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The Phytochemical Composition and Some Biochemical Effects of Nigerian Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) Tuber


Abstract and Figures

The phytochemical composition of the tigernut tuber and the effect of the aqueous extract on some biochemical parameters such as blood glucose, serum protein, albumin and cholesterol, white blood cells, red blood cells, haemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and packed cell volume were determined in rats administered different concentrations of the extract. From the result of the phytochemical analysis, the presence of alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, resins, tannins, sterols and saponins were observed in the raw tuber, however only alkaloids, sterols and resins were observed in the roasted tuber. Analysis of the antinutrient composition yielded oxalates (0.25±0.65 g/100 g), phytate (1.97±0.81 mg/100 g), saponins (0.88±0.02/100 g), tannins (9.50±0.46 mg/100 g) and cyanogenic glycosides (1.80±0.69 mg/100 g). Roasting numerically decreased the levels of the anti-nutritive factors analyzed. At the end of the treatment period, the mean weights of the animals increased. The blood glucose level decreased significantly in concentration dependent manner (p<0.05) and serum albumin level increased significantly in a concentration dependent manner (p<0.05) in the groups administered the different concentrations of the extract. There was no significant effect (p>0.05) on serum cholesterol and protein and on total and differential white blood cell, red blood cell, haemoglobin, packed cell volume and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The results therefore indicate the absence of undesirable effect in the use of the tigernut tuber even in the raw form at least at the administered concentration and for the duration of feeding. The findings are of nutritional, health and industrial relevance since the tuber is currently being used as food in many homes in Nigeria.
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Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 9 (7): 709-715, 2010
ISSN 1680-5194
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010
Corresponding Author: Ekeanyanwu Raphael Chukwuma, Department of Chemical Sciences, Novena University, Ogume, Delta State,
The Phytochemical Composition and Some Biochemical Effects of
Nigerian Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) Tuber
Ekeanyanwu Raphael Chukwuma , Njoku Obioma and Ononogbu Ikpendu Christopher
1 2 2
Department of Chemical Sciences, Novena University, Ogume, Delta State, Nigeria
Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Abstract: The phytochemical composition of the tigernut tuber and the effect of the aqueous extract on some
biochemical parameters such as blood glucose, serum protein, albumin and cholesterol, white blood cells,
red blood cells, haemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and packed cell volume were determined in
rats administered different concentrations of the extract. From the result of the phytochemical analysis, the
presence of alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, resins, tannins, sterols and saponins were observed in the
raw tuber, however only alkaloids, sterols and resins were observed in the roasted tuber. Analysis of the
antinutrient composition yielded oxalates (0.25±0.65 g/100 g), phytate (1.97±0.81 mg/100 g), saponins
(0.88±0.02/100 g), tannins (9.50±0.46 mg/100 g) and cyanogenic glycosides (1.80±0.69 mg/100 g). Roasting
numerically decreased the levels of the anti-nutritive factors analyzed. At the end of the treatment period, the
mean weights of the animals increased. The blood glucose level decreased significantly in concentration
dependent manner (p<0.05) and serum albumin level increased significantly in a concentration dependent
manner (p<0.05) in the groups administered the different concentrations of the extract. There was no
significant effect (p>0.05) on serum cholesterol and protein and on total and differential white blood cell, red
blood cell, haemoglobin, packed cell volume and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The results therefore
indicate the absence of undesirable effect in the use of the tigernut tuber even in the raw form at least at the
administered concentration and for the duration of feeding. The findings are of nutritional, health and
industrial relevance since the tuber is currently being used as food in many homes in Nigeria.
Key words: Cyperus esculentus, tigernut, phytochemicals, biochemical effects
The worsening food crisis and the consequent wide
spread prevalence of malnutrition in developing and
underdeveloped countries have resulted in high mortality
and morbidity rates, especially among infants and
children in low income groups (Enujuigba and Akanbi,
2005). The reliance on starchy roots and tubers and
protein deficient cereals as main staples results in
consumption of non-nutritious foods. The insufficient
availability of nutrient rich diets and high cost of available
ones have prompted an intense research into
harnessing the potentials of the lesser known and
underutilized crops, which are potentially valuable for
human and animal foods to maintain a balance between
population and agricultural productivity, particularly the
tropical and subtropical areas of the world.
Cyperus esculentus (Tigernut) is an underutilized plant
of the family Cyperaceae, which produces rhizomes
from the base and tubers that are some what spherical
(Cortes et al., 2005). The plant is not really a nut but a
tuber first discovered some 4000 years ago (Lowe and
Whitewell, 2000). It has other names like yellow
nutsedge, chufa, flatsedge, rush nut, water grass, earth
almond, northern nut grass and nut grass (Shilenko et
al., 1979). Cyperus esculentus is known in Nigeria as
aya in Hausa, ofio in Yoruba and akihausa in Ibo.
Cyperus esculentus grows mainly in the middle belt and
northern regions of Nigeria (Okafor et al., 2003), where
three varieties (black, brown and yellow) are cultivated
(Umerie et al., 1997). Among these, only two varieties,
yellow and brown are readily available in the market. The
yellow variety is preferred to all other varieties because
of its inherent properties like its bigger size, attractive
colour and fleshier body (Belewu and Abodurin, 2006).
Cyperus esculentus can be eaten raw, roasted, dried,
baked or be made into a refreshing beverage called
kuunu (Oladele and Aina, 2007).
Cyperus esculentus was reported as healthy and helps
in preventing heart, thrombosis and activates blood
circulation. It helps in preventing cancer, due to high
content of soluble glucose. It was also found to assist in
reducing the risk of colon cancer (Adejuyitan et al.,
2009). The nut is rich in energy content (starch, fat,
sugars and protein), mineral (phosphorus, potassium)
Pak. J. Nutr., 9 (7): 709-715, 2010
and vitamins E and C (Belewu and Belewu, 2007).
