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Oat Prevents Obesity and Abdominal Fat Distribution, and Improves Liver Function in Humans


Abstract and Figures

Obesity is associated with a great diversity of diseases including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Our recent report suggested that oat, rich in beta-glucan, had a metabolic-regulating and liver-protecting effect in an animal model. In this study, we performed a clinical trial to further confirm the effect of oat. Subjects with BMI ≧27 and aged 18-65, were randomly divided into a control (n = 18) and an oat-treated (n = 16) group, taking a placebo or beta glucan-containing oat cereal, respectively, for 12 weeks. Our data showed that consumption of oat reduced body weight, BMI, body fat and the waist-to-hip ratio. Profiles of hepatic function, including AST, but especially ALT, were useful resources to help in the evaluation of the liver, since both showed decrements in patients with oat consumption. Nevertheless, anatomic changes were still not observed by ultrasonic image analysis. Ingestion of oat was well tolerated and there was no adverse effect during the trial. In conclusion, consumption of oat reduced obesity, abdominal fat, and improved lipid profiles and liver functions. Taken as a daily supplement, oat could act as an adjuvant therapy for metabolic disorders.
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Oat Prevents Obesity and Abdominal Fat Distribution,
and Improves Liver Function in Humans
Hong-Chou Chang &Chien-Ning Huang &Da-Ming Yeh &
Shing-Jung Wang &Chiung-Huei Peng &Chau-Jong Wang
Published online: 31 January 2013
#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
Abstract Obesity is associated with a great diversity of dis-
eases including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Our recent
report suggested that oat, rich in beta-glucan, had a metabolic-
regulating and liver-protecting effect in an animal model. In
this study, we performed a clinical trial to further confirm the
effect of oat. Subjects with BMI 27 and aged 1865, were
randomly divided into a control (n=18) and an oat-treated (n=
16) group, taking a placebo or beta glucan-containing oat
cereal, respectively, for 12 weeks. Our data showed that
consumption of oat reduced body weight, BMI, body fat and
the waist-to-hip ratio. Profiles of hepatic function, including
AST, but especially ALT, were useful resources to help in the
evaluation of the liver, since both showed decrements in
patients with oat consumption. Nevertheless, anatomic
changes were still not observed by ultrasonic image analysis.
Ingestion of oat was well tolerated and there was no adverse
effect during the trial. In conclusion, consumption of oat
reduced obesity, abdominal fat, and improved lipid profiles
and liver functions. Taken as a daily supplement, oat could act
as an adjuvant therapy for metabolic disorders.
Keywords Oat .Obesity .Abdominal body fat .Fatty liver
ALT Alanine transaminase
AST Aspartate transaminase
BMI Body mass index
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
FFA Free fatty acids
FS Fatty liver scores
γ-GT gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
HDL-C High-density lipoprotein cholesterol
LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
TG Triacylglycerol
Chiung-Huei Peng and Chau-Jong Wang contributed equally to this
work and therefore, share the corresponding authorship.
H.-C. Chang :C.-N. Huang
Institute of Medicine, Chung-Shan Medical University,
Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
C.-N. Huang
Department of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
D.-M. Yeh
School of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences,
Chung Shan Medical University,
Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
D.-M. Yeh
Department of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
S.-J. Wang
Division of Research and Development, STANDARD Foods Co.,
Taipei, Taiwan
C.-H. Peng (*)
Division of Basic Medical Science, Hungkuang University,
Number 34, Chung Chie Road, Shalu County,
Taichung 433, Taiwan
C.-J. Wang
Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung-Shan Medical
University, Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
C.-J. Wang (*)
Department of Medical Research, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Number 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo North Road,
Taichung 402, Taiwan
Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 68:1823
DOI 10.1007/s11130-013-0336-2
Obesity, generally measured by body mass index (BMI), is
associated with a great diversity of diseases involving the
cardiovascular and metabolic systems. In recent years, there
has been increased recognition that body fat deposition and
abdominal obesity play a critical role in the pathogenesis of
related disorders [1].
There is a metabolic link among abdominal fat, high
triacylglycerol (TG), high low-density lipoprotein cholester-
ol (LDL-C), low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-
C) and flux of free fatty acids (FFA) [2]. Since the liver
regulates the plasma lipid level through low density lipo-
protein (LDL) clearance and high density lipoprotein (HDL)
recruitment, non-alcoholic fatty liver is generally considered
to be the liver component of metabolic syndrome, which is
defined by over waist circumference, dyslipidaemia, hyper-
glycaemia, and hypertension [3,4]. It showed that obesity
induced steatosis, lymphocyte infiltration, and the subse-
quent development of hepatic illness [5]. As commonly
found in ultrasound screening, liver disorders are often
accompanied with an elevation of AST (aspartate transam-
inase) and ALT (alanine transaminase) [4]. In addition,
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) was often accom-
panied with hepato-cholecystic disorders and may be in-
volved in the promotion of carcinogenesis [6].
Previous reports have suggested that oat has metabolic-
regulating effects. Oat bran decreased the total choles-
terol level in serum, and decreased cholesterol and TG
contents in the liver [7]. Whole-grain oat cereal reduced
LDL-C in overweight and obese adults [8]. Oat contains
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phenolic com-
pounds, and is rich in beta-glucan [9]. Oat-derived
beta-glucan increased HDL-C, while diminished LDL-C
and non-HDL cholesterol in overweight individuals
[10]. It has been suggested that daily intake of at least
3 g of oat beta-glucan reduces total cholesterol and
LDL-C in normo- or hyper-cholesterolemic subjects
[11]. Using the high-fat-diet (HFD)-fed rat model, we
recently demonstrated that oat reduced body weight and
fat, and improved the serum lipid profile via increasing
liver LDL clearance, inhibiting hepatic lipogenesis, and
stimulating lipolysis. [12].
Although many previous reports have shown that oat
improved lipid profiles and reduced body weight, few
of them emphasized the effects of oat on liver function,
hepatic steatosis, and body fat distribution. In this
study, we performed a clinical trial to further confirm
the effect of oat on metabolic regulation. We examined
whether oat could attenuate obesity, body fat deposi-
tion, waist circumstance, and improve serum parameters
and liver function to prevent hepatic steatosis in obese
Materials and Methods
Subjects The study was approved by the Institute Review
Board of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (CSMUH
No: CS09072). All participants gave their informed consent in
writing. Subjects with BMI 27andaged1865 were
recruited for the study. Those who had one of the following
were excluded: a drinking habit (20 g alcohol daily), ALT 3-
fold higher or bilirulin above 2 mg/dl, kidney dysfunction,
cardiovascular disease, endocrine or severe systemic distur-
bance, mental disorder, or taking any OTC or prescribed
medication and nutraceutics. Forty subjects fulfilled the above
criteria were recruited for the study (Table 1).
