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Age-related differences in time-limit performance and force platform-based balance measures during one-leg stance

  • University of Québec in Chicoutimi; McGill University; UniEVANGELICA
  • Universidade Evangelica de Goias
Age-related differences in time-limit performance and force platform-based
balance measures during one-leg stance
Rubens A. da Silva
, Martin Bilodeau
, Rodolfo B. Parreira
, Denilson C. Teixeira
, César F. Amorim
Center for Health Science Research, Laboratory of Functional Evaluation and Human Motor Performance, Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR), 675 Paris Ave., CEP 86041-120,
Londrina-PR, Brazil
Masters Program in Rehabilitation Sciences UEL/UNOPAR, 675 Paris Ave., CEP 86041-120, Londrina-PR, Brazil
Faculty of Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP-FEG/UNICID, Av. Doutor Ariberto Pereira da Cunha, 333, Guaratinguetá, SP 12516-410, Brazil
School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Ottawa, Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute, 43 Bruyere St., Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 5C8
Physical Education and Sport Center, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL),Rod. Celso Garcia Cid. 445 Km 380, Campus Universitário Londrina - PR, 86055-900, Brazil
article info
Article history:
Received 9 November 2011
Received in revised form 9 January 2013
Accepted 9 January 2013
Force platform
Poor posture control has been associated with an increased risk of falls and mobility disability among
older adults. This study was conducted to assess the test–retest reliability and sensitivity to group differ-
ences regarding the time-limit (T
) of one-leg standing and selected balance parameters obtained with
a force platform in older and young adults. A secondary purpose was to assess the relationship between
and these balance parameters. Twenty-eight healthy older adults (age: 69 ± 5 years) and thirty
young adults (age: 21 ± 4 years) participated in this study. Two one-leg stance tasks were performed:
(1) three trials of 30 s maximum and (2) one T
trial. The following balance parameters were com-
puted: center of pressure area, RMS sway amplitude, and mean velocity and mean frequency in both
the anterio-posterior and medio-lateral directions. All balance parameters obtained with the force plat-
form as well as the T
variable were sensitive to differences in balance performance between older and
young adults. The test–retest reliability of these measures was found to be acceptable (ICC: 0.40–0.85),
with better ICC scores observed for mean velocity and mean frequency in the older group. Pearson cor-
relations coefficients (r) between balance parameters and T
ranged from 0.16 to 0.54. These results
add to the current literature that can be used in the development of measurement tools for evaluating
balance in older and young adults.
Ó2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Poor posture control has been associated with an increased risk
of falls in older adults (Berg et al., 1992; Tinetti et al., 1988). In the
present study, posture control will be referred to as ‘‘balance’’,
which is a generic term used to describe the body’s ability to adjust
the center-of-pressure (COP) in order to maintain projection of the
center of mass (COM) within the manageable limits of the base of
support (Winter, 1995).
Several clinical and laboratory methods have been developed to
assess different dimensions of balance in order to assist clinical
decision-making with respect to interventions for balance-related
deficits, and thus fall prevention. Functional balance tests such as
Tinetti and Berg scales (Berg et al., 1992; Tinetti et al., 1988), which
use the maximum time a person can stand on one leg without sup-
port (namely here: T
) as a scale item, have been used with good
reliability to estimate a subject’s risk of falling (Godi et al., 2013).
However, as with any single domain measure (T
), critical infor-
mation about balance may not be optimal. On the other hand, COP
parameters calculated from force platform data can provide finer
information related to biomechanical and neuromuscular control
strategies for maintaining balance among different populations
(Howe et al., 2009; Lacour et al., 1997; Melzer et al., 2004; Nardone
and Schieppati, 2010).
Commonly used measures of COP displacement can be calcu-
lated in the time (e.g., velocity) and frequency (e.g., median fre-
quency) domains (Bauer et al., 2008; Corriveau et al., 2000;
Gribble and Hertel, 2004; LeClair and Riach, 1996). However, be-
cause these variables originate from biological systems, they also
have an intrinsic variability that can affect their reliability and
validity. Different studies using different experimental protocols
have documented the reliability of these variables for both healthy
young adults and older subjects (Bauer et al., 2008; Corriveau et al.,
2000; Gribble and Hertel, 2004; LeClair and Riach, 1996; Goldie
et al., 1989; Lin et al., 2008; Pinsault and Vuillerme, 2009; Santos
1050-6411/$ - see front matter Ó2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author at: Center for Health Science Research, Laboratory of
Functional Evaluation and Human Motor Performance, Universidade Norte do
Paraná (UNOPAR), 675 Paris Ave., CEP 86041-120, Londrina-PR, Brazil.
E-mail address: (R.A. da Silva).
