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Variations in Terpene Profiles of Different Strains of Cannabis sativa L


Abstract and Figures

Secondary compounds of the plant are indispensable to cope with its often hostile environment and the great chemical diversity and variability of intraspecific and interspecific secondary metabolism is the result of natural selection. Recognition of the biological properties of secondary compounds have increased their great utility for human uses; numerous compounds now are receiving particular attention from the pharmaceutical industry and are important sources of a wide variety of commercially useful base products. Medical and other effects of Cannabis sativa L. are due to concentration and balance of various active secondary metabolites, particularly the cannabinoids, but including also a wide range of terpenoids and flavonoids. A wide qualitative and quantitative variability in cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids contents in Cannabis species are apparent from reports in the literature. Terpenes are strongly inherited and little influenced by environmental factors and, therefore, have been widely used as biochemical marker in chemosystematic studies to characterize plant species, provenances, clones, and hybrids. This study investigated the variability of terpene profiles in C. sativa. The terpene composition in inflorescences of samples collected from progenies of 16 plants derived from different strains was analysed by GC/FID. The amount of each terpene (in sufficient quantities to be considered in statistical analysis) was expressed as a percentage of total terpenes. Results showed a large variation between different strains in the relative contents for several mono-terpenes (α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, sabinene, Δ-3-carene, α-phellandrene, β-myrcene, α-terpinene, limonene, 1.8-cineole, γ-terpinene, cis-β-ocimene, trans-β-ocimene, α-terpinolene) and one sesquiterpene, β-caryophyllene. This variability in terpene composition can provide a potential tool for the characterization of Cannabis biotypes and warrant further research to evaluate the drug's medical value and, at the same time, to select less susceptible chemotypes to the attack of herbivores and diseases. INTRODUCTION The psychotropic effects of Cannabis, primarily due to the main psychotropic cannabinoid, Δ9-THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol), have been intensely studied as pure compounds for medicinal activity. The pharmaceutical industry, however, is interested in the plant as a source of raw material and studying the variability and synergy among the various secondary metabolites. Other cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids may reduce Δ9-THC-induced anxiety, cholinergic deficit, and immunosuppression, while at the same time increase cerebral blood flow, enhance cortical activity, kill respiratory pathogens, and provide anti-inflammatory activity (McPartland and Russo, 2001). Terpenoids possess a broad range of biological properties, including cancer chemo-preventive effects, skin penetration enhancement, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic activities (Paduch et al., 2007). Plants exhibit dynamic biochemical changes when attacked by diseases and herbivores and in response to abiotic stresses, resulting in the induced production and Proc. XXVIII th IHC – IHC Seminar: A New Look at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Eds.: Á. Máthé et al. Acta Hort. 925, ISHS 2011
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Variations in Terpene Profiles of Different Strains of Cannabis sativa L.
S. Casano and G. Grassi
Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in
Centro di Ricerca per le Colture Industriali
V. Martini and M. Michelozzi
Consiglio Nazionale delle
Istituto di Genetica Vegetale
Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze)
Keywords: aroma volatiles, cannabinoids, chemosystematic studies, medical effects,
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes
Secondary compounds of the plant are indispensable to cope with its often
hostile environment and the great chemical diversity and variability of intraspecific
and interspecific secondary metabolism is the result of natural selection. Recognition
of the biological properties of secondary compounds have increased their great utility
for human uses; numerous compounds now are receiving particular attention from
the pharmaceutical industry and are important sources of a wide variety of
commercially useful base products. Medical and other effects of Cannabis sativa L. are
due to concentration and balance of various active secondary metabolites, particularly
the cannabinoids, but including also a wide range of terpenoids and flavonoids. A wide
qualitative and quantitative variability in cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids
contents in Cannabis species are apparent from reports in the literature. Terpenes are
strongly inherited and little influenced by environmental factors and, therefore, have
been widely used as biochemical marker in chemosystematic studies to characterize
plant species, provenances, clones, and hybrids. This study investigated the variability
of terpene profiles in C. sativa. The terpene composition in inflorescences of samples
collected from progenies of 16 plants derived from different strains was analysed by
GC/FID. The amount of each terpene (in sufficient quantities to be considered in
statistical analysis) was expressed as a percentage of total terpenes. Results showed a
large variation between different strains in the relative contents for several mono-
terpenes (α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, sabinene, Δ-3-carene, α-phellandrene,
β-myrcene, α-terpinene, limonene, 1.8-cineole, γ-terpinene, cis-β-ocimene, trans-β-
ocimene, α-terpinolene) and one sesquiterpene, β-caryophyllene. This variability in
terpene composition can provide a potential tool for the characterization of Cannabis
biotypes and warrant further research to evaluate the drug’s medical value and, at the
same time, to select less susceptible chemotypes to the attack of herbivores and
The psychotropic effects of Cannabis, primarily due to the main psychotropic
cannabinoid, Δ9-THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol), have been intensely studied as pure
compounds for medicinal activity. The pharmaceutical industry, however, is interested in
the plant as a source of raw material and studying the variability and synergy among the
various secondary metabolites. Other cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids may
reduce Δ9-THC-induced anxiety, cholinergic deficit, and immunosuppression, while at
the same time increase cerebral blood flow, enhance cortical activity, kill respiratory
pathogens, and provide anti-inflammatory activity (McPartland and Russo, 2001).
Terpenoids possess a broad range of biological properties, including cancer chemo-
preventive effects, skin penetration enhancement, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-
hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic activities (Paduch et al., 2007).
