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Customer engagement,
buyer-seller relationships, and
social media
C.M. Sashi
Department of Marketing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA
Purpose – The advent of the internet and in particular the interactive features of Web 2.0 in recent
years have led to an explosion of interest in customer engagement. The opportunities presented by
social media to help build close relationships with customers seem to have excited practitioners in a
wide variety of industries worldwide. Academic scholarship on customer engagement, however, has
lagged practice and its theoretical foundation is relatively underdeveloped and a better understanding
of the concept is essential to develop strategies for customer engagement. This paper seeks to address
some of these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper attempts to enhance understanding of customer
engagement by examining practitioner views of customer engagement, linking it to the marketing
concept, market orientation, and relationship marketing, modeling the customer engagement cycle,
and developing a customer engagement matrix.
Findings – The paper develops a model of the customer engagement cycle with connection,
interaction, satisfaction, retention, loyalty, advocacy, and engagement as stages in the cycle. It arrays
customers in a customer engagement matrix according to the degree of relational exchange and
emotional bonds that characterize their relationship with sellers. Four types of relationships emerge:
transactional customers, delighted customers, loyal customers, and fans.
Research limitations/implications – The paper is an initial attempt to develop a theoretical
framework for customer engagement and further research is required to better understand several
aspects of the framework. Future research can also investigate questions stemming from this research,
for instance, how different Web 2.0 tools may be used to build customer engagement in consumer and
business markets.
Practical implications – Customer engagement turns customers into fans. But for customers to
become fans they have to progress through the stages of the customer engagement cycle. In addition to
current fans, sellers need a mix of transactional, delighted, and loyal customers who can be turned into
fans in the future. A mix of digital and nondigital technologies can be employed to facilitate customers’
transition through the stages in the customer engagement cycle.
Originality/value – The paper develops a conceptual model of customer engagement that improves
understanding of the concept and provides the foundation for strategies to better satisfy customers
using Web 2.0 tools like social media.
Keywords Customer engagement, Buyer-seller relationships, Social media, Web 2.0,
Relational exchange, Emotional bonds, Customer orientation, Marketing strategy
Paper type Conceptual paper
1. Introduction
Customer engagement has emerged in the last few years as a topic of great interest to
managers and consultants in diverse industries and companies worldwide as
evidenced by the large number of white papers, blogs, discussion forums,
commentaries, seminars, and symposia generated by a general search for the terms
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Management Decision
Vol. 50 No. 2, 2012
pp. 253-272
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/00251741211203551
(see, e.g. Wikipedia, 2011). Increasing interest in customer engagement has paralleled
the continued evolution of the internet and the emergence of new digital technologies
and tools that has been dubbed Web 2.0, especially social media like wikis, blogs, micro
blogging sites like Twitter, bookmarking sites like, video sites like
YouTube, virtual worlds like Second Life, and social networking sites like Facebook,
MySpace, and LinkedIn (see, e.g. Wirtz et al., 2010). The interactive nature of social
media with its ability to establish conversations among individuals and firms in
communities of sellers and customers and involve customers in content generation and
value creation has excited practitioners with its potential to better serve customers and
satisfy their needs.
Practitioners have been at the forefront of attempts to understand, define, and build
customer engagement (e.g. Advertising Research Foundation, 2008; EIU, 2007a, b, c, d;
Forrester Consulting, 2008; Gallup, 2009, 2010). Surveys of managers in private as well
as public sector companies across the world sponsored by Adobe, a software company
whose stated objective is to develop the tools for companies to connect with customers
(Adobe, 2008), indicate that companies are striving to create a high level of customer
engagement defined as “an intimate long-term relationship with the customer” (EIU,
2007a, b, c, d).
Implicitly, managers appear to view customer engagement along exchange
relationship dimensions ranging from short- to long-term and cursory to intimate.
In general, exchange relationships may span a continuum from short-term discrete
exchange in markets to long-term relational exchanges within organizations (Macneil,
1981). As exchange relationships evolve from market-mediated exchange to
organization-mediated exchange, more intimate and enduring relational exchanges
take place. The most intimate long-term relationship perhaps occurs when a supplier
and customer merge to form one organization, replacing a market exchange with a
hierarchical or organizational exchange.
Markets and organizations are alternative mechanisms for satisfying needs and
customers can choose to rely on either the market mechanism and buy the product
required to satisfy their needs or the organization mechanism to make it (Coase, 1937;
Williamson, 1985, 2000). Vertical integration forward into output markets by sellers or
backward into input markets by buyers replaces a buy transaction in a market with a
make transaction in an organization so the customer makes the product that it used to
previously buy. Customer engagement appears to resemble in terms of intimacy and
duration the relationship between parts of the same firm that transact with one
another. For instance, one business unit of a firm may make the product required by
another business unit of the same firm and also sell the product to customers who are
not part of the firm in market transactions. Customer engagement between
independent buyers and sellers in market transactions may represent the closest
equivalent to the relationship between two parts of the same organization (business
units of the same firm) without a merger supplanting market-mediated exchange.
