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Bioavailability of Herbs and Spices in Humans as Determined by ex vivo Inflammatory Suppression and DNA Strand Breaks


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this work was to determine the bioavailability of herbs and spices after human consumption by measuring the ability to protect lymphocytes from an oxidative injury and by examining the impact on inflammatory biomarkers in activated THP-1 cells. Ten to 12 subjects in each of 13 groups consumed a defined amount of herb or spice for 7 days. Blood was drawn from subjects before consumption and 1 hour after taking the final herb or spice capsules. Subject serum and various extractions of the herbs and spices were analyzed for antioxidant capacity by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) analysis or by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrzyl (DPPH). Subject peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in medium with10% autologous serum were incubated with hydrogen peroxide to induce DNA strand breaks. Subject serum was also used to treat activated THP-1 cells to determine relative quantities of 3 inflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α], interleukin-1α [IL-1α], and IL-6) mRNAs. Herbs and spices that protected PBMCs against DNA strand breaks were paprika, rosemary, ginger, heat-treated turmeric, sage, and cumin. Paprika also appeared to protect cells from normal apoptotic processes. Of the 3 cytokine mRNAs studied (TNF-α, IL-1α, and IL-6), TNF-α was the most sensitive responder to oxidized LDL-treated macrophages. Clove, ginger, rosemary, and turmeric were able to significantly reduce oxidized LDL-induced expression of TNF-α. Serum from those consuming ginger reduced all three inflammatory biomarkers. Ginger, rosemary, and turmeric showed protective capacity by both oxidative protection and inflammation measures. DNA strand breaks and inflammatory biomarkers are a good functional measure of a food's bioavailability.
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... En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, helpen bij het bieden van een oplossing voor deze voorgenoemde problemen. Dit is dus een mijlpaalstudie die het vermogen van verschillende kruiden om ontstekingen te onderdrukken vergelijkt, en vergeleek daarnaast ook hun vermogen om DNA te beschermen, hetgeen resulteerde in de conclusie dat kruidnagel, gember, rozemarijn en kurkuma de ontstekingsreactie significant konden onderdrukken in termen van TNF-activiteit [73]. Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. ...
... Dit is dus een mijlpaalstudie die het vermogen van verschillende kruiden om ontstekingen te onderdrukken vergelijkt, en vergeleek daarnaast ook hun vermogen om DNA te beschermen, hetgeen resulteerde in de conclusie dat kruidnagel, gember, rozemarijn en kurkuma de ontstekingsreactie significant konden onderdrukken in termen van TNF-activiteit [73]. Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. Maar als de persoon al een week gember eet, daalt dat tot slechts 8 [%] [73]. ...
... Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. Maar als de persoon al een week gember eet, daalt dat tot slechts 8 [%] [73]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [73]. ...
... En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, helpen bij het bieden van een oplossing voor deze voorgenoemde problemen. Dit is dus een mijlpaalstudie die het vermogen van verschillende kruiden om ontstekingen te onderdrukken vergelijkt, en vergeleek daarnaast ook hun vermogen om DNA te beschermen, hetgeen resulteerde in de conclusie dat kruidnagel, gember, rozemarijn en kurkuma de ontstekingsreactie significant konden onderdrukken in termen van TNF-activiteit [73]. Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. ...
... Dit is dus een mijlpaalstudie die het vermogen van verschillende kruiden om ontstekingen te onderdrukken vergelijkt, en vergeleek daarnaast ook hun vermogen om DNA te beschermen, hetgeen resulteerde in de conclusie dat kruidnagel, gember, rozemarijn en kurkuma de ontstekingsreactie significant konden onderdrukken in termen van TNF-activiteit [73]. Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. Maar als de persoon al een week gember eet, daalt dat tot slechts 8 [%] [73]. ...
... Als we kijken naar de effecten van DNA-bescherming, dan kan bij het nemen van een weefselmonster van een gemiddelde persoon ongeveer 7 [%] van hun cellen DNAschade vertonen in de zin van daadwerkelijke breuken in de strengen van hun DNA kunnen teweegbrengen, en als u die cellen injecteerd met vrije radicalen die extra stress veroorzaken, dan kan dat aantal zelfs worden verhoogd tot 10 [%] [73]. Maar als de persoon al een week gember eet, daalt dat tot slechts 8 [%] [73]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [73]. ...
