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Purpose – The advent of Web 2.0 or so‐called social media have enabled a new kind of communication, called mass self‐communication. These tools and the new form of communication are believed to empower users in everyday life. The authors of this paper observe a paradox: if this positive potential is possible, the negative downside is also possible. There is often a denial of this downside and it is especially visible in social media at the level of privacy and dataveillance. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate this point through an analysis of cookies. Design/methodology/approach – The paper illustrates how mass self‐communication in social media enables a new form of vulnerability for privacy. This is best shown by redefining privacy as flows of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) that are regulated by informational norms of Nissenbaum's concept of contextual integrity. Instead of analysing these contexts on a general level, the paper operationalises them on the user level to illustrate the lack of user awareness regarding cookies. The results of the research were gathered through desk research and expert interviews. Findings – The positive aspects of cookies, unobtrusiveness and ease of use, are also the main challenges for user privacy. This technology can be disempowering because users are often hardly aware of its existence. In that way cookies can obfuscate the perceived context of personal data exposure. Originality/value – The research shows how user disempowerment in social media is often overlooked by overstressing their beneficial potential.
Social media and cookies: challenges for online privacy
Jo Pierson Rob Heyman
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Jo Pierson Rob Heyman, (2011),"Social media and cookies: challenges for online privacy", info, Vol. 13 Iss 6 pp. 30 - 42
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Social media and cookies: challenges for
online privacy
Jo Pierson and Rob Heyman
Purpose The advent of Web 2.0 or so-called social media have enabled a new kind of communication,
called mass self-communication. These tools and the new form of communication are believed to
empower users in everyday life. The authors of this paper observe a paradox: if this positive potential is
possible, the negative downside is also possible. There is often a denial of this downside and it is
especially visible in social media at the level of privacy and dataveillance. The purpose of this paper is to
illustrate this point through an analysis of cookies.
Design/methodology/approach The paper illustrates how mass self-communication in social media
enables a new form of vulnerability for privacy. This is best shown by redefining privacy as flows of
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) that are regulated by informational norms of Nissenbaum’s
concept of contextual integrity. Instead of analysing these contexts on a general level, the paper
operationalises them on the user level to illustrate the lack of user awareness regarding cookies. The
results of the research were gathered through desk research and expert interviews.
Findings The positive aspects of cookies, unobtrusiveness and ease of use, are also the main
challenges for user privacy. This technology can be disempowering because users are often hardly
aware of its existence. In that way cookies can obfuscate the perceived context of personal data
Originality/value The research shows how user disempowerment in social media is often overlooked
by overstressing their beneficial potential.
Keywords Cookies, PII, Privacy, Social media, Web 2.0
Paper type Research paper
1. Mass self-communication and user (dis)empowerment
Tools and technologies for media and communication are undergoing major changes,
based on economic transitions and digitisation. This goes together with an intensified state
of convergence between the formerly strictly divided sectors of audiovisual media,
telecommunication and computer industry. These new media have been described by Punie
et al. (2009, p. 136) as:
[. ..] a set of open, web-based and user-friendly applications that enable users to network, share
data, collaborate and co-produce content.
Punie et al. (2009, p. 136) define these tools as ‘‘social computing’ tools. We propose to use
‘‘social media’ in order to highlight the changing communication processes typified by
Castells’ concept of ‘‘mass self-communication’’. Castells (2009) sees the latter as the novel
quality of communication in contemporary society:
BMass communication because social media can potentially reach a global internet
B‘‘Self-communication’ because the message production is self-generated, the potential
receiver(s) definition is self-directed and the message or content retrieval is self-selected.
VOL. 13 NO. 6 2011, pp. 30-42, QEmerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1463-6697 DOI 10.1108/14636691111174243
Jo Pierson is a Professor
and Rob Heyman is a PhD
Student, both at the
Research Centre
IBBT-SMIT, Department of
Media and Communication
Studies, Vrije Universiteit
Brussel (VUB), Brussels,
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However, the different forms of communication (mass media, interpersonal communication
and mass self-communication) complement rather than substitute one another.
The notion of ‘‘mass self-communication’ is a good signifier for the techno-dialectic changes
taking place in communication and media production. He situates the current ICT and
internet landscape as a conflict between the global multimedia business networks that
attempt to commodify the internet and the unprecedented autonomy for communicative
subjects to communicate at large, labelled as the creative audiences or users:
Yet, this potential autonomy is shaped, controlled, and curtailed by the growing concentration
and interlocking of corporate media and network operators around the world (Castells, 2009)[1].
As indicated by critical scholars like Van Dijck and Nieborg (2009) and Fuchs (2009), these
changes in the internet landscape and the claims made on the societal impact are often
overrated. Nevertheless we cannot overlook that these new media and internet are
becoming an integrated part of everyday life in major parts of Western society, i.e. 47 per
cent of American adults are on at least one social network site (Hampton et al., 2011, p. 85).
Haythornthwaite and Wellman (2002), Arsenault and Castells (2008) and Hampton et al.
(2011) also stress how the greater communicative autonomy of the media consumers could
help them to become media citizens, and thus restoring the balance of power vis-a
`-vis their
would be controllers. This is however only possible if users are empowered, which means
that they acquire the necessary know-how to operate social media applications.
1.1 User empowerment
The pros and cons of mass self-communication are linked to notions of respectively ‘‘user
empowerment’’ and ‘user disempowerment’’. Empowerment in the general sense is defined
as ‘‘enabling people to control their own lives and to take advantage of opportunities’
(van der Maesen and Walker, 2002, p. 24) or in other words ‘a process, a mechanism by
which people, organisations, and communities gain mastery over their affairs.’’ (Rappaport,
When applying this perspective of empowerment in the realm of new media and mass
self-communication, we refer to Mansell (2002):
[. ..] the implications of the new media are contradictory. Once connected, there are no grounds
for simply assuming that citizens will be empowered to conduct their social lives in meaningful
ways. There is, therefore, a growing need to examine whether the deployment of new media is
consistent with ensuring that the majority of citizens acquire the necessary capabilities for
interpreting and acting upon a social world that is intensively mediated by the new media.
