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Abstract and Figures

Humans demonstrate a remarkable ability to regulate daily body water and electrolyte balance so long as food and fluid are readily available. The imposition of exercise and environmental stress can, however, challenge this ability. Most circumstances involving physical exercise require the formation and vaporization of sweat as the principle means of heat removal in man. Sweat losses, if not replaced, reduce body water volume and electrolyte content. Excessive body water or electrolyte losses can disrupt physiological homeostasis and threaten both health and performance. Persons often dehydrate during physical activity or exposure to hot weather because of fluid non-availability or a mismatch between thirst and body water losses. In these instances, the person begins the task with normal total body water and dehydrates over a prolonged period. This scenario is common for most athletic and occupational settings, however, in some situations the person might begin exercise with a body water deficit. For example, in several sports (e.g., boxing, power lifting, wrestling) athletes frequently dehydrate to compete in lower weight classes. Also, persons medicated with diuretics may be dehydrated prior to initiating exercise. If sodium chloride deficits occur then the extracellular fluid volume will contract and cause "salt depletion dehydration." A sodium chloride deficit usually occurs due to sweat sodium losses combined with excessive water consumption, but a sodium deficit can also occur without excessive water intake owing to high sweat sodium losses. Both of these scenarios produce sodium dilution more commonly known as hyponatremia or "water intoxication". This chapter reviews the physiology, needs, and assessment of human water and electrolyte balance. The extent to which water and electrolyte imbalances affect temperature regulation and exercise performance are also considered.
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Human Water and
Electrolyte Balance
Scott J. Montain, Samuel N. Cheuvront,
Robert Carter, III, Michael N. Sawka
Humans demonstrate a remarkable ability to regulate
daily body water and electrolyte balance so long as food
and fluid are readily available.
The imposition of exercise
and environmental stress can, however, challenge this
ability. Most circumstances involving physical exercise re-
quire the formation and vaporization of sweat as the prin-
ciple means of heat removal in man. Sweat losses, if not
replaced, reduce body water volume and electrolyte con-
tent. Excessive body water or electrolyte losses can disrupt
physiological homeostasis and threaten both health and
Persons often dehydrate during physical activity or ex-
posure to hot weather because of fluid non-availability or
because of a mismatch between thirst and body water
In these instances, the person begins the task with
normal total body water, and dehydrates over a prolonged
period. This scenario is common for most athletic and
occupational settings; however, in some situations the
person might begin exercise with a body water deficit.
For example, in several sports (e.g., boxing, power lifting,
wrestling) athletes frequently dehydrate to compete in
lower weight classes. Also, persons medicated with di-
uretics may be dehydrated prior to initiating exercise. If
sodium chloride deficits occur, then the extracellular fluid
volume will contract and cause “salt depletion dehydra-
tion.” A sodium chloride deficit usually occurs due to
sweat sodium losses combined with excessive water con-
sumption, but a sodium deficit can also occur without
excessive water intake owing to high sweat sodium losses.
Both of these scenarios produce sodium dilution, which
is more commonly known as hyponatremia or “water in-
AG-PPKN-0909 R1 CH33 04-07-06 12:03:36
This chapter reviews the physiology, needs, and assess-
ment of human water and electrolyte balance. The extent
to which water and electrolyte imbalances affect tempera-
ture regulation and exercise performance are also consid-
ered. Throughout the chapter, the term euhydration re-
fers to normal body water content, hypohydration refers
to a body water deficit, and hyperhydration refers to in-
creased body water content. Dehydration refers to the
dynamic loss of body water.
Physiology of Water and
Electrolyte Balance
Net body water balance (loss gain) is generally regu-
lated well as a result of thirst and hunger drives coupled
with free access to food and beverage.
This is accom-
plished by neuroendocrine and renal responses
to body
water volume and tonicity changes, as well as non-regula-
tory social-behavioral factors.
These homeostatic re-
sponses collectively ensure that small degrees of over- and
underhydration are readily compensated for in the short
term. Using water balance studies, Adolph
found that
daily body water varied narrowly between 0.22%and
0.48%in temperate and warm environments, respectively.
However, exercise and environmental insult often pose a
greater acute challenge to fluid balance homeostasis.
Water (total body water) is the principal chemical con-
stituent of the human body. For an average young adult
male, total body water is relatively constant and represents
50%to 70%of body weight.
Variability in total body
water is primarily due to differences in body composi-
Total body water is distributed into intracellular
fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments.
The ICF and ECF contain about 65%and 35%of total
2Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Ninth Edition Section VI: Minerals and Trace Elements
body water, respectively. The ECF is further divided into
the interstitial and plasma spaces. Water balance repre-
sents the net difference between water intake and loss.
When losses exceed intakes, total body water is decreased.
When body water deficits occur from sweat losses, a
hypertonic hypovolemia generally results. Plasma volume
decreases and plasma osmotic pressure increases in pro-
portion to the decrease in total body water. Plasma vol-
ume decreases because it provides the fluid for sweat, and
osmolality increases because sweat is ordinarily hypotonic
relative to plasma. Resting plasma osmolality increases in
alinear manner from about 283 mosmol/kg when euhy-
drated, to more than 300 mosmol/kg when hypohydrated
by 15%of total body water.
