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Abstract and Figures

With origins dating back to 1990, the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Program has experienced a 20-year history of reprocessing space- based observations to create accurate, consistent, climate data records. Both scientific and programmatic aspects of this history are reviewed and summarized in this paper, along with a review of the currently available Pathfinder SST data. In addition, a look forward to the next generation of Pathfinder currently under development is presented.
Content may be subject to copyright.
V. Barale, J.F.R. Gower and L. Alberotanza (eds.), Oceanography from Space, revisited.
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR
Pathfinder SST Program
Kenneth S. Casey
, Tess B. Brandon
, Peter Cornillon
, and Robert Evans
NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center, Silver Spring, MD, USA
University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragan-
sett, RI, USA
University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sci-
ence, Miami, FL, USA
Abstract. With origins dating back to 1990, the Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature
(SST) Program has experienced a 20-year history of reprocessing space-
based observations to create accurate, consistent, climate data records.
Both scientific and programmatic aspects of this history are reviewed and
summarized in this paper, along with a review of the currently available
Pathfinder SST data. In addition, a look forward to the next generation of
Pathfinder currently under development is presented.
1. Introduction
With today’s modern satellite sensors, many oceanic parameters are capa-
ble of being observed from space. Of these, only sea surface temperature
(SST) from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
series on board the NOAA polar-orbiting satellites enjoys an unbroken,
nearly 30-year long history of observation from the same class of instru-
ment. These AVHRR observations date back to 1981, when the first five-
channel AVHRR flew on board the NOAA-7 platform. The AVHRR se-
ries continues to fly today, and will continue perhaps another ten years into
the future on board the remaining NOAA polar orbiting satellites and the
European METOP platforms.
Early in the life of this series of instruments, NASA Headquarters con-
ceived the Pathfinder program to support the needs of the U.S. Global
Change Research Program (King and Greenstone, 1999). These Path-
finder efforts were to provide unprecedented access to large volumes of
consistently processed satellite datasets, in advance of the launch of the
The original publication is available at
Casey,K.S., T.B. Brandon, P. Cornillon, and R. Evans (2010).
"The Past, Present and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST
Program", in Oceanography from Space: Revisited, eds. V.
Barale, J.F.R. Gower, and L. Alberotanza, Springer. DOI:
324 K.. S. Casey et al.
NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites. Climate-quality datasets
would be generated and made available, providing valuable experience in
reprocessing, archiving, and distributing large satellite data sets. Thus,
these Pathfinder efforts would “find the path” forward in preparation for
the ambitious EOS series of instruments and missions that were to follow.
In October of 1990, NOAA and NASA signed a Cooperative Agree-
ment to commence work on three joint NOAA/NASA Pathfinder projects.
These joint projects would use existing NOAA datasets, focusing on
AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) data, the Television and Infrared
Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data,
and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data.
Several months later, in 1991, a project involving Special Sensor Micro-
wave/Imager (SSM/I) data, which was archived by NOAA under an
agreement with the U.S. Navy, became the fourth NOAA/NASA Path-
finder. In 1992 a NASA/EPA/USGS Landsat Pathfinder project was
formed, as was the first NASA-only Pathfinder, using Scanning Mul-
tichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) data. Funding for these ac-
tivities came mainly from NASA.
Each of the Pathfinder projects would form a Science Working Group
(SWG) that would determine the specific products to be created based on
scientific need, identify community-consensus algorithms to generate
those products, and make recommendations on product validation, storage,
maintenance, and required data services. A NASA Distributed Active Ar-
chive Center (DAAC) would then make the data available, as would the
EOS Data and Information System (EOSDIS).
Because the AVHRR data stream was perceived to be of value to sev-
eral different areas in the Earth sciences, three product science working
groups were formed under the AVHRR SWG umbrella: an atmosphere
SWG, a land SWG and an oceans SWG (OSWG in the following). The of-
ficial goals of the AVHRR Pathfinder projects, as presented on 08 January
1992 by Mary James of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to a group
that included the project chairpersons, were:
To produce long term global datasets for research, modeling, and
trend analysis. Datasets were to be consistently processed with the best
available community consensus algorithms.
To produce multiple geophysical products from a common input
stream using integrated processing concepts.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 325
To assemble a consistent, low maintenance, readily accessible ar-
chive for AVHRR data with browse and on-line access capabilities.
In December of 1994 a Pathfinder NASA Research Announcement was
released, marking the transition from the first phase to a second phase of
the Pathfinder datasets. The NRA emphasized building long-term datasets
and addressing consistency issues that arise when linking together multiple
sensors over time. This second phase ended in 2001, which marked the
formal end of NASA support for the NOAA/NASA Pathfinder efforts.
However, because of the successes obtained and momentum built over the
previous decade, some of these efforts continued operating under different
mechanisms. For example, the AVHRR Pathfinder Atmosphere
(PATMOS) project continued as a NOAA National Environmental Satel-
lite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) effort (Stowe et al., 2002).
The OSWG met for the first time in February of 1991. As with the
PATMOS project, the Pathfinder SST activities also continued with the
goal of building on the successes of the previous decade. In the case of
Pathfinder SST, the program continued through the efforts of the
NOAA/NESDIS National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), beginning
in 2002. Details on the history, current status, and future directions of
Pathfinder SSTs constitute the remainder of this paper.
2. History of the Pathfinder SST Program
Reprocessing of AVHRR data to create long, accurate, and consistent SST
records was one component of the overall NOAA/NASA Pathfinder Pro-
gram. To remain consistent with terminology, the activities that took place
between 1990 and 2001 are referred to as the “NOAA/NASA AVHRR
Oceans Pathfinder SST Project.” During that period, NASA was the pri-
mary sponsor of the effort. Beginning in 2002 NODC became involved
and a variety of NOAA funding sources began supporting the efforts. Be-
ginning in 2009, new NASA funding supported some specific aspects of
the program. The overall set of activities, including both the early 1990-
2000 and the 2002 and beyond periods is termed simply the “Pathfinder
SST Program” (see Table 1).