Cyperus esculentus is suitable for diabetic persons and
also helps in loosing weight (Borges et al., 2008).
Food contains various compositions of nutrients and
antinutrients and could have important or deleterious
effects in the body when consumed. The composition of
the nutrients and antinutrients, usually leads to side
effects found in most plants which may lead to toxicity,
hyperlipidaemia, excessive weight gain, hyperglycaemia,
carotenemia, constipation, kidney stones, body odour,
bad breath, allergies, diarrhoea, frequent urination and
acne (Anonymous, 2009). In most of these side effects,
the biochemical and haematological parameters are
usually altered. For a food to be considered safe for
human and animal health, its effect on these
parameters need to be investigated to understand the
nutritional potentials and safety of such foods with a view
to determining their acceptability.
The aim of the present study is to determine the
phytochemical composition of the tuber and to ascertain
if the tuber could have beneficial effect on biochemical
parameters such as blood glucose, serum albumin,
protein, cholesterol, red blood cell, haemoglobin,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, packed cell volume, and
total and differential white blood cell of the rats as our
model for the research.
Collection and preparation of tigernut tuber flour and
the aqueous extract: Fresh tigernut tuber was
purchased from a local market in Katsina, Katsina state,
Nigeria. The tuber was identified and authenticated by Mr
A. Ozougwu of Botany department, university of Nigeria,
Nsukka, Enugu state. The tigernut tubers were cleaned,
sorted and washed. The fresh tubers were dried in an
oven (GallenKamp, England) at 37 C for one hour,
milled separately using a laboratory electric mill (Retsch,
5657, GmbH, Germany) to pass through a 40-mesh
sieve, packaged in glass jars and stored at 4C in a
refrigerator until analysis. A Quantity, 400 g of the fresh
milled tubers was extracted by shaking it with 3 litres of
n-hexane for one hour, three times to remove the oil. The
defatted milled tubers were dried in a desiccator under
vacuum. The water extract was obtained by stirring the
dry defatted milled tubers with seven (7) litres of distilled
water at room temperature (27±1 C) for twelve hours.
The suspension was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min
and the supernatant was filtered through white muslin
cloth and then whatman filter paper No.1 under vacuum.
The extract was concentrated using water bath at an
optimum temperature of 65 C to avoid the denaturation
of the bioactive compounds. The weight of the dry extract
was determined. The different concentrations (500,
1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg) of the extract were
Table 1: The phytochemical composition of the tigernut tuber
Phytochemical Raw Roasted
Alkaloids +++ +
Glycosides - -
Cyanogenic glycosides + -
Resins +++ +++
Flavonoids - -
Cardiac glycosides - -
Tannins + -
Sterols +++ +++
Saponins + -
+++ = Present in very high concentration, ++ = Present in
moderately high concentration, + = Present in trace
concentration, - = Not detected
Experimental animals: Adult male Wistar albino rats
were purchased from the faculty of biological sciences
animal house, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu
state, Nigeria. The animals were about 12 weeks with
average weight of 112.37±11.7 g. The animals were kept
under standard conditions for 7 days with free access to
water and food before starting the experiment. Albino
mice, 20.50±4.27 g weights were used for the acute
toxicity tests. The animals were housed in standard
cages with food and water ad libitum at room
temperature and provided with pelletized feed.
Experimental design: An acute toxicity study of the
aqueous extract of tigernut was done by the method of
Lorke (1983). Twenty five (25) male Wistar albino rats of
12 weeks were divided into five groups of five rats each
of average weight were randomly assigned to five (5)
cages labelled I, II, III, IV and V respectively and kept at
room temperature (25 C). All the rats were allowed free
access to water and feed ad libitum for a week to
acclimatize them to laboratory conditions. After this
period, the control animals (group I) were administered
0.2 ml of normal saline (0.9% NaCl) while groups II, III,
IV and V were administered different concentrations of
the extract. The extracts were administered for 30 days
to the animals using the oral route by means of
polythene cannula. The weights of the animals were
taken before commencement of the feeding experiment
and then later every six days interval. At the end of the 30
days, blood samples from each rat were collected
through the orbital technique for analysis of
haematological parameters like total and differential
white blood cells, red blood cell, haemoglobin, packed
cell volume, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
biochemical parameters like blood glucose, serum
protein, albumin and cholesterol.
Phytochemical analysis: The phytochemical test for the
presence and absence of saponins, alkaloids,
flavonoids, cyanogenic glycosides, tannins, glycosides,
and sterols were carried out according to the method
described by Harbone (1984).
Pak. J. Nutr., 9 (7): 709-715, 2010
Antinutrient analysis: Percentage compositions of 1984) as most of these phytochemicals are thermally
some antinutrients like oxalates, phytates, cyanogenic unstable.
glycosides, saponins and tannins were determined by Analysis of the antinutrients composition of the raw
the method described by AOAC (1990). All tubers of C. esculentus showed that it contained
determinations were done in triplicate determination. 0.60±0.32 g/100 g oxalates, 2.40±0.40 mg/100 g
Biochemical studies: Serum cholesterol was g/100 g tannins and 1.08±0.69 mg/100 g cyanogenic
determined by the method of Meiatini et al. (1978), glycosides. The roasted C. esculentus tuber contained
serum total protein by the method of Wooten (1964), 0.55±0.36 g/100 g oxalates, 1.06±0.24 mg/100 g phytate,
blood glucose by the glucose oxidase method of Marks 0.67±0.40 mg/100 g saponins, 7.10±0.35 g/100 g
and Dawson (1965), serum albumin by the method of tannins and 0.86±0.44 mg/100 g cyanogenic glycosides.
