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A new ballast water sampling device for sampling organisms above 50 micron

  • GoConsult, Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Many ballast water sampling programmes were undertaken in the past to document the number of individuals and variety of species arriving with ships. As no standard ballast water sampling tool exists various sampling devices were used during these studies. When sampling ballast water for compliance control with the Ballast Water Management Convention prepared by the International Maritime Organization a sampling device is needed which documents the number of organisms per water volume discharged. For organisms above 50 microns (in minimum dimension) less than 10 organisms per cubic meter of water are acceptable in the ballast water discharged. Further, ballast water samples need to be taken to assess the efficacy of ballast water treatment systems. As a result more than 1,000 liters of water need to be sampled – and this needs to be carried out multiple times as more than one sampling point, several replicates and various sampling occasions are required. This contribution describes a new sampling device for this ballast water sampling purpose.
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Aquatic Invasions (2006) Volume 1, Issue 1: 46-50
DOI 10.3391/ai.2006.1.1.12
© 2006 The Author(s)
Journal compilation © 2006 REABIC (
This is an Open Access article
Technical report
A new ballast water sampling device for sampling organisms above 50 micron
Stephan Gollasch
GoConsult, Bahrenfelder Straße 73 a, 22765 Hamburg, Germany
Received 6 January 2006; accepted in revised form 20 January 2006
Many ballast water sampling programmes were undertaken in the past to document the number of individuals and variety of
species arriving with ships. As no standard ballast water sampling tool exists various sampling devices were used during these
studies. When sampling ballast water for compliance control with the Ballast Water Management Convention prepared by the
International Maritime Organization a sampling device is needed which documents the number of organisms per water volume
discharged. For organisms above 50 microns (in minimum dimension) less than 10 organisms per cubic meter of water are
acceptable in the ballast water discharged. Further, ballast water samples need to be taken to assess the efficacy of ballast water
treatment systems. As a result more than 1,000 liters of water need to be sampled – and this needs to be carried out multiple
times as more than one sampling point, several replicates and various sampling occasions are required. This contribution
describes a new sampling device for this ballast water sampling purpose.
Key words: ballast water sampling, IMO Convention, ballast water treatment, compliance control
Experience has shown that sampling ships’
ballast water is a challenge. For biological
analysis carried out to assess the variety of
organisms arriving in ballast (qualitative
analysis) several sampling methods have been
developed (e.g. Gollasch et al. 2002, 2003).
However, these techniques are neither considered
adequate when planning to sample ships for
efficacy tests of ballast water treatment systems
nor for compliance control sampling for the
ballast water discharge standard as set forth in
the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Ballast Water Management Convention (both
being quantitative approaches) (IMO 2004).
According to the IMO Ballast Water
Management Convention (hereafter the
Convention), the IMO Guideline for Type
Approval of Ballast Water Treatment Systems
and the IMO Guideline on Ballast Water
Sampling large amounts of water need to be
sampled to proof the efficacy of treatment
systems and to assess compliance of ships with
standards as set forth in the Convention.
Regulation D-2 of the Convention stipulates
that ships meeting the requirements of the
Convention must discharge:
less than 10 viable organisms per cubic
meter greater than or equal to 50
micrometers in minimum dimension, and
less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre
less than 50 micrometers in minimum
dimension and greater than or equal to 10
micrometers in minimum dimension, and
less than the following concentrations of
indicator microbes, as a human health
Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae (serotypes O1
and O139) with less than 1 Colony Forming
Unit (cfu) per 100 millilitres or less than 1
cfu per 1 gramme (wet weight) of
zooplankton samples,
Escherichia coli less than 250 cfu per 100
millilitres, and
Intestinal Enterococci less than 100 cfu
per 100 millilitres.
Especially to document the number of
organisms above 50 microns is challenging as
less than 10 organisms per cubic meter of water
are acceptable. As a result more than 1,000 liters
A new ballast water sampling device
of water need to be sampled multiple times as
more than one sampling point, several replicates
and various sampling occasions are required.
