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Abstract and Figures

New Hampshire’s mountains and winter climate support a ski industry that contributes substantially to the state economy. Through more than 70 years of history, this industry has adapted and changed with its host society. The climate itself has changed during this period too, in ways that influenced the ski industry’s development. During the 20th century, New Hampshire’s mean winter temperature warmed about 2.1° C (3.8° F). Much of that change occurred since 1970. The mult-decadal variations in New Hampshire winters follow global temperature trends. Snowfall exhibits a downward trend, strongest in southern New Hampshire, and also correlates with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Many small ski areas opened during the early years while winters were cold and snowy. As winters warmed, areas in southern or lowelevation locations faced a critical disadvantage. Under pressure from both climate and competition, the number of small ski areas leveled off and then fell steeply after 1970. The number of larger, chairliftoperating ski areas began falling too after 1980. Aprolonged warming period increased the importance of geographic advantages, and also of capital investment in snowmaking, grooming and economic diversification. The consolidation trend continues today. Most of the surviving ski areas are located in the northern mountains. Elsewhere around the state, one can find the remains of “lost” ski areas in places that now rarely have snow suitable for downhill skiing. This case study demonstrates a general approach for conducting integrated empirical research on the human dimensions of climate change.
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International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 52
AREAS: An Integrated Case Study
by Lawrence C. Hamilton, Department of Sociology, University of New
Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824; David E. Rohall, Department of
Sociol ogy, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455; Benjamin
C. Brown, Department of Sociology, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH 03824; Gregg F. Hayward, Whittemore School of
Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
03824 and Barry D. Keim, Southern Regional Climate Center, Louisiana
State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
New Hampshire’s mountains and winter climate support a ski industry
that cont ributes substantially to the state economy. Through more than
70 years of history, this industry has adapted and changed with its host
soci ety. The climate itself has changed during this period too, in ways
that influenced the ski indu stry’s d evelopme nt. Durin g the 20 th century,
New Hampshire’s mean winter temperature warmed about 2.1° C (3.8°
F). Much of that change occurred since 1970. The multi-decadal
variations in New Hampshire winters follow global temperature trends.
Downward trends in snowfall, strongest in southern New Hampshire,
also correlate with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Many small ski areas
opened during the early years while winters were cold and snowy. As
winters warmed, areas in southern or low-elevation locations faced a
critical disadvantage. Under pressure from both climate and
competition, the number of small ski areas leveled off and then fell
steeply after 1970. The number of larger, chairlift-operating ski areas
began falling too after 1980. A prolonged warming period increased the
importance of geographic advantages, and also of capital investment in
snowmaking, grooming and economic diversification. The consolidation
trend continues today. Most of the surviving ski areas are located in the
northern mountains. Elsewhere around the state, one can find the
remains of “lost” ski areas in places that now rarely have snow suitable
for downhill skiing.
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 53
The first “human dimensions” contributions to global-change research
involved speculation about possible impacts of future climatic change,
built atop natural scientists’ forecasts. Such work has obvious value, but
remains incomplete as a research strategy. It lacks an observational
component analogous to the empirical work that has been so critical in
advancing natural-science climate research (e.g., Serreze et al. 2000). To
build stronger foundations for human-dimensions research, we also need
empirical studies focusing on responses of contemporary societies to
observed variations in climate. Such studies ideally should involve (1)
climate-sensitive human activities that are economically or socially
important; (2) substantial historical climatic variation; (3) linkage
between local variations and global processes; and (4) time series data
on both climate and socioeconomic variables. In this paper, we present
findings from one such study, focusing on warming winters and the ski
industry of New Hampshire.
Skiing comprises a climate-sensitive activity, particularly in
regions such as New Hampshire where the difference between good and
bad years (or even days) can be large. The ski industry has been an
important part of New Hampshire’s economy since the 1930s (Allen
1997). From the time leaves fall in autumn until they return in late
spring, snow is the state’s main tourism draw. As a result, skiing was
recently named the official state sport. It generated $566 million in
visitor spending and nearly $58 million in tax revenue in 2000,
accounting for around 10% of the wintertime jobs (Ski New Hampshire
2002). New Hampshire is among the top five U.S. states in terms of the
economic benefit from skiing as a percentage of the state’s economy.
Unfortunately, the frequency of poor conditions for skiing in this
state has been increasing. We note that changes in New Hampshire
winters have taken place in step with global warming trends. As winters
grew warmer, the ski industry shifted from expansion to consolidation.
An industry historically characterized by many small areas evolved into
one dominated by just a handful of large, highly capitalized areas. The
timing and geography of this shift suggest that the consolidation was
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 54
driven partly by climatic pressures, interacting with more obvious social
and economic forces. Climatic change favored ski areas with particular
geographical advantages and ever-escalating investments. In reshaping
the ski-industry landscape, climatic change affected skier experiences
and expenditures as well.
In this paper we begin with a description of New Hampshire’s
winter climate, and the uncertainties this produces for skiing. Warming
winters have made ski conditions less predictable and marginalized
formerly viable locations. We next review the history of ski areas in
New Hampshire, focusing on the many “lost” areas that have come and
gone. Time series of temperature and ski-area counts show a notable
correspondence. Closures have moved the industry’s center of gravity
northwards in the state, away from population centers but towards the
most reliable snow. Climatic change increased the importance of heavy
investment in snowmaking and economic diversification, which left
behind nearly all of the smaller ski areas. Some degree of consolidation
would certainly have occurred due to non-climate economic forces, but
climate directly and indirectly strengthened this trend. These
conclusions fit with those of other recent studies on ski industries and,
more broadly, the human dimensions of environmental change.
New Hampshire Winters
“Our three biggest years [in terms of ski revenue] all coincided with
a lot of natural snowfall.... Climate, I think, is the number one reason
why people go skiing or not.” (Ski industry executive, 2002)
Winters in New Hampshire exhibit wild variation, even on small spatial
and temporal scales. Snowstorms often change over to rain or vice
versa, and rain/ice/snow lines commonly are drawn across weather maps
of the state, separating adjacent communities. Year-to-year variations
can be dramatic as well, ranging from deep snowdrifts one February to
solid ice or dry hillsides the next. Such variations, problematic for the
ski industry, relate to four aspects of the state’s geography (Keim and
Rock 2001).
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 55
CAt the state’s mid-latitude location, halfway between the equator
and the north pole, fierce battles rage between warm, moist
airmasses from the south and cold, dry airmasses to the north.