Doumas et al. (1971). The levels of antinutrients analyzed were very low
Haematological studies: The haemoglobin (Ejigui et al., 2005). The presence of phytates in
concentration was estimated using the cyanome- biological systems may chelate divalent metals like
thaemoglobin photometric method. The packed cell calcium, magnesium, or block the absorption of
volume was estimated using the micro-haematocrit essential minerals in the intestinal tract (Dan, 2005)
centrifuge. The red blood cell and differential white blood thus decreasing their bioavailability (Oberleas, 1973).
cell was estimated using the improved Neubauer Phytates chelate with mineral elements thereby having
haemocytometer. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was significant effects on the utilization of the minerals. They
determined using the Westergren method (1957). also react with basic residues of protein. Tannins and to
The result of phytochemical screening shows that a
higher content of alkaloids, sterols and resins than
cyanogenic glycosides, saponins and tannins were
detected in the raw Tigernut tuber. However, in the
roasted Tigernut tuber, only alkaloids sterols and resins
were detected and no other phytochemical assayed was
detected. Alkaloids, saponins and tannins are known to
have antimicrobial activity, as well as other physiological
activities (Sofowora, 1993; Evans, 2005). Alkaloids are
known for their toxicity, but not all alkaloids are toxic.
They inhibit certain mammalian enzymic activities such
as those of phophodiesterase, prolonging the action of
cAMP. They also affect glucagons and thyroid stimulating
hormones, while some forms have been reported to be
carcinogenic (Okaka et al., 1992). Some have been used
either as an analgesic, antispasmodic, bactericidal
agents (Frantisek, 1991). Saponins have been reported
to be useful in reducing inflammation of upper
respiratory passage and also chiefly as foaming and
emulsifying agents and detergents (Frantisek, 1991).
Tannins have astringent properties that hasten the
healing of wounds and prevention of decay. Tannin
compounds have antimicrobial activities and are
responsible for preventing and treating urinary tract
infections and other bacterial infections. The result of the
determination of phytochemical test indicated that the
tuber possess some biologically active compounds
which could serve as potential source of vegetable
drugs in herbal medicine. These phytochemicals exhibit
diverse pharmacological and biochemical actions when
ingested by animals (Amadi et al., 2006). They are
usually present at low concentration in edible fruits, nuts,
tubers and vegetables. Roasting reduced the amount of
these phytochemicals in plant products (Piorrock et al.,
phytates, 0.88±0.02 mg/100 g saponins, 9.62±0.29
compared to those reported for nuts like the peanuts
some extent oxalates, binds to proteins thereby making
them difficult to digest in the body. Oxalates can remove
calcium in the form of calcium oxalate (Savage, 1993) in
the blood and thus may result to kidney damage.
Saponin reduces the uptake of certain nutrients
including glucose and cholesterol at the gut through
intra-lumenal physicochemical interaction (Price et al.,
1987). They also exhibit structure dependent biological
activity (Savage, 1993). The potential toxicity of a food
produced from a cyanogenic plant depends on the
likelihood that its consumption will produce a
concentration of Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) that is toxic to
exposed humans. Cyanide causes an increase in blood
glucose and lactic acid levels and a decrease in the
ATP/ADP ratio indicating a shift from aerobic to
anaerobic metabolism. Cyanide also activates
glycogenolysis and shunts glucose to the pentose
phosphate pathway decreasing the rate of glycolysis and
inhibiting tricarboxylic acid cycle (Akintonwa and
Tunwashe, 1992). Odumodu (1992) and Okafor et al.
(2003) had earlier reported low contents of these
antinutrients in tigernut tuber flour compared with other
local fruits, nuts, tubers and vegetables. Roasting
numerically reduced the antinutrient composition of
tigernut tuber flour.
Acute toxicity test are generally the first test conducted in
any toxicity study. They provide data on the relative toxicity
likely to arise from a single or brief exposure to any
substance. Different plant extracts have been known to
possess different levels of toxicity which majorly
depends on the levels of antinutrients inherent in the
plants (Sofowora, 1993). Preliminary investigations on
the acute toxicity of the tuber extract of C. esculentus in
mice showed that the aqueous extract of C. esculentus
(tigernut) tuber was not toxic to mice at the administered
Pak. J. Nutr., 9 (7): 709-715, 2010
Table 2: The antinutrient composition of the tigernut tuber
Oxalates Phytate Saponin Tannins Cyanogenic glycosides
Sample (g/100 g) (mg/100 g) (g/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g)
Raw 0.60±0.32 2.40±0.40 0.88±0.02 9.62±0.29 1.08±0.69
Roasted 0.55±0.36 1.06±0.24 0.67±0.40 7.10±0.35 0.86±0.44
Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination
Table 3: The biochemical parameters of the animals at the end of experimental period
Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Parameters Group I NS 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 1500 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg
Blood glucose (g/dl) 71.5±4.04 60.25±3.40* 56.75±2.50* 54.00±3.46* 48.50±4.66*
Serum protein (g/dl) 6.92±0.27 7.43±0.63 7.39±0.45 7.16±0.61 7.19±0.35
Serum albumin (g/dl) 3.35±0.48 3.14±0.72 4.08±0.29* 4.18±0.31* 3.93±0.30*
Serum cholesterol (mg/dl) 88.10±15.12 86.49±17.65 91.35±3.24 75.94±18.89 79.91±8.79
Values are mean±standard deviation of quintuplicate determination, *Means significant different (p<0.05) compared to the control.
