A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
... Particularly, the psychomotor domain plays a vital role in the training of bariatric surgeons, as it is indispensable for cultivating technical skills and manual dexterity [5]. While the cognitive and affective domains aid in knowledge acquisition and emotional investment, psychomotor skills are essential for hands-on practice [4,6]. This domain facilitates a structured progression from basic imitation to expert-level performance, underscoring the importance of physical engagement in mastering surgical techniques [7]. ...
... This domain facilitates a structured progression from basic imitation to expert-level performance, underscoring the importance of physical engagement in mastering surgical techniques [7]. By prioritizing the psychomotor domain, we can lay a solid foundation for future surgeons in the field of bariatrics [4,6,7]. ...
... The 2001 revision of Bloom's taxonomy delineated the cognitive domain into six hierarchical levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating ( Fig. 2). This revised framework facilitates a movement from basic memorization to higher-order cognitive tasks like critical thinking and innovation, operationalized through action-oriented verbs such as "analyze" El-Ekbal Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt and "create" [3,6]. At the initial stages, trainees focus on remembering key facts, such as the surgical steps and patient criteria. ...
... Here we first describe related work ( §II) before discussing some of the shortcomings present in computer science education as it applies to security ( §III). We next apply Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives [7,3] to computer security education ( §IV) in a different way than previous work, and we use our taxonomy to analyze student performance at a major computer security competition ( §V). Finally, we extrapolate some key experiences necessary for a rigorous study of computer security ( §VI). ...
... We depict Bloom's educational objectives in the left side of Figure 1. Anderson et al. revised Bloom's work in 2001 [3], and we depict this revision in the right side of Figure 1. This paper makes use of Anderson's revision. ...
... Whether security should permeate an entire computer science curriculum is somewhat controversial, with some opponents arguing for a new computer security major 3 . We argue that a distinct major would fail to prepare students to manage the security problem, because the solutions we need will come from the application of computer science. ...
... Gamification commonly employs game thinking, approaches, and design elements, which are used in non-game contexts of curriculum and learning activities, with a view to improving learner engagement with content [2] and learning outcomes [3][4][5]. Hartt et al. [6] use the domains of Bloom's taxonomy of learning to explore the possible relationship between games and learning for application to university learning and sought to make links between thinking skills and game types. Grabner-Hagan and Kingsley [7] rank primary school GLEs by gaming levels using Bloom's taxonomy (bronzeremember/understand/apply, silveranalyze/evaluate, and goldcreate) to design quests and activities that scaffolded students to develop complex thinking skills. ...
... Mapping Bloom's revised taxonomy of learning outcomes ( Figure 1) [3,4] in the cognitive domain (i.e., the intellectual ability to know and organize ideas, using active learning levels) and Bloom's digital taxonomy [5] (which added digital activity related verbs to describe technology processes) to game attributes provides a broad framework of what learning activities, and therefore outcomes are possible. In Figure 1, the functional levels of the learning outcomes are populated with descriptive learning verbs and are shown in parallel with integrated gamified activities that advance learning and knowledge. ...
... This paper details how that GLE for undergraduate use was designed and mapped to AQF 7 (EQF 6) using the gamification alignment model and suggests how the model could be used to guide the design and mapping of more advanced learning activities at the master's level (AQF 9) (EQF 7) [24]. Bloom's revised taxonomy of learning outcomes: Existing taxonomy and digital taxonomy Note: Revised taxonomy triangle [2,3]. Functional levels [2]. ...
Gamified learning experiences use game mechanics and structures in curriculum and learning activities to engage students with content and scaffold toward intended learning outcomes. Using the domains of Bloom's taxonomy of learning in the cognitive domain to explore the possible relationship between games and learning for application to university learning, links can be made between thinking skills and game types. This paper describes the development of the Gamification Alignment Table and the Gamification Alignment Model, how these were used to design a gamified learning experience (GLE) for the intended student learning outcomes at the first-year undergraduate level, and how they could be used at master's level with different available in-game choices. The Gamification Alignment Table allows learning designers to identify how the pedagogical lexicon matches to existing features of games and therefore can be easily transformed into GLEs. In the Gamification Alignment Model, the six levels of knowledge in the cognitive domain, with pedagogical verbs used by educators and learning designers in planning and designing GLEs, are paired with game types involving different sorts of learning activities. The concept explored in the example GLE in this paper was the accounting and finance threshold concept of the time value of money. This research provides a further link between Bloom's levels and the Australian Qualifications Framework levels, and the comparable European Qualifications Framework levels. This novel mapping provides rationale for the linking of game design and learning outcomes and will be of interest to educational designers, as well as academics, with a learning focus. Received: 13 May 2024 | Revised: 19 November 2024 | Accepted: 16 December 2024 Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to this work. Data Availability Statement The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in UniSC Research Bank at https://doi.org/10.25907/00887. Author Contribution Statement Kayleen Wood: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Validation, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Project administration. Steve Drew: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
... Por último, en referencia a los procesos cognitivos establecidos por Anderson et al. (2001), se observa que el 20.3% (1194) alcanza el nivel máximo (creación), obteniéndose una puntuación media de 3.86 (sobre una mínima de 1 y máxima de 6). La mayoría de los RA (50.6%) se encuentran valorados entre los niveles 3 y 4 (aplicar y analizar), un 15.1% en los niveles 1 y 2 (recordar y comprender) y el 34.4% entre los niveles 5 y 6 (evaluar y crear). ...
... Dando respuesta al primer interrogante planteado sobre qué tipología de RA se especifica en las memorias de los títulos de máster, el análisis textual ha permitido constatar que la palabra más frecuente es «conocer», encontrándose en las seis universidades y en los tres ámbitos de conocimiento. Igualmente, a través del análisis de contenido se ha podido confirmar que el 49.3% de los RA se sitúa en los niveles más bajos (recordar, comprender o aplicar) de la taxonomía de Anderson et al. (2001). Estos resultados coinciden con las aportaciones de Boud (2020) sobre el énfasis que se pone en los conocimientos de bajo nivel a la hora de evaluar, así como con otros estudios en los que la mayoría de los RA fueron clasificados en el nivel más bajo (Bone & Ross, 2021). ...
... No obstante, en cuanto al nivel cognitivo, algo más de un tercio de los RA (34.4%) se valoran en los niveles altos (evaluar y crear) de la taxonomía de Anderson et al. (2001), dato que aporta una visión más alentadora en comparación con los estudios reseñados de Boud (2020) y Bone & Ross (2021), aunque insuficiente al tratarse de estudios de máster correspondientes al nivel 3 del Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación. ...
Determinar los resultados de aprendizaje y el sistema para el seguimiento y evaluación de la consecución de estos constituye uno de los aspectos fundamentales de la planificación y organización del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, siendo igualmente una de las funciones esenciales que desempeña el profesorado universitario. Así mismo, se trata de una actividad básica para dar coherencia en la educación superior a un diseño curricular basado en el alineamiento constructivo. En este estudio se presenta un análisis y valoración de las descripciones realizadas en las memorias de verificación de títulos universitarios de máster de los siguientes elementos curriculares: resultados de aprendizaje y medios e instrumentos de evaluación. Mediante un análisis textual y de contenido se han analizado 9419 descripciones de resultados de aprendizaje y 6729 de medios e instrumentos de evaluación, que se corresponden con las memorias de 89 títulos de máster de la rama de ciencias sociales y jurídicas impartidos en seis universidades españolas de diferentes regiones autónomas. El análisis textual se ha realizado con el software Xplortext. Para el análisis de contenido se ha diseñado, en primer lugar, un instrumento de evaluación ad hoc (ANVALDOC) y, en segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado una herramienta informática (CORAMeval) para la implementación y uso de la citada escala. Los resultados muestran la asociación existente entre el lenguaje utilizado y la universidad de procedencia o el ámbito de conocimiento en el que se contextualiza el título. Así mismo, se evidencia una clara diferencia según las universidades y ámbitos en cuanto a la calidad de las descripciones de los resultados de aprendizaje, valorada en términos de corrección, verificabilidad, autenticidad o proceso cognitivo subyacente. Igualmente, estas diferencias se mantienen en la corrección y autenticidad de los medios e instrumentos de evaluación.
