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WiiMedia: Motion analysis methods and applications using a consumer video game controller


Abstract and Figures

"WiiMedia" is a study using the WiiRemote, a new consumer video game controller from Nintendo's, for media art, pedagogical applications, scientific research and innovative unprecedented entertainment systems. Normally, consumer hardwares, like standard controllers of new video game platforms, are closed to public developers. The Nintendo's WiiRemote however can be connected easily to an ordinary PC thanks to a BlueTooth adapter. Thus, public developers can access to the WiiRemote's acceleration and IR sensors via this wireless connection. We think it might enlarge the non-professional game development environment with a new innovative game controller. However, when we tried to develop our projects with the WiiRemote, we encountered many difficulties because the only data that can be captured are basic data and not the full player's motion. Through the WiiMedia project, with the development of a few applications, we developed some motion analysis methods using the WiiRemote. This paper describes case studies that include states of the arts and several motion analysis methods.
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WiiMedia: motion analysis methods and applications using a consumer video
game controller
Akihiko Shirai
ENSAM Presence & Innovation / JSPS
Erik Geslin
Simon Richir
ENSAM Presence & Innovation
”WiiMedia” is a study using the WiiRemote, a new consumer video
game controller from Nintendo’s, for media art, pedagogical appli-
cations, scientific research and innovative unprecedented entertain-
ment systems. Normally, consumer hardwares, like standard con-
trollers of new video game platforms, are closed to public develop-
ers. The Nintendo’s WiiRemote however can be connected easily
to an ordinary PC thanks to a BlueTooth adapter. Thus, public de-
velopers can access to the WiiRemote’s acceleration and IR sensors
via this wireless connection. We think it might enlarge the non-
professional game development environment with a new innovative
game controller. However, when we tried to develop our projects
with the WiiRemote, we encountered many difficulties because the
only data that can be captured are basic data and not the full player’s
motion. Through the WiiMedia project, with the development of a
few applications, we developed some motion analysis methods us-
ing the WiiRemote. This paper describes case studies that include
states of the arts and several motion analysis methods.
CR Categories: H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:
Interfaces—Input devices and strategies
Keywords: entertainment, video game, WiiRemote, media study
1 Introduction
Innovation and reform of game platforms occur every five years.
The three new consumer game platforms, Microsoft Xbox360,
Sony Playstation3 and Nintendo Wii have been released at the end
of 2006. In “the last warring state period” (2001), the main topic
was computer graphics performances. In this warring state period,
the main topic seems to be network services and human interfaces
of game controllers. Especially Nintendo Wii proposed a new at-
tractive idea the “WiiRemote” (a.k.a Wiimote or RVL-003), that
symbolizes a game play revolution.
From Nintendofs expectations, the new controller will attract “lost
markets” or “new users” taking woman and elderly into the new
product designs. Moreover some featured titles with motion inter-
faces, like “WiiSports”, may create some new market in the e-sports
However, entertainment systems have a destiny that will be tired
by monotonicity. To prevent it, the innovative user interface will
need to give a new amazing experience to the consumer through
new titles to continue to offer a new entertainment.
2 Concepts of “WiiMedia”
Wii will be “a mechanical emulator platform” that will support old
brilliant games, if Wii were not to release more brilliant expec-
tations and experiences than the video preview of GDC2005 and
launch titles. They must create the opportunity for the WiiRemote
to have an impact through the game titles by producers continually.
Concretely, if game designers would like to give badly-developed
impression to the players they can use the WiiRemote as “an input
device for timing” like...
A substitute of buttons
Just swinging actions
Violent actions that may give a heavy load
Highly difficult timing input
These “badly-developed utilization” will give an impression that
“Skillful players always can win”, a similar formula to the one
which has been used for the past 20 years. As a result, “lost users”
will be tired of this formula for the new games to come.
The important points for new users are “Do not need to get a win”
and also “Don’t play a game infinitely”. Probably, the objective of
game for them may be “enjoy a better life with getting experiences
using computers”. Now they just go out of the their way to play
with a new controller.