N = 5, NS = Normal Saline
The result of the effect of administration of the various haematological parameters such as red blood cells,
concentrations (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg) of C. total and differential white blood cells, haemoglobin,
esculentus tuber extract on biochemical parameters packed cell volume and erythrocyte sedimentation rate
such as blood glucose, serum protein, albumin and is presented in Table 4. The result show that there was
cholesterol are presented in Table 3. The result showed no significant effect (p>0.05) on these haematological
that there was significant increase (p<0.05) in serum parameters. The results obtained for all treatment
albumin and a significant decrease (p<0.05) in blood groups indicate nutritional adequacy of the tuber extract
glucose, but there was no significant effect (p>0.05) on and the rat diet since they did not indicate malabsorption
serum protein and cholesterol. Since total serum or under nutrition (Church et al., 1984). These
proteins and albumin are generally influenced by total observations were related to the composition of the
protein intake (Onifade and Tewe, 1993), the results tuber extract and health status of the animals since none
obtained indicate nutritional adequacy of the dietary and of the animals died as a result of any diseases.
the extract proteins. Abnormal serum albumin usually Hackbath et al. (1983) had earlier recorded a strong
indicates an alteration of normal systemic protein influence of food components on haematological traits,
utilization (Apata, 1990). Awosanya et al. (1999) have packed cell volume and haemoglobin concentration
demonstrated the dependence of blood protein on the being very strong indicators of nutritional status of
quality and quantity of protein source. The reported low animals. It is well known that various antinutritional
level of phytate in the tuber could also have led to the substances and xenobiotics can cause haemolysis,
increased absorption of protein from the rat diet. Phytate nutrients malabsorption and abnormal haemopoesis
acts as a chelator, forming proteins and mineral which could arise from liver damage (Chubb, 1982),
bioavailability (Davies and Gathlin, 1991). Since glucose antinutrient analysis of the tigernut tuber shows that it
level was significantly (p<0.05) lowered and cholesterol has low concentration of these antinutrients. The result
levels were not affected abnormally, possibilities of of the total and differential white blood cell count indicate
anorexia, diabetes, liver dysfunction and mal-absorption that the animals were healthy because decrease in
of fat, which are the symptoms of abnormal glucose and number of white blood cells is an indication of allergic
cholesterol levels in blood (Bush, 1991) are ruled out. conditions, anaphylactic shock and certain parasitism
The glucose lowering potentials of the extract may be while elevated value indicate to the existence of a recent
ascribed to modifications in glucose uptake in the infection, usually with bacteria (Ahamefule et al., 2008).
intestine. It is well known that soluble fibres generally The mean body weight change in rats after every six
increase transit time through the gut, slow emptying of days following administration of 500, 1000, 1500 and
the stomach and slow glucose absorption 2000 mg/kg body weight extract of C. esculentus tuber
(Swaminathan, 2002). Cyperus esculentus tubers have extract are presented in Table 5. A general increase in
high dietary fibre content (Umerie and Enebeli, 1997), so physical activities, food and water intake were observed
they may play a major role in lowering blood glucose for all the animals during the feeding experiment. There
level. This observation supports an earlier hypothesis was initial increase in weight which was sustained. The
that the tuber may be important for diabetics and those increased weight could be due to increased feed and
seeking to reduce weight (Kordyias, 1990). water intake observed all through the experimental
The result of the effect of administration of the various period. The increase in weight of the animals suggests
concentrations (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg) of C. that they increasingly accumulated calories from the
esculentus (tigernut) aqueous tuber extract on normal rat diet and from the nutrient rich extracts.
Pak. J. Nutr., 9 (7): 709-715, 2010
Table 4: The red blood cell count, total and differential white blood cell count haemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte sedimentation
rate and packed cell volume of the animals at the end of experimental period
Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Haematological indices Group I NS 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 1500 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg
RBC (x10 /µL) 8.50±0.19 8.74±0.58 8.63±0.67 8.54±1.55 8.67±0.15
Hb (g/dl) 17.25±1.28 16.94±1.29 16.99±0.95 17.71±1.00 17.91±0.63
PCV (%) 44.37±2.56 46.00±1.08 45.63±4.23 45.00±0.00 44.13±1.32
ESR (mmHr) 0.76±0.12 0.73±0.07 0.82±0.10 0.70±0.55 0.69±0.07
tWBC (x10 /µL) 13.96±2.64 13.51±1.82 13.57±2.72 16.61±2.72 14.53±1.33
Neutr (x10 /µL) 2.78±0.82 2.52±0.46 1.59±0.44 2.77±1.00 3.18±1.24
Lymph (x10 /µL) 10.69±1.88 10.73±1.50 11.62±2.61 13.38±2.62 11.03±1.42
Eosin (x10 /µL) 0.06±0.07 0.07±0.08 0.11±0.13 0.09±0.10 0.00±0.00
Mono (x10 /µL) 0.39±0.20 0.24±0.15 0.24±0.18 0.33±0.13 0.18±0.67
Baso (x10 /µL) 0.03±0.06 0.03±0.07 0.00±0.00 0.40±0.80 0.12±0.15
Values are mean±standard deviation of quintuplicate determination, *Means significant different (p<0.05) compared to the control.
N = 5, NS = Normal Saline. RBC = Red Blood Cell, Hb = Haemoglobin, PCV = Packed Cell Volume, ESR = Erythrocyte Sedimentation
Rate, tWBC = total White Blood Cell, Neutr = Neutrophil, Lymph = Lymphocyte, Eosin = Eosinophil, Mono = Monocytes, Baso = Basophils
Table 5: The mean body weight of rat administered aqueous tuber extract of tigernut
Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Periods Group I NS 500 mg/kg 1000 mg/kg 1500 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg
0 day 113.25±15.09 113.50±6.62 114.74±12.20 111.24±9.62 110.47±5.83
6 day 138.05±8.00 115.20±9.97 139.00±16.02 121.50±17.65 134.40±13.00
12 day 147.30±11.47 130.32±9.35 142.94±15.35 125.38±17.26 139.34±12.42
18 day 157.07±8.60 141.90±8.20 149.40±14.57 133.90±17.92 152.14±14.02
24 day 160.15±9.47 143.80±9.30 158.10±15.06 141.02±18.45 159.14±15.40
30 day 174.95±7.61 149.92±10.45 166.48±15.87 148.36±19.06 171.28±11.53
Values are mean±standard deviation of quintuplicate. N = 5, NS = Normal Saline
Although the animals used in this study were fed with Ahamefule, F.O., B.E. Obua, I.A. Ukweni, M.A. Oguike and
normal rat diet, the tigernut tuber extract might have
allowed proper absorption of the nutrients which have
allowed proper utilization of the nutrients. Low level of
active/toxic principles may have stimulated appetite and
increased feed utilization resulting in increased weight
gain. The tuber of C. esculentus is used in making a
refreshing beverage called kuunu in Nigeria which is
consumed mostly in the Northern region of Nigeria
(Belewa and Abodurin, 2008). There have not been any
reported cases of toxicity in humans.
