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Compact cold atom gravimeter for field applications

  • CNAM and The French Aeropace Lab ONERA

Abstract and Figures

We present a cold atom gravimeter dedicated to field applications. Despite the compactness of our gravimeter, we obtain performances (sensitivity 42 microGal/Hz^0.5, accuracy 25 microGal) close to the bestgravimeters. We report gravity measurements in an elevator which led us to the determination of the Earth's gravity gradient with a precision of 4 E. These measurements in a non-laboratory environment demonstrate that our technology of gravimeter is enough compact, reliable and robust for field applications. Finally, we report gravity measurements in a moving elevator which open the way to absolute gravity measurements in an aircraft or a boat.
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arXiv:1302.1518v1 [physics.ins-det] 6 Feb 2013
Compact cold atom gravimeter for field applications
Yannick Bidel,Olivier Carraz,Ren´ee Charri`ere,Malo Cadoret,§Nassim Zahzam, and Alexandre Bresson
ONERA, BP 80100, 91123 Palaiseau Cedex, France
We present a cold atom gravimeter dedicated to field applications. Despite the compactness of
our gravimeter, we obtain performances (sensitivity 42 µGal/Hz1/2, accuracy 25 µGal) close to the
best gravimeters. We report gravity measurements in an elevator which led us to the determination
of the Earth’s gravity gradient with a precision of 4 E. These measurements in a non-laboratory
environment demonstrate that our technology of gravimeter is enough compact, reliable and robust
for field applications. Finally, we report gravity measurements in a moving elevator which open the
way to absolute gravity measurements in an aircraft or a boat.
Cold atom interferometer is a promising technology to
obtain a highly sensitive and accurate absolute gravime-
ter. Laboratory instruments [1–3] have already reached
the performances of the best classical absolute gravime-
ters [4] with a sensitivity of 10 µGal/Hz1/2(1 µGal =
108m/s2) and an accuracy of 5 µGal. Moreover, com-
pared to classical absolute gravimeters, atom gravime-
ters can achieve higher repetition rate [5] and do not
have movable mechanical parts. These qualities make
cold atom gravimeters more adapted to onboard applica-
tions like gravity measurements in a boat or in a plane.
Cold atom gravimeters could thus be very useful in geo-
physics [6] or navigation [7]. In this context, cold atom
sensors start to be tested on mobile platforms. An atom
accelerometer has been operated in a 0 g plane [8]. An
atom gradiometer has also been tested in a slow mov-
ing truck [9]. In this article, we present a compact cold
atom gravimeter dedicated to field applications. First,
we describe our apparatus and the technologies that we
use to have a compact and reliable instrument. Then,
we present the performances of the gravimeter in a labo-
ratory environment. Finally, we report gravity measure-
ments in a static and in a moving elevator.
The principle of our cold atom gravimeter is well de-
scribed in the literature [1] and we summarize in this
letter only the basic elements. In an atom gravimeter,
the test mass is a gas of cold atoms which is obtained by
laser cooling and trapping techniques [10]. This cloud of
cold atoms is released from the trap and its acceleration
is measured by an atom interferometry technique. We
use a Mach-Zehnder type atom interferometer consisting
in a sequence of three equally spaced Raman laser pulses
which drive stimulated Raman transitions between two
stable states of the atoms. In the end, the proportion of
atoms in the two stable states depends sinusoidally on
Present address: European Space Agency - ESTEC Future Mis-
sions Division (EOP-SF) P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The
Present address: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR CNRS 5516,
atiment F 18, Rue du Professeur Benoˆıt Lauras, 42000 Saint-
§Present address: Laboratoire Commun de M´etrologie LNE-
CNAM, 61 rue du Landy, 93210 La Plaine Saint Denis, France
the phase of the interferometer ϕwhich is proportional
to the acceleration gof the atoms along the Raman laser
direction of propagation:
ϕ=keff g T 2,(1)
where keff 4π/λ is the effective wave vector associated
to the Raman transition, λis the laser wavelength and
Tis the time between the Raman laser pulses.
