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Tuberculosis in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Peninsular Malaysia

Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Infection

Abstract and Figures

SUMMARY A cross-sectional study was conducted from 10 January to 9 April 2012, to determine the seroprevalence of tuberculosis (TB) of all captive Asian elephants and their handlers in six locations in Peninsular Malaysia. In addition, trunk-wash samples were examined for tubercle bacillus by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For 63 elephants and 149 elephant handlers, TB seroprevalence was estimated at 20·4% and 24·8%, respectively. From 151 trunk-wash samples, 24 acid-fast isolates were obtained, 23 of which were identified by hsp65-based sequencing as non-tuberculous mycobacteria. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific PCR was positive in the trunk-wash samples from three elephants which were also seropositive. Conversely, the trunk wash from seven seropositive elephants were PCR negative. Hence, there was evidence of active and latent TB in the elephants and the high seroprevalence in the elephants and their handlers suggests frequent, close contact, two-way transmission between animals and humans within confined workplaces.
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Tuberculosis in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)in
Peninsular Malaysia
*, Y. F. NGEOW
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ministry of Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Received 29 October 2012; Final revision 8 January 2013; Accepted 22 January 2013
A cross-sectional study was conducted from 10 January to 9 April 2012, to determine the
seroprevalence of tuberculosis (TB) of all captive Asian elephants and their handlers in six
locations in Peninsular Malaysia. In addition, trunk-wash samples were examined for tubercle
bacillus by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For 63 elephants and 149 elephant
handlers, TB seroprevalence was estimated at 20·4% and 24·8%, respectively. From 151 trunk-
wash samples, 24 acid-fast isolates were obtained, 23 of which were identied by hsp65-based
sequencing as non-tuberculous mycobacteria. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specic PCR was
positive in the trunk-wash samples from three elephants which were also seropositive. Conversely,
the trunk wash from seven seropositive elephants were PCR negative. Hence, there was evidence
of active and latent TB in the elephants and the high seroprevalence in the elephants and their
handlers suggests frequent, close contact, two-way transmission between animals and humans
within conned workplaces.
Key words: Captive Asian elephants, elephant handlers, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, non-tuberculous
mycobacteria (NTM), Peninsular Malaysia.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious chronic infection in
humans and animals throughout the world. It affects
a large variety of animal hosts including non-human
primates, marine mammals like seals and sea lions,
psittacine and other birds, domestic, captive and
wild animals like cats, rats, cattle, sheep, goats,
swine, deer, fox, badgers, moles and elephants [15].
Transmission between human and captive animals
has occurred following close and frequent contact [6].
TB has been recognized as a disease of elephants for
over 2000 years [7,8]. However, naturally occurring
TB has not been reported in wild elephants, suggesting
that captive elephants could most likely have con-
tracted the disease via contact with infected humans
[1]. In captive elephants, the disease is primarily
caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, although
infection with Mycobacterium bovis has been recorded
[9]. Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) are more fre-
quently infected with TB compared to African ele-
phants (Loxodonta africana)[10]. The difference in
prevalence may reect a closer association of Asian
* Author for correspondence: Dr B. L. Ong, Department of
Veterinary Clinical Study, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Selangor, Malaysia.
(Email: [B. L. Ong]
(Email: [Y. F. Ngeow]
Epidemiol. Infect., Page 1 of 7. © Cambridge University Press 2013
elephants with humans [1]. Rothschild & Laub [11]
identied tuberculous lesions in 52% (59/113) of mas-
todon (Mammut americanum) skeletons, and implied
that pandemic TB may be one of the probable causes
of the mastodonsextinction. This discovery has
alerted us to the need to protect living elephants
from TB.
Transmission of TB from captive Asian elephants
to other animals and humans has been described in
several outbreaks [1214]. Clinical signs in infected ele-
phants are usually absent or only shown in the term-
inal stages of the chronic disease. Transmission of
M. tuberculosis occurs by aerosolization of infectious
respiratory droplets when the animals cough, trumpet
or trunk spray, and is affected by the bacterial load,
droplet size, duration of exposure, proximity to infec-
ted animals and the immune status of the exposed
individual. TB can only be transmitted from elephants
with active pulmonary disease following primary
infection or after reactivation of latent infection [6].
The interest in elephant TB has been increasing
over the past years due to its public health threat
as well as increased concern for the healthcare and
conservation of elephants. According to the World
Conservation Union (IUCN red list 2006), the Asian
elephant is an endangered species. There are probably
about 11001200 Asian elephants in the wild and
slightly more than 60 captive Asian elephants in
Peninsular Malaysia. Although there are a number
of recent reports of TB in captive Asian elephants
from the USA [9], Sweden [14], Thailand [15], Nepal
[16] and Sri Lanka [17], very little is known about
its prevalence in Peninsular Malaysia. The aim of
this study is to determine the prevalence of TB in cap-
tive Asian elephants in zoos and conservation centres
in Peninsula Malaysia and to assess its potential risk
of transmission between elephants and to elephant
handlers. TB surveillance data would provide impor-
tant information to determine the need for a strategy
to prevent and control TB in elephants as well as a
specic occupational health programme for elephant
handlers and caregivers.
Animal and human samples
We conducted a cross-sectional study between 10
January and 9 April 2012 to estimate the seropreva-
lence of M. tuberculosis infection in all 63 captive
elephants in six locations (zoos and elephant
conservation centres) across Peninsular Malaysia.