... In defining outcomes and competencies to be achieved during the curriculum, educators can follow some examples provided in the literature [9]. To design intended learning outcomes (ILOs), educators can use Bloom taxonomy [10] (example in Figure 1). The ILOs can use the words 'apply', 'use', 'perform' and 'participate' enabling students to link the acquired knowledge with a real-life application. ...
... During class activities, students can be asked to solve clinical situations with intermediate level of specificity (for instance nausea) and create connections with other entities added on this exemplary case. Tutors can encourage students to question their assumptions and integrate formative assessments based on the different levels of cognitive analysis [10] with ideal student responses and formative feedback of the educator ( Figure 1). This strategy provides opportunities to discuss misconceptions and enhances students' diagnostic knowledge. ...
... Critical reading of scientific articles, such as case series reporting rare diseases, enables students to construct a new knowledge and discuss working hypotheses. It allows applying high levels of Bloom's taxonomy such as drawing connections [10]. ...
While rare diseases are individually rare, they are collectively common. Physicians are likely to see patients presenting with rare diseases during their medical practice. Despite the fact that rare diseases present diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, they are not sufficiently addressed by undergraduate medical curricula. The need to train medical students has been expressed by stakeholders in several countries. Moreover, among the objectives of the World Health Organization are to reduce a diagnostic time, decrease diagnostic errors and ensure the provision of multidisciplinary care. We have initiated an educational module aspiring to enhance understanding of rare diseases among undergraduate medical students. Based on our experience, on the literature data and related learning theories, this document presents some tips on how to foster training of undergraduate medical students in the context of rare diseases.
... According to Abidin and Tohir (2019), HOTS skills incorporate the highest hierarchy of Bloom's Taxonomy cognitive levels (Muttaqin et al., 2020). Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) refined the knowledge of the thinking process according to Bloom's Taxonomy into six abilities, namely: knowing-C1, understanding-C2, applying-C3, analyzing-C4, evaluating-C5, and creating-C6 (Kusuma & 'Adna, 2021). HOTS problems are categorized into three levels of cognitive levels, namely analyzing (analysing-C4), evaluating (evaluating-C5), and creating (creating¬-C6) (Saputra et al., 2022). ...
... Furthermore, to describe students' metacognition in solving HOTS problems, indicators of metacognition ability were used which include planning, monitoring, and evaluating activities (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001;Sutarto et al., 2022). The indicators were further developed to solve the problems presented in Table 3 (Amir & Kusuma W, 2018;Schraw & Dennison, 1994). ...
This study aims to determine the ability of metacognition in solving HOTS problems in the context of problem related to activities in the context of the flag ceremony yard in solving problems based on initial mathematics ability. This research approach was descriptive qualitative involving 3 students as research subjects who were selected based on high, medium, and low initial mathematics abilities. The data were validated by using method triangulation techniques, namely tests and interviews. The results showed that students with high initial mathematics ability showed good metacognition skills in solving HOTS problems in planning, monitoring, and evaluating activities. However, they still need to improve their ability to evaluate the repair strategy if there is an error. Students with medium initial mathematical ability showed good metacognition skills in several aspects but needed to improve some aspects. Students with moderate mathematics ability have a good basic understanding of metacognition in planning activities. However, they need to improve their metacognition skills in monitoring and evaluating when solving HOTS problems. Meanwhile, students with low initial mathematical ability show limitations in utilizing metacognition skills in planning, monitoring, and evaluating activities, as a result, students experience difficulties in solving problems. So, teachers need to design teaching materials that can improve students' mathematical abilities and metacognition.
... The basic foundation used to measure HOTS contained in student book teaching materials is the Bloom Taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl in 2001. According to (Jailani 2018) HOTS consists of three components of the highest cognitive process, namely "analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6)", as well as three aspects of the highest dimensions of knowledge, namely "conceptual dimensions, procedural dimensions and metacognitive dimensions" (Bahri 2019) so that a combination of knowledge dimensions and dimensions of cognitive processes is formed in which each dimension has a sub-type of knowledge and part of the cognitive process that goes hand in hand. ...
... C4 cognitive HOTS content (analyze) consists of activities to distinguish the characteristics of advertisements and classify/organize the types of objects found around the students' environment. According to Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) classification and organization, knowledge is specific knowledge about class categories, arrangement and division of a subject matter. While Ennis (1989) argues that the ability to distinguish is the activity of relevant and irrelevant information in a problem. ...
... Then, the knowledge dimension (table rows) was conceptualized into four levels of categories, including factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. These categories are in the range from objective (factual) to abstract (metacognitive) levels (Anderson et al., 2001;Huitt, 2011). ...
... Bloom's new classification table can be used not only in the classroom but also for more general and comprehensive goals (Krathwohl, 2002). Any educational goal that has cognitive importance can be inserted into the cells of this table (Anderson et al., 2001). Visual literacy also includes high-level thinking abilities and skills that can be learned through formal education or learning from the environment (implicit learning) (Alper, 1996; M. D. Avgerinou, 2001;Felten, 2008;Peña Alonso, 2018;Pettersson, 2009). ...
... Wood et al. (1976) proposed the theory of scaffolding, which refers to the assistance given to learners during the learning process, and provides guidance and support to learners during their learning. Regarding knowledge learning, Anderson et al. (2001) categorized knowledge into factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge, with metacognitive knowledge being further categorized into strategy knowledge, knowledge about cognitive tasks, and self-knowledge. Knowledge about cognitive tasks is also known as contextual knowledge, which includes appropriate background contexts and situations, while procedural knowledge is the knowledge of understanding operations and obtaining results according to certain procedures. ...
... (1) The learning effectiveness test: This test was designed according to the procedural knowledge and contextual knowledge categorized by Anderson et al. (2001), which corresponds to the process skill and problem-solving skill in the hospitality service skills, respectively. The questions were divided into two major parts. ...
The training of hostel service skills emphasizes the application of procedural knowledge and complex problem-solving skills, and with the development of education technology, game-based learning that mixes virtual reality (VR) and physical games has begun to be emphasized. In this study, we proposed a multi-dimensional scaffolding design framework for a VR educational board game, which provides different mechanisms of scaffolding through VR and a physical board game to cultivate players’ problem-solving and service skills. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design with 90 students from a university of science and technology in northern Taiwan in the field of leisure and hospitality, divided into the hybrid learning (VR board game) group, the board game learning group, and the VR learning group. The study analyzed the learning effectiveness, cognitive load, and positive and negative emotions of the three groups in the three stages of learning. The findings showed that the hybrid learning group outperformed the other two groups in terms of procedural knowledge and overall learning effectiveness, and that the hybrid learning group and the VR learning group outperformed the board game learning group in terms of contextualized knowledge learning effectiveness. Meanwhile, the hybrid learning group was able to increase their positive enjoyment emotion during and after learning, and decrease their negative boredom during learning, while the other three groups had high germane cognitive load, and low extrinsic cognitive load.
... аналіз (уміння порівняти, знайти відмінності, поділити матеріал на логічні частини, використовувати новий матеріал у незнайомій ситуації тощо); оцінювання (уміння правильно розмірковувати, навести правильні докази, знайти аргументи на підтримку своєї думки); створення (вміння генерувати ідеї, дискутувати, підходити творчо до вирішення проблем, планувати та створювати нове) (Дичка, 2017;Anderson, 2001Anderson, , Халмин, 2024. Як стверджують Л. Андерсон і Д. Кватволь, осмислене навчання надає здобувачам знання і доступ до когнітивних процесів, які їм знадобляться для успішного вирішення проблем, для генерування нових ідей та критичної інтерпретації інформації (Anderson, 2001). ...
... аналіз (уміння порівняти, знайти відмінності, поділити матеріал на логічні частини, використовувати новий матеріал у незнайомій ситуації тощо); оцінювання (уміння правильно розмірковувати, навести правильні докази, знайти аргументи на підтримку своєї думки); створення (вміння генерувати ідеї, дискутувати, підходити творчо до вирішення проблем, планувати та створювати нове) (Дичка, 2017;Anderson, 2001Anderson, , Халмин, 2024. Як стверджують Л. Андерсон і Д. Кватволь, осмислене навчання надає здобувачам знання і доступ до когнітивних процесів, які їм знадобляться для успішного вирішення проблем, для генерування нових ідей та критичної інтерпретації інформації (Anderson, 2001). ...
