
Genre analysis: English in academic and research Settings

... As seen from this vantage point, a genre functions as a mechanism to achieve societal objectives and purposes by means of language. Swales (1990) defines a genre as a type of discourse that is distinguished by the "structure, style, content, and intended audience" (p. 8), all of which are utilized by a specific discourse community. ...
... His emphasis is on the communicative function as the paramount standard for distinguishing genres. According to Swales (1990), individuals who are part of a specialized discourse community have the requisite knowledge and expertise to understand the function and conceptual framework of a particular genre. Swales (1990) underscored the conventionalized and intrinsically structured characteristics of genres. ...
... According to Swales (1990), individuals who are part of a specialized discourse community have the requisite knowledge and expertise to understand the function and conceptual framework of a particular genre. Swales (1990) underscored the conventionalized and intrinsically structured characteristics of genres. Put simply, genres are regulated by intrinsic limitations; any substantial departure from this inflexible internal structure would amount to a breach of the generic code. ...
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The genre of job application letters is currently gaining attention in the field, with limited research in the context of Pakistan. The primary objective of this study was to examine the tactics utilized by graduates from Pakistan in their letters of employment application.
... Esses três conceitos unem-se em um único ponto, a saber, o propósito comunicativo. Desta forma, temos a visão de gêneros definida por Swales (1990): ...
... Em outras palavras, Swales (1990) Além disso, não há uma forma de disponibilizar as produções no contexto proposto, ou seja, os perfis não são publicados ou compartilhados de maneira significativa em um ambiente real, ou que simule um site real. Isso enfraquece a função social do gênero textual, que depende de sua circulação e interação com um público para cumprir seu propósito comunicativo Swales, 1990 Outro ponto crítico é a falta de atenção à escrita como um processo. ...
... Em outras palavras, Swales (1990) Além disso, não há uma forma de disponibilizar as produções no contexto proposto, ou seja, os perfis não são publicados ou compartilhados de maneira significativa em um ambiente real, ou que simule um site real. Isso enfraquece a função social do gênero textual, que depende de sua circulação e interação com um público para cumprir seu propósito comunicativo Swales, 1990 Outro ponto crítico é a falta de atenção à escrita como um processo. As atividades sugerem uma abordagem mais linear e direta, sem espaço explícito para etapas como planejamento, revisão e reescrita. ...
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O cenário educacional enfrenta diversos desafios relacionados à escrita acadêmica em línguas adicionais (LAd), como demonstrado por diversos estudos. Esses desafios incluem a dificuldade dos alunos em articular suas ideias de forma coerente e coesa, a falta de familiaridade com os gêneros textuais específicos exigidos em contextos acadêmicos e as barreiras linguísticas que podem limitar a expressão crítica. No contexto da aprendizagem da escrita, especialmente no inglês em um contexto universitário, este artigo busca analisar as atividades de escrita apresentadas no livro Touchstone 1. A escolha do livro didático se deu por sua utilização no ensino de língua inglesa para alunos do curso de Letras-Inglês em uma faculdade de Belém. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é investigar de que forma essas atividades abordam o processo de escrita, à luz das teorias de gêneros textuais. Isso inclui analisar como as características e funções sociais dos gêneros textuais são integradas nas atividades propostas, avaliando se elas promovem uma compreensão crítica dos diferentes tipos de textos que os alunos podem produzir. Os resultados revelam que, embora as atividades tenham uma abordagem social, atribuindo funções comunicativas às produções escritas, há uma carência na ênfase à construção dos gêneros textuais, ao processo de escrita e à utilização de exemplos autênticos dos gêneros propostos. Este estudo busca contribuir para a compreensão de práticas eficientes no ensino de escrita em línguas adicionais, ressaltando a relevância da aplicação das teorias de gêneros textuais como uma abordagem promissora para enfrentar os desafios do ensino e aprendizagem da escrita, particularmente na formação de professores de inglês. O cenário educacional enfrenta vários desafios relacionados à escrita acadêmica em línguas adicionais (LA), conforme demonstrado por vários estudos. Esses desafios incluem as dificuldades dos alunos em articular suas ideias de forma coerente e coesa, a falta de familiaridade com os gêneros textuais específicos exigidos em contextos acadêmicos e as barreiras linguísticas que podem limitar a expressão crítica. No contexto do ensino de escrita, particularmente em inglês em um ambiente universitário, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as atividades de escrita presentes no livro Touchstone 1. A escolha deste livro didático decorre de seu uso no ensino de inglês para alunos do programa de Língua e Literatura Inglesa em uma faculdade em Belém. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é investigar como essas atividades abordam o processo de escrita à luz da teoria dos gêneros. Isso inclui analisar como as características e funções sociais dos gêneros textuais são integradas às atividades propostas, avaliando se elas promovem uma compreensão crítica dos diferentes tipos de textos que os alunos podem produzir. Os achados revelam que, embora as atividades tenham uma abordagem social, atribuindo funções comunicativas às produções escritas, há uma carência de ênfase na construção de gêneros textuais, no processo de escrita e no uso de exemplos autênticos dos gêneros propostos. Este estudo busca contribuir para a compreensão de práticas efetivas no ensino da escrita em línguas adicionais, destacando a relevância da aplicação da teoria de gêneros como uma abordagem promissora para enfrentar os desafios do ensino e da aprendizagem da escrita, particularmente na formação de professores de inglês.
... Models, or exemplars, are an integral part of the "genre-based" approach to writing instruction in L2 English that is associated with English for Special Purposes. The approach is grounded in the genre theory of Swales (1990), who described genre as "a class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative purposes. . . recognized by expert members of the parent discourse community" (p. ...
... recognized by expert members of the parent discourse community" (p. 58), and it draws from analyses conducted by Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004 and others, especially Bhatia (1993Bhatia ( , 2004. Its focus is linguistic features associated with particular varieties of disciplinary discourse, and instruction includes attention to those features in collaborative and individual writing. ...
... The current attention to genre is a marker of major epistemological change in writing research that counters structural descriptions. Previously mentioned was Swales's (1990) genre theory associated with ESP education, and we also referred to the Sydney School, which is based in Halliday's (1978) functional systemic theory. The latter points to "context of situation," which includes nature of the social interaction, participants and their roles, and function of the language, and comprise situation types. ...
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Writing-reading relations, which are at the core of written communication, deserve their central role in writing research. This chapter reviews research into four major ways in which writing and reading are connected. For the “constructing meaning connection,” the review focuses on cognitive research into reading and writing, which since the 1970s has examined the constructive nature of both processes and has countered portrayal of reading as the inverse of writing, or vice versa. For the “intertextual connection,” attention is on studies into transformations that are made when writers compose their own texts from one source text, as in summarizing, translating, or critiquing, as well as when they perform discourse synthesis from multiple extant texts. For the “knowledge resources connection,” emphasis is on relations between reading and writing abilities and on the acquisition of genre knowledge. And, for the “social and cultural connection,” the review addresses research into audience influence on writing, citations of other authors, collaborative writing, response to writing, and author-oriented reading. The international bodies of work reviewed in the chapter, which come from different disciplines and are associated with different traditions and epistemologies, can be viewed as an ongoing collaborative quest to understand these four kinds of relations that are so important in communication through written language.
... This new genre, not yet described within Text and Discourse Linguistics, aims primarily to present insights or findings on a precise topic or object of study in Onomastics. By applying CARS model, grounded in the theoretical framework of Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004 that was adapted by Bunton (2002), the compositional structure of a corpus consisting of eighteen texts was analyzed; of these, sixteen were written in Italian, one in English, and one in Catalan. Among the examined texts, two steps of the CARS model (introducing the subject and presenting results) emerged prominently by occurring in all analyzed texts. ...
... Este gênero, que é novo e não foi ainda descrito no âmbito da Linguística do Texto e do Discurso, tem como principal objetivo apresentar reflexões ou resultados sobre um tópico ou objeto de estudo 84 delimitado da Onomástica. Por meio da aplicação do modelo CARS, ancorado na teorização de Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004) e na adaptação de Bunton (2002), foi analisada a estrutura composicional de um corpus constituído por 18 textos, sendo dezesseis redigidos em italiano, um em inglês e um em catalão. Dos exemplares estudados, dois passos do modelo CARS (a indicação do tema e a apresentação dos resultados) destacaram-se pela prevalência em todos os textos analisados. ...
... Many researchers in this field specifically seek to describe and systematize the rhetorical-structural properties of widely used genres, either from a theoretical perspective or with practical, pedagogical aims. The CARS model (an acronym for Create A Research Space), noteworthy for its application to the rhetorical structuring of research article introductions, was originally proposed by Swales (1990) and later adapted by Bunton (2002) for PhD dissertations introductions. In the present study, the model was applied to a corpus of eighteen Minima Onomastica examples. ...
