
‘Discourse as Strategic Coping Resource: Managing the Interface between “Home” and Report to the Home Office Research and Planning UnitWork”

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Purpose – To provide insight into the consequences of telework from the perspective of the teleworker and the household. The paper discusses the consequences of telework for the formulation of identities. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on empirical work, which comprises home visits to teleworkers and therefore includes observational data and interview data. The data are analysed following a particular framework, which is views discourse as a “strategic resource” and draws on the vocabulary of performativity and connectivity to investigate why some “discursive acts” take successfully while others fail. Findings – It is shown that teleworkers and their households need to engage in strategies to protect and reconfirm their respective identities. This is achieved through the enactment of regulatory as well as self‐regulatory (identity) acts. Originality/value – The paper is located in the household of teleworkers and therefore, includes this less well researched perspective. The linking of the conceptual framework (strategic resource) with the location of the study in the household in order to investigate the theme “identity” is an innovative feature, which shows that (internal) self‐regulatory identity acts are equally or even more important than (external) regulatory acts.

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... Enquanto o discurso inerente à 'família' envolve o componente 'amor'. Esses discursos não são de fácil conciliação no mesmo ambiente, gerando a tensão trabalho-família, um desafio conhecido na literatura do teletrabalho (Tietze, 2002(Tietze, , 2005Wang et al., 2021). ...
... A utilização das vestimentas formais pode ter um efeito psicológico positivo no desempenho no teletrabalho, sendo reportado na literatura como um mecanismo não verbal de sinalização para o trabalho chamado de dress code (Tietze, 2005;Barros & Silva, 2010). ...
... A utilização em casa de recursos simbólicos para sinalizar o início do trabalho (momento) e os locais na residência reservados às tarefas profissionais (espaço) são eliciadas em pesquisas empíricas (Tietze, 2002(Tietze, , 2005. O início para o trabalho jurídico exige concentração. ...
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RESUMO Objetivo: Neste artigo, analisa-se a rotina de (des)conexão do trabalho executado em casa por 13 advogados públicos federais no teletrabalho compulsório em Brasília, Distrito Federal, de março de 2020 a março de 2022, em 4 unidades jurídicas da Advocacia-Geral da União. Método: A pesquisa utilizou a metodologia qualitativa, com técnica de realização de entrevistas em profundidade. As entrevistas foram realizadas de outubro a dezembro 2022. Análise dos dados com análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin. Foi feita a codificação temática com auxílio do Atlas ti, versão 22, e depois a categorização em nível superior para enfim produzir a interpretação dos dados. Resultados e conclusão: Os resultados apontam que as demandas laborais podem interferir no ambiente familiar e alguns participantes da pesquisa eliciaram comportamentos ligados ao conceito do dress code e da delimitação de espaços para sinalizar momentos de trabalho e momentos de não-trabalho. Implicações da pesquisa: No ambiente familiar, há a necessidade de impor uma separação dos espaços-tempos de trabalho-descanso. Disso decorre a preocupação com o direito à desconexão do teletrabalhador. A concreção desse direito à desconexão não tem uma normatização explícita em rotinas e práticas a serem oficialmente adotadas. Originalidade/valor: A pesquisa sobre o assessoramento jurídico em teletrabalho compulsório no sentido de identificar a utilização de mecanismos simbólicos e não verbais de sinalização da conexão com o trabalho e a desconexão é de valor social importante para a compreensão do teletrabalho. No sentido da originalidade, não foi encontrada pesquisa sobre dress code e delimitação de espaços para o teletrabalho no setor da advocacia pública. ABSTRACT Objective: This article analyzes the routine of (dis)connection from work performed at home by 13 federal public attorneys engaged in compulsory teleworking in Brasilia, Federal District, from March 2020 to March 2022, in 4 legal units of the Attorney General of the Union. Method: The research used the qualitative methodology, with the technique of in-depth interviews and content analysis, according to Bardin. Result and conclusion: The findings indicate that work demands may disrupt the family environment. Some study participants adopted behaviors linked to the concept of dress code and the delimitation of spaces to signify moments of work and non-work. Research implications: In the family environment, there is a need to establish a clear separation between work and leisure spaces and times. This raises concerns regarding the right to disconnection for teleworkers. The
... The use of symbolic resources at home to signal the beginning of work (moment) and the places in the home reserved for professional tasks (space) are elicited in empirical research ( Tietze , 2002( Tietze , , 2005. Starting legal work requires concentration. ...
... The use of dress codes, the dress code , such as the act of putting on a suit and tie, for men, and putting on high heels or jewelry ( Tietze , 2005) in the case of lawyers, are psychological resources that helped legal teleworking in order to establish discipline in personal care for execution of daily tasks. In the literature, dress is mentioned code in the work of Barros e Silva (2010) and Tietze (2005), among other studies in which participants elicit this construct. ...
... The use of dress codes, the dress code , such as the act of putting on a suit and tie, for men, and putting on high heels or jewelry ( Tietze , 2005) in the case of lawyers, are psychological resources that helped legal teleworking in order to establish discipline in personal care for execution of daily tasks. In the literature, dress is mentioned code in the work of Barros e Silva (2010) and Tietze (2005), among other studies in which participants elicit this construct. Likewise, the physical structure at home for teleworking is reported to be fundamental for productivity (Brandão & Ramos, 2023) . ...
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Objective: This article analyzes the routine of (dis)connection from work performed at home by 13 federal public attorneys engaged in compulsory teleworking in Brasilia, Federal District, from March 2020 to March 2022, in 4 legal units of the Attorney General of the Union. Method: The research used the qualitative methodology, with the technique of in-depth interviews and content analysis, according to Bardin. Result and conclusion: The findings indicate that work demands may disrupt the family environment. Some study participants adopted behaviors linked to the concept of dress code and the delimitation of spaces to signify moments of work and non-work. Research implications: In the family environment, there is a need to establish a clear separation between work and leisure spaces and times. This raises concerns regarding the right to disconnection for teleworkers. The realization of this right to disconnection has yet to have an explicit standardization in routines and practices to be officially adopted. Originality/value: The research about mandatory legal telework to identify the use of symbolics and non-verbal mechanisms to connect and disconnect from work moments is essential to telework understanding. No research has been found related to dress code for teleworking in the public legal sector. QUANDO O TELETRABALHO JURÍDICO TEM HORA PARA ACABAR: MECANISMOS SIMBÓLICOS PARA A (DES)CONEXÃO NA ADVOCACIA-GERAL DA UNIÃO RESUMO Objetivo: Neste artigo, analisa-se a rotina de (des)conexão do trabalho executado em casa por 13 advogados públicos federais no teletrabalho compulsório em Brasília, Distrito Federal, de março de 2020 a março de 2022, em 4 unidades jurídicas da Advocacia-Geral da União. Método: A pesquisa utilizou a metodologia qualitativa, com técnica de realização de entrevistas em profundidade. As entrevistas foram realizadas de outubro a dezembro 2022. Análise dos dados com análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin. Foi feita a codificação temática com auxílio do Atlas ti, versão 22, e depois a categorização em nível superior para enfim produzir a interpretação dos dados. Resultados e conclusão: Os resultados apontam que as demandas laborais podem interferir no ambiente familiar e alguns participantes da pesquisa eliciaram comportamentos ligados ao conceito do dress code e da delimitação de espaços para sinalizar momentos de trabalho e momentos de não-trabalho. Implicações da pesquisa: No ambiente familiar, há a necessidade de impor uma separação dos espaços-tempos de trabalho-descanso. Disso decorre a preocupação com o direito à desconexão do teletrabalhador. A concreção desse direito à desconexão não tem uma normatização explícita em rotinas e práticas a serem oficialmente adotadas.
... As vantagens do teletrabalho frequentemente retratadas na literatura, consistem na redução de custos organizacionais e com o tempo de deslocamento, em maior flexibilidade e melhoria da produtividade, da qualidade de vida e do desempenho, equilíbrio entre vida profissional e vida pessoal, maior autonomia e diminuição dos índices de rotatividade e de absenteísmo (Bae & Kim, 2016;Barros & Silva, 2010;Baruch, 2001;Caillier, 2013aCaillier, , 2013bCaillier, , 2013cCoenen & Kok, 2014;Hislop et al., 2015;Lee & Hong, 2011;Steil & Barcia, 2001;Taskin & Edwards, 2007). Por outro lado, o teletrabalho também traz desvantagens e riscos, tais como o isolamento profissional, a sobrecarga de trabalho, a falta de suporte tecnológico, dificuldades de progressão na carreira, a visão preconceituosa dos colegas de trabalho e da chefia e o conflito entre trabalho e família (Aderaldo, Aderaldo, & Lima, 2017;Barros & Silva, 2010;Mann, Varey, & Button, 2000;Pérez, Sánchez, & de Luis Carnicer, 2002;Rosenfield & Alves, 2011;Tietze, 2005). ...
... Por outro lado, o teletrabalho também apresenta algumas dificuldades e desvantagens para os trabalhadores e para as organizações que utilizam essa prática de trabalho. Em suma, esses desafios estão relacionados ao isolamento profissional, ao aumento da jornada e sobrecarga de trabalho, a falta de suporte tecnológico adequado, às dificuldades de progressão na carreira, a menor visibilidade profissional, a visão preconceituosa dos colegas de trabalho e dos gestores e o conflito entre vida profissional e pessoal (Aderaldo et al., 2017;Barros & Silva, 2010;Pérez et al., 2002;Rosenfield & Alves, 2011;Tietze, 2005;Tremblay, 2002). Contudo, compreender o contexto organizacional é essencial para a análise da viabilidade de adoção do teletrabalho nas organizações (Steil & Barcia, 2001). ...
... Os indicadores da atitude de temor mais percebidos pelos indivíduos foram os itens 10, 11 e 12. Esses indicadores parecem estar relacionados com algumas das desvantagens do teletrabalho, tais como o aumento da jornada de trabalho e a sobrecarga de trabalho (Barros & Silva, 2010;Junior & Caetano, 2009;Mann et al., 2000;Nogueira & Patini, 2012;Nohara et al., 2010;Taskin & Bridoux, 2010;Tietze, 2005;Tremblay, 2002). ...
