
Impact of color on marketing

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Purpose Color is ubiquitous and is a source of information. People make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interactions with either people or products. About 62‐90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone. So, prudent use of colors can contribute not only to differentiating products from competitors, but also to influencing moods and feelings – positively or negatively – and therefore, to attitude towards certain products. Given that our moods and feelings are unstable and that colors play roles in forming attitude, it is important that managers understand the importance of colors in marketing. The study is designed to contribute to the debate. Design/methodology/approach This article reviews the literature relating to color psychology in the context of marketing, highlights inconsistencies and controversies surrounding the color psychology, and, examines the impact of colors on marketing. Findings Findings of the study are that managers can use colors to increase or decrease appetite, enhance mood, calm down customers, and, reduce perception of waiting time, among others. Research limitations/implications The direction for future research and limitations of the study are presented. Originality/value Reviews the literature relating to color psychology in the context of marketing.

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... The findings of this research also have strong practical implications. There have been suggestions that fastfood restaurants use red to stimulate diners' appetites (Cutolo, 2022;Singh, 2006). Not only do we fail to find evidence for the appetite-stimulating effects of red, our findings suggest ambient red could negatively impact diners' appetites for healthy menu options. ...
... It is possible that arousal induced by red leads individuals to impulsively choose unhealthy options (Herman et al., 2018). Relatedly, some sources suggest that fast-food chains use red because it stimulates the appetite (Cutolo, 2022;Singh, 2006), so it is possible that craving for energy-enhancing food leads to a greater preference for high-calorie/unhealthy options. Finally, some consumers perceive fast-food restaurants as cheap (Min et al., 2018). ...
... The results of Study 3 support H2 and provide evidence that the effects of red ambient color on unhealthy food choices are primarily driven by associations between red and unhealthy restaurants and not arousal, associations with cheap restaurants, or craving for energy-boosting food. While arousal and craving for energy-boosting food may be associated, and the academic and popular press suggest that fast-food restaurants use red for its appetite-stimulating ability (Cutolo, 2022;Singh, 2006), other research reveals red can decrease appetite (Suk et al., 2012). Our study revealed no difference in craving for energy-boosting food based on color. ...
This research examines how red ambient color in restaurants/cafeterias influences food choices. Prior research shows that red directly related to a food product (such as on nutrition labels or plates/cups) leads to avoidance of unhealthy foods. Yet, many successful fast‐food restaurants (e.g., McDonald's and Dairy Queen) use red in their ambiance, suggesting that in the context of food/eating, ambient red may have a different meaning than product‐related red. Indeed, the current research shows that consumers associate ambient red (e.g., wall color) with unhealthy restaurants. The presence of ambient red (vs. blue, gray, or white) leads to greater preference for unhealthy (i.e., high calorie, high fat, and indulgent) food options because consumers draw on ambient factors to make inferences about products sold in a retail establishment and then choose contextually appropriate products. The effect is moderated by the extent to which a consumer associates red with unhealthy restaurants. This research highlights how, in the context of food/eating, the placement of red influences its meaning and ultimately whether consumers approach or avoid unhealthy foods.
... Birleşmiş Milletlerin bayrağının renkleri 1945'te saldırgan olmayıp tarafsız davrandıklarına ve tüm dünya devletlerinin aynı gökyüzünü paylaştığına inanıldığı için mavi olarak tercih edilmiştir (Finlay, 2007: 271 (Cunningham, 2017). Renkler, her yerde bulunur ve bir bilgi kaynağıdır (Singh, 2006;Lehu, 2007). İnsanlar, insanlarla veya ürünlerle ilk etkileşimlerinden sonraki 90 saniye içinde karar verirler ve alacakları ürün ya da hizmeti değerlendirmeleri neredeyse %90'ı sadece renklere dayanmaktadır (Singh, 2006). ...
... Renkler, her yerde bulunur ve bir bilgi kaynağıdır (Singh, 2006;Lehu, 2007). İnsanlar, insanlarla veya ürünlerle ilk etkileşimlerinden sonraki 90 saniye içinde karar verirler ve alacakları ürün ya da hizmeti değerlendirmeleri neredeyse %90'ı sadece renklere dayanmaktadır (Singh, 2006). Bu sebeple renklerin kullanımı, yalnızca ürünleri rakiplerinden ayırt etmekle kalmamakta, aynı zamanda insanların ruh hallerini ve duygularını belli ürünlere karşı tutumlarını da etkileyebilmektedir. ...
... Bu sebeple renklerin kullanımı, yalnızca ürünleri rakiplerinden ayırt etmekle kalmamakta, aynı zamanda insanların ruh hallerini ve duygularını belli ürünlere karşı tutumlarını da etkileyebilmektedir. Renklerin bu etkisi üzerinde durulduğunda yöneticilerin renklerin pazarlama ve marka yönetimi bağlamındaki önemini kavramaları oldukça önem taşımaktadır (Singh, 2006). ...
... The impact of color on consumer cognition involves the establishment of special associations between color, meaning, and emotion (Krishna, 2017). Once consumers have established a connection between a brand and a color, they can quickly identify the brand, product, or service upon seeing the color (Singh, 2006). According to Guerreiro and Lessa (2022), beyond eliciting instinctive reactions, color can also create associations between people, products, and brands through learned connections, which are influenced by context and background. ...
... Both red and black often evoke cautionary associations, leading to negative perceptions. Consumers typically associate warm colors with unhealthy foods, such as fast food (Singh, 2006). The world's top three fast food giants-McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King-all prominently use red, yellow, and orange in their branding, reinforcing the association between warm colors and fast food. ...
... A survey by Kaya and Epps (2004), found that most college students associated green with peace and tranquility, and black with fear and sadness. Red is often seen as a passionate, energetic color (Adams & Osgood, 1973;Lewinski, 1938) and is considered warm, evoking a sense of warmth (Carvalho & Spence, 2018;Elliot & Maier, 2014) and excitement (Singh, 2006;Rompay et al., 2016). In contrast, cool colors like blue and green are perceived as calming (Madden et al., 2000), invoking feelings of peace and relaxation, and promoting sensations of tranquility and freshness (Richardson et al., 1994). ...
... Birleşmiş Milletlerin bayrağının renkleri 1945'te saldırgan olmayıp tarafsız davrandıklarına ve tüm dünya devletlerinin aynı gökyüzünü paylaştığına inanıldığı için mavi olarak tercih edilmiştir (Finlay, 2007: 271 (Cunningham, 2017). Renkler, her yerde bulunur ve bir bilgi kaynağıdır (Singh, 2006;Lehu, 2007). İnsanlar, insanlarla veya ürünlerle ilk etkileşimlerinden sonraki 90 saniye içinde karar verirler ve alacakları ürün ya da hizmeti değerlendirmeleri neredeyse %90'ı sadece renklere dayanmaktadır (Singh, 2006). ...