The main motivation for them is “get the new experiences”. Fol-
lowing this hypothesis, if game developers would like to attract
the users more effectively, they should focus on exploring “artis-
tic experiences” or “law of nature sciences” instead of “violence
and killing worlds”. Because current computer games are repre-
senting too lopsided worlds from the human life, people who have
interests for art and sciences cannot find satisfaction in games. For
such users, a badly-developed interaction is just a badly-thought
toy. “Creating new games by themselves” will be an easier way to
get a new experience than playing with this one.
Now we named this different computer entertainment activity as
”WiiMedia”. It views games as a media that can realize cre-
ative ideas, opening and suggesting new technologies to encour-
age to create various applications, allowing non-profit developers
like Sunday painters or authors to each realize “wellness”. In other
words, it brings us closer to media-arts and conventional games for
future entertainment.
It may be hard for the current game industry to accept the thought
of ”WiiMedia”. However, there are some common techniques, ap-
proaches and essences that are possible to apply to video games
directly. In fact, there are some cases in which media-arts affected
the video games industry.
In this article, we report some case studies of ”WiiMedia” with
some concrete applications as a first report. Concerning the tech-
nology, we describe usage, electronic circuit, motion analysis meth-
ods and contents development environment of the WiiRemote for
non-profit developers.
3 WiiMedia:Lead-up
3.1 Using WiiRemote on PC
After establishing a connection with the PC, we can test the WiiRe-
mote manipulation with some developed applications. The ”Wiin-
Remote” software is already supporting buttons, acceleration and
IR sensors being thus already enough to use the WiiRemote as a
presentation pointer [WiinRemote ]. ”GlovePIE” is an emulation
software for VR devices. It has a powerful script environment that
can describe emulation behaviors for keyboard, mouse, joystick and
MIDI [GlovePIE ]. It is useful if the user does not require other
programming. In the other case, there are some code examples and
applications running on MacOSX and Linux, based on the work
gathered on a website ””, which also has a big forum for
sharing such knowledges [WiiLi.ORG ].
Figure 1: Bluetooth connection of WiiRemote on DELL M2010
3.2 Possibilities and Limitations of Development
At programming level, full function meaning vibration, LEDs,
speaker and external port (including Nunchuk controller and inter-
nal memory) are possible to access through the HID driver. There
are no SDKs but a lot of hackers are trying to reveal WiiRemote
hardware making it more transparent than before. After release of
some utilities, the number of developers are increasing day by day.
The only worry is the gray legal zone in which such actions take
place. Nintendo might block the BlueTooth connection if someone
makes a lot of cheating methods to the game by using the same
method. However, main objectives of WiiMedia are not cheating.
The objective of cheating is “get a win easier” in stead of “create
new applications with the new controller”.
3.3 WiiMedia:“USB Sensorbar”
As the first step of the WiiMedia study, we developed a ”USB Sen-
sorbar” to separate ourselves from the proprietary video game con-
sole,the Wii. Originally, WiiRemote detects the ”Sensor Bar’” un-
der the TV screen to define an absolute position. Nintendo’s offi-
cial ”Sensor Bar” seems to be a sensing device but in fact it is a set
of Infrared LEDs whose wavelengths are around 900 nm, without
modulation. If we can take the power source (DC5V) to illuminate
IR-LEDs from an USB port, this will be sufficient for the WiiMe-
dia project and cost effective, instead of in the Wii console. Fig.2
shows an example of our USB Sensorbar.
3.4 WiiMedia:API
To access the WiiRemote easily, we developed WiiMedia API func-
tions. They are categorized as basic and utility functions. Basic
functions provide Open/Close to HID (Human Interface Device) of
Figure 2: “USB Sensorbar”
Bluetooth, thread management and some basic data handling func-
tions. Utility functions provide higher layer functions like data log-
ger, speculated gravity direction, posture of the WiiRemote, fre-
quency of capture, a motion classifier and some experimental eval-
uation functions. All codes are written in class oriented C language
for compatibility.
Figure 3: WiiMedia APIs
3.5 WiiMedia:Racing “AceSpeeder2Wii”
We tried to implement WiiMedia APIs in a racing game as a
first experimental application. AceSpeeder2 (AS2) is a typical
”Anti-Gravity” Sci-Fi racing game product running on PC plat-
form[Takahiro NAKATANI ]. We already used AS2 for scientific
research using new motion interfaces with computer vision tech-
niques like GPUVision and OpenCV[Shirai et al. 2006].