The description of our gravimeter setup is the follow-
ing. The cold atoms are produced and fall in a vacuum
chamber made of glass connected to a titanium part to
which are connected a 3 l/s ion pump, getters and rubid-
ium dispensers. This vacuum chamber is inside a mag-
netic shield consisting of 4 layers of mu-metal. The falling
distance of the atoms is equal to 6 cm. The sensor head
containing the vacuum chamber, the magnetic shield, the
magnetic coils and the optics for shaping the laser beams
and collecting the fluorescence has a height of 40 cm and
a diameter of 33 cm. The gravimeter is placed onto a pas-
sive vibration isolation table (Minus-K). The laser system
for addressing 87 Rb atoms is similar to the one described
in reference [11]. Basically, a distributed feedback (DFB)
laser diode at 1.5 µm is amplified in a 5 W erbium doped
fiber amplifier (EDFA) and then frequency doubled in
a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal. A
power of 1 W at 780 nm is available. The frequency of the
laser is controlled thanks to a beatnote with a reference
laser locked on a Rubidium transition. The Raman laser
and the repumper are generated with a fiber phase mod-
ulator at 1.5 µm which generates side bands at 7 GHz.
All the electronics and the optics of the gravimeter fit in
one 19” rack (0.6 x 0.7 x 1.9 m).
The experimental sequence of the gravimeter consists
in the following. First, 87 Rb atoms are loaded from a
background vapor in a 3D magneto-optical trap. The
atoms are then further cooled down in an optical mo-
lasses to a temperature of 1.8µK. Then, the atoms are
selected in the state F= 1, mF= 0 thanks to a mi-
crowave selection. After 10 ms of free fall, we apply the
atom interferometer sequence consisting in three Raman
laser pulses of duration 10, 20 and 10 µs. The Raman
laser pulses couple the state F= 1, mF= 0 to the state
F= 2, mF= 0. The time between the Raman pulses is
equal to T= 48 ms. During the interferometer sequence,
a vertical uniform magnetic field of 28 mG is applied.
A radio frequency chirp of α/2π25.1MHz/s is also
applied to the Raman frequency in order to compensate
the time-dependant Doppler shift induced by gravity. Fi-
nally, the proportion of atoms in the state F=2 and F=1
is measured by collecting the fluorescence of the atoms
illuminated with three pulses of a vertical retro-reflected
beam of durations of 2, 0.1, and 2 ms. The first and
the last pulses resonant with the F= 2 F= 3 transi-
tion give a fluorescence signal proportional to the number
of atoms in the state F=2 and the middle pulse resonant
with F= 1 F= 2 transition transfers the atoms from
the state F=1 to the state F=2. A rms noise of 0.2% on
the measured proportion of atoms is obtained with this
detection scheme limited by the frequency noise of the
laser. The repetition rate of the experimental sequence
is equal to 4 Hz. The measurement of the proportion of
atoms Pin the state F= 2 versus the radio frequency
chirp αleads to interference fringes given by the formula:
2cos (keff gα)T2,(2)
where Pmis the mean proportion of atoms in the state
F= 2, Cis the contrast which is equal in our case to
C= 0.36.
The protocol of the gravity measurements is the fol-
lowing. The gravity is measured by acquiring Pfrom
each side of the central fringe i.e. for αkeff g±π/2T2.
The sign of αand thus the sign of keff is also changed
every two drops in order to eliminate systematic effects
which change of sign with keff. In order to follow slow
variations of gravity, the central value of αis also numer-
ically locked to the central fringe. For each atom drop,
the gravity is determined with the last 4 measurements
using the following relations :
n+ (1)nπ
|keff|T2arcsin 3
n+1 =α0
n− |keff|gn) (3)
where αnis the radio frequency chirp applied at the n-th
drop of the atoms, α0
nis the value of the central fringe
used at the n-th drop of the atoms, s=±1 is the sign of
radiofrequency chirp which changes every two drops, Pn
is the proportion of atoms in the state F=2 measured at
the n-th drop, gnis the gravity measurement at the n-th
drop and Gis the gain of the lock of the central value of
The gravimeter was tested in our laboratory by ac-
quiring continuously gravity during five days. The mea-
surements averaged over 15 minutes are shown on Fig.