Capabilities in this sense are the underpinning of the freedom of people to construct
meaningful lives. We therefore define user empowerment in relation to social media as the
capability for interpreting and acting on the social world that is intensively mediated by mass
So, in order to be more empowered through social media, a user is already presupposed to
have mastered these new empowering media technologies. As mentioned before the
unprecedented autonomy of media consumers increases the chance of positive and
negative consequences, and thus implies more responsibilities and capabilities to foster
these new tools of (dis)empowerment. In this article we take a closer look at how
disempowerment can take shape within the changing technological landscape of mass
self-communication. To answer this question we focus on the issue of online privacy and
dataveillance of consumers in relation to social media.
Therefore we take a critical view on online consumer privacy, from the agency perspective of
user practices in social media. In this context mass self-communication by users is
endorsed by social media companies because the commodification of their expressions is
becoming a lucrative business. This phenomenon called ‘‘dataveillance’ challenges user
privacy. To illustrate user disempowerment in this realm, we introduce the perspective of
contextual integrity. We investigate how the privacy of people is being reconfigured in a
social media environment, by way of techniques for collecting personal information for
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commercial purposes. In this paper we focus on the most common tool, being ‘‘cookies’ ’.
The latter is based on desk research and expert interviews.
2. Challenges for privacy in dataveillance
2.1 Online privacy
The notion of privacy has a long tradition since it became prominent at the end of the
nineteenth century, more in particular in the legal academic literature in the USA. The
conceptual reconfiguration of this concept in society and law has been nicely framed by
metaphors in fiction literature. Solove (2004) discussed the transition from a classic
perception of privacy, which is ‘‘the right to be left alone’ to the notion of ‘‘dataveillance’ as
coined by Clarke (1991) as the junction between ‘‘data’ and ‘surveillance’’ which is more
prevalent in online environments. Solove does not agree with the fact that media and legal
academics still view privacy (only) as a right to be protected from totalitarian government
and/or other entities prying into the ‘‘secrets’ of ordinary people through surveillance. In this
view people still have the power to conceal information. Solove points out that most
consumers are even more powerless: they do not know what information has consequences
because they do not know who is gathering it, why they gather it, to what cause they gather it
and how they gather it. Since a large part of this process is driven automatically, Solove
compares this to the secretive and elusive bureaucracy that trials Jozef K. in Kafka’s ‘‘The
trial’’. Jozef K. is unable to understand his trial, or even the reason for his trial and therefore
he is more powerless than the main character in the novel 1984 by George Orwell.
2.2 Corporate dataveillance
When applying the notion of dataveillance to commercial online settings, some particular
issues need to be stressed. Similar to the traditional media and their audiences, social media
generate users that can be sold to advertisers (Smythe, 1977; Bermejo, 2009). In more
traditional formats of online display advertising, like banners on web sites, it is quite obvious
that one is approached as a consumer. But if somebody is sharing and tagging his pictures
with friends on Facebook, this user will normally see himself as someone maintaining social
relations with his friends and not as a consumer conveying (very) personal data and content
to a US company in exchange for the ‘‘free’’ use of its social network services. In this way
social relations are commodified intensively, by using this information for more personalised
commercial communication and promotion of goods and services.
In this way personal identifiable information (PII) is the currency users pay to get access to
social media applications like social network services (SNS). PII refers to information, which
makes it possible to either directly or indirectly identify a person or what kind of data belong
to that person. We need to stress the importance of indirectly identifiable information. This
means that it is often still possible to identify users with anonymised PII, through the coupling
with another piece of PII[2]. We involve all kinds of PII because our approach analyses the
transaction of information regardless of its anonymity degree.
This commercial exchange does not have to be problematic. It can be a fair deal between
the user and the digital service, as long as each party in the deal clearly understands the
transactional terms. However users are often not fully aware about what kind of deal they
have entered and how to possibly change the conditions (Graber et al., 2002; McDonald and
Cranor, 2008). To assess if a deal between a user and a social media service is fair in relation
to online consumer privacy, we need a framework that explicitly relates privacy rules to the
context. This is done by Nissenbaum’ (2004) framework of ‘‘contextual integrity’’.
2.3 Contextual integrity
Contextual integrity was developed as a philosophical account of privacy and how personal
information is transferred. Barth et al. (2006) do not propose this as a full definition of privacy,
but as a normative model or framework:
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[. . .] for evaluating the flow of information between agents [individuals and other entities], with a
particular emphasis on explaining why certain patterns of flow provoke public outcry in the name
of privacy (and why some do not).
Contextual integrity was designed to answer whether a situation contained a privacy breach
or not. To achieve this Nissenbaum defined the situation as a context with the following
relevant entities: ‘‘the one from whom the information flows, the one to whom the information
flows, and the one the information subject about whom the information is.’’ (Barth et al.
2006) These entities perform roles in our society such as patients and physicians or students
and teachers. The relationship between these two roles defines what is said. This means a
physician may ask about your health in his office and you may expect from him that he keeps
this information to himself, unless he needs to share it with a colleague to help with a therapy.
In this situation two sorts of information norms define the flow and content of the disclosed
information. The relationship ‘‘physician-patient’ defined what kind of information would be
exchanged by whom. The norms that govern what is disclosed in a certain situation are
norms of appropriateness, and they are context dependent.