Figure 4: “AceSpeeder2”
3.6 Motion control for driving games
The original control of AS2 is very simple. Left and right handling
with a digital input and acceleration with a button. When a player
double clicks on the acceleration button it generates a boost.
We tried to realize a robust design for racing games without any
”button operation” thanks to the WiiRemote. Players would grab
the WiiRemote’s cross key by the right side of the controller, then
slant WiiRemote left and right to input the handling. To accelerate,
a player moves the WiiRemote to his chest. When the player moves
it as far away as possible, it brakes. When the WiiRemote is set
with its left side on a table, it makes the game to pause.
While in the game, all functions are implemented by WiiMedia
APIs. Especially for the boosting, we used the Magnitude func-
tion of our APIs to shake the WiiRemote. We also realized some
hardware effects with our APIs like showing left shield power with
WiiRemote’s LEDs and feedback with vibrators when the player
vehicle is getting damaged.
Figure 5: Controlling of WiiMedia:Racing “AceSpeeder2Wii”
3.7 Conflicting with game Physics
We made a public examination on Laval Virtual 2007, with hun-
dreds of people testing our controlling method. As a result, we
observed most players can play the game without detailed expla-
nations. We think the method is a good representation for Anti-
Gravity racing with precise information instead of digital pad or
However, this characteristic revealed a new problem. It is conflict-
ing with the game physics. For example, in the real world, car
drivers may not control their cars to make rounding left or right
turns the same way because when they try to turn the wheel hard
and suddenly, on the real car in real physics, they feel the physi-
cal limitations of the real world through their hands. However, in
our examination, there are some players who swung the WiiRemote
rapidly or turned it over 90 degrees.
A better sensibility of the WiiRemote in the application program
seems to be a solution to the problem, but it is not that simple. In
fact, the sensibility directly affects the game difficulties,the physical
parameters of each vehicles and the base modeling of game physics.
It may be a problem for the new generation of video game con-
soles using wireless motion controllers like WiiRemote. We think
it should be corrected with feed-backs of force, vibration and/or
sounds, to tell the difference in the player’s input and game physics.
4 WiiMedia:“Papier Poupee Painter”
4.1 Concept
We describe a drawing software, Papier-Poupee-Painter (PPP) as
our second case study. Development of drawing softwares like Kid-
Pix and Tux Paint are very interesting. Drawing, a typical creative
activity, is possible to do with traditional pigments. However if
we can create a drawing software which can provide a computer
augmented experiment and creativity, there is a significance that is
only realized with computer interactions. Also if an art media can
be composed of WiiRemote, a new video game controller, with at-
tractive pleasure representation, it may generate a new game genre
and increase the computer game majority.
However, there are quite a lot of requirements when focusing on
“for kids” applications. There are some previous works with com-
puter drawing creation in video games. Igarashi and his 3D graffiti
engine, “Teddy” is applied to “Graffiti Kingdom / Magic Pengel”
(TAITO, 2001) and “Amazing Island” (SEGA, 2004) to generate
player’s favorite creatures from their own drawings. It is an good
idea, but the analog pads needed for precise manipulation for draw-
ings made it quite difficult for smaller children.
In the examples on PC platforms, there are some human-interface
techniques that limit the functions for children to for example sim-
ple tools like a stamp tool or thick pens. However, the method
may form “careless painter kids” in the future. Because when we
use pastel or crayon on the actual paper, we need to manage draw-
ing force, a direction and adhesion of pigments instead of a mouse
This project, WiiMedia:PPP supposed infancy users, an age group
of 3 to 5 years old. This generation can understand an object on the
screen in an interactive system as “something changeable by me”
but sometime they cannot understand the operation of mouse and
GUI pallets (varies between individuals). They mainly draw sym-
bols, coloring, numbers, alphabets and primitive shapes like vehi-
cles without scenography. Also the treatment of paper and pigments
are important but they often play with pigments when the adults do
not watch them.
