
Zero to Six: Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

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Despite the plethora of new electronic media aimed at very young children, little is known about which media are available to children and whether or how children engage with them. This study reports on a nationally representative telephone survey of more than 1,000 parents of children ages 6 months through 6 years, conducted in Spring 2003. The most significant findings cited in the study are as follows: (1) children six and under spend an average of 2 hours daily with screen media, mostly TV and videos; (2) TV watching begins at very early ages, well before the medical community recommends; (3) a high proportion of very young children are using new digital media, including 50 percent of 4- to 6-year-olds who have played video games and 70 percent who have used computers; (4) two out of three 6-year-olds and under live in homes where the TV is left on at least half the time, even without viewers present, and one-third live in homes where the TV is on "almost all" or "most" of the time-- children in the latter group appear to read less than other children and to be slower to learn to read; (5) many parents see media as an important educational tool, beneficial to their children's intellectual development, and parents' attitudes on this issue appear to be related to the amount of time their children spend using each medium; and (6) parents clearly perceive that their children's TV watching has a direct effect on their behavior, and are more likely to see positive rather than negative behaviors being copied. (KB)

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... Movies, television (TV), music, videos, video games, and computers are all part of today's society's lifestyle. Children's television programs, computer applications, and video series are all seeing significant growth (Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). Current studies recognize that even the youngest children are using television levels higher than the suggested by child development specialists (Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). ...
... Children's television programs, computer applications, and video series are all seeing significant growth (Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). Current studies recognize that even the youngest children are using television levels higher than the suggested by child development specialists (Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). ...
... A Survey by Kaiser Family Foundation showed that 86 percent of children under the age of six spend about two hours each day on screen media (Rideout, 2003). In a survey of 2005, 82 percent of children aged 3 to 4 and 78 percent of children aged 5 to 6 watched television regularly (Vandewater, Rideout, & Wartella, 2007). ...
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The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of television violence on the social behavior of preschoolers. The design of the study was descriptive based on survey research. The population of the study consisted of all the mothers of a preschooler in Lahore, Pakistan. A sample comprised of 92 mothers of preschoolers of Allama Iqbal town Lahore and data were collected through a questionnaire. The findings of the present study show that there was an immense effect of television violence on the social behavior of preschoolers. Children apply things learned from television in their daily life, and the violence anticipated on television also promotes aggressive behavior.
... Due to viewers' reliance on foreign-based satellite television programming, the availability of satellite television in Ethiopia may have negatively impacted adolescent viewers' social interactions [9]. Schiller affirms that "watching foreign television can change one's values, and importing programs is importing lifestyles" [10]. ...
... Its diagnosis is VIF, where VIF (Bj) = 1/ (1-R 2 k), R 2 k is the coefficient of determination of the auxiliary regression. If VIF (Bj) = [1,10], there is no multicollinearity, but VIF (Bj) out of the range indicates problem with it [15]. Table 1 show that the average time spent by respondents watching Kana television programs was 1.27 hours or one hour and 27 minutes per day. ...
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Globalization gave rise to television, a significant source of instructional enrichment. It offers more comprehensive, advanced, and varied knowledge and instruction. Television has received a lot of flak for having a detrimental effect on secondary school pupils' academic achievement. Watching television could start to compete with studying time and eventually lead to poorer academic achievement. In this study, our aim was to identify the determinants of viewing Kana television programs on academic performance. To meet the objective, of the 1658 students, 138 were selected as a sample by using stratified random sampling. We gathered information from the sample of students by using primary and secondary data collection methods. Multiple linear regressions were used for data analysis, considering academic performance (the average mark after watching Kana TV) as the response variable. According to the descriptive statistic, 46.4% of students are males, and the remaining 53.6% are females because the total population of females is higher than males. 51.4% of students live in urban areas, and the remaining 48.6% live in rural area. 60.9% of students have access of satellite television and 39.1% of students have no access to satellite television. The major significant factors that affect the academic performance of students are age, religion, income, parent’s follow-up (father’s follow-up), access to satellite television, addiction to Kana television programs, and time spent.
... For example, most (66.3%) of the children in this study spent less than 1 hour daily playing outside over the weekdays, and this percentage (49.7%) is reduced further during the weekends. This is supported by a study that found out that children aged 4 -6 years old who were heavy television users spent less time reading and playing outside (42). Since the children already spent more time on screen media, there was only a small amount of time left to spend on other activities and vice versa. ...
... And those who had a television in the bedroom are 5.562 times more likely to develop screen dependency. This finding is supported by other studies which found out that child who had television the bedroom has excessive screen time (24,42). As mentioned from our study, excessive screen time more than 2 hours over the weekend increase risk of developing screen dependency. ...
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Introduction: Excessive screen time among young children is associated with screen dependency. At this moment, there is a lack of data on screen dependency among young children in Malaysia. This study aimed to measure the prevalence of screen dependency and its associated factors among preschool children in Kuala Lumpur. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at registered preschools in Kuala Lumpur. 300 parents of preschool children aged 4 to 6 years old who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited via simple random sampling. The Screen Dependency Scale (SDS) were used to assess their dependency to screen media. Univariate and multivar-iate statistics were analysed using IBM SPSS version 27. Results: The prevalence of screen dependency among preschool children in Kuala Lumpur was 65.7%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified that using the screen to resolve children's quarrels (aOR 2.855, 95% CI 1.187-6.868), children who use smartphones (aOR 2.735, 95% CI: 1.244-6.013), children's screen time exceeds 2 hours over the weekend (aOR 2.261, 95% CI: 1.058-4.830) and having a television in the bedroom (aOR 5.562, 95% CI: 1.591-19.442) were predictors for screen dependency. While active co-use mediation (aOR 0.505, 95% CI: 0.302-0.845) were protective. Conclusion: The prevalence of screen dependency was high among preschool children in Kuala Lumpur. Active screening at health care clinics or in schools is essential to identify early children with risk factors for screen dependency.