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (2013) 634–639
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et al., 2008). These studies reported excellent reliability (>0.75) for
several balance parameters (Bauer et al., 2008; Corriveau et al.,
2000; Lin et al., 2008; Pinsault and Vuillerme, 2009; Lafond et al.,
2004) during a bipedal quiet standing task. However, maintaining
a quiet standing position using two legs is not a major challenge to
our balance control system (Cliffor, 2010). Thus, the clinical useful-
ness of data obtained under such conditions, i.e., when document-
ing balance deficits in young adults, the older or rehabilitation
patients, is limited. Few studies have investigated these balance
parameters for the one-leg stance and still fewer have determined
their reliability (Pinsault and Vuillerme, 2009), which is of concern
when these are used to determine the efficacy of a specific balance
intervention for fall prevention in older individuals. Furthermore,
some studies (Hughes et al., 1996; Holbein-Jenny et al., 2007) have
correlated the T
from functional performance with COP balance
parameters obtained in bipedal tasks only. It is likely that such an
association would be stronger for balance parameters obtained
during a one-leg stance condition, and this could have implications
for the prediction/prevention of falls (Michikawa et al., 2009).
The aims of the present study were to assess (1) the test–retest
reliabilities of T-limit and four measures of the COP, (2) the sensi-
tivities of these measures to group differences (older and young
adults), and (3) the relationships between T
and each of the
four COP measures.
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
Twenty-eight healthy older (20 women) and 30 young adult
volunteers (16 women) participated in this study. All participants
were recruited by convenience between 2010 and 2011; older
adults from the local community who were participants in a phys-
ical exercise program for seniors at the Universidade Norte do
Paraná (enrolled for at least 1 year) and young adults from the uni-
versity community. The characteristics of the subjects are pre-
sented in Table 1. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) older
adults: aged over 60 years, living independently, no falls in the past
year and a cognitive status of >21 on the Mini-Mental State Exam-
ination (Hughes et al., 1996); (2) young adults: aged between 18
and 30 years and not enrolled in any physical activity program at
the time of the study. General exclusion criteria were as follows:
self-reported injuries, illnesses, musculoskeletal disorders, sys-
temic–neurological–degenerative diseases, severe labyrinthitis
and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.
Subjects were informed about the experimental protocol and the
potential risks of the study and gave written consent before their
participation. The protocol and the consent form had been previ-
ously approved by the local Ethics committee (##PP/0114/09).
2.2. Procedures
Two approximately 2-h sessions separated by a maximum of
2 weeks were required. The same investigator performed the pro-
cedures and tasks with all participants in the same laboratory envi-
ronment to ensure uniformity. To assess reliability, all subjects
performed the same experimental protocol after a 2-week interval.
2.3. Tasks
Each participant was allowed to practice the one-leg stance be-
fore testing and, since only one leg was being tested, the subjects
were free to choose which leg they preferred to stand on. The par-
ticipants performed two tasks: (1) three 30-s trials of the one-leg
stance on a force platform (Gil et al., 2011), with a rest period of
approximately 30 s between trial. The mean of these three trials
for each balance measure was retained to assess: (i) the sensitivity
of the balance parameters for discriminating between groups (ses-
sion one only) and (ii) the test–retest reliability between the mea-
sures across two sessions. This approach was used because
averaging the balance parameters values across three trials im-
proves reliability (Bauer et al., 2008).
After 5 min of rest from task one a second task, consisting of a
one legged-stance maintained until loss of balance (T
), was
performed. The T
criterion in the present study was defined
as the maximum time it took until a subject suddenly abandoned
the posture due to loss of balance, i.e., when the lifted foot touched
either the force platform or the floor. This task was used to assess
the relationship between T
of one-leg standing and selected
balance parameters from the force platform.
During all trials in both tasks, the participants were instructed
to stand on one leg (see Fig. 1 for illustration) under the following
standardized conditions: barefoot, eyes opened and looking at a
target (cross) placed on a wall at eye level 2 m away, arms at their
sides or parallel to their trunk. To prevent falls or injuries during all
testing, an investigator stood close to each participant.
Table 1
Characteristics of Subjects.
Older (n= 28) Young adults (n= 30)
Age (yrs) 69 (5) 21 (4)
Height (m) 1.56 (7.8) 1.69 (6.9)
Weight (kg) 64.2 (8.8) 65.6 (13.4)
BMI (kg/m
) 27 (4) 23 (4)
Cognitive status
27 (2) /
Note: Mean values with standard deviation (SD). BMI: Body Mass Index.
Mini-Mental State Examination (normal range based in a cutoff >21). Fig. 1. Subject’s position on a BIOMEC400 force platform (EMG System do Brasil, SP
R.A. da Silva et al. /Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (2013) 634–639 635
2.4. Computation of COP-based balance parameters
The vertical ground reaction force data from the force platform
(BIOMEC400, EMG System do Brasil, Ltda., SP) were sampled at
100 Hz. All force signals were filtered with a 35-Hz low-pass sec-
ond-order Butterworth filter and converted into COP data using
proper software, which was compiled with MATLAB routines
(The Mathworks, Natick, MA). Stabilographic analysis of COP data
led to the calculation of the four main balance parameters: (1)
95% confidence ellipse area of COP (A-COP in cm
), (2) Root Mean
Square (RMS) amplitude of COP sway (RMS in cm), and (3) mean
velocity (MVeloc in cm/s) and (4) mean frequency (MF in Hz) of
COP for both antero-posterior (A/P) and medio-lateral (M/L) direc-
tions. For both tasks, these balance parameters were calculated for
the total duration of the trial for each subject.
2.5. Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were performed with NCSS statistical
software (version 6.0 for Windows) with an alpha level of 0.05.