Every situation contains a second set of norms which defines to what other contexts or persons
this information may flow. These are the norms of distribution. This norm of information flow
assesses the transfer of personal information from one party or context to another context. The
question is which information from one context may be used in another context. Personal data
that are revealed in one specific context will always carry a specific stamp from that context.
A good example is what happened with the social network site Buzz by Google. At the
launch on 9 February 2010 Google Buzz automatically, without asking, published openly all
personal networks of users based on the people they interact with via Gmail. However e-mail
contact lists can hold very private information, like names of personal physicians, romantic
relationships or the identities of anti-government activists. They wrongfully assumed that
information in one context (of e-mail correspondence like Gmail) could be disclosed without
any problem in another setting (of social network relationships like Buzz).
These norms of distribution and appropriateness were later translated into a logical system
to assess privacy situations in a more abstract way (Barth et al., 2006). In this logical system
agents were able to distinct contexts and roles, but they were also able to see to what
contexts the information flowed. This means that the agents in the system are fully aware of
their context and therefore capable of controlling their flow of information, which results in full
control over their privacy.
Bearing in mind the former examples and the logic system with its fully aware agents, we can
now adapt this perspective to the changes in online privacy context. Online consumers are
not fully aware of their context compared to the logic system’s agents. Consumers still
disclose PII, bearing a certain context and spectators in mind. Zuckerberg’s infamous quote:
‘‘The privacy is largely false, but for most students, the privacy is good enough’ (New Yorker,
2006), points out that there are two contexts, the context perceived by the SNS user and the
context as it would have been perceived by the logical agents. We will call the latter ideal
context the ‘‘complete context’ and the former the ‘‘perceived context’’.
If we draw a map of both these contexts as shown in Figure 1, we can situate where certain
technological processes of PII collection happen. We can also define empowerment as the
degree of overlap between these two contexts, the bigger the overlap, the more empowered
a user is to at least evaluate whether he or she should disclose PII in this context while taking
privacy into account.
Papacharissi (2010) frames privacy as a new luxury, and a possible divide:
As a luxury commodity, the right to privacy, afforded to those fortunate enough to be
internetliterate becomes a social stratifier; it divides users into classes of haves and have-nots,
thus creating a privacy divide. This privacy divide is further enlarged by the high income elasticity
of demand that luxury goods possess (Papacharissi, 2010).
Figure 1 shows this divide in a clear way through the difference of overlap. Elaborating
further on Papacharissi’s privacy divide, we would like to point out the possibility of drawing
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the same sets of perceived and complete contexts for privacy solutions. In order to foster
empowerment users do not only need to perceive challenges to their privacy, but that they
also need to perceive solutions to this challenges.
3. Analysis of cookies as corporate dataveillance technique
For demonstrating the risk of disempowerment on the level of privacy awareness, we
discuss the most familiar online PII collecting tool, the internet cookie. This is a little text file
that is placed on the computer by visited web sites. The http cookie was introduced in 1994
in the early browser Netscape Navigator with the purpose of user convenience, namely
remembering contents of web shopping carts (Schwartz, 2001). Another important property
of cookies is the fact that it is sent automatically, which makes it very unobtrusive.
We will start by defining first party http cookies, third party http cookies and Flash cookies.
Next we highlight the occurrence of the http and Flash cookies for commercial use. After this
step we will elaborate how these cookies enable new forms of tracking and aggregating PII.
Lastly we evaluate our findings against the proposed framework of the perceived and
complete context. This evaluation shows that cookies are unobtrusive by nature and are
implemented for more reasons than ease of use alone.
We have complemented our findings from the desk research with expert interviews, for
additional insights on the technological possibilities and limits of cookies. The selection of
experts was based on their technical knowledge of cookies[3].
3.1 First party http cookies
It was already mentioned that cookies were first developed to give web sites a memory. This
memory is called a ‘‘state’’, and a state is a configuration last used by a user. To remember
states, a cookie is able to store the interaction between the user and the web site. This type of
information can be for example the user name, the ads clicked and the time spent on each
web page (Whalen, 2002). It is important to note that this information is usually encoded.
Therefore it is impossible to know what kind of information is being communicated through a
cookie (Heyman, 2011). The information is encoded to keep the information safe from
malicious parties. Other elements of information are easily added in cookies: every browser
conveys information about the operating system, browser, the previous visited url and
plug-ins in the header[4] (Eckersley, 2009). The amount of information stored in a http cookie
is however limited to 4 kB.
According to our experts, this state information is of increased importance for modern
internet applications such as social media and cloud computing, to enrich browsing
experience. A typical example is StumbleUpon. The latter uses cookies to remember user
preferences in its social tagging service:StumbleUpon uses Cookies to store your
Figure 1 Perceived and complete context
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preferences [. . .] You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a
cookie is being sent. Be aware, however, that the Toolbar may not function properly
[. . .][5](own emphasis).The amount of information added to web sites by users increases
and this information is easily stored as state information by cookies. Thus the social layer
upon web sites relies on cookie technology although this is a much older innovation than
social media.
3.2 Third party http cookies
Third party http cookies differ from first party cookies in two ways. First, they are not placed
through the answer to a page request. They are placed through advertisements, images or
scripts hosted on a first party web site by a third party server. These cookies do not require a
user interaction to be loaded on the user’s browser. Second, third party cookies are more
persistent than first party cookies, because they are used across different web sites and
internet sessions instead of one single visit. Some of these cookies have a default maximum
age of more than 30 years.
Third parties may also track users through one by one pixels (Tappenden and Miller, 2009).