Only 58 elephants that were approachable and
allowed handling, without imposing signicant risk
to both elephants and handlers were sampled. At the
same time, blood samples from elephant handlers
(zoo keepers and workers, veterinary staff and mah-
outs) who gave informed consent for participation in
the study were collected to estimate the extent of
human exposure to TB. Only those with direct contact
with elephants were screened. The Animal Care and
Use Committee at the University Putra Malaysia
and Department of Wildlife and National Parks
Malaysia (DWNP) granted approval for the study
on captive Asian elephants while the Medical Ethical
Committee from the University Malaya Medical
Centre granted approval for the study on elephant
Blood sampling and testing in elephants
We collected blood from the auricular vein behind
the elephants ear, using a 21-gauge needle buttery
catheter and a 10-ml syringe to draw blood into a
plain tube. Blood was allowed to clot at room temp-
erature and samples were shipped in an ice chest to
the laboratory within 312 hours. Sera were collected
by centrifuging the blood tubes at 600 gfor 10 min at
ambient temperature (2530 °C) and then used in the
ElephantTB Stat-Pak assay (ChemBio, USA) which
contains a cocktail of recombinant antigens for
rapid detection of antibodies to the M. tuberculosis
complex in elephants [18].
Trunk-wash collection in elephants
Trunk-wash samples were collected by the elephant
handlers under the supervision of the veterinarians
in zoos and conservation centtes, using the triple
sample method[19]. A series of three trunk-wash
samples was collected on separate days within a
1-week period. Each elephant was carefully restrained
by its mahouts and 60 ml of sterile normal saline
was instilled into a nostril using a 60-ml syringe.
The trunk was lifted up and then lowered to collect
the uid in a sterile plastic bag. The wash was later
split into two 25-ml aliquots and transferred into a
50-ml sterile Falcon tube(BD Biosciences, USA).
One set of samples was taken for liquid culture
(BACTEC MGIT960 system, BD Biosciences) and
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the University
of Malaya (UM), and the other set for culture on
2 B. L. Ong and others
LowensteinJensen (LJ) agar (Oxoid, UK) at the
University Putra Malaysia (UPM). A total of 154
trunk-wash samples were collected of which only
151 could be used.
Decontamination of trunk-wash samples
Prior to culture, trunk-wash samples were decontami-
nated using the modied Petroff method [20]. Briey,
the samples were centr ifuged at 13 000 gfor 1525 min
at 4 °C. The supernatant was discarded and 5 ml
was retained in the tube to which 5 ml 2% NaOH
was added. The mixture was incubated at 37 °C for
15 min. After incubation, 40 ml phosphate buffered
saline (1 × PBS) was added and the mixture was cen-
trifuged at 13 000 gfor a further 1525 min. The
supernatant was then discarded, 1 ml PBS was
added to resuspend the pellet and the sample was
transferred into a labelled sterile bijou bottle.
Culture and microscopic identication
A loopful of each decontaminated sample was inocu-
lated onto a LJ slant and incubated at 37 °C for up
to 8 weeks. The cultures were examined daily for
7 days, then weekly for 7 weeks, during which time
the growth rate and pigmentation of visible colonies
were recorded. ZiehlNeelsen staining was performed
to look for acid-fast bacilli under a light microscope.
TB antigen rapid test (TiBiliaTB, Genesis, China)
The TiBilia test, an immunochromatographic assay
that detects the presence of MPB64 antigens ex-
clusively found in the M. tuberculosis complex, was
conducted for all acid-fast positive isolates. One loop-
ful of each colony was suspended in 200 μl extraction
buffer in a 1·5-ml tube. The mixture was vortexed and
100 μl was dropped into the sample well of the test
device at room temperature. Results were read after
15 min and the presence of two red lines at the test
and control areas indicated positive detection for
M. tuberculosis, while a red line only at the control
area was considered negative. Test results showing
no red line or a red line at the test area only were con-
sidered invalid.
PCR detection of M. tuberculosis in trunk wash
DNA in the trunk wash was extracted and puried
using DNA-sorb-B Nucleic Acid Extraction kit
(AmpliSens Biotechnologies, Russia), according to
the manufacturers instructions. The puried DNA
then served as a template for PCR amplication of
the M. tuberculosis complex using the AmpliSens
MBT-EPh PCR kit (AmpliSens Biotechnologies).
Identication of non-tuberculous mycobacterium
(NTM) species
One loopful of an isolate on LJ medium was sus-
pended in 0·2 ml sterile distilled water. The resulting
suspension was boiled at 100 °C for 30 min and then
centrifuged at 16 100 gfor 2 min. The resulting super-
natant was used for the subsequent hsp65-based PCR
analysis, as described by McNabb et al.[21].
PCR amplicons were puried by the QIAquick PCR
Purication kit (Qiagen, Germany) and sequenced
by 1st BASE Laboratories (Malaysia). The resulting
DNA sequences were aligned, using BLAST, against
hsp65 locus sequences in a web-accessible database
( The most probable
species of each isolate was identied based on the se-
quence similarity with reference strains and the expec-
tation value (E value).