... Curcumine, het gele pigment in kurkuma, is een specerij die goedkoper en veiliger is en er zijn aanwijzingen dat het in vivo ex vitro kan helpen, dus het kan ook mogelijk buiten een reageerbuis werken bij alle ziekten waarvoor momenteel TNF-blokkers worden gebruikt. En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, [108]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [108]. ...
... En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, [108]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [108]. Als je naar kurkuma kijkt, kan het de DNA-schade met zelfs 50 [%] halveren. ...
... Als je naar kurkuma kijkt, kan het de DNA-schade met zelfs 50 [%] halveren. Het is belangrijk op te merken dat de onderzoekers niet de kruiden zelf op deze menselijke witte bloedcellen druppelden, maar het bloed van degenen die de kruiden aten, dus het is niet alleen het mengen van kurkuma met cellen in een petrischaaltje, dit is daadwerkelijk een vergelijking van hetgeen er gebeurt wanneer je de cellen van kruideneters versus de cellen van niet-kruideneters blootstelt aan vrije radicalen en de DNA-fractuurpercentages telt [108]. Het geeft dus weer wat er kan gebeuren als cellen in ons lichaam worden blootgesteld aan de niveaus van kruiden die in onze bloedbaan circuleren na normale dagelijkse consumptie. ...
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De prikkelende, bittere, neus-samentrekkend ruikende fel geeloranje gouden (de alleppey kurkuma ook wel de Indiase kurkuma exemplaren genoemd hebben een diepgele tot oranjegele kleur) of (exclusief of) bruin (de Chinese kurkuma exemplaren hebben een typisch bruinachtige kleur) of (exclusief of) rood (welke rode kleur ontstaat door gedroogde kurkuma te combineren met calciumhydroxide poeder en wanneer het rood is wordt het ook wel het "kunkum" en "kumkuma" genoemd) kruidenpoeder van de gedroogde gemberachtige groente maar aan de binnenkant gekleurde wortelstelen en de wortelstokken van de meerjarige bloeiende kruidenplant die leeft in gebieden met tropisch warme temperaturen en veel regen nodig heeft om te gedijen welke gewoonlijk kurkuma genoemd met de soortnaam curcuma longa linnaeus (ookmeritorious earth", "Indiase saffraan" en "Indian saffron" omdat Marco Polo schreef dat het een groente is die alle eigenschappen heeft die echte saffraan ook heeft, waaronder de geur en de kleur, maar toch niet gelijk is aan echte saffraan) categoriseerbaar in het plantengeslacht curcuma (ook kurkuma genoemd, waarvan de naam kan zijn afgeleid van het Sanskriet "kuṅkuma" dat verwijst naar zowel kurkuma als saffraan) in de gemberfamilie zingiberaceae (en dus een relatief naaste verwant van gember) mogelijk omdat het de niet-steroïde polyfenolische (vanwege de meerdere chemisch gedefinieerde aromatische fenolringen) en de meervoudige hydroxylgroep (welke chemisch gedefinieerde aromatische fenolringen en meerdere hydroxylgroepen het zijn antioxiderende eigenschap geven) bevat het polair gemakkelijk in water oplosbaar potentieel krachtige antioxidant curcuminoïde diferuloylmethaan biologisch actieve verbinding molecuul kurkuma curcumine (ook wel "curcumine", "kurkumine" en "kurkumin" genoemd) dat aanwezig is en dus kan worden gevonden in kurkuma, aangezien het ongeveer 5 [%] van zijn massa uitmaakt [105] (waarvoor een handige nuttige pragmatische kanttekening zou zijn dat de biologische beschikbaarheid van curcumine in het bloedserum door verhoogde absorptie in de dikke darm synergetisch potentieel kan worden versterkt en dus verhoogd tot 2'000 [%] bij menselijke dieren bij gepaarde consumptie samen met de zwarte peper piper nigrum die de verbinding peperine [1] bevat die verantwoordelijk is voor ongeveer 5 [%] van zijn massa [106] en tevens ook verantwoordelijk is voor de scherpe smaak van peper en het remt inhibiterend ook het metabolische vermogen van de lever om stoffen in water oplosbaar te maken zodat ze gemakkelijker kunnen worden uitgescheiden hetgeen leidt tot verhoging van het biologisch beschikbare niveau van curcumine in de bloedbaan omdat wanneer het mechanisme niet wordt onderdrukt de lever actief probeert om er vanaf te komen en je dus maar een relatief kleine piek in bloodbuis niveau van crucumine ziet terwijl vergeleken met wanneer gepaard ook peperine wordt geconsumeerd met dezelfde hoeveelheid curcumine de biologische beschikbaarheid omhoog schiet tot wel 2000 [%] [ 1], waarvoor niet veel zwarte peper nodig is, aangezien een klein snuifje van 1/20 van een theelepel genoeg is om het niveau aanzienlijk te verhogen [107], een combinatie die bijvoorbeeld uitstekend zou werken in een curryrecept, omdat de biologische beschikbaarheid van curcumine normaal gesproken erg laag is en daarom is de voedingswaarde lager als het niet wordt geconsumeerd met zwarte peper, aangezien er slechts een klein beetje in onze bloedbaan komt na het eten van een lekkere curry, tenzij we wat zwarte peper toevoegen [1]; en een andere manier om de opname van curcumine te stimuleren, is door het in de vorm van kurkumawortel te consumeren (relatief vers of gedroogd als poeder) in vergelijking met een extract, omdat natuurlijke oliën in kurkumawortel en kurkumapoeder de biologische beschikbaarheid van curcumine kunnen verbeteren met een verschil van (zeven) tot 8 (acht) keer hogere biologische beschikbaarheid [107]; en wanneer het samen gegeten
