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Research paper
The FOBIMO (FOraminiferal BIo-MOnitoring) initiative—Towards a standardised
protocol for soft-bottom benthic foraminiferal monitoring studies
Joachim Schönfeld
⁎, Elisabeth Alve
, Emmanuelle Geslin
, Frans Jorissen
Sergei Korsun
, Silvia Spezzaferri
and Members of the FOBIMO group
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Wischhofstr. 1–3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
Laboratory of Recent and Fossil Bio-Indicators, CNRS-UMR 6112 LPGN-BIAF, Université d'Angers, 2 Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers, France, and LEBIM, Port Joinville, Yeu Island, France
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences, Chemin du Musée 6, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 19 January 2012
Received in revised form 29 May 2012
Accepted 3 June 2012
Available online 12 June 2012
Benthic foraminifera
Assemblage analysis
Conservation biology
The European Community Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) was established to provide guidelines
for monitoring the quality of marine ecosystems. Monitoring the status of marine environments is traditionally
based on macrofauna surveys, for which standardised methods have been established. Benthic foraminifera are
also good indicators of environmental status because of their fast turnover rates, high degree of specialisation,
and the preservation of dead assemblages in the fossil record. In spite of the growing interest in foraminiferal
bio-monitoring during the last decades, no standardised methodology has been proposed until today. The aim
of the FOraminiferal BIo-MOnitoring (FOBIMO) expert workshop, held in June 2011 at Fribourg, Switzerland,
which assembled 37 scientists from 24 research groups and 13 countries, was to develop a suite of standard
methods. This paper presents the main outcome of the workshop, a list of motivated recommendations with re-
spect to sampling devices, sample storage, treatment, faunal analysis and documentation. Our recommendations
fulfil the criteria imposed both by scientific rigour and by the practical limitations of routine studies. Hence, our
aim is to standardise methodologies used in bio-monitoring only and not to limit the use of different methods in
pure scientific studies. Unlessotherwise stated, all recommendations concern living (stained) benthic foraminif-
eral assemblages. We have chosen to propose two types of recommendations. Mandatory recommendations have
to be followed ifa study wants to qualify as sound and compatible to the norms. The mostimportant of these rec-
ommendations are the interval from 0 to 1 cm below the sediment surface has to be sampled, and an interface
corer or box corer that keeps the sediment surface intact is to be used for offshore surveys. A grab sampler
must not be deployedin soft sediments. Threereplicate samples are to be takenand analysed separately. Samples
are to be washed on a 63-μm screen, and the living benthic foraminiferal fauna of the >125 μmfractionistobe
analysed.Splits are to be picked and countedentirely, and all counted foraminifera from at least one replicate per
station haveto be stored in micropalaeontological slides. Census data, supplementary laboratory data andmicro-
slides have to be archived. Advisory recommendations are to samplein autumn, to have a sample size of 50 cm
a tube of 8 cm inner diameter, to use >70% ethanol as a preservative, rose Bengal at a concentration of 2 grams
per litre for staining, and a staining time of at least 14days. The split size should be defined by a target value of
300 specimens, heavy liquidseparation shouldbe avoided, and the 63–125 μm fraction or deepersediment levels
may be considered in some environments. We are convinced that the application of this protocol by a large
number of scientists is a necessary first step to a general acceptance of benthic foraminifera as a reliable tool
in bio-monitoring studies.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
⁎Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Schönfeld), (E. Alve), (E. Gesli n), (F. Jorissen), (S. Korsun), (S. Spezzaferri).
Sigal Abramovich, Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Eric Armynot du Chatelet, Christine Barras, Luisa Bergamin, Erica Bicchi, Vincent Bouchet, Alejandro Cearreta, Letizia Di Bella, Noortje
Dijkstra, Sibelle Trevisan Disaro, Luciana Ferraro, Fabrizio Frontalini, Giordana Gennari, Elena Golikova, Kristin Haynert, Silvia Hess, Katrine Husum, Virginia Martins, Mary McGann,
Shai Oron, Elena Romano, Silvia Mello Sousa and Akira Tsujimoto.
0377-8398/$ –see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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1. Introduction
Legislation world-wide was implemented to protect and restore
ecological quality in estuarine, coastal and marine systems, for instance
Oceans Act in the USA, Australia or Canada, the Water Framework Di-
rective (WFD, 2000/60/EC) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive
(MSFD, 2008/56/EC) in Europe, and the National Water Act in South Af-
rica (Borja et al., 2008). Since the publication of the MSFD in June 2008
(European Parliament, 2008), monitoring the quality of marine ecosys-
tems has become an urgent priority. The MSFD states that by 2015 at
the latest, “a programme of measures has to be designed to achieve or
maintain good environmental status”.Thisgoodstatusshouldbe
achieved in 2020 (European Commission, 2010). In this context, it is
not only important to measure the concentrations of various pollutants
in the marine environment, it is even more important to describe the
possible impact these pollutants may have on the organisms living in
the ecosystem. In the technical annex of the MSFD, 11 descriptors for
good environmental status are defined, among which are biodiversity
and food web elements (European Commission, 2010). In the chapters
dealing with these two topics, the necessity to “select a set of relevant
species and functional groups”is underlined. These key groups or
species are characterised by fast turnover rates and specifichabitats.
Benthic foraminifera perfectly meet these criteria.
Monitoring the status of marine environments, and more specifically,
describing the impact of pollutants on living organisms, has traditionally
been based on studies of macrofauna. In the last decades, major efforts
have been made by the scientific community working with macrofauna
to develop easily applicable and objective descriptors, which are capable
of giving a quantified assessment of the status of marine biota (Borja et
al., 2009). These efforts have led to a profusion of “biotic indices”,
which are mostly based on measures of diversity or relative proportions
of various types of benthic indicator organisms (reviews in Diaz et al.,
2004; Borja et al., 2007; Dauvin, 2007; Borja and Dauer, 2008; Josefson
et al., 2009). Unfortunately, these indices may give very different results,
and intercalibration of the indices has become an urgent necessity (e.g.,
Hering et al., 2010).
As early as the 1960s, benthic foraminifera were used to describe the
state of marine environments (e.g., Resig, 1960; Watkins, 1961; Bandy et
al., 1964a,b, 1965a,b; Seiglie, 1968). Bio-monitoring with foraminifera
has increased during the last decades, and at present more than 50 differ-
ent research groups world-wide are active in this field.
In fact, foraminifera present several advantages in comparison to
the more commonly used macrofaunal organisms (e.g., Alve, 1995a;
Mojtahid et al., 2006; Bouchet et al., 2007; Alve et al., 2009; Jorissen
et al., 2009):
•Their density in marine sediments, between 100 and 10000 living
individuals > 63 μmper100cm
surface area (Murray, 2006), is an
order of magnitude higher than that of macrofauna. This means that
much smaller sediment volumes are needed for a reliable assessment.
This is especially important in deep-water settings, where macrofauna
•Benthic foraminiferal faunas are highly variable, about 20 to 50 species
per 300 individuals are to be expected in near-coastal environments.
The various species occupy different niches at the seafloor. They live
on the sediment surface or as infauna, and they show a variety of
trophic strategies as suspension-, deposit-feeders, and those spe-
cialised to use recently sedimented phytodetritus.
•Foraminifera commonly have short life cycles as compared to higher
organisms. The foraminiferal fauna therefore responds quickly to
environmental changes.