These pixels are called ‘‘beacons’ or ‘‘gif/web/pixel bugs’’. Pixel bugs are impossible to
spot for users because they are blank images. It is important to note that third party cookies
are not used for advertising only. Social media and other web applications that require much
state information through different web sites, such as social tagging, need third party
cookies as well to ensure an optimal working service. These social media plugins are
however not only used to provide personalisation. For this Roosendaal (2010) refers to the
Facebook like button:
[. . .] the button is a piece of HTML code which includes the request to the Facebook server to
provide the image when the web site is loaded. This implies that the button can be used to set
third party cookies or to recognize them as well.
It is not only Facebook who gathers data in this way, but also the Google Buzz plugin and
Twitter’s Tweet button are used to track users (Efrati, 2011). This is problematic because
users do not expect to be tracked via the plugins when they are not using them.
3.3 Flash cookies or local shared objects (LSO)
Flash cookies were developed by Macromedia Flash, which became Adobe Flash after
Abobe acquired its rival Macromedia in 2005. The first Flash cookie enabled Flash player
was Flash Player 6, released in March 2002. This type of cookie was also made to remember
states, but there are some important differences. First of all, a Flash cookie was not
removable until September 2006, when Flash made the option available through its web site
(Adobe Flash Player, n.d.). Second, the cookies were not removable through a browser until
January 2011 with the implementation of NPAPI ClearSiteData[6] (Julian et al., 2011). Third,
the amount of available information space has grown to 100 kB instead of 4 kB compared to
the http cookie. Finally, Flash cookies do not have an expiry date.
Flash cookies are installed via any Flash application on a web site if the user installed the
Flash player plug-in. All cookies are accepted by default. Cookie preferences can be
changed in the ‘‘Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager’ shown in Figure 2[7].
However, an option to delete all sorts of cookies (http and Flash) can also have negative
effects for users. Deleting these PII collecting tools can lead to loss of other saved data,
diminishing the convenience of use. For example one can lose all saved game data, which is
stored in LSOs, as mentioned by a gamer:
The problem is, all my saved Flash data cookies [games, etc.] are now completely deleted! [. ..]
The only solution seems to be to not delete your browser’s cookies as well. Great security feature
right? (steelstr45, 2011).
This development also upsets Flash application developers because their applications
loose their convenience every time a user cleans his or her browser history.
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3.4 Cookie occurrence
Previous research has demonstrated the relevance of cookies, given their increasing usage
on the internet. The studies point at three central tendencies. First, the amount of web sites
using cookies has risen. Second, the amount of cookies per web site increased, and, third,
the more popular a web site is the more cookies are used (see Table I).
Miyazaki (2008) was one of the few to do research that compares two moments in time using
the same sample and method. This method has a small bias because many popular
newcomers have emerged between 2000 and 2007, like Wikipedia (2001), Myspace (2003)
and Facebook (2004). Cookies in general rose 14 per cent and third party cookies rose 17,7
per cent. The occurrence of cookies on a web site increased as well. Miyazaki (2008) found
that for web sites that had at least one cookie placed on their home page, the average
number of cookies on the home page increased from 2.45 in 2000 (range from 1 to 12) to
8.71 in 2007 (range from 1 to 59), which means a significant increase (t¼11:8, p,0:01).
The same study also shows that the average number of third party home page cookies grew
from 1.57 (range from 1 to 6) to 3.84 (range from 1 to 28), which is again a significant
increase (t¼4:66, p,0:01).
Figure 2 Image of Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager
Table I Overview of studies on cookie occurrence
http cookies 3rd party cookies Flash cookies
Source Period Sample n (%) (%) (%)
FTC 2000 February- March 335 random e-commerce web sites 335 57
FTC 2000 February- March 100 most visited web sites 91 78
Miyazaki 2000 Media Matrix Top 500 406
81.3 32.5
Miyazaki 2007 Media Matrix Top 500 (from 2000) 406
95.3 50.2
Soltani et al. 2009 Quantcast Top 100 100 98 54
Tappenden and Miller 2009 Alexa Top 100,000 98,006 67.4 54.3
Notes: The values in the table are percentages of the total sample that deployed either http cookies, third party cookies or Flash cookies.
The FTC studies were cited by Miyazaki (2008, p. 21);
the result only refers to those 406 web sites from the Media Matrix Top 500 that still
existed in 2007 in the follow-up study;
the remaining 406 web sites from the Media Matrix Top 500 in 2000 were used
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Figures by Tappenden and Miller (2009) for http cookie deployment are significantly lower
than those by Miyazaki (2008) and Soltani et al. (2009). This is due to the following pattern:
the more popular a web site is, the more likely the chance that the site uses cookies to gather
information. Since the scale of Tappenden and Miller’s research is 1,000 times bigger, it is
logical that cookie deployment is lower because they include more less-popular web sites
than Soltani et al.’s top 100 sample. The same pattern seems to exist in the FTC’s random
sample vs the FTC’s 100 busiest web site sample (Miyazaki, 2008).
4. Dataveillance enabled by cookies
In this section we explain dataveillance techniques enabled by cookies. These techniques
solidify or enlarge the complete context and often hamper the perceived context. The first
technique is behavioural advertising through third party tracking cookies. Secondly we
discuss the use of zombie cookies as a strategy to prevent cookie deletion by users.
4.1 Behavioural advertising
Third party cookies are most often used to profile users and then depending on the third
party to serve advertisements in line with their behaviour or to aggregate the user data for
another party i.e. data miner. This process is explained with Flash cookies, although it is
exactly the same for persistent http cookies.
A user surfs to site A and a third party cookie is active on this site in the red box: ‘‘Car A
SUV’’. This window possibly contains a Flash element or a pixel bug to send a cookie
instruction to the browser. In this case the user clicks on this advertisement[8] because it is a
straightforward way to explain behavioural advertising. The user now has a cookie of site B,
which is accessible for all advertisements of site B. It is shown as an LSO on the left side of
Figure 3. In this cookie two values are present, his ID ‘‘10100’ and the fact that he clicked ad
‘‘Car A SUV’’, indicating he wanted to know more about the SUV.