... Curcumine, het gele pigment in kurkuma, is een specerij die goedkoper en veiliger is en er zijn aanwijzingen dat het in vivo ex vitro kan helpen, dus het kan ook mogelijk buiten een reageerbuis werken bij alle ziekten waarvoor momenteel TNF-blokkers worden gebruikt. En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, [108]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [108]. ...
... En dus, aangezien de kosten van de gezondheidszorg en veiligheid zulke grote problemen zijn, kan dit gouden kruid, kurkuma, [108]. Cellen in weefsel van iemand die geen kruiden en specerijen had gegeten, bleken kwetsbaarder te zijn voor DNA-schade door oxidatieve stress dan iemand die gember in zijn dieet heeft opgenomen, waardoor het die schade met 25 [%] kan verminderen, hetgeen ook kan gelden voor rozemarijn [108]. Als je naar kurkuma kijkt, kan het de DNA-schade met zelfs 50 [%] halveren. ...
... Als je naar kurkuma kijkt, kan het de DNA-schade met zelfs 50 [%] halveren. Het is belangrijk op te merken dat de onderzoekers niet de kruiden zelf op deze menselijke witte bloedcellen druppelden, maar het bloed van degenen die de kruiden aten, dus het is niet alleen het mengen van kurkuma met cellen in een petrischaaltje, dit is daadwerkelijk een vergelijking van hetgeen er gebeurt wanneer je de cellen van kruideneters versus de cellen van niet-kruideneters blootstelt aan vrije radicalen en de DNA-fractuurpercentages telt [108]. Het geeft dus weer wat er kan gebeuren als cellen in ons lichaam worden blootgesteld aan de niveaus van kruiden die in onze bloedbaan circuleren na normale dagelijkse consumptie. ...
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Website link: [Turmeric-SOURCES BELOW] The pungent, bitter, astringent smelling brightly yellow-orange golden (the alleppey turmeric also called the Indian turmeric exemplars have a deep yellow to orange-yellow color) or (exclusive or) brown (the Chinese turmeric exemplars have typically a brownish color) or (exclusive or) red (which red color is created by combining dried turmeric with calcium hydroxide powder and when red it is also called "kunkum" and "kumkuma") spice powder from the dried ginger-like vegetable but colored on the inside root stalks and the rhizomes of the perennial flowering herb plant living in tropical warm temperature areas and needing plenty of rainfalls to thrive commonly named turmeric which species name is curcuma longa linnaeus (alsoIndiase saffraan" and "Indian saffron" since Marco Polo wrote a that it is a vegetable that has all the properties of true saffron as well as the smell and the color but yet it is not really saffron) categorizable in the plant genus curcuma (also called kurkuma which name may be derived from the Sanskrit "kuṅkuma" which is referring to both turmeric and saffron) in the ginger family zingiberaceae (and thus a relatively close relative of ginger) possibly because it contains the non-steroidal polyphenolic (because of the multiple chemically defined aromatic phenol rings) and multiple hydroxyl group (which aromatic phenol rings and hydroxyl groups give it its antioxidant property) containing the polar readily in water soluble potentially powerful antioxidant curcuminoid diferuloylmethane biologically active compound molecule turmeric curcumin (also called "curcumine", "kurkumine" and "kurkumin") that is contained and thus can be found in turmeric as it makes up of approximately 5 [%] of its mass [105] (for which a convenient useful pragmatic sidenote would be that curcumin's blood serum level bioavailability by increased absorption in the colon can be synergistically potentially boosted thus increased up to 2'000 [%] in human animals when consuming it together with the black pepper piper nigrum that contains the compound peperine [1] which is responsible for about 5 [%] of its mass [106] and which is also responsible for the pungent flavor of pepper and also inhibits the livers metabolism mechanism to make substances water-soluble so they can be more easily excreted suppressing this mechanism leading to higher blood levels of bioavailability of curcumin as within an hour you can see a little bump in the level in the bloodstream of curcumin when the mechanism is unsuppressed because the