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Traffic Safety and Health in Indian cities

* Henry Ford Professor for Biomechanics and Transportation Safety Transportation
Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi,
A sustainable transport system must provide mobility and accessibility to all urban
residents in a safe and environment friendly mode of transport. This is a complex and
difficult task when the needs and demands of people belonging to different income groups are
not only different but also often conflicting. For example, if a large proportion of the
population cannot afford to use motorised transport - private vehicles or public buses - then
they have to either walk or ride bicycles to work. Provision of safe infrastructure for
bicyclists and pedestrians may need segregation of road space for bicyclists and pedestrians
from motorised traffic or reduction in speeds of vehicles. Both measures could result, though
not inevitable, in restricting mobility of car users.
Similarly, measures to reduce pollution may at times conflict with those needed for
reduction in traffic crashes. For example, increases in average vehicle speeds may reduce
emissions but they can result in an increase in accident rates. But, most public discussions
and government policy documents dealing with transportation and health focus only on air
pollution as the main concern. This is because air pollution is generally visible and its
deleterious effects are palpable. It is easy for most people to connect the associations between
qualities of motor vehicles, exhaust fumes and increased morbidity due to pollution.
However, most individuals are not able to understand the complex interaction of factors
associated with road accidents. Health problems due to pollution are seen as worthy of public
action whereas those due to injury and death in accidents as due to individual mistakes.
Therefore, policy documents dealing with sustainable development for cities always include
options for pollution reduction but rarely for road traffic injury control.
In this paper we discuss some of the issues concerning public transport, safety and the
environment. We illustrate that unless the needs of non-motorised modes of traffic are met it
will be almost impossible to design any sustainable transportation system for urban areas.
We show that pedestrians, bicyclists and nonmotorised rickshas are the most critical elements
in mixed traffic. If the infrastructure design does not meet the requirements of these elements
all modes of transport operate in sub-optimal conditions. However, it is possible to redesign
the existing roads to provide a safer and more convenient environment for non-motorised
modes. This also results in improved efficiency of public transport vehicles and enhanced
capacity of the corridor when measured in number of passengers transported per hour per
Dealing with technology and health in the public space is much more complex than
we think. If your stress test shows that your heart muscles have become weak, you can panic
and demand a single magic pill to solve all your problems. However, your doctor will only
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
laugh at your demand. Instead, he will tell you to change your diet, do a set of prescribed
exercises every day, alter your life style, and take a set of medicines every day. In addition,
he will also ask you to monitor your health status periodically and change your drugs
accordingly. Tackling traffic flow, vehicular pollution and road accidents are no less
complex. These problems require the same level of scientific expertise, interdisciplinary
cooperation, and long-term attention as any other public health problem.
To solve problems of vehicular pollution we need to work from first principles. Quite
obviously, the most long lasting solution would be if people travelled less. This depends
mostly on how your city is organised. Mixed land use helps. Homes, businesses, hospitals,
schools, entertainment areas, all need to be intermixed in localities. This is happening more
by default than policy in our cities. Thelawalas going house-to-house selling things reduce
trips; vegetable shops, dhobis, mochis, paan shops, and tandoor stands in neighbourhoods
eliminate thousands of scooter and car trips. Presence of hawkers on city streets makes it
safer for pedestrians and bicyclists, especially women, as crime on those streets reduces. The
hawkers serve as permanent eyes of the street and the police officers use them for obtaining
information on criminals. Potential criminals are quite aware of this! Even the existence of
poor neighbourhoods cheek by jowl with rich ones may be reducing motorised trips and
increasing employment. When you shift low-income people to the periphery of a city you
have to provide bus transport to the formally employed. But the others become unemployed
and may take to crime.
The second long term solution is to encourage non-polluting modes of travel. There is
only one -- human-powered travel. We should be designing our streets so that walking,
bicycling and the use of rickshas becomes safer and much more pleasant. If it were so, many
more people would be using these modes, especially younger people. City planning
experience from Beijing in China to Portland in the USA suggests this is true. Street designs
are available which show that segregated paths can be provided for bicycles and rickshas on
existing arterial roads in most cities. When you do this even the motorised traffic benefits,
because friction reduces, flow becomes smoother and pollution reduces further. Surveys
show that even in a city like Delhi almost fifty percent of the trips are less than 5 km long. If
walking and bicycling were safer, more children would not need to go by bus or in their
parents vehicles. And parents would be free from chauffeuring their children around. Such
policies would not only reduce pollution but also deaths and injuries due to traffic crashes. At
present all our policies are doing exactly the opposite. There is no place on our roads for the
walkers and the bicyclists; you have to walk long distances to cross a road; and free left turns
at crossings don=t allow for any safe period for pedestrians to cross.
The third strategy is to make public transport affordable, convenient and safe. No
Indian city has improved bus transport in the last decade. Urban buses are still following
designs of the 1950s. The service is unreliable and unsafe especially for children, women and
the elderly. However, recent developments in communication and computer technology have
made it possible to optimise bus operations and provide customer-friendly services at very
low cost. It is now possible for buses to Acommunicate@ with traffic lights so that they get
priority at intersections. Modern urban buses have low floors only 350 mm high from the
road. These buses make entry and exit much safer and faster. None of these options is being
planed for our cities.
The fourth strategy is to reduce the pollution from vehicles. This is the only area
where the government has taken some significant steps. Lead has been removed from petrol.
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
This will save millions of children from brain damage. In Delhi two wheelers are sold petrol
premixed with oil at pumps. This prevents bad and excess oil use and reduces pollution. The
diesel being sold in Delhi is less polluting than before. Cars being sold in Delhi now follow
more stringent pollution norms. Two wheeler pollution standards in India are among the most
stringent in the world and our two wheeler manufacturers are doing a good job of meeting
these standards by their R&D in this area. However, much more needs to be done. Such
measures must not be Delhi-centric. They must apply all over the country. After all,
according to the Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi is not the most polluted city in India.
There are many more which are more polluted.
It is easy to list the above principles but not so easy to make and implement effective
policy. All policies, like drugs, have side effects. Before prescribing a drug you have to be
certain that the side effects are not worse than the disease! For example, our simple
calculations show that all the effects of reducing pollution from buses would be nullified if
only 10-15 percent of bus users shift to using two-wheelers or cars.1 This shift would also
increase congestion. Greater use of two-wheelers would also increase injuries due to
accidents. Therefore, before we make new laws that might increase the cost of buses, we have
to make arrangements for cross-subsidy of public transport. This follows from the Apolluter
and user pay@ principle based on the idea that those who pollute more should pay for the harm
they cause others. Since car users pollute the most per passenger kilometre, use the most road
space and injure more people per person transported, they must pay for their comfort that
harms others. Two wheeler users come next and bus users a low third. A pollution and road
tax paid by private vehicle users could help pay for better buses so that we avoid a migration
from buses to two-wheelers and cars.