The AVHRR Ocean Pathfinder SST Project was an outgrowth of the
work of the NASA funded SST Archive Science Working Group
(SASWG) formed in early 1987. The objective of this group was “to de-
termine the needs of the scientific community for SST fields and the pos-
sibility of meeting these needs with existing sources of data.” The SASWG
326 K.. S. Casey et al.
met several times over the next two years and on 1 June 1989 delivered its
final report detailing two useful classes of SST products and the steps nec-
essary to produce these fields. One class of products, with fine spatial
resolution and high relative accuracy, would address the needs of feature-
related studies and the other, with high absolute accuracy, would address
the needs of heat flux related studies. The SASWG final report identified
the AVHRR GAC data stream as appropriate for the generation of both
SST products outlined in the report.
Table 1. Summary of Overall Pathfinder SST Program Periods.
The Pathfinder SST Program
Oceans Pathfinder SST
Project (Versions 1-4)
NOAA-supported Pathfinder
SST Program (Version 5)
Version 6
(in preparation)
1990-2001 2002-2008 2009-2010
Following the SASWG report, Stan Wilson (then of NASA Headquar-
ters but currently with NOAA/NESDIS) assembled a subgroup of the
SASWG plus several others within NASA with expertise in the processing
of GAC data to explore the actual production of the desired fields. This
group included a representative from the terrestrial science community in
addition to those from the oceanographic community. Two observations
emerged from this meeting: first, much of the required GAC data existed
only at NOAA so a collaboration with NOAA would be required as part of
any reprocessing effort and second, other Earth science communities could
benefit from ready access to a complete global GAC data set. Based on
these observations and the desire to learn how to handle large, multidisci-
plinary, open-ended data sets for the upcoming EOSDIS, Stan Wilson ini-
tiated a data transcription effort and a Cooperative Agreement with
NOAA. The Cooperative Agreement, entitled “Early EOSDIS Pathfinder
Data Set Activity”, was signed on 15 October 1990. This agreement was
the formal start of the Pathfinder Program, as described in Section 1.
However, despite the Cooperative Agreement, the available funding,
and the desire of the NOAA staff (Bud Booth and Levin Lauriston) to sup-
port the nascent Pathfinder group with the data transcription, little progress
was made over the next 13 months. To determine the nature of the prob-
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 327
lem, in November 1990 Peter Cornillon and Otis Brown met with John
Knauss, who was the NOAA Administrator at that time. In that meeting it
became clear that the delays resulted form a misunderstanding within
NOAA of a comment made by Knauss. When shown what NASA was do-
ing with satellite data, Knauss made a statement to the effect, “Why can’t
NOAA do these things?” This statement was misinterpreted by NOAA
staff to mean that the data were not to be provided to others and that
NOAA was to undertake the processing steps. Knauss had not intended his
statement to be interpreted this way and clarified the situation with his
staff after the meeting with Cornillon and Brown. The data transcription
began in earnest and progress continued steadily on the Pathfinder Pro-
gram from that point forward.
The Pathfinder OSWG first met in February of 1991 at Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. Peter Cornillon of the Uni-
versity of Rhode Island chaired the OSWG, which included members from
NOAA, NASA, and universities (see Appendix). The OSWG met ap-
proximately annually over the next four years continually evolving and
improving the algorithms and reprocessing techniques. During this same
period, the chairmen of the Pathfinder groups met approximately annually
to coordinate the work of the different Pathfinder projects and subgroups
met when needed to deal with data transcription and calibration issues. To
give a sense of the technical challenges faced by the OSWG to simply ma-
nipulate the large volumes of data, Figure 1 shows the first part of an e-
mail sent to Cornillon on 22 February 1991 containing a draft report from
the first OSWG meeting. Note the sender’s concern that the text might be
garbled because he had sent it at 9600 baud, which was considered to be
very fast at the time. Much of the information emerging from the various
groups was distributed by fax or over the Internet at extremely slow data
rates by today’s standards.
Sea surface temperature retrieval algorithms proposed by the OSWG
were tested and implemented under the direction of Robert Evans at the
University of Miami where the data were processed from Level 0
(L0)/Level 1b (L1b) through to Level 3 (L3) equal-area datasets on an in-
tegerized sinusoidal grid. These data were then sent to the NASA/Caltech
JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
(PO.DAAC) where they were converted to equal-angle, regularly gridded
datasets in HDF4-Raster format and provided to users. The first four ver-
sions of Pathfinder SST were created at a reduced resolution of 9.28 km,
due to computational resource limitations of the 1990s.
NASA funding for the initial effort ended in 2001-2002 and in 2002
NODC reinvigorated the Pathfinder SST activities with the goal of produc-
328 K.. S. Casey et al.
ing a Version 5 dataset at the full GAC resolution. Modest levels of
NOAA funding from various sources including NODC base resources and
the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program kept the Pathfinder SST
Program alive from 2002 through 2006. During this period, the Version 5
data were produced at the University of Miami and then sent to NODC for
final quality assurance, archiving, and provision to users. NODC provided
the Version 5 data to the PO.DAAC as well, to maintain continuity for us-
ers of earlier versions of the Pathfinder SST data who had grown accus-
tomed to accessing it from the PO.DAAC systems. From 2007 through
2009, the NOAA Scientific Data Stewardship Program supported efforts to
transition the reprocessing from the University of Miami to NODC, where
it could be supported over the long term.
Fig. 1: Excerpt from a 22 February 1991 email to Peter Cornillon, demonstrating
the slow data transmission rates available at the time. Despite the sender’s con-
cerns, the transmission was not garbled.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 329
Beginning in 2009, new NASA funding augmented the continued
NOAA support, with the goal of adding two new components to the Path-
finder SST Program. The first addition was the ability to generate error es-
timates, a critical component necessary to make the future Pathfinder Ver-
sion 6 data compliant with the standards of the Group for High Resolution
SST (GHRSST, Donlon et al., 2007). The second addition was to enable
Pathfinder reprocessing of not just AVHRR GAC data, but also a large
collection of 1 km resolution Local Area Coverage (LAC) and High Reso-
lution Picture Transmission (HRPT) data from the AVHRR instruments.
By the end of 2010, the GAC reprocessing system is expected to be func-
tional at NODC and the LAC/HRPT at the University of Rhode Island.
Long-term stewardship, archiving, and provision of the Version 6 data to
users will take place at NODC.