У статті розглянуто питання розвитку навичок критичногомислення здобувачів вищої освіти у процесі вивченнянімецької мови. Проаналізовано та узагальнено сутністьпоняття «критичне мислення» та його вплив на освітнюдіяльність. Підкреслено, що критичність мислення виступаєздатністю аналізувати інформацію з позиції логіки іособистісно-психологічного підходу, застосовуючи отриманірезультати як до стандартних, так і до нестандартнихситуацій, питань, проблем тощо. Визначено, які якостіповинні мати здобувачі і яким чином викладач можесформувати ці навички у здобувачів для подальшоговикористання у професійній сфері. Значну увагу звернено натаксономію Блума в її сучасному варіанті і поділ навичоккритичного мислення на нижчі (запам’ятовування, розуміння,застосування) та вищі (аналіз, оцінка, творчість) рівні.Наведено приклади завдань до кожного рівня когнітивногопроцесу здобувачів з освітнього компоненту «Практичнийкурс німецької мови з мовленнєвою практикою» за такимитемами: Geographische Lage Deutschlands»,«Sprachenlernen», «Die bekanntesten deutschen Erfindungen»,«Politik in Deutschland», «Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland»,«Feste in Deutschland». Запропоновані завданняспрямовують здобувачів на розвиток творчих здібностей,удосконалюють комунікативні навички, а також мотивуютьдо вивчення німецької мови.
... Many studies have evaluated learning performance, including retention tests and transfer tests (Beege et al. 2023). Retention tests primarily assess the degree of memory retention and mastery of the learned content by learners (Anderson et al. 2001), while transfer tests focus on evaluating learners' ability to apply the acquired knowledge to new situations, demonstrating their transfer ability (Mayer 2014). Additionally, according to the COI model, students experience a stronger sense of community, participation and collaboration when interactions allow them to establish social presence (Garrison, Anderson, and Archer 1999). ...
Video conferencing technology has moved online education into a new stage of real‐time video interaction. However, shortcomings such as students' lack of concentration and substantive engagement during video conferencing greatly limit the improvement of online learning effectiveness. According to social presence theory and the community of inquiry model, the on‐camera presence of instructors and students may effectively enhance the learning outcomes in video conferencing.
The effects of instructors' and students' on‐camera presence on social presence, learning satisfaction and learning performance in video conferencing were investigated.
We selected 244 university students as participants and employed a between‐subject experimental design with two levels of instructors' camera (on/off) and two levels of students' camera (on/off).
Results and Conclusions
(1) Learning performance was better when students turned on their cameras compared to when they did not. (2) The level of social presence was higher when students turned on their cameras than when they did not. The interaction effect between instructors' and students' camera use was significant, indicating that when instructors turned off their cameras, students' social presence was higher when they themselves turned on their cameras compared to when they did not. However, when instructors turned on their cameras, students' use of cameras did not significantly impact social presence. (3) Learning satisfaction was higher under the condition where students turned on their cameras compared to when they turned them off. It is recommended that students appear on camera during video conferencing, as this can increase social presence and learning satisfaction, ultimately improving their learning performance.
... The final phase of the decision-making steps (implementing the decision and evaluating the results) was carried out using different activities for two weeks. In the design of the activities, the steps of remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating were used in the taxonomy proposed by Bloom (1956) and revised by Anderson et al. (2001). ...
Human beings make choices among alternative courses of action. They display behaviors in decision-making. In this context, it can be stated that the behavioral decision making as much about the future of the person as the present. It is considered that the classroom guidance activities carried out within student counseling services contribute to students' personality development and there is a correlation between games and thinking for this reason, these both activities can be effective on decision-making processes. The purpose of the research, which is based on this idea, is to investigate the effects of classroom guidance activities designed to increase decision-making skills and mind-intelligence games on the decision-making skills of primary school 4 th-grade students. The study group was determined by using homogeneous sampling method in the research with the pre-test/ post-test and experimental/control group design. Six-week decision-making skills classroom guidance activities developed by the researcher were used in the determined experimental group during the process, and mind-intelligence games named Mancala, Surakarta and Bihar were used in the other determined experimental group. No intervention was made in the control group. The results of the research, in which the decision-making skills scale developed by Sever and Ersoy (2019) was used as a data collection tool. It shows that the six-week decision-making skills classroom guidance activities significantly increased the decision-making skills of the students, mind-intelligence games carried out for six weeks had no effect on their decision-making skills, and that there was no change in the decision-making skills of the control group, which did not receive any intervention. Öz İnsan hayatı boyunca sayısız durumda karar verme davranışı göstermektedir. Bu çerçevede karar verme davranışının insanın bugünü kadar geleceği ile ilgili olduğu da ifade edilebilir. Öğrenci kişilik hizmetleri bünyesinde yürütülen sınıf rehberlik etkinliklerinin kişilik gelişimine olan katkısı ve oyunun düşünme ile olan ilişkisi referans alındığında her iki etkinliğin de karar verme süreçleri üzerinde etkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu düşünce ile temellenen araştırmanın amacı, karar verme becerilerini arttırmaya yönelik hazırlanan sınıf rehberlik etkinlikleri ile akıl-zeka oyunlarının ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin karar verme becerilerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Ön test-son test deney ve kontrol gruplu desenin kullanıldığı araştırmada çalışma grubu benzeşik örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. İşlem sürecinde belirlenen deney gruplarından birisine araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen altı haftalık karar verme becerileri sınıf rehberlik etkinlikleri; diğerinde ise Mancala, Surakara ve Bihar isimli akıl-zeka oyunları ve kullanılmıştır. Kontrol grubuna herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmamıştır. Yapılan araştırmada öntest ve sontest verileri Sever ile Ersoy'un (2019) geliştirdiği karar verme becerileri ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Altı haftalık karar verme becerileri sınıf rehberlik etkinliklerinin öğrencilerin karar verme becerilerini anlamlı düzeyde arttırdığı, altı hafta boyunca öğretilip oynatılan akıl-zeka oyunlarının karar verme becerilerinde bir etkisinin olmadığı, her hangi bir müdahalede bulunulmayan kontrol grubunun karar verme becerilerinde bir değişiklik olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
... The key to rectify the shortcomings and adapt LLMs to the realm of education lies in the amalgamation of LLMs with educational theories, thereby equipping LLMs with varying levels of abilities. Among a large amount of educational theories, Bloom' s Taxonomy, as delineated in [10], proffers a framework for categorizing the diverse objectives and proficiencies that educators aspire to instill into their students. The new taxonomy embraces a two-dimensional framework encompassing "knowledge" and "cognitive processes." ...
Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools in natural language processing (NLP), showing a promising future of artificial generated intelligence (AGI). Despite their notable performance in the general domain, LLMs have remained suboptimal in the field of education, owing to the unique challenges presented by this domain, such as the need for more specialized knowledge, the requirement for personalized learning experiences, and the necessity for concise explanations of complex concepts. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel LLM for education named WisdomBot, which combines the power of LLMs with educational theories, enabling their seamless integration into educational contexts. To be specific, we harness self-instructed knowledge concepts and instructions under the guidance of Bloom's Taxonomy as training data. To further enhance the accuracy and professionalism of model's response on factual questions, we introduce two key enhancements during inference, i.e., local knowledge base retrieval augmentation and search engine retrieval augmentation during inference. We substantiate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to several Chinese LLMs, thereby showcasing that the fine-tuned models can generate more reliable and professional responses.
... Luego, se exponen los principales hallazgos a partir de la información recolectada en las encuestas y entrevistas. Como cuarto punto se profundiza en los hallazgos a partir de las propuestas de Santisteban (2010), Carretero (2004;2008), Seixas y Morton (2012), Lacruz (2015) y Andrew y Krathwohl (2001). Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones para el abordaje de fuentes visuales en el área de historia. ...
