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Adaptive Architecture - A Conceptual Framework


Abstract and Figures

Adaptive Architecture is a multi-disciplinary field concerned with buildings that are designed to adapt to their environments, their inhabitants and objects as well as those buildings that are entirely driven by internal data. Because of its multi-disciplinary nature, developments across Architecture, Computer Science, the Social Sciences, Urban Planning and the Arts can appear disjointed, some times leading to parallel developments of the same ideas, false starts and the repeat of mistakes. This paper aims to allow readers to take a step back advancing the exploration of thematical and historical links across this exciting emerging field. To this aim, it presents a cross-disciplinary framework of Adaptive Architecture, discussing motivations for creating Adaptive Architecture, strategies and its temporal dimension, before introducing the key interlinked components of Adaptive Architecture.
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MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 523
Adaptive Architecture –
A Conceptual Framework
Holger Schnädelbach
DipArch MArch PhD
Mixed Reality Laboratory, Computer Science,
University of Nottingham
Tel.: (+44) 0115 9514094
Adaptive Architecture is a multi-disciplinary eld concerned with
buildings that are designed to adapt to their environments, their
inhabitants and objects as well as those buildings that are entirely driven by
internal data. Because of its multi-disciplinary nature, developments across
Architecture, Computer Science, the Social Sciences, Urban Planning and
the Arts can appear disjointed. is paper aims to allow readers to take a
step back advancing the exploration of thematic and historical links across
this exciting, emerging eld. To this aim, it presents a cross-disciplinary
framework of Adaptive Architecture, discussing motivations for creating
Adaptive Architecture, before introducing the key interlinked components
that creators draw on to create adaptiveness in buildings. is is followed
by a brief outline of overarching strategies that can be employed in this
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Adaptive Architecture is concerned with buildings that are designed
to adapt to their environments, their inhabitants and objects as well as
those buildings that are entirely driven by internal data. e term is an
attempt to incorporate what people imply when they talk about exible,
interactive, responsive or indeed media architecture, the mounting interest
in this emerging eld being demonstrated by the large variety of recent
publications, (Kronenburg, 2007) (Harper, 2003) (Streitz et al., 1999).
Overall, Adaptive Architecture is not a well dened eld of architectural
investigation. It ranges from designs for media facades to eco buildings,
from responsive art installations to stage design and from articial
intelligence to ubiquitous computing, just to mention a few examples
(Tscherteu, 2009, Roaf et al., 2007) (Bullivant, 2005) (Eng et al., 2003)
(Rogers, 2006). As will be clear to anyone attending this conference,
Adaptive Architecture brings together a number of dierent concerns
stemming from a wide variety of disciplines, spanning Architecture,
the Arts, Computer Science and Engineering among others. Whether
buildings in this context are described as exible, interactive or dynamic,
they embrace the notion of Architecture being adaptive rather then being a
static artefact, oen with an emphasis on computer supported adaptation.
is multi-disciplinarity has great advantages when the latest developments
in dierent areas converge to create exciting new designs, experiences
and lived-in buildings. It can also make the emerging eld of Adaptive
Architecture appear overly complex and disjointed. is might lead to
the same ideas being constantly recycled without reference to precedent
because it ‘hides’ in a dierent discipline. is becomes a problem, when
the same mistakes are repeated. is paper will not solve this problem,
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but it aims to contribute to a better understanding of developments in
Adaptive Architecture across its component disciplines. For this, a more
conceptual view of the eld is required that demonstrates thematic and
historical linkages across the entire area.
is conference contribution has the simple aim to explore the burgeoning
eld in a rigorously structured fashion categorising the key elements of
adaptive buildings, regardless of where they are employed, from Plug in
City to Eco Houses(Price, 2003) (Willmert, 2001). With this aim in
mind, the paper does not revolve around case studies and a description
of their properties. Instead it focuses on common properties of Adaptive
Architecture, which are then illustrated with case studies. is is done
by proposing a structure for discussion and categorisation, which will be
introduced below. In what follows, the term Adaptive Architecture’ will
be dened, before introducing the framework itself. is will be followed
by a brief discussion of common design strategies that architects have
access to when designing for adaptiveness.
Definition of Adaptive Architecture
All Architecture is adaptable on some level, as buildings can always be
adapted ‘manually’ in some way. Brand’s ‘How Buildings learn provides
an insight into the dierent levels of adaptation to be expected and how
these apply over dierent time scales (Brand, 1994). e use of the term
Adaptive Architecture’ must therefore be seen in this overall context
and the following delineates between adaptable and adaptive: Adaptive
Architecture is concerned with buildings that are specically designed to
adapt (to their environment, to their inhabitants, to objects within them)
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whether this is automatically or through human intervention. is can
occur on multiple levels and frequently involves digital technology (sensors,
actuators, controllers, communication technologies). Taking the above
context into account, this denition and associated framework is therefore
an attempt to incorporate a variety of approaches, such as those labelled
exible, interactive, responsive, smart, intelligent, cooperative, media,
hybrid and mixed reality architecture (Kronenburg, 2007, Bullivant,
2005, Harper, 2003, Streitz et al., 1999, Zellner, 1999, Schnädelbach et
al., 2007). All the above come with their own connotations and particular
areas of focus. Adaptive Architecture as it is presented here, is structured
to be independent of any of these particular concerns.
Before continuing with the body of the paper it is worth to set out one
additional delineation. Although the term Adaptive Architecture is oen
used there, design processes themselves that are computationally adaptive
to data drawn from the environment, inhabitants or relevant objects are
not included in the framework. Recent approaches in generative design
methods and data driven architecture highlight such adaptiveness during
the design process. However, these do not necessarily in themselves lead to
buildings that are adaptive during their occupied life cycle. However, they
certainly do present a fascinating research eld in themselves.
The framework
e framework itself is structured along the following categories. It
begins with motivations and drivers, asking the fundamentally important
question for the reasons of the construction of Adaptive Architecture.
is is followed by a series of more practice-related categories detailing
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components of adaptive buildings. e framework steps through what
adaptive buildings react to, what elements in adaptive architecture are
adapted, the method for adaptation and what eect adaptations have.
Figure 1 Top level amework categories
e framework concludes with a discussion of overall strategies which
look to incorporate multiple tactics drawn from the various adaptation
components in overall strategies. Please compare Figure 1. e above
categories are carefully illustrated through built cases, design prototypes
and the literature. However, this framework does not attempt to be
exhaustive in the way it makes use of examples. e aim is not to list all
possible examples but to list those which illustrate the particular category
well. When appropriate, the same example can appear in multiple categories
for this reason. e emphasis is on allowing the reader to step back, explore
links, make connections and understand historical dimensions of Adaptive
Architecture in a structured way.
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Motivations and Drivers
Motivations and drivers for designing for adaptiveness are numerous and
varied. ey can lie in cultural, societal and organisational domains as well
as being concerned with communication and social interaction.
Adaptive spaces for cultural production have clearly a extended design
history. eatre spaces and concert halls have long incorporated
technologies that allow them to adapt to dierent events and there is a
complex range or technologies available that allows this to happen. ere
are other culturally focussed spaces that adapt to various parameters.
For example, Adaptive spaces are being created with the sole aim to
explore or demonstrate a particular scientic debate. e SPECS group
at UPF Barcelona creates what they term ‘inside-out-robots’, inhabitable
experimental spaces that are designed to allow researchers an exploration
of how the human mind works [SPECS, Synthetic Oracle, Barcelona,
Spain, 2008] . In a similar vain, adaptive spaces are set up to demonstrate
a particular issue through artistic and architectural exploration and
investigation, examples of this process being exhibited at CITA
Copenhagen. Here the intricate relationships between tangible physical
materials and intangible digital data are exposed through room-sized
robotic membranes [CITA, Vivisection, Charlottenberg Art Museum,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006]. A dierent direction is taken by cultural
architecture that focuses on education. Recently, there has been a lot of
attention on learning environments and the InQbate space at Sussex
University is an interesting case in point. It combines rotatable partitions,
curtains and exible seating with a high-tech layer of digital technologies
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to allow exible projections and audio productions for example [Sussex
University, InQbate, Brighton, UK, 2007].