3. Earlier Pathfinder SST Versions
Over its twenty-year history, the Pathfinder SST Program has produced
five distinct versions and is actively developing the sixth. The Pathfinder
SST algorithm is based on the Non-Linear SST (NLSST) algorithm
(Walton et al., 1998) and was originally chosen by the SWG because of
the algorithm’s adequate performance, operational nature, and its accep-
tance by the scientific user community (Kilpatrick et al., 2001). The basic
form of the algorithm is
= a + bT
+ c(T
+ d(T
) - 1],
= the satellite-derived SST estimate,
and T
= brightness temperatures in the 10.8 and 11.4
AVHRR bands (channels 4 and 5, respectively),
= a first-guess SST value,
= the satellite zenith angle, and
a, b, c, and d = coefficients estimated from regression between
collocated and coincident in situ and satellite measurements.
Numerous modifications were made over time to improve the perform-
ance of the algorithm. A review of the algorithm evolution from Version 1
330 K.. S. Casey et al.
through 4 is provided below, based on information provided in an early
version of the Pathfinder Users Manual (Vazquez et al., 1995) and Casey
and Cornillon (1999). For more details, with an emphasis on Pathfinder
Version 4, see Kilpatrick et al. (2001). Version 5 and Version 6 are dis-
cussed in more detail in the following sections.
Version 1
The first version of Pathfinder implemented several key enhancements to
the NLSST algorithm. The form of the NLSST equation was slightly
modified to include a time dependent term. Extra care was taken with the
first steps in which the digital counts are converted to radiance and bright-
ness temperatures. The first of these steps involves the linear transforma-
tion of counts to radiance based on the space-view and sensor base plate
onboard calibration information. Next, a non-linear correction factor was
applied based on pre-launch calibration data. Finally, lookup tables based
on the sensor’s operating temperature were used to convert the channel 4
and 5 radiances to brightness temperatures.
Pathfinder Version 1 also included improvements to the navigation of
the satellite observations over previous AVHRR SST data products. These
improvements focused on the clock drift and spacecraft and sensor atti-
tude. Clock drifts caused uncertainties in the along-track position and
were corrected using a database of satellite clock time and Earth time off-
sets determined by comparing precise time measurements recorded at the
University of Miami Domestic Communication Satellite (DOMSAT, the
communication satellite NOAA used to transfer AVHRR data) station with
the time information in HRPT passes received at Wallops Island, VA, and
Fairbanks, AK. Averaging over multiple geographic locations and times
along the orbital track mitigated attitude errors.
Further improvements introduced in Pathfinder Version 1 were imple-
mented during the next phase of reprocessing, in which SST values are
calculated. Three sets of algorithm coefficients (a, b, c, and d in Eq. 1)
were generated using the satellite-in situ matchup database: one for high
atmospheric water vapor regimes where the T
– T
brightness temperature
difference is greater than or equal to 1.8 ºC, one for low water vapor re-
gimes where the T
brightness temperature difference is less than 0.7
ºC, and one for moderate levels of water vapor where the T
ness temperature difference is greater than or equal to 0.7 ºC and less than
1.8 ºC. In Version 1, the coefficients were calculated on an annual basis,
using 12 months of matchup data.
Finally, an extensive set of quality tests were implemented in Version 1,
including checks for gross cloud contamination, uniformity tests, satellite
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 331
zenith angle tests, stray sunlight tests, and a check against a reference SST
field based on the Reynolds Optimally Interpolated SST (OISSTv1; Rey-
nolds and Smith, 1994). Pixels on the edges of a scan line or in the first or
last scan line of an orbital piece were excluded, and those subject to sun
glint were also identified. Based on the combined results of these many
tests, Version 1 Pathfinder SSTs were then assigned a quality level of be-
tween 0 (worst) and 4 (best). Pathfinder Version 1 data spanning 1987 to
1993 were released to the public beginning in 1995.
Version 2
A second version of Pathfinder was developed to better correct for tempo-
ral changes observed in the match-up statistics. The time-dependent term
was removed and coefficients were generated on a monthly instead of an-
nual basis. The coefficients were calculated using a temporally weighted
five-month running window and were found to better correct the temporal
changes than the time-dependent term used in the NLSST equation in Ver-
sion 1. The central month is given a 100% weight, the adjacent months an
80% weight, and the months at the ends of the window a 50% weight. This
version of the Pathfinder data set was never released to the public.
Version 3
In the third version of Pathfinder SST, two sets of algorithm coefficients
(a, b, c, and d in Eq. 1) were generated using the satellite-in situ matchup
database instead of the three sets used in Version 1. The two sets were
found to better reduce the overall bias between satellite and buoy SST.
One set was for high atmospheric water vapor regimes where the T
brightness temperature difference is greater than or equal to 0.7 ºC and the
other was for low water vapor regimes where the T
brightness tem-
perature difference is less than 0.7 ºC. To avoid discontinuities, in cases
where the T
brightness temperature difference was between 0.5 ºC
and 0.9 ºC the SST was calculated using a weighted combination of SST
values determined using both sets of coefficients. Pathfinder Version 3
data were first released to the public in 1997 and spanned only 1991-1994.
They were quickly superseded by Pathfinder Version 4, which was re-
leased only a short time later.
Version 4
In Version 4, a more robust algorithm coefficient scheme was introduced,
and decision trees were implemented to better eliminate cloud-
332 K.. S. Casey et al.
contaminated pixels. Quality levels were expanded to 0 to 7 to allow for
greater user flexibility in determining trade-offs between data coverage
and data quality. Version 4 data became available in 1997 and eventually
covered 1985 to 2003. The Version 4 data marked the culmination of the
NOAA/NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder period.
4. Current State of Pathfinder SST: Version 5
Beginning in 2002, the Pathfinder SST Program entered a new phase tar-
geted at producing an even more accurate, consistent, and finer resolution
SST data set. By this time, the term “Climate Data Record” had emerged
and the Pathfinder SST Program renewed its efforts toward delivering the
SST climate data record. Improvements in spatial resolution, the land
mask, and the way sea ice information was used in the quality level deter-
minations were implemented. The 1-degree resolution OISSTv1 first-guess
and reference SST field used in earlier Pathfinder versions was replaced
with a newer version of the product, the OISSTv2 (Reynolds et al., 2002)
For the earliest part of the AVHRR record from late 1981 through 1984, a
new 25 km Daily Optimally Interpolated SST (DOISST, Reynolds et al.,
2007) was used. A more quantitative analysis of the improvements
achieved along with a description and evaluation of new SST climatolo-
gies derived from Pathfinder Version 5 is available in Casey et al. (2009).