It is quite clear that cleaner air and safer streets will come at a price, and only if we
have well thought out long term policies. The future committees which deal with these issues
would be well advised to consider all the complex issues, consider the Aside effects@and
perform cost effectiveness studies before issuing edicts. If we don=t do this, the air will not be
cleaner and a lot of people will be angry.
According to official statistics 76,732 persons were killed in road traffic crashes in
India in 1998.2 According to these statistics, 324,377 persons were injured in 1998. However,
this is an underestimate, as not all injuries are reported to the police. The actual numbers are
likely to have been in the region of 1,150,000 persons with injuries requiring hospital
treatment and 5,370,000 persons sustaining minor injuries in 1998. The basis for these
estimates is given in later section. The situation in India is worsening as shown in Table 1.
Road crash fatalities and casualties have been increasing over the past twenty years. This is
partly due to the increase in number of vehicles on the road and partly due to the absence of a
coordinated official policy to control the problem. These data show that the number of
fatalities have continued to increase at approximately the same rate of about five percent a
year over the past two decades and the total number of fatalities in the year 2000 can be
approximated at about 85,000 persons. The fatality rate per million vehicles have remained
around 2 for the past two years, whereas, the rate per million population continues to increase
and is around 82 at present.
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
Table 1. Number of vehicles, population and road traffic fatalities in India.
Year Vehicles,
million Population Fatalities
Thousands Fatalities per
1,000 vehicles
Fatalities per
1971 1.865 548,159,652 15.0 8.04 27.36
1975 2.472 625,246,123 16.9 6.84 27.03
1981 5.391 683,329,097 28.4 5.27 41.56
1985 9.170 772,196,737 39.2 4.27 50.76
1991 21.374 843,930,861 56.6 2.65 67.07
1992 23.507 861,693,859 59.7 2.54 69.28
1993 25.505 879,279,448 60.6 2.38 68.92
1994 27.660 897,223,927 64.0 2.31 71.33
1995 30.295 915,534,620 70.7 2.33 77.22
1996 33.558 934,219,000 71.9 2.14 76.96
1997 37.231 949,200,000 75.0 2.01 79.01
1998 N.A 965,600,000 80.0 NA 82.85
Source: Ministry of Surface Transport: Motor Vehicle Statistics & Statistics of Road Accidents in India
Table 2 shows the total number of vehicles registered in India and three highly
motorised countries (HMCs) and Table 3 the road users killed in traffic crashes in HMCs and
less motorised countries LMCs. These data show that car population as a proportion of total
motor vehicles is much less in India than in the HMCs (12% vs 56-80%) and that the
proportion of motorised two-wheelers (MTW) much higher (69% vs 5-18%). These
differences in fleet composition affect the traffic and crash patterns enormously. Table 3
shows that pedestrians, bicyclists and MTW riders constitute a larger proportion of road crash
victims in LMCs than in HMCs. Pedestrians, bicyclists and MTW riders, who constitute the
vulnerable road users (VRU), constitute 60-80 per cent of all traffic fatalities in India. This
flows logically from the fact that this class of road users forms the majority of those on the
road. In addition, because metallic or energy absorbing materials does not protect VRUs,
they sustain relatively serious injuries even at low velocity crashes.
Table 2. Vehicles registered in India, Germany, U.S.A and Japan
Country Two
wheelers Cars, jeeps &
taxis Buses Trucks Other Total
1996 23,111,385
(68.8) 4,189,367
(12.4) 448,970
(1.3) 4,362,723
(13.0) 1,445,081
(4.3) 33,557,526
1996 2,470,450
(4.9) 40,987,547
(82.0) 89,954
(0.2) 2,273,473
(4.5) 1,899,800
(3.8) 47,721,224
1996 3,816,000
(1.8) 138,203,000
(66.2) 701,000
(0.3) 64,756,000
(31.0) 1,356,000
(0.6) 208,832,000
1996 15,120,000
(17.9) 47,000,000
(55.6) 244,000
(0.3) 22,000,000
(26.0) 118,000
(0.1) 84,482,000
* Numbers in parentheses represent row percentages
The issues summarised above show that India is experiencing a new phenomenon in
road traffic patterns and crashes for which there is little precedence. The same road space gets
used by modern cars and buses, along with locally developed vehicles for public transport
(three-wheeled scooter taxis), scooters and motorcycles, bicycles, tricycle rickshas, and
animal and human drawn carts. The infrastructure design based on homogeneous traffic
models, has failed to fulfill the mobility and safety needs of this traffic.
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
Table 3. Proportion of road users killed in various modes of transport as a per cent of
all fatalities.
City, nation (year) Pedestrians Bicyclists Motorised
Motorised four
wheelers Others
Delhi, India (1994)+ 42 14 27 12 5
Thailand (1987)+ 47 6 36 12 -
Bandung, Indonesia
33 7 42 15 3
Colombo, Sri Lanka
38 8 34 14 6
Malaysia (1994)+ 15 6 57 19 3
Japan (1992)# 27 10 20 42 1
The Netherlands (1990)# 10 22 12 55 -
Norway (1990)# 16 5 12 64 3
Australia (1990)# 18 4 11 65 2
U.S.A. (1995)# 13 2 5 79 1
+ LMCs # HMCs
Non-motorised transport (NMT) constitutes a significant share of the total traffic in
Indian cities and all have a relatively high rate of bicycle ownership and a high proportion of
bicycle traffic. In Indian cities, the share of NMT at peak hour varies from 30-70%. The
proportion of trips undertaken by bicycles range between 15 and 35 per cent, the share
tending to be higher in medium and small size cities. The patterns of NMT use change with
growth in city size. In most NMT dependent cities, bicycles are used for the entire trip (e.g.,
commuting, shopping). Every motorised public transport trip involves access trips by NMT
at each end. Thus, NMT including walking continues to play a very important role in meeting
the travel demand in Indian cities.
In HMCs a very large proportion of the population owns motorised vehicles. These
countries can also afford to have roads parallel to limited access expressways and the former
are used by local traffic and by vehicles not allowed on expressways. In India, highways pass
through rural areas with high-density populations where most of the people do not have
access to motor vehicles. Four lane divided highways in India do not have parallel road links
for slow and non-motorised traffic. This forces slow and non-motorised traffic to use these
highways and to cross them under very hazardous conditions for all concerned. It is not
surprising that a majority of the victims of road crashes on inter city highways are the
vulnerable road users. Highway planning standards provide for services needed by motorised
vehicle users, but there are no standards for providing services needed by NMT. These
services mushroom along urban or inter-city highways to fulfil the demand of road users,
however their existence is viewed as "illegal encroachment" on the designed road space.
The HMCs have never experienced road traffic that includes such a high proportion of
motorcycles, buses and trucks sharing the same road space with pedestrians and bicyclists.