Fronts passing through bring a change from one airmass to
another. Unusual dominance by either warm or cold airmasses
produces warm or cold winters, and either liquid or solid
CIn late winter, sea surface temperatures off the state’s southeast
coast fall to 2.5° – 3.0° C (36.5° – 37.4° F). During snowstorms,
these waters remain warm relative to land, which influences
snow–rain boundaries. It is not unusual for the coastal zone to
receive rainfall while snow occurs at some distance inland —
with that distance varying dramatically between storms.
CThe prevailing westerly winds bring drier continental air from
the U.S. and Canada, giving the state a continental rather than
maritime climate. It can get cold in the winter because the
moderating influence of the ocean is minimized, especially
towards the north. When cyclonic storms (“nor’easters”) march
up the East Coast of the U.S., the region briefly experiences
northeast winds. In wintertime, nor’easters often produce
CNew Hampshire has mountainous topography ranging from sea
level to 1917 meters (6288 feet) in elevation. Mountains can
enhance precipitation on their windward side, creating drier
conditions downwind. Increases in elevation also lead to cooler
air temperatures, enhancing either rainfall or snowfall totals.
The rain/ice/snow line thus varies by geography and elevation,
sometimes changing rapidly. Northern New Hampshire, generally higher
and farther from the sea, receives more snow than the southern part of
the state. Figure 1 compares mean monthly snowfall for the cities of
Keene, in southern New Hampshire, and Berlin, in the north (see Figure
6 for locations). In northern New Hampshire, December and January are
months of maximum snowfall, whereas January forms the distinct peak
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 56
at most locations in the south. Statewide precipitation is nearly the same
in both December and January. In northern New Hampshire, December
temperatures are more consistently cold enough to yield snow, hence the
higher snowfall totals. In southern New Hampshire, however, more of
December’s precipitation falls as rain; snow becomes more common in
January as temperatures cool. New Hampshire winters also have a
tendency to linger into the early spring for reasons explained by
Bradbury et al. (2002a), so that March receives almost as much snow as
the core winter months. One consequence of these patterns for New
Hampshire skiing is that seasonal snowfall accumulation for an
“average” year begins later and ends sooner in the south than the north,
and that New Hampshire winters begin and end later than comparable
places in the western United States.
Figure 1: Mean snowfall by month for the New Hampshire cities of Keene
(south) and Berlin (north), based on records from the winters of 1950–1951
through 2001–2002.
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 57
Climatic Trends
“It doesn’t snow like it used to.” (Skier looking back on half a century
of experience, 2002)
The preceding section described average patterns over a half-century of
observations. Wide inter-annual variations in these patterns leave New
Hampshire ski areas vulnerable to short-term weather changes,
particularly in the south. But longer-term trends towards warmer and
less snowy winters have systematically increased pressures on ski area
operations. Figure 2 displays the inter-annual variability in New
Hampshire winter temperatures (based on Climate Divisional Data from
the National Climatic Data Center, see Guttman and Quayle, 1996).
Over 1896–2002 (winters of 1895–1896 through 2001–2002) the state’s
mean winter temperature warmed by 2.1° C (3.8° F). The linear trend is
statistically significant (P < .001), and the true warming probably is
substantially greater than that shown by these data (Keim et al. 2003).
A linear model oversimplifies the story, however. Twentieth-century
warming has been uneven, and most pronounced after 1975. The run of
above-average temperatures in the last two decades includes 6 of the 10
warmest winters in a century. The winter of 2001–2002 was the
warmest ever recorded.
The smooth curve in Figure 2 was obtained by locally weighted
scatterplot smoothing, or lowess regression, using a bandwidth of 0.5
(Hamilton 2002). This smoothing reveals a global signal. Zweirs and
Weaver (2000:2081) observed that:
“Since 1860, global mean surface air temperatures have
increased by 0.6 ±0.2° C, but this warming has not been
continuous. Most of the warming has occurred during two
distinct periods, from 1910 to 1945 and since 1976, with a very
gradual cooling during the intervening period.”
The global warming, cooling and warming eras they describe apply to
New Hampshire as well. Vertical lines in Figure 2 delineate the
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 58
Figure 2: New Hampshire winter mean temperature, 1896–2002. Annual
Decem ber–March values as mean deviations, and lowess regression curve
showing multi-decade trends.
1910–1945 warming, gradual 1945–1975 cooling, and 1975–present
warming periods. Thus, New Hampshire winters over the past century
conform to a global pattern. The cold averages and exceptionally severe
winters in the first third of the 20th century have counterparts elsewhere
in the Northwest Atlantic (Serreze et al. 2000). As mean winter
temperatures rose closer to th e m elting point in the late 20th century,
some ski areas faced threats to their basic resource.
Mean winter precipitation weakly but significantly (P < .05)
declined from 1895–1896 to 2001–2002, by about 1.5 cm (0.6 inches)
(Figure 3). Again, details are nonlinear: most of the decline took place
in the first part of the century, so it is not implicated in ski-industry
developments. Winter precipitation without sub-freezing temperatures
(that is, ice storms and rain) have recently been the bane of New
Hampshire skiing.
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 59
Figure 3: New Hampshire winter mean precipitation, 1896–2002. Annual
mean deviations, and lowess regression smoothed trend.
Figure 4 graphs annual snowfall amounts for the cities of Keene
and Berlin over the winters of 1950–1951 through 2001–2002. In most
years, Berlin’s northern location received noticeably more snow.
Regression lines show the overall downward trends: Berlin’s mean
snowfall declined by 43 cm (17 inches) during this period (P = .16),
while Keene’s went down 58 cm (23 inches, P < .05). Both trends are
unhappy ones for ski areas, but the lower starting point and steeper
decline observed at Keene spell difficulties for southern operations.
More troubling than the average decline has been the increasing
frequency of low-snow winters.
As with the temperature data in Figure 2, we find that the
snowfall data in Figure 4 contain a global signal. These snowfall series
correlate negatively (r = –.4 or –.5, P < .01) with the winter North
Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The NAO index represents a large-
scale atmospheric phenomenon in the North Atlantic Basin. In recent
years this index has attained historically unprecedented high values,
associated with widespread northern-hemisphere climatic changes
(Hurrell et al. 1997, 2001; Langenberg 2000; Serreze et al. 2000). The
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 60
Figure 4: Snowfall in Keene (so uth) a nd B erlin (no rth), 1951–2002.
Seasonal totals and linear trends (OLS regres sion).
index is defined from differences between sea-level air pressure
measured in Iceland and the Azores or Lisbon. A positive-NAO state
classically involves a high-pressure anomaly centered over Greenland,
with a low-pressure anomaly across the Atlantic to its south.
Characteristic wind patterns affect climate around the Atlantic. In their
report on climate change, the New England Regional Assessment Group
observed that positive NAO is associated with rising coastal water
The winter warming trend in southern New England coastal waters
correlates well with the transition from a prolonged negative NAO
winter index phase to a positive phase between 1950 and 1990.”
