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Abstract and Figures

While numerous studies have examined how health affects retirement, few have analyzed the impact in the reverse direction. Using the Health and Retirement Study (1992–2005), this paper estimates the effects of retirement on indicators of physical and mental health. To account for biases from unobserved selection and endogeneity, panel data methodologies are used, augmented by counterfactual and specification checks. Results indicate that complete retirement leads to a 5–14% increase in difficulties associated with mobility and daily activities, 4–6% increase in illnesses, and 6–9% decline in mental health (evaluated relative to the sample mean). The adverse health effects are mitigated if the individual is married, engages in physical activity, or continues to work part-time post-retirement. Evidence also suggests larger adverse health effects in the event of involuntary retirement. Retiring at a later age may lessen or postpone poor health outcomes for older adults, raise well-being, and reduce health care services utilization.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Dhaval Dave
Inas Rashad
Jasmina Spasojevic
Working Paper 12123
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
March 2006
We are grateful to Angela Dills, Michael Grossman, Julie Hotchkiss, Richard Kaplan, Donald Kenkel,
Sean Nicholson, Henry Saffer, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. In addition, we
wish to thank seminar participants at the 2007 International Health Economics Association World
Congress, the 2006 American Society of Health Economists Conference, the 2007 Eastern Economics
Association Conference, Georgia State University, and the 2006 Public Policies and Child-Well Being
Conference sponsored by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University
for helpful comments on earlier versions of the paper. The authors would also like to thank their respective
schools for research support. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
© 2006 by Dhaval Dave, Inas Rashad, and Jasmina Spasojevic. All rights reserved. Short sections
of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full
credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
The Effects of Retirement on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes
Dhaval Dave, Inas Rashad, and Jasmina Spasojevic
NBER Working Paper No. 12123
March 2006, January 2008
JEL No. I1,J0
While numerous studies have examined how health affects retirement behavior, few have analyzed
the impact of retirement on subsequent health outcomes. This study estimates the effects of retirement
on health status as measured by indicators of physical and functional limitations, illness conditions,
and depression. The empirics are based on seven longitudinal waves of the Health and Retirement
Study, spanning 1992 through 2005. To account for biases due to unobserved selection and endogeneity,
panel data methodologies are used. These are augmented by counterfactual and specification checks
to gauge the robustness and plausibility of the estimates. Results indicate that complete retirement
leads to a 5-16 percent increase in difficulties associated with mobility and daily activities, a 5-6 percent
increase in illness conditions, and 6-9 percent decline in mental health, over an average post-retirement
period of six years. Models indicate that the effects tend to operate through lifestyle changes including
declines in physical activity and social interactions. The adverse health effects are mitigated if the
individual is married and has social support, continues to engage in physical activity post-retirement,
or continues to work part-time upon retirement. Some evidence also suggests that the adverse effects
of retirement on health may be larger in the event of involuntary retirement. With an aging population
choosing to retire at earlier ages, both Social Security and Medicare face considerable shortfalls. Eliminating
the embedded incentives in public and private pension plans, which discourage work beyond some
point, and enacting policies that prolong the retirement age may be desirable, ceteris paribus. Retiring
at a later age may lessen or postpone poor health outcomes for older adults, raise well-being, and reduce
the utilization of health care services, particularly acute care.
Dhaval Dave
Bentley College
Department of Economics
175 Forest Street, AAC 195
Waltham, MA 02452-4705
and NBER
Inas Rashad
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3992
Atlanta, GA 30302-3992
and NBER
Jasmina Spasojevic
222 Overbrook Lane
Marlton, NJ 08053
I. Introduction
Despite rising life expectancy, the average age at retirement has been declining over the past
four decades. Social security data indicate that the retirement age for men declined from 68.5 to
62.6 years, and that for women declined from 67.9 to 62.5 years (Gendell, 2001).1 In a recent study,
Gruber and Wise (2005) note that many countries have benefit structures that discourage work by
lowering lifetime benefits to people who work longer. There are strong incentives to retire built
into the U.S. Social Security system as well as many private pensions (Quadagno and Quinn, 1997).
With an aging population retiring earlier, Social Security will pay out more in benefits than it
collects in payroll taxes by 2018, and these deficits are expected to exhaust the trust fund by 2042.
The unfunded liability facing Medicare is six times that of Social Security, and the hospital trust
fund will be depleted far sooner than the projected date for Social Security. These trends, and the
financial difficulties facing Medicare and Social Security, have prompted policymakers to press for
several reforms including an increase in the retirement age.2
In a recent survey by the Hudson Employment Index, 15 percent of workers reported that
their firms encouraged older workers to retire, and 26 percent of workers in government
occupations reported that retirement is actively promoted.3 Whether early retirement is individually
or socially optimal depends on how retirement affects subsequent health status, among other things.
While numerous studies have examined the effects of changes in health on retirement behavior,
research on how retirement impacts health status has been sparse. The objective of this study is to
analyze the effects of full retirement on outcomes related to physical and mental health. We are
careful in noting that the effect we are analyzing is not that of retirement per se, but rather the
1 Recent data suggest a slight upturn in the trend towards early retirement. However, it is not clear whether this reflects
a structural reversal or cyclical factors.
2 As of 2002, the retirement age for full social security eligibility was raised to 67 for those born in 1960 or later.
(There is a gradual increase in the retirement age from 65 to 67 for those born between 1937 and 1960. Those born in
1938 fully retire at 65 and 2 months; those born in 1955 retire at 66 and 2 months, and so on.)
3 Source:
change in environment that encompasses retirement, leading an individual to invest more or less in
his or her health. While we distinguish voluntary versus involuntary retirement, the behavioral
framework suggests that even if retirement is voluntary, individual investments in health may
respond to changes in incentives post-retirement. If retirement improves health outcomes, then
evaluation of policies that prolong retirement should account for the effect on health. In the
presence of negative health effects, policies that aim to increase the retirement age may be
desirable. A higher retirement age, by postponing or reducing poor health outcomes, will also
consequently reduce the utilization of health services by older adults conditional on life expectancy,
which may have implications for the projected increases in Medicare expenditures.
The human capital model for the demand for health (Grossman, 1972) provides the
foundation for analyzing how withdrawal from the workforce affects the accumulation of health
capital. The empirical specifications are based on seven longitudinal waves of the Health and
Retirement Study (HRS), spanning 1992 through 2005. The effects of retirement on a variety of
health outcomes related to specific diagnosed illnesses, functional and physical limitations, and
symptoms indicative of mental health are explored. Panel data methodologies, supplemented with
various specification checks, account for biases due to statistical and structural endogeneity.
II. Relevant Studies
The decision to retire is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of health
insurance, Social Security eligibility, financial resources, and spousal interdependence. Several
studies have also pointed to health status as a significant determinant. Workers in poor health, who
suffer from activity limitations and chronic health conditions, are found to retire earlier than those
who are healthy (Belgrave et al., 1987). Dwyer and Mitchell (1999), using data from the HRS, find
that health problems influence retirement behavior more strongly than economic factors. Correcting
for the potential endogeneity of self-rated health due to “justification bias,” men in poor overall
health expect to retire one to two years earlier. Similarly, McGarry (2004) finds that those in poor
health are less likely to continue working than someone in good health. Using data from the HRS,
she notes that changes in retirement expectations are driven to a much greater degree by changes in
health than by changes in income or wealth. Ettner et al. (1997) also indicate that psychiatric
disorders significantly reduce employment among both genders. Several other studies similarly
show that poor health motivates early retirement, though the relative impact of health versus
economic factors is debated.4
In contrast, very few studies have examined the impact in the other direction – that is, how
retirement affects subsequent health. This question takes on added relevance given the shifting
trends in labor force attachment, aging of the population, and growth in health care expenditures.
Szinovacz and Davey (2004) find that depressive symptoms increase for women post-retirement,
especially if retirement is perceived as abrupt or forced, and the effect is reinforced by the presence
of a spouse with functional limitations. A similar effect is not found for men. A recent Whitehall II
longitudinal study of civil servants by Mein et al. (2003) compared 392 retired individuals with 618
working participants at follow-up to determine if retirement at age 60 is associated with changes in
mental and physical health. Their results indicate that mental health deteriorated among those
continuing to work, whereas physical functioning deteriorated for both workers and retirees.
A Kaiser Permanente study of members of a health maintenance organization (ages 60-66)
compared mental health and other health behaviors of those who retired with those who did not
(Midanik et al., 1995). Controlling for age, gender, marital status, and education, retired members
were more likely to have lower stress levels and engage in regular exercise. No differences were
found between the groups on self-reported mental health status, coping, depression, smoking, and
alcohol consumption.
4 See, for example, Anderson and Burkhauser (1985), Bazzoli (1985), and Rice et al. (2006).
A follow-up study on 6,257 active municipal employees in Finland found an increase in
musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases among retired men (Tuomi et al., 1991). Ostberg and
Samuelsson (1994), on the other hand, find positive effects of retirement on health, as measured by
blood pressure, musculoskeletal diseases, psychiatric symptoms, and visits to the physician.
Salokangas and Joukamaa (1991) find mental health improvements but no clear effect on physical
health in a study of Finnish individuals between the ages of 62 and 66 years. Bosse et al. (1987)
examine psychological symptoms in a sample of 1,513 older men. Controlling for physical health
status, analyses of variance indicate that retirees reported more psychological symptoms than
workers. The role of family income (a correlated of retirement) as a determinant of good physical
and mental health is underscored in Ettner (1996). Using data from the National Survey of Families
and Households, the Survey of Income and Program Participation, and the National Health
Interview Survey, instrumental variables estimates indicate that income is significantly related to
several measures of physical health in addition to measures of depressive symptoms.
While these studies highlight important aspects of the interaction between retirement and
health, there is no consensus and the studies are also limited in several respects. Many use self-
reported evaluation of health and are based on small selected samples, the results of which may not
generalize to the overall population. Most of the studies are also based on individuals in other
countries, which have substantially different norms, labor markets, and economic incentives
embedded in their pension systems relative to the U.S. Several studies employ a simple cross-
sectional comparison between workers and retirees and ignore the heterogeneity between the
treatment and control. Data limitations also preclude an extensive set of controls, and many do not
account for changes in income or assets post-retirement. Most importantly, none of these studies
account for biases due to endogeneity.