Plants exhibit dynamic biochemical changes when attacked by diseases and
herbivores and in response to abiotic stresses, resulting in the induced production and
IHC Seminar: A New Loo
at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Eds.: Á. Máthé et al.
Acta Hort. 925, ISHS 2011
release of aroma volatiles that are beneficial for direct or indirect defense. In Arabidopsis
thaliana (Huang et al., 2010) and in Medicago truncatula (Navia-Ginè et al., 2009) a
significant quantitative variation in the emission of the monoterpene trans-β-ocimene
occurs as a consequence of the attack by herbivorous insects. Two monoterpenes
generally present in the aroma volatiles of Cannabis, limonene and α-pinene, as well as
other monoterpenes, have been shown to powerfully repel herbivorous insects (Nerio et
al., 2010), while sesquiterpenes tend to be related to intake by grazing animals. Potter
(2009) demonstrated that in Cannabis the monoterpene:sesquiterpene ratios in leaves and
inflorescences are very different because of the dominant presence of sessile trichomes on
foliage and of capitate stalked trichomes on floral material, with the most volatile
monoterpenes dominating in inflorescences to repel insects and the most bitter
sesquiterpenes dominating in leaves to act as antiherbivory for grazing animals. Being
that pharmaceutical Cannabis is normally cultivated in facilities not accessible to grazing
animals, the major pest problem remains herbivorous insects, especially the most
common and destructive spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies, thus the analysis of
monoterpenes and the study of their variability may play a strategic role into select plants
less susceptible to the attack of these and other insects.
Terpenes are strongly inherited and little influenced by environmental factors and,
therefore, have been widely used as biochemical marker in chemosystematic studies to
characterize plant species, provenances, clones and hybrids. A wide variability in
terpenoids content in different strains of Cannabis have been reported (Mediavilla and
Steinemann, 1997; Novak et al., 2001; Hillig, 2004; Fischedick et al., 2010). The
variability on secondary metabolism combined with genetic data has recently re-opened
the old debate on its taxonomic treatment. In fact, Hillig (2005) proposed a polytypic
concept which recognizes three species (Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis
ruderalis) and seven putative taxa, but at present the majority of researchers continue to
agree on the monotypic treatment and identify the species as Cannabis sativa L. The
differentiation of strains in ‘pure sativa’, ‘mostly sativa’, ‘sativa/indica hybrid’, ‘mostly
indica’, ‘pure indica’ and ‘ruderalis hybrid’ is generally adopted by breeders and growers
to distinguish the different biotypes. The current study investigated the variability in
terpene profiles of Cannabis strains and explored the utility of monoterpenes in the
distinction between ‘mostly sativa’ and ‘mostly indica’ biotypes.
Several strains with Δ9-THC profile were obtained from breeders of private
companies. Assignment of strains exclusively to ‘mostly sativa’ or ‘mostly indica’
biotypes was based on the genetic background declared by breeders of the strains.
Assignment to ‘pure indica’ and ‘pure sativa’ biotypes was not used because of the
uncertain information on these strains. Each strain consisted of a commercial pocket,
generally of ten viable seeds. Preliminary evaluations on the declared genetic background
were performed by growing these strains during the spring-summer term in a greenhouse
at CRA-CIN (Rovigo). At the beginning of the flowering stage staminate plants were
eliminated while pistillate plants were treated with silver thiosulfate solution to artificially
induce the production of staminate inflorescences. Self-pollination of all the pistillate
plants was performed by physically isolating plants from each other by individual white
paper bags. Only 16 pistillate plants derived from 16 different strains were finally
selected. 8 plants (ID: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) were derived from ‘mostly sativa’
strains and the other 8 plants (ID: 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17) were derived from
‘mostly indica’ strains.
Progenies of the 16 plants were grown in indoor conditions at CRA-CIN (Rovigo).
In total 99 plants (3 to 7 plants for each strain) were grown under 600 W/m2 high pressure
sodium lamps (Philips Son-T). Photoperiod was kept at 18 hours of light for the first 4
weeks of cultivation and then decreased to 12 hours of light until the harvest. Temperature
and relative humidity of the air were respectively maintained at 25±3°C and 50-70%.
Plants were individually grown in 1.5-L pots in finely ground flakes of coconut fibre
(CANNA B.V.) and they were daily ferti-irrigated, by using an automatic irrigation
system, with a dose of nutrient solution depending on requirement. The nutrient solution
used (EC=1.7) was obtained by mixing equal parts of Coco A and B (CANNA B.V.) with
tap water, and then the pH level was adjusted to 5.5. Ferti-irrigation was interrupted 2
weeks before the harvest and pots were flushed with tap water adjusted to pH=5.5.
The harvest of early strains (‘mostly indica’) occurred after 105 days from sowing
while the harvest of late strains (‘mostly sativa’) was deferred at 133 days. Fresh
inflorescence tissues of plants were sampled during the harvest for analyses of terpenoids.
The sample material (80 mg of fresh inflorescence tissues) was ground in liquid nitrogen,
extracted in 4 ml of n-pentane and then 1 ml of the extract was transferred to GC vials.
The terpene composition was analyzed by GC/FID. In total, 28 compounds were detected,
15 were fully identified while 13 remained unknown (unk). Terpenoids were identified by
matching their retention times with those of pure compounds under the same conditions.
Depending from their retention times, peaks were identified as following:
α-pinene, unk1, unk2, camphene, β-pinene, sabinene, Δ-3-carene, α-phellandrene,
β-myrcene, α-terpinene, limonene, 1.8 cineole, γ-terpinene, cis-β-ocimene, trans-β-
ocimene, α-terpinolene, unk3, unk4, β-caryophyllene, unk5, unk6, unk7, unk8, unk9,
unk10, unk11, unk12 and unk13. Terpenoids identified were mostly monoterpenes with
the exception of one sesquiterpene, β-caryophyllene.