In market transactions, customer engagement, by establishing intimate bonds in
enduring relational exchanges between seller and customer, appears to enable
customers to continue to rely on buy rather than make transactions as well as co-create
value. The roles of the seller and the customer converge, with seller and customer
collaborating in creating value (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004). Web 2.0
technologies and tools appear to facilitate the co-creation of value by seller and
customer (Harrison and Barthel, 2009). For instance, online community networks allow
customers to become active co-constructors of life experiences and consumption
meanings (Firat and Dholakia, 2006).
Building customer engagement in both business and consumer markets requires
adaptation of the marketing mix to take advantage of new technologies and tools to
better understand and serve customers. Social media provide the opportunity to
connect with customers using richer media with greater reach (see, e.g. Thackeray et al.,
2008). The interactive nature of these digital media not only allows sellers to share and
exchange information with their customers but also allows customers to share and
exchange information with one another as well. Using social media, organizations can
forge relationships with existing as well as new customers and form communities that
interactively collaborate to identify and understand problems and develop solutions
for them. These interactions change the traditional roles of both seller and customer in
exchange relationships. Indeed customers often add value by generating content and
even become ardent advocates for the seller’s products and can influence purchase
decisions of others in peer-to-peer interactions.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. We examine practitioner views of
customer engagement followed by a discussion of its links to the marketing concept,
market orientation, and relationship marketing. On the basis of this discussion we
formulate a customer engagement cycle with connection, interaction, satisfaction,
retention, commitment, advocacy, and engagement as stages in the cycle. We then
develop a customer engagement matrix based on the degree of relational exchange and
emotional bonds between buyer and seller. Finally, we discuss the implications of the
matrix for managers and future research.
2. Practitioner perspectives on customer engagement
Customer engagement has entered the lexicon of managers in private as well as public
sector enterprises in the last few years as a concept that is critical to the success of their
organizations. Its rise in the consciousness of managers has paralleled the emergence
of new technologies and tools that enable greater interactivity among individuals and
organizations. The evolution of the internet and in particular the emergence of social
media with its enhanced ability to facilitate interaction between buyers and sellers has
captured the interest of managers seeking to better understand and serve their buyers
using these technologies and tools. But what exactly is customer engagement seems to
be in doubt with considerable variation in interpretations of the concept and several
different definitions of customer engagement proposed by practitioners. As a
consequence, customer engagement often gets equated with the measures that
managers and consultants choose to use. We discuss a few of these definitions which
An early attempt to define customer engagement was made by the Advertising
Research Foundation (ARF) in March 2006. ARF in conjunction with the American
Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers
undertook a “defining engagement initiative” according to which engagement is
“Turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by the surrounding context”
(Advertising Research Foundation, 2008). According to ARF, a broad definition was
deliberately chosen to be inclusive rather than exclusive and provide a “framework
that fostered sharing of perspectives and knowledge, rather than a single, definitive
approach to measuring and applying the Engagement construct” (Advertising
Research Foundation, 2008). But a consequence of this approach is that customer
engagement can conceivably encompass a wide variety of situations ranging from
awareness, interest, and desire to purchase, retention, and loyalty.
A series of empirical studies conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit with
managers in private and public sector enterprises worldwide (EIU, 2007a, b, c, d) leads
them to define customer engagement as “an intimate long-term relationship with the
customer” but also note that it is sometimes used to describe marketing, satisfaction,
retention, and loyalty (EIU, 2007b). In terms of strategy, “engagement refers to the
creation of experiences that allow companies to build deeper, more meaningful and
sustainable interactions between the company and its customers or external
stakeholders” and proposes that “It is not a fixed point that can be reached but a
process that expands and evolves over time” (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007b). This
perspective not only extends the customer engagement concept to all experiences and
external stakeholders, but also suggests that customer engagement is a process that
evolves over the course of a relationship.
On the basis of a survey of 200 business decision makers in companies across the
world, Forrester Consulting (2008) defines customer engagement as “creating deep
connections with customers that drive purchase decisions, interaction, and
participation over time.” Their survey indicates that companies are investing more
in online programs and believe the internet is essential for building customer
engagement. Measures of customer engagement used by these companies include sales
volume, customer satisfaction, and frequency of visits to a web site. Forrester
recommends identifying the ten most important things that engaged customers and
prospects do and creating a dashboard to track the adoption, frequency, and intimacy
metrics associated with these activities. For example, if purchases, recommendations,
store visits, and online reviews are some of the customer engagement activities, the
percentage of customers engaging in these activities, the average number of times they
perform it in a certain period, and their preference, satisfaction or willingness to serve
as customer references are used to measure customer engagement. Besides turning
customer engagement into a company-specific concept, this approach fails to indicate
how measures of these different activities relate to an overall assessment of customer
A consulting firm that has placed much emphasis on customer engagement (and
also employee engagement and brand engagement) is Gallup, which uses 11 questions
to measure rational as well as emotional aspects of customer engagement in both
consumer and business markets. Gallup Consulting (2009) distinguishes four levels of
customer engagement: fully engaged, engaged, disengaged, and actively disengaged.