4.2 Papier Poupee Painter
We propose the “Papier Poupee Painter”, art media drawing soft-
ware which can arouse children’s imaginations. The painting ma-
terial should be robust, enduring ,attractive and playful for children
as a interaction, but one can realize new interactions instead of us-
ing a mouse. Concretely, the painting material using WiiRemote
was dressed with “Poupee” (french for doll for children in a secu-
rity blanket). The drawing system has a realistic drawing stroke
Figure 6: Drawing material of Papier Poupee Painter.
4.3 Realistic drawing stroke simulator
Murakami had developed a realistic drawing software that can
simulate paper texture with strokes of several pigments in real-
time[Kyoko Murakami 2006]. This technique originally came
from Non Photo-realistic Rendering (NPR) but it is a very realistic
method to represent an importance of paper and pigments utiliza-
tion. The method obtains a height map of each paper media from
12 different illuminated photographs. On the real-time stroking en-
gine, it selects which height map is used according to a drawing
direction, and pigments are deposited on the height map. It also
supports tilt, azimuth, pressure and position of brush from a high
end tablet. In the PPP project, we apply this technique to obtain the
position and pressure of player with WiiRemote’s acceleration and
IR sensors.
4.4 Position detection limitations of WiiRemote
The WiiRemote device has a two dimensional Infrared (IR) position
sensor. However, it has three issues to create drawing software.
First, the output coordinate of IR sensor is not an absolute 3D co-
ordinates. Normally, IR sensor of WiiRemote output relative 2D
coordinates (IrX, IrY). It means the center of gravity of IR intensity
instead of pixel image matrix. Ideally, it should be a linear mapping
like a laser pointers but it has a distortion. It also supports to detect
1-4 IR points (2 points with a stability). Thus we can estimate depth
(PZ) with geometry and distance of 2 groups of IR LEDs.
The second issue is a limitation of area by view of IR sensor. The IR
sensor of the WiiRemote is about 36 degrees by our measurement.
For instance, if we align WiiRemote to the two IR-LEDs directly,
there is a safe area that can detect 2 LEDs safely (Fig.8). On the
plane of Z=1200mm, the width of range is only 800mm (A 4 years
old child can take 900mm width for left to right hand in maximum).
Making it a big issue that should be resolved.
Lastly, there seems to be a specific issue of WiiMedia:PPP. It is
difficult to make an action of “drawing on the screen” with WiiRe-
mote as a pen. The reason is a location between WiiRemote and
USB sensor bar. Thus we solve this issue by installing IR-LEDs on
a ceiling or a floor; or reduce the distance between two IR-LEDs.
4.5 Position analysis with correction
Fig.8 shows the value of IR coordinates (IrX, IrY) change widely
with the depth (PosZ). For example, if the WiiRemote outputs “IrX”
= 768, the physical position (PosX, PosZ) might be (0,660), (-
330,1000), (-330,2310), (-660,3000). Also there are no guaranties
that the WiiRemote has no rotation on the Y-axis. In fact, IR sen-
Figure 7: Appearance of paper texture for real pastel strokes from
different directions (top). Murakami’s pigment adhesion model
with height map from a light source for a paper (middle). The ef-
fects of a pressure interpolation (bottom).
Figure 8: Measurement of WiiRemote’s Infrared coordinates on
Y=0 plane. A data line means same set of PosX. Unmarked points
mean the outside of sensor’s view range.
sors can possibly be used to obtain relative coordinates instead of
an absolute position directly. This may limit the interaction using
WiiRemote with the IR sensor.
Figure 9: Calibration for IR coordinates to absolute coordinates.
We tried to obtain more precise absolute positions with IR coor-
dinates (IrX1, IrY1, IrX2, IrY2) and known distances between a
couple of IR-LED groups (d=200mm). Fig.9 Left shows the dif-
ference of each IrX (IrZ = |IrX 1IrX 1|). Then it shows a same
curve in several PosZ plane. It also shows an inverse proposition
(Z=k/X). To obtain the factor k, substitute a static value, 200mm as
a distance between LEDs (Fig.9 Right). Then we can say the factor
k is a linear function of PosZ. Finally, we can get the actual position
PosZ from the differences of IrX1 and IrX2 (Fig.10 Right).