The present study exploits seven longitudinal waves of a large-scale population survey of
older adults in the U.S. Diverse health measures, including self-rated health and objective
functional and illness indicators, are used as the dependent outcomes. The HRS data also allow for
a rich set of controls, the exclusion of which may have biased other studies. Panel data
methodologies and various specification checks are used to overcome unobserved heterogeneity and
endogeneity, and disentangle the causal effect of retirement on subsequent health.
III. Analytical Framework
The objective of this study is to assess the extent to which complete retirement impacts
health outcomes. This question can be framed within the human capital model for the demand for
health (Grossman, 1972). Grossman combines the household production model of consumer
behavior with the theory of human capital investment to analyze an individual’s demand for health
capital. In this paradigm, individuals demand health for its consumptive and investment aspects.
That is, health capital directly increases utility and also reduces work loss due to illness,
consequently increasing healthy time and raising earnings.5 This implies that upon retirement, the
investment motive for investing in health in order to raise productivity and earnings is no longer
present. We may therefore expect health to decline after retirement. However, since healthy time
enters into the utility function as a consumption good, retirees may invest more in their health post-
retirement. In this case, we could expect health to increase after retirement. The individual
maximizes an intertemporal utility function that contains health and other household goods (Zt) as
(1) U = U(φt Ht, Zt),
where φt is the service flow per unit stock of health (Ht) and φtHt is total consumption of health
services. The individual encounters both income and time constraints, and maximizes utility subject
5 Investment in health capital may also raise earnings by raising the marginal product of labor and consequently the
wage rate.
to these constraints, the behavior of net investment in the stock of health, and production functions
for investment in health and other household commodities.6 This results in the following first-order
condition for each period:
(2) Gt [ Wt + (Uht / λ) (1 + r)t ] = Ct-1 [ r – Čt-1 + δt ] .
In the above equation, Gt represents the marginal product of health capital – that is, the increase in
healthy time due to a one-unit increase in the health stock, Wt is the wage rate, Uht is the marginal
utility of healthy time, λ is the marginal utility of wealth, Ct-1 is the marginal cost of gross
investment in health in period t-1 and depends on time and market inputs, Čt-1 is the percent change
in marginal cost between periods t-1 and t, and δt is the rate at which health capital depreciates. The
left-hand side denotes the undiscounted value of the marginal product of the optimal stock of health
capital at any given age. An investment in the stock of health raises healthy time, allowing the
individual to work and earn more. It also directly raises utility, where Uht/λ measures the monetary
value of the increase in utility due to a one-unit increase in healthy time. The right-hand side
contains interest, depreciation, and capital gains components and can be interpreted as the rental
price or user cost of health capital. The first-order condition thus equates the marginal benefit and
the supply price of health capital for a working individual.
In general, the individual’s value of time is the maximum of the wage rate or the monetary
equivalent of the marginal utility of time. In a life-cycle framework, the wage rate may fall when
the loss of general human capital due to depreciation exceeds gross investment over time. This
results in a concave age-earnings profile (Mincer, 1974; Johnson and Neumark, 1996). At some
point when the wage falls below the monetary value of time, the individual chooses to retire. For a
6 See Grossman (1972) for a full exposition of and solution to the model.
retired individual the wage rate does not represent the value of time, and in the above first-order
condition the wage is replaced explicitly by the monetary value of the marginal utility of time (Uht /
λ) at retirement.
How retirement affects health is ambiguous, and depends on the marginal benefit and
marginal cost of health capital. This in turn depends on whether the marginal value of time has
increased or decreased post-retirement. Note that for a retiree, the marginal value of time is
necessarily higher than the potential wage rate in that period. If the marginal value of time is
increasing, this means that the retiree values her time more and may increase investment in health,
as previously noted, due to the increased emphasis on the consumption value of health. If, on the
other hand, the marginal value of time is decreasing post-retirement, we would expect the retiree to
decrease investment in health. Yet a decreased value of time also implies that the time cost of
visiting a physician or waiting in a queue to fill prescriptions would be lower, which may result in
an increase in health. The change in marginal cost relative to the change in marginal benefit partly
depends on the relative importance of time versus market inputs in the production of health. If
investment in health is more time-intensive relative to other goods, then a low marginal value of
time may actually lead to better health.7 On the other hand, a high marginal value of time after
retirement implies a high marginal cost of investing in health. Under the assumption of health
production being sufficiently more time-intensive, investment in health capital would decline post-
retirement in this case.8 Due to this theoretical ambiguity, the effect of retirement on health status
remains an empirical question.
7 This result holds constant other factors that determine the marginal benefit and supply cost of health capital. In
particular, the comparative static assumes constant marginal utility of income (λ) and consequently constant income.
8 The time intensity of health is not relevant under a pure-investment framework for health demand. In this case, where
health is not a consumption good, the demand for health capital is positively related to the marginal value of time as
long as health is produced with both time and market inputs. Under a pure consumption framework of health demand,
health production being more time-intensive relative to other commodities is sufficient for an inverse relation between
the demand for health capital and the marginal value of time.
Other specific mechanisms may further explain how investments in health may be affected
subsequent to retirement. Prior studies (Cohen, 2004; Melchior et al., 2003; Glass et al., 1999)
suggest that social interactions are strongly associated with physical and mental health. With social
interactions in the form of external memberships and church attendance on the decline, social
networks formed at work take on added importance and may buffer individuals from shocks that
may otherwise impact health (Saffer, 2005; Putnam, 2000). The transition from work to full
retirement, by reducing the degree of social interactions, may have a negative effect on mental and
physical health. Sugisawa et al. (1997) find that retirement reduced social contacts for males over
the age of 60 and induced social isolation. If social isolation induces depression, for instance, this
may also reinforce deterioration in physical health, since both have been found to go hand in hand.9
On the other hand, to the extent that work is stress-enhancing and utility-reducing, retirement may
lead to better physical and mental health.
Work and related actions may also be the primary form of physical activity and exercise for
many individuals. Grundy et al. (1999) report that 27 percent of males and 31 percent of females
get no regular physical activity outside of work. The positive benefits of physical activity on health
indicators, including coronary heart disease, weight, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, heart attack
and stroke, cerebral blood flow, overall mortality, and depression have been well-documented.10 To
the extent that the shift from work to retirement leads to a decline in the frequency or intensity of
physical activity, retirement may lead to worse health outcomes, ceteris paribus. On the other hand,
physical activity from the working years may be habit forming and may not decline upon
retirement, conditional on age effects.
9 Depression is associated with stroke (Jonas et al., 2000), heart failure (Abramson et al., 2001), reduced bone density
among the elderly (Robbins et al., 2001), and higher mortality (Blazer et al., 2001). Sternberg (2001) documents how
physical and psychological stresses can lead to illness by adversely affecting immune and hormonal responses. The
direction of causality is not well established and may run in both directions.
10 See for example Franco et al. (2005) and Lee and Skerrett (2001).
The Grossman paradigm is a convenient abstraction in that it assumes the individual has full
control over their health. Thus a standard critique concerns the lack of uncertainty in the production
of health capital. However, these mechanisms suggest that the individual does have some degree of
control over their health in support of a behavioral framework – for instance, through social
interactions, physical activity and exercise, risky behaviors such as smoking and drinking, diet, and
preventive health care utilization. While all health outcomes have varying degrees of uncertainty,
the indicators used in this study are found to be responsive to health behaviors and lifestyle factors
and therefore have a strong deterministic component.11 Lifestyle behaviors have been shown to be
strong indicators of a variety of health outcomes, including heart disease, depression, diabetes,
functional limitations, and other chronic disease. For instance, those who exercise and are
physically active during the day have greater physical function, or fewer ADL limitations, than
those who do not exercise (Brach et al. 2004). Injury is more likely in certain populations given the
roles of job demands, living conditions, and lifestyle (Chau et al. 2007). Self-management is key in
diseases such as diabetes (Tessier and Lassmann-Vague 2007), and lifestyle changes that affect the
metabolic syndrome help to prevent illnesses such as heart disease and stroke (Wong 2007). An
abundance of literature also points to lifestyle as a large determinant of obesity, which is associated
with a host of morbidities (NIDDKD 1996; Rashad 2006).
Empirically identifying the causal effect of retirement on health is complicated by two
issues. First, an individual’s retirement behavior and health status may depend on a common set of
unobserved factors (for example, life history and time preference). Second, retirement may be
endogenous to health. In addition to retirement affecting health outcomes, the literature has also
identified causality in the other direction.
11 In fact, it would be implausible (and we exploit this as a specification check) to find that retirement has significant
effects on health shocks that are independent of individual behaviors.
Consider linear specifications of the structural demand function for negative health
outcomes (Hit) and the labor supply function representing retirement (Rit):12
(3) Hit = α1 Rit + α2 Iit + α3 Xit + α4 μi + εit
(4) Rit = β1 Hit + β2 Eit + β3 Xit + β4 μi + ηit
Equation (3) is a demand function for health (Hit), which is a function of retirement (Rit),
determinants of health such as health insurance (Iit), observable characteristics such as age, gender,
race, and education (Xit), and unobservable characteristics pertaining to the individual, such as
family background, tolerance towards risk, and the rate of time preference (μi). Equation (4)
postulates labor supply in the form of full retirement (Rit). The vector Eit represents variables
specific to the retirement decision, such as employer-provided health insurance and retiree access to
health insurance. The vector μi denotes unobserved determinants of retirement that may also
influence health. The subscripts refer to the ith individual in time period t.
The parameter of interest is α1, the structural effect of retirement on negative health
outcomes. Ordinary least squares estimation of equation (3) may be biased. This is reflected in
equation (5), the quasi-reduced form labor supply function, obtained by substitution of equation (3)
into equation (4).
(5) Rit = (α2β1 / 1-α1β1) Iit + (β2 / 1-α1β1)Eit + (α3β1+ β3 / 1-α1β1) Xit +
(α4β1+ β4 / 1-α1β1) μi + (β1 / 1-α1β1) εit + (1 / 1-α1β1) ηit
Rit = π1 Ii + π2 Ei + π3 Xi + π4 μi + π5 εit + π6 ηit
If common unmeasured factors (μi) determine both health and retirement (α4 0 and β4 0), then
such unmeasured factors are likely to be correlated with retirement (π4 0). The possibility that
health influences the decision to retire also leads to correlated errors (β1 0, π5 0).