The user in this example (Figure 4) leaves site A for site C, which also has an advertisement
of Site B portraying another kind of SUV advertisement. The user clicks the advertisement
again to learn more about it. His browser receives a new instruction; it needs to add a new
value ‘‘Car B SUV’ to the LSO. The user is profiled as a potential buyer of SUVs because he
has clicked two advertisements about SUVs.
In Figure 5 the same user surfs to site D, which is also in the same ad network of the third
party web site B. This time he will not receive a randomly generated ad. This ad is chosen for
users carrying the SUV-interested cookie only. The owner of the tracking cookie can sell this
specially chosen ad space to SUV advertisers who wish to buy ads that are guaranteed to be
viewed by interested users.
Figure 3 Cookie implementation
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4.2 Cookie doubles
This phenomenon was first noticed and researched by Soltani et al. (2009). They found that
‘‘zombie cookies’ were implemented by firms such as United Virtualities after they learned
that 30 per cent of internet users were deleting http cookies. The zombie cookie or:
Persistent Identification Element (PIE) is tagged to the user’s browser, providing each with a
unique ID just like traditional cookie coding. However, PIEs cannot be deleted by any
commercially available adware, spyware or malware removal program[9]. They will even function
at the default security setting for Internet Explorer (Soltani et al., 2009).
In order to achieve this kind of persistence the PIE is not one, but two cookies. The first one is
the http cookie and the second one is the Flash cookie that revives the http cookie in case of
deletion (Soltani et al., 2009). Soltani et al. examined the top 100 Quantcast web sites by
checking what cookies were added after every single visit to one of these sites. Cookies
were then categorized and deleted to ensure correct measurement. This study was done
manually to simulate a user who pays a normal visit. They found an overlap between http and
Flash cookies:
Of the top 100 web sites, 31 had at least one overlap between a HTTP and Flash cookie. For
instance, a web site might have an HTTP cookie labeled ‘‘uid’’[10] with a long value such as
4a7082eb-775d6-d440f-dbf25. There were 41 such matches on these 31 sites (Soltani et al.,
These results do not indicate the use of zombie cookies, but the fact that a Flash cookie
served as a backup for the deleted http cookie. This means that 31 out of the 100 examined
Figure 4 Profiling of online behaviour information
Figure 5 Behavioural targeting
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sites used cookies that were hard to remove for users unaware of Flash cookies. However
they did found zombie cookies on (third party cookie by SpecificClick),
(third party cookie by Quantcast) and across domains between AOL ( and
MapQuest ( A hacker, Samy Kamkar, showed that there are even more
technological means to make a cookie persistent[11].
5. Conclusion
For illustrating and better understanding the (dis)empowering characteristics of social
media in relation to privacy, we took the case of cookies and the kind of dataveillance
practices these corporate profiling techniques enable. The main advantage of cookies
its unobtrusive way to store states enables a lot of positive and empowering uses when
they are used to improve user browsing experience by adding a social or personalised layer.
Cookies are built in such a way that information sharing becomes less tedious by removing
the need to (re)create and direct data. In this way the threshold to mass self-communicate
has been lowered for users. In fact data is now spontaneously generated and automatically
communicated with one single mouse click or less.
However our research on cookies has also demonstrated that these forms of corporate
dataveillance simultaneously incorporate a risk of user disempowerment. As the value of
personal data (PII) grows in the realm of mass self-communication, they are increasingly
used as a currency instead of being treated as personal property of the users. Hence,
depending on the business model, this trend raises the pressure for internet companies and
advertisers to collect a maximum amount of personal data with the least possible threshold.
The challenge is then to organise a fair exchange between users and suppliers of digital
services. However, we find that the deal is not always balanced. Users are often unaware
about the (online) context in which their personal data are being collected, processed and
distributed, which leaves them little to no room for control if they wanted to. We find how
cookies often aggravate the situation. The contextual integrity perspective has shown that
cookies are an implicit technology on both the norms of distribution, i.e. to whom the
information is sent, and the norms of appropriateness, i.e. what is communicated. The
implicit character of cookies is a disempowering feature to all users who do not have a notion
of this phenomenon, because it is no factor in their evaluation of a context. This absence of
cookies in the perceived context disables all other actions to empower users in their privacy
control. Hence cookies as tools for collecting personal data often obfuscate the context for
users, which leads to less overlap between the perceived context and the complete context.
The challenges of user disempowerment and online privacy can be addressed on different
levels: on user level, on technology level, and on policy level:
1. First of all, on user level, future research has to take a critical look at the differences on the
micro-level of everyday consumer practices between various consumers and consumer
groups, in order to assess this ‘‘privacy divide’ in an everyday surveillance environment.
This not only means investigating what consumers know about exchanging personal data
(awareness), but also what they are able to do (capabilities), what their preferences are
(attitudes) and what they effectively do (practices).
2. The outcome on user level needs to be matched with the second level of technological
affordances and industry developments with regard to new techniques for tracking and
exposing online consumer behaviour, as illustrated by the case of cookies. This can for
example be enabled by a socio-technological approach of ‘privacy by
design’’(Cavoukian, 2009, p. 350; Kool et al., 2011, p. 85). The interaction between
technological design and user insights engenders the mutual shaping of new
technological means for preventing disempowerment and furthering empowerment.
