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ED 224 268
EC 150 655
Rubenzer, Ronald L.
Educating the Other Half: Implications of Left/Right
Brain Research.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted
Children, Reston, Va.
National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.
The Council for Exceptional Children, Publication
Sales, 1920 Association Dr., Reston, VA 22091
(Publication No. 264, $4.00).
Information Analyses ERIC Information Analysis
Products (071) -- Branch Around (888)
MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage.
*Cerebral Dominance; Cognitive Processes;
*Disabilities; *Educational Research; Elementary
Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Learning
Activities; *Learning Disabilities; *Learning
Processes; Literature Reviews; Stimulation; *Teaching
ABSTRACT The document looks at left/right brain research as it
relates to learning styles and teaching styles, particularly in
special education. An initial section on brain basics covers the
history of brain research, methods of investigation, cerebral
dominance, divisions of labor of the bifunctional brain, language and
related functions, bilingualism, learning styles, traditional
education and the single brain, and emotions and the brain. A second
section considers the need to integrate both convergent
left-hemisphere modes in learning experiences. Another section
examines determinants of neurologically based learning styles
including the impact of age, sex, and handedness on left or right
brain learning style preference. The effects of kelaxation and diet
upon brain functioning is the topic of the fourth section. The fifth
section discusses findings relative to the study of learning
disabilities, mental health, and creativity. Methods for educational
assessment of learning styles are reviewed, such as the Structure of
Intellect Learning Abilities Test and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children-Revised. Steps toward dealing with the whole child in
the educational system should incorporate consideration of teachers'
verbal and nonverbally expressed attitudes, relaxation strategies,
general strategies which more fully involve the brain in learning,
and curricular strategies which promote integrated processing of
information. Following a summary and a list of implications for
education are appendixes which contain 35 activities to stimulate
integrated/right brain processes and a brief report on the
deprivation of estimates for national prevalence of right brain
children. (SW)
co Educating
the Other Half:
Implications of
L. Rubenzer Left/Right
Brain Research
A product of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children
The Council for Exceptional Children
Ronald L. Rubenzer is State Coordinator of Gifted Education in the
Special Education Unit, New Mexico State Department of Education,
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
A publication of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted
Children. Publication Date, 1982.
The Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive,
Reston, Virginia 22091
The material in this publication was prepared pursuant to
contract no. 400-81-0031 with the National Institute of
Education, U.S. Department of Education. Contractors
undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged
to express freely their judgment in professional and technical
matters. Prior to publication, the manuscript was critically reviewed
for determination of professional quality. Points of view or opinions,
however, do not necessarily represent the official view or opinions of
either the clearintihouse's parent organization or the National Institute
of Education.
ISBN 0-86586-141-2
Cover design by Angie Culfogienis
Brain Basics 3
History of Brain Research 3
Methods of Investigation 4
Dominance 4
Divisions of Labor 4
Language and Related Functions 5
Bilingualism 6
Learning Styles 7
Traditional Education and the Single Brain 7
Emotions and the Brain 8
Communication Between the Hemispheres 8
Determinants of Neurologically Based Learning Styles 10
The Impact of Age, Sex, and Handedness on Left or 10
Right Brain Learning Style Preference
Age 10
Sex 12
Handedness 13
The Effects of Relaxation and Diet Upon Brain Functioning 13
Relaxation 13
Diet 14
Learning Disabi/ities, Mental Health, Creativity: 15
Related Brain Research
Learning Disabilities 15
Mental Health 16
Creativity 17
Educational Assessment of Learning Styles 19
Toward Whole-Child Education 22
Teacher Attitude 22
Relaxation Strategies 23
General Strategies 23
Curricular Strategies 24
Implications for Education
Appendices 29
A. 35 Activities to Stimulat, Integrated/Right Brain 30
B. Derivation of Estimates for National Prevalence of 33
Right Brain Children
References 34
How well can the brain understand itself? This question may prove to
be the most intriguing, challenging, and critical query ever raised.
The degree to which we can answer this question may determine the
limit of our evolution as a species, for the key to our destiny lies
in our understanding of the creative functions and aberrant dysfunc-
tions of the brain. The highly prestigious Nobel Prize for Medicine
(1981) was awarded to Roger Sperry, David Hubel, and Torsten Wiesel
for their significant and innovative contributions to the field of
brain research (Facts on File, 1981). The award emphatically high-
lighted the timely significance of unravelling the intricate myster-
ies of the brain.
The primary educational rationale for studying the relationship
between brain structure/functions and human behavior stems from the
potentially significant contributions of brain research to the fields
of education in general and special education in particular. Useful
and even predictive models of cognitive and affective functioning and
dysfunctioning could be constructed with unparalleled precision by
studying the neurological basis for these mental processes.
Traditionally, psychoeducational theories have been built upon
the results of paper/pencil tests. Test performance is typically
influenced to varying degrees by such factors as: a) the accuracy
and consistency of the test measures, b) the level of expertise of
the examiner, and c) the characteristics of the examinee (e.g., stress
level, attitude, fatigue, cultural, and educational experiences). By
measuring the brain's activity during intellectual/emotional perfor-
mance, the influence of the aforementioned factors could be accurately
accounted for or even circumvented, leading to great advances in the
understanding of the brain mechanisms involved in learning abilities/
disabilities, behavioral disorders, creative genius, and other impor-
tant mental processes. Through brain studies, an unprecedentedly clear
picture of the biological bases for intellectual and emotional func-
tions will be obtained, establishing a strong research foundation for
the development of highly effective psychometric, pedagogical, and
remediational techniques.
A secondary, yet more immediate, justification for turning our at-
tention to left/right brain research is the need to close the gap that
exists between predominantly left brain teaching strategies and right
brain learning styles that exist in education today. Based on what is
c.rrently known about brain dominance as related to various individual
characteristics (age, sex, handedness, learning/behavioral abilities/
disabilities, bilingualism), it can be conservatively estimated that
nationally there are between two million and three million students in
grades K-12 who are predominantly right brain in their learning style.
(The derivation of these estihotes appears in the Appendix.) In every
regular education classroom there are probably at least two students who
are right brain dominant in their apProach to understanding.and master-
ing information. Students who are creatively talented in visual and
performing arts, as well as those who are learning or behaviorally handi-
capped, would be included in this sizableAninority.
Since the teaching profession '5elective1y favors individuals who are
successful in left brain thinking alid teachtn9, a disharmony,between
left brain teaching methods and right brain learning styles assuredly
exists on a national level. Right brafn children in our left, brain edu-
cational system undoubtedly experience\frustration,in the classroom.
"Turned off" by their inability to learntomfortably and/or be under-
stood by left brain oriented teachers, they may eventually join the ever-
enlarging pool of dropouts or enter the ranks of "student burnouts."
The loss of potential personal and societal contributions of these mil-
lions of children may be more than our nation can tolerate. Sensitive
to the discordance between traditional left brain teaching methods and
right brain learning styles of many children, the Japanese school sys-
tem at the preschool to fourth grade level is systematically and con-
certedly developing right brain thinking abilities using the Structure
of Intellect approach (Meeker, 1981).
A further educational contribution of left/rignt brain research
will be the identification of new teaching methods that are particu-
larly effective in enhancing creative thinking in all students. Re-
search indicates that right brain processing plays an indispensable role
in creative thinking (Gowan, 1972) and that the "creative mode" can be
greatly facilitated through inducing deep levels of relaxation (Green,
Green, & Walters, 1970). Teaching relaxation in the classroom setting
may indeed powerfully augment the teacher's skill in nurturing--and
even stimulating--the creative process in every student.
Teaching strategies that do not address both left and right brains
will contribute to lopsided development of individuals. It is common
knowledge that we are tapping only the tip of the brain's "potential
iceberg." Furthermore, in order to equip the future citizens of the
21st century with the skills to creatively use the vast information
storage, retrieval, and manipulation capacities (all left brain pro-
cesses) of the computer, it is imperative that educators today under-
stand and cultivate right brain creative processing skills so that
these students will be able to maximally exploit the computer's left
brain potential. Our future depends not so much on how much informa-
tion we have but how creatively we can put that information to use.
Brain studies may well provide answers that will allow us to more fully
cultivate and further develop our mental capacities to the benefit of
society and perhaps even all mankind.
The human brain, composed of about 10 billion cells, is divided nearly
equally between the left and the right hemispheres, which are intercon-
nected by a neural bridge (corpus collasum) (Lightman, 1982). Generally,
most of the information processed by the left hemisphere is received
from the right sensory field and, respectively, information processed-by
the right hemisphere is received from the left sensory field. It grows
at a phenomenal rate of a quarter million cells per minute during pre-
natal development (Cowan, 1979) and weighs about 50 ounces at maturity.
Ounce per ounce the brain requires 10 times more oxygen than any other
bodily organ (Kety, 1979), produces its own painkillers (enkephalins),
and even generates about 12 watts of electrical power (Iversen, 1979).
We more thoroughly understand the dynamics of electricity than the in-
tricacies of the mind. The brain represents the most mysteriously com-
plex living organ on earth.
History of Brain Research
Although the relationship between damage to the left side of the head
and resultant language impairment was noted several thousand years ago
by the Egyptians (Pribram, 1977), the first clearly documented account
of the idea of hemispheric specialization of function was attributed to
Goethe in 1796 in his description of the association between lesions in
the left hemisphere and the inability to speak. Marc Oax is credited
with presenting the first formal theory of localization of speech in
the left hemisphere in 1811 (Goodglass & Quadfasel, 1954), followed by
Broca in 1865 (Eccles, 1973), who also forwarded a theory of speciali-
zation of the left hemisphere for speech. In 1866, Jackson performed
the first medical investigation to determine the relationship between
brain lesions and aphasia (Hinsie & Campbell, 1960). Roger Sperry's
most significant "split brain" experiments in the 1950's marked an up-
surge in hemisphericity research that has continued to grow over the
last three decades. Sperry's studies (1974a) revealed that when the
neural bridge (corpus collasum), physically connecting and relaying
neural signals between the two hemispheres, was cut (to reduce seizure
activity in epileptic patients), the left and right brains functioned
nearly independently in receiving and controlling various types of
stimuli. Stimuli received from the body's right sensory/motor fields
were processed and controlled by the left side of the brain, while the
right side of the brain processed the information and controlled the
responses of the left sensory/motor fields. Further research indicated
that hemispheric processing preferences varied according to the types
of information received (verbal, spatial, etc.) and the cognitive style
demands of the task (convergent, divergent, etc.). Evidence concerning
specific involvement in cognitive/affective functioning has been col-
lected for over a century.