12 The health outcomes function is based on the demand for health model in Grossman (1972). The retirement function
is based on the standard labor supply model (for example, see Borjas, 2004). Intercepts are suppressed for convenience.
The estimation strategy exploits the longitudinal panels of the data to control for these
biases. The HRS contains a rich set of information on parental history, health insurance, and
indicators for tolerance towards risk and the rate of time preference. Even with the inclusion of
these controls, however, the possibility of unobserved selection remains. Since observed health
outcomes and labor force behavior for older adults are affected by an accumulation of life-cycle
factors, there may be unobserved individual characteristics that may have impacted current health
status and the decision to retire. The longitudinal aspect of the data allows for the estimation of
individual fixed effects (FE) models that control for all unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity
across individuals (μi).
Even after identifying off the within-person differences through the fixed effects, reverse
causality still remains (β1 0). The sign of β1 (the reverse effect of health on retirement) is
theoretically ambiguous, especially since poor health may force some individuals to withdraw from
the labor force and others to work longer to pay medical bills (Anderson and Burkhauser 1985;
Dwyer and Mitchell 1999; McGarry 2004). However, with respect to the measures of health
employed in this study, conditional on income or wealth, it is generally found (as discussed in
Section 2) that poor health drives early retirement. Thus, β1 is likely to be positive (negative health
outcomes may motivate retirement), which implies that the parameter π3 is also positive. This
would impart a positive correlation between retirement (Rit) and the structural error term (εit) in the
health demand function. The effect of retirement on adverse health outcomes in the FE models may
therefore be overstated.13
To account for this bias, the sample is stratified across individuals who had no major
illnesses or health problems in the waves prior to retirement. For these individuals, retirement is
much more likely to be exogenous to health. Since they are physically and mentally healthy in the
13 It can be shown that the bias due to structural endogeneity is equal to E[Σ (Rit - Ř) (εit) / Σ (Rit - Ř)2], which is positive
if Rit and εit are positively correlated.
waves prior to retirement, their subsequent retirement cannot have been driven by poor health
status. Individual FE specifications estimated for the pre-retirement healthy sample will therefore
provide the cleanest post-retirement health effects, for the average healthy individual.14 The
identifying assumption is that for individuals who are mentally and physically healthy at baseline
prior to retirement, the change in health status among those who retire later serves as a good
counterfactual for those who choose to retire earlier. The comparison of the full-sample and the
stratified-sample marginal effects will also provide an additional check for whether the endogeneity
bias is being alleviated in the hypothesized direction. Further specifications build on these and
exploit the longitudinal aspect of the data set to disentangle some of the driving mechanisms by
which retirement may impact health outcomes. Information on the reported reasons for retirement
also allows an alternative method of identifying individuals whose retirement decisions may be
exogenous to their health.
IV. Data
The analysis relies on the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), which is conducted by the
Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. The HRS is an ongoing longitudinal
study, which began in 1992 and is repeated biennially.15 Prior to 1998, the HRS cohort included
individuals born between 1931 and 1941, and a separate Study of Assets and Health Dynamics
Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) included individuals born before 1924. Since 1998, AHEAD
respondents have been contacted as part of a joint data collection effort with the HRS, and the
sample frame was also expanded by including cohorts born between 1924 and 1930 and those born
between 1942 and 1947. The present analysis utilizes the first seven waves, spanning 1992 through
14 This is equivalent to a differenced specification with individual fixed effects. Thus, the pre-post difference in health
status is compared across individuals retiring at different ages, conditional on the sample being healthy in all waves
prior to retirement.
15 Blacks, Hispanics, and Florida residents are oversampled. Sampling weights are provided to adjust for unequal
probabilities of sample selection.
2005, and restricts the sample to older adults between the ages of 50 and 75. This yields a
maximum sample size of about 77,194 person-wave observations.
The HRS is administered for the specific purpose of studying life-cycle changes in health
and economic resources, and includes detailed information on various health outcomes. A series of
twelve measures of physical and mental health are constructed from the data. A dichotomous
indicator is defined for whether the respondent self-reports that his or her health is poor. Additional
indicators are defined separately for whether the respondent reports that he or she has been
diagnosed with the following illnesses: diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,
arthritis, and psychological problems. A composite index measuring the number of these illnesses
is also defined and ranges from zero to six. Additional composite indices are defined to measure
difficulties associated with mobility and activities of daily living (ADL). The mobility index ranges
from zero to five and indicates difficulties in walking one block, walking several blocks, walking
across a room, climbing one flight of stairs, and climbing several flights of stairs. The ADL
difficulties index also ranges from zero to five and indicates difficulties in bathing, eating, getting
dressed, getting in or out of bed, and walking across a room. The HRS contains a depression scale,
as defined by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies (CES), which ranges from zero to eight. This
CESD score measures the sum of adverse mental health symptoms for the past week, including if
the respondent felt depressed, felt that everything was an effort, had restless sleep, was not happy,
felt lonely, felt sad, could not get going, and did not enjoy life. Studies have confirmed the validity
and reliability of the CESD scale as a screening instrument for the identification of major
depression in older adults (Irwin et al., 1999). These measures are chosen since they summarize a
broad range of physical and mental health outcomes and have some deterministic component that
can be affected in a behavioral framework. Specifically, these measures are correlated with lifestyle
factors such as diet, exercise, smoking and drinking, which means that they would be most likely to
reflect any causal effect of retirement through behavioral channels.
Dichotomous indicators are defined for complete retirement, if the respondent reports that he
is retired and not working, and for partial retirement, if the respondent reports that he is retired but
continues to work part-time. Individuals otherwise not in the labor force, including homemakers
and the disabled, are excluded from the analysis. Individuals who are partially retired are excluded
when estimating the effects of complete retirement on health. Similarly, individuals who are fully
retired are excluded from specifications estimating the effects of partial retirement. Thus, in both
analyses the reference category comprises of working individuals in the labor force, and this
facilitates the comparison of marginal effects across models.
Health outcomes differ across several observable socio-economic and demographic
dimensions. Indicators for gender, race, ethnicity, marital status, and no religious preference are
defined and included in the models. Age fixed effects control for any non-parametric declines in
health over the life cycle, allowing the retirement indicator to pick up shocks beyond general age-
related health deterioration. Real income is calculated for each individual from all available sources
including earnings, pension, supplemental security, social security retirement, and other government
transfers deflated by the consumer price index.16
An individual’s health status may also depend on access to care, which in turn is a function
of health insurance coverage. The respondent’s health insurance status is determined from various
questions. A coverage indicator is defined for whether the individual reports being covered by
health insurance under any governmental program including Medicare or Medicaid, under his own
16 Models were also estimated with alternate measures, including net household assets and net household income. The
results are not materially affected. Since these measures are missing for a larger proportion of the sample, reported
specifications control for income from all sources instead.
current or previous employer, under his spouse’s current or previous employer, or under any other
supplemental insurance.
The HRS further contains rich information on other variables that may confound the
relationship between retirement and health. Details on these variables are provided in Table 1. All
models include dichotomous indicators for year of the interview, to capture unobserved time-
varying factors, and indicators for eight census divisions, to capture unobserved differentials in
health care and outcomes across the regions. Weighted means for all variables for the full sample
and samples stratified across retirement status are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 indicates that about 38 percent of the sample are fully retired, with an additional 12
percent partially retired. The means also indicate that fully retired individuals are in poorer health.
For instance, retirees have 1.7 illnesses compared to one illness for those still working. Similar
statistically significant differences are observed for all other indicators of physical and mental
health. The figures further show that retirement is correlated with other observed and sometimes
unobserved characteristics. For example, retired individuals have completed fewer years of
schooling as well as have less educated parents. Fewer retirees are married, have a high income, or
have no insurance coverage. They are also more likely to be risk averse and differ somewhat in
their financial outlook.17 Thus there may be “positive selection” on observed characteristics –
individuals who are retired are not a random sample. They are also more likely to differ along
characteristics which generally are associated with worse health (less human capital, less parental
human capital, less income, non-married, Hispanic or other race, generally more present-oriented, to
name a few). The multivariate models account for these differences.
V. Results
17 Questions on tolerance towards risk are asked only once to each individual, and thus these variables do not vary over
time in the data set. See Barsky et al. (1997) for a detailed analysis of the risk preference module in the HRS.
Table 2 presents estimation of the baseline specifications (equation 3) for self-rated poor
health and mobility difficulties.18 In addition to basic demographic measures, the extended
specification includes health insurance status, parental characteristics, proxies for risk and time
preference along with age, year, and census division indicators. Conditional on these covariates,
complete retirement has a significant negative impact on health. It raises the probability of poor
health by 0.12 percentage points and increases the number of mobility difficulties by 0.66. The
effects of other factors are consistent with prior studies. Blacks and other races are of significantly
poor health relative to whites. Prior studies document that education makes individuals more
efficient in producing health, and hence educated individuals have better health outcomes
(Grossman and Kaestner, 1997). Married individuals are also healthier, as are non-religious
individuals. The marginal effect of income indicates that health is a normal good. One of the
channels by which retirement may affect health is through income (Ettner, 1996). Models which
exclude income (not reported) yield marginal effects of retirement on poor health outcomes that are
only slightly larger in magnitude. This indicates that the decline in income upon retirement is not
the main driver of the decline in health.
Individuals with better health endowment, as proxied by the life-span of the parents, are
healthier. Growing up with more educated parents also improves adult health outcomes. Risk-
averse individuals are healthier since they may be less likely to engage in risky activities, such as
smoking or drinking, or work in riskier occupations, which may adversely affect health (Saffer and
Dave, 2005; Barsky et al., 1997). Conditional on age, individuals who are more future-oriented, as
proxied by their planning horizon, are also healthier. These individuals may also be less likely to
engage in risky health behaviors and may make greater investments in their own health capital
(Fuchs, 1982). Health insurance has a negative impact on health, likely reflecting adverse selection.
18 Standard errors in all models are corrected for autocorrelation at the individual level using STATA’s cluster option.
In these models, the magnitudes of the marginal effects are quite large, relative to the
sample means. This implies there may still remain considerable selection on unobservable
characteristics and reverse causality which may be driving the link between health and retirement.