Blood sampling and testing of elephant handlers
Venous blood samples from the elephant handlers,
caregivers and veterinary staff were collected by medi-
cal staff from the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, for
testing with the QuantiFERON
-TB Gold In-Tube
test (Cellestis Inc., Australia), which detects the
release of interferon (IFN)-γfrom TB-specic T lym-
phocytes [22]. Three millilitres of blood was drawn
directly into three blood collection tubes, i.e. 1 ml
each into a nil control tube with saline, TB antigen
tube with a mixture of synthetic peptides representing
ESAT-6, CFP-10 and TB7·7 test antigens, and a mito-
gen control tube containing phytohaemagglutinin. To
ensure complete mixing of the blood with the tube
contents, the tubes were shaken immediately after
blood collection and again just before they were incu-
bated at 37 °C, within 16 h of collection. After 1624 h
incubation, the tubes were centrifuged and the super-
natant containing IFN-γreleased from the anti-
gen-stimulated T lymphocytes was harvested for
testing by QuantiFERON-TB Gold ELISA. As rec-
ommended by the manufacturer, optical density read-
ings >0·35 IU/ml were interpreted as indicative of
latent or active TB infection, depending on clinical
TB in captive Asian elephants in Malaysia 3
Data analysis
TB seroprevalence was estimated by the number of
seropositives divided by the total number tested, and
reported as a percentage (%). Statistical analysis was
performed using Fishers exact test from GraphPad
InStat version 3 (GraphPad Inc., USA). A Pvalue
<0·05 was considered statistically signicant.
Fifty-eight serum samples were obtained from 63 ele-
phants in captivity, of which only 49 could be tested as
the rest were haemolysed. Using the rapid Stat-Pak
assay, 10/49 (20·4%) elephants tested were seropositive
(Table 1). Herd prevalence ranged from 0% to 25·9%
in the six study locations. Of 149 staff who had con-
tact with elephants, the overall seroprevalence by
QuantiFERON test was 24·8% (range 18·650%)
(Table 2). Besides Malaysians, there were 19 foreign
nationals among the elephant handlers. There was
no signicant difference in seropositivity (P= 0·2537)
between Malaysian (23·18%, 30/130) and foreign
(36·8%, 7/19) workers. Neither was there any signi-
cant association with duration of employment (P>
0·9999 for duration 1 year and P> 0·9999 for dur-
ation 5 years).
The TB detection results for trunk-wash samples
are given in Table 3. Samples were only collected
from ve locations as the elephants in location F
were not approachable. TB PCR was performed on
all 10 seropositive elephants and 12 of the seronega-
tives animals. Of these 22 elephants, three (13·6%)
were positive in both tests and therefore considered
to have laboratory evidence of active TB. Eight
elephants (with negative serology and PCR) were
probably not infected. Seven (seropositive but PCR-
negative) were considered to have latent infection and
the remaining four (seronegative but PCR-positive)
could be false-positive PCR or false-negative serology
All trunk-wash samples were cultured; none
grew M. tuberculosis. Most of the liquid cultures
were heavily contaminated by non acid-fast bacteria
and fungi, despite prior decontamination and the
incorporation of antibiotics (BBL, MGIT PANTA;
BD Biosciences) into the MGIT culture medium.
However, on LJ slants it was possible to obtain pure
subcultures of acid-fast bacteria, but 23/24 positive
cultures turned out to be NTM species, identied by
a negative TiBilia test followed by hsp65gene ampli-
cation and sequence alignment with reference NTM
species. M. arupense and M. colombiense made up
50% of the NTM species recovered (Table 4).
Many techniques have been used for the detection of
TB in elephants but few have been reported to be
entirely satisfactory when used alone. A combination
of diagnostic assays is often required [15]. The
Chembio TB Stat-Pak assay used in this study is
Table 1. TB Stat-Pak test results for captive Asian elephants by location
No. of
No. of sera
No. of sera
No. of Elephant TB
Stat-Pak positives
A 27 27 27 7 25·9
B 8 8 8 2 25·0
C 8 6 5 0 0·0
D 9 9 6 1 16·7
E 3 3 2 0 0·0
F 8 3 1 0 0·0
Total 63 58 49 10 20·4
Table 2. QuantiFERON test results of elephant
handlers by location
No. of human
samples tested
No. of
test positives
A 70 13 18·6
B 21 5 23·8
C 20 5 25·0
D 12 6 50·0
E 18 6 33·3
F 8 2 25·0
Total 149 37 24·8
4 B. L. Ong and others
licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a
screening test for TB in elephants. The sensitivity
and specicity of this test for the detection of anti-
M. tuberculosis complex antibodies have been re-
ported to be 100% and 95%, respectively [23].