... To begin, we broadly consider how caregiver characteristics predict their likelihood of singing and playing musical recordings for their infants. While caregiver singing and recorded music playing are both well-represented in early musical home environments, as documented through survey, interview, and daylong recording studies (Mendoza and Fausey 2021;Rideout, Vandewater, and Wartella 2003;Young 2008), questions remain about how caregivers' characteristics and musical histories guide how often they selectively engage in musical activities. Previous work suggests that caregivers who are mothers, first time parents, musicians, and those who report appreciation for music and the arts are more likely to engage their infants musically (e.g., Custodero, Rebello Britto, and Brooks-Gunn 2003;Evans, Dean, and Byett 2022;Ilari 2005), though these generalizations may not be consistent across all populations and may depend on the type of musical activities engaged (e.g., singing, playing with musical toys). ...
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Musical interactions between caregivers and their infants typically rely on a limited repertoire of live vocal songs and recorded music. Research suggests that these well-known songs are especially effective at eliciting engaged behaviors from infants in controlled settings, but how infants respond to familiar music with their caregivers in their everyday environment remains unclear. The current study used an online questionnaire to quantify how often and why caregivers present certain songs and musical recordings to their infants. Using a cross-sectional approach, we explored infants' changing behavioral profiles to music from birth to 24 months. Caregivers additionally reported on their feelings of affective attachment toward their infants. Results reveal that caregivers sing and play recorded music for younger and older infants at comparably high rates. In turn, infants actively respond to their favorite songs and recordings by demonstrating positive emotions, movements, and attentive listening. Caregivers mainly consider their infants' musical preferences when building their shared musical repertoire at home. Both caregivers' engagement in musical activities with their children and infants' enthusiastic responsiveness to singing predicted stronger dyadic attachment bonding. Caregivers and infants jointly contribute to building musical relationships, and these musical relationships may be intertwined with their emerging social-emotional bonds.
... The enthusiasm about the potential of screens as learning tools is marred by concerns about the overall impact of screen use on young children. Screen time usage among children under five has significantly increased, with American toddlers spending around two hours a day in front of screens (Rideout et al. 2003). The effects of this practice are highly controversial, as there are no conclusive and consistent scientific findings about the benefits and risks (Beatty & Egan 2020). ...
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This paper examines the impact of foreign language animated cartoons on preschool children in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting both benefits and challenges. While cartoons can enhance vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, cultural awareness and second language acquisition, some speech therapists in these countries express concerns. They argue that early exposure to foreign languages via screens may cause confusion, language mixing, and excessive screen time. Some of this scepticism contradicts current scientific findings. Interviews with speech therapists show how expert opinions shared through popular media can shape caregivers’ practices, often leading to misconceptions. As most caregivers rely on media for information rather than scientific literature, this emphasises the need for researchers to communicate their findings effectively to the public. The study reviews literature and empirical evidence, highlighting the gap between media narratives and scientific research and offers practical recommendations for educators, therapists, caregivers, and policymakers.
... (J. R. Lee, 2014;Ryu, 2014) (Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). , (Jo, Choi, Lee, Heo, & Kim, 2022), (J. S. Kim & Lee, 2019; J. S. . ...
Objectives: Media literacy is recognized as an essential competency for adapting to a changing world, and early childhood media literacy is crucial for promoting a safe growth environment. Parental media literacy significantly influences children's media literacy and plays a significant role in providing ways to interact with digital media. This study aimed to understand the concept of media literacy as perceived by parents of young children.Methods: Twenty parents of young children brainstormed and wrote sentences according to the procedure described by Kane and Trochim (2007). Subsequently, 200 parents were asked to evaluate the importance of the selected sentences. The selected sentences were analyzed through multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis using SPSS 27.0.Results: Parents of young children perceived media literacy through concept mapping with two dimensions and six clusters. These six clusters were “online problem solving,” “media usage rules management,” “media content utilization education,” “media information filtering,” “media selection evaluation,” and “media device utilization support.” Among these, the media usage rule management cluster was recognized as the most important, whereas the media device utilization support cluster was recognized as the least important. Among the statements, the statement “For young children, needs to manage media content and time” was considered relatively important, and the statement, “Can look at it and follow it” was considered relatively insignificant.Conclusion: Based on these results, we discuss the importance of media literacy for parents of young children, the development of a media literacy scale for parents, and the preparation of a media literacy education plan for parents.
... For example, research suggests there is a distinct connection between learning to move and learning to talk, such that increased movement is positively associated with increased language and communication (Burns et al., 2011;Timmons et al., 2012). However, children are often put in restrictive devices such as strollers or highchairs that limit movement and may watch television for up to 2 h per day (Duch et al., 2013;Lemelin et al., 2012;Vandewater, 2003 ). Unfortunately, many barriers exist for HPs in integrating physical activity (PA) counseling, such as limited knowledge and self-efficacy in providing PA counseling (Cardinal et al., 2015;Lobelo et al., 2020;Stoutenberg et al., 2015). ...