Figure 10: Calibration result for depth.
The detected depth is used as the pressure on the pen. The stroking
engine supports other inputs like rotation and direction of pen
which should be tried in the future. To test the advantage of Wi-
iMedia:PPP, we have shown it on Laval Virtual 2007 to the general
public. To evaluate our several detection methods, we sometimes
switched the input modes as below.
1. Acceleration sensors only
2. Normal usage of WiiRemote
3. IR sensor facing to down
We watched how many seconds the players played with the meth-
ods. Normally if a method is attractive, the playing time will be
longer than for the other methods.
During the evaluation, infancy girls were more curious about it than
boys. However, some infancy children were scared of the new in-
teractive system. In the expo place, it was dark, making it a little
difficult to show a tangible toy for drawing.
As the result of the evaluation for input methods, (1) the accelera-
tion sensor was the most frequently played a long time. The reason
is simple and easy. Most players, including adults, normally do
not have any object to draw something. So to swing and see the
behavior of pigment is a sort of good play (Fig.11). It might be a
different result if we were to use an other condition like back pro-
jection screen or plasma display as tabletop. Also if the system has
some other tasks and interactions like a coloring, sound feedback
or narrative, the usage will be extend.
Figure 11: A result of an infancy child on “Papier Poupee Painter”
To conclude this chapter, we note another idea to enlarge the de-
tection area of IR sensor (Fig.12. It is a polar coordinate method
using gravity detection by acceleration sensors. This method is not
limited in the direct position, so the movement area is larger than
woth a normal usage of the WiiRemote. In fact, this method is spe-
cialized for WiiMedia:PPP with method (3). Because there is no
motion sensor axis on the WiiRemote that can detect this rotation
in the normal usage.
Figure 12: An new idea of new position detection with Infrared and
gravity detection acceleration sensors (right).
5 WiiMedia: JaWii’s Virtual Fencing
This chapter describes a case study of a sword fighting game with
Wiimedia’s acceleration and analysis studies.
Alfred JARRY (1873-1907) is a famous dramatist from Laval city
in France. He was also famous for his classic sword play. In 2007,
Laval city had an idea to show a creation of Alfread JARRY with
virtual reality techniques to mark the centennial of his death, result-
ing in us working with them to realize it.
The idea was to create a small game system to explain the classic
sword play to the public. In the beginning, we thought about using
a magnetic motion capture device for VR. But even if it is a precise
device, it is also fragile and expensive. Especially in past works
Figure 13: Alfred JARRY and his classic sword play
of our interactive systems, we had a sword play game system us-
ing a magnetic sensors but it limits players’ activity and also looks
breakable. Through such experiences, we decided to apply the Wi-
iRemote to this project. It would be very cost effective, attractive
for the public and lower the potentiality of breaking.
Figure 14: System diagram of “JaWii’s Virtual Fencing”
The game system is very simple. When a player swings the WiiRe-
mote, the player character can attack JaWii, an imitated character
of Alfred JARRY. The goal of the play is not to be defeated by him.
JaWii shows a lot of classic sword play motions during the play.
The animation is from a professional fencing player with Metamo-
tion’s Gypsy mechanical motion capture (Fig.16).
5.1 Motion capturing and analysis for sword play
To develop JaWii’s system, we had to compare several methods to
detect players’ motions. Finally there are only 3 motions which are
detected now, however in the beginning, there were other actions
like height differences allowing several heights of engagement.
The main priority of the analysis method is its response time and
focusing to the magnitude of acceleration. We compared several
algorithms to get better results. The best way for sword play is
creating an evaluation function to watch the magnitude of WiiRe-
mote variables and detect a representing target vector of a targeted
However, it is very hard work to define the target vectors for each
target motion. Also the output of WiiRemote’s acceleration has a
defect. Fig17 is an attacking motion in 3D vector graph with a
Figure 15: Screen shot of“JaWii’s Virtual Fencing”
Figure 16: Collaboration with professional fencing player on clas-
sic fencing motion archiving
Figure 17: Reconstructure of 3D position with acceleration sensors.