Relative content of each monoterpene was expressed as a percentage of total
monoterpenes, while each sesquiterpene was calculated as a percentage of total mono-
terpenes plus sesquiterpenes. Data were not normally distributed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov
one sample test) and were analysed by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
followed by the Mann-Whitney U Test for multiple comparisons. Differences were
accepted when significant at the 5% level. Statistical analyses were performed by using
SYSTAT 12.0 software (Systat Software Inc., USA).
The relative content of terpenoids is strongly inherited while total yield per weight
of tissue is more subjected to environmental factors. Expression of composition on a
+ tissue basis (mg/g) is used for quality control and standardization of Cannabis cultivars,
as well as for chemosystematic studies (Fischedick et al., 2010), but the relative content
(%) of terpenoids is more often used for chemosystematic studies.
The average relative contents of dominant compounds detected in the aroma
volatiles of all the strains were: β-myrcene (46.1±2.6%), α-pinene (14.0±1.5%),
α-terpinolene (10.2±1.8%), limonene (7.3±1.3%), trans-β-ocimene (6.6±0.7%), β-pinene
(6.1±0.4%), α-terpinene (3.6±1.0%), β-caryophyllene (1.2±0.2%), 1.8 cineole
(1.1±0.2%), α-phellandrene (0.7±0.1%) and Δ-3-carene (0.6±0.1%). The average relative
contents of camphene, unk1, cis-β-ocimene, unk5, unk8, unk7, unk13, sabinene,
γ-terpinene, unk3, unk4, unk6, unk10, unk2, unk9, unk11 and unk12 were lower than
0.5%. Results of Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA between different strains (d.f.=15, N=99)
showed significant changes in relative contents of all the compounds: α-pinene (X2=71.6,
P<0.001), unk1 (X2=71.5, P<0.001), unk2 (X2=43.6, P<0.001), camphene (X2=67.2,
P<0.001), β-pinene (X2=53.2, P<0.001), sabinene (X2=72.5, P<0.001), Δ-3-carene
(X2=69.4, P<0.001), α-phellandrene (X2=59.6, P<0.001), β-myrcene (X2=47.7, P<0.001),
α-terpinene (X2=36.3, P<0.01), limonene (X2=77.1, P<0.001), 1.8 cineole (X2=67.5,
P<0.001), γ-terpinene (X2=30.9, P<0.01), cis-β-ocimene (X2=79.5, P<0.001), trans-β-
ocimene (X2=82.1, P<0.001), α-terpinolene (X2=78.7, P<0.001), unk3 (X2=37.6,
P<0.001), unk4 (X2=33.7, P<0.01), β-caryophyllene (X2=55.7, P<0.001), unk5 (X2=65.6,
P<0.001), unk6 (X2=74.4, P<0.001), unk7 (X2=50.1, P<0.001), unk8 (X2=64.7, P<0.001),
unk9 (X2=63.2, P<0.001), unk10 (X2=61.1, P<0.001), unk11 (X2=80.1, P<0.001), unk12
(X2=61.8, P<0.001) and unk13 (X2=52.8, P<0.001).
β-myrcene was detected in high % in all the strains, with strain 17 having the
highest relative content (80.1±7.3%) and strain 8 having the lowest relative content
(16.1±3.4%) (Table 1). β-myrcene was the dominant terpene in almost all the strains, with
the exceptions of strains 6, 7, 8 and 12. α-terpinolene was detected in high % in some
‘mostly sativa’ strains (7, 8, 9, 10 and 12), with strains 7 and 8 having α-terpinolene as the
dominant terpene (respectively 41.8±7.2% and 37.3±3.5%), while it was not detected or it
was detected in traces in ‘mostly indica’ strains and in some ‘mostly sativa’ strains (5, 6
and 11). α-pinene and β-pinene were detected in all the strains and their relative contents
were commonly lower than 10%. α-pinene was detected in higher relative contents (up to
10%) in some strains (3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16), with strains 6 and 12 having α-
pinene as the dominant terpene (respectively 46.3±5.7% and 24.2±15.6%).
β-pinene was detected in higher relative contents (up to 10%) in strains 3 (12.6±1.6%)
and 6 (13.2±0.8%). Limonene was detected in low % or traces in some ‘mostly indica’
strains (3, 14, 15 and 16) and in ‘mostly sativa’ strains, while it was detected in much
higher % (up to 10%) in some ‘mostly indica’ strains (2, 4, 13 and 17), with these strains
having limonene as second most abundant terpenoid. Trans-β-ocimene was not detected
or it was detected in low % in one ‘mostly sativa’ strains (6) and in ‘mostly indica’ strains,
while in some ‘mostly sativa’ strains (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) it was detected in much
higher % (up to 5%), with strains 5 and 11 having trans-β-ocimene as second most
abundant terpenoid (respectively 18.7±1.9% and 16.8±2.2%). α-terpinene was detected in
low % or traces in almost all the strains, with strains 4 having a much higher relative
content (18.0±8.0%). The sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene was detected in all the strains
and its relative content was commonly lower than 2%, with some strains (2, 9, 13 and 17)
having relative contents up to 2%. 1.8 cineole was detected in low % (up to 2%) in some
‘mostly sativa’ strains (7, 8, 9, 10 and 12), while it was detected in lower % or traces in
‘mostly indica’ strains and in some ‘mostly sativa’ strains (5, 6 and 11). Δ-3-carene and α-
phellandrene were detected in low % (up to 1%) in some ‘mostly sativa’ strains (7, 8, 9,
10 and 12), while they were not detected in ‘mostly indica’ strains and in some ‘mostly
sativa’ strains (5, 6 and 11).