According to Gallup, fully engaged customers represent an average 23 percent
premium while actively disengaged customers represent a 13 percent discount relative
to average customers on an index based on share of wallet, profitability, revenue, and
relationship growth. As an example of the impact of customer engagement on
performance, Gallup cites a study of the casual dining industry in which a restaurant
chain with an engagement ratio of 5.4 (which means 5.4 of the chain’s customers were
fully engaged for every actively disengaged customer) in 2006 improved its ratio to 7.2
in 2008, during which time its overall sales grew by 30 percent and per unit sales grew
by 13 percent, while another chain with an engagement ratio of 0.63 in 2006 that
declined to 0.46 in 2008 saw a 2 percent decline in its sales. However, Gallup desists
from defining customer engagement although it does state that engaged “customers
are not just “satisfied” or “loyal,” they are emotionally attached to the organization’s
brands or services” (Gallup Consulting, 2010).
Many bloggers have weighed in on the topic of customer engagement with their
thoughts provoking comments from interested readers. In view of interest in customer
engagement arising at least in part from the greater interactivity of social media, we
cite a few examples of practitioner discussions of the concept. In an E-marketing
glossary, customer engagement is defined as follows: “The customer engagement
concept is intended to increase the time or attention a customer or prospect gives to a
brand on the web or across multiple channels” (Chaffey, 2008). Also mentioned in the
glossary is an alternative definition from an interview with another blogger who
defines customer engagement as “Repeated interactions between a customer and brand
that strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer has in
that brand” (Chaffey, 2007). In response to a post that engagement is not a metric that
anyone understands, rarely drives action or improvement at the web site, and is
difficult to define in a standard way, a blogger responds that marketers should be
thinking about how engaged the customer is with the company, product, or brand, not
its narrow connection to web sites and the online channel and argues that customer
engagement encompasses a number of dimensions: product involvement, purchase
frequency, service interactions frequency, types of interactions, online behaviour,
referral behaviour/intention, and velocity (Shevlin, 2007). A recent post suggests that a
central role in many marketing strategies is played by a customer engagement cycle
said to consist of awareness, consideration, inquiry, purchase, and retention stages
(Ertell, 2010), but these are stages in a purchase decision rather than a customer
engagement cycle. However, the post does argue that missing from the cycle are two
critical stages, satisfaction and referral (Ertell, 2010).
3. Customer engagement and the marketing, market orientation, and
relationship marketing concepts
The fascination of managers in both consumer and business markets worldwide with
customer engagement and heightened interest in the concept since the arrival of the
internet and especially social media with its potential for greater interactivity
represents the strong desire of practitioners for new approaches to better serve
customers. Social media with its ability to facilitate relationships may help realize the
promise of the marketing concept, market orientation, and relationship marketing by
providing the tools to better satisfy customers and build customer engagement. As
many of the definitions we have discussed suggest, customer engagement seems to go
beyond awareness, beyond purchase, beyond satisfaction, beyond retention, and
beyond loyalty. In many ways it represents the evolution of marketing from the
marketing concept era to market orientation to relationship marketing. We examine
how customer engagement relates to the marketing concept, market orientation, and
relationship marketing and may help achieve their promise.
3.1 The marketing concept and customer engagement
The marketing concept focuses on customer needs and starts with customers to
determine the activities that a seller must perform in order to meet their needs (see,
e.g. Borch, 1957; McKitterick, 1957). Customer engagement likewise focuses on
customers and their needs in order to engage with them. Both the marketing concept
and customer engagement concept are customer-centric approaches that give primacy
to customers in order to determine the value adding required to meet their needs.
The marketing concept differs from approaches that preceded it (like the
production, product, and selling concepts) in shifting focus from the needs of sellers to
the needs of buyers. In the face of market uncertainty, sellers tend to rely on the
information available to them, and because they generally have more information
regarding their own needs, may focus on their needs as sellers rather than the needs of
buyers. However, sellers can meet their needs only if buyers engage in transactions
with sellers and a variety of value adding activities have to be performed by sellers for
these transactions to occur. Indeed only by understanding customer needs and the
search processes by which customer satisfy them can sellers determine what value
adding is required and how to do it. Only by meeting customer needs can sellers meet
their own needs.
In order to achieve goals in terms of metrics like profitability, market share, and
revenue or sales volume that reflect seller needs, customer needs must first be met.
Only if customers proceed through a buying process that culminates in a purchase can
seller needs for profitability, market share, sales, etc., be met. But mere purchase of a
product does not signify customer engagement. At the very least the purchase of a
product must lead to other purchases of the same product, or other products of the
same brand, or other products in the product mix (same or different brands) offered by
the same company. If the purchase results in satisfaction perhaps the buyer will
engage in repeat purchases and retention is likely but even satisfaction and retention
do not necessarily signify customer engagement, though they increase its likelihood.
Absent satisfaction it is unlikely retention will occur. Retention over time leads to
loyalty but not necessarily customer engagement. Only if loyal customers develop
feelings of intimacy and emotional attachment and are “turned on” and become fans of
the product, brand, or company does it result in customer engagement. Engaged
customers are likely to recommend products to others, e.g. by word-of-mouth, blogs,
social networking, comments on web sites, etc., and even add value by providing
user-generated content. In many ways customer engagement expands the traditional
role played by customers and includes them in the value-adding process by helping
sellers understand customer needs, participating in the product development process,
providing feedback on strategies and products, and becoming advocates for the
3.2 Market orientation and customer engagement
The focus of market orientation as in the case of the marketing concept is on
customers. But it broadens the domain to include other market forces like competition
(see, e.g. Hadcroft and Jarratt, 2007). The needs of customers are met through value
adding activities to make high quality products that provide benefits superior to that of
competitors. Market orientation has been held to consist of three sets of activities:
(1) Organization-wide generation of market intelligence on customer needs.