All variables were normally distributed, as verified with the Shap-
iro–Wilk test. Student unpaired t-test was used to assess between-
group (older vs. young adults) differences in T
and in four COP
variables in order to determine the sensitivity of these measures
for discriminating of balance between the two groups. Pearson’s
correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship be-
tween four balance parameters (A-COP, RMS, MVeloc, MF) and
the T
computed in task two.
To assess the test–retest reliability across the two sessions in
task one, ICCs
and SEM were calculated as described in Shrout
and Fleiss (Shrout and Fleiss, 1979), based on two-way ANOVAs,
which allowed a contrast between the within-subject variability
and the between-subject variability. To classify the ICCs, we used
Fleiss’ Classification, where an ICC below 0.4 was considered as
‘‘poor’’ reliability, between 0.40 and 0.75 as ‘‘fair to good’’ reliabil-
ity and above 0.75 as ‘‘excellent’’ reliability (Fleiss, 1997).
3. Results
3.1. Reliability assessment
The reliability of T
was excellent with an ICC of 0.87 for old-
er and 0.75 for young adults across two sessions. The ICC scores of
older and young adult volunteers varied between the four balance
parameters, ranging from 0.40 to 0.85 (SEM: 0.08–6.66); i.e., show-
ing fair to excellent reliability (Table 2). Mean velocity was the
most reliable measure, followed by the MF parameter, especially
in older group, showing excellent ICC values (>0.80) and lower
SEM values in both directions. Excellent reliability was observed
for sway area of COP in young adults only (Table 2), whereas the
RMS parameter presented the poorest reliability across both
Table 2
Test–retest reliability results COP-based balance parameters (task one).
Variables Older (n= 20) Young adults (n= 30)
A-COP (cm
) 0.60 6.66 41 0.83 1.30 20
RMS A/P (cm) 0.51 1.98 35 0.55 0.59 16
RMS M/L (cm) 0.40 1.82 33 0.60 0.43 14
MF A/P (Hz) 0.82 0.09 13 0.68 0.13 22
MF M/L (Hz) 0.72 0.08 10 0.70 0.10 11
MVeloc A/P (cm/s) 0.85 0.90 22 0.72 0.33 14
MVeloc M/L (cm/s) 0.82 1.3 17 0.75 0.25 10
ICC: intra-class correlation coefficient; SEM: standard error of measurement
(absolute error); SEM (%): standard error of measurement relative to the grand
RMS (cm)
p =0.006 p = 0.000
A-COP (cm
p = 0.000
MF (Hz)
p = 0.000 p = 0.000
MVeloc (cm/s)
p = 0.000 p = 0.000
Directions of movement Directions of movement
Young adults
Fig. 2. Balance parameters (95% ellipse A-COP and RMS, MF, MVeloc in A/P and M/L directions of movement) values (error bars correspond to standard deviations) from the
BIOMEC400 force platform.
Significant differences (P< 0.05 from Student’s t-test) were found between elderly and young adults for all balance parameters.
636 R.A. da Silva et al. /Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (2013) 634–639
3.2. Age-related differences on COP parameters and T
The comparison between older and young adults using session
one data is depicted in Fig. 2. All selected COP balance parameters
proved to be sensitive to differences between the two groups
(P< 0.05) for this specific one-leg stance task. Greater COP values
were observed for the older than the young adults.
The older adults showed significantly shorter T
values than
the younger subjects for the T
task (Table 3), ranging from 6 to
74 s (mean: 25 ± 15 s), whereas values for young adults ranged be-
tween 30 and 350 s (mean: 162 ± 113 s).
Only two balance-related variables were significantly associ-
ated with T
: A/P MF correlated moderately with T
in both
groups; whereas A-COP correlated with T
only in the older
group (Table 3). Other than A-COP, correlation values were not
shown to be systematically higher for one group than the other
across balance parameters.
4. Discussion
The test–retest reliability of the three measures (T
, MF and
MVeloc) was found to be acceptable for evaluating balance in older
and young adults during one-leg stance test. Also, all four balance
parameters obtained with the force platform as well as the time-
limit variable were sensitive enough to discriminate the balance
between older and young adults. Both MF and MVeloc balance
parameters showed an association with T
. These results add
to the literature concerning the development of measurement
tools for evaluating balance deficits in older adults, especially dur-
ing a challenging task.
4.1. Reliability assessment
To the authors’ knowledge and based on a brief recent literature
search concerning the reliability of COP measures (Goldie et al.,
1989), the reliability of balance parameters computed during a
one-leg stance test in both older and young individuals has not
been reported. Despite differences in experimental protocol and
statistical models of reliability measurements, our results are in
agreement with other studies (Bauer et al., 2008; Corriveau et al.,
2000; Lin et al., 2008; Pinsault and Vuillerme, 2009). Balance
parameters can present quite diverse levels of reliability. Our re-
sults indicated that mean velocity (MVeloc) was the most reliable
balance parameter (ICC = 0.72–0.85; SEM = 0.2–1.3) across groups
(older and younger) and for both directions (A/P and M/L), which
is consistent with results from previous studies of older adults dur-
ing bipedal quiet standing (Lin et al., 2008; Lafond et al., 2004).