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The paper focuses on analyzing texts of the academic genre Minima Onomastica, published in the Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (RIOn). This new genre, not yet described within Text and Discourse Linguistics, aims primarily to present insights or findings on a precise topic or object of study in Onomastics. By applying CARS model, grounded in the theoretical framework of Swales (1990, 2004) that was adapted by Bunton (2002), the compositional structure of a corpus consisting of eighteen texts was analyzed; of these, sixteen were written in Italian, one in English, and one in Catalan. Among the examined texts, two steps of the CARS model (introducing the subject and presenting results) emerged prominently by occurring in all analyzed texts. Additionally, the contextualization step was identified in most cases. These findings allow for a systematic description of the main rhetorical-structural properties of the Minima Onomastica genre and confirm its effectiveness in disseminating discoveries, thereby promoting the dissemination and enrichment of knowledge within the field of Onomastics.
... Muitos investigadores dessa área procuram, em particular, descrever e sistematizar as propriedades retórico-estruturais dos gêneros mais usados, seja de um ponto de vista teórico ou visando a sua aplicação didática. Nesse âmbito, destaca-se o modelo CARS (acrônimo de Create A Research Space), originalmente proposto por Swales (1990) para dar conta da estruturação retórica das introduções de artigos científicos e mais tarde adaptado por Bunton (2002) para as introduções de teses de doutorado. O modelo foi aplicado a um corpus de 18 exemplares do gênero Mínima Onomástica. ...
... O estudo ora apresentado insere-se na área da Linguística do Texto e do Discurso e, para o concretizar, foram adotadas propostas teórico-metodológicas da área do Ensino de Línguas para Fins Específicos, nomeadamente do Inglês para Fins Acadêmicos (English for Academic Purposes ou EAP; Swales, 1990Swales, , 2004. Entre os conceitos-chave que se destacam no seio da área em causa e que são relevantes para a pesquisa efetuada, contam-se o de comunidade discursiva e o de gênero. ...
... Em particular, engloba os indivíduos desta área que leem e/ou escrevem textos de vários gêneros publicados na revista Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (RIOn). Duas constatações asseguram e reforçam a delimitação proposta da comunidade discursiva: o gênero em causa foi recentemente criado e nomeado no âmbito dessa publicação periódica em língua italiana; e uma das características que Swales (1990) associa a cada comunidade discursiva reside no uso de gêneros específicos. ...
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O artigo foca-se na análise de textos do gênero acadêmico Mínima Onomástica, publicados na Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (RIOn). Este gênero, que é novo e não foi ainda descrito no âmbito da Linguística do Texto e do Discurso, tem como principal objetivo apresentar reflexões ou resultados sobre um tópico ou objeto de estudo delimitado da Onomástica. Por meio da aplicação do modelo CARS, ancorado na teorização de Swales (1990, 2004) e na adaptação de Bunton (2002), foi analisada a estrutura composicional de um corpus constituído por 18 textos, sendo dezesseis redigidos em italiano, um em inglês e um em catalão. Dos exemplares estudados, dois passos do modelo CARS (a indicação do tema e a apresentação dos resultados) destacaram-se pela prevalência em todos os textos analisados. Além disso, o passo relativo à contextualização foi identificado na maioria dos textos. Os resultados obtidos permitem sistematizar as principais propriedades retórico-estruturais do gênero Mínima Onomástica e confirmam a sua capacidade de divulgar descobertas, contribuindo para a difusão e o avanço do conhecimento no campo da Onomástica.
... In academic writing, Swales (1990) asserted that writers use citations to reflect the prior research and to cite the thoughts and opinions of other researchers to establish a research area. He also defines citation as one of the main linguistic resources used in academic writing to establish a research space for the writer himself and to form interactions with other members of the academic community. ...
... In general, citation forms can be divided into two main types: integral and non-integral. According to Swales (1990), integral citations maintain an active syntactic role for the authors or literature cited, followed by a summary of research results and findings (e.g., "Authors claim that…" or "Author argues that…"). Integral citations, then, are those that include the author's name in the cited sentence, with the name serving a grammatical function in the sentence. ...
... While, non-integral citations are distinguished by author names surrounded by parentheses or footnotes and do not require the author's name to play a grammatical role at the end of a sentence (e.g., "surveys show that … (Author)"). The sentences aim to highlight research findings and frequently focus on synthesis rather than individual research papers (Swales, 1990;Thompson, 2005). Integral citations, according to Hyland (1999), place a greater emphasis on the authors, while non-integral citations tend to reflect more reported messages. ...
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As an important practice for researchers, citing sources is a challenging task for undergraduate students as they deal with the types of citation forms, the variety of reporting verbs and their tenses, and the writer stances through reporting verbs. Therefore, the current research is aimed at investigating the surface forms, reporting verb tenses, and writer stances from the uses of reporting verbs. In total, the data sources included 30 theses written by undergraduate students of the English and Literature Program in one of the Indonesian state universities. The theses were taken randomly from the year of 2020 till 2022 by considering the data availability and accessibility. All sections of the thesis were analyzed by utilizing AntConc. The results indicated that an integral citation was preferable and most reporting verbs were shown in the present tense. In accordance with the reporting verbs, the students tended to endorse a source by using the words “state,” “mention,” and “explain” in the present tense. These results are different from those commonly shown by experts in their in-text citations. This implies that it is necessary to teach or advise undergraduate students to use various reporting verbs, tenses, and writer stances in in-text citation practices.
... De maneira geral, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o Coaching Digital como gênero da linguagem através da análise de seus movimentos retóricos mais recorrentes. Foi usada como aporte teóricometodológico a abordagem sociorretórica de Swales (1990) que visa a análise dos gêneros levando em consideração os movimentos retóricos recorrentes nos textos. O corpus foi constituído de dez reels de perfis de coaches na rede social RESUMEN De un tiempo a esta parte, el Coaching Digital ha dejado de ser sólo el término utilizado para referirse a lo que el profesional coach hace en el entorno virtual y se ha dado a conocer también como una forma de expresión comunicativa de determinados grupos en las redes sociales, por lo que en el ámbito de los estudios lingüísticos es posible asociar estos hechos a lo que Marcuschi (2004) denomina géneros digitales emergentes. ...
... El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido identificar el Coaching Digital como género lingüístico mediante el análisis de sus movidas retóricas más frecuentes. Como marco teórico metodológico se utilizó el enfoque sociorretórico de Swales (1990), que pretende analizar los géneros teniendo en cuenta sus movidas retóricas. El corpus consistió en diez reels de perfiles de coaches en la red social Instagram. ...
... São esses os fenômenos que nos fazem considerar o coaching digital um possível gênero da linguagem. Na perspectiva de Marcuschi (2004) Swales (1990). ...
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Digital Coaching has long ceased to be just the term used for what the professional coach does in the virtual environment and has also come to be known as a form of communicative expression of certain groups on social networks. Thus, in the field of language studies, it is possible to associate these events with what Marcuschi (2004) calls emerging digital genres. The aim of this work was to identify Digital Coaching as a language genre through the analysis of its most recurrent rhetorical movements. The socio-rhetorical approach of Swales (1990), which aims to analyze genres considering the recurrent rhetorical movements in the texts, was used as a theoretical and methodological tool. Our corpus consisted of ten reels from coach profiles on the social mediaInstagram. This research aims to contribute to the concept that there are textual and discourse features that is characteristic of this segment and that is easily recognized among the many other existing and already categorized digital genres.
... Studies on syntactic analysis of technical documents show that such texts have distinctive linguistic characteristics. Swales (1990) underlines that technical genres, such as manuals, are designed to convey information efficiently, while Van Dijk (2008) asserts that this kind of analysis cannot be separated from the social context and communicative purpose of the document. In the context of motor manuals, a clear and organized sentence structure is essential to ensure readers can follow instructions precisely. ...
... Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) explain that the ideative function in LSF serves to systematically describe human experience in language, which makes it highly relevant for understanding sentence structure in technical documents. In addition, Swales (1990) highlights the importance of genre analysis in understanding the specialized structure of technical documents such as motor manuals, which often have linguistic patterns designed for communication efficiency. ...
... In this context, the ideative function enables the parsing of sentence structure to understand the meaning contained in motor manual texts. This study also adopts the genre approach introduced by Swales (1990), which provides guidelines for understanding the linguistic characteristics of technical documents. ...
This study analyzes the ideative function in the text of motorcycle maintenance manual using functional systemic linguistic approach. The analysis was conducted on 30 sentences in the motorcycle manual to identify processes, participants, and circumstantials. The results show the dominance of material processes that describe real actions, such as remove, check, clean, replace, and install. Frequently mentioned participants are vehicle components, such as body cover, fuel hose, and throttle grip, which are explicitly described to facilitate user understanding. Circumstances provide context of time, manner, and condition, such as with a rag and if it is not in good condition. Instructions serve not only as a guide for action, but also evaluation and corrective measures to maintain vehicle performance. This study concludes that the text of the manual is systematically and effectively designed to help users carry out vehicle maintenance independently and safely.