... Renkler, her yerde bulunur ve bir bilgi kaynağıdır (Singh, 2006;Lehu, 2007). İnsanlar, insanlarla veya ürünlerle ilk etkileşimlerinden sonraki 90 saniye içinde karar verirler ve alacakları ürün ya da hizmeti değerlendirmeleri neredeyse %90'ı sadece renklere dayanmaktadır (Singh, 2006). Bu sebeple renklerin kullanımı, yalnızca ürünleri rakiplerinden ayırt etmekle kalmamakta, aynı zamanda insanların ruh hallerini ve duygularını belli ürünlere karşı tutumlarını da etkileyebilmektedir. ...
... Bu sebeple renklerin kullanımı, yalnızca ürünleri rakiplerinden ayırt etmekle kalmamakta, aynı zamanda insanların ruh hallerini ve duygularını belli ürünlere karşı tutumlarını da etkileyebilmektedir. Renklerin bu etkisi üzerinde durulduğunda yöneticilerin renklerin pazarlama ve marka yönetimi bağlamındaki önemini kavramaları oldukça önem taşımaktadır (Singh, 2006). ...
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Z Tüm zamanlarda renklerin insanların ruhlarında ve zihinlerinde psikolojik izler bıraktığı bilinmektedir. İşletmeler, tüketicilere ulaşmak ve dikkatlerini çekmek için farklı rekabet kanallarında rekabet etmektedir. Bu kanallardan biri ise satış ve pazarlama departmanlarıdır. Pazarlama ve satış departmanlarının genel bir ifadesi renkler, desenler ve formlar dahil olmak üzere görsel öğeleri kullanan bir alan olmasıdır. Bu çalışmanın evren ve örneklemini Kahramanmaraş ilinde satın alma davranışı gösteren tüketiciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak online anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada renkler ile davranış biçimleri arasındaki ilişkiler ve renklerin müşterileri nasıl etkilediği incelenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra renklere göre sergilenen tüketici davranışlarının demografik faktörler ile ilişkisinin olup olmadığı incelenecektir. Bu bağlamda Kahramanmaraş'taki tüketicilerin renkleri nasıl gördükleri ve bunun satın alma kararlarını nasıl etkilediği araştırılmak istenmiştir.
... The color on the packaging is intended to improve the quality of the product's appearance, arouse consumer associations with the product, and is also intended to attract consumer interest in making purchases when they see the product displayed in the retail area [34,35]. In the range of 62-90 % of purchasing decisions are determined by consumer interest in the color of the packaging [36]. ...
... Images, colors and graphics are some visual elements that can be the main predictors in arousing consumers' emotional side to make a purchase. In the range of 62-90 %, consumers evaluate a product based on the color of the packaging [36]; it can be interpreted that color can improve the process of recognizing a product more quickly. Packaging for a product has several essential elements. ...
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The high competition in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia, where packaging has a very important function, with the main function to protect the product, as well as being a factor in attracting consumers' interest in making purchases. Packaging production is dominated by several companies, which when categorized are divided into middle-up manufacturing and middle-low manufacturing. The research is necessary to create an optimal packaging design model by considering the culture and habits of consumer. Capturing customer behavior and costs has a control function. Ethnographic studies are used to explore packaging elements that are important to consumer and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for data processing. The result provides a conceptual model as well as recommendations for food and beverage manufacturers in terms of the packaging used. Seven elements of packaging that deserve primary attention: design, image, typography, color, size, material and quality. Using habit and cost factors has the control variables, with maximum profit as the objective function. Recommendations for middle-up manufacturing are focused on four packaging elements: design, image, color and quality. It is recommended to maximize strategies for customer retention and improving customer loyalty. Middle-low manufacturing is focused on four packaging elements: color, size, material and quality. It is recommended to maximize strategies to encourage repeat business and boost productivity. The features identified in this research are very possible to be implemented by food and beverage manufacturer, along with recommended strategies. For example, at the middle and low manufacturing level, it is very important to pay attention to product availability in several sizes
... Başka bir deyişle, tatmin olmuş müşteriler daha yüksek sadakat düzeyine sahip olma eğilimindedir. Literatür tatminin müşteri sadakatinin önemli bir ön koşulu olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir (Anderson vd., 1994;Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000;Bowen & Chen, 2001;Yoon & Uysal, 2005;Singh, 2006;Akbar & Parvez, 2009;Khan vd., 2022). Bu nedenle yapay zeka destekli pazarlama faaliyetlerinin müşteri sadakati üzerindeki etkisinde de müşteri tatminin aracı bir rol üstleneceği öngörülmüş ve aşağıdaki hipotezler öne sürülmüştür: ...
... Bunun nedeni müşterilerin kişiselleştirme uygulamalarından faydalanmada zorluk yaşaması, mobil uygulamalar üzerinden kişiye özgü çok sık bildirim gönderilmesinin olumsuz etki yaratması, müşterinin ilgi duyduğu ürün ve hizmetlerle etkin eşleştirmelerin sağlamaması veya kişisel ihtiyaçların karşılanması ve kişisel ilgi gösterilmesi ile ilgili eksiklik hissettirilmesi olabilir. Çalışmanın devamında müşteri tatmininin müşteri sadakati üzerindeki etkisi literatürdeki daha önceki çalışmalarda da olduğu gibi doğrulanmıştır (Singh, 2006;Akbar & Parvez, 2009;Khan vd., 2022). ...
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Günümüzde tüketicilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için sıkça kullandıkları çevrimiçi alışveriş platformları, müşterilerine daha hızlı ve doğru bilgi sağlamak, müşterileriyle etkileşim kurmak, müşterilerine her zaman ve her yerde hizmet sunmak ve bireysel kişiselleştirilmiş öneriler geliştirmek üzere yapay zeka destekli pazarlama faaliyetleri yürütmektedir. Bu faaliyetlerin yürütülmesinde nihai hedef tatmin olmuş ve sadık müşterilere sahip olmaktır. Bu çalışmada, çevrimiçi alışveriş platformlarında yapay zeka destekli pazarlama faaliyetlerinin müşteri tatmini ve müşteri tatmini aracılığıyla müşteri sadakati üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 390 tüketiciden veri toplanmış ve yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, etkileşim, bilgilendirme ve erişilebilirliğin müşteri tatmini üzerinde anlamlı etkisi olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ancak kişiselleştirme ile müşteri tatmini arasında anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanamamıştır. Dahası, müşteri tatmininin etkileşim, bilgilendirme ve erişilebilirlik ile müşteri sadakati arasındaki ilişkide aracı etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aracı etki, kişiselleştirme ve müşteri sadakati arasındaki ilişkide bulunamamıştır
... Additionally, the use of color can help convey specific messages or emotions to consumers. For example, blue is often associated with trust and reliability while green is associated with nature and sustainability (Singh, 2006). By carefully considering their use of color in branding materials, organizations can effectively communicate their key messages and attract their target audience. ...
