation of semantic match hypothesis builds on the previous annotation
of activities. Goal of this phase is the computation of a similarity score for a
given activity pair.
The general approach is the calculation of the semantic similarity between
the actions, the business objects and the additional information fragments of
the considered activity pair. Thereby, the term semantic similarity refers to the
similarity between two components in the taxonomy WordNet [
]. There are
many proposals how to use taxonomies for calculating the similarity between two
concepts [
]. However, it also has been shown that the similarity measure
introduced by Lin correlates best with human judgments [
]. Consequently, we
employ the similarity measure of Lin to generate semantic match hypotheses
for our process models. In order to calculate this semantic similarity between
two labels
, we introduce three functions: a component similarity function
, a coverage function
, and a label similarity function
, combining
the latter two to a final result.
The function
calculates the semantic similarity between two label com-
. In case, none or only one label contains the considered
component, the similarity is determined with zero. Otherwise the result of the
Lin measurement is returned.
simc(l1, l2) = 0 if l1c=∅ ∨ l2c=
Lin(l1c, l2c) if l1c6=∅ ∧ l2c6=(1)
The coverage function
is used to determine the number of components
contained by a label
. Assuming that an activity label at least refers to an action,
the result of
always lies between 1 and 3. Formally,
is defined as follows.
Note that the index adenotes an action, bo the business object and add the
additional information fragment.
cov(l) =
1 if la6=∅ ∧ lbo =∅ ∧ ladd =
2 if la6=∅ ∧ (lbo 6=Yladd 6=)
3 if la6=∅ ∧ lbo 6=∅ ∧ ladd 6=
In order to combine the individual similarity results, we introduce the function
. This function calculates the arithmetic mean of the similarity values for
action, business object and the additional information. This is accomplished by
dividing the sum of
by the maximum coverage among
. As a result, we obtain the overall matching weight for two given labels.
siml(l1, l2) = sima(l1, l2) + simbo (l1, l2) + simadd (l1, l2)
arg max
l∈ {l1,l2}
By calculating
for every activity pair which can be combined from the
considered process models, we obtain a set of match hypotheses. This set of
hypotheses constitutes the first input for our probabilistic matching model.
3.3 Constraints Generation
Constraint satisfaction, also called second line matching [
], is often applied in
schema and ontology matching as a means to guide the selection of matches. Here,
constraints may relate to the general structure of matches (e.g., only 1:1 matches
shall be considered), particular attribute pairs (e.g., a pair forms a matches or
shall never be part of any match), or dependencies between different matches. We
aim at matching such dependencies which are related to the execution semantics
of process models. The intuition behind is that the order of processing described
by one model is likely to coincide with the order of processing specified in a second
model. Referring to the initial example in Figure 1, we see that in either model
the activities related to check an application (e.g., Check formal requirements in
University A and Check documents in University B) are preceding the activities
related to taking a decision (e.g, Reject application and Send letter of rejection).
Also, activities for accepting an application are exclusive to those of rejection an
application in either model.
There are different alternatives to formulate behavioral constraints for a
process model. For the context of matching process models, a fine-grained for-
malization of constraints appears to be appropriate. Although we assume two
models to show a rather consistent order of processing, slight deviations can
always be expected and should have a minor impact on the matching process.
Therefore, we consider a model that captures order constraints for the smallest
possible conceptual entity, i.e., pairs of activities. Further, in many cases, the final
matching will only be partial, meaning that activities of one model are without
counterpart in the other model. This suggests to not rely on direct successorship
of activities but on a notion that is insensitive of partial matchings.
Against this background, we capture behavioral constraints using a binary
relation over activities, called weak order [
]. It holds between two activities
of a process model, if there exists an execution sequence in which
. By referring to the existence of a certain execution sequence, it captures
the potential order of occurrence for activities. In the example, weak order holds
between Check formal requirements and Reject application for University A, and
between Check documents and Send letter of rejection for University B. Weak
order implicitly allows to conclude on strict order between activities (if weak
order holds only in one direction) and exclusiveness of activities (if weak order
does not hold in any direction). Hence, exclusiveness of the activities representing
acceptance and rejection of an application in either model is also covered.
Weak order of activities can be derived from the state space of a process
model. For certain classes of models, however, the relation can also be derived
directly from the structure. For models that incorporate only basic control flow
routing, such as XOR and AND routing constructs, and that show soundness, i.e.,
the absence of behavioral anomalies such as deadlocks, the weak order relation is
determined in low polynomial time to the size of the model [18].
3.4 Probabilistic Match Optimization
An instance of the process matching problem consists of the two processes, the
match hypotheses with a-priori confidence values, and the behavioral profile
relations holding between the activities. Statistical relational languages such as
Markov logic [
] are a natural choice when uncertainty meets relational data. We
will demonstrate that Markov logic is an excellent choice for a process matching
framework as it is adaptable to different matching situations and allows fast
prototyping of matching formulations.