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as atitudes frente à mudança organizacional ocasionada pelo teletrabalho em organizações públicas brasileiras e analisar suas possíveis relações com as características funcionais e demográficas dos servidores. Para tanto, buscou-se desenvolver uma escala de atitudes frente à mudança ocasionada pelo teletrabalho. Participaram da pesquisa um total de 410 servidores de duas instituições públicas do governo federal brasileiro. Os resultados evidenciaram uma escala com 16 itens distribuídos em uma estrutura fatorial composta por três dimensões atitudinais: ceticismo, temor e aceitação, os quais obtiveram índices de confiabilidade satisfatórios em todos os fatores. Além disso, as análises descritivas sinalizaram que as principais atitudes desenvolvidas pelos servidores no processo de mudança decorrente do teletrabalho estão relacionadas ao temor e a aceitação. Adicionalmente, as análises de regressão sinalizaram que as características demográficas e funcionais podem influenciar as atitudes dos servidores diante a implementação dessa nova forma de trabalho. Esses resultados permitiram identificar alguns desafios para as organizações públicas e trazem algumas reflexões importantes. Foi possível perceber, sobretudo, a necessidade de adequação das políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas às especificidades do teletrabalho, bem como da preparação e do desenvolvimento dos gestores e servidores públicos para essa nova realidade organizacional.
... In the cases studied, the conversations consisted of talks and texts that were held and written by the stakeholders in formal and informal settings during the implementation of the participatory process. Conversations, thus are organized as well as organizing systems of meaning, which frame reality and influence the way people understand and act upon it (Tietze, 2005). ...
... negotiation, cooperation, conflict, etc.) (Agne, 2007). Through conversations, a reality of conflict has thus been constructed (Ford, 1999;Ford et al., 2002;Tietze, 2005). In the Ouémé Supérieur and N'Dali (OSN) forests case too it became clear that participation of local people in the management of the forests was realized initially by constructing, interpreting, enacting and maintaining social cohesion through discourse. ...
... The cases show that people actively engage in conversations and in doing so they dynamically (re)shape and develop them with a purpose to justify or legitimate particular actions or outcomes (Kusztal, 2002;Tietze, 2005). The emergence of conflict is thus not only expressed in the relations between individuals and resources but also in the way stakeholders construct realities in which they operate and that include interpretations of contexts as far as they consider these important (see Ford et al., 2002;Kusztal, 2002). ...
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This paper investigated conflicts in participatory protected areas management in Benin to better understand their dynamics. This review paper is based on four articles written from three case-studies of conflicts that emerged and evolved in participatory protected areas management in Benin and a review of literature on the issue of conflicts in participatory processes, particularly in natural resources management. The objective of the case-studies was to understand why and how conflicts emerge and evolve in negotiation among the stakeholders involved in the participatory management of protected areas in Benin. Three cases were studied where participatory protected areas management started with cooperation and shifted into conflicts among the stakeholders involved. In each case-study, frame analysis was used to investigate how stakeholders involved built cooperation at the start of the process and why and how conflicts emerged and evolved. Building upon the results of the individual case-studies and the comparative analysis conducted in a fourth paper, this paper identifies the cross-cutting conclusions and themes about the emergence and escalation of conflict in participatory processes. Subsequently, the paper discusses the practical implications for participatory and community-based natural resources management. The paper ends with the overall conclusion on conflict emergence and evolution in participatory natural resources management, including a reflection on the usefulness of a frame analysis for understanding conflict dynamics in participatory processes.
... som tas upp är hur distansarbete påverkar de anställda (se ex. Hill m fl., 2003;Halford, 2005;Golden, 2006a;Golden, 2006b; Redman m fl., 2009) och även de som inte distansarbetar (Hill m fl., 1996;Golden, 2007). Det finns också studier med fokus på hur distansarbete påverkar arbets-och familjelivet, om det har en positiv påverkan eller inte (se ex . Tietze, 2005;Greenhill och Wilson, 2006;Tietze m fl., 2009). ...
... Det finns flera studier som visar att distansarbetare känner större stress över sitt förvärvsarbete och förvärvsarbetar fler timmar (Hill m fl., 1996;Tietze, 2005;Garrett och Danziger, 2007) men det finns också studier som visar på att distansarbete minimerar stress (Golden, 2006a). Vissa studier visar på att distansarbete har en positiv effekt på arbetsprestationen och produktiviteten (ex. ...
... Forskare som Garrett och Danziger (2007), Hill m.fl (1996, Tietze (2005) menar att de som distansarbetar förvärvsarbetar fler timmar. Det finns olika aspekter varför det kan se ut på det sättet som jag ser det. ...
... Porém, não há consenso quanto aos efeitos dessas práticas na sociedade, nas organizações e nos indivíduos. No caso específico dos empregados teletrabalhadores, autores como Tietze (2005) citam efeitos negativos percebidos pelos indivíduos, tais como maior controle exercido pelas organizações, menor criatividade nas atividades executadas e jornadas de trabalhos que tendem a se prolongar além dos horários tradicionais. No caso dos teletrabalhadores autônomos, a literatura sobre o tema aponta outras consequências negativas, tais como o maior risco de perda de identidade e a dificuldade de construir carreira, enquanto a situação dos empregados que atuam em casa tende a ser vista de forma mais positiva, em função da flexibilidade proporcionada, sem que haja tantas perdas associadas (QVORTRUP, 1998;SILVA, 2008). ...
... Como nem todos se sentem preparados para a disciplina da autogestão, surgem dificuldades de lidar com uma nova lógica de tempo e espaço. Tietze (2005) também encontrou teletrabalhadores que perderam os limites espaçotemporais que separavam o trabalho da rotina doméstica. Alguns começaram a trabalhar além das horas previstas na jornada normal das empresas, passando também a disputar o espaço de casa com os membros da família. ...
... Tietze (2005) Observa-se, em primeiro lugar, que, tal como verificado por outros autores como Costa (2004;, Silva (2008), Tietze (2005), Tombari e Spinks (1999) e White et al (2003), os indivíduos são capazes de mencionar, espontaneamente, tanto consequências positivas quanto custos pessoais associados às suas experiências de realização do trabalho em casa, o que mostra o grau de complexidade do tema. De qualquer forma, percebeu-se no discurso da maioria dos entrevistados um nível aparentemente elevado de adesão a essa forma de trabalho, sugerindo assim que, segundo o ponto de vista predominante, os benefícios superam os custos. ...
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With the advance of the information and communication technology and the recent changes in society, new forms of work relations have become popular, including telework. An example of telework arrangement is that in which the individual performs tasks from home, maintaining, however, a formal employment with an organization. This article focuses on such modality, aiming to identify individuals' perceptions about the consequences of telework for their personal and professional lives. The article presents a qualitative case study conducted at Shell Brazil, a company that has transferred some employees to the home-office scheme since the year of 2000. The methodology is comprised of interviews with individuals in that group. Results helped to identify a conceptual framework pointing to constraint and reference aspects that they use to evaluate their situation as home-office employees. Among the constraints, some aspects concern to: the individual, the organization, the resources available, the work tasks, the family, the home space and the characteristics of society. As reference elements, we can observe: the impacts on performance and the effects on career; the individual's relation with work; the quality of personal life and the relations in family and in society.
... Moreover, darker aspects associated with this shift, such as new forms of employee surveillance through "electronic performance management" and subtler forms of internalised discipline and managerial control have also been recognised (Hertel et al., 2005;Sewell and Taskin, 2015). Researchers have documented various coping strategies employed by workers in response to these tensions, such as "boundary management practices" to create a sense of separation between home and work identities (Nippert-Eng, 1996) and "signaling strategies" intended to compensate for the lack of physical presence in the office (Taskin and Edwards, 2007;Tietze, 2002Tietze, , 2005. Innovative methods of social networking and knowledge sharing amongst virtual teams have also been examined (Kauppila et al., 2011). ...
... However, the existing literature, whilst often touching upon the tension between professional and domestic tasks and relationships and the collision of public and private "selves" (Nippert-Eng, 1996;Pearlson and Saunders, 2001;Tietze, 2002Tietze, , 2005Tietze et al., 2009;Hertel et al., 2005;Kauppila et al., 2011;Sewell and Taskin, 2015;Richardson and McKenna, 2014), rarely includes discussion of sensory experiences at (or of) work. The actual embodied experience of managing these challenges, of acclimating to the disruptions of remote work whilst acquiring new skills, dispositions and emotional responses, is often overlooked. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to reflect on and analyse the sensory experiences related to the transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research seeks to understand how these experiences have influenced the integration of work practices into home and family life and the subsequent adaptations and embodied learning that arise in response. Design/methodology/approach The authors' research approach incorporates autoethnographic methods to explore the sensory, affective and emotional experiences of transitioning to remote work. The authors draw on principles of embodied learning, as influenced by Gilles Deleuze, and utilise a range of ethnographic tools including note-taking, audio memos, photography, shared conversations and written reflections to gather their data. Findings The study illuminates the ways bodies learn to accommodate the new organisational contexts that arise when the spaces, affects and forces of home and work intersect. It demonstrates how the integration of work into the private domain resulted in new affective and material arrangements, involving novel sensory experiences and substantial embodied learning. Originality/value This study provides a distinct, sensory-oriented perspective on the challenges and transformations of remote work practices amid the pandemic. By focussing on the affective resonances and embodied learning that emerge in this context, it contributes to the emerging discourse around post-lockdown work practices and remote work in general.
... A great deal of boundary and identity-defining work goes on in contemporary organizations and organization theory, as participants imagine their structures as unified: a whole world of managers and management are built on this view. office building are giving way to more dispersed forms such as services delivered on the street or in the home (Barley and Kunda 2001;Manning 1977); in client organizations or complex projects (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2011;Bechky 2006;Donnelly 2008;Patriotta and Spedale 2009); or as remote work performed at cafes, on trains, or at airports (Kingma 2016;Knox et al. 2008;Larson 2020); in coworking spaces (Fabbri 2016;Jakonen et al. 2017;Vidaillet and Bousalham 2020); or from socalled 'home offices' (Tietze 2005;Wapshott and Mallett 2011). ...
... Post-industrial and post-bureaucratic developments mean that some elements of the world of work are transitioning from physical spaces like the office building and the factory floor (Stephenson et al. 2020) to contexts usually associated with activities other than work. Examples include meetings in neighborhood cafés and airport lounges (Kingma 2016;Knox et al. 2008;Larson 2020); Zoom video-conferencing from the kitchen table; and writing e-mails in bed (Tietze 2005;Wapshott and Mallett 2011). ...