Methods of Investigation
It is beyond the scope of this paper to review the specific methods used
to study the brain. Suffice it to say that prior to the mid-1960's, most
brain studies employed medically intrusive techniques (i.e., post mortem
examination of lesions, observations of stroke, split brain, lobotomy,
lobectomy, and hemispherectonomy patients). Since the 1970's, however,
much more reliance has been placed on brain measurement techniques that
neither alter the structure nor function of the brain itself. Among
these procedures are specialized listening (Kimura, 1967) and visual
tasks (Williams, 1976). The electroencephalogram (EEG), which is the re-
cording of changes in electrophysiological patterns of the brain during
particular activities, is becoming increasingly popular as a research
A promising and exquisitely precise technique now being used to as-
sess brain functions is the measurement of how much glucose (the brain's
primary fuel source) specific parts of the brain use in comparison to other
parts during selected activities. Basically, a glucose solution with a
harmless radioactive trace is injected into the bloodstream. The differ-
ing rates of consumption of this radioactive solution by the left and/or
right side(s) of the brain can be detected by specialized equipment and
projected on a viewing screen. The result is a live picture of what re-
gions of the brain are actually involved in specific mental/emotional or
motor processes. The technique is called positron emission transaxial
tomography or PETT III (Landis, 1980) and possibly represents as signifi-
cant a technological advance in brain research as the development of the
telescope in astronomy.
The left hemisphere has been considered historically to be the dominant
or major hemisphere because it was held that this hemisphere was pri-
marily responsible for the processing of language and planning--the
two functions that clearly distinguish man from the rest of the animal
kingdom (Bronowski, 1973). Interestingly, it has been found that the
left hemisphere is, in fact, anatomically larger than the right hemi-
sphere (Geschwind, 1970). Furthermore, it has been found (Darvaj &
Smyk, 1972) that the left hemisphere is predominantly more active than
the right in most adults. The dominance relationship between the left
and right hemispheres in daily functioning can be compared to that of
the coexistence of the sun and stars. Although right brain functions
are always occurring, they are dominated by left brain functions, just
as the sun obscures the presence of the other stars in the sky during
the day (Rubenzer & Rubenzer, 1981).
Divisions of Labor
Although anatomical differences in brain structure between individuals
vary as much as facial features, generalizations concerning the
divisions of labor of the bifunctional brain can be made based on ex-
tensive research findings. In order to avert the field of brain research
from becoming merely a "modern phrenology," it is imperative that conclu-
sions be drawn from scientifically reputable studies. The generalizations
regarding the functional organization of the brain presented herein are
based on a review of over 150 studies conducted within the last 30 years
(Rubenzer, 1978). The majority of these studies dealt primarily with
right-handed, English-speaking adults; therefore, all statements made will
be limited to that population unless stated otherwise. Variations in
brain processes for left-handed and non-English speaking individuals,
children, and learning/behaviorally handicapped students will be addressed
Inherent in the attempt to reduce the complex workings of the brain
to orderly patterns is the tendency to perhaps artificially simplify the
functional organization of the brain. Although one hemisphere may pre-
dominate in a particular task, a portion of the processing load may, in
fact, be distributed to the other hemisphere, particularly in higher
level mental functions (Springer & Deutsch, 1981). Therefore, a "func-
tional spillover" relationship between the predominant and subordinate
hemispheres may best reflect the brain's actual processing patterns.
Language and Related Functions
Evidence in support Of the left hemisphere's involvement in verbal lang-
uage processing is substantial (Basser, 1962; Brown, 1976; Cherlow &
Serafetinides, 1976; Faglioni, Spinnler, & Vignolo, 1969; Fromholt,
Christensen, & Stromgren, 1973; Gruzelier & Hammond, 1976; Kimura, 1967;
Ornstein, 1978). As more research on hemisphericity is being conducted,
it is becoming evident that the right hemisphere is not totally silent
and attains about a 5-year-old language capacity (Moscovitch, 1973).
Studies clearly demonstrate that the right hemisphere is capable of pro-
cessing language if the discriminations are uncomplicated (e.g., a po'si-
tive from a negative statement) (Butler & Glass, 1974) and if sufficient
time is allowed (Bogen & Gazzaniga, 1965; Gazzaniga & Hillyard, 1971;
Nebes & Sperry, 1971; Weisenberg & McBride, 1935). Moscovitch, Scullion,
and Christie (1976) found that sufficient time for right hemispheric
processing of "uncomplicated" discriminations was about double that re-
quired for the left hemisphere. Research also suggests that braille
and sign language, both nonverbal communication systems, draw heavily on
right brain processing (Kimura, 1973; Neville, 1977).
The analysis of voice intonation, an integral component of spoken
language, is a right hemisphere function (Van Lanker, 1975). The pri-
mary expressive mode of the right hemisphere is believed to be metaphor-
ical (poetry, analogies) (Eccles, 1973; Ornstein, 1972; Samples, 1975);
in general, however, the verbally communicative ability of the right
hemisphere is relatively limited and dependent upon the left hemisphere.
With respect to the expression of language through speech, it has
been concluded that it is processed primarily in the left hemisphere
(Eccles, 1973; Nebes, 1974; Sperry, 1974a). Written communication and
hemispheric involvement are not as clearly defined. Although the verbal
aspect of writing is predominantly a function of the left hemisphere, the
visual motor aspect of writing appears to be within the realm of the
right hemisphere (Benton, 1969; Brandwein & Ornstein, 1977; Vega &
Parsons, 1969); thus, a transference from left hemispheric processing
to right hemispheric processing appears to be involved in writing.
The interpretation of complex visual patterns is predominantly a
right hemisphere function (Compton & Bradshaw, 1975; Goyvaerts, 1975; Mos-
covitch et al.,'1976; Schwartz, Davidson, & Pugash, 1976). Furthermore,
the right hemisphere is much more adroit in the recognition of faces
(Hillyard, 1973; Muller, 1973), while the left hemisphere remembers the
names that go with the faces. The retention of visual patterns, such as
geometric designs and graphs, belongs in the dominion of the right hemi-
sphere (Vega & Parsons, 1969). It is argued that iconic presentation of
information (e.g., graphic displays, diagrams, flow charts, etc.) greatly
facilitates both the comprehension and retention of information and that
this iconic memory is primarily a function of the right hemisphere (Taylor,
1978). Visual/spatial perception and reasoning, which are posited to be
right hemispheric operations (Benton, 1969; Kinsbourne & Smith, 1974;
Knox & Kimura, 1970; Warrington & Rabin, 1970), are the processing skills
that are required in such tasks as architecture and sculpture. Without
specific training in the development of visual/spatial reasoning skills,
competency in these areas does not typically increase beyond the 13-
year-old level (Leiter, 1976).
For most individuals, the perception and retention of complex non-
verbal auditory patterns, such as music or morse code, occurs in the
right hemisphere (Dumas & Morgan, 1975; Entus, 1975; Faglioni et al., 1969;
Kimura, 1973; Molfese, 1973; Olson, 1977; Schwartz et al., 1976). It should
be noted, however, that Bever and Chiarello (1974) reported that experi-
enced musicians analyze musical patterns via the left hemispheric proc-
essing mode, similar to the manner in which most individuals analyze
speech patterns.
Preliminary research on the processing of non-English languages, interest-
ingly enough, has pointed to important differences in how the brain pro-
cesses languages. A right brain dominance language processing pattern has
been found for Spanish (DeLorenzo, 1980), Hebrew (Silverberg, Bentin,
Gaziel, Obler, & Albert, 1979), Hopi (Rogers, TenHouten, Kaplan, & Gardi-
ner, 1977) and Navajo (Hynd & Scott, 1980).
The reasons for the right brain's favored processing of these lang-
uages range from the linguistic characteristics of the language (Sibatani,
1980) to the actual thought modes the languages may reflect (e.g., global,
holistic) (Carroll, 1973). If indeed, as suggested by Whorf (1956),
language directs an individual's perception of reality, it may oe that
students whose primary language is right brain processed will prefer a
right brain learning style. Suffice it to say that educators should be
sensitive to possible variations in learning style preferences among non-
English speaking students. Further research will highlight the impact
of bilingualism on processing/learning styles. (The reader is directed
to The Bilingual Brain by Albert and Obler, 1978.)
Learning Styles
The type of thinking strategies most characteristic of the left hemispherr
appear to be analytical (Brandwein & Ornstein, 1977; Salk, 1973), sequen-
tial (Gruzelier & Hammond, 1976; Luria, 1970), and logical (Kraft, 1976;
Lawson, 1975; Papcun, 1974). When fine discriminations or differentia
tions of stimuli are required, the left hemisphere is predominantly in-
volved (Epinas, 1975; Semmes, Weinstein, Ghent, & Teuber, 1960; Wood,
Goff, & Day, 1971).
The right hemispheric cognitive styles are those skills that are in-
dispensable for generating solutions to problems. The functions of the
right hemisphere have been described as creative (Harnad, 1972; Tart.
1972), and divergent (Kinsbourne & Smith, 1974; Perrone & Pulvino, 1977;
Samples, 1975; Williams, 1976). The ability to obtain a global view or
a "gestalt" of a situation or task also appears to be a primarily right
hemisphere capacity (Dimond & Beaumont, 1974; Papcun, 1974).
The right brain demands immediate results or closure on tasks, while
the left brain is willing to wait for plarned events to unfold. The
right hemisphere has been described as being satisfied with "approximate
knowledge" (Prince, 1976) and is more diffuse and less clearly demarcated
in its cognitive style than the left hemisphere (Semmes et al., 1960).
When aesthetic judgment is required in a task, the right hemispheric
processing mode is hypothesized to be prevalent according to the find-
ings of Hallamard (1945) and Hebb (1966).