By 2009, production, distribution, and long-term stewardship of the
Pathfinder Version 5 SST data had become a joint University of Miami
and NODC effort. The University of Miami processed the data from
L0/L1b to L3, including a transformation from the integerized sinusoidal
grid to the regularly gridded data in HDF4-Scientific Data Set format.
These data were then transferred to NODC, where they were subjected to
additional quality assurance involving browse image generation, visual in-
spection of every image, and comparison against the HadSST2 (Rayner et
al., 2006) in situ dataset. Any problems identified were then analyzed, and
corrections implemented at the University of Miami where the data were
regenerated before re-inspection at NODC. Once cleared through the
quality assurance steps, the data were then archived at NODC and pro-
vided to users through its http, ftp, and OPeNDAP services. Access to the
entire Pathfinder Version 5 collection is available on line
. An example
image, generated from a climatological mean of Pathfinder Version 5 SST,
is shown in Figure 2.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 333
Fig. 2. Climatological mean SST for Week 50, based on Pathfinder Version 5
The following steps provide the details on the current state of the Path-
finder processing system. Boldface items highlight the data and informa-
tion provided to the processing system.
Step 1:
Ingestion, calibration, and navigation of GAC data
1.1. Calibrate and convert AVHRR digital counts for channels 1 through 5
to radiances
1.1.1. Obtain AVHRR channels 1 through 5 radiometer count
data from NOAA and University of Miami collections of GAC
334 K.. S. Casey et al.
1.1.2. For channels 1 and 2, use pre-launch calibration coefficients
to perform a linear counts-to-radiance conversion, followed by
a correction for temporal changes using sensor decay rate
data and then a correction for inter-satellite differences using
inter-satellite standardization data to a NOAA-9 reference,
both of which use Libyan desert target area data.
1.1.3. For channels 3, 4, and 5 use both the above pre-launch calibra-
tion data and onboard blackbody (space view and sensor
base plate) data to perform a non-linear counts-to-radiance
1.2. Navigation, Clock, and Attitude Corrections
1.2.1. Apply satellite clock corrections using Earth time offset data
based on University of Miami DOMSAT recorded HRPT files.
1.2.2. Apply attitude corrections made using coastline comparison
1.2.3. At this point, navigated, calibrated albedos/brightness tempera-
tures are available for all five channels. Note that channels 1
and 2 are used in the Pathfinder Matchup Database decision
trees [see Kilpatrick et al. (2001), Figure 7] and channel 3 is
used only in assignment of a quality indicator (see step 2.4.1).
Step 2:
SST Calculation
2.1. Convert channel 4 and 5 brightness temperatures to SST in ºC using
the Pathfinder algorithm (Equation 1), which requires a set of
monthly coefficients.
2.2. These coefficients are derived using the Pathfinder Buoy Matchup
Database, a set of in situ SST observations and collocated AVHRR
data. The in situ data consist mainly of drifting buoys, but during
1981-1984 bias-corrected ship-based observations are also used.
2.3. The calculation of SST in step 2.1 also requires a first-guess SST
field. This first-guess field is the OISSTv2 product for 1985-2009
and the DOISST for 1981-1984. Note that Versions 1-4 of Path-
finder used OISSTv1.
2.4. Quality Flag Assignment
2.4.1. A Channel 3, 4, and 5 brightness temperature test is per-
formed. The brightness temperatures were calculated in step
2.4.2. The viewing angle is then evaluated using a satellite zenith
angle check.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 335
2.4.3. Next, a reference field comparison check is made against the
OISSTv2/DOISST used in step 2.3.
2.4.4. A stray sunlight test is then performed which requires infor-
mation on whether the data in question are to left or right of
2.4.5. An edge test is performed next, which checks the location of
the pixel within a scan line and the location of the scan line
within the processing piece (a “piece” is a subset of an entire
orbit file).
2.4.6. Then, a glint test is performed which requires a glint index
calculated according to the Cox and Munk (1954) formulation.
2.4.7. Finally, these steps are all combined into an overall quality
flag assignment for each pixel.
Step 3:
Spatial Binning
3.1. The GAC pixels, converted to SST in Step 2, are then binned into an
equal-area integerized sinusoidal grid.
3.2. To reduce discontinuities along the date line, a data-day based on a
spatial data-day definition (Podestá, 1995) is used.
3.3. A land mask is applied to the data, identifying pixels that fall on
land. In Pathfinder Version 5, an improved mask based on a 1 km
resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) dataset (MOD12Q1) derived by the USGS Land Processes
Distributed Active Archive Center is used
. In earlier versions of
Pathfinder, the land mask was based on a Central Intelligence
Agency database of navigation hazards, but no citation or further in-
formation is available.
Step 4:
Temporal Binning
4.1. Step 4 begins by temporally binning the spatially binned pieces from
Step 3 into a single daytime and single nighttime file for each day.
In the case of overlapping satellite passes, only the highest quality
pixels available for each are used. If there is more than one contrib-
uting pixel at the highest quality, these values are averaged. In Path-
finder Version 5, temporally binned files are also created for 5-day,
7-day, 8-day, monthly, and yearly periods.
see for more info
336 K.. S. Casey et al.
4.2. An internal Pathfinder reference check comparison is then made to
an internal 3-week Pathfinder comparison field. A sea ice mask
based on weekly SSM/I and sea ice information in the OISSTv2
is used to exclude pixels from the computation of the internal refer-
ence field. Note that sea ice information is not used in this way in
the earlier versions of Pathfinder.
4.3. The SST, quality, and related fields are reformatted from equal-area
to equal-angle for distribution and archiving in HDF4-Scientific
Data Set format. Older Pathfinder versions were distributed in
HDF4 Raster format.
Step 5: Quality Assurance, Archiving, and Distribution
5.1. Utilizing checksums to ensure file integrity, the HDF4-SDS files are
then acquired by NODC from the University of Miami and browse
graphics are generated.
5.2. Each browse graphic is then visually inspected and problematic data
are sent back to the University of Miami for correction and reproc-
5.3. After passing the visual inspection, an in situ comparison against the
HadSST2 data set (Rayner et al., 2006) is conducted. Again, any er-
rors detected are investigated and, if the data are subjectively con-
firmed to be bad, they are returned to the University of Miami for
correction and reprocessing.