Este artículo explora el uso de fuentes visuales en el aprendizaje de la historia desde las perspectivas de estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Mediante una investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas y encuestas, se analiza cómo estas fuentes contribuyen al desarrollo del pensamiento histórico, destacando su relación con competencias vinculadas al análisis crítico de fuentes históricas (Carretero, 2008; Santisteban, 2010; Seixas y Morton, 2013; Wineburg, 1991; Lee, 1994). Los resultados revelan una valoración positiva hacia las fuentes visuales por su capacidad ilustrativa y su impacto en la imaginación narrativa. Sin embargo, se identifica un análisis limitado caracterizado por lecturas realistas ingenuas (Carretero y Gonzales, 2008) y falta de contextualización crítica. Esto enfatiza la necesidad de abordar la historia escolar como una disciplina rigurosa, utilizando las fuentes visuales como herramientas esenciales para fortalecer el pensamiento histórico y el análisis crítico del pasado.
... If students can easily find a solution to their design problems, they will fall short of the expectations for higher-education learning objectives; learning objectives usually follow the taxonomy defined by Bloom et al. (1956), where the author argues that student knowledge should move from lower-level cognitive dimension (dealing with the recall of factual knowledge) to higher-level ones (that cover creativity and integration of facts into personal knowledge frameworks). A design assignment should, therefore, guide students towards the upper end of their cognitive abilities (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001), and this is the challenge design educators face, to offer a rich educational learning experience that encourages students to operate at their highest cognitive capacities. ...
... Though there have been numerous reinterpretations of the six tiers of the hierarchical framework of Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson, Krathwohl, Airasian, Cruikshank, Mayer, Pintrich, Raths, & Wittrock, 2001), the utilization of the taxonomy plays a crucial role in the context of critical thinking skills development as well. As students' progress through the higher-order thinking levels, they acquire the ability to dissect AI-generated content through segmentation. ...
Higher education is experiencing significant changes due to technological advancements, learner-centered approaches, and evolving societal needs. This paper examines the urgent need for integrating critical thinking skills into Armenian higher education in light of AI-driven transformations and the country’s emerging AI industry. To address the need for critical thinking (CT) skills, a comprehensive framework comprising Universal, Mixed, and Infusion approaches should be introduced in HEIs to offer various ways to nurture CT, from dedicated courses to integration across disciplines and the entire curriculum, as well as selected models such as Pearson's RED Model, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and the Paul-Elder Model as effective tools for promoting CT among students. These frameworks provide guidelines for recognizing assumptions, evaluating arguments and drawing conclusions, that enables students to engage critically with AI-generated insights. Moreover, a holistic approach to the development of CT among students, who are not yet ‘AI natives’, is bound to the cultivation of a CT mindset characterized by integrity, autonomy, and empathy. This mindset enables students to approach AI with skepticism and fosters a culture of innovation and ethical decision-making. The mentioned frameworks cannot generate the anticipated outcomes unless CT skills development becomes an integral part of the CPD of teaching staff on institutional and national level as well. In conclusion, integrating critical thinking skills into the HEIs of Armenia is crucial in the AI-driven era. By adopting comprehensive approaches and fostering a critical thinking mindset among students, universities will prepare graduates capable of navigating the complexities of the modern world effectively. Keywords: critical thinking skills, AI-driven transformation, CPD, learner-centeredness, critical thinking approaches and models, Active learning methods, evidence assessment.
... Konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen wurden erarbeitet, die in die Abstimmung der Themen für den Workshop der Bürgerbotschafter*innen am Ende der Werkstatt einfließen konnten. (Goldschmidt, 2014) 3 Modell für die Erfassung von Wissensstand und -zuwachs nach Bloom (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) 25 Wahrnehmung des Risikos für sich selbst gemessen, sondern auch für andere Bevölkerungsgruppen und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse muss bedacht werden, dass mit den Bürgerbotschafter*innen die Teilnehmenden interviewt wurden, die aus eigener Motivation auch weiterhin am Prozess teilhaben und sich mit der Materie "5G und Gesundheit" beschäftigen wollten. ...
Das Projekt „5G: Risikowahrnehmung der Bevölkerung und Möglichkeiten dialogorientierter Wissenschaftskommunikation“, welches im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS) umgesetzt wurde, hatte eine doppelte Zielsetzung. Zum einen sollten in vier Städten Bürgerwerkstätten mit zufällig ausgewählten Bürger*innen durchgeführt und dort verschiedene Aspekte von Mobilfunk, elektromagnetischen Feldern und individueller Risikobewertung vermittelt werden. Als Ergebnis der Bürgerwerkstätten sollten Vorschläge für die weitere Kommunikationspraxis des BfS zum Thema aus Bürger*innensicht erarbeitet werden. Zum anderen sollte anhand des Themas der möglichen Gesundheitsgefährdung durch 5G untersucht werden, in welcher Weise Bürgerbeteiligungsverfahren dazu beitragen können, schwierige und kontroverseThemen zu vermitteln und die Teilnehmenden nachhaltig zu befähigen, individuelle Risikoeinschätzungen auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Informationen vorzunehmen. Die Ausgestaltung und Umsetzung der Dialogveranstaltungen wurde daher von einem Evaluationsteam begleitet, um die Wirkweise und die Wirksamkeit der Intervention festzustellen.
... Flipped learning is commonly regarded as a combination of (i) individual learning outside the classroom through direct instructional videos, and (ii) teacher-facilitated student-centric learning inside the classroom (Bishop et al., 2013). Hwang (2016) has further conceptualized flipped learning in terms of Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001). Outside the school, pupils preliminarily gain basic knowledge via direct-instruction videos in the forms of remembering-and/ or understanding-based activities (i.e., the lower tier of the taxonomy). ...
Flipped Issue-Based Enquiry Ride (FIBER) is a pedagogical framework to integrate flipped learning into the approach of issue-based enquiry in social humanities education. This working paper presents the work that we conducted in the first research cycle (the first year) of a piece of two-cycle design-based research (DBR) on implementing FIBER in the context of formal curriculum learning and teaching in Hong Kong. The entire DBR involved 9 teachers (from 9 different secondary schools at different academic bands) and their Secondary-5 classes in two consecutive school years. In this paper, we focus on discussing the unforeseen impediments emerging in the course of FIBER that hindered students’ learning in the first research cycle. The findings not only shed light on how to improve and optimize the current teacher facilitation acts in FIBER to be enacted in the second research cycle of the DBR, but also alert “flipped” educators and researchers to the potential problems occurring in the course of flipped learning.
... First, regarding learning objectives, a keyword search of the course description was conducted, applying Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001). Educators are required to adopt this typology when formulating learning objectives. ...
Teaching models in higher education entrepreneurship programs affect students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Yet evidence related to their effects on long-term venture creation remains limited. Past research on the effects of teaching models on entrepreneurship has focused narrowly on entrepreneurship education programs. The present study moves beyond this past narrow focus to study teaching model effects on new venture creation across a broad array of higher education programs.
We assess the effects of teaching models on new venture creation across 35 educational programs (entrepreneurship and other business programs) at a large Danish business school, tracing venture creation data for 5 years after graduation ( N = 4,717).
Competence-based teaching models positively impact graduates’ long-term new venture creation across all programs, with no differences between entrepreneurship vs other types of programs.
Research limitations/implications
These findings carry implications for both education and entrepreneurship research, as well as policymakers and educators, by pointing toward ways of impacting postgraduate business venturing through teaching model reforms extending beyond entrepreneurship education.
For the first time, we find effects of competence teaching models on postgraduation new venture creation across a broad array of business administration programs. The results are novel in documenting that teaching models generally impact venture creation in the long term, and that this occurs regardless of whether the program content centers on entrepreneurship or on other business administration content.
... To develop impactful future designers, educational objectives should progress beyond replication to understand how to apply and synthesize these to create original ideas. (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) This thinking led to the development of an applied project for a Junior-level design studio class incorporating research, Clo 3d, zero-waste patternmaking, cotton education, and an end-of life decomposition study. Cotton is an important natural fiber for comfort, aesthetic, and sustainability reasons, and zero-waste patternmaking has been established as an effective design challenge (Hall & Orzada, 2014), as well as an ideal way to connect digital patternmaking with creative design. ...
... The classification shown in Table 3 allow us to: (1) visualize the different levels of qualification to engage in quantum computing, into which practitioners can be ranked; (2) design courses and practices on quantum computing pretending one of these levels, this can be done in combination with the other proposals of proficiency levels such as [55] and guidelines based on the traditional Bloom taxonomy [56,57]. ...