Traditional Education and the SirWe Brain
The role of the left hemisphere in education with respect to the tradi-
tional Basic Skills or "3 R's" is well documented. Reading is consid-
ered to be principally a left hemisphere function (Newton, 1975; Sperry,
1974a). As previously mentioned, writing appears to require cooperation
from both hemispheres. Mathematical functions, particularly calculation,
(Day, 1964; Dumas, 1975; Olson, 1977) and algebra, are left hemisphere
operations. Learning to use the computer, which is considered by some
to be the fourth basic skill (Droegemueller, 1982), relies heavily on a
sequential, orderly, analytical style of thinking. Hence, computer
skills, particularly the programming aspect, appear to be predominantly
left brain oriented.
The subjects that are processed predominantly by the right hemi-
sphere are art, dance, music, and physical education (Samples, 1975).
Geometry, which is primarily iconic (graphic) in its format, is also
attributed to right hemispheric processing (Taylor, 1978).
Emotions and the Brain
It has been found that positive emotions are present when the left hemi-
sphere is processing information that is orderly and consistent (Dimond,
Farrington, & Johnson, 1976). Emotional irritation is the result of the
left hemisphere's processing of information that is contradictory or in-
consistent (Hadamard, 1945; Hebb, 1966).
The right hemisphere plays a predominant role inthe affective do-
main and is generally involved in aesthetic judgment. When the informa-
tion being processed is perceived as aesthetically harmonious, the ac-
companying affective state is pleasurable and positive. The "affectively
uneducated" right hemisphere tends to be negative in its emotional out-
look (Cacioppo & Petty, 1980).
The shift from the negative em6tional perspective of the riyht brain
to the positive outlook of the left brain is commonly experienced upon
awakening. The right brain is dominant in the state between sleeping and
waking (Deikman, 1971) and as the left brain comes more into focus, alert-
ness increases. (See Table 1 for a summary of functional divisions of
the brain.)
The need to integrate both convergent left-hemisphere and jivergent right-
hemisphere modes in learning experiences is well supported by research.
A study conducted by Kraft (1976) or 6- to 8-year-olds engaged in selected
"Piagetian" tasks showed that those children who were using both hemi-
spheres (as indicated by the EEG reading) throughout all tasks performed
better on both nonverbal (right hemisphere) and verbal (left hemisphere)
activities. In other words, when the relatively nonverbal right hemi-
sphere was used in processing the verbal task in concert with the left
hemisphere, performance on this task was better than for those who used
only their left hemisphere owverbal tasks.
Stimulation of right hemisphere processing also increases measured
intelligence. Rennels (1976) found that 60% of the abilities IQ tests
are reported to measure were found to involve right hemisphere processes.
Short term memory which is primarily within the realm of the left hemi-
sphere (DeRenzi & Nichelli, 1975) is significantly decreased when communi-
cation between the hemispheres is impaired (Zaidel & Sperry, 1973). A
major study by Noller and Parnes (1972) found that the divergent produc-
tion scores on the Structure of Intellect (SOI) test significantly in-
creased as the result of creativity training. Such training procedures
provided opportunities for individuals to shift back and forth from left-
hemisphere to right-hemisphere processing (integrated) depending upon the
task demands. It was discovered that left brain (convergent) task per-
formance on the $01 also improved significantly by creativity (integrated)
Predominant Brain Processing Mode
General Facts Intuition Feelings
Thinking Styles Verbal Spatial
Orderly Random
Temporal Problem Finding/Solving Simultaneous
Convergent Creative
Emotions Positive Well-adjusted Negative
Education Reading Singing Music
Writing Poetry Art (Logos)
Arithmetic Geometry Tangrams
Computer Programming Computer Graphics Computer Videogames
Rubenzer & Rubenzer, 1981
training. These findings suggest interdependency between the hemi-
spheres for optimal cognitive functioning.
Even if the only goal of education were the lopsided development of
traditional left brain skills (giving "correct" answers, scaring well on
IQ tests), it would behoove educators to stimulate both left and right
brain skills. It goes without saying, however, that the ultimate of
education must be the cultivation of creative functioning that encom-
passes the highest levels of convergent (left brain) and divergent
(right brain) thinking (DeBono, 1967). Norman (1977), through examination
of brain activation patterns of over 8,000 individuals, emphatically con-
cluded that "insights on problems represented a higher level of organiza-
tion of the brain" (p. 13). In Survival of the Wisest (1973), Jonas Salk
stressed the importance of the synthesis of the rational/logical (left
hemisphere) and intuitive/metaphoric (right hemisphere) processing modes
in major scientific breakthroughs. Although the alternating or syn-
chronous use of both left and right hemispheres is atypical (Gazzaniga &
Hillyard, 1971), the coordination of both hemispheres can be enhanced
through various curricular activities (Ornstein, 1978; Samples, 1975).
It is important that the effort to stimulate both hemispheres is
initiated in the early grades. Studies of brain growth reveal that
cortical structures that are critical to the ability of the hemispheres
to communicate are not mature until about age 8 (Denckla, 1974; O'Leary,
1980; Yakovlev, 1962). The two hemispheres do not work cooperatively on
tasks until about the third grade, and information learned by one hemi-
sphere is not necessarily shared with the other. Attention must be di-
rected toward both hemispheres so that functional, cooperative dialogues
will occur between the two brains. By only stimulating left brain pro-
cesses, a competitive antagonistic relationship with the right brain may
result because of the overdevelopment of left brain skills. The antago-
nistic relationship between the two hemispheres is intensified as the
child progresses through school. This phenomenon is amply supported by
the fact that a student's measured creativity (right brain function)
actually decreases as the child proceeds through the educational system
(Torrance, 1968). The reduction in creative thinking abilities can be
effectively counteracted by providing and encouraging right brain pro-
The Impact of Age, Sex, and Handedness on Left or Right Brain Learning
Style Preference
Age. The development of the brain is initially marked by very rapid
growth. It doubles in weight within 6 months after birth and attains
half its adult weight at 9 months. By age 2, the brain has tripled its
birth weight of about 12 ounces (335 grams) (Smith, 1968), achieving
nearly three quarters of the maximum adult weight (50 ounces). This
pace of the brain's physiological development during the infant years is
closely paralleled somewhat later by rapid psychological growth. By age
4, a child has achieved the majority of his/her adult intelligence
(Bloom, 1964). It is crucial that appropriate amounts and types of
stimulation, as well as sound nutrition, be provided during the early
infant through preschool years since many of the brain's physiological
and the child's psychological milestones are reached by age 4. A meed
clearly exists to conduct extensive brain research in the assessment,
stimulation, and enhancement of cognitive/affective and perceptual/motor
development for the early infancy through preschool stages. (The reader
is referred to Your Baby and Child from Birth to Age five (Leach, 1978).)
The brain continues in its maturation without interruption until
about age 12. At this point, brain growth slows down considerably, and
Epstein and Toepfer (1978) suggest that it is pedagogically more sound
to concentrate on improving previously acquired skills than to introduce
skills or concepts. Previously, it was held that brain growth continued
only until the late teens; however, it has been found that the brain does
not reach maximum weight until about age 30 (Smith, 1968), and the neuro-
logical structure responsible for an integrated (left and right brain)
perception of information is not fully developed until age 40 (Westby,
1980). Although brain growth continues into the 60's, those parts of the
brain related to memory functions do experience deterioration in the mid
to late fifties, according to Weintraub (cited in Mazer, 1982). By 90
years of age, the brain's weight decreases to approximately 80% of its
maximum weight (Smith, 1968). Advances in medical research have made
great strides in effectively countering the effects of aging on the
physiology and functions of the brain, particularly with respect to
memory (Wurtman, 1982).
Although the left hemisphere is preferred in processing phonetic
discriminations (a language function) at birth (Eimas, Siqueland, Jusczyk,
& Vigorito, 1971; Entus, 1975; Molfese, Freeman, & Palermo, 1975), left
hemisphere dominance for language is not clearly established until age 5
(Klein, 1980). There is considerable plasticity between hemispheres for
processing before 5 years of age (Calearo, 1975; Harris, 1975; Pincus &
Tucker, 1974). The interchangeability of function between hemispheres
is supported by the observation that if a child experiences brain damage
to the left hemisphere before 5 years of age, language function is often
successfully shifted to the right hemisphere; after the age of 5, the
older the individual is when damage to the left hemisphere occurs, the
greater the degree and duration of the loss of language function (Pincus
& Tucker, 1974).
As the brain matures, so do a person's interests and abilities.
Children have a typically right brain orientation toward life as shown
by their preference for magical, musical, large motor, and playful ac-
tivities. Interests in reading adventure and science fiction stories,
which reflect left (reading) and right (emotions) brain processes, emerge
with the maturation of the brain structures coordinating communication
between the left and right brains at about 8 years of age. After 10
years of age, the student's gender has considerable impact on the brain's
development and resultant cognitive style(s). These diverging sex-
linked brain developmental and functional patterns are discussed in the
following section.
Close attention must be given to the rapid changes in cognitive
abilities and learning styles that occur as the child matures, particu-
larly during the infancy through preschool period. Greater research ef-
forts need to be directed toward early cognitive/affective development as
a majority of the brain's physical growth in weight and the child's in-
tellectual abilities have been acquired by age 4. Scientific break-
throughs on the effects of aging on the brain may well provide important
keys to improving and even prolonging the brain's neurological efficiency
with a concomitant increase in the mind's ability to function more effec-
sex. In general, it has been found that females exhibit a greater pref-
erence for processing both verbal and spatial information in the left
brain in comparison to males (Harris, 1975; Kimura, 1973). According to
Hier (1979) and Levy (cited in Durden-Smith, 1980), females tend to uti-
lize the left brain more than the right brain in processing information,
whereas the opposite is true for males. Females' tendency for a left-
hemisphere learning style is a distinct advantage in a left brain oriented
education system. The result of this favorable interaction between left
brain teaching and learning styles is revealed by the fact that females
usually score higher on both IQ and achievement tests and obtain better
grades in school than their male grade peers. The fact that males outper-
form females on spatial reasoning tasks lends strong support to a right
brain preference for information processing for males in comparison to fe-
males (Restak, 1979b).
The difference between males and females in brain growth patterns
becomes most distinct during the middle-school years. From about 11 to
12 years of age, females experience a rate of brain growth which is
triple that for males during this period. At about 12 years of age,
there is almost a brain growth "moratorium" for both sexes. Then between
the ages of 14 and 15, male brain growth rate surpasses female brain growth
by 3 to 1 (Epstein & Toepfer, 1978).