The increase in osmotic
pressure is primarily due to increased plasma sodium and
chloride. with no consistent effect on potassium concen-
Incomplete fluid replacement decreases total body
water, and as a consequence of free fluid exchange, affects
each fluid space.
For example, Nose et al.
mined the distribution of body water loss among fluid
spaces as well as among different body organs during hy-
pohydration. They thermally dehydrated rats by 10%of
body weight, and after the animals regained their normal
core temperature, the body water measurements were ob-
tained. The fluid deficit was apportioned between the
intracellular (41%)and extracellular (59%)spaces. Re-
garding organ fluid loss, 40%came from muscle, 30%
from skin, 14%from viscera, and 14%from bone. Neither
the brain nor liver lost significant water content. They
concluded that hypohydration results in water redistribu-
tion largely from the intra- and extracellular spaces of
muscle and skin in order to maintain blood volume.
Different methods of dehydration are known or sus-
pected to affect the partitioning of body water losses dif-
ferently than those just described. For example, diuretics
increase urine formation and generally result in the loss of
both solutes and water. Diuretic-induced hypohydration
generally results in an iso-osmotic hypovolemia, with a
much greater ratio of plasma loss to body water loss than
either exercise or heat-induced hypohydration.
As a
result, relatively less intracellular fluid is lost after diuretic
administration, since there is not an extracellular solute
excess to stimulate redistribution of body water. In con-
trast, several studies
report substantial decreases in
skeletal muscle intracellular water content following pro-
longed exercise without fluid replacement, presumably
the result of water released with the breakdown of muscle
glycogen. Exercise-induced hypohydration may therefore
result in a greater intracellular water loss than simple
sweat-induced hypohydration (passive thermal dehydra-
tion). Kozlowski and Saltin
reported data to support
this view, but Costill and Saltin
found no difference
between exercise and thermal dehydration for the parti-
tioning of water between the fluid compartments. It is
therefore clear that the ratio of intracellular to extracellu-
lar water losses that occur with dehydration from sweating
AG-PPKN-0909 R1 CH33 04-07-06 12:03:36
and diuretic use are different, but any difference between
active and passive sweating remains unresolved. Other
factors such as heat acclimatization status, posture,
climate, mode, and intensity of exercise can also pro-
duce significant variability in the responses described
Water and Electrolyte Needs
Human water and electrolyte needs should not be
based on a “minimal” intake, as this might eventually lead
to a deficit and possible adverse performance and health
consequences. Instead, the Food and Nutrition Board of
the Institute of Medicine bases water needs on Adequate
Intake (AI). The AI is based on experimentally derived
intake levels that are expected to meet nutritional ade-
quacy for essentially all members of a healthy population.
The AI level for water is 2.7 to 3.7 L/d for sedentary
women and men over age 19, respectively.
These values
represent total water intake from all fluids (80%)and
foods (20%). The AI for sodium is 1.5 g/d or 3.8 g/d
sodium chloride.
The report also indicates that athletes
and workers performing stressful exercise in the heat can
exceed the AI for water and sodium.
Table 1
illustrates the wide variability in hourly sweat
losses observed both within and between sports and occu-
pations. Depending upon the duration of activity and heat
stress exposure, the impact of these elevated hourly sweat
rates on daily water requirements will vary. Figure 1 de-
picts generalized modeling approximations for daily water
requirements based upon calculated sweating rates as a
function of daily energy expenditure (activity level) and
air temperature.
Applying this prediction model, it is
clear that daily water requirements can increase two- to
six-fold from baseline by simple manipulation of either
variable. For example, daily water requirements for any
given energy expenditure in temperate climates (20C)
can triple in very hot weather (40C). In addition to air
temperature, other environmental factors also modify
sweat losses; these include relative humidity, air motion,
solar load, and choice of clothing for protection against
Table 1. Sweating Rates for Different Sports (Data
are from Rehrer N, Burke L. Sweat losses during
various sports. Aust J Nutr Diet. 1996;53:
Mean Range
Sport L/h
Water polo 0.55 0.30–0.80
Cycling 0.80 0.29–1.25
Running 1.10 0.54–1.83
Basketball 1.11 0.70–1.60
Soccer 1.17 0.70–2.10
Human Water and Electrolyte Balance Montain, Cheuvront, Carter III, and Sawka 3
e Da
time Dr
Bulb Tem
15 20 25 30 35 40
Average Daytime Dry Bulb Temperature (oF)
59 68 77 86 95 104
3600 Kcal/day
2900 Kcal/day
2400 Kcal/day
1900 Kcal/day
Minimal Daily H
O needs
Figure 1. Daily water needs estimated from sweat loss predictions
due to changes in physical activity and air temperature. Daily en-
ergy expenditures of 1900, 2400, 2900 and 3600 kcal correspond
to sedentary, low activity, active, and very active, respectively.