Study Design The study was conducted from July 2009 to
June 2010. Before and after the experiment, the basal serum
parameters (glucose, TG, cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, FFA,
AST and ALT), BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, body fat and the fatty
liver score (FS, described below) were measured as curative
indexes. The subjects were double-blinded, randomized and
divided into two groups (20 subjects in each), one taking beta-
glucan-containing oat cereal and the other a placebo (with a
similar external but without beta-glucan), respectively. One
cereal pack (37.5 g) was prescribed to be mixed with 250 mL
Table 1 Baseline demographic data of the subjects
Age (y/o) 37.67± 10.59 39.44 ±11.69 0.65
Height (m) 1.65± 0.12 1.64±0.08 0.61
Weight (kg) 81.63± 17.39 78.36 ±11.74 0.53
BMI (kg/m
) 29.54± 2.54 29.18±2.34 0.66
Body fat (%) 37.46± 5.55 36.64±6.72 0.70
Waist-to-hip ratio 0.93± 0.04 0.94± 0.02 0.43
Systolic pressure (mmHg) 122.78±13.05 124.00 ±12.24 0.78
Diastolic pressure (mmHg) 76.44 ±8.75 78.88±7.97 0.41
Diabetes indicators
TCHO (mg/dl) 191.17± 29.51 189.31± 22.46 0.84
LDL-C (mg/dl) 133.11±23.13 126.25 ±24.69 0.41
HDL-C (mg/dl) 42.72± 6.70 45.75± 10.06 0.30
TG (mg/dl) 135.83± 57.86 132.81± 69.63 0.89
FFA (U/min/mg protein) 0.79 ±0.31 0.82 ±0.47 0.85
Glucose (mg/dl) 100.67± 34.31 94.62 ±8.12 0.50
Uric acid (mg/dl) 6.17±1.46 5.84± 1.34 0.51
Hepatic function
AST (U/L) 20.17± 10.51 27.06 ±19.74 0.21
ALT (U/L) 28.72± 26.80 42.44±34.14 0.20
FS 4.78± 2.41 3.75± 2.89 0.27
Data are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed by the Student's t-test.
p<0.05 was considered statistically significant
Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 68:1823 19
hot water and replaced some staple food of meals twice daily.
The calorific capacity in each pack was 144.8 kcal, with car-
bohydrate 25.3 g; protein 4.0 g; lipid 2.5 g; fiber 3.7 g and beta-
glucan 1.5 g. Body weight, waist-to-hip ratio and body fat were
measured at weeks 0, 2, 6, 8 and 12. Serum parameters and
safety evaluations, including heart rate, respiration, blood pres-
sure, γ-GT, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), albumin,
uric acid, blood and urine routine were alsomeasuredat weeks
0, 6 and 12. The recruited subjects were asked to take 3-day
records of daily meals and physical activity at each of the time
points before the trial, first six weeks and last six weeks,
respectively. At the end of the study, 34 subjects had complet-
ed all the experiments: 18 controls (6 males and 12 females)
and 16 (6 males and 10 females) in the beta-glucan group. Six
subjects withdrew from the trial: one with hyperglycemia, one
with higher TG, and four did not adhere to the following
Serum Parameters Serum glucose, TG, total cholesterol,
LDL-C, HDL-C, AST, ALT, BUN, creatinine, γ-GT, albu-
min and uric acid were analyzed on a Beckman Synchron
CX9 clinical system. FFA was analyzed using a Free Fatty
Acid Quantification Kit (ab65341, abcam).
Body Fat and Waist-to-Hip Ratio Body fat was measured
with a Tanita TBF-300GS analyzer. Waist-to-hip ratio was
calculated by the waist circumference (just above the upper
hip bone) divided by the hip circumference at its widest part.
Ultrasonic Image and Fatty Liver Scores (FS) The liver
ultrasonic image examination was performed with the Aloka
system (Prosound SSD-4000, with 5.0-MHz convex transduc-
er). Five items, including hepatic clearance, far gain attenuation,
and opaque of the bladder wall, portal area and hepatic vein,
were evaluated. Each item was classified as 0, 1, or 2 to indicate
normal, mild to moderate, or severe, respectively. FS was cal-
culated as the sum of the scores of the five items [13]. In general,
the recruited subjects showed mild liver steatosis (Table 1).
Statistical Analysis Using an unpaired Student t-test for the
control and oat-treated groups, and a paired Student t-test
for the pre- and post-trial, a pvalue of less than 0.05 was
considered statistically significant. All the analyses were
performed with SigmaPlot 11.0.
