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Perceiving the affordance of string tension for power strokes in badminton: Expertise allows effective use of all string tensions

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Sports Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Abstract Affordances mean opportunities for action. These affordances are important for sports performance and relevant to the abilities developed by skilled athletes. In racquet sports such as badminton, different players prefer widely different string tension because it is believed to provide opportunities for effective strokes. The current study examined whether badminton players can perceive the affordance of string tension for power strokes and whether the perception of affordance itself changed as a function of skill level. The results showed that string tension constrained the striking performance of both novice and recreational players, but not of expert players. When perceptual capability was assessed, perceptual mode did not affect perception of the optimal string tension. Skilled players successfully perceived the affordance of string tension, but only experts were concerned about saving energy. Our findings demonstrated that perception of the affordance of string tension in badminton was determined by action abilities. Furthermore, experts could adjust the action to maintain a superior level of performance based on the perception of affordance.
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Journal of Sports Sciences
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Perceiving the affordance of string tension for power
strokes in badminton: Expertise allows effective use of
all string tensions
Qin Zhu a
a Division of Kinesiology and Health, University of Wyoming , Laramie , WY , 82071 , USA
Published online: 18 Feb 2013.
To cite this article: Qin Zhu (2013) Perceiving the affordance of string tension for power strokes in badminton: Expertise
allows effective use of all string tensions, Journal of Sports Sciences, 31:11, 1187-1196, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2013.771818
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Perceiving the affordance of string tension for power strokes in
badminton: Expertise allows effective use of all string tensions
Division of Kinesiology and Health, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
(Accepted 28 January 2013)
Affordances mean opportunities for action. These affordances are important for sports performance and relevant to the
abilities developed by skilled athletes. In racquet sports such as badminton, different players prefer widely different string
tension because it is believed to provide opportunities for effective strokes. The current study examined whether badminton
players can perceive the affordance of string tension for power strokes and whether the perception of affordance itself
changed as a function of skill level. The results showed that string tension constrained the striking performance of both
novice and recreational players, but not of expert players. When perceptual capability was assessed, perceptual mode did not
affect perception of the optimal string tension. Skilled players successfully perceived the affordance of string tension, but
only experts were concerned about saving energy. Our ndings demonstrated that perception of the affordance of string
tension in badminton was determined by action abilities. Furthermore, experts could adjust the action to maintain a
superior level of performance based on the perception of affordance.
Keywords: affordances, constraints, motor expertise, badminton
A general belief held by racquet sports players is that
playing performance is enhanced if the rightstring
tension is chosen for their racquets. Often, we hear
that elite tennis players prefer a particular string
tension that has to be frequently checked during a
match. In competitive badminton, it is often
reported that experienced players prefer widely dif-
ferent string tension for their performance, and
novice players request recommendations for ideal
string tension when they rst have their racquets
strung. It remains unclear, however, what effect
string tension has on performance by players at var-
ious skill levels.
Scientists have investigated the effect of string
tension in tennis. Using the rigid clamping method,
Elliott (1982) reported that a lower string tension
resulted in a higher rebound velocity if the racquet
was exible. Bower and Sinclair (1999) found that
rebound angle was inuenced by string tension dur-
ing an oblique impact. While a lower string tension
produced greater rebound impulse (thus a greater
velocity), the rebound angle was closer to normal. A
change of rebound angle would directly affect stroke
accuracy. Brody and Knudson (2000) modelled the
dynamics of impact to determine the effect of string
tension on stroke accuracy. According to their
model, when string tension is lowered, the effect of
a longer dwell time together with signicant racquet
rotation in recoil leads to a greater deviation
between ball incident (the angle at which the ball
impacts the racquet string bed) and rebound angle,
thus making it difcult to control a shot. These
results show that changes in string tension produce
a speed-accuracy trade-off, such that reducing
string tension helps to increase ball speed at the
cost of decreasing accuracy.
The above conclusion is limited by the fact that it
was based on testing only the dynamics of impact
without including analysis or testing of human fac-
tors. In none of these studies did players interact
with a strung racquet and ball. The question is
whether the effects of string tension found in the
laboratory would be seen in the eld during play.
Bower and Cross (2005) investigated this using a
ball projection machine. Tennis players at com-
petitive level were asked to return balls with three
differently strung racquets. Rebound speed and
accuracy were recorded. The results were in line
with those reported in the previous laboratory
Correspondence: Qin Zhu, Division of Kinesiology and Health, University of Wyoming, Dept. 3196, 1000 E. University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071, USA.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013
Vol. 31, No. 11, 11871196,
© 2013 Taylor & Francis
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studies, that is, low string tensions produced greater
rebound speeds, but string tension seemed to
affect ball placement and thus accuracy. In a subse-
quent study performed by the same researchers
(Bower & Cross, 2008), elite tennis players were
tested using the same procedure, but the results
were conicting. High string tension, instead of low
string tension, produced signicantly higher
rebound speed, and ball placement did not appear
to be related to string tension. The contradictory
ndings from these two studies suggest that the
expertise of the players might play an important
role in determining the effects of string tension on
performance. Experts might be better able to adapt
to the changing string tension to maintain superior
performance. Bower and Cross (2003, 2008) also
tested the tennis playerssensitivity to changes of
string tension and reported that elite tennis players
seemed to be insensitive to the changing string ten-
sions. However, the limited ability demonstrated by
elite tennis players in detecting changes of string
tension might be attributed to the limited impact of
string tension on their playing performance,
although it remains unclear why string tension fails
to affect this performance. The question that arises
naturally is whether expert players can detect string
tension and use this perception to adjust their stroke
to yield consistent superior performance.