•After reproduction or death, calcareous and many agglutinated tests
of a large part of the foraminiferal assemblages are preserved in the
sediment. Once the sedimentation rate has been appropriately deter-
mined at a given site, for instance from the depth gradient of
concentrations or a succession of radiocarbon datings, the original,
pristine faunas from pre-industrial time can be reconstructed. In this
way, the fossil assemblages can serve as a reference in areas
where no environmental baseline study has been carried out.
These “pre-impact faunas”provide important information on the ar-
rival of non-indigenous species, and the disappearance of pollution-
sensitive, local species. This last point is particularly important. In
most instances, there are no data available about the faunal composi-
tion and diversity before the onset of anthropogenic impact. Compar-
ison with supposedly pristine “reference stations”is not a satisfactory
solution,because 1) in many marine areas, suchpristine conditionsno
longer exist and 2) of the very high spatial variability of benthic hab-
itats, particularly in estuaries, where it is almost impossible to find
sites with similar ecological characteristics (Alve et al., 2009). In this
context, foraminifera offer a unique advantage because they are
more evenly distributed than macroorganisms (e.g. Scoffinand
Tudhope, 1985).
•Afinal point in favour of foraminifera is the presence of a large com-
munity of active researchers. Unlike the situation with benthic
macrofauna, many students are being taught about foraminifera,
and there is no lack of scientists capable of identifying the different
species of foraminifera, and to use them in environmental monitoring.
As explained above, the community of macrofauna specialists has
made large efforts to standardise their methods (Rumohr, 2004; ANSI,
2007; Rees et al., 2009), and especially, to develop biotic indices that
give a quantitative appreciation of the state of marine environments
(e.g., Grall and Glemarec, 1997; Borja et al., 2000; Rosenberg et al.,
2004). Unfortunately, such efforts have never been made for forami-
nifera even though three books were dedicated to the topic (Martin,
2000; Scott et al., 2001; Haslett, 2002). This lack of standardised
methods of sample acquisition, preparation and treatment, and data
interpretation has probably been an important reason why foraminifera
have remained a rather marginal monitoring tool. For instance, in spite
of an abundant literature on the ecology of estuarine and salt-marsh
foraminifera, they are non-existent in the European Community Water
Framework Directive (European Commission, 2003), which concerns
fresh water as well as coastal marine environments.
In view of the evident advantages of benthic foraminifera, we think
that it is essential to give a new impetus to environmental monitoring
based on this group of organisms. In order to achieve this, we organised
a dedicated workshop (FOBIMO meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, June
22–24, 2011), assembling 37 scientists from 24 research groups in 13
countries. The main aim of this first workshop was to define standardised
methods for sampling and sample treatment, which should be at the
same time scientifically sound and easy to apply. This paper presents
the outcome of the workshop, which is a series of recommendations.
The implementation of these methods as a scientificstandardin
bio-monitoring was agreed upon by all participants.
The proposed protocol is specifically adapted to the practical require-
ments of routine environmental monitoring, but also to the rigorous as-
pects of sound scientific standards. Other protocols may be adequate in
pure scientific studies, depending on the scientific questions addressed.
In the following text, recommendations will be given for sampling, sam-
ple replication, subsampling, preservation and staining, sample treat-
ment, faunal analyses, sample and data management in bio-monitoring
studies. For each of these topics, some of our recommendations are man-
datory. These conditions have to be implemented in order to qualify for
the future FOBIMO norms. Other recommendations are simply advisory.
These recommendations are useful in most routine studies, but may not
be applicable in some, very specificecosystems(Table 1). Finally, in some
cases we indicate the possibility of additional procedures, which are use-
ful, but do not necessarily have to be part of a standard monitoring study.
We are aware that our recommendations are based on experiences
gained mainly in temperate to high northern latitudes. Environmental
monitoring in tropical near-shore areas and coral reefs may require
different techniques (Wilson, 1998, 2008; Hallock et al., 2003).
2J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
Author's personal copy
These schemes are not yet established and should be subject of a sub-
sequent contribution.
2. Sampling strategy
Reliable sample acquisition is an essential prerequisite for a success-
ful environmental monitoring study. Different sampling strategies are
needed for different substrates and in different environments. For
instance, undisturbed surface samples may be difficult to obtain in
organic-rich, muddy sediments. Conversely, sandy bottoms may hamper
adequate penetration of the corer and thus prevent sampling. Deep-sea
ecosystems can only be sampled with remotely operated sampling de-
vices from sea-going vessels, which is time-consuming and costly. Only
a few deployments per working day are feasible. In coastal waters,
sampling is less time-consuming and tens of samples can be collected
per day.
2.1. Sample acquisition in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas
In the intertidal zone, hand-held devices are used. Quantitative
samples of surface sediment are scooped out of a short, transparent
plastic tube segment or ring of appropriate diameter inserted into
the sediment on tidal flats. Compression of surface sediments is negligi-
ble as the tube is inserted only a few centimetres. The 1-cm sediment
depth is indicated by a succession of 1-cm high varnish bands of different
colours on the outside of the transparent tube. The tube is inserted up to
the first colour change, and the sediment is scooped out until the next,
1-cm deeper colour change becomes visible. To obtain stacked slices, a
longer tube is pushed down into the sediment, and the core is handled
in the same way as that retrieved with any interface corer as described
below. On salt-marsh meadows, a chamfered, sharp steel cylinder with
appropriate inner diameter is turned through the vegetated surface, ex-
cavated, and the sample is cut off with a knife from the top of the core
(Scott and Medioli, 1980; Horton and Edwards, 2006).
Table 1
Summary of recommendations for methods in foraminiferal bio-monitoring.
Topic Mandatory recommendation Advisory recommendation
Sample acquisition •The interval 0–1 cm should be used. •A tube with 8 cm in diameter or a surface area of 50 cm
is proposed as
standard device.
•Sampling should preferably be done at least once a year.
•Autumn samplesoffer best perennial persistency. Bloom periods are to be
Remotely operated
sampling devices
•Soft sediments (e.g., muds, sands, and oozes): any interface corer or box
corer that keeps the sediment surface intact should be used.
•Only one type of corer should be used in a particular sampling campaign.
•Grab samplers are considered as inappropriate for soft sediments and
•Hard bottoms: grabs are only to be deployed on hard grounds.
Replication •Three replicates are necessary to capture the variability of the system. •Replicate samples should preferably come from different deployments.
•Each replicate is to be treated independently. •In case replicate samplings come from a single deployment, they should be
as far apart as possible.
Sub-sampling •The zero level is to be defined with the midpoint of any irregular surface. •When sediment layers deeper than 1 cm are sampled, the outer
millimetres of sediment close to the core-liner should be removed.•For the study of the 0–1 cm level, the whole area within the core-liner is to be
•The sample volume has to be determined in a reliable way.
Preservation and
•Samples should be stored in a preservative or fixative. •Ethanol of >70% is strongly recommended as preservative.
•In order to distinguish living from dead foraminifera, a vital stain should
be used.
•When using rose Bengal, a concentration of 2 g per litre of preservative is
•The stain is to be added to the preservative prior to its addition to the
•In environments with high organic matter contents, it may be necessary to
add a larger volume of preservative.
•The volume of preservative to be added should at least be equal of the
volume of the sample.