... The government universities prominently exhibit their institutional colors, while the private universities take a more diverse approach, not necessarily reflecting their institutional colors. It is acknowledged that color is a vital element of brand identity recognition (Chang & Lin, 2010;Singh, 2006), often aiding the recall of brand image (Jin et al., 2019). The Thai government universities in this study appear to integrate this principle into their social media posters. ...
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This study investigates the use of design elements in the advertisement posters on the Facebook pages of ten Thai universities, comprised of five government and five private institutions. Using the Multimodal Corpus Analysis Tool (MCAT), the study systematically analyzed the color characteristics and dominant colors employed in the universities' Facebook advertisement posters. Findings revealed that while color characteristics were similarly employed across the universities, the use of dominant colors varied significantly. Government universities were found to incorporate their theme colors in the designs, reflecting their brand identity. In contrast, private universities predominantly used colors to augment the content of their advertisements, rather than to represent their institutional identities. This study provides valuable insights into how different color and design elements are utilized by Thai universities in their social media communication to enhance their brand identities and content messaging.
... The study aims to advance the discussion. (Singh, 2006) The psychological effects of colour should be taken into consideration before launching the next social media campaign or designing the next landing page, website, or brand. ...
... Whether we embrace it or not, we are indeed a product of the culture, and a significant part of that culture is associated with colour. Understanding how to decipher the appeal of hidden hues not only saves money but also enables us to logically purchase goods based only on quality rather than design (Singh, 2006). Colour has the ability to convey the feelings and spirit of a product's interior. ...
... Other coalition governments are unable to sustain the cooperation and the term of office due to the challenges that encounter during their cooperation. Singh (2006) is of the opinion that some coalitions are formed with the objective of pulling down a party in power and also providing an alternative government, and that is referred to as a positive or constructive coalition. On the other hand, a coalition may be formed with the sole intention of toppling the incumbent government and not providing an alternative government, then such a coalition is referred to by Singh (2006) as a negative or destructive coalition. ...
... Singh (2006) is of the opinion that some coalitions are formed with the objective of pulling down a party in power and also providing an alternative government, and that is referred to as a positive or constructive coalition. On the other hand, a coalition may be formed with the sole intention of toppling the incumbent government and not providing an alternative government, then such a coalition is referred to by Singh (2006) as a negative or destructive coalition. Lodge (2014) points out that coalitions may be classified into pre-poll and post-poll alliances depending upon their time to come into shape. ...
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Coalition government is an old phenomenon that has got its roots in Western European countries. It has since spread all over the world including in South Africa. Coalitions in the local sphere of government have existed predominantly in KwaZulu Natal and Western Cape, but it has since spread over to other provinces in South Africa. The outcome of the 2016 local government elections brought about dramatic results which saw the governments of three metropolitan municipalities change hands to coalitions of political parties. The Democratic Alliance (DA) and other small parties with the assistance of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) constituted coalition governments in Nelson Mandela Bay (in Eastern Cape), City of Tshwane, and Johannesburg in Gauteng province. However, the DA mayor and his executive in Nelson Mandela Bay have since been removed with the one from the United Democratic Movement (UDM) as a mayor and the executives from the African National Congress (ANC) and other smaller parties. The EFF announced in July 2019 that it will not vote with the DA or ANC in all municipalities where coalition councils must be formed. This paper seeks to identify challenges associated with coalition governments in the local sphere of government and propose possible solutions for curtailing such challenges. The paper does so by way of reviewing existing literature related to coalitions and alliances of municipal governments in South Africa. One of the challenges is the differing policy positions of the political parties in the coalition. This paper proposes that the needs and service delivery demands of the local communities must be given more preference over the political ideologies of the political parties concerned.
... Selain itu, kontras warna dapat meningkatkan keterbacaan dan pemahaman, yang pada gilirannya mendukung retensi memori . Efektivitas warna dalam peningkatan memori juga terlihat dalam berbagai aplikasi praktis, seperti periklanan, di mana warna digunakan secara strategis untuk membuat produk lebih berkesan dan menarik bagi konsumen (Singh, 2006). Secara keseluruhan, integrasi warna dalam pembelajaran dan konteks sehari-hari dapat meningkatkan kinerja kognitif dan memori secara signifikan.Meskipun demikian, penting untuk mempertimbangkan variasi persepsi dan preferensi warna di antara setiap individu. ...
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Memori merupakan fungsi kognisi yang memiliki hubungan erat dengan kesehatan manusia. Penurunan kemampuan mengingat dapat memengaruhi perilaku individu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh warna terhadap kemampuan memori jangka pendek mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan 16 partisipan dengan kriteria mahasiswa yang tidak mengalami buta warna, baik buta warna parsial maupun total. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen-kuasi dengan dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh persepsi warna terhadap daya ingat memori jangka pendek. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar dalam melakukan penerapan praktis persepsi warna dalam meningkatkan memori jangka pendek di berbagai aspek layanan kesehatan.
... One simple way to employ visual distinction between news and non-news content is by applying colored borders around news content-indeed, research suggests that the majority of individuals' assessments of people or products may be based on colors alone (Singh, 2006)-indicating that color differentiation may be a fast and effective way to distinguish news from non-news content in a social media setting. Colors are often used to communicate abstract information or concepts, and people have been shown to make inferences from color coding systems when making judgments and decisions offline (e.g., deciding which unlabeled but colored bin to recycle in; Schloss et al., 2018). ...
Recent evidence suggests that prompting users to consider the accuracy of online posts increases the quality of news they share on social media. Here we examine how accuracy prompts affect user behavior in a more realistic context, and whether their effect can be enhanced by using colored borders to differentiate news from social content. Our results show that accuracy prompts increase news-sharing quality without affecting sharing of social (non-news) posts or “liking” behavior. We also find that adding colored borders around news posts increased overall engagement with news regardless of veracity, and decreased engagement with social posts.
... Colour is a sensorial attribute that largely explains product perception by consumers [1]. Nowadays, consumers are increasingly interested in natural colourants because of concerns about synthetic alternatives [2,3]. ...
... Those few seconds are crucial in determining whether or not to consume the food item. Colour accounts for between 62 to 90 percent of a consumer's evaluation [2] . In this context, learning about food colourants can be a lucrative endeavor. ...
... In this paper, we focus on the capabilities of diffusion models to generate objects of a precise color. This capability plays a pivotal role in design, fashion and art, where it is important to generate objects in the exact color envisaged by the user [47]. ...
... Akwaboa ( 1989) ascertain that, no matter how important and innovative a product is, without the right type of marketing strategy to appeal to the right customers, an innovative idea will not achieve the desired results. In the realm of marketing, Singh (2006) emphasized on the important role colour plays in packaging, branding and general promotion of products. The right choice of colour for a product must be in conformity with the target audience in question (adults, youth, and children) and must be specific if necessary. ...