The study of affordances provides a new framework
for investigation of string tension effects. Affordances
are environmental properties of objects and events in
relation to an animals action capabilities relevant to
performing specic tasks (Gibson, 1979/1986;
Turvey, 1992). People are capable of perceiving affor-
dances such as whether or not objects can be grasped
(Newell, Scully, Tenenbaum, & Hardiman, 1989),
reached (Mark et al., 1997), or climbed (Mark,
1987) given the scale of the observer and his or her
relevant limbs (hands, arms and legs, respectively). In
sport, the perception and use of affordances is critical
to successful performance. Oudejans, Michaels,
Bakker, and Dolne (1996) investigated the catch-abil-
ity of a ying ball and showed that movement, such as
initiating approach to the future landing position, was
required to perceive the affordance. Similarly, Hove,
Riley and Shockley (2006) showed that hockey
players were able to select the optimal hockey stick
for power and precision tasks by wielding differently
weighted sticks. Carello, Thuot, Anderson, and
Turvey (1999) found that both novice and expert
tennis players could judge the location of the sweet
spotin a tennis racquet. As an essential property of
racquets, string tension may provide opportunities for
effective and successful play. In this case, however,
the role of this property may depend on the level of
skill of the player who is required to judge its
Perception of affordances entails a relation
between the environmental properties and actors
action capabilities. As pointed out by Fajen, Riley,
and Turvey (2008), perception of affordances could
be dynamic due to changes occurring both in the
environment and the actor. Actors can change in a
number of ways (e.g. growth and development,
injury, fatigue), but perhaps the most relevant to
action capabilities in sport is the acquisition of effec-
tive skills. Such changes in an actors action system
will change the relation between environmental
properties and the actors action capabilities, which
determines an affordance. An actors perceptions
have been found to adapt in the face of changes in
these relations. For instance, Mark (1987) investi-
gated the perception of maximum seat height when
the sitters were asked to wear blocks to their feet,
thus changing their relation to useable seat heights.
It was found that the observers exhibited progressive
adaption until judgments were again accurate, which
occurred without experience of sitting while wearing
the block. Similarly, Bingham, Schmidt, and
Rosenblum (1989) had found that throwers could
perceive and select objects of optimal weight for
throwing to a maximum distance by hefting different
hand held objects. However, Zhu and Bingham
(2010) wondered whether this ability to perceive
throwing affordance had to be learned through
acquisition of long distance throwing skills.
Unskilled throwers were unable to select optimal
objects for throwing, but after a month of practice
and acquisition of long distance throwing ability,
they were able to do this task. The objects they
selected at the end of the study were different from
the ones with which they had trained, but still accu-
rate. This study showed that the ability to perceive
affordances is coupled with the ability to perform the
relevant actions.
Using the framework of affordances, we now
investigate the perception and use of string tension
in badminton. Badminton is considered to be the
worlds fastest racquet sport. According to USA
Badminton (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA),
the recorded speed of a shuttlecock immediately
after impact could reach 206 miles per hour, that
is, 1.6 times faster than the fastest ball in tennis.
Although a relatively thinner string is used in bad-
minton, allowing for more rebound speed during
impact, a badminton court is signicantly smaller
in dimension than a tennis court. To keep shots
within boundary while producing maximum speed,
players select string tension to allow for accuracy
as well as speed. This demand on string tension
in badminton makes it an appropriate focus for
The current study is aimed to answer two
research questions. First, does the optimal string
1188 Q. Zhu
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tension exist for power strokes produced by players
at different levels of expertise? It was hypothesised
that different string tensions would result in differ-
ent shuttlecock speeds after impact, and an optimal
string tension should produce the greatest shuttle-
cock speed after impact. However, the expertise of
the player was expected to affect how different
string tensions were used. Hence, different string
tensions might be found to be optimal depending
on the players level of expertise. Second, could
players at different levels of expertise perceive the
affordance of string tension for power strokes? It
was hypothesised that the affordance would be bet-
ter perceived by players with greater expertise,
assuming that this would be part of their expertise
(the perceptual expertise). However, is there a sen-
sory mode that is optimal for perceiving this affor-
dance? Badminton players judge string tension in
various ways: by pressing the string bed directly, by
listening to the sound resulting from hitting the
string bed with heel of the hand, or by watching a
shuttlecock bouncing off a racquet, and nally, by
simply hitting several shots. According to Shaw and
Bransford (1977), action-dependent properties
should be specied equally well in optic, acoustic
and haptic information. Hence, affordances should
be perceived equally well using different sensory
modalities. Warren, Kim, and Husney (1987)
showed that the elasticity of a ball used for a bounce
pass could be perceived equally well using visual
and auditory information. Similarly, Fitzpatrick,
Carello, Schmidt, and Corey (1994) showed that
whether a slanted surface would support upright
stance could be perceived both visually and hapti-
cally. Both studies implied that the affordance of
string tension would be equally well perceived in
different perceptual modes.
Twelve adult participants were recruited on the
campus of the University of Wyoming (UW). They
were selected to represent three skill levels in play-
ing badminton: expert, recreational and novice.
To be considered as expert players, participants
were required to have played badminton actively
and competitively within the last 5 years, and accu-
mulated approximately 10,000 hours of deliberate
practice in their lifetime (Ericsson, Krampe, &
Tesch-Römer, 1993). To be considered as recrea-
tional players, participants were required to have
played badminton or other racquet sports occasion-
ally, but only for fun. Novice players may have
played in a PE class before, but not have played
otherwise on any occasion. All participants were
interviewed about their previous experience of play-
ing badminton to determine their level of skill. Four
expert players (3 male and 1 female) and four
recreational players (3 male and 1 female) were
recruited from the UW Badminton Club. Four
novice players (1 male and 3 female) were recruited
from the regular student population. Participants
were right-handed, aged between 20 years and 40
years, and free of any motor or sensory decit.
Informed consent was obtained as governed by the
Institutional Review Board (IRB) at UW.
Using a stringing machine (Eagnas Combo 910,
Gardena, CA), eight badminton racquets of the
same model (Yonex Nanospeed 9000, Torrance,
CA) were strung with the same type of string
(Yonex BG 65) to achieve tensions of 16 lb, 18 lb,
20 lb, 22 lb, 24 lb, 26 lb, 28 lb, and 30 lb. The
pulling tension for the main string was set at the
target tension level, and that for the cross string
was increased by 2 lb.
Since the resulting string tension typically requires
time to settle after stringing, all strung racquets were
measured and monitored for change of tension after
the stringing. The actual string tension on each rac-
quet was determined by measuring the vibration
frequency of the strings (Cross & Bower, 2001;
Röttig, 2010). The experimenter swung the racquet
rapidly to hit the heel of his hand with the string bed.
The resulting sound of impact was recorded directly
onto a computer through a microphone set right
next to the collision point. The fundamental fre-
quency was determined using audio analysis soft-
ware (Audacity). This frequency was then used in
the following the equation to determine the actual
string tension:
S¼8:82 Aμð0:988fÞ2
9:81 107(1)
A= area of the racquet head (to wincm
µ = mass-density of the strings (densitg · m
f= fundamental frequency of the strings in Hz
S= string tension in lbs.