One of the most prominent societal reasons for the design for adaptiveness
is life style. Traditional Japanese domestic architecture responds to spatial
constraints by producing highly adaptive interiors, a strategy taken on board
by early modernists. Rietveld’s Schröder house oers sliding and folding
partitions to allow inhabitants to adapt the space to their needs [Rietveld,
Schröder House, Utrecht, e Netherlands, 1924]. Nomadic life-styles,
whether traditional or modern, lead to buildings that are transportable
but also oen re-congurable. For example, Hordens iconic Skihaus was
a structure that could be airlied to a mountain side to provide shelter
[Richard Horden, Skihaus, Switzerland, 1990-2005]. Clearly, the drive for
environmental sustainability is a key driver at present and buildings are
designed to adapt with the aim to lower the resulting CO2 emissions in
particular. ere are many examples of such buildings, but the need for
further research is demonstrated by the recent extension of a research
programme making use of fully instrumented EcoHouses [Derek Trowell
Architects, e BASF House, 2008, University of Nottingham, UK].
Another somewhat more mundane motivation is architectural fashion.
Architectural designs follow fashion but also technological trends to
some extent and individuals and organisations are interested in being part
of a particular trend, or at the very least not to appear entirely outdated.
Architecture can be designed to be responsive to such adaptations by
providing a exible framework that allows relatively rapid updates.
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e third category of motivations can be described as organisational.
Adaptive buildings are designed to deal with changing circumstances.
e occupation of buildings changes at dierent time scales: there is
rapid change through dierent activities throughout a single day, medium
term change as result of re-organisations and longer term changes that
might impact not only the building itself but also its surroundings.
Some times the need to respond to dierent time scales nds a direct
implementation as with the Pompidou Centre, where partitions have
dierent levels of exibility depending on their purpose [Rogers & Piano,
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 1977]. e above applies to dierent
occupant categories from family units to large corporations and nds
expression in projects of the related scales from Steven Holl’s Fukuoka
Housing project [Steven Holl, Fukuoka Housing, Fukuoka, Japan, 1991]
to Grimshaw’s Igus factory [Nicholas Grimshaw, Igus factory, Cologne,
Germany, 1999-2001]. In addition to changes in occupation, buildings
are also designed to cope with changes in their environments. In the most
extreme case a site becomes unsuitable and a portable building can then be
re-located. It might also be that a design attempts to anticipate more subtle
environmental changes, such as those caused by climate change. Certainly
larger organisations have then also been motivated by a drive to operate
buildings more eciently, and this has given rise to the relatively early
introduction of electronic building management systems into corporate
architecture roughly in the 1970’s. More recently this has started to overlap
with the societal motivation to operate buildings in a more environmentally
sustainable way (see related section above). Modern oce buildings
frequently combine ecient design and operation with sustainability
aims. e University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus developed is an
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interesting example combining relatively low-tech construction with a
sophisticated set of building management tools [Michael Hopkins, Jubilee
Campus, Nottingham, UK, 1999]. e nal organisational motivation
can be summarised as ow management. Buildings are designed to cope
with varying ows of people triggered by for example time of day (dierent
ows during rush hours), emergency situations (allowing supporters on to
the football pitch in certain circumstances) and variations in activity. Such
exible management is routinely done at large trac exchanges and Foreign
Oce Architect’s Yokohama ferry terminal provides a good example. Its
large open plan areas can be re-congured to allow dierent streams of
passengers, to separate national from international departures for example
[Foreign Oce Architects, Yokohama Ferry Terminal, Yokohama, Japan,
e nal motivation and driver identied here is concerned with
communication. ere are buildings that are designed to be adaptive so that
they better support dierent episodes of social interaction. In physical space,
this can be achieved through changing layouts to manage the location of
individuals in physical space, for example by re-arranging seating layouts as
seen at the Toronto Skydome [Robie & Allan, Toronto Skydome, Toronto,
Canada, 1988]. It is also related to ow management, highlighted when
the interaction between certain streams of people is prevented for example
in airport or court house design. ere are also digital ways to adapt
buildings with the aim to enhance social communication. Conferencing
technologies, embedded into physical architectural design is designed to
bridge between multiple physical sites, in particular with a view to reduce
the need for travel [HP, Halo Telepresence System, Multiple Sites, 2007-
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2010]. With the aim to support informal and spontaneous communication
between multiple oce locations, hybrid spatial topologies introduce
virtually dynamic spatial relationships into the built environment
[Schnädelbach, Mixed Reality Architecture, Multiple Sites, 2003-2010].
Less focussed on social interaction but instead concentrating on getting
across a message are those buildings that quite literally carry the corporate
image of an organisation. e rapidly developing area of media-façades is
the most direct example of this and the new Munich football arena a good
case in point. Its façade changes colour depending on which team plays the
stadium [Herzog & de Meuron, Allianz Arena, Munich-Germany, 2005].
Beyond displaying a message, those approaches can also be used to engage
with a potential customer basis. Dythams iFly Virgin Wonderwall is an
early example of such a strategy, allowing passers-by to interact with the
façade via their mobile phones. [Klein Dytham Architecture, iFly Virgin
Wonderwall, Tokyo, Japan, 2000].
The Adaptive Building and it Components
For whatever reasons adaptive buildings are designed, constructed and
occupied, they have a number of fundamental elements that re-occur across
the design space that makes up Adaptive Architecture. ese elements
will be discussed in what follows. e rst category is concerned with in
reaction to what building are designed to be adaptive, which is followed
by a discussion of the elements that can be made to adapt. e methods
of adaptations will be introduced before outlining some of the possible
eects. Where possible, each of the categories will be illustrated through a
relevant example.
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In reaction to what? -
Logical data source driving adaptations
In reaction to what is Architecture designed to be adaptive? ree main
categories can be identied. Adaptive Architecture responds to inhabitants,
the environment and objects, and those will be considered in turn.
Architects might focus their design eorts on individual inhabitants of
an adaptive building. Individuals might then be empowered to change
architectural layout manually or the building might respond to them in a
particular way automatically, for example drawing on personal data that
might be available to the building about them. Bill Gates residence is a well
known exemplar case in this context, where a body worn personal tag is able
to identify individuals and adjust temperature, music and lighting accordingly
[James Cutler Architect’s & Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Bill Gates House,
Medina, Washington, USA]. Most buildings are not just occupied by a single
individual however. Designing for adaptiveness for groups of individuals
can be a real challenge in turn. Once again an architect might concentrate
on providing the possibilities for manual adaptations. ose will then be
negotiated amongst inhabitants. e automatic adaptation of buildings
towards groups of individuals entails knowing something about their group
behaviour, probably learning over time and building up the necessary proles.
Technically, the complexity lies in aggregating from multiple streams of
personal data and nding a way to aggregate those streams in a way that is
meaningful and useful. e Adaptive House at the University of Colorado
explored that space by taking in data from multiple inhabitants to allow the
house to adapt a variety of parameters [Mozer, e Adaptive House, Boulder,
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USA, 1997]. Finally, organisations with organisation-wide motivations and
strategies are a group of inhabitants that design for adaptiveness has to address.
Organisational structures include those parts that manage the building facility
overall, those parts that operate facilities on a daily basis (frequently 3rd party
organisations) and the actual occupying organisation, which might well be
dierent from both the above. Adaptiveness needs to address their concerns
with regards to keeping facilities responsive to organisational changes but
also manageable on a day-to-day basis.
Adaptive Architecture can be designed to react to its exterior environment.
As already highlighted, it is the societal motivation to live more sustainably
that is a key driver in Adaptive Architecture at present. Adaptive elements
are also designed to react to the interior environment, for example to ensure
that temperatures inside are comfortable for inhabitants, but also to control
the energy expenditure in achieving a particular comfort level. e previously
introduced University of Nottingham research building does both as many
technologically driven eco-projects would [Derek Trowell Architects, e
BASF House, 2008, University of Nottingham, UK].