Mann-Whitney U test between ‘mostly sativa’ strains and ‘mostly indica’ strains
(d.f.=1, N=99) showed significant changes in relative contents of several compounds
except for α-pinene, unk2, β-pinene, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, β-caryophyllene, unk7,
unk12 and unk13 (Fig. 1). Relative contents of camphene (X2=22.7, P<0.001), β-myrcene
(X2=23.1, P<0.001), limonene (X2=27.8, P<0.001), unk3 (X2=15.4, P<0.001), unk6
(X2=29.9, P<0.001) and unk11 (X2=42.3, P<0.001) were significantly higher in ‘mostly
indica’ strains than in ‘mostly sativa’ strains (Fig. 1). Plants derived from ‘mostly sativa’
strains showed significantly higher relative proportions of unk1 (X2=33.4, P<0.001),
sabinene (X2=24.9, P<0.001), Δ-3-carene (X2=39.6, P<0.001), α-phellandrene (X2=31.97,
P<0.001), 1.8 cineole (X2=19.2, P<0.001), cis-β-ocimene (X2=48.6, P<0.001), trans-β-
ocimene (X2=52.6, P<0.001), α-terpinolene (X2=13.2, P<0.001), unk4 (X2=15.3,
P<0.001), unk5 (X2=29.6, P<0.001), unk8 (X2=24.3, P<0.001), unk9 (X2=7.5, P<0.01)
and unk10 (X2=9.5, P<0.01) than plants derived from ‘mostly indica’ strains (Fig. 1).
Although Hillig (2004) stated that differences on terpenoids in Cannabis are of
limited use for taxonomic discrimination at the species level, with sesquiterpenes
generally more useful than monoterpenes, we found that several monoterpenes markers
can be powerful tools for discerning between ‘mostly sativa’ and ‘mostly indica’ biotypes
(Table 1 and Fig. 1). Our results are also supported by results recently obtained by
Fischedick et al. (2010) showing that monoterpenes are able to distinguish cultivars with
similar sesquiterpenes and cannabinoids levels.
The main differences between terpene profiles of the evaluated strains belonging
to the two principal biotypes were that ‘mostly indica’ strains were characterized by
dominancy of β-myrcene, present in high relative contents, with limonene or α-pinene as
second most abundant terpenoid, while ‘mostly sativa’ strains were characterized by more
complex terpene profiles, with some strains having α-terpinolene or α-pinene as dominant
terpenoid, and some strains having β-myrcene as dominant terpenoid with α-terpinolene
or trans-β-ocimene as second most abundant terpenoid.
This wide variability in terpene composition can provide a potential tool for the
characterization of Cannabis biotypes, and warrant further researches in order to evaluate
the drug’s medical value and, at the same time, to select less susceptible chemotypes to
the attack of herbivores and diseases. More detailed studies on the variability in
monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are needed. Breeding for specific terpenoids in plants is
a fascinating research topic; in fact, the various biological activities of these compounds
make the analysis of terpenoids a valuable tool for improving a considerable number of
traits in pharmaceutical and industrial cultivars of Cannabis.
Terpenoids analysis, combined with cannabinoids and flavonoids analyses, are
essential for the metabolic fingerprinting of pharmaceutical cultivars. Pharmaceutical
cultivars of the two principal biotypes may exhibit distinctive medicinal properties due to
significant differences in relative contents of terpenoids, thus the synergy between the
various secondary metabolites must be investigated in deeper details in the future in order
to better elucidate the phytocomplex of Cannabis and to allow selection of chemotypes
with specific medical effects.
Thanks to Phytoplant Research S.L. for financial assistance.
Literature Cited
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Tabl e s
Table 1. Terpene profiles of different ‘mostly indica’ and ‘mostly sativa’ strains of Cannabis sativa L.
ND = not detected.
Fig. 1. Comparison of terpene profiles in ‘mostly indica’ (black histograms) and in
‘mostly sativa’ (white histograms) strains of Cannabis sativa L. Break on Y-axis is
0.7-0.8. Numbers on X-axis refer to individual compounds: 1=α-pinene, 2=unk1,
3=unk2, 4=camphene, 5=β-pinene, 6=sabinene, 7=Δ-3-carene, 8=α-phellandrene,
9=β-myrcene, 10=α-terpinene, 11=limonene, 12=1.8 cineole, 13=γ-terpinene,
14=cis-β-ocimene, 15=trans-β-ocimene, 16=α-terpinolene, 17=unk3, 18=unk4,
19=β-caryophyllene, 20=unk5, 21=unk6, 22=unk7, 23=unk8, 24=unk9, 25=unk10,
26=unk11, 27=unk12 and 28=unk13.
... The terpene profile of plants (i.e. the relative contents of volatile terpenes) is under strong genetic control and usually is little affected by abiotic factors. 69,70 Indeed, the terpene profile is largely used as biochemical marker to characterize plant species, provenance and clones in chemosystematic studies. 69,71 In our second trial, in both basil varieties, various compounds showed different trends in response to biochar addition and nitrogen fertilization. ...
... 69,70 Indeed, the terpene profile is largely used as biochemical marker to characterize plant species, provenance and clones in chemosystematic studies. 69,71 In our second trial, in both basil varieties, various compounds showed different trends in response to biochar addition and nitrogen fertilization. However, it should be noted that the basil aroma (i.e. the relative contents of aromatic compounds) is mainly the result of a few compounds (e.g. ...