Blue arrows (lower acceleration in the end of one swing) are lost
parts of detection.
recorded acceleration data and estimated position by integral of ac-
celeration. In the beginning of the motion, the behavior is sharpen
but in the end of each swinging motion, it shows a lack part colored
by blue. We guess the force in this part is under the minimum de-
tection of WiiRemote or a noise cutting filter for gravity canceling
is cut from the value.
Also there are other issues for detection. Sometimes “the standard
handling” of WiiRemote is different for each player. Then if we
define a strict vector as a target, it may be difficult for other play-
ers. For example, an acceleration path of a professional sword-man
play player is very sharp, instead of smooth curve found with nor-
mal players. If the WiiRemote twists in the motion, the vector also
twists. That is also a reason why we should focus to see the magni-
tude instead of each acceleration coordinates.
Figure 18: Optical motion capture data by several swinging motions
with WiiRemote of the attack front, left and right. Red colored
arrows are defined by a evaluation function for a target vector.
In this case, we compared the data outputs to analyze a behavior of
WiiRemote position and acceleration with an optical motion cap-
ture (Fig.5.1). The captured motions are “Attack Front”, “Attack
Left” and “Attack Right” with the little differences of the path of
swinging. It was very difficult to classify only with WiiRemote.
But now we can design an evaluation functions with the path of
motion capture data. In our case of sword play, the allowance for
each motions are not strict. If the system misunderstands a “attack
left” motion as “attack front” in 10 percent for inputs, it may not be
critical. Because, an important action like “special attack” should
have a sharper magnitude then other actions even in normal life.
Estimating the magnitude is also important to define the level of
attack, but it is also important to integrate it with graphic anima-
tions. The synchronization feelings are better with the best fitted
animation playback speed to player’s continuous motions. A strong
magnitude means a faster motion or a longer stroke. If we do not
care about that, a player inputs a same motion continuously but the
animation behavior on the screen always seems to be late. A small
motion input should be assigned to a small animation to fit the du-
6 Conclusion
As a first study of WiiMedia, we developed three applications for
several user categories The first application is ”AceSpeeder2Wii”
for teens. It is a basic usage of the WiiMedia:APIs on an actual
game product. It also told us a new problem which is movements
conflicting with physics, with wireless game controllers.
The second one is ”Papier Poupee Painter”, an real-time paper and
stroke simulation drawing software with a doll interface. The input
methods for drawing will be useful in the game industry. It should
be further developed in order to establish a better way of interaction.
Also it is very interesting to improve the drawing software using a
competence of paper and stroke simulation engine and WiiRemote.
Figure 19: Player testing of “JaWii’s Virtual Fencing”
The third one is ”JaWii’s Virtual Fencing” for 7 to 12 years old
children. It is a sword play fighting action game with a famous
dramatist Alfred JARRY. Especially it was created with a city and
a professional fencing player to archive a classic sword play with
real-time animations.
There are a lot of problems in the motion detection with the WiiRe-
mote. In this article, it was described as precise information with
some solutions and ideas.
7 Future work
The WiiMedia project is just getting started. We will continue to
improve our techniques especially for motion and position detec-
tion. For better motion detection, some machine learning algorithm
will be useful. For example, Support Vector Machine (SVM) or
context learning like hand writing recognition techniques may be
On the other side, now we have some applications that use the Wi-
iRemote. We have basic APIs, utility APIs and Virtools building
block codes. They will be given as open source to share the knowl-
edge. In fact, a lot of students in our laboratory used WiiRemote for
their projects. I would be very happy if this article and knowledge
may help a project that is motivated with a new human interface in
entertainment like the WiiRemote.
8 Acknowledgement
This research was partially supported by JSPS (Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science) and city of Laval(Project JaWii). We
would like to express our thanks to Kyoko Murakami (Papier-
PoupeePainter), Takahiro Nakatani (AceSpeeder2), Benoit Pince-
maille (JaWii’s motion, supervising of escreme), E.Kako (HID
driver), Gill Van Herzele, Alexandre El Ayoubi and all students in
MNRV, especially Mehdi Saleh.
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... Geertsema et al. [2] portrays how people with convulsive seizures can be saved from sudden death if the movement can be predicted. Studies [3,4] have Gaurav Kumar Yadav Extended author information available on the last page of the article. ...