When the present HMCs had low per capita incomes in the earlier part of the last century,
motor vehicles (including motorcycles) were relatively more expensive and not capable of as
high velocities and accelerations. Therefore, speeds were lower and number of vehicles using
the roads was less than that seen today. In a sense, motor-vehicle technology, roadway
quality and social systems were more compatible. On the other hand, in India new designs
have to be developed for use of technologically advanced vehicles using relatively “less
advanced” roadways and enforcement systems. The fact that these patterns are new and that
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
they need to be understood through careful scientific research is not realised by most policy
makers. If we just depend on HMC standards and research results to solve problems in India,
we may find the outcome very unsatisfactory.
According to official statistics 76,732 persons were killed and 324,377 persons
injured in road traffic crashes in India in 1998. 2 However, a study done in Bangalore shows
that while the number of traffic crash deaths recorded by the police is reasonably reliable, the
total number of injuries is grossly underestimated.3 According to this study, deaths were
underestimated by 5% and the number injured who needed treatment in hospitals by more
than a factor of two. In this study, the ratio of injured people reporting to hospitals to that
killed was 18:1. It is important to note that even this ratio would be an underestimate as
among those injured many others would have taken treatment at home or from private
medical practitioners. Another detailed study done in Haryana (India) recorded all traffic-
related injuries and deaths through bi-weekly home visits to all households in 9 villages for a
year.4 This study showed that the ratio between critical, serious and minor injuries was
1:29:69. In 1998 in U.S.A. 41,471 persons were reported killed and 3,192,000 injured, giving
a ratio of 77:1 for recorded fatalities:injuries. Other studies from HMCs for ratios between
deaths:serious-injuries:minor-injuries give statistics of 1:13:102 5 and 1:14:80 .6
Using the epidemiological evidence from India and other countries where better
records are available, a conservative estimate can be made that the ratios between deaths,
injuries requiring hospital treatment and minor injuries to be 1:15:70 in India. If the estimate
of road traffic fatalities in India in year 2000 is taken as 85,000, then the estimate of serious
injuries would be 1,275,000, and that for minor injuries 5,950,000.
Some salient statistics regarding road crash fatalities in cities are given in Table 4.
The issues regarding traffic crashes in urban areas may be understood by the fact that at
present less than one in 40 families owns a car in India. The car ownership level in India is so
low that even at reasonable economic growth rates (say 5-7% per year) most families are not
likely to own a car in the year 2020. Consequently, a majority of the population in India is
not likely to use cars for surface travel for the near future. This low ownership level of cars
determines the distribution of fatalities by class of road user. Table 5 shows the proportion of
road users killed in different parts of India and Table 6 the proportions of vehicles involved in
fatal crashes. The data presented in these tables are based on available national statistics and
on reports available. The data show that VRUs are the main victims both on urban and rural
roads. A study by Kajzer, Yang and Mohan also shows that in India buses and trucks are
involved in a greater proportion of crashes than they are in HICs.7 Analysis of crash patterns
show that the self-segregation of the modes is not sufficient to ensure the safety of vulnerable
bicyclists. While mid block crashes are not usually a serious concern in homogenous
regimented traffic conditions, this category dominates in Indian cities. The overall statistics
for bicycles fatalities in Delhi show that 60% of bicycle fatalities occur off-peak time when
traffic volumes are lower but motor vehicle speeds are high. Forty per cent of the fatal
bicycle crashes are during peak hours when volumes are significantly higher and speeds are
lower (20 to 30 km/h). Of the peak hour bicycle fatalities, 62% involve collisions with buses
or trucks. And, of all bicycle fatalities, 73% occur at mid-block. Buses and trucks are
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
involved in higher proportion in fatal crashes with pedestrians and bicyclists than in non-fatal
crashes. Motorised two wheelers and cars have a higher involvement in non-fatal crashes than
in fatal crashes. This is generally true for urban and rural areas. These data show that in India
safety policies must focus on issues concerning the safety of VRUs and their interactions with
trucks and buses.
Table 4. Number of road accidents & persons killed and injured in Indian cities.
Persons Killed Cities 1996 1997 1998
Ahmedabad 215 239 218
Bangalore 715 704 726
Calcutta 474 471 454
Chennai 615 749 682
Cochin 144 142 47
Delhi 2361 2342 2123
Hyderabad 342 377 370
Jaipur 263 303 302
Mumbai 405 401 370
Nagpur 217 387 204
Pune 283 329 369
Coimbatore 179 198 N.A.
Indore 174 171 151
Ludhiana 162 N.A. N.A.
Madurai 110 203 334
Surat 133 152 152
Vadodara 141 142 144
Viskhapatnam 158 218 216
Total 7091 7528 6862
Table 5. Proportion of road users killed at different locations in India
Type of road user, per cent Location
Truck Bus Car TSR MTW HAPV Bicycle Pedestrian Total
Mumbai 2 1 2 4 7 0 6 78 100
Delhi 2 5 3 3 21 3 10 53 100
Highways+ 14 3 15 ~ 24 1 11 32 100
TSR: Three-wheeled scooter taxi; MTW: Motorised two-wheelers, HAPV: Human and animal powered
vehicles; + Statistics summary of 11 locations, not representative for the whole country (tractor fatalities not
Source: Evaluation of capacity augmentation projects of National Highways and State Highways (2000), Final
Report, Ministry of Surface Transport, GOI, New Delhi
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
Table 6. Proportions of vehicles involved in fatal crashes*
Location Vehicles involved, per cent Total
Truck Bus Car TSR MTW
Mumbai 52 16 24 3 5 100
Delhi 40 33 16 4 7 100
Highways 65 16 15 1 3 100
* Only those cases included where details were known, totals for these vehicles only, others not included.
Source: Evaluation of capacity augmentation projects of National Highways and State Highways (2000), Final
Report, Ministry of Surface Transport, GOI, New Delhi
These issues may be summarised as follows:
(a) Around 15% of the total road traffic fatalities in India occur in 23 metros.
(b) In the metros, MTW comprise approximately 70% of all vehicles and constitute 20-
30% of fatalities.
(c) Heavy vehicles like trucks and buses are associated with 50-70% of fatal road crashes
both in urban and rural areas.
(d) The non-motorised transport road users consisting of pedestrians, cyclists and other
slow moving vehicles are the most vulnerable group and account for 60-80% of the
(e) fatalities.
(f) Between 8:00 pm at night and 4:00 am in the morning, crash rates are high compared
to the density of traffic. This may be due to prevalence of higher vehicle speeds, low
visibility, low conspicuity of vehicles and alcohol.
(g) The issues concerning safety of non-motorised transport have not been given adequate
importance. Policies need to be developed so that these groups are included as an
integral part of traffic in the planning of new highway and area planning schemes.
(h) Inadequate work is being done to analyse the characteristics of road traffic crashes
involving NMT users so as to understand and design suitable countermeasures.