Full-text available
BACKGROUND Despite the optimal characteristics of peat, more environmental‐friendly materials are needed in the nursery sector, although these must guarantee specific quantitative and qualitative commercial standards. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of biochar and compost as peat surrogates on yield and essential oil profile of two different varieties of basil (Ocimum basilicum var. Italiano and Ocimum basilicum var. minimum). In two 50‐day pot experiments, we checked the performances of biochar from pruning of urban trees and composted kitchen scraps, both mixed in different proportions with commercial peat (first experiment), and under different nitrogen (N) fertilization regimes (second experiment), in terms of plant growth and volatile compounds profile of basil. RESULTS Total or high substitution of peat with biochar (100% and 50% v.v.) or compost (100%) resulted in seedling death a few days from transplantation, probably because the pH and electrical conductivity of the growing media were too high. Substrates with lower substitution rates (10–20%) were underperforming in terms of plant growth and color compared to pure commercial peat during the first experiment, whereas better performances were obtained by the nitrogen‐fertilized mixed substrates in the second experiment, at least for one variety. We identified a total of 12 and 16 aroma compounds of basil (mainly terpenes) in the two experiments. Partial replacement of peat did not affect basil volatile organic compounds content and composition, whereas N fertilization overall decreased the concentration of these compounds. CONCLUSION Our results support a moderate use of charred or composted materials as peat surrogates. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
... A study by Casano et al. investigated the variability of terpene profiles in 16 plants from different strains of C. sativa L. [15]. They separated the samples into 'mostly indica' and 'mostly sativa' based upon the morphological appearance declared by cultivators of the strain. ...
... The loading plot reveals that this group is characterized by relatively high amounts of terpinolene, α-terpinene and α-phellandrene. It is worth noting that the monoterpenoid profiles of these strains were similar to strains described as 'sativa' in other studies [14,15,20]. Plotting of additional principal components did not reveal any new groupings. ...
... The cited terpenes were chosen because of their high concentration in indica and sativa strains of Cannabis (Casano et al., 2011). Similarly, the phytocannabinoids were selected because of their relevant concentrations in these strains and since some of them were considered in previous studies as representative of different chemical categories (Citti et al., 2019;Dei Cas et al., 2020;Stefkov et al., 2022). ...
... A total of seven phytocannabinoids and four terpenes were included in the workflow, and the compounds were chosen also considering previous studies reported in literature as representative of different chemical categories of Cannabis constituents (Casano et al., 2011;Citti et al., 2019;Dei Cas et al., 2020;Sommano et al., 2020;Stefkov et al., 2022;Stone et al., 2020). In this connection, it must be considered that recent literature reporting bioactivity data of Cannabis extracts against neurodegeneration does not focus anymore on phytocannabinoids only, but also on the role of the phytocomplex, which includes other constituents, such as, indeed, terpenes (Weston-Green et al., 2021). ...
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The growing interest on the therapeutic potential against neurodegeneration of Cannabis sativa extracts, and of phytocannabinoids in particular, is paralleled by a limited understanding of the undergoing biochemical pathways in which these natural compounds may be involved. Computational tools are nowadays commonly enrolled in the drug discovery workflow and can guide the investigation of macromolecular targets for such molecules. In this contribution, in silico techniques have been applied to the study of C. sativa constituents at various extents, and a total of seven phytocannabinoids and four terpenes were considered. On the side of ligand‐based virtual screening, physico‐chemical descriptors were computed and evaluated, highlighting the phytocannabinoids possessing suitable drug‐like properties to potentially target the central nervous system. Our previous findings and literature data prompted us to investigate the interaction of these molecules with phosphodiesterases (PDEs), a family of enzymes being studied for the development of therapeutic agents against neurodegeneration. Among the compounds, structure‐based techniques such as docking and molecular dynamics (MD), highlighted cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential and selective PDE9 ligand, since a promising calculated binding energy value (−9.1 kcal/mol) and a stable interaction in the MD simulation timeframe were predicted. Additionally, PDE9 inhibition assay confirmed the computational results, and showed that CBD inhibits the enzyme in the nanomolar range in vitro, paving the way for further development of this phytocannabinoid as a therapeutic option against neurodegeneration.
... (Fischedick et al., 2010;Hazekamp & Fischedick, 2012). Also, as foreseen by Casano et al., 2011, "the relative content of terpenoids is strongly inherited while total yield per weight of tissue is more subjected to environmental factors." The relative content (%) of terpenes and terpenoids commonly employed for chemo systematic studies, as demonstrated in this publication. ...
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This study explores the complementary or synergistic effects of medicinal cannabis constituents, particularly terpenes, concerning their therapeutic potential, known as the entourage effect. A systematic review of the literature on cannabis entourage effects was conducted using the PRISMA model. Two research questions conducted the review: (1) What are the Physiological Effects of Terpenes and Terpenoids found in Cannabis? (2) What are the proven Entourage Effects of Terpenes in Cannabis? The initial approach involved an exploratory search in electronic databases using predefined keywords and Boolean phrases across PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and EBSCO databases, using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Analysis of published studies shows no evidence of neuroprotective or anti-aggregatory effects of α-pinene and β-pinene against β-amyloid-mediated toxicity, however, modest lipid peroxidation inhibition by α-pinene, β pinene, and terpinolene may contribute to the multifaceted neuroprotection properties of these C. sativa-prevalent monoterpenes and their triterpene friedelin. Myrcene demonstrated anti-inflammatory proprieties topically, however, in combination with CBD did not show significant additional differences. Exploratory evidence suggests various therapeutic benefits of terpenes, such as myrcene for relaxing; linalool as sleep aid, exhaustion relief and mental stress; D-limonene as an analgesic; caryophyllene for cold tolerance and analgesia; valencene for cartilage protection, borneol for antinociceptive and anticonvulsant potential; and eucalyptol for muscle pain. While exploratory research suggests terpenes as influencers in the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, the potential for synergistic or additive enhancement of cannabinoid efficacy by terpenes remains unproven. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm these constituents' individual and combined effects.