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The organization is traditionally assumed as the principal context of work. This assumption no longer holds in post-industrial and post-bureaucratic settings. Conducting meetings from home while juggling household responsibilities can be characterized as a form of organizing, but such contexts are not well accommodated by organizational perspectives. In such contexts, the organization plays a varying and often limited role. To accommodate this decomposition and re-composition of how work is organized, the present study develops a conceptual framework centered on the work situation. Building on Goffman’s account of social situations (1966, 1974), the analysis draws an explicit distinction between the context of work as a series of potential frames and the work situation as an enacted framework for gestalting the specific work at hand. On this view, the organization as a formal setting or social assembly is just one of many frames that influence what actors do at work.
... Em suma, essas desafios estão relacionados ao isolamento profissional, ao aumento da jornada e sobrecarga de trabalho, a falta de suporte tecnológico adequado, as dificuldades de progressão na carreira, a menor visibilidade profissional, a visão preconceituosa dos colegas de trabalho e dos gestores e o conflito entre vida profissional e pessoal (Aderaldo et al., 2017;Barros & Silva, 2010;Pérez et al., 2002;Rosenfield & Alves, 2011;Tietze, 2005;Tremblay, 2002). Contudo, compreender o contexto organizacional é essencial para a análise da viabilidade de adoção do teletrabalho nas organizações (Steil & Barcia, 2001). ...
... Esse resultado também corrobora com os estudos conduzidos por , Rodrigues, Nascimento e Neiva (2014) e Machado e Neiva (2017). Os indicadores da atitude de temor mais percebidos pelos indivíduos foram os itens 10, 11 e 12. Esses indicadores parecem estar relacionados com algumas das desvantagens do teletrabalho, tais como o aumento da jornada de trabalho e a sobrecarga de trabalho (Barros & Silva, 2010;Mann et al., 2000;Nogueira & Patini, 2012;Nohara et al., 2010;Taskin, 2010;Tietze, 2005;Tremblay, 2002). ...
... Research on spatial affordances cast space as social, but also material, and as enacted in organizational practices that changed over time. Studies revealed that the "anytime, anywhere" mantra of mobile work ignored the contextual affordances of particular work practices (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009;Tietze, 2005;Wapshott & Mallett, 2011). That is, an airport lounge or a car only allowed workers to accomplish certain tasks, such as talking on a phone, and was ineffective for other functions, such as doing concentrated work (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009). ...
... That is, an airport lounge or a car only allowed workers to accomplish certain tasks, such as talking on a phone, and was ineffective for other functions, such as doing concentrated work (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009). Similarly, working from home afforded temporary workspaces by requiring employees to rearrange their domestic spaces, clear off tables, communicate with family members while at work, and maintain their organizational external ties (Tietze, 2005). ...
The past decade has experienced an increase in the number of studies on organizational space or where work occurs. A number of these studies challenge traditional views of organizational space as a fixed, physical workspace because researchers fail to account for the spatial dynamics that they observe. New technologies, shifting employee-employer relations, and burgeoning expectations of the contemporary workforce blur boundaries between home and work, connect people and things that historically could not be linked, and extend workspaces to nearly everywhere, not just office buildings. Research on these transformations calls for incorporating movement into the physicality of work. Thus, organizational scholars have turned to process studies as ways to examine the dynamic features that create and alter spatial arrangements. However, the rapidly growing work in this area lacks integration and theoretical development. To address these concerns, we review and classify the organizational literature that casts space as a process, that is, dynamically as movements, performances, flows, and changing routines. This review yields five orientations of organizational space scholarship that we label as: developing, transitioning, imbricating, becoming, and constituting. We discuss these orientations, examine how they relate to key constructs of organizational space, and show how this work offers opportunities to theorizing about organizations. Keywords: organizational space, process studies, spacing, organizing, performing, becoming, constituting
... Research on spatial affordances cast space as social, but also material, and as enacted in organizational practices that changed over time. Studies revealed that the "anytime, anywhere" mantra of mobile work ignored the contextual affordances of particular work practices (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009;Tietze, 2005;Wapshott & Mallett, 2011). That is, an airport lounge or a car only allowed workers to accomplish certain tasks, such as talking on a phone, and was ineffective for other functions, such as doing concentrated work (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009). ...
... That is, an airport lounge or a car only allowed workers to accomplish certain tasks, such as talking on a phone, and was ineffective for other functions, such as doing concentrated work (Brown & O'Hara, 2003;Hislop & Axtell, 2009). Similarly, working from home afforded temporary workspaces by requiring employees to rearrange their domestic spaces, clear off tables, communicate with family members while at work, and maintain their organizational external ties (Tietze, 2005). ...
... Para Kanter (2010), o home office, além de reduzir o congestionamento e a poluição nas ruas, é capaz de melhorar a relação dos trabalhadores com suas famílias e com o próprio trabalho, com níveis reduzidos de estresse e má alimentação. Segundo Tietze (2005), no entanto, foram percebidos efeitos negativos por parte dos trabalhadores em relação a este assunto, tais como jornadas de trabalho que tendem a se estender além dos horários tradicionais. ...
... Existem muitos benefícios do home office para os trabalhadores, tais como menor necessidade de deslocamento, maior liberdade e flexibilidade, melhor ambiente de trabalho, menores distrações e custos, liberdade com as vestimentas, fuga do jogo político do escritório e facilidade para gerir as tarefas domésticas (MANN et al., 2000). No entanto, também existem efeitos negativos já, tais como jornadas de trabalho que tendem a ser maiores que a jornada tradicional de oito horas, maior risco de perda de identidade e maior dificuldade de construção de carreira (SILVA, 2008;TIETZE, 2005). ...
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Este texto analisa o trabalho em home office, suas vantagens e desvantagens a partir da percepção dos trabalhadores. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa em uma empresa multinacional de tecnologia da informação (TI), a partir de um questionário respondido por 52 funcionários, entrevistas com 15 destes respondentes, observação destes quando íam à empresa e de uma entrevista com um diretor da área de vendas. A percepção dos funcionários confirma muitas das vantagens apontadas pela literatura, como menores custos, maior produtividade, maior conforto e liberdade, entre outros. Também foi possível confirmar aspectos negativos, como a extensão da jornada de trabalho e o isolamento. Os aspectos em relação aos quais houve divergências em relação à literatura foi a vantagem de fugir do jogo político da empresa e a facilidade para realizar tarefas domésticas.
... However, blurring is also associated with difficulties in distinguishing between home and work (Hill, Ferris, and Märtinson 2003), encroachment of work on family time, work-home conflict and work intensification (Haddon and Lewis 1994;Hecht and Allen 2009;Kelliher and Anderson 2010;Russell, O'Connell, and McGinnity 2009;Sullivan 2000;Tietze and Musson 2003;Wapshott and Mallett 2012). A blurring of boundaries is viewed as more emotionally demanding than segmenting each sphere (Ashforth, Kreiner, and Fugate 2000;Clark 2000;Marsh and Musson 2008;Tietze 2005), or as creating dis-ease (Richardson 2012) because the proximity of home and work upsets the traditional home-work dichotomy (Greenhill and Wilson 2006;Halford and Leonard 2001;Van Amsterdam 2015). ...
... Demands can be asymmetrically adaptable, which indicates that some home or work communities will budge and accommodate the home-worker, whereas others will not. Tietze's (2005) and Brocklehurst's (2001) work showed that taking up the subject position of the worker anchors home-workers in the world of paid work, granting them authority and bargaining power in the household, which legitimises their work. ...
Working from home is often associated with possibilities of anytime-anyplace working and with a fusion of work and home. In this empirical paper, we explore how the sociomaterial contexts of home-working define and tether what is possible for home-workers in their negotiations with others. Drawing on qualitative data sets, Wengerian concepts are used by exploring the role of boundary objects and brokering in negotiating temporal and spatial boundaries around and across work and home. The home-workers’ bodies are shown to be the key boundary objects, through which technology objects and furniture objects are sometimes fused. Yet, such fusion is shown to be only temporary, always precariously situated and also mediated by identity-regulating norms and values of home-workers. The contribution of the paper is to highlight the limits of what is technologically possible by emphasising the role of the body and material objects in the home-working context.
... Det finns flera studier som visar att distansarbetare känner större stress över sitt förvärvsarbete och förvärvsarbetar fler timmar (Hill m fl., 1996;Tietze, 2005;Garrett och Danziger, 2007) men det finns också studier som visar på att distansarbete minimerar stress (Golden, 2006a). Vissa studier visar på att distansarbete har en positiv effekt på arbetsprestationen och produktiviteten (ex. ...
... Forskare som Garrett och Danziger (2007), Hill m.fl (1996, Tietze (2005) menar att de som distansarbetar förvärvsarbetar fler timmar. Det finns olika aspekter varför det kan se ut på det sättet som jag ser det. ...
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This is a thesis about knowledge-intensive work and the organizational con-texts of such work. The specific objective is to analyze the geography of work. The geography of work may diverge from the geography of employ-ment when paid work is undertaken at the premises of client organizations, during commuting, on business trips, in external meetings, at home or in other places. The focus is on work practice and the perspective of everyday life. The study examines where knowledge workers are located and where knowledge work occurs. It is about what knowledge workers actually do. The everyday perspective is about the relationship between paid work and unpaid work. To understand the organization of knowledge-intensive work in a time–space context, different possibilities and constraints must be taken into con-sideration. This thesis has a time–geographical approach. The case study examines knowledge-intensive organizations located in central Stockholm. The organizations are in PR/communications, management consultancy, and research and development sectors. Both private and public sector organiza-tions are considered. The empirical study combines interviews, time diaries and questionnaires. The NVivo software program is employed to analyze the interview data. The main conclusion from the thesis is that in order to under-stand knowledge-intensive work, different factors such as relations, attitudes and norms need to be considered. These factors affect the organization of work, which in turn is affected by the choices, possibilities, constraints, ex-pectations and negotiations of different actors (i.e. employees, employers, family, clients and colleagues). The working time of the knowledge workers investigated in this study is mainly spent at the office of their employers. Social interaction with col-leagues and clients is an important part of their work. Work routines involve many meetings, both face-to-face and virtual. Face-to-face interactions play a crucial role in shaping the geography of work; teamwork is important. The knowledge workers in this study are “working long hours,” and the norm is to work more than what have been expected.
... Drawing on a discourse approach to understanding the potential conflict between work and home Tietze (2005) argues that because the home (or family) is a context of love and nurturing and work is a context within which making money is the primary objective, their 'co-presence' can create challenges for both individuals and their families. This paper commences from the assumption that in the context of flexwork diverse professional and personal identities are more interwoven and interdependent. ...