(2) Dissemination of the intelligence across departments.
(3) Organization-wide responsiveness to it ( Jaworski and Kohli, 1993).
By generating intelligence on the changing needs of customers and gearing the
organization to respond to it, market orientation contributes to customer engagement.
Market orientation has also been shown to increase the esprit de corps and
commitment of employees to the organization ( Jaworski and Kohli, 1993), contributing
to employee engagement, which has been shown to contribute to customer satisfaction
and profit (Harter et al., 2002) and customer loyalty (Salanova et al., 2005).
However, customer engagement goes beyond market orientation by actively
involving customers in generating intelligence on their changing needs and in helping
the organization respond to those needs. The process of value creation is shifting from
a product- and firm-centric view to personalized customer experiences with “Informed,
networked, empowered, and active” customers increasingly co-creating value with the
organization (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004). Interaction between the organization
and engaged customers and among the customers themselves as well as with potential
customers allows them to co-create value by generating content, providing feedback,
disseminating information, and becoming advocates for the organization among their
peers. Market orientation helps lay the foundation for customer engagement, which
expands the role of customers to include participation in the value adding activities of
the organization as co-creators of value. Generating intelligence and responding to
changing customer needs with engaged employees helps the organization build
intimate long-term relationships with customers.
3.3 Relationship marketing and customer engagement
The desire for relationships with customers is implicit in both the marketing concept
with its emphasis on meeting customer needs and the market orientation concept with
its emphasis on meeting customer needs by providing superior value relative to
competitors. Relationship marketing, however, broadened the domain to focus
explicitly on the exchange relationship, enhancing our understanding of relationships
between sellers and customers (see, e.g. Gronroos, 1994). Most importantly, it identified
constructs that influence the nature of the relationship in market exchanges between
sellers and customers. The key norms that determine whether exchange between
sellers and customers is transactional or relational are trust and commitment (Morgan
and Hunt, 1994). Other norms like role integrity have also been suggested (Kaufmann
and Stern, 1988), but the interactive nature of social media is likely to blur the role
integrity of sellers and customers by expanding the role of customers and including
them in the creation of value.
Customer engagement requires the establishment of trust and commitment in
buyer-seller relationships. Trust exists “when one party has confidence in an exchange
partner’s reliability and integrity” (Morgan and Hunt, 1994). Absent trust the
relationship is unlikely to become either enduring or intimate. Only when customers
trust sellers can they be expected to become advocates for the seller although trust
alone may not suffice to turn the exchange into a long-term relationship. On the other
hand, commitment, which has been defined “as an exchange partner believing that an
ongoing relationship with another is so important as to warrant maximum efforts at
maintaining it; that is, the committed party believes the relationship is worth working
on to ensure that it endures indefinitely” (Morgan and Hunt, 1994), leads to long-term
relationships but not necessarily intimacy. A distinction has been drawn between two
types of commitment: calculative and affective (see Gustafsson et al., 2005; Bowden,
2009). Calculative commitment results from switching costs or lack of other suppliers
causing a customer to “stick” with a particular seller. Affective commitment, however,
results in an emotional bond between seller and customer that “captures the trust and
reciprocity in a relationship” (Gustafsson et al., 2005). Thus affective as well as
calculative commitment or trust and commitment will likely result in customer
4. The customer engagement cycle
On the basis of the preceding discussion, we suggest that customer engagement
focuses on satisfying customers by providing superior value than competitors to build
trust and commitment in long-term relationships. Engaged customers become partners
who collaborate with sellers in the value adding process to better satisfy their needs as
well as the needs of other customers. The interactivity of social media greatly
facilitates the process of establishing enduring intimate relationships with trust and
commitment between sellers and buyers. Customer engagement is turning on
customers by building emotional bonds in relational exchanges with them.
The process of building customer engagement constitutes a customer engagement
cycle. The notion of a customer engagement cycle has previously been used (as we
noted before) to refer to awareness, consideration, inquiry, purchase, and retention
stages, which appear to represent stages in the purchase process that customers use to
decide the specific product to be purchased, albeit with a feedback loop for future
purchases, rather than customer engagement and might apply the first time new
customers choose what product to buy. We propose that the stages of the customer
engagement cycle are connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, commitment,
advocacy, and engagement as depicted in Figure 1. Much of the variation in
practitioner perspectives on customer engagement seems to stem from confusing
intermediate stages in the customer engagement cycle with customer engagement
itself. The customer engagement cycle stages are discussed in the following.
4.1 Connection
The prerequisite for establishing relational exchange with emotional bonds is for
sellers and customers to connect with each other. The connections may be established
using both traditional offline methods like salespersons and new digital online
methods like social networking. Social media greatly facilitate the establishment of
connections with a large number and wide variety of individuals and firms. Customers
may use existing connections with sellers and other customers to satisfy a need or they
may seek new connections with sellers and customers outside their current circle.
Sellers searching for customers may also establish connections.
