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... The ion energy in the experiment was near Coulomb barrier, so, X-rays from projectile-like ions are also expected. The nuclear product Cr is one of the candidates for nuclear product forms by the alpha transfer reaction [23,24]. The energy of the second peak is also matched with the K a transition from He-like Cr [20], however, the detector resolution was not good enough to resolve. ...
We report the measurement of surface wakefield on the lifetime of He-like Ti (1s2s ³S1) during the time-of-flight measurements in the beam-foil experiment. Quenching in the lifetime of 1s2s ³S1 state from 26.6 ns to 67.11 ps has been observed due to blending with short-lived 1s2p ³ states in the presence of wakefield present near the target surface. The measured and theoretical lifetime of unperturbed He-like Ti (1s2s ³S1) and (1s2p ³) has been used to calculate the blending parameter ε (3.74 × 10⁻²). The surface wakefield for 110 MeV Ti⁺⁸ passing through 80 μg/cm² thick carbon foil is found to be 9.15 × 10⁷ V/cm. The measured stark mixing parameter can be used to determine the surface wakefield as well as the wake stopping power of an ion through a solid target.
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Orbital-angular-momentum (l) distributions of ions in intermediate n and l states have been compared for 1.5-5-MeV carbon ions traversing C foils and He gases by projectile Auger spectroscopy. The degree of high-l enhancement in C targets is quantitatively established. A picture involving multiple collisions between target atoms and the entrained electrons which accompany the ions explains the results.
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We present a joint theoretical and experimental study of the time evolution of electronic states of highly charged hydrogenic ions formed by capture during transmission through solids as they undergo multiple collisions and radiative decay. For this transport problem we have developed an inhomogeneous nonunitary Lindblad master equation that allows for a description of open quantum systems with both sinks (electron loss) and source (capture) present. We apply this theoretical framework to study transient coherences created in electron capture by 13.6 MeV∕amu Ar18+ ions transmitted through amorphous carbon foils and decoherence during subsequent interaction with the foil. In the limit of thin targets we can directly probe electron capture cross sections under single collision conditions, while for thicker targets we follow the partially coherent dynamics of the open quantum system in interaction with the solid as a function of interaction time. The calculated results are in close agreement with experimental data obtained at the LISE facility in GANIL. Photon intensities from excited argon ions were determined through high resolution x-ray spectroscopy in which individual fine structure components were resolved. Measurements were performed for a wide range of carbon foil thickness to study the time development of the excited state populations.
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Selective Rydberg-level population of multiply charged ions (e.g., Z=6, 7, and 8) at solid surfaces is treated in normal emergence geometry. For the intermediate ionic velocity region (between v≊1 and 3 a.u.) a molecular-dynamics-type model of the electron pickup process from the solid valence band into low-angular-momentum ionic states (l=0, 1, and 2) is proposed. Specific features of the Rydberg states and ions (large size, high degeneracy with respect to l, high value of Z) are included in the model. The electron transition amplitude is calculated as a mixed electron-density flux through a moving Firsov plane, whose kinematics is determined by a variational requirement. A multichannel character of the process is taken into account in the framework of a statistical treatment of decoupled channels, based on the approximation of small transition probabilities. The population probability Pnl=Pnl(v,Z) of the (n,l) state is in sufficiently good agreement with available beam-foil experimental data (S VI, Cl VII, Ar VIII) not only as a function of the principal quantum number n, but also as a function of l and v. An ‘‘anomalous’’ peak at n=11 in the population probability of Ar VIII is briefly discussed from the standpoint of the developed formalism. The predicted maxima in the v dependence of Pnl(v,Z) in the intermediate velocity region calls for further more refined experimental studies.
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A complete experimental study on the production and transport of long lifetime excited states has been done for Ar18+ on solid C targets, at a velocity of 23 a.u. and for a range of thickness allowing to vary the transport conditions from single collision to equilibrium (3.5 to 201 µg/cm2). A systematic determination of Ar17+ Rydberg l and 2s state populations has been performed using X-ray spectroscopy technique. Results are compared with predictions of different transport simulations (either developed on a quantum or classical phase space), which take into account multiple collisions and the strong polarization induced by the incoming ion (the wake field). Using Continuum Distorted Wave approximation for modeling the initial capture process, very good agreement is found between experimental Rydberg state populations and theoretical approaches limited to the effect of multiple collisions. On the contrary, the transport of the metastable 2s exhibits strong sensitivity to Stark mixing induced by the wake field. Limitation of each theoretical approach is discussed with respect to the different experimental observables.