All road and highway design guidelines and
standards in India are issued by the Indian
Roads Congress (IRC). These are
recommendatory standards and the IRC does
not have any role to oversee whether these
are followed or not in practice. The IRC
constitutes many committees to oversee the
need for development of a new standard or
revision of an old one. The responsible
committee then requests its members or an
outside expert to prepare a draft of the
standard, which is discussed in the
committee, distributed for comments and
Table 7. Percentage share of fatalities
on different categories of roads(1991)
Road Type
Fatalities (%)
National Highways 25.3
State Highways 22.2
Lower Categories Roads 52.5
Source: Statistics of Road Accidents in India -
1983 1992,MOST (Road Safety Cell) January,
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
then finalised by the committee. All this work is voluntary in nature. Table 7 shows the
percentage share of fatalities on different categories of roads in India.
Improvement of national highways in India is being given a great deal of importance
as a part of national efforts to become economically competitive globally. However, the
guidelines for highway development generally follow specifications, which are not yet
tailored to India specific situations as far as road safety is concerned. This is because detailed
crash data have not been available which could be used to understand the causal factors
associated with road crashes and which had a bearing on road design issues. Perceptions
about highway crashes formed by highway users may not reflect the reality about the
problem. Everyone sees damaged vehicles stranded on the highways and thus believes that
these kinds of crashes would constitute the main problem. However, a recent study sponsored
by Ministry of Highways and Road Transport shows that though these types of accidents do
cause large economic, time, and efficiency losses, they do not result in a majority of the
fatalities.8 Tables 5 and 6 show the type of road users killed on highways and the impacting
vehicles respectively. Data from Mumbai and Delhi are included to compare the situation in
urban areas with that on highways. Table 5 shows that in urban areas motor vehicle occupants
constitute 5-10 per cent of the fatalities and the rest are vulnerable road users. On highways,
the proportions are 32 and 68 per cent respectively. Though the motor vehicle fatalities are
higher on highways than in urban areas, as would be expected, the differences are not as high
as in western countries. A vast majority (68%) of those getting killed on highways in India
comprise vulnerable road users and this fact should be the guiding factor in future design
The above aggregate data indicate that crash patterns on rural and urban roads are
more similar than would be expected based on western experience. This is probably because
there is high density of settlements all along the highways and this probably results in the use
of many sections of the highway like an urban arterial road. Therefore, safety would be
enhanced mainly by separating local and through traffic on different roads, or by separating
slow and fast traffic on the same road, and by providing convenient and safe road crossing
facilities at frequent intervals to vulnerable road users and by making sure that the design
guidelines regarding issues like super elevation, etc. are observed strictly.
Table 8 shows the crash statistics by categories of highways. It is interesting to note
that there are no major differences in overturn type of crashes on 2-lane and 4-lane roads.
Similarly, there are no major differences in head-on collisions on differences in different
types of 2-lane roads. However, it is very surprising that on 4-lane divided roads head-on
collisions comprise 19% of the crashes. Divided 4-lane roads are justified on the basis that
these would eliminate the occurrence of head-on collisions. This means that many vehicles
are going the wrong way on divided highways. This is probably because tractor and other
vehicle owners go the wrong way when they exit from roadside businesses, farms or homes
and the cut in the median is too far away in the other direction. This issue needs to be taken
up seriously to develop guidelines for the placement of cuts in the median or for providing
under/overpasses for vehicles at convenient locations.
Rear end collisions (including collisions with parked vehicles) are high on all types of
highways including 4-lane highways. This shows that although more space is available on
wider roads rear-end crashes do not reduce. This would probably have to do more with the
visibility of vehicles rather than road design itself. Countermeasures would include making
vehicles more visible with the provision of reflectors and roadside lighting wherever possible.
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
Table 8. Road traffic crashes by categories of highways.
Crash type in per cent Highway Type Overturn
Head-on Angle Rear-end
object Other
Intermediate lane ~ 13 13 13 ~ 13 48
2 lane w/o shoulder 7 14 2 31 23 5 18
2 lane + 1.5m paved shoulder 5 11 ~ 16 45 11 16
2 lane + 2.5m paved shoulder 5 17 2 25 19 13 17
4 lane divided 4 19 7 19 35 2 13
Source: Evaluation of capacity augmentation projects of National Highways and State Highways (2000), Final
Report, Ministry of Surface Transport, GOI, New Delhi
Impacts with pedestrians and bicycles have a high rate on all roads including 4-lane
divided highways. The rate seems to be lower on 2-lane highways with wider (2.5m) paved
shoulders. These findings suggest that wider shoulders reduce conflicts between slow moving
traffic and motor vehicles but do not eliminate them. For these type of crashes to be reduced
the following countermeasures need to be experimented with:
(a) Physical segregation of slow and fast traffic
(b) Provision of 2.5m paved shoulders with delineation devices like cats eyes, studs,
rumble strips (300 mm in width) between the main carriageway and the shoulder
(c) Provision of frequent and convenient under-passes (at the same level as surrounding
land with highway raised to provide clearance) for tractors, pedestrians, bicycles and
(d) Traffic calming in semi-urban and areas and villages.
Collisions with fixed objects are low only on 4-lane divided highways. Provision of
adequate run-off area without impediments is very important on highways and better road
markings to indicate the alignment of the road would help also. We need to develop standards
for provision of convenient tunnels and other crossing facilities in terms of designs and
frequencies. In addition, there would also be a need for provision of “service roads” along the
highways for short distance trips for local traffic. At present, there are no such guidelines to
help the local designer and planner.
The operation and safety of motor vehicles of India are controlled by the Motor
Vehicles Act (1988) and the Central and State Motor Vehicle Rules. The safety standards for
motor vehicles are included in the section on Construction, Equipment and Maintenance of
Motor Vehicles of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules. These standards set technological
requirements for motor vehicle parts and structures and are issued by the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways.
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
Most automobiles are traded internationally these days. Therefore, it would make
sense for such vehicles to conform to some minimum international standards. This would
apply most importantly to automobiles. India should also apply additional standards to make
the vehicles more suitable for their specific traffic conditions. Some of these issues could
include the possibility of making turn indicator lights more conspicuous and more easily
visible to pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists, and impact standards for pedestrians,
bicycles and motorcycles with cars. Vehicle design issues that might need special
consideration in India are summarised below.