liver is actively trying to get rid of it while compared to when also consuming peperine with the same amount of curcumin consumed the bioavailability shoots up to 2'000 [%] [1], which does not take much black pepper since a little pinch of 1/20 of a teaspoon is enough to considerably boost levels [107], which concomitant combination would work great in a curry recipe for example since the bioavailability of curcumin is normally very low and thus the nutritional value is poorer when not consumed with black pepper since just a tiny bit gets into our bloodstream after eating a nice curry unless we add some black pepper [1]; and another way to boost the absorption of curcumin is to consume it in the whole food turmeric root form (relatively fresh or dried as a powder) as compared to an extract because natural oils found in turmeric root and turmeric powder can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin 7 (seven) to 8 (eight) fold [107]; and when eaten together with a relatively large amount of fatty acid containing foods such as nuts, e.g. walnuts, almonds or pecans, also ensures increased bioavailability as curcumin can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system and thus thereby in part bypassing the liver [107]) which curcumin pigment also gives turmeric its brightly deep yellow to orange-yellow golden color which turmeric is possibly usable as
... Bioavailability is the primary essential measure for assessing the health benefits of herbal medicine for humans. In current years, the idea that natural remedies are more secure in comparison with prescription medications has acquired traction and contributed to a massive rise in phytopharmaceutical applications [377]. The bioavailability of these herbal medicinal products varies in blood, plasma, or tissue [378]. ...
... The bioavailability of these herbal medicinal products varies in blood, plasma, or tissue [378]. The bioavailability of these herbal medicinal products such as thyme [379], eucalyptus [380], turmeric [381], mint [378], garlic [382], ginger [377], cinnamon [377], and clove [377] was recorded in earlier research. These studies significantly lead to the precise scientific evaluation of the numerous remarks regarding the herbal products, which are progressively marketed with curative remarks throughout the world [378]. ...
... The bioavailability of these herbal medicinal products varies in blood, plasma, or tissue [378]. The bioavailability of these herbal medicinal products such as thyme [379], eucalyptus [380], turmeric [381], mint [378], garlic [382], ginger [377], cinnamon [377], and clove [377] was recorded in earlier research. These studies significantly lead to the precise scientific evaluation of the numerous remarks regarding the herbal products, which are progressively marketed with curative remarks throughout the world [378]. ...
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Recently, increasing public concern about hygiene has been driving many studies to investigate antimicrobial and antiviral agents. However, the use of any antimicrobial agents must be limited due to their possible toxic or harmful effects. In recent years, due to previous antibiotics’ lesser side effects, the use of herbal materials instead of synthetic or chemical drugs is increasing. Herbal materials are found in medicines. Herbs can be used in the form of plant extracts or as their active components. Furthermore, most of the world’s populations used herbal materials due to their strong antimicrobial properties and primary healthcare benefits. For example, herbs are an excellent material to replace nanosilver as an antibiotic and antiviral agent. The use of nanosilver involves an ROS-mediated mechanism that might lead to oxidative stress-related cancer, cytotoxicity, and heart diseases. Oxidative stress further leads to increased ROS production and also delays the cellular processes involved in wound healing. Therefore, existing antibiotic drugs can be replaced with biomaterials such as herbal medicine with high antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant activity. This review paper highlights the antibacterial, antiviral, and radical scavenger (antioxidant) properties of herbal materials. Antimicrobial activity, radical scavenger ability, the potential for antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer agents, and efficacy in eliminating bacteria and viruses and scavenging free radicals in herbal materials are discussed in this review. The presented herbal antimicrobial agents in this review include clove, portulaca, tribulus, eryngium, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, thyme, pennyroyal, mint, fennel, chamomile, burdock, eucalyptus, primrose, lemon balm, mallow, and garlic, which are all summarized.