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We describe measurements of the lifetimes of metastable states in one- and two-electron nickel ions. The 2 [sup 2][ital S][sub 1/2] level in one-electron nickel was found to have a lifetime of 217.1(1.8) ps, in agreement with a theoretical calculation of 215.45 ps. The lifetimes of the 2 [sup 1][ital S][sub 0] and 2 [sup 3][ital P][sub 2] levels in two-electron nickel were found to be 156.1(1.6) and 70(3) ps, respectively, in agreement with the theoretical results of 154.3(0.5) and 70.6 ps. We also studied the phenomenon of hyperfine quenching of the He-like 2 [sup 3][ital P][sub 0] level by comparing decay curves for the isotopes [sup 61]Ni and [sup 58]Ni. The lifetime of the 2 [sup 3][ital P][sub 0] level in [sup 61]Ni[sup 26+] was found to be 470(50) ps, in agreement with a theoretical prediction. The measurements were carried out using the beam-foil time-of-flight technique with a fast beam of highly charged nickel ions. We discuss the handling of systematic effects in the measurements, including the study of yrast cascades following the beam-foil interaction.
The appearance of resonances (pronounced maxima at nA = nres) in the probability distributions for the population of the Rydberg state (nA, lA, mA) of multiply charged ions (Z ≫ 1) escaping solid surfaces at intermediate velocities (v ≈ 1 a.u.) is discussed. Within the framework of the time-symmetrized two-state vector model, in which the state of a single active electron is described by two wave functions Ψ1 and Ψ2, the resonances are explained by means of an electron tunneling in the very vicinity of the ion–surface potential barrier top. To include this specific feature of electron transitions into the model, the appropriate etalon equation method is used in the calculation of the function Ψ1. We consider the ions ArVIII, KrVIII, and XeVIII with the same core charges Z = 8 a.u., but with different core polarizations. The effect of the ionic core polarization is associated with the function Ψ2. The population probabilities for nA ≈ nres are complemental to those obtained recently for nA < nres, and in sufficiently good agreement with available beam-foil experimental data. The pronounced resonances in the final population distributions are recognized only in the case of ArVIII ion and for the lower values of the solid work function (argon anomaly).
To identify the residual nuclei in very asymmetric heavy-ion reactions heavy-ion K X-ray coincidences have been measured. The usefulness and limitations of this method are discussed, and its feasibility is demonstrated in a study of the 14N+197Au reaction at 140 MeV.
a b s t r a c t In this paper we present a comprehensive analysis of beam-foil and beam-gas excited spectrum of argon observed in small wavelength region, 2965–309 A, using Ar þ /2 þ ions in the energy range 200–650 keV. The comparison of beam-foil spectrum (BFS) at different incident beam energy and with that of beam-gas spectrum (BGS), one can find solution for blending problem in beam-foil spectroscopy. Many new transitions were identified on the basis of calculated wavelength from the accurately known energy levels of Ar I, Ar II, Ar III and Ar V. The transitions of Ar I originate from highly excited states (10p to 17p and 10f to 17f). Based on TOPbase estimates using close-coupling approximation five transitions involving core-excited states and nine transitions originating from highly excited states in the spectrum of Ar III and Ar IV were also identified. Radiative life time of two core excited quintet states (3s3p 4 (4 P)6d 5 D and 3s3p 4 (4 P)8f 5 F o) of Ar III were measured and found to be in 'good' agreement with that of the calculated value using close-coupling approximation.