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Background Healthcare providers (HPs) play a critical role in disseminating information about infant health and development. Two key developmental areas for infants are physical activity (PA) and communication. Few studies have examined HPs views of these topics. Thus, HPs may need support to promote these early development outcomes in infants. Thus, the study explored HPs' perceptions of infant PA and communication. Methods A total of 13 HPs with a wide variety of backgrounds were recruited. Zoom semi‐structured interviews were based on the Health Belief Model. Deductive content analysis was utilized to analyze data. Results HPs knew little about PA guidelines. HPs were concerned about an infant's PA because of limited playtime and tummy time. Most HPs advised parents on PA and motor development milestones, with crawling, walking, and tummy time. HPs also wanted to learn about PA measurement tools. PA promotion was hindered by parents' busy schedules, lack of time, and language barriers. Most HPs advised parents on verbal and nonverbal communication. Many HPs were unfamiliar with communication assessment methods and wanted to learn more. Conclusions HPs had limited knowledge about PA guidelines and communication measurement tools. Efforts are needed to identify easily accessible ways to educate HPs that could be disseminated to parents.
... The main characteristic of e-learning is that ''it overcomes time and spatial restrictions, since learners can attend the course wherever they are, assuming they have adequate equipment, such as a computer connected to the Internet'' (Kazanidis et al., 2014, p. 149). Before the year 2011, most young children exposed to e-learning were instructed to sit properly in front of a desktop computer and hold a mouse to interact with educational software (Rideout et al., 2003). However, actions executed with a mouse require a high level of fine motor skills (Shanis & Hedge, 2003). ...
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This review was conducted to explore the use of digital technologies with young children in early childhood language and literacy education. It centers on peer-reviewed empirical journal articles published during the past two decades. An initial sample of refereed journal articles (N = 631) was compiled from systematically searching the Web of Science Core Collection databases. Following strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, 89 articles were included in the review. Five major dimensions of the selected studies were coded: demographic information, setting, digital technology used, research designs, and research findings. All of the articles selected for inclusion were systematically mapped to provide a valuable resource for researchers in this area. The main findings of the review were categorized and are reported in five subsections: print knowledge, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, early vocabulary knowledge, and narrative skills. Each subsection is framed with practical implications gleaned from the empirical studies.
... Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (2018), menyatakan bahwa pengunaan internet di Indonesia sebanyak 171,17 jiwa dari total penduduk Indonesia. Penggunaan gadget oleh anak di Indonesia sebesar 38% pada tahun 2011, meningkat menjadi 72% pada tahun 2013 dan mengalami peningkatan kembali pada tahun 2015 sebesar 80% (Rideout, 2015). ...
Background. Providing gadgets for an extended period is one of the inappropriate stimulation for early childhood. Children who are already addicted to gadgets will have social-emotional development problems. Children who use gadgets will become an antisocial-individuals; therefore, they often ignore and interact less with their surroundings. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the duration of gadget use and social interaction among children at Mutiara Pre-Primary School in South Kuta, Badung Regency. Method. This study employed a correlation analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach. The research sample was 109 respondents recruited through the total sampling technique according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Findings indicated that most children used gadgets for a long duration with 70 respondents (64.2%), and almost all children had good social interaction with 107 respondents (98.2%). The results of statistical tests using Chi-Square showed no correlation between the duration of using gadgets and social interaction in early childhood, with a p-value of 0.056 > 0.05. Conclusion. There is no correlation between gadget use duration and early childhood social interaction.
... (1,2) Usage of digital screen devices has remarkably increased in the past 10 years. (3) A study of USA in 2013 found that over a half of 4-year-old children had their own TVs; 75.0% of children had their own mobile phones; and 96.6% of children used digital screen devices since the age of 1. (4,5) Children of early childhood include newborns to 6 years old, are the most crucial period of brain development. Their first 2 years particularly affect their cognitive development and intelligence. ...
... Lo anterior debido a que el móvil constituye un reforzador para los infantes y se ha convertido en un elemento de las prácticas de crianza empleadas por los padres (Ewin et al., 2021). Por lo que resultan urgentes nuevos estudios que permitan reconocer las prácticas más recomendables para poder actualizar a los padres y educadores de manera certera con relación al uso de dispositivos móviles en niños más pequeños (Kabali et al., 2015) Son escasos los trabajos en los que se han empleado herramientas para medir el uso de dispositivos electrónicos y móviles, entre niños pequeños; Rideout (2013;2017) y sus colaboradores (Rideout et al., 2003;Rideout & Robb, 2020) realizaron estudios en Estados Unidos, con niños de 0 a 8 años y reportaron que los menores de dos años emplean dispositivos móviles alrededor de dos horas al día en promedio. En estos mismos estudios, se ha encontrado que los niños latinos o con padres con menor nivel escolar, tienen una mayor probabilidad de permanecer una mayor cantidad de tiempo en el uso de los móviles. ...
... Gadget adalah suatu benda atau barang yang diciptakan khusus di era yang serba maju ini dengan tujuan untuk membantu segala sesuatu menjadi mudah dan praktis dibandingkan teknologi-teknologi sebelumnya. Beberapa contoh dari gadget yaitu laptop, smartphone, ipad, ataupun tablet yang merupakan alat-alat teknologi yang berisi aneka aplikasi dan informasi mengenai semua hal yang ada di dunia ini [17], [18]. ...