The needs of customers may prompt a search for products that are potential
solutions and sellers could assist customers in the process and help them choose
particular solutions and products. Sellers can also establish connections with potential
customers before needs arise so as to be in a position to suggest existing products as
solutions or even develop new products to meet these needs. Such connections are
especially important in intermediate transactions in business markets where customer
needs stem from making products for customers in subsequent transactions and a
buying center with individuals from different departments and hierarchical levels of
the organization emerges to determine product choices (Sashi, 2009). For instance,
getting past the gatekeeper role in the buying center and connecting with users,
influencers, deciders, and buyers can facilitate collaborative problem solving.
4.2 Interaction
Once connected the customer can interact with seller personnel and other customers.
Before the internet these connections were limited by available technology like
word-of-mouth, letters, and telephone to narrow circles of family, friends, colleagues,
and acquaintances constrained by location. But with Web 2.0, restrictions in terms of
space and time are fast disappearing, and metaphors like global village and 24/7 are
evoked to describe the real time interactions possible among people worldwide.
Texting, instant messaging, email, blogging, virtual worlds, and social networking are
examples of tools that enable more frequent, faster, and richer interactions among
much larger groups of connected individuals and organizations or communities. Sellers
can play an active role in the formation of these communities using social media
supplemented by the tools traditionally used to serve customers. Interactions among
sellers and their customers can improve understanding of customer needs, especially
changes in these needs over time, and facilitate modifications to existing products or
the development of new products to better satisfy these needs. Social interaction in
virtual worlds, for example, where users communicate and interact in real time can be
used to connect with customers, provide information and experiences, and obtain
customer input (Tikkanen et al., 2009).
Figure 1.
Customer engagement
Interaction between seller and customer is becoming the locus of value creation and
value extraction (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004). The internet allows sellers to
establish a continuing dialogue with customers, tap into knowledge shared among
groups of customers with shared interests, and extend the reach and scope of customer
interactions to reach competitors’ or prospective customers (Sawhney et al., 2005). For
example, Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical manufacturer created e.Lilly to use the internet to
manage customer interactions with the explicit purpose of supporting R&D activities;
and Ducati Motor, a manufacturer of motorcycles, created a virtual community of
customers it considers fans to understand customer needs, gain insights into new
products and services, allow customers to share information and assist one another,
and involve customers with strong relationships in product design and market testing
stages of the new product development process (Sawhney et al., 2005). In software
engineering, interaction between customer and supplier organizations is essential to
understand customer needs and agile methods that emphasize close and continuous
cooperation with customers throughout the development cycle are recommended
(Hanssen and Faegri, 2006). Customer interaction allows customers to participate in the
value adding process and collaborate with sellers in creating value.
4.3 Satisfaction
Only if interactions between a seller and a customer, or among the members of a
community including seller and customers result in satisfaction will they stay
connected and continue to interact with one another and progress towards
engagement. Satisfaction is not an end in itself as the use of customer satisfaction
surveys and ratings sometimes implies but an intermediate step in strategies to
achieve the goals of an organization (Mittal and Kamakura, 2001). Indeed, it has been
argued the goal of marketing is not satisfaction but customer empowerment through
partnerships with sellers that enable customer communities to mutually construct their
desires and products (Firat and Dholakia, 2006). Satisfaction is a necessary condition
for customer engagement. But it is not sufficient for customer engagement.
Satisfaction with interactions during a purchase process may precede or follow the
purchase and dissatisfaction at any stage can disrupt the process and result in
customer exit. Satisfaction, however, may not result in repurchases and a long-term
relationship may not ensue. A distinction has been drawn between transaction-specific
and cumulative customer satisfaction (Oliver, 1993), with cumulative or overall
satisfaction defined as “an overall evaluation based on the total purchase and
consumption experience with a good or service over time” (Anderson et al., 1994). A
high level of satisfaction achieved when customer expectations are exceeded and
emotions become highly positive has been described as not just satisfaction but delight
(Oliver et al., 1997).
4.4 Retention
Customer retention can result from either overall satisfaction over time or highly
positive emotions. Overall satisfaction over time emerges as a result of repurchases
and implies a long-term relationship between seller and customer but not necessarily
highly positive emotions for each other. On the other hand, a customer’s highly positive
emotions for a seller do not imply that the customer has a long-term relationship with
the seller. Thus retention may be the result of enduring relationships without
emotional bonds or emotional bonds without a long-term relationship.
A study of the effects of customer satisfaction, affective commitment, and
calculative commitment on customer retention finds that customer satisfaction has a
positive effect on retention, affective commitment does not have an effect on retention,
and calculative commitment has a positive effect on retention, and recommends the
inclusion of customer satisfaction as well as calculative commitment in surveys used to
predict retention (Gustafsson et al., 2005). However, the causality is unclear: instead of
commitment leading to retention, it is possible that retention gives rise to either
affective commitment (highly positive emotions) or calculative commitment (long-term
relationships), or both affective and calculative commitment (long-term relationships
with highly positive emotions).
4.5 Commitment
Commitment in a relationship has two major dimensions: affective commitment and
calculative commitment (see Gustafsson et al., 2005). Calculative commitment is more
rational and results from a lack of choice or switching costs. For example, a customer
who enjoys a particular cuisine like Vietnamese or Peruvian food may patronize a
restaurant nearby because of a lack of alternatives and regularly dine at the restaurant.