It was found that string tensions on each racquet
dropped signicantly after stringing by about 6 lb,
but these changes stopped after a month, similar to
the ndings of Cross and Bower (2001). The mea-
sured tensions after a month were compared to the
intended tensions, and a signicant correlation was
found (F(1, 7) = 1688.7, P< 0.001, R
= 0.99),
showing that the tension intervals were preserved
despite the signicant drop in the average tension.
The meaning of expertise in badminton 1189
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Once the string tensions had stabilised, the corre-
sponding impact sounds were saved and edited as
auditory stimuli for later judgment tests. Eight sound
tracks were saved for the eight tension levels, respec-
tively. Each sound track was then edited to be ve
repetitions of the same impact sound evenly spaced
in ve seconds.
The string tensions were also recorded visually.
Each racquet was xed on a stringing machine with
its string bed facing upwards. A small reective ball
(2 inch in diameter) was projected vertically from
above the string bed from the same height at the
same angle using a commercially available ball gun
(Nerf Atom Balster). The motion of the ball before
and after impact was recorded at 250 frames per
second using a high speed camera (SportsCam 500
by Fastec Imaging, San Diego, CA) that was oriented
perpendicular to the direction of motion. Eight video
clips were made for the eight tensions, respectively.
Each clip was then edited to be ve seconds long and
only contain the visual display of the bouncing ball
event played at a rate of 30 frames per second.
The same fast speed camera (SportsCam) was
used to record power strokes performed by partici-
pants using the various strung racquets. The camera
was set on a tripod perpendicular to the primary
plane of motion at a distance of ve metres. The
distance allowed maximum spatial resolution of the
entire range of motion. Compatible software
(MaxTRAQ 2D) was used to control the camera
and record the motions at 250 frames per second
with a shutter speed of 1/2500 second. A black cur-
tain was behind the participant who was illuminated
by two studio lights (Q60SG/1200-Watt by Smith
Victor, Bartlett, IL). Using additional software
(MaxMATE), two-dimensional (2-D) motion analy-
sis was performed to recover speed and direction of
motion of the shuttlecock after impact using a third
order low-pass lter with a cut-off frequency of
15 Hz (Winter, 1990; Yu, 1988).
First, the power stroke was described to participants
as the stroke that will result in the greatest speed of
the shuttlecock after impact. Then, participants were
informed that the task was to determine the differ-
ence between string tensions on racquets, and select
the tension that would allow for the most powerful
stroke. They were encouraged to judge based on
their own intuitive feeling without any subjective
reasoning. Participants were subject to a perceptual
judgment test rst, in which they were asked to judge
optimal string tension in each of three perceptual
modes, and then the performance test in which
they were asked to perform power strokes using
racquets with the various string tensions. After the
performance test, participants were asked to judge
the optimal string tension again.
Pre-performance judgments. The eight string tensions
were presented to participants in visual, auditory and
haptic modes. The order of the perceptual modes
was randomised. In the visual mode, participants
watched eight silent video clips of a ball bounced
off the respective string beds. In the auditory mode,
participants heard eight sound tracks of the string
beds being hit by the experimenters hand. In the
haptic mode, participants pressed the string bed of
each racquet using their ngers with eyes closed and
ears plugged. In each condition, tensions were initi-
ally presented either in an increasing or decreasing
order. These orders were counterbalanced across
participants. Participants were allowed then to com-
pare different string tensions as many times as they
wanted to select the best three string tensions in
order, namely, the rst, second and third preferred
Performance test. Perceptual judgments were followed
by performance tests. Participants were encouraged
to warm up their shoulders and arms before testing.
Then, they were asked to swing a racquet three times
at maximum speed. Next, participants were asked to
perform power strokes using racquets strung with
the different tensions. In typical game play, players
are required to strike a ying shuttlecock during
movement, however, the ability to locate and move
underneath the shuttlecock to prepare for striking
may confound the ability to use different string ten-
sions to produce power strokes. Hence, we modied
the striking condition by asking players to strike a
static suspended shuttlecock above their head.
A feather shuttlecock was hung from the ceiling
through a nylon shing line that had one end xed
to the ceiling and the other end folded to hook the
skirt of the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock was sus-
pended obliquely with its cork head going to be hit
by the racquet rst. Participants were asked to hold
the racquet as comfortably as they would, and fully
extend their arm upward so that they could reach
high above their head with the racquet. Then, the
suspended shuttlecock was adjusted to the partici-
pants preferred striking height at which the string
bed would make full contact with the shuttlecock
during impact. Participants swung each racquet
with maximum power to strike the shuttlecock so
that it would detach from the shing line, launch
and land in the matted area on the front wall,
which was located approximately 3 m away from
where the shuttlecock was suspended. They were
asked to do this three times using each racquet,
yielding a total of 24 trials. All participants suc-
ceeded in striking the shuttlecock to hit the matted
1190 Q. Zhu
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area. To prevent fatigue, a two minute break was
provided between trials. String tensions were tested
either in an increasing or decreasing order of ten-
sion, counterbalanced across participants, but the
order was different from that in the perceptual judg-
ment test. All trials were recorded using the high
speed camera at a speed of 250 frames per second.
Post-performance judgments. Immediately after the
performance test, participants were asked to judge
preferred string tension again (selecting their top
three choices again in order). They were told that
their judgment should be based on their immediate
feeling about each tension during and after produ-
cing power strokes. Participantspreferred tensions
were recorded to compare with those judged
Effect of string tension on striking performance
The effect of string tension on striking performance
was examined as a function of expertise. As shown in
Figure 1, the mean maximum speeds varied with the
string tension, but in different ways for different skill
levels: they decreased for novice players, increased
for recreational players, but remained steady for
expert players, indicating that the effect of string
tension on power strokes depended on the players
level of expertise. Speeds also varied as would be
expected with expertise: they were greatest for
experts, and least for novice players.
A 3-way (skill by tension by trial) mixed design
analysis of variance (ANOVA) yielded a main effect
for skill (F(2, 9) = 21.45, P< 0.001, η
= 0.83).