... In addition, terpenes showed synergistic effects with cannabinoids like CBD; for example, terpenes such as limonene, pinene, caryophyllene, and myrcene combined with CBD were used as a new antiseptic for social anxiety disorder and acne therapies [1]. Moreover, terpenes demonstrated anti-cancer, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic properties [6,8]. Terpenes have been mostly determined by GC-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) [21], and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) [4,10,12,17], and some coupled with headspace-FID-MS [9] and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) [2,5,15], or direct injection [19]. ...
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We developed a rapid and user-friendly method to detect bioactive terpenes in different Cannabis flower samples based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). We validated the method in terms of linearity, repeatability, detection and quantitation limits and recovery. We quantitatively determine the amounts of six terpenes in seven Cannabis samples.
... Several studies have attempted to find a correlation between the terpene profiles of various chemovars and their impact on particular indications, e.g., anxiety [20,21] and pain [22]. Also related is the "sativa" vs. "indica" effect, mainly attributed to the chemovar/ product fit for energic activity vs. relaxation/sedation [23][24][25]. ...
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The cannabis plant exerts its pharmaceutical activity primarily by the binding of cannabinoids to two G protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. The role that cannabis terpenes play in this activation has been considered and debated repeatedly, based on only limited experimental results. In the current study we used a controlled in-vitro heterologous expression system to quantify the activation of CB1 receptors by sixteen cannabis terpenes individually, by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone and by THC-terpenes mixtures. The results demonstrate that all terpenes, when tested individually, activate CB1 receptors, at about 10-50% of the activation by THC alone. The combination of some of these terpenes with THC significantly increases the activity of the CB1 receptor, compared to THC alone. In some cases, several fold. Importantly, this amplification is evident at terpene to THC ratios similar to those in the cannabis plant, which reflect very low terpene concentrations. For some terpenes, the activation obtained by THC- terpene mixtures is notably greater than the sum of the activations by the individual components, suggesting a synergistic effect. Our results strongly support a modulatory effect of some of the terpenes on the interaction between THC and the CB1 receptor. As the most effective terpenes are not necessarily the most abundant ones in the cannabis plant, reaching "whole plant" or "full spectrum" composition is not necessarily an advantage. For enhanced therapeutic effects, desired compositions are attainable by enriching extracts with selected terpenes. These compositions adjust the treatment for various desired medicinal and personal needs.
... Asimismo, Stack et al. (2021) indican que el dramático crecimiento que se ha visto durante la última década en la producción de especies sativas exige caracterizar con urgencia el germoplasma disponible y desarrollar conocimientos para acelerar la reproducción de cultivares uniformes y estables. Casano et al. (2011) resaltan la necesidad de caracterizar las propiedades de las variedades de Cannabis sativa L., entre otras razones, por su amplia variabilidad en las concentraciones de metabolitos secundarios activos, en particular, los cannabinoides, y por la amplia gama de terpenoides y flavonoides presentes. Adicionalmente, Bernstein et al. (2019) plantean la necesidad de identificar varios efectos de tratamientos agronómicos sobre las propiedades fisiológicas y químicas del cannabis medicinal y los compuestos activos suministrados a los pacientes. ...
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En el marco del Decreto 613 de 2017, que reglamenta la Ley 1787 de 2017, se da inicio en Colombia a la producción legal del cannabis para uso médico y científico. Al tratarse de un cultivo sin historial legal en el país, es necesario realizar una prueba de evaluación agronómica (pea), mediante la cual se demuestre su estabilidad en una subregión determinada, durante un ciclo completo. Este estudio presenta los resultados de una pea realizada en la zona andina de frío moderado (de 1800 a 2200 m s.n.m.) del oriente del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, bajo cubierta plástica, con seis genotipos de cannabis no psicoactivo (thc < 1 %) preexistentes en la fuente semillera registrada ante el ica. La evaluación se desarrolló entre el 30 de septiembre del 2019 y el 15 de enero del 2020. Los genotipos se distribuyeron espacialmente con base en un esquema de aleatorización de bloques completos al azar, con tres réplicas por genotipo y 20 plantas por unidad experimental, sembradas a una densidad de cuatro plantas por metro cuadrado. La biomasa total fresca (tallo, hojas e inflorescencias) por metro cuadrado presentó una media general de 3525,62 g, de los cuales 775,42 g (22 %) correspondieron a las flores. Las flores presentaron un contenido promedio de 10,70 % de cbd y 0,47 % de thc. Estos materiales clasifican como no psicoactivos, acorde con la normatividad colombiana, pudiendo destinarse, por tanto, a cualquiera de las finalidades que establece la sección 5 del Decreto 613 de 2017.
... Mono-and sesqui-terpenes are the most abundant volatile compounds in Cannabis (Rice and Koziel, 2015;Fischedick, 2017;Orser et al., 2018) and are thought to be responsible for the characteristic odor of mature and dried flowers. Strain differences in terpene composition have been observed (Casano et al., 2011;Lewis et al., 2018;Mudge et al., 2019;Smith et al., 2022) and crowd-sourced ratings have been used to sort strains according to sensory similarity (de la Fuente et al., 2020). However, the association between specific terpenes and a strain's aroma profile remains speculative pending definitive studies using gas chromatography-olfactometry as has been done for the cones of the hop plant (Steinhaus and Schieberle, 2000). ...