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Predicting human motion based on past observed motion is one of the challenging issues in computer vision and graphics. Existing research works are dealing with this issue by using discriminative models and showing the results for cases that follow a homogeneous distribution (in distribution) and not discussing the issues of the domain shift problem, where training and testing data follow a heterogeneous (out of distribution) problem, which is the reality when such models are used in practice. However, recent research proposed addressing domain shift issues by augmenting the discriminative model with a generative model and obtained better results. In the present investigation, we propose regularizing the extended network by inserting linear layers to minimize the rank of the latent space and train the entire end-to-end network. We regularize the network to strengthen the model to deal effectively with domain shift scenarios. Both training and testing data come from different distribution sets; to deal with this, we toughen our network by adding the extra linear layers to the network encoder. We tested our model with the benchmark datasets, CMU Motion Capture and Human3.6M, and proved that our model outperforms 14 OoD actions of H3.6M and 7 OoD actions of CMU MoCap in terms of the Euclidean distance calculated between predicted and ground truth joint angle values. Our average results of 14 OoD actions for short-term (80, 160, 320, 400) are 0.34, 0.6, 0.96, 1.07, and for CMU MoCap of 7 OoD actions for short-term and long term (80, 160, 320, 400, 1000) are 0.28, 0.45, 0.77, 0.89, 1.46. All these results are much better than the other state-of-the-art results.
... It is a primary task that recognizes human simple actions based on the complete actions in a video. It plays a key role in many domains and applications including intelligent visual surveillance [1,2], video retrieval, gaming [3], home behavior analysis, entertainment, autonomous driving vehicle, human-robot interaction, health care and ambient assisted living [4,5]. Human action recognition in video includes various tasks like human detection, pose estimation, human tracking, and analysis. ...
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Abstract Multi activity-multi object recognition (MAMO) is a challenging task in visual systems for monitoring, recognizing and alerting in various public places, such as universities, hospitals and airports. While both academic and commercial researchers are aiming towards automatic tracking of human activities in intelligent video surveillance using deep learning frameworks. This is required for many real time applications to detect unusual/suspicious activities like tracking of suspicious behaviour in crime events etc. The primary purpose of this paper is to render a multi class activity prediction in individuals as well as groups from video sequences by using the state-of-the-art object detector You Look only Once (YOLOv3). By optimum utilization of the geographical information of cameras and YOLO object detection framework, a Deep Landmark model recognize a simple to complex human actions on gray scale to RGB image frames of video sequences. This model is tested and compared with various benchmark datasets and found to be the most precise model for detecting human activities in video streams. Upon analysing the experimental results, it has been observed that the proposed method shows superior performance as well as high accuracy.
... Owing to the recent development and an increase in the demand of smart wearable devices such as smartwatches, which contain various sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, sensor data collected from these sensors are expected to be used in a wide variety of applications that employ the movements of body parts [1], [9], [17], [18], [20]. For example, recent studies have made use of smartwatches as video game controllers, hand drawing devices, hand writing devices, gestural input devices for IoT/CPS, activity recognition for context-aware applications, controllers for virtual reality (VR) applications, and remote communication using sign language [6], [11], [19], [21]. ...
Conference Paper
Inertial sensor data collected from wearable smart devices such as smartwatches are expected to be used in various smart applications such as video game controllers, hand drawing, hand writing, gestural input devices, human activity recognition, and remote communication using sign language. However, since the maximum sampling rate of inertial sensors in commercial smartwatches is restricted, capturing fine-grained body movements using the low-sampled signals is difficult for these sensors. Therefore, this study proposes a new method for generating high sampling rate signals from the low-sampled signals by upsampling the low-sampled signals using interpolation with an artificial neural network. Because it is impossible to obtain "non-existent" data from low-sampled signals according to the information theory, we estimate these data from experience, i.e., using high-sampled signals prepared in advance for training. This is possible because trajectories of a sensor are restricted by the skeletal structure of the body part to which the sensor is attached.