Adaptiveness in reaction to objects is comparatively much less common
or at least less discussed. Buildings can be thought of that react to
objects passing through. For example, a building might automatically
restrict access to specic category of people when a specic, may be a
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particularly valuable, object is present. In a similar way, a warehouse might
prepare the correct loading bay in anticipation of a particular delivery
coming in. Objects within buildings can also play a more direct role in
the process of adaptiveness in buildings. For example at the InQbate
learning environment, a tangible interface object based on a colour-coded
cube allows the mixing of ambient colour in the overall space [Sussex
University, InQbate, Sussex University, UK, 2007]. Finally, one might
also think about adaptive architecture that adapts to objects passing by or
overhead. Work within the Curious Home project at Goldsmith’s college
has explored a domestic device that visualises the passing air trac to give
people living in the ight path near busy airport a handle on what goes on
over their heads [Interaction Research Studio, Goldsmiths College, e
Plane Tracker (e Curious Home), 2007]. Extending this idea, taking
similar data streams, one could think of buildings that for example change
their acoustic properties, when objects are passing that produce unwanted
Elements of adaptation
Within each adaptive building there are a number of elements that
can be adapted. Elements of adaptation take a central role in Adaptive
Architecture. eir selection is driven by the original motivations and by
what adaptive buildings react to. ey directly impact on the eect that is
generated within an Adaptive Building (see below). e following steps
through descriptions of the following elements of adaptations: surfaces,
components and modules, spatial features and technical systems.
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External and internal surfaces can be made to adapt. External adaptive
surfaces are typically facades. Fundamentally there are two forms of
adaptations. Mechanical adaptations change the appearance and overall
properties of an architectural surface by mechanically altering its
components. e Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris has demonstrated the
maintenance diculties that such technical complexity brings to the fore
[Jean Nouvel, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France, 1989]. Lighting
and display technologies oer the second technical way for adapting
surface elements. Such technologies are the original core of media façade
work and there are many existing examples. Cook and Fourier’s Kunsthaus
embeds individually addressable lights into its façade that can be
combined for graphical eects and to display text [Peter Cook and Colin
Fourier, Kunsthaus Graz (BIX), Graz, Austria, 2005]. Internal surfaces are
also frequently adapted to dierent needs. Oen this is for information
visualisation. Very commonly, digital image projection transforms
architectural surfaces into information displays. ere are also dedicated
eorts to make more surfaces ‘writeable-on. InQbate, the learning space
at Sussex University already mentioned combines both of these strategies
[Sussex University, InQbate, Sussex University, UK, 2007]. Another type
of surface adaptation is concerned with making decorative changes and
through that inuencing the ambiance of a room. Wineld’s Blumen
Wallpaper is an interesting example as it adapts its lighting patterns
and through those changes the appearance of the wall surface [Rachel
Wingeld, Blumen Wallpaper, 2004].
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Components and modules
e next sub-catebory is focussing on components and modules.
Components can be re-used, i.e. building construction that is focussed
on re-using existing components such as the work by Santiago Cirugeda
[Santiago Cirugeda, Urban Prescriptions, Barcelona, Spain 2005].
Components can clearly also be specically designed to increase
adaptiveness. Weatherheavens Series 4 portable shelter is designed around
such a strategy for example [Weatherheaven Resources Ltd., Series 4,
(Product), 2010]. ere are also internal adaptive elements that do
not require the replacement of any one component. Adaptive internal
partitions are possibly one of the most common adaptive features in
architecture. Koolhaas Floriac House incorporates partitions that fold
down and disappear into the oor for example [Rem Koolhas, Floriac
House, Bordeaux, France, 1995]. Going one step up in scale, the re-use
of modules is another possibility and has a long history in architectural
design. Archigram’s archetypal plug-in city is the pre-cursor of many of
the schemes that can be placed in this space. Kurukawa’s Nakagin Capsule
Tower is a constructed example, in which standardized cubicle units
are xed to a central tower containing services and circulation [Kisho
Kurukawa, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo, Japan, 1972]. At least in
principle they are designed to be removed and re-located. Projects by Wes
Jones, especially the project Pro/Con then appear to include the various
uses of components and modules in the same scheme [Wes Jones, Pro/
Con, Los Angeles, USA, 2004].
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Spatial features
Spatial features can be transformed, ranging from location, topology,
and orientation, to form, the link between inside and out and internal
partitioning. e location of buildings can change during the occupation
life-cycle. One particularly interesting example is Böhtlingk’s Markies, an
extendable camper trailer that is able to fold out its sides to create a larger
enclosure [Eduard Böhtlingk, Markies, the Netherlands, 1985-95]. Actual
buildings that draw on such principles are more transportable rather
than mobile necessarily and frequently combine the re-congurability
of dierent units to establish dierent architectural topologies. Lot-ek’s
Mobile Dwelling Units are based on standard shipping containers and
designed to follow people to wherever they live [Lot-ek, MDU (Mobile
Dwelling Unit, Transportable, 2002]. Even when the site location of a
building remains xed, some radical changes can be achieved through
changing the orientation of parts of an adaptive building. Sturm and
Wartzech explore the impact on the relationship to the building’s
relationship to its environment [Sturm und Wartzech, Kubus, Dipperz,
Germany, 1996]. And beyond rotation, there are also a number of design
projects that play with adapting the form of buildings. Changeable roof
covers are probably the most common type of building in this category.
ere are various sports stadia the roofs of which can be opened and
closed, depending on the weather conditions. Studio Gang O’Donnell’s
eatre takes a similar strategy to a cultural performance space, allowing
directors to open the roof, reecting what is currently being played [Studio
Gang O’Donnell, Bengt Sjostrom Starlight eater, Rockford Illinois,
2003]. May be a slightly less common way to adapt forms are buildings
that adapt in size, but relatively recently there have been a number of
projects that are based on what might be called ‘drawer’ designs, allowing
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inhabitants to pull out parts of the building to adapt the interior space.
One interesting example in this context is Seifert & Stöckmann’s Living
Room project that incorporated an extendable room cantilevered over
an external void when drawn out [Seifert & Stöckmann, Living Room,
Gelnhausen, Germany, 2005]. Taking the adaptation of form to its
extreme, are those examples that change the actual shape of buildings in a
more uid and less prescribed fashion. Hyperbody’s Muscle Re-congured
highlight interesting possibilities combining fabric architecture and exible
hydraulics [Hyperbody, Muscle Re-congured, Del, e Netherlands,
2004]. Buildings can also be designed to be adaptive in their spatial
topology. is concerns designs where the relationship between individual
architectural units (modules or rooms) is not xed during the occupancy
of a building. is can be achieved through physical re-congurations.
Price’s seminal Generator Project provides some of the key inspiration in
this area [Cedric Price, Generator Project, Project, 1978]. Achieving the
above is technically very challenging, certainly when exterior surfaces are
involved. However, there have been a number of interesting projects that
focussed on physically adaptive topologies in the interior space. Shigeru
Ban’s Naked House plays with this idea by enclosing a number of rooms
on wheel bases in the larger open-plan volume of a residential propterty.
Only service areas are xed, while living quarter can be re-arranged at will
for dierent purposes [Shigeru Ban, e Naked House, Hadano, Japan,
1997]. ere are also eorts to increase topological exibility through
communication technologies. Such hybrid spatial topologies consist of
multiple physical spaces, typically remote to each other that are linked
through audio and video. ese technological links, especially when
persistent link other locations as if they were close by and part of the same
architectural conguration. Some times this is direct and predominantly
designed for domestic environments as in the ComHome project [Stefan
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Junestrand, ComHome proejct, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999]. Other
projects have explored the use of a mediating 3D virtual space for an
inhabitant driven hybrid spatial topology in a work setting such as the
Mixed Reality Architecture prototype [Holger Schnädelbach, Mixed
Reality Architecture, Multiple Sites, UK, 2003-2010]. A very prominent
adaptive feature in building architecture is conguration of the inside/
outside link. All occupied buildings have doors and windows but there
are some projects that highlight particularly interesting possibilities in this
area. Early modernist seemed to have a particularly strong interest in this
form of adaptation. Gaudi’s Casa Batla includes an ornamental exterior
window panel that can be retracted up into the ceiling to create a balcony
[Gaudi, Casa Batlo, Barcelona, Spain, 1904-106]. A similar strategy was
followed by van der Rohe in his Tugendhat House that included a glass
partition that slide into the oor to open the building up to outside [Mies
van der Rohe, Tugendhat House, 1929-30, Brno, Czech Republic]. On a
larger scale, and using an entirely dierent and more ambitious engineering
solution, Hoberman’s Arch project translates this idea to stage design,
connecting back to the principle of stage curtains [Chuck Hoberman,
Hoberman Arch, Salt Lake City, USA, 2002].