The present study confirms the tigernut tuber contains
important nutrients and some essential macro and
micro nutrient necessary for good human and animal
health. Roasting the tuber as a processing step reduced
the antinutrients composition. But unlike several other
underutilized crops, it does not produce any undesirable
effects even when consumed raw. The findings indicate
that the tigernut tuber which is popularly eaten raw is rich
in important food properties when compared with other
crops has no negative effect, at least in rats and
considering the economic situation in Nigeria and the
near zero economic value of this tuber, its cultivation and
consumption should be encouraged.
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... This plant produces tubers similar to sweet almonds, which have many health benefits and have great nutritional value [5]. C. esculentus contains alkaloids, resins, soaps and other active substances [6]. In the study of [7] pointed that C. esculentus contain fibers, sugars, proteins, glucose, phosphorus, oleic acid, potassium and vitamins like K,C and E with high percentage. ...
... (6):Electrophoresis of PCR product of 16s rRNA gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosaFigure. ...
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Several studies in microbiology field due to its importance in resistance of bacteria diffusion, for this reason the aim of this study to evaluate the antibacterial and Anti-Biofilm formation this study use the aqueous extract of Cyperus esculentus against P. aeruginosa isolated from wounds infections, the extract evaluated by using weels diffusion method with the aid of four different concentrations of Cyperus esculentus (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). After evaluation of the inhibitory activity of the aqueous extract, it seems that the largest diameter of the inhibition zone reach to (25)mm at the concentration of 100%, while the minimum diameter was (3) mm at (25%) concentration. Both psIA and 16s rRNA were detected in P. aeruginosa and it seems that all bacterial isolates possess these genes. The gene expression of psIA was calculated in a control manner and after treating the selected isolate with different concertation (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of the extract. The expression was (0.87, 0.67, 0,30 and 0.100) fold change.
... This may be due to the high crude fiber content of fluted pumpkin seed (Udoh, 2017). Fiber helps to slow down glucose absorption and emptying of the stomach (Chukwuma et al., 2010). Food products with high fiber content give a sense of fullness when eaten because fiber absorbs large quantities of water (Srivastava et al., 2012). ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour supplementation on the nutritional and chemical composition of broken rice flour. The fluted pumpkin seeds were processed as raw, fermented and germinated and then milled into flour. The broken rice flour was substituted with defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour from each of the processed methods at 0 to 50% substitution levels. Standard analytical methods were used to determine the proximate, mineral, vitamin A and vitamin B6 composition of the flour blends. Moisture, protein, fat, ash, fiber and carbohydrate contents ranged from 6.17 – 9.45%, 6.35 – 20.61%, 2.06 – 24.06%, 0.62 – 4.02%, 0.07 – 1.76% and 45.10 – 81.43% respectively. Calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium, potassium and copper contents ranged from 39.73 – 160.00mg/100g, 24.26 – 216.70mg/100g, 0.88 – 2.49mg/100g, 1.04 – 3.35mg/100g, 0.017 – 0.066mg/100g, 30.00 - 53.25mg/100g and 0.017 – 0.038mg/100g respectively. Vitamin A and B6 contents increased significantly (P<0.05) with increased supplementation with defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour. In general, supplementation of broken rice flour with defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour improved the nutritional and chemical composition of the flour blends and food products made from these flour blends could help to reduce protein-energy malnutrition prevalent in some regions.
... The yellow variety also yields more milk, contains lower fat and higher protein and less anti-nutritional factors especially polyphenols (Okafor, 2003). Tiger nut has been reported to be a health food since its consumption can help prevent heart disease, thrombosis, activate blood circulation (Chukwuma, et al., 2010) and assist in reducing the risk of colon cancer (Adejuyitan et al., 2009). The tiger nut tuber is rich in energy content (such as starch, fat, sugar, and protein), minerals (mainly phosphorus and potassium), and vitamins E and C (Belewu and Belewu, 2007) thus making this tuber also suitable for diabetics and for those who wants to lose weight (Borges et al., 2008). ...
Conference Paper
Despite the fact that tiger nuts oil is not entirely new, it is still largely untapped in many parts of the world and underutilized even in areas where it is grown, especially in Nigeria. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the physicochemical properties and fatty acids composition of tiger nuts (Cyperus. esculentus) tuber oil. The oil was extracted from milled tiger nuts using the evaporation process with redistilled industrial grade n-hexane as solvent. The quality of the extracted oils was assessed in terms of acid value, iodine value, saponification value, peroxide value, refractive index, and unsaponifiable matter. Physiochemical properties of the oil samples were determined. The peroxide value, free fatty acid, and moisture content of tiger nut oils were monitored for four (4) weeks during the storage studies. The refractive index, specific gravity, acid value and free fatty acid value ranged between 1.46 - 1.47, 0.89 - 0.90, 0.4 - 1.40mg/g, and 0.20 - 0.75% respectively. The peroxide, saponification and iodine values ranged between 3.99- 4.43meq/kg, 183.25 -202.87 mg/kOH/g and 29.69- 31.74g/l2/g respectively. The major fatty acids (FAs) of the tiger nut oil were oleic (77.71%), palmitic (16.17%), and stearic (5.08%) acids for the black cultivar; oleic (64.12%), palmitic (11.86%), linoleic (11.87%) and dihum, linolenic (1.71%) for the brown cultivar while the yellow cultivar had oleic (68.89%), linoleic (12.77%), palmitic (13.33%) and stearic (4.46%). During storage, the oil's peroxide value, free fatty acid and moisture content was 5.62 mmol 20/kg, 1.54 mg KOH/g and 01338 respectively. These results indicate that tiger nut tuber oil could be a good source of edible oil, can replace imported olive, maize, sunflower and/or soy bean oils in foods and address domestic supply gaps of edible oils in Nigeria.