Organisms in the ballast tank may not equally
be distributed, i.e. the concentration of
organisms in the discharged ballast water may
vary. To allow for representative sampling of the
organism content in ballast water it is therefore
recommended that samples should be taken
during the entire discharge time which is enabled
by using this new sampling device.
Another challenge is to document the volume
of water which had been sampled in land-based
and onboard tests. As sampling for compliance
control with IMO standards may also have legal
implications (in case of non-compliance)
accuracy is essential.
The newly designed sampling device,
developed by Hydrobios1, one of the leading
manufacturers of scientific sampling gear in
Germany, allows such sampling. This sampling
approach likely delivers a more representative
sample of larger organism density when being
discharged from a ship in both cases (a) for
compliance control and (b) for efficacy tests of
ballast water treatment systems.
This device consists of a flexible sampling
bag with a filtering cod-end both being
especially designed for this purpose. This cod-
end has removable filtering panels and can be
unscrewed from the sampling bag. An integrated
flow-meter allows for accuracy to document the
filtered volume of water.
Advantages of the Sampling Device
1. The sampling device can be hung to the
ceiling, i.e. does not need a stand to be
operated which is unlikely to be available on
ships or is difficult to install in e.g. the ships
engine room.
2. Its light weight eases transportation to and
within the ship in case various sampling
points need to be sampled consecutively.
3. The sampling bag can be folded, i.e. it is
easier to carry which is especially an
advantage when using narrow stairs in ships
engine rooms – or when sampling needs to
be undertaken in densely packed cargo rooms
(e.g. on car carriers).
4. The device is completely independent from
the ships operation (other than ballast water
operations), i.e. does not require power
supply etc.
5. Cleaning of the non-stick bag can easily be
done by rinsing with water.
6. The filtering cod-end can be unscrewed and
after cleaning of the bag the unit is ready for
use immediately, i.e. several samples may be
taken in a short period of time by simply
sealing one cod-end and screwing on another
cod-end. Sealed used cod-ends may be
placed in a water tight container to avoid
damage or impairment of survival of sampled
organisms. Alternatively the filtering sieve
of the cod-end may be replaced with a new
sieve after each sampling occasion. The
replaced filter sieve should be put into the
sample container for later screening of
organisms. This also eases the cleaning of
the sieve to avoid organism contamination
with future samples. As a result samples can
be carried to the analysing laboratory
without any further processing onboard, such
as sieving at the sampling location etc. The
filter sieve replacement is a matter of
minutes and allows the use of only one cod-
end for multiple samplings.
7. The integrated flow-meter enables a precise
measurement of the water volume filtered2.
8. Compared to using buckets a bigger water
volume can be filtered as the device collects
and filters the water at the same time. The
limiting factor is the concentration of
organism and particular matter in the water.
In case the organism and particle
concentration in the water is low, sampling
can be "endless" when the time for filling the
device equals to the time needed for water
filtration through the filtering cod-end.
9. It works time efficient, i.e. up to 2.5 tonnes
of ballast water were sampled in less than 30
10. Discharge of filtered water after sampling
may be carried out by dumping it in the bilge
water system. In case sampling is undertaken
in areas where water spillage cannot be
2This is difficult when using buckets, especially when the vessel to be sampled is moving, due to heavy seas or in cargo
operations buckets may overflow.
S. Gollasch
tolerated, the spillage can be minimised by
directing the filtered water with a hose to a
sink – or by placing a water collecting tank
underneath the device which may be emptied
as requested. In case the treatment system
uses backwash-lines to discharge filter
backwash material, this backwash line may
also be used to discharge the filtered water.
11. In case the sampling procedure takes longer,
organism survival may be impaired by the long
sampling time. To allow optimal organism
survival, the tap of the cod-end may than be
opened every 10 minutes to extract sampled
organisms (subsample). By doing so organism
exposure to air is minimised. Organisms in all
subsamples should be counted.