Berdasarkan Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) tahun 2018, dilaporkan bahwa perkembangan sosial emosional anak Indonesia meningkat menjadi 69,9% akan tetapi lebih rendah jika dibandingkan negara Vietnam 91,2%, Kazakhtan 82,1%, dan Thailand 79,4%. Perkembangan sosial anak akan mengalami keterlambatan apabila faktor pencetusnya tidak segera diatasi .Salah satu faktor pencetus yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan sosial anak yaitu kebiasaan anak dalam menggunakan gadget. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan gadget terhadap perkembangan personal sosial anak usia prasekolah (3-6 tahun) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rimbo Tengah Kab.Bungo. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dimana jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 96 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan gadget terhadap perkembangan personal sosial anak usia prasekolah (3-6 tahun) Perkembangan personal sosial merupakan perkembangan yang sangat penting dalam tahap tumbuh kembang anak terutama pada anak usia prasekolah.
... Screen time may be either passive, which refers to viewing screen content that requires no interaction or no input from the user, as in television viewing, or active, which refers to interactive, intentional and cognitive engagement with a device that provides screen content (Hu et al., 2020;Sweetser et al., 2012), such as a computer or internet-enabled touchscreen devices that allow interactivity and feedback based on user input (Hu et al., 2020). According to recent results, the average age of using electronic screen devices has decreased (Chang et al., 2018) and more than 80% of preschool children spend an average of 2-3 h per day looking at various screens (McNeill et al., 2019;Rideout et al., 2003;Shah et al., 2019), and television and smartphones are major contributors (Shah et al., 2019), which exceed WHO recommendations. Moreover, more than 4 in 5 children own at least one screen-based device and, on average, they own three different digital devices at home (Graham & Sahlberg, 2021). ...
... Dijital gelişim ve değişim, dış mekanlardan kopukluklar meydana getirebilmektedir. Nitekim Rideout ve arkadaşları (49), tüm gün televizyon açık olan evlerde yaşayan çocukların diğer çocuklara kıyasla daha az dışarıda oyun oynadığını vurgulamaktadır. Dış mekân oyunlarının çocukların gelişimi üzerindeki olumlu etkisi ve dijital oyunların gelişim sürecindeki olumsuz etkileri göz önüne alındığında; dış mekân oyunları ile dijital oyun bağımlılığı arasındaki ilişkinin bilimsel veriler ışığında yorumlanması önem taşımaktadır. ...
Amaç: Bu çalışmada dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile dış mekân oyunları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışma nicel yöntem ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan Demografik Bilgi Formu, çocuklar ve ailelere yönelik hazırlanan ve uzman görüşü alınarak oluşturulan Anket Formu ve “Çocuklar İçin Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışma sonucunda dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile; çocukların dışarıda oyun oynama düşünceleri, oyun oynama süresi, dışarıda oyun oynama durumu ve evde dijital oyun oynama durumu arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı; dışarıda oyun oynanan yerler ile arkadaş ilişkileri arasında anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Evde sınırsız internet bulunsa da çocukların dışarıda oyun oynamaktan hoşlandığı, evinde kendisine ait bilgisayarı ve akıllı telefonu bulunmayan çocukların ise dışarıda oyun oynamaktan daha çok hoşlandığı saptanmıştır.
... Οι πολυάριθμες μελέτες σε Αγγλία και Αμερική (π.χ. Roberts et al, 1999;Turow & Nir, 2000;Marsh & Thompson, 2001) δείχνουν ότι τα παιδιά «βυθίζονται» στα Μέσα και ότι ο ρόλος των Μέσων στη μάθηση των παιδιών είναι ένα θέμα ιδιαίτερης συζήτησης τα τελευταία χρόνια (Rideout et al, 2003). Τα σημερινά παιδιά ως χρήστες (user) και ως παραγωγοί (producer) των Μέσων έχουν αναλάβει νέους ρόλους και αποτελούν «ανεξάρτητες και υπεύθυνες προσωπικότητες -προπάντων στον χώρο των νέων Μέσων, στον οποίο μάλιστα λειτουργούν ως πολιτισμικοί φορείς και γνώστες του αντικειμένου» (Kron & Σοφός, 2007:60). ...
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Βασική προϋπόθεση για την επιβίωση των οργανισμών – εκπαιδευτικών και μη - είναι η παρακολούθηση, η κατανόηση κι η προσαρμογή στις εξελίξεις που συμβαίνουν είτε σε διεθνές είτε σε εθνικό επίπεδο, στον οικονομικό, κοινωνικό, πολιτικό, πολιτισμικό, τεχνολογικό και οικολογικό τομέα. Γι’ αυτό, το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό - αναγκαίο για τη λειτουργία των οργανισμών - πρέπει να είναι κατάλληλα καταρτισμένο, ώστε να αναλαμβάνει ρόλους, να υιοθετεί τρόπους συμπεριφοράς (καθήκοντα) και να εντάσσεται σε ομάδες, με σκοπό την αποτελεσματικότερη διεκπεραίωση των έργων. Στο πλαίσιο της παρούσας εργασίας γίνεται η παρουσίαση της έννοιας των ομάδων και των σταδίων ανάπτυξής τους. Εν συνεχεία, επισημαίνονται οι παράγοντες οι οποίοι προσδιορίζουν την αποτελεσματικότητα των ομάδων και προβάλλονται μερικά προβλήματα τα οποία την παρακωλύουν. Στο τέλος, τίθεται μία περίπτωση για μελέτη (case study) η οποία προβάλλει έμπρακτα την δυναμική των ομάδων και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για παρουσίαση της δυναμικής και των χαρακτηριστικών των ομάδων σε μαθητές της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης.