3. On a third level, these user and technological perspectives can also inform policy and
(self)regulation. In order to increase the perceived context policy needs to address
transparency and awareness, by which users can know and understand the exchange
taking place: personal data for ‘‘free’’ services. The awareness also refers to knowing
about possible countermeasures that a consumer can take (e.g. cultivating privacy
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protecting habits, using privacy enhancing technologies, etc.). Finally consumers also
require the necessary capabilities to interpret and act upon the social world that is
intensively mediated by mass self-communication, in order to convert knowledge into
everyday practices. Policy can take initiatives to strengthen the digital literacy capabilities
regarding privacy, via school and at home. And if all measures fail there still needs to be a
sufficient degree of enforcement. All this is for consideration in the revision of the EU
e-Privacy Directive (EU, 2002), which particularises and complements the general EU
Data Protection Directive in the electronic communications sector (EU, 1995, p. 31).
In that way citizens and consumers would have the possibility to apply the notion of mass
self-communication also on the disclosure of their own personal data. This means that users
of social media can have control on the production of their personal data, on who potentially
receives these data, and on what is exposed explicitly in their digital footprint or implicit via
cookies and other collecting tools. Only by taking these actions on the level of user,
technology and policy on local, national and European level, we will be able to keep privacy
as a normal good, so as a good that everyone may afford or even as a public good
(Papacharissi, 2010).
1. As indicated by Fuchs (2009). There is however no clear definition of the notion of ‘autonomy’’.
2. A postal code for example is anonymous because many people share the same postal code, but it
becomes more identifiable information when this is coupled with the date of birth. Date of birth is
equally anonymous if it is isolated, but the aggregation of PII makes this kind of information
pseudonymous or even personally identifiable.
3. The first expert is Professor Marc Langheinrich who teaches information security at the Faculty of
Informatics in the Universita
`della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Italy. The second expert is Prof. Frank
Piessens from the Computer Science department at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) in
Belgium. Security is his main research expertise. Mr Jeroen van de Gun was our third expert. He is a
volunteer from the Dutch Bits of Freedom organisation, an advocacy initiative that raises online
privacy awareness. Besides questions on technological issues, we also discussed possible other
cookie-like technologies, as well as applications or techniques for detecting and blocking cookies.
4. The header is sent to a server to ask for instructions to load a web page.
6. NPAPI:ClearSiteData allows browsers to clear plugin data, which also includes Flash cookies. This
project was a cooperation between contributors of Mozilla, Chromium, Greenbytes, Adobe and
7. This settings panel is accessible on or by right clicking any Flash content on a given
web site, selecting ‘‘settings’’.
8. Other types of interaction or even no interaction at all may trigger the beacon, pixel bug or Flash
element to send a cookie.
9. Adware is defined as a piece of added software that has a different function from the main software
component where it was installed with. Spyware is a special form of adware to gather PII and
Malware is adware used to malicious ends. These removal tools can be downloaded as plug-ins or
stand-alone applications.
10. uid ¼user identification.
11. A hacker, Samy Kamkar, made the ‘‘evercookie’ to illustrate what kind of tracking is possible with
the current available technology. He makes use of 13 different cookie-like technologies that will
reinstall deleted cookies. See Kamkar (2010).
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... After users continuously manage online cookies and read privacy policies, they might experience privacy fatigue and start disengaging from privacy protection. Then, they will be less likely to expend effort to customize online cookies and unintentionally allow third-party companies to collect their personal data (Pierson & Heyman, 2011). Oftentimes, accepting online cookies is the root cause of potential cyber-risks, such as targeted advertising and data aggregation (Milne et al., 2004). ...
With the rapid growth of information communication technology, internet users face constantly demands to manage privacy setting and make decisions on whether to disclose privacy data in the digital environment. Such privacy-related decisions and actions are heavily influenced by users’ level of trust, privacy concerns, perceived risks, and perceived benefits. One recently recognized factor that may impair privacy behaviors is privacy fatigue. This study will employ a within-subjects design with eye-tracking devices in which participants complete the same online decision-making task. Additionally, potential covariates, including privacy concern and digital privacy literacy, will be controlled for. We expect that higher level of baseline privacy fatigue will reveal poorer privacy decision-making outcomes, which will be represented by more frequent acceptance of online cookies. Moreover, we predict that participants’ pupil dilation, a physiological index of cognitive effort, will decrease, and privacy fatigue levels will increase over the course of the online decision-making task.
... This type of cookie is not deleted until the time-out value expires, even if the browsing session ends [2,5,15]. Third-party cookies aim to study the users' behavior through their choices and preferences across multiple websites and use this personal information for advertising, social media, and other web applications [24,22]. Thirdparty cookies are created to discover and evaluate users' online footprint on a large scale [14,25,13]. ...
Full-text available
A website browser cookie is a small file created by a web server upon visitation, which is placed in the user's browser directory to enhance the user's experience. However, first and third-party cookies have become a significant threat to users' privacy due to their data collection methods. To understand the users' perception of the risk of cookies and targeted advertisements, we conducted a user study through a control versus experimental group survey. Our goal was to gauge how user knowledge reflected their security and privacy preferences on the internet; thus, for the experimental group, we created a learning website and information videos through participatory design in a workshop with 15 participants. After that, by evaluating the responses of 68 participants through the survey, we analyzed user awareness of cookies, their privacy implications, and how risk communication can impact user behavior.
... Through their choices and preferences across numerous websites, third-party cookies seek to understand user behavior. They then use this personal data for social media, advertising, and other web applications [24,22]. To systematically find and assess users' online footprints, third-party cookies are used [14,25,13]. ...
Conference Paper
A website browser cookie is a small file created by a web server upon visitation, which is placed in the user's browser directory to enhance the user's experience. However, first and third-party cookies have become a significant threat to users' privacy due to their data collection methods. To understand the users' perception of the risk of cookies and targeted advertisements, we conducted a user study through a control versus experimental group survey. Our goal was to gauge how user knowledge reflected their security and privacy preferences on the internet; thus, for the experimental group, we created a learning website and information videos through participatory design in a workshop with 15 participants. After that, by evaluating the responses of 68 participants through the survey, we analyzed user awareness of cookies, their privacy implications, and how risk communication can impact user behavior.