(From Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary
Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and
Sulfate. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2004. Avail-
able online at:
environmental elements.
Therefore, it is expected that
water losses, and therefore water needs, will vary consid-
erably among moderately active people based on changing
extraneous influences.
Sweat is hypotonic to extracellular fluid, but contains
electrolytes, primarily sodium chloride and, to a lesser
extent, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
sodium concentration averages 35 mEq/L (range 10–70
mEq /L) and varies depending upon diet, sweating rate,
hydration level, and heat acclimation state.
potassium concentration averages 5 mEq/L (range 3–15
mEq /L), calcium 1 mEq/L (range 0.3–2 mEq/L), mag-
nesium 0.8 mEq /L (range 0.2– 1.5 mEq /L), and chloride
30 mEq/L (range 5–60 mEq/L).
Neither gender nor
aging seem to have marked effects on sweat electrolyte
Sweat glands reabsorb sodium by ac-
tive transport, but the ability to reabsorb sweat sodium
does not increase proportionally with the sweating rate.
As a result, the concentration of sweat sodium increases
at high sweating rates.
Heat acclimation improves the
ability to reabsorb sodium, so heat-acclimated persons
have lower sweat sodium concentrations (50%reduc-
tion) for any given sweating rate.
Figure 2 depicts generalized modeling approximations
for daily sodium needs based upon calculated sweating
rates as a function of daily energy expenditure (activity
level) and air temperature.
This analysis assumes that
persons are heat acclimated and have a sweat sodium con-
centration of 25 mEq/L (about 0.6 g/L). The average
American diet contains about 4 g/d of sodium,
but this
varies greatly depending upon ethnic preferences for food.
Increases or decreases in sodium stores are usually cor-
rected by adjustments in a person’s salt appetite. In addi-
tion, when physical activity increases, the additional ca-
loric intake associated with increased activity usually
AG-PPKN-0909 R1 CH33 04-07-06 12:03:36
e Da
time Dr
Bulb Tem
15 20 25 30 35 40
Average Daytime Dry Bulb Temperature (oF)
59 68 77 86 95 104
3600 Kcal/da
2900 Kcal/da
2400 Kcal/da
1900 Kcal/da
Figure 2. Daily sodium needs estimated from sweat loss predic-
tions due to changes in physical activity and air temperature. Daily
energy expenditures of 1900, 2400, 2900, and 3600 kcal corre-
spond to sedentary, low activity, active, and very active, respec-
tively. (From Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Di-
etary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride,
and Sulfate. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2004.
Available online at:
covers the additional sodium required.
Therefore, so-
dium supplementation is generally not necessary (unless
subjects are performing very heavy activity) for the first
several days of heat exposure, as normal dietary sodium
intake appears adequate to compensate for sweat sodium
If persons need additional sodium, this can be
achieved by salting their food to taste. Another strategy
is to rehydrate with fluids containing about 20 mEq/L
of sodium. Most commercial sports beverages approxi-
mate this concentration.
Hydration Assessment
Although plasma osmolality is the criterion used as the
hydration assessment measure for large-scale fluid needs
assessment surveys,
the optimal choice of method for
assessing hydration, particularly in sport, is limited by the
circumstances and intent of the measurement. Popular
hydration assessment techniques vary greatly in their ap-
plicability to laboratory or field use due to methodological
limitations, which include the necessary circumstances for
accurate measurement, ease of application, and sensitivity
for detecting small, but meaningful changes in hydration
Although there is presently no consensus for using
one assessment approach over another, in most athletic
arenas, the use of first morning body mass measurements
in combination with some measure of urine concentration
should allow ample sensitivity (low false negative) for de-
tecting deviations in fluid balance. When more precision
of acute hydration changes is desired, plasma osmolality
and isotope dilution provide for gradations in measure-
However, the simplest way to track acute hydra-
tion changes is to measure body mass before and after
exercise using the reasonable assumption that 1 g of lost
4Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Ninth Edition Section VI: Minerals and Trace Elements
Table 2. Hydration Assessment Indices
Measure Practicality Validity (Acute vs. Chronic) Euhydration Cutoff
Total body water Low Acute and chronic 2%
Plasma osmolality Medium Acute and chronic 290 mOsmol
Urine specific gravity High Chronic 1.020 g/ml
Urine osmolality High Chronic 700 mOsmol
Urine color High Chronic 4
Body mass High Acute and chronic* 1%
*Potentially confounded by changes in body composition during very prolonged assessment periods.
mass is equivalent to 1 mL of lost fluid. In fact, if proper
controls are made, body mass changes can provide a more
sensitive estimate of acute total body water changes than
repeat measurements by dilution methods.
For longer
periods (1–2-weeks), body mass may even remain stable
enough to be a reliable hydration measure during periods
of hard exercise and acute fluid flux whether in temper-
or hot
climates. Table 2 provides definable
thresholds from the literature,
which can be used
as a guide to detect a negative body fluid balance. Fluid
intakes should be considered adequate when any two as-
sessment outcomes are consistent with euhydration.