Furthermore, our results pointed out the excellent reliability of
mean frequency (MF) in the A/P direction, especially for the older
group, suggesting that this parameter, in addition to being associ-
ated with the T
variable, also presents stability over time under
this experimental condition. This suggests that this parameter, as
well as MVeloc, could be used with relevance for clinical deci-
sion-making concerning the effects of a rehabilitation program
over the course of several days for improving balance in older
adults. Interestingly, ICC scores for MF and MVeloc were slightly
higher for the older adults, as also observed by Lin et al. (2008)
during a bipedal task. This may be related, at least in part, to a
higher variation of measures across older individuals, which in
turn contributes to higher ICC scores (Portney and Watkins, 2000).
4.2. Age-related differences
It is well known that aging is associated with neuro-musculo-
skeletal alterations and decreased physiological functions, which
in turn can lead to problems such as muscular weakness and lack
of mobility, as well as other sensory-motor deficits and a conse-
quent loss of balance and falls (Orr, 2010; Piirtola and Era, 2006).
In the present study, the performance of the older adults was
worse in both tasks (30-s balance trials and T
). These results
agree with previous studies conducted with older adults (Corri-
veau et al., 2000; Pinsault and Vuillerme, 2009; Lafond et al.,
2004). In contrast to these previous studies, which assessed
healthy community-dwelling older adults using double-leg stance
tasks, the present study included a more challenging balance-con-
trol task, which may be more predictive of balance problems and,
consequently, a better indicator of falls (Hurvitz et al., 2000).
Typical measurements used to evaluate balance and fall risk in
older adults (Berg et al., 1992; Tinetti et al., 1988; Lord et al., 2001;
Persad et al., 2010; Rubenstein, 2006) include the time necessary
for carrying out functional tasks, such as getting up from a chair,
circling a cone and returning, maintaining a one-legged stance, or
walking a distance of 10 m as fast as possible (Persad et al.,
2010; Mancini and Horak, 2010; Fregly et al., 1973). As expected,
age-related differences were found in the present study regarding
during the one-leg stance trial (which was not stopped at
30 s), suggesting a possible balance deficit in the older adults that
could be associated with poor lower-limb muscular endurance
(Shrout and Fleiss, 1979). The mean T
in this study corresponds
to earlier results reported for older (Mancini and Horak, 2010), as
well as for young adults (Fregly et al., 1973).
Take out, factors regulating balance are multifaceted (i.e., the
integration of different systems) and this could explain the weak
(>0.16) to moderate (<0.54) correlations between T
and bal-
ance COP parameters. Our correlation results supplement those of
previous studies (Hughes et al., 1996; Lindmark et al., 1999; Tang
Table 3
Relationship between COP-based balance parameters and time-limit.
Variables Older (n= 28) Young adults (n= 30)
Mean ± SD Pearson r(pvalue) Mean ± SD Pearson r(pvalue)
from task two (s)
25 (15) / 162 (113) / (0.000)
A-COP (cm
) 18.5 (8.6) 0.47 (0.002)
8.1 (2.2) 0.20 (0.690)
RMS A/P (cm) 6.45 (1.5) 0.20 (0.315) 4.26 (1) 0.30 (0.104)
RMS M/L (cm) 6.98 (2.1) 0.16 (0.419) 4.21 (0.7) 0.26 (0.239)
MF A/P (Hz) 0.91 (0.2) 0.46 (0.013)
0.43 (0.1) 0.54 (0.002)
MF M/L (Hz) 0.88 (0.2) 0.32 (0.094) 0.54 (0.1) 0.31 (0.090)
MVeloc A/P (cm/s) 3.95 (0.8) 0.18 (0.353) 2.29 (0.5) 0.20 (0.373)
MVeloc M/L (cm/s) 3.98 (0.6) 0.24 (0.235) 2.28 (0.4) 0.20 (0.367)
Mean values with standard deviation (SD). rPearson’s: Correlation Coefficients between balance parameters and time-limit (T
) of test one-leg stance trial.
Significant differences between older and young adults for T
variable (P< 0 .05).
Significant correlations (P< 0 .05).
R.A. da Silva et al. /Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (2013) 634–639 637
et al., 1998) that correlated different balance parameters with the
time taken during different bipedal functional balance tests. The
results of this study identified two balance parameters (MF and
A-COP) from the force platform data that were found to be associ-
ated with a unipodal balance deficit by the T
in older adults.
Compared with previous studies, the relationships we documented
have to do with a task that has greater fall-related relevance in old-
er adults (Hughes et al., 1996), and could thus have implications for
both the prevention and rehabilitation of balance problems in older
adults. Nevertheless, a dysfunction in an individual’s ability to
maintain or restore a state of balance implies a deficit in postural
control (Pollock et al., 2000). Any cognitive, proprioceptive (sensory
and motor), muscular strength or motor coordination impairment
could result in postural control deficits, and clinical balance assess-
ment tools, such as the T
variable or COP parameters, can pro-
vide some information on a variety of dimensions of postural
control deficits (Hughes et al., 1996; Michikawa et al., 2009; Hurvitz
et al., 2000, 2000; Mancini and Horak, 2010; Pollock et al., 2000).