5.4. After passing the visual inspection and in situ comparisons, the Path-
finder data are formally archived by NODC.
5.5. The result of these steps is the Pathfinder Version 5 SST product.
The data are distributed by NODC
and made available to the
PO.DAAC for redistribution.
Pathfinder Version 5 data were first released by NODC to the public in
April of 2003. By December of 2003, data for 1985-2001 were available.
Over the next several years, additional data were added incrementally. In
April of 2009, Pathfinder data for 1981-1984 were made available for first
time in the Pathfinder SST Program history. In prior versions, the lack of
adequate in situ matchups and suitable first-guess SST field made produc-
tion of those early data from the NOAA-7 platform impossible. However,
these limitations were overcome through the use of not just drifting buoys
in the matchup database, but also by including bias-corrected ship observa-
tions. In addition, working iteratively, the DOISST, which itself uses
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 337
Pathfinder SST data, was extended to include 1981-1984. The DOISST
then served as the first guess and reference SST field for this period. By
2010, Pathfinder Version 5 data were available for 1981-2009.
5. Future Directions in Pathfinder SST: Version 6
Despite the improvements implemented over the years, problems still re-
main in Pathfinder Version 5. These errors are being corrected, and im-
plemented in a new, Version 6 of Pathfinder. Version 6 will improve upon
Version 5 in several notable ways. First, known errors in the land mask
will be corrected, and Version 6 will utilize the DOISST throughout the
record. Use of the finer resolution DOISST is resulting in improved abil-
ity of the quality procedures to properly identify cloudy pixels and to re-
tain good pixels in the vicinity of coasts and strong gradient regions. Sea
ice information will also be used to a greater extent in Version 6, and will
be provided as part of the data set. Many spatial and seasonally varying
biases evident in the Pathfinder Version 5 comparisons with HadSST2 will
also be minimized through the use of new coefficients generated using a
latitudinal band scheme.
Another problem in Version 5 manifests itself as a jump in SST every
18 lines in the regularly gridded data. While not clearly visible in a single
image, edge detection algorithms that examine sequences of data identified
this problem. The problem is related to the mapping procedures by which
the equal-area integerized sinusoidal bins in which the data are generated
are mapped into the equal-angle, uniform grid space in which the data are
distributed. This problem has been resolved through the use of a refined
mapping procedure that will be used in Version 6.
Significantly, Version 6 will also conform to the newest GHRSST data
format, data content, and metadata requirements currently being devel-
oped, known as the GHRSST Data Specification Version 2 (GDS v2). The
GDS requires each SST pixel value to have an associated bias and uncer-
tainty error. These error estimates are being developed for Pathfinder Ver-
sion 6 using an error hypercube approach which partitions the matchup da-
tabase into a multi-dimensional lookup table. Pathfinder Version 6 will
also be in netCDF and will contain Climate and Forecast metadata attrib-
utes. For the first time, Pathfinder SST data will be made available in not
just collated L3 files, but also at the L2 swath and uncollated L3 process-
ing levels.
Another addition to Version 6 will be to include a large collection of
HRPT and LAC data collected at stations around the world. These full-
338 K.. S. Casey et al.
resolution, 1 km data sets will provide key inputs to ultra-high resolution
analysis systems and other fine scale applications. HRPT passes covering
the east and west coasts of the United States, the western Pacific off of Ja-
pan, and the waters around Australia, have already been identified for in-
clusion into the Pathfinder Version 6 processing system and other HRPT
station data are being actively sought.
6. Conclusion
For 20 years, the ongoing efforts of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program
have contributed, and continue to contribute to a wide range of marine ap-
plications. To date, over 65,000 unique users have accessed AVHRR
Pathfinder Version 5 SST data and applied them to a diverse set of appli-
cations and research topics. While it is difficult to accurately quantify the
use of Pathfinder SST data in the scientific literature due to varying ways
in which the data have been acknowledged or cited, searches of ScienceDi-
rect and the Web of Science indicate that number to be in the hundreds and
perhaps thousands. These studies include climate research areas such as
SST trend analysis (e.g., Casey and Cornillon, 2001), numerical modelling
applications (e.g., Shu et al., 2009), and the use of Pathfinder data as the
basis for higher-level SST products (e.g., Reynolds et al., 2007; Marullo et
al., 2007). A wide range of ecosystem-related studies have also relied on
Pathfinder SST data (e.g., Somoza et al., 2008; Halpern et al., 2008).
Many other scientific studies, too numerous to summarize, have utilized
Pathfinder SST across a wide range of disciplines and topics. Direct appli-
cations of the Pathfinder data to various societal benefits are also numer-
ous. For example, Pathfinder data have been used to characterize hump-
back whale distributions to reduce ship collisions, improve marine
protected area design and placement, plan optimal routing for yacht races,
evaluate performance of ocean and numerical weather prediction models,
and establish baselines for integrated ecosystem assessments and marine
spatial planning projects.
The improvements coming in Version 6 will enable an even greater
range of science and applications, enhance the compatibility of Pathfinder
data with numerous other GHRSST-compliant data streams, and will result
in a more accurate, consistent, and useful climate data record for SST.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 339
The authors wish to thank their respective institutions for support during
the preparation of this manuscript and to Jorge Vazquez and Ed Armstrong
of the NASA Physical Oceanography DAAC for their long-term efforts to
support the Pathfinder SST community of users. Thanks also go to the
many NASA and NOAA program and project managers who kept the
AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program alive over the course of the last two
decades, including Eric Lindstrom and John Bates. Finally, special thanks
go to the last three Directors of the NOAA National Oceanographic Data
Center, most recently Margarita Conkright Gregg and before her, Zdenka
Willis and Lee Dantzler. All three deemed the Pathfinder effort suffi-
ciently worthy to contribute significant NODC resources over the years.
Without these contributions, the history of Pathfinder SST would have
come to an end circa 2001 and would have fallen well short of making the
most of the available AVHRR record.
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The Past, Present, and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program 341
Original Members of the AVHRR Pathfinder Oceans SWG
Peter Cornillon, University of Rhode Island (Chair)
Robert Evans, University of Miami
Gene Feldman, NASA
Richard Legeckis, NOAA
Charles McClain, NASA
Richard W. Reynolds, NOAA
Charles Walton, NOAA
... noaa. gov/ produ cts/ avhrr-pathfi nder-sst)69,70 Derived from MODIS-Aqua sensor. Ocean Color Portal (https:// ocean color. ...