Rising NAO also correlates with increasing winter streamflow in New
England, which could reflect warmer temperatures and/or precipitation
changes (Bradbury et al., 2002b). Our analysis extends the NAO
connection to snowfall: positive NAO is associated with lower snowfall,
which as noted has connections to both water and air temperatures. The
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 61
NAO–snowfall correlation involves decadal-scale cycles as well as
multi-decadal trends. These results support findings of Hartley and
Keables (1998) who demonstrate that high (low) New England snowfall
is associated with enhanced meridional (zonal) circulation along the East
Coast of the United States, indicative of negative (positive) NAO values.
Less snowfall, combined with roughly stable precipitation and increasing
streamflow, suggests that a larger fraction of winter precipitation now
falls in liquid form.
The Lost Ski Areas
“Our niche was with families. We were the place where you could see
your kids, and the lift attendants might even know the names of the
kids.” (Former owner of a small ski area, 2001)
An ancient Scandinavian technology, skis were introduced to New
Hampshire by Norwegian immigrants in the la te 19th century.
Originally, skis served mainly as practical transportation in deep snow.
A shift towards recreational applications was pioneered by the
Dartmouth Outing Club, which promoted events and began ski clubs
during the late 1910s and early 1920s (Allen 1997).
The first “ski areas” emerged as avid skiers began to cut ski trails
through the woods. Dartmouth club members made descents of the
Mount Moosilauke carriage road during the 1920s. In 1932, work began
on a ski trail on Cannon Mountain. The following summer the Civilian
Conservation Corps cut additional trails at several White Mountain
locations. The first rope tow in New Hampshire began operating in
1935, among the earliest such facilities in North America (New England
Ski Museum 2002).
From 1935 to 1950, dozens of new ski areas opened. They
typically started on a small scale, then over time invested in new trails,
lifts and amenities for their guests. Two major resorts opened in the late
1930s: Cannon Mountain and Mount Cranmore, both still operating
toda y. Cannon possessed a tramway, 654-meter (2146-foot) vertical
drop, ski patrol and a ski school. Although Mount Cranmore had less
vertical relief (356 meters or 1167 feet) to work with, it would become
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 62
the first full-amenities ski resort in New Hampshire. A unique lift called
a “skimobile” was built, along with base lodging and a resort community
modeled after Sun Valley, Idaho (New Hampshire Ski Museum 2002).
Other resorts, some much larger, followed in later decades as skiing
became a multibillion-dollar industry. Successful ski areas today must
offer a high level of service, reliable skiing conditions and fast lifts.
Condominiums and other real estate developments play a major role in
the business strategies of most.
Over this 70-year history, many ski areas have opened, drawn
crowds for a while, then closed down. The New England Lost Ski Areas
Project maintains a Web site (NELSAP 2002) dedicated to preserving
the history of these vanished but not forgotten areas. At this writing,
NELSAP’s list includes more than 400 “lost” ski areas, 155 in New
Hampshire alone. Many of the lost areas were quite small operations,
but they also include some once-substantial enterprises served by
chairlifts or even a gondola, with base lodges and real-estate
developments. The NELSAP framework provided a starting point for
our own database, which we extended using archival and interview data.
In addition to NELSAP’s lost ski areas, our project database includes the
current survivors. For purposes of this analysis, we concentrate on
Alpine or downhill skiing, and do not include the fairly recent
development of areas specialized in Nordic or cross-country skiing.
Our database is a work still in progress, but we currently have
opening year” and (if closed) “closing year” for 123 New Hampshire
downhill ski areas. Three-quarters of these (93) are small enterprises
that operated only simple lifts such as rope tows, T-bars or J-bars. The
remainder (30) are more substantial. We used the operation of a chairlift
or gondola at any time as a criterion to roughly distinguish the smallest
areas from those medium-to-large. Rope tows and J-bars are much less
expensive than chairlifts. Chairlifts carry more weight uphill, requiring
larger engines and heavier cables in addition to high and well-anchored
towers. Chairlifts also need more employees both to operate the
machinery and to assist skier loading and unloading. Thus in comparing
non-chairlift with chairlift areas, we are looking across the beginning of
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 63
a capital divide that (for the most successful areas) widened enormously
over time.
Figure 5 graphs the number of downhill ski areas of each type,
chairlift or other, known to be operating in New Hampshire over the
years 1930–2001. Despite some missing records, our data are complete
enough to show overall trends. We see the proliferation of small areas
in the 1930s, then a wartime hiatus. (Several small areas that opened at
unknown dates during the 1930s are graphed at “1930,” so the starting
level of this curve is too high but it becomes more accurate by the
decade’s end.) A relatively cold, snowy climate did not “cause” the
proliferation of small areas in the 1930s and 40s, but rather, was among
the conditions that made this proliferation possible. The number of
small areas peaked in the early 1950s, and fluctuated not far below that
level for the next two decades. After 1970 the number of small areas
rapidly declined. Non-climatic factors including an interstate highway
that improved access to four large northern resorts, the 1973 energy
Figure 5: Number of known downhill ski areas operating in New
Hampshire, 1930–2002. Small areas that never possessed a chairlift or
gondola are shown se parately (dashed line).
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 64
crisis that created hardships for both skiers and ski areas, and increasing
costs of liability insurance contributed to the early-70s decline of small
The more capital-intensive chairlift areas proliferated at a slower
pace, but they continued to increase while small areas struggled and
closed in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. The number of chairlift-served ski
areas only began to decline in the 1980s. Today 17 chairlift-served
areas, ranging from minor local hills to four-season destination resorts,
remain in operation. Figure 5 traces a business story of larger ski areas
competing more successfully for skiers, and eventually taking over the
market. But there are details in the paths of both curves that reflect the
influence of climate change as well.
Two vertical lines in Figure 5, at 1945 and 1975, delineate the
climate-trend eras described earlier with respect to Figure 2 and global
temperatures. Before 1945, temperatures were rising but still generally
quite cold. Thus the initial boom of small ski areas occurred at a time
when New Hampshire winters were more formidable than today. Put
another way, many of these areas were built and found good enough
conditions in locations that would later become less practical for natural-
snow skiing. A ski area could start up with minimal investment because
nature provided all the snow. Thus although social and economic forces
drove ski area development, climate made it possible.
A series of warm winters in the 1950s (Figure 2), including three
successive low-snow years for southern New Hampshire (Figure 4),
coincides with a dip in the number of small areas seen in Figure 5. (The
Korean War, 1950–53, probably contributed to the 1950s dip as well.)