1. A good agreement is obtained with our tide model
[12] with a rms difference of 7 µGal. The Allan stan-
dard deviation on the gravity measurements corrected
for the tides is shown on Fig. 2. A short term sensitiv-
ity of 65 µGal/Hz1/2is obtained during the five days of
gravity measurements. During the night, when the level
of vibration is lower, one gets a better sensitivity of 42
24 48 72 96 120 144
Time (hours)
Residual (mGal)g (mGal)
FIG. 1. Continuous gravity measurements from 27 May to
2 June 2009. The data are averaged over 15 minutes (3600
atom drops). Top: gravity measurements uncorrected from
tides with the tide model in red solid line. Bottom: residual
between the gravity measurements and the tide model.
110 100 1000 10000 100000
τ (s)
s(τ) (mGal)
65 mGal/Hz1/2
42 mGal/Hz1/2
FIG. 2. Allan standard deviation of the gravity measure-
ments. The top red line corresponds to the Allan standard
deviation of data taken during five days. The bottom blue
line corresponds to data taken during one night when the vi-
bration level is lower.
This difference of sensitivity between night and day
indicates that the sensitivity of the gravimeter is limited
by the vibrations. This is confirmed by our estimation
of the other sources of noise. The detection noise limits
the sensitivity at 15 µGal/Hz1/2. The phase noise of our
microwave source limits the sensitivity at 2 µGal/Hz1/2.
The frequency noise of the Raman laser [13] limits the
sensitivity at 1µGal/Hz1/2.
The main systematic effects which limit the accuracy
of the gravimeter were evaluated and are listed in Table
I. Our method of generating the Raman laser by mod-
ulation induces a systematic error on the gravity mea-
surement. This effect was studied in detail in reference
[14]. In our case, one obtains an uncertainty of 8 µGal.
The systematic effects caused by the inhomogeneity of
the magnetic field [1] and the first order light shift [1]
change of sign with keff. These effects cancel therefore
with our protocol of measurement consisting in alternat-
ing the sign of keff . The residue of these effects is es-
timated to be below 1 µGal and is negligible compared
to the other systematic effects. The second order light
shift [15, 16] has been calibrated by measuring gravity
versus the power of the Raman laser. Our uncertainty
on the calibration is equal to 2 µGal. The Coriolis ef-
fect gives an error equal to 2 vtΩ where Ω is the rotation
rate of the earth projected in the horizontal plane and
vtis the transverse velocity of the atoms perpendicular
to the Earth rotation vector. The uncertainty on the
transverse velocity of the atoms detected is estimated
in our case at 2 mm/s leading to an uncertainty on g
equal to 19 µGal. The wavefront curvature of the Ra-
man laser caused by imperfect optics is causing an error
equal to σ2
v/R [3] where σvis the rms width of the ve-
locity distribution of the atoms and R is the radius of
curvature of the wavefront. We estimate that our optics
induce a wavefront curvature with a radius |R|around
1.4 km leading to an uncertainty of 12 µGal. The Ra-
man laser is aligned vertically by maximizing the value
of gravity. This procedure leads to an uncertainty of 2
µGal. The uncertainty on our laser wavelength is equal
to 2 MHz giving an uncertainty of 5 µGal. The quadratic
sum of all these contributions gives a total uncertainty
of 25 µGal. This accuracy estimation of our gravime-
ter has been confirmed by the comparison with a rela-
tive gravimeter (Scintrex CG-5) calibrated with an ab-
solute gravimeter. The relative gravimeter gives a mea-
surement of gravity equal to 980883499 ±6µGal. Our
atom gravimeter gives 980883165 ±25 µGal. The differ-
ence of height between the two gravimeters is equal to
1.09 ±0.03 m leading to a correction due to vertical grav-
ity gradient of 347±10 µGal. Finally, one obtains a differ-
ence between the two measurements equal to 13±28 µGal
in agreement with the error bar.
The gravimeter was tested in an elevator located in a
14 levels building. A gravity measurement was done at
each level with an acquisition time of 250 s (1000 drops).
The distance between the levels was measured with a
laser distance measurer pointing the top of the elevator
cage. At each level, the verticality of the gravimeter was
Effect Bias Uncertainty
(µGal) (µGal)
Raman laser generated by modulation -18 8
Light shift second order 43 2
Coriolis effect 0 19
Wavefront curvature 0 12
Verticality 0 2
Laser wavelength 0 5
Total 25 25
TABLE I. Main systematic effects on the gravity measure-
-10 010 20 30 40
Gravity acceleration (mGal)
Height (m)
-10 010 20 30 40
fit residu (mGal)
Height (m)
FIG. 3. Gravity measurements versus height in an elevator.