Fluid Balance, Temperature
Regulation, and Exercise
The difficulty encountered when trying to match fluid
consumption to sweat losses during exercise can produce
hypohydration by 2%to 6%of body weight.
this is more common in hot environments, similar losses
are observed in cold climates when working in heavy
The mismatch between intakes and losses is
due to physiological and behavioral factors.
Hypohydration increases core temperature responses
during exercise in temperate and hot climates.
In fact,
adeficit of only 1%of body weight elevates core tempera-
ture during exercise.
As the magnitude of water deficit
increases, the magnitude of core temperature elevation
ranges from 0.1 to 0.23Cfor every percent body weight
but the core temperature elevation may be greater
during exercise in hot compared with temperate cli-
In addition, altering the time of fluid ingestion
(early or late into the exercise bout) does not modify the
core temperature elevation from progressive dehydra-
Hypohydration not only elevates core temperature,
but also negates the core temperature advantages con-
ferred by high aerobic fitness and heat acclimation.
When hypohydrated, elevated core temperature re-
sponses result from a reduction in the capacity for heat
dissipation. The relative contributions of evaporative and
AG-PPKN-0909 R1 CH33 04-07-06 12:03:36
dry heat loss during exercise depend upon the specific
environmental conditions,
but both avenues of heat loss
are adversely affected by hypohydration.
Local sweating
and skin blood flow responses are both reduced for a given
core temperature,
and whole-body sweating is usually
either reduced
or unchanged
during exercise at a given
metabolic rate in the heat. However, even when hypohy-
dration is associated with no change in whole-body
sweating rate, core temperature is usually elevated, so that
whole-body sweating rate for a given core temperature is
lower. Both the singular and combined effects of plasma
hyperosmolality and hypovolemia have been suggested as
mediating the reduced heat loss response during exercise-
heat stress.
Figure 3 summarizes the relative contribu-
tions of hyperosmolality and hypovolemia to adverse ther-
moregulatory responses during exercise in temperate and
hot climates.
These effects are noticeably smaller in
cooler environments.
Hypohydration can decrease dynamic exercise perfor-
Dehydration by more than 2%of body weight
degrades endurance exercise, especially in hot environ-
The magnitude of the performance decrement
is variable, and probably depends on the individual, on
environmental conditions, and on exercise mode differ-
ences. However, for a given person and event, the greater
the dehydration level (after achieving the threshold for
performance degradation) the greater the performance
Figure 3. Effects of reducing total body water (TBW) on sweating
(S) and skin blood flow (F) thresholds and sensitivities. Substan-
tial, moderate, and limited descriptors are based on amount of
supporting data. (From Cheuvront SN, Carter III R, Montain SJ,
et al. Influence of hydration and airflow on thermoregulatory con-
trol in the heat. J Therm Biol. 2004;29:471–477.)
Human Water and Electrolyte Balance Montain, Cheuvront, Carter III, and Sawka 5
Heat Strain
Central Nervous
stem Muscle
Figure 4. Physiologic factors that contribute to dehydration-me-
diated performance decrements. (From Cheuvront SN, Carter III
R, Sawka MN. Fluid balance and endurance exercise perfor-
mance. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2003;2:202–208.)
decrement. Dehydration probably does not alter muscle
but sometimes has been reported to reduce
dynamic small muscle endurance.
In addition, dehy-
dration of over 2%often adversely influences cognitive
function in the heat; however, this area requires more
Physiologic factors that contribute to dehydration-
mediated performance decrements include hyperther-
increased cardiovascular strain,
altered met-
abolic function,
or perhaps via events originating in the
central nervous system
(Figure 4). Though each fac-
tor is unique, evidence suggests that they interact to con-
tribute in concert, rather than in isolation, to degrading
exercise performance. The relative contribution of each
factor may differ depending on the event, environmental
conditions, and athletic prowess, but elevated hyperther-
mia probably acts to accentuate the performance decre-
Hyperhydration is not easy to sustain, since overdrink-
ing of water or carbohydrate- electrolyte solutions pro-
duce a fluid overload that is rapidly excreted by the kid-
Greater fluid retention can be achieved with an
aqueous solution containing glycerol,
which increases
fluid retention by reducing free water clearance.
ever, both exercise and heat stress decrease renal blood
flow and free water clearance and therefore negate glyc-
erol’s effectiveness as a hyperhydrating agent if ingested
during exercise.
Studies demonstrate that total body
water can be increased by approximately 1.5 L and sus-
tained for several hours with glycerol hyperhydration
however, glycerol provides no cardiovascular or thermore-
gulatory advantages over water ingestion alone when
taken during exercise or heat stress.
The effects of
glycerol hyperhydration on performance are mixed. Glyc-
erol hyperhydration may
or may not
improve ex-
ercise performance. Comparing study outcomes is com-
plicated by differences in performance measures, climate,
and the potentially confounding study design limita-
Symptomatic hyponatremia (typically associated with
serum sodium concentrations of less than 125–130 mEq/
AG-PPKN-0909 R1 CH33 04-07-06 12:03:36
L) has been observed during marathon and ultramarathon
military training,
and recreational
In athletic events, the condition is more likely
to occur in females and slower competitors. The severity
of the symptomatology is related to the magnitude that
the serum sodium concentration falls and the rapidity
with which it develops.