•In low-oxic to anoxic environments where the decay of the dead organisms
is very slow, it is strongly recommended to use more critical vitality assays.
•Minimum time for staining with a preservative—rose Bengal solution is
14 days.
•Samples have to be shaken gently until an entirely homogeneous mixture
is obtained.
Sample preparation •Samples are to be washed on a 63-μm screen. •Heavy liquid separation should be avoided as much as possible.
•Commercially available wet or dry splitters should be used for sample
Faunal analysis •Bio-monitoring studies should be based on the living fauna. •In certain environments, it may be necessary to analyse the >63 μm fraction.
•For at least one replicate, all counted foraminifera have to be picked and
stored in micropalaeontological slides.
•A target value of 300 counted specimens is recommended.
•The study should be based on the faunal inventory of the > 125 μmfraction. •The same split-size should be used throughout the study.
•Splits are always to be counted entirely. •Wet or dry picking are both considered as appropriate.
•Soft-shelled species are not considered in routine monitoring studies. •The colouration intensity of specimens considered as living should be
assessed for every individual species.
•A later re-wetting of the dry-picked specimens can help to better assess the
•Breaking of miliolids and agglutinants to check for cytoplasm may be
•The analysis of the dead faunas may add important additional information.
Documentation •Census data and slides with picked specimens have to be archived. •If available, untreated sample replicates or splits are to be archived.
•A list of all recognised species has to be archived.
•All available laboratory data are to be documented and archived.
3J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
Author's personal copy
Shallow subtidal areas are hardly accessible to sea-going ships.
Samples are taken from boats, by divers, from permanent seashore instal-
lations like jetties or platforms, and from fast ice at high latitudes. Small-
sized box-corers and interface corers designed for lakes are suitable in
shallow seas. These lightweight samplers are easier to be deployed with
a long rod rather than using a winch and cable.
Non-cohesive, sandy sediments are common in shallow-water areas,
and tend to slip from corers. The hand-held Bowser-corer, pushed into
the sediment by divers, holds sediment efficiently (Fig. 1). The diver
pushes the capped liner with the valve open into the sediment, closes
the valve, pulls the liner vertically, simultaneously dips the other hand
holding the stopper into the sediment, and inserts the stopper.
2.2. Sampling in open marine areas with remotely operated sampling
2.2.1. Mandatory—an interface corer or box corer, or any other device that
keeps the sediment surface intact should be used for soft sediments such as
muds, oozes and sands
Among a large variety of se abed samplers (Murdoch and MacKnight,
1994), corers and grabs have extensively been used in recent foraminif-
eral surveys (Scott et al., 2004). Conventional gravity or piston corers
equipped with a core catcher may create a bow wave, which blows
away the uppermost, unstable surface sediment layer when the nose
cone touches the ground (McIntyre, 1971). Interface corers like Barnett
multiple corer, Niemistö corer, Rumohr corer or similar devices are
deployed without a core catcher, thus the bow wave is minimised
(Meischner and Rumohr, 1974; Niemistö, 1974; Barnett et al., 1984),
and the sediment surface remains mostly undisturbed. The core is re-
trieved with supernatant bottom water, which is sealed by lids or
bungs during recovery. An inner core diameter of 8 cm is recommended
in order to meet the requirement of 50 cm
surface area.
Interface corers can successfully operate in fine-grained sediments
only. On sandy bottoms, a box corer facilitates a good recovery (Bouma
and Marshall, 1964). The box corer should have an appropriate design
that minimises the bow wave, and seals the sample with a tight spade
and top lids, in order to protect against water turbulence when the
corer is drawn back to the surface. The slacking speed of the winch has
to be reduced before the box corer touches the seabed and some time
has to be given for penetration after bottom contact.
When operated carefully, interface and box corers provide the best
sediment surface preservation among all seafloor sampling devices. A
further improvement of sample quality can be achieved when video-
guided devices are used, for instance push-cores deployed with a Re-
motely Operated Vehicle (ROV). At present, ROV operations are costly
and limited in time and areal extent, but ROVs will probably be used
routinely in the near future.
2.2.2. Mandatory—sampling with a grab sampler is considered inappropriate
for muds and sands, and should be avoided in all soft bottom sampling
Grab samplers create a strong bow wave when they touch the ground.
Furthermore, grabs may only scrape the surface, distort the structure of
the underlying sediments, and often do not close accurately (Wigley,
1967; Riddle, 1989). A large part of the sample is washed out when the
grab is hoisted through the water column, and an intact sediment surface
is rarely preserved.
2.2.3. Advisory—only one type of corer should be used in a particular
sampling campaign
Systematic offsets in population densities have been observed be-
tween box corer and multicorer deployments at the same location
(Bett et al., 1994; Shirayama and Fukushima, 1995). However, if differ-
ent substrata are targeted, the sampling device should be changed.
2.2.4. Advisory—grabs are to be deployed on hard grounds
Van Veen or Shipek grabs are the only devices which provide samples
from locations where rock outcrops, pebbles, or veneers of lag sediments
are encountered (Van Veen, 1936; Shipek, 1965). These hard bottoms
prevail in high-energy environments or where sediment bypassing oc-
curs. Grabs mainly recover loose or prominent objects and large epizoans.
Foraminifera prefer to live attached to stable objects under such condi-
tions, while they are very rare on gravel or coarse sands around these
prominent objects because of the frequent sediment redeposition
(Schönfeld, 2002). Grab sampling therefore facilitates an assessment of
the living fauna on hard grounds, although with certain limitations.
2.3. Foraminiferal sample acquisition
2.3.1. Mandatory—the 0–1 cm interval should be sampled
The surface interval chosen in different foraminiferal studies has been
0–0.25 cm to 0–2 cm, and sometimes even thicker (Moodley and Hess,
1992; Alve and Murray, 2001; Scott et al., 2001; Buzas et al., 2002). In
order to obtain monitoring data, which are comparable between studies,
they should evidently be based on the same sampling interval. A very
thin surface interval of 0–0.5cmorevenlessisdifficult to collect, and
the actual thickness will vary between collecting persons. Too thick an in-
terval, on the other hand, will dilute foraminifera living at the sediment
surface by a large number of empty, subfossil tests from deeper sediment
layers. Furthermore, the cytoplasm of recently dead specimens degrades
slowly in anoxic deeper layers, which can bias census data of rose Bengal
Fig. 1. The design of the Bowser-corer operated by scuba divers: 1, flexible drain; 2,
valve; 3, tight cap; 4, liner; 5; rubber stopper coated with neoprene; and 6, extruder.
4J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
Author's personal copy
stained specimens (Bernhard, 1988; Murray and Bowser, 2000). The
compromise is an intermediate thickness of 1 cm as was applied in
many previous monitoring studies (e.g., Cearreta et al., 2000; Murray
and Alve, 2000; Leorri et al., 2008). Furthermore, the diversity of living
assemblages > 63 μmfromthe0to1cmlevelofsurfacesediments
along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast provided the most optimal evalua-
tion of ecological quality at the study sites as compared to the deeper,
1–2 cm level (Bouchet et al., 2012). Therefore, we suggest to system-
atically use the 0–1 cm interval in foraminiferal bio-monitoring.