The points are the experimental measurements. The lines are
a linear fit of the measurements overground and underground.
The inset in the up right corner is the difference between the
measurements and the overground linear fit and shows clearly
the two slopes which correspond to the gravity gradient over-
ground and underground.
set thanks to an inclinometer. Between each gravity mea-
surement at a given level, a gravity measurement at the
level -2 was done in order to check for the repeatability of
gravity measurements. The gravity measurements at the
level -2 have a standard deviation of 11 µGal. The grav-
ity measurements at each level are plotted on the Fig. 3.
One can see that the gravity gradient is different above
the floor and under the floor. Overground, a linear fit
of the data gives a gravity gradient equal to 3086 ±4 E.
This value agrees with the mean gravity gradient on the
Earth (free-air anomaly) given in the literature [17]. Un-
derground, a linear fit of the data gives a gravity gradient
equal to 2626 ±16 E. The lower underground gravity gra-
dient is due to the mass of the soil above the measurement
point which gives a correction equal to 4πρ G where ρis
the density of the soil.
In order to demonstrate the possibility to measure
gravity in a boat or a plane with an atom gravimeter,
we measured gravity while the elevator was moving. To
perform this measurement, our vibration isolation table
which can not work while the elevator is moving was
010 20 30 40 50 60
Measurement of the atom gravimeter (mGal)
Time (s)
level = 11
height= -7 m
level = -2
1/2 fringe
= π/keffT2
<g> = 980 927 ± 68 mGal
FIG. 4. Gravity measurements in a moving elevator. The red
line corresponds to the averaged value of the gravity measured
during the stabilized part of the descent of the elevator.
blocked. Thus, the time of the interferometer Twas re-
duced from 48 ms to 1 ms in order to have variations of
acceleration smaller than one fringe. The measurements
of the gravimeter acquired when the elevator was mov-
ing from the level 11 to the level -2 are shown on Fig.
4. By assuming that the mean acceleration of the ele-
vator is null during the stabilized part of the descent of
the elevator (10 s - 43 s), the measurements in dynamic
give a measurement of gr avity equal to 980927 ±68 mGal
which agrees with the static measurements. The statis-
tical uncertainty of 68 mGal comes from the acceleration
variations of the elevator and the vibrations.
In conclusion, we demonstrated the possibility to
perform quantitative gravity measurements in a non-
laboratory environment with an atom gravimeter. This
demonstration was possible with the development of a
compact and robust atom gravimeter. Despite the fact
that we chose a small falling distance in order to have a
compact apparatus, we obtain performances (sensitivity
42 µGal/Hz1/2and accuracy 25 µGal) close to the best
gravimeters. Quantitative gravity measurements with a
repeatability of 11 µGal were performed in an elevator
wherein the apparatus is subject to shocks, vibrations
and fluctuations of temperature. These measurements
led us to the determination of the gravity gradient with
a precision of 4 E. We also demonstrated the ability of an
atom gravimeter to be used in a mobile platform by mea-
suring gravity in a moving elevator. Finally, we point out
that technological developments concerning the vibration
isolation system or the association with a classical ac-
celerometer [8, 18] have still to be made in order to have
quantitative gravity measurements in mobile platforms.
We thank the SHOM for their gravity measurements in
our laboratory. This work was supported by the French
Defence Agency (DGA).
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... We performed a continuous acquisition of the atom interferometer over 44 hours, at a cycle rate of 2 Hz. The mid-fringe algorithm (43) is used to compute the value of α that cancels the phase shift ΔΦ (see Eq. 1) every two shots by measuring at each side of a fringe (see Fig. 3). The signs of both the effective wave vector ±k eff and the launch velocity ±v l are alternated to reject noninertial systematic effects. ...