All these advantages will result in an efficient,
timely and accurate sampling of ballast water. In
addition due to the time efficient application, the
number of samples or replicates taken by the
sampling crew may be increased without any
extra working hours.
Technical Details Inline Flow Meter
The flow meter reads the metric system with a
flow indication per sampling event and a
cumulative lifetime measurement (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Flow meter
Measuring range: 9 l/min (= 0,15 l/sec) up to 200
l/min (= 3,33 l/sec)
Accuracy1: < 96% of reading from 200 l/min to
50 l/min
Pipe diameter: 20 mm
Pressure rating: 10 bars
Hose connection: Hose nozzle for hose diameters
of 25 up to 27 mm
Fluid temperature: 0°C ... +50°C
Material: Inline fitting: PVC
Paddle wheel: PVDF
Axle: Ceramic
O-Ring: FPM
Electronic housing: PC
Front plate cover: Polyester
Batteries: 2 x 9 V DC (6LR6/PP3)
Autonomy min. 2 years2 at +20°C
Technical Details Filter Bag and Cod-end
The filter bag (Figure 2) and cod-end (Figure 3)
are especially designed for the purpose of ballast
water sampling. The cod-end may be unscrewed
from the sampling bag after sampling (Figure 4).
Figure 2. Filter bag
Diameter: 40 cm
Length: 100 cm
Cod-end: PVC, 60 mm diameter, two side
windows covered with Monyl 50 micron mesh size
(diagonal dimension) filtering panels and with tap.
1Further calibration experiments will be carried out shortly and will likely result in higher reading accuracy.
2Low battery charge level is automatically indicated.
A new ballast water sampling device
Figure 3. Cod-end with tap
Figure 4. Cod-end may be unscrewed from filtering bag
The flow meter outlet in the net is bended
which results in a spiral water flow in the sam-
pling bag. By doing so organism damage during
sampling is minimised and the filtration rate of
the cod-end is increased.
The filtering sieve of the cod-end may be
replaced after each sampling occasion allowing
for multiple samplings by using the identical
cod-end. This also eases the cleaning of the sieve
to avoid organism contamination with future
Sample analysis
Organisms need to be analysed as soon as
possible after sampling – as the IMO standards
refer to living organisms, i.e. samples taken
during a ships voyage need to be analysed
onboard. However, analysis of larger organisms
onboard is also a challenge, especially when the
ship is in motion. When using Petri dishes and a
stereo-microscope, organisms counting may not
be accurate as the ship movement induces water
movements in the Petri dish. As a result orga-
nisms may be counted twice and some may be
missed out from counting. To avoid this, a
Bogorov counting chamber may be used. During
minimal ship movements, this chamber proved to
be efficient during onboard trials. However, with
increasing ship movements the Bogorov chamber
looses its advantage. HydroBios therefore de-
signed three new counting chambers which may
be used during stronger ship movements. These
new chambers allow for greater accuracy in
counting larger organisms onboard (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Newly designed zooplankton counting chambers
S. Gollasch
Sampling access point
This zooplankton sampling device may either be
connected to a sampling point in the ships´
ballast water discharge line (after treatment for
efficiency tests of the treatment system or in the
discharge line to proof compliance with the IMO
ballast water discharge standard) or alternatively
a pump may be used to pump up the water from a
ballast tank. In any case, the water flow should
be between 10 and 200 litres a minute to allow
for best accuracy of the flow meter.
This new sampling device was developed to
solve the challenges encountered when sampling
ballast water. Onboard tests have shown that the
device is essential for timely and accurate
sampling events - up to 2.5 tonnes of ballast
water were sampled in less than 30 minutes. It is
hoped that the use of this device enables efficient
and accurate samplings to (a) test ballast water
treatment systems and (b) to assess whether or
not ships are in compliance with the standards as
set forth in the Convention.