Country specific vehicles
There has been a growth of vehicles in India that have been designed locally and do
not conform to international safety standards. There is a wide variety of these vehicles but
they can be broadly classified into three groups: (i) three-wheeled vehicles, (ii) four wheeled
vehicles, and (iii) trailers pulled by tractors or other similar vehicle s. Construction methods,
materials used and economic considerations will not allow for the imposition of international
car safety standards on these vehicles. It will also not be very easy to design very efficient
crash attenuating frontal structures for them. However, design changes can be attempted in
the following areas: (i) improvements in rollover characteristics of the vehicles; (ii) body
designs which restrict passenger ejection from vehicles; (iii) removal of all pointed and sharp
objects from the inside surfaces of the cabin (eg. bolts, rivets, etc.); (iv) provision of impact
absorbing padding in areas where passengers are likely to hit the vehicle surfaces during a
crash; (v) improvements in conspicuity of the vehicles and lighting arrangements. The types
of changes mentioned above will not require heavy investments in research and can be
implemented with local initiative. A crash modelling exercise to improve the safety of three-
wheeled scooter taxi has been attempted in India, which indicates that this is possible.9
Design of less aggressive buses and trucks
During the past decade, the pedestrian safety problem for impacts with private cars in
HMCs has been studied using mathematical models, epidemiological studies, and impact
tests with mechanical dummies and biological materials. Various recommendations for the
front structure design of vehicles (mainly private cars) have been made. However, the fronts
of buses and trucks have not been designed to be "forgiving" in impacts with VRUs.
Preliminary studies show that it is possible to design fronts of buses such that impact forces
in a bus pedestrian impact can be reduced significantly.7 A similar study has been done for
fronts of trucks also.10 Much more work needs to be done to optimise properties for impacts
at different velocities and for different age groups of pedestrians. Once these material
properties are determined, then designs will have to be developed for retrofitting old vehicles
also. Standards will have also to be developed for crashworthiness of buses and trucks for
impacts with motorcyclist and bicyclists.
Bicycles and motorised two-wheelers
Since bicycles and motorcycles constitute a significant proportion of vehicles in India,
and their riders a large proportion of road crash victims, there is a need to invest much more
on research for the safety of these road users. Areas which need attention are conspicuity of
these vehicles, design changes to make them more stable, and work on making helmets
lighter, and more comfortable at high ambient temperatures.
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
The operation of motor vehicles and the rules regarding traffic control are also set in
the Central and State Motor Vehicle Rules. This is because traffic and transportation are state
subjects in India. However, there is a great increase in interstate vehicular traffic in India and
there is a trend toward homogenisation of traffic norms internationally. Therefore, it may be
desirable to review the situation in India and evolve new guidelines which suit the Indian
requirements but in keeping with the international norms.
Traffic is regulated and offenders apprehended according to the provisions of the
Motor Vehicle Rules and the Criminal Procedure Code of India and the various states. The
provisions of these codes and rules need to be re-examined in the light of international trends
where many traffic offences are being decriminalised and moved to the civil domain. The
effectiveness of policemen on the street also depends on the road infrastructure, technological
support given to the policemen and the socio-economic environment of the country where
they operate. To make suitable changes all these issues will have to be examined in depth by
professionals so that they can suggest suitable changes.
The following measures that have already been adopted may be considered as ones in
the right direction:
1. Enactment of mandatory helmet laws for motorised two-wheeler riders (MTW).
However, the law is not being enforced in all states of the country because of
resistance from small vociferous groups.
2. Seatbelt equipped cars along with other safety features like laminated windshields,
etc., and enactment of seatbelt use laws. The use law is not being enforced in any
state. No motor vehicle crash test requirements are mandated presently.
3. Law against use of cell phones in moving vehicles in some locations.
4. Fronts and backs of trucks and buses and three-wheeled scooter taxis are painted
yellow in some states to make them more conspicuous. The effectiveness of this
measure has not been evaluated.
However, the expertise available in India in traffic management and safety research at
all levels (central, state, city and departmental) is not adequate for the task at hand. There are
no well funded and functional road safety departments at any level any where in the country.
The funds allocated for road safety work, audits and research are also critically sub-optimal.
Very few academic and research institutions in India have dedicated road safety professionals
at present. This is because the subject has not been given any importance and no specialised
groups have been set up which have the critical mass necessary to produce meaningful work
on a sustainable basis.
The traffic conditions in India are very different from those experienced in western
countries. The latter countries also have never experienced our problems in their past.
Investing time and effort to come up with traffic management techniques is therefore very
important for road designs and vehicle standards that suit our new reality. Nevertheless, our
Journal of Transport & Infrastructure, Vol. 9(1); Feb. 2002
present safety policies are only statements expressing concerns. Safety targets are not based
on an analytical understanding of data. Data recording and analysis are not reflected in
various improvement measures undertaken by various implementing authorities.
Improvement schemes or new schemes are not evaluated to understand their impact on safety
and "lessons learned" are not documented. Implementing authorities that include the Public
Works Department and the Police Departments do not have the expertise and exposure to
interdisciplinary analysis methodologies and research findings from other regions of the
world. Sustained efforts and coordination are required between policy makers, implementing
agencies and researchers to understand and control the safety situation from further
The real issues and problems which road users face and which are associated with road safety
must be identified and understood. Institutions, both governmental and non-governmental,
have to be set up and funded so that road safety programmes can be set and implemented on a
sustainable basis. The identified road safety plans and strategies must have the acceptance of
a wide range of community groups and new technologies and designs must be identified,
developed and implemented.
In recognition of some of these facts a recent report published by the Planning
Commission of the Government of India has included the following policy recommendation
in the text of the Tenth Five Year Plan document on the road sector:11
“To evolve suitable corrective measures and initiate actions it is imperative to
have scientific analysis of accidents. To improve safety in the long run, safety
audits must be undertaken on all the roads. To save the accident victims it is
essential to strengthen trauma care centres and hospitals to exclusively deal
with accident cases. Highway surveillance through automated cameras and
police patrol may be enhanced. To address this serious problem of road
accidents Road Safety Boards will have to be established at different levels
namely, District, State and Central. These institutions will address this problem
on rapid and sustained basis.”
The Committee has suggested that a special budget be set aside by the Government
for the achievement of these objectives. If the National Road Safety Board is set up as
suggested, it will give the impetus needed for improving the road safety situation in India.
1. Sanghi, S., S. Kale, and D. Mohan. Air Quality Impact Assessment Caused By
Changeover To C.N.G. Buses In Delhi, Report prepared for the Indian Oil
Corporation, Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian
Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India 1998 (2000). National Crime Records Bureau,
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Delhi.
Traffic Safety & Health in Indian Cities
3. Gururaj, G., Thomas, A. A., Reddi, M. N. (2000). Under reporting of road traffic injuries
in Bangalore: Implications for road safety policies and programmes, Injury Prevention
and Control, Proceedings 5th World Conference, Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi.
4. Varghese, M. and Mohan, D. (1991). Transportation Injuries in Rural Haryana, North
India. Proceedings International Conference on Traffic Safety, New Delhi, 326-329.
Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi.
5. Martinez, R. (1996). Traffic safety as a health issue, in Traffic Safety, Communication
and Health, Eds H. von Holst, A. Nygren,R. Thord, Temaplan AB, Stockholm.