By way of summary, females tend to establish definite brain prefer-
ence for language (lateralize) about 2 to 3 years earlier than their male
grade peers and are more likely to be left brain lateralized in their
learning styles than males. These marked sex differences in brain growth
patterns point to a critical need to utilize both left and right brain
oriented approaches to teaching, particularly in the middle-school levels.
Indeed, middle school represents the period of greatest contrasts between
the sexes in terms of rate of brain development.
It appears that a student's learning style, based on the lateraliza-
tion of the brain, would be fairly well established by the time high
school begins. Since research indicates that neurologically based learn-
ing styles are quite resistant to change (Restak, 1979b), it is our re-
sponsibility as educators to teach with the student's learning style in
mind. Equally important is the need to aid the student in knowing the
strengths and weaknesses of his/her particular style and how to best use
this preference.
Handedness. A left hand preference for tasks is related to cortical lang-
Cage processing patterns that differ from the typical left brain language
processing pattern. Goodglass and Quadfasel (1954) found that out of 123
left-handed individuals about half used their right brains for language
processing, whereas the other half exhibited the typical left brain domi-
nance pattern for language. Levy (1969), however, contends that language
is processed by both hemispheres simultaneously for some left-handed indi-
viduals. The above two studies represent the controversy over language
processing for left-handed individuals (Corballis, 1980). However, re-
search indicates that left-handed individuals will probably tend to have
different learning styles (favoring either the right or both hemispheres)
than their right-handed schoolmates. Since at least 10% (Coren & Porac,
1977) of the K-12 grade population (representing about four million stu-
dents nationally) or about 3 students per classroom are left handed, atten-
tion toward these students' learning styles is needed.
Since each student's neurologically based learning style depends on
the unique interaction of that individual's age, sex, and handedness,
variations in optimal learning styles will undoubtedly occur within the
classroom. As most teachers are successful with a left brain learning
style (verbal, sequential) and therefore may assume that a left brain
teaching style is the most effective, educators must be sensitive to the
wide variations in learning styles in their classrooms. Middle school-is
a particularly critical time to be aware of individual differences in
learning styles, for the age and sex of the student interact most power-
fully in determining his/her predominant and perhaps lifelong learning
Relaxation. The negative celationship between anxiety and performance on
cognitive tasks is substantially documented (Schuchman, 1977). The un-
pleasant and debilitating effects of math anxiety (Tobias, 1978), com-
puter phobia, or test anxiety (Sarason, Hill, & Zimbardo, 1964) are ex-
perienced by almost all individuals at one time or another. Since mathe-
matics, computer programming, and test taking require high levels of
neurological organization (Norman, 1977), it appears that interferingly
intense anxiety levels contribute to the temporary disorganization of the
brain's smooth functioning as evidenced by suppressed performance on
these tasks during periods of high stress (Schuchman, 1977).
The cognitive style used during a test or math anxiety task, char-
acterized by guessing, the inability to retrieve previously learned
verbal material, and reversals in sequence, all reflect a predominantly
right brain problem-solving approach that is oriented toward satisfac-
.tion with approximate knowledge (Prince, 1976), is nonverbal (Nebes &
Sperry, 1971), and random (Semmes et al., 1960). It is a common experi-
ence that under stress, recall of verbal information is reduced to simple,
familiar terms or phrases, which also reflect right brain processing.
It is the author's contention that access to the left brain's verbal,
orderly cognitive processes is denied during stress reactions because one
is virtually locked into a right brain mode that is readying the indi-
vidual for "fight or flight" rather than higher level cognitive function-
ing. Just as it is most difficult to dream on command'(right brain
function) while in a left brain dominant state, similarly, when the right
brain is dominant, as in a stress reaction, it is difficult to respond
in a highly verbal and orderly fashion (left brain function). Experi-
encing a mental block from test anxiety may well represent a right brain
response to a left brain situation that can lead to future avoidance of
testing situations. Numerous Z.est anxiety studies have found that inap-
propriate anxiety responses can be successfully reduced through relaxa-
tion training and that improvement on traditional cognitive and creativity
tasks results (McManus, 1971; O'Dell, 1981). Relaxation training should
be taught as a "meta-skill" (Tannenbaum, 1977) to enhance the student's
performance within the classroom.
Diet. The functional efficiency and even the very structure of the brain
are influenced by our diets (Fernstrom & Wurtman, 1974). Wurtman (1982),
a research nutritionist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has
clearly demonstrated that both intellectual and emotional functioning can
be enhanced through the intake of choline (found in lecithin) and tyrosine
(present in amino acids). Both these nutrients amplify the neural impulse
within the brain and improve the brain's physiological efficiency and
hence cognitive/affective functioning.
Choline, which is commonly found in liver, soybeans, and egg yolks,
is a component of lecithin. High dosages of lecithin have been found to
be effective in improving recall ability of individuals with memory im-
pairments (Corkin, Davis, Growdon, Usdin, & Wurtman, 1981). A study spon-
sored by the National Institute of Mental Health revealed significant
memory increases in normal adults as the result of a daily 10-gram intake
of choline (Mazer, 1982). Tryosine, a nutrient which is abundant in
carbohydrate-rich foods, has been found to have a definite antidepressant
effect in chronically depressive individuals (Wurtman, 1982). Vitamin Bfi,
which is believed to also increase the transmission rate of neural signaTs
within the brain, has been found to be effective in improving memory
(Davis, 1970). Brenner (1982) has found that administration of niacin
or combinations of B-complex vitamins with minerals successfully reduced
hyperactive behavior in some children. Indeed "food(s) for thought" may
soon be a prescription to enhance cognitive and emotional functioning
rather than a mere figure of speech. Research on the effects of choline
(lecithin), tyrosine, niacin, and vitamin B on improving the functions
of the brain clearly points to the need to take a closer look at dietary
habits and to consider the importance of a nutritionally balanced diet
for students. Although the role of vitamins in the occurrence and con-
trol of brain functions remains unclear at this time (American Psychiatric
Association, 1973; Deliz, 1973), further investigation will reveal the
degree to which vitamins and minerals can be employed in lessening tile
effects of or even preventing the occurrence of cognitive/behavioral
Through the scientific investigation of the fundamental brain processes
that underlie learning, creativity, and emotional functioning/dysfunction-
ing, great advances will be made in the assessment and remediation of
learning/emotiopal disabilities and the maximization of creative poten-
tial. A discussion of representative findings relative to the study of
learning disabilities, mental health, and creativity follows.
Learning Disabilities
The learning disabled child is often likely to be an example of a right-
brained child in a left-brained educational system. Research on learning
disabled students consistently reveals a high prevalence of right brain
information processing styles (Gordon & Harness, 1977; Hunter & Johnson,
1971; Philips, 1980; Symmes & Rappaport, 1972; Stanley, Kaplan, & Poole,
1975). The characteristic processing difficulties encountered by the
learning disabled child, such as language and sequencing disorders (read-
ing/writing difficulties, letter reversals, inversions), are indicative
of the right brain's nonverbal random information pr cessing style.
In further support of a right brain dominant pr essing approach for
the learning disabled child, it has been found that the proportion of
left-handed students in the learning disabled population is about triple
the expected frequency. Learning disabled males outnumber learning dis-
abled females by a four to one ratio (Kline & Kline, 1975). As noted
earlier, left-handed individuals and males both tend to,use right brain
learning styles.
It would appear that learning disabled children would benefit from
a more right brain teaching style in the classroom. Remediational
strategies for the learning disabled do rely heavily on visual/spatial,
tactile teaching strategies that are predominantly right brain in their
orientation (Blau & Sinatra, 1981; Fadely & Hosler, 1979).
Mental Health
A growing number of psychiatrists are of the opinion that the primary
cause for chronic mental illness (schizophrenia, manic depressive dis-
orders) is the interference with the normal neurotransmission of signals
within the brain (Wurtman, 1982). Furthermore, Kety (1979) contends
that there is a definite organic, genetically based component to schizo-
phrenic and manic depressive disorders. In controlled studies, it was
found that the rate of schizophrenic and manic depressive disorders was
5 times greater among identical twins than fraternal twins.
Innovative research at Brookhaven National Laboratory by Wolfe and
Farkas (cited in Landis, 1980) using the PETT III scanning procedure
(described earlier) has clearly identified salient abnormalities in
blood flow patterns in the brain as related to schizophrenic and manic
depressive disorders. PETT III scans of schizophrenic patients pointed
to pronounced circulation deficits in the frontal lobe area of the
brain (the frontal lobe area is responsible for planned and controlled
behavior) (Luria, 1970). That is, the activity of the frontal lobes of
the brain was significantly depressed in clinically diagnosed schizo-
phrenic patients. Wolfe's and Farkas' research also indicated that
unusual overactivity was present in the right brain of manic depressives
during the manic phases.
Other researchers, applying more traditional diagnostic strategies,
have found that hypercctive children exhibit a high incidence of frontal
lobe dysfunction (Barkley, 1981). Right brain dominance has also been
discovered to be related to autism (Blackstock, 1978; Colby & Parkinson,
1977). The finding that individuals suffering from mental health dis-
orders often exhibit right brain dominant patterns lends further support
to the contention that the right brain is negative in its emotional per-
spective (Rossi & Rosadini, 1967).
The suicide rate among children between the ages of 10 and 13 has
increased by 170% over the last decade (Elkind, 1981). This fact, in
itself, strongly points to the need to provide more attention to affective
education (a right brain function) within the schools. Gowan (l980) has
stated that a predominant cause of mental illness stems from the -discrep-
ancy between the developmental levels of the left and right brains. A
study by Crinella, Beck, and Robinson (1971) demonstrated that failure
to stimulate both hemispheres during early childhood may be a Causal
factor in behavioral and emotional difficulties. Education would be
seriously r..giss if it did not enhance a facilitative and positive
dialogue between the left and right hemispheres.