Markov Logic Networks
Markov logic [
] is a first-order template language
for log-linear models with binary variables. Log-linear models are parameteriza-
tions of undirected graphical models (Markov networks) which play an important
role in the areas of reasoning under uncertainty [
] and statistical relational
learning [
]. Log-linear models are also known as maximum-entropy models
in the natural language processing community [
]. The features of a log-linear
model can be complex allowing the user to incorporate prior knowledge about
the importance of features of the data for classification. Moreover, within the
framework of log-linear models users can specify constraints on the resulting
classification. In the context of process matching, these constraints will allow us
to punish inconsistent alignments.
A Markov network
is an undirected graph whose nodes represent a set of
random variables
{X1, ..., Xn}
and whose edges model direct probabilistic
interactions between adjacent nodes. More formally, a distribution
is a log-linear
model over a Markov network Mif it is associated with:
a set of features
, ..., fk
, where each
is a clique in
each fiis a function from Dito R,
a set of real-valued weights w1, ..., wk, such that
P(X=x) = 1
Zexp k
where Zis a normalization constant [20].
A Markov logic network is a set of pairs (
Fi, wi
) where each
is a first-order
formula and each
a real-valued weight associated with
. With a finite set
of constants
it defines a log-linear model over possible worlds
each variable
corresponds to a ground atom and feature
is the number
of true groundings (instantiations) of
with respect to
in possible world
Possible worlds are truth assignments to all ground atoms with respect to the
set of constants
. We explicitly distinguish between weighted formulas and
deterministic formulas, that is, formulas that always have to hold.
There are two common types of probabilistic inference tasks for a Markov
logic network: Maximum a-posteriori (MAP) inference and marginal probability
inference. The latter computes the posterior probability distribution over a subset
of the variables given an instantiation of a set of evidence variables. MAP inference,
on the other hand, is concerned with finding an assignment to the variables with
maximal probability. Assume we are given a set
of instantiated variables
and let
. Then, a most probable state of the ground Markov logic
network is given by
Similar to previous work on matching ontologies with Markov logic[
], we
can specify a set of hard and soft constraints that improve the overall matching
results. Finding the most likely alignment then translates to computing the
maximum a-posteriori state of the ground Markov logic network.
Markov Logic Formulation of Process Matching
be the
activities of two process models to be mapped, we describe each process model
using their behavioral profiles in terms of weak order relations
A1× A1
A2× A2
between activities of the two process models. Furthermore,
the mapping hypotheses are represented by a mapping relation
A1× A2
In the Markov logic formulation, the relations
are modeled using
observable predicates, that is, predicates whose ground state is known a-priori
whereas the relation
is modeled using a hidden predicate. Hence, when an
optimal alignment between activities in the two models is computed, we treat
the the weak-order relations as observed and the mapping relation as a hidden
predicate. For convenience, we also define the strict-order and the exclusiveness
relation between activities of a process model as follows:
soi(ai, bi)woi(ai, bi)∧ ¬woi(bi, ai)
exi(ai, bi)⇔ ¬woi(ai, bi)∧ ¬woi(bi, ai)
Using these relations, we can simply represent the constraints as a set of first-
order formulas and add those to the Markov logic formulation. The knowledge
base consists of the output of the base matcher encoded in terms of weighted
atoms of the map relation acting as evidence plus two sets of atoms of the order
relations mentioned above as static knowledge. The final result of the matching
process is now computed by adding additional constraints and computing the a
posteriori probability of the map atoms. We experimented with different types of
constraints that have proven useful in the area of ontology matching and which
we adapted to the case of process matching.
It has been shown that restricting alignments to one-to-one matches
typically leads to better results in ontology matching. In particular, because gold
standard alignments in this area tend to be one-to-one. While this is clearly not
the case for process matching, as processes are often described at different levels of
granularity, the cardinality of the mapping relation is still an important constraint
to avoid a too strong bias towards an alignment with too many erroneous matches.
We experimented with different cardinality settings encoded using the following
|{activitiy(a)|∃b:map(a, b)}| < n
|{activitiy(b)|∃a:map(a, b)}| > m
Stability is a constraint expressing that the structural properties of the
aligned objects should be as identical as possible [
]. In particular, stability means
that semantic relations that hold between two elements in one representation
should also hold between the two elements in the other representation they are
mapped to. In the case of process matching, we can “encourage” this notion of
stability for the three order relations mentioned above, namely the weak order
relation, strong order relation, and exclusiveness relation, by using the following
implicitly universally quantified formulas where
ai, bi, i ∈ {
are activities in
process model i.
woi(ai, bi)∧ ¬woj(aj, bj)⇒ ¬(map(a1, a2)map(b1, b2)) with i, j ∈ {1,2}, i 6=j
soi(ai, bi)∧ ¬soj(aj, bj)⇒ ¬(map(a1, a2)map(b1, b2)) with i, j ∈ {1,2}, i 6=j
exi(ai, bi)∧ ¬exj(aj, bj)⇒ ¬(map(a1, a2)map(b1, b2)) with i, j ∈ {1,2}, i 6=j
Please note that these constraints do not need to be hard. Indeed, our empirical
results have shown that in the process matching setting, constraints should be
soft, making alignments that violate these respective constraints possible but less
likely. Intuitively speaking, the more soft constraints an alignment violates, the
less probable it is.