The recommendation to record living specimens in the 0–1 cm inter-
val applies to sediment-dwelling foraminifera. Many foraminiferal
species, however, cling to or encrust elevated substrates (Murray,
1970; Brasier, 1975; Poag, 1982; Steinker and Clem, 1984; Jones and
Charnock, 1985; Kitazato, 1988). In littoral and shallow subtidal environ-
ments, elevated substrates are diverse and often have a complex three-
dimensional shape, e.g. sea grass, kelp, coralline algae, mangrove roots,
corals, pebbles or stones. There is yet no established practice to quantita-
tively monitor foraminifera dwelling on branching or elevated objects.
2.3.2. Additional possibility—in some areas the study of deeper sediment
levels will yield important additional information
Vertical series in intertidal and shallow subtidal settings provide
valuable information on foraminiferal ecology, in particular the habitat
depth of endobenthic species and their variability, and on environmental
conditions (Moodley and Hess, 1992; Alve and Murray, 2001; Hyams-
Kaphzan et al., 2009). Processing of such depth-series is rather time-
consuming. Additionally, organic-rich subsurface sediments in near-
shore areas are often anoxic and contain free H
S, which is lethal to
many shallow-dwelling species and thus the respective levels lack
living foraminifera (e.g. Lipps and Langer, 1999; Alve and Murray,
2001). For these reasons we suggest to employ only surface sediment
samples for standard bio-monitoring studies. In some cases, however,
the study of deeper sediment levels may be appropriate since it can
yield important additional information.
2.3.3. Advisory—a sample size of 50 cm
(tube with 8 cm in diameter) is
recommended, population density is to be standardised for 50 cm
Living foraminiferal population density may reach 100 specimens per
10 cm
(size fraction > 125 μm) in near-shore areas that are rather rich
in food, but values may drop to tens of specimens and even less during
winter at mid to high latitudes (e.g., Lehmann, 2000; Murray, 2006).
To optimise the possibility to obtain statistically significant numbers
of living foraminifera per sample, we recommend a sample size of
50 cm
(a tube of 8 cm in diameter). If the sample size is different, pop-
ulation density should be normalised to 50 cm
of the 0–1 cm surface
sediment level.
2.3.4. Advisory—sampling should be done at least once a year. Bloom periods
are to be avoided, and autumn samples offer the best perennial persistency
As in many other groups of benthic organisms, foraminiferal assem-
blage composition and population density may vary greatly between
seasons and years. Sporadic, annual or even seasonal surveys may give
results that are difficult to interpret because foraminifera can show sig-
nificant short-term variation in abundance, in particularthey reproduce
explosively during periods of abundant food (Murray, 2000; Gustafsson
and Nordberg, 2001; Morvan et al., 2006). Monthly or even biweekly
surveys are informative with reference to such short-term variability
(Murray and Alve, 2000), but will not be feasible in most monitoring
studies. To minimise year-to-year scatter in the data, periods when
foraminifera reproduce, following phytoplankton blooms during
spring or other seasonal blooms related to river discharge in near-
coastal areas, should be avoided. At temperate latitudes, autumn sam-
ples offer the best perennial persistency (Morvan et al., 2006;
Duchemin et al., 2008). Preferentially, the time window between the
terrestrial vegetation season at temperate latitudes and the winter
storms should be used for sampling in near-shore areas.
3. Replication
3.1. Mandatory—three replicates are necessary to describe the variability
of the system
Organisms inhabiting the seafloor are seldom spread randomly.
Patchiness characterises the distribution of macroorganisms and
may have scales of centimetres to kilometres (Hall et al., 1994;
Raffaelli et al., 2003). The population density of organisms from the
meiofaunal size class changes drastically at several spatial scales
(McIntyre, 1969; Soetaert et al., 1994; van Gaever et al., 2004). Ben-
thic foraminiferal distribution is also notably patchy (Bernstein et
al., 1978; Fontanier et al., 2003; Barras et al., 2010; Griveaud et al.,
2010), which was observed in the 1960s already (Buzas, 1970;
Schafer, 1971). The general approach to neutralise the above hetero-
geneity is to obtain replicate samples at each site. To prevent a 50% to
50% situation in comparison of data from replicates, an odd number of
samples are normally taken, in particular 3, 5, 7 or 9. The routine in
macrobenthos surveys is 7 or 5 replicates (e.g., Borja and Dauer,
2008). Foraminiferal distribution studies are often based on non-
replicate samples, but these results may bring an unconstrainable
variability and therefore are not considered as being representative
by the bio-monitoring community. In studies where replicates were
taken, five replicates per station have earlier been applied in foraminifer-
al research, and sometimes the number was reduced to three for practi-
cal reasons (Buzas, 1970; Suhr et al., 2003; Kemp et al., 2011). Obtaining
foraminiferal census data is time-consuming and relatively expensive. In
bio-monitoring projects, reports must be delivered within a few months
and the investigations need to be cost-competitive. Statistical consider-
ations of live (stained) assemblages show that three replicates are suffi-
cient to determine reliable Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) (Bouchet et
al., 2012). Consequently, considering time and cost constraints for bio-
monitoring projects, the number of replicates can be reduced to a mini-
mum of three replicates per benthic station.
3.2. Advisory—replicate samples should preferentially come from different
Replicate samples of marine macrobenthos were traditionally re-
trieved by a grab sampler or box-corer that was sequentially deployed
from a vessel at drift. Drifting at ~1 kn, a 15-minute lapse between de-
ployments will result in a 0.5-km distance between the individual repli-
cate sample locations. Thus traditional macrobenthos replicate samples
characterise spatial heterogeneity at a scale of tens of metres to
kilometres. Smaller distances are required in coastal areas where local
conditions commonly change over shorter distances than in the open
sea. Surface sediment samples for foraminiferal studies are smaller,
or less, and several samples can be taken from one multicorer,
for instance sampling the individual cores, or from one box-core surface.
In such cases, the distance between the samples will always be some tens
of centimetres. Therefore, to characterise spatial heterogeneity at the
same scale of tens of metres to kilometres as macrobenthos surveys do,
and to avoid pseudoreplication (Hurlbert, 1984), foraminiferal replicate
samples should preferentially come from separate deployments.
3.3. Advisory—in case replicate samples come from a single deployment,
they should be as far apart as possible
How much time each deployment of a remote sampling device
takes depends on winch speed and water depth. To this one must
add the handling time on deck that is needed to recharge the interface
corer or box-corer for the next deployment. Because of ship-time con-
straints, the possibility to obtain more than one interface corer or box-
corer deployment per station is a rare option. If replicate samples
come from a single deployment (i.e., pseudoreplication), they should
be taken as far apart as possible. In case of a multicorer, cores from
5J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
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opposite edges of the array should be used. In case of a box-corer, the
samples should be taken from different corners of the box. Sampling
too close to the edge should be avoided, however, as flushing of sedi-
ments often occurs in the corners and the surface layer may no longer
be intact close to the corners of the box.
The issue of replicates obtained with separate or single deployments
will probably become less problematic in the future. A growing number
of research vessels are now equipped with advanced dynamic positioning
systems, so it takes far less time to stabilise the position, and samples
retrieved with different deployments on the same spot are only a few
metres apart due to slope changes of the cable. Newly manufactured
box-corers can be recharged almost as quickly as grabs, and multiple
deployments at shallow depths become more affordable.