A Tukey post-hoc test showed that expert players
generated a signicantly higher (P< 0.05) maximum
speed (M= 62.0 ± 4.5 m · s
) than recreational
players (M= 45.8 ± 8.2 m · s
), or novice players
(M= 34.3 ± 6.7 m · s
). Because a signicant
interaction was also found between skill and tension
(F(14, 63) = 2.90, P< 0.01, η
= 0.80), a simple
main effect analysis was performed to determine
the effect of tension within each skill level. Tension
was signicant for novice (F(7, 189) = 2.12,
P< 0.05, η
= 0.07) and recreational players
(F(7, 189) = 2.55, P< 0.05, η
= 0.09), but not
for expert players (F(7, 189) = 1.26, P> 0.1). A
Tukey-B post-hoc test was followed to nd out the
tension corresponding to the speed that was signi-
cantly higher than others, namely, the optimal ten-
sion. Among the mean speeds produced by novice or
recreational players using all tensions, a peak mean
speed can be identied. This peak mean speed was
compared to other speeds until the signicant differ-
ence was found. It was revealed that tensions of 16,
18, and 20 lbs corresponded to a speed signicantly
higher than those produced by other tensions for
novice players, and tensions of 24, 26 and 28 lbs
demonstrated the same for recreational players
(P< 0.05). Thus, tensions as low as 16 lb were
optimal for novice players, while tensions as high as
28 lb were optimal for recreational players, and
expert players were able to produce equally fast
strokes using all string tensions. A signicant inter-
action between skill, tension and trial was also found
(F(28, 126) = 1.60, P< 0.05, η
= 0.26). The
simple main effect analysis was performed to evalu-
ate the trial effect within each skill level, and the
results indicated that a trial effect was signicant
only for recreational players (F(2, 144) = 17.11,
P< 0.001, η
= 0.19), because they generated sig-
nicantly lower speeds in their third round, suggest-
ing that they might get fatigued in performing the
nal trial of the power stroke.
Perceptual judgment of the optimal string tension
Given the performance results showing optimal
string tensions for recreational and novice players,
but not for experts, the next question was whether
those players would judge the respective tensions
as optimal when the string tensions were presented
to them in different sensory modes? To provide
better resolution along this continuous dimension
given the discrete choices, the mean preferred ten-
sion was calculated in each condition by multiply-
ing the preferred tension by 0.5, the second
Figure 1. Mean maximum shuttlecock speed after impact as a
function of string tension and skill level. Novice players (lled
squares), recreational players (lled triangles), and expert players
(lled circles). Error bars are standard errors.
The meaning of expertise in badminton 1191
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then summing them up. These calculated mean
preferred tensions were then used as a dependent
measure to examine effects of judgment type and
motor expertise on judging the best tension for the
power stroke.
A 2-way (skill by judgment type) mixed design
ANOVA showed a signicant effect for skill
(F(2, 9) = 11.81, P< 0.01, η
= 0.72). As revealed
by a post-hoc Tukey test, novice players selected a
signicantly lower (P< 0.05) tension (M= 22.5
± 3.2 lb) than expert (M= 25.3 ± 2.8 lb) and
recreational (M= 26.5 ± 2.6 lb) players, with no
difference between the last two. These judgments
were fairly reasonable for the novice and recreational
players, but not for the experts, because the experts
failed to exhibit an optimal string tension in their
performance data, but nevertheless, they appeared
to exhibit preferences for a higher string tension.
There was no main effect of judgment type
(F(3, 27) = 0.27, P> 0.5), indicating that the same
tensions were selected before performing the power
strokes regardless of the perceptual mode (vision,audi-
tion, or haptic), as well as after players had tried strik-
ing with all of the tensions. Coefcients of variation
(CV) were used to assess the variability of these judg-
ments. As seen in Table I, novice players were more
variable than skilled players in selecting an optimal
tension, and judgments using the haptic mode were
more variable than using other modes. This latter
result implied that pressing on the string bed to judge
the optimal tension was challenging for all players.
Furthermore, as shown in Table I, there were some
variations among players of different skill levels. The
experts were most variable in judgments made after
performing power strokes. This result indicated that
their preference for higher tension became less reliable
after they had actually used string tensions to hit
Perceiving the affordance of string tension
Two more analyses were performed to better deter-
mine whether the affordance of string tension was
perceived accurately. First, participantsperfor-
mance data was weighted by their judgment data as
follows. For each participant, the mean maximum
speeds of the shuttlecock after impact can be found
for each string tension. These mean maximum
speeds could be weighted by the participants
choices, that is, the speed corresponding to the
most preferred tension was multiplied by 0.5, that
corresponding to the second preferred tension by
0.33, and that to the third by 0.17 before they were
summed to yield a weighted average speed. For
those speeds corresponding to the discarded ten-
sions, an average speed was computed by excluding
the highest and the lowest scores to avoid possible
ceiling and oor effects. Thus, two sets of mean
speed scores were created: one corresponded to the
selected tensions, and the other to the discarded
tensions. An ANOVA was performed to examine
choice and its potential interaction with skill level
and judgment type. If we found that the speed cor-
responding to the selected tensions was higher than
that corresponding to the discarded tensions, this
would suggest that players were able to perceive the
affordance of string tension. We found that the
weighted mean maximum speeds were consistently
higher than those for the discarded tensions only for
recreational players. A 3-way (skill by judgment type
by choice) mixed-design ANOVA showed a signi-
cant effect for skill (F(2, 9) = 21.91, P< 0.001,
= 0.83, the same as found in analysis of perfor-
mance data), and a marginal effect for the skill by
choice interaction (F(2, 9) = 4.15, P= 0.05,
= 0.48). Because we already found that higher
speeds corresponded to higher skill level, and that
the type of judgment did not affect selection of the
optimal tension, post-hoc tests were performed only
to investigate the skill by choice interaction. As
revealed by simple main effect analysis, the choice
effect was only signicant for recreational players
(F(1, 36) = 7.91, P< 0.01, η
= 0.18), suggesting
that only recreational players were accurate in select-
ing the optimal tension for producing a power
To conrm this nding, another analysis was per-
formed. This analysis was used previously by Zhu
and Bingham (2008, 2010). For each participant, all
tensions were weighted by a participants mean pre-
ferred tension (actual tension/mean preferred ten-
sion), and all speeds were weighted by the peak
Table I. Coefcient of variation (CV) of judged tensions preferred for power stroke.
Judgment Type Expert Recreational Novice Mean
Audio 0.05 0.06 0.11 0.07
Video 0.06 0.16 0.06 0.09
Haptic 0.13 0.10 0.16 0.13*
After-Hitting 0.16 0.07 0.09 0.11
Mean 0.11 0.09 0.14*
Note: Asterisk represents the highest mean CV.