Heavy-ion transfer reactions to highly excited states are examined in terms of surprisal analysis-a constrained statistical approach motivated by information-theoretic considerations. The practical use of the procedure is discussed and illustrated by application to the available data from a variety of reactions. The experimentally measured energy spectra for multinucleon transfer are found to be well described by a distribution of maximal entropy subject to constraints. These constraints are shown to imply that the distribution of single nucleon occupation numbers in the heavy residual nucleus is fully relaxed but that the two-particle (and higher) correlation functions are not. For few-nucleon transfers the energy spectra contain a second, smaller, component which is more strongly damped. The dynamical origin of the constraints is discussed in terms of sum rules derived from models for the transfer process. A simple model for grazing collisions which includes the effects of tangential friction (with the same damping constant for all exit channels) provides a qualitative and a quantitative account of the variation of the optimal Q value with the number of transferred nucleons.NUCLEAR REACTIONS Heavy ions, 232Th(16O,X), X=17,16,15N, 15,14,13,12C, 13,12,11B, 10Be, E=105 MeV. 96Mo(14N,X), X=15O, 13C, 10B, 9Be, 7Li, E=97 MeV. AMo(14N,X), X=13C, 12B, A=100, 98,97,96,95,94,92, E=97 MeV. 53Cr(14N,X), X=13C, 11B, 9Be, E=90 MeV. 232Th(15N,X), X=14,12C, 13,11B, 10Be, 9Li, E=145 MeV. 232Th(22Ne,X), X=26Na, 19,18O, 17N, 16,15C, E=174 MeV. 197Au(16O,X), X=15N, 11B, 9Be, E=218 and 250 MeV. Ni(16O, 12C)Zn, E=96 MeV Energy and nucleon occupation numbers in the ejectiles. Models for optimal Q values. Tangential friction.
We present a theoretical study of resonances and thresholds, two specific features of Rydberg-state formation of multiply charged ions (Z=6, 7, and 8) escaping a solid surface at intermediate velocities (v≈1a.u.) in the normal emergence geometry. The resonances are recognized in pronounced maxima of the experimentally observed population curves of Ar VIII ions for resonant values of the principal quantum number n=nres=11 and for the angular momentum quantum numbers l=1 and 2. Absence of optical signals in detectors of beam-foil experiments for n>nthr of S VI and Cl VII ions (with l=0, 1, and 2) and Ar VIII for l=0 is interpreted as a threshold phenomenon. An interplay between resonance and threshold effects is established within the framework of quantum dynamics of the low angular momentum Rydberg-state formation, based on a generalization of Demkov-Ostrovskii’s charge-exchange model. In the model proposed, the Ar VIII resonances appear as a consequence of electron tunneling in the very vicinity of the ion-surface potential barrier top and at some critical ion-surface distances Rc. The observed thresholds are explained by means of a decay mechanism of ionic Rydberg states formed dominantly above the Fermi level EF of a solid conduction band. The theoretically predicted resonant and threshold values, nres and nthr of the principal quantum number n, as well as the obtained population probabilities Pnl=Pnl(v,Z), are in sufficiently good agreement with all available experimental findings.
A systematic calculation of the hyperfine structure of 2 3P levels of heliumlike ions is presented. Reduced matrix elements of the magnetic-dipole hyperfine operator between substates of the 2 1,3P states are evaluated using relativistic configuration-interaction wave functions that account for both Coulomb and Breit interactions. These matrix elements, together with the energy intervals ΔE10=E(2 3P1)-E(2 3P0), ΔE20=E(2 3P2)-E(2 3P0), and ΔEst=E(2 1P1)-E(2 3P0), are tabulated for ions with nuclear charges in the range Z=2–100. For Z=2, the matrix elements are in close agreement with precise nonrelativistic variational calculations, but as Z increases from 2 to 10, the present values deviate smoothly from the variational values owing to relativistic corrections. Applications are given to determine the hyperfine structure of 3He, 6,7Li+, 9Be2+, and 19F7+. Hyperfine quenching rates of 2 3P0 states are calculated using a radiation-damping formalism for all stable isotopes in the range Z=6–92. Quenching rates of 2 3P2 states are also calculated for selected ions. For Z=9–29, the 2 3P0 quenching rates are in good agreement with relativistic 1/Z calculations. For Z>40, the diagonal hyperfine matrix elements disagree in sign with previously published multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock values. In view of these differences, the present matrix elements are used to reevaluate the fine-structure intervals ΔE10 inferred from hyperfine quenching experiments for the ions Ni26+, Ag45+, and Gd62+.
The differing results of previous analyses of the binding energy for particles trapped in the wake of fast-moving ions traversing a solid are reconciled, and the values given by Day are corrected at high velocities. A form of a variational calculation of these energies which permits comparison of various dielectric functions is presented, and used to deduce a possible form for the bound-particle wave function. This wave function is used in an analysis of processes occurring as the wake emerges from the surface.