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Textile products are not only patronised for their functionality and communicative purposes, but equally for their aesthetics. Marbling has been a cherished art for centuries with attractive and intricate designs used for decorative purposes. The study explores the possibility of transferring marbling designs using reactive and vat dyes combination through screen printing method to produce fabrics that can be fashioned into garments and accessories. The study employed both descriptive and experimental methods to assess market trends of existing fabric designs in selected markets in the country and then produce marbling effects using vat and reactive dyes to popularise the art for everyday usage in fabric, garments and accessories. Mercerized cotton was used as based material for the printing processes which were fashioned into garments and accessories. The market survey on existing fabric designs revealed non-availability of designs reflecting the silk screen marbling effects using vat dyes as print paste on reactive dyed backgrounds in the Ghanaian market, hence paving the way for the experiment to that effect. The results from the experiment established that the fluidity of the marbling designs with its colour integration in aesthetic manner makes it favourable to compete in the fabric market. This, the researchers believed forms the basis for more further study in exploring related arts as means of expanding creativity and creating jobs for the youth. The recommendation was mainly on further study to improve on colour matching techniques for enhanced and varied outcomes.
... Emosi yang ingin dibangkitkan adalah apettite atau nafsu makan. Warna merah memiliki efek terhadap metabolisme tubuh sehingga dapat menstimulasi nafsu makan (Singh 2006). Penelitian dengan menggunakan Skittles pada anak-anak juga membuktikan bahwa warna merah adalah warna yang paling diminati (Walsh et al. 1990 ...
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May’s Kitchenette merupakan salah satu UMKM yang bergerak di bidang usaha aneka kue. Usaha ini banyak dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha karena permintaan akan aneka kue tidak pernah surut, baik itu karena kebutuhan pada acara-acara formal maupun keagamaan. Banyaknya usaha kue membuat persaingan semakin ketat. Setiap usaha kue harus memiliki ciri khas atau keunggulan agar dapat menarik perhatian konsumen. Usaha kue May’s Kitchenette memiliki keunggulan karena beberapa kue yang diproduksi menggunakan bahan non-konvensional seperti ketan hitam, singkong, dan pisang. Namun, di balik keunggulannya tersebut, usaha ini mengemas kuenya tanpa menggunakan label sehingga produknya susah diingat oleh konsumen secara visual. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk membantu pengelola usaha dalam merancang label dan banner sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dan teori tentang desain kemasan sehingga dapat menciptakan desain label dan banner yang mampu menstimulasi nafsu makan konsumen dan memberi ingatan visual sehingga produk lebih mudah diingat.
... For instance, appealing graphics can evoke strong emotional responses and desires, prompting immediate consumer action (Kokurina, 2023), as outlined by the AIDA-Attention, Interest, Desire, Action-model (Mulyana and Mirzanti, 2022). The strategic use of colour is particularly important, as certain hues, such as red and yellow, are known to increase hunger and excitement, making students more likely to crave and purchase the advertised food (Niere et al., 2024;Singh, 2006). Typography also plays a critical role in shaping brand identity and enhancing communication (Crespo-Tejero et al., 2024), with the choice of fonts influencing readability and overall appeal (Kulczynski and Hook, 2024;Özkan, 2024;Tok et al., 2024). ...
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This study investigated student perceptions of visual design elements in fast-food packaging to provide insights for optimising marketing strategies. A sample of 120 students from four Nigerian higher education institutions completed a survey assessing their perceptions on a 5-point Likert scale. The gender distribution was 63.3% male and 36.7% female. Results showed that male and female students generally rated visual elements moderately, with the highest ratings for graphics and colour, and the lowest for logo and product shape. Males rated packaging materials significantly higher than females. Frequency data showed positive perceptions of graphics, typography, colour, and packaging materials. However, logo placement and product shape received mixed reviews. Packaging materials significantly influenced consumer choices, with visual appeal and overall aesthetics as key factors. Independent samples t-tests revealed no gender differences in perceptions of graphics, colour, typography, logo or shape, but a small-to-medium effect size for packaging materials. Kruskal-Wallis tests indicated no significant differences between students of the various institutions in their perceptions of graphics, colour, typography, logo or packaging materials, but a trend towards significance for product shape was recorded. Based on these results, it is suggested that fast-food marketers should integrate bold, innovative designs with clear typography and sustainable packaging materials, while aligning with student preferences, for engaging the target audience and optimising brand marketing strategies.
... While there is no universal agreement on the emotional associations of specific colors, it is widely recognized that different colors can evoke various moods and convey distinct messages. Therefore, the purposeful selection of colors can be utilized in multiple areas, including public interiors in architectural design, 12 shaping brand perception, 13,14 influencing marketing decisions, 15,16 and contributing to psychological and emotional well-being. ...
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In contemporary society, where visual content dominates various platforms and media, understanding how Generation Z interprets color is essential for designing effective communication strategies, as this demographic comprises a significant portion of consumers and users in the digital landscape. This research explores the perceptions of color characteristics among Generation Z individuals, focusing specifically on Greek higher education students. The primary aim is to investigate Generation Z's perception and association of color concepts, especially within digital interfaces, while also discerning potential variations based on gender and platform (desktop vs. mobile). Employing an experimental approach, Generation Z students were tasked with associating concepts with digitally presented colors, enabling a systematic exploration of their color perception. Data collection involves meticulous observation and analysis of participants' responses to uncover insights into their color preferences and concept associations. The findings reveal intriguing insights into Generation Z's color preferences and concept associations, highlighting differences from previous generations. In addition, slight variations between genders and more significant differences between desktop and mobile interface data were observed, emphasizing the platform's influence on color perception. Understanding this demographic's distinct color preferences allows designers to tailor visual communication strategies effectively. Moreover, considering platform-specific design elements in digital interfaces is vital for optimizing user experience and engagement. This study advances understanding of Generation Z's nuanced color perceptions, offering insights for designers seeking to resonate with Generation Z audiences in an ever-evolving digital landscape and providing valuable implications for graphic design pedagogy and practice.
... These preferences align with broader demographic trends, reinforcing the findings of St. James and Christodoulidou (2011) regarding the universal appeal of taste and the ability of wine to complement food among American consumers. The critical role of sensory evaluation, including colour assessment, as discussed by Singh (2006) further emphasises the multifaceted nature of wine selection. These insights collectively underscore the comprehensive impact of sensory appeal and product identity on wine selection processes, illustrating how strategic label design can serve as a pivotal point of interaction between the wine and its potential buyers, shaping their perceptions of quality and value. ...