... According to the Critical Thinking Subcommittee for AoL Learning Goal looking at Bloom's classification of critical thinking in 1956, students apply previous knowledge and skills creatively or differently to produce something new. The value of materials is based on personal values and opinions, which ultimately leads to a new product (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001;Hirakubo, 2022). Therefore, it is a disciplined process of conceptualization that works by applying mental actions such as analysis, synthesis observation, experience, thinking, and inference (Foundation for Critical Thinking [FCT], 2023). ...
This study investigates whether the SCAMPER technique is an appropriate tool to develop productive thinking skills related to artistic works among gifted students in general and students with Twice Exceptionality (2e) in particular. The current study aims to verify the effectiveness of the SCAMPER technique for the aforementioned purpose. The sample consisted of 35 2e students aged 8-12 from Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. A quasi-experimental approach was used, and the study sample was divided into three experimental groups. The first experimental group included nine gifted students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); the second group consisted of 15 gifted students with learning disabilities (LD); and the third group included 11 gifted students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The researchers developed a measure of productive thinking skills related to artistic works (PTSRAW) and a training program based on the SCAMPER technique. The statistical methods that have been used were the Wilcoson and the Kruskal-Walls tests. The findings of the study consisted of differences between the mean ranks of the three study groups on the post-test of the PTSRAW test in favor of gifted students with LD, followed by gifted students with ADHD, followed by gifted students with ASD. The authors suggest more studies to enhance understanding of the benefits of this method and its use in various disciplines of education and arts.
... One of the most popular taxonomies in educational contexts is Bloom et al.'s (1956) taxonomy of learning outcomes (Anderson et al., 2001). It concentrates on the cognitive domain of learning and distinguishes between six dimensions of increasing cognitive complexity: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. ...
In contemporary conceptualizations of feedback, teachers play a key role in developing pedagogical designs that facilitate student learning through feedback (Boud & Dawson, 2023; Carless & Winstone, 2023). However, practical guidance for teachers is scarce or often remains on a rather abstract level. The present chapter therefore introduces an interactive feedback taxonomy to guide and inspire teachers in the pedagogical planning process. It is based on a qualitative scoping review of 135 empirical studies (Brück-Hübner & Schluer, 2023) as well as relevant literature and practical experience in teacher education. The chapter outlines the seven main dimensions of the feedback taxonomy, along with reflective questions for their manifold design options. It can be consulted by pre- and in-service teachers, either individually or as part of curriculum planning courses or professional development workshops. Beyond pedagogical planning at the micro- or meso-level of single tasks or courses, it can also assist in curricular macro-level processes to transform or innovate existing feedback designs.
... In the study 'Simulation Game-Based Learning Practice Approach to Enhance Processing Speed in Cognitive Skills', the researcher used related theories as a conceptual framework for the research process design and instrument development and to support the following findings (Anderson et al., 2001;Bloom et al., 1956;Engelhart et al., 1956;Saideeg, 2016): ...
Processing speed is a critical component of cognitive apprenticeship, which is essential for developing cognitive skills for high-pressure environments. This study highlighted the limitations of traditional teaching methods in fostering rapid decision-making skills and proposed a simulation game-based learning (SGBL) model as an innovative instructional approach. It aimed to (1) develop a targeted SGBL model, (2) assess its effectiveness in enhancing cognitive apprenticeship and processing speed and (3) evaluate student satisfaction. The methodology was divided into three phases: a primary study to identify student needs, system design and development, and implementation. The SGBL model included theoretical and practical sessions, encompassing real-world scenario-based games for practicing life-saving skills. The study involved 73 undergraduate students, split into two experimental groups, and utilised a learning achievement test and a satisfaction questionnaire as research instruments. The findings revealed significant improvements in processing speed and learning outcomes (p < .01). Students expressed high levels of satisfaction, indicating the effectiveness and potential applicability of the model in other fields. Future implications include expanding SGBL with AR/VR and multiplayer functions to enhance engagement and applicability.
... ). Gängigste Klassifikation ist die kognitive Lernzieltaxonomie vonBloom et al. (1956), modifiziert nachAnderson et al. (2001): erinnern, verstehen, anwenden, analysieren, evaluieren & kreieren. Ein Beispiel-Lernziel für eine ingenieurwissenschaftliche Lehrveranstaltung im zweiten Semester könnte lauten: Die Studierenden sind nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss des Moduls in der Lage, eine geeig nete und kennengelernte Methode anzuwenden, um ausgewählte Werkstoffe zu charakterisie ren. ...
Mastery Learning ist ein pädagogischer Ansatz, der den Schwerpunkt auf Tests und Korrekturmaßnahmen legt, um die Kompetenzentwicklung in kleinen, schrittweisen Lerneinheiten zu gewährleisten. Die Studierenden lernen in ihrem eigenen Tempo, müssen aber bestimmte Kompetenzniveaus nachweisen, bevor sie zum nächsten Inhalt übergehen können. Obwohl die Forschung die Wirksamkeit von Mastery Learning nachgewiesen hat, wird es in der Hochschulbildung bisher nur begrenzt eingesetzt. Dieser Beitrag kontextualisiert Mastery Learning in der Hochschulbildung, indem er verbundene Herausforderungen aufgezeigt und seine Ausrichtung auf aktuelle Bildungstrends erörtert. Der Beitrag stützt sich auf praktische Erfahrungen sowie eine Analyse der vorhandenen Literatur und geht dabei auf die Herausforderungen von Implementierung, Messbarkeit und Standardisierung von Kompetenzen und Verständnis von Lernen ein. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass aktuelle Bildungstrends Lösungsansätze für die Herausforderungen bieten können und gleichzeitig noch mehr systematische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema erforderlich ist.
... The findings of this study highlight holistic instructional design strategies that take into consideration both technological tools and pedagogical innovation. As (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) propose, effective instructional design should be in line with constructivist principles to foster student-centered learning pág. 88 ...
En este artículo se abordan algunos de los desafíos del diseño instruccional en relación con la escasez de recursos, la capacitación inadecuada de los docentes y la deficiente integración de la tecnología en la educación. El método adoptado es una combinación de revisión de literatura, estudios de casos y análisis de datos cuantitativos para la identificación de los principales problemas y soluciones creativas. Ejemplos de tales estrategias son los programas de capacitación de docentes, el uso de herramientas digitales interactivas y la optimización del tamaño de las clases. Los descubrimientos indican que el uso correcto de la tecnología podría generar ambientes de aprendizaje más favorables y una mayor implicación de los alumnos, mientras que la formación de los profesores mejora la calidad de la enseñanza. Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal conseguir los mejores resultados para los alumnos y reducir la brecha en la educación en contextos con escasos recursos, aportando de esta manera a un sistema educativo más justo y activo.
... The dependent variable that was investigated in the study was 'knowledge of fish farmers in practicing major carp culture'. To carry out the evaluation, a scale was constructed in accordance with six levels of Bloom's taxonomy of intelligence, which were initially proposed in 1956 and were subsequently modified by Anderson and Krathwohl in 2001. The six levels are as follows: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, creating, and evaluating. ...
The carp culture in Bangladesh has become a prominent factor in the country's aquaculture industry, economics, and food security. The primary goals of the research were to assess the extent of fish farmers’ knowledge in practicing major carp culture, and to determine the influential factors that may impact the knowledge of the fish farmer in practicing major carp culture. Data were collected from three unions named Digpaith, Sahabajpur, and Titpalla of Jamalpur Sadar Upazila (sub-district) under Jamalpur district from June to July 2023 purposefully. Personal interviews were conducted with 102 randomly chosen carp fish farmers. The level of knowledge was assessed using revised Bloom's taxonomy, which employs six levels of the cognitive domain. The main finding of the study highlights that 54.9% of the fish farmers were identified as having a moderate level of knowledge, followed by 45.1% with a poor level of knowledge. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that, out of the 12 socioeconomic characteristics of farmers, education, training, extension contact, and organizational involvement significantly influenced farmers' knowledge. The stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that factors such as education (47.1%), training received (10.7%), extension contact (2.8%), and organizational involvement (2.1%) collectively account for 62.7% of the observed variations. The Department of Fisheries (DoF), Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) need to take appropriate actions including need-based trainings, demonstrations, extension supports etc. to enhance the knowledge of fish farmers in practicing major carp culture. J Bangladesh Agril Univ 22(4): 480-489, 2024
... This model produces doctors with high technical and scientific skills, although they require a long training to reach proficiency in Bloom's taxonomy pyramid [8]. It requires an extension of the education to the residencies to learn the continuity of care, essential for establishing confidence and therapeutic alliance, which are basilar in the doctor-patient relationship; at the same time, they deepen the technical competence, ethical commitment, and social responsibility. ...