Technical Systems
e nal element of adaptation concerns technical systems. In Adaptive
Architecture, they are those systems, consisting of sensors, systems
(soware) and actuators, which actually produce adaptations when they
are not entirely based on human intervention. Technical systems are at
once elements of adaptation (they are being adapted) and a method of
adaptation. Technical systems will be discussed in detail in the Method
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On a practical level, how is adaptation done in Adaptive Architecture?
is section discusses the following categories: human intervention, sensor
based, systems and processing and nally actuation.
Human Intervention
Conscious and intentional adaptations require a person to deliberately
trigger an adaptation in a building, i.e. through human intervention. is
can be direct and inhabitants will be able to move, rotate and re-position
architectural elements that are designed for this purpose. Sometimes
this is simply through manual adaptations as for example in Steven
Holl’s Fukuoka Housing project, where inhabitants are able to re-orient
partitions to their requirement [Steven Holl, Fukuoka Housing, Fukuoka,
Japan, 1991]. is same strategy is the basis for work in hybrid spatial
topologies, creating architectural spaces that are linked through audio-
visual connections. e previously introduced Mixed Reality Architecture
allows its inhabitants full manual control over its hybrid spatial topology
to support their current needs [Schnädelbach, Mixed Reality Architecture,
Multiple Sites, 2003-2010]. ere are also examples where this intentional
control is mediated through technology and one of the earliest examples
of remote control operation in a building context is Van der Leeuw House
that allowed a glass partition be moved in this way [Jan Brinkman and
Cornelis van der Vlugt, Van der Leeuw House, Rotterdam, 1928-29].
Finally, there is also indirect control, but fully intentionally activated
through technical systems. For example, this typically occurs when an
inhabitant sets a specic temperature for the interior of their building via
a HVAC system.
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Sensor Based (technical data source)
Sensors nd widespread application in Adaptive Architecture and provide
the data that automatic adaptations are based upon. ese can detect data
such as inhabitant activities, environmental information and information
about objects, previously introduced in ‘Reaction to what? - Logical
sources driving adaptation’. is section discusses in more detail with what
technical methods this can actually be achieved; how this is technically
ere is a multitude of sensors that can provide personal data in a building
context and this has been steadily growing over the last few decades.
ere are a number of dierent types of personal data that can be made
relevant in a building context. Only relatively recently physiological
data, such as heart rate or skin conductance, has become practical to
record and make available within Adaptive Architecture. Schnädelbach’s
ExoBuilding prototype, a piece of Adaptive Architecture that breathes
with its inhabitants and sonies their heart beat explores the design space
when such data and the building fabric are linked [Holger Schnädelbach,
ExoBuilding, University of Nottingham, UK, 2009]. Sensors embedded
into buildings can detect the location of its inhabitants to varying degrees
of accuracy. ese can involve an infrastructure where sensors are worn
by participants that are then detected by receivers placed in the building
infrastructure, as for example in the Active Badges set of technologies [Roy
Want, Active Badges, Olivetti, Cambridge, UK, 1992]. Detecting the
location of inhabitants can also rely on sensors embedded into the building
fabric, for example those that detect the motion of inhabitants similar to an
intruder alarm. Mozer’s Adaptive house experimented with such sensors to
explore building infrastructures that ‘programme themselves’ rather than
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 543
having to rely on manual conguration [Michael Mozer, e Adaptive
House, Boulder, Colorado USA, 1997]. Sensors can be used to identify
individuals and a number of technologies are available, such as smart cards
for example. Sobeks R128 House provides an interesting example in this
space with its voice operated entrance door, opening only when one of
a number of pre-recorded voice samples is recognised [Werner Sobek,
R128 House, Stuttgart, Germany, 1999-2000]. Finally, the activities of
people (e.g watching TV, preparing food) might be detected as a driver
for adaptations and it is also possible to combine the above data streams to
learn about group behaviours over time. As previously highlighted, sensors
can also detect environmental conditions inside and outside of a particular
Adaptive Building. ere are sensors for wind speed, temperature, light
levels, air pressure, air quality and noise levels among others. Returning
to the previously mentioned research Eco House, many projects in
sustainable architecture will combine a number of those sensors [Derek
Trowell Architects, e BASF House, 2008, University of Nottingham,
UK]. e nal sensor category is concerned with detecting objects. In
supply management, RFID tags are regularly embedded into product
packaging and in the construction industry also into building components
and elements. Bar codes are ubiquitous in retail. Both can help identify the
route of a product and estimate its arrival time on site for example. e
resulting information about an object’s identity and location and possible
information that can be drawn from analysing the relationships between
multiple objects can then be made available for building adaptation, as
already highlighted in ‘In reaction to. Another interesting category of
object sensors is concerned with the object’s condition. Sensors in this
category currently allow the deviation from pre-specied parameters, for
example to detect whether a product has been kept cool during transit.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena544
Systems and processing
Data from sensors in isolation is rarely very powerful. It is the combination
of multiple data streams that allows more complex analysis and reasoning.
Frequently, a piece of middleware soware is responsible for reading
data, both directly triggered by human intervention and caused by sensor
output, processing that data and then pass it on to the relevant actuators
(see for actuation in the following section). Such soware reads in data
from sensors and needs to have ways to deal with erroneous data and
erroneous interpretations of data. Frequently such soware provides some
data visualisation to allow people to be more aware of the underlying data
ow. is then gives rise to providing the appropriate level of control to
inhabitants to adjust their building system accordingly. Both research labs
and commercial organisations have developed soware that fulls this
role. Greenhalgh’s Equator Component Toolkit developed at Nottingham
[Chris Greenhalgh, ECT, Nottingham, UK, 2005] and Bernardet’s
IQR [Bernardet, IQR, Barcelona, Spain, 2002] were developed for
very dierent purposes but show clear overlaps in the way that data
connections are structured and exposed to the developers. Very much
related to these, Processing is a very popular set of tools for prototyping
interactive and adaptive demonstrators, even though it lacks the ease of use
of visual programming [Ben Fry & Casey Reas, Processing programming
environment, MIT, Cambridge Massacusetts, 2005]. In the construction
industry, the area of building management systems covers that ground.
A building management system will draw on sensor data, congurations
and data learnt over time to adapt buildings to the current circumstances.
Frequently, more complex buildings will draw on more than one building
management system. e University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus is a
good example, where there dierent systems for environmental controls,
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 545
lighting and access [Michael Hopkins, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham,
UK, 1999]. e above middleware platforms tend to run on centralised
standard computers. More recently, there has been a push to distribute the
processing of data out and the emergence of sensor networks is a direct
result from this. Instead of being controlled and powered centrally, sensors
and actuators become embedded with some processing and communication
capabilities that allow for more rapid adaptations to changing stimuli.
Actuation (technical data sync)
Non-manual adaptations in buildings depend on a variety of actuators
to execute the intended eects. ese range from lighting, vents, climate
control, motors, hydraulics and pneumatics, phase change materials,
communication links, to media displays of varying types. Actuators are
driven by systems and processing technologies (described above) and
are principally responsible for creating the desired eects in Adaptive
Architecture (discussed below).