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The growing purchasing power and unique purchase behaviours of Generation Z have captivated the attention of academics, marketers, and researchers, who are keen to understand the nuances of this cohort's consumption patterns. While current studies focus on factors influencing consumer choices, we can hardly find studies focusing on understanding the dynamic interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic cues in influencing consumer behaviour, specifically in the context of alcoholic beverages like wine. The importance of this study lies in a deeper investigation into how these factors collectively impact consumer perceptions and decisions. This study specifically delves into the intriguing domain of their beverage consumption preferences, offering insightful revelations into their distinct buying habits and brand inclinations. The main objective of this research is to identify the influence of label characteristics on the changing buying patterns of Generation Z. Using factor analysis, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), and Friedman's test, we have analysed the behaviour of 431 consumers from 2 EU countries. The results revealed "product identity" and "sensory appeal" as two hidden factors with a significant impact on consumer choice. In particular, sensory profiles that showcase a reputable brand and highlight distinctive grape varieties, countries of origin, and wine regions are likely to resonate with young people. Conversely, companies may be able to de-emphasise information about quality designations and awards to develop a more youth-focused strategy. Additionally, the MCA results reveal differences in the frequency and occasions of drinking across gender and place of residence groups. The further research could focus on a broader spectrum of beverage cross-generational and intercultural preferences considering psychological and social factors that influence purchasing decisions, such as peer influence, marketing campaigns, or environmental consciousness.
... To be profitable they try to reduce their acquisition costs and increase their return of investment. Since colors have effects on marketing (Singh, 2006) as well as engagement (Geslin, Jégou, & Beaudoin, 2016), this study aims to examine the color palette of top games within genres. ...
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This thesis aims to examine whether there is a relationship between game genres and color palettes in mobile stores by collecting data from application stores. The similarity between game palettes within genre; and lightness, chroma, and hue properties of the palette colors within genres are examined in different breakdowns. These breakdowns are subgenre, month, country, and platform due to the way of data collection. To analyze the data, ANOVA and Tukey test are used. The results show that there is no significant similarity between color palettes within genre. Observations showed that the color characteristics of the palettes can be similar in different genres.
... Color preference, as a concept, refers to individual and collective inclinations towards certain colors or color palettes, and understanding these inclinations can lead to the difference between successfully and unsuccessfully designed communication materials [5][6]. By selecting colors according to user preferences, it is possible to increase brand recognition, improve the perception and understanding of information, and stimulate desired reactions from observers, one of the most important being the retention of attention [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. When creating digital content, designers must consider color semantics to meet user needs and improve the user experience [14]. ...
Attracting and retaining the attention of users, or motivating them to use the particular product being the main task of designers in graphic design for all materials, from printed to digital media. It is crucial to select colors that are more appealing to the target audience. The aim of this paper is to explore the differences in color preferences depending on age groups in a nationally representative sample of the Republic of Croatia consisting of 1,000 research participants. For this purpose, a questionnaire was created to collect information on the color preferences of participants, and as a result of this research, it was determined that there are statistically significant differences in the preferences for certain colors depending on the age groups of the participants. It has also been shown that there are both increasing and stable or decreasing trends in color preferences depending on age groups.
... Three primary colors known are red, yellow, and blue. The combination thereof are widely known to create the full-set rainbow in the printing process (Singh, 2006). Complimentary colors usually appear from the same primary colors of either red, yellow, and blue, whereas some contrasts are sourced-out from combining different primary colors slightly. ...
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... Nowadays packaging is a mechanism of emotional and physical attraction for the consumer, a promotional toll for adults and children that encourages them to choose one certain product over another, the first true moment in the purchase decision (Stewart, 1995 andAlsswey et al., 2020), playing an extremely important role at the point of sale to alleviate the pressure and confusion that consumers are subjected to, clarifying the choice of the brand (Olalekan & Adewale, 2017;Waheed et al., 2018). Some authors concluded that colors could evoke brands in the consumer mind (Silayoi & Speece, 2004;Singh, 2006;Ranjbarian et al., 2010). The successful use of the attractiveness, safety, and practicality of packaging results in consumer attraction (Hurley et al., 2016). ...
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Esta investigação tem como objetivo melhorar a compreensão dos factores que influenciam as decisões de compra de cereais matinais entre os consumidores portugueses, com especial incidência na relevância e sustentabilidade das embalagens. Foi realizado um estudo de campo, com recurso a métodos quantitativos e descritivos, envolvendo consumidores destes cereais em Portugal. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário electrónico, tendo sido obtidas 335 respostas. Os resultados fornecem informações sobre os factores que as marcas devem considerar nas suas estratégias de marketing relativamente às decisões de compra destes cereais. O estudo confirmou cinco das treze hipóteses de investigação, tendo outras três sido parcialmente confirmadas. Os principais factores identificados pelos consumidores incluem o sabor, a experiência, o gosto, a embalagem, o rótulo alimentar, o preço, a estratégia promocional, a comunicação e a embalagem sustentável. Esta investigação contribui para a literatura existente ao centrar-se nestes cereais, um produto familiar para os consumidores de várias faixas etárias, e destaca as actualizações contínuas nas receitas, embalagens, sustentabilidade e estratégias de comunicação. Oferece uma análise abrangente dos factores que impulsionam as decisões dos consumidores numa categoria de produtos que evoluiu significativamente, lançando luz sobre o que motiva os consumidores a preferirem um produto a outro. Este estudo também fornece informações valiosas para as marcas que procuram otimizar as suas estratégias de marketing no mercado dos cereais matinais.
... Packaging semiotics is extremely successful as colour, logos, signs, font characteristics, and images engage buyers, help them associate with the product, and simplify the product's usefulness across various countries (Schifferstein, 2021). The colour of packaging increases brand recognition and visual differentiation (Singh, 2006). In addition, it emphasises and elicits emotional responses. ...
Purpose The present study, underpinned by the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory, aims to examine the impact of packaging semiotics on brand image, perceived brand quality, brand loyalty and purchase intention of well-established food brands. Design/methodology/approach A self-administered questionnaire was disseminated to participants residing in the Lucknow region of India. We conducted an experiment in which 374 participants evaluated the factors on a stimulus (chips packaging) using an online survey. Collected data were analysed through structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings The result suggests that packaging semiotics exhibits a positive influence on brand image and perceived brand quality of consumers. The brand image significantly impacts brand loyalty and consumers’ purchase intention. In addition, the perceived brand quality has a positive significant impact on brand loyalty, but a negative and insignificant influence on purchase intention. The results show that both brand image and perceived brand quality significantly mediate the relation between packaging semiotics and brand loyalty. Brand image significantly mediates but perceived brand quality does not mediate the relation between packaging semiotics and purchase intention. Practical implications The results of the study will assist food brands in determining how to utilise semiotics in packaging to positively influence brand image, perceived brand quality, brand loyalty and consumers’ intent to purchase. Originality/value The study is unique in the sense that it assesses the role of packaging semiotics as antecedent in mapping of brand loyalty and purchase intention through brand image and perceived product quality. This study takes a lead as these constructs have been less explored relatively from the lens of packaging semiotics in an emerging Asian market.