To summarize, definite relationships between atypical functional
properties of brain and mental illness are being revealed by left/right
brain research. Limited research has indicated that a right brain domi-
nance pattern is prevalent among individuals exhibiting manic and
autistic behaviors. The "uneducated" right brain is considered to pre-
dominate in negative emotional activity. The recent, great increase in
emotional health problems among our youth highlights the importance of
affective (right brain) education in our schools. A dialogue between
the left and right brain functions must be facilitated if the trend
toward increasing mental health problems among our youth is to be coun-
In 1965, Jerome Bruner indicated that the right hemisphere is more cre-
ative than the left. The weight of evidence since that time has most
definitely supported Bruner's initial assertion (Brandwein & Ornstein,
1977; Tart, 1972). More important than the physical localization of the
creative function in the brain are the specific processing patterns
which contribute to outstanding creative production.
Pioneering research (Green et al, 1970) conducted at the Menninger
Foundation has shown that highly creative individuals exhibit disting-
uishingly unique cerebral processing patterns. Their research indicated
that the EEG brain wave patterns of innovative scientists reflect a
marked downshift in the level of cortical arousal during the creative
state. When the sdientists in the study entered a creative state (rich
with fluency of ideas and images), their brain wave patterns were typi-
fied by a very low frequency EEG reading, calledthe theta pattern.
While in a theta state, individuals report a feeling of drowsiness that
is often accompanied by dreamlike images and rev/erie. The theta state
is usually experienced during the period between waking and sleeping and
occurs only about 5% of the time for most indiOduals (Green et al., 1970).
It is during this hazy transitional state between dreaming and waking
that insight-reverie states most often occur (Budzynski, Stoyva, & Adler,
1970; Green et al., 1970; Norman, 1977).
Walkup (1965) has suggested that eminently creative individuals have
somehow learned to bring about this relatively rare reverie or insight
state at will. Green et al. (1970) have stated that "there are hundreds
of anecdotes which show beyond doubt, that in some way, not perfectly
understood, reverie and creativity are associated" (p. 18). It has beer
reported that Thomas Edison experienced some of his greatest insights
upon waking from "catnaps."
It is not possible to directly and consciously elicit a shift from
the normal, e4eryday level of awarenesS, characterized by the beta EEG
pattern (DeikMan, 1971; Salamon & Post, 1965), to the theta or insight-
reverie state. Research does demonstrate, however, that the activity
pattern of the brain can be greatly modified indirectly. Insight and
reverie states can be brought about through obtaining very deep levels of
muscle relaxation or by concentrating on particularly relaxing thoughts
(Budzynski et al., 1970; Green et al., 1970; Honorton, Davidson, & Bindler,
1972; Kamiya, 1969; Schwartz et al., 1976). It can be stated confidently
that relaxation is an indispensable catalyst in the creative process. In
fact, research on the relationship between relaxation and enhancement of
brain activation states conducive to the creative process may well identify
"creativity/relaxation profiles." Just as the writing, artistic, or
athletic styles of eminently talented individuals are emulated by aspir-
ing novices, perhaps the "creativity/relaxation profiles" experienced by
promir.ent writers, artists, and athletes could be identified and prac-
ticed. By cultivating through relaxation, the physical/affective states
that nurture reverie, ideational fluency, and visual imagery, the yield
of truly innovative ideas emerging from the creative process could be
greatly increased.
Systematic relaxation training could be practiced by students to
more readily and actively bring about a creative "frame of mind" rather
than waiting for this rare (theta) state to occur. In a well-designed
study, O'Dell (1981) found that relaxation strategies could be effec-
tively taught in the classroom setting, and that performance on both
verbal and nonverbal treativity measures was significantly improved after
systematic relaxation training. Similarly a study by Hershey 'nd Kearns
(1979) demonstrated that relaxation training enhanced performance on
creative writing tasks. Much research is being conducted on the specific
effects of relaxation on the brain's creative processing of information
(Honorton et al., 1972; Schwartz et al., 1976).
The term "visionary," often used in reference to outstandingly in-
novative thinkers, emphasizes the crucial role of right brain visualization
processes in creativity. Einstein at age 14 queried, "What would the
world look like if I rode on a beam of light?" (Bronowski, 1973, p. 274).
Kekule discovered the ringlike Benzene structure when, in a dreamlike state,
he saw a snake biting its tail (McKellar & Simpson, 1954). There are
numerous similar accounts throughout history that powerfully attest to
the importance of cultivating the right brain's ability to visually de-
pict (mentally and/or graphically) a problem to be solved or a desired end
product. Common phrases such as "a picture is worth a thousand words" or
to "see the light" point to the well-recognized role of right brain
visualization in comprehending concepts or obtaining insights. The visual
image appears to be a major communication medium of the right brain;
therefore, if the essence of a problem can be reduced to visual form,
(pictures, diagrams, etc.), the tremendous creative capacities of the
right brain can be more fully utilized in problem solving.
In summary, Green, Green, and Walters' research (1970) on the quali-
tative shifts in the brain's activity level during highly creative states
represents a most significant contribution to the study of creativity.
By relating the brain's "creative" processing of information to levels of
physical relaxation, their research addresses the physical/affective as-
pects of the creative process. This work complements the previous, more
cognitively oriented, studies of the creative process (Wallas, 1926).
18 2j
Current research emphasizes the indispensibly important role that re-
laxation plays in creativity (Budzynski et al., 1970) and that relaxa-
tion can be taught effectively in the classroom (O'Dell, 1981). As
the result of future left/right brain studies, "creativity/relaxation
profiles" may be identified and specifically applied to existing models
of the creative process '(Rubenzer, 1979). The use of the right brain's
visualization abilities has been found to be a hallmark of eminently
creative individuals throughout history. Thomas Edison's famous equa-
tion for the inventive process--"99% perspiration and 1% inspiration"--
may someday be changed to 98% perspiration and 2% inspiration as a
result of creativity/relaxation and visualization training. The dou-
bling of our "inspirational" production could well result in unforeseen
solutions to che many enigmatic problems mankind is faced with today.
A direct way of determining a student's neurologically based learning
style within the context of the classroom is through the application
of a diagnostic teaching approach. Simply stated, select or develop
teaching approaches that reflect left brain, integrated, and right
brain, informatiqn processing, styles. See Table 2 for exvoles as ap-
plied to the major subject areas. Provide students with the opportunity
to learn through these different styles and observe the comfort and
mastery levels displayed by the students during the application of the
various approaches.
A second, albeit less direct, approach would be to ask the students
what their favorite hobbies or interests are (not those imposed by peer
or parental expectations). If a student's extracurricular interests
center around reading, writing (diaries, stories), word puzzles/games,
jokes/puns, or computer programming, then a more left brain teaching style
may be effective for this student. Students who seek extracurricular ac-
tivities such as art, photography, constructing models and puzzles, sports,
and playing musical instruments may well learn more effectively through a
right brain learning style.
A third strategy for ascertaining a student's learning style is to
administer an instrument especially designed to provide a learning style
profile. A paper and pencil self-report forced-choice questionnaire,
developed by Torrance, Reynolds, Riegel, and Ball in 1977 appears to be a
useful tool in determining learning styles. This device, entitled Your
Style of Learning and Thinking (Form C), was developed from an extensive
review of the literature on hemispheric functioning as it relates to
education. The questions posed in this group-administered questionnaire
seem to correspond to associations between preferred cognitive styles and
predominant hemispheric processing modes. The standardization.sample for
this device consisted of over 1,000 subjects. This instrument'is de-
signed to be administered to high school and college students to provide
Content Left
Arithmetic Calculation
Science Prepare
report write-ups
Language Arts Write topical
Social Studies Produce term
paper on social
structure of
society X
Graph presentation of
calculation results
(pie graphs with
different cotors).
Develop hunches--hyootheses.
generate methods of inves-
tigating hunches. Conduct
actual experiment.
Conduct "newspaper inter-
view" with tape recorder
and write human interest
story with accompanying
Create a weekly diary
relating humorous, trying
experiences living in the
ID Rubenzer & Rubenzer, 1981
Determine number of
different shapes which
can be made from limitecIL
number of cubes
Build a model demon-
strating procedures and
dramatize results of
experiment (science fair).
Communicate pictorial
messages in secret code
relating important
Develop artifacts of the
society 50 years in the
information to the student and teacher on what learning/teaching styles
may be most appropriate for the student. The learning style profiles
are expressed in terms of left, integrated, or right brain preferences.
(Torrance, 1982a).
Through the hand scoring or computer analysis of the Structure of
Intellect (SOI) Learning Abilities Test (Meeker, 1981), learning style
profiles can be constructed for students from first grade to adulthood.
Performance on the semantic areas of the test measure primarily left
brain processing skills. The SOI test items that deal with the abili-
ty to process symbolic information require information processing
capacities from both the left and right brains. A right brain process-
ing style is assessed through the figural tasks on SOI Learning Abili-
ties Test. The SOI Learning Abilities Test has also been effective in
accurately diagnosing particular types of aphasia (a left brain dys-
function) in adults (Meeker, 1982). The SOI Learning Abilities Test
is a well-validated, easily administered and scored group test useful
in determining student learning styles. Other instruments are availa-
ble to assess student learning style (Dunn & Dunn, 1978); however, the
length limitation of this paper does not allow for a cogent discussion
of these devices.
A quick approximation of a student's learning style preference
can be derived from the interpretation of group achievement and apti-
tude test results. For example, if the student's verbal scores, which
would include language usage, analogies, and arithmetical reasoning,
were much higher than his/her nonverbal test scores on spatial/mechani-
cal reasoning, figural analogies, and pattern analyses tasks (Anastasi,
1968), a left brain learning style may be indicated. It goes without
saying that due to the factors that significantly affect test perform-
ance, test scores--particularly on group tests--must be interpreted
cautiously and by professionals educated in the area of testing.
Undoubtedly the most accurate method of ascertaining a student's
learning style in the school setting would be through the careful in-
terpretation of individually administered diagnostic test results.
Analyses of the subtest results for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children-Revised (WISC-R) (Wechsler, 1974)appear to be a particu-
larly accurate method of determining a student's learning style. The
reader is referred to Kaufman's (1979) work on WISC-R pattern analyses.
Test scores on most of the commonly used individual diagnostic instru-
ments can also be translated into Structure of Intellect (SOI) terms,
which provide an understandable profile of the student's strengths or
weaknesses in the use of left (semantic), integrated (symbolic), or
right (figural) brain learning styles.