In adaptive buildings, lighting can frequently be inuenced to create
certain eects. Whether it is to create a certain ambiance or to save energy,
lights can be switched, dimmed and the colour spectrum changed. Toyo
Ito’s Tower of Winds is an early example of a media façade that plays
with lighting to represent local information [Toyo Ito, Tower of Winds,
Yokohama, Japan, 1986]. ere is then a whole series of technologies that
are implemented to move architectural components or elements. Motors
are employed to move parts of architectural structures into dierent
positions. In certain circumstances, this strategy can totally transform
building as is the case DRMM’s Sliding house that incorporates a moveable
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena546
structure that can slide over the main residence to variably enclose spaces
and open up the surrounding landscape to diering views [DRMM,
Sliding House, Suolk, UK, 2009]. Hyraulics are another technology very
frequently employed, particularly for adapting spatial features in adaptive
buildings. Koolhaas’ Floriac House includes a central room or platform
that can be raised to allow the wheel-chair bound owner full access to
all levels [Koolhaas, Floriac House, Bordeaux, France, 1995]. Very much
related to this, pneumatic technology is based on the same principle, but
achieves the eect with air pressure. Osterhuis’ Adaptive Façade project
envisaged using pneumatic actuators to create variable openings in a
dynamic building façade [Kas Osterhuis, Adaptive Façade, un-realised
project, 2003]. Still concerned with movement, another technology
to mention is that of phase change materials. ese are based on the
principle that material expands with increases in temperature and the
engineered pistons are already frequently used in green houses. e same
technology has recently been applied to a building prototype exploring
deployable external insulation, façade insulation that gets moved in placed
when required by external conditions [Deployable.Org, D.E.I. Pavilion,
London, UK, 2008]. Technologies to trigger movement are then used for
more mundane things, like the automatic opening of vents, smoke outlets
in re safety and in running ventilation systems. Another interesting
area of actuation is data ow and communication. It is conceivable that
Adaptive Architecture might take control of digital communication and
the networking infrastructure. e ongoing Homework research project
is already looking at the technical and interactional challenges of making
those networking decisions better readable by inhabitants [Tom Rodden,
Homework Research project, Nottingham, UK, 2009-2012]. It is clerly
conceivable how this could be extended to actuating resource supply of
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 547
water and electricity, especially in the light of micro-generation projects
and their relationship to the relevant national grid.
Finally, media displays in various forms can be seen as specic forms of
actuation. A number of smart home projects have been playing with
adapting music and other media to dierent contextual circumstances.
Spubroek NOX’ Son-O-House creates an interactive sound architecture
that uses data from sensors to generate a live soundscape which depends
on the presence and behaviour of inhabitants [van der Heide, Spubroek
(NOX), Son-O-House, Eindhoven, e Netherlands, 2004]. Videos can
be displayed on many media façade projects that have been developed.
Beyond those there might also be real potential in technologies to generate
smells [Strong & Gaver, Feather, Scent and Shaker: Supporting Simple
Intimacy (Research project and demonstrator), 1996].
Eect can be described as the category that are work in all other categories
is aimed at. It is the eect of adaptations described here that creators
ultimately aim for. e following presents eects on the environment
enclosed by Architecture, the permeability of conguraitons and the
resulting eect on inhabitants.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena548
Environment enclosed by Architecture
Adaptations have impact on the environment that the architecture
encloses. Light levels inside a building are aected by articial lighting,
blinds, shutters and reectors in the building concerned but also in
buildings nearby. Returning to InQbate, introduced earlier, this learning
and teaching environment includes 3000 controllable LED lights
embedded into the ceiling that allow for complete changes to the colour
temperature of the overall space and/or regions of the space [Sussex
University, InQbate, Sussex University, UK, 2007]. e air quality can be
aected by through changes in airow that might be in turn a reaction
to the detection of certain environmental parameters such as raised
C02 levels. e temperature in buildings is adapted whether that might
be through natural cooling, assisted natural ventilation or indeed full
climate control. ere are projects that specically target a specic sound
landscape, sound volume and composition. Some times sound processing
is used to simulate the eects of another physical environment as is evident
in FTLs Music Pavillion, attempting to replicate concert-hall quality
sound outdoors [FTL Design Engineering Studio, Carlos Moseley Music
Pavillion, 1991, USA]. Another way of having impact on the environment
enclosed by architecture is through adaptations of density of information
that is presented. In this context, surfaces might rapidly change from
being background and ambient to full information displays, for example
displaying text instead of ornamental patterns.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 549
ere is also the related environmental eect of permeability of architectural
conguration. Permeability can be increased through the opening of
doors and gateways, making particular routes available to inhabitants for
particular circumstances. e inverse is achieved through closing links
and/or through selected permeability where only certain parts of a given
population might traverse through certain parts of the space. In addition,
the permeability of architectural congurations can be manipulated on
a physical as well as on a virtual level and this aspect has already been
discussed in ‘Spatial Features’ in ‘Elements of Adaptation.
Effect on inhabitants
In most cases, it is the eect on inhabitants that designers of Adaptive
Architecture work towards. e most fundamental concern is centred
on how it impacts inhabitants, where inhabitants are individuals, groups
of individuals and organisations. is can be concerned with inhabitant
levels of comfort, for example via regulating the indoor climate and levels
of convenience, through taking away repetitive chores in automation.
Inhabitant safety and security is a key concern and results in places being
locked down automatically to stop intruders and opened up automatically
to avoid harm, for example in a re. Certainly in the context of this
framework, if not in the entire eld of Adaptive Architecture, the eects
on inhabitants feel currently underexplored and this is an area that would
warrant some further investigation.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena550
Design strategies in Adaptive Architecture
To take the discussion away from the perspective of the very detailed
and more ne-grained categories introduced above, it is now worth
highlighting a number of overall strategies that are employed in the design
for adaptiveness to conclude the presentation of the framework. Strategies
draw on the previously introduced categories but are abstracted from them.
ey are designed to describe important aspects of the design palette that
creators have access to. e following strategies will be discussed: mobility,
levels of prescription, reusability and standardisation, automation and
design for human intervention and building independence.
Architects have frequently explored mobility as a design strategy to allow
buildings to better respond to changes around them. Most architecture is
xed to one location. In adaptive Architecture, inspiration is frequently
taken from related mobile infrastructure such as caravans, trailers, boats
and even space ship design to develop building the respond to inhabitants’
needs. is results in transportable and then also truly mobile architecture.
Relevant example have mostly been covered in ‘Spatial features and
‘Elements and Modules’ subsections of ‘Elements of Adaptation.
Levels of prescription
One might also distinguish two overall strategies when it comes to the
levels of prescription of the potential adaptations in a building. One end of
the spectrum, things are le open, the building framework being designed
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 551
to cope with the largest amount of conceivable interior adaptations which
has been proposed by Habraken as a formal design philosophy (Habraken,
1972). At the other end of the spectrum sits a strategy to heavily prescribe
all possible adaptations, in an attempt to anticipate what occupants of
such a building might require over the life-time of the building. Examples
for both ends of this design principle spectrum are to be found across the
entire framework.
e third strategy identied here revolves around re-useability and
standardisation. Building can be designed in a bespoke way, where each
and every component is made to t that particular building project. In
most buildings some form of standardisation is present, all the way to pre-
fabricated buildings where nearly all components are standardised. In this
case, components should be interchangeable which should lead to a more
adaptive design.
Automation - Human intervention
e chosen level of automation is another critical strategy in this
context. Adaptive buildings can be designed specically for inhabitant
intervention. In those cases, inhabitants will be able to move, rotate and
re-position architectural elements that are designed for this purpose,
whether this is manually or through assisted power systems. Frequently
adaptive architecture relies on some level of automation. Sometimes this
automation is based on non-reactive scripting, i.e. making things adapt
according to a pre-congured time frame and programme. Automation
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena552
is then introduced so that a building becomes responsive to a number of
various stimuli. e discussion of the detailed aspects on automation can
be found in the method section with a number of relevant examples. e
tension between manual and automatic adaptations is a central concern in
the design for adaptiveness, frequently manual and automatic adaptations
are combined and the choice is fundamentally tied to the original
motivations of the creator.
Time Scales
Design for adaptiveness must consider the time scale in which adaptations
can reasonably be expected. ere are very short time scales to be designed
for in Adaptive Architecture, where responses to stimuli are rapidly
reected through adaptations, very similar to the interaction with a
computer interface. ere slower time scales to consider that are may be
relevant during the course of a particular day, where inhabitants and their
usage patterns drive building adaptations. ere are then also much longer
timescales. Over decades or even centuries, designing for Adaptiveness is
probably much more concerned with leaving room for adaptations and for
the un-anticipated. Interestingly, it is the technology systems that allow for
rapid adaptations or immediate interactions with a building that are the
most dicult to adapt over the longer term.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 553
Inhabitant focussed – Independence
Finally, the design space also incorporates a dimension or strategy that
addresses the level of independence of a building from its inhabitants.