3.4. Mandatory—each replicate has to be treated independently
Averaging of replicate counts is the standard procedure (Buzas,
1970; Suhr et al., 2003; Kemp et al., 2011). Publications and reports
often refer to these mean values only; so it is tempting to lump the
replicates, and to perform only one census in order to save time on
processing and counting. However, replicate counts characterise the
variability of the system. This information must be preserved at all
cost, therefore each replicate has to be treated independently. However,
final lumping of counts may be necessary when the total numbers of
living specimens obtained from individual replicates are too low for
a statistically significant census (Schönfeld and Numberger, 2007a).
4. Subsampling
4.1. Mandatory—for analysis of the surface 0–1 cm level, the whole area
within the core-liner is sampled
Sub-sampling has to be done immediately after retrieval of the
core. The surface 0–1 cm is sliced off using horizontal movements
(Fig. 2). The whole slice (i.e., all sediment within the graduate core-
liner) is transferred to the sample container. Nothing from the margin
of the core should be removed in this case. Horizontal movements are
important to avoid sediment from the subsurface layer to get at-
tached to the cutting plate and to eventually contaminate the surface
sample. In coarse-grained carbonate sediments, the cutting plate may
be obstructed by large shell fragments. In this case, the surface
0–1 cm should be sampled by using a spoon and pair of tweezers to
remove the fragments.
4.2. Advisory—when sediment layers deeper than 1 cm are sampled, the
outer millimetres of sediment close to the core-liner should be removed
The latter is done to avoid including sediment from shallower
depths which may have slid or been smeared down along the inside
of the core-liner. Such contamination may create irregular or artificially
extended habitat depth ranges of surface dwelling species and has to be
4.3. Mandatory—the zero level is to be defined by the midpoint of an irregular
If the sediment surface is irregular, the zero level (i.e., the reference
level for the sediment–waterinterface)isdefined as the midpoint be-
tween the highest and the lowest point on the irregular surface. Sampling
is to be done with a graduated core-liner ring and cutting plate as de-
scribed above.
If the sediment surface is tilted, the .surface 0–1 cm should be
sampled by using a small spoon rather than a sectioning plate.
4.4. Mandatory—the sample volume has to be determined in a reliable way
If the sediment surface is smooth and horizontal, the volume of
the sampled sediment slice is defined by the inner diameter of the
core liner and the thickness of the sediment slice.
If the sediment surface is irregular, the following procedures are
recommended to determine the sample volume: transfer the sedi-
ment to a transparent container, add a fixed volume of preservative
(e.g., ethanol), mark the level of preservative plus sediment on the
container wall, and determine the volume of sample plus preserva-
tive when the sediment has been removed from the container for
processing. In particular, fill the empty container with water up to
the mark, measure the volume of water in a graduate cylinder, and
subtract the known preservative volume (Fig. 3).
5. Preservation and staining
5.1. Mandatory—samples should be stored in a preservative or fixative
Foraminiferal samples are normally processed weeks or months
after collection. It is therefore necessary to add a preservative to the sed-
iment samples in order to prevent decay of the foraminiferal cells by
bacterialactivities. Ethanol is a good preservative, but it is not a fixative.
Afixative stabilises the molecular structures of the cell and should be
used for cytological studies (Anderson and Bé, 1978; Hemleben et al.,
1989). Formalin or glutaraldehyde are both a reliable fixative and may
also be used as a preservative. If formalin is used (e.g. Kitazato et al.,
2000, Hughes and Gooday, 2004), it is necessary to buffer the solution
with borax in a 4% solution to avoid the dissolution of calcareous tests
(Maybury and Gwynn, 1993). If glutaraldehyde is used, a sodium
cacodylate buffer should be added (Gooday et al., 2000). Fixative solu-
tions are toxic. They must be handled with protective gloves, and
work should be done in a well-ventilated place, preferably in a fume
chamber. Such protective measures may not be easily applied on
board research vessels.
5.2. Advisory—samples should preferably be stored in >70% ethanol
In bio-monitoring studies the presence or absence of cytoplasm in
the tests at the time of sampling needs to be distinguished, whereas
Fig. 2. Illustration showing how to subdivide a sediment core into slices (redrawn after
Murray, 2006).
6J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
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the quality of cytological fixation is not critical. Therefore, it is not
necessary to use fixatives. Ethanol is a reliable and much more practical
alternative for sample preservation and storage. In the biological litera-
ture, 70% ethanol is reported as the minimum concentration necessary
for long-term preservation of specimens (Lim and Sivasothi, 2004).
Therefore, we strongly recommend the use of >70% ethanol for preser-
vation of foraminiferal samples (Murray, 2006).
5.3. Mandatory—the volume of preservative added to the samples has to
be at least equal to the sample volume
This procedure ensures that the preservative is not diluted too much
by the pore water so that ethanol concentrations do not fall below 70%
(Gustafsson and Nordberg, 1999; Murray, 2006). For sediment samples
with high organic content and strong bacterial activity, it may be
necessary to add a larger volume of preservative.
5.4. Mandatory—in order to distinguish living from dead foraminifera,
cytoplasm staining should be used
Two main stains revealing the presence of cytoplasm, in the following
referred to as vital stains, are reliable for foraminiferal studies: Sudan
black B (Walker et al., 1974) and rose Bengal (Walton, 1952). Sudan
black B is a lipophilic stain and results in a black colour of the cytoplasm.
A heated solution of Sudan black B has to be applied, which is disadvan-
tageous because it requires time and equipment. Thus, the Sudan black B
method is not practical on board research vessels as with field sampling
(Bernhard, 2000).
Rose Bengal adsorbs onto proteins and stains the cytoplasm in an
intensive pink colour (Walton, 1952). This staining agent is largely
used in routine distributional or ecological studies (Bernhard, 2000;
Scott et al., 2001; Murray, 2006) because it is inexpensive and easy
to use. However, this method is not strictly accurate to distinguish liv-
ing from dead foraminifera (Bernhard, 2000) because rose Bengal
stain is protein specific, and proteins are degraded fairly slowly
under certain circumstances. Therefore, rose Bengal may stain pro-
teins that are still in the shell after termination of metabolic activity,
i.e., the death of the specimen (Bernhard, 1988; Murray and Bowser,
2000). In fact, the cytoplasm can be preserved in the test for some
days to some weeks after the death of the foraminifera (Bernhard,
1988, 2000; Hannah and Rogerson, 1997; Murray and Bowser,
2000). Consequently, this method may lead to a slight overestimation
of the living assemblages. In most ecological studies however, rose
Bengal has been applied (Scott et al., 2001; Murray, 2006). The
Sudan black B method lacks the inherent simplicity of the rose Bengal
technique, and this difference may account for the preferential use of
rose Bengal as a vital stain (Scott et al., 2001).
5.5. Advisory—a rose Bengal concentration of 2 g l
of preservative is
For bio-monitoring studies, we recommend a concentration of 2 g
of rose Bengal per litre of ethanol as described by Lutze and Altenbach
(1991), which is a modification of Walton's (1952) method.
5.6. Mandatory—the stain should be added to the preservative prior to its
addition to the samples
This has to be done in order to homogenise the mixture (Lutze,
5.7. Mandatory—samples have to be shaken gently until entirely
This procedure ensures that all sediment clumps are disintegrated
in order to facilitate the diffusion of the preservative and dissolved
vital stain into the foraminiferal cell.
volume of
45 6
Fig. 3. Instruction how to determine the sample volume.