... (Garca-Seco et al., 2020) These health benefits include; improving cardiovascular health (Oyedemi et al., 2017), supporting digestive health (Marín-García et al., 2020), and aiding in diabetes management (Adeyemi et al., 2019). Consuming tiger nut tubers can be beneficial in preventing and treating various conditions such as colon cancer (Adejuyitan et al., 2009), coronary heart disease, and arteriosclerosis (Chukwuma et al., 2010), obesity, and gastrointestinal disorders (Anderson et al., 2009), flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery, and excessive thirst (Adejuyitan, 2011). Tiger nuts are commonly consumed as a snack or used to make a milk-like drink in Ghana and other African countries (Fernández-López et al., 2018). ...
Tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) offer significant benefits for food security, health, and economic growth, particularly in Ghana and Africa. As a nutritious food source, they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, potassium, and magnesium. Additionally, they contain healthy unsaturated fats and phytochemicals like flavonoids, phenolic acids, and tannins, which combat inflammation, cancer, and act as antioxidants. Beyond their health benefits, tiger nuts have economic potential. They can be processed into value-added products like milk, flour, oil, and snacks. These products find markets both locally and internationally, aiding the economies of tiger nut-producing countries. They offer an alternative sweetener and dairy substitute, beneficial for those with lactose intolerance. Tiger nuts also contribute to agricultural sustainability. Their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen improves soil fertility and crop productivity, benefiting small-scale farmers in developing countries. This can help reduce poverty and enhance food security. Despite these advantages, further research and investment are necessary to fully understand their health impacts and optimize cultivation and processing methods. Such efforts can promote tiger nut production and consumption, particularly in poorer nations, leading to sustainable development and improved livelihoods for farmers and communities. This review aims to highlight how tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) can enhance food security, health, and economic growth in Ghana and Africa. Tiger nuts are a valuable food source with untapped potential. This review examines the nutrition, health benefits, and economic impact of tiger nuts, especially for small-scale farmers and food availability. This paper underscores the importance of further research and investment in promoting tiger nuts as a valuable resource for Ghana, Africa, and the world.
... Additionally, they are responsible for spermatogenesis, the process of producing sperm cells [13]. The function of the testes is regulated by the adenohypophysis, or anterior pituitary gland, where luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates testosterone production and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes sperm production [14] Sperm cells fuse with egg cells during fertilization, leading to the formation of a zygote. Testosterone, on the other hand, is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, maintenance of muscle mass, red blood cell production, bone growth, overall well-being, and sexual function [15] Deficiencies or abnormalities in sperm cell production or testosterone levels can result in male infertility [16]. ...
... Additionally, they are responsible for spermatogenesis, the process of producing sperm cells [13]. The function of the testes is regulated by the adenohypophysis, or anterior pituitary gland, where luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates testosterone production and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes sperm production [14] Sperm cells fuse with egg cells during fertilization, leading to the formation of a zygote. Testosterone, on the other hand, is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, maintenance of muscle mass, red blood cell production, bone growth, overall well-being, and sexual function [15] Deficiencies or abnormalities in sperm cell production or testosterone levels can result in male infertility [16]. ...
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Infertility poses multifaceted challenges, encompassing emotional, psychological, and socio-economic dimensions to humans. This study investigated the effect of the co-administration of aqueous extract of Cyperus esculentus (tiger nuts) and vitamins (vitamin C and vitamin E) on male reproductive organ histology and fertility indices in albino rats. The experimental design involved administering an oral median lethal dose (LD50) of tiger nuts to 91 male albino rats. They were divided into thirteen groups, each comprising seven animals. Groups included a Control Group for baseline comparison, Aqueous Extract Groups (2-4) to study dose-dependent effects, Aqueous Extract + Vitamin C Groups (5-7) to explore combined effects, Aqueous Extract + Vitamin E Groups (8-10) to examine antioxidant influence, and Aqueous Extract + Vitamins C and E Groups (11-13) for a comprehensive understanding of potential interactions. The study spanned 21 days, evaluating the impact on testicular conditions. The serial sections were stained using hematoxylin and Eosin staining techniques for the testes tissue. The study found a significant difference in testicular weight among different groups of albino rats. Group 11 had the highest testicular weight, while the control group had the least. Testicular weights in groups fed with Vitamin E and a combination of vitamin C and E were significantly higher than those fed with tiger nut only and Vitamin C. Additionally, testosterone levels varied significantly among groups, with higher levels in groups receiving Vitamin E and a combination of vitamin C and E. Vitamin C levels did not show a significant difference among groups, but vitamin E levels were significantly higher in specific groups (12 and 13) compared to others. Histological examinations revealed enhanced spermatogenic maturation and preserved testicular architecture. Overall, the study observed vacuolations and Leydig cell changes, suggesting physiological effects on testicular weight, hormonal levels, and vitamin concentrations in albino rats. The study finds that tiger nut extract, combined with vitamin E or vitamins C and E, significantly boosts testicular weight and serum testosterone in albino rats, supporting spermatogenesis. Particularly, vitamin E enhances spermatogenic maturation, interstitial cells, and blood vessels. Histological examination shows preserved testicular morphology, indicating a healing effect. In conclusion, administering tiger nut extract with vitamins, notably vitamin E, improves fertility indices in male albino rats.
