
Bindung und Hyperbindung in intermodaler Wahrnehmung und Synästhesie

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... Unlike in normal concept formation, where perceptual and motor attributes forming a concept are bound together into a frame (e.g., the concept [banana] in Figure 3), synesthesia may generally be regarded as a case of hyperbinding (Emrich et al., 2002(Emrich et al., , 2004Sagiv and Robertson, 2005;Mroczko-Wa˛sowicz, in press). Attributes that do not form a sensible concept frame are bound together. ...
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Synesthesia is traditionally regarded as a phenomenon in which an additional non-standard phenomenal experience occurs consistently in response to ordinary stimulation applied to the same or another modality. Recent studies suggest an important role of semantic representations in the induction of synesthesia. In the present proposal we try to link the empirically grounded theory of sensory-motor contingency and mirror system based embodied simulation/emulation to newly discovered cases of swimming style-color synesthesia. In the latter color experiences are evoked only by showing the synesthetes a picture of a swimming person or asking them to think about a given swimming style. Neural mechanisms of mirror systems seem to be involved here. It has been shown that for mirror-sensory synesthesia, such as mirror-touch or mirror-pain synesthesia (when visually presented tactile or noxious stimulation of others results in the projection of the tactile or pain experience onto oneself), concurrent experiences are caused by overactivity in the mirror neuron system responding to the specific observation. The comparison of different forms of synesthesia has the potential of challenging conventional thinking on this phenomenon and providing a more general, sensory-motor account of synesthesia encompassing cases driven by semantic or emulational rather than pure sensory or motor representations. Such an interpretation could include top-down associations, questioning the explanation in terms of hard-wired structural connectivity. In the paper the hypothesis is developed that the wide-ranging phenomenon of synesthesia might result from a process of hyperbinding between “too many” semantic attribute domains. This hypothesis is supplemented by some suggestions for an underlying neural mechanism.
Giving appointments to semiotics and social psychiatry the framework of semiotics is characterized with regard to fields of application in social psychiatry. From that point an interdisciplinary cooperation could be achieved with bene fit for both sides. By means of the theory of semiosis (sign process) it could be shown, in which way the communica tive meaning of all speech acts (illocutionary forces) could be formally represented. Against this background the SRZP-research concepts of structure (PART II), dynamics (PART III) and modelling (PART V) of jeopardizing situations could be unfolded retrospectively. Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag zeigt, wie die Themen der Sozialen Psychiatrie im Rahmen einer semiotischen Kulturtheorie etwa durch Begriffe wie „Institution“, „Code“, „Sinn“, „Kommunikation“ oder „ästhetische Erfahrung“ diskutiert werden können. In diesem Sinne hatte die Soziale Psychiatrie zwar immer schon Bezug zur Kulturtheorie, insbesondere zu einer phänomenologisch-hermeneutisch begründeten Theorie des „Sinns“. Mit der Theorie der Semiosen (Zeichenprozesse) wird gezeigt, wie der kommunikative Sinn von Sprechakten formal repräsentiert werden kann: zum Nutzen einer arbeitsteiligen Kooperation.
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