Full-text available
Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, represents an important component of commercial and recreational fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). We investigated the influence of environmental conditions on the spatiotemporal distribution of yellowfin tuna using fisheries’ catch data spanning 2012–2019 within Mexican waters. We implemented hierarchical Bayesian regression models with spatial and temporal random effects and fixed effects of several environmental covariates to predict habitat suitability (HS) for the species. The best model included spatial and interannual anomalies of the absolute dynamic topography of the ocean surface (ADTSA and ADTIA, respectively), bottom depth, and a seasonal cyclical random effect. High catches occurred mainly towards anticyclonic features at bottom depths > 1000 m. The spatial extent of HS was higher in years with positive ADTIA, which implies more anticyclonic activity. The highest values of HS (> 0.7) generally occurred at positive ADTSA in oceanic waters of the central and northern GoM. However, high HS values (> 0.6) were observed in the southern GoM, in waters with cyclonic activity during summer. Our results highlight the importance of mesoscale features for the spatiotemporal distribution of yellowfin tunas and could help to develop dynamic fisheries management strategies in Mexico and the U.S. for this valuable resource.
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Climate change is recognised to lead to spatial shifts in the distribution of small pelagic fish, likely by altering their environmental optima. Fish supply along the Northwest African coast is significant at both socio-economic and cultural levels. Evaluating the impacts of climatic change on small pelagic fish is a challenge and of serious concern in the context of shared stock management. Evaluating the impact of climate change on the distribution of small pelagic fish, a trend analysis was conducted using data from 2363 trawl samplings and 170,000 km of acoustics sea surveys. Strong warming is reported across the Southern Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME), extending from Morocco to Senegal. Over 34 years, several trends emerged, with the southern CCLME experiencing increases in both wind speed and upwelling intensity, particularly where the coastal upwelling was already the strongest. Despite upwelling-induced cooling mechanisms, sea surface temperature (SST) increased in most areas, indicating the complex interplay of climatic-related stressors in shaping the marine ecosystem. Concomitant northward shifts in the distribution of small pelagic species were attributed to long-term warming trends in SST and a decrease in marine productivity in the south. The abundance of Sardinella aurita, the most abundant species along the coast, has increased in the subtropics and fallen in the intertropical region. Spatial shifts in biomass were observed for other exploited small pelagic species, similar to those recorded for surface isotherms. An intensification in upwelling intensity within the northern and central regions of the system is documented without a change in marine primary productivity. In contrast, upwelling intensity is stable in the southern region, while there is a decline in primary productivity. These environmental differences affected several small pelagic species across national boundaries. This adds a new threat to these recently overexploited fish stocks, making sustainable management more difficult. Such changes must motivate common regional policy considerations for food security and sovereignty in all West African countries sharing the same stocks.
Daily sea surface temperature (SST) data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer from 1982 to 2020 were used to study the spatiotemporal variability and climatology of SST in the Azores. In addition, the relationships between the SST anomaly (SSTA) and three climate index time series for the period 1982–2020 were investigated: the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI), the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The spatiotemporal variability and climatology of the SST were studied by analyzing annual, seasonal, and monthly mean SST time series and climate fields. Relationships between the SSTA and climate index time series were investigated using Pearson's correlation analysis and wavelet coherence analysis. The annual mean SST time series shows a positive linear trend of about 0.027°C per year over the period 1982–2020. The spatial variability of the linear trend shows that the positive trend is consistent throughout the study area, ranging from 0.024 to 0.034°C per year. The spatial variability is not uniform, and high values of the trend are observed in the upper northwestern part and southwestern half of the basin. Seasonal mean SST fields show a positive North-South latitudinal gradient, with higher temperatures in the south, especially in the southwestern basin. In addition, the seasonal mean SST fields show possible coastal upwelling signatures along the coast of the Azores islands in different seasons. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between basin-averaged, de-trended monthly mean SSTA and climate indices show that SSTA shows a significant positive correlation with SOI and a negative correlation with ONI from 1982 to 2020. NAO shows positive correlation with SSTA for the December-January-February season. Wavelet coherence analysis confirms significant coherences between the Azores SSTA and the climate-ocean indices at certain time scales and periods.
This study examines the spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the highly dynamic Algerian Sea (AS), focusing on six different regions. These areas were chosen for their typical meteorological and geomorphological characteristics. SST data from the last 37 years (1982–2018) were analyzed on a monthly, seasonal, and yearly time scale. The relationship between SST, precipitation, river discharge, and a few natural climatic indicators was investigated. The non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was used for trend analysis, and the Pettitt, Buishand, and Hubert tests were used to assess dataset homogeneity over time. Correlation between variables was examined. The findings showed a significant warming trend of 0.030 ◦C/ year across the entire AS from 1982 to 2018, with two notable breakpoints. In the western regions, the warming trend was divided into three distinct phases: the first from 1982 to 1994, the second from 1994 to 2010, and the third from 2010 to 2018. In the eastern regions, three phases were observed: 1982–1994, 1994–2014, and 2014–2018. This finding suggests that western waters warmed before eastern areas. In all regions, summer had the fastest warming rate, ranging from 5.2 to 5.9 E− 2 ◦C/year, followed by autumn, with rates ranging from 2.8 to 3.7 E− 2 ◦C/year. Spring and winter warming rates were relatively low, ranging from 2 to 3 E− 2 ◦C/year and 1.1–1.6 E− 2 ◦C/year, respectively. The results indicate a seasonal and annual correlation between SST and the El Nino ˜ Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMo), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Mediterranean Oscillation (MO) modes during the study period.
The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), which connects the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, plays important roles in the inter-ocean water exchange and regional or even global climate variability. The Makassar Strait is the main inflow passage of the ITF, carrying about 77% of the total ITF volume transport. In this study, we analyze the simulated ITF in the Makassar Strait in the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 3 (SODA3) datasets. A total of nine ensemble members of the SODA3 datasets, of which are driven by different surface forcings and bulk formulas, and with or without data assimilation, are used in this study. The annual mean water transports (i.e., volume, heat and freshwater) are related to the combination of surface forcing and bulk formula, as well as whether data assimilation is employed. The phases of the seasonal and interannual variability in water transports cross the Makassar Strait, are basically consistent with each other among the SODA3 ensemble members. The interannual variability in Makassar Strait volume and heat transports are significantly correlated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) at time lags of −6 to 7 months. There is no statistically significant correlation between the freshwater transport and the ENSO. The Makassar Strait water transports are not significantly correlated with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which may attribute to model deficiency in simulating the propagation of semiannual Kelvin waves from the Indian Ocean to the Makassar Strait.