... The questionnaire was prepared by the researcher based on the findings from a review of the current literature and with the light of the research questions. The most commonly used electronic media devices were identified as televisions, tablets, smartphones, and computers (Connell, Lauricella, &Wartella, 2015;Kirkorian, Wartella, & Anderson, 2008;V. J. Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003). Hence, the usage of these four electronic media devices was emphasized in the survey. Smartphones and tablets are often used for the same reasons or to perform similar tasks, such as watching videos and playing games. Therefore, in this study, they were evaluated together. With the questionnaire, those were measured: media technology i ...
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Today’s children are born and raised in media-saturated environments, surrounded by televisions, computers, tablets, smartphones, and other portable electronic devices. Because these devices have become an indispensable part of everyday life, they have a significant influence on children's entertainment and leisure, as well as their education. This study, therefore, examined how early and how much young children (from 0 to 6 years of age) use television, computers, and tablet/smartphones, specifically whether this media usage is directly affected by socio-demographic factors related to parents (i.e., their education, income, and age), the children themselves (i.e., their age, gender, and the presence and number of siblings), and the media environment in their homes (i.e., the availability of media, parental opinions about media, and regulation of media use). The sample for this study consisted of 412 parents of 0- to 6-year-old children who brought their children to the Social Paediatrics Department of the Faculty of Medicine in Ankara, Turkey, for developmental check-ups. The data for this study were collected through a questionnaire that was prepared by the researcher. The findings indicate that almost all children live in homes with different types of electronic media devices and the children’s home electronic media environments and their parents’ demographics are important predictors for their usage of electronic media.
... What are the causes of reduced play? The popularity and ubiquity of digital media are often cited as the major culprits [51,56,68]. For example, the presence of TV, personal computers, or game consoles in children's bedrooms is correlated with lower physical activities [69]. ...
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Although play results in physical, social, and cognitive benefits, there is a consensus that children’s opportunities to play have been reduced, particularly for those who live in urban environments. What are the barriers to play, and how can we mitigate them? This review examines a critical factor in play opportunities: parents as the decision-makers with regard to children’s play. Using perspectives from psychology, urban design, and cognitive science, we analyze the relationships between the design of built environments, parental attitudes and beliefs, and parental decisions on allowing children to play. For example, can a new implementation of children-centered urban design change parents’ skeptical attitude toward play? By drawing from global studies, we chart (1) the three key beliefs of parents regarding play and built environments: play should benefit learning, be safe, and match the child’s competence and (2) the design principles that can foster these beliefs: learning, social, and progressive challenge designs. By making the link between parents, urban design, and play explicit, this paper aims to inform parents, educators, policymakers, urban planners, and architects on the evidence-based measures for creating and increasing opportunities to play.
... Since then, generations are being described as constantly plugged in to portable devices, like Mp3 players or phones. With time, more variations of the original term "digital native" have been created, like "net generation" from Tapscott and Williams (2010, p. 47), "media families" from Victoria Rideout and Elizabeth Hamel (2006) or "digitally born" (Seely-Brown 2008). The most characteristics are the same, the differences depend on the individual age group. ...
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The first part creates interest and shows the importance of this paper. The second part is the theoretical background, which sets the framework of this paper. The next part is reviewing the current stage of the digital detox markets, digital consumption, and digital health. At the end of this part, the first categorization of reasons, why people are doing a digital detox can be made. The fourth part explains the primary research (a survey) and describes the requirements which are needed for this survey. The 5th part shares the results of the survey. The final part takes the information from the survey and from chapter 3. The goal is to derive a digital business with this.
... Mere household ownership of a technology that can access EdTech does not necessarily translate to more child learning time (Asadullah & Bhattacharjee, 2022). 6 Children's access to EdTech tools is shaped by their caregivers (Genc, 2014), who influence whether a given learning material-digital or otherwise-is used (Rideout et al., 2003) and in what proportions (Kucirkova et al., 2017). Caregiver perspectives reflect their attitudes to digital technology, which are also embedded in social norms (Carson & Janssen, 2012). ...
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This paper contributes to the scarce literature on factors affecting EdTech use in households. These factors were considered through exploratory mixed‐methods analyses of cross‐sectional data on Kenyan girls and caregivers, captured during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Quantitative analysis of the child dataset (n = 544) suggested the importance of both structural factors—such as technology hardware availability—and non‐structural factors—including caregiver permission. Findings were supported by a thematic analysis of interview data from girls' caregivers (n = 58), which emphasised the role they play in girls' use of EdTech. Interviews also highlighted numerous caregiver concerns with EdTech, related to the relevance and rigour of educational content, the possibility of children accessing age‐inappropriate material and child health (especially eyesight). Policy makers could alleviate these concerns by providing guidance on EdTech use and clearly signalling their approval of verified initiatives. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic EdTech can benefit girls' education, yet there are various barriers to it being used. Existing research shows clearly that EdTech use can be impeded by structural factors (eg, hardware ownership). However, we find insufficient empirical evidence on the role of non‐structural or behavioural factors. What this paper adds This paper addresses this gap, using a mixed‐methods approach to explore the influence of 33 different measures (including non‐structural factors) that could affect the number of hours girls spend using EdTech at home. Findings from a quantitative sample of girls (n = 544) and a qualitative sample of girls' caregivers (n = 58) highlighted the importance of non‐structural factors, especially caregiver permission. The variable most strongly associated with girls' EdTech usage in our selected quantitative model concerned whether this was sanctioned by their caregivers. Our qualitative data suggested why caregiver permission to use EdTech might be withheld: caregivers emphasised perceived concerns about the risks and rigour of EdTech. Implications for practice and/or policy Our findings suggest the viability of policy interventions that provide EdTech guidance to caregivers. Caregivers uncertain about EdTech could be reassured of the appropriateness of verified initiatives, while those already convinced might be aided in their attempts to support EdTech learning. Such guidance could provide a low‐cost means of further exploiting the benefits that household EdTech learning can provide.