... Anti-nutrients (saponins, tannins, oxalates, phytate, and cyanogenic glycosides) are found to be minimal in tiger nuts (Okafor et al., 2003;Ezeh et al., 2014) with a good quantity of alkaloids, flavonoid, sterols, saponins, and tannins that are reported to be accountable for the many biochemical activities of the plant (Imam et al., 2013). Tiger nut was found to be non-toxic to experimental rats at all levels (Chukwuma et al., 2010). There are also claims about its aphrodisiac potential with reports covering little or no important biochemical indices. ...
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This study aimed to assess the aphrodisiac potential of tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) powder in male Wistar albino rats. Twenty-five male and twenty-five female rats were used for the experiment. The male rats were selected into five groups of 5 rats/group. Two groups served as normal and positive controls. Three groups were fed with feed supplemented with varying concentrations of Cyperus esculentus powder (5%, 10%, and 20%) for fourteen (14) days. After the treatment, sexual behaviors, fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, nitric oxide, and some sex hormone levels were assayed. The results showed a significant variation in mount frequencies, while significant increases were observed in intromission frequency and intromission ratio as compared to the normal control. Significant increases in the body weight of both the normal control and treated groups were observed. However, the fasting blood glucose level was not altered significantly. Lipid profile levels were increased in rats fed a 20% tiger nut supplementary diet when compared with the control, whereas low-density lipoprotein was not changed significantly. Nitric oxide concentration significantly increased in the testes but decreased in the kidneys of the treated groups. The results of sex hormone levels showed a significant increase in follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone with no variation in luteinizing hormone. These results showed that Cyperus esculentus powder can improve the sexual behavior of male rats, hence giving credence to the aphrodisiac potential of Cyperus esculentus.
... Recent studies have shown that adding polysaccharide extracts from C. esculentus to protein drinks exhibits better stability than regular protein drinks (Yu et al. 2023). Chukwuma et al. (2010) observed the presence of alkaloids, cyanosides, resins, tannins, sterols, and saponins in the raw C. esculentus tubers, confirming that the tubers contain important nutrients and are essential nutrients for human health. ...
The purpose of this study was to use ultrasound-based extraction to prepare starch from the tubers of Cyperus esculentus. Ultrasonic treatment of Cyperus esculentus powder with a medium of alkaline-treated water can effectively improve the starch extraction efficiency. Box-Behnken design was used to optimize the extraction process, and the results showed that the optimal parameters were ultrasound time of 30 minutes, pH value of 9.0, ultrasound temperature of 40 °C, and solid-liquid ratio of 10:1. The extraction percentage under these conditions was 90.1%. The physicochemical properties of C. esculentus starch were compared with those of cassava, potato, and corn starch. The particle size of C. esculentus starch was approximately 2 to 15 μm. The gelatinization temperature was 70.5 °C, and the peak viscosity was similar to cassava but with better thermal stability. Like other tuber starches, C. esculentus starch had higher swelling power and solubility at 85 °C.
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The present study investigated the ameliorative ability of Cyperus esculentus and Phoenix dactylifera fruits on blood haematology and film of wistar rats in titanium dioxide nanoparticles ingestion episode. 25 rats randomly distributed into five (5) groups were orally administered with varying combinations of titanium dioxide and tiger nut and date palm fruits extracts for 60 days, after which blood was collected for hematological and blood film analysis following standard methods. Hematological analysis showed that titanium dioxide nanoparticles caused a decrease in white blood cell (6.52%), granulocyte (56.06%), hemoglobin (3.10%) and hematocrit (15.47%) with an increase in lymphocyte (0.52%), monocyte (48.51%), red blood cell count (7.53%), platelet count (24.21%) and plateletocrit (37.93%) of wistar rats when compared with the control. Leishman-stained blood film revealed the presence of mild to moderate dimorphic anaemia, polychromatic morphology with some macrocytic cells and aggregated thrombocytes in the blood film of rats administered TiO2NP. There was no significant ameliorative impact of C. esculentus and Phoenix dactylifera extract against TiO2NP toxicity. This may be due to the small particle size and reactive nature of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The findings of this study indicate that titanium dioxide nanoparticles negatively impacted blood hematological parameters in male wistar rats. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles should be handled and treated carefully to avoid potential health hazard in animals.
Aims: Lead as a common environmental toxic metal, causes many histological, physiological and biomedical abnormalities in human and animals. This study evaluated the antioxidant potential of tannins on serum level of testosterone, LH and FSH and histology of the testes of male Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five adult male Wistar rats were divided into five (5) groups, (n=5). Group NS was administered normal saline only, Group PBO was administered with 30mg/kg body weight (BW) of lead, group LDTPB was administered with 50 mg/kg BW of tannins and 30mg/kg BW of lead, group MDTPB was administered with 100mg/kg BW of tannins and 30mg/kg BW of lead, group HDTPB was administered 150mg/kg BW of tannins and 30mg/kg BW of lead orally for 28 days. The animals were sacrificed and testes were harvested on day 29 of the experiment and histological and histochemistry studies done using the H&E and VVG staining respectively. Sperm parameters (motility, concentration), sex hormones (Testosterone, LH, FSH) and antioxidant activities were also determined. Results: There was Leydig cell proliferation and an increase series of spermatogenesis of the testes in the rats of groups administered with lead and tannins different doses (LDTPB, MDTPB and HDTPB) when compared with rats administered with lead only. Rats in groups LDTPB, MDTPB and HDTPB had a significant increase in levels of serum testosterone (p<0.05) when compared with positive control group (2). There was increase in levels of FSH in MDTPB and HDTPB groups when compared with positive control (2). Increased MDA levels were observed in the rats given lead only, PBO when compared to NS group. The rats given lead and tannins significant growth of seminiferous epithelium, improved sperm quality, and had decreased MDA levels. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the protective role of tannins fraction of Cyperus esculentus on lead-induced testicular toxicity in male Wistar rats.