... As games are often at the forefront of technology, there are many examples of the use of game-based technology for other purposes. This can range from the use of game hardware, such as controllers [39] and other input devices [27], to the use of game software, such as using game engines, for the development of general interactive software and simulations [32,40,47]. One class of scientific games, biotic games, even aims to advance scientific lab equipment by using it as game hardware [36]. ...
Conference Paper
Scientific software is often developed with professional scientists in mind, resulting in complex tools with a steep learning curve. Citizen science games, however, are designed for citizen scientists---members of the general public. These games maintain scientific accuracy while placing design goals such as usability and enjoyment at the forefront. In this paper, we identify an emerging use of game-based technology, in the repurposing of citizen science games to be software tools for professional scientists in their work. We discuss our experience in two such repurposings: Foldit, a protein folding and design game, and Eyewire, a web-based 3D neuron reconstruction game. Based on this experience, we provide evidence that the software artifacts produced for citizen science can be useful for professional scientists, and provide an overview of key design principles we found to be useful in the process of repurposing.
This last chapter presents a few different VR applications in vehicle simulation, manufacturing, and entertainment.
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The task of predicting human motion is complicated by the natural heterogeneity and compositionality of actions, necessitating robustness to distributional shifts as far as out-of-distribution (OoD). Here we formulate a new OoD benchmark based on the Human3.6M and CMU motion capture datasets, and introduce a hybrid framework for hardening discriminative architectures to OoD failure by augmenting them with a generative model. When applied to current state-of-theart discriminative models, we show that the proposed approach improves OoD robustness without sacrificing in-distribution performance. We suggest human motion predictors ought to be constructed with OoD challenges in mind, and provide an extensible general framework for hardening diverse discriminative architectures to extreme distributional shift. The code is available at https: //
Emerging research from the learning sciences and human-computer interaction supports the premise that learning is effective when it is embodied, collaborative, and multimodal. In response, we have developed a mixed-reality environment called the Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory (SMALLab). SMALLab enables multiple students to interact with one another and digitally mediated elements via 3D movements and gestures in real physical space. It uses 3D object tracking, real time graphics, and surround-sound to enhance learning. We present two studies from the earth science domain that address questions regarding the feasibility and efficacy of SMALLab in a classroom context. We present data demonstrating that students learn more during a recent SMALLab intervention compared to regular classroom instruction. We contend that well-designed, mixed-reality environments have much to offer STEM learners, and that the learning gains transcend those that can be expected from more traditional classroom procedures.
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Omni-directional locomotion systems are yet of little advantage in virtual environments (VEs) with limited large display system, where users may experience visual-less situations when they move in a direction that is not covered by the large screen. This paper presents a new omni-directional locomotion interface based on step-in-place movement and a smart-turntable system to impart users with the ability to move freely in any direction within VEs without loosing sight of the displayed images despite their projection on a limited large screen that do not provide surrounding or 360° visual feedback. A sensor-embedded turntable is used as a walking platform, on top of which users will stand at its center to perform walk in place and turn in place movements to steer their navigation through the virtual environment. However, as a large turn action may put the screen outside user's visual field of view, the turntable will cancel user's turnings by a smooth and passive rotation in the opposite direction so as to keep user oriented toward the center of the screen. The novelty of the interface is that a) it uses a smart-turntable as walking platform that compensate users' rotations rather than their displacements b) no cable attachments are made to the user body c) user can make many full body rotations without loosing sight of the environment, virtually providing a surrounding display despite the use of limited size screen.
The project presents a new locomotion interface for virtual environment with large display system. Users will be able to direct and control the traveling in the VE by in-place stepping and turning actions. Using a turntable technology, Visual feedback is continuously provided though the use of screen of limited size.
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This paper presents models for graphite pencil, drawing paper, blenders, and kneaded eraser that produce realistic looking pencil marks, textures, and tones. Our models are based on an observation of how lead pencils interact with drawing paper, and on the absorptive and dispersive properties of blenders and erasers interacting with lead material deposited over drawing paper. The models consider parameters such as the particle composition of the lead, the texture of the paper, the position and shape of the pencil materials, and the pressure applied to them. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach with a variety of images and compare them to digitized pencil drawings. We also present image-based rendering results implementing traditional graphite pencil tone rendering methods.