Accurate and stable measurement of inertial quantities is essential in geophysics, geodesy, fundamental physics, and inertial navigation. Here, we present an architecture for a compact cold-atom accelerometer-gyroscope based on a magnetically launched atom interferometer. Characterizing the launching technique, we demonstrate 700–parts per million gyroscope scale factor stability over 1 day, while acceleration and rotation rate bias stabilities of 7 × 10 ⁻⁷ meters per second squared and 4 × 10 ⁻⁷ radians per second are reached after 2 days of integration of the cold-atom sensor. Hybridizing it with a classical accelerometer and gyroscope, we correct their drift and bias to achieve respective 100-fold and 3-fold increase on the stability of the hybridized sensor compared to the classical ones. Compared to a state-of-the-art atomic gyroscope, the simplicity and scalability of our launching technique make this architecture easily extendable to a compact full six-axis inertial measurement unit, providing a pathway toward autonomous positioning and orientation using cold-atom sensors.
... Massive mechanical objects are excellent testbeds for gravimetry [14][15][16] because their centers-of-mass are inherently subjected to gravitational acceleration and they straightforwardly couple to light and matter systems [17]. While atomic interferometry techniques are predominantly employed for gravimetry [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25], several other high-precision gravimeters have also been investigated. These include optomechanical systems [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34], ultracold Bose-Einstein condensate systems [35][36][37][38][39], microelectro-mechanical systems [40][41][42][43][44][45], and superconducting systems [46]. ...
Precision measurements of gravitational acceleration, or gravimetry, enable the testing of physical theories and find numerous applications in geodesy and space exploration. By harnessing quantum effects, high-precision sensors can achieve sensitivity and accuracy far beyond their classical counterparts when using the same number of sensing resources. Therefore, developing gravimeters with quantum-enhanced sensitivity is essential for advancing theoretical and applied physics. While novel quantum gravimeters have already been proposed for this purpose, the ultimate sensing precision, known as the Heisenberg limit, remains largely elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the gravimetry precision in a conditional displacement spin-mechanical system increases quadratically with the number of spins: a Heisenberg-limited spin-mechanical gravimeter. In general, the gravitational parameter is dynamically encoded into the entire entangled spin-mechanical probe. However, at some specific times, the mechanical degree of freedom disentangles from the spin subsystem, transferring all the information about the gravitational acceleration to the spin subsystem. Hence, we prove that a feasible spin magnetization measurement can reveal the ultimate gravimetry precision at such disentangling times. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed system is robust against spin-mechanical coupling anisotropies.
... A static atomic gravimeter was used by ONERA (France) to perform gravity measurements in a moving elevator to demonstrate the possibility of measuring gravity in dynamic environments. The measurement results were consistent with the static measurements to within ±68 mGal [142]. The precision was limited by vibration. ...
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Gravity measurements have important applications in geophysics, resource exploration, geodesy, and inertial navigation. The range of classical gravimetry includes laser interferometer (LI)-based absolute gravimeters, spring relative gravimeters, superconducting gravimeters, airborne/marine gravimeters, micro-electromechanical-system (MEMS) gravimeters, as well as gravity satellites and satellite altimetry. Atomic gravimetry is a new absolute gravity measurement technology based on atom interferometers (AIs) and features zero drift, long-term stability, long-term continuous measurements, and high precision. Atomic gravimetry has been used to measure static, marine, and airborne gravity; gravity gradient; as well as acceleration to test the weak equivalence principle at the China Space Station. In this paper, classical gravimetry is introduced, and the research progress on static and airborne/marine atomic gravimeters, space AIs, and atomic gravity gradiometers is reviewed. In addition, classical and atomic gravimetry are compared. Future atomic gravimetry development trends are also discussed with the aim of jointly promoting the further development of gravity measurement technologies alongside classical gravimetry.
... Another portable absolute gravimeter built by Muquans reports a long-term sensitivity of less than 10 -9 g [4]. The implications extend beyond theoretical exploration, offering practical applications such as enhanced mining operations, geophysical prospecting, and environmental monitoring [5][6] [7]. This paper contributes to the evolving landscape of gravimetry by presenting a comprehensive physics package description for a cold atom gravimeter. ...
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Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) have been proposed for many applications in atom interferometry, as their coherence over long evolution times promises unprecedented sensitivity. To date, BECs can be efficiently created in devices using atom chips, but these are still complex and place high demands on size, weight and power. To further simplify these setups, we equipped an atom chip with a nano-structured diffraction-grating to derive all beams for the magneto-optical trap (MOT) from a single laser beam. Moreover, using a 2D$^+$-MOT as an atomic source and a beam with uniform intensity for the grating illumination, we capture $1\times10^9$ atoms in one second, cool them to $14\,\mu$K, and demonstrate magnetic trapping using the atom chip. This is a major step towards the simplification of portable BEC devices for quantum sensing on earth and in space.