Gollasch S, Macdonald E, Belson S, Botnen H, Christensen J,
Hamer J, Houvenaghel G, Jelmert A, Lucas I, Masson D,
McCollin T, Olenin S, Persson A, Wallentinus I, Wetsteyn
B & Wittling T (2002). Life in Ballast Tanks. pp. 217-231
In: Leppäkoski E, Gollasch S & Olenin S (eds.): Invasive
Aquatic Species of Europe: Distribution, Impacts and
Management. KLUWER Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 583 pp
Gollasch S, Rosenthal H, Botnen H, Crncevic M, Gilbert M,
Hamer J, Hülsmann N, Mauro C, McCann L, Minchin D,
Öztürk B, Robertson M, Sutton C & Villac MC (2003)
Species richness and invasion vectors: Sampling
techniques and biases. Biological Invasions 5: 365-377
IMO (2004) International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments.
BWM/CONF/36. 36 pp
... Several sampling and processing techniques have been developed for hydrobiological analysis to assess the diversity and abundance of phyto-and zooplankton organisms in ballast water. The main ones among them are microscopy and flow cytometry [4,5]. However, these methods are still not considered adequate for testing the effectiveness of ballast water treatment systems and monitoring compliance with the IMO standard for the discharge of ballast water into ports and bays. ...
... Mesoplankton is scanned in Bogorov's chamber. Bogorov's modified counting chamber makes it possible to more accurately analyze larger organisms on board while the ship is moving or rolling [4]. Organisms are viewed in 10-20 fields of view of a stereomicroscope with a magnification of ×16-×32 and ×40-×50. ...
... If, when taking samples from ballast tanks, ladders and platforms prevent the lowering of fishing gear to the entire depth of the tank, ballast water samples are taken by means of pumps with flow meters and a filter cup (mesh size 40-55 μm). For the sampling of mesoplankton, the sampling device developed by the Hydrobios Company has proven itself well in practice [4]. This device consists of a flexible cone (bag) (prevents the destruction of organisms) with an integrated flow meter and a screw-down filter can. ...
... Наибольшую трудность при выполнении данного правила конвенции представляет оценка обилия организмов размером 50 мкм или более. Немецкими исследователями предложено устройство для отбора проб воды из балластных танков, соответствующее правилам конвенции (Gollasch, 2006;Gollasch, David, 2006). ...
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На основании собственных и литературных данных проведено исследование морских биоинвазий в дальневосточных морях России. В наибольшей степени подвержен биоинвазиям оказался зал. Петра Великого, находящийся на границе бореальной и субтропической зон. Основные источники и пути проникновения чужеродных видов в зал. Петра Великого-обрастание корпусов судов и судовые балластные воды. Серьезных экологических катастроф, вызванных морскими биоинвазиями, как это произошло в европейских морях России, в дальневосточных морях до настоящего времени не зарегистрировано. Большинство из отмеченных нами 66 видов-вселенцев находятся на ранних стадиях акклиматизации. Более половины видов из этого списка обнаружены в Дальневосточном морском биосферном заповеднике ДВО РАН. Нами предложена шкала, позволяющая определять вероятность статуса видов как чужеродных. Из 445 видов гидробионтов, обнаруженных нами в балластных водах, лишь 39 ранее не отмечались в зал. Петра Великого. Даже незначительно изменение климата, в частности-повышение температуры воды, может привести к непредсказуемым последствиям. Азиатский северо-тихоокеанской регион в настоящее время является больше донором видов, которые расселяются в другие регионы Мирового океана, чем реципиентом видов-вселенцев. Морские био-инвазии в дальневосточных морях России находятся на начальной стадии и число видов-вселенцев в этом регионе не превышает 3% от общего числа видов. Исследования, проведенные Институтом биологии моря им. А.В. Жирмунского ДВО РАН, в определенной мере могли послужить научно-практической основой для законопроектной деятельности в сфере морского и речного транспорта.