Oat Reduced Body Weight and BMI Weight and BMI were
slightly increased in the control group, but significantly
lowered by 2.08±2.05 kg and 0.81 ±0.80 kg/m
, respective-
ly, in the oat-treated group (Table 2). Almost 90 % of the
Table 2 Treatment effects
Control (n=18) Oat-treated (n=16)
6wk0wk pvalue* 12 wk 0wk pvalue* 6 wk 0wk pvalue* 12 wk 0wk pvalue* pvalue**
Weight (kg) 0.21± 1.09 0.422 0.52± 1.74 0.225 1.54± 1.64 0.002* 2.08±2.05 0.001* 0.000**
BMI (kg/m
)0.18± 0.37 0.050* 0.15 ±0.62 0.317 0.59±0.65 0.002* 0.81± 0.80 0.001* 0.000**
Body fat (%) 0.07± 1.32 0.820 0.39 ±1.94 0.406 0.34 ±1.97 0.495 0.93 ±1.73 0.048* 0.045**
Waist-to-hip tatio 0.01± 0.01 0.029* 0.01 ±0.03 0.013* 0.01 ±0.02 0.094 0.01±0.02 0.115 0.003**
Diabetes indicators
TCHO (mg/dl) 11.22±39.43 0.244 3.94 ±11.36 0.159 11.75± 19.69 0.031* 19.69±21.71 0.002* 0.011**
LDL-C (mg/dl) 4.28± 13.76 0.205 0.83±14.56 0.811 9.44±18.10 0.055 13.50± 14.81 0.002* 0.017**
HDL-C (mg/dl) 0.94± 4.28 0.362 1.61± 5.75 0.251 2.94 ±4.78 0.027* 0.94± 6.29 0.560 0.746
TG (mg/dl) 2.61± 45.52 0.811 8.50± 51.99 0.497 26.38± 48.18 0.045* 15.81± 49.91 0.224 0.175
FFA(U/min/mg protein) 0.02±0.42 0.856 0.15± 0.37 0.109 0.08± 0.50 0.548 0.14 ±0.38 0.156 0.946
Glucose (mg/dl) 7.89± 8.60 0.001* 11.44± 20.52 0.030* 1.50± 7.71 0.449 5.38 ±6.57 0.005* 0.266
Uric acid (mg/dl) 0.02± 0.61 0.878 0.32±0.86 0.136 0.06± 0.60 0.713 0.22± 0.64 0.190 0.711
Hepatic function
AST (U/L) 0.78 ±4.85 0.505 0.17±5.50 0.351 4.25±15.18 0.280 6.69±15.17 0.027* 0.083
ALT (U/L) 2.11±8.53 0.309 2.67 ±11.80 0.899 7.81±18.41 0.110 14.25±22.42 0.098 0.009**
FS 1.00± 1.75 0.027* 0.81± 1.60 0.060 0.748
Data are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed by paired t-test
*p<0.05 indicates the significance of each difference at 6 or 12 weeks compared with the baseline
**p<0.05 indicates the significance of each 12 wk 0 wk difference between the control and oat-treated groups
20 Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 68:1823
oat-treated subjects had reduced body weight and BMI (data
not shown).
Oat Reduced Body Fat and Waist-to-Hip Ratio During the
trial, the body fat and waist-to-hip ratio of more than 60 %
of the oat-treated subjects was reduced (data not shown).
The mean difference significantly decreased by 0.93±
1.73 % and 0.01±0.02, respectively, in the oat-treated group
(Table 2).
Oat Decreased Serum Cholesterol and Improved the Lipo-
protein Profiles Serum cholesterol was significantly de-
creased in the oat-treated subjects (Table 2). Although
HDL-C was not altered, oat decreased LDL-C. The serum
TG and FFA were not significantly reduced after oat treat-
ment, while serum glucose was slightly altered in both
Oat Reduced ALT and AST, and Improved FS In the oat-
treated subjects, AST significantly decreased from 27.06±
19.74 to 20.38±7.94 U/L, while no significance was found
compared with the control. ALT decreased 36 %, but no
significance was found between the pre- and post-trial.
However, compared with the control, ALT was significantly
decreased with oat treatment (Table 2). As seen in the
ultrasonic images, FS of the control and oat-treated groups
decreased 21 and 22 %, respectively (Table 2), without a
significant difference.
Oat did not Change the Safety Evaluation Markers With the
exception of the body temperature of the control group, the
safety evaluation markers were not altered after the trial.
However, γ-GT decreased 25 % in the oat-treated group,
with a marginal pvalue of 0.052, close to the criteria of
significance (Table 3). Hence, the oat treatment showed no
harm in terms of vital signs and blood safety markers.
In the present study, we demonstrated the anti-obesity and
liver-protection benefit of oat for the human body. Oat
reduced weight and body fat, especially inhibiting abdomi-
nal fat distribution. Oat decreased serum cholesterol and
LDL-C, thereby improving the lipoprotein profiles. The
liver function indexes were ameliorated by oat treatment,
and thus the occurrence or aggravation of fatty liver was
avoided. While exerting a benefit on metabolic regulation,
oat did not burden any of the systemic life signs.
Although BMI is widely used in body weight classifica-
tion and was adopted in this study [14], it may have limi-
tations and lead to a mis-estimation of the prevalence of
overweight and obesity. For some special populations who
have shorter lower limbs, using standing height alone to
calculate BMI may overestimate the number of individuals
that are overweight and obese, and at risk for type 2 diabetes
mellitus and cardiovascular disease [15].
Table 3 Safe evaluation markers
Control (n=18) Oat-treated (n=16)
pre-trial post-trial pvalue pre-trial post-trial pvalue
Heart rate (BPM) 72.67 ±8.26 76.44 ±8.85 0.059 72.25± 9.19 75.50±6.13 0.214
Respiration rate (BPM) 17.44±1.15 17.50 ±1.65 0.912 16.88± 1.59 16.75± 1.77 0.847
Systolic pressure (mmHg) 122.78±13.05 118.44± 8.61 0.170 124.00 ±12.24 119.12±7.23 0.150
Diastolic pressure (mmHg) 76.44± 8.75 74.89± 5.10 0.444 78.88 ±7.97 78.62 ±8.79 0.922
Body temperature (°C) 36.79± 0.27 36.60±0.19 0.033* 36.69± 0.34 36.53±0.22 0.129
WBC (*10
/μl) 6.55± 1.34 6.26±1.08 0.353 6.25 ±1.50 5.99± 1.66 0.217
RBC (*10
/μl) 4.83± 0.49 4.94±0.56 0.110 5.06 ±0.85 5.08± 0.89 0.718
Hb (mg/dl) 14.30± 1.70 14.60±1.93 0.152 14.91 ±1.60 14.98± 1.94 0.749
BUN (mg/dl) 11.87 ±1.95 11.46±2.33 0.493 11.49± 3.09 12.28± 2.81 0.309
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.86± 0.18 0.84±0.15 0.331 0.86 ±0.16 0.86± 0.15 0.855
Albumin (g/dl) 4.39±0.31 4.33± 0.18 0.305 4.49± 0.31 4.41±0.27 0.227
γ-GT (U/L) 31.78± 18.03 31.33±17.54 0.806 35.62± 30.65 26.75±19.35 0.052
TSH (μIU/ml) 1.33± 0.69 1.66±0.82 0.063 1.40 ±0.72 1.33± 0.74 0.574
T4 (μg/dl) 7.10± 1.19 6.78±1.13 0.212 6.68 ±0.98 6.66± 1.04 0.926
WBC white blood cell, RBC red blood cell, Hb hemoglobulin, TSH thyroid stimulating hormone, T4 thyroxine
Data are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed by paired ttest
*p<0.05 indicates the significance
Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 68:1823 21
On the other hand, central obesity but not generalized
obesity, predicts a high prevalence of hepatic steatosis and
related disorders, including impairment of glucose tolerance
and type 2 diabetes. The analysis revealed that the quanti-
tative insulin-sensitivity index, waist circumference and
waist-to-height ratio had a significant association with the
development of fatty liver, whereas BMI did not. Hence, in
this study, we measured waist circumference and used the
waist-to-hip ratio as the index, which should more adequate-
ly reflect the regulatory effect of oat on abdominal fat
distribution and central obesity [16].
oat-treated group compared with the control, implicating that
oat is beneficial for preventing fatty liver. However, the ultra-
sound image changes were not parallel with the functional
index. As a marker of liver disorders, ALT is associated with
the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes
mellitus and subsequent cardiovascular disease [17]. In the
absence of a detectable ultrasonic change, ALT and AST are
associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, indi-
cating that a mild stage of steatosis is sufficient to mediate the
association between insulin resistance and liver enzymes [18].
