
War on the River: Development of Joint Expeditionary Riverine Officers

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The Riverine community has brought to bear significant capabilities for the Joint force and to combat the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). The U.S. Navy's Riverine contribution fills a critical role for the Joint Force and has done so since its inception on 25 May 2006. This capability will be in jeopardy if the developmental process of growing Expeditionary Riverine Officers is not changed. With the development of a new Expeditionary Riverine Officer progression model and the incorporation of new combat leadership models throughout the Navy, the anticipated asymmetric threats of the future would be met with a competent joint maritime force. This new Expeditionary Riverine Officer force would be capable of meeting the Sea Service Commander's new Maritime strategy while ensuring the future joint war fighter remains enabled.

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  • Lcdr Matt Leigh
  • Andrews
CDR Gary Leigh and LCDR Matt Andrews, Twelve Boats for Anbar, Draft article submitted to Proceedings Magazine, August 18 2009, 1.
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  • Ibid
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  • Hancock
LT Daniel A. Hancock, "The Navy's Not Serious About Riverine Warfare", Proceedings Magazine, January 2008, Vol. 134/1/1,259, archieve/story.asp?STORY_ID=1310 (accessed December 14 2009).
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