Adaptations in most Adaptive Architecture are in some way related to
inhabitants, adapting to their requirements, even if this is indirectly
by for example adapting to the environment or objects. It is also clearly
conceivable for building to adapt with their own purpose, i.e. not reactive
architecture. Here building might ‘listen’ in to their own emerging data
stream and pattern and evolve adaptive behaviours over time without
recourse to external stimuli or any reference to what types of conditions
are created.
is paper has presented a conceptual framework of Adaptive Architecture,
with the aim to give readers a broad overview of motivations and drivers
before introducing the key components of adaptive architecture as
logical data source, elements of adaptation, methods and eects. is was
concluded with a discussion of the various strategies that architects have at
their disposal. Categorisations like the one proposed in this paper always
have similar issues. ey suggest that the categorisation is itself clear-cut,
while in many cases there are potential overlaps and examples easily t into
multiple categories. ere is also a danger that dierences are emphasised
over connections, especially when a framework like this is presented in a
sequential order as expected in academic writing. However, this framework
is work in progress and does benet from a more interactive digital
presentation in which it was developed and is currently being rened in.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena554
is lets readers explore the relationships between categories in a more
dynamic way. Both in its paper form and in its more interactive form, it
arguably presents a useful resource for new and emerging projects to be
related to historical and existing work, with a view to provide an integrated
overview of the eld of Adaptive Architecture.
In future work, it is the area of eects on inhabitants that is now of
most interest to us in terms of further research, as this seems currently
underexplored. In our lab we have recently started to focus on the
eects on inhabitants of buildings that are driven by physiological data
(Schnädelbach et al., 2010). A currently being analysed controlled study
of our prototype points to the possibility that such environments have a
measurable eect on the physiology of inhabitants and we are aiming to
explore this further in detail.
is is to acknowledge the support of the Leverhulme Trust and discussions
and contributions from Ava Fatah, Mike Twidale and Susanne Seitinger.
MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena 555
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MediaCity: Interaction of Architecture, Media and Social Phenomena556
... In contemporary contexts, adaptive architecture is expected to possess flexibility, interactivity, or dynamism, rather than being static artefacts. Their adaptivity is often emphasized through computer-supported technical applications [1]. Holger Schnädelbach has proposed three primary categories for adaptive architecture based on what it adapts to, namely, inhabitants, environment, and objects [1]. ...
... Their adaptivity is often emphasized through computer-supported technical applications [1]. Holger Schnädelbach has proposed three primary categories for adaptive architecture based on what it adapts to, namely, inhabitants, environment, and objects [1]. Adaptivity has been embedded in the practice of social autonomy throughout the history of architecture. ...
Full-text available
This study examined design approaches for enhancing material actuation in adaptive architecture, aiming to make it perceptible for human cognitive engagement. Over recent decades, material actuation has gained attention as a sustainable alternative to mechanical actuation in architectural adaptation, utilizing materials’ intrinsic properties. This shift mitigates environmental concerns and enhances material engagement in spatial cognition. Enhancing material actuation’s effectiveness involves addressing inherent material limitations to ensure perceptibility in architectural work. This study explored new-structuralist adaptive design cases, categorizing enhancement approaches into ‘thinning’, ‘folding’, ‘aggregation’, ‘layering’, and ‘composite’. These strategies are pivotal in both pre-actuation and in-actuation phases of design and fabrication, facilitating interaction between humans and materials. The research methodology involved sourcing post-2010 publications from Google Scholar using keywords related to new materiality and architectural design. Selected articles featuring ‘material actuation’ were analyzed for their methodologies. Through clustering, five primary enhancement strategies were identified. This paper evaluates each approach’s benefits and limitations, highlighting potential utility concerns in material-based architectural adaptations. The analysis offers insight into material actuation’s role in adaptive architecture, emphasizing its environmental and cognitive implications.
... Design research on the experience and use of large-scale shapechanging displays [29,86,92] within the built environment is a relatively underexplored space, even amongst the Human Building Interaction (HBI) [2,42,102], Adaptive Architecture (AA) [57,99,101] and Soft Robotics (SF) [10,89,91,98,114] research communities. Whilst the design of (soft) robotic skins for environmental control has been possible in architecture for a few decades [60] -and there are several existing prominent examples of pneumatic façade systems that use these kinds of technologies [34,55,116] -there has been very little research on how building occupants actually experience such interventions, and even less research on how these kinds of actuated and responsive systems might be effectively used as physical displays for the purpose of communicating data to building occupants. ...
... Adaptive buildings bring together several different concerns from a wide variety of disciplines, spanning architecture, music, computer science and engineering, among others. Buildings in this context are described as flexible, interactive, and dynamic, and they embrace the notion of architecture being adaptive rather than a static artefact, often with an emphasis on computer-supported adaptation [1]. ...
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Concert halls have led to increasingly complex spaces that cannot be thought of as static ‘containers’ anymore. This complexity makes them viable to be launched towards industry 4.0 and to be considered a function of the activities that they can provide during their life cycle. They are characterized by dynamic objects that contain sophisticated sub-systems and add to the capability to influence both environmental variables and user behavior. This article explains an adaptive concert hall at an early stage, in which a network of sensors that gather real-time data on environmental factors such as temperature, air humidity and air velocity are considered, focusing on their direct and indirect intercorrelations with the acoustic quantities to optimize the room acoustic response. The proposed methodology is controlled by a digital twin (DT) based on building information modeling (BIM), integrated with sensors, actuators, and acoustic measurements and algorithms. By analyzing the data, algorithms identify patterns, and an autonomous fine-tune setting is achieved, including the novelty for which a natural variable acoustic field becomes possible during a musical execution without the use of any electroacoustic system support. The hall becomes a natural active instrument to be included in the composer’s score. A case study is presented.
... More importantly, both Price and the Frazers intended for the system itself to suggest its own reconfigurations 7 , denoting non-human agency in the builtenvironment. Although the Generator Project was never realized, it became the de facto first instance of a subset field in Architecture concerned with bi-directional communication and interaction between human and non-human agents in the builtenvironment, viz., Interactive Architecture (IA) [13], [48], [49] first and Adaptive Architecture (AA) [50]- [52] later, which-like AmI-have also proliferated in the 21 st century. ...
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This thesis presents an alternative approach to intelligence in the built-environment, departing from the two established yet divergent branches in the discourse: the Technical, centered around Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and represented by Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL); and the Architectural, centered around architectural / spatial experiences and considerations, and represented by Interactive Architecture and Adaptive Architecture. The promise of both AmI/AAL and IA/AA is constrained by rigid and increasingly outdated assumptions in their approaches—i.e., AmI’s / AAL’s approach to the built-environment, and IA’s / AA’s approach to ICTs. Moreover, it is impossible to combine them to yield a cohesive system due to disparity in their typical Technology Readiness Levels. That is, the sophistication of a system depends on that of its mutually complementing subsystems; and two or more subsystems may not mutually complement, sustain, and/or support one another if their levels of development do not correspond. Consequently, the presented alternative conceives the intelligent built-environment as a Cyber- Physical System. Under this approach, ICTs and Architectural considerations in conjunction instantiate intelligence fundamentally. The presented approach’s promise is illustrated via its application to a constrained use-case focused on the elderly. Twelve proof-of-concept demonstrators are developed based on key parameters pertaining to Indoor Environmental Quality and Quality of Life. While each demonstrator is presented as a discrete proof-of-concept, all build on the same core System Architecture and technological ecosystem, and are intended to be viewed as a collection of systems and services expressed within a same hypothetical environment.
... More importantly, both Price and the Frazers intended for the system itself to suggest its own reconfigurations 7 , denoting non-human agency in the builtenvironment. Although the Generator Project was never realized, it became the de facto first instance of a subset field in Architecture concerned with bi-directional communication and interaction between human and non-human agents in the builtenvironment, viz., Interactive Architecture (IA) [13], [48], [49] first and Adaptive Architecture (AA) [50]- [52] later, which-like AmI-have also proliferated in the 21 st century. ...