In this trial, the duration of oat treatment was only 12 weeks.
Some liver improvement was assumed to be too mild for
detection by ultrasound, thus liver enzymes might be able to
reflect early changes. Considering the sub-cellular distribution
and biochemical properties of hepatic enzymes, ALT is supe-
rior for monitoring early or mild liver changes [18].
We demonstrated the benefits of oat beta-glucan on meta-
bolic regulation in this study. Oat beta-glucan may form a
viscous layer at the small intestine, which attenuates the
uptake of dietary cholesterol and reabsorption of bile acid.
The reduced bile acid levels activate the conversion from
cholesterol to bile acid, thus decreasing the hepatic cholesterol
content, and stimulating LDL receptor synthesis and plasma
LDL-C clearance [11]. However, controversy still exists. Con-
sumption of beta-glucan-enriched meals did not significantly
lower serum cholesterol and LDL-C in some studies. [19].
While assessing its metabolic regulating effect, the physico-
chemical properties of oat beta-glucan should be considered.
The lowering of LDL-C by oat beta-glucan may depend on
viscosity, which is dictated by molecular weight and solubility
in the intestine [20]. The oat-induced LDL-C reduction sig-
nificantly diminished when molecular weight was reduced
[21]. Our data revealed that oat effectively reduced obesity,
as well as the serum lipid and liver function indexes. The
effect could be exerted by the proper molecular weight of
beta-glucan. Initial moisture levels and extrusion temperatures
affected the water solubility and viscosity of oat product [22].
Processing conditions also influence the amount of beta-
glucan [23]. Although beta-glucan is a major polysaccharide
of oat, we still cannot rule out whether other functional com-
ponents participate in the metabolic regulation [9].
In conclusion, we found that oat decreased obesity, ab-
dominal fat, serum cholesterol, LDL-C, and liver functions.
Taken as a daily supplement, oat could act as an adjuvant
therapy for metabolic disorders.
Acknowledgments We thank STANDARD Foods Co., Taiwan for
providing all experimental diets.
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23. Inglett GE, Newman RK (1994) Oat beta-glucan-amylodextrins:
Preliminary preparations and biological properties. Plant Foods
Hum Nutr 45(1):5361
Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 68:1823 23
... Oats are used for both food and feed. During the late decades, oats were highly appreciated because of their grain good nutritive value which have proven their benefits and numerous claims about human health (Chang et al. 2013;McKevith 2004;Nakurte et al. 2013). (Loskutov and Khlestkina 2021) reported that humans get half of their daily calorie needs from the consumption of cereal grains. ...
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The study explores the nutritional and genetic aspects of Avena magna and Avena murphyi oat genotypes, emphasizing their significance in breeding programs to release new cultivars conceived for human consumption. Oats have long been recognised for their nutritional benefits, contributing to daily caloric needs, and offering potential health advantages. The study focuses on the genetic diversity found in wild and weedy oat species, specifically A. magna and A. murphyi, which possess valuable agricultural traits such as disease resistance, earliness, and high groat nutritive quality. With a rich diversity of oat species in Morocco, this research aims to assess groat proteins and beta-glucans contents in A. magna and A. murphy genotypes and investigate the effect of the interactions Genotype × Environment as well as their origin on these qualitative traits. The analysis reveals dynamic trends in proteins and beta-glucans contents, emphasising the impact of specific origins, such as Ouezzane and Benslimane, and their adaptability to varying environmental conditions. The study suggests these findings are crucial for oat breeding programs seeking resilient and nutritionally rich cultivars. Furthermore, the research underscores the intricate relationship between genetics and the environment, providing valuable insights for developing sustainable and adaptable oat cultivars conceived for human consumption. Graphical Abstract
... 糖苷键增加了葡聚糖链空间扭转的灵活性 [8] 。邻近 的糖苷键相同时,葡聚糖链空间扭曲度减弱,使葡 聚糖链趋向聚合,即溶解度降低,水溶液凝胶特性 增加 [9] 。 Beta-葡聚糖的精细结构,表现为寡糖聚合度 (degree of polymerization, DP)的比值。地衣酶能特 值 [11][12] 。当 DP 比值为 1~2.5 时,β-葡聚糖的溶解 度较高 [13] 。燕麦 β-葡聚糖含量较高(6%~8%),具 有较好的水溶性,是日常饮食中 β-葡聚糖的理想 来源 [14] (表 1)。 表 1 作物中 β-葡聚糖含量及溶解度 能 [15] 。缺失 β-葡聚糖的突变体,植株生长速率较低, 细胞壁变薄, 花药和花丝变形导致雄性不育 [16] 。 Beta-葡聚糖还与葡萄糖的贮藏利用有关 [17] ,植物通过水 解细胞壁中的 β-葡聚糖获得葡萄糖,由维管束运输 到其他部位,提供代谢所需的能量 [18][19] 。 Beta-葡聚糖可有效降低血糖,改善血液中的胰 岛素水平 [20][21] ,参与人体胆汁酸的调节、胆固醇代 谢、影响肠道微生物组成 [22] 。在小鼠试验中,β-葡 聚糖能增强免疫系统应答能力 [23] ,降低呼吸道的易 感性 [24] 。Chang 等 [25] 报道稳定摄入 β-葡聚糖,可改 ...