Pre-graduate medical education intends to prepare future doctors for the practice of medicine. It is continually adjusted to the dichotomy between what doctors need to know and what patients
actually need them to know. Each specialty wants students to learn a large number of specific subjects to understand the related diseases. Patients point out the need for doctors to overcome diseases through attitudes of person-centred care, professionalism, teamwork, leadership, cultural humility, a comprehensive approach and ethical commitment.
In Portugal, healthcare and medical education organizations are still too hospital based. It is time to change and modernize future doctors to meet the needs of real people.
We propose a renewed way to teach medicine based on the integrative vision of primary care, covering the holistic view, the global approach and the continuity of care. We argue that this makes it possible to better prepare future doctors for the challenges they will face in clinical practice over any other specialty’s relevant but partial perspective because of the proximity to the healthy person rather than the disease itself.
It allows us to produce better doctors toward humanized medicine, closer to the people, without devaluing technological and organizational advances but placing them at the service of the patient.
... Monitoring can strain the teacher-student relationship (Utterberg Modén, 2021) and transfer values of "good," and "bad" ways of learning, which may exclude some students and demotivate them to engage in learning (Yackel & Cobb, 1996). Supervision is not in line with current views on learning, which emphasize student ownership of the learning process (Anderson et al., 2001;European Commission, 2019). Of course, supervision is hard to avoid, since much of the LA focus is on measuring (Viberg et al., 2020). ...
The generation, use, and analysis of educational data comes with many promises and opportunities, especially where digital materials allow usage of learning analytics (LA) as a tool in data-based decision-making (DBDM). However, there are questions about the interplay between teachers, students, context, and technology. Therefore, this paper presents an exploratory systematic scoping review to investigate findings regarding LA usage in digital materials, teaching, and learning in K–12 mathematics education. In all, 3,654 records were identified, of which 19 studies met all the inclusion criteria. Results show that LA research in mathematics education is an emerging field where applications of LA are used in many contexts across many curricula content and standards of K–12 mathematics education, supporting a wide variety of teacher data use. Teaching with DBDM is mainly focused on supervision and guidance and LA usage had a generally positive effect on student learning with high-performing students benefiting most. We highlight a need for further research to develop knowledge of LA usage in classroom practice that considers both teacher and student perspectives in relation to design and affordances of digital learning systems. Finally, we propose a new class of LA, which we define as guiding analytics for learners, which harnesses the potential of LA for promoting achievement and independent learning.
... In previous research on computer science competence, competence levels have been closely aligned with taxonomies of educational objectives (Zendler et al., 2016). In the newer model based on Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives (Anderson et al., 2001), there are six consecutive competence levels: remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate, and create. This study identifies some of the elements of computer science competence based on these six tiers of competence. ...
Computer Science (CS) is a vital subject in K-12 education, and acquiring proficiency in CS is essential for nurturing talent. However, current teaching practices often rely on standardized tests to evaluate academic performance, which may not offer a comprehensive and multidimensional assessment of students’ competency in learning CS. Furthermore, developing students’ competence is a dynamic and non-linear process. Therefore, it is essential to develop alternative assessment methods to evaluate students’ competency and learning potential in CS comprehensively. This study presents a computational model of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) based on dynamic evaluation and the fuzzy evaluation method, and develops a multidimensional dynamic assessment system to measure the developmental intervals and cognitive states of learners’ different dimensions of competence in CS. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the system in a high school (K12) computer science course related to the teaching of programming. The experimental group comprised 50 students who received instruction with the assessment system, while the control group, consisting of 52 students, received traditional teaching methods. The study demonstrates that the multidimensional dynamic assessment system had a significant positive impact on students’ competence in CS, particularly in the dimensions of “learning” and “applying”. Furthermore, the results indicate students’ academic achievement and learning potential improvements.
Background and Aim: As current college students and future teachers, the student teachers’ interdisciplinary awareness affects their quality and the development of education. How to implement the concept of interdisciplinary education in student teachers’ education, the development of interdisciplinary education courses is particularly important. This study was a research and development. The objectives of the research were 1) to compare student teachers' learning achievement before and after implementing Primary interdisciplinary education courses based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning. 2) to compare student teachers' curriculum development ability after implementing Primary interdisciplinary education courses based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning with the criterion set 3.51 and 3) to compare student teachers' satisfaction after implementing Primary interdisciplinary education courses based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning with the criterion set 3.51. Materials and Methods: The sample was 30 students (one class) from Xi’an University which were derived by cluster random sampling. The instruments used in this study were) Primary Interdisciplinary Education Course based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning; 2) 8 lesson plans; 3) A learning achievement test with 0.868 of reliability, the item difficulty ranged from 0.47-0.77, and the discrimination ranged from 0.22-0.89; 4) An evaluation form of curriculum development ability (Scoring Rubric) with 0.757 of inter-rater reliability; 5) A students’ satisfaction questionnaire with reliability of 0.855. The statistics used for data analysis were Mean, Standard deviation, t-test for dependent samples, and t-test for one sample. Results: The results of the study were as follows: 1) The primary Interdisciplinary Education Course based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning was implemented and after implementation, the student teachers’ learning achievement post-test scores were higher than pretest scores at.01 level of statistical significance (t = 33.64, p<0.01); 2) the student teachers’ curriculum development ability post-test scores were higher than criteria of 3.51 at.01 level of statistical significance (M = 66.02, SD =2.34); and 3) the student teachers’ satisfaction post-test scores were higher than criteria of 3.51 at.01 level of statistical significance (M = 4.71, SD =0.15 ). Conclusion: The developed Primary Interdisciplinary Education Course based on Project-Based Learning combined with Research-Based Learning can enhance the student teachers learning achievement and curriculum development ability. The student teachers had the satisfaction of studying the Primary Interdisciplinary Education Course.
Las propuestas de solución de problemas son consideradas intervenciones para resolver problemas específicos en el campo de la profesión. Tradicio- nalmente, en Latinoamérica, estas intervenciones se realizan a través de procesos de Investigación-Acción Participativa (IAP), bajo el fundamento epistemológico-teórico del paradigma sociocrítico, el materialismo histórico y el materialismo dialéctico. El propósito de estas intervenciones es sensibili- zar o empoderar a los participantes sobre alguna situación histórica-social o sobre algún problema de salud. En estas intervenciones, el documento final, donde se plasman los procesos, los resultados y la interpretación crítica de la experiencia de intervención, se denomina sistematización de experiencias (Jara, 2022). Sin embargo, dentro de algunos programas de posgrado del CUCS, más instrumentales y prácticos, se observa que también se llevan a cabo intervenciones bajo el fundamento de los paradigmas cualitativos y/o cuantitativos, ya que usan alguna escala cuantitativa o técnica de recolección de datos cualitativos, y analizan los datos de forma estadística o interpreta- tiva, sin comprometerse con la interpretación histórico-social y crítica de la experiencia. Estas intervenciones también son válidas, porque resuelven problemas específicos en el campo de la profesión. En este caso, los programas de intervención pueden ser educativos, socioeducativos, psicoeducativos, e inclusive clínicos.
Se recomienda que, en los dos primeros ciclos escolares, los estudiantes presenten la propuesta de resolución de problemas, acompañada de la evalua- ción inicial o diagnóstico y durante los últimos ciclos escolares agreguen los resultados intermedios y finales de la implementación de la propuesta y las evidencias de solución del problema específico abordado.
La modalidad o enfoque cualitativo es un método de investigación sistemá- tico que posibilita el estudio de variables descriptivas con base en la obser- vación e interacción con los individuos o grupos, para explorar, describir, interpretar, comprender o transformar la subjetividad humana desde diver- sos abordajes. Para su aplicación, es necesario utilizar la fundamentación teórica, un diseño de investigación adecuado y la utilización de metodología pertinente (Duque, 2019).