Subsequently more average conditions prevailed, so that overall the
1945–1975 period saw a slight cooling trend as well as several high-
snowfall years. The number of larger areas had grown fourfold by the
end of this period, while the number of small areas was rapidly falling.
After 1975, winters began the marked warming trend that
continues today, and low-snow years became more frequent. Small areas
continued to drop out rapidly. Although non-climatic factors had
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 65
contributed to the early-70s drop in small areas, a second steep drop in
the mid-70s followed several years of declining snowfall and above-
average temperatures. Within a few years the number of chairlift-served
areas began shrinking as well, for the first time since the ski industry
began. By 2002 only 17 chairlift areas remained in operation, and
several of these were economically precarious. The strongest ski resorts
were those with massive investments in snowmaking and grooming,
supported by real-estate developments and year-round diversification
Figure 6 maps the geographical distribution of New Hampshire
ski areas at 25-year intervals. Comparing 1925 (no areas) with 1950
shows the early-years proliferation of small areas scattered around the
state, with a center of gravity towards the south where most of the
population resides. By 1975 many of these small areas had closed, while
the number of chairlift areas increased. Most of the small and southern
areas, along with some larger resorts, are gone by 2000. The center of
gravity has shifted towards a handful of large northern resorts. Some
northern areas possess a second great advantage besides snow: bigger
mountains, allowing vertical drops of 600 meters (2,000 feet) or more.
The northern disadvantage is distance from population centers including
the state’s main cities as well as southern New England. Convenience
and cost factors associated with this distance should have left a market
niche for more southerly areas, if their skiing conditions could compete
with the north.
Adaptation to Change
“It [the lack of natural snow] got so bad it couldn’t be ignored. By
1981–82, it became obvious that if you wanted to stay in the business,
you had to have top-to-bottom snowmaking.” (Ski historian, 2002)
“[In the 1980s] The larger areas ... were putting a lot of capital into
high-speed chairs, fine grooming and snowmaking. And so they were
really becoming a class ahead. And as the medium size areas ... tried
to compete, they overextended themselves and [in] light economic
downturns or bad snow years they had no reserves to back them up.”
(Snow engineer, 2002)
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 66
Figure 6: Geographical distribution of New Hampshire downhill ski areas
known to be operating in 1925, 1950, 1975 and 2000.
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 67
Artificial snowmaking began spreading among New England ski resorts
during the 1960s. In the early years it was largely a novelty, but as
technology improved, natural snow became less reliable and skiers
increasingly expected a “groomed” product, snowmaking turned into a
necessity. Major areas spent millions of dollars on snowmaking
equipment during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The successful ones
left behind other areas that could not keep up with the pace of
investment. Artificial snow can be produced whenever the temperature
falls below freezing, so ski areas could add fresh surface and build base
depth more or less continuously if desired. Artificially-produced snow
is denser than natural snow and melts more slowly in the spring, as well.
Snowmaking thus lengthened the ski season while insuring more
consistently skiable conditions. Aggressive snowmaking programs
became a marketing attraction to draw skiers, who could immediately
see the advantages. Today, all of New Hampshire’s large ski areas make
snow, and on average they can cover more than 90% of their terrain (Ski
New Hampshire 2002).
To support snowmaking, the ski area needs access to a large
source of water. Tapping local rivers or lakes expands the ecological
footprint of ski areas, and has led to environmental-impact controversies.
The availability of water for s nowmaking (whether “availability” is
limited by environmental, political or economic factors) became another
geographical dimension that could help or hurt particular ski areas.
Investments in the water source, a pumping system, pipes, energy and the
associated personnel add to the formidable costs of large-scale
snowmaking. Ski areas had no choice but to make such investments or
watch their skiers go elsewhere. Today only a few small community
slopes operate without snowmaking. But even for the areas with
snowmaking, due to climate change the number of days available to ski
has decreased in New Hampshire over the last few decades (Palm 2001).
Unseasonably warm weather not only melts the existing snow but
reduces the opportunities to make more.
Competitive ski areas require other substantial investments in
addition to snowmaking (Hudson 2000). It has become increasingly
desirable to develop summer programs t hat contribute to year-round
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 68
income, help maintain core staff and reduce reliance on the unpredictable
winter season. Liability insurance has been another area of growing
costs. One critical field of investment has been real estate. A ski area
can promote adjacent condominium and resort developments that are
more profitable than the ski area itself. Lack of prospects for real estate
development, for example at areas surrounded by National Forest land,
can limit the capital available for new lifts, snowmaking, grooming and
other competitive enhancements. Conversely, some condominium
developments have been marooned when their ski areas closed.
As ski areas escalated their investments, the cost of a day’s skiing
rose too. Expensive lift tickets probably reduce the number of visits, and
discourage some individuals and families from skiing at all. This likely
contributes to the stagnant or contracting number of skier visits reported
by many ski areas, despite a growing regional population. Less snowy
weather, including less snow in the cities where it would put skiing into
people’s minds, contributes to the business decline as well. Although
some of the economic forces behind ski industry consolidation appear
unrelated to climate, warming winters have reinforced other pressures
and added to them in indirect ways.
The New England Regional Assessment Group’s overview report on
climate change in New England puts forth two central conclusions: the
regional climate has warmed over the past century; and models project
significant warming over the next century (2001:ii). Observational
records inform their first point, and computer simulations support the
second. In this paper, we have extended their analysis by focusing on
New Hampshire’s winter climate, where the observed 20th-century
changes have been greatest (2001:12). New Hampshire temperature and
snowfall trends are not simply local variations, but correlate with
changes in global climate. Secondly, we have examined how the
climatic record provides a context for reinterpreting the history of New
Hampshire’s ski industry. The proliferation of small low-investment ski
areas in the early days, particularly at southern and low-elevation
locations, was possible because winters then tended to be snowy and
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 69
cold. Extinction of the small areas, and concentration of the industry
into a few high-investment, high-elevation northern areas, was driven
partly by a changing climate. The choices available to skiers have
shifted as well, away from their lower-cost options. These observations
about historical developments provide an empirical foundation for
projecting future change if the climate continues to warm.
Our findings relating New Hampshire climate and the fate of ski
areas fit well with Palm’s (2001) New Hampshire/Vermont analysis.