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Beta-glucan is a noncellulosic polysaccharide linked by β-(1,3) and β-(1,4) glycosidic bonds, mainlydistributed in the endosperm and aleurone layer of cereal crop grains with the synthesis in the Golgi apparatus,transportation to the plasma membrane by vesicles, and deposition in the cell wall. Beta-glucan is effective inreducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels by increasing bile acid excretion and delaying glucose absorption.Members of the β-glucan synthase gene families were firstly identified in rice (Oryza sativa), and subsequentlydiscovered in other cereal crops. There are three main subfamilies (CslF, CslH and CslJ) in β-glucan synthasewith the formation via convergent evolution. These three subfamilies originated from different clades and evolvedtheir respective functions independently. During evolution, the purifying selection pressure resulted in the high conservation of sequences for members of β-glucan synthase gene families. CslF subfamily members arerelatively large and often form gene clusters on chromosomes, and CslF6 is the key gene mediating β-glucansynthesis. CslF subfamily members showed the relatively high expression levels in young tissues such as leafbases, and they were affected by light intensity obviously. There are relatively few members in CslH and CslJsubfamilies, CslH genes presented the relatively high expression levels in mature tissues such as leaf tips, whileCslJ genes showed the relatively high expression levels in young one like grains. The research progress on thephylogenetic relationships for members of β-glucan synthase gene families, the subcellular localization ofβ-glucan synthase, and the directional breeding in cereal crops were summarized. The accurate localization ofβ-glucan synthase genes on chromosomes is prospected for the future research. The review aims to promote thedirectionally breeding of cereal crops with high β-glucan content by the chromosome engineering.Key words: Beta-glucan; Cereal crop directional breeding; Gene family evolution; Chromosome engineering
... In this study, we found that fish fed an HFD, F12Ch0, showed significantly higher serum activities of AST, ALT, and LDH compared to the F6Ch0 group (Table 6). Their abnormal elevations implied the occurrence of both liver injury and hepatotoxicity, which are firmly associated with both hyperlipidemia and hepatic steatosis [101]. This is consistent with the work of Li et al. [102] and Chen et al. [103] in M. amblycephala and in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) fed an HFD. ...
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These authors contributed equally to this work. Simple Summary: Fatty liver injury is common in farmed fish, but its molecular mechanisms are not well understood. An eight-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary chitosan on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced liver damage in Nile tilapia. Six diets with varying fat and chitosan levels were tested. Fish on the HFD showed increased growth, fat accumulation, elevated liver injury markers, and higher levels of pro-apoptotic and inflammatory markers. Chitosan sup-plementation mitigated these effects and reduced intestinal injury by improving antioxidant defense and reducing inflammation and apoptosis through the nrf2 and cox2 pathways. Abstract: Fatty liver injury is a prevalent condition in most farmed fish, yet the molecular mechanisms underpinning this pathology remain largely elusive. A comprehensive feeding trial spanning eight weeks was conducted to discern the potential of dietary chitosan in mitigating the deleterious effects of a high-fat diet (HFD) while concurrently exploring the underlying mechanism. Growth performance, haemato-biochemical capacity, antioxidant capacity, apoptotic/anti-apoptotic gene expression, inflammatory gene expression, and histopathological changes in the liver, kidney, and intestine were meticulously assessed in Nile tilapia. Six experimental diets were formulated with varying concentrations of chitosan. The first three groups were administered a diet comprising 6% Citation: Rashwan, A.G.; Assar, D.H.; Salah, A.S.; Liu, X.; Al-Hawary, I.I.; Abu-Alghayth, M.H.; Salem, S.M.R.; Khalil, K.; Hanafy, N.A.N.; Abdelatty, A.; et al. Dietary Chitosan Attenuates High-Fat Diet-Induced Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis, and Inflammation in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) through Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( s/by/4.0/). Biology 2024, 13, 486 2 of 29 fat with chitosan concentrations of 0%, 5%, and 10% and were designated as F6Ch0, F6Ch5, and F6Ch10, respectively. Conversely, the fourth, fifth, and sixth groups were fed a diet containing 12% fat with chitosan concentrations of 0%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, for 60 days and were termed F12Ch0, F12Ch5, and F12Ch10. The results showed that fish fed an HFD demonstrated enhanced growth rates and a significant accumulation of fat in the perivisceral tissue, accompanied by markedly elevated serum hepatic injury biomarkers and serum lipid levels, along with upregulation of pro-apoptotic and inflammatory markers. In stark contrast, the expression levels of nrf2, sod, gpx, and bcl-2 were notably decreased when compared with the control normal fat group. These observations were accompanied by marked diffuse hepatic steatosis, diffuse tubular damage, and shortened intestinal villi. Intriguingly, chitosan supplementation effectively mitigated the aforemen-tioned findings and alleviated intestinal injury by upregulating the expression of tight junction-related genes. It could be concluded that dietary chitosan alleviates the adverse impacts of an HFD on the liver, kidney, and intestine by modulating the impaired antioxidant defense system, inflammation , and apoptosis through the variation in nrf2 and cox2 signaling pathways.
... Previous studies show that HFD administration in rodents caused liver damage, with elevated ALT and AST levels, highlighting the liver's vulnerability to lipid accumulation and functional alterations [26][27][28]. Chang et al. [37] reported that mice fed an HFD showed higher serum ALT and AST levels, indicating liver injury and hepatotoxicity linked to hyperlipidemia and fatty liver. [38]. ...
... These compounds contribute to the nutrition and growth of intestinal bacteria that synthesize vitamins, enzymes, and other compounds. The physiological effects of β-glucans are mainly explained by their physicochemical and structural characteristics (Bechtel et al., 2009;Regand et al., 2011;Chang et al., 2013;Harland, 2014;Krasilnikov et al., 2014). ...
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Background. Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) is an important source of nutrients, such as starch, protein, and various dietary fibers. β -Glucans are soluble fibers found in high amounts in oat and barley grain, so they are becoming increasingly interesting due to their numerous functional and bioactive properties. The increased interest in β -glucans as a dietary supplement and a functional component of food calls for a convenient, inexpensive and affordable method for quantitative determination of these compounds. Materials and methods. An overview is given on the existing techniques for determining and isolating β -glucans in cereals: IR spectroscopy, enzymatic, colorimetric, and alkaline-enzymatic methods. Their advantages and disadvantages are shown. The disadvantages of the methods considered include high costs of reagents and equipment, duration of performance, and labor intensity. Results. This study promotes the weight method for isolation and quantitative determination of β -glucans in the grain of covered and naked barley. It is based on the modified alkaline method adapted to barley; we developed it earlier for oat grain. The amount of β -glucans in the grain of the studied barley accessions ranged from 4.12±0.23% to 5.34 ± 0.31% for naked cultivars, and from 3.57 ± 0.18% to 4.29 ± 0.32% for covered ones. Conclusion. Based on the conducted research, optimal conditions for the isolation and quantitative determination of β -glucans from barley grain were selected: centrifugation modes, temperature and extraction ratio, concentration of compounds, precipitation and drying procedures. The main advantage of the described method is its accessibility and practical applicability when conducting mass analysis, including studying a collection of cereal crops.
