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Theory of the Spin Seebeck Effect

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Reports on Progress in Physics
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Abstract and Figures

The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of a spin voltage caused by a temperature gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the ferromagnet into an attached nonmagnetic metal over a macroscopic scale of several millimeters. The inverse spin Hall effect converts the injected spin current into a transverse charge voltage, thereby producing electromotive force as in the conventional charge Seebeck device. Recent theoretical and experimental efforts have shown that the magnon and phonon degrees of freedom play crucial roles in the spin Seebeck effect. In this article, we present the theoretical basis for understanding the spin Seebeck effect and briefly discuss other thermal spin effects.
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Rep. Prog. Phys. 76 (2013) 036501 (20pp) doi:10.1088/0034-4885/76/3/036501
Theory of the spin Seebeck effect
Hiroto Adachi1,2, Ken-ichi Uchida3,4, Eiji Saitoh1,2,4,5and
Sadamichi Maekawa1,2
1Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai 319-1195, Ibaraki, Japan
2CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Sanbancho, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan
3PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-012, Japan
4Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
5WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
Received 12 September 2012, in final form 23 December 2012
Published 19 February 2013
Online at
The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of a spin voltage caused by a temperature
gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the
ferromagnet into an attached nonmagnetic metal over a macroscopic scale of several
millimeters. The inverse spin Hall effect converts the injected spin current into a transverse
charge voltage, thereby producing electromotive force as in the conventional charge Seebeck
device. Recent theoretical and experimental efforts have shown that the magnon and phonon
degrees of freedom play crucial roles in the spin Seebeck effect. In this paper, we present the
theoretical basis for understanding the spin Seebeck effect and briefly discuss other thermal
spin effects.
This article was invited by Laura H Greene.
1. Introduction 1
2. Spin current 2
3. Spin Hall effect 3
4. Spin Seebeck effect 4
4.1. Brief summary of the spin Seebeck effect 4
4.2. Experimental details of the spin Seebeck effect 5
5. Linear-response theory of the spin Seebeck effect 5
5.1. Local picture of thermal spin injection by
magnons 5
5.2. Linear-response approach to the
magnon-driven spin Seebeck effect 7
5.3. Length scale associated with the spin Seebeck
effect 10
6. Phonon-drag contribution to the spin Seebeck effect 11
6.1. Acoustic spin pumping 11
6.2. Phonon drag in the spin Seebeck effect 12
7. Varieties of the spin Seebeck effect 14
7.1. Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect 14
7.2. Thermoelectric coating based on the spin
Seebeck effect 16
7.3. Position sensing via the spin Seebeck effect 16
8. Other thermal spintronic effects 17
8.1. Spin injection due to the spin-dependent
Seebeck effect 17
8.2. Seebeck effect in magnetic tunnel junctions 17
8.3. Magnon-drag thermopile 17
8.4. Thermal spin-transfer torque 17
8.5. Effects of heat current on magnon dynamics 18
8.6. Anomalous Nernst effect and spin Nernst effect 18
8.7. Thermal Hall effect of phonons and magnons 18
9. Conclusions and future prospects 18
Acknowledgments 19
References 19
1. Introduction
Generation of electromotive force by a temperature gradient
has been known for many years as the Seebeck effect [1]. In
recent years, a spin analog of the Seebeck effect has drawn
considerable attention in the field of spintronics, because
replacing charge transport with spin transport in modern solid-
state devices is a major issue in the spintronics community.
More than two decades ago, Johnson and Silsbee [2] published
a seminal theoretical study, in which they generalized the
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... When the temperature at the junction changes, voltage is generated. The fundamental principle behind thermocouples is the Seebeck effect, which states that if dissimilar metals are joined at a point, they produce a small measurable voltage when the temperature at the connection point changes [103,104]. The magnitude of the voltage is determined by the extent of the temperature change and the characteristics of the metals. ...