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Along the coast of North-West Africa, fish supply is important at both socio-economic and cultural levels while threatened by climatic changes. To assess the impact of climate change on the distribution of small pelagic fish, a comprehensive trend analysis was conducted using data from 2,363 trawl samplings and 170,000 km of acoustics sea surveys spanning the period 1995–2015. The approach included estimating eight northern small pelagic species' presence and acoustics spatial distribution of the sardinella. The analysis incorporated key environmental variables, including sea temperature, chlorophyll- a concentration, and a wind-based Ekman upwelling index. The Southern Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) was divided into five distinct ecological areas, extending from Morocco to Senegal, providing a spatialized perspective on the dynamic changes unfolding within these characteristic areas. Then, yearly averages of the monthly data per area were calculated. Strong warming is reported in all five areas. Over 34 years, from 1988 to 2021, several discernible trends emerged, with the southern CCLME experiencing increases in both wind speed and upwelling intensity, particularly in areas where the coastal upwelling was already the strongest. Despite upwelling-induced cooling mechanisms, sea surface temperature increased in most areas, indicating the complex interplay of climatic-related stressors in shaping the marine ecosystem. Concomitant northward shifts in the distribution of sardinella and other species were attributed to long-term warming trends in sea surface temperature (SST). As a result, the abundance of Sardinella aurita , the most abundant species along the coast, has increased in the subtropics (north part) and fallen in the intertropical region (south part). Independent environmental and ecological observational time series confirm a northward shift of around 180 km in one decade for S. aurita , while S. maderensis did not move significantly. Spatial shifts in biomass from 30 to 145 kilometers were observed for six other exploited small pelagic species, similar to those recorded for surface isotherms. An intensification in upwelling intensity within the northern and central regions of the system is documented without change in marine primary productivity. In contrast, a stable upwelling intensity is reported in the southern region (Senegal), which is associated with a decline in primary productivity. These environmental differences were associated with several small pelagic species beyond national boundaries whose recent overexploitation adds a new threat to their sustainable future in the whole region. Such changes must motivate common regional policy considerations for food security and sovereignty in all West African countries sharing the same stocks.
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Individual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are calculated using a satellite-based climatology and observations from the World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94) and the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) to characterize global and regional changes in ocean surface temperature since 1942. For each of these datasets, anomaly trends are computed using a new method that groups individual anomalies into climatological temperature classes. These temperature class anomaly trends are compared with trends estimated using a technique representative of previous studies based on 5° latitude-longitude bins. Global linear trends in the data-rich period between 1960 and 1990 calculated from the WOA94 data are found to be 0.14° ± 0.04°C decade-1 for the temperature class approach and 0.13° ± 0.04°C decade-1 for the 5° bin approach. The corresponding results for the COADS data are 0.10° ± 0.03°C and 0.09° ± 0.03°C decade-1. These trends are not statistically different at the 95% confidence level. Additionally, they agree closely with both SST and land-air temperature trends estimated from results reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The similarity between the COADS trends and the trends calculated from the WOA94 dataset provides confirmation of previous SST trend studies, which are based almost exclusively on volunteer observing ship datasets like COADS. Regional linear trends reveal a nonuniformity in the SST rates between 1945-70 and 1970-95. Intensified warming during the later period is observed in the eastern equatorial Pacific, the North Atlantic subtropical convergence, and in the vicinity of the Kuroshio extension. Also, despite close agreement globally, localized differences between COADS and WOA94 trends are observed.
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The purpose of this study is to present a satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) climatology based on Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and to evaluate it and several other climatologies for their usefulness in the determination of SST trends. The method of evaluation uses two long-term observational collections of in situ SST measurements: the 1994 World Ocean Atlas (WOA94) and the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS). Each of the SST climatologies being evaluated is subtracted from each raw SST observation in WOA94 and COADS to produce several separate long-term anomaly datasets. The anomaly dataset with the smallest standard deviation is assumed to identify the climatology best able to represent the spatial and seasonal SST variability and therefore be most capable of reducing the uncertainty in SST trend determinations.The satellite SST climatology was created at a resolution of 9.28 km using both day and night satellite fields generated with the version 4 AVHRR Pathfinder algorithm and cloud-masking procedures, plus an erosion filter that provides additional cloud masking in the vicinity of cloud edges. Using the statistical comparison method, the performance of this `Pathfinder + erosion' climatology is compared with the performances of the WOA94 1° in situ climatology, the Reynolds satellite and in situ blended 1° analysis, version 2.2 of the blended 1° Global Sea-Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (GISST) climatology, and the in situ 5° Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas (GOSTA).The standard deviation of the anomalies produced using the raw WOA94 in situ observations and the reference SST climatologies indicate that the 9.28-km Pathfinder + erosion climatology is more representative of spatial and seasonal SST variability than the traditional in situ and blended SST climatologies. For the anomalies created from the raw COADS observations, the Pathfinder + erosion climatology is also found to minimize variance more than the other climatologies. In both cases, the 5° GOSTA climatology exhibits the largest anomaly standard deviations.Regional characteristics of the climatologies are also examined by binning the anomalies by climatological temperature classes and latitudinal bands. Generally, the Pathfinder + erosion climatology yields lower anomaly variances in the mid- and high latitudes and the Southern Hemisphere, but larger variances than the 1° climatologies in the warm, Northern Hemisphere low-latitude regions.