Since the decision to retire and adult health outcomes are generally the result of an accumulation of
life-cycle decisions to invest in health and human capital, most of the effects of retirement on health
may reflect heterogeneity across individuals. The longitudinal panels of the HRS allow for the
estimation of individual FE models that account for this unobserved heterogeneity. The marginal
effects of retirement on health remain significant, but decline substantially in magnitude by about
60 percent. This indicates positive selection on unobservables. For instance, these individuals may
have made inadequate investments in their own human capital or have dysfunctional family
upbringing that may lead to withdrawal from the labor force and worse adult health. This is
consistent with the unadjusted differences between retirees and workers (Table 1), which also
showed positive selection on observable characteristics.
The first two columns of Table 3 show the marginal effects for the extended and individual
fixed effects models for other measures of poor physical and mental health outcomes. While
controlling for individual fixed effects diminishes the magnitudes, retirement is found to have a
significant adverse effect on all proxies of physical and mental health. Results from the second
column of Table 3 show, for instance, that complete retirement worsens mobility by 34 percent,
leads to a 61.6 percent increase in difficulties associated with activities of daily living (ADL), leads
to a 7.9 percent increase in illnesses, and worsens mental health by between 11-14.5 percent,
relative to the sample means.
Identifying off the within-individual variation, conditional on age and income, the results are
analogous to a pre- and post-retirement difference in health status for each individual relative to
others retiring at different ages. However, the possibility remains that retirement itself may be
motivated by deteriorating health. This endogeneity would inflate the negative effects of retirement
on health. The last row of Table 3 serves as a check and suggests that this is indeed what may be
occurring. Restricting the sample to never-smokers and moderate drinkers, retirement is found to
raise the probability of cancer (excluding skin cancer) by 24.5 percent. It is implausible that post-
retirement lifestyle changes could cause such a large increase in cancer, although it needs to be
noted that lifestyle factors have the potential to affect certain types of cancer to some degree. 19 If
anything, retirement should have minimal or no impact on the probability of contracting cancer for
individuals who do not engage in risky activities.
To aid in bypassing endogeneity, the last two columns of Table 3 present estimation of the
individual FE models for samples restricted to individuals who were physically and mentally
healthy in the waves prior to retirement. Specifically, the sample is limited to those with no
mobility difficulties, no illness conditions (diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,
arthritis, cancer, or lung disease), and no reported psychological problems pre-retirement.
Retirement for these workers should not be motivated by poor health status and represents labor
force decisions orthogonal to current or past health. The effect sizes in these models are expected to
be smaller, given the positive bias due to endogeneity (see footnote 12).
The third column of Table 3 shows that the negative effects of complete retirement on health
are indeed generally much smaller in magnitude, though they remain statistically significant.
Retirement causes a 17-22 percent increase in difficulties associated with mobility and daily
activities, and a six percent increase in illnesses.20 It also leads to about a nine percent decline in
19 This counterfactual test is not a perfect one. Evidence has been put forth suggesting that some types of cancer are
affected by lifestyle, stressing good nutrition and physical activity in cancer prevention (Calle et al., 2003). However, if
large negative effects of retirement on cancer are found for non-risk engaging individuals, then the specifications may
still be reflecting endogeneity bias.
20 The semi-elasticities represent the effect for the average individual in the HRS sample, for transition from work to
full retirement. Assessing the effects for a one-standard deviation change in the probability of retirement yields
magnitudes which are about one-half those reported in the text. It should be noted that these effects are strictly
applicable only to the pre-retirement healthy group of individuals due to non-random sorting of pre-retirement healthy
mental health, as proxied by the CES Depression Scale.21 In addition, these specifications show
that while retirement negatively impacts health measures, which are most likely to be correlated
with lifestyle changes, it has no effect on cancer, where we do not expect to find any large effect.
Prior studies have highlighted important, though not always consistent, differences across
gender. To maximize sample size, differential effects by gender were estimated through an
interaction term for the specifications in Table 3 (results not reported). For males, retirement
generally leads to a larger decline in physical health outcomes as proxied by self-reported health,
difficulties in mobility and daily activities, illness conditions, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
However, with respect to the CES Depression Scale, retirement is found to have a larger negative
effect for females. This differential effect may be related to the reasons proposed for the overall
larger prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders among women at all stages of life (Nolan-
Hoeksema et al., 1999).
Health Insurance
Withdrawal from the labor force before the age of 65 may be accompanied by a change in
health insurance status, which may also be endogenous to health outcomes. The adverse health
effects post-retirement may reflect a decline in access to health care if retired individuals lose their
employer-sponsored coverage, are ineligible for Medicare if younger than 65 years of age, and opt
not to purchase private insurance. Furthermore, those who retire may be more likely to have
retirement coverage, and health insurance may also be picking up the propensity to be in poorer
and unhealthy individuals. As expected, the pre-retirement healthy group differs along observable characteristics from
those excluded in this analysis. The average individual in this sample is more likely to be a married, non-black, male
who is more future-oriented and has about a half-year more schooling, 16 percent more income, and more educated
parents, relative to the excluded individuals. To the extent that retirement may magnify some of the channels for those
who are unhealthy prior to retirement, the decline in health post-retirement may be larger. In this respect, these effects
may be interpreted as lower-bound estimates.
21 Since the typical individual in the HRS is observed for three post-retirement waves, these are cumulative effects being
realized over six years subsequent to retirement, on average.
health.22 This adverse selection was apparent in the extended specifications. Simple means also
show that retirees are more likely to be insured. To ascertain that the retirement effects are not
driven by selective changes into and out of coverage or retiree access to coverage, the sample is
constrained to individuals who are consistently insured in all waves. The marginal effects,
presented in the last column of Table 3, are not materially affected and remain statistically
significant.23 Conditional on individual fixed effects, shifts in and out of health insurance related to
retirement do not play a major role in the post-retirement decline in health.
Unobserved Health Shocks
While focusing on individuals who were healthy pre-retirement bypasses endogeneity from
observed health measures, one concern is that these individuals may nevertheless have experienced
a health shock between waves that may not be reflected in the diagnosed or reported health
outcomes at each wave. Utilizing information on reported changes in health status between waves
and reported reasons for retirement allows specification checks for this possibility. The first two
columns of Table 4 show individual FE results where the sample is restricted to those who did not
report any worsening of health in the wave of retirement (relative to the prior wave) and also did not
report any worsening of health in the wave prior to retirement. Thus, for an individual retiring in
Wave 4 to make it into the sample, he must not report any health deterioration between Waves 3
and 4, as well as between Waves 2 and 3. Plausibly, for this individual, the retirement decision is
orthogonal to any reported health deterioration or shocks between adjacent waves prior to their
retirement. Specification 2 employs a more restrictive sample – that is, individuals who did not
report any worsening of health between adjacent waves and with no observed ill-health measures
prior to their retirement. Although the effect sizes decline slightly in magnitude, the results remain
22 We thank an anonymous referee for highlighting this point.
23 Models are also estimated, explicitly controlling for health insurance status, history of coverage (number of prior
waves respondent was insured), and whether the respondent has access to retiree coverage through their employer or
their spouse’s employer. There are no significant differences in the results.
generally robust across all samples and health outcomes. The standard errors also remain relatively
stable across samples so as not to significantly alter inferences, despite smaller sample sizes in
specification 2.
In the HRS, reasons for retirement are probed at the time that the individual first reports
retirement, though there are various gaps and inconsistencies across waves. Four indicators are
found to be consistent across waves with minimal missing observations. These include the
following reasons for retirement: 1) Poor health, 2) Wanted to do other things, 3) Wanted to spend
more time with family, and 4) Did not like work. Columns 3-7 of Table 4 present results where this
information is exploited.24
Specification 3 is restricted to the sample that excludes all individuals who reported that
poor health was an important reason in their retirement decision. Across the four health indicators,
complete retirement is found to have a significant and adverse impact. Specification 4 excludes all
individuals who cite poor health as a retirement reason, and further restricts the sample to
individuals who were healthy (with respect to the observed indicators) in the waves prior to
retirement. Thus, this sample also addresses the concern of unobserved health shocks between
waves. To the extent that the individuals are healthy prior to retirement, and also do not attribute
their retirement to health reasons, retirement would be exogenous to health status for this group.
The results are not materially affected, though there is an increase in the standard errors due to
reduced sample size. The effect sizes in models 3 and 4 are slightly smaller in magnitude, yet this
may be consistent with potential “justification bias” that has been suggested in the literature. There
is concern that subjective reports of health are biased by individuals using poor health as a
justification for early retirement (Bound 1991; McGarry 2004). In this case, these restricted
24 We thank two anonymous referees for this suggestion.
samples would be excluding individuals who truly retired due to health reasons as well as those who
may have retired for other reasons but are using their health as a justification.
Models 5-7 look at the group of individuals who are healthy in the waves prior to retirement,
alternately stratifying by other (non-health related) reasons. Model 5 focuses on those who retired
“to do other things.” Models 6 and 7 focus on those who retired “to spend more time with family”
and those who retired because they “did not like work,” respectively. The coefficient magnitudes
are robust across most of these specifications, and also similar to the earlier models. Reduced
sample sizes inflate the standard errors, although the inferences are generally not affected. It is
perhaps not surprising that for those who did not like work, the results for the CESD scale are no
longer significant.
Sample Attrition
While selective attrition is a concern for all longitudinal datasets, it can be especially
relevant in our analysis of health outcomes due to death-related attrition. In the HRS, the average
mortality rate between waves is 2.3 percent. Thus, about 14 percent of the individuals who were
surveyed in the first wave (1992) have died by the seventh wave (2004). The mortality rate for the
HRS sample is consistent with the Social Security Administration life table mortality rates (Kapteyn
et al., 2006). Table 5 reports three different approaches to inform on potential bias due to this
attrition. In model 1, results from a balanced sample that only includes individuals who are
observed in all seven waves are presented. If selective attrition is severe, we would expect the
results from the unbalanced (Table 3, column 3) and balanced panels to be different. Comparing
the unbalanced panel with the balanced one, we find that the results are highly similar.
As a second strategy, models are estimated for a sample that excludes the passive attritors –
that is, individuals who are known to exit the HRS due to death at some future point in time. This
sample only includes individuals who are alive during all seven waves. Again, if selective attrition
due to mortality is severe, we would expect omitting the passive attritors to significantly alter the
results. The effect magnitudes (reported in specification 2) decline slightly, as expected, since
individuals who died and are presumably of the poorest health are being excluded. The overall
inferences and conclusions are not affected.