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Cannabis sativa L. is grown and marketed under a large number of named strains. Strains are often associated with phenotypic traits of interest to consumers, such as aroma and cannabinoid content. Yet genetic inconsistencies have been noted within named strains. We asked whether genetically inconsistent samples of a commercial strain also display inconsistent aroma profiles. We genotyped 32 samples using variable microsatellite regions to determine a consensus strain genotype and identify genetic outliers (if any) for four strains. Results were used to select 15 samples for olfactory testing. A genetic outlier sample was available for all but one strain. Aroma profiles were obtained by 55 sniff panelists using quantitative sensory evaluation of 40 odor descriptors. Within a strain, aroma descriptor frequencies for the genetic outlier were frequently at odds with those of the consensus samples. It appears that within-strain genetic differences are associated with differences in aroma profile. Because these differences were perceptible to untrained panelists, they may also be noticed by retail consumers. Our results could help the cannabis industry achieve better control of product consistency.
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This study explores the complementary or synergistic effects of medicinal cannabis constituents, particularly terpenes, concerning their therapeutic potential, known as the entourage effect. A systematic review of the literature on cannabis “entourage effects” was conducted using the PRISMA model. Two research questions directed the review: (1) What are the physiological effects of terpenes and terpenoids found in cannabis? (2) What are the proven “entourage effects” of terpenes in cannabis? The initial approach involved an exploratory search in electronic databases using predefined keywords and Boolean phrases across PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and EBSCO databases using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Analysis of published studies shows no evidence of neuroprotective or anti-aggregatory effects of α-pinene and β-pinene against β-amyloid-mediated toxicity; however, modest lipid peroxidation inhibition by α-pinene, β pinene, and terpinolene may contribute to the multifaceted neuroprotection properties of these C. sativa L. prevalent monoterpenes and the triterpene friedelin. Myrcene demonstrated anti-inflammatory proprieties topically; however, in combination with CBD, it did not show significant additional differences. Exploratory evidence suggests various therapeutic benefits of terpenes, such as myrcene for relaxation; linalool as a sleep aid and to relieve exhaustion and mental stress; D-limonene as an analgesic; caryophyllene for cold tolerance and analgesia; valencene for cartilage protection; borneol for antinociceptive and anticonvulsant potential; and eucalyptol for muscle pain. While exploratory research suggests terpenes as influencers in the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, the potential for synergistic or additive enhancement of cannabinoid efficacy by terpenes remains unproven. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm any terpenes “entourage effects.”
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. A central tenet underlying the use of botanical remedies is that herbs contain many active ingredients. Primary active ingredients may be enhanced by secondary compounds, which act in beneficial syn-ergy. Other herbal constituents may mitigate the side effects of dominant active ingredients. We reviewed the literature concerning medical can-nabis and its primary active ingredient, ∆ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Good evidence shows that secondary compounds in cannabis may enhance the beneficial effects of THC. Other cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid compounds in herbal cannabis or its extracts may reduce THC-induced anxiety, cholinergic deficits, and immunosuppression. Cannabis terpenoids and flavonoids may also increase cerebral blood flow, enhance cortical activity, kill respiratory pathogens, and provide anti-inflammatory activ-ity. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: and: Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/AIDS (ed: Ethan Russo) The Haworth Integrative Healing Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc., 2001, pp. 103-132. Single or multiple copies of this arti-cle are available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service [1-800-342-9678, 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. (EST). E-mail address:].
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Sample populations of 157 Cannabis accessions of diverse geographic origin were surveyed for allozyme variation at 17 gene loci. The frequencies of 52 alleles were subjected to principal components analysis. A scatter plot revealed two major groups of accessions. The sativa gene pool includes fiber/seed landraces from Europe, Asia Minor, and Central Asia, and ruderal populations from Eastern Europe. The indica gene pool includes fiber/seed landraces from eastern Asia, narrow-leafleted drug strains from southern Asia, Africa, and Latin America, wide-leafleted drug strains from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and feral populations from India and Nepal. A third putative gene pool includes ruderal populations from Central Asia. None of the previous taxonomic concepts that were tested adequately circumscribe the sativa and indica gene pools. A polytypic concept of Cannabis is proposed, which recognizes three species, C. sativa, C. indica and C. ruderalis, and seven putative taxa.
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When attacked by insects, plants release mixtures of volatile compounds that are beneficial for direct or indirect defense. Natural variation of volatile emissions frequently occurs between and within plant species, but knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms is limited. We investigated intraspecific differences of volatile emissions induced from rosette leaves of 27 accessions of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) upon treatment with coronalon, a jasmonate mimic eliciting responses similar to those caused by insect feeding. Quantitative variation was found for the emission of the monoterpene (E)-beta-ocimene, the sesquiterpene (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, the irregular homoterpene 4,8,12-trimethyltridecatetra-1,3,7,11-ene, and the benzenoid compound methyl salicylate. Differences in the relative emissions of (E)-beta-ocimene and (E,E)-alpha-farnesene from accession Wassilewskija (Ws), a high-(E)-beta-ocimene emitter, and accession Columbia (Col-0), a trace-(E)-beta-ocimene emitter, were attributed to allelic variation of two closely related, tandem-duplicated terpene synthase genes, TPS02 and TPS03. The Ws genome contains a functional allele of TPS02 but not of TPS03, while the opposite is the case for Col-0. Recombinant proteins of the functional Ws TPS02 and Col-0 TPS03 genes both showed (E)-beta-ocimene and (E,E)-alpha-farnesene synthase activities. However, differential subcellular compartmentalization of the two enzymes in plastids and the cytosol was found to be responsible for the ecotype-specific differences in (E)-beta-ocimene/(E,E)-alpha-farnesene emission. Expression of the functional TPS02 and TPS03 alleles is induced in leaves by elicitor and insect treatment and occurs constitutively in floral tissues. Our studies show that both pseudogenization in the TPS family and subcellular segregation of functional TPS enzymes control the variation and plasticity of induced volatile emissions in wild plant species.