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A new generation of integrated sea surface temperature (SST) data products are being provided by the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) High-Resolution SST Pilot Project (GHRSST-PP). These combine in near-real time various SST data products from several different satellite sensors and in situ observations and maintain the fine spatial and temporal resolution needed by SST inputs to operational models. The practical realization of such an approach is complicated by the characteristic differences that exist between measurements of SST obtained from subsurface in-water sensors, and satellite microwave and satellite infrared radiometer systems. Furthermore, diurnal variability of SST within a 24-h period, manifested as both warm-layer and cool-skin deviations, introduces additional uncertainty for direct intercomparison between data sources and the implementation of data-merging strategies. The GHRSST-PP has developed and now operates an internationally distributed system that provides operational feeds of regional and global coverage high-resolution SST data products (better than 10 km and ∼6 h). A suite of online satellite SST diagnostic systems are also available within the project. All GHRSST-PP products have a standard format, include uncertainty estimates for each measurement, and are served to the international user community free of charge through a variety of data transport mechanisms and access points. They are being used for a number of operational applications. The approach will also be extended back to 1981 by a dedicated reanalysis project. This paper provides a summary, overview of the GHRSST-PP structure, activities, and data products. For a complete discussion, and access to data products and services see the information online at
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The time series of satellite infrared AVHRR data from 1985 to 2005 has been used to produce a daily series of optimally interpolated SST maps over the regular grid of the operational MFSTEP OGCM model of the Mediter-ranean basin. A complete validation of this OISST (Opti-mally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature) product with in situ measurements has been performed in order to exclude any possibility of spurious trends due to instrumental cali-bration errors/shifts or algorithms malfunctioning related to local geophysical factors. The validation showed that satel-lite OISST is able to reproduce in situ measurements with a mean bias of less than 0.1 K and RMSE of about 0.5 K and that errors do not drift with time or with the percent interpo-lation error.
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As part of the joint National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NOAA-NASA) Pathfinder program, the NOAA/National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) has created a research-quality atmospheric, climate-scale dataset through the reprocessing of archived Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) observations from four afternoon satellites, in orbit since 1981. The raw observations were recalibrated using a vicarious calibration technique for the AVHRR reflectance channels and an improved treatment of the nonlinearity of the three infrared emittance channels. State-of-the-art algorithms are used in the Pathfinder Atmosphere (PATMOS) project to process global AVHRR datasets into statistics of channel radiances, total cloud amount, components of the earth's radiation budget, and aerosol optical thickness over oceans. The radiances and earth radiation budget components are determined for clear-sky and all-sky conditions. The output products are generated on a quasi-equal-area grid with a spatial resolution of approximately 110 km, with twice-a-day temporal resolution, and averaged over 5-day (pentad) and monthly time periods. The quality of the products is assessed relative to independent surface or satellite observations of these parameters. This analysis shows that the PATMOS data are sufficiently accurate for studies of the interaction of clouds and aerosol with solar and terrestrial radiation, and of climatic phenomena with large signals, for example, the annual cycle, monsoons, and the four ENSOs and two major volcanic eruptions that occured during the 19-yr PATMOS period. Analysis also indicates that smaller climate signals, such as those associated with longer-term trends in surface temperature, may be difficult to detect due to the presence of artifacts in the time series that result from the drift of each satellite's observation time over its mission. However, a simple statistical method is employed to remove much of the effect caused by orbital drift. The uncorrected PATMOS dataset is accessible electronically.
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Two new high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) analysis products have been developed using optimum interpolation (OI). The analyses have a spatial grid resolution of 0.25° and a temporal resolution of 1 day. One product uses the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) infrared satellite SST data. The other uses AVHRR and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) on the NASA Earth Observing System satellite SST data. Both products also use in situ data from ships and buoys and include a large-scale adjustment of satellite biases with respect to the in situ data. Because of AMSR’s near-all-weather coverage, there is an increase in OI signal variance when AMSR is added to AVHRR. Thus, two products are needed to avoid an analysis variance jump when AMSR became available in June 2002. For both products, the results show improved spatial and temporal resolution compared to previous weekly 1° OI analyses. The AVHRR-only product uses Pathfinder AVHRR data (currently available from January 1985 to December 2005) and operational AVHRR data for 2006 onward. Pathfinder AVHRR was chosen over operational AVHRR, when available, because Pathfinder agrees better with the in situ data. The AMSR– AVHRR product begins with the start of AMSR data in June 2002. In this product, the primary AVHRR contribution is in regions near land where AMSR is not available. However, in cloud-free regions, use of both infrared and microwave instruments can reduce systematic biases because their error characteristics are independent.
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Individual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are calculated using a satellite-based climatology and observations from the World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94) and the Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) to characterize global and regional changes in ocean surface temperature since 1942. For each of these datasets, anomaly trends are computed using a new method that groups individual anomalies into climatological temperature classes. These temperature class anomaly trends are compared with trends estimated using a technique representative of previous studies based on 5-degree latitude–longitude bins. Global linear trends in the data-rich period between 1960 and 1990 calculated from the WOA94 data are found to be 0.14 degrees +/- 0.04 degrees C decade-1 for the temperature class approach and 0.13 degrees +/- 0.04 degrees C decade-1 for the 5 degree bin approach. The corresponding results for the COADS data are 0.10 degrees +/- 0.03 degrees C and 0.09 degrees +/- 0.03 degrees C decade-1 . These trends are not statistically different at the 95% confidence level. Additionally, they agree closely with both SST and land–air temperature trends estimated from results reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The similarity between the COADS trends and the trends calculated from the WOA94 dataset provides confirmation of previous SST trend studies, which are based almost exclusively on volunteer observing ship datasets like COADS. Regional linear trends reveal a nonuniformity in the SST rates between 1945–70 and 1970–95. Intensified warming during the later period is observed in the eastern equatorial Pacific, the North Atlantic subtropical convergence, and in the vicinity of the Kuroshio extension. Also, despite close agreement globally, localized differences between COADS and WOA94 trends are observed.
Since 1990, the NOAA National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) has provided satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) measurements based on nonlinear SST algorithms, using advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) multiple-infrared window channel data. This paper develops linear and nonlinear SST algorithms from the radiative transfer equation. It is shown that the nonlinear algorithms are more accurate than linear algorithms but that the functional dependence of the nonlinearity is data dependent. This theoretical discussion (sections 2-4) is followed with a discussion in section 5 of the accuracy over a 9-year period of the satellite-derived SST measurements provided by NOAA NESDIS when compared with coincident drifting buoys. Between 1989 and 1998 the global scatter of the daytime satellite SST against drifting buoy measurements has decreased from -0.8 ø to 0.5øC, while the nighttime scatter has remained fairly constant at 0.5øC. An exception to these accuracy measurements occurred after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991.