... This type of cookie is not deleted until the time-out value expires, even if the browsing session ends [2,5,15]. Third-party cookies aim to study the users' behavior through their choices and preferences across multiple websites and use this personal information for advertising, social media, and other web applications [24,22]. Third-party cookies are created to discover and evaluate users' online footprint on a large scale [14,25,13]. ...
Conference Paper
A website browser cookie is a small file created by a web server upon visitation, which is placed in the user's browser directory to enhance the user's experience. However, first and third-party cookies have become a significant threat to users' privacy due to their data collection methods. To understand the users' perception of the risk of cookies and targeted advertisements, we conducted a user study through a control versus experimental group survey. Our goal was to gauge how user knowledge reflected their security and privacy preferences on the internet; thus, for the experimental group, we created a learning website and information videos through participatory design in a workshop with 15 participants. After that, by evaluating the responses of 68 participants through the survey, we analyzed user awareness of cookies, their privacy implications, and how risk communication can impact user behavior.
... The unique identifier included in the cookie that was stored in the user's browser when encountering a first banner ad can then be recognized when the user encounters another banner ad that is managed by the search engine on a different website (Sit & Fu, 2001). In fact, it is possible to place cookies not only by means of advertisements, but also by transparent 1 × 1 pixels (unnoticeable blank images, also called beacons or gif/web/pixel bugs) that are hosted on the websites (Pierson & Heyman, 2011). ...
Personalization is about conveying the right message at the right time to the right person. Since the beginning of trade, offline sellers already establish personalized experiences by learning things about their loyal customers (i.e., name, preferences), and by implementing this knowledge in interactions with them (i.e., call them by name, offer personal discounts). A similar yet more complex and terrifying process occurs online. By means of technology, online sellers collect information about consumers to establish a personalized digital experience as well. Yet, the difference is that they provide this service to all their customers instead of only to the loyal ones, as the learning process starts immediately after the first visit instead of after frequent contact. Also, much more information is gathered, even before an actual purchase is made (i.e., data on which products customers check or add to their shopping cart, but eventually do not buy). More terrifyingly, this practice goes beyond the mere tracking of behavior on one particular website. Behavior tracking occurs across the entire internet, resulting in a growing amount of consumer data that is available, before consumers even show interest in specific products or services. Although this offers a lot of commercial potential, it also raises ethical issues that need to be considered as well (i.e., data gathering of minors, using sensitive data, cross-site profiling, excluding customers from marketing offers due to not being profitable enough, knowing too much). This chapter critically addresses strategies that are currently used to implement personalization in digital marketing, and simultaneously points out the corresponding ethical implications.
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Objetivo: A opacidade na coleta de dados em sites pode afetar a privacidade dos usuários, pois, muitas vezes, as empresas coletam dados sem informar claramente quais informações estão sendo coletadas, como serão usadas e com quem serão compartilhadas. Isso pode levar à coleta excessiva de dados, o que pode ser usado para fins não autorizados. Nesse cenário, este artigo tem como objetivo identificar os possíveis cookies coletados pelos sites, a fim de demonstrar a opacidade presente na coleta desses dados, principalmente em relação a quantidade e diversidade de cookies, incluindo os terceiros envolvidos nesse processo.Método: A metodologia constitui de uma pesquisa descritiva e de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Utilizou-se como métodos a pesquisa bibliográfica, a fim de explanar sobre os aspectos técnicos da coleta de dados por cookies; coleta de dados em sites, para demonstrar os possíveis cookies coletados pelos sites durante a interação com o usuário. Para a identificação dos cookies, foi utilizado como recurso tecnológico, a Plataforma de Gerenciamento de Consentimento Cookiebot.Resultado: Identificou-se um total de 776 cookies nos sites analisados, sendo os cookies da categoria de marketing e cookies do tipo persistente com maior representatividade, além de 208 empresas terceiras presentes nesses cookies.Conclusões: Observou-se uma diversidade de cookies que são utilizados pelos sites para coleta de dados e, essa quantidade de cookies pode revelar muita informação sobre atividades do usuário, consequentemente, ameaçar a privacidade dos indivíduos referenciados nesses dados, sem que esses tenham consciência sobre a coleta de dados.
Internet users’ digital privacy decisions are closely connected with their level of trust of information security, privacy concern, and perceived risks and benefits of internet use. One psychological factor that may potentially alter such privacy-related behaviors is acute stress, as it has shown to influence individual’s general decision-making. The goal of this between-subject designed research is to explore whether acute stress can affect decision-making in the digital privacy domain. Additionally, other privacy-related factors that may moderate this relationship, including trust and privacy fatigue, will be examined. We expect that participants who are exposed to acute stress will have poorer privacy decision-making outcomes, which will be represented by more frequent acceptance of online cookies and default privacy settings. Moreover, this relationship is expected to be magnified among individuals with low levels of Internet trust and those with high levels of privacy fatigue.
Industri kecantikan merupakan salah satu industri yang dinamis dan senantiasa berinovasi mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Trend industri skincare dan kosmetik mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup signifikan, khususnya trend yang mengusung k-beauty. Pertumbuhan ini semakin signifikan ditengah kewajiban masyarakat menggunakan masker, sehingga kebutuhan akan skincare yang berfungsi untuk merawat kondisi kulit sangat dibutuhkan. Peralihan periklanan dari tradisional menjadi digital saat ini adalah sebuah keharusan. Digital advertising saat ini merupakan fokus utama bagi para marketer untuk bisa membangun consumer - brand engagement melalui sosial media. Namun jika tidak dikembangkan dengan baik, cara ini tidak akan menghasilkan apapun. Untuk itu maka diperlukan adanya personalisasi iklan yang bertujuan untuk memilah materi iklan apa yang cocok dengan target audience brand sehingga mereka lebih tertarik untuk membeli sebuah produk brand.