... 64 A small human study also showed that an intake of 3 g of oat beta-glucans spread out in two portions per day is associated with a significant reduction of ALT and AST in the serum of overweight individuals with signs of altered liver function. 65 Our study extends these findings to advanced stages of liver disease and indicates a protective effect against fibrosis progression. ...
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Background & Aims Changes in gut microbiota in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) are important drivers of disease progression towards fibrosis. Therefore, reversing microbial alterations could ameliorate MASLD progression. Oat beta-glucan, a non-digestible polysaccharide, has shown promising therapeutic effects on hyperlipidemia associated with MASLD, but its impact on gut microbiota and most importantly MASLD-related fibrosis remains unknown. Methods We performed detailed metabolic phenotyping, including assessments of body composition, glucose tolerance, and lipid metabolism, as well as comprehensive characterization of the gut-liver axis in a western-style diet (WSD)-induced model of MASLD and assessed the effect of a beta-glucan intervention on early and advanced liver disease. Gut microbiota were modulated using broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment. Results Oat beta-glucan supplementation did not affect WSD-induced body weight gain or glucose intolerance and the metabolic phenotype remained largely unaffected. Interestingly, oat beta-glucan dampened MASLD-related inflammation, which was associated with significantly reduced monocyte-derived macrophage infiltration and fibroinflammatory gene expression, as well as strongly reduced fibrosis development. Mechanistically, this protective effect was not mediated by changes in bile acid composition or signaling, but was dependent on gut microbiota and was lost upon broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment. Specifically, oat beta-glucan partially reversed unfavorable changes in gut microbiota, resulting in an expansion of protective taxa, including Ruminococcus, and Lactobacillus followed by reduced translocation of Toll-like receptor ligands. Conclusions Our findings identify oat beta-glucan as a highly efficacious food supplement that dampens inflammation and fibrosis development in diet-induced MASLD. These results, along with its favorable dietary profile, suggest that it may be a cost-effective and well-tolerated approach to preventing MASLD progression and should be assessed in clinical studies. Impact and Implications Herein, we investigated the effect of oat beta-glucan on the gut-liver axis and fibrosis development in a mouse model of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). Beta-glucan significantly reduced inflammation and fibrosis in the liver, which was associated with favorable shifts in gut microbiota that protected against bacterial translocation and activation of fibroinflammatory pathways. Together, oat beta-glucan may be a cost-effective and well-tolerated approach to prevent MASLD progression and should be assessed in clinical studies.
... A 12-week oligofructose supplementation reduced the BW and improved the glucose and lipid metabolism in humans [67]. Additionally, it was shown that oats can improve lipid profiles, liver functions, and liver enzymes, especially ALT, and reduce obesity [68]. In a double-blind randomized study, 75 hypercholesterolemic humans were randomly allocated to one of two treatments: oat or dextrose consumption. ...
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Dietary macronutrients are essential for metabolic regulation and insulin function. The present study examined the effects of different high-fat diets (HFDs) and high-carbohydrate diets (HCDs) on the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome indices in healthy adult male Wistar albino rats. Forty-two rats were distributed into six groups (n = 7), which were fed the following for 22 weeks: (1) a control diet; (2) a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet (HCD-LFD); (3) high-saturated-fat, low-carbohydrate diet (HSF-LCD); (4) a high-monounsaturated-fat diet (HMUSF); (5) a high medium-chain fat diet (HMCF); and a (6) a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet (HCHF). In comparison to the control, the body weight increased in all the groups. The HSF-LCD group showed the highest levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, hepatic enzyme, insulin resistance, and Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance. A liver histology analysis of the HSF-LCD group showed macrovesicular hepatic steatosis associated with large hepatic vacuolation. Additionally, it showed marked periportal fibrosis, especially around the blood vessels and blood capillaries. The lowest levels of fasting glycemia, insulin, and HOMA-IR were observed in the HCHF group. In conclusion, these findings show that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are principal components in the development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, while fiber showed the greatest improvement in glycemic control.
Background: To conduct a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of current findings from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effect of soluble fiber supplementation on liver function in both healthy individuals and people with specific health conditions, PubMed, Scopus, and ISI Web of Science were systematically searched for relevant RCTs published prior to April 2022. Methods: We estimated the change in liver function parameters for each 5 g/d increment in soluble fiber in each trial and then calculated the mean difference (MD) and 95%CI. A total of 25 RCTs with 27 treatment arms (1744 subjects; 884 cases, 860 controls) were included. Results: A total of 25 RCTs with 27 treatment arms were included. The intervention duration of the included studies ranged from 3 to 52 weeks and the dose of soluble fiber supplementation varied from 0.0025 to 40 g/d. Soluble fiber supplementation could not significantly affect serum alanine transaminase (MD: −0.02 U/L, 95% CI: −1.06 to 1.01), aspartate transaminase (MD: −0.34 U/L, 95% CI: −0.84 to 0.15), alkaline phosphatase (MD: 0.29 U/L, −0.14 to 0.71), gamma-glutamyl transferase (MD: 0.12 U/L; 95% CI: −0.81 to 1.05), serum bilirubin (MD: 0.42μmol/L, 95% CI: −0.08 to 0.93) and albumin (MD: 0.64 g/dl, 95% CI: −0.42 to 1.70) levels. Conclusions: Findings from this study did not support the beneficial effects of soluble fiber supplementation on liver function biomarkers. There is a need for long-term high-quality interventions to examine the effects of different types and doses of soluble fibers on liver function as primary outcome.