1192 Q. Zhu
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mean maximum speed that was produced by the
participant (actual speed/peak mean maximum
speed). Then, the weighted speeds were plotted
against the weighted tensions. If judgments of the
affordance were correct, then the plot should exhibit
a peak at the value of 1 on the axis of weighted
tension (that is, where actual tension = mean pre-
ferred tension) and this peak should exhibit a value
of 1 on the axis of weighted speed (that is, actual
speed = peak mean maximum speed). This expecta-
tion could be evaluated by tting a quadratic func-
tion to the combined data for players at each skill
level. However, given the pattern for speed data
exhibited in Figure 1, this analysis was expected to
work only for the recreational players. As seen in
Figure 2, for novice players, speeds peaked at the
lowest level of string tension. For expert players,
speeds exhibited no signicant variation across dif-
ferent string tensions. Thus, good quadratic ts
could not be expected in either case. The analysis
only worked for recreational players. The regression
analysis only yielded a signicant (P< 0.05 or bet-
ter) quadratic term for the recreational players
= 0.21, F(2, 127) = 16.56, P< 0.001,
+ 0.51X + 0.68). The X can be solved
by taking the derivative of this function and then
setting the derivative as 0: X= 1.11. Thus, the
maximum occurred close to 1 on the weighted ten-
sion axis. The function evaluated at this value for X
was Y= 0.96, suggesting that the selected tension
did yield the maximum speed.
Anecdotally, string tension is believed to affect play-
ing performance in racquet sports. Although the
string tension effect has been investigated in tennis,
little attention has been paid to motor expertise in
determining the effect. The current study investi-
gated the string tension effect in badminton as a
function of different levels of expertise within the
framework of affordances.
Our results and analyses revealed that recreational
players were sensitive to the affordance of string
tension. They selected a tension (26 lbs) that
yielded a maximally effective power stroke for
them, that is, a stroke that yielded the peak max-
imum speed. Novice players selected a tension
(22 lbs) that was greater than the one that allowed
them to generate the greatest maximum speed
(16 lbs), although they did select a lower tension
than did either recreational or expert players.
Furthermore, novice players exhibited greater varia-
bility in their choices as might be expected given
their level of skill. Finally, expert players reliably
selected a higher tension (25 lbs) close to that
preferred by recreational players, despite the fact
that this tension failed to be the only one to yield
the best performance. The experts generated equiva-
lent maximum speeds using all string tensions.
These speeds were greater than those produced by
non-expert players as expected. Thus, according to
these analyses, it seemed, rather paradoxically, that
expert players were not expert in perceiving the
Figure 2. Quadratic regression of weighted tension on weighted speed separated by skill level. The vertical line refers to the condition when
actual tension is equal to the mean preferred tension. If this line intercepts with the peak of the quadratic regression curve, which also
corresponds to a value close to 1 on the Y axis, the accurate perception of tension affordance can be determined. However, this is only seen
at recreational level.
The meaning of expertise in badminton 1193
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affordances of string tensions. Is that true? To
answer this question, we need to nd out why expert
players prefer higher string tension even though they
were able to produce equally effective power strokes
with all string tensions?
To begin with, we must rst consider the effect of
string tension on the dynamics of the shuttlecock
after impact. In our method for displaying visual
information about string tension, a reective mar-
ker ball was dropped onto each set of strings from
the same height so observers could see the resulting
bounce height. This was similar to the method in
Warren et al. (1987) who investigated perception of
elasticity. The resulting bounce height increased
with decreasing string tension because the restitu-
tion coefcient (V
tensions (as reported by Elliott, 1982). This tension
effect was directly evident in novice striking perfor-
mance, where we noticed that the lower the ten-
sion, the faster the shuttlecock after impact. The
implication is that variations in novice performance
were purely determined by the elasticity of string
In producing a power stroke, novice players
merely used elbow exion and extension with little
follow through after striking. Skilled players per-
formed strokes quite differently than less skilled
players. Both recreational and expert players used a
full body motion starting with a side stance, then
swinging the racquet in a series of movements at
major joints starting with the ankle and knee, and
proceeding up to wrist and nger joints proximal to
the racquet. These motions were similar to those
exhibited in long distance over-arm throwing which
entail a well-timed sequence of movements along
these adjacent joints (Jöris, van Muyen, van Ingen
Schenau, & Kemper, 1985; Zhu, Dapena, &
Bingham, 2009). This timing is acquired through
the extensive practice that eventually yields expert
performance. Recreational players were able to
increase the impulse (or total force of impact) in
their power strokes by swinging the racquet faster.
This also shortened the duration of contact between
racquet and shuttlecock so that maximum energy
was transferred to the shuttlecock. This transfer
was facilitated, in turn, by a stiffer string bed.
Thus, higher string tension yielded better perfor-
mance for recreational players.
Expert players were also able to produce faster
racquet speeds as were the recreational players, but
obviously, they were doing something more to
enable them to maintain the resulting high shuttle-
cock speeds despite variations in string tensions.
Presumably, expert players were able to use wrist
and nger exion to increase speed at the racquet
head even more to compensate for the loss of energy
when using lower string tensions. Although the time
allowed for the string bed to be stretched is minimal
in their fast swings, expert players must take advan-
tage of the longer dwell time provided by lower
string tension (Brody & Knudson, 2000) to swing
the racquet with additional acceleration. Skilled
human movements often demonstrate motor equiva-
lence, which refers to the capability of the motor
system in re-organising the available movement
parameters in order to achieve the same motor out-
comes (Hebb, 1949; Newell & Corcos, 1993). In our
case, the perception of lower string tensions by
expert players stimulated the expert motor system
to alter the striking motion by increasing the exion
of wrist and ngers during impact, so that the addi-
tional speed can be generated to maintain high speed
of the shuttlecock after impact. However, this
method for generating additional speed comes with
a cost: it takes more energy and may cause fatigue.
For this reason, high string tensions are preferred by
the experts.
To investigate whether the expert players did
employ this strategy to yield the consistent shuttle-
cock speeds despite variations in string tensions, an
additional analysis was performed. If the racquet was
swung to make contact with the suspended shuttle-
cock at a constant angle, increasing the exion of
wrist and ngers during impact would result in a
directional change of travel of the shuttlecock after
impact (travelling downward more). The expert
strokes were analysed with respect to two angles:
the angle of the racquet at the moment of contact
(αin Figure 3), and the angle of the shuttlecock
after impact (βin Figure 3), reecting the direc-
tional change of travel.
This analysis was performed using only the
extremes of string tension variations: the lowest
(16 and 18 lbs) and the highest (28 and 30 lbs) string
Figure 3. Illustration of racquet angle (α) during impact and
shuttlecock angle (β) after impact.