However, other workers have noted an inadequacy
of the Stat-Pak assay for the unequivocal identi-
cation of TB-infected animals [9,15]. Our results
also showed poor correlation between serology and
trunk-wash culture and PCR. In humans, serological
results are affected by the phase of TB infection and
the immune competence of the host. A positive sero-
logical result in the absence of clinical features and
M. tuberculosis detection is usually interpreted as
indicative of latent infection, while negative serology
in the presence of positive TB culture or PCR can
be explained by immunological anergy. It is not
known whether the same interpretations are applic-
able in elephants. With trunk-wash tests, sensitivity
has been reported to be poor [18,23] and af-
fected by collection and processing methods as well
as the degree of contamination in the samples col-
lected. The PCR assay we used is designed for a
wide range of human specimen types but has not
been adequately evaluated for elephant respiratory
samples. Hence, although the combined use of both
the Stat-Pak assay and TB PCR did provide some evi-
dence for active and latent TB infection in our cap-
tive elephants, continued monitoring of the health
of elephants, particularly those seropositive, and
repeated examination of trunk washes are required
to conrm TB infection in elephants. Nevertheless,
there is sufcient indication that there exists a
sizable reservoir of silent infection in the elephants
that would maintain continued transmission if not
The QuantiFERON test has been well established
for the diagnosis of latent TB in humans and is
often used as a supplementary test to aid the diagnosis
of active TB. None of the 37 staff who tested positive
in this study had TB-like symptoms. All 13 sero-
positive individuals from location A were examined
by a chest physician and found to have no physical
or radiological signs. Only one gave a history of recent
contact with a known case of TB. The 24·8% sero-
prevalence is probably entirely due to latent infection
but it is substantially higher than the seroprevalence
previously obtained (authorsunpublished data) for
asymptomatic university lecturers and students (4%),
general laboratory staff (6%) and staff working in a
TB diagnostic laboratory (12·5%). The overall 20·4%
seroprevalence in our elephants is comparable to
reports of 20% from Nepal [16] and 1225% from
India (25% of elephants in temples vs. 1215% in
Table 3. Culture and TB PCR results of elephant trunk washes by location
No. of
No. of trunk
washes collected
No. of acid-fast
positive cultures
No. of elephants
TB PCR positive
A27 78 13 0
B824 4 2
C818 2 0
D927 4 3
E3 4 1 2
F8 0 0 0
Total 63 151 24* 7
PCR, Polymerase chain reaction.
* From 55 elephants.
From 22 elephants tested.
Table 4. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
identication by hsp65 sequencing
Most probable species No. of isolates
M. arupense 7
M. colombiense 5
M. intracellulare 2
M. asiaticum 2
M. mantenii 2
M. fortuitum 2
M. gilvum 1
M. hiberniae 1
M. kumamotonense 1
Total 23*
* Of 24 acid-fast bacilli-positive cultures, 23 were NTM
species. The remaining isolate was identied as Nocardia
TB in captive Asian elephants in Malaysia 5
other elephant groups) [16]. This nding is rather
unexpected as the human TB incidence in Malaysia
(3-year average of 83/100 000 population from
2008 to 2010) is substantially lower than incidences
in Nepal (163/100 000 population) and India (190/
100 000 popul ation) [24]. Hence, the high seropreva-
lence in elephants and their handlers in this study
could be the result of frequent, close contact, two-way
transmission between animals and humans within
conned workplaces.
The isolation of NTM from trunk wash illustrates
the ubiquitous presence of these environmental bac-
teria. Many of the species recovered are potential ani-
mal and human pathogens. M. avium has been
reported to be the most frequently isolated mycobac-
terial species from trunk washes in the USA [9].
Similarly, in this study, among the most frequently
isolated NTM were two members of the M. avium
complex, M. colombiense (a new sequevar of
M. avium [25]) and M. intracellulare. M. arupense,
the other common isolate, is associated with human
respiratory infections and has been isolated from var-
ious domestic and wild animals [26]. The role of these
NTM species as elephant pathogens requires further
There is a paucity of information of TB in elephants
particularly in Asia. To the best of our knowledge,
this study is the rst to look at the extent of TB infec-
tion in captive Asian elephants in Peninsular
Malaysia. Our ndings could contribute to the devel-
opment of a long-term surveillance and healthcare
programme for this endangered species. From the
conservation point of view, the implication of poten-
tial transmission and spread to wild elephant popu-
lations cannot be underestimated, e.g. if TB-infected
elephants are used during rescue and release oper-
ations [27]. Just as important is the prevention of ele-
phanthuman transmission in zoos and conservation
centres. Elephant handlers need to be aware of the
risk of TB acquisition from infected animals and be
educated with regard to infection control measures.
On the other hand, as elephants become infected by
humans with open TB, there must be workplace pol-
icies (e.g. pre-employment screening and annual
chest X-rays) to ensure that elephant handlers are
free from active TB. Hence, a One Health approach
[16] involving both animal and human health sectors
should be undertaken to develop a comprehensive
prevention, treatment and prophylaxis control strat-
egy to protect the elephants and their caregivers
from TB.
We thank all the staff in zoos and conservation centres
for their assistance in the eld in the collection of ele-
phant blood samples and trunk washes. We also thank
the medical staff at the Ministry of Health Malaysia,
as well as Mr J. B. Chook and Ms, Vishala
Sivapalan from the University of Malaya for their
assistance in the collection of blood samples from
the elephant handlers, and Ms. Krishnammah
Kuppusamy from the University Putra Malaysia and
Ms. Jennifer Chong from the University Malaya for
technical assistance in the laboratory. This study was
funded by University Putra Malaysia Research
Grant (UPM/700-1/2/RUGS/05-02-12-1833RU); and
University of Malaya HIR grant (UM.C/625/1/HIR/
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TB in captive Asian elephants in Malaysia 7
... As such, non-human host populations may be limited in their ability to sustain infection without ongoing exposure [9][10][11] . However, since the 1990s M. tuberculosis has emerged and persisted in elephants, with evidence of spread between elephants and to other species, including back to humans [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] . The emergence of M. tuberculosis in elephants, and occasional cases in other, often primate, wildlife species [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] , is likely due to amplification of human-wildlife contact combined with improved diagnostics, surveillance, and reporting. ...