7J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
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5.8. Mandatory—the minimum time for staining with a preservative—rose
Bengal solution is 14 days
If the samples are sieved earlier, the protoplasm in some tests of
living foraminifera may not be completely impregnated, and they
may show a greenish colour (Lutze and Altenbach, 1991).
5.9. Advisory—in environments where the decay of the dead organisms is
very slow, it is strongly recommended to use more critical vitality assays
Rose Bengal stain is widely used in foraminiferal studies and can
give a reliable temporal integrative picture of the biocoenoses,
which is enough for broad-scale faunistic studies (Bernhard, 2000).
In low-oxic environments, however, the decay of dead cells is slow and
more accurate methods are needed to study the biocoenoses. Two
main techniques (Adenosine Triphosphate analysis and fluorogenic
probes) are available (Bernhard, 2000). Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
analysis is a biochemical method to assess the vitality of cells. DeLaca
(1986) adapted this protocol for foraminifera. Advantages of the ATP
analysis include its accuracy and the possibility to assess large living
populations in about the same time as required for traditional staining
methods. A disadvantage of ATP analysis is that the samples need to be
processed within a few hours after sampling, and determination of
volume and wet weight of specimens is indispensable and expensive.
Additionally, in samples with abundant dead tests, it is time-consuming
to pick out and extract all individuals expected to be living. From a time
perspective, the method is impossible to use in routine monitoring in-
volving large numbers of samples. For these reasons, the accurate ATP
method is impractical to apply on board a vessel during bio-monitoring
Another technique, which allows obtaining accurate data of
biocoenoses uses Cell-Tracker Green 5-chloromethylfluorescein dia-
cetate (CTG) fluorogenic probe (Bernhard et al., 2006). Cell-Tracker
Green is a non-fluorescent molecule, which is hydrolysed by non-
specific esterase, producing a fluorescent compound when observed
with the exact excitation wavelength. When living cells are incubated
in fluorogenic probes such as Cell-Tracker Green, the probe passes
through the cellular membrane, and reaches the cytoplasm where hy-
drolysis with nonspecific esterase causes the fluorogenic reaction. Un-
like other fluorogenic substances, such as Fluorescent Diacetate, CTG
does not leak out of the cell via ion channels in the cell membrane
once it is incorporated in the cell (Bernhard et al., 2006). After some
hours of incubation with the fluorogenic probes, samples can be fixed
in 4% formalin buffered with borax and the specimens can be analysed
later. The foraminifera that were living at the time of sampling appear
fluorescent under an epifluorenscent stereomicroscope using the
exact excitation wavelength whereas the dead foraminifera do not fluo-
resce and appear black. Epifluorescent microscopes are rare and CTG is
expensive, so this technique is recommended for application only when
conventional methods fail as with foraminifera from anoxic habitats
(e.g., Pucci et al., 2009).
6. Sample preparation
6.1. Mandatory—samples are to be washed on a 63 μmscreen
Although the 125 μm-fraction should be preferentially used to ob-
tain census data of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in foraminiferal
bio-monitoring as explained below, many ecological studies are based
on assemblages >63 μm(Murray, 2006). In ecological investigations, a
significant amount of information on species diversity and dominance
may be lost when only the >125 μm size fraction is considered (Sen
Gupta et al., 1987). In particular, the 63–125 μm fraction often contains
small opportunistic taxa that may have a strong response to eutrophica-
tion or pollution phenomena (Mojtahid et al., 2006). The possible bias of
assemblage data can be tested by comparing the proportion of dominant
and common species between the small and larger size fractions by
studying the > 63 μm fraction for a minimum number of samples (Sen
Gupta et al., 1987). We therefore recommend that the >63 μm fraction
should always be retained and archived, to facilitate such tests or addi-
tional and more detailed investigations.
6.2. Mandatory—commercially available wet or dry splitters should be
used for sample partitioning
The surface area of 50 cm
or 8 cm in diameter that we propose for
sampling may contain a larger number of specimens than the target
value of 300 specimens that are needed to assure statistical significance
(Patterson and Fishbein, 1989). In this case and to simplify the proce-
dures, splitting of the sample may be necessary. Commercially available
wet or dry splitters must be used for sample partitioning. These devices
are thoroughly tested and reliable. Wet samples may be split using an
appropriate device for suspension partitioning. There are several
models available and all provide an efficient method to obtain sub-
samples (e.g., Scott and Hermelin, 1993). Standard sediment splitters,
such as the Otto Microsplitter (Scott et al., 1980) can be used for split-
ting residues that have been dried.
6.3. Advisory—as much as possible, heavy liquid separation should be
Flotation with heavy liquids has been extensively used for the
study of living foraminifera to concentrate their tests and save picking
time (Semsatto and Dias-Britto, 2007). Heavy liquids (such as trichlo-
roethylene, carbon tetrachloride, tetrabromoethane) with a density
lower than that of quartz sand, cause air-filled foraminifera to float,
so that they can be easily separated from mineral grains. However,
Gibson and Walker (1967) demonstrated that flotation of foraminifera
in certain heavy liquids is not perfect and is species-specific, thereby
producing relative proportions, which are significantly different from
the original assemblages. For example, they showed that a highly vari-
able percentage of only 6–71% of all foraminiferal tests was obtained
with carbon tetrachloride. Although Gibson and Walker (1967)
reported a recovery of 97% when floating in bromoform, our experience
with samples from the North Sea off Helgoland, which were treated
with trichloroethylene (J. Schönfeld et al., unpublished data) showed
that only 63% of the living (stained) assemblages floated and the agglu-
tinated species were generally largely underrepresented in the concen-
trate. Therefore, the incomplete separation may result in significant
errors in species abundances and diversity values.
Additionally, these heavy liquids are generally highly toxic.
Tetrabromoethane (Brem et al., 1974), carbon tetrachloride and trichlo-
roethylene are even carcinogenic (Orme and Kegley, 2004). Therefore
these products have to be handled with special care e.g., fume chamber
and rubber gloves (Murray, 2006), which not only reduces the efficiency
of the method, but also represents a danger for human health. In some
countries these chemicals are banned due to their toxicity (Gibson and
Walker, 1967; Scott et al., 2004; Semsatto and Dias-Britto, 2007). For
these reasons their use is not justified under any circumstances.
If flotation is absolutely necessary, for instance when working with
sands having very low densities of foraminifera, alternative flotation
liquids that are less harmful for the health and the environment may
be used. A saturated zinc chloride solution was tested on wet samples
by Gibson and Walker (1967) but the recovery was not satisfactory. A
better result with this flotation agent was obtained on dry sediments
by Semsatto and Dias-Britto (2007) with 91% of floated tests, whereas
Gebhardt and Rupp (2008) obtained a less satisfactory percentage of
Sodium polytungstate solution is also a low-toxic heavy liquid. Al-
though the substance is rather expensive, the solution can be reused
several times (e.g., Gregory and Johnston, 1987; Husum and Hald,
2004; Abbene et al., 2006). With this heavy liquid, Semsatto and
8J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
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Dias-Britto (2007) obtained a recovery of 96%. However, our experi-
ence with this substance (E. Alve, unpublished) shows that sodium
polytungstate, due to its high viscosity, tends to coat foraminiferal tests.
Therefore, the concentrate has to be carefully washed after floating. Fur-
thermore, the density of the sodium polytungstate solution must be
checked after every re-use. Overall, this reduces the practicability and
efficiency of the method.