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Het aantal gevallen van “ouderdomssuikerziekte” (type 2 diabetes mellitus) neemt in de Westerse wereld snel toe als gevolg van veranderingen in leefstijl (verhoogde consumptie van vet- en energierijke voeding en verminderde lichaamsbeweging), en als gevolg van de vergrijzing van de bevolking. Mensen met type 2 diabetes mellitus hebben een verhoogd risico op het krijgen van hart- en vaatziekten. Dit verhoogde risico kan voor een deel verklaard worden door reeds bekende risicofactoren voor hart- en vaatziekten, zoals hoge bloeddruk (hypertensie), roken, afwijkende vetspiegels in het bloed (een verhoogd LDL-cholesterol (het “slechte” cholesterol), laag HDL cholesterol (goede cholesterol) en verhoogde hoeveelheden triglyceriden), alsook hoge glucose (suiker) concentraties in het bloed. Met name bij vrouwen na de menopauze (overgang) is het risico op hart- en vaatziekten hoger dan bij vrouwen vóór de menopauze. Na de overgang stijgt de hoeveelheid triglyceriden en daalt de hoeveelheid HDL-cholesterol in het bloed. Dit heeft ons aangespoord de effecten van maaltijden te bestuderen bij vrouwen na menopauze. Het is al langer bekend dat glucose en triglyceriden, en verbindingen die hieruit gevormd kunnen worden, schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de bloedvaten en daardoor kunnen bijdragen aan het ontwikkelen van hart- en vaatziekten. Ruim een kwart eeuw geleden is geopperd dat verstoringen in de vet- en glucosestofwisseling die optreden na een maaltijd mogelijk kunnen bijdragen aan het verhoogde risico op hart- en vaatziekten. Na het eten van een maaltijd stijgen de triglyceriden- en glucoseconcentraties in het bloed. De triglyceriden en de glucose worden gebruikt als bouwstoffen of als brandstoffen voor het lichaam. De mate waarin deze stoffen worden verwerkt en opgeslagen verschilt tussen gezonde mensen en mensen met type diabetes mellitus. De lever speelt hierbij een belangrijke rol. Een verhoogde hoeveelheid vet in de lever (steatose), een aandoening die vaker voorkomt bij mensen met diabetes en overgewicht, kan deze processen verstoren, alsook het risico op hart- en vaatziekten verhogen. Het hormoon insuline speelt een belangrijke rol bij het verwerken van de triglyceriden en de glucose. Bij mensen met type 2 diabetes mellitus werkt het insuline minder goed waardoor de triglyceriden en de glucose trager worden opgenomen en verwerkt. De vraag is welke stof schadelijker is voor de vaatwand: de glucose of de triglyceriden? De onderzoeken die in dit proefschrift beschreven zijn, proberen antwoord te geven op de volgende vragen: 1a) hoe is het beloop van glucose en triglyceriden in het bloed na twee vetrijke en twee koolhydraatrijke maaltijden, 1b) wat is de relatieve bijdrage van glucose en triglyceriden in relatie tot hart- en vaatziekten en 1c) welke mechanismen kunnen het verhoogde risico op hart- en vaatzieken verklaren bij patiënten met type 2 diabetes mellitus; 2a) hebben mensen met leververvetting een verhoogde kans op het risico van hart- en vaatzieken en 2b) wat zijn de mogelijke mechanismen waardoor dit verklaard kan worden?
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Between 1980 and 1999, the prevalence of adult obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥30) increased in the United States and the distribution of BMI changed. More recent data suggested a slowing or leveling off of these trends. To estimate the prevalence of adult obesity from the 2009-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and compare adult obesity and the distribution of BMI with data from 1999-2008. NHANES includes measured heights and weights for 5926 adult men and women from a nationally representative sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized US population in 2009-2010 and for 22,847 men and women in 1999-2008. The prevalence of obesity and mean BMI. In 2009-2010 the age-adjusted mean BMI was 28.7 (95% CI, 28.3-29.1) for men and also 28.7 (95% CI, 28.4-29.0) for women. Median BMI was 27.8 (interquartile range [IQR], 24.7-31.7) for men and 27.3 (IQR, 23.3-32.7) for women. The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was 35.5% (95% CI, 31.9%-39.2%) among adult men and 35.8% (95% CI, 34.0%-37.7%) among adult women. Over the 12-year period from 1999 through 2010, obesity showed no significant increase among women overall (age- and race-adjusted annual change in odds ratio [AOR], 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00-1.03; P = .07), but increases were statistically significant for non-Hispanic black women (P = .04) and Mexican American women (P = .046). For men, there was a significant linear trend (AOR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.02-1.06; P < .001) over the 12-year period. For both men and women, the most recent 2 years (2009-2010) did not differ significantly (P = .08 for men and P = .24 for women) from the previous 6 years (2003-2008). Trends in BMI were similar to obesity trends. In 2009-2010, the prevalence of obesity was 35.5% among adult men and 35.8% among adult women, with no significant change compared with 2003-2008.
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Elevated total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels are considered major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Oat β-glucan, a soluble dietary fiber that is found in the endosperm cell walls of oats, has generated considerable interest due to its cholesterol-lowering properties. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a health claim for β-glucan soluble fiber from oats for reducing plasma cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease in 1997. Similarly, in 2004 the United Kingdom Joint Health Claims Initiative (JHCI) allowed a cholesterol-lowering health claim for oat β-glucan. The present review aims to investigate if results from more recent studies are consistent with the original conclusions reached by the FDA and JHCI. Results of this analysis show that studies conducted during the past 13 years support the suggestion that intake of oat β-glucan at daily doses of at least 3 g may reduce plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels by 5-10% in normocholesterolemic or hypercholesterolemic subjects. Studies described herein have shown that, on average, oat consumption is associated with 5% and 7% reductions in total and LDL cholesterol levels, respectively. Significant scientific agreement continues to support a relationship between oat β-glucan and blood cholesterol levels, with newer data being consistent with earlier conclusions made by the FDA and JHCI.