... Our confirmation of disease in almost all bears in two close contact groups, with most detected within a two-year period for each group, suggests that clearance or life-long immune system containment is rare in sun bears under these conditions. In contrast, only a small proportion of all humans infected with M. tuberculosis go on to develop disease in their lifetime 49 , and long-term serological studies in Asian elephants suggest latent infection may occur in this species 16,19,[50][51][52][53] . It is likely that the response to a TB incursion within a given environment is driven by idiosyncratic relationships within the host-environment-agent paradigm, and it is possible that stressors related to captivity affect the immunocompetence of exposed bears to enhance the likelihood of infection, disease progression, and effective transmission. ...
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Contact between humans and wildlife presents a risk for both zoonotic and anthropozoonotic disease transmission. In this study we report the detection of human strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sun bears and an Asiatic black bear in a wildlife rescue centre in Cambodia, confirming for the first time the susceptibility of these bear species to tuberculosis when in close contact with humans. After genotyping revealed two different strains of M. tuberculosis from cases occurring between 2009 and 2019, 100 isolates from 30 sun bear cases, a single Asiatic black bear case, and a human case were subjected to whole genome sequencing. We combined single nucleotide polymorphism analysis and exploration of mixed base calls with epidemiological data to indicate the evolution of each outbreak. Our results confirmed two concurrent yet separate tuberculosis outbreaks and established a likely transmission route in one outbreak where the human case acted as an intermediatory between bear cases. In both outbreaks, we observed high rates of transmission and progression to active disease, suggesting that sun bears are highly susceptible to tuberculosis if exposed under these conditions. Overall, our findings highlight the risk of bi-directional transmission of tuberculosis between humans and captive bears in high human tuberculosis burden regions, with implied considerations for veterinary and public health. We also demonstrate the use of standard genomic approaches to better understand disease outbreaks in captive wildlife settings and to inform control and prevention measures.
... Furthermore, all samples that yielded negative infection status have consistent negative responses in both WC and PBMC cultures (Fig 6A and 6B). In contrast, samples that were interpreted as MTBC positive exhibited conflicting responses to at least one M. tb antigens (No. 21,22,23,24). These results strongly argue for the use of at least 2 M. tb antigens for IGRA. ...
... TB infections in captive and wild elephants with severe outcomes have been increasingly reported and can be fatal [5,21,22]. Diagnosis of TB in elephants is a key step toward controlling the spread of this pathogen. Diagnostic tests not only help in veterinary care for the infected animals but also reduce the risk of human exposure to the pathogen because elephants sometimes live in close contact with humans in some parts of the world, including Thailand The results obtained from each assay were interpreted based on the criteria described by Songthammaniphap et al. and above [12]. ...
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Elephants are susceptible to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) complex (MTBC) infections. Diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in elephants is difficult, and most approaches used for human TB diagnosis are not applicable. An interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) to diagnose TB in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) has been previously developed. Although the assay is shown to be valid in determining MTBC infection status, the laborious PBMC isolation process makes it difficult to use. In this study, we simplified the method by using whole blood cultures (WC) as the starting material. Using PBMC cultures for IGRA, the MTBC infection status of 15 elephants was first confirmed. Among these animals, one has been previously confirmed for M. tb infection by both TB culture and PCR and the other was confirmed for MTBC infection in this study by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) method. WC for IGRA consisted of an unstimulated sample, a mitogen stimulated sample, and sample stimulated with recombinant M. tb antigens, ESAT6 and CFP10. Using WC for IGRA in the 15 enrolled elephants, the results showed that 7 out of 15 samples yielded MTBC infection positive status that were completely concordant with those from the results using PBMCs. To test this method, WC for IGRA were applied in another elephant cohort of 9 elephants. The results from this cohort revealed a perfect match between the results from PBMC and WC. Responses to ESAT6 or CFP10 by PBMC and WC were not completely concordant, arguing for the use of at least two M. tb antigens for stimulation. Given the ease of sample handling, smaller blood sample volumes and equivalent efficacy relative to the PBMC approach, using WC for IGRA provides a novel, rapid, and user-friendly TB diagnostic method for determining the MTBC infection in elephants.
... In this study, the serological method, Chembio DPP Vet ® TB Assay (Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Medford, NY), that detects antibodies to ESAT-6/CFP 10 and MPB83 antigens was used for screening the TB in the captive Asian elephants. DPP VetTB® assays are licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture and have been used for TB screening in several Asian elephant range countries (Abraham et al., 2008;Ong et al., 2013). Besides that, serological methods are relatively simple, accurate, inexpensive, non-invasive, and non-dependent on the detection of mycobacteria. ...
... The overall seroprevalence of TB in captive Asian elephants in this study was observed 10.87%, which was lower than study in the Peninsular Malaysia (20.4%) (Ong et al., 2013) In terms of a different location, the seroprevalence of TB was found higher in the captive elephants from the CNP region (12.28%). This finding was in agreement with the previous study done by (Mikota et al., 2015), where they found 15 TB reactive cases from a total of 115 tested captive elephants (13%). ...