In summary, in environmental monitoring studies, where precise
abundances of foraminifera are required, flotation, even with non-
toxic heavy liquids, should be avoided as much as possible because it
may create unpredictably underestimated abundances and biased spe-
cies compositions (Semsatto and Dias-Britto, 2007).
7. Faunal analysis
7.1. Mandatory—studies using foraminifera as ecological indicators
should be based on the living fauna
The living fauna mirrors the foraminiferal response to prevailing
environmental conditions. The dead assemblage represents the succes-
sive accumulation of foraminiferal tests over time depending on species
production and taphonomic factors, such as post-mortem destruction
and redeposition. In most environments, empty tests are much more
abundant than living individuals in sediment samples. Consequently,
total assemblages including both, living and dead specimens, are purely
artificial though largely resemble the dead assemblages. In order to
carry out an ecological study applying foraminiferal presence, abun-
dance and distribution as indicators of environmental influences, only
the living fauna should be used. In certain environments, the dead as-
semblages can also provide important information but they may be bi-
ased by post-mortem processes.
7.2. Mandatory—for at least one replicate per station, all counted forami-
nifera have to be picked out and stored in micropalaeontological slides
By applying this archiving procedure, identification of species can
be discussed with and verified by other experts. Such reference slides
are essential for achieving a taxonomic consistency. Unless restricted
by legal contracts, reports presenting the census data must state
where the reference slides are stored and how they are accessible.
The species determination should be compared with the holotype
description as provided by the Ellis and Messina (since 1940) catalogue
rent genus name and established synonymies should be updated by con-
sulting the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS, http://www., the World Register of Marine Species
(WORMS, or the Integrated Taxonomic
Information System (ITIS,
7.3. Mandatory—the study should be based on the faunal inventory of the
>125 μm-fraction
Although most benthic foraminifera are b1 mm in size, the size
varies substantially between species. Also, variations in population
dynamics and different species' responses to environmental forcing
cause variability in the size distribution between different communi-
ties. At present, no consensus exists concerning the size fraction on
which benthic foraminiferal analyses should be based. The most com-
monly used fractions in ecological studies are > 63, >125 and > 150 μm.
Some have used > 50 μm, >74 μm, and, in polar regions, the size fraction
>100 μm has also been used extensively. As pointed out by several
authors, studying the larger fraction only, may cause underrepresen-
tation or even the absence of some smaller species and juveniles
(e.g., Schröder et al., 1987; Duchemin et al., 2007). Still, it has been
shown that the diversity and assemblage composition of both the
fine (63–125 μm) and the coarse (>125 μm) fraction of benthic
foraminiferal assemblages are significantly correlated with two
year minimum values of bottom water dissolved oxygen concentra-
tions (Min[O
]2 years) (Bouchet et al., 2012). Diversity indices and
assemblage composition are commonly used indicators of ecological
status. Hence, because both the fine and the coarse fraction of benthic fo-
raminiferal assemblages seem to adequately reflect an important envi-
ronmental parameter such as dissolved oxygen, and because analysing
the > 125 μm-fraction is less time consuming than analysing the
>63μm-fraction, the > 125 μm-fraction seems to be an optimal choice
for monitoring Ecological Quality Status (Bouchet et al., op. cit.). Finally,
the >63 μm-fraction contains a higher proportion of unidentifiable juve-
niles and therefore the census data may have a lower statistical
7.4. Advisory—in certain environments it may be necessary to use the
>63 μm fraction
Although certain benthic foraminiferal species can survive anoxia
for weeks to months (e.g., Moodley et al., 1997; Piña-Ochoa et al.,
2010), they cannot live and reproduce under permanently anoxic
conditions (Bernhard and Reimers, 1991; Alve, 1995b). Unless excess
supply of organic material has caused permanently anoxic sediment
pore-waters, eutrophic areas commonly support abundant small-
sized species with a high turnover rate (e.g., Phleger and Soutar,
1973; Alve, 2003). In such environments it may be necessary to analyse
the entire > 63 μm-fraction (i.e., not only the >125 μm). Note that in
such cases the63–125 and >125 μm-fractions should always be studied
separately, to stay compatible with surveys in other areas. Itis essential
to analyse the same split size for each of the two size fractions
(63–125 μmand>125μm), so that the original proportions between
individuals in the two fractions are maintained. A dissecting microscope
with 100× magnification is necessary to reliably identify small-sized
7.5. Advisory—a target value of at least 300 specimens per sample is
A count of 300 individuals is recommended to precisely determine
the relative abundance of a species that comprises about 10% of the
fauna. More specimens may be needed to assess the proportions of
less abundant species with certainty (Patterson and Fishbein, 1989).
For calculation of species diversity indices, 250 individuals are ade-
quate (Bouchet et al., 2012). When the fauna consists of a few species
only, for instance in marginal marine environments, it may be suffi-
cient to count about 100 specimens in order to assess the diversity
(Fatela and Taborda, 2002). We recommend that a rationale should
be provided once the number of counted specimens is lower than
300. In some, particularly oligotrophic areas, it may not be possible to
obtain 300 individuals from a sample with a surface area of 50 cm
and consequently all available specimens in the sample should be
7.6. Advisory—the same split-size should preferentially be studied for all
To use the same size for all studied samples is essential in order to
enable comparison of the number of species between different samples
because the number of species is sample-size dependent. For compara-
tive reasons, it is also desirable to analyse samples, which represent the
same area. However, since the number of individuals can vary up to
hundred-fold or more between samples, sub-sampling, for instance
splittinginto 1/2 or 1/4, may be necessary. Before starting the foraminif-
era count, a quick estimation of the density of all samples should be
made in order to choose the adequate split size. Within the same
study, the same split size should be used for all samples, if possible, to
9J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
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ensure comparability and to facilitate a robust statistical treatment of
faunal data.
7.7. Mandatory—splits are always to be counted entirely
The distribution of specimens in the sample studied, on the picking
tray or in the petri dish is not even and homogeneous. The wrong number
of specimens and a non-representative species composition will be
obtained if the census is terminated when the required 250 or 300
specimens are collected and parts of the sample are left unregarded
(Boltovskoy and Wright, 1976). Splits are therefore to be counted
7.8. Advisory—wet or dry picking are both considered appropriate
A highly significant positive correlation is shown between the
diversity of wet-picked and dry-picked assemblages and the same
seems to apply for the assemblage composition (Bouchet et al., 2012).
As no evidences for a significant difference between the two methods
were reported to date, they can be used as equivalent. However, reliable
comparisons require consistency in the methodology used, the same
method should be used consistently within the same study and, prefer-
ably, within the same geographical region. In case of wet-picking, sam-
ples are either to be screened under ethanol or tap water. Distilled
water typically has a low pH of 5.5 to 6.5, it dissolves the test walls of
calcareous species, and it has to be avoided.
7.9. Advisory—the colouration intensity of specimens considered as living
should be assessed for every individual species
The coloration of rose Bengal stained specimens considered living at
the time of sampling may vary among species. For instance in marginal
marine foraminifera, Ammonia tepida is light rose, Haynesina germanica
is more intense, like a raspberry, and Elphidium excavatum is yellowish
dark red, all occurring in the same sample. Among other Rotaliids,
most Polymorphinids always have a very bright stain, whereas staining
is very dull in Cancris auriculus,Nonion scaphum or Valvulineria
bradyana.Globobulimina species show a frothy cytoplasm that absorbs
only littlestain and appears brownishviolet. In general, arenaceous spe-
cies show a darker colour tone than calcareous tests of Rotaliids. For
these reasons, staining criteria will be different for each taxon. If agglu-
tinated tests are composed of both, large and fine particles, the stained
protoplasm is often only visible through large quartz grains (Lutze and
Altenbach, 1991).