The third approach, results of which are shown in column 3, employs inverse probability
weights (IPW) to adjust for selection bias due to observable characteristics (Fitzgerald, Gottschalk
and Moffitt, 1998; Wooldridge, 2003). This involves using baseline characteristics (gender, race,
ethnicity, education, parental education, religion, and native-born) along with other time-varying
factors (age indicators, wave indicators, census division indicators) and lagged covariates (income,
marital status, and health insurance) to predict survival status. Most importantly, observed health
outcomes in the previous waves are also included to predict survival. Since past health status is
observed, this model is able to correctly predict about 82 percent of the attritors, based on a very
conservative cutoff of 0.9 for the predicted probability; with the standard cutoff of 0.5, the
prediction rate is 93 percent. The IPW technique involves weighting observations by 1/pi, where pi
represents the probability of survival, therefore giving more weight in the regression to those
individuals whose observable characteristics predict higher attrition rates. Estimates remain robust
to this correction.
Since these specifications show a consistently negative health effect, Table 6 estimates the
preferred individual FE models for the pre-retirement healthy sample, stratified across additional
dimensions.25 These stratifications shed light on some of the possible mechanisms for the post-
retirement decline in health.
25 Results are presented for the composite measures of physical and mental health. Estimates for the separate illness
conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease) follow the same pattern.
One hypothesis concerns the post-retirement reduction in social interactions and support that
were formed through and at work. Since studies have linked social interactions to better health, the
transition from work to full retirement may lead to deteriorating mental and physical health through
this channel. In this case, the negative effects of retirement should be larger for individuals without
a spouse or a partner. Social support from a spouse may help to buffer shocks and offset some of
the diminished external social interactions. The first two rows of Table 5 confirm this direction of
effect. Complete retirement generally leads to worse health for single relative to married
individuals. The difference is especially large for mental health, which is consistent with prior
studies that show social interactions to have a significant effect on depression (Cohen, 2004).
For many individuals, work-related activities may constitute the primary form of exercise
and physical activity. If retirement leads to a decline in the frequency or intensity of physical
activity, then health may deteriorate. The prevalence of engagement in physical activity post-
retirement is similar for those individuals with physically demanding work relative to others. The
decline in physical activity post-retirement is therefore steeper for individuals who had physically
demanding jobs prior to retirement. Ceteris paribus, retirement would be expected to have a larger
adverse health effect for these workers. The next two rows stratify the sample across individuals
who report that their job required a great deal of physical effort almost all of the time. Retirement is
found to deteriorate physical health more for these individuals relative to those in non-laborious
work.26 Similarly, retirement should cause the largest declines in health among those who do not
participate in vigorous physical activity post-retirement, to substitute for the drop in work-related
physical activity. The next two samples, stratified across individuals who participate and do not
participate in physical exercise after retirement, show that the marginal effects are indeed
26 Since the specification is limited to individuals who were physically and mentally healthy pre-retirement, controlling
for age and individual fixed effects, it is unlikely that the post-retirement worsening in health is significantly related to
their work.
substantially larger for those who do not remain physically active. Summary measures show that
for individuals who do not engage in physical activity, there is a slight increase in weight and the
probability of being overweight. This is consistent with the transition from work to full retirement
leading to negative lifestyle factors that worsen health.
In standard models of labor supply, it is assumed that leisure is utility-enhancing, and thus
work is utility-diminishing. In this case, retirement would be expected to yield benefits due to the
increase in leisure time, ceteris paribus. To the extent that this effect offsets some of the negative
health effects, retirement would be expected to have a smaller adverse effect on health for those
individuals who found work especially distasteful or stressful. The next two models are stratified
across individuals who report that their work involved a great deal of stress almost all of the time.
For these individuals, retirement is presumably stress-reducing, and consequently their decline in
physical and mental health is also expectedly smaller.
An additional stratification based on whether the retirement decision was voluntary or
involuntary is shown next.27 Among those who report that their retirement was “forced,” we further
exclude from the analysis individuals reporting health as a retirement reason. Conditions leading to
forced retirement include job displacements, employer policy towards older workers, care
obligations, and other personal reasons. Standard errors are inflated due to smaller sample sizes;
however, there is some evidence that the adverse effects of retirement on health are larger in the
event of forced retirement and smaller in the event of voluntary retirement.
Where the negative health effects of full retirement are mediated by other positive factors,
the magnitudes are found to be smaller. An additional robustness check is permitted by individuals
27 While mandatory retirement was widespread in the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s, it was abolished in 1986 and no
longer in practice due to anti age-discrimination laws (some exceptions remain for state and local police, firefighters
federal law enforcement and corrections officers, air traffic controllers, and commercial airline pilots). Since the HRS
begins in 1992, this does not permit the use of compulsory retirement rules for broad segments of the population as
exogenous shocks to retirement.
who are partially retired – that is, those who continue to do some part-time work after retiring from
their jobs. Complete retirement has adverse health effects, consistent with an increase in the
relative net price of health investment, a decline in social interactions and a decline in work-related
physical activity. If this is a causal relationship, then partial retirement would be expected to have
little or no adverse health effects since the incentive to avoid work loss from illness still exists,
which raises the marginal benefit of investing in health. Part-time work may also impart positive
effects through social support and physical activity. The final two rows of Table 6 confirm this
pattern. Partial retirement generally has a much smaller negative effect on health outcomes, relative
to full retirement. It is found to significantly increase the number of illness conditions by 0.055
[4.2%] and difficulties in daily activities by 0.016 [10%], compared with 0.083 [6.4%] and 0.027
[17%] for complete retirement. For other measures of physical and mental health, partial retirement
has no significant adverse effects.
Falsification Checks
If these estimated effects are due to causal behavioral changes prompted by retirement, the
effects should be spread out over time and not concentrated in the first wave post-retirement. If a
substantial health effect is observed in the first post-retirement observation, then this would suggest
that unobserved health shocks are motivating retirement or there are anticipation effects.28
Specification 1 in Table 7 estimates the individual FE models for the full sample that does not
adjust for endogeneity. As expected, there are large significantly negative effects of retirement on
health even in the first post-retirement wave. This suggests that the effect cannot plausibly be
causal, reflecting endogenous selection and possible anticipation effects. Specification 2 re-
estimates the FE model for the preferred conservative sample of individuals who are healthy in the
waves prior to retirement. None of the first post-retirement wave effects are significant, and most
28 We thank an anonymous reviewer for this suggestion.
of the effect of retirement on health is being realized in the latter periods. (The effect sizes for
depression are imprecisely measured due to inflated standard errors.) Specification 3 restricts the
analysis to only the first wave after retirement. The effect sizes continue to be insignificant and
small in magnitude. These results are validating, in that they do not show any large immediate
effects that might cast doubt on a causal interpretation.
As an additional specification check, a pseudo-retirement indicator is constructed to gauge
whether the preferred models are bypassing the endogeneity bias. It is defined such that an
individual who retired in wave 5 is falsely assigned retirement in a prior wave (wave 3 in this case),
and so on. The last two columns of Table 7 present the marginal effects of pseudo-retirement on
poor health outcomes for the extended and preferred specifications.29 Pseudo-retirement should
have no causal adverse effect on health outcomes, since it is not inherently reflecting any real
change in status. In the extended models, however, the indicator has a strong, significantly negative
effect on all measures of health. This suggests that the effects are biased upwards (in magnitude)
due to endogeneity. Pseudo-retirement is picking up systematic variations across individuals and
other concurrent shifts related to aging, health, and labor force behavior. If the preferred
specifications are successful in removing the endogeneity, then the marginal effect of pseudo-
retirement should decline to zero and become insignificant. The last column reassuringly confirms
this to be the case.
Alternative Identification
Models based on instrumental variables are also estimated, though these results should be
interpreted with caution due to the inherent difficulties of identifying valid instruments. The sample
was limited to those who reported that they expected to retire at the same time as their spouse, and
further limited to those who reported that they were not concerned about inadequate retirement
29 For this analysis, the sample is limited to non-retired individuals. If retired individuals are included in the sample, the
pseudo-indicator may still pick up subsequent negative health effects of actual retirement.
income. For these individuals, the spouse’s retirement status (complete, partial, or non-retired) is a
significant predictor for own-retirement status. The instruments are also orthogonal to own health,
conditional on own retirement and wealth, and they “pass” the overidentification test. Results from
these models indicate marginal effects somewhere between the full sample individual FE and the
pre-retirement healthy sample individual FE models. The standard errors are larger, making the
estimate imprecise for illness conditions. Models are also estimated separately for those individuals
who retired at age 62. Retirement at age 62 is likely to have a larger exogenous component (relative
to other ages), since the spike is related to social security and other pension eligibility. The
marginal effects tend to be similar to those based on the individual FE models for the pre-retirement
healthy sample. These results are presented in Table 8.30
VI. Conclusions
While unadjusted differences document a strong negative effect of complete retirement on
health, the aim of this study was to examine how much of this association is consistent with a causal
mechanism and how much of it is being driven by non-random selection and endogeneity.
Estimates suggest that indeed most of the observed difference (80-90 percent) is due to such
confounding. However, a sizable residual effect remains that is consistent with a behavioral
framework. Results from the preferred specifications indicate that complete retirement leads to a 5-
16 percent increase in difficulties associated with mobility and daily activities, a 5-6 percent
increase in illness conditions, and a 6-9 percent decline in mental health. These are average
cumulative effects realized over a period of about six years post-retirement.
30 In the HRS, the primary mode in retirement age is 62, followed by 60 and 65. Examining only those individuals who
retired at age 65 yields similar effects though they are imprecisely estimated due to reduced sample sizes. In order to
gauge the timing of moving into a sick state, hazard models of poor health against retirement were also implemented.
For both the full and preferred samples, there is positive duration dependence and retirement is found to increase the
hazard of subsequent poor health. Results are available upon request.
Additional checks indicate that the effects tend to operate through lifestyle changes
including declines in physical activity and social interactions. Future research should focus on these
lifestyle shifts and other channels by which retirement impacts health. The adverse health effects
are mitigated if the individual is married and has social support, continues to engage in physical
activity post-retirement, or continues to work part-time upon retirement. There is also some
evidence that the adverse health effects are larger in the event of involuntary retirement. In this
case, programs that help older workers forced into retirement find alternative employment
opportunities may be health-promoting. On the other hand, voluntary withdrawal from the labor
force also has some negative health impact that is consistent with changes in health behaviors and
lifestyle post-retirement. This does not necessarily suggest that individuals who retire early or
voluntarily are irrational or that they have not considered the full implications of retirement,
including the change in environment or incentives. Indeed, the behavioral framework presupposes
some rationality.31 However, if retirement decisions are “forced” or voluntary retirement is
rationally based on market constraints (delayed retirement credit in Social Security or private
pensions, incentives in defined-benefit plans, labor market inflexibility regarding hours or work
opportunities), then there may be room for altering these market constraints so as to improve the
health of older adults, ceteris paribus.