A weaker class of constraints are those that encourage logical co-
herence of the integrated model. More specifically, such constraints exclude
conflicting combinations of semantic relations in the integrated model. In the case
of process matching, coherence criteria can be formulated using order relations.
The basic idea is that activities that are exclusive in one of the models should
not be in a weak order or a strict-order relation in the other model.
soi(ai, bi)exj(aj, bj)⇒ ¬(map(a1, a2)map(b1, b2)) with i, j ∈ {1,2}, i 6=j
Another form of incoherence results when the strict order relations of aligned
activities in the two models are inverted leading to a conceptual conflict in the
merged process model. The constraint making alignments that cause this kind of
incoherence less likely is sometimes referred to as ’criss-cross mappings’ in the
ontology matching setting [] and can be formalized as follows.
soi(ai, bi)soj(bj, aj)⇒ ¬(map(a1, a2)map(b1, b2)) with i, j ∈ {1,2}, i 6=j
Note that coherence is a weaker form of stability that does not enforce the
same semantic relation to hold, but only excludes incompatible semantic relations
between mapped elements.
4 Evaluation
In this section we present an evaluation of the defined concepts. More specifically,
Section 4.1 describes the sample of admission process models from different
German universities that we use to that end. Section 4.2 summarizes the re-
sults for applying probabilistic match optimization using Markov logic networks.
Section 4.3 compares the results of our optimized semantic matching approach
with syntactic matching in ICoP. Furthermore, we discuss the results of the two
approaches in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.
4.1 Study Admission Processes of Nine German Universities
Up until now, there is no commonly accepted sample available for testing matching
algorithms for process models. Therefore, we created such a sample based on
modeling projects of graduate students from Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin,
Germany. These students participated in a research seminar on process modeling
in three different semesters. The task of this seminar was to document the
study admission process of a Germany university, and to compare the process
with those of other student groups. This exercise yielded nine admission process
models from different universities, which were created by different modelers using
different terminology and capturing activities at different levels of granularity.
All processes were modeled in BPMN, while the format analysis was conducted
on a corresponding Petri net representation. The minimum number of activities
in a process model was 10 ranging up to 44. On average, a process model has 21
activities in this sample.
The combination of those nine processes results in 9
2 = 36 model pairs.
In order to build our test sample, we involved three researchers in building
the gold standard of the pairwise activity mappings. Matches were identified
by two researchers independently, and the third researcher resolved those cases
where different matches were proposed. We used the process models and the gold
standard as input of two matching tools. We used the existing ICoP prototype for
generating 1:1 matches, for short ICoP. For the approach presented in this paper,
we implemented a separate prototype that incorporated different components
for annotation [
], for constraint generation [
], TheBeast
for Markov logic
networks [
], and the mixed integer programming solver Gurobi
to solve integer
linear programs derived from the Markov logic networks. For short, we refer to this
second prototype as Markov. Both of these matching prototypes were utilized to
automatically generate matches between activities for each pair of process models.
Those matches were compared with the matches defined in the gold standard.
Using the gold standard, we can classify each proposed activity match as either
true-positive (TP), true-negative (TN), false-positive (FP) or false-negative (FN).
These sets provide the basis for calculating the precision (TP/(TP+FP)) and
recall (TP/(TP+FN)) metrics. We will also report the
measure, which is the
harmonic mean of precision and recall (2precisionrecall/(precision+recall)).
4.2 Evaluation of Match Optimization
In this section, we investigate in how far the matching result benefits from the
stability and coherence constraints as incorporated in the Markov prototype. To
this end, we conducted experiments with different combinations of constraints.
All experiments were conducted on a desktop PC with AMD Athlon Dual Core
Processor 5400B with 2.6GHz and 1GB RAM. Our conjecture was that by the
help of the constraints and the Markov logic network optimization we would
improve precision without compromising recall too much. If so, the corresponding
value should increase. Our base case is a configuration without any constraints,
which yielded 0.079 precision, 0.572 recall, and an F1of 0.136.
Table 1 summarizes the findings. The initial introduction of a 1:1 match
cardinality constraint improves the results towards an
of 0.27, with precision
Table 1.
Precision, Recall,
and processing time for different constraint types
configuration precision stddev. recall stddev. F1stddev. avg. time [s]
no constraints 0.079 0.033 0.572 0.205 0.136 0.052 1.1
cardinality 1:1 0.278 0.172 0.280 0.228 0.270 0.193 1.3
1-1 cardinality with
weak order stability 0.421 0.217 0.263 0.170 0.315 0.182 109.2
strict order stability 0.354 0.216 0.304 0.236 0.316 0.216 41.5
exclusiveness stability 0.280 0.174 0.234 0.174 0.247 0.170 50.3
so-exclusiveness coherence 0.306 0.179 0.252 0.178 0.268 0.171 45.3
so-so coherence 0.342 0.195 0.317 0.226 0.318 0.197 16.7
Table 2. Precision, Recall, F1and processing time for Markov and ICoP
prototype precision stddev. recall stddev. F1stddev.