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Climate change poses significant challenges to agricultural productivity, making the efficient management of water resources essential for sustainable crop production. The assessment of plant water status is crucial for understanding plant physiological responses to water stress and optimizing water management practices in agriculture. Proximal and remote sensing techniques have emerged as powerful tools for the non-destructive, efficient, and spatially extensive monitoring of plant water status. This review aims to examine the recent advancements in proximal and remote sensing methodologies utilized for assessing the water status, consumption, and irrigation needs of fruit tree crops. Several proximal sensing tools have proved useful in the continuous estimation of tree water status but have strong limitations in terms of spatial variability. On the contrary, remote sensing technologies, although less precise in terms of water status estimates, can easily cover from medium to large areas with drone or satellite images. The integration of proximal and remote sensing would definitely improve plant water status assessment, resulting in higher accuracy by integrating temporal and spatial scales. This paper consists of three parts: the first part covers current plant-based proximal sensing tools, the second part covers remote sensing techniques, and the third part includes an update on the on the combined use of the two methodologies.
... Magnons can be excited across a broad range of energies, with rf magnetic fields (generated by microwave cavities or waveguides) typically used to excite low-frequency, long-wavelength magnons that can propagate coherently over distances of several millimeters in low damping magnetic materials [4]. However, electrical and thermal excitation methods, such as the spin Hall and spin Seebeck effects [5,6], do not provide phase coherent excitation or frequency selectivity. All frequencies with energies k B T are excited, including a large percentage of magnons with energies comparable to the thermal energy. ...
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Conduction of spin currents in disordered insulating antiferromagnets has recently been at the center of scientific debate with both long-range spin transport or no spin transport at all observed experimentally. In this study, ferromagnetic resonance has been used to probe the transmission of ac spin current through thin amorphous yttrium iron garnet (YIG) layers. The spin current is found to be mediated by evanescent spin waves with a penetration length four times larger than that of previous studies of amorphous YIG, even exceeding the spin penetration length of crystalline NiO.
... Thus, when the local thermodynamical equilibrium of a magnon gas, defined by temperature or chemical potential, is subjected to external driving, it provides routes to detect magnonic effects through the thermal and spin conductivity in linear response theory [35,[40][41][42][43][44]. For instance, under temperature gradients, thermal transport measurements yield signatures of topological magnon states [45][46][47], entanglement [48,49], longdistance transport [35,38], and thermal diffusion in the form of spin Seebeck effect [50][51][52]. Despite this, fundamental thermodynamical behaviors, such as entropy production, adiabatic processes, caloric phenomena, or thermal cycles based on slowly varying external fields, lack deeper comprehension in magnonic systems compared to their electronic counterparts [53][54][55]. Specifically, magnon-based thermodynamic cycles are an unex-plored issue so far that constitutes a promising arena that will boost slow-magnonics. ...
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We propose a magnon-based thermal machine in two-dimensional (2D) magnetic insulators. The thermodynamical cycles are engineered by exposing a magnon spin system to thermal baths at different temperatures and tuning the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. We find for the Otto cycle that a thermal gas of magnons converts a fraction of heat into energy in the form of work, where the efficiency is maximized for specific values of DM, reaching the corresponding Carnot efficiency. We witness a positive to negative net work transition during the cycle that marks the onset of a refrigerator-like behavior. The work produced by the magnonic heat engine enhances the magnon chemical potential. The last enables a spin accumulation that might result in the pumping of spin currents at the interfaces of metal-magnet heterostructures. Our work opens new possibilities for the efficient leverage of conventional two-dimensional magnets.
... In the field of spin caloritronics [1,2], researchers study the 34 intricate interplay between spin, charge, and heat. A promi-35 nent subfield in this area is the spin Seebeck effect (SSE), 36 a phenomenon that generates a pure spin current (J s ) when 37 exposed to a temperature gradient (∇T ) in ferromagnetic 38 materials [3]. The SSE has been observed in a variety of 39 materials, including metals like Ni 81 Fe 19 [4], semiconductors 40 like MnAs [5], and insulators like YIG [6]. is deposited atop the FI, and voltage is measured along the y axis. ...