Palm discovered that 700,000 fewer skier visits occurred during the three
worst snow years of the period 1984–2001, as compared with the three
best snow years. The lost revenue of low-snow years must have been
particularly challenging for areas that were already struggling
Our New Hampshire results also parallel conclusions reached in
a study of climate change and ski resorts in Switzerland:
“If climate change occurs, the level of snow-reliability will rise from
1200 m up to 1800 m over the next few decades. Only 44% of the ski
resorts would then be snow-reliable.... Climate change must be
viewed as a catalyst that is reinforcing and accelerating the pace of
structural changes in tourism.” (Elsasser and Bürki 2002:253)
Whereas the Swiss study mainly concerned future climate change, we
have examined data from the recent past. That such similar conclusions
would arise from studies on different continents, using unrelated
methods and data, and with predictive vs. retrospective perspectives,
suggests that the conclusions are fairly robust. We suspect that structural
changes will be occurring in many other places as global change affects
seasonal recreation.
The interdisciplinary approach described in this paper has been
elsewhere applied to research on environmental change and North
Atlantic fishing communities (e.g., Haedrich and Hamilton 2000;
Hamilton and Haedrich 1999; Hamilton and Butler 2001; Hamilton et al.
2000). Fishing communities, like ski areas, meet the four “ideal” criteria
discussed earlier for observational research on the human dimensions of
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 70
climatic change. A recurring theme from this fisheries research applies
to ski areas as well: environmental change creates winners and losers.
Some ski areas expanded while others closed down during the decades
of warming weather. Beyond the ski industry, other enterprises and
activities have differentially benefitted or been harmed by climate
change as well. We have concentrated here on the role that natural
capital (e.g., geography and climate) plays in this process. But other
types of capital recognized by social scientists — real capital
(investments), human capital (labor) and social capital (including
political and entrepreneurial factors) — prove critical too, in determining
how things turn out.
Disentangling the impacts of climatic variations from those of
other economic and social forces remains a central challenge for
observational research on the human dimensions of global change.
Where enough data exist, multivariate analysis could be of some help.
For example, it might be possible to use survival-analysis modeling to
estimate the effects of climatic, geographical, economic and structural
variables on individual ski areas. Climatic details such as the timing of
extreme weather events or of successive adverse seasons could then be
examined, together with economic trends in incomes and consumer
spending. This avenue appears promising for future research.
This research has been supported through a grant from the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — Office of Global
Volume 23 Number 10 2003 71
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... For many of our participants, investments in snowmaking were initially a business decision but have shifted to a necessity over the last few decades. Participants noted that this shift seems to impact the smaller resorts in the southern region of the state, which was also found in a similar study in New Hampshire, where size and geography were factors in the loss of ski areas (Hamilton et al 2003). These practices increase operating costs, adding difficultly in an already challenging labor market. ...
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Climate change is currently impacting various facets of our local systems with many stakeholders and industries working to adapt to these changing conditions. There is a growing recognition that adaptation practices need to be directed within specific industries, communities, and stakeholders. A key area that is being impacted is the snow sports industry which is facing various challenges due to localized climatic changes. Previous work has indicated that climate change may leave these snow-dependent industries in the U.S. Midwest unviable in the future, so it is imperative to understand how these stakeholders are adapting to climate change and how they view the future of their industry. To do this, we conducted in-depth interviews with owners and operators in Wisconsin to understand 1) the climate change impacts they are facing, 2) their adaptation strategies, and 3) their views of the future of Wisconsin downhill skiing. Our results outline various environmental and social changes that participants associate with climate change and document their current adaptation strategies. Operators are optimistic about the future, but there is a recognition that adaptation practices and planning will likely intensify. This letter concludes with an outline for future research and support for adaptation practices that blend qualitative methods with physical and technological research that can aid this industry’s adaptation strategies.
... Decreasing snow in the Northeast between 2000 and 2017 has been reported by others [8]. Across New England, there once were numerous local downhill skiing and sledding areas, but without reliable snow cover, many have closed, especially in southern New England [84,85], an area of snow cover that this research shows is quickly disappearing. ...
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Snow cover affects the global surface energy balance and, with its high albedo, exerts a cooling effect on the Earth’s climate. Decreases in snow cover alter the flow of solar energy from being reflected away from Earth to being absorbed, increasing the Earth’s surface temperature. To gain a global understanding of snow cover change, in situ measurements are too few and far between, so remotely sensed data are needed. This research used the medium-resolution sensor MODIS on the Terra satellite, which has been observing global snow cover almost daily since the year 2000. Here, the MOD10C2 eight-day maximum value composite time series data from February 2000 to March 2023 were analyzed to detect global and regional trends in snow cover extent for the first 23 years of the 21st century. Trends in snow cover change during different time periods (seasons and snow-year) were examined using the Mann—Kendall test and the univariate differencing analysis. Both methods produced similar results. Globally, snow cover declined two to ten times as much as it increased, depending on the season of analysis, and annually, global snow cover decreased 5.12% (not including Antarctica or Greenland) based on the Mann—Kendall test at the 95th percentile (p < 0.05). Regionally, Asia had the greatest net area decline in snow cover, followed by Europe. Although North America has the second-largest extent of snow cover, it had the least amount of net decreasing snow cover relative to its size. South America had the greatest local decline in snow cover, decreasing 20.60% of its annual (snow-year) snow cover area. The Australia–New Zealand region, with just 0.34% of the global snow cover, was the only region to have a net increase in snow cover, increasing 3.61% of its annual snow cover area.
... Over 90% of ski operators in the Eastern and Midwest regions had implemented snowmaking as early as the mid-1980s. The widespread expansion of snowmaking coincided with a visible reduction in the number of operating ski areas, from over 700 in the mid-1980s to just over 500 a decade later, as many smaller ski areas could not afford the large capital investments needed (Hamilton et al., 2003). Snowmaking continued to expand in western regions through the 1990s and 2000s. ...
Snowmaking has been an integral part of the multi-billion-dollar ski industry in most regional markets for more than 20 years and is one of the most visible and widespread forms of climate adaptation in the tourism sector. Under accelerating climate change, snowmaking is projected to increase at most destinations - some substantially. Snowmaking has come under increasing criticism in recent years and branded by some scholars and ski industry observers as unsustainable and maladaptive as a climate change response. Using data on snowmaking from across the diverse US ski market, this study assesses snowmaking against multiple established criteria that define maladaptation. The analysis demonstrates that snowmaking is highly place-context specific, varying at the individual operator and regional market scales, and represents a continuum from successful (and sustainable) adaptation to maladaptation. Regions of the US where snowmaking is most likely to be maladaptive are identified (water insecure and carbon intense electricity grids). The framework highlights the importance of scale and a tourism system perspective when assessing (mal)adaptation and provides decision-makers with a tool to evaluate the compatibility of snowmaking with climate action plans at the destination and regional scale.