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Currently, the use of synthetic chemicals to control insects and arthropods raises several concerns related to environment and human health. An alternative is to use natural products that possess good efficacy and are environmentally friendly. Among those chemicals, essential oils from plants belonging to several species have been extensively tested to assess their repellent properties as a valuable natural resource. The essential oils whose repellent activities have been demonstrated, as well as the importance of the synergistic effects among their components are the main focus of this review. Essential oils are volatile mixtures of hydrocarbons with a diversity of functional groups, and their repellent activity has been linked to the presence of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. However, in some cases, these chemicals can work synergistically, improving their effectiveness. In addition, the use of other natural products in the mixture, such as vanillin, could increase the protection time, potentiating the repellent effect of some essential oils. Among the plant families with promising essential oils used as repellents, Cymbopogon spp., Ocimum spp. and Eucalyptus spp. are the most cited. Individual compounds present in these mixtures with high repellent activity include alpha-pinene, limonene, citronellol, citronellal, camphor and thymol. Finally, although from an economical point of view synthetic chemicals are still more frequently used as repellents than essential oils, these natural products have the potential to provide efficient, and safer repellents for humans and the environment.
The essential oils of five different cultivars of Cannabis sativa contained as main compounds α-pinene, myrcene, trans-β-ocimene, α-terpinolene, trans-caryophyllene and α-humulene. The content of α-terpinolene divided the cultivars in two distinct groups, an Eastern European group of cultivars of approximately 8% and a French group of cultivars of around 16%. Therefore, this compound might be suitable as a genetic marker for the two breeding centres for the fibre types of Cannabis sativa. The content of trans-caryophyllene was up to 19%. However, the content of caryophyllene oxide did not exceed 2%. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Cannabis sativa can be regarded as modest. Nevertheless, cultivar differences were visible. Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) could not be detected in any of the essential oils and the amount of other cannabinoids was very poor. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
To determine whether the terpenoid composition of the essential oil of Cannabis is useful for chemotaxonomic discrimination, extracts of pistillate inflorescences of 162 greenhouse-grown plants of diverse origin were analyzed by gas chromatography. Peak area ratios of 48 compounds were subjected to multivariate analysis and the results interpreted with respect to geographic origin and taxonomic affiliation. A canonical analysis in which the plants were pre-assigned to C. sativa or C. indica based on previous genetic, morphological, and chemotaxonomic studies resulted in 91% correct assignment of the plants to their pre-assigned species. A scatterplot on the first two principal component axes shows that plants of accessions from Afghanistan assigned to the wide-leaflet drug biotype (an infraspecific taxon of unspecified rank) of C. indica group apart from the other putative taxa. The essential oil of these plants usually had relatively high ratios of guaiol, isomers of eudesmol, and other unidentified compounds. Plants assigned to the narrow-leaflet drug biotype of C. indica tended to have relatively high ratios of trans-β-farnesene. Cultivars of the two drug biotypes may exhibit distinctive medicinal properties due to significant differences in terpenoid composition.
Virtually all plants are able to recognize attack by herbivorous insects and release volatile organic compounds (VOC) in response. Terpenes are the most abundant and varied class of insect-induced VOC from plants. Four genes encoding putative terpene synthases (MtTps1, MtTps2, MtTps3 and MtTps4) were shown to accumulate in Medicago truncatula Gaertn. in response to Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) feeding and methyl jasmonate treatment in a previous study [S.K. Gomez, M.M. Cox, J.C. Bede, K.K. Inoue, H.T. Alborn, J.H. Tumlinson, K.L. Korth, Lepidopteran herbivory and oral factors induce transcripts encoding novel terpene synthases in Medicago truncatula, Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 58 (2005) 114–127.] The focus of the current study is the functional characterization of one (MtTps4) of these four genes. Using an M. truncatula cDNA clone, the insect-inducible putative terpene synthase was expressed in Escherichiacoli and shown to convert geranyl diphosphate (GPP) into the monoterpene (E)-β-ocimene as the major product. The clone was therefore designated M. truncatula (E)-β-ocimene synthase (MtEBOS). Transcripts encoding this enzyme accumulate in M. truncatula leaves in response to exogenous jasmonic acid treatments, lepidopteran herbivory, and lepidopteran oral secretions. Treatment with the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) did not cause an increase in MtEBOS transcripts. The volatile (E)-β-ocimene was released from leaves of both undamaged and insect-damaged plants, but at levels two-fold higher in insect-damaged M. truncatula. Although leaves have low constitutive levels of MtEBOS transcripts, RNA blot analysis indicates no constitutive expression in flowers, stems or roots. The strong insect-induced expression of this gene, and its correspondence with release of volatile ocimene, suggest that it plays an active role in indirect insect defenses in M. truncatula.
Terpenes are naturally occurring substances produced by a wide variety of plants and animals. A broad range of the biological properties of terpenoids is described, including cancer chemopreventive effects, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic activities. Terpenes are also presented as skin penetration enhancers and agents involved in the prevention and therapy of several inflammatory diseases. Moreover, a potential mechanism of their action against pathogens and their influence on skin permeability are discussed. The major conclusion is that larger-scale use of terpenoids in modern medicine should be taken into consideration.