... Specific foods that have been studied include spices, which have a significant effect on the gut microbiome stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibiting the growth of the pathogens (53)(54)(55). A number of spices have also been shown to be immunomodulators, decreasing TNF-ɑ, IL-1ɑ, and decreasing DNA damage (56). Additionally, herbs and spices have very high ORAC values giving very good free radical scavenging ability. ...
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There has been a sea of change in our understanding of the contribution of food to both our well-being and disease states. When one addresses “food as medicine,” the concept of oxidative stress needs to be included. This review interconnects the basic science findings of oxidative stress and redox balance with the medicinal use of food, emphasizing optimization of the redox balance. To better illustrate the impacts of oxidative stress, the concept of the “triple oxidant sink” is introduced as a theoretical gauge of redox balance. Utilizing the concept, the true importance of dietary and lifestyle factors can be emphasized, including the limitations of supplements or a handful of “superfoods,” if the remainder of the factors are pro-oxidant. The effects of a whole plant food diet compared with those of dietary supplements, processed foods, animal based nutrients, or additional lifestyle factors can be visually demonstrated with this concept. This paper provides an overview of the process, acknowledging that food is not the only mechanism for balancing the redox status, but one that can be strategically used to dramatically improve the oxidative state, and thus should be used as medicine.
... In addition, clove is one of the most abundant plant sources of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate, and β-caryophyllene (Uddin et al., 2017;Gaspar et al., 2018). The essential oil of clove has been reported to possess many positive benefits through its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, and wound-healing activities (Bachiega et al., 2012;Percival et al., 2012;Cortés-Rojas et al., 2014;Zari et al., 2021). In this study, we investigated the anti-inflammatory activity and underlying mechanisms of CWE against LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 ...
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Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L) is a precious spice that has been extensively used by many countries over the centuries to add flavor and for medicinal purposes. Because of its abundance of phytochemical compounds, clove has been shown to have positive benefits on human health. Hence, we investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of clove water extract (CWE) in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and mouse peritoneal. The results showed that CWE significantly inhibited the production of IL-6 and TNF-α in a dose-dependent manner, as well as the production of nitric oxide (NO), without any cytotoxic effects at less than 20 mg/mL, through down-regulating IL-6, TNF-α, and iNOS gene expression. Moreover, CWE impeded the MAPKs and inhibited the translocation of NF-kB from the cytosol to the nucleus. These results suggest that CWE possesses anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the MAPKs and NF-kB pathways.
... To combat the problem of antibiotic resistance, researchers are continuously looking for new therapeutic strategies 7 . The notion that herbal medicines are safer than prescription drugs has gained traction in recent years, which has led to a sharp increase in the use of phyto-pharmaceuticals 8 . Herbal remedies can be used alongside or even in place of traditional dental therapy to provide effective antimicrobial control of dental plaque and thus caries prevention 9 . ...
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Dental caries is an age-old oral disease afflicting humans irrespective of gender, age, socio-economical background, and geographical location. Despite extensive research being done worldwide to prevent dental caries, it is undoubtedly still a significant public health issue. Streptococcus mutans, a commensal bacteria of the oral microflora, is the primary etiological agent strongly linked to dental caries. In recent years, medicinal plant-based phytotherapy has drawn great attention towards managing various diseases as it is effective and safe. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of fresh Citrus limon fruit juice against S. mutans and to quantify its ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) concentration. Additionally, to determine the MIC, MBC and growth curve assay of standard ascorbic acid against S. mutans. Fresh C. limon fruit juice demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity against the S. mutans reference strain (MTCC 497) by the agar well diffusion method. The ascorbic acid concentration of C. limon juice was found to be 0.194 % w/w by HPLC technique. The MIC and MBC values of standard ascorbic acid against S. mutans were found to be 12.5 mg/ml and 25 mg/ml, respectively. The growth curve assay demonstrated that ascorbic acid at a sub-MIC concentration of 6.25 mg/ml did not display any significant variations in the growth rate of S. mutans. To summarize, C. limon fruit juice is a potential source of natural antibacterial metabolites against S. mutans. Ascorbic acid, one of the chief components of C. limon fruit, is a promising agent for the development of anti-caries products. Further studies are warranted for developing novel formulations using ascorbic acid with other natural metabolites for the prevention and better management of caries.