... Regarding ecological problems, the National Forest Management Act of 1976 directly influenced the newly established ski resorts. Entering the twenty-first century, the American ski tourism industry faced dilemmas due to environmental degradation, homogeneous operations, and lower increases in consumer numbers (Hamilton et al., 2003). In this context, new policies were introduced, such as "Sustainable Slopes", the "Ski Industry Climate Change Policy", the "Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act", the "Policy to Promote Year-Round Recreation on Ski Areas", and "Learn to Ski & Snowboard Month". ...
Chongli is one of the venues for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Since 2009, the government of Chongli has emphasized the development of a tourism strategy, which gradually contributed to alleviating regional poverty. With data collected from 2009 to 2019, ski tourism and the regional economy in Chongli were analyzed using the Coupling Coordination Degree (CCD) Model. This analysis indicated, first, there were three stages in the relationship between ski tourism and the regional economy in Chongli, including weak coordination (20092011), starting coordination (20122015), and strong coordination (20162019). Second, sport tourism, such as ski tourism, is likely to contribute to the regional economy and alleviate poverty. Third, the case of Chongli illustrates that policy and sports events are significant for helping a place to develop sports tourism, in addition to making full use of local resources. Finally, the development of skiing tourism has had a positive impact on citizens' and farmers' incomes, though it may have impacted citizens more. This research suggests that regional resources are essential for the development of sport tourism and the promotion of regional economies. Developing regions should seize the bonus period of sports events and policies. More attention should be paid to the differences between urban citizens and farmers in order to establish a better redistribution system. Considering the climatic factors, more studies need to analyze the sustainability of ski tourism in developing regions.
... Scott et al., 2020a) and in North America (Scott et al., 2020b). However, while several studies have documented strong reductions in snow cover amount, depth and duration in many mountain regions of the world over the past decades (Mote et al., 2018;Klein et al., 2016;Marty et al., 2017;Matiu et al., 2021;Hock et al., 2019), explicit assessments of the impact of climate change on ski resort operations, based on past observations, have remained limited (Beaudin and Huang, 2014;Hamilton et al., 2003;Rutty et al., 2017;Steiger, 2011). In fact, the emergence in past decades and popularization in major news media of several studies addressing future climate change risks to ski tourism, together with the recurrence of snow-scarce winters in Europe (Durand et al., 2009) and North America (Cooper et al., 2016), have somehow led to the broadly accepted consideration that climate change has indeed already been having a strong impact on ski resort operations in the past and at present (Knowles and Scott, 2020). ...
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Snow reliability is a key climatic impact driver for the ski tourism industry, although there are only a few studies addressing past changes in snow reliability in ski resorts accounting for snow management practices (grooming and snowmaking, in particular). This study provides an assessment of past changes in natural and managed snow cover reliability from 1961 to 2019 in the French Alps. In particular, we used snowmaking investment figures to infer the evolution of snowmaking coverage at the ski resort scale for 16 ski resorts in the French Alps, which we used together with a detailed snow cover modelling system driven by a local atmospheric reanalysis. We find different benefits of snow management to reduce the variability and long-term decrease in snow cover reliability because of the heterogeneity of the snowmaking deployment trajectories across ski resorts. The frequency of challenging conditions for ski resort operation over the 1991–2019 period increased in November and February to April compared to the 30-year reference period 1961–1990. In general, snowmaking had a positive impact on snow reliability, especially in December to January. While for the highest-elevation ski resorts, snowmaking improved snow reliability for the core of the winter season, it did not counterbalance the decreasing trend in snow cover reliability for lower-elevation ski resorts and in the spring.
... Numerous studies have developed a suite of metrics related to the economic viability of resort skiing related to both natural snow conditions and conditions for snowmaking and maintaining a baselayer for snowpack (Abegg et al. 2020;Dawson et al. 2013;Hamilton et al. 2003Hamilton et al. , 2007Scott et al. 2008). Nonetheless, even with advances in snowmaking technology to cover more terrain in less time using less energy at warmer temperatures, only 29 of the 197 ski areas in Québec and the northeastern US remain viable (i.e., >100-day season length and open for Christmas-New Year holiday) under the higher-emissions RCP8.5 scenario (Scott et al. 2020). ...
Winters in northeastern North America have warmed faster than summers, with impacts on ecosystems and society. Global climate models (GCMs) indicate that winters will continue to warm and lose snow in the future, but uncertainty remains regarding the magnitude of warming. Here, we project future trends in winter indicators under lower and higher climate-warming scenarios based on emission levels across northeastern North America at a fine spatial scale (1/16°) relevant to climate-related decision making. Under both climate scenarios, winters continue to warm with coincident increases in days above freezing, decreases in days with snow cover, and fewer nights below freezing. Deep snow-packs become increasingly short-lived, decreasing from a historical baseline of 2 months of subnivium habitat to <1 month under the warmer, higher-emissions climate scenario. Warmer winter temperatures allow invasive pests such as Adelges tsugae (Hemlock Woolly Adelgid) and Dendroctonus frontalis (Southern Pine Beetle) to expand their range northward due to reduced overwinter mortality. The higher elevations remain more resilient to winter warming compared to more southerly and coastal regions. Decreases in natural snowpack and warmer temperatures point toward a need for adaptation and mitigation in the multi-million-dollar winter-recreation and forest-management economies.
... Spandre et al., 2019a). However, while several studies have documented strong reductions in snow cover amount, depth and duration in many mountain regions of the world over the past decades (Hock et al., 2019;Klein et al., 2016;Marty et al., 2017;Matiu et al., 2021;Mote et al., 2018), explicit assessments of the impact of climate change on ski resorts operations, based on past observations, have remained limited (Beaudin & Huang, 2014;Hamilton et al., 2003). In fact, the emergence in past decades and popularization in major news media of several studies addressing future climate change risks to ski tourism, together with the recurrence of snow-scarce winters in Europe (Durand et al., 2009) and North America (Cooper et al., 2016), have somehow led to the broadly accepted consideration that climate change has indeed already been having a strong impact on ski resorts operations in the past and at present (Knowles & Scott, 2020). ...