... The macrostructure of a discourse, as conceptualized by van Dijk (1980), serves as a conventional framework for organizing global content, offering a structured pathway for readers to navigate complex information. In the realm of academic writing, the study of research article macrostructures often centers on the Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion (IMRD) framework, a format widely regarded as the standard organizational pattern across many disciplines (Swales, 1990;Hartley, 1999). This format encapsulates the logical progression of scientific inquiry, aligning with the "logical cycle of inductive inquiry" (Bruce, 1984), whereby research is introduced, explained, analyzed, and contextualized within a broader academic discourse. ...
... This analytical approach has proven especially influential in examining the rhetorical structure of research articles, a genre central to academic communication. Swales (1990) Create a Research Space (CARS) model has become a cornerstone of rhetorical move analysis, particularly in the study of RA introductions. This model delineates three primary moves: Move 1: Establishing a Territory, this move introduces the broader field of research by reviewing existing literature, highlighting the topic's significance, or asserting the centrality of the research area. ...
... As Bazerman (1988) and Berkenkotter and Huckin (1995) observe, genres exhibit a dynamic interplay between stability and change, shaped by evolving disciplinary practices. This duality is particularly evident in the production of RAs, where established members of discourse communities leverage conventional moves while innovating to meet emerging communicative needs (Swales, 1990;Bhatia, 2004). Rhetorical move analysis offers a robust framework for deconstructing the communicative strategies of RAs. ...
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Introduction Notwithstanding the fact that extensive studies focused on exploring generic structures in established disciplines, scant attention has been directed to macrostructures and rhetorical moves in RAs in some emerging disciplines. Methods Based on a self-compiled corpus of 50 research articles (RAs) from five top ranking journals in the field of Nanotechnology, we explored the macrostructures and rhetorical moves in RAs in Nanotechnology. Results It was found that (i) scientists in Nanotechnology have a propensity to employ a merged [R&D] structure to immediately discuss and contribute new knowledge tentatively in the specific contextualised situation after research results were presented, (ii) Even though RAs in Nanotechnology largely follows IMRD structure by abiding writing conventions in the research world, disciplinary variations were found regarding the rhetorical structures, specifically, scientists in Nanotechnology tend to employ more moves and steps in establishing research niche, detailed description of research methods, suggesting future research, but less moves and steps related to promotional strategies (M3S4, M3S5, M3S6). Discussion The research results have significant implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) instructors to make informed choices by using disciplinary empirical-based decisions to guide novice writers and students at tertiary level to write RAs by following disciplinary conventions of research communities in Nanotechnology so as to avoid overgeneralization.
... Texts written by writers from diverse cultures may have different ways of move organizations. Pertaining to this, significant attention has been paid to the moves of different sections in articles, abstract (Suntara & Usaha, 2013;Jawad & Saleh, 2018), introduction (Swales, 1990(Swales, , 2004Farnia & Barati, 2017;Rahman, et al., 2017), and discussion (Arsyad, 2013;Amnuai & Wannaruk, 2012). However, little consideration has been put upon the move structures of thesis components. ...
... Referring to the rhetorical move model proposed by Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004, which was initially intended to investigate the moves employed in an RA's introduction section, some previous studies in another field, such as thesis introduction (Loan & Pramoolsook, 2001;Samraj, 2008;Choe & Hwang, 2014), have proved that Swales' CARS model is applicable to various disciplines (Yasin & Qamariah, 2014) besides the RA's introduction. According to Paltridge (1997), as cited in Arsyad (2000), the new rhetoric approach to the concept of the genre does not focus on the formal characteristic of texts but the exploration of the sociocontextual aspects of the genre, a particular action's aim to be accomplished. ...
... Ten thesis introductions are selected for the study based on the topic of the theses, which mainly aim to improve the student's writing skills from several points of view. Using the CARS model of Swales (1990), the rhetorical moves of each introduction were then identified and categorized into obligatory and optional according to their frequency of use, following the procedure applied by Mohsenzadeh (2013). For the pedagogical aspect, the result of this study is likely to be beneficial for the lecturers in preparing their students to design and construct the thesis introductions. ...
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A thesis is a compulsory assignment that should be created at the end of the study by the master’s students to earn their degree. The Introduction is one of the most challenging sections of this thesis. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the rhetorical moves organization used by Indonesian master’s students in their theses introductions, using Swales’ move analysis CARS model (1990). The selected theses were within the scope of improving the students' writing skills. The findings demonstrated that the writers' most common strategy in writing the Introduction section was to define their research area, indicating their attempt to create a convincing argument for the originality of their work. The findings offer pedagogical implications for lecturers in developing academic writing teaching materials and for students composing their thesis introductions.
... These elements help students navigate complex arguments, signal their engagement with the topic, and manage the relationship with their readers (Morita, 2004). Through careful analysis of these features, educators can not only correlate linguistic usage with the students' academic performance but also gain insights into their emotional and cognitive states, which are often interconnected with their writing decisions (Swales, 1990). ...
... Varttala (2001) also found that the use of hedging, or cautious language, varies across different disciplines, including economics, medicine, and technology. Citation practices also differ, with scientific fields favoring concise references to current research (Hyland, 1999), and humanities offering extended commentary on sources (Swales, 1990). However, in point of the emotional approach to writing, numerous recent sentiment analysis studies have identified a generalizing trend called linguistic positivity bias, first discussed in research by Vinkers et al. (2015), which explored the use of positive and negative words in scientific PubMed abstracts between 1974 and 2014, showing that positive language increased more rapidly than negative language. ...
... Specific emotion-signaling linguistic strategies are also genrespecific. The work of Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004 pioneered the analysis of research genres and made the language of research accessible to scrutinized study. Swales work was a milestone in the study of research genres and in introducing methods from applied linguistics to the study of English as a research language. ...
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Introduction Despite growing global interest in the emotional dimensions of academic writing, Romanian academic discourse remains underexplored, particularly in multilingual contexts. This study addresses this gap by analyzing a bilingual corpus of texts written in Romanian (L1) and English (L2) across various disciplines and genres. It aims to uncover emotional dimensions conveyed through linguistic markers, exploring how language, culture, and academic context shape students’ writing styles. Romania’s historical and social emphasis on formality, hierarchy, and indirectness in communication serves as a backdrop for examining these dynamics. Method A corpus-based approach was adopted, utilizing the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 (LIWC2015) tool to analyze linguistic and emotional markers. The bilingual ROGER corpus, containing texts from nine Romanian universities spanning multiple disciplines and genres, served as the dataset. Advanced data analysis techniques included supervised machine learning for language classification, network analysis to explore interactions among linguistic features, and cluster analysis to detect discipline- and genre-specific linguistic patterns. Results The findings reveal distinct emotional patterns between Romanian and English academic writing. Romanian texts exhibit a higher degree of formality and indirectness, while English texts reflect greater assertiveness and personal engagement. Additionally, the Romanian corpus demonstrates less linguistic cohesion and a broader range of writing styles. Genre- and discipline-specific trends also emerge, with English coursework and analytical writing, predominantly from social sciences, displaying more personal and emotional expression than research-focused texts. In contrast, the Romanian corpus, characterized by a third cluster, presents less clear-cut patterns: humanities texts span both emotionally expressive and neutral tones, while research and academic papers frequently exhibit an achievement-oriented or entrepreneurial style, though a significant subset also reflects a highly disengaged profile. Discussion By integrating machine learning, network analysis, and automatic language analysis, this study offers a novel perspective on how language, genre, and discipline-specific conventions shape emotional expression in academic writing. The results suggest that the Romanian students’ emotional personas in academic writing are influenced by all these factors, potentially shaped by the cultural norms of the second language, providing insights for teaching academic writing in multilingual settings.
... Another critical aspect is genre knowledge, as Swales (1990) and Tardy (2016) note the importance of understanding rhetorical conventions and discourse structures in specific academic and professional contexts. Teng (2022) further investigates the role of self-regulated learning strategies in improving L2 writing performance, emphasizing metacognitive approaches. ...
... Genre theory, advanced by Swales (1990), focuses on how writing is shaped by the conventions, structures, and communicative purposes of specific ...
... showcasing how social interactions, feedback, and collaborative learning mediate writing development. Genre Theory (Swales, 1990) supports the findings on textbased methods, such as genre analysis and corpus studies, which focus on understanding discourse structures and genre-specific conventions. Interlanguage ...
Second language (L2) writing research is a dynamic field that explores the complex interplay between linguistic, cognitive and sociocultural dimensions of writing in a non-native language. This paper explores the diverse paradigms, methods and methodologies used in L2 writing studies, emphasizing their contextual relevance and purpose-driven applications. The paper underlines the importance of aligning research designs with specific objectives and contexts by situating these approaches within theoretical frameworks such as cognitive process theory, sociocultural theory, and genre theory. It categorizes key methods including elicitation, introspection, observation and text analysis with practical insights for novice researchers. Additionally, it reviews methodological designs like experimental studies, ethnography and action research, discussing their applications and implications for understanding writing development, challenges and pedagogical practices. The paper emphasizes the need for tailored approaches that consider the diverse needs of L2 learners and the multifaceted nature of writing. By integrating theoretical insights with practical guidelines, the article serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers aiming to contribute to the evolving field of L2 writing. This work bridges theoretical and methodological considerations, fostering a deeper understanding of the principles guiding research on second language writing.