Through diagnostic teaching, observation of the student's extra-
curricular interests, and interpretation of general and specialized
test results, educators can determine with varying degrees of accuracy
a student's learning preference. These same strategies can, of course,
21 26
be applied by the educator to obtain a better understanding of his/
her learning styles and where it may be necessary to augment or broaden
one's teaching style-to-achieve a consonant, interactive-teaching/
learning-relationship with-students-of differing learning styles.
Since we deal with the whole child in our educational system, teaching
strategies that do not address accordingly the development of the whole
child through education of both left and right brain are at best in-
complete. Curricula that rely primarily on left brain skills quite
literally represent only a "half-minded" approach to education. Devo-
tion of more attention to the balanced cultivation of integrated pro-
cessing (involving left and right brains) will result in improved per-
formance in the traditional academic skills as well as creative pro-
duction (Kraft, 1976; Noller & Parnes, 1972). Strategies for enhancing
integrated and right brain thinking skills are featured in an annotated
'bibliography. See Appendix A for "35 Activities to Stimulate Inte-
grated/Right Brain Processes."
Teacher Attitude
All aspects of the educational environmentparticalarly the teacher's
verbal and nonverbally expressed attitudes and even the physical ar-
rangement of the classroomhave significant impact an_havythe brain
readies itself to handle information (Languis, Sanders, & Tipps, 1980).
It is exceedingly important that the teacher carefully engineers the
classroom setting to enhance a positive "mind set" toward integrated
learning and creativity.
It is interesting to note that the average amount of time a teacher
allows for students to answer questions is from 2 to 3 seconds (Brand-
wein & Ornstein, 1977). Rewarding students only for speed rather than
richness_ and/or depth of answers strongly encaurages a very left brain
"mind set" for cognitive tasks. Asking students to provide the great-
est number of possible solutions rather than the best, oorrect answer(s)
to a problem, stimulates the fluency of ideas (divergent, right brain
processing) rather than only the accuracy of responses (convergent,
left brain processing).
Students should be permitted to daydream about ideas periodically
with the expectation that they will learn to trust and productively use
the incubative processes of the right brain that are activated by "day-
dreaming about" or "sleeping on" ideas. Students should be instructed
to record related, but perhaps unpolished, ideas that emerge, often
times unpredictably, from the subconscious, incubative state. They
should become familiar with the numerous accounts throughout history
pointing to the masterful use of the silent, yet powerful, incubative
processes by outstandingly creative and productive individuals.
(Wallas, 1926).
Thp nonverbal and ostensibly passive characteristics of the in-
cubative/intuitive processes of the right brain, are in sharp con-
trast to the revered verbal and action-oriented characteristics of
traditional, left brain educational experiences. Encouragement will
be needed in the use of these dormant right brain skills. It be-
comes increasingly more difficult to activate these skills the longer
they are neglected (Gowan, 1980).
Relaxation Strategies
Research shows that optimal learning occurs in a relaxed, nonthreaten-
ing (yet structured) classroom setting (Schuchman, 1977). Relaxation
is also an essential ingredient in the creative process (Budzynski
et al., 1970; Green et al., 1970). A successful deep relaxation and
visualization audio tape program specifically for children has been
developed_by O'Dell (1981). This system entitled Relaxation and Re-
Creation for Children (R & R for Children) represents a research-
based and field-tested classroom implementable method of teaching
students how to bring about deep levels of relaxation associated witn
the creative process. In addition to providing students with the
skills to lessen the occurrence and/or effects of test/math anxiety,
the mastery of deep relaxation exercises will allow students greater
access to those right brain processes (ideational fluency and visual
imagery) that are enhanced by relaxation and are fundamental to
creative production.
General Strategies
The more fully the brain is involved in learning, the more readily in-
formation will be retained and retrieved (Buzan, 1976). Undoubtedly
one of the most sophisticated and powerful applications of this prin-
ciple is demonstrated by the parade of advertising witnessed daily.
The primary goal of advertising is the selective, immediate recall of
a specific product message out of a vast field of other sensory input.
It is most interesting to note that highly memorable advertisements
feature aspects that attract and stimulate left brain processing (ver-
bal, pseudological) and right brain processing (visually appealing,
musical, emotionally loaded). The retention and ease of recall of
these artistically composed messages (jingles) clearly illustrate
the considerable teaching effectiveness of using strategies that draw
on processing aspects of both brains. Similarly, the ability to re-
call nursery rhymes from decades past further attests to the potent
impact of whole person (left and right brain) involvement in learning.
Curricular Strategies
One curricular approach to enhancing whole child learning is to or-
chestrate-the express-ton 6f-the traditional content area subjects
through concrete, experiential, artistic, musical, 'and dramatic media.
Examples of integrated and more right brain teaching approaches for
arithmetic, science, language arts, and social studies appear in
Table 2. It m4y be useful to introduce a subject in the traditional,
familiar left brain style; then assign a type of student product that
requires integrated or right brain processing styles. In the case of
difficult concepts, it may be better to initiate the explanation
through more right brain or integrated approaches and then conclude
with a written assignment. Due to the fact that students may lack
both experience and confidence in performing academically through a
more integrated or right brain style, additional time and encourage-
ment from a teacher may be necessary. It might be well for the
teacher to work from his/her strongest content area initially in de-
veloping an integrated lesson plan.
Representative activities that promote integrated processing of
information are:
Defining highly emotive words (trust).
Describing personally important events.
Reading mysteries, science fiction, and adventure stories.
Cartooning, humor, puns.
Rhyming, poetry, singing, dramatization.
Engaging in guided fantasy and mental visualization exercises.
Diagramming ideas using audiovisual aids.
A second teaching approach to encourage more integrated processing
of information is the development of aesthetic awareness, throuc art,
music, drama, and dance. Students should be given the opportunity to
gain confidence in and derive pleasure from their own artistic expres-
sion. Edwards (1979) has developed a "confidence-building" approach
for acquiring drawing skills that rely heavily on right brain process-
A third method for facilitating integrated and right brain func-
tioning in the classroom is through the direct development of inte-
grated and right brain processing abilities. The symbolic and figural
dimensions of the Structure of Intellect SOI activities concentrate on
integrated and right brain processing styles respectively (Meeker, 1981).
The SOI activity workbooks offer literally thousands of easy-to-imple-
ment exercises and worksheets for students kindergarten through twelfth
grade. As mentioned previously, the SOI Learning Abilities Test can
highlight relative strengths and Weaknesses in left, integrated, and
right brain processing areas through subtests that measure semantic,
symbolic and ftgural skills respectively. The SOI Learning
Abilities Test appears to be a useful pre/post treatment instrument to
measure the effectiveness of a program designed to enhance symbolic
(integrated) and figural (right brain) thinking skills.
A well-developed "scope and sequence" series of actiVities concen-
trating on the development of figural/spatial reasoning skills has been
developed by Black and Black (1981). The activities are cross-refer-
enced with other commercially prepared materials to provide a wide
array of approaches to improve vivalization skills that "open up" and
stimulate the right brain's processes.
A left/right brain research based, highly effective curricular
approach to teaching the "whole child" has been developed by McCarthy
(1980), Entitled 4MAT System, this educational model concentrates on
teaching toward the childls left/right brain learning style strengths,
resulting in enhanced learning and interest on the student's part
(Torrance, 1982b).
How one views and responds to reality is, in large part, dependent on a
constellation of neurological factors. The development of each indi-
vidual's learning style is the result of a complex interaction of
physiological characteristics (age, sex, handedness, neurological in-
tactness) and other varying states (anxiety level, nutrition, psychologi-
cal status, language dominance, and physical environment). Indeed,the
brain's structural composition is altered by our experiences.
It is evident that wide variations in learning styles will occur in
the classroom setting. It is conservatively estimated that there are
two million right brain oriented children (about two in a class) in a
predominantly left brain dominated educational system. These stud-
ents' needs can be better met by increasing sensitivity to and skill in
right brain pedagogical techniques that utilize visual, concrete, kines-
thetic, and experiential modes of expression. Ultimately, left/right
brain research will lead to the development of assessment and teaching
strategies allowing educators to fully capitalize on and even nurture
right brain learning styles to the benefit of all children.
Current research suggests the following divisions of function be-
tween the left and right hemispheres. The majority of verbal process-
ing takes place in the left hemisphere for right-handed individuals over
10 years of age, with the exception of several non-English languages,
which tend to be processed by the right brain. For a large portion of
left-handed adults and for children under 5 years of age, language proc-
essing tends to be right-brain dominant or more equally divided between
the hemispheres. The right brain's linguistic skills develop to about
a 5-year-old level of competency for most right-handed adults. The
right hemisphere deals with making sense out of and remembering complex
nonverbal visual and auditory patterns such as the recognition of
facial features or recall of melodies. The visual/spatial reasoning
abilities of the right brain do not typically improve beyond the 13-
year-old level unless specific activities are provided to cultivate
these skills. The left hemispheric processing mode plays a predominant
role in education, as the traditional "3 R's" (reading, writing,
arithmetic) are generally processed in the left hemisphere. Computer
programming activities also appear to rely primarily on left brain
processing skills. The right hemisphere generally predominates in
processing the "artistic subjects" (art, music, dance) and physical
The cognitive styles that are best described as logical, sequential,
and convergent are within the realm of the left hemisphere, whereas the
right hemisphere is more adroit at processing tasks that require simul-
taneous and divergent cognitive styles. The right hemisphere is more
involved with the emotions than the left hemisphere and tends to be
negative in its outlook if uncultivated. Emotional responses related
to aesthetic judgments or perceptions are usually products of the right
hemisphere. Emotional reactions associated with evaluations concerning
the logical order or consistency of information appear to be the psycho-
logical manifestations of left-hemispheric processing.
Although the brain istifunctional," the most productive and cre-
ative intellectual functioning occurs when there is a dialogue between
hemispheric processes. This integrative mode can be encouraged and
facilitated through exposure to appropriate learning experiences that
require simultaneous processing from both hemispheres (e.g., defining
as many words as possible relating to feelings of brotherhood encour-
ages the use of both the left [defining words] and the right [relating
to feelings] hemispheres).