If hyponatremia develops over
many hours, it might cause less brain swelling and fewer
adverse symptoms.
The hyponatremia associated with
prolonged exercise develops primarily because individuals
drink excessively large quantities of hypotonic fluids (rela-
tive to sweating rate) for many hours.
sodium losses contribute to the rate and magnitude of
sodium dilution. Additionally, nausea (which increases
vasopressin levels) and heat/exercise stress (which reduce
renal blood flow and urine output) can negatively affect
the ability of the kidney to rapidly correct the fluid-
electrolyte imbalance.
The syndrome can be prevented
by not drinking in excess of the sweating rate, and by
consuming salt-containing fluids or foods when partici-
pating in exercise events that produce multiple hours of
continuous or near-continuous sweating.
Among the greatest challenges to body water homeo-
stasis is exercise and environmental stress. Sweating re-
sults in water and electrolyte losses. Because sweat output
often exceeds water intake, there is an acute water deficit
that results in a hypertonic hypovolemia and intracellular
and extracellular fluid contraction. Although water and
electrolyte needs increase as a result of exercise, eloquent
physiological and behavioral adaptations allow humans to
regulate daily body water and electrolyte balance so long
as food and fluid are readily available. Although there is
presently no consensus for choosing one hydration assess-
ment approach over another, deviations in daily fluid bal-
ance can be determined with ample sensitivity using a
combination of any two common assessment measures.
Hypohydration increases heat storage by reducing sweat-
ing rate and skin blood flow responses for a given core
temperature. Aerobic exercise tasks can be adversely af-
fected if hypohydration exceeds about 2%of normal body
mass, with the potential effect greater in warm environ-
ments. Hyperhydration provides no thermoregulatory or
exercise performance advantages over euhydration in the
heat. Excessive consumption of hypotonic fluid over
many hours can lead to hyponatremia. Marked electrolyte
losses can accelerate the dilution and exacerbate the prob-
lem. Hyponatremia can be avoided by proper attention
to diet and fluid needs.
The authors would like to thank Rob Demes for tech-
nical assistance in preparing this manuscript. The views,
opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are
6Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Ninth Edition Section VI: Minerals and Trace Elements
those of the authors and should not be construed as an
official Department of the Army position, or decision,
unless so designated by other official documentation. Ap-
proved for public release; distribution unlimited.
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... Serum sodium Fluid shifts during dehydration influence the concentration of electrolytes within the bloodstream [34]. The assessment of electrolytes are used within clinical settings to inform point of care decisions but can also be used for more general or even athlete hydration testing [5,35]. ...
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Background Despite a substantial body of research, no clear best practice guidelines exist for the assessment of hydration in athletes. Body water is stored in and shifted between different sites throughout the body complicating hydration assessment. This review seeks to highlight the unique strengths and limitations of various hydration assessment methods described in the literature as well as providing best practice guidelines. Main body There is a plethora of methods that range in validity and reliability, including complicated and invasive methods (i.e. neutron activation analysis and stable isotope dilution), to moderately invasive blood, urine and salivary variables, progressing to non-invasive metrics such as tear osmolality, body mass, bioimpedance analysis, and sensation of thirst. Any single assessment of hydration status is problematic. Instead, the recommended approach is to use a combination, which have complementary strengths, which increase accuracy and validity. If methods such as salivary variables, urine colour, vital signs and sensation of thirst are utilised in isolation, great care must be taken due to their lack of sensitivity, reliability and/or accuracy. Detailed assessments such as neutron activation and stable isotope dilution analysis are highly accurate but expensive, with significant time delays due to data analysis providing little potential for immediate action. While alternative variables such as hormonal and electrolyte concentration, bioimpedance and tear osmolality require further research to determine their validity and reliability before inclusion into any test battery. Conclusion To improve best practice additional comprehensive research is required to further the scientific understanding of evaluating hydration status.
... Electrolyte imbalances also commonly arise with the use of diuretics. 117,118 Hospitalization and Recovery ...
Objective To present best-practice recommendations for the prevention, recognition, and treatment of exertional heat illnesses (EHIs) and to describe the relevant physiology of thermoregulation. Background Certified athletic trainers recognize and treat athletes with EHIs, often in high-risk environments. Although the proper recognition and successful treatment strategies are well documented, EHIs continue to plague athletes, and exertional heat stroke remains one of the leading causes of sudden death during sport. The recommendations presented in this document provide athletic trainers and allied health providers with an integrated scientific and clinically applicable approach to the prevention, recognition, treatment of, and return-to-activity guidelines for EHIs. These recommendations are given so that proper recognition and treatment can be accomplished in order to maximize the safety and performance of athletes. Recommendations Athletic trainers and other allied health care professionals should use these recommendations to establish onsite emergency action plans for their venues and athletes. The primary goal of athlete safety is addressed through the appropriate prevention strategies, proper recognition tactics, and effective treatment plans for EHIs. Athletic trainers and other allied health care professionals must be properly educated and prepared to respond in an expedient manner to alleviate symptoms and minimize the morbidity and mortality associated with these illnesses.