... One of the genre-based approaches used to describe the structure of a research article is move analysis which has recently become an important interest for research. Some influential research on this particular form of analysis has been conducted in Swales' (1990) studies, which paved the way to Swales' Create A Research Space (CARS) model that has been used to analyze research articles in different disciplines. ...
... With this in mind, it can be said that a move is a semantic unit that must be learned to clarify and strengthen the writer's purpose. Swales (1990) presents the moves of the research discussion and conclusion as a general terrain or layout of a research. ...
... On the other hand, research studies which aimed to analyze the rhetorical structure of research conclusion sections are limited. According to Swales (1990) and Postegillo (1999), the conclusion section has been considered as part of the discussion section. This can be the reason why research studies on the structural organization of research conclusion sections are limited. ...
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This study investigated the rhetorical move structure of the discussion and conclusion sections of Applied Linguistics and Educational Leadership dissertations. By genre analysis, this study specifically scrutinized the difference between the two sections, analyzed the manner in which linguistic signals are written with reference to the moves, and consequently determined the demarcations between them. Two corpora composed of 15 Linguistics and 15 Educational Leadership dissertations were analyzed using Yang & Allison's (2003) move model. The results revealed that all the seven moves in discussion and three moves in conclusion of the move model occurred in the corpora, however, with differences in their frequency of occurrence. It was noted that Applied Linguistics and Educational leadership writers did not focus on the importance of generalizing and contributing to existing knowledge. Their conclusion sections summarized the key points of the findings of the research conducted. The findings obtained in the current study may be useful particularly for graduate student writers by facilitating them to better understand the rhetorical structure of research article discussion and conclusion sections in the context of academic research writing. Also, the findings may yield implications for a pedagogical framework for the teaching of academic writing.
... The present study addresses this research gap by conducting a systematic comparative genre analysis of GPT-generated and scholar-written book reviews in international journals. Drawing on Swales" (1990) seminal work on genre analysis and subsequent theoretical developments (Bhatia, 1993;Hyland, 2015;Martin, 2009), we examine the rhetorical moves, employed in both types of reviews. Our analysis builds on established research on book review genres (Motta-Roth, 1998;Junqueira, 2013;Ryshina-Pankova, 2011) while incorporating recent insights into AI-assisted academic writing (Kong & Liu, 2024). ...
... Academic book reviews have emerged as a distinct and significant genre within scholarly communication, characterized by specific rhetorical purposes, structural patterns, and disciplinary conventions (Swales, 1990;Hyland & Diani, 2009). Early research by Riley and Spreitzer (1970) established the foundational understanding of book reviewing as a crucial scholarly practice in the social sciences, while subsequent studies have extensively documented its role in disciplinary knowledge construction and professional development across various fields (Spink et al., 1998;Hartley, 2006). ...
... The high agreement rates in Moves 2 and 4 (98.67% and 96% respectively) support Kong and Liu's (2024) observation that GPT excels at handling conventionalized aspects of academic writing. However, this proficiency appears to be closely tied to what Swales (1990) terms "predictable information structures." The significantly lower performance in Move 1 (54.67%) ...
... While the field of English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP) has a number of theoretical approaches (see Flowerdew & Habibie, 2022), this difference may be best explained through a field called rhetorical genre studies (RGS). This is a slightly different genre theory than the English for Special Purposes (ESP) genre theory (Swales, 1990) with its signature textbook "Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills" (Swales & Feak, 2012), and RGS is perhaps lesser known among language teachers in Japan. Therefore, this article begins with a brief introduction to RGS to prepare the reader for the more substantial and practical second part, which focuses on advice for new scholarly writers. ...
... This essay emphasized the pragmatic and social aspects of genres, and it explored a genre's capacity to mediate private intentions and social exigence (Bitzer, 1968). This view contrasts with other genre traditions, including the literary tradition (Fowler, 1979) and the ESP tradition (Hyland, 2000;Swales, 1990), which emphasize the formal and linguistic aspects of genres (see Bawarshi & Reiff [2010] and Hyon [1996] for more detailed accounts of different approaches to genres). While RGS does not overlook these textual considerations, it defines a genre in terms of the recurrent social actions it enacts. ...
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This paper examines the fundamental differences between school writing and scholarly writing. Despite their superficial similarities, the two genres serve different social functions and thus employ the same textual features differently. Through the lens of rhetorical genre studies (RGS), the article explores how genres mediate social actions and how understanding these actions can aid new scholars in transitioning from school writing to effective scholarly writing. The first part of the article introduces RGS, highlighting its focus on the pragmatic and social aspects of genres. The second part offers practical advice for new scholarly writers, emphasizing the shift from writer-centered to reader-centered writing, participation in scholarly conversations, and the importance of creating new knowledge. By understanding the social actions that scholarly writing performs, writers can make informed decisions about how to use textual conventions to serve their readers' needs.
... A very influential perspective of academic literacy focuses on conventions and strategies, perhaps best characterised by genre (Swales 1990) and sometimes referred to as Academic Socialisation (Lea and Street 2006). This perspective draws on the assumption that academic writing is an act of novice writers gaining membership of a scholarly community of practice (Swales 1990), where they acquire knowledge of genre, i.e. 'abstract, socially recognised ways of using language' (Hyland 2007, p. 149). ...
... A very influential perspective of academic literacy focuses on conventions and strategies, perhaps best characterised by genre (Swales 1990) and sometimes referred to as Academic Socialisation (Lea and Street 2006). This perspective draws on the assumption that academic writing is an act of novice writers gaining membership of a scholarly community of practice (Swales 1990), where they acquire knowledge of genre, i.e. 'abstract, socially recognised ways of using language' (Hyland 2007, p. 149). Students need to understand common stylistic and rhetorical features of the target academic assignments they need to produce, which varies by disciplines (Tardy 2009;Wingate 2018). ...
Current research into academic literacy often focuses on individual components rather than a holistic view, with more studies conducted in Anglophone countries than in EMI (English-Medium Instruction) contexts. This study employs Q methodology, a trending method in Applied Linguistics for exploring subjective opinions, to examine lec- turers’and students’perceived importance of various academic literacy components in an EMI context. A total of 13 lecturers and 18 students from social sciences disciplines participated in a Q-sort activity and a follow-up interview. Through Q analysis, students were categorized into three profiles: Enthusiastic Explorer, Strategic Player, and Independent Academic Skill Developer. Lecturers mainly held two perspectives towards students’literacy: an Emancipative Approach and a Traditionalist Scholarly Approach. Among the profiles, shared consensus statements indicated areas of agreement. The findings highlight the diversity of academic literacy beliefs among lecturers and students, as well as nuanced views on multilingualism and technology. The study calls for increased dialogue among EMI stakeholders and researchers.
... É um modelo amplamente utilizada em diversas áreas do conhecimento, sendo considerada a mais eficaz para a comunicação de pesquisas científicas. Esse formato organiza o conteúdo de forma lógica e sequencial, facilitando a compreensão do leitor e garantindo a clareza e a coerência na apresentação dos achados científicos (Swales;Feak, 2004). Há uma relação do geral para o particular na introdução e, nas discussões, é o contrário do particular para o geral. ...
... Relação entre o particular e o geral nas seções Fonte: Adaptação de Swales e Feak (2004) eSwales (1990). ...
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Descubra uma nova era na produção de conhecimento com a leitura deste livro. Esta obra é resultado da primeira oficina homônima, realizada na Fiocruz, no Rio de Janeiro, entre 21 e 25 de outubro de 2024, em colaboração com as startups Escrita com Ciência e Escritha. Durante esse curso pioneiro, os participantes foram apresentados aos recursos mais avançados de inteligência artificial e suas aplicações na escrita científica. Por que ler este livro? Integração da IA na Pesquisa: Aprenda como a inteligência artificial pode transformar a pesquisa acadêmica, desde a escrita dos prompts (comandos) até a revisão das informações obtidas. Técnicas Inovadoras: Explore técnicas práticas (Método AIDA e Conprosa) que facilitam a escrita e aumentam a eficiência dos pesquisadores, permitindo que se concentrem no que realmente importa: o conteúdo. Humanização da IA: Entenda como humanizar a interação com a inteligência artificial, garantindo que a tecnologia complemente, e não substitua, a criatividade e o pensamento crítico dos autores. Este livro é essencial para pesquisadores, acadêmicos e estudantes que desejam estar à frente em um mundo onde a tecnologia e o conhecimento caminham juntos. Prepare-se para uma nova era na produção científica!
... This could be because the provision of this kind of information falls into the purview of discourse analysis. Consequently, there is no information about the schematic structure of the literature review that is equivalent to the movestep analysis worked out by Swales (1990) for the introduction of research articles. The closest that is available to this kind of analysis is a sequence of rhetorical patterns identified in some resources (Craswell, 2005; University of Queensland Student Service, N.D.; Evans & Gruba, 2002). ...