By the age of 12, most females will have established a more left
brain_learning style (verbal), while males develop a more right brain
(visual, spatial) approach toward learning by 14 years of age. The 12-
to 13-year-old period represents the slowest brain growth stage for
both sexes; therefore, students may not be as receptive to new informa-
tion at this time as during preceding phases of development.
High anxiety has a disorganizing effect on the efficiency of the
brain's functioning as evidenced by depressed academic performance dur-
ing tests and math-anxiety reactions. Recent dietary science break-
throughs have demonstrated that the brain's delicate biochemical bal-
ance is influenced by selective nutrient therapies, resulting in
significantly,enhanced cognitive and emotional/behavioral functioning.
Research has suggested that leai.ning disabled children are likely
to be right brain dominant in information processing. Right brain
26 1
dominance also appears to play a significant role in various types of
mental health disorders (manic-depressive reactions, hyperactivity, and
Outstandilo creative production appe:-s to result from bringing
about a "frame of mind" conducive to right brain processing (ideational
fluency, visual imagery), through deep levels of physiological relaxa-
tion. Relaxation plays a central role in the creative process and can
be learned through systematic training.
Involving both left and right brains in learning results in im-
proved performance in both traditional subject areas and creative think-
ing. A supportive attitude toward the use of the often silent, sub-
conscious, yet powerful processes of the right brain--such as incubation
and intuitive reasoning--must be demonstrated by the teacher. A more
balanced approach toward teaching involves broadening the student's cur-
ricular experiences to facilitate the integration of traditional content
areas with the arts.
1. Today's educational system is predominantly left brain oriented; it
therefore behooves educators to be aware of those students whose
learning styles may not be "mainstream." A formal or informal ass-
essment of both the teachers and students' learning styles will
provide a good reference point for developing a satisfying, produc-
tive teaching/learning style interaction.
2. Proportionately, more of the brain's physiological/functional devel-
opment occurs during the first four years of life than at any other
time. Future research must be directed toward understanding and
nurturing cognitive/affective development for these highly formative
3. The middleschool years (7th-8th grades) represent the period of
slowest brain growth for students; therefore, teachers should con-
centrate on expanding and mastering previously acquired skills rather
than developing new ones (Epstein & Toepfer, 1978).
4. Females and males appear to have somewhat different orientations
toward learning, particularly after 14 years of age. Females may
learn relatively better through reading about concepts, while males
learn through "hands on" (manipulative) activities that demon-
strate the concepts. For example, 'females may learn chemistry prin-
ciples better by reading, males by conducting an experiment. Both
left and right brain learning styles, however, should be developed
by both sexes.
5. Teachers should model confidence in, and willingness to use, right
brain thinking skilTS-. Greater emphasis 5hould be placed on re-
warding students for variety and richness of responses rather than
only for speed. Provide opportunities for students to "daydream"
about ideas in order to "exercise" the intuitive/incubative pro-
cesses of the right brain.
b. Relaxation is an indispensable catalyst in the creative process.
Teaching relaxation skills will enable students to reduce test and
math anxiety, improve performance in the traditional subjects, and
stimulate right brain creative processes. Systematic relaxation
training will also assist students in managing positively the emo-
tional aspects of the right brain.
7. In order to maximize integrated and right brain processing of in-
formation, lesson plans should reflect the expression of left
brain content (arithmetic, language arts, social studies, science,
computer programming) through right brain media (drawing, cartoon-
ing, photography, dance, music, "hands on" materials, and audio-
visual presentations).
8. Greater attention needs to be focused on the direct enhancement of
right brain processing through developing heightened appreciation
for and skill in aesthetic subject areas (art, music, dance). The
communication channel to the right brain's unfathomable creative
capacities will be further opened through the cultivation of visual-
imaging and spatial-reasoning abilities.
We have both the privilege of and responsibility for "educating the
other half." It is crucial that students of today be provided with the
creative, imaginative powers to be contributing citizens of the 21st
century. The greater precision we gain in understanding the fundamental
processes underlying learning and creativity, the more effective our ef-
forts will be in facilitating the actualization of each student's poten-
tial. Perhaps these future adults will have access to the other half
of their mental capacity that now lies mostly dormant, waiting to be
called forth.
Activities taken from the Brain Owner's Manual (Rubenzer & Rubenzer,
Description of Activity
training for
children ages
7 to 12.
Have students raise finger temperature as measured by a small hand-
held thermometer through suggestions of warmth and relaxation of
the hands. Only a 1- to 2-degree rise is necessary.
After students have been progressively relaxed, make suggestions
of overall health, energy, and relaxation.
Students attend to the rhythm of their breathing patterns. Students
should say subvocally "IN RELAXATION" during inhalation, and "OUT
TENSION" during exhalation. (Do this 5 to 10 minutes.)
Suggest feelings of warmth and heaviness in all muscles, particu-
larly the forehead, jaw, and shoulder muscles for 10-15 minutes.
A field tested, audio-cassette tape that provides breathing, muscle
relaxation and visualization exercises, which effectively bring
about deep levels of relaxation. Systematic application (2-3
times weekly has significantly reduced general/math-anxiety levels
and has improved performing on creativity tasks.
Eidetic imagery
Have students closely observe their surroundings for 1 minute.
With their eyes closed, have them rebuild what they remember
seeing either by tape recording their verbal descriptions or
by having someone else take notes. Reconstruction should be in
terms of color, dimension, etc. This exercise should start off
with simple descriptions and after each session should become
"richer" with respect to detail. Eventually, have students recall
everyday scenes (routes to school) without concentrated observa-
tions first.
Dimensionaliza- Translating verbal or two-dimensional concepts or expressions into
tion activities three-dimensional objects (e.g., sculpting a heart out of clay
which would capture the essence of "puppy love").
of concepts,
ideas, etc.
'distained con-
cpntration on
Students should draw out (on large sheets of paper) their most
important goals or concerns (e.g., students may create their own
logos, with no accompanying caption, which best descrihe what they
believe in, or want to achieve).
To demonstrate the typical verbal left hemisphere's dominance in
daily cognitive processes, nave students concentrate on nonverbal
stimuli without allowing any internal verbal chatter. For example,
instruct students to give 1 minute of undivided attention to the
movement of a second hand on a watch or clock without subvocaliza-
tion, internal verbal description or evaluation of the activity.
This exercise involves the conscious elicitation of right brain
processes and will enhance the student's ability to engage nonverbal
right hemisphere processes at will.
Have students trace through a maze while looking only in a mirror
and not at his/her hand. Do this for 5-10 minutes.
Use opposite (nondominant) hand, foot, etc., to perform everyday
functions (e.g., write with left hand if right handed, kick a ball
with right font if "left footed").
Brown, B. Stress and the art
of biofeedback. New York:
Harper & Row, 1977.
Green, E. AutotAnic training
phrases in Brown, Ibid.
Hendricks, G. Wills, R.
The centering books: Aware-
ness activities for children,
parents and teachers. Englemood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
Jacobson, E. Teaching and
learning new methods for old
arts. 0:3. Foundation for
Progressive Relaxation, 1973.
O'Dell, D.K. Relaxation and
Re-Creation (R&R) for Children,
238 Fairway St., Eden, NC'
27288, 1981.
* The illustrated Brain Owner's Manual, which serves as the study guide for educationally oriented left/right brain
ivorkshops, is available at cost. Address manual/workshop inquiries to author at 2916 La Veta Dr., N.E., Albuquerque,
NM, 87110.
** Activities developed/described by the author unless otherwise indicated.
30 3 5
of an end
of the
or diagramming
of problems
Guided fantasty
brain indepen-
dent study
guide for high
school students
It 1, e column experience that information that is presented in a
rhythmic end/or musical fashion is retained to a much greater
degree than only verbally coded information (advertising invests
heavily into pairing verbal and musical messages that "stick").
Rhythm and music are both "fortes" of the right brain and should
be brought into play whenever possible. Have students develop
jingles that convey an important message, or sell a real or
imagiru_rd product.
It has been found consistently that those individuals who can best
visualize e finished product or end result are most successful at
achieving a goal or solving a problem. Encourage vivid visualiza-
tion of end products to the fullest extent possible.
The subconscious right brain often times repeatedly processes or
reorganizes (consolidates) information we concentrate on just
prior tosleep. To take advantage of the consolidation printiple,
it is best to simplify and repeat an idea or information seven to
eight times prior to going to sleep-. The information may then be
reorganized into a novel format and/or stored in long-term memory.
Upon waking, we may very, well haVe a new combination of the informa-
tion we registered just prior to sleep. This new consolidation of
information could be the key to insight in solving a particular
A concise picture is worth a thousand words. Accustom students to
diagramming or pictorally illustrating the basic components of an
idea or problem. This simplification of the problem requires true
understanding of the problem and puts it into visual terms which
will facilitate right brain processing.
Make material to be learned as personally relevant and "emotional"
as possible. The more the emotions can be involved in acquiring
information, the mere it will be registered in the right brain.
When information is retained by both the left (orderly, verbal
information) and-the right brain (highly emotionally charged input),
it is more likely to be remembered. A "discovery approach" to
learning may facilitate the personalization of information.
Guided fantasy experiences, which can be facilitated by the
student's listening to especially designed tapes, enhance the
right brain imaginative visualization processes. As indicated
previously, visualization appears to be an important component in
problem solving. Students should be encouraged to compose their
own fantasies as lavishly as possible. This primes the imaginative
properties of the right brain for use in problem solving.
Since the right brain, is metaphoric and analogic in its orientation,
analogic thinking will stimulate right brain processing of
This is a compilation of 109 teacher-made ictivities that are
classified under 15 creative processes. Many of these processes
are directly related to right brain stimulation (centering, sensory
awareness, brainstorming, creative dramatics).
Humor draws on both left (verbal) and right (emotional) brain
processes. Have students read, cut out, and bring in humorous
material. Simple word puzzles are also most effective in enhancing
integrated (left and right brain) processing. Encourage the
student's creation of cartoons, clever sayings, etc.
Provides practical, independent study activities that lead to the
understanding and application of left and right brain learning
Presents innovative teaching strategies that draw on both left and
right brain processes. Related re-:;earch is discussed, and this
reference appears to be a helpful guide in providing specific
suggestions to facilitate "whole-child" learning.
Buzan, T. Use both sides of
your brain. -New York: E.P.