... The quality of water is of vital importance to mankind since water is directly related to human survival (Bartram and Balance 1996). The human body is made up mostly of water (Montain et al. 2006). The development of the science of water in recent decades is influenced by the rising awareness of the limited amount of unpolluted water which is at the disposal of mankind. ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of trace elements and physicochemical properties of water samples in the territories of southern Banat and Zemun (Serbia). The contents of twenty-two macro- and microelements were determined using ICP analysis. Prior to this, the typical parameters were evaluated using standard analytical methods. The contents of elements in all studied samples were within the maximum allowed concentrations established by national regulations on the water quality for human use of examined elements, except for Na, Fe, B, Mn, As and Co. The most of elevated metal concentrations were recorded in the samples from Zrenjanin area, with special emphasis on increased concentrations of arsenic. Besides, the higher concentrations of iron and manganese were found in samples S03 and S04, respectively. The increased concentrations of iron, arsenic and manganese in the samples from southern Banat area could be explained by the presence and reductive dissolution of some iron minerals in the subsurface which could contain As or Mn as trace elements. Increased concentration of boron could be the consequence of its leaching from ground caused by the adequate pH value. The obtained results indicate that geology of terrain might be the main cause of elevated concentrations of iron, boron, arsenic and manganese in the study region. Potential human weekly and long-term health risk was determined and expressed through exposure risk assessment. It has been found that only arsenic in sample S07 represents a great weekly risk. On the long-term basis, consumption of waters with elevated concentrations of boron/S05–08/ and manganese/S04, S07 and S08/ can be considered as high health risk. Our study indicates that both risk assessments need to be done, in order to better understand the real risk of increased concentrations of harmful elements on human health.
... The quality of water is of vital importance to mankind since water is directly related to human survival (Bartram and Balance 1996). The human body is made up mostly of water (Montain et al. 2006). The development of the science of water in recent decades is influenced by the rising awareness of the limited amount of unpolluted water which is at the disposal of mankind. ...
... Electrolyte imbalances also commonly arise with the use of diuretics. 114,115 Hospitalization and Recovery ...
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Objective: To present best-practice recommendations for the prevention, recognition, and treatment of exertional heat illnesses (EHIs) and to describe the relevant physiology of thermoregulation. Background: Certified athletic trainers recognize and treat athletes with EHIs, often in high-risk environments. Although the proper recognition and successful treatment strategies are well documented, EHIs continue to plague athletes, and exertional heat stroke remains one of the leading causes of sudden death during sport. The recommendations presented in this document provide athletic trainers and allied health providers with an integrated scientific and clinically applicable approach to the prevention, recognition, treatment, and return-to-activity guidelines for EHIs. These recommendations are given so that proper recognition and treatment can be accomplished in order to maximize the safety and performance of athletes. Recommendations: Athletic trainers and other allied health care professionals should use these recommendations to establish onsite emergency action plans for their venues and athletes. The primary goal of athlete safety is addressed through the appropriate prevention strategies, proper recognition tactics, and effective treatment plans for EHIs. Athletic trainers and other allied health care professionals must be properly educated and prepared to respond in an expedient manner to alleviate symptoms and minimize the morbidity and mortality associated with these illnesses.
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The supply of microbiological risk-free water is essential to keep food safety and public hygiene. And removal, inactivation, and destruction of microorganisms in drinking water are key for ensuring safety in the food industry. Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) irradiation is an attractive method for efficient disinfection of water without generating toxicity and adversely affecting human health. In this study, the disinfection efficiencies of UV-C irradiation on Shigella flexneri (Gram negative) and Listeria monocytogenes (Gram positive) at various concentrations in drinking water were evaluated using a water purifier. Their morphological and physiological characteristics after UV-C irradiation were observed using fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry combined with live/dead staining. UV-C irradiation (254 nm wavelength, irradiation dose: 40 mJ/cm2 ) at a water flow velocity of 3.4 L/min showed disinfection ability on both bacteria up to 108 CFU/4 L. And flow cytometric analysis showed different physiological shift between S. flexneri and L. monocytogenes after UV-C irradiation, but no significant shift of morphology in both bacteria. In addition, each bacterium revealed different characteristics with time-course observation after UV-C irradiation: L. monocytogenes dramatically changed its physiological feature and seemed to reach maximum damage at 4 h and then recovered, whereas S. flexneri seemed to gradually die over time. This study revealed that UV-C irradiation of water purifiers is effective in disinfecting microbial contaminants in drinking water and provides basic information on bacterial features/responses after UV-C irradiation.