... He attributed this to parents' perception of the positive impact of TV on children's behaviour. 14 Another study stated that commonly used devices by children were TV (98%), smartphones (80%) and tablets (52.7%). 15 Due to screen time, children with CBD had poor eye contact and response to names compared to typically developing children. ...
Objective: To see the impact of screen media usage on early childhood development. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of study: Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics Department, Children’s Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Lahore Pakistan, from Oct to Dec 2020. Methodology: This study included 100 children with an age range between 15-36 months and divided into two groups. Group-1 was children with communication behaviour disorders (CBD) (n=50), and Group-2 was typically developing (TD)children (n=50). ShaMaq Developmental Screening Tool (SDST) was administered to children to screen their development.Childhood behaviours were rated on a scale of 0-10 on a Behaviour rating scale. Results: Children with CBD had poor eye contact, response to names, poor imitation, poor pointing and poor one-step command following (p<0.001) compared to typically developing children. Children with CBD had poor eating habits (p<0.01),were more restless (p<0.001), and had a developmental delay (p<0.001) on SDST as compared to the other group. In children with CBD, the extent of screen media exposure was significantly correlated with restlessness (p<0.05) and poor pointing(p<0.01). Conclusion: Exposure to screen media at an early age and prolonged use of screens can lead to adverse developmental outcomes and behaviour issues in children. This is more evident in children with CBD than in typically developing children.
... The main limitation of the study is the sample which is not representative in terms of level of parental education and socio-economic status. Another limitation is that the data on children's and parents' use of DM come not from observations, but from parental estimates, and previous research points to the lack of parental awareness of their children's media usage (Rideout et al., 2003). Finally, the study did not look into the specifics of use in terms of content for each DM device, which might be of importance in the interpretation of results. ...
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Evidências empíricas mais recentes demonstram e reforçam a (omni) presença material e funcional de novos e velhos média nos lares portu- gueses. A discussão deste capítulo decorre de entrevistas com famílias com contextos socioculturais e demográficos distintos, cujos pais começaram a utilizar a internet e a jogar videojogos por volta dos seus treze-catorze anos. Como estão estes novos pais a acomodar os equipa- mentos móveis, conectados e convergentes, cada vez mais indissociáveis da vida moderna? E como lidam com os desafios daí resultantes? Sem pretender à generalização, as suas histórias e contextos retratam te- mas e perspetivas que encontram eco em outros pais que se identificam com as mesmas encruzilhadas: tempo de ecrã, conteúdos que as crianças apreciam, motivações e envolvimento das famílias nos usos dos ecrãs, estratégias de mediação parental, reflexões e inconsistências dessa me- diação e a agência das crianças são alguns dos temas a que dão voz. Contrariando expectativas, as intervenções parentais continuam forte- mente influenciadas por debates clássicos e são reveladoras do que ain- da há por fazer no sentido de empoderar as famílias a tirarem partido deste novo mundo de possibilidades. O recorte de dados analisados faz parte do primeiro estudo longitudinal de natureza qualitativa envolvendo famílias com crianças menores de oito anos.
... But it does not confirm either Mintz's (2004) concerns of the nowadays toys' displacement by commercialized or digital games, and the shift in children's action space from outdoor to indoor activities or Klemenović's view (2014) that contemporary society's focus has shifted from playing with others to playing with objects and machines. This dismissal of digital games did not confirm research with children in Balkan countries (Klemenović, 2014), in the UK (Marsh et al., 2005;Plowman, McPake & Stephen, 2010) or with parents and families in the USA (Rideout, Vandewater & Wartella, 2003). ...
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Children’s play articulates the social ideologies and discourses of childhood and play. This study combined espousals from childhood studies, and play theories to analyze children’s conceptualization of childhood play, and trace social influences of their conceptions. The research consisting of 112 fifth-grade students who live in an urban environment indicated that their conceptualization of childhood referred to many types of play. In contrast to the discourse of the competent child, they almost exclusively appropriated the romantic discourse of the innocent child who plays outdoors with other children or alone, unsupervised by adults, far from institutionalized learning, intellectual games, urban activities, and new technology toys. Their conceptualizations reflected gender stereotypes of play and the influence of a competitive social structure. Article visualizations: </p
... These result parallel with the report of the common sense organization 14 and the non-experimental survey of Genc 11 . Furthermore, in the Report of a Kaiser Family Foundation, which show similar results regarding use of digital devices and time consuming except the touchscreen because this report conducted by Rideout in 2003 15 , when smartphones not popular at that time. Moreover, a longitudinal cohort study between 2011 and 2017 in Leipzig, Germany, conducted by Poulain and his colleagues 16 , which resulted that there is a significant increase in using of mobile phones between 2011 and 2016. ...