... Image sentiment analysis and color palette extraction are crucial elements in the fields of e-commerce and advertising. Within 90 s of their initial interaction with products, people heavily rely on visual communication to form opinions [32,49,53]. ...
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As image-based communication proliferates, the business value of image sentiment analysis is rapidly growing, particularly in fields like advertising where consumers receive emotional cues through visual stimuli. However, most existing research on image sentiment analysis has focused more on developing sentiment classification models rather than exploring specific factors contributing to image sentiment. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology for extracting color palettes to represent image sentiments, emphasizing the significance of color palettes as highlighted in various studies. Previous approaches to color palette extraction have included heuristic methods, survey-based selection, or utilizing clustering algorithms like K-means clustering based on color frequencies in images. In this study, we calculate the influence scores of colors for classifying image sentiments and propose deriving representative sentiment-color palettes based on these scores. Initially, we train a multi-label classification model to predict the sentiment labels of images and then create datasets for distorted images where pixels corresponding to specific colors are removed. By comparing the model outputs obtained from these distorted images with the original dataset, we obtain quantitative influence scores of colors for classifying sentiment labels. Furthermore, we extract sentiment-color palettes consisting of four important colors for 30 different sentiments. Experimental results demonstrate higher evaluation scores compared to previous studies.
... Third, we have contributed to filling a research gap concerning the relationship between color and price evaluation. Despite the awareness of the importance of colors for marketers (Singh, 2006), academic research is not abundant. We provide empirical evidence that consumers are influenced by intuitive and symbolic information, as demonstrated by the effectiveness of red pricing in two price comparison situations. ...
... As Barber and Almanza (2006) wrote, "consumers buy with their eyes," explaining the preference of consumers to personally view wines, reading labels as they evaluate possible selections. Color is argued to be the most distinctive visual cue in packaging (Singh, 2006), but its effects depend on many factors such as attention level (Brignell et al., 2009), product consumption frequency (Lick et al., 2017), cultural context (Piqueras-Fiszman et al., 2012), consumer sensitivity to design (Becker et al., 2011), and the product itself (Zellner et al., 2018). A recent review (Spence & Velasco, 2019) summarized the multiple roles of packaging color on consumers' expectations and perception of identity, taste, flavor, fragrance, healthiness, and willingness to pay. ...
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The landscape of product and service development has significantly changed recently with the aim of providing customers experiences that are more immersive and engaging. Growing understanding of the significance of sensory marketing and embodied cognition has further heightened this crucial transition. Due of its distinctive multisensory potential, the wine field presents an appealing opportunity to leverage this trend. In order to better understand the role of color in marketing, this research is focused on the relationship between colors and perceived wine's features. By conducting a series of experiments that encompassed both implicit and explicit approaches, our results confirmed that color is a powerful communication tool that significantly shapes our expectations and attention towards wine's features. The explicit approach used is that used by traditional marketing, i.e., the use of surveys with explicit questions asked to participants; as in this case, we explicitly asked the participants to specify their preferences regarding potential color preferences; however, as for the investigation of implicit behavior, a typical paradigm used by psychology was used, i.e., the Dot-Prob paradigm, which is often used to investigate attentional biases and consequently implicit responses. Therefore, acquiring a nuanced understanding of the role of color in the marketing and branding of wine can greatly improve consumer experience and offer valuable insights that can serve as industry best practices. In conclusion, as product development increasingly focuses on creating sensory and interactive experiences for consumers, the focus on understanding the role of color in marketing has intensified. Wine, with its unique potential to stimulate various senses, holds special promise in this regard.
The effect of colour on people has become a key theme in multidisciplinary research today. However, in addition to being an element of art and design, colour is also becoming a much talked about aspect of health. More and more research is revealing the impact of colour on the mental and physical health of individuals. This has led us to realise that colour is not just aesthetically pleasing, but may also be an important factor in helping to promote physical and mental health. In this chapter, we will take an in-depth look at the relationship between colours and health in order to explore how they can affect an individual’s life and well-being.
Colour plays a vital role in modern architectural design, particularly in healthcare and wellness environments. This section provides an insight into how colour can significantly improve the patient experience in healthcare facilities by influencing their mood, perception and overall wellbeing. Research has shown that specific colours can evoke specific emotions and antipathies, such as yellow’s ability to make people feel hopeful, so environmental colours in healthcare-related buildings are crucial in reducing patient stress, enhancing well-being and creating a comfortable environment. In addition, colour plays an important role in the usability of medical equipment and environmental aesthetics.
The colours in our daily lives have a profound effect on our emotions and behaviour. Colour psychology has shown that different colours elicit the same emotional responses and behavioural tendencies in people (Elliot and Maier in, Annu Rev Psychol 65:95–120, 2014). This influence can be both on a conscious and subconscious level. From the colours of the environment we live in, to the clothes we choose to wear, the use of colours in brand logos and advertisements, everything quietly influences our psychology and behaviour (Bellizzi and Hite in, Psychol Mark 9:347–363, 1992). This influence can be significant or subtle, and colour plays an important role in shaping our perceptions of the world.
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In retail settings, the strategic application of color theory and visual merchandising concepts is essential for influencing customer perception and increasing sales. One of the most obvious visual cues, color has a significant psychological impact on consumers, affecting their mood, perception, and buying habits. Retailers can create aesthetically pleasing spaces that suit their brand identity and client preferences by utilizing color theory concepts like complementary colours, warm versus cold tones, and color harmony. For instance, cool hues like blue and green express serenity and trust, while warm hues like red and yellow are frequently employed to convey a sense of urgency and enthusiasm. The creative placement of goods and displays to maximize consumer interaction and promote sales is known as visual merchandising. The utilization of contrasts, lighting, focal points, and product placement are important guidelines. Together with color theory, these components produce an engaging shopping experience that improves product visibility, makes navigating the store easier, and leads shoppers through it with ease. In addition to drawing in new clients, the strategic use of color psychology and visual merchandising strategies also affects their purchasing habits, increasing sales and building brand loyalty. Retail spaces may be transformed into dynamic, captivating settings that emotionally connect with customers through the use of this comprehensive strategy.