Functional tests can measure balance deficit indirectly through
the recorded time-limit of physical performance (i.e., one aspect
of physical condition or muscular capacity of individual), while
COP parameters from a force platform can directly analyze balance
deficits related to proprioception and postural adjustments (feed-
back and feedfoward) of the neuromuscular system (Winter,
1995; Lacour et al., 1997; Lafond et al., 2004; Hughes et al., 1996;
Holbein-Jenny et al., 2007; Pollock et al., 2000). This is further sup-
ported by a recent study (Nguyen et al., 2012) suggesting that clin-
ical functional tests such as time-limit to stand one leg and
laboratory-based measures from COP parameters may capture dif-
ferent aspects of balance and likely complement each other.
4.3. Study limitations
The overall results of this study cannot necessarily be general-
ized to all older adults because of the limited size of our sample
(n= 28), which likely does not represent the heterogeneity of bal-
ance status of all older individuals. Another limitation is that there
was no comparison between sexes because we used a convenience
sample that was not matched for sex. Also, EMG complementary
analysis of muscular pattern during unipodal balance test would
be relevant to help in interpretation of results from relationship
between T
and balance COP parameters.
5. Conclusion
The test–retest reliability of the balance measures was found to
be acceptable, with better ICC scores observed for MVeloc and MF
in the older group. All four balance parameters obtained with the
force platform as well as the T
were sensitive enough to dis-
criminate older from young adults in a one-leg stance task. Our re-
sults suggest that the two parameters, showing an association with
, MF and MVeloc, are likely more optimal in the context of
clinical decision-making concerning the effects of a rehabilitation
program for improving balance in older adults.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
Rubens A. da Silva, research grant recipient from the National
Foundation for the Development of Private Higher Education
(FUNADESP, Brazil). We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of
Letícia L. Medonça, Jéssica A. Ghizoni and Bruna De Longhi (Phys-
iotherapist students at University) for the recruitment of subjects
and data collection.
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Rubens da Silva received a B.Sc. degree in Physio-
therapy in 2000 (at Universidade Tuiuti do Parana,
Brazil) and a Master and Ph.D. degree in Biomedical
Sciences (Rehabilitation) in 2003 and 2008, respec-
tively from the University of Montreal. He was a
postdoctoral fellow at the Elisabeth Bruyere Research
Institute affiliated to Ottawa University from 2008. He
is a Titular professor at the University of North of
Parana (UNOPAR, Brazil) since 2009. He is the coor-
dinator of Laboratory of functional evaluation and
human motor performance at the Center for Health
Science Research of UNOPAR. His current research
interests include the study of balance postural control,
aging, muscle fatigue, low back pain, trunk muscles and exercises on area reha-
Martin Bilodeau received a B.Sc. degree in Physio-
therapy in 1988 and a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical
Sciences (Rehabilitation) in 1993 from the University
of Montreal and was a postdoctoral fellow at the
Cleveland Clinic Foundation from 1993 to 1995. He
was assistant and associate professor at the University
of Iowa from 1996 until 2004. He joined the School of
Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences at
the University of Ottawa in 2004, and is a full pro-
fessor. His current research interests include the study
of neuromuscular fatigue, aging, mobility, rehabilita-
tion and stroke.
Rodolfo B. Parreira received his master’s degree in
Rehabilitation Science and the bachelor degree from
The Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR). His
research has focused on postural strategies distur-
bance and muscle fatigue. His is a clinical physical
therapist at Londrina city (Parana, Brazil).
Denilson de Castro Teixeira is Graduated in Physical
Education. His received his master’s degree in Human
Movement Pedagogy from the University of São Paulo
– USP and your Ph.D in Health Science from 2009 by
the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). He is
full professor in University of Northern Paraná -
UNOPAR and UEL. He is teaching in the master’s
program of Physical Activity in Health Promotion
(UNOPAR). His area of research interest is physical
exercise and health promotion for older people.
César F. Amorim was born in São Paulo, Brazil.
Graduated in Eletronics Engineering from University
of Vale do Paraíba-UNIVAP in 1992. He received his
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from University of
Vale do Paraiba – São Paulo, Brazil. He is professor of
Biomedical Engineering Department and Physical
Therapy master course. His areas of research interests
are signal processing applied to biomedical signals,
detection, processing and interpretation of surface
R.A. da Silva et al. /Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (2013) 634–639 639
... Single-leg stance and balance board are commonly used balance tests for evaluating static balance and dynamic balance, respectively. Previous studies investigating aged-related balance decline during one-leg stance have often relied on traditional methods, such as measuring stance time or using force plates [29,30]. Similarly, research on the age-related deterioration of dynamic balance using balance boards has primarily utilized reaction time measurements or force plates [31][32][33]. ...
... Furthermore, these studies have often not included a sufficiently diverse range of age groups, typically concentrating on either young or older adults while overlooking middle-aged individuals [31,32]. Rubens et al. and Parreira et al. assessed agerelated differences during one-leg stance in only young and older adults [29,30]. This results in a limited understanding of how balance evolves throughout the aging process. ...