... Also, even when the literature review is placed in the introductory chapter, there is much variation in terms of its context. When compared with the introduction of journal articles analysed by Swales (1990), the introductory chapter of the theses not only seems to follow quite a different pattern, but also does not seem to follow any specific pattern. The three moves Swales identified in journal articles (establishing the territory, establishing a niche, and occupying the niche) were not present in their entirety in any of the thesis introductions. ...
Available resources on writing the literature review in the doctoral thesis suggest that there is a generic format that applies to all disciplines. As this format is generally based on the sciences, the aim of this research was to find out whether it applies to disciplines in the Humanities, more specifically, to History. The study revealed that the doctoral literature review in this discipline has many characteristics that distinguish it from the generic format. The results suggest that special courses need to be developed to assist doctoral candidates in History to write literature reviews that are acceptable to the discipline.
... It lays the foundation for the entire work, establishing a space for authors to delineate the context and novelty, argue for its significance, and outline the main objectives and contribution of the study (Zein et al., 2023). In addition, it enables the authors to situate their current study in the wider discourse community and among the existing previous studies to capture the interest of the readers (Bajwa et al. 2020;Swales, 1990). Characteristics of the introduction section, however, may vary across different academic fields. ...
... This study analyzed 100 articles published between 2016 and 2021 in applied linguistics journals. It focused on the Introduction section only, as this section is a specific and essential 'core section' (Dudley-Evans, 1997), and a critical section where the author reviews and evaluates what other researchers have explored or discovered in previous relevant studies (Arsyad et al., 2018;Swales, 1990). In addition, the selection of this particular number of research articles from the applied linguistics journals is essential to provide a representative sample of professional writing practices. ...
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Grammatical subjects are critical as they warrant text coherence and assist in reader's understanding of the text.
... He quite delicately chose "move" as a generic discursive jargon fulfilling the communicative purpose of the genre to illustrate the coherent movement and flow of genre in discourse. Swales proposed his genre analysis move model (1984) and CARS (Create a Research Space) model for introductory sections (Swales & Swales, 1990;Swales, 2004). ...
... Inspired by Swales and due to the beneficial function of move models, numerous academics and authors have endeavored to provide diverse models suitable for analyzing a wide range of genres and part-genres, whether in written or spoken form. Based on the various models proposed by researchers, a significant proportion of them pertain to separate areas of written part-genres such as abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results and discussion, and conclusions mainly in RAs, theses, and dissertations (e.g., Basturkmen, 2012;Bunton, 2005Bunton, , 2014Hopkins & Dudley-Evans, 1988;Hsiao & Yu, 2012;Jian, 2010;Kanoksilapatham, 2005;Kwan, 2006;Pho, 2008;Salager-Meyer, 1992;Swales 1984;Swales & Swales, 1990;Swales, 2004;Samraj, 2008;Ruiying & Allison, 2003). On the contrary, several scholars have suggested holistic models to analyze the rhetorical structure (e.g., Gosden, 1992;Fryer, 2012;Nwogu, 1997;Skelton, 1994). ...
As writing academic projects, such as dissertations and research articles, is the prerequisite for triumph in achieving postgraduate success, analyzing the characteristics of both genres is of utmost importance. The generic investigations have attracted extensive interest due to the lack of Ph.D. candidates’ discipline-specific genre competence (Dong & Lu, 2020) and time! Scholars and researchers assert that the explicit illustration and instruction of discursive and generic knowledge can be beneficial (Hyland, 2005, 2007; McAlpine, 2012) in that candidates may be fully informed of the necessities of discursive and generic communication among members of their specific community. Therefore, not only does it save energy and time, but it also decreases the candidates’ stress in confronting problems arising from unfamiliarity with the characteristics of their discipline (Shahsavar & Kourepaz, 2020). Many researchers have been exploring the rhetorical features or structures of different sections of academic writing, especially at the postgraduate level (e.g., Bunton, 2005, 2014; Can & Cangir, 2019; Kawase, 2018; Kwan, 2006; Lu et al., 2020; Pecorari, 2006; Samraj, 2008, 2013). Among all the studies on dissertation writing at the postgraduate level, there has been little investigation into the literature review chapter writing. According to Hsiao and Yu (2012), reading and writing the literature review is a convoluted process, burdening students with its complexity. As the literature review is considered the foundation of a thesis or dissertation exploring previous studies, students need to read a considerable number of valuable and reliable resources before commencing not only the literature review chapter but also the whole thesis or dissertation. It is undeniable that literature review plays a crucial role in Ph.D. students' academic achievements, including their ability to complete projects and convince examiners. One of the essential literature review resources for Ph.D. candidates as novices is the published research articles in their disciplinary area (Pecorari, 2006). Despite some differences between the literature review chapters of dissertations and the literature review sections of research articles, the rhetorical similarities in employing moves and sub-moves can benefit Ph.D. candidates in the same disciplinary domain with the same communicative purposes. As a consequence, this research aims to gain a deeper comprehension of rhetorical moves in literature review chapters of ELT dissertations written in English by comparing them with the literature review schematic structure of RAs in ELT to shed light on the practical pedagogical benefits of ESP resources for Iranian Ph.D. candidates facing writing problems. Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, Vol.4, No.1, 2024: 117-138 ISSN: 2820-9974
... Esta incluye los comentarios sobre el acceso a archivos, la realización de entrevistas y las operaciones de lectura, análisis y triangulación documental. Esta dimensión tiene una finalidad retórica (Swales, 1990) que es describir cómo se produjo el artículo, y pretender así su validación. c) ...
... Estos poseen recurrencia en el corpus donde se inscribe el artículo que estoy examinando (Autor, 2024b). De hecho, la ejemplificación, la interpretación y la cita de fuentes documentales se han considerado las "movidas" (Swales, 1990) que componen la "base retórica" del discurso histórico-científico (Fuentes, 2012). Los comentarios sobre la construcción de corpus se inscriben en la narrativa científica del artículo de historia reciente, e incluyen a) relatos sobre el acceso de los historiadores a los archivos y el relevamiento de fuentes, b) menciones a la lectura de documentos y su triangulación y c) comentarios sobre la producción de "bases de datos" mediante la documentación recabada (Autor, 2024b). ...
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El artículo presenta una propuesta para analizar los efectos argumentativos del discurso. Esta combina herramientas de la semiótica de Greimas con otras de los estudios lingüísticos, semióticos, semio-discursivos, del discurso y argumentativos. La propuesta se centra en los procesos de configuración del sentido que permiten reconocer un discurso como “argumentativo”. Dicha configuración anida en la escenificación de una situación argumentativa y su programación narrativa, lo que permite identificar tres recorridos: “sostener una tesis”, “contraargumentar” y “persuadir”. Esta caracterización del discurso argumentativo se sostiene en un enfoque teórico-epistemológico que conecta las nociones de “forma” e “información” de Simondon con el problema de la recepción discursiva y sus efectos. La primera sección del artículo reseña sintéticamente contribuciones relevantes sobre la relación entre semiótica y argumentación. La segunda detalla el diseño teórico-epistemológico y metodológico de la propuesta. Finalmente, la tercera sección ilustra este enfoque mediante el análisis de un artículo de investigación de historia reciente argentina. Los resultados del análisis tienden a mostrar las potencialidades de esta propuesta para comprender, en un marco semiótico-narrativo, los procesos de configuración del sentido que sostienen la producción de efectos argumentativos.
... As noted by Goodhart's (1983) Law, if such metrics become a target during the determination of the article title, they lose their feature of being a good metric and may even have a destructive effect. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that ''Titles consist of only a few words, but they are serious stuff'' (Swales, 1990), emphasizing the importance of crafting titles that are both concise and impactful. ...
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In academic performance assessments, citations and citation-based metrics play a pivotal role. Among the elements that influence the success of an article, the title stands out as the first point of contact for editors, reviewers, and readers. Consequently, the title length-citation relationship is an extensively studied issue. While the dominant language used in the databases is English, rhetorical discourses are dominant in the non-English literature about the appropriate length of titles. This study investigates the relationships between title lengths, article downloads, and citations for educational research articles in the Turkish context. Specifically, it focuses on articles indexed in TRIndex and Google Scholar that were published in the Turkish Journal of National Education between 2010 and 2015. The parametric and nonparametric tests using different approaches (median and quarterly classification, correlation analysis) reveal a low negative correlation between title lengths and citations and downloads, a moderate positive correlation between downloads and citations, and a high positive correlation between the citations in the databases. It has been observed that the articles with short titles are read and cited more than the ones with longer titles. These findings align with previous research conducted in the English language. The results suggest that the optimal title length for educational research coincides with “the magical number seven, plus or minus two,” often referred to as Miller’s Law, which represents the number of objects an individual can retain in their short-term memory. The study provides practical implications for authors, editors, and researchers on optimizing title length for better visibility and impact.
... Another limitation was that due to the work undertaken in move analysis that examined the move structures of a substantial number of abstracts, it was evident that the moves or components present in these abstracts varied. For example, some abstracts consisted of a brief background and the importance of the study, its purposes, research methodology, results, and implications, while others only presented objectives, results, and implications (Bhatia, 1994;Hyland, 2000;Martin, 2003;Swales, 1990). Consequently, the three crucial factors analysed in this research, research topics, research participants, and research methods may not have all appeared in every abstract examined in this study. ...