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The aims of this study was to assess of preschoolers' digital media use and activity in both governmental and private kindergartens, in addition, to identify preschoolers' health-related behaviors regarding digital media use. A comparative study design was used in this research during the period of 3 January 2019 to 13 April 2019. The study was conducted in the governmental and private kindergartens (KGs) in AL-Hillah city in Iraq. The total number of participants was (N=174) including parents and their children who aged (3-6 years old). The sample was selected by using convenience sampling approach. The data was collected by using an adapted and modify questionnaire focuses on preschooler health-related behavior and analyzed electronically by using SPSS program. the majority of participants (95%) have TV/DVD and (93%) have a touchscreen devices at home; however, touchscreen devices are used more than TV/DVD as shown in the results. More than 40% of the preschoolers in both KGs used digital media for longer than the recommended time and this was significantly correlated with time consumed by the parents on digital media. About 73% of preschoolers in the governmental KGs exhibit poor behaviors (such as hostile aggressive, anxiety and hyperactivity behaviors.
... National and international studies on children's digital addiction show that students need such information. The findings of the study conducted by Rideout, Vandewater and Wartella (2003) with 1,000 parents in the United States show that 48% of children use the computer effectively and 30% of them use the computer for the purpose of video games. Another finding of the study is that 6-year-old children averaged 1 hour 58 minutes during the day. ...
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21. yüzyılda bilim ve teknolojide önemli ilerlemeler yaşanmıştır. Teknoloji tüm yaşam alanlarına nüfuz etmiştir. Genel manada teknolojinin özelde ise dijital araç ve gereçlerin yaygınlık kazanması ise birtakım sonuçlar doğurmuştur. Bu sonuçlar olumlu ve olumsuz olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Fakat özellikle teknolojinin olumsuz sonuçları yaşanılan yüzyılda ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu durum ise beraberinden dijital etiği getirmiştir. Dijital etik, dijital araçların ve internetin kullanımında etik ilkelerin dikkate alınmasının gerekliliğini ifade eden kavramdır. Bireylerin dijital etik konusunda bilinçlendirilmesi ise önem taşımaktadır. İlgili hususta ise eğitim-öğretim süreci dolayısıyla bazı dersler ön plana çıkmaktadır. Sosyal bilgiler amaç ve içeriği dijital etiğin kazandırılacağı derslerden biridir. Mevcut araştırmada, sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin dijital etiğe yönelik görüşlerinin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, nitel yöntemle yapılan bir durum (vaka) çalışmasıdır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Muş İli merkez ortaokullarında görev yapan 30 sosyal bilgiler öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verileri, görüşme tekniği kullanılarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. İçerik analizi yöntemi ile araştırma verileri çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular öğretmenlerin dijital etiği doğru olarak algılayıp yorumladığını göstermektedir. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen diğer bulgular ise öğretmenlerin önemli bir kısmının dijital araç ve gereçlerin amacı dışında kullanıldığı, dijital etik ihlallerinin engellenmesine yönelik farklı tedbirlere başvurulması gerektiği ve okullarda dijital etiğe yönelik bir derse yer verilmesi yönünde görüşe sahip olduğudur. Bunun yanı sıra öğretmenlerin tamamının dijital etik ihlaliyle karşılaştığı ve bu ihlalleri önlemek amacıyla farklı yöntem ve etkinliklere başvurduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma bağlamında elde edilen son bulgu ise öğretmenlerin büyük çoğunluğunun yenilenen sosyal bilgiler öğretim programında dijital etiğin yer alma düzeyini yetersiz bulduğudur.
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Introduction : With the advancement of digital technology, people are enjoying the benefits of it in the context of information gathering, entertainment, saving physical time, and advertisement. Yet with good outcomes many undesirable side effects happen not only in adults but also in children. The prolonged use of screen time for children's physical, mental, and social health and development has now become a concern. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of prolonged screen time and its impact on children aged 1-5 years. Methods : This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January, 2020 to July, 2020. This study included 150 children aged between 1 -5 years who used various screen devices daily. Children were divided into two groups – Group A (Children used screen time >2 hours/day) and Group B (Children used screen time <2 hours/day). Result : The mean age was 3.6 ±0.04 years and most of the children were male (60%). During meal time, 86% of children showed adverse effects like aggressiveness and stopped eating in group A, and 28 (37%) & 21 (28%) children demanded devices at sleep time in groups A & B respectively. Regarding nutritional effects, 26(35%) children of group A were overweight and 16(21%) were underweight. In group B, it is 28% and 20% respectively. Conclusion : The findings showed that using devices for more than 2 hours per day by children aged 1-5 years, was detrimental in regards to sleep disturbance, eating behavior, and nutritional condition.
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Grundschulkinder erwerben bis zum Schuleintritt zahlreiche Fertigkeiten und Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit neuen Medien. Notwendige Voraussetzung, um auf dieses erworbene Potenzial der Kinder im Unterricht aufzubauen, ist ein fundiertes Wissen über ihren Mediengebrauch und ihre Mediennutzung. Im Beitrag werden Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Studie zur Mediennutzung und zu (medialen) Freizeitaktivitäten von n = 163 österreichischen Schulanfängerinnen und -anfängern im Kontext des familiären Medienumgangs vorgestellt.
Bereits im Kleinkindalter spielen digitale Medien eine wichtige Rolle. Oft werden sie mit nicht-digitalen Medien kombiniert und erweitern so die Medienauswahl. Das Fernsehen ist für die Jüngsten nach wie vor das wichtigste Medium, aber die Bedeutung der einfach zu bedienenden Tablets steigt kontinuierlich. Die Mediennutzung der Kleinen ist ein kontrovers diskutiertes Thema, bei dem die Mediennutzung der Eltern sowie deren Einstellung zum Medienumgang ihrer Kinder eine wichtige Rolle spielt.