... Traditional use of clove oil as a lotion or drinking of cloves in tea with daily routine may help to reduce inflammation caused by Arthritis. Past studies [79] have shown eating them on the daily could lead to major health benefits. Susan, et al. have concluded that DNA strand breaks and inflammatory biomarkers are a good functional measure of a food's bioavailability. ...
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All over the world, Plants have found to be a valuable source of herbs and spices for a long period of time to maintain the human health. Varieties of herbs and spices have been used to impart an aroma and taste to food for last few centuries. Several applications of plants species have been reported as antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antihypertensive and antimicrobial activities. Currently efforts are focused on their scientific merits, to provide science-based evidence for their traditional uses and to develop either functional foods or nutraceutical behavior. India is well recognized all over the world for their variety of herbs, spices and medicinal biodiversity. The WHO has listed more than 21000 plants, which are used for their medicinal purposes either in the form of essential oil or in the form of flavor. Among these, more than 2500 species and herbs are found in India, however; among them more than 150 species are used commercially on large scale. In India, the use of spices and herbs in the form of essential oil or in the form of flavor are traditionally used in routine treatment. For example, Curcumin which is found in turmeric are frequently used in medical facilities to wound healing, rheumatic disorders, and gastrointestinal symptoms etc.
... In ex vivo analysis, those peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from subjects administered cumin showed evidence of protection from oxidative damage. 15 The pharmacokinetics of cuminaldehyde were examined in rats orally administered a dose of 200 mg/kg. 16 The peak drug concentration (C max ) in the blood was 4.63 μg/mL, time to reach peak concentration (T max ) was 1.85 hours, and the half-life was 1.45 hours. ...
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Cumin is an aromatic herb prepared from the dried seeds of the plant Cuminum cyminum L. (family Apiaceae). As a culinary ingredient, it is a major constituent of curry powder, and as a spice, its popularity is considered second only to pepper. Therapeutic uses of cumin in traditional medicines date back millenia and include treatment for gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and jaundice, as well as for hypertension, epilepsy, fever, childhood maladies, and gynecological and respiratory disorders. This narrative review summarizes recent human trials that assess its efficacy in relieving symptoms associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease and considers suggestions for future studies.
Publisher Summary Several methods have been developed to assess the total antioxidant capacities of various biological samples, particularly complex matrices such as plasma, serum, wine, fruits, vegetables, and animal tissues. This chapter presents a method called “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” (ORAC) assay based largely on the work reported by Glazer's laboratory, which depends on the unique properties of phycoerythrin (PE). The ORAC assay is the only method that takes reactive species (RS) reaction to completion and uses an “area under the curve” (AUC) technique for quantitation, thus combining both inhibition time and inhibition percentage of the RS action by antioxidants into a single quantity. The chapter discusses the general principles of ORAC assay for assessing antioxidant capacity against peroxyl radicals. By integrating inhibition percentages over the whole inhibition time period, the ORAC assay successfully overcomes all related problems in quantitation of the antioxidant capacity of a biological sample. Either B- or R-phycoerythrin (B-PE or R-PE) can be used in the ORAC assay. The sensitivity of B- or R-PE to hydroxyl radical damage may be different even for the same PE with different lot numbers. The concentrations of Cu 2+ and standard (Tro lox) can be adjusted, when it is necessary. The aforementioned procedures are based on using B- or R-PE that loses more than 90% of its fluorescence within 30 rains. The chapter concludes with a discussion of ORAC assay for assessing antioxidant capacity against transition metals.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower serum triglycerides by a mechanism that may involve the inhibition of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD). We sought to evaluate the effects of serum fatty acids on 1) the SCD index in a controlled clinical setting, and 2) SCD regulation in Hep G2 cells. The SCD index was determined in 23 subjects randomly sequenced through 3 diets for 6 weeks in a crossover study. Diets were variably enriched with n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids; notably, monounsaturated fatty acids were held constant. Effects of linoleic acid (LA), α-linolenic acid (ALA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on mRNA levels of SCD, fatty acid elongases 5 and 6 (Elovl5 and Elovl6), fatty acid synthase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, and sterol response element binding protein-1c were investigated in Hep G2 cells after 24-hour incubations. The SCD indexes C18:1/18:0 and C16:1/C16:0 were significantly (P < .0001) correlated with serum TG with R(2) values of 0.71 and 0.58. The correlation was negatively associated with LA and positively associated with ALA. LA and EPA decreased SCD mRNA (EC(50) of 0.50 and 1.67μM), whereas ALA did not. Likewise, LA and EPA decreased sterol response element binding protein-1c mRNA (EC(50) of 0.78 and 1.78μM), but ALA did not. Similar results were observed for Elovl6. GW9662, a peroxisome proliferation activator receptor antagonist, did not obviate the effects of LA and EPA on SCD mRNA. Diets enriched in LA, ALA, and by metabolic inference EPA, can regulate SCD activity at the level of transcription, a nutritional intervention that may be useful in the management of increased levels of serum triglycerides in cardiometabolic disorders.