... Whilst the potential for 'dis-ease' was acknowledged, the paper has suggested that it is most likely during the earlier stages of flexworking which was characterized by a 'learning curve' during which they developed the requisite 'coping mechanisms'. The mechanisms they described echo those used by teleworkers (Tietze, 2002(Tietze, , 2005Tietze & Musson, 2003), thus demonstrating the similarities between flexworkers and teleworkers. What we can take from this finding is that while 'saturation of the self' and 'dis-ease' is a potential risk for the neophyte flexworker, it applies less to their more experienced counterpart. ...
... Teleworking blurs the boundaries between the work and home-life spheres and the cultural boundaries around them need to be redrawn (Tietze, 2005). Strain-based work-family interference is of particular concern in professions such as the health service. ...
... Lee (2006) identifies the following device issues that can affect the ease with which tasks can be conducted remotely: design of menu structures, accessibility factors, battery duration, screen size and weight. Remote working can reduce costs, increase staff motivation and improve operational flexibility (Tietze, 2005), but requires the redesign of business processes and working practices (Clear & Dickson, 2005) ...
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Researchers,in the ,Department ,of Computing ,at Birmingham ,City University undertook,this project that was part funded by,the EQUAL Adjust the Balance West Midlands regional project. The project team ,would ,particularly wish ,to thank ,the considerable ,number ,of companies,and ,individuals ,in the ,West Midlands ,who ,have ,contributed ,and participated in this study. © S A Cox, J A Krasniewicz, D While Published and Printed by Birmingham City University,,,,3 Executive Summary
... For example, the Journal of Organizational Change had a special issue on how discourse is related to change in organizations, where Hari was called to write the afterword on how language matters in organizational change (Tsoukas, 2005a). In this special issue, studies showed how discourse relates to organizational change and how a change of organizational routines relates to changes in discourse (for example see Anderson, 2005;Tietze, 2005). Similarly a further series of studies focusing on organizational change, have further highlighted the role of marginal unplanned mutations in discourse, resources and practices having cited Hari's work, ideas and terminology (for example see Chiles, Meyer, & Hench, 2004;Feldman, 2004;Reay, Golden-Biddle, & Germann, 2006;Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 2005). ...
... In the scientific literature, Productivity is one of the most relevant positive points associated with the introduction of home-office in companies [46][47][48][49], being also a topic that is (or should be) in the minds of managers during the implementation of the practice of home-office to influence the performance of employees [47]. O'Brien and Aliabadi [80] and Guerin [81] argue that most of the increase in productivity generated via the introduction of home-office comes from the reduction in environmental costs for society. ...
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In March 2020, with the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic and prescribing social isolation to combat this coronavirus, companies began to implement home-office, with employees working from their homes through Information and Communication Technology. Thus, this study aims to identify how Human Resources professionals in Brazil made sense of the home-office policy adopted by their companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, given that this country was severely impacted by this disease, which led to the implementation of social isolation for several months. In consideration of this, this research applied the Social Representation Theory, operationalized via the evocation of words technique and implicative analysis. In doing so, a positive and less comprehensive view of Human Resources professionals was identified vis-à-vis the academic literature in relation to the enactment of home-office via companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may be due to the time interval in which this research was carried out, the consequent impacts resulting from the implementation of the home-office at the time of data collection, and the very fact that most of the literature researched came from developed countries and not from the Global South where this research was carried out. Flexibility and Quality of Life were the dimensions most associated with the social representation of home-office according to Human Resources professionals. However, the productivity dimension related to working in a home-office showed dubious and inconclusive results. Finally, some challenging aspects related to this model of work raised by the scientific literature were not mentioned by the respondents, indicating a mismatch between the academic literature and the understanding of Human Resources professionals about the role of home-office during the COVID-19 pandemic.
... With this, the worker has difficulties maintaining a routine and many times ends up losing control of the time and space reality in this new "work environment" -his or her own home. 7 In this perspective, the workload of people working from home should be noted, as it is usually 10 to 20% larger than that of in-person employees. In addition, for some authors, the flexibility of the work routine can camouflage the intensification of work. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as a rite of passage where individuals are being called upon to rethink the dictatorship of the way-of-being through work. With the intensification of the work from home modality, many essential aspects of life became secondary. This way, it is important to think about work breaks, not only from the viewpoint of labor laws, but also for creating moments of reflection for (re)thinking various aspects of work, whether remote or in person. The objective of this study was to promote a reflection on the importance of taking breaks during remote work (working from home) or in-person work, considering the promotion of occupational health and well-being. Breaks during the workday are beneficial to physical and mental health, as they help restore concentration and energy, relieve stress, improve muscle tension, among other factors. Strategies for promoting work breaks cannot be prescribed as recipes but should be considered as possibilities to exercise these moments of disconnection from work on a daily basis. Moreover, the worker can also contribute to improve the quality of working life by adopting simple attitudes such as maintaining adequate hydration and using practices such as foot soaks, meditation, yoga, self-massage, foot reflexology, and mindfulness in the work environment. Therefore, in order for strategies for the promotion of health and occupational well-being to be successful, we need a change in the behavior of managers and workers in order to better reconcile our way-of-being through work and our way-of-being through care.
... Tem hora que é à noite que a gente tá olhando, é um pouco mais cedo" (Mariana), "Então, a gente, agora, não tem como medir as horas, né" (Cecília) e "Ontem, feriado, eu estava de dez e meia à meia noite editando vídeos que eu não consegui cumprir" (Bruna). Como menciona Tietze (2005), nesse contexto de trabalho remoto são comuns as jornadas mais extensivas do que se pratica habitualmente no regime presencial. Isso torna-se consequência da falta de rotina e perda da percepção e controle da realidade tempo-espaço que a nova configuração de trabalho exige. ...
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Este estudo investigou os impactos da nova rotina de cuidado com os filhos sobre as atividades profissionais, vivenciada por mães em home office, com filhos de até 12 anos de idade, em meio ao contexto da crise de Covid-19. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 12 sujeitas de pesquisa e, após, aplicou-se o método de análise de conteúdo temática. A pesquisa revelou a intensificação da sobrecarga de trabalhos domésticos e de cuidado com os filhos quando acumulados com atividades profissionais remuneradas. Observou-se que sentimentos de medo e angústia, que marcaram o início da pandemia, se trasformaram em sensações de cansaço mental e estresse, provocados, sobretudo, pela impossibilidade de estabelecimento de uma rotina e pelo compartilhamento de um único espaço para as várias esferas da vida. Este trabalho destacou como um contexto de pandemia evidencia ainda mais a situação de desigualdade já existente entre homens e mulheres. As mulheres, mesmo inseridas em espaços públicos de trabalho profissional remunerado, anteriormente dominados pelo sexo masculino, precisam se desdobrar em inúmeras obrigações domésticas e cuidado com os filhos, tradicionalmente associadas a elas. Nesse sentido, o artigo pode contribuir para ampliar o debate acerca das vantagens e desafios de mães que trabalham em home office. O trabalho remoto, apesar de trazer a vantagem de as mães poderem acompanhar os filhos e estarem mais presentes, deve ser avaliado de forma mais ampla, uma vez que a sobrecarga mental e o estresse podem acarretar perdas de qualidade daqueles momentos aparentemente prazerosos.
... Due to the global health crisis, the flexible form adopted took on extreme work qualities as it enabled the social construction of a 'new normal' full of risks (Granter et al., 2015), led to work intensification that generated an unpredictable workflow and expanded duties (Hewlett & Luce, 2006) and placed greater pressures on worklife balance (Roberts, 2007). Reported work-life conflicts seemingly exceeded respondents' ability to manage, generating fears of potentially negative consequences (Hällgren et al., 2018) while making worklife/homelife boundary-setting increasingly challenging (Tietze, 2005;Koslowski et al., 2019). This led us to observe the perverse effects of how such a radical work mode became simultaneously flexible and inflexible, rapidly establishing the home office as compulsory work site (greater temporal flexibility) while implicitly obstructing access to the external workplace (eliminating spatial flexibility). ...
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Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) promise both emancipation and loss: freedom from workplace constraints also strips away protective work-life boundaries. To date, very little is understood about how flexible work shapes workplace imaginaries. Drawing on a sample of 44 managers from a Middle Eastern firm, we explore their evolving internal representations of the workplace and domestic space under (in)flexible conditions. Findings suggest that (in)flexible work arrangements fashion and amplify subjective, organizational, and gender-specific workplace imaginaries. While both genders in this study imagined the workplace as a site of ‘salvation,’ it became a haven from domestic labor for the women, while for the men it provided a crucial extension of individual managerial identity. Such distinctions provide glimpses into how (in)flexible scenarios influence and shape neoliberal workplace imaginaries that may sustain gendered career trajectories and the perpetuation of FWAs as a misleading panacea for individual freedom and happiness in the workplace.
... Analisando esse primeiro conjunto de relatos agrupados, foi possível observar que, apesar de os entrevistados trabalharem em setores distintos, os discursos foram semelhantes no que se refere à mudança repentina do trabalho presencial para o home office, bem como às dificuldades relacionadas à organização do tempo e ao desarranjo entre a rotina pessoal e as demandas laborais. Tais resultados vão ao encontro das conclusões de Tietze (2005) acerca dos contratempos enfrentados por teletrabalhadores que perderam as barreiras de espaço e tempo que distinguiam os domínios profissional e privado de suas vidas. ...
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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar as percepções dos trabalhadores que passaram a realizar suas atividades laborais em home office durante a pandemia do Covid-19, bem como suas expectativas relativas ao período pós-pandêmico. Para esse fim, realizaram-se dez entrevistas em profundidade com teletrabalhadores de diferentes setores de atuação. Optou-se pela aplicação da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo para tratamento dos dados coletados. Examinando os resultados alcançados, verificou-se que a ruptura repentina e desestruturada do modelo de trabalho presencial, seguida pela adoção do home office, apesar de justificada devido ao avanço da pandemia, criou diversas dificuldades para os trabalhadores entrevistados, especialmente no que se refere à conciliação das demandas pessoais e profissionais. Complementarmente, constatou-se também que os participantes da pesquisa, devido à ausência de uma divisão clara, tanto física quanto temporal, entre a vida pessoal e o trabalho, passaram a estender a jornada laboral diária com frequência, o que os levou a um estado de esgotamento e estresse. Apesar dessas dificuldades, os entrevistados se mostraram favoráveis à permanência do home office mesmo após o fim da pandemia, demonstrando, em sua maioria, a preferência pelo modelo híbrido de trabalho. Este estudo contribui para a discussão acerca da necessidade de planejar adequadamente a migração do trabalho presencial para o home office ou vice-versa, de modo que esse processo ocorra de maneira harmoniosa e organizada, evitando a insatisfação profissional dos trabalhadores envolvidos e um eventual fracasso da adoção do teletrabalho.