Calculative commitment leads to higher levels of customer loyalty and enduring
relationships with sellers.
Affective commitment is more emotional and results from the trust and reciprocity
in a relationship. In the example of the customer who regularly dines at a particular
restaurant, the diner could become friends with the wait staff who remember the
diner’s preferences and provide exceptional service on most visits. Affective
commitment leads to higher levels of trust and emotional bonds in relationships
with sellers.
Customer loyalty may be considered the result of calculative commitment to a
product, brand, or company while customer delight is the result of affective
commitment to a product, brand, or company. If customers are loyal as well as
delighted, that is, customer commitment to a seller encompasses both calculative and
affective commitment, then the customer and seller are in an enduring relational
exchange with strong emotional bonds.
4.6 Advocacy
Delighted customers may keep their delight to themselves or in a connected world
interact with others in their social networks to spread the word about their positive
experiences with a product, brand, or company. Loyal customers lacking an emotional
bond to the seller they regularly patronize may not offer unsolicited encomiums about
the product, brand, or company to others despite their enduring relationships with the
seller or they may offer recommendations when presented with the opportunity to do
so on a purely rational basis free of emotional attachment.
In a study of customer commitment and word-of-mouth communication regarding
hair salons and veterinary services, affective commitment is positively related but
calculative commitment (termed high sacrifice commitment in the study) is not related
to word-of-mouth communication (Harrison-Walker, 2001), suggesting that at least in
offline interactions, delighted customers communicate their delight to others in their
social networks but loyal customers are less prone to do so. Only if loyal customers in
long-term relationships develop emotional bonds will they likely become advocates for
a product, brand, or company.
Sellers as well as customers can play advocacy roles in relationships. Urban (2004)
suggests that digital technologies like the internet have shifted the emphasis from
relationship marketing with its slogans like “customer care” and “delight your
customer” to acting in the customers’ best interests and becoming advocates for them.
Sellers must find the best products for their customers even if those offerings are from
competitors because: “If a company advocates for its customers, they will reciprocate
with their trust, loyalty and purchases – either now or in the future” (Urban, 2004).
Customers in turn become advocates for sellers among those with who they have
connections and interactions. In the future, sellers and customers are expected to look
after each other’s interests and the focus will be on exchange of values that transcend
their self-interest (Nordin, 2009).
4.7 Engagement
When delighted or loyal customers share their delight or loyalty in interactions with
others in their social networks and become advocates for a product, brand, or company,
the foundation has been laid for proceeding to the next and perhaps most important
step in the cycle, customer engagement. Both customer delight and customer loyalty
are necessary for customer engagement. In other words, customer engagement
requires affective commitment as well as calculative commitment or trust as well as
commitment between sellers and customers. Customer engagement occurs when
customers have strong emotional bonds in relational exchanges with sellers.
Customer engagement expands the role of customers by including them in the value
adding process as co-creators of value. The inclusion of customers in the creation of
value enhances satisfaction of the needs of customers as well as sellers, especially as
these needs change over time. As engaged customers develop new connections, they
become advocates for the seller in interactions with other customers and
non-customers. Customer engagement turns customers into fans who remain
wedded through ups and downs in intimate enduring relationships and even
proselytize for the product, brand, or company. When problems arise in relationships
with customer engagement, they are likely to be resolved through passive acceptance
or constructive discussion rather than venting or disengagement (see Hibbard et al.,
2001). The exchange relationship between seller and customer and among customers
becomes more relational and emotional bonds among them become stronger, and lead
to new connections and interactions, creating a virtuous customer engagement cycle.
5. The customer engagement matrix
Customers in different stages of the customer engagement cycle will vary in terms of
the degree of relational exchange and emotional bonds that characterize their
relationships with sellers. Initially, in the connection and interaction stages, buyers and
sellers have yet to establish exchange relationships and there is little or no relational
exchange or emotional bond between them. If connection and interaction lead to
satisfaction, depending on the degree of relational exchange and emotional bonds that
characterize their relationships with sellers, customers may be arrayed in a customer
engagement matrix.
We construct a customer engagement matrix with relational exchange along the
horizontal axis and emotional bonds along the vertical axis. Relational exchange varies
along a continuum with discrete transactional exchanges at one end and enduring
relational exchanges at the other end. Emotional bonds range from rational
relationships with little or no emotional attachment at one end to intimate relationships
with strong emotional bonds at the other end. Figure 2 shows the four cells of the
customer engagement matrix with low or high relational exchange linked to low or
high emotional bonds.
5.1 Transactional customers
If relational exchange is low and emotional bonds are low, we have transactional
customers with minimal personal relationships and no anticipation or obligation of
future exchanges (see Macneil, 1981). Transactional customers are price sensitive and
prone to deals. They regard the product as a commodity and will buy from the seller
offering the lowest price, switching across sellers from transaction to transaction. In
business markets, these customers use either the minimum price or lowest total cost
models of buyer behavior (Sashi, 2009). Exchanges between sellers and customers are
neither enduring nor close and connection and interaction is limited to a particular
Transactional customers, however, are the source of customers for the other cells in
the matrix. The future intentions of low relational customers were driven by overall
satisfaction in a study of the customers of a nonprofit theater company separated by
the strength of their relationships (Garbarino and Johnson, 1999). Only by ensuring the
overall satisfaction of transactional customers can they be turned into either loyal or
delighted customers, and eventually, fans.