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Balance control, a complex sensorimotor skill, declines with age. Assessing balance is crucial for identifying fall risk and implementing interventions in the older population. This study aimed to measure age-dependent changes in static and dynamic balance using inertial measurement units in a clinical setting. This study included 82 healthy participants aged 20–85 years. For the dynamic balance test, participants stood on a horizontally swaying balance board. For the static balance test, they stood on one leg. Inertial measurement units attached to their bodies recorded kinematic data, with average absolute angular velocities assessing balance capabilities. In the dynamic test, the younger participants had smaller average absolute angular velocities in most body parts than those of the middle-aged and older groups, with no significant differences between the middle-aged and older groups. Conversely, in the single-leg stance tests, the young and middle-aged groups outperformed the older group, with no significant differences between the young and middle-aged groups. Thus, dynamic and static balance decline at different stages with age. These results highlight the complementary role of inertial measurement unit-based evaluation in understanding the effect of age on postural control mechanisms, offering valuable insights for tailoring rehabilitation protocols in clinical settings.
... Le bon déroulement des sessions et le respect de chaque condition ont été assurés par deux membres de l'équipe de recherche. Ce protocole est reconnu pour fournir des données valides et fiables pour l'évaluation du contrôle postural (da Silva et al., 2013). ...
... Le bon déroulement des sessions et le respect de chaque condition ont été assurés par deux membres de l'équipe de recherche. Ce protocole est reconnu pour fournir des données valides et fiables pour l'évaluation du contrôle postural (da Silva et al., 2013). ...
... These contours were used to ensure that the participants returned to the same feet position between trials, conditions, and sessions under the supervision of the experimenters. This protocol has been shown to provide reliable data for balance ability evaluation [18]. ...
... Studies have shown that postural control is crucial for performing different activities of daily living (Duarte & Freitas 2010). In addition, evaluating postural control can highlight balance deficits related to proprioception and postural adjustments of the neuromuscular system (Da Silva et al. 2013). Our results showed that PVO exercises did not impair postural control and improved AP velocity in the single-legged static position with the need for a shorter time to adapt the centre of pressure in the anteroposterior (AP) direction. ...
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Background Partial vascular occlusion (PVO) can increase muscle strength and hypertrophy without joint overload. However, PVO could increase the possibility of imbalances and injuries during physical activity. Objectives To identify changes in strength, muscle activation, and postural control during the use of PVO in young women. Method A total of 14 healthy women aged between 18 and 30 years were evaluated. Dynamometry was used to analyse the strength of the quadriceps muscle, and surface electromyography to evaluate quadriceps muscle activity. A force platform was utilised to assess postural control, static single-legged support, single-legged squat, and climbing and descending stairs. Participants were randomly assigned to the evaluations either with or without PVO. The results were compared and correlated. Results The performance of static, dynamic, or stair exercises, with or without PVO, did not indicate differences in muscle strength and recruitment (p > 0.05). The use of PVO improved the velocity of anteroposterior (AP) oscillation of static postural control (p = 0.001). We found a moderate negative correlation between muscle strength and postural control during the ascending stairs task with the use of PVO (r = −0.54; r = −0.59), while in the group without PVO, the correlation was moderate to high (r = −0.55; r = −0.76). Conclusion The use of PVO did not impair muscle strength and recruitment of the quadriceps or postural control in healthy women. Clinical Implications Partial vascular occlusion can be used during dynamic exercises without impairing the balance and muscle strength of the quadriceps during its execution.
... To detect sensitive changes in balance, centre of pressure measures via a force platform may be more advantageous. 96 We used an observational study design without a control group to explore the impact ...
Background : The physical demands of golf caddying, including walking while carrying a golf bag, may potentially affect body composition, and markers of metabolic, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal health. Therefore, this study examined the impact of 24 weeks of caddying on physical health in middle-older aged males. Methods : Eleven full-time experienced male caddies (age: 59 [8] y; caddying experience: 14 [12] y) were recruited from a local golf course. The following were assessed at preseason and after 24 weeks of caddying (March–September 2022): body composition, heart rate, blood pressure, blood lipids, and performance tests (static and dynamic balance, strength, and submaximal fitness). Physical activity (PA) levels were assessed at preseason and at the mid-point of the caddying season. Across the caddying season, participants completed a monthly average of 24.0 (3.8) rounds. Results : Following the caddying season, improvements in static balance (Δ = 13.5 s), dynamic balance (Δ = −1.8 s), and lower back absolute strength (Δ = 112.8 N), and muscle quality (Δ = 2.0 N·kg ⁻¹ ) were observed (all P < .05). Additionally, blood lipids, including total cholesterol (Δ = −0.6 mmol·L ⁻¹ ), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Δ = 0.1 mmol·L ⁻¹ ), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Δ = −0.6 mmol·L ⁻¹ ) (all P < .05), and body composition, including body mass (Δ = −2.7 kg), fat mass (Δ = −1.9 kg), fat percentage (Δ = −1.4%), fat-to-muscle ratio (Δ = −0.03), and body mass index (Δ = −0.9 kg·m ⁻² ) (all P < .05) improved. Caddying did not offer beneficial changes to cardiovascular variables or cardiorespiratory fitness ( P > .05), while coronary heart disease risk score decreased (Δ = −3.3%) ( P < .05). In relation to PA, light- (Δ = 145 min) and moderate-intensity (Δ = 71 min) PA, moderate to vigorous PA (Δ = 73 min), and total PA (Δ = 218 min) between preseason and the mid-point of the caddying season increased, while sedentary time (Δ = −172 min) decreased (all P < .05). Conclusion : Golf caddying can provide several physical health benefits such as improvements in various markers of cardiometabolic health, lower back absolute strength, and static and dynamic balance. The physical health improvements that caddying offers is likely contributed to by increased PA volume and intensity through walking on the golf course. Therefore, caddying may represent a feasible model for increasing PA volume and intensity and achieve physical health–related benefits.