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The tourism sector, including the ski tourism industry, is a key economic activity for many mountain regions. The ski tourism industry is at the centre of social, economic, environmental and climate issues. The vulnerability of ski tourism to the variability of snow cover and its reduction due to climate change are part of the climate vulnerability of mountain tourism areas. Snowmaking technology has been deployed in the French Alps for over 30 years now and is the most widely used adaptive response to climate vulnerability. This practice raises many concerns regarding both its economic and environmental relevance in a medium to long-term perspective. Its capacity to decisively steer the future development of mountain tourism regions is a key issue. To understand how the dynamics of snowmaking investments can influence the development of mountain regions, this work has sought to identify two key components. First, the plurality of determinants involved in snowmaking investments. Our analysis takes into account both physical and technical-economic factors that participate in the dynamic of snowmaking growth. We carried out a situational analysis of snowmaking investments in over 100 ski resorts in the French Alps. We underlined that snowmaking plays a crucial role in a capital-intensive sector. Econometric modelling revealed that investment strategies in snowmaking in larger ski resorts were beyond natural snow conditions. We integrated the investment figures into a growth model to infer the evolution of the part of ski slopes equipped with snowmaking facilities at the scale of individual ski areas. We crossed that modelling with a snowpack model and assessed the gains in snow reliability reached with snowmaking. We based part of our thesis research on a theoretical framework from evolutionary economic geography and the notion of path dependency. Based on more than 50 semi-directed interviews of stakeholders, we have highlighted how the diffusion of snowmaking has modified the ski industry. In particular, we have stressed the self- reinforcing and lock-in mechanisms involving both ski lift operators and a broad range of stakeholders in the winter sports economy: snowmaking system providers, local institutions, tour-operators and real estate promoters. Our approach allows a better understanding of the mechanisms happening in the ski industry in the context of transition to a less winter tourism dependent economy in mountain regions.
... Spandre et al., 2019a). However, while several studies have documented strong reductions in snow cover amount, depth and duration in many mountain regions of the world over the past decades (Hock et al., 2019;Klein et al., 2016;Marty et al., 2017;Matiu et al., 2021;Mote et al., 2018), explicit assessments of the impact of climate change on ski resorts operations, based on past observations, have remained limited (Beaudin & Huang, 2014;Hamilton et al., 2003). In fact, the emergence in past decades and popularization in major news media of several studies addressing future climate change risks to ski tourism, together with the recurrence of snow-scarce winters in Europe (Durand et al., 2009) and North America (Cooper et al., 2016), have somehow led to the broadly accepted consideration that climate change has indeed already been having a strong impact on ski resorts operations in the past and at present (Knowles & Scott, 2020). ...
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Le tourisme des sports d’hiver est une activité économique structurante pour de nombreux territoires de montagne. La variabilité de l'enneigement et sa diminution liée au changement climatique sont des d’éléments de vulnérabilité climatique pour les territoires touristiques de montagne. La technologie de la production de neige développée dans les Alpes françaises depuis plus de 30 ans est considérée comme une réponse adaptative face aux enjeux du changement climatique. Cette pratique soulève de multiples questions au regard de sa pertinence économique et environnementale à moyen et à long terme mais aussi pour sa capacité à orienter dans la durée le devenir des sociétés de montagne. Afin de comprendre comment la production de neige oriente le développement des territoires touristiques de montagne, ce travail s’est attaché à identifier les déterminants des dynamiques d’investissement dans la production de neige. L’originalité de notre travail réside dans la prise en compte des déterminants physiques et technico-économiques qui orientent les trajectoires d’équipement dans la production de neige. Un état des lieux de l’investissement dans la production de neige dans les domaines skiables des Alpes françaises souligne la place déterminante de cette pratique dans un secteur à forte intensité capitalistique. Une modélisation économétrique révèle que dans les plus grands domaines skiables, les stratégies d’investissement en production de neige sont indépendantes des conditions d’enneigement en neige naturelle. Nous avons reconstitué les trajectoires d'équipement en production de neige des domaines skiables sur la base de leurs investissements. Avec cette reconstitution, couplée à une chaîne de modélisation des conditions d’enneigement, nous avons évalué les gains de fiabilité de l’enneigement associés à la production de neige sur la période passée. Notre recherche s’est aussi inscrite dans le champ de la géographie économique évolutionniste en mobilisant le concept de dépendance au sentier. Nous avons montré, avec un série d’entretiens, comment la diffusion de la production de neige a modifié l’industrie des sports d’hiver. Nous avons mis en évidence des mécanismes d’auto-renforcement et de verrouillage impliquant les gestionnaires de domaine skiable ainsi que l’ensemble des parties- prenantes de l’économie des sports d’hiver. Notre approche permet une plus grande compréhension des mécanismes à l’œuvre dans les territoires touristiques de montagne à l’heure où des démarches de transition touristique sont initiées.
... Scott et al., 2020a) and North America (Scott et al. 2020b). However, while several studies have documented strong reductions in snow cover amount, depth and duration in many mountain regions of the world over the past decades (Mote et al., 2018, Klein et al., 2016 based on past observations, have remained limited (Beaudin & Huang, 2014, Hamilton et al., 2003. In fact, the emergence in past decades and popularization in major news media of several studies addressing future climate change risks to ski tourism, together with the recurrence of snow-scarce winters in Europe (Durand et al., 2009) and North America (Cooper et al., 2016), have somehow lead to the broadly accepted consideration that climate change has indeed already been having a strong impact on ski resorts operations in the past and at present (Knowles and Scott, 2020). ...
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Snow reliability is a key climatic impact driver for the ski tourism industry, for which there is more literature regarding future projections than past observed impacts. This study provides an assessment of past changes in natural and managed snow cover reliability from 1961 to 2018 in the French Alps. In particular, we used snowmaking investment figures to infer the evolution of snowmaking coverage at the ski resort scale for 16 ski resorts in the French Alps. We find different benefits of snow management to reduce the variability and long term decrease in snow cover reliability because of the heterogeneity of the snowmaking deployment trajectories across ski resorts. The frequency of challenging conditions for ski resort operation over the 1991–2018 period increased in November and February to April compared to the reference period 1961–1990. In general, snowmaking had a positive impact on snow reliability, especially in December to January. While for the highest elevation ski resorts, snowmaking improved snow reliability for the core of the winter season, it did not counterbalance the decreasing trend in snow cover reliability for lower elevation ski resorts and in the spring.
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In the form of an explorative empirical study, this paper deals with the reasons for the survival and demise of isolated Swiss ski lifts. For the first time, all isolated lifts documented in Switzerland have been recorded and coded according to a total of six conditions. Using a set-theoretical research method in the form of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), the study aims to identify the necessary conditions and configurations of sufficient conditions explaining (non-)survival. It transpires that closed isolated lifts tend to be outdated and have no technical snowmaking facilities. Moreover, it has become evident that the simultaneous occurrence of the lack of lift facility replacement, lack of technical snowmaking and high ski area competition has caused the closure of most isolated lifts. Low natural snow depth and low elevation difference, conversely, have not had a measurable impact. The causes for the survival of isolated lifts, by contrast, are extremely heterogeneous.