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Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious zoonotic disease, characterized by the development of tubercles resulting in caseation and calcification in the lungs. In elephants, causative agents Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis result in chronic weight loss, anorexia, and weakness with occasional dyspnea or coughing. TB has been a major threat to elephants in Nepal. To date, 17 elephants have died in Nepal due to TB alone. Therefore, this study was undertaken to screen the TB seropositive elephants in Nepal. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in captive Asian elephants in four protected areas of Nepal from 22 November 2015 to 17 April 2016. The serum samples were examined for tubercle bacillus antibodies by DPP Vet TB Assay. Out of 92 elephants, 10.87% of elephants were found reactive to the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. There was a non-significant difference in seroprevalence of TB in captive Asian elephants for the sex, age, and location (P>0.05). In a follow-up study, we found that 4 TB seropositive elephants from our study died due to TB and displayed granulomatous tuberculosis lesions with the caseous mass in the lungs on post-mortem examination. Government and non-government stakeholders should jointly formulate effective plans and policies to eradicate tuberculosis from elephants in Nepal.
... and Mycobacterium colombiense (hypothetical protein; WP_076051897.1) (Data S2) that have been previously identified in elephants [35][36][37]. ...
... and Mycobacterium colombiense (hypothetical protein; WP_076051897.1) (Data S2) that have been previously identified in elephants [35][36][37]. Other Mycobacterium proteins such as ESAT-6-like protein EsxB (CFP10/ESAT-6) reported as highly reactive to antibodies in infected elephants [34] were not identified as predicted antigen binding regions in our study. ...
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Tuberculosis is a major global concern. Tuberculosis in wildlife is a risk for zoonotic transmission and becoming one of the challenges for conservation globally. In elephants, the number of cases is likely rising. The aim of this study was to identify proteins related to tuberculosis infection in elephants, which could then be used for the development of diagnostic tools and/or vaccines. A serum proteomics approach was used to characterize differentially represented proteins in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Asian elephants (Elaphas maximus). Blood samples were collected from eight elephants, four of which were antibody positive for tuberculosis and four were antibody negative. Proteomics analysis identified 26 significantly dysregulated proteins in response to tuberculosis. Of these, 10 (38%) were identified as immunoglobulin and 16 (62%) as non-immunoglobulin proteins. The results provided new information on the antibody response to mycobacterial infection and biomarkers associated with tuberculosis and protective response to mycobacteria in Asian elephants. Protective mechanisms included defense against infection (Alpha-1-B glycoprotein A1BG, Serpin family A member 1 SERPINA1, Transthyretin TTR), neuroprotection (TTR), and reduced risks of inflammation, infections, and cancer (SERPINA1, Keratin 10 KRT10). Using a translational biotechnology approach, the results provided information for the identification of candidate diagnostic, prognostic, and protective antigens for monitoring and control of tuberculosis in Asian elephants.
... One study, using blood serum sampling of approximately 600 captive Asian elephants found a positive TB prevalence rate of 16% [112], and another study, also using serology, found 23% in a captive population [22]. Trunk wash testing of captive Malaysian elephants found a 20% prevalence rate [116]. Despite data limitations, such prevalence rates indicate the importance of TB among elephant populations, not only for their own health but also as a reservoir of potential human and wild elephant epidemics with implications for species conservation in the latter. ...
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Background: Elephants are exploited for public entertainment tourism throughout Asia and Africa. Areas of concern include public health and safety and animal welfare. Materials and Methods: We examined over 500 scientific publications with respect to our primary objectives, as well as non-peer-reviewed materials relating to other relevant subject matters (e.g., tourism promotional websites and YouTube films) for background purposes, although these additional materials were not included in this review. Results: We identified at least 12 confirmed or potential zoonotic and other transmissible infections relevant to the elephant tourism sector, and at least 13 areas of animal welfare concern. Conclusion: Infection and injury risks between humans and captive elephants cannot be safely controlled where close contact experiences are involved, arguably creating an unredeemable and indefensible public health and safety situation. Elephant welfare within some sectors of the close contact interactive tourism industry continues to involve significant mistreatment and abuse. To alleviate key One Health concerns outlined in this study, we recommend several types of regulation, monitoring, and control regarding interactions at the human-captive elephant interface. These include legal bans on the promotion and performance of close contact experiences, combined with strong enforcement protocols; new policies toward discouraging elephant tourism; 24/7 surveillance of captive elephants; and the adoption of independent scientific positive list systems for tourism promoters or providers regarding public observation of free-ranging elephants within national parks and protected areas.
... Page 5 of 7 13 latent TB in elephants, which was in agreement with the study conducted by Ong et al. (2013) who observed that only 30% of seropositive samples were positive for trunk wash PCR. ...