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See the full paper at Tourism research trends reveal the directions of research in the tourism industry contributing to the advancement and modernisation of research frameworks, avoiding delays, and generating academic benefits. This study proposed an alternative approach for analysing research trends in tourism. The proposed analytical approach integrated both corpus-based and judgement-based methodologies, offering an additional means of tracking trends in tourism research and complementing traditional statistical methods, systematic reviews, and bibliometric analyses. To conduct our analysis, we utilised the Tourism Research Abstract Corpus (TRAC), which comprises language data from research abstracts published in the top-10 Scopus-indexed journals in the first quartile (Q1) from 2013 to 2022, totalling 8,304 research abstracts containing 1,352,388 running words. The corpus-based approach involving keyword analysis, lexical profiling, and lemmatisation was applied to identify the major trends in tourism research. Subsequently, we utilised the judgement-based approach involving common and irrelevant keyword removal, as well as theme categorisation, to further elucidate these trends. Our findings highlighted keywords reflecting trends in tourism research each year, categorised into five themes: research topics, research intentions, related concepts, research participants, and research methods. Researchers should take into account these insights when designing studies, adapting methodologies, and in keeping abreast of evolving trends in the discipline.
... Joining a research community as a professional requires engagement with multiple writing genres (Miller, 1984;Swales, 1990). The conference presentation maintains important status as it allows an early entrance into a conversation, the testing of ideas, and inviting others into potential collaborations. ...
Conference Paper
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Discourse on generative artificial intelligence moves almost as fast as the technology’s evolution. How can teachers, scholars, and administrators join the conversation without feeling overwhelmed or being haunted by the expectation they must know everything? The 7C Ad Hoc Committee on AI presents fishbowls and student personas to guide critical conversations on wicked problems, such as Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI).
... This rhetorical strategy is commonplace in social science research articles, including (with modifications) in community-based research. The threestep move involves: one, establish a research territory through reference to the literature; two, find a gap; and three, fill the gap with your present research (Swales 1990(Swales , 2004. It is responsible for setting up all that follows, balancing the tension between novelty and recognition. ...
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This themed volume explores writing research differently: both the social practices that might foster experimentation and participation and the semiotic innovations needed to articulate knowledge plurality in our published scholarly texts. This collection of community-based research articles explores the many ways in which the standard genre conventions of the research article – order, structure, headings, images and quotes – can be creatively called upon to make visible on the page other worlds, other futures, other ways of knowing and being. Together, they demonstrate that coherence and cohesion – clarity – come in more shapes and forms than generally admitted, and can be welcoming frameworks for the rarely admitted: hope, sustenance, complexity, conflict and change.
... The selection of these sub-areas for the field of mathematics was partly based on published textbooks (Gowers et al. 2009;Stewart and Tall 2015), and partly on three experts' recommendations on the most important branches of this field. The compiled corpus was representative of the RA genre (Swales 1990), and the texts in the data base contained the major parts of research articles. More specifically, in the process of compiling the corpus of mathematics RAs, the main sections of the manuscripts -including (1) abstracts, (2) introductions, (3) materials and methods, (4) findings, (5) discussions, and (6) conclusions -were collected using the Ant Corpus Generator Software (Anthony 2019), while references, author names, appendices and other parts of the RAs were excluded. ...
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In the burgeoning field of English for specific purposes (ESP), understanding the vocabulary demands of specialised disciplines is crucial for both language instruction and academic success. This study specifically addresses the gap in vocabulary resources for the mathematics discipline, an area less explored compared to other sciences. To this end, a corpus of 27.5 million words from 4000 mathematics research articles (RAs) was compiled using systematic data collection and analysis procedures. The study aimed to develop an academic word list tailored to the needs of students and researchers in mathematics. Our findings indicated that while general service words comprise the bulk of the vocabulary in the examined RAs, a significant portion of the words in mathematic RAs includes discipline-specific academic vocabulary not covered by traditional academic word lists. Major findings revealed that our newly developed list of 588 words achieves a higher coverage (14%) than the traditional academic word list, suggesting a more effective vocabulary tool for the academic mathematical community. These results highlight the importance of developing field-specific vocabulary resources to support academic and pedagogical needs in different subject areas.
... Due to the fact that in the digital age customers can access lots of information and tools in order to organize their travels, the citizen tourism has received a big amount of attention. The goals of the present study are: i) to describe online travel reviews on TripAdvisor from a linguistic, textual and pragmatic perspective in order to decide if they are a new textual genre; ii) to verify cross-linguistically which of the previous aspects are culturally driven (if any); iii) and finally we come to our main goal, that is to determine if online travel reviews are part of a 'tourism discourse', and if reviewers identify themselves as a discourse community (in the sense of Swales 1990). In this research we adopt a cross-linguistic perspective as we compare three languages (three corpora have been collected for the same hotels). ...
The web 2.0. has profoundly transformed the way people participate in every aspect of our social, cultural, political and everyday life. One of the most studied aspects of this new participatory style of life is the citizen journalism (also known as public, democratic, participatory or street journalism). Citizen journalism is defined as ‘the gathering and reporting of news by ordinary people rather than professional reporters’, or ‘the act of private citizens playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting and discussing news and information’. In almost a decade something similar is going to happen in the communication of tourism. The web 2.0 has profoundly changed the tourist industry, and in a special way it has affected the habits of consumers (also called pro-sumers, as they at the same time produce and consume texts, services, and communication). Customer reviews of tourist sites and attractions are going to become a significant part of the communicative micro-system established between customers, tour operators and the owners of hotel, restaurants etcetera. In a previous research (Compagnone and Fiorentino, 2018) we have analyzed a corpus of Italian online reviews posted by customers on the most famous website for tourist reviewing, TripAdvisor. Focusing on Italian online reviews of some Italian hotels we were able to get some relevant results on the linguistic, textual and pragmatic aspects of this area of the language of tourism. In this paper we enlarge our corpus including English and French online reviews in order to approach the topic from a contrastive point of view. Our objective is now to analyze the French and the English reviews of the same hotels we have already considered in order to compare reviews of the same object so that also potential intercultural aspects of citizen tourism can be observed.
... The framework revolves around several major concepts including "genre, discourse community, communicative purpose, rhetorical move analysis, and language-learning task" (Lancaster, Aull, & Escudero, 2015, p.1). A genre is defined as "a type of communicative event with a particular purpose which is readily identified by its discourse community (those people who regularly engage in it)" (Swales, 1990& Bhatia, 1993as cited in Flowerdew & Wan, 2010. ...
Conference Paper
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The analysis in this study is divided into three sections. First, the syntactic structures of the editorial titles are identified. Second, the editorial purposes are analysed using the Editorial Purpose Analysis (EPA). They are further subdivided into primary and secondary. Third, the rhetorical organisation of the editorials is analysed using Swales’ Move Analysis. The corpus used in the analysis is ten Bangkok Post editorials on the theme of terrorism. They were published between August and November 2015. Findings reveal that the syntactic structures of the editorials are mostly written in the form of an affirmative. The primary purposes which emerge the most frequently are to argue that/for/against, to criticise and to call for action whereas the most-frequently-occurring secondary purpose is to inform. An analysis of rhetorical organisation reveals that four moves are identified. They include Move 1 : observations, Move 2 : stances, Move 3 : consolidation and Move 4 : suggestions. It is hoped that the findings of this study will help provide a broader understanding in reading and writing English newspaper editorials.
... Meanwhile, the RGVs include filmic modes incorporated by the professional agency in charge of the postproduction and editing process. This is followed by analysing the verbal resources using Swales's (1990) move structure, and AntConc to study the linguistic features. ...
... (1970, p. 198) 17 El género discursivo es un concepto que se puede definir desde distintas perspectivas teóricas. Swales (1998) y Bhatia (1998) hacen referencia a él como un acontecimiento comunicativo que se caracteriza por un conjunto de propósitos comunicativos que la comunidad académica, en la cual ocurre regularmente, comparte, reconoce, acepta y construye socialmente. Dicha comunidad particular, en nuestro caso docentes y estudiantes en el espacio de la enseñanza, constituye una comunidad de discurso. ...
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Resumen La universidad es una creación de la Edad Media que hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, sigue existiendo, transformada, acompañando en mayor o menor medida los cambios y mutaciones que la historia del hombre occidental ha recorrido. Aun cuando a lo largo del tiempo fue adoptando múltiples funciones, la docencia y la investigación no solamente se mantienen hasta el día de hoy sino que se presentan como rasgos institucionales identitarios. El encargado de desempeñarlas es un mismo actor: el docente. Este trabajo se enfoca en una de las actividades a su cargo: la enseñanza. Los objetivos del mismo son: delinear su definición a partir de abordarla desde diversas perspectivas teóricas como son, entre otras, la pedagógica, la didáctica y la discursiva; plantear las condiciones de posibilidad de su realización en la universidad hoy y dar visibilidad a prácticas naturalizadas centradas en la enseñanza universitaria que nos permiten repensar su lugar dentro de la institución educativa.