... Furthermore, Tietze states that work could be performed from anywhere rather than being locked into a particular office/station. Virtual working will be significantly advantageous for both organization and employee which will decrease fixed costs and enhance productivity (Tietze, 2005cited in (Garg & Rijst, 2015. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is a well-renowned novel pandemic that caused unprecedented catastrophic shocks interrupting every business operation. The aviation industry was severely affected and thus resulted in shutting down aviation traffic globally. The research aims to critically evaluate the relationship between HR and contingency strategies in the European Aviation industry during the pandemic. This research is based on four key objectives which are outlined in the below report and the researcher has used systematic review as a strategy. The literature review consists of key HR strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic which includes performance management which elaborates about “agility” and training and development, key contingency strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic which includes work from home, employee retention and compensation, and travel bubble with COVID -19 and the relationship between HR and contingency strategies. Moreover, andragogical and pedagogical learning is been articulated in training and development. Finally, based on the critical analysis the researcher identified fifteen articles for the thematic analysis and discussion. Furthermore, this research reveals a distinct relationship between both HR and contingency strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European Aviation industry. Recommendation’s perspective setting up a home office, disinfection and de-centralized travel bubble is been articulated in the report.
... Apoiada nessa constatação, é possível perceber que as desvantagens tidas como consequência do teletrabalho, a partir dos artigos analisados, também se encontram em consonância com a literatura revisada sobre o tema. Isso porque, as desvantagens mais comumente citadas na literatura consistem no isolamento, conflito entre trabalho e família e dificuldades de promoção na carreira (MANN, VAREY E BUTTON, 2016;TREMBLAY, 2002;TIETZE, 2005). Essas desvantagens podem ser percebidas como consequência da perda de contato direto com gestores e colegas de equipe, contudo, podem ser diminuídas quando a implantação do programa acontece a partir de um planejamento eficiente. ...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica nacional sobre o teletrabalho, no período de 2010 a 2018, a fim de identificar os principais desafios deste regime de trabalho para a administração pública. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura baseada no protocolo de seleção e análise das fontes definido por Cronnin, Ryan e Coughlan (2008). A pesquisa foi realizada em periódicos com classificação A1 à B2, na área de avaliação em Administração Pública e de Empresas, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo, no Sistema Qualis da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento e Pessoas (CAPES). Além disso, foram consultados os Anais dos Congressos CONSAD e ENANPAD, considerados eventos técnico-científicos importantes na área de administração e gestão pública. Após a adoção desse protocolo foi possível proceder a análise de 11 artigos. Os resultados permitiram identificar que a produção científica nacional relacionada à temática teletrabalho ainda é incipiente, em especial, àquela voltada ao setor público, que representa apenas 5,5% da produção. Os temas abordados com maior frequência são aqueles relativos à identificação das vantagens e desvantagens do teletrabalho, bem como a percepção dos teletrabalhadores sobre as consequências desse regime de trabalho. Foi possível perceber que os benefícios adquiridos através de um programa de teletrabalho bem-sucedido podem ser diversos, contudo, desvantagens variadas também podem ser evidenciadas. Alguns desafios foram identificados nas pesquisas relacionadas ao setor público, todavia, a maior parte emergiu dos estudos realizados no setor privado. Tais obstáculos parecem se repetir independente da organização ou cultura organizacional, podendo também, refletir como possíveis vulnerabilidades para os órgãos públicos brasileiros.
... The few studies that have examined these questions have shown that working from home involves changes in the material and symbolic nature of domestic space, producing a different spatial map of the household, designed to manage the "traffic of relationships" between the two worlds (Tietze, 2005). Thus, for example, home-workers tend to devote a separate space or room to their work (Ng, 2010), and often separate it physically, as in shutting the door, in order to protect it against the family, particularly when it includes little children (Tietze & Musson, 2002;Tietze et al., 2009). ...
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The current study examined the right to a professional workspace and separation between private and public within the home as an arena of gendered negotiation and struggle between spouses working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. Using a qualitative, inductive approach based on grounded theory, we conducted in-depth interviews with fifteen professional couples in Israel about their experiences with working from home and the division of labor and space between spouses. Our analysis revealed three key issues related to these experiences: the division of physical workspace between the spouses, the division of work time (compared to home time), and bodily-spatial aspects of the infiltration of workspace into home through the Zoom camera. The patterns described here suggest that the gendered power relations between spouses working from home are reproduced through an unequal negotiation of space and time in the home, so that in practice, men’s work was prioritized in spatio-temporal terms, whereas women’s workspace and time was more fragmented and dispersed throughout the home and day. These findings illuminate women’s right to workspace in the home as an issue of gender equality that has been amplified by the current global pandemic, and how gendered divisions of space and time serve to reproduce the gender order. Keywords: work-family conflict; gender and space; COVID-19; work at home; gender inequality, dual-earner couples; space and work; the right to space; work-family balance; public and private space
... The few studies that have examined these questions have shown that working from home involves changes in the material and symbolic nature of domestic space, producing a different spatial map of the household, designed to manage the "traffic of relationships" between the two worlds (Tietze, 2005). Thus, for example, home-workers tend to devote a separate space or room to their work (Ng, 2010), and often separate it physically, as in shutting the door, in order to protect it against the family, particularly when it includes little children (Tietze & Musson, 2002;Tietze et al., 2009). ...
... The adoption of a new way of working by a company can be considered a great organizational change and requires detailed planning before its implementation (Martínez-S anchez et al., 2008;Tietze, 2005). In the COVID-19 pandemic, however, organizations were not able to develop the detailed planning mentioned and the WFH modality had to be adopted suddenly. ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss how COVID-19 pandemic forced several companies to reflect on their activities. Many organizational changes have been conducted and others will still be necessary. Some reflections are presented, as some aspects are well consolidated in academic literature while they are neglected by many leaders of companies. The authors believe that this viewpoint can support leaders to enhance organizational development. Design/methodology/approach Part of the information presented here is characterized by the authors’ points of view, as it is a viewpoint. However, the authors carried out searches on scientific bases and published press reports aiming to support the reflections presented in this text. Findings The reflections presented in this viewpoint focus on the following aspects: periodic critical analysis of companies business models, business continuity management systems, risk management, resilience principles in supply chain management, necessary changes in production systems, occupational health and safety systems and new ways of working. For the authors, the correct conduction of these aspects can guarantee companies survival; however, many leaders worldwide still neglect them. Originality/value The reflections presented here can be useful for leaders interested in conducting a critical analysis in their business, considering necessary organizational changes to face the COVID-19 pandemic consequences.
... Também não é difícil encontrar aqueles que se desorientam com relação aos limites de tempo e de espaço no trabalho em casa. Trabalhar em jornadas mais extensivas que as habitualmente exigidas está dentre uma das mais comuns consequências da falta de rotina e perda de controle da realidade tempoespacial no novo ambiente de trabalho (TIETZE, 2005). Com relação à quantidade de trabalho, Tremblay (2002) aduz que, regularmente, a carga de trabalho de pessoas em home office costuma ser de 10 a 20% maior que aquela desempenhada no regime convencional nas dependências físicas da organização. ...
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A pandemia da COVID-19 tem gerado impactos diversos e provocado mudanças que vêm exigindo das organizações e de seus trabalhadores maior adaptação. Tendo em vista a disseminada adoção do home office para a continuidade das atividades, este artigo busca averiguar a realidade dessa modalidade laboral no cenário pandêmico mediante percepção de trabalhadores neste contexto. A metodologia adotada tem abordagem descritiva e natureza quantitativa, e contou com 2.839 respondentes a questionário virtual aplicado nacionalmente, entre maio e junho de 2020, comparando o contexto pandêmico com o anterior ao isolamento social. Foi possível observar que trabalhadores que antes se deslocavam para o trabalho e passaram a trabalhar em home office vêm aumentando sua familiaridade com tecnologias de comunicação e seu nível de autonomia, acima das demais modalidades de trabalho. Aqueles que já trabalhavam em home office antes da pandemia, por sua vez, tiveram mais aspectos relacionados ao trabalho que se diferenciam negativamente da média geral. As faixas etárias que abrangem os mais jovens reúnem os que mais registraram prejuízos relacionados às novas condições de trabalho. Finalmente, o número de moradores na mesma residência, contrariando uma das hipóteses formuladas, provou-se de pouca utilidade para explicar variações relacionadas sobre os aspectos analisados.
... A study by Jordan (1996) found that many temporary employees respond with active resistance to dehumanizing practices. Others appear to focus on re-narrating and redefining their identities in positive terms (Pink, 2001;Tietze, 2005;Zuboff & Maxmin, 2002). This mirrors the identity work of people in stigmatized occupations, who tend to develop a strong culture that positively redefines their collective identity (Ashforth & Kreiner, 1999;Peipperl & Baruch, 1997). ...
... For example, the Journal of Organizational Change had a special issue on how discourse is related to change in organizations, where Hari was called to write the afterword on how language matters in organizational change (Tsoukas, 2005a). In this special issue, studies showed how discourse relates to organizational change and how a change of organizational routines relates to changes in discourse (for example see Anderson, 2005;Tietze, 2005). Similarly a further series of studies focusing on organizational change, have further highlighted the role of marginal unplanned mutations in discourse, resources and practices having cited Hari's work, ideas and terminology (for example see Chiles, Meyer, & Hench, 2004;Feldman, 2004;Reay, Golden-Biddle, & Germann, 2006;Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 2005). ...