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Discussions of intelligence in the built-environment began in the late 1960s and early 1970s [1]–[7]. They belonged to a broader technical and technological discourse, engaged across a variety of domains and disciplines, to explore potential opportunities entailed by the Information Age. During this nascent period, and partly due to the novelty of the exploration as well as to the rudimentary state and forbidding costs of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), said discussions were principally theoretical and/or hypothetical in nature and impartial to defined fields of inquiry. Two main branches developed, one Technical—stemming from Information Sciences and Engineering fields—and another Architectural. In the Technical branch, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) was coined in the late 90s to describe a cohesive vision of a future digital living room, a built-environment whose computing hardware and software technology imbued its dwelling space with serviceable intelligence to the benefit of its occupant(s) [8]. Also salient in this branch was Ambient Assisted Living—or Active and Assisted Living—(AAL), which framed its inquiry around the promotion of quality of life as well as the prolongation of independence with respect to Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) [9] among the elderly via technical assistance [10]. In the Architectural branch, Cedric Price’s pioneering Generator Project and corresponding programs by John and Julia Frazer [11] in the late 70s, explored notions of interaction between human and non-human agents in the built-environment. In Price’s project, architecture was conceived as a set of interchangeable sub-systems integrated into a unifying computer system, which enabled a reconfigurability sensitive to function. Price and the Frazers intended for the system to suggest its own reconfigurations, denoting non-human agency. The promise of solutions yielded by both AmI/AAL and IA/AA is limited by the rigid and increasingly outdated assumptions in their approaches. It is not possible, as they are and as they are currently developing, to combine AmI/AAL and IA/AA to yield a unified and cohesive approach. This is because the sophistication of a system will depend on that of its mutually complementing subsystems; and two or more subsystems may not mutually complement, sustain, and/or support one another properly if their levels of development and sophistication do not correspond [12]. That is: at present, the architectural does not correspond to the technically predominant AmI/AAL, while the technical does not correspond to the architecturally predominant IA/AA. Consequently, a different design-approach is required in order to enable comprehensively and cohesively intelligent built-environments with corresponding levels of technical and architectural sophistication. What could such an approach look like? In this thesis, an alternative approach that conceives of the intelligent built-environment as a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is presented and demonstrated. Under this approach, ICTs and Architectural considerations in conjunction instantiate intelligence fundamentally—i.e., unlike existing AmI/AAL or IA/AA approaches, the present approach subsumes enabling technologies into the very core of the built-environment, where a solution does not exist as such without either of its informational and physical constituents deliberately conceived for each other (if not formally, at least conceptually and operationally with respect to instantiated services). In this thesis, the general potential and promise of the presented approach is illustrated via its application to a constrained use-case—i.e., that of intelligent built-environments for elderly assistance and care (also informally referred to as smart homes or environments). Twelve proof-of-concept demonstrators (see Chapter 5), each showcasing an intelligent product and/or a service—or combinations and sets thereof—integrated into the built-environment and/or its ecosystem, are developed. Eight established parameters (see Section 3.2)—four pertaining to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and four Quality of Life (QoL)—define the purpose and inform the design of each demonstrator’s setup and development within four types of demo environments (see Chapter 4)—two Physical (Hyperbody and Robotic Building) and two Virtual (Digital Twin and Non-descript). Each demonstrator, while presented as a discrete proof-of-concept, builds on the same core System Architecture, and are intended to be viewed as a collection of systems and services expressed within a same hypothetical environment. That is to say, all come together to represent the intelligent built-environment as CPS. All demonstrators are functionally and physically developed and involve human participation to test and to validate both the feasibility and success of the concept. Success is determined if the developed products and services indeed provide added value to a user and/or occupant of the space—i.e., if they promote and contribute to well-being by assisting, facilitating, or enhancing. Accordingly, the tangible nature of the process and results promote—albeit in a limited scope—the presented approach in very real terms, and—hopefully—situate it as an alternative to existing modes of imbuing intelligence in the built-environment.
... Arsitektur adaptif memiliki arti bahwa bangunan atau komponennya secara spesifik di rencanakan dan dirancang untuk beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan, pengguna, maupun objek-objek sekitarnya sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan kualitas bangunan bersamaan dengan rencana dan tujuan dari bangunan itu sendiri (Schnädelbach, 2010). Adaptibilitas refittable melibatkan perubahan kinerja bangunan dengan mengubah ruang, layanan, atau eksterior. ...
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Environmental problems are caused by climatic conditions and the results of sunlight entering buildings that cannot be controlled. Shading device become part of the building and interact directly with the environment and space in the building. Shading device can be applied to buildings to respond to environmental conditions such as solar radiation. Conditioning solar radiation entering buildings can be reduced to reduce building energy use. The results of this simulation show that the length (P) and angle (S) parameters have a significant positive effect on decreasing the intensity of solar radiation. Elements of the Horizontal Louvers type with a change in the value of the Angle (S) parameter from the basic design results in a decrease in radiation intensity of up to 44.3% when the angle changes to 15 0 with respect to the horizontal wall. In the Brise-Soleil Semi Façade With Louvers type, changing the value of the Length parameter (P) from the basic design results in a decrease in radiation intensity of up to 40.3% in the shading element with a length of 0.8 meters. On the other hand, changes in the distance parameter (J) of the shading element to the horizontal wall tend to increase the intensity of solar radiation. In the Horizontal Louvers type, the change in the parameter Distance (J) to the wall with a distance of 0.3 meters from the horizontal wall results in an increase in intensity of up to 81.1% when compared to the design basis. Abstrak: Permasalahan lingkungan disebabkan oleh kondisi iklim dan akibat sinar matahari yang masuk ke bangunan yang tidak dapat dikendalikan. Perangkat peneduh menjadi bagian dari bangunan dan berinteraksi langsung dengan lingkungan dan ruang di dalam bangunan. Shading device dapat diterapkan pada bangunan untuk merespon kondisi lingkungan seperti radiasi matahari. Pengkondisian radiasi matahari yang masuk ke gedung dapat dikurangi untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi gedung. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa parameter panjang (P) dan sudut (S) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap penurunan intensitas penyinaran matahari. Elemen tipe Horizontal Louvers dengan perubahan nilai parameter Angle (S) dari desain dasar menghasilkan penurunan intensitas radiasi hingga 44,3% ketika sudut berubah menjadi 150 terhadap dinding horizontal. Pada tipe Brise-Soleil Semi Façade With Louvers, perubahan nilai parameter Length (P) dari basic design menghasilkan penurunan intensitas radiasi hingga 40,3% pada shading element dengan panjang 0,8 meter. Sebaliknya, perubahan parameter jarak (J) elemen peneduh ke dinding horizontal cenderung meningkatkan intensitas penyinaran matahari. Pada tipe Horizontal Louvers, perubahan parameter Jarak (J) ke dinding dengan jarak 0,3 meter dari dinding horizontal menghasilkan peningkatan intensitas hingga 81,1% jika dibandingkan dengan desain dasar.
... Several authors such as Thompson (2022), Peterdy (2022) and Du Bruin (2016) report on the analysis of trends in EDEs that demonstrate negative impact on SMEs such as political, economic, social, technological and demographic elements. In the same vein, Schiller (2008) reports that inflation is a classic problem in most SMEs unlike in modern corporations without traditional technologies and strategies incorporated into SCM activities. Austerity measures to combat inflation include the consumer price index (CPI), item weight, core inflation rate, gross domestic product (GDP) deflator, nominal GDP and real GDP (Boyd 2021). ...