5.2 Delighted customers
If relational exchange is low but emotional bonds are high, we have delighted
customers. The expectations of these customers have been exceeded, inducing highly
positive emotions and a high level of satisfaction, but customer interactions with the
seller are infrequent and transactions are rare. Delight does not translate into long-term
Figure 2.
Customer engagement
Delighted customers, however, develop affective commitment to a seller. The affective
commitment of delighted customers can make them advocates for a product, brand, or
company. Affective commitment is positively related to word-of-mouth communication
(Harrison-Walker, 2001), suggesting that delighted customers are prone to
communicate their delight to the people with who they are connected in social
networks. By developing an enduring relationship with delighted customers already in
the advocacy stage of the customer engagement cycle, sellers can turn delighted
customers into fans.
5.3 Loyal customers
If relational exchange is high and emotional bonds are low, we have loyal customers.
Loyal customers are in relationships characterized by calculative commitment in
which switching costs or lack of alternative suppliers creates lock-in or stickiness with
the current supplier. Customers are loyal not because they are emotionally attached to
a seller but for purely rational reasons. The relationship endures over time because of
barriers to exit.
Loyal customers are unlikely to recommend a seller on their own. A seller can
induce loyal customers to play an advocacy role by developing affective commitment.
In the nonprofit theater company study, the future intentions of high relational
customers were driven by trust and commitment (Garbarino and Johnson, 1999). By
developing trust in loyal customers, sellers can turn them into fans.
5.4 Fans
If relational exchange is high and emotional bonds are high, customers are fans and we
have customer engagement. The relationship is characterized by cooperative action
and mutual adjustment, sharing of benefits and burdens, and planning for future
exchanges (see Macneil, 1981). Fans have enduring relationships with affective as well
as calculative commitment. Fans are both delighted and loyal.
Fans trust sellers and become passionate advocates for them. A classic example of
fans is provided by customers of professional sports teams who are loyal supporters of
their teams in times good and bad, delighted when they win, dejected when they lose,
with trust and commitment characterizing their enduring relationship with a team they
regard as their own. Fans connect with other fans, interact with one another, and
improve overall satisfaction, reinforcing their loyalty and delight.
Ideally, a seller will have many customers who are fans. But sellers will not only
want fans but also delighted customers, loyal customers, and transactional customers
who can be turned into future fans. Satisfaction in connections and interactions with
transactional customers is a prerequisite for turning them into loyal customers by
creating calculative commitment or delighted customers by creating affective
commitment. Loyal customers are turned into fans by creating affective commitment
and delighting them. Delighted customers are turned into fans by creating calculative
commitment and making them loyal. A mix of offline and online strategies may be
employed for connecting and interacting with customers in different stages of the
customer engagement cycle and facilitating transition to the next stage of the cycle.
Social media improve the ability to connect with customers as well as non-customers
and richness of the interactions with them, increasing the likelihood of satisfying
transactional customers, creating delighted or loyal customers, and turning them into
6. Discussion
The emergence of the customer engagement concept acknowledges the opportunities
afforded by the internet and particularly the interactive aspects of Web 2.0
technologies and tools to transform the relationship between sellers and customers. Its
importance has primarily been recognized by practitioners seeking to harness the
potential of social media to build enduring relational exchanges with strong emotional
bonds. By formulating a conceptual model of customer engagement we provide the
basis for developing customer engagement strategies using both online and offline
technologies and tools.
Our review of the definitions of customer engagement proffered by consultants and
bloggers and exploration of its links to marketing theory has helped us develop a
theoretical framework for understanding customer engagement. Customer engagement
focuses on customers and their needs in accordance with the marketing concept, aims
to provide superior value relative to competitors by generating, disseminating, and
responding to intelligence regarding customer needs in keeping with market
orientation, and seeks to build trust and commitment in relationships with customers
as suggested by relationship marketing. Achieving customer engagement requires
facilitating customers’ transition through several stages in the customer engagement
cycle: connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, commitment, advocacy, and
engagement. A mix of digital and non-digital technologies can be employed for the
purpose and different mixes are required for each stage of the customer engagement
6.1 Implications for managers
New technologies and tools spawned by Web 2.0 like social media alter the roles of
buyers and sellers and the relationships between them. Unlike traditional market
exchanges in which the seller largely controlled marketing mix decisions relating to
product, price, promotion, and place and developed strategies to meet the needs of
customers, social media helps shift control of some of these decisions to customers. By
changing how sellers and customers connect and interact, social media enables
customers to participate in making strategic choices jointly with sellers and co-create
value with them. Social media enables customers to participate in value adding and
marketing mix decisions by connecting and interacting not only with sellers, but also
with other customers as well as non-customers.