... For zooplankton analysis the water was sampled over the entire uptake or discharge time as one, time-integrated sample using the Hydro-Bios Ballast Water Sampling Kit (Hydro-Bios, Kiel, Germany). It consists of a filtering bag and removable cod-end with a mesh of 50 μm in diagonal dimension and includes a flow meter that the filtered water volume can be measured (Gollasch, 2006). For the enumeration of zooplankton, the sample was extracted from the plankton net and the net was cleaned with a wash bottle to transfer also organisms which may have stuck to the plankton net into a 1 L bottle. ...
During the type approval process of ballast water management systems (BWMS) performance tests need to be conducted according to the BWMS Code (previously Guidelines G8) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The shipboard tests previously included a control experiment with untreated ballast water to evaluate the BWMS performance by comparing test results of treated and untreated water. Biological results and abiotic parameters of 97 control water tests conducted during the last >10 years during ballast water uptakes and corresponding discharges were summarized. In general, a strong decline of organisms in ballast tanks was observed, especially during the first few days of the holding time. The IMO validity criteria for uptake water phytoplankton in shipboard control tests were met in 82.5% of all tests. Phytoplankton numbers below the validity criteria occurred predominantly in winter and/or when the water was taken up offshore. For zooplankton the validity criteria were always met. The TSS and POC content in our ballast water uptake samples was frequently much higher than required during IMO BWMS type approval tests so that the current testing requirements do not represent a challenge to BWMS. With this a risk is taken that type approved BWMS fail in water conditions which occur frequently in the real world.
... Because organisms ≥ 50 μm are typically sparsely distributed (particularly in treated water), these organisms are usually concentrated from the sample water prior to analysis. In practice, a portion of the water filling or draining a tank (i.e., the sample) is diverted into a filtration device, such as a filter skid or plankton net (e.g., Gollasch 2006;Drake et al. 2014;Bradie et al. 2018), which retains organisms ≥ 50 μm. The concentrated sample (~ 1 L), can be used to estimate concentrations from the total volume that was sampled (≥ 1 m 3 ). ...
... In the course of the convention, Resolution 18 for Research into the Effects of Discharge of Ballast Water containing Bacteria of Epidemic Diseases was approved, which charged the IMO with the responsibility for elaborating measures of ballast water (BW) control (Cohen, 1998). In fact, since 1994, several exotic species have been identified in many parts of the world (Hallegraeff, 1992; Carlton and Geller, 1993; Gollasch, 2006 ), and studies have identified BW as the vector of exotic species transfer (Ruiz et al., 1997). Therefore, the impact caused by the organisms found in BW, such as Vibrio cholerae (Dobroski et al., 2009; Cohen and Dobbs, 2015 ), can be of great important for marine environment, the economy and human health. ...
Ballast water management systems (BWMS) are rigorously tested in land-based and shipboard settings, according to requirements outlined in the former G8 Guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Noting doubts that the water conditions to challenge BWMS as stated in G8 may not be challenging enough to represent all port water conditions worldwide, this guideline was revised at IMO in 2016 to make G8 better fit for purpose, and the instrument was made mandatory as BWMS Code in 2018. This contribution summarizes the intake water conditions we observed during >300 samples taken during >100 shipboard BWMS performance tests during 12 years. The data presented include the abiotic water conditions (i.e., temperature, salinity, TSS and POC) and the counts of viable organisms in the two size classes addressed by the Ballast Water Performance Standard (Regulation D-2) of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. Our data showed how close IMO challenge water requirements are to what was observed in nature. In addition, we compared our results with the test requirements of the US BWMS test protocol. Based on our results, further recommendations for BWMS Code improvements were included. These recommendations refer to the challenge water conditions in performance tests of BWMS, which were kept unchanged during the G8/BWMS Code revision(s). One of our recommendations is to increase the required concentration of zooplankton organisms in the challenge water during shipboard tests to better reflect the natural zooplankton concentrations.