Acute-phase Serum Amyloid A (ASAA) is a novel pro-inflammatory adipokine, increased in obese, insulin resistant subjects. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with inflammation and atherosclerosis. We assessed sera, adipose tissue (AT) mRNA and protein levels of ASAA of PCOS women and matched controls. Ex vivo regulation of AT ASAA by d-glucose, effects of metformin treatment on circulating ASAA in PCOS subjects and effects of sera from normal and PCOS subjects (before and after metformin) on ASAA production (THP-1 macrophages) were also studied. Circulating ASAA (ELISA), subcutaneous and omental AT ASAA mRNA (RT-PCR) and protein (western blotting) were significantly higher in PCOS women (P<0.05). In AT explants, glucose significantly increased ASAA production and secretion (P<0.05, P<0.01). Furthermore, ASAA production (THP-1 macrophages) was significantly greater by sera from PCOS women compared to controls (P<0.01). ASAA protein production was significantly decreased by sera from PCOS women following 6 months of metformin treatment (P<0.05). After 6 months of metformin treatment, there was a significant decrease in circulating ASAA (P<0.05). Importantly, changes in intima media thickness were predictive of changes in circulating ASAA (P=0.034). Serum and AT ASAA are increased in PCOS women and are elevated by glucose. Metformin treatment decreases serum ASAA in these women. An adipose tissue-monocyte axis may be pivotal in the pathogenesis of inflammation and atherosclerosis. ASAA may be a valuable diagnostic marker in the management of dysmetabolic states including PCOS.
The discovery of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) as components that recognize conserved structures in pathogens has greatly advanced understanding of how the body senses pathogen invasion, triggers innate immune responses and primes antigen-specific adaptive immunity. Although TLRs are critical for host defense, it has become apparent that loss of negative regulation of TLR signaling, as well as recognition of self molecules by TLRs, are strongly associated with the pathogenesis of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, it is now clear that the interaction between TLRs and recently identified cytosolic innate immune sensors is crucial for mounting effective immune responses. Here we describe the recent advances that have been made by research into the role of TLR biology in host defense and disease.
When incorporated into the diet, pistachios have a beneficial effect on lipid and lipoprotein profiles. However, little is known about potential anti-inflammatory properties. This study was conducted to determine whether pistachio oil and an organic extract from pistachio oil extract (PE) regulated expression of inflammation-related genes. A mouse macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7 cells) was treated with pistachio oil and gene expression microarray analyses were performed. Pistachio oil significantly affected genes involved in immune response, defense response to bacteria, and gene silencing, of which INF-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 (Ifit-2) was the most dramatically reduced. PE reduced the LPS-induced Ifit-2 by 78% and the bioactive molecules contained in PE, linoleic acid, and beta-sitosterol recapitulated this inhibition. Promoter analysis identified two adjacent IFN-stimulated response elements, which lie between -110 and -85bp of the 5'-flanking region of the Ifit-2 promoter, as being responsive to LPS activation and inhibition by PE. Our results indicate that pistachio oil and bioactive molecules present therein decrease Ifit-2 expressions, and due to the sensitivity of this effect, this gene is a potential biomarker for monitoring diet-induced changes in inflammation.
