This book is intended to point out the extent of sexual discrimination and bias that occurs in Canadian universities; to reveal the anti-woman ambience that presently exists in academia, undermining the confidence and self-respect of women scholars; and to offer recommendations for action that would greatly ameliorate the situation of university women. Results of surveys, statistical data, and other evidence and information are presented in the following chapters: (1) "Realities of Student Life"; (2) "Science and Engineering"; (3) "Arts, Law, and Medicine"; (4) "Traditional 'Feminine' Disciplines"; (5) "Women's Studies"; (6) "Research"; (7) "Administrations, Professors, and Staff"; (8) "University Services"; (9) "Sexism, Sexual Harassment, and Violence"; and (10) "What's To Be Done" (specific recommendations for action, organized according to the book's chapter headings, that range from immediate and individual actions to long-range and university-wide plans of action). A selected bibliography of 134 references is appended. (KM)