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In the decades since World War II, large-scale ecological changes have affected fishing communities across the northern Atlantic. Substantial declines hit their historically important resources, most notably the Atlantic cod. Such declines were often accompanied by increases in other, previously less exploited, species. Interactions between fishing pressure and environmental variation have driven ecological change. Ecological changes in turn reshaped the fisheries, contributing to altered demographic profiles of fisheries-dependent communities. Many places lost population, especially through out-migration of young adults. Broad social forces also contributed to these trends, but the timing and geographical details of population changes often correspond to specific fisheries/ecological events.
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Using monthly gridded 500-hPa data, two synoptic indices are defined to better understand the principle mechanisms controlling intraseasonal to multiannual winter climate variability in New England (NE). The `trough axis index' (TAI) is created to quantify the mean longitudinal position of the common East Coast pressure trough, and the `trough intensity index' (TII) is calculated to estimate the relative amplitude of this trough at 42.5°N. The TAI and TII are then compared with records for NE regional winter precipitation, temperature, and snowfall with the goal of understanding physical mechanisms linking NE winter climate with regional sea surface temperatures (SST), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Pacific-North American (PNA) teleconnection pattern. The TAI correlates most significantly with winter precipitation at inland sites, such that a western (eastern) trough axis position is associated with greater (lower) average monthly precipitation. Also, significant correlations between the TAI and both NE regional SSTs and the NAO suggest that longitudinal shifting of the trough is one possible mechanism linking the North Atlantic with NE regional winter climate variability. The NE winter temperature is significantly correlated with the TII, regional SSTs, and the NAO. While the PNA also correlates with the TII, NE winter climate variables are apparently unrelated to the PNA index.
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The 1992 collapse of the northern cod undermined a centuries-old way of life in Newfoundland. This ecological change has had broad social consequences, especially the loss of livelihoods for people and places that possess few alternative resources. Using a biology-based model, we explore possible paths to fishery recovery under a range of policy scenarios. Recovery could take decades, even under an absolute fishing ban. Recovery with substantial growth in jobs can be achieved under precautionary low-fishing policies. High-fishing policies initially create more jobs, but eventually crash the resource. Interactions between social and biological systems create a policy trap. Developments since the 1992 moratorium show the force of this trap and offer an explanation for why no recovery has yet been seen. Model results highlight the importance of level and time, as specifics that give content to the widely discussed goal of sustainability.
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The 1992 moratorium on fishing for Northern Cod marked a symbolic end to the way of life that had sustained Newfoundland's outports for hundreds of years. It also marked the completion of an ecological regime shift, from an ocean ecosystem dominated by cod and other predatory groundfish, to one in which such fish are comparatively scarce, and lower-trophic-level invertebrates more common. We examine patterns of change seen in large-scale social indicators, which reflect the smaller-scale adaptations of individuals and communities during this ecological shift. Trends in population, migration, age, unemployment and dependency suggest declining conditions in rural Newfoundland over the years of fisheries troubles. The 1992 crisis accelerated previous trends, but did not produce great discontinuities. Some trends date instead to the late-1980s resource-depletion phase that ended the "glory years" of Newfoundland's groundfish boom. Government interventions meant to soften the economic impact of the 1992 crisis also blunted its social impacts, effectively postponing or distributing these over a number of subsequent years. Outport society is adapting to shifts in the regulatory and global-market environment, as well as changing marine ecology. Adaptive strategies include new investments in invertebrate fisheries, changes in education and migration, and continuing reliance on the informal economy.
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Switzerland's economy depends heavily on tourism. For many alpine areas in the coun- try, winter tourism is the most important source of income, and snow-reliability is one of the key ele- ments of the offers made by tourism in the Alps. The financial viability of winter tourism, however, depends on sufficient snow conditions. The lack of snow at the end of the 1980s left a lasting imprint on the tourism industry. If the assumptions of the impacts of climate change hold true, snow cover in the Swiss Alps will diminish, and this will, in turn, jeopardise the tourism industry. 85% of Switzer- land's current ski resorts can be designated as snow-reliable. If climate change occurs, the level of snow-reliability will rise from 1200 m up to 1800 m over the next few decades. Only 44% of the ski resorts would then still be snow-reliable. While some regions may be able to maintain their winter tourism with suitable adaptation strategies, others would lose all winter tourism due to a diminishing snow pack. Despite global warming, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of winters with heavy snowfall in the future (e.g. the winter of 1998/99, particularly February 1999). Climate change must be viewed as a catalyst that is reinforcing and accelerating the pace of structural changes in tourism. Today, adaptation strategies are predominant in tourism (e.g. artificial snow production). As an industry that will be severely affected by climate change, however, tourism will increasingly have to focus on mitigation strategies (e.g. less greenhouse gas emissions by tourism traffic).
The history of climatic divisions in the contiguous United States has been pieced together from fragmentary documentation. Each of the 48 contiguous states has been subdivided into climatic divisions. Divisional boundaries are now standardized, and a set of climatic variables for time-invariant divisional boundaries has been compiled for the period of record beginning in 1895. This paper documents the origins of climatic divisions, the computational methodology of an area-invariant divisional dataset maintained by the National Climatic Data Center, and the strengths and weaknesses of divisional data.
Seasonal snowfall in New England has exhibited wide variations over the last few decades, the underlying causes of which have not been identified previously. In this paper, compositing and statistical analyses examine how interactions among the large-scale atmospheric circulation, cyclonic activity and storm track preferences, and western Atlantic sea-surface temperatures contribute to winter climate variability and exceptional winter snowfall totals in New England. High winter snowfall totals are associated with a meridional circulation regime, as indicated by a negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and negative 700 hPa height anomalies over the eastern USA. Anomalously high surface pressure over northern Canada promotes advection of cold air into the region, and the preferred storm track is along or just to the south of the New England coast. Low winter snowfall totals are associated with no unique set of circumstances, but a positive NAO index and more zonal circulation is indicated, along with a weaker surface high over Canada, and a storm track over interior New England rather than along the coast. There is no direct association with the Pacific–North American index, although this may modulate the association with the NAO. In extreme southern New England, high (low) winter snowfall totals are associated with negative (positive) sea-surface temperature anomalies along the Atlantic seaboard. © 1998 Royal Meteorological Society
In the decades since World War II, large-scale ecological changes have affected fishing communities across the northern Atlantic. Substantial declines hit their historically important resources, most notably the Atlantic cod. Such declines were often accompanied by increases in other, previously less exploited, species. Interactions between fishing pressure and environmental variation have driven ecological change. Ecological changes in turn reshaped the fisheries, contributing to altered demographic profiles of fisheries-dependent communities. Many places lost population, especially through out-migration of young adults. Broad social forces also contributed to these trends, but the timing and geographical details of population changes often correspond to specific fisheries/ecological events.