Markov (weak order stability) 0.421 0.217 0.263 0.170 0.315 0.182
ICoP 0.506 0.309 0.255 0.282 0.294 0.253
and recall at roughly 0.28. We use this configuration to introduce the three
types of stability constraints. It can be seen that both types of order constraints
improve the match results, the
rises to 0.315 and 0.316, respectively. Strict
order coherence yields a comparable result. Exclusiveness-related stability and
coherence prove to be less effective. The F1decreases due to a loss in recall.
These results suggest that order relations appear to be helpful in finding
correct and ruling out incorrect matches. In comparison to the base case, the
results improve from 0.136 to 0.315 for weak order stability in terms of the
value. Compared to the case with only cardinality constraints (
= 0
27), weak
order stability yields a considerably better precision at the expense of a small loss
in recall. This points to the potential of order constraints to inform automatic
process matching.
4.3 Semantic versus Syntactic Matching
After having demonstrated the benefits of constraint optimization in the Markov
prototype, this section aims to investigate in how far its usage of semantic match
hypotheses advances beyond the syntactic match strategies of ICoP. We approach
this question by considering the average precision, recall and
measure for the
admission process sample along with their standard deviation.
Table 2 provides the figures for comparing the Markov prototype and the
existing ICoP prototype. It can be seen that ICoP achieves a better precision,
but a weaker recall. However, the Markov prototype yields a better
measure of
0.315 in comparison to 0.294. It is interesting to note that the Markov prototype
achieves these results with a much lower standard deviation. The difference in
standard deviation ranges from 0.071 up to 0.112. We might see in this difference
an indication that the Markov prototype is more robust and less sensitive to
specific characteristics of the process pair to be matched.
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36
Fig. 2. F1
measure of Markov and ICoP for the 36 match pairs, ordered by
Markov result.
In order to understand which characteristics might favour one or the other
approach, we plotted the
measure for both as shown in Figure 2. For 20 of the
36 pairs Markov yielded better results, while ICoP was better in 16 cases. There
are a few pairs with substantial difference: In three cases ICoP is better with
a difference of more than 0.20, namely 0.234, 0.404, and 0.439. For four pairs,
Markov is better with a difference of 0.290, 0.300, 0.345 and 0.346. We aim to
illustrate the three classes of comparable results,better ICoP, and better Markov
results by the help of three characteristic process model pairs.
Comparable Results:
If comparable results are observed for both approaches,
the resulting
values remain in the lower range. The pair FU Berlin and TU
Munich is one such example where Markov yields 0.20 and ICoP 0.25. The FU
Berlin process has 21 activities are is described on a more fine-granular level
at the TU Munich process with its 11 activities. There are seven 1:1 matches
between these models and three 1:n matches. Eight activities of FU Berlin
have no counterpart in the TU Munich process, and one Munich activity
has no match. Both approaches suffer from the fact that both processes
contain several activities that mention the same verb: the FU Berlin process
has two activities with to add (Add Certificate of Bachelor Degree and Add
Certificate of German language, four activities involving to check and three
send activities; the TU Munich process has four send activities. ICoP provides
one false-positive and eleven false-negatives; Markov has five false-positive
and eleven false-negatives.
Table 3. Explorative results on relative strengths of Markov and ICoP
Match Pair FU Berlin Cologne Hohenheim
TU Munich Frankfurt Erlangen
Better Approach Comparable ICoP Markov
Activities 21 10 25
11 12 30
1:1 Match 7 6 6
1:n Match 3 0 4
No Match 9 10 28
ICoP False-Positives 1 1 3
Markov False-Positive 5 4 3
ICoP False-Negatives 11 1 17
Markov False-Negatives 11 4 10
ICoP F10.25 0.77 0.17
Markov F10.20 0.33 0.52
Better ICoP:
ICoP yielded significantly better results for the match pair
Cologne-Frankfurt (
of 0.76 in comparison to 0.33 by Markov). The Cologne
process has 10 activities, Frankfurt 12. There are six 1:1 matches and no 1:n
matches. Four and six activities on each side, respectively, have no match
partner. Five of these matches are syntactically equivalent, another being a
substring of its match (Acceptance and Send letter of Acceptance). While the
good performance of ICoP is no surprise, it is interesting that the semantic
approach in Markov shows weak results. There are four false positive, which
are semantically very close, but no match for this model pair (e.g. Take
Aptitude Test and Take Oral Exam). As a consequence, the probabilistic
optimizer penalizes some syntactically equal and correct matches. Markov
could be improved by generating 100% confidence match hypotheses for
syntactically identical activities. It is interesting to note that also the second
case of superior performance of ICoP can be traced back to a great share of
syntactically identical matches.
