
Conceptualizing Language Proficiency

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Discusses both Canale's and Bachman's theoretical frameworks of language proficiency (LP). These theories share the same standpoint: language use for communication is dynamic; LP is both knowledge and skills; and LP includes at least grammatical competence, discourse/textual competence, and sociolinguistic competence. (Contains 38 references.) (JP)

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... In western countries, over the last several decades, scholars such as Bloomfield (1942), Krashen (1982), Leech and Svartvik (1994), Ellis (1985 Ellis ( , 1997 Ellis ( , 1999), Prabhu (1987), Cui (1993), Lantolf (2000), Kumaravadivelu (2003), Xing (2006) have generated grammar-translation, audio-lingual, communicative, functional-notional, proficiency and layering-stratification approaches on learning and teaching Chinese as foreign language (CFL). The introduction of pedagogical grammar of Chinese (PGC) to the communicative approach makes it the most popular method on CFL in recent years (Little 1994). ...
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This paper aims to study the current challenges of Chinese language education in the multilingual societies of Hong Kong and Singapore through policy documents. After the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, the role of Putonghua is far more important than before due to political and economic reasons. However, the medium of instruction for the Chinese Language subject in Hong Kong has long been Cantonese since the British colony days. A change in the medium of instruction from mother-tongue Cantonese to Putonghua is a shift from L1 to L2. This paper will discuss the feasibility of this long term policy of Hong Kong Education Bureau with reference to Singapore’s experience. Currently, Singapore faces the problem of declining standard of reading and writing in Huayu (Putonghua in China) and this paper will investigate the reason for that and suggest possible remedies.
... In western countries, over the last several decades, scholars such as Bloomfield (1942), Krashen (1982), Leech and Svartvik (1994), Ellis (1985Ellis ( , 1997Ellis ( , 1999, Prabhu (1987), Cui (1993), Lantolf (2000), Kumaravadivelu (2003), Xing (2006) have generated grammar-translation, audio-lingual, communicative, functional-notional, proficiency and layering-stratification approaches on learning and teaching Chinese as foreign language (CFL). The introduction of pedagogical grammar of Chinese (PGC) to the communicative approach makes it the most popular method on CFL in recent years (Little 1994). ...
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Vol.1, No.4, December 2008
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