Dutton and Co., 1976.
Buzan, op. cit.
Good Apple. Flights of
Fantas , Box 299, Carthage,
IL 62321, 1980.
Harnadek, A. Antonyms
Synonyms, similarities and
differences. Troy MI:
Midwest Publications Co.,
Inc., 1977.
Jensen, L., & Harwood, B.
Creativity activities from: The
duality of die brain project.
/emple University, College ef
Education, 445 Ritter Hall,
Philadelphia PA 13122, 1981.
Mulac, M. Perceptual games
nd activities. New York:
Harper and Row, 1977.
Phelan,-P, Right/Left Brain:
An individual-learning project
demonstrating how to double
thinking power by using both
hemispheres of the brain.
'Interact, BOX 262, Lakeside,
CA 92040, 1978.
Pritchard, A. & Taylor J.,
Accelerated Learning, Novato
tA: Academic Therapy
Publications, 1980.
t Iona
Jt1 itegit'S
(lett Br3in)
(kiyht brain)
Negative SPace
drawing (Copy-
tug drawings
tnat are upside
down and/or
reversed in
Mime, charades,
Pr4,tit_al suggestions are provided for stimulating both left and
riot brain processing of information in the classroom.
Crossing sensory modality experiences (e.g., what colors would
certain musical tones have; how heavy, hot or cold would particular
colors be, etc.).
Numerous and specific strategies for stimulating both cognitive
(left brain) and affective (right brain) functioning in the
classroom are presented.
Ovor 1', readily implementable units in art, specifically designed tO
sAimulate right brain processes, are provided (grade three and up).
Reproducible student activity sheets are included in this curriculum
Two photographs/pictures upside down. Have students reproduce what
they see from this new perspective.
General suggestions and defenses for art as related to cultivating
right brain functioning.
Both the verbal processes of the left brain and emotional qualities of
the right brain are brought into play through poetey. Expose students
to good, relevant (age appropriate) poetry and provide opportunities
for students to be poetically expressive.
Communication of ideas through facial and bodily expression. Teaches
students to simplify concepts to the most elemental components and
"fine tune" bodily movements (e.g., "mime" the concept of trust or
By exposing students to illusions such as "Escher" prints, students
become accustomed to right brain perception overriding left brain logic
processes; that is, their right brain visual processes "see" something
that their left brain logic cannot explain.
Uriyami (paper These activities rely heavily upon visual/spatial abilities of the
folding) right brain and also improve visual/motor coordination.
Right brain processing of information through photographic activities
in the classroom is encouraged through the curricular suggestions
forwarded in this paper.
Curricular activities related to enhancing integrated brain
Elementary science teaching methods for enhancing right brain
(elementary) processes. 32 3I
Samples, Robert. NeurophysioloRY
and a new look at curriculum.
Burlingame CA: Thrust for
Education Leadership, 1976.
Standish, B. Sunflowering:
thinking, feeling, lioing
activities for creative expres-
sion. Carthage IL: Good Apple,
NET, 1977.
Williams, F.E. Models for
encouraging creativity in the
classroom by integrating cogni-
tive-affective behaviors.
Englewood Cliffs NJ: Educational
Technology, 1969.
O'Dell, D., Kerr, P., and
Rubenzer, R.L. Artistic
expression thro4T-T5TTE brain
activities. 238 Weaver St.,
Eden NC 27288.
Edwards, B. Drawing on the
right side of the brain. Los
Angeles CA: Tarcher, Inc.,
Samples, Robert E. New
perspectives--on art-Tducation.
Burlingame CA: Thrust for
Educational Leadership, 1978.
Beeler, N.F. &
Experiments in
Binghamton NY,
Branley, F.M.
optical illusions.
Benjamin, R. Origami for every-
one: Paper folding step by step
in photographs and games.
Blauvelt NY: Biograf Books, 1973
Routh, R.D. Photography as
;therapy. Paper, May 11-14, 1977
at the Annual Meeting of the
International Visual Literacy,
Association (9th, Iowa City IA).
Elliott, Portia C. Going "back
to basics" in Mathematics won't
prove who's "right," but who's
'left" (Brain duality and mathe-
matics learning). International
Journal of Mathematical tducation
in Science and TechnOlo2Y,
April, 1980.
McCormack, Alan J. Lemons, meal-
worms, and the giant amoeba: A
eureka trip through school
science. National Elementary.
principal, 1900, 5§(2), S4-60.
The estimated national prevalence (two to three million) of right brain
oriented children was derived from hemisphericity research on "left
handedness," creativity, And learning disabilities. file national K-
through 12th-grade population for 1980-81 was approximately 41,000,000.*
At least 10% (4,100,000) of this population is left handed. Research
studies predict that between 30% and 50% of left-handed individuals
utilize a predominantly right brain processing style; therefore, it can
be estimated that between 1,230,000 and 2,050,000 left-handed children
favor a right brain cognitive style. Brain research studies also point
to a strong preference for a right brain processing style for creative
(in visual/performing arts) and learning disabled students. If only
one out of a hundred students were identified as being creative in the
visual/performing arts, another 400,000 students would be added to the
"estimate" pool. Approximately 1,200,000 students (3%) have been iden-
tifieo as learning disabled. Collectively the creatively talented and
learning disabled represent 1,600,000 students. Adjusting this initial
figure to exclude the predicted 30% of this population who are left
handed (triple the normal frequency), the creative and learning dis-
abled students would enlarge the right brain oriented "projected" por-
tion of the school population by 1,120,000. Combining the estimates of
the left-handed (1,230,000 to 2,050,000), creatively talented, and learn-
ing disabled students (1,120,000) with a right brain learning style re-
sulted in a total ranging from 2,350,000 to 3,170,000 children equalling
from 6% to 8% of the total population, or at least 2 students per class-
room of 30.
It should be noted that this total does not include any estimate of
the prevalence of right brain dominance for the 16,000,000 right-handed
learning disabled males in the school population. Extensive studies have
demonstrated a right brain dominant processing style for males.
* Source: Dr. Paul Burns--U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C.,
April, 1982. See pertinent sections (handedness, creativity,
learning disabilities) for research references.
Albert, M.L., & Obler, L.K. The bilingual brain: Neuropsychological and
neurolinguistic aspects of bilingualism. New York: Academic Press,
American Psychiatric Association. Task_force report on megavitamin therapy
and orthomolecular psychiatry. Washington DC: Brenner, 1973.
Anastasi, A. Psychological testing (3rd ed.). London: Macmillan, 1968.
Barkley, R.A. Hyperactive children: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment.
New York: Guilford Press, 1981.
Basser, L.S. Hemiplegia of early onset and the faculty of speech with special
reference to the effects of hemispherectomy. Brain, 1962, 85,
Benton, A.L. Disorders of spatial orientation. In P.J. Vinken & G.W.
Bruyn (Eds.), Handbook of clinical neurology (Vol. 3). Amsterdam:
North Holland, 1969.
Bever, T.J., & Chiarello, R.J. Cerebral dominance in musicians and
nonmusicians. Science, 1974, 186, 537-539.
Black, S., & Black, H. Figural ana1o9ies. Pacific Grove CA: Midwest
Publications, 1981.
Blackstock, E.G. Cerebral asymmetry and the development of early infantile
autism. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 1978, 8(3),
Blau H., & Sinatra, R. Word learning: Using the right brain. Academic
Therapy, 1981, 17(1), 69-75.
Bloom, B.S. Stability and change in human characteristics. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1964.
Bogen, J.E., & Gazzaniga, M.S. Cerebral commissurotomy in man: Minor
hemisphere dominance for certain visuospatial functions. Journal of
Neurosurgery, 1965, 23, 394-399.
Brandwein, P., & Ornstein, R. The duality of the mind. Instructor,
January 1977, 54-58.
Brauner, A. The effects of megadoses of selected B complex vitamins on
children with hyperkinesis: Controlled studies with long term follow-up.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1982, 15(5), 258-264.
Bronowski, J. The ascent of man. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1973.
Brown, J.W
Bruner, J.
The neural organization of language: Aphasia and lateralization.
and Language, October 1976, 1(4), 482-494.
S. On knowing: Essays for the left hand. New York: Atheneum,
Budzynski, T.H., Stoyva, J.M;-,-& Adler, C.S. The use of feedback-induced
muscle relaxation in tension headache: A controlled-outcome stuay.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
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Butler, S.R., & Glass, A. Asymmetrics in the electroencephalogram associated
with cerebral dominance.. Electroencephalo9raph1y and Clinical Neuro-
physiology, 1974, 36, 481-491.
Buzan, T. Use both sides of yOur brain. New York: E.P. Dutton and Co.,
Cacioppo, J.T., & Petty, R.E. The effects of orientingtask on differential
hemisphere EEG activation. Neuropsycholo9ia, 1980, 18, 657-663.
Calearo, C. Verbal tests of central auditon. Audiology, 1975, 14(4), 300-311.
Carroll, J. Language, thought and reality: Selected writings of Benjamin
Whorf. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1973.
Cherlow, D.G., & Serafetinides, E.A. Speech and memory abilities in
psychomotor epileptics. Cortex, March 1976, 12(1), 21-26.
Colby, K., & Parkison, C. Handedness in autistic children. Journal of
Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 1977, 7(1), 3-9.
Compton, A., & Bradshaw, J.L. Differeatial hemispheric mediation of non-
verbal visual stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 1975, 1040), (3), 246-252.
Corballis, M.C. Laterality and myth. American Psychologist, 1980, 35(3),
Goren, S., & Porac, C. Fifty centuries of right-handedness: The historical
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Corkin, S., Davis, K.J., Growdon, E., Usdin, E., & Wurtman, R.J. Alzheimer's
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Cowan, M.W. The development of the brain. Scientific American, 1979, 211(3),
Crinella, T.M., Beck, F.W., & Robinson, J.W. Unilateral dominance is not
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December 1971, 42(6), 2033-2054.
Darvaj, B., & Smyk, K. Interhemisphere asymmetry in.electroencephalographic
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Davis, A. Let's eat right to keep fit. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1970.
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Deikman, A.J. Biomodal consciousness. Biofeedback and self control: An
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1971, 58-73.
DeLorenzo, K.B. Cerebral language arrangement for Mexican AmeriLuds.
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