... Through a sequence of light pulses, a Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer is formed. Lightpulse atom interferometers have been used to measure acceleration [5][6][7], rotation rate [8][9][10][11], gravity [12][13][14], and gravity gradients [15,16]. Moreover, they can be applied to fundamental physics because of their high precision. ...
The sensitivity of an interferometer depends on its readout scheme. However, little attention has been paid to the readout schemes of atom interferometers from the viewpoint of their sensitivity. The difference in sensitivity between readout schemes or their optimization has not been considered in the literature. Herein, we analytically calculate the sensitivities of an atom interferometer with typical readout schemes by applying the two-photon formalism, which was developed for optical interferometers to deal with quantum noise. Our calculations reveal that by using sinusoidal phase modulation, the sensitivity can surpass that obtained by the conventional phase sweeping scheme. The superiority of this phase modulation scheme for both cold and thermal atomic beams is demonstrated. In addition, we show that the phase modulation scheme is advantageous for atom-flux fluctuation and resists atom-flux drift. This study performs a general analysis of the sensitivity of atom interferometers and identifies an advantageous readout scheme.
... We performed a continuous acquisition of the atom interferometer over 44 hours, at a cycle rate of 2 Hz. The mid-fringe algorithm [43] is used to compute the value of 7 that cancels the phase shift ΔΦ (see Equation (1)) every 2 shots by measuring at each side of a fringe (see Fig. 3). The signs of both the effective wave-vector ±2 0⃗ 344 and the launch velocity ± ⃗ are alternated to reject noninertial systematic effects. ...
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Accurate measurement of inertial quantities is essential in geophysics, geodesy, fundamental physics and navigation. For instance, inertial navigation systems require stable inertial sensors to compute the position and attitude of the carrier. Here, we present the first hybridized cold-atom inertial sensor based on matter wave interferometry where the atomic measurements are used to correct the drift and bias of both an accelerometer and a gyroscope at the same time. We achieve respective bias stabilities of $7 \times 10^{-7}$ m/s$^2$ and $4 \times 10^{-7}$ rad/s after two days of integration, corresponding to a 100-fold and 3-fold increase on the stability of the hybridized sensor compared to the force-balanced accelerometer and Coriolis vibrating gyroscope operated alone. The instrument has been operated under up to 100-times the Earth rotation rate. Compared to state-of-the-art atomic gyroscope, the simplicity and scalability of our architecture make it easily extendable to a compact full six-axis inertial measurement unit, providing a pathway towards autonomous positioning and orientation using cold-atom sensors.
... In a quiet environment, atomic gravimeters have shown unprecedented sensitivity [1][2][3][4]. Additionally, the inherent advantages of atomic gravimeters, including their high repetition rate, long service life, and stability against drift, have naturally led to substantial efforts in advancing their application in field settings [10][11][12][13][14][15] or on mobile platforms [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. In recent years, atomic gravimeters have been used in geophysical surveys, such as detecting volcano-related underground mass changes [25] and providing absolute gravity references for relative gravimeters [26]. ...
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Many efforts have been taken in recent years to push atomic gravimeters toward practical applications. We demonstrate an atomic gravimeter named NIM-AGRb2 that is transportable and suitable for high-precision gravity measurements. Constraint-structured active vibration isolation (CS-AVI) is used to reduce the ground vibration noise. The constraint structure in CS-AVI ensures that the isolation platform only has vertical translation, with all other degrees of freedom (DoFs) being constrained. Therefore, the stability of active vibration isolation is enhanced. With the implementation of CS-AVI, the sensitivity of NIM-AGRb2 reached as low as 20.5 μGal/Hz1/2. The short-term sensitivity could be further reduced to 10.8 μGal/Hz1/2 in a seismologic observation station. Moreover, we evaluated the system noise of the gravimeter, and the results were consistent with our observations.