В качестве движущей силы развития социума и его подсистем общественное мнение продолжает оставаться предметом интереса научного сообщества. Цифровая трансформация социума радикально изменила пространство социальной коммуникации как механизма формирования общественного мнения: место живого межличностного общения, разнообразных форм публичной социальной активности, традиционных СМИ всё более активно занимают социальные сети. Эта тенденция делает общественное мнение всё более зависимым от содержания и формы сетевого контента. Одним из аспектов данной темы является выявление механизмов и закономерностей влияния цветового оформления визуального контента социальных сетей на формирование и модификацию общественного мнения. Цветовые решения оказывают воздействие не только на настроение пользователей, но и на их предпочтения, выбор, принятие решений. В статье рассмотрены особенности и преимущества социальных сетей в качестве основного канала социальной коммуникации, выявлены психологические механизмы влияния цвета на реакции пользователей, исследован феномен сенсорной культуры различных представителей различных цивилизаций и географических регионов с присущими каждому из них стереотипами и установками. Авторы приходят к заключению, что, являясь одним из факторов формирования общественного мнения, цветовые решения в визуальном контенте социальных сетей в то же время могут быть эффективно использованы в качестве инструмента его модификации. As the driving force behind the development of society and its subsystems, public opinion continues to be a subject of interest to the scientific community. The digital transformation of society has radically changed the space of social communication as a mechanism for shaping public opinion: the place of live interpersonal communication, various forms of public social activity, traditional media is increasingly occupied by social networks. This trend makes public opinion increasingly dependent on the content and form of online content. One of the aspects of this topic is to identify the mechanisms and patterns of influence of the color design of the visual content of social networks on the formation and modification of public opinion. Color solutions have an impact not only on the mood of users, but also on their preferences, choices, decision-making. The article discusses the features and advantages of social networks as the main channel of social communication, reveals the psychological mechanisms of the influence of color on user reactions, explores the phenomenon of sensory culture of various representatives of various civilizations and geographic regions with stereotypes and attitudes inherent in each of them. The authors come to the conclusion that, being one of the factors in the formation of public opinion, color schemes in the visual content of social networks can at the same time be effectively used as a tool for its modification.
This chapter delves into the intersection of neuroeconomics, cognitive biases, and managerial decision-making. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how neurosensory and neuromarketing techniques influence consumer behaviour and decision-making processes. The chapter bridges the gap between academic research and industry practices through an in-depth literature review, innovative research methodologies, and detailed case studies. It offers practical insights and strategies for marketers and practitioners, emphasising the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.
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In the dynamic landscape of consumer behavior, understanding the intricate relationship between color psychology and buying decisions has emerged as a crucial area of research, particularly within the context of Fashion Apparels & Fashion accessories products. This study delves into the profound impact of color on consumer perceptions and purchasing choices, focusing on its implications for managers and marketers. By analyzing the underlying mechanisms through which colors evoke emotional responses and cognitive associations, this research contributes to the comprehension of consumer behavior dynamics and aids in devising effective marketing strategies. The scope of this study encompasses a comprehensive review of existing literature on color psychology, consumer decision-making, and textile marketing. Methodologically, a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches is employed to investigate the preferences, emotions, and perceptions that different colors evoke among consumers in relation to textile products. This study further explores the role of cultural and contextual factors in shaping color preferences, adding a nuanced dimension to the analysis. The managerial implications of this research are substantial. The findings offer practical insights that can empower marketers to optimize packaging, branding, and communication strategies to align with consumer preferences and psychological responses. Recognizing the power of colors in influencing brand recognition, recall, and overall consumer experience can lead to enhanced brand loyalty and increased sales for Textile products. Its findings contribute to both academic understanding and practical application, offering valuable insights for marketers seeking to leverage color as a strategic tool to influence buying decisions and foster brand loyalty.
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Promotion represents the most crucial element of the marketing mix for acquiring and retaining customers. However, the promotion strategy needs to be carefully formulated and implemented as various promotional cam- paigns have varying outcomes ranging from the creation of awareness about the product, attracting customers to retail outlets, and demonstration of the products by the salespeople. The study empirically explores the promotional capability of retailers on the basis of the data obtained from customers and retailers through the questionnaires. With the dyadic approach and cross- validation, there can be more lucidity about the nature and extent of the promotional capability of retailers. The findings indicate that retailers apply advertising and sales promotion to present their brands and attract custom- ers by offering huge discounts, coupons, gifts, vouchers, and extra benefits for increasing their sales and margins. The findings of the study provide implications for retailers, customers, researchers, and decision-makers
This study wanted to find to what extent are consumers attracted by design or packages of the products when buying them. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of product design on consumer decision. The study was done by collecting data from questionnaires and interviews and they were then analyzed by using percentage distribution tables and later presented in graphical illustrations. The researcher gave the below recommendation in order for companies to succeed as they need to make sure that they care about their customers’ satisfaction before thinking of only making profits or gaining from them. From this, as product design is one of the big factors that attracts customers to buying companies products, it is very important to care about it and work really hard to accomplish this as a company.
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Günümüzde markalar rakiplerinden ayrışmak ve tüketicilerin zihninde olumlu çağrışımlarla konumlanabilmek için çeşitli stratejiler geliştirmektedir. Tüketicilerin birçok marka mesajına maruz kaldığı bu dönemde markaların duygusal bağlar kurarak anlamlı mesajlar iletmesi gittikçe daha önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda ilk olarak 19. yüzyılın başlarında kullanılmaya başlayan ve marka kimliğini yansıtarak markanın sözcüsü olan marka maskotları önemli birer araç olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Temel amacı tüketicide olumlu marka çağrışımı yaratarak markayı hatırlatmak ve tüketiciyle bağ kurmak olan marka maskotları bu amaçlarını gerçekleştirebilmek için kültürle sıkı bir etkileşim içerisindedir. Birer kültürel anlatı olan marka maskotları, ortaya çıktıkları yerel kültürle kurduğu etkileşime ek olarak kültürlerarası iletişim bağlamında da önem arz etmektedir. Evrensel çekicilik yakalayabilen marka maskotları, hem yerel kültürde hem de uluslararası bağlamda markaya fayda sağlayabilmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında İspanya'nın ulus kimliğinin bir parçası haline gelerek ikonikleşen Osborne Boğası örnek olarak seçilmiş ve marka maskotlarının kültürlerarası analizi İspanya örneği üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda marka maskotlarının alımlanmasındaki kültürel etmenler, İspanya'da üretilen marka maskotlarının İspanyol tüketiciler ve diğer kültürden tüketiciler tarafından nasıl yorumlandığı ve satın alma isteklerini nasıl şekillendirdiği bu çalışmanın ana sorunsalları olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sorunsallar kapsamında nitel araştırma yöntemi uygulanmış derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılarak veriler elde edilmiştir. Açık uçlu soruların yöneltildiği yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler, İspanya'nın farklı bölgelerinden 4 kişi ve İspanya'da minimum 1 yıl yaşamış farklı kültürden 6 kişi olmak üzere kartopu örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen toplam 10 kişiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Minimum 1 yıl yaşaması şartı, katılımcıların bu kültürü tanıması ve anlaması açısından gerekli görüldüğü için konulmuştur. Derinlemesine görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler tematize edilerek betimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak maskotların alımlanmasında kişilerin kültürel arka planlarının ve tarihsel olayların önemli rol oynadığı görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda kültürle çok fazla iç içe geçerek ikonikleşen maskotların zamanla marka çağrışımını yitirdiği görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: İspanya, Kültürlerarası İletişim, Marka Maskotları, Marka Çağrışımı, Osborne Boğası