1194 Q. Zhu
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tensions. As revealed by a one-way repeated mea-
sures ANOVA, the string tension did not affect,
α, the angle of the racquet at the moment of contact,
(F(1, 3) = 0.86, P> 0.05). The mean αwas 21.5
degrees (±7.7). However, a change in βto a greater
downward angle for lower string tensions was sig-
nicant, (F(1, 3) = 14.07, P< 0.05, η
= 0.82).
As shown in Figure 4A, lower string tension cor-
responded to a greater mean angle, suggesting that
expert players exed their wrist and ngers more.
The same ANOVA performed on the speeds yielded
no tension effect, (F(1, 3) = 8.90, P> 0.05), as
shown in Figure 4B. This conrmed that the extra
exion of wrist and ngers used to accommodate the
lower string tension was effective in generating
equally fast shuttlecock speeds as with higher string
tension. This analysis suggests that expert players
should be considered successful in perceiving the
affordance of string tension, because by selecting
the higher string tensions, they would not have to
increase exion of wrist and ngers (at greater cost
in energy) to produce effective power strokes.
It is worth noting that selection of the optimal
string tension was equivalent across different percep-
tual modes. Although the mean preferred tensions
varied depending on motor expertise, no mean
change was found for different perceptual modes,
suggesting that similar tension can be perceived by
listening to the sound of impact, by watching the
bouncing event, or by pressing the string bed.
Warren et al. (1987) compared use of visual and
auditory perception of the elasticity of bouncing
balls, and found that human observers could accu-
rately judge the elasticity and then use that informa-
tion to control performance of a bounce pass with
the balls. Our results replicated this nding and
showed in addition that the elasticity could be per-
ceived haptically as well. The same tensions were
subsequently chosen after hitting where the three
modes could have been combined. The variability
of the judgments indicated, however, that haptic
perception of string tension was less reliable.
Players are more experienced in both hearing and
seeing the effects of string tension on power strokes
and our results may simply reect this fact. The
ndings are also consistent with the hypothesis of
specication in the global array. According to
Stoffregen and Bardy (2001), perceptual information
is specied solely in the global array, where the
higher-order relations exist across different forms of
energy. In this sense, the perceptual information
about the optimal string tension must exit in visual,
acoustic, haptic, or the mixed arrays, and can be
specied by the pattern of energy exhibited in each
perceptual event presented to the perceiver. The
perceivers must have picked up the same informa-
tion from different arrays to detect the same optimal
string tension. However, different frames of refer-
ence might be used depending on the experience of
the perceiver, which resulted in different optimal
tensions selected by players at different levels of
Finally, it was clear in our results that the meaning
of string tension to badminton players depended on
their motor expertise. For novice players, lower
string tensions were better, but they failed to per-
ceive this well. Presumably, as novice players
develop motor expertise, the affordance of string
tension for a power stroke becomes more salient
and better perceived. It changes accordingly from
the lower tensions to the higher, which were selected
in common by recreational and expert players. The
affordance itself was a function of skill level as was
the ability to perceive the affordance. The nature of
the affordance continued to change with continued
development of skill from recreational to expert
players. The meaning of true expertise emerged as
an ability to perceive changes in the affordance of
string tension and to modify ones action appropri-
ately, but at a cost. However, additional research will
be required to conrm this last conclusion.
In sum, we showed that badminton string tension
constrained striking performance of the power stroke
for novice and recreational players, but not for
expert players. Players perception of the optimal
Lower End Higher End
Mean Angle at MaxSpeed (degree)
Mean MaxSpeed (m.s–1)
Figure 4. The mean angle and mean maximum speed of the
shuttlecock after impact as a function of string tension for expert
strokes. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
The meaning of expertise in badminton 1195
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string tension was equivalent across different percep-
tual modes. The perception of the affordance of
string tension for a power stroke was dynamic in
that the affordance property became salient to
players as motor expertise developed, but also chan-
ged itself. When motor expertise was enhanced to
allow for more possibilities for action, energy ef-
ciency became an important factor in determining
the affordance of string tension.
The authors thank USA Badminton (Colorado
Springs, CO) and Yonex USA (Torrance, CA) for
sponsoring racquets and strings that were used in the
experiments. Thanks also to Bill Becker in the electro-
nic shop of Arts & Science Research Support at the
University of Wyoming. This research project was also
partially supported by a University of Wyoming NIH
INBRE equipment grant, and a Division of
Kinesiology and Health equipment grant.
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1196 Q. Zhu
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... Creep is a common mechanical phenomenon in which the strain of a material increases continuously over time while maintaining a constant stress state, meaning that the magnitude and direction of the stress acting on the material remain unchanged for a period of time [5]. At present, the most common badminton string on the market is made of nylon (polyamide, PA), and its structure is divided into a core, an outer layer and coating from the inside to the outside [6]. The mechanical properties of nylon depend on several factors, such as the magnitude of the load, time duration and environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature [7,8]. ...
Full-text available
In order to improve the hitting performance of badminton rackets, the creep characteristics of their nylon string were explored based on the Maxwell and Kelvin models. Special attention was given to the instantaneous elastic deformation coefficient, the delayed elastic deformation coefficient and the retardation time under different conditions. Based on the experimental results, models with high accuracy were developed for nylon, which can describe the changes in the creep rate at different times, relative humidities and stress levels. They all showed that the creep rate increases rapidly with time and then gradually becomes flat. The highest relative humidity led to the lowest instantaneous elastic deformation coefficient and delayed elastic deformation coefficient, but the highest retardation time for nylon. Finally, as the stress level increased, the instantaneous elastic deformation coefficient, delayed elastic deformation coefficient and retardation time all increased. Thus, to improve the hitting performance of badminton rackets, it is necessary to pay attention to the tension and the air humidity in the environment during use.
... Modern racquets are primarily made of composite materials [2], enabling a stiff and lightweight construction. The strings are usually composed of a polymer that can withstand high tension, typically ranging from 90 to 140 N [12]. ...