Previously, even when managers tried to formulate strategies by taking the needs of
customers into account, control of marketing mix decisions tended to remain with the
seller. For instance, market research about buyer needs may have provided the
information for formulating strategy but strategic decision-making was largely the
domain of managers working for sellers. Social media, however, enables both sellers
and customers to participate in strategic decision-making and strategy is no longer the
sole prerogative of the seller. Indeed sellers must connect with current as well as
potential customers and seek their active involvement in developing products that
meet customer needs. Involving customers in the value adding process and marketing
mix decisions increases the likelihood of their satisfaction and progress through
subsequent stages of the customer engagement cycle.
Only by satisfying transactional customers can sellers attempt to develop stronger
emotional bonds or build enduring relational exchanges with them. Continued
interaction between sellers and customers employing a variety of social media, each
with its own pros and cons for facilitating transition through different stages in the
customer engagement cycle can be used to foster retention and create affective and/or
calculative commitment. The specific social medium or media used may be expected to
depend on the nature of the interaction sought with different social media preferred for
different objectives. For instance, the social media employed to turn delighted
customers into fans by building calculative commitment in addition to affective
commitment is likely to be different from that used to turn loyal customers into fans by
building affective commitment in addition to calculative commitment.
The opportunity provided by social media for customers to connect and interact in
rich and complex ways with other customers and non-customers gives them the ability
to influence others in their social networks. Customers with strong emotional bonds
can become advocates for sellers in peer-to-peer interactions with other customers and
noncustomers and play an important role in the value adding process as co-creators of
value. User-generated content can greatly enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and/or delight, especially as customer needs change over time, e.g. applications for the
Apple iPhone. The expansion of customer roles to encompass seller roles not only
reinforces the emotional bonds between seller and customer and among customers, but
also makes it a more relational exchange because customers actively participate in
creating value for other customers. As the exchange becomes more relational and the
emotional bonds stronger, customers become advocates for sellers in interactions with
other customers and non-customers. Sellers in turn become customer advocates who
try to do what is best for their customers.
Customer engagement turns customers into fans. Social media allows fans to
connect and interact with other fans increasing mutual satisfaction and advocacy. Fans
can also connect and interact with non-customers, turning them into transactional
customers and launching the customer engagement cycle anew. Only if sellers or
current customers connect and interact with potential customers and succeed in
turning them into transactional customers does the possibility arise of their transition
through subsequent stages of the customer engagement cycle with some eventually
becoming fans. Satisfaction is essential to retain transactional customers and turn
them into either loyal or delighted customers. Transactional customers can be turned
into delighted customers by creating affective commitment and building emotional
bonds with them or into loyal customers by creating calculative commitment and
building enduring relational exchanges with them. For delighted customers to turn into
fans, affective commitment must be supplemented with calculative commitment; and
for loyal customers to turn into fans, calculative commitment must be supplemented
with affective commitment. Only if customers develop both affective and calculative
commitment (or trust and commitment) will they turn into fans with strong emotional
bonds in enduring relational exchanges with sellers. In addition to current fans, sellers
need a mix of transactional, delighted, and loyal customers who can be turned into fans
in the future.
6.2 Implications for future research
In this conceptual paper we have attempted to identify the stages in the customer
engagement cycle and develop a customer engagement matrix. Our initial effort
requires further research to better understand each stage in the customer engagement
cycle and the types of buyer-seller relationships in the customer engagement matrix.
Future research can examine the mix of social media, other digital media, and
non-digital media appropriate for each stage of the customer engagement cycle, how
customers transition from one stage to the next, and the role of customers in the
co-creation of value. Implicit hypotheses in this study about changes in the degree of
relational exchange and emotional bonds characterizing buyer-seller relationships for
transactional customers, delighted customers, loyal customers, and fans as customers
progress through the customer engagement cycle need empirical investigation. For
instance, does commitment lead transactional customers to become delighted or loyal
customers with affective commitment turning them into delighted customers,
calculative commitment turning them into loyal customers, and both affective and
calculative commitment required to turn them into fans?
We have highlighted the ability of social media to enable more frequent, faster, and
richer interactions among large groups of people but have not distinguished between
different social media or examined their relative advantages and disadvantages for
each stage in the customer engagement cycle. Also, the mix of social media to facilitate
transition from one stage to the next and potential combinations with other digital
media as well as traditional non-digital media has to be determined. Further research is
required, for example, to determine how different elements of social media like
YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook might be combined with banner advertising, TV
advertising, and personal selling to produce both affective and calculative commitment
and enhance advocacy and customer engagement.
Social media usage may also be expected to vary across markets with different
media preferred for each stage of the customer engagement cycle in business and
consumer markets. The preferences may also shift depending on the type of products
and extent of buyer search. For instance, media preferences are likely to be different in
consumer markets for convenience, shopping, and specialty products (see, e.g. Porter,
1974); and in business markets for made to order or postponement products and made
for stock or speculation products (see, e.g. Sashi and Stern, 1995). Future research
mapping these preferences would have important implications for how well the new
technologies and tools deliver on their promise.
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About the author
C.M. Sashi received a PhD in Marketing from the Kellogg School of Management at
Northwestern University, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, and a
BTech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. His
dissertation research won awards from the American Marketing Association and Marketing
Science Institute and his research has been published in several journals and presented at many
conferences. He has taught at Northwestern, Washington, and Florida Atlantic Universities and
has twice received the TIP award for excellence in teaching at Florida Atlantic University.
C.M. Sashi can be contacted at:
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