The generation of spin voltage by heat, known as the spin Seebeck effect (SSE), involves the injection of spin current from a ferromagnetic to a normal metal. In this study, the shunting effect in SSE is investigated within a hybrid structure consisting of iron (Fe) and cobalt (Co) films deposited on a Si-wafer substrate using thermal evaporation [Si/Fe(500 nm)/Co(10 nm)]. Spin voltage measurements performed in the in-plane configuration revealed a voltage reversal in the Co film and Fe film. However, in the hybrid structure (Si/Fe/Co), the voltage signal exhibited consistent directionality. This intriguing observation hints at a potential shunting effect, wherein the voltage influence from the Fe layer contributes to the Co film. Consequently, it is deduced that a significant shunting effect occurs when the resistivity of Fe is approximately three orders of magnitude lower than that of the Co film. This insight sheds light on the intricate dynamics of spin thermoelectric applications, emphasizing the role of material properties in optimizing performance.
Atomically thin van der Waals magnetic materials offer exceptional opportunities to mechanically and electrically manipulate magnetic states and spin textures. The possibility of efficient spin transport in these materials makes them promising for the development of novel nanospintronics technology. Using atomistic spin dynamics simulations, we investigate magnetic ground state, magnon dispersion, critical temperature, and magnon spin transport in CrCl3 bilayers in the absence and presence of compressive and tensile strains. We show that in the presence of mechanical strain, the magnon band gap at the Γ point and the critical temperature of the bilayer are increased. Furthermore, our simulations show that the magnon diffusion length is reduced in the presence of strain. Moreover, by exciting magnons through the spin Seebeck effect and spin Hall-induced torque, we illustrate distinctions between magnon spin transport in the antiferromagnetic state, under compressive strains, and ferromagnetic states, under tensile strains or in the unstrained case.
The Nernst effect describes a linear relationship between orthogonal components of a magnetic field, a temperature gradient, and a resulting transverse electric field. A non-local electrical measurement, where injection and detection are physically separated on the specimen, serves as a versatile and effective platform for measuring spin and thermal effects due to the avoided interference with a charge current directly. Here, we quantify the Nernst coefficient of Pt, a common material for spin injection in non-local geometries, by a non-local electrical measurement under modulated temperature and magnetic field and finite element analysis for modeling heat transfer. We determine the Nernst coefficient of Pt from room temperature (8.56 nV K−1 T−1) to 10 K (29.3 nV K−1 T−1). Beyond the quantification of the Nernst coefficient, our results show that careful consideration of the thermal properties of the thermal sink and electrode materials is needed when making an interpretation of non-local electrical measurements.
The spin-resolved thermoelectric transport properties of correlated nanoscale junctions, consisting of a quantum dot/molecule asymmetrically coupled to external ferromagnetic contacts, are studied theoretically in the far-from-equilibrium regime. One of the leads is assumed to be strongly coupled to the quantum dot resulting in the development of the Kondo effect. The spin-dependent current flowing through the system, as well as the thermoelectric properties, are calculated by performing a perturbation expansion with respect to the weakly coupled electrode, while the Kondo correlations are captured accurately by using the numerical renormalization group method. In particular, we determine the differential and nonequilibrium Seebeck effects of the considered system in different magnetic configurations and uncover the crucial role of spin-dependent tunneling on the device performance. Moreover, by allowing for the spin accumulation in the leads, which gives rise to finite spin bias, we shed light on the behavior of the nonequilibrium spin Seebeck effect. In particular, we predict new sign changes of the spin-resolved Seebeck effect in the nonlinear response regime, which stem from the interplay of exchange field and finite voltage and temperature gradients.
Spin transport phenomena at strongly correlated interfaces play central roles in fundamental physics as well as spintronic applications. To anatomize spin-transport carriers, we propose the detection of the spin-current noise in interacting itinerant fermions. The Fano factor given by the ratio between the spin current and its noise reflects elementary carriers of spin transport at the interface of spin-polarized Fermi gases realized in ultracold atoms. The change of the Fano factor microscopically evinces a crossover from quasiparticle transport to magnon transport in itinerant fermionic systems.