En general, este paradigma se enfoca en comprender los significados que las personas atribuyen a sus experiencias y al contexto de sus acciones (Maxwell, 2019), así como en describir, reconocer, interpretar y estudiar los fenómenos en los que estos participan y que permiten desarrollar teorías sustentadas en epistemologías como la fenomenología y la hermenéutica.
Existen diferentes tipos de diseños de investigación en la modalidad cua- litativa. Algunos de los diseños más utilizados son: los fenomenológicos con métodos descriptivos, como son los estudios observacionales transversales o es- tudios de caso, los estudios hermenéuticos con métodos como los etnográficos, los dialógicos, históricos, etnometodológicos, el interaccionismo simbólico; los narrativos, la teoría fundamentada, y los métodos de investigación-acción (Creswell, 2017; Palacios, 2010; Sampieri, 2018). Sin embargo, existen otros diseños, como son los estudios con enfoque de género, interculturales, femi- nistas y decoloniales; destacando los que emergen de las epistemologías no eurocéntricas, como la del sur, de África u orientales, entre otras.
บทความนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อนำเสนอผลการวิเคราะห์การพัฒนานักการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมของโครงการอบรมนักการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรม หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมแห่งกรุงเทพมหานคร (BACC Training of Art Manager 2023: TAM#5) และเพื่อนำเสนอกระบวนการพัฒนาทักษะด้านการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมสำหรับองค์กรต่าง ๆ ที่สนใจกระบวนการพัฒนาทรัพยากรบุคคลด้านการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมอย่างยั่งยืน โดยการวิเคราะห์กระบวนการพัฒนาร่วมกับแนวคิดและทฤษฎีการเรียนรู้ของบลูม (Bloom’s Taxonomy) ผ่านการสังเคราะห์เนื้อหาและรูปแบบกิจกรรม นำไปเปรียบเทียบกับการพัฒนากระบวนการทางปัญญา ผลการวิเคราะห์นำไปสู่รูปแบบการพัฒนานักการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมที่ประกอบด้วย 3 องค์ประกอบสำคัญ ดังนี้ 1) ปัจจัยนำเข้าการพัฒนานักการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมที่มีประสิทธิภาพจะต้องมีปัจจัยนำเข้าที่มีคุณภาพเช่นกัน ประกอบด้วยผู้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมที่มีคุณภาพ วิทยากรที่มีประสบการณ์ และเนื้อหาและกิจกรรมที่เหมาะสมที่มีการจัดลำดับการเรียนรู้จากระดับพื้นฐานไประดับสูง 2) กระบวนการควรจัดลำดับการเรียนรู้ตามระดับขั้นของกระบวนการพัฒนาทางปัญญา เริ่มต้นจากการสร้างความรู้ความเข้าใจในขั้นจดจำและเข้าใจ พัฒนาไปสู่การนำองค์ความรู้ที่ได้รับมาทดลองใช้ในขั้นการประยุกต์และวิเคราะห์ ซึ่งเป็นฐานคิดในการประเมินคุณค่า นำไปสู่การสร้างสรรค์อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ และ 3) ผลลัพธ์การเรียนรู้เป็นเป้าหมายสำคัญที่ผู้จัดกิจกรรมจะต้องกำหนดขึ้น เพื่อสร้างรูปแบบกิจกรรมที่ส่งเสริมให้เกิดผลลัพธ์การเรียนรู้ที่ต้องการ อาจแบ่งออกเป็นผลผลิตที่ได้จากกิจกรรมและผลลัพธ์เกิดขึ้นกับผู้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมทุกคน โดยออกแบบกิจกรรมในรูปแบบย้อนกลับ (Backward Design) นอกจากนี้ยังพบว่า โครงการอบรบนักการจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรม ยังขาดการส่งเสริมความเข้าใจเรื่องการวัดและประเมินผลโครงการ ซึ่งถือเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญที่จะช่วยส่งเสริมการเป็นนักจัดการศิลปวัฒนธรรมที่มีประสิทธิภาพสูง ผู้เขียนจึงขอเสนอให้เพิ่มเติมกิจกรรมการประเมินค่าให้ผู้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมทุกคนได้ศึกษาวิธีการวัดประเมินผลโครงการจากกรณีศึกษาต่าง ๆ
Cet article expose l’origine, les éléments constitutifs et les fonctions d’une grille de paramétrage conçue pour accompagner, de leur conception à leur régulation, la mise en œuvre de dispositifs de mentorat par des professeurs de l’enseignement supérieur. Il spécifie les raisons d’être de ce type d’outil conceptuel et praxéologique et en illustre des usages par l’analyse de trois dispositifs déployés dans le cadre d’un programme de mentorat testé dans 9 établissements francophones belges. La grille et ses applications pratiques intéresseront chercheurs, décideurs et acteurs travaillant sur la transition secondaire-supérieur, dont relève ce type d’aide à la réussite encore peu fréquent dans le contexte francophone européen.
Nigerian English is largely used in literary works, including Adichie‟s Purple Hibiscus, yet previous
studies on Adicie‟s novel have focused more on the stylistic use of language to the neglect of features of
Nigerian English. This study, therefore, investigated aspects of Nigerian English in Adichie‟s Purple
Hibiscus with the aim of establishing the influence of Nigerian Englishon literary works. This study
adopted Labov‟s (1963) Variationist theory as its theoretical framework. It was discovered that Adichie
deliberately allocated Nigerian English to her characters to depict the Nigerian milieu in reality. The
lexical aspects were classified into „Nigerianised English words‟, „Indigenous Nigerian words‟,
„Nigerian proper nouns‟, and „Igbo words‟ used through code mixing, and the semantic aspects were
majorly reflective of the Igbo worldview or thought systems. The major aspectsof Nigerian English in
Purple Hibiscus were the outcome of the Igbo society, hence, they were classified under Igbo variety of
Nigerian English while the few others were universal aspects of Nigerian English.
Twenty-first-century skills, 4C's-critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration are important for preparing HE students as lifelong learners. Students who follow DMG 4179: Demography for Urban Planning and Policy, are expected to learn theoretical and technical aspects related to urban demographic dynamics and apply the knowledge and skills to solve practical urban issues. In the previous year, student-centred learning (SCL) activities which aimed to help improve students' critical thinking and communication skills were assessed using take-home assignments and presentations. However, it was observed that students were reluctant to engage in discussions and comments on peers' work due to lack of skills in collaboration and creativity. Therefore, this year we introduced six SCL activities to facilitate students to learn 21st-century learning skills (4C's skills). All the lessons were planned and learning activities were integrated with assessments following Bloom's revised taxonomy. The class size consisted of 38 students (N=38) and students were grouped into six. The first two activities, focused on critical thinking and communication skills and were assessed using take-home assignments and presentations. Other four activities included field excursion, group discussions and poster presentations which focused on improving student collaboration and creativity skills. Two Rubrics were used to assess learning outcomes, rubric-1, for student performance in critical thinking and communication while rubric-2, for collaboration and creativity skills. Student perceptions and performance were evaluated using student feedback, and the marks obtained for each activity by student respectively. The analysis revealed that the percentage of students who obtained marks more than B+ has increased gradually from activity one to six. First to fourth activity, the number of students scored more than B+ was 20%, 39.3%, 79.3%, and 93.8% respectively and activity five to six almost all the students scored more than B+. The average mark scored by the final examination was 67.16, and 60.53% of students scored more than the average mark. Each activity followed the steps of a sequence from LOTs to HOTs. Over 90% of students agreed that they had gained all 4C's skills through the SCL activities done during the course. SCL activities along with formative assessment can be used to gradually develop students 'skills within the learning process.
Bu çalışmanın amacı Teknoloji ve Tasarım Dersi Öğretim Programı (7 ve 8. Sınıf) kazanımlarının Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine (YBT) göre analiz edilmesidir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından doküman incelemesi tekniğine göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada YBT’nin bilgi ve bilişsel süreç boyutları çerçevesinde 51 yedinci sınıf, 42 sekizinci sınıf düzeyinde olmak üzere toplam 93 kazanım ifadesi incelenmiştir. Veriler TTDÖP (7 ve 8. Sınıf) kapsamında elde edilmiş, betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularında kazanımların YBT’nin “bilgi boyutu” açısından sınıf düzeyine göre, “olgusal bilgi” kategorisinde, sekizinci sınıflarda ise “olgusal bilgi” ve “kavramsal bilgi” kategorilerinde yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Kazanımların “bilişsel süreç boyutu” açısından her iki sınıf düzeyinde de “anlama” kategorisinde yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca yedinci sınıf düzeyinde sekizinci sınıfa göre “uygulama boyutu” nda; sekizinci sınıflarda ise “değerlendirme” ve “yaratma” boyutlarında kazanımların sayısının arttığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre her iki sınıf düzeyinde de kazanımların dengeli dağılım gösterdiği fakat “üst bilişsel bilgi boyutu” nda yeterince kazanımın yer almadığı düşünülmektedir.