6. Evans, L. (1991). Traffic Safety and the Driver, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
7. Kajzer, J., Yang, Y.K. and Mohan, D. (1992). Safer Bus Fronts for Pedestrian Impact
Protection in Bus-Pedestrian Accidents. Proceedings 1992 International IRCOBI
Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, 13-23. IRCOBI, Bron, France
8. Evaluation of capacity augmentation projects of National Highways and State Highways
(2000), Final Report, Ministry of Surface Transport, GOI, New Delhi.
9. Mohan, D., Kajzer, J., Bawa-Bhalla, K.S. and Chawla, A. (1997). Impact Modeling
Studies for a Three Wheeled Scooter Taxi. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 29:2,
10. Chawla, A, Mohan, D, Sharma, V. and Kajzer, J. (2000). Safer Truck Front Design for
Pedestrian Impacts. Journal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control, 2:1, 33-43.
11 . Report of the Working Group on the Road Sector for the Tenth Five Year Plan. Planning
Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, 2001.
... Tiwari [41], Ravindra, Wauters [42], Goel, Gani [43] found that pedestrians were at higher risk of exposure to air pollutants than passengers on a bus or in a car. Jarjour, Jerrett [44]; Mohan [45] argued that the benefits of outdoor activities for healthy individuals, such as cycling and running, far outweigh the risk of exposure to outdoor air pollution. Regular exercise reduces oxidative stress [46][47][48][49]. ...
... To validate the APAC indicators, the adaptive capacity indicators were transformed into a 12-question self-assessment questionnaire (Questionnaire I) and validated by panels of experts (215 participants), including medical doctors (55), nurses (8), medical technicians (45), pharmacists (28), anti-aging scientists (68), and environmental scientists (61). Questionnaire I is provided with the number of questions (12 questions) corresponded to the APAC indicators (12 indicators). ...
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This research proposes a set of 12 self-assessed air pollution adaptive capacity (APAC) indicators to determine and mitigate individual-level air pollution-related health risks. In the study, the APAC indicators were first statistically validated based on data from panels of experts using structural equation modeling. The validated indicators were subsequently transformed into a questionnaire to measure the individual-level APAC index. For ease of interpretation, the APAC index was converted into an APAC grade. The APAC grade was compared against the grading criteria based on Air Quality Index (AQI) levels to assess the individual-level health risks from air pollution. The proposed APAC-based self-assessment program to determine the individual-level health impacts from air pollution could be adopted as an economical and efficient alternative to costly and complicated clinical assessment.
... However, many researchers claim that about 40% of deaths involve vulnerable road users (Bonneson and Pratt, 2008;Mohan et al., 2016;Naqvi and Tiwari, 2015). As no agency reports all the injuries, these accidents may be an underestimate of road injuries (Gururaj, 2008;Mohan, 2002). Accident prediction models have become increasingly popular in determining the factors contributing to road crashes worldwide and providing suggestions for improving road safety conditions. ...
... Urbanisation in India has shown a positive trend in the post-independence period due largely to economic growth, employment opportunities, migration from rural surroundings, improved transport and communication, and a better standard of living. However, they too face serious environmental problems of air and water pollution (Kaur, 2021), UHI development (Fabrizi et al. 2010), increased traffic congestion (Singh, 2012;Mohan, 2002), a lack of accessible housing, a decline in green spaces (Malik and Gupta; and issues with solid waste management (Kumar and Pandit, 2013). ...
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Quantitative observations on the potential effects of land use/land cover in fabricating urban microclimates are a precondition before every attempt of urban planning. The economy-driven brisk urban expansion initiatives invite severe environmental concerns worldwide. The burgeoning population pressure in the urban local bodies of the tropical cities led to jam-packed urban development's actuating surface urban heat island (SUHI) like anthropogenic heating phenomenon. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyse the response of land surface temperature to changes in impervious and green cover densities from a spatial perspective and how it impacted the dwellers of the city of Thiruvananthapuram located in South India. The study revealed that Built-up is the single most significant contributor to the temperature rise of the area, with a land contribution index of 0.3. The SUHI exists at the city's core areas, covering the Central Business District (CBD) and the thickly populated zones with an average temperature of above 34.07°C in a zigzag manner. Even though the maximum temperature does not change spatially, the gap between maximum and minimum temperature decreases towards the densely populated zones of the city. It decreased the thermal comfort and increased vulnerability of health risks of people in the city region. The regression analysis suggests a marked spatial relation between land surface temperature, impervious cover, and green cover densities. The study provides valuable insights for mitigating SUHI by implementing sustainable blue-green infrastructures while providing comfortable, eco-friendly living to people. Keywords: Land use/land cover, land surface temperature, urban heat island, land contribution index, Thiruvananthapuram city.
... However, many researchers claim that about 40% of deaths involve vulnerable road users (Bonneson and Pratt, 2008;Mohan et al., 2016;Naqvi and Tiwari, 2015). As no agency reports all the injuries, these accidents may be an underestimate of road injuries (Gururaj, 2008;Mohan, 2002). Accident prediction models have become increasingly popular in determining the factors contributing to road crashes worldwide and providing suggestions for improving road safety conditions. ...
... However, due to a lack of data-driven analysis, judicial policy is still based on obsolete or unreliable methodologies and estimates. The judiciary's attempts to strengthen its efficiency and respond to the shifting demands of the litigating public are seriously hampered as a result.According toMohan, D. (2002) in his article "Traffic safety and health in Indian cities" has shed light on the current problems of traffic congestion, air pollution, health and safety concerns and other related problems in many Asian cities. According to him these problems have primarily resulted from the unlimited growth and unregulated use of motor vehicles.There are, however, other factors, such as planning and structural issues and governance concerns, which also have their fair share of responsibility.According to Mr. Rumesh Kumar Handa's (2001) research, "Analysis of Calcutta's Street Traffic Problems," He proposed that appropriate roadway authorities develop a strategic traffic management strategy and control methods for the undisturbed safe movement of transport and trucks through the construction of national highways to directly redirect interstate roadway traffic, as perceived by traffic staff and traffickers, in order to recommend improvement measures for city traffic management. ...