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Background: Given the effervescent nature of external dynamic exasperations (EDEs) and uncertainties, this article enterprise application architecture (EAA) evaluates the probable effect on actual adoption of enterprise application architecture for supply chain management (SCM). Actual adoption (AA) of EAA is a major need for small and medium, hence the legal frameworks are there to ensure compliance on complex legal and regulatory constraints, a lack of external financing, low technological capacity, relative advantage, hardware systems and software systems compatibility. Objective: The central objective of this article is to establish whether EDEs affect the AA of EAA for SCM in SMEs, as well as supply chain success factors with five models used to identify the statistics gaps, which could be constructive for descriptive and correlational research studies. Method: A quantitative approach under correlational research is considered to investigate the relationships between variables without interventions and manipulations from the researcher. Results: To increase the reliability of measures, each variable was tested for data reliability and validity through Cronbach’s alpha and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, chronologically. The results indicate that EDEs have a direct impact on the AA of EAA as encrypted in Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson’s coefficient and linear regression. Conclusion: The study revealed that EDEs have positive impact on the AA of EAA. Contribution: Consequently, this study makes a prominent contribution to research on the benefits of AA of EAA by signifying the effectuation theory by maintaining control on possibilities with foreseeable outcomes; then EDEs will be history. Keywords: effectuation theory; enterprise application architecture; external dynamic exasperations; hardware systems compatibility; supply chain management; software systems compatibility.
... Controller parameters can be set by engineering tuning rules or by dynamic analysis [3] taking into account the requirements of stability, robustness, and sufficiently low response time [11]. Various types of actuators can be used to transform the output of a control unit into element action to change geometries [12]. In architectural scale, the most common types are hydraulic, electric and pneumatic actuators. ...
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The construction industry and associated processes emit about 40%–50% of greenhouse gasses globally, making buildings’ lifelong impact on the environment inevitable. Although research and development stakeholders have directed their focus on various sustainable, recycled, and upcycled building materials, as well as circular designs and construction methods to reduce the adverse effects of environmental challenges, researchers have not yet fully addressed a building’s post-use treatment. Considering that the gap still remains in knowledge concerning how to fully achieve net-zero waste and emissions from construction materials, designs, and processes at the end of a building’s life, this study contributes a concise definition of the concept of adaptability with a holistic review to understand Design for Adaptability (DfA) and its potential to reduce the need for unnecessary new construction and eliminate potential waste. This review used the PRISMA guidelines approach to gather key insights from various articles on the concept of adaptability that are relevant to the scope of buildings. Moreover, this review identifies potential areas of further research that could boost confidence in the use of adaptable strategies in the future. A total of 50 articles out of 170 articles were chosen through a selection process involving a new set of inclusion and exclusion criteria based on PRISMA guidelines. The findings show that demographical, technological, and economic motivations drive adaptability’s functional, environmental, economic, and social benefits. However, the regulatory, technical, economic, and social barriers hinder its implementation in construction processes. The findings also demonstrate that various promising frameworks for assessing adaptability still lack comprehensive guidelines, assessment, and validation methods for the overall implementation of adaptable strategies. Existing frameworks are mostly limited to spatial assessment of the reuse of spaces and do not account for the structural flexibility and performance of load-bearing building elements despite the fact that most assessed papers were from the engineering field. Nevertheless, this paper concludes that adaptability strategies can be implemented early during the construction of new buildings or during the repurposing of existing buildings, with the end goal being to increase the longevity of the use of structures, prevent premature demolition, and minimize unnecessary construction waste.
In this study, an evaluation approach that helps the decision-making stages before and after the design processes of kinetic façade systems, which are widely used today, is proposed. In this context, the concept of kinetic architecture, its components, and the historical development process are briefly summarized. As a result of the literature studies, the classification examples made from the past to the present are examined and evaluated in terms of positive and negative features, common and different aspects (of kinetic architecture classifications). In the approach proposal, these various classifications, which have been compiled, are grouped under five main headings: “concepts”, “movement & material”, “functions”, “control strategies & technologies” and “design strategies & methods” and their subtitles have been created. In order to present a useful evaluation tool, a sunray-shaped-classification diagram has been developed. This diagram has applied to eight worldwide known building examples that have characteristic kinetic façade features to determine its potential. The data obtained from the examples were examined in the table. Within the framework of the specified headings, this diagram has increased the readability of the kinetic façade system features of the examples, became directive, and facilitated the determination of trends in this area. Although the functions differ in the applications, it is determined that visual and thermal comfort are widely considered; the tendencies towards intelligent and learnable systems in control strategies are started, and the adapted concepts interact with at least one parameter. Besides, it has been observed that subjects related to movement and design have special features in each different application. Other findings obtained in the study were stated in the conclusion section and some recommendations were presented.
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ExoBuilding explores the novel design space that emerges when an individual's physiological data and the fabric of building architecture are linked. In its current form ExoBuilding is a tent-like structure that externalises a person's physiological data in an immersive and visceral way. This is achieved by mapping abdominal breathing to its shape and size, displaying heart beat through sound and light effects and mapping electro dermal activity to a projection on the tent fabric. The research is positioned in relation to previous work and the iterative development of ExoBuilding from to-scale to full-size prototype is described. The design process, feedback gathered alongside and observations allow the discussion of wider issues: the different scales possible, the temporal nature of the data, ownership and ambiguity of that data, ranges of control and the aggregation of data in a building context. This leads to the presentation of directions for future research at this exciting boundary between Architecture, HCI and medical science.
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Ada is an entertainment exhibit that is able to interact with many people simultaneously, using a language of light and sound. "She" received 553,700 visitors over 5 months during the Swiss Expo.02 in 2002. In this paper we present the broad motivations, design and technologies behind Ada, and a first overview of the outcomes of the exhibit.
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Architecture can be shown to structure patterns of co-presence and in turn to be structured itself by the rules and norms of the society present within it. This two-way relationship exists in a surprisingly stable framework, as fundamental changes to buildings are slow and costly. At the same time, change within organisations is increasingly rapid and buildings are used to accommodate some of that change. This adaptation can be supported by the use of telecommunication technologies, overcoming the need for co-presence during social interaction. However, often this results in a loss of accountability or ‘civic legibility’, as the link between physical location and social activity is broken. In response to these considerations, Mixed Reality Architecture (MRA) was developed. MRA links multiple physical spaces across a shared 3D virtual world. We report on the design of MRA, including the key concept of the Mixed Reality Architectural Cell, a novel architectural interface between architectural spaces that are remote to each other. An in-depth study lasting one year and involving six office-based MRACells, used video recordings, the analysis of event logs, diaries and an interview survey. This produced a series of ethnographic vignettes describing social interaction within MRA in detail. In this paper we concentrate on the topological properties of MRA. It can be shown that the dynamic topology of MRA and social interaction taking place within it are fundamentally intertwined. We discuss how topological adjacencies across virtual space change the integration of the architectural spaces that MRA is installed in. We further reflect on how the placement of MRA technology in different parts of an office space (deep or shallow) impacts on the nature of that particular space. Both the above can be shown to influence movement through the building and social interaction taking place within it. These findings are directly relevant to new buildings that need to be designed to accommodate organisational change in future but also to existing building stock that might be very hard to adapt. We are currently expanding the system to new sites and are planning changes to the infrastructure of MRA as well as its interactional interface.
Conceptions of the Home.- Inside the Smart Home: Ideas, Possibilities and Methods.- Conceptions of the Home.- Smart Homes: Past, Present and Future.- Households as Morally Ordered Communities: Explorations in the Dynamics of Domestic Life.- Time as a Rare Commodity in Home Life.- Emotional Context and "Significancies" of Media.- Designing for the Home.- Paper-mail in the Home of the 21st Century.- Switching On to Switch Off.- The Social Context of Home Computing.- Design with Care: Technology, Disability and the Home.- The Home of the Future.- Towards the Unremarkable Computer: Making Technology at Home in Domestic Routine.- Daily Routines and Means of Communication in a Smart Home.- Living Inside a Smart Home: A Case Study.- Smart Home, Dumb Suppliers? The Future of Smart Homes Markets.
Conference Paper
A motivation behind much UbiComp research has been to make our lives convenient, comfortable and informed, following in the footsteps of Weiser’s calm computing vision. Three themes that have dominated are context awareness, ambient intelligence and monitoring/tracking. While these avenues of research have been fruitful their accomplishments do not match up to anything like Weiser’s world. This paper discusses why this is so and argues that is time for a change of direction in the field. An alternative agenda is outlined that focuses on engaging rather than calming people. Humans are very resourceful at exploiting their environments and extending their capabilities using existing strategies and tools. I describe how pervasive technologies can be added to the mix, outlining three areas of practice where there is much potential for professionals and laypeople alike to combine, adapt and use them in creative and constructive ways.