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Ambalaj tasarımı, üretici ile tüketicinin etkileşimde bulunduğu bir iletişim sürecinin kapısını aralar. Tüketici, market raflarında üründen önce ürün ambalajı ile karşılaşır ve bu ambalaj iletişim sürecini belirler. Günümüzde ürün ambalaj tasarımında yenilikçi yaklaşımlara rastlanmaktadır. 2023 yılından itibaren birkaç önemli markanın ürün ambalaj tasarımında yapay zeka ile iş birliğine gittiği görülmektedir. Bu markalar ürünün hem tadı, hem formülü hem de tasarımı konusunda yapay zekadan faydalandığını ifade etmektedir. Bu stratejiyle markaların tüketiciler üzerinde etki uyandırmaya çalıştığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu stratejinin oluşturulmasında ambalajda kullanılan görsel tasarım unsurları önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu unsurların en önemlilerinden biri de tüketicinin dikkatini ilk olarak çeken renktir. Bu bağlamda nitel metodun kullanıldığı çalışmada ilk olarak yapay zeka ile iş birliği içinde tasarlanan ambalaj tasarımlarında kullanılan renklerin satın almadaki etkisi renklerin algısal ve psikolojik çağrışımları açısından incelenmiş, ardından yapay zekanın bu ambalaj tasarımları üzerindeki rolü kullanılan renkler üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Packaging design opens the door to a communication process in which the producer and the consumer interact. The consumer encounters the product packaging before the product on the market shelves and this packaging determines the communication process. Today, innovative approaches are encountered in product packaging design. As of 2023, it is seen that several important brands have collaborated with artificial intelligence in product packaging design. These brands state that they benefit from artificial intelligence in both the taste, formula and design of the product. With this strategy, it is understood that brands are trying to make an impact on consumers. The visual design elements used in packaging have an important place in the creation of this strategy. One of the most important of these elements is the color that first attracts the attention of the consumer. In this context, in the study in which the qualitative method was used, firstly, the effect of the colors used in the packaging designs designed in cooperation with artificial intelligence was examined in terms of the perceptual and psychological connotations of the colors, and then the role of artificial intelligence on these packaging designs was evaluated through the colors used.
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Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products. Perception is reality. Everything else is an illusion. And one of the most perceptive tools a marketer can use is colour. Colours are a pervasive source of knowledge. Researchers for decades have concluded that the wise use of colours can help distinguish products from rivals as well as affect perceptions towards products by altering the moods and feelings of the target consumers. This makes colour a key component of perceptual marketing strategies. Hence, marketing professionals have traditionally leveraged this capacity of colours to mould consumer perception and to draw in customers. It affects consumer behaviour and perceptions, stirs up feelings and emotions, and aids businesses in separating themselves from rivals. According to the different synergistic effects of colour, the perception of how well a colour fits a certain brand determines how well a brand could be perceived by the market. It is thus crucial that decision-makers and marketers are truly aware of the value and impact of colour and employ it skillfully in not only logos or products but across the whole brand identity. With the inherent importance of colour in mind, the objective of this research is to explore how crucial the selection and protection of colour is, for a brand and how colour impacts the perceptions of the consumers towards a brand. By the end, after analysing multiple cases and giving supporting instances, the study reaffirms the correlation of colours & consumer perception for decision making and concludes on the vitality of colour.
The clothes we wear are not only a physical means of protection from the cold and the sun, but also have a cultural component in the domain of non-verbal visual communication. In any occasion and environment, the color of the clothes attracts attention. Color symbolism is important for fashion designers because the colors of different parts of clothing evoke certain connotations, which depend on the situation in which the clothing is worn. The color of clothes has a psychological effect on people and leaves a strong impression when contacting another person. The first part of the paper describes the importance of color from the aspect of aesthetics and communication ability of clothes, i.e. the promotional effect of color on the recognition of the usefulness of the product by customers. In the second part, the color systems that are important for the clothing industry and the numerical evaluation of color are described
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Full-spectrum fluorescent lighting (FSFL) has been credited with causing dramatic improvements in vision, perception and cognitive performance as compared with other fluorescent lamp types. These effects are hypothesized to occur because of similarity between FSFL emissions and daylight, which is said to have evolutionary superiority over other light sources. This review, covering 1945-98, critically considers the evidence for these claims. In general, poor-quality research has resulted in an absence of simple deterministic effects that can be confidently attributed to fluorescent lamp type. Promising avenues for lighting behaviour research include investigations of cognitive mediators of lighting-behaviour relationships, and flicker rates and colour rendering effects on visual processing, appearance judgements and affect. Good lighting solutions are more complex than lamp type specification.
Recent studies of the “Blue Phenomenon” have shown that in some countries outside the USA not ‘blue’, but ‘red’ or ‘black’ is the predominant color choice. It is argued that the differences between countries, in addition to an explanation by cultural factors, might reflect different formulations of the question used to provoke a response. It is shown that in the Netherlands responses to the question to write ‘your favorite color’ are considerably different from responses to the question to write ‘the first color name that comes to mind.’ It is concluded that comparison of color-production phenomena over countries requires a better control over formulation of the question.
Physiological human responses to color as evidenced by the electroencephalogram, galvanic skin response, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, eyeblink frequency, and oxiometry are reviewed. A casual reading of the descriptive literature on the human response to color leads one to the conclusion that color can have rather specific physiological effects. It is concluded from this review that there are reliably recordable physiological responses to color in addition to those generally associated with vision. However, it may be that some are indirect effects mediated by cognitive responses to color.
Thesis--University of California, Los Angeles. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [281]-301). Microfilm of typescript. Los Angeles : Library Photographic Service, University of California, Los Angeles, 1965. -- 1 reel ; 35 mm. Leaves 198, 200-203, 216 filmed at end.
Thesis--University of California, Los Angeles. Bibliography: p. 282-301.
Effects of the four psychological primary colors were assessed by randomly assigning 40 undergraduates (13 male, 27 female) to 4 treatment groups, with each group receiving either red, yellow, green, or blue illumination. Anxiety state was assessed at 5-min. intervals using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The red and yellow groups had significantly higher A-state scores than the blue and green groups, and these values did not change significantly during the 15-min. testing session.
The Effects of Music in Advertising on Mood and Purchase Intentions
  • J I Alpert
  • M I Alpert
Color: A Stroke of Brilliance
  • L Harrington
  • J Mackie
Seeing through the eyes of the color-blind shopper: developing dialogues for understanding
  • C Kaufman-Scarborough
In today's restaurants, color my sushi beautiful
  • L Kulman
The Color Connection
  • Tektronix
But you can judge a brand by its color”, Brand Strategy
  • G Tutssel
Bio-psychological effects of color”
  • M Kido
Physiological response to color
  • P Kaiser