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Twenty four weaner rabbits of 6-8 weeks of age and averaging 550 g in weight were divided into four groups of six (6) rabbits per group and used in a 60 - day feeding trial for blood chemistry and haematological studies. The rabbits were fed raw or processed pigeon pea seed based diets in a Completely Randomized Design. Diet A contained raw (control), Diet B boiled, Diet C toasted and Diet D soaked pigeon pea seed meal (PSM) incorporated at 20% level in weaner rations. The haematological parameters investigated were haemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell (WBC), neutrophil (N), lymphocyte (L) and eosinophil (E), while the biochemical components were urea, serum creatinine, bilirubin (total and conjugated), total protein, globulin, serum glutamic transaminase (SGPT) and serum glutamic oxalo acetic transaminase (SGOT). Results showed that white blood cells, lymphocytes, globulin and PCV values were influenced (P0.05) for all groups. Not affected (P>0.05) by diets were blood urea, creatinine, bilirubin, total protein, SGOT and SGPT concentrations. Most haematological and biochemical values obtained were out of normal range for rabbits. Raw or processed pigeon pea did not support remarkable changes in haematological and biochemical profile for weaner rabbits at 20% dietary level of inclusion.
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Milk of tiger nut (A), coconut (B) and soybean (C) were evaluated for their nutritional quality potentials and for possible inclusion in the preparation of various confectionary products. The milk were analyzed for the total solids, pH, protein, fat, titrable acidity, calcium and phosphorus contents. The results revealed a crude protein content of 8.07, 7.87 and 8.90% for the milk of tiger-nut, coconut and soybean respectively. The fat content was highest in coconut milk and tiger-nut while soymilk had the least. The dry matter was highest for coconut milk while soymilk and tiger-nut milk had similar (P > 0.05) percentage. The calcium content was 8.75% (A), 3.01% (B) and 9.25% (C). The phosphorus was greatest for C followed closely by A and the least for B. The total energy ( 100-1g) was estimated as 388.30 (A), 332 (B) and 100.52 (C). The study also revealed highest oleic acid (68.83%) in tiger-nut while lauric acid and capric acids were highest in coconut milk compared with other sources. It was concluded that all the milk samples are potentially good source of dietary protein and energy supplement for human consumption.
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Yellow variety of tiger nut used was obtained from Sabo market, in Ogbomoso, Nigeria The nuts were cleaned, sorted, washed, and were soaked in water and left to ferment for 24, 48 and 72 h respectively. The nuts were drained, dried in an oven and ground into flour. The flour samples were passed through a 45 m mesh size sieve. The flour was analyzed for proximate composition and some functional properties. There were changes in some constituents of the flour with fermentation time. There was an increase in protein content (7.73 -9.23%) and reduction in fat content, likewise with the ash, and starch content. There was also an increase in the sugar content over the fermentation time (7.31 -9.69%). For the functional properties, 0.56 -0.62 g/ml were recorded for loose bulk density, within the fermentation time of 24 – 72 h. For packed bulk density 0.83 -0.91 g/ml were recorded, 123 – 141 g/100 g for water absorption, 67.6 -71.3 g/ml for oil absorption capacity within the fermentation time of 24 -72 h. Changes in the pasting characteristics of the flour samples were also noticed.
This work was done to ascertain the feasibility of obtaining caramel from malted tubers of Cyperus esculentus. The tubers of C. esculentus were partially germinated for 10 days and sun-dried for 24 h. The sun-dried samples were then kilned at 70°C for 24 h and at 120°C for 5 h for further caramelization. The kilned samples were finely crushed, infused with deionized water at 60°C and the malt extract heated up to 127°C, to give a brown-black syrupy substance, caramel, with specific gravity 38.97±0.77°Bé. Reducing sugars as d-glucose in the unmalted tubers before and additional sugars after hydrolysis for 30 min were 24.75±4.54 and 64.80±2.28 mg/g of sample, and in the green malt 123.13±4.28 and 82.07±4.13 mg/g of sample, respectively.
A 4-yr field study was conducted to evaluate yellow nutsedge suppression in 'Tifway' bermudagrass. Herbicide programs included preemergence (PRE) applications of metolachlor (3.4 kg ai/ha) and postemergence (POST) applications of imazaquin (0.28 kg ai/ha) plus MSMA (2.2 kg ai/ha) or halosulfuron (0.07 kg ai/ha) plus MSMA (2.2 kg/ha). Herbicides were applied to the same plots each year. Yellow nutsedge shoot suppression and tuber numbers were determined each year. Suppression of yellow nutsedge shoots increased over the 4-yr period from < 74% in 1993 to > 83% by 1996 with two annual applications of imazaquin plus MSMA or halosulfuron plus MSMA. PRE metolachlor applications did not suppress shoot production in any year, nor did they enhance suppression from POST treatments. Sequential applications of halosulfuron plus MSMA and imazaquin plus MSMA increased shoot suppression by 17 to 24% at 3 mo after initial treatment (MAIT) compared to single applications. All treatments reduced tuber numbers (> 60%) after 3 years compared to untreated plots.
The paper reports the proximate evaluation of dry Cyperus esculentus tubers and the characterization of the oil fraction. The proximate composition was 3.63 ± 0.28, 2.48 ± 0.33, 12.88 ± 0.91, 2.68 ± 0.08, 29.67 ± 0.47 and 52.29 ± 1.46% for moisture, ash, crude fibre, crude protein, oil and carbohydrate, respectively. The quality of the oil extracted by Soxhlet was assessed in terms of acid value, iodine value, saponification value, free fatty acid content, specific gravity, melting point, solidification point and heat of combination. These implicated the oil as a lauric acid-grade oil which was non-acidic, stable, non-drying and of very low unsaturation. The value of the heat of combustion came within range for edible oils and a subzero solidification point qualified it for use in oils and oil products required to remain uniformly liquid at refrigeration temperatures.