Better Markov:
The processes for Hohenheim and Erlangen are much better
matched by Markov than by ICoP. The two process models of this match pair
have 25 and 30 activities, respectively. There are six 1:1 matches, four 1:n
matches, and 28 activities without a match in the other model. While ICoP
yields a low
of 0.17, Markov achieves a respectable 0.52. ICoP only finds
three correct matches, all being syntactically closely related (e.g. Checking
if complete and Check Application Complete ). It is interesting to find that
Markov substantially benefits both from semantic match pairs and constraint
optimization. Among others, the correct match publishing the letters and
send acceptance is added by the help of the weak order stability and its
semantic similarity. The weak order rule also helps to eliminate eight false
matches including Receiving the written applications and receive rejection.
Table 3 summarizes the exploratory results on relative strengths of Markov and
ICoP. The following three conclusions can be drawn from this evaluation, also from
further investigation of the data. First, both approaches benefit from an increase
in the number of 1:1 matches. The number of 1:1 matches is strongly correlated
with the
of both approaches for our sample with 0.646 and 0.637, respectively.
Second, ICoP suffers from an increase in the number of not matched activities.
We find a correlation of -0.143. Interestingly, there is no such correlation for
Markov. Examples like the Hohenheim-Erlangen case suggest that the optimizer
works well in filtering our unjustified match hypotheses based on weak order.
Third, both approaches suffer from an increase in the number of 1:n matches.
Interestingly, the decrease is much stronger for ICoP with a correlation of -0.461.
For Markov, this correlation is only -0.166. Markov seems to benefit from semantic
similarity in hypothesis generation, which turns out to be a remedy to some
extent for representation on different levels of granularity. While these advantages
of semantic matching appear to be stronger for larger models, there is the need
to account for trivial matches that are syntactically the same. Markov has lost
some share of its performance by not directly accepting such trivial matches.
Nevertheless, it will be rather straight to account for such matches in Markov.
5 Related Work
The work presented in this paper mainly relates to two categories of related
research, process model similarity and semantic matching.
Process model similarity techniques can be used to determine how similar two
business process models are, usually measured on a scale from 0 to 1. There exists
a variety of techniques that exploit textual information and the process model
structure [
] or execution semantics [
]. An overview of these techniques
is given in [
]. The relevance of process model similarity to process matching
is twofold. First, often similarity techniques start by determining similarity of
individual activities, which is clearly also of interest when determining matches.
Second, similarity techniques often produce a mapping between activities as a
byproduct of computing the similarity. The most important difference between
similarity and matching is that, when computing the similarity between process
models, a matching of lower quality is required than when the matching itself is
the goal. Consequently, the similarity techniques are less advanced when it comes
to determining matches. They mostly rely on simple (and fast) label comparison
rather than semantic techniques to determine similarity of activities and neglect
complex matches. There is one notable exception [
] that leverages synonyms
from WordNet [
]. Our fine grained interpretation of activity labels, however,
goes beyond the approach presented in [9].
Semantic matching has received considerable attention for schema and on-
tology matching, see [
]. In essence, semantic matching refers to the
identification of relations (equivalence, more or less general, disjoint) between
concepts, i.e., interpretations of schema or ontology entities [
]. Most promi-
nently, the S-Match system [
] realized semantic matching by first interpreting
labels and entities, which yields a set of concepts, before establishing relations
between them. This approach heavily relies on external knowledge basis, such
as WordNet [
]. Those are used to interpret single labels and derive concepts,
but also to determine the semantic relations between concepts. Our approach
for process model matching takes up these ideas: we interpret activity labels
by extracting actions and business objects, i.e., concepts, to generate match
6 Conclusion
In this paper we presented a novel approach for automatically matching process
models. The introduced technique combines semantic techniques and probabilistic
optimization. The approach has been implemented as a prototype and tested
using a set of 36 model pairs derived from 9 university admission processes.
In addition, we compared the evaluation results with the performance of the
previously introduced matching framework ICoP.
In general, the evaluation shows that our approach yields a higher overall
value of 0.315 in comparison to 0.294 from ICoP. Furthermore, the lower
standard deviation among the results indicates that the results of the Markov
approach are much more stable. However, the detailed analysis of the matching
pairs also revealed some specific strengths and weaknesses. First, we found out
that ICoP has some problems with recognizing non-matched activities while
Markov can handle this well. Further, Markov has a better ability to recognize
matches on a different level of granularity. This clearly shows the advantage of
the incorporation of semantic similarity hypotheses. However, while Markov is
better able to recognize semantic relations, there are some cases where Markov
actually fails to recognize trivial matches.
In future work we plan to improve our approach based on the identified
weaknesses. Accordingly, we aim for addressing 1:n matches by adapting the
current Markov logic implementation. Further, we intend to improve the calcula-
tion of the semantic match hypothesis. This may include the incorporation of
domain ontologies or domain corpora which help to increase the accuracy of the
calculated hypotheses.