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The spread of tuberculosis (TB) in Asian countries is mainly due to co-existence and close association of humans with elephants and other domestic livestock. Infected animals tend to shed the organism in the preclinical period which risks the transmission of the infection from animals to humans and vice versa. Since tuberculosis infection is chronic and lack specific clinical signs, diagnosis remains challenging. The present study focuses on the utilization of lipoarabinomannan (LAM), a glycolipid for the detection of TB infection in elephants. Usage of urine as the biological sample for the diagnosis makes it more advantageous. Seroprevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in elephants in Kerala were found to be 37.2% (n = 86) using Chembio DPP VetTB assay. Nine (10.46%) out of 86 elephants were positive for AFB and 29 (33.7%) out of 86 elephants were positive for LAM antigen. On comparison of efficiency of LF-LAM assay with that of DPP VetTB assay, LF-LAM assay had a sensitivity of 90.63%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 94.7%, accuracy 95.51%, and kappa statistic value 0.924 (p value < 0.001). On comparison of LF-LAM with traditional acid fast staining method, LF-LAM assay had the sensitivity of 100%, specificity 74.03%, positive predictive value 31%, negative predictive value 100%, accuracy 76.74%, and kappa statistic value 0.374 (p value < 0.001). The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was confirmed in trunk wash sample using PCR targeting gene IS6110, at 245 bp amplicon size and 25 seropositive elephants (78.2%) were confirmed positive. Custom sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolate obtained was Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study in elephants prove that TB LAM Ag (LF-LAM) can be used as potent biomarker for diagnosis of tuberculosis in elephants.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an emerging threat to the survival of elephants in Nepal. We investigated the lung tissue samples from nine elephants that died from 2019 to 2022 in Nepal using culture, conventional PCR, and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and then performed genotyping of five PCR-positive isolates to understand the possible transmission dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Results showed that two-thirds (6/9) of elephants were confirmed to be infected from Mtb by LAMP, 5/9 by PCR, and 4/9 by culture. Genotyping of Mtb isolates showed that elephants were infected with the Indo-Oceanic and Beijing lineages including an isoniazid-resistant Beijing lineage. MIRU-VNTR-based phylogeny, gyrA, and katG sequencing showed the possibility of ongoing transmission of Indo-Oceanic lineages and likely transmission of the drug-resistant Beijing lineage from human to elephant. Implementation of comprehensive surveillance and preventive measures are urgently needed to address this zoonotic disease and protect elephants from TB in Nepal.
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Introduction Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a group of acid-fast bacilli known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), which has a major impact on humans. Transmission of MTC across the human-animal interface has been demonstrated by several studies. However, the reverse zoonotic transmission from humans to animals (zooanthroponosis) has often been neglected. Methods In this study, we used Nanopore MinION and Illumina MiSeq approaches to sequence the whole genome of M. tuberculosis strains isolated from two deceased Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and one human in Chitwan, Nepal. The evolutionary relationships and drug resistance capacity of these strains were assessed using the whole genome data generated by the stand-alone tool Tb-Profiler. Phylogenomic trees were also constructed using a non-synonymous SNP alignment of 2,596 bp, including 94 whole genome sequences representative of the previously described M. tuberculosis lineages from elephants worldwide (lineages 1 and 4) and from humans in Nepal (lineages 1, 2 and 3). Results and Discussion The new genomes achieved an average coverage of 99.6%, with an average depth of 55.67x. These M. tuberculosis strains belong to lineage 1 (elephant DG), lineage 2 (elephant PK) and lineage 4 (human), and none of them were found to have drug-resistant variants. The elephant-derived isolates were evolutionarily closely related to human-derived isolates previously described in Nepal, both in lineages 1 and 2, providing additional support for zooanthroponosis or bidirectional transmission between humans and elephants. The human-derived isolate clustered together with other published human isolates from Argentina, Russia and the United Kingdom in the lineage 4 clade. This complex multi-pathogen, multi-host system is challenging and highlights the need for a One Health approach to tuberculosis prevention and control at human-animal interface, particularly in regions where human tuberculosis is highly endemic.
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The spread of Tuberculosis (TB) in Asian countries is mainly due to co-existence and close association of humans with elephants and other domestic livestock. Infected animals tend to shed the organism in the preclinical period which risks the transmission of the infection from animals to humans and vice-versa. Since tuberculosis infection is chronic and lack specific clinical signs, diagnosis remains challenging. Present study focus on the utilization of Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) a glycolipid for the detection of TB infection in elephants. Usage of urine as the biological sample for the diagnosis makes it more advantageous. Seroprevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in elephants in Kerala were found to be 37.2 per cent (n = 86) using Chembio DPP VetTB assay. Nine (10.46 per cent) out of 86 elephants were positive for AFB and 29 (33.7 per cent) out of 86 elephants were positive for LAM antigen. On comparison of efficiency of LF-LAM assay with that of DPP VetTB assay, LF-LAM assay had a sensitivity of 90.63 per cent, specificity 100 per cent, positive predictive value 100 per cent, negative predictive value 94.7 per cent, accuracy 95.51 per cent and kappa statistic value 0.924 (p - value < 0.001). On comparison of LF-LAM with traditional acid fast staining method, LF- LAM assay had the sensitivity of 100 per cent, specificity 74.03 per cent, positive predictive value 31 per cent, negative predictive value 100 per cent, accuracy 76.74 per cent and kappa statistic value 0.374 (p - value < 0.001). The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was confirmed in trunk wash sample using PCR targeting gene IS6110, at 245bp amplicon size and 25 seropositive elephants (78.2 per cent) were confirmed positive. Custom sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolate obtained were Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study in elephants prove that TB LAM Ag (LF-LAM) can be used as potent biomarker for diagnosis of tuberculosis in elephants
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In 2009, the Tennessee Department of Health received reports of 5 tuberculin skin test (TST) conversions among employees of an elephant refuge and isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a resident elephant. To determine the extent of the outbreak and identify risk factors for TST conversion, we conducted a cohort study and onsite assessment. Risk for conversion was increased for elephant caregivers and administrative employees working in the barn housing the M. tuberculosis-infected elephant or in offices connected to the barn (risk ratio 20.3, 95% confidence interval 2.8-146.7). Indirect exposure to aerosolized M. tuberculosis and delayed or inadequate infection control practices likely contributed to transmission. The following factors are needed to reduce risk for M. tuberculosis transmission in the captive elephant industry: increased knowledge about M. tuberculosis infection in elephants, improved infection control practices, and specific occupational health programs.