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) have anti-atherogenic effects in both in vitro and animal models. Most studies on CLAs were performed with either a CLA mixture or purified 9cis (Z),11trans (E)-CLA or 10E,12Z-CLA isomers. However, the 9E,11E isomer has superior anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effects compared with the more abundant CLAs. The 9E,11E-CLA isomer specifically increases interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), an important anti-inflammatory mediator that is associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease. The purpose of this present study was to determine if 9E,11E-CLA affects markers of atherogenesis via regulation of IL-1Ra. In human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), 9E,11E-CLA decreased such atherogenesis-related genes as intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, E-selectin, P-selectin and C-C motif chemokine receptor-2. Treatment of RAW 264.7 cells with 9E,11E-CLA decreased their adhesion to HUVECs. This effect was reversed by inhibiting the phosphoinositide 3-kinase or mouse target of rapamycin pathways. IL-1Ra-deficient RAW 264.7 cells (siIL-1Ra RAW) bind more efficiently to HUVECs compared with the control stable cells (si-control RAW). In addition, HUVECs treated with siIL-1Ra RAW-conditioned media induce significantly higher levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and E-selectin than HUVECs treated with si-control RAW-conditioned media. Taken together, the data show that 9E,11E-CLA decreases the atherogenesis-related genes in HUVECs and alters adhesion of macrophages. In addition, the induction of IL-1Ra by 9E,11E-CLA is partially responsible for the anti-atherogenic properties of this particular CLA isomer.
Our aim was to investigate the effects of reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) infusions on plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) anti-inflammatory properties and ex vivo cholesterol efflux in patients with type 2 diabetes. The anti-inflammatory effects of HDL contribute to protection from cardiovascular events. Individuals with type 2 diabetes are at elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, and typically have low HDL with reduced anti-inflammatory properties. Thirteen fasting male patients (mean age 52 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus received both rHDL (80 mg/kg of apolipoprotein A-I) and a saline placebo on separate occasions in a randomized cross-over design study. Changes in the ability of isolated HDL to influence the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in human coronary artery endothelial cells was the main outcome measure. Other outcome measures included expression of the key integrin, CD11b on patient monocytes, adhesiveness of patient neutrophils to fibrinogen, and the ability of plasma to promote cholesterol efflux to THP-1 macrophages. Four and 72 h post-rHDL infusion, the anti-inflammatory properties of isolated HDL increased in parallel to their concentration in plasma (by up to 25%, p < 0.01). Participants' peripheral blood monocyte CD11b expression and neutrophil adhesion to a fibrinogen matrix was also reduced 72 h post-rHDL, compared with that seen in placebo (p = 0.02). rHDL increased the capacity of plasma to receive cholesterol from THP-1 macrophages by 1 h up to 72 h post-infusion (by 40% to 60%, p < 0.05). rHDL infusions have significant, potentially atheroprotective effects in individuals with diabetes, including suppression of inflammation and enhancement of cholesterol efflux.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a mixture of dietary fatty acids that has various beneficial effects including decreasing cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes and inflammation in animal models. Some controversy exists on the specific isomers of CLA that are responsible for the benefits observed. This study was conducted to examine how different CLA isomers regulate gene expression in RAW 264.7. A mouse macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7, was treated with five different CLA isomers (9E,11E-, 9Z,11E-, 9Z,11Z-, 10E,12Z- and 11Z,13E-CLA). Gene expression microarrays were performed, and several significantly regulated genes of interest were verified by a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Examination of the biological functions of various significantly regulated genes by the five CLA isomers showed distinct properties. Isomers 9E,11E-, 9Z,11Z-, 10E,12Z- and 11Z,13E-CLA decreased production of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6. Many of CLA's effects are believed to be mediated by the fatty acid receptors such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and retinoid-X-receptors (RXR). Using PPAR and RXR specific antagonists and coactivator recruitment assays, it was evident that multiple mechanisms were responsible for gene regulation by CLA isomers. Coactivator recruitment by CLA isomers showed their distinct properties as selective receptor modulators for PPARgamma and RXRalpha. These studies demonstrate distinct isomer differences in gene expression by CLA and will have important ramifications for determining the potential therapeutic benefit of these dietary fatty acids in prevention of inflammation-related diseases.
An improved method of oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay has been developed and validated using fluorescein (3',6'-dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1[3H],9'[9H]-xanthen]-3-one) as the fluorescent probe. Our results demonstrate that fluorescein (FL) is superior to B-phycoerythrin. The oxidized FL products induced by peroxyl radical were identified by LC/MS, and the reaction mechanism was determined to follow a classic hydrogen atom transfer mechanism. In addition, methodological and mechanistic comparison of ORAC(FL) with other widely used methods was discussed. It is concluded that, unlike other popular methods, the improved ORAC(FL) assay provides a direct measure of hydrophilic chain-breaking antioxidant capacity against peroxyl radical.