Haridimos (“Hari”) Tsoukas is a Greek organizational theorist whose work has been influential in introducing and popularizing a holistic, process-based conception of organizational change. Traditional accounts of change assume that entities (including organizations) are by nature static and only undergo change after external force is applied. In contrast, Tsoukas maintains that change is ever-present in the social world and that change itself is the intrinsic basis for organizing. As such for Tsoukas, organizations are not static entities but ongoing processes of organizing, embedded within social nexuses of practices and discourses, which are constantly mutating. He identifies two main sources of organizational change: (i) the world being an open-system and (ii) the reflexive agent. The assumptions and conclusions underlying his work have been strongly influenced by interpretative, phenomenological, and process philosophy, as well as complexity theory. To acquaint the reader with his ideas and work, the chapter is structured as follows: first it will describe Tsoukas’ background, secondly it will summarize his key contributions to understanding organizational change, and thirdly it will discuss new insights from his work and it will conclude with his work’s legacies and unfinished business.
... This forces the teleworker and the household to become entrepreneurs. "Such entrepreneurialism requires changing the network of relational identities, which, in turn, necessitates both teleworker and household to cope with such change in the existing household matrix" (Tietze, 2005:51). ...
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Working from home is a worldwide trend and effect companies in various ways. This study focussed on South African circumstances and examined the cost saving implications for a private company and their employees if they would be able and allowed to work from home. Further, relationships between structural and relational factors with virtual work experience were studied. Based on the data collected from 48 respondents, study found that majority of the employees were willing to work from home and the savings to company was estimated at R1 058.25 per month on rental, electricity, levy, rates, sewer and water expenses, while employees could save an average of R8 822.06 per month if they do not travel to work. On the other hand employees will spend only R347 per employee if they work from home. Relationship between structural factors and relational factors with perceived virtual work experience was found positive. Professional isolation and job performance was found highly negatively correlated.
... Posteriormente, Tietze (2005) brinda un acercamiento desde un punto de vista discursivo de las estrategias de afrontamiento usadas por los teletrabajadores en la construcción de sus identidades. Esta investigadora realizó dos estudios, uno piloto con diez familias teletrabajadoras y otro con veinticinco familias, usando un enfoque conceptual basado en los desarrollos de Hardy, Palmer y Phillips (2000) que analiza tres elementos constitutivos del discurso: conceptos, objetos y posicionamientos. ...
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In the context of important political, economic and social changes, telework becomes a phenomenon that combines many of the key factors for change: flexibility, information and communication technologies (ICT), and new ways of interaction. In order to analyze the relationship between subjectivity and telework, this article presents theoretical and empirical studies of several authors regarding subjects, subjectivity and (tele)work. The article examines different approaches, ranging from those which consider telework a degradation of traditional work with regard to social and personal functions, with perverse effects for people, to those which telework a challenge, or an opportunity, to create new dynamics, meanings, spaces, and, of course, ontological projects.
... Posteriormente, Tietze (2005) brinda un acercamiento desde un punto de vista discursivo de las estrategias de afrontamiento usadas por los teletrabajadores en la construcción de sus identidades. Esta investigadora realizó dos estudios, uno piloto con diez familias teletrabajadoras y otro con veinticinco familias, usando un enfoque conceptual basado en los desarrollos de Hardy, Palmer y Phillips (2000) que analiza tres elementos constitutivos del discurso: conceptos, objetos y posicionamientos. ...
In the context of important political, economic and social changes, telework becomes a phenomenon that combines many of the key factors for change: flexibility, information and communication technologies (ICT), and new ways of interaction. In order to analyze the relationship between subjectivity and telework, this article presents theoretical and empirical studies of several authors regarding subjects, subjectivity and (tele)work. The article examines different approaches, ranging from those which consider telework a degradation of traditional work with regard to social and personal functions, with perverse effects for people, to those which telework a challenge, or an opportunity, to create new dynamics, meanings, spaces, and, of course, ontological projects.
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As cooperativistas de crédito estão expostas ao risco de crédito como qualquer outra instituição financeira e este risco é definido como a possibilidade de o tomador não cumprir com suas obrigações junto a cooperativa, ou seja, de não honrar com o compromisso de pagar suas dívidas. Para mitigar este risco, as cooperativas realizam as provisões para crédito de liquidação duvidosa (PCLD), com a finalidade de cobrirem este tipo de risco que é inerente a suas operações. Temos que no início de 2020, uma forte crise de saúde pública, causada por uma pandemia seriamente contagiosa e com elevado grau de mortalidade, que ficou conhecida como pandemia da COVID-19 impactou toda a economia, com sérios desdobramentos sociais e econômicos. Estes eventos causaram uma crise financeira que se espalhou rapidamente, afetando a renda das pessoas, empresas e governo, sendo que este último, precisou socorrer os dois primeiros por meio de programas sociais e financeiros. Baseado neste contexto, este estudo, teve como objetivo, analisar se a PCLD aumentou após o início da crise econômica e de saúde nas 99 maiores cooperativas de crédito do Brasil, sendo que estas organizações foram selecionadas de acordo com os seus ativos totais. Foram analisadas as carteiras de crédito e a PCLD destas organizações no período de 2018 a 2021. Esta pesquisa é de cunho quantitativo e sua coleta de dados ocorreu por meio do banco de dados do BACEN. Os resultados, apontaram que durante a crise econômica, houve mudança significativa e acentuada na PCLD das instituições cooperativistas analisadas, porém esta mudança é percebida desde 2018, início das observações deste estudo.Palavras-chave: Cooperativas de Crédito. Provisão. Risco de Perdas. Covid-19.
Purpose This paper aims to understand how the residents have utilized domestic spaces and furniture during three months' lockdown time for the Covid-19 virus spread measures and to explore how domestic living practices were adjusted which had been the daily urban activities previously. Design/methodology/approach The research method is a qualitative interpretivist philosophical approach with a quantitative data collection. Short questionnaires were conducted via e-mails with attached links via SurveyMonkey. The sample was the group of people who had been in active urban life before the pandemic and had been actively working at the office spaces. Findings Separate learning/working spaces were urged at home, at least for the set intervals in the daytime. Production in the kitchen also acted as an interactive production and entertainment. Balconies and terraces were re-discovered and acted as “urban-substitute open spaces”. The living room became the new venue for domestic interaction especially during working-learning breaks, for watching movies, personal care or reading sessions. Computers, tablets and smartphones became the urban activity base due to online meeting applications for social reasons, online shopping, working and learning. The separation of domains at home became essential. Research limitations/implications The study only focuses domestic uses of white-collar workers; during the lock-down period, Covid-19 pandemic. Sampling constraints are the employees who were active urban life before the pandemic and working at the office space. Sharing the house at least with one other roommate, sibling or spouse with or without children. Individuals who had not been working outside the home before the pandemic, people aged over 65, retired, permanent home workers, housewives, freelancers and other such demographic structures are excluded from the study. Social implications Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first wave lockdown began between early March–June 2020, and millions of people were confined to the dwellings. “Staying home” stood for working-learning-shopping-interacting online, more production in the kitchen, using the living room as a domestic multi-functional venue, spending time on the terraces and balconies as domestic open spaces. The active living in the urban context dramatically shifted to “at-home living”. Originality/value The study only focuses on the three months' interval in which strict rules for staying home were enforced in Istanbul, Turkey. Schemas, charts and tables are generated concerning the input. The study challenges the making meaning via praxis of “to dwell” and urban living. Nevertheless, the main questions of housing such as production, social aspects, shared spaces, interaction are re-configured and the substitute urban space is created at home.
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Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar a produção científica nacional sobre o teletrabalho, no período de 2003 a 2018, a fim de identificar os principais desafios desse regime de trabalho para as organizações. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura baseada no protocolo de seleção e análise das fontes definido por Cronnin, Ryan e Coughlan (2008). A pesquisa foi realizada em periódicos com classificação Qualis Capes A1 a B2, na área de Administração e de Psicologia, e o resultado permitiu perceber que o reduzido número de artigos publicados demonstra que a produção científica nacional relacionada à temática ainda se encontra em fase inicial de desenvolvimento. Os temas mais comumente abordados são aqueles relativos a identificação das percepções dos teletrabalhadores e gestores, especialmente naquilo que se refere a vantagens e desvantagens do teletrabalho, bem como as consequências dessa nova modalidade de trabalho para o indivíduo e para as organizações. Constata-se que os benefícios do teletrabalho são vários e podem ser percebidos em nível individual, organizacional e social. Por outro lado, desvantagens também podem ser evidenciadas, especialmente para os teletrabalhadores. Os resultados advindos da análise dos artigos apontaram desafios e perspectivas importantes para implementação bem-sucedida do teletrabalho, principalmente aqueles voltados à infraestrutura tecnológica e à gestão de pessoas.
Mobile technologies such as laptops and mobile phones enable work to be conducted remotely, away from the normal working environment. Removing the geographical boundaries between work life and home life poses new challenges within the context of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This article proposes a multidimensional model for assessing the impact of mobile technologies on work-life balance considering social, organizational, legal, technological, and ethical issues to inform the development of human resource strategies.
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho flexível no Brasil, comumente chamado de teletrabalho, buscando evidenciar os fatores críticos de sucesso. Como metodologia utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória descritiva, feita a partir de artigos e endereços eletrônicos para coletar as informações necessárias com vistas a análise da pratica do teletrabalho nos dias atuais. O desenvolvimento do presente estudo possibilitou conhecer os principais desafios envolvidos nessa prática de trabalho, assim como as mais recentes considerações jurídicas, equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e trabalho, a evolução do Teletrabalho como reabilitador de profissionais com deficiências físicas e as novas tecnologias usadas na comunicação entre colaborados, líderes e gestores. Muitas e ainda não completamente desvendadas são as implicações do mundo do trabalho, dada sua característica de inexorável complexidade. Em particular, o teletrabalho apresenta um significativo gap de conhecimentos e, portanto, necessidade de estudos. O teletrabalho está cada vez mais presente nas organizações, adaptando-se constantemente às necessidades do mercado.
Haridimos (“Hari”) Tsoukas is a Greek organizational theorist whose work has been influential in introducing and popularizing a holistic, process-based conception of organizational change. Traditional accounts of change assume that entities (including organizations) are by nature static and only undergo change after external force is applied. In contrast, Tsoukas maintains that change is ever-present in the social world and that change itself is the intrinsic basis for organizing. As such for Tsoukas, organizations are not static entities but ongoing processes of organizing, embedded within social nexuses of practices and discourses, which are constantly mutating. He identifies two main sources of organizational change: (i) the world being an open-system and (ii) the reflexive agent. The assumptions and conclusions underlying his work have been strongly influenced by interpretative, phenomenological, and process philosophy, as well as complexity theory. To acquaint the reader with his ideas and work, the chapter is structured as follows: first it will describe Tsoukas’ background, secondly it will summarize his key contributions to understanding organizational change, and thirdly it will discuss new insights from his work and it will conclude with his work’s legacies and unfinished business.