In this chapter, the author argues that technologies will transform the marketing organization and reshape the marketing activities of companies. The aim of the chapter is to summarize the main challenges of digital disruption as well as to identify their implications to the legal and ethical aspects of digital and interactive marketing activities. The research aims driving this chapter are related to the identification of the main challenges regarding the legal protection of social media customers. Survey results about social media behaviour and cybersecurity issues are presented and discussed.
Spend any time on the web and you will likely be prompted with a disclosure about cookies. The purpose of this exploratory study is to address the readability of cookie policies by examining a sample of popular social media websites operating in the United States. Flesch Reading Ease index and Flesch‐Kincaid Grade Level were used to assess the readability of select social media cookie policies. The results of this study suggest that the cookie policies of these sites are incongruous with the readability requirements for the average U.S. adult. Opportunities for future research to address questions related to coherence as well as the use, function, and purpose of cookies are discussed.
Full-text available
Door een aanscherping van de Europese e-Privacyrichtlijn is bij het plaatsen van cookies, die bijvoorbeeld worden gebruikt om het surfgedrag van internetgebruikers te volgen, vooraf toestemming van de gebruiker nodig (en die dient gebaseerd te zijn op een geïnformeerde keuze). Deze aanscherping op Europees niveau (Nederland kent al een bepaling op grond waarvan cookies kunnen worden geweigerd) heeft geleid tot een brede discussie over de uitvoerbaarheid en de wijze van toezicht op de regelgeving omtrent cookies. Eind mei moet de richtlijn in nationale wetgeving zijn geïmplementeerd. Een wetsvoorstel daartoe ligt nu bij de Tweede Kamer. Ter voorbereiding heeft OPTA aan TNO en IViR gevraagd te onderzoeken wat de nieuwe juridische situatie in de praktijk betekent.
Currently, there is much talk of Web 2.0 and social software. A common understanding of these notions is not yet in existence. Also the question of what makes social software social has thus far remained unacknowledged. In this chapter, a theoretical understanding of these notions is given. The Web is seen in the context of social theories by thinkers like Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Ferdinand Tönnies, and Karl Marx. I identify three levels in the development of the Web, namely Web 1.0 as a web of cognition, Web 2.0 as a web of human communication, and Web 3.0 as a web of cooperation. Also, the myths relating to Web 2.0 and its actual economic and ideological role in contemporary society are discussed.
The results of an extensive investigation of cookie deployment amongst 100,000 Internet sites are presented. Cookie deployment is found to be approaching universal levels and hence there exists an associated need for relevant Web and software engineering processes, specifically testing strategies which actively consider cookies. The semi-automated investigation demonstrates that over two-thirds of the sites studied deploy cookies. The investigation specifically examines the use of first-party, third-party, sessional, and persistent cookies within Web-based applications, identifying the presence of a P3P policy and dynamic Web technologies as major predictors of cookie usage. The results are juxtaposed with the lack of testing strategies present in the literature. A number of real-world examples, including two case studies are presented, further accentuating the need for comprehensive testing strategies for Web-based applications. The use of antirandom test case generation is explored with respect to the testing issues discussed. Finally, a number of seeding vectors are presented, providing a basis for testing cookies within Web-based applications.
The enormous success and diffusion that online social networks (OSNs) are encountering nowadays is vastly apparent. Users' social interactions now occur using online social media as communication channels; personal information and activities are easily exchanged both for recreational and business purposes in order to obtain social or economic advantages. In this scenario, OSNs are considered critical applications with respect to the security of users and their resources, for their characteristics alone: the large amount of personal information they manage, big economic upturn connected to their commercial use, strict interconnection among users and resources characterizing them, as well as user attitude to easily share private data and activities with strangers. In this book, we discuss three main research topics connected to security in online social networks: (i) trust management, because trust can be intended as a measure of the perception of security (in terms of risks/benefits) that users in an OSN have with respect to other (unknown/little-known) parties; (ii) controlled information sharing, because in OSNs, where personal information is not only connected to user profiles, but spans across users' social activities and interactions, users must be provided with the possibility to directly control information flows; and (iii) identity management, because OSNs are subjected more and more to malicious attacks that, with respect to traditional ones, have the advantage of being more effective by leveraging the social network as a new medium for reaching victims. For each of these research topics, in this book we provide both theoretical concepts as well as an overview of the main solutions that commercial/non-commercial actors have proposed over the years. We also discuss some of the most promising research directions in these fields.
The Internet in Everyday Life is the first book to systematically investigate how being online fits into people's everyday lives. Opens up a new line of inquiry into the social effects of the Internet. Focuses on how the Internet fits into everyday lives, rather than considering it as an alternate world. Chapters are contributed by leading researchers in the area. Studies are based on empirical data. Talks about the reality of being online now, not hopes or fears about the future effects of the Internet.
Today, the media empires of Ti me Warner, Disney, News Corp., Bertelsmann, CBS, NBC, and Viacom span large portions of the globe and exert considerable economic, political, and cultural power. This article presents a macro-level portrait of the networked forms of organization, production, and distribution in which the world's largest multi-national media organizations operate. First, it provides a detailed accounting of the internal structures of and the partnerships between these transnational media conglomerates. Second, it examines the production and distribution arrangements and the financial partnerships between conglomerates and regional and local media organizations. Third, it examines the role of open-ended network connections (i.e., links to parallel business, political and creative networks) in shaping this global network of media organizations.