... and show.v. accurate, ambiguous, apparent, apparently, audible, axiomatic, blatant, blatantly, blurred, blurry, certainly , clarify, clarity, clear, clearly, confused, confusing , conspicuous, crystal-clear, dark, definite, definitely, demonstrably, discernible, distinct, evident , evidently, explicit, explicitly, flagrant, fuzzy, glaring, imprecise, inaccurate, lucid, manifest, manifestly , markedly, naturally, notable, noticeable, obscure, observable, obvious, obviously, opaque, openly, overt, patently, perceptible, plain, precise, prominent, self-evident, show, show up, significantly, soberly, specific, straightforward, strong, sure, tangible , transparent, unambiguous, unambiguously, uncertain, unclear, undoubtedly, unequivocal, unequivocally , unspecific, vague, viewable, visibility, visible, visibly, visual, vividly, well, 1 woolly The semantic information in FrameNet (FN) is broadly useful for problems such as entailment (Ellsworth and Janin, 2007; Aharon et al., 2010) and knowledge base population (Mohit and Narayanan, 2003; Christensen et al., 2010; Gregory et al., 2011 ), and is of general enough interest to language understanding that substantial effort has focused on building parsers to map natural language onto FrameNet frames (Gildea and Jurafsky, 2002; Das and Smith, 2012). In practice, however, FrameNet's usefulness is limited by its size. ...