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... Most of the existing model matching techniques typically utilize activity labels and process structures to determine process matching in model repositories [12]. However, incorporating the behavior of the underlying process models is indispensable while detecting process match-ing. ...
... Based on this fact, researchers have developed further approaches considering the behavioral information of process models. The authors of [12] propose a behavioral model matching approach which considers both label-based similarities and behavioral relations. After determining the semantic similarity of label components, match constraints are derived based on behavioral profiles [22] of the process models. ...
... In order to provide a fair empirical study, we consider the existing process model matching approaches which in particular take the behavioral information of process models into consideration, too. First, we utilize the Markov Logic Network model matching approach [12] with two different labeling functions, namely Refactored label similarity function, as proposed by the authors, and the basic Bag of Words label similarity function with Lin word similarity function [13] (abbreviated by MarkovR and MarkovB, respectively) so that the results can be compared with those of OPTIMA. Then, we use the bisimulation-based model matching approach (Bisim) [3] utilizing the basic Bag of Words label similarity function with Lin word similarity function so that the results are comparable with those of our proposal. ...
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The rapid increase in generation of business process models in the industry has raised the demand on the development of process model matching approaches. In this paper, we introduce a novel optimization-based business process model matching approach which can flexibly incorporate both the behavioral and label information of processes for the identification of correspondences between activities. Given two business process models, we achieve our goal by defining an integer linear program which maximizes the label similarities among process activities and the behavioral similarity between the process models. Our approach enables the user to determine the importance of the local label-based similarities and the global behavioral similarity of the models by offering the utilization of a predefined weighting parameter, allowing for flexibility. Moreover, extensive experimental evaluation performed on three real-world datasets points out the high accuracy of our proposal, outperforming the state of the art.
... This dual nature opens up various opportunities for the integration of semantic technologies in process modeling and analysis, as, e.g., outlined in the overviews by Fellmann et al. [13,14]. Research directions in this context range from the development of an ontology for business process representation [2], the automated construction of process knowledge graphs [3], and general-purpose business process representation learning [41], to problem-specific applications of semantic technologies, such as for process model matching [30], process model similarity [11], and the focal point of our work: activity recommendation. ...
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Activity recommendation in business process modeling is concerned with suggesting suitable labels for a new activity inserted by a modeler in a process model under development. Recently, it has been proposed to represent process model repositories as knowledge graphs, which makes it possible to address the activity-recommendation problem as a knowledge graph completion task. However, existing recommendation approaches are entirely dependent on the knowledge contained in the model repository used for training. This makes them rigid in general and even inapplicable in situations where a process model consists of unseen activities, which were not part of the repository used for training. In this paper, we avoid these issues by recognizing that the semantics contained in process models can be used to instead pose the activity-recommendation problem as a set of textual sequence-to-sequence tasks. This enables the application of transfer-learning techniques from natural language processing, which allows for recommendations that go beyond the activities contained in an available repository. We operationalize this with an activity-recommendation approach that employs a pre-trained language model at its core, and uses the representations of process knowledge as structured graphs combined with the natural-language-based semantics of process models. In an experimental evaluation, we show that our approach considerably outperforms the state of the art in terms of semantic accuracy of the recommendations and that it is able to recommend and handle activity labels that go beyond the vocabulary of the model repository used during training.Keywordsactivity recommendationprocess modelssemantic process analysislanguage modelssequence-to-sequence models
... The existing process manufacturing may be composed of many devices and individual machine systems. The load balancing control and some manufacturing operations are performed by the human (system control operators), which some process works on time constraints [1], probabilistic rules [2] and events. These manners result in the operational gaps, time and flaws of the process manufacturing control. ...
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Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been increasingly developed for real-time application in manufacturing processes to address heterogeneous devices and software effectively. Although almost all activities in a manufacturing process can perform an action when data objects arrive at the activity, physical devices or activities have process involving the operation of chance over time and probabilistic function for proceeding with their operations. Therefore, the formal verification of an IoT process design model have to consider the timed constraints, probabilistic tasks and dependencies between activities. This paper proposes a quantitative verification approach for analyzing and optimizing IoT manufacturing design models that are designed in business process model and notation (BPMN) representation. The transformation rules of BPMN element into the colored generalized stochastic Petri net (CGSPN) are proposed, and the stepwise approaches for refining and verifying the components of the CGSPN models are illustrated. Our framework helps the designers to automate the CGSPN model and to localize the operational gaps, time and flaws of the process manufacturing models.
... preceding and succeeding elements, granularity of surrounding model contents, general topic of the model, industry-specific process knowledge) • For evaluating matching techniques: Evaluation based on probabilistic gold standards [35] (i.e. averaged over multiple users), to avoid bias of the creator of the gold standard Annotation Verification • Identifying incoherent or implausible mappings between process models and ontologies • Analyzing inconsistencies or pin-pointing highly problematic elements, e.g. by means of element-based inconsistency measures • Means for resolving inconsistencies, e.g. in the scope of systems for semi-automated/guided inconsistency resolution Evolution Support • Support of change propagation during modelling, e.g., automatedly synchronizing process model and ontology if an element is deleted in one of the two artifacts • Using ontology-based reasoning and insights from process monitoring to recommend changes needed in the process models or ontologies • Leveraging insights from process monitoring to recommend changes needed for the company ontology • Means for long-term model management, e.g. ...