The effect of amaranth and oat bran on the lipids of blood and liver in rats depending on the kind of fats in diet was the subject of our study. Sixty male Buffalo rats were fed for 28 days one of six diet containing 15% of fat (lard or sunflower oil), 20% of protein and 0.5% of cholesterol. Amaranth and oat bran added to diet provided 4-4.5% of dietary fiber, water soluble fraction of which amounted to 30%. Amaranth significantly decreased the level of total cholesterol in rats blood serum (by 10.7% in the case of diet with lard and by 14% with sunflower oil) and in liver (by 20% in the case of diet with lard and by 23% with sunflower oil). Similarly oat bran decreased the level of total cholesterol in the blood serum: by 19% in the case of diet with lard and by 22% with sunflower oil; and in liver by 22 and 27%, respectively. Amaranth and oat bran did not influence HDL-cholesterol in the blood of rats. The influence of amaranth and oat bran on the concentration of triglycerides in the blood serum depended on the kind of fats in a diet. The diets containing amaranth or oat bran with lard did not decrease the concentration of this lipids, however, the same diets but with sunflower oil decreased this concentration significantly (by 22%). Ln liver significant hypotriglyceridemic effect of amaranth and oat bran was observed for both of the diets: based on lard and sunflower. The decrease of triglycerides concentration under the influence of amaranth amounted to 10% (diet with lard) and 15% (diet with sunflower oil). Oat bran decreased the concentration of triglycerides in liver by 15% (diet with lard) and 20% (diet with sunflower oil). Sunflower oil added to the diets augmented the hypolipemic effect of amaranth and oat bran.
Background: Body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) is known to be associated with overall mortality. We investigated the effects of age, race, sex, smoking status, and history of disease on the relation between body-mass index and mortality. Methods: In a prospective study of more than 1 million adults in the United States (457,785 men and 588,369 women), 201,622 deaths occurred during 14 years of follow-up. We examined the relation between body-mass index and the risk of death from all causes in four subgroups categorized according to smoking status and history of disease. In healthy people who had never smoked, we further examined whether the relation varied according to race, cause of death, or age. The relative risk was used to assess the relation between mortality and body-mass index. Results: The association between body-mass index and the risk of death was substantially modified by smoking status and the presence of disease. In healthy people who had never smoked, the nadir of the curve for body-mass index and mortality was found at a body-mass index of 23.5 to 24.9 in men and 22.0 to 23.4 in women. Among subjects with the highest body-mass indexes, white men and women had a relative risk of death of 2.58 and 2.00, respectively, as compared with those with a body-mass index of 23.5 to 24.9. Black men and women with the highest body-mass indexes had much lower risks of death (1.35 and 1.21), which did not differ significantly from 1.00. A high body-mass index was most predictive of death from cardiovascular disease, especially in men (relative risk, 2.90; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.37 to 3.56). Heavier men and women in all age groups had an increased risk of death. Conclusions: The risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease, cancer or others disease increases throughout the range of moderate and severe overweight for both men and women in all age groups. The risk associated with a high body-mass index is greater for whites than for blacks. (N Engl J Med 341:1097–1105, 1999)
Obesity accompanied with metabolic disorder is often complicated by hepatic regulations of lipid metabolism and lipoprotein recruitment. Recent reports have suggested that oat has metabolic-regulating effect. In this study, we examined whether oat could improve obesity, body fat, serum parameters and liver lipid metabolism. In high-fat-diet (HFD)-fed rats, oat effectively reduced body weight and fat, and decreased food efficiency but not appetite. Oat lowered serum glucose, free-fatty-acid (FFA), triacylglycerol (TG), cholesterol, and LDL-C/HDL-C elevated by HFD, and dose-dependently reduced hepatic TG and cholesterol. Thirty percent oat markedly reduced lipid synthesis biomarkers FAS, GPAT and HMG CoA reductase, while 15% and 30% oat stimulated expressions of oxidation markers PPARα, CPT-1 and phosphorylated-AMPK. Oat increased LDL receptor, being beneficial for serum lipid-lowering. Thus, Oat could act as adjuvant therapeutics for metabolic disorders via attenuating obesity, body fat, and improving serum parameters with metabolic regulation and lipid clearance of liver.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered to be the liver component of the metabolic syndrome and is frequently associated with obesity, dyslipidemia and type II diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). We aimed to determine the development of liver function tests (LFTs) and metabolic complications in patients previously diagnosed with NAFLD. One-hundred-and-two patients with NAFLD diagnosed in the period 1994-2001 were identified. Eighty were brought in for new investigations, including LFTs, blood pressure, BMI, lipid profile, blood glucose and insulin. Original liver biopsy was re-evaluated. Sixty-two patients (77%) were males (median age 46 years; mean follow-up time 2.8 +/- 1.2 years). Fifty-four patients (68%) were light to moderately overweight with body mass index (BMI) 25-30 kg/m. Mean BMI (28.2) was the same at diagnosis and at follow-up (28.3). At the new examination, 18 patients (23%) had developed diabetes mellitus type II (n = 6) or had impaired fasting glucose (IFG) (n = 12), compared to only 2 patients at diagnosis. Hyperinsulinemia was observed in 19 patients (24%). Dyslipidemia, with elevated triglycerides and/or hypercholesterolemia, was now present in 65 patients (81%). Twenty-two patients (27%) had hypertension compared to 9 (11%) at diagnosis. Liver biopsy was performed in 24%, and 89% of those fulfilled the criteria for NASH. However, mild inflammation and fibrosis was observed, grade 1-2 (n = 17), stage I-II (n = 13) and none had cirrhosis. A significant proportion of patients with both clinical and histological diagnosis of NAFLD develop metabolic problems soon after diagnosis. These patients should be screened regularly for metabolic disorders.
It has been shown that elevated levels of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT and AST) are associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus; however, the pattern of this association in diabetic patients with negative or mild steatosis is not well understood. The aim of this study was to assess the association between elevated liver enzymes and insulin resistance in diabetic subjects without ultrasound signs of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (i.e., with less than 30% steatosis). In a cross-sectional study, a total of 670 diabetic subjects without established causes of liver injury were included. Patients with evidence of NAFLD in ultrasonography were not included. Fasting blood samples were obtained and plasma glucose, insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), C-peptide, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and lipid profile were measured. Three indices of insulin sensitivity/insensitivity: Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI), and McAuley were also calculated. Elevated ALT was significantly (p < 0.001) correlated with fasting insulin, C-peptide, HOMA-IR, QUICKI, McAuley, and waist circumference. The same correlations were also observed for AST, which in all cases were weaker than ALT. Multivariate regression analysis showed that, among the above-mentioned variables, only HOMA-IR and fasting insulin were independently correlated with both ALT and AST. This correlation was independent of body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference. In type 2 diabetes, in the absence of a detectable steatosis by ultrasonography, ALT and AST are associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, independent of obesity. This finding possibly indicates that in diabetes a mild stage of steatosis is sufficient to mediate the association between insulin resistance and aminotransferases.