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In Indian states, the seizure, detention, and disposal of a seized, unclaimed, or abandoned car has become a major issue. The situation is particularly severe in cities. It is well established that the rate of overall progress is primarily determined by th e planned creation of the National Road Network, a significant component of which are national highways, in a developing Third World economy, particularly in vast India, where distances and immobility can be significant deterrents to economic growth. The s tudy's goal is to investigate how the RTO's method for seizing, retaining, and disposing of confiscated cars may be managed effectively in order to enhance economic and societal gain. It specifically investigates whether the Regional Transport Office is ef fectively enforcing rules and regulations pertaining to the various Acts related to motor vehicles as per the Central and State motor vehicle laws enacted by the Indian Government, as well as the potential impact and aspects of the problems encountered by vehicle owners, society, and the RTO Office of such seizure, retention, and disposal of seized vehicles by the RTO. In this context, seized vehicle is defined as taking hold of or possession of a person's vehicle without the permission of its owner. This s ituation may arise if the person riding the vehicle has violated any laws, the authorities have the power to take in confiscation the said vehicle and then the owner has to go to the respective police station to get their vehicle back. To test the hypothes is that heavy fine, degradation of the market value of the vehicle, increase in the cost of repairs and maintenance, lengthy procedural formalities are equally contributing challenges to the vehicle owner whereas increase in safety law and order, impact on public transit, pollution, environmental degradation are equally contributing challenges to the society and coordination with the vehicle owner, delayed court verdict, difficulty in retaining vehicle, parking of seized vehicle are equally contributing cha llenges to the RTO officer a survey was conducted through questionnaires and data collected from society, vehicle owners and RTO officers across Mumbai. Respondents were randomly selected in MH01, MH02 and MH03 locality and asked to respond in one of the t wo sets of questionnaire. Responses were analyzed using a two sampled Ttest. The result showed significant effect in same direction as hypothesized: seizure, retention and disposal of seized vehicles have significant commercial, social and national impact . These findings imply that transportation organizations should expand their duties as environmental coordinators and ambassadors beyond their conventional planning and engineering functions. Transportation and naturalresource planners should collaborate reach andto enable equalsize collaborative planning so that mutual goals may be realized. This collaboration can include the national government, state and local environmental management agencies, nonprofit organizations, and roadbuilding organizations enterprises. and On this premise, more attention should be paid to anticipating, planning, tracking, and assessing the cumulative impacts of confiscated vehicles.
... This development encouraged mixed land use while offering neighborhoods with walkability and sense of place. I n t h e I n d i a n c i t i e s , m o s t s t r e e t s a r e vehicle oriented, as opposed to being pedestrian friendly (Mohan, 2002). In 1981 book on Liveable streets by Donald Appleyard discusses that commuter needs and preferences affect the volume, composition, speed, and direction of traffic. ...
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With increasing urban development, urban transit systems and corridors have emerged as an important aspect of the urban fabric with mixed use development in their surroundings. Urban Transit Systems are accessible to all groups of people and allow people to reach their destination, following a fixed route and schedule. The Metro transit system with an elevated corridor running along the streetscape is the preferred choice of public transport in the Indian context. However, these elevated transit systems create a shortage of space while reducing the green cover. This shortage of space results in decrease in human interaction and creates an inactive space. It is proven that a streetscape with greenery enhances the visual quality of a space, making it active and influencing human behavior positively. This paper elaborates the adverse impact of urban transit systems on the environment, particularly the greenery volumes of the streetscape, space quality, visual quality and human behavior with the help of case studies. To recapitulate, this paper reviews how transit systems, streetscape and greenery are connected to each other, how they influence one another and what could be a possible solution on the adverse effects of urban transit systems.
... The problem seems worse in low-and middle-income countries where motorcycles increasingly form an easy and major means of transport for individuals. For instance, in India, 69% of motorized vehicles are two-wheelers (motorcycles) (Mohan, 2002). In terms of casualty, the low-and middle-income countries bear the brunt of motorcycle fatalities. ...
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Thousands of motorcycle riders annually die globally from head and neck injuries sustained from the non-use of crash helmets. The wearing of proper crash helmets by riders in Ghana receives low patronage despite an over 800% increase in biker fatalities between the years 2001 and 2016;with the figure rising to 1220% by 2019 (581 deaths) using 2001 (44 deaths) as base year. This study assessed the rates and precipitating factors to the non-use of crash helmets among riders in the motorcycle-dominant Bolgatanga East District of Ghana. Leveraging the simple random sample technique, inputs for the study were solicited from questionnaires administered to 428riders in the district. Based on the analysis, this article established with 95% confidence level that, less than 40% of riders wear crash helmets. Further to this, the helmet wearing levels were very low (17%) among female riders but had an appreciable frequency (42%) among male riders. Two factors were identified as major causes (40%) to the non-use of crash helmets. These were refusal of riders to use helmets because they (riders) were on short (intra-urban) trips, and the motorcycles were not theirs. Other reasons resulted from head and hair discomforts, vision obstruction, forgetfulness, lack of enforcement and apathy; factors found congruent to similar studies. This research found that helmet wearing rates can be improved particularly among older adults and higher lever education riders. It is expected that education can be enhanced by concerned authorities to develop riders’ understanding of the casualty situation and the importance of wearing a helmet.
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Objectives The socioeconomic situation in Nigeria has necessitated motorcycle use as a means of transportation and livelihood. Fatal head injuries, fractures and bruises sustained as a result of non-use of safety kits remain a public health concern in the country. Earlier studies in Oyo State had focused on causes of Commercial Motorcycle Accident (CMA) among commercial motorcyclists (CMs) in Ibadan Metropolis. This dearth of information on the use of safety kits aimed at reducing the impact of fatal injuries among CMs has become a public health 2 concern. This study was therefore designed to investigate the prevalence of motorcycle accident and utilisation of safety kits among CMs in Ido Local Government Area, Oyo State. Material and Method This descriptive cross-sectional study employed a three stage sampling technique, which includes LGA wards, CMs units and 400 consenting respondents. A semi-structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to elicit information on respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, causes of CMA, utilisation of safety kits and knowledge of safety kits (KSKs). Knowledge was measured on a 14-point scale; scores 5,>5-10 and >10 were categorised as poor, fair and good respectively. Focus Group Discussion on causes of motorcycle accident and utilisation of safety kits were analysed thematically while quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and logistic regression at p=0.05. RESULTS Respondents' age was 31.7±9.0 years, 50.0% had completed secondary education and 64.3% had at least five years' experience in commercial motorcycle riding. About a third (37.8%) had been involved in CMA in the last six months and (11.8%) of these had CMA twice prior to the study. Most common injuries sustained during CMA were bruises/Abrassion (44.9%) and burns (22.3%). The most reported causes of CMA were slippery roads (98.7%) and collision from the rear (99.5%). Majority (84.0%) usually carry more than one passenger at a time, 64.8% received or make calls while riding. Out of the 37.8% of the respondents that had CMA, 56.0% did not use crash helmet. About 49.2% reported that they were not wearing any protective kits during the accident. About 46.2% reported not wearing crash helmet (CH) and majority (83.2%) do not provide CH for their passengers. Majority (90.0%) of the respondents saw nothing wrong in wearing bathroom slippers while riding. Majority (76.3%) had good KSKs with a knowledge score of 12.3±2.5.There was a significant association between use of protective kit helmet and occurrence of accident in the last six months. Sixty-five percent of motorcyclists who had spent 5 years or more in Commercial Motorcycle riding had good KSKs compared with those who had spent below 5years (35.9%). Respondents with more than five years' experience in motorcycle riding were less likely to be involved in CMA compared with those with lesser years (OR=0.39 CI=0.19-0.77). Majority of the FGD discussants observed that human factors such as making use of mobile phone while riding, over speeding and overloading were the major causes of CMA. Conclusion 3 Knowledge of safety kits among commercial motorcyclists was high but the use of accident safety kits was poor. Therefore, use of accident safety kits should be promoted among commercial motorcyclists.
Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and injury around the world. Each year nearly 1.2 million people die as a result of road crashes, and millions more are injured or disabled. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle riders are 26 times more likely to die in a traffic collision than passenger vehicle occupants, and 5 times more likely to be injured. In a study conducted by NHTSA on 104,472 motorcyclists injured in traffic crashes, 15 percent of helmeted and 21 percent of unhelmet riders suffered TBI. A helmet aims to reduce the risk of serious head and brain injuries by reducing the impact of a force or collision to the head. A helmet works by, reducing the deceleration of the skull, spreads the forces of the impact over a greater surface area and by preventing direct contact between the skull and the impacting object. Present study was carried out in Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Kalaburagi with the aim to know cause of death in deaths due to bike accidents autopsied at Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Kalaburagi between 2011 to 2016(6-year retrospective study). Results of the study shows that out of 100 cases, in 65 cases cause of death was head injury and in 35 cases it was hemorrhagic shock, septicemia, multi organ failure and others. In 48% of cases injuries were seen in thoracic region and in 40% of cases abdominal injuries. Whereas in 34 cases except intracranial hemorrhage no other injuries were seen on the body. The present study shows that maximum deaths can be prevented by wearing a proper protective helmet.
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This paper explores road safety education to prevent pedestrian fatalities in Limpopo Province. Pedestrian safety remains one of the main challenges for road safety authorities as many road users are losing their lives on the road. The inability of both pedestrians and motorists to understand and interpret the rules of the road is a major problem in Limpopo Province. The study utilised quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 195 respondents. Comprises of 15 civil engineering companies, 23 civil society organisations, 52 community members, 51 teachers and 54 traffic police officials. The findings from the study revealed among many others, that 64.1% of respondents agreed that non-involvement of parents in road safety education contribute to pedestrian fatalities; 61% of the respondents agreed that ineffective scholar patrol contribute to pedestrian fatalities; 67.2% of the respondents agreed that lack of professional support in road safety contribute to pedestrian fatalities and 72% of the respondents agreed that limited resources in road safety contribute to pedestrian fatalities. Based on the findings, the author provided, possible recommendations such as; Department of Transport and Education should involve parents/guardians in road safety education; Department of Education should review scholar patrol to ensure that it assist positively in preventing pedestrian fatalities; Traffic authorities should partner with academics to provide road safety policies and strategies; Department of Transport should partner with private sector to provide resources for road safety education in Limpopo Province.
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Truck and bus frontal impacts account for a major proportion of pedestrian fatalities in many less motorized countries. To understand this phenomenon, we have collected injury data on pedestrian impacts with buses and trucks and performed computer simulations to identify critical design parameters at 15–45 km/h impact velocities for further investigation. A male dummy which was scaled to fifty percentile Indian dimensions has been used for simulations using MADYMO. Bumper height, bumper offset and grille inclination affect the pelvis and thorax forces and Head Injury Criterion values critically. Bumper width has less effect. Simulations were performed to optimize for the above–mentioned three parameters. Changes in front geometric parameters reduce injury to the upper body and head below safety limits for the existing force–displacement properties but do not affect leg injuries significantly. Hence bumpers need to be made less stiff. Injury data shows that pedestrians also sustain tibia fractures in bus/truck impacts in apparent low velocity impacts. The computer modeling does not offer adequate explanation for this phenomenon. These simulations confirm that it is theoretically possible to make truck/bus fronts safer for pedestrians in impacts up to 35 km/h.
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Three-wheeled scooter taxis (TSTs) are being used in many Asian countries and along with buses are the main mode of public transport for the urban middle class population. The TST chassis is made by the manufacturer and the body is fabricated by local body-makers. The vehicle is not subject to any crash safety specifications. This work is the first attempt to study the crash characteristics of TSTs using a crash simulation computer software (MADYMO) with the objective of developing practical guidelines to make the vehicle safer in collisions with other motorized road users and pedestrians. Impact modelling was done for the standard and modified TST occupied by a driver and one passenger at impact velocities of 10-30 km/h crashing with a pedestrian and a bus front. The results show that the passenger and the driver of the standard TST can sustain high HICs, face/head contact forces and tibia/knee contact forces in crashes with buses at velocities 20 km/h and greater. The magnitude of these parameters can be reduced slightly by small changes in the design of the interior and padding of critical surfaces. To increase the safety of the TST significantly major modifications need to be incorporated in the design of TSTs and bus fronts. Pedestrian impact simulations indicate that it may be possible to reduce the impact forces by changing the shape of the front of the TST. The results indicate that it should be possible to improve the crash safety properties of vehicles indigenously designed in Asian and African countries by the use of crash simulation models like MADYMO. This procedure is relatively inexpensive and can provide the first approximations for design of safer vehicles.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an agency of the United States Department of Transportation, was established approximately 30 years ago to reduce deaths, injuries and costs due to motor vehicle crashes. The first director of the National Highway Safety Bureau (predecessor to NHTSA) was Dr. William Haddon, a physician from the New York State Health Department. Over the years, NHTSA has employed a scientific, data-based approach to address the traffic and motor-vehicle safety problem. The approach employed is similar to the public health approach in (1) using data to identify the magnitude of the problem; (2) identifying the causes of the problem (what are the risk factors?); (3) developing and testing interventions/countermeas-ures to reduce the problem; and (4) implementing the interven-tions/countermeasures, monitoring and measuring their effectiveness in addressing the problem (Centers for Disease Control, 1994).
Traffic safety as a health issue, in Traffic Safety, Communication and Health
  • R Martinez
Martinez, R. (1996). Traffic safety as a health issue, in Traffic Safety, Communication and Health, Eds H. von Holst, A. Nygren,R. Thord, Temaplan AB, Stockholm.
Safer Bus Fronts for Pedestrian Impact Protection in Bus-Pedestrian Accidents
  • J Kajzer
  • Y K Yang
  • D Mohan
Kajzer, J., Yang, Y.K. and Mohan, D. (1992). Safer Bus Fronts for Pedestrian Impact Protection in Bus-Pedestrian Accidents. Proceedings 1992 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, 13-23. IRCOBI, Bron, France 8 . Evaluation of capacity augmentation projects of National Highways and State Highways (2000), Final Report, Ministry of Surface Transport, GOI, New Delhi.
Air Quality Impact Assessment Caused By Changeover To C Report prepared for the Indian Oil Corporation, Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology
  • S Sanghi
  • S Kale
  • D Mohan
Sanghi, S., S. Kale, and D. Mohan. Air Quality Impact Assessment Caused By Changeover To C.N.G. Buses In Delhi, Report prepared for the Indian Oil Corporation, Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 2001.