With the financial difficulties facing Social Security and Medicare compounded by an aging
population retiring earlier, policymakers have pressed for higher retirement ages.32 For employer
31 An alternative explanation involves hyperbolic discounting and time-inconsistent preferences. When the individual is
working, the investment return from staying healthy in the form of higher income and productivity provides a
commitment device to continue investing in health. Indeed, about 30 percent of Americans report no regular physical
activity outside of work. The individual may retire, knowing that he will have more free time and thinking that he will
continue to stay active and invest in a healthy lifestyle. However, upon retirement, a retiree with hyperbolic discounting
may keep postponing such investments (for example, joining a gym, eating healthy, staying active, or quitting smoking)
which in turn may adversely impact health.
32 Alan Greenspan headed up the 1983 bipartisan commission that raised the Social Security payroll tax and enacted an
increase in the retirement eligibility age. He continued thereafter to press for further increases in the retirement age,
given the improving feasibility of work at older ages.
and private pension plans, 60 remains a popular age for benefits eligibility. Furthermore, the Social
Security system as well as many private pension plans contains incentives that may discourage
work for certain individuals.33
The negative effects of retirement on subsequent health status found in this study have held
up to various specification and robustness checks, and yet should nevertheless be interpreted with
caution due to the striking nature of the results. The estimates have policy implications, however,
and should be considered in any policy evaluation that aims at shifting the retirement age. Ceteris
paribus, retiring at a later age would lessen or postpone poor health outcomes, raising well-being
and reducing the utilization of health care services, particularly acute care. Thus, policies that raise
the retirement age, while improving the financial liability of Social Security, may also curb the
long-term growth in Medicare expenditures, even if the Medicare eligibility age remains
33 See Quadagno and Quinn (1997) and Mitchell (1992), for instance. It should be noted that Social Security’s delayed
retirement credit has been increasing on a phased basis for individuals born after 1928. While the initial credit rate of 4
percent may have been less than actuarially fair, the applicable credit rate for prospective retirees born after 1942 is 8
percent. This would seem in fact to be actuarially fair.
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Table 1
Weighted Sample Means 1
Variable Definition All Retired Non-Retired
Complete Retirement Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is fully
retired 0.379
Partial Retirement Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is partially
retired 0.115***
_ _
Good Health Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent reported
health as being excellent or very good 0.489***
Poor Health Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent reported
health as poor 0.059***
Mobility Difficulties Index for mobility problems ranging from 0 to 5,
indicating the respondent reporting any difficulty in
walking 1 block, walking several blocks, walking across a
room, climbing 1 flight of stairs, and climbing several
flights of stairs
Activities of Daily
Living (ADL)
Index for problems in Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
ranging from 0 to 5, indicating the respondent reporting
any difficulty in bathing, eating, getting dressed, getting
in/out of bed, and walking across a room
Illness Conditions Index of respondent’s diagnosed conditions, ranging from
0 to 6, indicating high blood pressure, diabetes, heart
problems, stroke, psychiatric problems, and arthritis
Diabetes Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she has diabetes 0.126***
Heart Disease Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she had a heart attack,
coronary heart disease, angina, congestive heart failure, or
other heart problems
Stroke Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she had a stroke 0.043***
High Blood Pressure Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she has high blood pressure 0.420***
Arthritis Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she has arthritis or
Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she had emotional, nervous,
or psychiatric problems
Center for
Epidemiologic Studies
Depression (CESD)
Index of mental health for respondent, ranging from 0 to
8, indicating the negative mental health symptoms for last
week (depressed, everything an effort, restless sleep, not
happy, lonely, sad, could not get going, and did not enjoy
Cancer Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has ever
been told by doctor that he or she has had cancer or a
malignant tumor of any kind, except skin cancer
Age Age of respondent 61.437***
Male Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is male 0.510***
Black Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is black
but not Hispanic 0.095***
Other Race Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent’s race is
other than white, black, or Hispanic 0.036*** 0.031 0.039
Hispanic Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is
Hispanic 0.058***
Education Years of education completed 12.779***
Married Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is married 0.695***
No Religious
Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has no
religious preference 0.069***
Income Total individual income from all sources, measured in
thousands of 1982-1984 dollars 16.884***
Health Insurance Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent has any
type of health insurance coverage 0.935***
Mother’s Age Age of mother, or age at death 75.349***
Father’s Age Age of father, or age at death 71.310***
Mother’s Education Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent’s mother
has attended 8 or more years of school 0.727***
Father’s Education Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent’s father
has attended 8 or more years of school 0.644***
Native Born Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent was born
in the United States 0.918***
Risk Averse Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent is very
risk averse 0.634***
Planning Horizon 5-10
Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent’s relevant
financial planning horizon is 5-10 years 0.295***
Planning Horizon
More than 10 Years
Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent’s relevant
financial planning horizon is greater than 10 years 0.104
New England Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the New England region 0.051**
Mid Atlantic Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the Mid Atlantic region 0.140***
East North Central Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the East North Central region 0.167
West North Central Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the West North Central region 0.090***
South Atlantic Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the South Atlantic region 0.209***
East South Central Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the East South Central region 0.055***
West South Central Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the West South Central region 0.090
Mountain Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the Mountain region 0.054
Pacific Dichotomous indicator for whether respondent resides in
the Pacific region 0.142
Vigorous Physical Dichotomous variable that equals 1 if respondent is 0.399*** 0.360 0.421
Activity physically active 3 or more days a week (0.490)
Physical Work Dichotomous indicator for whether the respondent’s job
required a lot of physical effort most or all of the time 0.353**
Stressful Work Dichotomous indicator for whether the respondent’s job
involved much stress most or all of the time 0.543***
Year Year of interview 1999.120***
Observations 77,194 31,411 44,799
1 Data are for individuals ages 50 to 75 from waves 1 to 7 of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Standard deviations are in
parentheses. Number of observations listed represents the maximum number. For some variables, the actual sample size is slightly
less due to missing information. Retired and Non-Retired samples exclude individuals who are partially retired. Asterisks denote that
the difference between the Retired and Non-Retired samples is statistically significant as follows: *** significant at the one-percent
level ** significant at the five-percent level * significant at the ten-percent level.
Table 2
Full Sample
Dependent Variable Poor Health Mobility Difficulties
Specification Extended Individual
Fixed Effects
Extended Individual
Fixed Effects
Complete Retirement 0.1163***
Male 0.0152***
_ -0.1981***
Black 0.0052
_ 0.0431*
Other Race 0.0236***
_ 0.0593
Hispanic -0.0145**
_ -0.0956***
Education -0.0102***
_ -0.0494***
Married -0.0306***
No Religious
_ 0.0321
Income -0.0001***
Health Insurance 0.0137***
_ 0.1136***
Mother’s Age -0.0003***
_ -0.0031***
Father’s Age -0.0001
_ -0.0024***
Mother’s Education -0.0068
_ -0.0011
Father’s Education -0.0125***
_ -0.1076***
Native Born 0.0016
_ 0.1347***
Risk Averse -0.0051*
_ -0.0132
Planning Horizon 5-10
_ -0.1133***
Planning Horizon
More than 10 Years
_ -0.1474***
Age Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Census Division Fixed
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Individual Fixed
No Yes No Yes
Observations 53,551 75,727 53,400 72,905
Standard errors are robust clustered at the individual level and reported in parentheses. Semi-elasticity of
health outcome with respect to retirement, evaluated at the sample mean, is reported in brackets. Sample is
limited to individuals ages 50 to 75. Significance is defined as follows: *** significant at the one-percent
level ** significant at the five-percent level * significant at the ten-percent level.
Table 3
Alternate Samples 1
1 2 3 4
Dependent Variable
Extended Individual Fixed
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Consistently Insured
in All Waves
Poor Health 0.1163***
Mobility Difficulties 0.6593***
Activities of Daily
Living (ADL)
Illness Conditions 0.4972***
Diabetes 0.0657***
Heart Disease 0.0987***
Stroke 0.0428***
High Blood Pressure 0.0910***
Arthritis 0.1170***
Depression (CESD)
Cancer 2 0.0145*
1 See notes to Table 2. Each cell represents the marginal effect of Complete Retirement on the given health outcome
from a separate regression. Sample sizes range from 53,551 to 75,752 (specifications 1 & 2) and from 4,951 to 5,289
(specifications 3 & 4). Each specification includes the same covariates listed in Table 2.
2 Sample is limited to never-smokers and moderate drinkers.
Table 4
Unobserved Health Shocks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Individual Fixed
Did not report
worsening of
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Did not report
worsening of
Individual Fixed
Health not a
reason for
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Health not a
reason for
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Retired: To do
other things
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Retired: To
spend more time
with family
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Retired: Did not
like work
Activities of Daily
Living (ADL)
Illness Conditions 0.0650***
(CESD) Scale
See notes to Table 3. Sample sizes range from 4,519 to 5,289 (specifications 1-5) and 970 to 3,193 (specifications 6-7). Significance is defined as
follows: *** significant at the one-percent level ** significant at the five-percent level * significant at the ten-percent level.
Table 5
Sample Attrition
1 2 3
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Sample Attrition:
Balanced panel
Waves 1-7
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Sample Attrition:
Excluding all
Passive Attritors
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Sample Attrition:
Inverse Probability
Activities of Daily
Living (ADL)
Illness Conditions 0.0809***
(CESD) Scale
See notes to Table 3. IPWs are predicted using baseline characteristics (gender, race, ethnicity,
education, parental education, religion, and native-born) along with other time-varying factors
(age indicators, wave indicators, census division indicators), lagged covariates (income, marital
status, and health insurance), and health status in the prior wave. Significance is defined as
follows: *** significant at the one-percent level ** significant at the five-percent level *
significant at the ten-percent level.