Introdução: A Ginástica Rítmica (GR) integra treinamento de alta performance, educação e influências culturais. O desempenho depende de coordenação motora e flexibilidade. No Brasil, lesões em tornozelo e joelho são comuns. A propriocepção é crucial na prevenção de lesões. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo de caso com nove atletas femininas de GR (13-16 anos) da UNOPAR. Controle postural avaliado com a plataforma de força BIOMEC400, medindo deslocamento e velocidade de oscilação do COP. Dados coletados antes e após três fases do programa de exercícios sensório-motores, realizados três vezes por semana. Análise estatística com ANOVA de medidas repetidas e correções, significância de 5%. Resultados: Após 90 dias, houve melhora significativa no equilíbrio postural. A área do COP e as velocidades de oscilação diminuíram nas posições bipodal e unipodal. Discussão: O treinamento proprioceptivo melhorou o equilíbrio postural e a estabilidade articular, conforme indicado pela redução na área do COP e velocidades de oscilação. Conclusão: O protocolo proprioceptivo específico melhorou significativamente o equilíbrio e a estabilidade postural em atletas de GR.
The assessment of balance performance has been the subject of study by researchers from various fields for over a century. Although there is a significant number of scientific publications, Results can divergent due to the various methods and variables of impact. Objective: To review the specialized literature regarding the historical, theoretical, and methodological aspects related to the analysis of static balance. Method: The search was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO, Scielo, Web of Science, and Scopus databases using the SPIDER strategy. Results: 86 studies were selected, which revealed 40 variables that can influence balance performance. Conclusion: There is a need for more robust standards, both for quantitative and qualitative methods, with the complexity of the analysis being directly proportional to the desired level of precision in the results.
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Clinical and laboratory methods have been developed to assess the different dimensions of postural control with the aim to increase the clinical relevance of decisions about balance deficit. The purpose of this study was to correlate the force platform measurements with two functional tests used to evaluate balance in elderly. A total of 124 physically independent elderly volunteers participated in this study. Subjects performed the following three tests: 1) a traditional functional balance test, named the one-leg standing test, which measures the time in seconds at this position; 2) a functional agility/dynamic balance test, which quantifies the total time in seconds that a subject can stand up from a chair and move as quickly as possible around two cones; and 3) an unipodal balance test on a force platform. The one-leg standing test yielded a mean of 12 seconds (SD=9 s), while the mean time observed in the functional agility/dynamic balance test was 26 seconds (SD=6 s). The correlations between the balance parameters of force platform and two functional tests varied between -0.28 and 0.20, which shows a weak association between them. Our results support the idea that these functional tests do not necessarily furnish the same information regarding balance mechanisms as the force platform. This study contributes to the evaluation of balance in elderly and suggests that functional tests should be used with caution especially in regards to the purposes of the research and when conducting clinical assessments of the elderly.
Most homes contain environmental hazards and many older people suffer trips and slips inside their homes and immediate surroundings. The interaction between an older person's physical abilities and their exposure to environmental hazards seems crucial to understanding the role of environmental hazards in falls. There may be a non-linear pattern between mobility and falls associated with hazards. Household environmental hazards appear to pose the greatest risk for older people with fair balance, whereas those with poor balance are less exposed to hazards and those with good mobility are more able to withstand them. Reducing hazards in the home has not been shown to be an effective falls prevention strategy in the general older population and those at low risk of falls. However, home hazard reduction is effective if targeted to older people with a history of falls and visual and mobility limitations. The effectiveness may depend on providing complementary mobility training and other strategies for increasing behaviour change.