We have investigated the electron capture into large-l Rydberg states of multiply charged ionic projectiles (e.g., the core charges Z=6, 7, and 8) escaping solid surfaces with intermediate velocities (v≈1a.u.) in the normal emergence geometry. A model of the nonresonant electron capture from the solid conduction band into the moving large angular-momentum Rydberg states of the ions is developed through a generalization of our results obtained previously for the low-l cases (l=0, 1, and 2). The model is based on the two-wave-function dynamics of the Demkov-Ostrovskii type. The electron exchange process is described by a mixed flux through a moving plane (“Firsov plane”), placed between the solid surface and the ionic projectile. Due to low eccentricities of the large-l Rydberg systems, the mixed flux must be evaluated through the whole Firsov plane. It is for this purpose that a suitable asymptotic method is developed. For intermediate ionic velocities and for all relevant values of the principal quantum number n≈Z, the population probability Pnl is obtained as a nonlinear l distribution. The theoretical predictions concerning the ions S VI, Cl VII, and Ar VIII are compared with the available results of the beam-foil experiments.
A complete experimental study of the production and transport of long-lifetime excited states has been done for Ar18+ on solid C targets, at a velocity of 23 a.u., and for a range of thickness allowing us to vary the transport conditions from single collision to equilibrium (3.5 to 201 μg∕cm2). A systematic determination of Ar17+ Rydberg ℓ- and 2s-state populations has been performed using the x-ray spectroscopy technique. Results are compared with predictions of different transport simulations (developed on either a quantum or a classical phase space), which take into account multiple collisions and the strong polarization induced by the incoming ion (the wakefield). Using the continuum distorted-wave approximation for modeling the initial capture process, very good agreement is found between experimental Rydberg-state populations and theoretical approaches limited to the effect of multiple collisions. On the contrary, the transport of the metastable 2s state exhibits strong sensitivity to Stark mixing induced by the wakefield. The limitation of each theoretical approach is discussed with respect to the different experimental observables.
Results of various fusion experiments with heavy ions are compared with predictions of statistical model calculations. In some reactions there is evidence for nonstatistical effects based on significant discrepancies between the calculations and the experimental results. Alternative explanations of these discrepancies are considered.[NUCLEAR REACTIONS HI (xnγ), statistical model calculations.]
A facility for lifetime measurement of metastable states in highly charged ions using the beam-foil technique with a single-foil and a two-foil target has been developed. In the two-foil technique, one foil moves with respect to the other and the option of varying the thickness of the fixed foil online has been implemented. A holder with multiple foils is used as a fixed target, and moved along x, y, and θ, the angle of rotation with respect to beam direction along the z axis. Using this facility, the He-like 1s2p and Li-like 1s2s2p titanium lifetimes have been measured and compared with earlier values. In addition to this, the processes which occur when excited states collide with carbon foils of different thicknesses have also been investigated. Preliminary results suggest the scope of studying intrashell transitions during ion-solid collision using this setup. In this article, the setup is described in detail and representative results are briefly discussed.
We report collision-induced intra-shell transitions for the first time. It has been observed between two close by levels 1s2s 3S1 and 1s2p3Po2 in He-like Ti ions by the beam-two-foil time-of-flight technique. The mean collision-induced transition probability between these two levels is found to be quite large (0.72 ± 0.05/collision), which is attributable to the small energy splittings (32 eV) between them.
The wavelengths, radiative transition probabilities and autoionization rates have been calculated for the transitions 1s2l3l'-1s2 2l in a wide range of nuclear charge Z. These data were used for the calculation of relative intensity factors Qd for dielectronic satellite of highly charged He-like ions. Synthetic spectra will be built from these data for different plasma sources. A perturbation theory method is described for the calculation of atomic properties of autoionization states. Correlation, relativistic and radiative effects were taken into account. Z-dependencies of radiative transition probabilities and autoionization rates are discussed. Relative intensity factors of dielectronic satellite lines are shown as functions of Z for different types of 1s2l3l'-1s2 2l transitions.
Using projectile-like ions instead of projectile ions in a beam–foil source, we have reconfirmed the formation of circular Rydberg states. The projectile-like 6028Ni and 6329Cu ions have been produced by a 5626Fe ion beam and 6230Zn ions by a 5828Ni ion beam, at beam energies above the Coulomb barrier, bombarding a thin carbon foil. Time-resolved x-ray transitions of these projectile-like ions attain their maximum intensities at different delays. Such delays are attributed to successive cascading through yrast transitions from the circular Rydberg levels, which find important implications in understanding the origin of radio recombination lines from interstellar space.