... In an earlier study, Locher (2006) outlined advice-giving moves (i.e., units of communicative function; see Swales 1981Swales , 1990) that were prevalent in an online advice column. Empirical evidence from a more recent study inspired by Locher's (2006) work further suggested that the prevalence and reaction toward advice-giving moves on Reddit were correlated to audience roles within the advice interaction (Lu 2024). ...
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One of the most popular online sites where advice interactions routinely occur is Reddit. As a predominately public platform, Reddit users presumably extend beyond only registered contributors. Thus, it is important to examine Reddit advice outside of the interactional or discursive level (e.g., exploring perceptions from other audience types). To bridge this gap, an experiment was designed based on a previous study on Reddit advice-giving, which investigated how audiences might perceive and evaluate the quality of advice-giving formulations. This experiment contained both qualitative and quantitative measures. Both components of the experiment yielded significant and interesting findings, with each meriting an in-depth discussion on their own. This paper reports on the qualitative aspects of the experiment, where results show that evaluations of advice invoke various aspects of Spencer-Oatey and Kádár’s (2021. Intercultural politeness: Managing relations across cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) politeness evaluation model, highlighting the particular pragmatic issues that are important for the advice interaction. These results also show that the manipulation of rhetorical moves used during Reddit advice-giving have an effect on the saliency of different face sensitivities, with implications for how linguistic forms as realized in rhetorical moves might be connected to higher level pragmatic concepts (e.g., face), and cognitive perceptions of warmth and competence.
... Teachers can approach cultural issues by providing models for developing a good introduction. Students may be recommended to follow the rhetorical moves of an introduction for example the Creating a Research Space (CARS) model suggested by Swales (1990Swales ( , 2004. The emerging challenge dealing with the coherence of the text should be addressed by developing knowledge on the analysis of topical structure, the logical development of the ideas, and the use of metadiscourse (Chang, 2018). ...
... Collaborative writing within the ESP context aligns with the genre theory developed by Swales (Swales, 1990) from the perspective that students specializing in different majors are exposed to diverse context-specific genres correspondingly. A genre is by Swales defined as "a class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative purposes" (Swales, 1990, p. 58). ...
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This paper highlights the strategic significance of collaborative writing with a specific focus on academic writing in English for Specific Purposes at the university level. It addresses challenges encountered by teachers and students and presents practical approaches, emphasizing the benefits of incorporating collaborative writing to enhance the development of writing skills within syllabus constraints. The study reviews various approaches to collaborative writing and explores the possibility of considering the inclusion of artificial intelligence as a partner in collaborative writing. The paper also illustrates Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences applicable in collaborative writing, underscoring the significance of eight cognitive intelligences. Grouping students based on individual strengths encourages communication, fosters a conducive environment, and makes the process of cooperation more dynamic. As a practical application, the paper provides a tangible resource in the form of a detailed lesson plan tailored for an 80-minute class to further facilitate the process of integrating collaborative writing in an ESP class.
... El género, inicialmente, se entendió como un objeto de interés de las comunidades discursivas, cuyo propósito comunicativo difiere e identifica al género per se. Por tanto, cada género cuenta con una serie de actos comunicativos que comparten unos propósitos y estos se convierten en prototipos dentro de la comunidad discursiva (Swales, 1990); es decir, cada propósito comunicativo dentro de dicha comunidad requiere de una forma para hacerlo. ...
... In the1980s and 1990s, Swales pioneered the application of genre analysis to academic writing for pedagogical purposes, introducing an approach focusing on identifying the rhetorical patterns specific to academic genres such as research article introductions (Swales, 1981(Swales, , 1990. This approach, subsequently referred to as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) tradition within genre theory scholarship, has evolved into a dynamic and productive framework. ...
Recent studies have explored the potential of large language models (LLMs) in annotating rhetorical moves in academic genres such as research article abstracts and research article introductions. Extending this line of research beyond academic contexts, this study investigates the feasibility of using ChatGPT-4 to automate move annotation in a professional genre: CEO statements from corporate social responsibility reports. The study proceeded in two phases. First, 30 CEO statements were used for move identification, prompt design and validation, resulting in a prompt optimized for the move annotation task. Subsequently, a corpus of 50 CEO statements was used to further test the efficacy of the model conditioned by the established prompt. The assessment showed that the model's annotation outputs yielded an accuracy of 87.14 %. However, the double annotation rounds revealed an intra-model inconsistency rate of 32.87 %, indicating the need for human verification in inconsistent cases. This study demonstrates that LLMs can effectively support the development of move-annotated corpora through reduced workload and enhanced methodological duplicability. These annotated corpora serve as valuable pedagogical materials for ESP practitioners in genre-based instruction. Furthermore, the integration of LLMs can aid in improving researchers' own thinking, thereby contributing to potential theory refinement in the field.
... Because of the importance of lexical bundles, recent research has seen increasing 139 investigations into their use within rhetorical moves in a variety of genres. In the English for 140 Specific Purposes genre analysis tradition, rhetorical moves refer to the categorization of 141 discoursal units based on communicative purposes for a particular genre (Swales, 1990). Therefore, 142 individual genres can often be identified and described as consisting of a series of rhetorical moves. ...
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Recent research has suggested that the use of formulaic language such as lexical bundles may be important for helping second language (L2) English students construct arguments and achieve higher proficiency scores in testing situations. However, more research is needed that investigates such issues with learners of lower‐level proficiencies. This study investigates the use of lexical bundles across the argumentative writing of beginning‐ and intermediate‐level L2 English learners (N = 780). Using the Yonsei English Language Corpus, this study examines the frequency, structural features, and functional characteristics of three‐word lexical bundles and their role in achieving six rhetorical moves, including position, claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, evidence, and conclusion. The findings reveal that intermediate learners used more lexical bundles in two moves (i.e., claims and evidence). There were also differences both in the bundle structures used by beginners and intermediate learners, and in the functions realized through those bundles. How lexical bundles are used across lower levels of L2 proficiency, and the implications of these findings for L2 writing instruction, are discussed.
... Penelitian lainnya juga mendukung keunggulan metode berbasis praktik. Swales (1990) memperkenalkan pendekatan genre yang membantu siswa memahami struktur artikel akademik secara lebih mendalam. Biber et al. (1999) menjelaskan bahwa analisis ...
Kegiatan bazar di sekolah dasar menjadi salah satu upaya efektif dalam mengenalkan keberagaman kuliner Nusantara kepada siswa sejak dini. Bazar Nusantara dengan bahan dasar ubi, ketan, dan singkong dirancang untuk mengedukasi siswa mengenai kekayaan bahan pangan lokal dan mendorong mereka untuk mengapresiasi pangan tradisional. Artikel ini membahas pelaksanaan bazar yang melibatkan siswa dalam persiapan, pembuatan, dan penjualan berbagai olahan makanan berbahan dasar ubi, ketan, dan singkong, seperti getuk, klepon, dan lemet. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga memperkenalkan siswa pada konsep kewirausahaan sederhana, nilai kebersamaan, dan pelestarian budaya melalui kuliner lokal. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa siswa tidak hanya antusias dan kreatif dalam kegiatan ini, tetapi juga memperoleh pemahaman mengenai pentingnya bahan pangan lokal yang sehat dan ramah lingkungan. Dengan demikian, kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi contoh praktik pendidikan yang mendukung pengenalan budaya dan penguatan karakter siswa
... Penelitian lainnya juga mendukung keunggulan metode berbasis praktik. Swales (1990) memperkenalkan pendekatan genre yang membantu siswa memahami struktur artikel akademik secara lebih mendalam. Biber et al. (1999) menjelaskan bahwa analisis ...
Kemampuan dalam menulis artikel ilmiah merupakan keterampilan yang sangat penting bagi siswa SMA terutama dalam menghadapi tantangan global yang mengutamakan kemampuan literasi yang tinggi. Artikel ini membahas sebuah program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berupa pelatihan penulisan artikel ilmiah yang diselenggarakan untuk siswa SMA di Kecamatan Banyuputih, Kabupaten Situbondo. Program pelatihan ini diterapkan dengan pendekatan berbasis kompetensi yang mencakup tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, serta evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil survei dan studi kasus, terlihat adanya peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman siswa mengenai struktur artikel, penggunaan tata bahasa akademik, serta penerapan teknik penulisan yang sesuai dengan standar internasional.
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Academic discourse crucially involves a considerable amount of subjective content, some of which is aimed at strategically managing interaction with the reader, thereby contributing to the writer’s communicative success. This paper looks at markers of stance employed by writers in Polish abstracts of research articles in linguistics. An examination of 419 abstracts from two highly ranked Polish journals has revealed 781 markers of stance, with an average frequency of 1.86 instances per abstract and 16.50 instances per 1,000 words. The results included 272 self-mentions, a vast majority of which (ca. 73%) involved using a 3rd-peron reference (usually with the noun autor/autorka ‘the author’), 200 instances of markers of attitude (mostly positive evaluations emphasizing merits of the study), 199 instances of hedging (mainly modal and evidential verbs and adverbs, as well as lexical devices diminishing the scope or rank of the study, such as Artykuł stanowi próbę ‘The paper is an attempt’), and 110 boosters, most of which were lexical epistemic verbs, such as dowodzić ‘prove’ and wykazywać ‘demonstrate’.