Building on the discussion of police culture in Chap. 2, in this chapter I briefly explore the concept of identity before turning to a description of the police occupational identity, how it is shaped, how it might be threatened, and possible reactions to that threat. I also touch on the concept of organizational identification and the relevance of this concept today. While culture may be deemed as providing the necessary resources and scripts for individuals within an organisation [17, 94], identity is the image that is presented to others based on cultural expectations of behavior [56]. Consistent with other chapters, I also incorporate excerpts from interviews with police personnel to illustrate or reinforce key points.
The field of organization studies has embraced the metaphor of organizations as 'cultures', but there has been no consideration of why these particular 'cultures' appear childless. Premised in social constructionism, specifically its contribution to relational theorizing, this paper explores themes on mothering and the workplace. It is written in two parts as an autoethnography, adopting elements from creative writing to represent a series of discussions, interactions and impressions, with the aim of illustrating the complexities of coping and feeling resolved. Inquiry is predominantly into embodied mothering and paid work, with specific considerations of material, cultural and institutional repressive dynamics. The first, and main, part focuses on conflicts shaping mothers' work lives, particularly the repression of meaningful relationships to represent a strong 'individual'. The second part, a postscript, opens up space for future organizational research; it argues for possibilities of changes that allow for the traversal of spatial and disciplinary binaries - changes in both the focus of inquiry and domain interests. Together, these constitute a project of writing children into organizational studies.
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This thesis adds to the literature on strategy and enterprise discourses by analysing how they are used in interviews with small-firm owner-managers. The literature describes features of strategy and enterprise discourses and their shaping by historical developments. There is much work on the operation of these two discourses at societal and large-organisation levels. Much less researched is how these discourses are used by small-firm managers or how these discourses interact in use. This work characterises a particular discourse-analytical approach to the research interview as suitable for advancing the literature. Small, young publishing firms producing business magazines in late ‘Celtic Tiger’ Ireland are argued as an apposite context. Detailed analysis of three selected interviews illustrates the relevance of enterprise and strategy discourses in the particular ways these ownermanagers talk. Drawing on the notion of ideological dilemmas, this work gives an explicit account of how strategy and enterprise discourses are used and interrelated in a manner described here as a ‘dichotomous unity’. This unity depends not only on the discourses’ commonalities but also on the dilemmatic tensions between them. These tensions allow creative and subtle uses of the unified discourse. Yet these same dilemmas also constrain the discourse within the bounds marked out by them. The persistence and creativity, noted by the literature, in the use of enterprise and strategy discourses is explained by the interpretation offered here. This work also stresses the need to research these discourses as two aspects of the same phenomenon. The interview method used reveals the wholeness of a discourse that other methods might show as fractured. Discourse analysts generally recognise that people both shape, and are shaped by discourses. By explicating how strategy and enterprise discourses operate, this work adds to human agency. Small-firm managers may become more aware of the constraints otherwise implicit in enterprise-strategy discourse. Policymakers may gain an appreciation of the discursive balance that the promotion of enterprise and strategy demands of small-business managers, along with the kind of costs such balancing might entail.
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Dress in organizations is ubiquitous, yet it has been overlooked in organizational studies. Dress can reflect and create a variety of organizational dynamics. This article offers a framework to consider these dynamics. Three dimensions-attributes of dress, homogeneity of dress, and conspicuousness of dress-are identified. Relationships among these dimensions and organizational processes are proposed. Dress is argued to indicate internal and external processes. Dress also can affect individual and organizational outcomes, including employee compliance and legitimation and organizational image and utilization of human resources. A rich agenda for research is proposed.
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We conceptualize discourse as a duality of communicative actions and deep structures, mediated by the modality of interpretive schemes, and develop a discourse analysis methodology based on the fields of hermeneutics and rhetoric. We then explore the role of discourse in shaping organizational change processes through its influence on actors' interpretations and actions, using a longitudinal field study of electronic trading implementation in the London Insurance Market. We conclude with some theoretical and practical contributions on discourse-practice links, the illumination of multiple perspectives in change processes, and implications for electronic data interchange implementation.
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This article reports on research that explored the experience of 25 professional management employees who worked regular periods from home, but remained full-time salaried employees. Based on interviews with these workers in their home using language, routines and observations as data the article tracks how organizational policies of flexibility translate into individuals' experience of lived temporalities. The article concludes with the view that such new forms of work organization are neither necessarily corrosive of character, nor do they provide the individual with unlimited opportunity to shape the work process beyond organizational control. Rather, they recast the relationship between ‘home’ and ‘work’, necessitating the individual to engage reflectively with both spheres.
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CONTRIBUTORS: Georg Aichholzer, Vienna University, An Brewer, University of Sydney, Andre Buessing, Technical University of Munchen, Alistair Campbell, University of Paisley, Dimitrina Dimitrova, University of Toronto, Patrizio Di Nicola, European Telework Development Initiative, Steven Fireman, University of Washington, Benjamin A.Goldman, former lecturer at Tuft University, Lois M.Goldman, Boston University, Charle Grantham, Institute for the Study of Distributed Work in Walnut Creek, Leslie Haddon, University of Sussex, Martin Harris, Brunel University, UK, David Hensher University of Sydney, Maeve Houliham, University of Lancaster, Paul J.Jackson, Brunel University, West London, Scott Johnson, Arizona State University, Martin Kompast, Institut fur Gestaltungs-und Wirkungsforschung, Technische Universitat Wien, Air Luukinen, Kiran Mirchandani, St Mary's University, Canada, Paul McGrath, University College Dublin, Ruggero Parrotto, Constance Perin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lars Qvortrup, Aalborg University, Janet W.Salaff, University of Toronto, Koji Sato, Kanagawa University at Yokohama, Wendy Spinks, Josai International University, Lennart Sturesson, Linkoping University, Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland, Ina Wagner, Technische Universitat Wien, Jos M. van der Wielen, Tilburg University, Marya Zamindar, Finnish Ministry of Labour
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My purpose is to theorize Walt Disney enterprises as a storytelling organization in which an active-reactive interplay of premodern, modern, and postmodern discourses occurs. A postmodern analysis of these multiple discourses reveals the marginalized voices and excluded stories of a darker side of the Disney legend, Tamara, a play that is also a discursive metaphor, is used to demonstrate a plurivocal (multiple story interpretation) theory of competing organizational discourses, Subsequent sections address storytelling organizational theory, analyses of official accounts of Disney enterprises, and less well known, even contrary, accounts, The article concludes with implications for postmodern theory and future storytelling research projects.
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This article presents a research on telework and deals with the following questions: Who are the teleworkers (sex, age, main socio-occupational categories)? What are the impacts of telework on work organization and working conditions, particularly for women, and in terms of work-family balance, since telework is sometimes presented as a solution to problems of reconciling work and family responsibilities? Finally, what is the level of satisfaction among teleworkers and why are they satisfied or dissatisfied with this system? Are there differences between various groups on this regard? We insist on the dimensions of working conditions and autonomy in telework and highlight the fact that there is a risk of polarization according to gender, women being more frequently in a situation where they have less autonomy than men in telework, although many also see telework in a positive way, as an “escape” from a bureaucratic work environment.
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This article explores the relationship between work–family roles and boundaries, and gender, among home-based teleworkers and their families. Previous literature suggests two alternative models of the implications of home-based work for gendered experiences of work and family: the new opportunities for flexibility model and the exploitation model. Drawing on the findings of a qualitative study of home-based workers and their co-residents, we argue that these models are not mutually exclusive. We explore the gendered processes whereby teleworking can simultaneously enhance work–life balance while perpetuating traditional work and family roles.
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Telework has inspired research in disciplines ranging from transportation and urban planning to ethics, law, sociology, and organizational studies. In our review of this literature, we seek answers to three questions: who participates in telework, why they do, and what happens when they do? Who teleworks remains elusive, but research suggests that male professionals and female clerical workers predominate. Notably, work-related factors like managers' willingness are most predictive of which employees will telework. Employees' motivations for teleworking are also unclear, as commonly perceived reasons such as commute reduction and family obligations do not appear instrumental. On the firms' side, managers' reluctance, forged by concerns about cost and control and bolstered by little perceived need, inhibits the creation of telework programmes. As for outcomes, little clear evidence exists that telework increases job satisfaction and productivity, as it is often asserted to do. We suggest three steps for future research may provide richer insights: consider group and organizational level impacts to understand who telework affects, reconsider why people telework, and emphasize theory-building and links to existing organizational theories. We conclude with lessons learned from the telework literature that may be relevant to research on new work forms and workplaces. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Taking issue with functional approaches to communication, Understanding Organizations through Language offers a viable alternative based on 'webs of meaning'. Instead of viewing communication as a thing that can be unproblematically controlled and managed, the authors use semiology as a theoretical bedrock to develop a new metaphor for communication. Understanding Organizations through Language applies this approach to areas of interest, including: metaphor, story-telling, discourse, gender, leadership and electronic communication. Spanning the gap between highly theoretical organization studies texts and highly prescriptive communication texts, the book talks to the reader in a sophisticated yet approachable style. This style is complemented by a range of examples, activities and mini case studies. Also included are chapter summaries and further reading suggestions, making this a useful text for both academics and students. Advanced undergraduates and postgraduates will utilize this book for any course dealing with communication, particularly courses in HRM and organizational behaviour.
For too long the built working environment has been excluded from the analysis of work organisations. Buildings, like other cultural artefacts, encapsulate social and economic priorities and values, and represent prevailing power structures. Work buildings, such as offices and factories, both make possible the organisation of the labour process and also serve as structures of non[hyphen]verbal communication, providing cues on hierarchy, status and appropriate behaviour. Control over the working environment can be seen as a constituent part of the control of the labour process, displaying similar cyclical movements. Human resource management and information technology are currently combining to encourage a reappraisal of the working environment, but one that is not without its own contradictions.
The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work, from which this article is excerpted, is based on the author's field work at "Amerco," the fictitious name for a Fortune 500 company headquartered in the midwestern town of "Spotted Deer." It describes how employees at all levels of the corporation have handled the conflicting demands of family life and the workplace. This article demonstrates that even though Amerco has "family-friendly" policies, relatively few employees take advantage of them. Many appear to want to spend more time not at home but at the office.
