... The paper presents a classification of KM publications into six areas: knowledge sharing and technology transfer, Intellectual Property Protection (IPP), knowledge measurement and Intellectual capital (IC) reporting, innovation and knowledge creation (KC), organisational knowledge culture and structure as well as Pharmaceutical firm performance ( Figure 3). The rest of articles falls in miscellaneous category that includes other themes such as: organisational learning, knowledge management maturity, data mining, etc. (Wakefield, 2005); (Styhre et al., 2008); (Qureshi & Evans, 2015); (Akhavan et al., 2015); (Pedroso & Nakano, 2009); (Mets, 2006); (Lilleoere & Hansen, 2011); (Lawson & Potter, 2012); (Hemmert, 2004); (Gray et al., 2011); (Dooley & Kirk, 2007); (Delaney, 1999); (Criscuolo, 2005); (Coradi et al., 2015); (Chávez & Víquez, 2015); (Brachos et al. 2007); (Bourouni et al., 2015); (Azan and Huber Sutter 2010); (Allen et al., 2016); (Santos, 2003); (Mohan, Jain, and Ramesh 2007); (Malik, 2012); (Iwasa and Odagiri 2004);(Filieri et al. 2014); (Chang, Yeh, and Yeh 2007); (Buchel et al. 2013); (Bourouni et al., 2015) Pharmaceutical Firm Performance (Mehralian et al. 2012); (Malik, 2012); (Kim et al., 2014); (Vishnu & Gupta, 2014); (SubbaNarasimha et al., 2003); (Sharabati et al., 2010); (Pal & Soriya, 2012); (Kamath, 2008); (Garcia Morales et al., 2008); (Bollen et al., 2005) Research, Innovation and Knowledge Creation (Terziovski and Morgan 2006); ; (Sternitzke, 2010); (Standing and Kiniti 2011); (Sharma and Goswami 2009); (Roth, 2003); (Parisi and Hockerts 2008) (Bollen et al., 2005); (Boekestein, 2006); (Boekestein, 2009); (Abhayawansa & Azim, 2014); (Sydler et al., 2014); (Russell, 2016); (Rossi et al., 2015); (Nito, 2005); (Mehralian et al. 2012); (Mehralian et al. 2014); (Huang et al., 2011) ...