The second harmonic voltage has been widely used to measure electrically driven spin torques in ferromagnet–heavy metal heterostructures. Based on the macrospin model, the third harmonic voltage is proposed for studying thermally driven spin torques. Our experiments clearly show that two distinct physical mechanisms dominate such thermal spin torques. The first refers to thermal expansion or contraction, which generates an effective field through the magnetoelastic effect. The second comes from the thermally reduced magnetization of the ferromagnetic layer, which modulates the magnetoresistance of the heterostructure. Our study illustrates the versatile applicability of the third harmonic voltage in investigating the nonlinear effects in ferromagnet–heavy metal heterostructures.
Nowadays, information technology is based on semiconductor and ferromagnetic materials. Information processing and computation are performed using electron charge in semiconductor transistors and integrated circuits, and the information is stored by electron spins on magnetic high-density hard disks. Recently, a new branch of physics and nanotechnology, called magneto-electronics, spintronics, or spin electronics, has emerged, which aims to exploit both the charge and the spin of electrons in the same device. A broader goal is to develop new functionality that does not exist separately in a ferromagnet or a semiconductor. This book presents new directions in the development of spin electronics in both the basic physics and the technology which will become the foundation of future electronics.
Voltage signals induced by the spin-Seebeck effect (SSE) are shown to be enhanced by introducing a thermopile structure consisting of two different metals with positive and negative spin-Hall angles. In the ``spin-Hall thermopile'', the positive and negative SSE signals in the metals are added to the output voltage in series. Here, we demonstrate that a Pt/Nb thermopile on an Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) slab exhibits the SSE voltage one order of magnitude greater than that in a plain Pt/YIG system. Since the spin-Hall thermopile enables sensitive detection of a spin voltage in a versatile manner, it will be useful to construct spin and heat sensors.
Relaxation control in magnetic thin films via thermally induced interfacial spin transfers was demonstrated for the first time. The experiments used a trilayered structure that consisted of an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin film grown on a gadolinium gallium garnet substrate and capped with a nanometer-thick Pt layer. As a temperature gradient is applied across the thickness of the structure, there exists a spin angular momentum transfer across the YIG/Pt interface. This spin transfer results in a torque on YIG magnetic moments. The torque can either speed up or slow down the relaxation in the YIG film, depending on the sign of the temperature gradient with respect to the trilayered structure.
The spin-Seebeck effect (SSE) in magnetic insulators is shown to be applicable to two-dimensional (2D) position sensing using an Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) slab covered with a Pt-film mesh. When a part of the YIG-slab/Pt-mesh sample was heated, the position of the heated part of the sample was found to be known from the measured SSE signals in the Pt mesh. Since the SSE-based position-sensing method allows commonly-used insulators to produce 2D position information, it may be useful for constructing versatile thermally-driven user-interface devices and image-information sensors.
Platinum (Pt) metal, being nonmagnetic and with a strong spin-orbit coupling interaction, has been central in detecting the pure spin current and establishing most of the recent spin-based phenomena. Magnetotransport measurements, both electrical and thermal, conclusively show strong ferromagnetic characteristics in thin Pt films on the ferromagnetic insulator due to the magnetic proximity effects. The pure spin current phenomena measured by Pt, including the inverse spin Hall and the spin Seebeck effects, are thus contaminated and not exclusively established.
By using the Boltzmann transport equations, we calculate the dissipation produced by a spin-polarized current. The results can be interpreted in terms of a circuit model which is also commonly used to explain the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. We find that due to the spin-flip scattering of electrons, the GMR effect is associated with extra Joule heating, which is more localized than the spin-diffusion length.
A field-theoretical treatment is given of the magnetoelastic coupling of magnons and phonons in a ferromagnetic crystal. The effects of the coupling are large when the wavelengths and frequencies of the two fields are equal. If the two transverse phonon states of a given wave vector are degenerate, then the rotatory dispersion of the phonons will be large. The possibility exists of creating nonreciprocal acoustic elements, such as acoustic gyrators. At simultaneous resonance the phonon attenuation is expected to be large. The possibility of magnetostrictive transducers at microwave frequencies is discussed. A calculation is given of the damping by eddy currents of spin waves in a metal.