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This study investigates experimentally, numerically, and analytically the performance of different string materials (Kevlar, synthetic gut, natural gut, and polyester) on badminton racquets. Vibration and impact tests with a shuttlecock were performed using a racquet frame made of carbon graphite mixed with epoxy resin. Different string tensions were considered in the tests (20, 22, 24, 28, 30, and 34 lb), as well as different hitting locations on the racquet frame. The results show that, as the diameter of the strings increased, the elasticity of the string decreased from 0.529 to 0.447 for diameters ranging from 0.62 to 0.70 mm. Subsequently, a badminton racquet and shuttlecock were modeled using SolidWorks2018® software (version 26), and a maximum displacement was applied to the ball to simulate an impact on the string bed. The natural frequency, maximum deformation and maximum stress were calculated analytically, and a finite element analysis was also performed using ANSYS2022 R2® software (version 22.2). The analytical and numerical results from ANSYS® showed good agreement (within 5% accuracy). The results of the study show that the natural frequency of a racquet with Kevlar strings was significantly higher than that of racquets with synthetic gut, natural gut, or polyester string materials. Specifically, the natural frequency of a racquet made of carbon graphite and epoxy resin was 23.0%, 30.7%, and 36.2% higher than that of racquets with synthetic gut, natural gut, and polyester string material, respectively. On the basis of this finding, Kevlar was chosen as the preferred material for badminton racquets strings, and a parametric analysis was then conducted. The study showed that slightly lowering the tension of the off-centered strings had a minimal effect on the von Mises stress distribution of the ball and string bed. In addition to investigating string materials, this study also examined the effects of pull and diameter variations of racquet strings on vibrations during impact. This study contributes to the understanding of the role of racquet and strings in badminton, and it also provides new insights into the factors that can affect performance in the sport. By analyzing the performance of different string materials and examining the effects of pull and diameter variations of racquet strings, this study provides valuable information for players and manufacturers looking to optimize their equipment for maximum performance.
... WBSF being used thus reduces the cost of the fiber required and is environmentally friendly. The badminton strings are a braided multifilament made up of nylon 6,6 [24,25]. Used waste badminton strings are collected from local sports shop. ...
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This work addresses the feasibility of using waste badminton string fiber in cement and polymer matrices. A badminton racquet, once used, is torn and needs replacement with new strings. These torn strings, once cut from the badminton racquet system, become waste, and these fibers cannot be recycled and remain debris. Hence, this study examines the microstructural and mechanical properties of new fibers and old torn fibers comparatively. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy are used to study the microstructural properties of the fiber. Direct tensile stress is applied to new and old fibers in the universal testing machine varying by one, three, and five strands of the fibers and varying the gauge length to 60, 80, and 100 mm, and the respective energy absorption is calculated. From investigation with a varying number of strands, similar results were observed in both old and new fibers from energy absorption and residual force ratio. From investigation with varying gauge length, the tensile stress of new fibers varies between 648.53 and 749.03 MPa, and that of old fibers is 537.40–625.55 MPa. Young’s modulus for new and old fibers is 4870.00 and 4843.50 MPa, respectively. The Weibull statistical approach is used to test the variability of test results. The Weibull modulus varies between 5.27 and 9.17, which shows lower variability. Thus, the tensile stress results obtained for the discarded badminton fibers pave way for incorporating these fibers in cement and polymer matrices to improve the matrix properties.
... In the badminton sports, the performance of badminton string, especially the modulus of elasticity (MOE), is the key to determine the hitting effect, and it is the ratio of stress and strain of the badminton string in the elastic deformation stage [6]. At present, the most common badminton string in the market is made of nylon (polyamide, PA) with multilayer weaving technology, and its structure can be divided into core, outer, and coating from inside to outside [7]. Nylon (polyamide, PA) is a kind of plastic made of polyamide resin, and its properties are sensitive to the external environment, such as humidity, temperature and so on [8,9]. ...
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Modulus of elasticity (MOE) is one of the important indexes to evaluate the performance of badminton string. In this work, a series of tensile testing were performed to explore the changes in MOE at different temperature, humidity, and tensile rate. Based on the experimental results, an MOE model for badminton string was developed by using response surface methodology. Meanwhile, the significant contribution of each variable and two-factor interactions on MOE were investigated by analysis of variance. The special aim of this work was to determine the optimal processing parameters for maximum MOE for the higher performance of badminton string, and those processing parameters are temperature of 10.7°C, humidity of 0.19%, and tensile rate of 59.98 mm/min, which were propped to be adopted for the actual use of badminton string.
... If the opponent is forced to lose the center position, to speed up, the sling and kill technique should not be adopted. Light crane technology [18]was adopted to explore the relevant nature of sports expectations and sports levels in badminton competition scenarios. e differences in decision-making between different levels of badminton games were found through research. ...
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The success or failure of badminton competition often depends on the training level of technical, physical, tactical, and psychological quality, as well as the competitive ability to comprehensively use these factors in the competition. Aiming at the improvement of the BP neural network algorithm, the improved BP neural network algorithm is used to analyze the multidimensional attributes of the collected data, and the simulation experiment is carried out to find out our competitive advantages and disadvantages. This paper presents a statistical study on the change of service area, the application of service receiving technology, and the treatment of the third stroke technology in the badminton competition. The innovative contribution of this paper is to explore the differences of double service decision-making of badminton at different levels and form a theoretical mechanism analysis system. The research shows that the relationship between active and passive attack and hitting quality has been dealt with in the game. In training, mastering the basic technical movements of badminton is conducive to improving the technical level of badminton.
... The However, findings demonstrated that the perception of the affordance of string tension in badminton was determined by action abilities. Furthermore, experts could adjust the action to maintain a superior level of performance based on the perception of affordance [18]. ...
... The affordance of string tension for badminton power stroke can be also learned during skill acquisition. Zhu (2013) showed that skilled badminton players were more adept in selecting the optimal string tension for power stroke in playing badminton. Motor experience also helps to judge the motion event. ...
Previously, we have shown that discrete and continuous rapid aiming tasks are governed by distinct visual-motor control mechanisms by assessing the combined visual illusion effects on the perceived and effective Index of Difficulty (ID). All participants were perceptually biased by the combined visual illusion before they performed the rapid aiming tasks. In the present study, we manipulated the order of performing perceptual and motor tasks to examine whether perceptual or motor experience with the illusory visual target would influence the subsequent perceived and effective ID in discrete and continuous tapping tasks. The results supported our hypothesis showing that perceptual experience with the illusory visual target in the discrete condition reduced the effective ID in the subsequent discrete tapping task, and motor experience with the illusory visual target in the continuous condition reduced the illusion effects on the perceived ID in the subsequent perceptual judgment task. The study demonstrates the co-influence of perception and action, and suggests that perception and action influence one another with different magnitude depending on the spatial frame of reference used to perform the perceptual-motor task.