This study is devoted to the problem of organizing foreign language classes in the higher education system using new teaching technologies. The possibility of using the spiral method in teaching future linguists French on the basis of English is considered. This student-oriented technology allows students to develop their ability to use their acquired knowledge of the English language to solve professional problems of varying complexity. During the learning process, students’ cognitive activity increases, methods of perceiving foreign language information are improved, and the need for an independent search for a way to semantically formulate thoughts increases. Attention is focused on developing students' ability and ability to apply acquired knowledge both in familiar and completely new situations, and to effectively construct mental representations if the interpreted information is incomplete. In the process of implementing the spiral, personal-activity and contextual approaches are implemented, which contribute to the transition of students' educational activities to professional ones in the field of language education in a multicultural environment. Using a spiral process, it is necessary to select a learning context in which the subject and social content of the professional activity acquired by students is modeled. Particular attention is paid to the communicative-cognitive approach, in which linguistic knowledge is systematized and value-semantic attitudes are formed when using linguistic forms. The cognitive aspect is based on taking into account the communicative needs of students, the patterns of their cognition process, the work of long-term memory in the process of assimilation and reproduction of lexical units. Therefore, the student must engage awareness at the level of intentionality and consciousness at the level of control, where the first is based on the student’s needs for learning new vocabulary, and the second consists of conscious control of the flow of speech in a foreign language. The communicative component of this approach is based on the peculiarities of the use of specific lexical words units in various communication situations, correct application of professionally oriented information, its conscious use in the process of mental activity. Participation in dialogues develops communication ethics and forms interpersonal relationships in foreign language classes. A theoretical description of the spiral method and its use in teaching future linguists French vocabulary within the framework of modern education using student-oriented technologies is presented. The results of studies where the spiral method was used to train specialists in other professional fields were reviewed and analyzed. The article defines the goals and means for learning French vocabulary using the spiral method. The spiral method provides the teacher with the opportunity to independently determine the stages of implementation of the spiral. The peculiarity of this technique is the gradual immersion of the student in professional activities and the integration of knowledge at each turn of the spiral. Thanks to gradualness and logical sequence, information is absorbed in a structured manner. Layering new knowledge on a foundation of recently acquired knowledge ensures regular repetition, which engages and trains long-term memory. The spiral method was used in working with 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology in the field of training “Linguistics (Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures)” at Derzhavin Tambov State University. The algorithm for working with the spiral in French classes included four stages: preparatory, studying, procedural and evaluative. At the preparatory stage, the teacher needs to familiarize students with the spiral method, its goals, objectives, topic, discuss the stages, timing of the project, ways to evaluate the knowledge gained at the output, and distribute students into small groups. The learning stage involves students working in a group, searching for new lexical units of the French language, and filling out a table with new words. To successfully implement vocabulary teaching, the Spiral curriculum is combined with the Flipped classroom method. Flipped classroom is a method where the main material is given to study at home, and the practical part takes place in the classroom in the presence of a teacher. In the “flipped classroom” operating mode, students receive as homework to complete: an electronic educational resource, audio lectures, materials on the topics of the course being studied. The procedural stage contains practical work - written and oral tasks to consolidate French vocabulary, which can be implemented through various interactive methods: presentation, project, case method, les simulations globales, etc. At the assessment stage, students complete tests with exercises to check the learned French lexemes on the Quizziz.com platform, discuss the test results and errors with the teacher. At the end of the study, a survey was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using the method in teaching future linguists French vocabulary based on English. The results of the survey showed that the use of the spiral method in combination with student-oriented technologies has a positive effect on the process of effective acquisition of new lexical units and contributes to the formation of professional competence. The use of interactive methods teaches students to work in a group, form interpersonal relationships, and also implement contextual and communicative-cognitive approaches to teaching a foreign language. Thus, the goal of the spiral method is regular repetition, a more in-depth study of course topics at each turn stage and the formation of the necessary professional competencies. The advantage of using the spiral method in teaching future linguists French vocabulary on the basis of English has been proven through the implementation of personal-activity, contextual and communicative-cognitive approaches that contribute to the transition of educational activities into professional ones.
Este libro, aunque está dirigido a orientar principalmente a los trabajos recepcionales de los posgrados reconocidos por la Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), también está diseñado para ser útil a cualquier persona o programa de posgrado externo que lo necesite. Su elaboración fue coordinada por la Coordinación de Posgrado del Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS) de la UdeG, que integró un equipo multidisciplinario con representantes de cada posgrado.
El trabajo final fue aprobado por las juntas académicas correspondientes. El libro sugiere los elementos indispensables para la generación de trabajos académicos formales, de alta calidad, y en un formato homogéneo, abarcando distintos métodos científicos, normas éticas y aspectos de bioseguridad.
Conforme al Reglamento General de Posgrados (RGP) de la Universidad
de Guadalajara (2017), se reconocen como trabajos recepcionales válidos para obtener el diploma o grado de posgrado, los siguientes:
1. Tesis
2. Propuesta de solución a un problema específico en el campo de la profesión
3. Memoria de evidencia profesional (o cualquier otro trabajo determinado
en el dictamen de creación del programa de posgrado respectivo)
Para cada trabajo recepcional, se incluye una descripción general de la base
teórica y una breve guía sobre los apartados sugeridos.
Este trabajo refleja el esfuerzo colectivo y la determinación del CUCS por promover la excelencia en los trabajos recepcionales, evidenciando la sinergia entre los distintos programas de posgrado y el compromiso compartido de elevar el estándar de calidad en sus productos académicos.
Bu araştırmanın amacı 2024 ortaöğretim matematik dersi öğretim programı öğrenme çıktılarını SOLO Taksonomisi ve bilişsel istem düzeylerine göre değerlendirmektir. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımının benimsendiği bu çalışma, bir doküman analizi örneğidir. 2024 ortaöğretim matematik dersi öğretim programındaki öğrenme çıktıları SOLO Taksonomisi ve bilişsel istem düzeylerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimsel analizden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda 2024 ortaöğretim matematik dersi öğretim programının SOLO taksonomisine göre sayıca sırasıyla soyutlanmış yapı, ilişkisel yapı ve çok yönlü yapıdaki öğrenme çıktılarından oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Bilişsel istem düzeylerine göre bir değerlendirme yapıldığında, öğretim programının sırasıyla matematik yapma, bağlantılı yöntemler ve bağlantısız yöntemler düzeyinde öğrenme çıktılarını içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, öğretim programı ile üst seviyede matematiksel anlayışların ve yüksek istem düzeyinde düşünme süreçlerinin hedeflendiğini göstermiştir. İleriki çalışmalarda öğrencilerin üst düzey beceriler gerektiren bu öğrenme çıktılarına ulaşma düzeylerinin incelenmesi önerilebilir.
The Vietnamese economy is entering a period of increasingly rapid integration and profound development across all sectors. To adapt to these changes, the workforce in all industries, including the field of accounting and auditing, must meet professional competency requirements. Therefore, the development of competency – oriented training programs for accounting– auditing students during their university education is receiving growing attention and emphasis from society. This has led to the necessity of evaluating the impact of professional competencies on academic performance to identify solutions for improving learning outcomes and enhancing students’ ability to apply knowledge in their future careers. The study employs a quantitative method to survey and investigate 316 accounting and auditing students from 13 different universities in Hanoi. With 309 valid responses collected, data analysis reveals that the factor of Knowledge has the strongest influence on academic performance, followed by Attitude, Skills (Hard Skills and Soft Skills), as well as Information technology proficiency and English proficiency. Based on these findings, the paper assesses the degree of influence and provides relevant recommendations to improve the learning outcomes of university students.
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