Purpose: To evaluate the recovery period of autonomic modulation, through geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), on coronary artery disease (CAD) patients submitted to a cardiovascular rehabilitation session (CR), associated with hydration. Methods: Thirty male participants of a CR program, diagnosed with CAD were submitted to the control (CP) and hydration protocol (HP) characterized by a CR session. Only during HP were the participants given 8 equal portions of water. The water amount was determined through the hydric loss measured at the CP. During the protocols, the heart rate was measured beat-by-beat at rest (5-10 minutes[M1]) and at recovery (0-5 minutes [M2], 5-10 minutes [M3], 15-20 minutes [M4], 25-30 minutes [M5], 40-45 minutes [M6], 55-60 minutes [M7]) for the HRV analysis, performed by the geometric indices: TINN, RRTRI, SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2 ratio. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between the protocols (SD1, pvalue = 0.022), moments (TINN, pvalue = 0.001; SD1, pvalue = 0.019; SD2, pvalue = 0.001; SD1/SD2, pvalue = 0.001) and moments vs. protocol interaction (SD1, pvalue = 0.019). The SD1 index pointed to acceleration of parasympathetic recovery in the first minutes after exercising (HP recovery after M3 [86.07 ± 32.31%] vs. CP recovery after M5[86.43 ± 24.56]) and increase in global variability (TINN-HP remained increased in longer, until M5 (M1 83.10 ± 55.76 ms to M5 116.82 ± 67.54 ms) vs. CP that remained increased for a short time, until M2 (M1 77.93 ± 68.56 ms to M2 134.82 ± 56.08 ms). Conclusions: In CAD patients, hydration promoted a more efficient recovery on parasympathetic autonomic modulation and increased the global HRV in the recovery period.
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Izvod: Cilj rada bio je preliminarno ispitivanje kvaliteta voda sa područja Rasinskog okruga (U01-U08) određivanjem standardnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara: temperature, pH-vrednosti, provodljivost, mutnoće i ukupne organske materije. Svi uzorci su bili bez mirisa i ukusa. Dobijeni rezultati za temperaturu, pH i provodljivost bili su u okviru vrednosti predviđenih Pravilnikom o kvalitetu vode za piće, osim pH vrednost uzorka U05. Povišena mutnoća zabeležena je u uzorku U03 (13,5 NTU). Na osnovu vrednosti za ukupne organske materije (1,2-5,5 mg O 2 /L) koje su bile u granicama dozvoljenih može se zaključiti da svi ispitivani uzorci pripadaju vodama prve (I) klase kvaliteta. Ključne reči: kvalitet vode, provodljivost, mutnoća, ukupne organske materije Uvod Voda predstavlja osnov života i primarni je sastojak svakog živog bića. Ljudsko telo se sastoji od 55-75% vode i taj procenat se mora odžavati kako bi organizam normalno funkcionisao. Prosečno, odrasla osoba treba da popije oko dva litra vode na dan kako bi nadoknadila prirodan gubitak tečnosti (znojenje, disanje…). Voda je neophodna za organizam jer reguliše telesnu temperaturu, uklanja štetne materije iz tela i transportuje hranljive materije što je od vitalnog značaja za ljudsko telo. Ukupna količina vode u telu se nalazi u izrazito dinamičkoj ravnoteži unutar i vanćelijskog prostora svake ćelije. Vanćelijska voda predstavlja vodu sadržanu u krvi, odnosno krvnoj plazmi, limfi, tkivnim tečnostima, hrskavici i kostima, kao i vodu u unutrašnjosti šupljih organa kao što su creva, želudac i bubrezi (Montain i sar., 2006). Zagađivanje vode za piće i utvrđivanje stepena njene zagađenosti mnogobrojnim mikrobiološkim i fizičkim agensima i raznovrsnim hemijskim supstancama (koji su u masovnoj upotrebi) postaje sve veći zdravstveni i opšte-društveni problem. Niz neorganskih, organskih i bioloških zagađenja poput visoko toksičnih metala (Demirak i sar., 2006) ili netoksičnog, biorazgradivog materijala (npr. otpaci hrane i fekalije u komunalnim otpadnim vodama) (Bain i sar., 2014) ugrožavaju kvalitet vode. Poznavanje fizičko-hemijskih parametara vode je veoma značajno za karakterizaciju tipa i kvaliteta vode (Koening i sar., 2010). Ovi parametri su vezivni faktori za opstanak organizama, pre svega flore i faune.
To investigate the ability of salivary osmolality to assess dehydration while subjects perform alternating work/rest cycles in personal protective equipment (PPE). Eight healthy men (mean ± standard deviation age: 23.5 ± 4.9 years; body fat: 17.8% ± 5.0%; maximum volume of oxygen consumption [VO(2max)]: 57.2 ± 5.5 mL·kg(-1)·min(-1)) performed two exercise trials: one while wearing shorts and a T-shirt (EX) and one while wearing firefighting PPE (EX+PPE). Saliva samples were taken before exercise, at minutes 40, 80, and 120 of the exercise trial, and during recovery. Percent body mass loss (BML) was significantly greater while the subjects were wearing PPE (2.18% ± 0.54% vs. control 0.81% ± 0.30%). Salivary osmolality increased significantly in both trials (73.4 ± 12.4 to 125.1 ± 30.3 mOsm·kg(-1) and 70.1 ± 12.5 to 83.6 ± 17.7 mOsm·kg(-1)); however, the increase in the EX+PPE trial was significantly greater than the increase in the EX trial. Plasma osmolality did not change significantly in either trial, whereas urinary osmolality increased significantly in both trials. Changes in salivary osmolality were strongly correlated with percent BML (r = 0.80; p < 0.01). Salivary osmolality may be a sensitive indicator of moderate dehydration under carefully controlled conditions.