This chapter provides an overview of police missing persons appeals as a genre in its own right, as well as approaching the data from the pilot study from a forensic linguistic perspective by describing communicative functions (or moves) that exist in a corpus of live appeals and how these communicative functions are achieved rhetorically. This chapter also examines the extent to which such linguistic moves and their sequencing are consistent across appeals, given that there is no national formal training or consistent approach to appeals. Authors identified 12 different move types (broadly categorised as ‘Describing, Motivating, and Appealing’), and 55 strategies for achieving these moves.
In state dinner speeches, US-American presidents address international partners with the communicative goal of consolidating and improving bilateral political relations. The present paper aims to investigate the ways in which positive politeness strategies are employed in this epideictic genre to establish a good rapport with other heads of state. The study is based on a dataset of 32 dinner speeches covering a period of 32 years from George H. W. Bush to Joseph R. Biden. It adopts a qualitative approach that combines politeness theory with move structure analysis, identifying characteristic rhetorical moves that create familiarity by referring to common past events, shared values, and joint activities. As is shown, politeness in dinner speeches relies on recurring discursive techniques such as displaying strong interest in the international partner, seeking agreement regarding political agendas, paying compliments, and conveying optimism about the bilateral alliance. These politeness strategies are realized by a variety of linguistic devices such as inclusive first-person pronouns, illustrative metaphors, positively connoted stance markers, superlatives, adverbial amplifiers, and quotations from eminent writers of the partner country. Such genre-dependent positive politeness dominantly fulfils a face-enhancing function and helps the orators to construct engaging identities of the interactants.
The purposes of this research were to know the rhetorical structures of university brochures of undergraduate and graduate program and the differences of them in term of moves and steps. This research was qualitative and quantitative in nature; in other words, it employed mixed method. Qualitative data was taken in the forms of university brochures communicative purposes narrations, whereas quantitative data in the form of move and step frequency and percentage. The rhetorical structure are as follows: service Provider Overview, presenting academic service, Internationalism, presenting university achievement, presenting student life, Presenting the location of the service, Validating the effectiveness of service provided, Special notes. From those moves and steps structures, all the moves proposed by Barabas are found where service provider, presenting academic, presenting students life, presenting service location, and special notes are 100% obligatory for undergraduate level; service provider, presenting academic, special notes are 100% obligatory. For steps, university names, university emblems, university departments, academic programs, procedure applications, contact information are 100% obligatory in undergraduate and university names, university emblems, brochure titles, university departments, academic programs are 100% obligatory. The differences between undergraduate and graduate promotional brochures are on the move of validating the effectiveness of service provided, from steps numbers on respective moves, the status obligatory or optional of moves and steps.
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In light of the importance of legal translation in the context of Saudi Arabia, this paper attempts to propose a genre task-based syllabus for teaching legal translation in translator training programs in higher education institutions. The proposed syllabus integrates task-based teaching and genre-based teaching due to the relevance of both approaches to translation teaching. Borrowed from the field of language teaching, task-based teaching naturally lends itself to teaching translation since language tasks and translation tasks have several aspects in common; they both perform communicative functions, have clear outcomes, and require linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the role of genre in translation and translator training is also significant due to the linguistic and communicative features unique to different types of texts that require training and experience. For this reason, developing genre awareness among trainee translators is necessary to equip them with the knowledge that enables them to navigate the translation decision-making process. The objective of the proposed syllabus was to implement a genre-based translator training model using a task cycle that is suitable for translation teaching. Upon implementation, it is anticipated that the proposed syllabus will achieve the intended learning outcomes by developing the trainees’ translation competence and raising their awareness of the features of the legal genre.
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The majority of academic and scientific research articles and works are written in English. The dominance of English in worldwide academic settings can be attributed to a number of factors. English is crucial for higher education since it introduces students to new technology that is merely accessible using English. English as an additional language (EAL) are increasing in order for their research findings to be published in foreign publications. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) includes the quickly emerging subject of English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP). The term "English as a lingua franca" (ELF) has become widely used for referring to communication in English among speakers of diverse first languages.
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The full thesis can be downloaded from: Abstract Translation has played a central role in the publication of the Portuguese Journal of Cardiology (RPC) since 1999 when the Journal first began to be published in bilingual format. This thesis tracks and traces the role of the agents in translation in a text-oriented ethnographic study of translations published by the RPC between 2017 and 2021. It focuses specifically on the role of peer reviewers and the principal translator (Translator A). It answers two research questions: is it possible to quantify and qualify interventions in the text and if so, how? It is framed theoretically in the context of actor-network theory (ANT) and methodologically, it is divided into two parts. Study 1 relates to the textual and paratextual analysis of translator and peer reviewer interventions in 62 translations published by the RPC. The results reveal there were overwhelmingly more translation-related interventions in the text compared to peer review; the majority of peer review interventions were in Content, whereas Translator A intervened more at a Sentence Structure level. However, when Translator A intervened in Content, these changes were more likely to have a major impact on the text. In Study 2, six actors at the RPC were interviewed regarding their experiences of working within the network, how they perceive their involvement, their interaction and social relations with others, their own goals and how these contribute to the overriding objective – the translation and publication of the RPC. The results showed that the role of Translator A was not fully understood by non-translators in the network and that in the period in question, Translator A acted as a (linguistic) gatekeeper for the Journal. As one of the central figures in the translation and publication network, Translator A fulfils various roles in addition to translation (as linguistic editor, proofreader, plagiarism-checker, reference checker and content accuracy checker), ensuring that all articles translated into English meet target audience expectations for a high-quality English language journal. As regards the peer reviewers, it was clear they play a major role, yet one that is often undervalued and exploited. It is hoped this thesis will give stakeholders, specifically non-translators involved in the translation processes at journals, a greater understanding of how translators intervene in text production. In addition, it aims to contribute to a body of measurable evidence on the role and relevance of translators in the production of scientific knowledge and even empower translators to gain recognition for their work, especially in the wake of the development of artificial intelligence and advanced machine translation models.
Writing a good discussion section is crucial as how the section is written contributes to the acceptance of a research article (RA) by the reader. Through a move structure model for the Discussion section of RAs and the taxonomies of hedges and boosters, the study examines communicative strategies, namely move structures (move and step) as well as the metadiscoursal devices (hedges and boosters) used by Tourism and Pharmacology authors to discuss research results in Tourism and Pharmacology RA discussions. Thus, in the current study, the Discussion sections of 20 Tourism RAs and 20 Pharmacology RAs were analysed using a mixed method comprising both the qualitative and quantitative analyses. In the qualitative method, a content analysis was used to identify the communicative strategies in terms of rhetorical ‘moves’ and ‘steps’ as well as hedges and boosters employed in the selected RA discussions. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted with specialist informants to obtain further insight for the present findings. On the other hand, in the quantitative method, data was quantified in terms of the number of sentences employing the moves/steps and the frequencies of hedges and boosters found in the corpora. The findings show that authors of Tourism and Pharmacology RAs tend to report and comment on their research findings in a reciprocally connected manner. However, a major difference was observed in terms of how the findings were commented on. Besides, both the Tourism and Pharmacology authors were also found to utilise hedges more frequently than boosters to avoid overclaiming their results. The findings of this study can help future academic authors and students to employ effective communicative strategies to discuss research results along with the appropriate use of hedges and boosters.
Software is crucial to science, but sustaining projects for long term impact is challenging. Scientists and funders look to ''the open source way'' (known as peer production in the organizational literature) as a promising route to sustainability. We studied scientific software projects funded by research grants and which were encouraged by their funder to develop a sustainable community around their open source code. Using interviews and content analysis of online presences, we studied the projects over a seven year period, from receiving grants around 2014 through the typically three years of funding, and for up to four years following the funding. We make four contributions: First, we find that by far the most successful route to peer production was beginning as peer production, a result with clear policy implications. Second, through our taxonomies of organizational forms and of organizational change, we paint a landscape of the variety of forms that scientific software development can take on and transition between providing language for discussion in the literature and among communities of practice. Third, we use these taxonomies to describe multiple routes to sustainable software development. Finally, we discuss the challenges and strategies involved in sustaining scientific software, including choices not to pursue peer production at all.
Since the early 1980s, genre-analytic approach has been proved to be a useful tool for analyzing texts because it can help researchers, teachers or learners to understand the communicative purpose as well as the structure move of a text. In business settings, this approach becomes more effective in evaluating a discourse of business correspondence in terms of its move structure. This article has been conducted to explore the differences in the move structures between English and Vietnamese job application letters on the basis of genre theory with a pedagogical implication of a feasible method for teaching and translating business correspondence
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