7.10. Advisory—during counting and identification, re-wetting dry-picked
specimens can help assess the staining
This applies particularly to species with opaque tests like thick-shelled
miliolids and certain agglutinated forms.
7.11. Advisory—breaking the tests of some miliolids and agglutinants to
check for cytoplasm may be necessary
For thick-shelled, opaque tests it may be necessary to break the test
open, e.g., with a needle, after identification in order to check if they
contain stained cytoplasm. Stain in the apertural region may indicate
a live (stained) individual and warrants further investigation by wetting
or breaking of the test.
7.12. Mandatory—soft-shelled, organic-walled species are not considered
in routine monitoring studies
Although they represent a significant part of marine benthic com-
munities, many allogromiid species are small and easily overlooked.
They lack diagnostic features and cannot be identified consistently
on a morphological basis, and hence they are often undescribed and
knowledge about their distribution and ecology is scarce. Allogromiids
are time-consuming to sort, and have a very low fossilisation potential
(Gooday, 2002). In a comprehensive study covering environments
ranging from fully oxic to anoxic bottom-water conditions, excluding
the organic-walled species did not lead to a significant loss of ecological
information (Bouchet et al., 2012).
7.13. Advisory—analyses of the dead assemblages may provide important
additional information
In sediment accumulation areas, the empty tests constituting the
dead foraminiferal assemblage can provide information about envi-
ronmental and biological changes over decades, or even longer pe-
riods, whether they were natural or induced by human activities.
Hence, analyses of dead assemblages in dated sediment cores can
quantitatively describe potential in situ, temporal changes in ecological
status from reference or pre-impacted conditions through to present-
day environmental situations (Alve, 1991; Cearreta et al., 2002; Ruiz
et al., 2004; Alve et al., 2009). This way, benthic foraminifera offer a
time-perspective, which is unique, compared to traditional environ-
mental monitoring strategies.
8. Documentation
8.1. Mandatory—census data and slides with picked specimens have to
be archived
A list of all recognised species has to be archived. They are to be
listed as regular taxonomic references with genus and species name,
author's name and date. The original counting sheets and prints of
census data tables have to be kept and archived. This allows a later
re-assessment of faunal data in case inconsistencies or numerical
outliers are found. An electronic submission of the data to a long-term
archive, such as PANGAEA (, is required. In
the PANGAEA database, only published data sets are available to the
public whereas working data are kept confidential (e.g., Fleischer and
Jannaschk, 2011).
A growing number of genetic investigations demonstrate that species
concepts of many marginal marine foraminifera need to be adapted
(e.g. Hayward et al., 2004; Schweizer et al., 2011). It is therefore essential
that all slides with picked specimens are archived in a publicly accessi-
ble collection or reference centre. This ensures that currentspecies con-
cepts of the investigators are documented and later revisions are
8.2. Mandatory—all available laboratory data are to be documented and
This includes sample volumes, weights of residues and size fractions,
and weights of subsamples or splits that were made for faunal analyses as
essential information. A record of laboratory procedures and preparation
documentation complies with the OECD (Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development) principles of Good Laboratory Practice
and ensures compatibility among different laboratories. The laboratory
data offer the possibility to recalculate species abundance or faunal
densities if required in the future.
8.3. Advisory—if available, untreated sample replicates or splits are to be
This facilitates a later re-examination of different grain-size frac-
tions, biometric studies of certain species, geochemical and stable
isotope analyses. Such samples are also important for foraminiferal
research in general, as they will allow creating a record of long-term
10 J. Schönfeld et al. / Marine Micropaleontology 94–95 (2012) 1–13
Author's personal copy
environmental change in certain areas (Schönfeld and Numberger,
2007b), and it will help to track the migrations and persistency of invasive
species (e.g., McGann et al., 2000; Nikulina et al., 2008).
9. Conclusions
This paper proposes a detailed protocol for foraminiferal bio-
monitoring studies, including all aspects of sample acquisition, replica-
tion, sub-sampling, sample preservation, staining, sample treatment,
faunal analysis, documentation and data management. In all cases, our
recommendations respect correct scientific procedures, but are also
motivated by the need to be practical and time-efficient. Our recom-
mendations fall into two categories (Table 1).
Mandatory recommendations have to be respected if the bio-
monitoring study wants to concur to the future FOBIMO norms. The
most important of these concern living assemblages and include the
following (Table 1):
•An interface corer or box corer that keeps the sediment surface
undisturbed is to be used for offshore surveys in soft sediments;
grab sampler should not be used except for qualitative studies on
hard grounds.
•Three replicate samples are to be taken and analysed separately.
•The interval from 0 to 1 cm below the sediment surface should be
•Samples are to be washed on a 63-μm screen.
•The living benthic foraminiferal fauna of the > 125 μm fraction is to
be analysed.
•Wet or dry splitters should be used for sample partitioning, and entire
splits should be counted.
•Soft-shelled foraminifera should not be included in routine forami-
niferal bio-monitoring studies.
•All counted foraminifera from one replicate per station have to be
stored in micropalaeontological slides.
•Census data, supplementary laboratory data and microslides have
to be archived.
The most important advisory recommendations are:
•The sample size should be 50 cm
, which corresponds to a tube of
8 cm inner diameter.
•Ethanol with a concentration of more than 70% is recommended as
a preservative.
•Rose Bengal at a concentration of 2 g per litre ethanol is advised for
staining, the stain should be added to the preservative before the
alcohol is poured to the sample, and a staining time of at least
14 days is necessary.
•Heavy liquid separation should be avoided.
•In some environments, particularly eutrophic ones, it may be necessary
to analyse the >63 μm fraction.
•Wet and dry picking are both considered appropriate.
•The analysis of dead assemblages may yield very important addi-
tional information about pre-impacted conditions.
•The study of the living fauna of deeper sediment levels may also
yield extra information.
•If possible, untreated samples should be preserved and stored for
further studies.
We are convinced that the general application of the standardised
methods proposed in this paper will facilitate the use of foraminifera
in bio-monitoring studies, and will lead to a general acceptance of this
powerful tool. This is essential in a context where monitoring of the
anthropogenic impact in vulnerable marine areas and long-term ob-
servations of climatic induced environmental changes has become
an absolute necessity.
We acknowledge the Swiss National Science Foundation Interna-
tional Exploratory Workshop Grant IZ32Z0-135895/1 and the Fonds
de Recherche of the University of Fribourg for funding the FOBIMO
Workshop. Christopher Duffield and Maria Pia Nardelli are thanked for
valuable suggestions on a first draft of the manuscript. Jpek Barutif,
Monica Constandache, and Jan Pawlowski made contributions to the dis-
cussions during the workshop. We appreciate the input of Angel Borja to
the discussions and his suggestions on earlier versions of this paper. Fi-
nally, we acknowledge the comments and suggestions of Richard Jordan
as Editor, Bruce Hayward and one anonymous reviewer, which signifi-
cantly improved the manuscript.
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