Table 6
Stratified Samples 1
Dependent Variable
Specification Mobility
Unmarried 0.1737***
Married 0.1487**
Job required Physical Effort 0.2121***
Job did not require Physical
Non-Participation in Vigorous
Physical Activity Post-Retirement
Participation in Vigorous
Physical Activity Post-Retirement
Job was Non-Stressful 0.1706***
Job was Stressful 0.1503***
Retirement was Involuntary
(Excluding health as a reason)
Retirement was Voluntary 0.0504**
Complete Retirement
(Reproduced from Table 3)
Partial Retirement 2 0.0022
1 Each cell represents the marginal effect of Retired on the given health outcome from a separate regression. All
specifications include Married (except in samples stratified by Married), Income, and fixed effects for age, year, census
division and the individual. Standard errors are robust clustered at the individual level and reported in parentheses.
Sample is limited to individuals ages 50 to 75, who had no mobility difficulties, no illness conditions, and no psychological
problems in the wave prior to retirement. Significance is defined as follows: *** significant at the one-percent level **
significant at the five-percent level * significant at the ten-percent level.
2 Sample excludes individuals who are completely retired.
Table 7
Specification Checks
Timing 1 Pseudo-Retirement
1 2 3 4 5
Dependent Variable
Individual Fixed
Full Sample
Timing of
Retirement Effect
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Timing of
Retirement Effect
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Restricting Effect
to first Post-
Retirement Wave
Individual Fixed
Healthy Pre-
Wave 1
Mobility Difficulties
Waves 2+
Wave 1
Activities of Daily Living
(ADL) Difficulties
Waves 2+
Wave 1
Illness Conditions
Waves 2+
Wave 1
Depression (CESD) Scale
Waves 2+
Notes: The extended specification includes covariates listed in Table 2. The individual fixed effects specification also includes Married, Income, and fixed
effects for Age, Year, and Census Division, and is limited to individuals who had no mobility difficulties, no illness conditions, and no psychological problems in
the wave prior to retirement. Standard errors are robust clustered at the individual level and reported in parentheses. Significance is defined as follows: ***
significant at the one-percent level ** significant at the five-percent level * significant at the ten-percent level.
1 See text and notes to Table 3.
2 Each cell represents the marginal effect of Pseudo-Retired indicator on the given health outcome from a separate regression. The sample is further limited to
non-retired individuals.
Table 8
Alternate Identification Methods
Instrumental Variables & Retirement Mode
Dependent Variable
Instrumental Variables 1
Individual Fixed Effects
Retired at Age 62 2
Mobility Difficulties 0.2299*
F = 112.15***
Hansen J = 2.62
Activities of Daily
Living (ADL)
F = 112.15***
Hansen J = 0.55
Illness Conditions 0.2472
F = 112.15***
Hansen J = 0.38
Depression (CESD)
F = 122.14***
Hansen J = 0.38
1 Each cell represents the marginal effect of Retired on the given health outcome from a separate IV
regression. The excluded instruments are indicators for whether the spouse is completely or partially
retired. The sample is limited to married individuals who reported that they plan on retiring at the same
time as their spouse and they are not concerned about inadequate retirement income. Standard errors are
reported in parentheses. The joint F-statistic on the excluded instruments is reported. Hansen J is the
Chi-squared statistic on the test of overidentifying restrictions.
2 Each cell represents the marginal effect of Retired on the given health outcome from a separate
regression. The sample is limited to individuals who retired at age 62. Standard errors are reported in
... Our main predictor is retirement, assessed by asking respondents about their retirement status, which had three categories: 0 = not retired; 1 = completely retired; 2 = partially retired. We grouped them into two categories: 0 = not retired (combining categories 0 and 2) or 1 = fully retired (category 1) (Dave et al., 2008;Carr et al. 2023). Sensitivity analysis categorized retirement as 0 = not retired, 1 = completely retired, and 2 = partially retired (excluding working due to multicollinearity) yielded consistent results. ...
... Some studies exclude individuals returning to work, potentially masking true associations (Atalay & Barrett, 2022). Prior research has used similar approaches to test retirement's association with mental health (Dave et al., 2008;Segel-Karpas et al., 2018). ...
Objectives: Both alcohol use and the prevalence of depression-depressive disorders, among older adults have increased over the past several decades and have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. To our knowledge, the interactions between retirement, depression, and alcohol use have not yet been examined. This study aims to longitudinally explore the mediating role of alcohol use on the association between retirement and depressive symptoms in the United States, comparing individuals who are retired and not retired, while also exploring individuals who transitioned into and out of retirement at different times. Method: Data from the Health and Retirement Study (waves 1994 to 2020) were used. Respondents aged 50 years and older who had valid information on retirement status and had observations for at least 3 waves were included in our sample (n = 27,575; nt = 193,642). A generalized longitudinal mixed-effect model was conducted on depressive symptoms (CESD-8). Direct, indirect, and total effects were calculated to test the mediating mechanism of alcohol use. Results: Retirement was associated with increased depressive symptoms (b = 0.04, p < 0.05), while moderate alcohol use was associated with decreased depressive symptoms (b = -0.09, p < 0.05), and binge drinking was associated with increased depressive symptoms (b = 0.06, p < 0.05). Alcohol played a mediating role in the association between retirement and depressive symptoms, with moderate use serving as a protective factor. Conclusion: Screening and treating depression and alcohol misuse among older adults is key to promoting longer and healthier lives. Providing alternative coping mechanisms to heavy alcohol consumption for retirees is crucial.
... This fulfillment of social and psychological needs promotes overall physical and mental health. Some researchers suggest that the health effects of labor participation depend on the relationship between the marginal costs of health investments and the marginal benefits of health consumption (25), with moderate work promoting health, while high-intensity and longterm work can harm it. ...
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Objectives This study aims to examine the role of social networks in influencing the physical and mental health of older Chinese adults, investigating both the underlying mechanisms and the associations between social networks, labor force participation, and health outcomes. Methods Using data from the 2021 China General Social Survey (CGSS), we analyzed a sample of 1,332 older adults, incorporating demographic and health-related variables. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and mediation analysis were conducted to evaluate the effects of social networks on health outcomes, with subgroup analyses by gender and education level. Stata 18.0 and SPSS were employed to perform all statistical analyses. Results Social networks demonstrate a significant positive effect on overall, physical, and mental health at the 1% level, with weak-tie networks exhibiting a more substantial impact on health (β = 0.1146, p < 0.01). In promoting physical health, social networks have a coefficient of 0.1371 (p < 0.001) for females and 0.2128 (p < 0.001) for males. Among individuals with lower education, the coefficient is 0.1561 (p < 0.001), while for those with higher education, it is 0.2184 (p < 0.001). Regarding mental health, social networks yield a coefficient of 0.0747 (p > 0.05) for females and 0.1095 (p < 0.01) for males; for individuals with lower education, the coefficient is 0.0914 (p < 0.01), and for those with higher education, it is 0.0441 (p > 0.05). Media use, subjective wellbeing, and perceived social class are key explanatory mechanisms in the relationship between social networks and health of the older adult. Notably, subjective wellbeing and perceived social class function as chain mediators between social networks and health outcomes. The interaction between social networks and labor participation reveals a significant negative coefficient (β = −0.1864, p < 0.01). Conclusion Social networks contribute to improved health in older adults, with weak ties playing a particularly significant role, although the effect varies across subgroups. Media use, subjective social class, and wellbeing are important mechanisms linking social networks with older adult health, while labor force participation may serve as a substitute for social networks in health promotion among older adults. This study will inform the improvement of older adults health and the development of labor policies for older adults.
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Introduction Retirement represents a significant life transition and is associated with individual health outcomes. Previous studies on the health effects of retirement have yielded inconsistent conclusions. This study aimed to estimate the impact of retirement on the body mass index (BMI) and BMI-defined overweight and obesity. Methods Between 2012 and 2015, this study included 88,471 public sector participants from the Chinese Hypertension Survey (CHS) while excluding those working in the private sector. By utilizing the fuzzy regression discontinuity design (FRDD), this research evaluated the direct impact of retirement on the BMI, as well as on the overweight and obesity rates. Additionally, the study examined variations in the effects of retirement among groups stratified by sex and educational attainment. Results The fully adjusted model suggested that retirement did not have a significant impact on the BMI or overweight and obesity rates of the overall population. Notably, retirement significantly impacted the male participants, resulting in an increase in their BMI of 2.18 (95% CI 0.23–4.13), but did not affect the BMI of the female participants. Furthermore, individuals with lower educational backgrounds experienced more pronounced BMI changes upon retirement. Conclusions On average, retirement has no significant impact on the BMI and overweight and obesity rates. Retirement leads to an increase in the BMI among men but does not affect that in women. When considering adjustments to existing retirement policies, the differential health effects of retirement across various populations should be taken into account.
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Considering the demographic shift towards an ageing population, the financial threats that arise after retirement and the ongoing debates about extending working life, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the impact of retirement on the health of older individuals. This article presents a systematic review conducted according to the standards established by PRISMA statement CINAHL and APA PsycArticles databases by EBSCOhost, Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, for longitudinal studies published between 2013 and 2023. The aim of the review was to synthesise evidence of the effects of retirement on health, for example physical functioning, morbidity or mortality. From 1,757 records, 19 papers were included. Twelve longitudinal studies consistently linked retirement to declining physical function, increased disease prevalence and higher all-cause mortality risk. The evidence did not show a clear conclusion on biomarkers as health outcomes. The article identifies five explanatory mechanisms behind the retirement-health relationship: working conditions, retirement types, financial security, lifestyle changes and social participation. Retirement can have some adverse effects on health; however, the health consequences of withdrawal are likely to vary by pre-retirement factors. These findings carry implications for the current debate of extending working life and the social security system for older people.
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Objectives: Aging older adults experience psychological anxiety along with declines in physical function, which decreases the level of active aging and physical activity participation. The purpose of this study was to identify the moderating effect of self-efficacy on active aging to improve the occupational participation of community-dwelling older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among older adults in Gwangju and Jeollanamdo using the snowball sampling method. The final sample consisted of 280 adults. The survey included demographic data, the Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement Assessment Log, the Anxiety about Aging Scale, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Active Aging Scale, respectively. Using the Hayes PROCESS macro (Models 3.3), moderated effect analyses were performed. Results: A total of 307 participants (aged 65–92 years) and 280 data points were used in the final analysis after excluding 27 incomplete data points. The physical function of older adults has a positive effect on active aging, aging anxiety significantly predicts negative effects, and self-efficacy shows a moderating effect on the relationship between physical function, aging anxiety, and active aging. Conclusions: This study shows the moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between physical function, aging anxiety, and active aging in older people. These results suggest that a psychological support program to promote self-efficacy is an important resource as a community support system to prevent decline in occupational participation due to physical function decline and aging anxiety and to improve active aging in older people.