Cold-atom gravimetry is susceptible to environmental factors and noise resulting from the expansion of the atom cloud, thereby impacting the quality of gravity signals. An amplitude-modulated mirror-pulse scheme for cold-atom gravimeters is proposed to enhance the stability of the gravity measurement. The amplitude-modulated pulse is calculated based on the combined optimal control method of differential evolution and gradient ascent pulse engineering. This combination imparts high robustness to the amplitude-modulated pulse against detuning and coupling strength. Numerical modeling of the atom gravimeter with a cloud of 3 µKRb87 atoms suggests that, compared with the rectangular pulse, the amplitude-modulated mirror pulse reduces the uncertainty of the gravity value extracted from a single interference fringe, increases the contrast of the interference fringe by about 1.5 times, and improves the stability of the gravity measurement. Additionally, by imposing constraints on pulse-shape smoothness, the phase-noise transfer function of the gravimeter using the amplitude-modulated mirror pulse closely approximates the performance of the rectangular pulse.
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Bloch oscillations in a frequency-chirped optical lattice are a powerful tool to transfer coherently many photon momenta to atoms. We have used this method to measure accurately the ratio h/mRb . In this paper we detail the experimental procedure and we present a complete analysis of the different systematic effects. They yield a global relative uncertainty of 13 parts per 109 (ppb). The measured value of h/mRb is 4.59135929(6)×10-9m2s-1 . The deduced value of the fine-structure constant is alpha-1=137.03599884 (91) with a relative uncertainty of 6.7ppb .
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We have built an atom interferometer that can measure g, the local acceleration due to gravity, with a resolution of Δg/g = 2 × 10−8 after a single 1.3 s measurement cycle, 3 × 10−9 after 1 min and 1 × 10−10 after two days of integration time. The difference between our value for g and one obtained by a falling corner-cube optical interferometer is (7 ± 7) × 10−9 g. The atom interferometer uses velocity-selective stimulated Raman transitions and laser-cooled caesium atoms in an atomic fountain. We extend previous methods of analysing the interferometer to include the effects of a gravitational gradient. We also present detailed experimental and theoretical studies of potential systematic errors and noise sources.
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Limits on the long-term stability and accuracy of a second generation cold atom gravimeter are investigated. We demonstrate a measurement protocol based on four interleaved measurement configurations, which allows rejection of most of the systematic effects, but not those related to Coriolis acceleration and wave-front distortions. Both are related to the transverse motion of the atomic cloud. Carrying out measurements with opposite orientations with respect to the Earth's rotation vector direction allows us to separate the effects and correct for the Coriolis shift. Finally, measurements at different atomic temperatures are presented and analyzed. In particular, we show the difficulty of extrapolating these measurements to zero temperature, which is required in order to correct for the bias due to wave-front distortions.
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In this paper, we show that an atom interferometer inertial sensor, when associated with the auxiliary measurement of external vibrations, can be operated beyond its linear range and still keep a high acceleration sensitivity. We propose and compare two measurement procedures (fringe fitting and non-linear lock) that can be used to extract, without adding any bias, the mean phase of the interferometer when the interferometer phase fluctuations exceed 2π. Despite operating in the urban environment of inner Paris without any vibration isolation, the use of a low noise seismometer for the measurement of ground vibrations allows our atom gravimeter to reach at night a sensitivity as good as 5.5 × 10−8g at 1 s. Robustness of the measurement to large vibration noise is also demonstrated by the ability of our gravimeter to operate during an earthquake with excellent sensitivity. For such low vibration frequency though, high pass filtering of the seismometer degrades its correlation with the interferometer signal, so that low frequency seismic vibrations appear on the gravity measurement. Nevertheless, our high repetition rate allows for efficient sampling of these perturbations, ensuring proper averaging. Such techniques open new perspectives for applications in other fields, such as navigation and geophysics.
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We describe the design improvements incorporated in a new generation of absolute gravimeters, the FG5. A vertically oriented (in-line) interferometer design is used to remove the influence of floor vibration and tilt on the optical path length. The interferometer uses an iodine-stabilized laser as a primary length standard, with circuitry for automatic peak detection and locking. The seismic isolation system is an active long-period seismometer (Super Spring). The new design has improved passive isolation and thermal drift characteristics over previous systems. Programming flexibility and control of the test mass trajectory have been improved. The computer system has also improved real-time analysis and system capability. The FG5 instrument has a higher level of robustness, reliability and ease of use. These design advances have led to an instrumental uncertainty estimate of 1,1 × 10-8 m s-2 (1,0 μGal). Instrument agreement among nine similar devices is 1,8 μGal and observations under optimal conditions exhibit standard deviations of 5 μGal to 8 μGal.