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In theory, ontology-based process modelling (OBPM) bares great potential to extend business process management. Many works have studied OBPM and are clear on the potential amenities, such as eliminating ambiguities or enabling advanced reasoning over company processes. However, despite this approval in academia, a widespread industry adoption is still nowhere to be seen. This can be mainly attributed to the fact, that it still requires high amounts of manual labour to initially create ontologies and annotations to process models. As long as these problems are not addressed, implementing OBPM seems unfeasible in practice. In this work, we therefore identify requirements needed for a successful implementation of OBPM and assess the current state of research w.r.t. these requirements. Our results indicate that the research progress for means to facilitate OBPM are still alarmingly low and there needs to be urgent work on extending existing approaches.
... Such integration is performed on structured and semi-structured data sets from various sources such as SQL and XML schemata, entity-relationship (ER) diagrams, ontology descriptions, process models, and web forms. Data integration plays a key role in a variety of domains, including data warehouse loading and exchange, aligning ontologies for the Semantic Web, semantic process model matching [16], and business document format merging (e.g., orders and invoices in e-commence) [21]. As an example, consider an application that keeps track of funded project applications, managing the review process through panel meetings. ...
We propose a method for automatically extracting semantics from data sources. The availability of multiple data sources on the one hand and the lack of proper semantic documentation of such data sources on the other hand call for new strategies in integrating data sources by extracting semantics from the data source itself rather than from its documentation. In this work we focus on relational databases, observing they are created from semantically-rich designs such as ER diagrams, which are often not conveyed together with the database itself. While the relational model may be semantically-poor with respect to ontological models, the original semantically-rich design of the application domain leaves recognizable footprints that can be converted into ontology mapping patterns. In this work, we offer an algorithm to automatically detect and map a relational schema to ontology mapping patterns and offer an empirical evaluation using two benchmark datasets.
Process mining allows organizations to obtain relevant insights into the execution of their processes. However, the starting point of any process mining analysis is an event log, which is typically not readily available in practice. The extraction of event logs from the relevant databases is a manual and highly time-consuming task, and often a hurdle for the application of process mining altogether. Available support for event log extraction comes with different assumptions and requirements and only provides limited automated support. In this paper, we therefore take a novel angle at supporting event log extraction. The core idea of our paper is to use an existing process model as a starting point and automatically identify to which database tables the activities of the considered process model relate to. Based on the resulting mapping, an event log can then be extracted in an automated fashion. We use this paper to define a first approach that is able to identify such a mapping between a process model and a database. We evaluate our approach using three real-world databases and five process models from the purchase-to-pay domain. The results of our evaluation show that our approach has the potential to successfully support event log extraction based on matching.
Innovation is progressing quickly in practically every one of the fields, not in a moment but rather consistently. With this speedy advancement in innovation, huge development has been seen in the worldwide computerization industry. The utilization of robotization strategies is in ceaseless development and it is expected for an anticipated future. Robotic Process Automation is one of the surprises in the computerization business and extends higher likely to the extent that use and staff execution in the approaching year is ordinary. Just like the advantage of making mundane tasks more reliable, quicker, and with greater outcomes. With such distinct advantages, it's hard not to become exuberant with mechanization, but rather bouncing in aimlessly can present huge outcomes while attempting to scale or assess your ROI. Huge undertakings are as yet battling to scale RPA (just 3% of bot arrangements arrive at scale). The business processes they decide to robotize might be a contributor to the issue. Despite the fact that the amazing open doors and possibilities for Robotic Process Automation are adequate, truly, RPA isn't appropriate for each cycle. We've consistently supported that one of the keys to scaling RPA, is picking the right cycles to automate.
In theory, ontology-based process modelling (OBPM) bares great potential to extend business process management. Many works have studied OBPM and are clear on the potential amenities, such as eliminating ambiguities or enabling advanced reasoning over company processes. However, despite this approval in academia, a widespread industry adoption is still nowhere to be seen. This can be mainly attributed to the fact, that it still requires high amounts of manual labour to initially create ontologies and annotations to process models. As long as these problems are not addressed, implementing OBPM seems unfeasible in practice. In this work, we therefore identify requirements needed for a successful implementation of OBPM and assess the current state of research w.r.t. these requirements. Our results indicate that the research progress for means to facilitate OBPM are still alarmingly low and there needs to be urgent work on extending existing approaches.