In this study, the evolution of ballast water (BW) assemblages across different trophic levels was characterized over a 21-day cross-latitudinal vessel transit using a combination of molecular methods. Triplicate ballast water (BW) samples were collected every second day and size fractionated (<2.7 µm, 10 µm, >50 µm). Measurements of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), metabarcoding of environmental nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) analyses, complemented by microscopy and flow-cytometry were performed on each sample. Measured ATP concentrations exhibited high variance between replicates, and a strong negative trend in the large (≥50 µm) fraction over the voyage. In concert with microscopy, the metabarcoding data indicated a die-off of larger metazoans during the first week of study, and gradual reductions in dinoflagellates and ochrophytes. The ATP and metabarcoding data signaled persistent or increased cellular activity of heterotrophic bacteria and protists in the BW, which was supported by flow-cytometry. The metabarcoding showed the presence of active bacteria in all size fractions suggesting that the sequential filtration approach does not ensure taxonomical differentiation, which has implications for BW quality assessment. Although our data show that ATP and metabarcoding have potential for indicative ballast water screening for BW compliance monitoring, further research and technological development is needed to improve representativeness of sampling and deliver the unequivocal response criteria required by the international Ballast Water Management Convention.
Technical Report
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The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2004. The Convention will enter into force internationally in September 2017. The general obligations of the Ballast Water Management Convention include control measures that the Parties to the Convention are required to take to ensure that the ships entering their ports are in compliance with this Convention. In Finland, Trafi is the authority responsible for port state control inspections of ships. The inspection is primarily conducted as a documentary check; however, the authority may always carry out ballast water sampling to verify that the ship is in compliance with the Convention. The sampling consists of an indicative analysis and a detailed analysis. Indicative analysis refers to indicative sampling of the ballast water pumped out of a vessel. The results indicate whether the ship meets the performance standard laid down in the Ballast Water Management Convention. If the ship fails to meet the standard, a detailed analysis must be performed in a laboratory. Based on the laboratory results, it is decided whether further measures will be taken. The purpose of the study commissioned by Trafi was to find an indicative analysis method for the use of Trafi's port state control inspectors. The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) conducted the study for Trafi. Based on the study, three different methods were found to be best suited for the conditions in Finland and the Baltic Sea. The recommended methods are PAM (Pulse amplitude- modulation fluorometry), ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) and FRR (Fast repetition rate fluorometry). The most important assessment criteria were the reliability and user-friendliness of the method method, the time required for obtaining the results as well as the procurement and operating costs of the method.
During a European Union Concerted Action study on species introductions, an intercalibration workshop on ship ballast water sampling techniques considered various phytoplankton and zooplankton sampling methods. For the first time, all the techniques presently in use worldwide were compared using a plankton tower as a model ballast tank spiked with the brine shrimp and oyster larvae while phytoplankton samples were taken simultaneously in the field (Helgoland Harbour, Germany). Three cone-shaped and 11 non-cone shaped plankton nets of different sizes and designs were employed. Net lengths varied from 50 to 300 cm, diameters 9.7–50 cm, and mesh sizes 10–100 μm. Three pumps, a Ruttner sampler, and a bucket previously used in ballast water sampling studies were also compared. This first assessment indicates that for sampling ballast water a wide range of techniques may be needed. Each method showed different results in efficiency and it is unlikely that any of the methods will sample all taxa. Although several methods proved to be valid elements of a hypothetical `tool box' of effective ship sampling techniques. The Ruttner water sampler and the pump P30 provide suitable means for the quantitative phytoplankton sampling, whereas other pumps prevailed during the qualitative trial. Pump P15 and cone-shaped nets were the best methods used for quantitative zooplankton sampling. It is recommended that a further exercise involving a wider range of taxa be examined in a larger series of mesocosms in conjunction with promising treatment measures for managing ballast water.