Laser cooling is a relatively new technique that has led to insights into the behavior of atoms as well as confirming with striking detail some of the fundamental notions of quantum mechanics, such as the condensation predicted by S.N. Bose. This elegant technique, whereby atoms, molecules, and even microscopic beads of glass, are trapped in small regions of free space by beams of light and subsequently moved at will using other beams, provides a useful research tool for the study of individual atoms and clusters of atoms, for investigating the details of chemical reactions, and even for determining the physical properties of individual macromolecules such as synthetic polymers and DNA. Intended for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students who have some basic knowledge of optics and quantum mechanics, this text begins with a review of the relevant results of quantum mechanics, it then turns to the electromagnetic interactions involved in slowing and trapping atoms and ions, in both magnetic and optical traps. The concluding chapters discuss a broad range of applications, from atomic clocks and studies of collision processes to diffraction and interference of atomic beams at optical lattices and Bose-Einstein condensation.
The recent development of the atom interferometer and its demonstration as an inertial sensor of acceleration and rotation rate augur a new generation of inertial navigation systems that would rival today's satellite navigation accuracy at the few-meter level. This paper reviews the principles of inertial measurement using the atom interferometer from a rudimentary viewpoint to illustrate the fundamentals and to highlight some of the potential shortcomings with a particular type, the cold-atom interferometer. One of these shortcomings is the fact that this interferometer requires a finite period of time during which the atoms are prepared (cooled) before they enter the interferometer and respond to its dynamics relative to an inertial frame. This lapse in the measurement duty cycle could be supplemented with very precise conventional inertial measurement units (IMUs), or eliminated with multiple, interleaved atom interferometers. Error analyses show that cold-atom interferometric IMUs that capture 50 percent of the dynamics must be coupled with conventional IMUs that are 50 times more accurate than typical navigation-grade units to sustain a horizontal position error of under 5 m (root mean square) after 1 h.
The field of atom interferometry has grown rapidly over the last two decades, opening up a new direction in precision metrology. Atom interferometers have proven to be valuable tools for measuring gravitational and inertial effects. In particular, gravimeters, gradiometers, and gyroscopes based on atom interferometry have all demonstrated high accuracies competitive with state-of-the-art commercial technology. We describe here the development and operation of a compact mobile gravity gradiometer using pi/2 - pi - pi/2 sequence with two-photon stimulated Raman transitions in a dual atomic fountain setup for precision gravity gradient survey and other gravity tests. Various noise sources have been identified and overcome, and a differential acceleration sensitivity of 4.2 x 10-9g/ Hz has been achieved over a 70 cm baseline in the laboratory. The apparatus was then moved into a box-truck and a gravity gradient survey was conducted near a 4 story-deep building, at an accuracy of 7 x 10-9/s 2 in gravity gradient with about three minutes integration at each survey point. The survey results agreed with a theoretical model considering detailed floor plan and building structure. In addition, technique to measure absolute gravity gradient is discussed. Finally, a complete dynamic model of the pi/2 - pi - pi/2 sequence was established, and potential algorithms to de-correlate apparatus platform noise during survey based on this model were identified.
This publication is an introductory text describing the developing field of environmental geophysics. It contains case histories with examples from Australia, North America, Antarctica, Europe and China. Also included are chapters on detailed survey design, ground penetrating radar, electro-magnetic methods in environmental applications, electrical sub-surface imaging, spectral induced polarisation, and high resolution engineering reflection seismology. In this publication the greatest emphasis is given to the use of geophysics in civil engineering and in environmental and groundwater investigations.
We propose a compact and robust laser system at 780 nm for onboard atomic inertial sensors based on rubidium atom interferometry. The principle of this system consists in doubling the frequency of a telecom fiber bench at 1560 nm. The same laser source is used to achieve a magneto-optical trap, matter–wave interferences, and the atomic detection. An atomic gravimeter has been realized and the laser system has been validated under hyper- and microgravity.