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Hyperhydration or increasing body water content above normal euhydration) level was thought to have some benefit during exercise heat-stress; however; attempts to overdrink have been minimized by a rapid diuretic response. The perception that hyperhydration might be beneficial for exercise performance and for thermoregulation arose from the adverse consequences of hypohydration. Many studies had examined the effects of hyperhydration on thermoregulation in the heat; however most of them suffer from design problems that confound their results. The design problems included control conditions not representing euhydration but hypohydration, control conditions not adequately described, cold fluid ingestion that reduced core temperature, and/or changing heat acclimation status. Several investigators reported lower core temperatures during exercise after hyperhydration, while other studies do not. Some investigators reported higher sweating rates with]hyperhydration, while other studies do not. Recent research that controlled for these confounding variables reported that hyperhydration (water or glycerol) did not alter core temperature, skin temperature, whole body sweating rate, local sweating rate, sweating threshold temperature, sweating sensitivity, or heart rate responses compared to euhydration trial. If euhydration is maintained during exercise-heat stress then hyperhydration appears to have no meaningful advantage.
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Exercise-heat exposure results in significant sweat losses due to large biophysical requirements for evaporative heat loss. Progressive body water losses will increase plasma tonicity and decrease blood volume (hypertonic–hypovolemia). The result is reduced dry and evaporative heat exchange through alterations in the core temperature threshold for initiation of skin blood flow and sweating as well as changes in the sensitivity of these thermo-effectors. Regulation of reduced sweating conserves body water, which reduces heat loss and increases exercise hyperthermia, but the magnitude of this effect is modified by environmental heat transfer capabilities. The focus of this paper is to (1) examine the major mechanisms by which hypohydration alters thermoregulatory responses in the heat, and (2) illustrate how important differences in environmental airflow characteristics between laboratory and field settings may modify these effects.
This study assessed whether replacing sweat losses with sodium-free fluid can lower the plasma sodium concentration and thereby precipitate the development of hyponatremia. Ten male endurance athletes participated in one 1-h exercise pretrial to estimate fluid needs and two 3-h experimental trials on a cycle ergometer at 55% of maximum O 2 consumption at 34°C and 65% relative humidity. In the experimental trials, fluid loss was replaced by distilled water (W) or a sodium-containing (18 mmol/l) sports drink, Gatorade (G). Six subjects did not complete 3 h in trial W, and four did not complete 3 h in trial G. The rate of change in plasma sodium concentration in all subjects, regardless of exercise time completed, was greater with W than with G (−2.48 ± 2.25 vs. −0.86 ± 1.61 mmol ⋅ l ⁻¹ ⋅ h ⁻¹ , P = 0.0198). One subject developed hyponatremia (plasma sodium 128 mmol/l) at exhaustion (2.5 h) in the W trial. A decrease in sodium concentration was correlated with decreased exercise time ( R = 0.674; P = 0.022). A lower rate of urine production correlated with a greater rate of sodium decrease ( R = −0.478; P = 0.0447). Sweat production was not significantly correlated with plasma sodium reduction. The results show that decreased plasma sodium concentration can result from replacement of sweat losses with plain W, when sweat losses are large, and can precipitate the development of hyponatremia, particularly in individuals who have a decreased urine production during exercise. Exercise performance is also reduced with a decrease in plasma sodium concentration. We, therefore, recommend consumption of a sodium-containing beverage to compensate for large sweat losses incurred during exercise.
Dehydration by means of exercise, heat, diuretics, semistarvation, or a combination of these is common practice among competitors in weight class sports. Many studies have demonstrated a reduced aerobic work capacity following each of these forms of dehydration. The effects of these practices on performance that requires energy derived primarily from anaerobic sources is not well documented. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of progressive, acute, thermal dehydration on performance of an anaerobic criterion task. Eleven collegiate wrestlers performed the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) prior to and after each of the following mean weight losses: 2%, 4%, and 5%. Weight loss was induced by passive thermal dehydration (56°C, 15% RH). Approximately 2 h were required in the environmental chamber to lose the required weight at each stage. There was no significant change (P > 0.05) in the ability to perform the WAnT or its various indices at any stage of dehydration, nor were blood lactate concentrations post WAnT significantly different from predehydration levels. This suggests that anaerobic performance may not be impaired to the extent that aerobic performance is by passive, thermal dehydration to a 5% body weight loss. However, deleterious physiologic effects may result from dehydration practices even though performance levels are maintained.