We observed the circular Rydberg states populating H-like Fe ions during fast ion-solid collisions. Time-resolved X-ray spectra obtained with 164 MeV 5626Fe ions colliding with a carbon foil do not show any lines due to H-like Fe ions at small delay times until 600 ps. However, Lyα and Lyβ transitions appear after a while and attain maximum intensity at a delay of 920 ± 5 ps. Such a delay is attributed to successive cascading from the circular Rydberg levels, which has important implications for understanding the origin of radio recombination lines from interstellar space.
Bulk and surface plasmon excitations in amorphous carbon (a-C) films have been characterized by core-level loss spectroscopy. Atomically smooth a-C surfaces were used in their as-grown state, after UHV annealing and after covalent immobilization of dense molecular monolayers (2–4 × 1014 cm−2), either perfluorinated or labelled with an ester functionality. X-ray photoelectron spectra reveal a sp3-rich hybridization of surface C atoms, with a σ + π plasmon loss distribution centred at 29.5 ± 1 eV, characteristic of a high electron density value. For molecular grafted surfaces, the energy distribution of plasmon losses reveals new contributions in the range 15–25 eV (clearly separated from the energy distribution of the bulk σ + π plasmon loss of a-C) with an increasing loss probability observed at grazing photoemission angles. A simple parameterization method is presented to derive bulk and surface plasmon loss distributions from angular core level loss spectroscopy (XPS) data, without a priori assumptions on the shape of the loss energy distributions.
Delayed beam-foil X-ray spectra of highly charged ions of V, Fe and Ni show a few lines at energies higher than the H-like Lyman α-line of the respective projectile ions. These can only be attributed to heavier ions. Further the time dependence of such unexpected lines display a peculiar behavior. This work presents the experimental observations systematically.
A computer program calculating charge state distributions of ions with up to 28 electrons distributed over n = 1, 2 and 3 subshells has been developed. The model is based on an independent electron model taking into account electron loss, capture and excitation from and to all the subshells. Calculated atomic cross sections are recomputed periodically to take into account their dependence with the projectile energy and its mean charge state when they vary as a function of target thickness.
The decay curves for 2p-1s and 3p-1s transitions in 32-MeV H-like oxygen projectiles excited by a thin carbon foil have been measured and compared with the results of a cascade computer program which calculates the intensities of these transitions for an assumed initial distribution of excited states as a function of decay time. The measured decay curves agreed best with those predicted by the cascade program using an l-independent population probability proportional to n/sup -4/ for each state.
The experimentally observed high-{ital l}-state population of ions excited in ion-solid interactions differs sharply from {ital l}-state populations produced in ion-atom collisions. We have studied the population dynamics of electronic excitation and transport within the framework of a classical transport theory for O{sup 2+} (2-MeV/u) ions traversing C foils. The resulting delayed-photon-emission intensities are found to be in very good agreement with experiment. Initial phase-space conditions have been obtained from both classical-trajectory Monte Carlo calculations and random initial distributions. We find evidence that the very-high-{ital l}-state populations produced in ion-solid collisions are the result of a diffusion to high-{ital l} states under the influence of multiple scattering in the bulk of the solid.
Projectile-centered Rydberg states of highly charged fast ions traversing thin solid targets show an unexpected abundance of high-l states. We present a theory for the production of high-l states based on classical stochastic dynamics. Diffusion into high-l states is shown to be universal for single-particle orbits in three dimensions under the influence of a stochastic perturbation, i.e., largely independent of the details of the interaction potentials. Monte Carlo simulations using a Langevin equation for stochastically perturbed electrons in a dynamically screened Coulomb field yield quantitative agreement with experimental data.
Dielectronic satellite spectra of the ls3p-1s 2 lines for highly-charged ions with Z¼
  • Ui Safronova
  • Ms Safronova
  • R Bruch
  • La Vainshtein
Safronova UI, Safronova MS, Bruch R, Vainshtein LA. Dielectronic satellite spectra of the ls3p-1s 2 lines for highly-charged ions with Z¼ 6–54 (1s2l3l 0 À 1s 2 2l transitions). Phys Scr 1995;51:471–83.
NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver.4.1.0), [Online]. National Institute of Standards and Technology Available from
  • Ralchenko Yu
  • Ae Kramida
  • J Reader
  • Nist
  • Team
Ralchenko Yu, Kramida AE, Reader J. NIST ASD Team, NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver.4.1.0), [Online]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; 2011. Available from: / [03.09.12].