Ontology matching is the problem of determining correspondences between concepts, properties, and individuals of different heterogeneous ontologies. With this paper we present a novel probabilistic-logical framework for ontology matching based on Markov logic. We define the syntax and semantics and provide a formalization of the ontology matching problem within the framework. The approach has several advantages over existing methods such as ease of experimentation, incoherence mitigation during the alignment process, and the incorporation of a-priori confidence values. We show empirically that the approach is efficient and more accurate than existing matchers on an established ontology alignment benchmark dataset.
Conference Paper
In this work we present Cutting Plane Inference (CPI), a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) inference method for Statistical Relational Learning. Framed in terms of Markov Logic and inspired by the Cutting Plane Method, it can be seen as a meta algorithm that instantiates small parts of a large and complex Markov Network and then solves these using a conventional MAP method. We evaluate CPI on two tasks, Semantic Role Labelling and Joint Entity Resolution, while plugging in two different MAP inference methods: the current method of choice for MAP inference in Markov Logic, MaxWalkSAT, and Integer Linear Programming. We observe that when used with CPI both methods are significantly faster than when used alone. In addition, CPI improves the accuracy of MaxWalkSAT and maintains the exactness of Integer Linear Programming.
Semantic integration has been a long-standing challenge for the database community. It has received steady attention over the past two decades, and has now become a prominent area of database research. In this article, we first review database applications that require semantic integration and discuss the difficulties underlying the integration process. We then describe recent progress and identify open research issues. We focus in particular on schema matching, a topic that has received much attention in the database community, but also discuss data matching (for example, tuple deduplication) and open issues beyond the match discovery context (for example, reasoning with matches, match verification and repair, and reconciling inconsistent data values). For previous surveys of database research on semantic integration, see Rahm and Bernstein (2001); Ouksel and Seth (1999); and Batini, Lenzerini, and Navathe (1986).
Similarity measures for business process models have been suggested for different purposes such as measuring compliance between reference and actual models, searching for related models in a repository, or locating services that adhere to a specification given by a process model. The aim of our article is to provide a comprehensive survey on techniques to define and calculate such similarity measures.As the measures differ in many aspects, it is an interesting question how different measures rank “similarity” within the same set of models. We investigated, how different kinds of changes in a model influence the values of different similarity measures that have been published in academic literature.Furthermore, we identified eight properties that a similarity measure should have from a theoretical point of view and analysed how these properties are fulfilled by the different measures. Our results show that there are remarkable differences among existing measures.We give some recommendations which type of measure is useful for which kind of application.
Although increasingly IT-supported, effective techniques for process model retrieval and identification of process model differences or changes – needed for a variety of management and conformance purposes – are still challenging problems in business process management. Performing automated process comparison and finding relevant reference processes are not routine procedures for today’s operational process repositories. Efficient combinations of similarity measures for various process model characteristics can still improve the performance of process comparison and retrieval. The approach at hand introduces the concept of related cluster pairs, parameterises it with semantic, string-based, and novel hybrid metrics for comparing process models, and defines a novel similarity notion for process model retrieval. Evaluations with process data from the SAP reference model show that our approach outperforms current related work and established text search engines.
There have been several document ranking methods to calculate the conceptual distance or closeness between a Boolean query and a document. Though they provide good retrieval effectiveness in many cases, they do not support effective weighting schemes for queries and documents and also have several problems resulting from inappropriate evaluation of Boolean operators. We propose a new method called Knowledge-Based Extended Boolean Model (KB-EBM) in which Salton's extended Boolean model is incorporated. KB-EBM evaluates weighted queries and documents effectively, and avoids the problems of the previous methods. KB-EBM provides high quality document rankings by using term dependence information from is-a hierarchies. The performance experiments show that the proposed method closely simulates human behaviour.
There have been several document ranking methods to calculate the conceptual distance or closeness between a Boolean query and a document. Though they provide good retrieval effectiveness in many cases, they do not support effective weighting schemes for queries and documents and also have several problems resulting from inappropriate evaluation of Boolean operators. We propose a new method called Knowledge-Based Extended Boolean Model (kb-ebm) in which Salton's extended Boolean model is incorporated. kb-ebm evaluates weighted queries and documents effectively, and avoids the problems of the previous methods. kb-ebm provides high quality document rankings by using term dependence information from is-a hierarchies The performance experiments show that the proposed method closely simulates human behaviour.
It is common for large and complex organizations to maintain repositories of business process models in order to document and to continuously improve their operations. Given such a repository, this paper deals with the problem of retrieving those process models in the repository that most closely resemble a given process model or fragment thereof. The paper presents three similarity metrics that can be used to answer such queries: (i) label matching similarity that compares the labels attached to process model elements; (ii) structural similarity that compares element labels as well as the topology of process models; and (iii) behavioral similarity that compares element labels as well as causal relations captured in the process model. These similarity metrics are experimentally evaluated in terms of precision and recall, and in terms of correlation of the metrics with respect to human judgement. The experimental results show that all three metrics yield comparable results, with structural similarity slightly outperforming the other two metrics. Also, all three metrics outperform traditional search engines when it comes to searching through a repository for similar business process models.