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Four Asian elephants were confirmed to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by bacterial culture, other diagnostic procedures, and sequencing of 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer region, 16S rRNA, and gyrase B gene sequences. Genotyping showed that the infectious agents originated from 4 sources in Thailand. To identify infections, a combination of diagnostic assays is essential.
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Mycobacterium arupense is a novel mycobacterium species. It was first identified from clinical specimens in 2006 and since then there have been only two reports of its recovery from clinical samples. In the present case M. arupense was isolated from the sputum of a 62-year-old man with a malignant mass in his left kidney, who presented with a one-month history of recurrent fever, dyspnea and haemoptysis. M. arupense was identified with sequencing of hsp65 and 16S rRNA genes. In the present study, its biochemical profile along with its resistance status and hsp65 RFLP analysis is presented.
Samples for culture should be collected under the direct visual supervision of a licensed veterinarian using the "triple sample method." This method consists of obtaining three samples from the trunk on separate days. If possible, collect samples within a seven-day period. Do not pool samples. Samples should be taken after water has been withheld for at least two hours to reduce sample dilution and contamination. Light exercise prior to collection may facilitate obtaining secretions from lower in the respiratory tract, which is desirable. Of the following methods, the trunk wash with bag seems to provide the most effective way to collect samples at this time. Samples collected by swab are not acceptable. As there is a risk of human exposure to sputum produced during this procedure, protective measures are recommended for personnel during sample collection. These should include gloves and Hepa-filter masks certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to protect against tuberculosis (TB) (see Employee Health and Safety). A. Trunk wash with bag (or other suitable container) Using a catheter tip syringe, instill 60 ml sterile saline into the trunk. Immediately place a clean, one-gallon plastic bag over the end of the trunk and hold in place until the elephant exhales into the bag. Transfer at least 20 ml of the sample to a sterile leak proof, screw-top container. (50-ml conical screw-top centrifuge tubes are preferred and are available, free of charge from NVSL). B. Trunk wash Using a 14 French feeding tube, introduce 60 ml of sterile saline into the trunk then aspirate. Transfer at least 20 ml of the sample into sterile leak proof, screw-top container. Do not expose samples to sunlight or heat. Freeze samples as soon as possible after collection and keep frozen until shipment. Freeze at –20ºC (conventional freezer). As standard frost-free freezers undergo cyclic freeze-thaws to limit frost, freezers that do not have this feature are preferred. Freezing at -80ºC (ultra-low temperature freezer) is also acceptable. All three samples can be submitted together, frozen and shipped overnight on ice packs. Label containers with animal ID and date of collection and put the same information on the submission form. Place screw-top containers in double zip-lock baggies. Do not send samples in glass containers or packaged only in plastic bags. Sterile 50 ml conical centrifuge tubes are preferred. For shipment, place samples on ice packs and ship overnight via Federal Express, Airborne, or other overnight carrier. Do not ship by U.S. mail as samples may be irradiated which will render them unacceptable. Send samples to NVSL or other laboratory facility offering comparable procedures for identification of Mycobacteria species. When submitting samples to NVSL, use VS Form 10-4 (included in this protocol). Request mycobacterial culture with species differentiation. Positive cultures from laboratories that do not have the capability to differentiate M. tuberculosis complex organisms should be forwarded to NVSL for speciation. Culture of mycobacteria requires a minimum of eight weeks. Note: Other Mycobacteria species such as M. avium, M. kansasii, and M. fortuitum have been isolated from elephants. At this time, there is no substantive evidence that these organisms are pathogenic for elephants. Summary A trunk wash is a practical method of collecting a sample from an elephant's distal respiratory tract for Mycobacterium culture and is the technique recommended in the "Guidelines for the Control of Tuberculosis in Elephants" by the National Tuberculosis Working Group for Zoo and Wildlife Species. The procedure, however, is potentially dangerous to the handlers and requires cooperation of the elephant. Because of the limitations of using culture results as a screening test, the trunk wash results should be interpreted with care. A positive culture result identifies an elephant that is shedding tuberculosis organisms whereas a negative result is non-diagnostic.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from the eyelid, skin, tongue, and lungs of a green-winged macaw (Ara chloroptera). Two persons living in the same household were culture positive for pulmonary tuberculosis 3 to 4 years before tuberculosis was diagnosed in the bird. Although humans have not been shown to acquire tuberculosis from birds, an infected bird may be a sentinel for human infection.
Over the past 15 years, cases of infection with organisms of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex have been diagnosed among captive elephants in the United States and worldwide. Outbreak investigations have documented that among staff employed at facilities housing infected animals, skin test conversion to purified protein derivative have been documented. Clonal spread among animals in close contact and even inter-species spread between elephant and human has been documented. Detection of actively infected animals relies on samples obtained by trunk wash. Diagnosis has been augmented by the development of a multi-antigen serologic assay with excellent specificity and sensitivity. Treatment regimens are still in development with efficacy largely unknown due to a paucity of both premortem follow-up and necropsy data of treated animals. The epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in elephants require additional careful study of clinical data.