... Rossi et al. used a force-senor based analysis to suggest that grip force applied on the handle was strongly depending upon the types of stroke (Rossi, Foissac, Baly, Vigouroux, & Grelot, 2010). Most recently, Zhu initiated the scientific studies on the relationship among striking height, racquet angle and racquet string tension with focus on whether players adjusted the action at their wrist and fingers during impact based on the perception of the affordance of string tension (Zhu, 2013a(Zhu, , 2013b. However, positioning is hardly addressed in existing badminton research. ...
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One of the dominant skills in badminton is the forehand overhead smash, which consists of 1/5 attacks during games. Empirical evidences show that one has to adjust the body position in relation to the coming shuttlecock to produce a powerful and accurate smash. Therefore, positioning is a fundamental aspect influencing smash quality. Unfortunately, a search of literature has shown that there is a dearth/lack of study on this fundamental aspect. The goals of this study were to determine the influence of positioning and training experience on smash quality in order to discover information that could help learn/acquire the skill. Using 3D motion capture and full-body biomechanical modelling, 14 skilled and 15 novice players were analysed. Results have revealed that the body positioning has direct influence on shuttlecock release angle and clearance height of the offensive player. The results also suggest that, for training the positioning of beginners, one could conduct a self-selected comfort position towards a statically hanged shuttlecock and then step one foot back - a practical reference marker for learning. As one gains experience through repetitive training, improved limbs' coordination would increase smash quality further. We hope our findings will benefit practitioners for developing effective training programmes for beginners.
In many ball games, research on the sound quality of the sound generated when hitting a ball is underway. This is because the comfort of the impact sound exists as an important factor for athletes. In this study, we investigated the elements necessary for the comfortable impact sound, targeting the impact sound of badminton. In the experiment, the impression of the impact sound reproduced from the headphones was evaluated by the SD method. As a result, it was found that the impression of impact sound can be expressed by Beautiful & Metallic, Powerful and Spatial Factor. In addition, it was suggested that the Beautiful & Metallic Factor might be associated with the elastic performance in badminton competition, and the Powerful Factor might be associated with the flying performance. Furthermore, we examined acoustical characteristics that correlate well with each factor, and constructed the sound quality estimating model for the impact sounds.
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The catchableness of a fly ball depends on whether the catcher can get to the ball in time; accurate judgments of catchableness must reflect both spatial and temporal aspects. Two experiments examined the perception of catchableness under conditions of restricted information pickup. Experiment 1 compared perceptual judgments with actual catching and revealed that stationary observers are poor perceivers of catchableness, as would be expected by the lack of information about running capabilities. In Experiment 2, participants saw the 1st part of ball trajectories before their vision was occluded. In 1 condition, they started to run (as if to catch the ball) before occlusion; in another, they remained stationary. Moving judgments were better than stationary judgments. This supports the idea that perceiving affordances that depend on kinematic, rather than merely geometric, body characteristics may require the relevant action to be performed.
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The theoretical framework presented in this article explains expert performance as the end result of individuals' prolonged efforts to improve performance while negotiating motivational and external constraints. In most domains of expertise, individuals begin in their childhood a regimen of effortful activities (deliberate practice) designed to optimize improvement. Individual differences, even among elite performers, are closely related to assessed amounts of deliberate practice. Many characteristics once believed to reflect innate talent are actually the result of intense practice extended for a minimum of 10 years. Analysis of expert performance provides unique evidence on the potential and limits of extreme environmental adaptation and learning.
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The effects of string tension and longitudinal racket flexibility on post-impact ball velocity were investigated in tennis. Six wooden rackets, two with flexible shafts, two with medium and two with stiff shafts were strung with synthetic gut at tensions of 245N (55 lb), 289N (65 lb) and 334N (75 lb).A pneumatically driven racket-arm was triggered by a stimulus from a photo-electric cell positioned at the exit nozzle of a ball machine so that impact occurred with the racket perpendicular to the path of the ball. New tennis balls were fired to impact each racket at the geometric center of the strings and 5 cm above the geometric center. The average horizontal velocity of the ball, both before and after impact, was determined using stroboscope photography.A significant interaction between racket stiffness and string tension was recorded for an inward ball velocity of 22.7 m/s and a racket velocity of approximately 6.8 m/s. String tension had no significant influence on rebound velocity for a stiff racket following impact with a moving racket. Medium and flexible rackets produced the highest coefficients of restitution when strung at 245N (55 lb) compared to 289N (65 lb) and 334N (75 lb).
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Perception of whether a slanted surface supports upright stance was evaluated visually and haptically. Observers stood approximately 1 m from a 1 m by 1 m plywood board whose angle of inclination varied randomly among seven settings (12, 17, 22, 27, 33, 39, and 45 deg.). For visual trials, observers looked at the surface. For haptic trials, the observers were blindfolded and explored the surface with a hand-held wooden dowel. The perceived behavioral category boundary (i.e., the slope that received 50% yes responses) did not differ for visual and haptic judgments. Although the two perceptual systems did not differ in the mean, participants took longer to make haptic judgments and were less confident in doing so. For both perceptual systems, response time increased and confidence decreased at the category boundary. A second experiment used ascending and descending methods of limits and found both enhanced contrast and hysteresis effects for both perceptual systems. Differences between perceptual systems were discussed in the context of efficiency of perception and attunement. Similarities between perceptual systems were considered in the context of amodal invariants and dynamical systems.
The rebound angle and velocity of tennis balls impacting a tennis racquet were measured from photographic images during an oblique impact. Tennis balls were projected at three velocities toward a clamped racquet simulating three levels of stiffness and strung at three string tensions. A Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA revealed significant (p<0.01) differences between levels of string tension and levels of racquet stiffness for both apparent coefficient of restitution for an oblique impact and rebound angle to the normal. It was noted that racquet parameters generating greater rebound velocities produced rebound angles closer to the normal.
The haptic subsystem of dynamic touch is sensitive to the relation between a held object's distribution of mass and the object's affordances. In four experiments participants used dynamic touch to gauge the suitability of differently weighted hockey sticks for performing power (transferring maximal force) and precision (intercepting a moving object) actions. Results showed that perceivers could use dynamic touch to perceive the affordances of the hockey sticks. Perceptual sensitivity to action-relevant object properties was modified when novice participants were given the opportunity to discover subtle task constraints by actually performing the hockey tasks. Expert (collegiate-level) hockey players' ratings reflected attunement to the constraints that prompted changes in novices' responses.