This article explores the effect of telework on the experience, calculation and use of time. Telework is said to offer professional and clerical workers flexible time to synchronize work, domestic and leisure activities. Telework is predicted to produce greater productivity and work satisfaction through autonomous time management. This report of a small-scale research project suggests that teleworkers rarely work flexibly during conventional work times, and work increasingly in the evenings and at weekends. More important is the finding that, isolated from the office and colleagues, they recalculate time in relation to an optimally productive hour. Telework is characterized less by time flexibility than increasing work periods.
Qualitative data collected in a rehabilitation unit of a large hospital reveal how organization members used dress to represent and negotiate a web of issues inherent to the hybrid identities of the unit and the nursing profession. As different issues were considered, dress took on various and often contradictory meanings. Thus, a seemingly simple symbol such as organizational dress is shown here to reveal the complex notion of social identity, which is argued to comprise multiple layers of meaning. We discuss the implications of this thesis for theory and research on organizational identity, organizational symbolism, organizational dress, and ambivalence.
This paper reports on research which tracked the experience of a group of professional workers as they moved from being conventional office workers to becoming homeworkers where they used the new information and communication technologies (ICT's), but remained as full-time salaried employees. The paper evaluates the value of Giddens's conceptualization of power, identity and time/space in explaining the consequences of this move and compares his approach to post-modern theorizations, which draw on the work of Foucault and Lash and Urry. The paper concludes with the view that such a form of organization is neither inherently corrosive of character (Sennett 1998) nor does it provide a space for aesthetic reflexivity (Lash and Urry 1994). What has yet to develop is a sense of 'the other' within the emerging discourse serving to articulate this new form of organizing.
This article introduces work/family border theory - a new theory about work/family balance. According to the theory, people are daily border-crossers between the domains of work and family. The theory addresses how domain integration and segmentation, border creation and management, border-crosser participation, and relationships between border-crossers and others at work and home influence work/family balance. Propositions are given to guide future research.
Underlying Assumptions of an Interpretive Approach The Importance of Local Knowledge Accessing Local Knowledge Identifying Interpretive Communities and Policy Artifacts Symbolic Language Symbolic Objects Symbolic Acts Moving from Fieldwork and Deskwork to Textwork and Beyond
Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction: What is Social Constructionism? Where Do You Get Your Personality From? Does Language Affect the Way We Think? What is a Discourse? What Does it Mean to Have Power? Is There a Real World Outside Discourse? Can Individuals Change Society? What Does it Mean to be a Person? 1. The Person as Discourse-user. 2. The Self as Constructed in Language. 3. Subject Positions in Discourse. What Do Discourse Analysts Do? Glossary. Bibliography. Name Index. Subject Index.
Sociological research on the professions studies the public workplace and the ways in which task, organizational, and institutional arrangements of select occupations coalesce to secure expertise to work autonomously. The authors argue that a neat public/private divide does not, however, actually fit professional practice. Rather, the time demands of professional tasks are open-ended, and underscoring this practice, organizational policies do not compensate for extended professional hours. To ensure the viability of this task-organizational arrangement, professions require an institutional system of social capital or release from the time demands of private obligations. Using data about allocation of time from a study of self-employed professionals, the authors demonstrate the ways in which access to time is qualitatively different for men and women. In the conclusion, the authors discuss the ways in which an analysis of time provides an entry point for explaining the persistence of deeply gendered professional hierarchies.
As home-based teleworking grows in the UK, more evidence is needed of how working from home shapes the employment relationship and the implications this may have for those line managers responsible for a home-based workforce. The reported experiences of a sales team and their line managers at one large international drinks manufacturing company of teleworking during its first year of operation revealed the importance of developing understanding of the complex interface between the domains of work and home life. The findings suggest individual circumstances require close attention before implementing home-based working with line managers recalibrating perceptions of the boundaries between home and work for positive employee relationships to develop within a new paradigm of “home-work” relations.
From the Publisher:Identifies and analyzes the social, political and problematic nature of systems and the use of IT in contemporary society. Considers the growing complexity of IT management issues, the changing profiles and organization of the IS profession and the dominant rise of a user relations problem within modern systems development. Features a detailed, case study of a major systems project--from the early decisions involving desirability and design to launch and initial assessment. Analyzes the shift from a technological-led to a strategic and marketing-led use of IT.
Observes that historically, family and work were not separated in pre-industrial societies in which life was a united whole, but that family and work are gradually becoming separated in industrial societies, as work becomes dependent, production becomes centralized, and the relationship of the individual with work impersonal. In Greece there is still some evidence of close relations between family and work due to the large number of very small family firms and the high proportion of the population working in small family farming lots. However, a large percentage of the population work in full-time traditional jobs. Flexible working patterns such as part-time, flexi-time, annual working hours, parental leaves, job sharing, variable working time, telework, condensed working week, as well as contract, pay and task flexibility are not so extensively used in Greece and it is only since 1990 that they are gaining ground. Flexibility at work is a major tool in enhancing economic performance, fighting unemployment and promoting competitiveness. Apart from that, flexibility is needed because it can prove very useful in harmonizing family life with work obligations, provided it takes into consideration family needs, parental obligations and the right of employees to a better quality of life. Presents the current situation on work flexibility in Greece and examines these aspects of flexibility which can prove useful not only in enhancing economic performance but in providing better conditions for the reconciliation between family and work.
There are four breaks from the traditional 9-to-5 routine of employees who share a work location and see each other on a daily basis known as telework. (1) Home-based telecommuting refers to employees who work at home on a regular basis and can be said to be telecommuters if the telecommunications link to the office is a simple as a telephone. (2) Satellite offices consist of employees who work both outside the home and away from the conventional work place in a location convenient to the employees and-or customers. (3) A neighborhood work center is the same as a satellite office except that this houses more than one company's employees. (4) Mobile workers are frequently on the road, using communications technology to work from home, from a car, from a plane, or from a hotel—communicating with the office as necessary from each location. Each of these offers challenges for companies and their managers but also opportunities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Discussion of ‘work-life balance’ and ‘family-friendly’ employment is much in vogue among politicians and business leaders. Often, but not always, working at home is included within such practices. However, the concepts of work-life balance and family-friendly are commonly left ill-defined by researchers and policymakers alike. In this article we outline formal definitions of these terms, which place spatial issues - and hence working at home - at the heart of the debate. This leads us on to examine working at home through the theoretical lens offered by attempts to explain the rise of work-life balance arrangements. Twelve hypotheses emerge from the literature and are tested on the management data contained in the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey or WERS98. Many of these hypotheses pass weak statistical tests but fail on stronger logistic regression tests. The article shows that the option to work at home is more likely to be available in the public sector, large establishments and work environments in which individuals are responsible for the quality of their own output. These workplaces are typically less unionised but not especially feminised.
This article presents the findings of field research investigating the experiences of a wide spectrum of home-based information workers within the context of discourses on technological change and labour market restructuring. The social relations being (re)produced in such settings, particularly as they relate to both common-sense and theoretical notions of flexibility, are analysed.
This article argues for the importance of a spatial perspective in critical communication studies. It suggests that a focus on spatial relations of power enables scholars of communication and culture to understand and theorize the complex ways in which identities are being reproduced in our current moment of globalization. The article suggests that, instead of theorizing cultural power only through the category of identity, we need to adopt a spatial perspective on power that may better enable us to theorize various relations of identity and culture.
In this paper, we explore how discourse can be used as a strategic resource. Using an illustrative example of Mère et Enfant, an international NGO operating in Palestine, we show how an individual brought about strategic change by engaging in discursive activity. We use this to outline a model of how discourse can be mobilized as a strategic resource. The model consists of three circuits. First, in circuits of activity individuals attempt to introduce symbols aimed at connecting objects to particular concepts. Second, for circuits of activity to be successful, they must intersect with circuits of performativity i.e. the concept is grounded in a period and context in which it has meaning; the subject position of the enunciator warrants voice; and the symbols used possess receptivity. Third, circuits of connectivity occur when the new discursive statements "take".
This article develops an understanding of organizational change predicated on the idea of organization as a performance or an effect, rather than a stable social structure. It uses the concept of 'narratives of ordering' to make sense of the processes that constitute organizations and the various mechanisms of ordering and organizing employed by organizational actors. It does so via a case study of change in a New Zealand hospital during a period of public sector reform. The 'clinical leadership' narrative introduced into the hospital at that time was simultaneously discursive in its appeal to economic notions of efficiency and enterprise, social in the development of new account-abilities and relationships within the organization, and material in its use of information technology. The contribution of the article lies in the theoretical approach used to analyse organizational change. This extends organizational discourse analysis by providing a more integrated treatment of change that accounts for the materiality of organizational relations.
This paper looks at various ways teleworking can be linked to surveillance in employment, making recommendations about how telework can be made more acceptable. Technological methods can allow managers to monitor the actions of teleworkers as closely as they could monitor "on site" workers, and in more detail than the same managers could traditionally. Such technological methods of surveillance or monitoring have been associated with low employee morale. For an employer to ensure health and safety may require inspections of the teleworkplace. When the teleworkplace is in the home, there may be an invasion of privacy associated with such inspections, that could be perceived and resented as surveillance. A problem of telework is that teleworkers may feel isolated. Methods to counter this could be associated with further forms of surveillance, and fear of such surveillance may inhibit them from reaching their potential as methods to counter isolation. The idea that teleworking may also allow communications to be intercepted by third parties is also looked at. Some, but not all, of the issues considered are applicable, to some extent, in non-teleworked employment situations. The overall conclusion of the paper is that the potential exists for surveillance to be associated with telework. Fears of such surveillance may turn actors against telework. However, much can be done to reduce such fears.
It is frequently suggested that working at home will be the future of work for many people in the UK and that trends in this direction are already well underway. This paper examines these claims by analysing data from the Labour Force Survey which has, at various times, asked questions about the location of work. Seven key hypotheses are identified, including issues surrounding the extent and growth of working at home, reliance on information and communication technology,prevalence of low pay, average pay rates, gender issues, ethnic minority participation and household composition. The results paint a variegated and complex picture which suggests that those who work at home do not comprise a homogeneous group.The paper in particular highlights differences between non-manual and manual workers, and those who work mainly, partially and sometimes at home.
Using a narrative approach, Czarniawska shows that interpretive approach to organization studies can become a distinct genre of social analysis. Her investigations disclose the paradoxical nature of organizational life: people follow routines in order to change, and decentralize in order to control better. This book should appeal to scholars across the social sciences who study organizations.