The common denominator in the assessment of human balance and posture is the inverted pendulum model. If we focus on appropriate versions of the model we can use it to identify the gravitational and acceleration perturbations and pinpoint the motor mechanisms that can defend against any perturbation.We saw that in quiet standing an ankle strategy applies only in the AP direction and that a separate hip load/unload strategy by the hip abd/adductors is the totally dominant defence in the ML direction when standing with feet side by side. In other standing positions (tandem, or intermediate) the two mechanisms still work separately, but their roles reverse. In the tandem position ML balance is an ankle mechanism (invertors/evertors) while in the AP direction a hip load/unloading mechanism dominates.During initiation and termination of gait these two separate mechanisms control the trajectory of the COP to ensure the desired acceleration and deceleration of the COM. During initiation the initial acceleration of the COM forward towards the stance limb is achieved by a posterior and lateral movement of the COP towards the swing limb. After this release phase there is a sudden loading of the stance limb which shifts the COP to the stance limb. The COM is now accelerated forward and laterally towards the future position of the swinging foot. Also ML shifts of the COP were controlled by the hip abductors/adductors and all AP shifts were under the control of the ankle plantar/dorsiflexors. During termination the trajectory of both COM and COP reverse. As the final weight-bearing on the stance foot takes place the COM is passing forward along the medial border of that foot. Hyperactivity of that foot's plantarflexors takes the COP forward and when the final foot begins to bear weight the COP moves rapidly across and suddenly stops at a position ahead of the future position of the COM. Then the plantarflexors of both feet release and allow the COP to move posteriorly and approach the COM and meet it as quiet stance is achieved. The inverted pendulum model permitted us to understand the separate roles of the two mechanisms during these critical unbalancing and rebalancing periods.During walking the inverted pendulum model explained the dynamics of the balance of HAT in both the AP and ML directions. Here the model includes the couple due to the acceleration of the weight-bearing hip as well as gravitational perturbations. The exclusive control of AP balance and posture are the hip extensors and flexors, while in the ML direction the dominant control is with the hip abductors with very minor adductor involvement. At the ankle the inverted pendulum model sees the COM passing forward along the medial border to the weight-bearing foot. The model predicts that during single support the body is falling forward and being accelerated medially towards the future position of the swing foot. The model predicts an insignificant role of the ankle invertors/evertors in the ML control. Rather, the future position of the swing foot is the critical variable or more specifically the lateral displacement from the COM at the start of single support. The position is actually under the control of the hip abd/adductors during the previous early swing phase.The critical importance of the hip abductors/adductors in balance during all phases of standing and walking is now evident. This separate mechanism is important from a neural control perspective and clinically it focuses major attention on therapy and potential problems with some surgical procedures. On the other hand the minuscule role of the ankle invertors/evertors is important to note. Except for the tandem standing position these muscles have negligible involvement in balance control.
Background Recently, a new tool for assessing dynamic balance impairments has been presented: the 14-item Mini-BESTest.Objective Aim of this study was to compare the psychometric performance of Mini-BESTest vs. Berg Balance Scale (BBS). METHODS:/b>Ninety-three subjects (mean age 66.2; 53 females) with balance deficits were recruited. Interrater (3 raters) and test-retest (1-3 days) reliability were calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Responsiveness and minimal important change (MIC) were assessed (after 10 sessions of physical therapy) using both distribution-based and anchor-based methods (external criterion: a 15-point Global Rating of Change [GRC] scale). RESULTS: /b>At baseline, neither floor nor ceiling effects were found in either scale. After treatment, the maximum score was found in 12 patients (12.9%) with BBS and in 2 (2.1%) with Mini-BESTest. Test-retest reliability for total scores was significantly higher in Mini-BESTest (ICC=0.96) than in BBS (ICC=0.92), whereas interrater reliability was similar (ICC=0.98 vs. 0.97). The standard error of measurement (SEM) was 1.26 and minimum detectable change at the 95% confidence level (MDC(95)) 3.5 points for Mini-BESTest, whereas SEM was 2.18 and MDC(95) 6.2 points for BBS. In receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, the area under the curve was 0.92 for Mini-BESTest and 0.91 for BBS. The best Minimal Important Change (MIC) was 4 points for Mini-BESTest and 7 for BBS. After treatment, 38 patients at Mini-BESTest vs. only 23 at BBS (out of the 40 subjects who had a GRC ≥3.5) showed a score change equal or greater than MICs. CONCLUSIONS:/b>The two scales behave similarly, but the Mini-BESTest scale seems to have a lesser ceiling effect, slightly higher reliability levels, and greater accuracy in classifying individual patients who show significant improvement in balance function.
Objective: It is known that impaired balance is associated with falls in older adults; however, there is no accepted gold standard on how balance should be measured. Few studies have examined measures of postural sway and clinical balance concurrently in large samples of community-dwelling older adults. We examined the associations among 4 types of measures of laboratory- and clinic-based balance in a large population-based cohort of older adults. Methods: We evaluated balance measures in the Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect and Zest in the Elderly Boston Study (276 men and 489 women ages 64-97 years). The measures included laboratory-based anteroposterior (AP) path length and mean sway speed, mediolateral (ML) mean sway and root mean square, and area of ellipse postural sway; the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB); the Berg Balance Scale; and the one-leg stand test. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were assessed among the balance measures. Results: The area of ellipse sway was highly correlated with the ML sway measures (r = >0.91, P < 0.0001) and sway speed was highly correlated with AP sway (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001). The Berg Balance Scale was highly correlated with the SPPB (r = 0.74, P < 0.001) and the one-leg stand test (r = 0.82, P < 0.001). Correlations between the laboratory- and clinic-based balance measures were low but statistically significant (-0.29 ≤ r ≤ -0.16, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Clinic-based balance measures, and laboratory-based measures comparing area of ellipse with ML sways or sway speed with AP sway, are highly correlated. There is less correlation between the clinic- and laboratory-based measures. Since both laboratory- and clinic-based measures inform balance in older adults, but are not highly correlated with each other, future work should investigate the differences.