Objectives This study examines whether social engagement at the time of retirement is associated with better cognitive function and slower cognitive decline. Methods Data come from 10 waves of the Health and Retirement Study, linked with data from the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey (CAMS). Respondents included those who had transitioned from working full-time to partial or full retirement. Social engagement was measured across 5 social activities and grouped into 4 categories. Results In fully adjusted regression models, higher frequency of participation in social activities was associated with higher cognitive function at the time of retirement but not with slower cognitive decline after retirement. An increase in social activities after retirement was not associated with better cognitive function or slower cognitive decline. Discussion These findings do not offer evidence that higher frequency of social engagement or increases in social engagement after retirement protect against post-retirement cognitive decline.
Background and Objectives Recent research has explored the spillover effects of retirement on spousal well-being, yet limited attention has been given to the short-term impact on spousal disability. This study explored the asymmetric spillover impact of retirement on spouses’ disability severity among a national cohort of urban residents in China. Research Design and Methods Utilizing 4 waves of data (2011–2018) from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey, we employ a nonparametric regression discontinuity design to estimate the short-term effect of retirement on spousal disability severity. Disability is assessed based on their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Furthermore, we conduct heterogeneity analysis stratified by factors such as the husband’s retirement status, health conditions, lifestyle behaviors, and the wife’s educational level. Additionally, we explore potential mechanisms including changes in health behaviors, emotions, and disease diagnoses. Results Our findings indicate that wives’ retirement has a significant favorable short-term effect on husbands’ ADL scores, with a magnitude of −0.644 points (−9.78% relative to baseline). A significant beneficial effect of wives’ retirement on the prevalence of husbands’ difficulty in dressing, bathing, and eating was observed with substantial magnitudes of 0.075, 0.201, and 0.051 points, respectively. Various heterogeneity analyses and sensitivity tests confirmed the robustness of our results. The positive spillover effect of wives’ retirement likely results from reduced negative emotions in husbands. In contrast, husbands’ retirement does not affect the prevalence of ADL/IADL disability in their wives. Discussion and Implications Underscoring the gender asymmetry in the effects of spousal retirement on disability, this study emphasizes the need for tailored policies considering men’s and women’s distinct disability experiences.
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Using data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), we examine the impacts of retirement on subjective well-being (SWB) among formal sector workers in China. Retirement negatively affects formal sector workers’ life satisfaction, marital satisfaction, and satisfaction with children, as well as worsens depression. We compare the impacts of retirement based on labor force participation with those based on statutory retirement under the mandatory retirement policy on SWB. Both retirement criteria exhibit negative impacts on SWB; however, because many workers continue to work even after being classified as retired statutorily, the negative effect of retirement on SWB is underestimated when using the statutory retirement definition. Additionally, the analyses of gender, regional, and occupational heterogeneity indicate that different subgroups exhibit the same negative impacts of retirement on SWB; however, the significance levels vary across different outcome variables. Finally, by discussing the push and pull factors on retirement decisions and conducting a mechanism analysis, we enrich the narrative on the impact of retirement on SWB and provide evidence for the reform of retirement postponement policies in China.
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It was hypothesized that women are more vulnerable to depressive symptoms than men because they are more likely to experience chronic negative circumstances (or strain), to have a low sense of mastery, and to engage in ruminative coping. The hypotheses were tested in a 2-wave study of approximately 1,100 community-based adults who were 25 to 75 years old. Chronic strain, low mastery, and rumination were each more common in women than in men and mediated the gender difference in depressive symptoms. Rumination amplified the effects of mastery and, to some extent, chronic strain on depressive symptoms. In addition, chronic strain and rumination had reciprocal effects on each other over time, and low mastery also contributed to more rumination. Finally, depressive symptoms contributed to more rumination and less mastery over time.
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Researchers during the past decade have found little effect of retirement on physical health. However, retirement entails a number of losses, and its effect on mental health, as measured by the prevalence of psychological symptoms, is unclear. We examined psychological symptoms in a sample of 1,513 older men, participants in the Normative Aging Study, using the SCL-90-R (Derogatis, 1983). Analyses of variance indicated that retirees reported more psychological symptoms than did workers, even after controlling for physical health status. Exploratory analyses examining the circumstances of retirement found no effects for length of retirement or part-time employment, but did find effects for the timing of retirement. Both early and late retirees reported more psychological symptoms. Late workers (aged 66 and older) reported the fewest symptoms. Reasons for these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) has been widely used in studies of late-life depression. While the CES-D is convenient to use in most settings, it can present problems for elderly respondents who may find the response format confusing, the questions emotionally stressful, and the time to complete burdensome. A briefer 10-item version has been proposed, but there are few data on its properties as a screening instrument. The 10-item CES-D was administered in 2 studies. In study 1, a stratified sample of middle-aged depressed patients (n = 40) and comparison controls (n = 43) were administered the CES-D to determine an optimal cutoff score. In study 2, the accuracy of the CES-D optimal cutoff score was tested in a sample of adults older than 60 years (n = 68). Major depression diagnoses were derived from the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Third Edition, with consensus diagnoses using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Reliability statistics with the 10-item CES-D were found to be comparable to those reported for the original CES-D. Using an optimal cutoff score of 4 in study 1, the sensitivity of the 10-item CES-D was 97%; specificity, 84%; and positive predictive value, 85%. In the study 2 sample of older adults, the sensitivity of the CES-D was 100%; specificity, 93%; and positive predictive value, 38%. The 10-item CES-D has excellent properties for use as a screening instrument for the identification of major depression in older adults.
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This study examines the effects of social ties (with spouse, children, friends, neighbors, other relatives, and community groups) on depressive symptom levels in U.S. and Japanese adults aged 60 and over. Nationally representative survey data from the United States (N= 1,419) and Japan (N= 2,200) indicate that having a spouse, or increased contacts with friends, neighbors and relatives was associated with fewer depressive symptoms in both samples. The effects of spousal presence were significantly larger in the United States than in Japan. The presence of children was associated with fewer depressive symptoms in Japan only, and this effect was significantly stronger among those currently unmarried as opposed to those who are currently married. We discuss these similarities and differences between countries.
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of risk factors known to promote or increase the risk for development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Approximately one-third of the adult population of developed countries can be categorized as having MetS by different definitions. MetS, even in the absence of diabetes mellitus, is associated with an increased risk of CVD and total mortality. Those with diabetes mellitus are considered a cardiovascular risk equivalent and warrant aggressive management of underlying risk factors to optimize prevention of CVD. Initial evaluation of coronary heart disease risk involves global risk estimation using Framingham or other algorithms for risk prediction. Consideration of screening for novel risk factors such as C-reactive protein, as well as subclinical atherosclerosis (from carotid ultrasound, computed tomography, or ankle-brachial index), can further refine the estimation of future CVD risk. The presence of subclinical atherosclerosis or elevated levels of C-reactive protein can potentially modify recommended treatment goals for lipid and other cardiovascular risk factors. The American Heart Association and US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute have released guidelines for the clinical management of MetS, which focus on lifestyle management for abdominal obesity and physical inactivity, and clinical management of atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated BP, elevated glucose, and prothrombotic state.
This is the introduction to and summary of Phase III of an international research project to study the relationship between social security provisions and retirement. The project relies on the work of a large group of economists in 12 countries who conduct the analysis for each of their countries. The first phase described the retirement incentives inherent in plan provisions and documented the strong relationship across countries between social security incentives to retire and the proportion of older persons out of the labor force. The second phase illustrated the large effects that changing plan provisions would have on the labor force participation of older workers. This third phase shows the consequent fiscal implications that extending labor force participation would have on net program costs -- reduced government social security benefit payments less increased government tax revenues. The findings are conveyed by simulating the implications of illustrative reforms. One reform increases benefit eligibility ages by three years. Another illustrative reform reduces actuarially benefits received before the normal retirement age. A common reform prescribes the same provisions in each country. The financial implications of the illustrative reforms are very large in many instances, often as much as 20 to 40 percent of current program costs. The savings amount to as much a 1 percent or more of country GDP. The results make clear that reforms like those considered in this volume can have very large fiscal implications for the cost of social security benefits as well as for government revenues engendered by changes in the labor force participation of older workers.
The average retirement age resumed its long-run decline in the 1990s after having leveled off during the preceding 10 to 15 years; the resumption of the decline is attributed largely to a rise in the labor force participation rate of older men and women between the mid-1980s and 2000.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between bone mineral density (BMD) and measurements of depression in an older population. DESIGN: Population-based, cross-sectional study. SETTING: Study subjects were participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), a longitudinal, long-term, follow-up study, at the University of California Davis (Sacramento, California) and the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) clinical centers. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample of 1,566 Medicare enrollees age 65 and older enrolled in the CHS. MEASUREMENTS: Total hip BMD, measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), after adjustment for multiple covariates, was compared with depression evaluated with the Center for Epidemiological Studies 10-item Depression Scale (CES-Dm). Risk factors for osteoporosis were compared in depressed and nondepressed participants. Potential correlates were entered into a regression model. Depression scores were compared in normal, osteopenic, and osteoporotic individuals. RESULTS: Sixteen percent of participants were clinically depressed; 9% had BMDs in the osteoporotic range. Mean BMD was 40 mg/cm2 lower in those with clinical depression. High CES-Dm scores were associated with lower BMD (P < .001) when adjusted for body mass index (BMI), age, kilocalories of activity, estrogen use, gender, race, smoking and drinking. When stratified by race, this remained true for all Caucasians (P < .01), all African Americans (P < .05), and when stratified by race and gender the association remained only for all Caucasian women (P < .001). In women and Caucasian men there was an increase in depression scores among individuals with osteoporotic-range BMDs. CONCLUSIONS: A significant association was found between BMD and depressive symptoms after adjustment for osteoporosis risk factors. In Caucasians, depressive symptoms were associated with both osteoporotic and osteopenic levels of BMD. Causality cannot be ascribed, with only one measurement of BMD. We postulate that there may be an unmeasured third factor, such as an endogenous steroid, that is responsible for both low BMD and depression. J Am Geriatr Soc 49:732–736, 2001.