Die folgende Übersicht soll einen Überblick darüber geben, was wir aus Sicht der internationalen Forschung über die Nutzungszeiten von Kindern im Alter von null bis drei Jahren wissen und welche möglichen Auswirkungen auf ihre Persönlichkeit damit verbunden sein könnten. Dabei beschränken wir uns auf Bildschirmmedien, da der Bericht sonst zu umfangreich würde.
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Introduction: Electronic devices have become one of the most preferred activities of children. The world of electronic devices however is changing dramatically. Children in particular, spend a significant amount of time viewing and interacting with electronic devices. To enlist some of the frequently used and mentioned electronic devices or media are Computer, Mobile Phone, Television, Video games etc. The aim of the study was to Effect of information booklet regarding usage of electronic media and mobile phone among school children in selected schools in Moradabad. Conceptual frame work for this study is based on the J. W. Kenny’s open system model. Non randomized control group design, pretest - posttest was used. The sample size consisted of 270 mothers (135 experimental group and 135 Comparison group) selected schools in Moradabad by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire and the Tool was organized in three parts. (Demographic characteristics, structured questionnaire, Information good booklet). Investigator give Structured questionnaire and Information booklet to experimental group and Structured questionnaire give to Comparison group and provided adequate time to give their responses. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in overall mean knowledge score between experimental and comparison group knowledge score & it depicts that at pretest the mean knowledge score and SD was 12.49 ± 3.407 in experiment group whereas 13.05 ± 3.251 in control group. In posttest the mean knowledge score and SD was 23.07 ± 2.708 in experiment group whereas 14.89 ± 2.812 in control group. Hence it shows there is significance difference in the comparison group knowledge scores regarding knowledge of electronic media and mobile phone use among students. To compare the knowledge score between experimental and control group. The obtained t & p value for pretest was t = -1.389, p =0.166, and in posttest was t = 24.342, p = 0.0001. The t-test revealed that there was no significant difference between both the groups at pretest scores whereas there was significant difference between both the groups at posttest. Hence the null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted. Thus it interpret that administration of informative booklet on knowledge among students found to be effective as experimental group have rapidly improve the knowledge of students regarding effect of electronic media and mobile phone usage as compared to the control group. The analysis revealed that there is no significant association between pre-test level of knowledge and demographic variables among students regarding effect of electronic media and mobile phone usage in experimental group. Chi square test was performed to find the association on knowledge of electronic media and mobile phone usage among students with their selected demographic variables. And it shows that there was no significant association between age (χ2 =2.070; p=0.546), Gender (χ2 =2.746; p=0.140), religion (χ2 =0.414; p=0.936), Parents literacy status (χ2 =3.907; p=0.280), occupation of father (χ2 = 6.890; p = 0.073), occupation of mother (χ2 = 1.249; p = 0.737), type of family (χ2 =1.645; p=0.463), number of siblings (χ2 =4.679; p=0.201), ordinal position in the family (χ2 = 1.729; p = 0.641) and area of living (χ2 =2.523; p=0.478). Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that experimental group had more knowledge than control group regarding knowledge of electronic media and mobile phone usage among students.
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Numerous research studies emphasise the importance of picture books for preschool children when developing literacy skills. The role of illustrations as an aid to help children visualise the literary content, understand the text and increase their vocabulary and verbalisation also receives attention in various studies. The main aim of the present study was to investigate preschool teachers’ beliefs about wordless picture books and their use in kindergarten. For this purpose, an 18-item questionnaire was created and sent to randomly selected Slovenian kindergartens. A total of 175 respondents participated in the study. The results show that the attitude of preschool teachers towards wordless picture books and their use is positive and encouraging. The respondents did not differ significantly in their beliefs according to sex, age, education, working position and work experience, although some significant differences did emerge with regard to kindergarten locations.
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One of the most important concepts that children in preschool and primary school try to perceive and understand is “death”. Making the phenomenon of death comprehensible to a child is a very difficult and laborious process. The difficulty of defining death, which is an abstract concept, for a child, combined with the pedagogical fear (negative perception that this can cause in a child) and the inability to develop an appropriate discourse (destructive style), leads the adult and parents to an even greater impasse. There are different opinions, especially on whether the phenomenon of death can be included in children’s books and how and in what way this phenomenon should be expressed if it is to be included. One of the publications that successfully answer the question of how and in what way death should be explained to children is the children’s book Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch. In this work, the abstract phenomenon of death is made tangible for children with the help of fantastic elements, and death is characterized. Duck, Death and the Tulip, in which values such as “friendship”, “love” and “respect” between a duck and death are treated with pedagogical care, are of great importance for shaping and developing the concept of death in the minds of child readers. This study sought to examine how the concept of death is treated in Wolf Erlbruch’s children’s book Duck, Death and the Tulip based on embodiment, child psychology, and pedagogy.
Bebeğin doğumundan itibaren ona birincil bakım veren kişinin annesi olduğu ve annesiyle yakın bir ilişki kurduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak bebeğin yalnızca anne ile ilişki kurmadığı, onun gelişiminde anne kadar babanın da kritik bir öneme sahip olduğu ifade edilebilir. Geleneksel aile yapısı, anne ve baba figürüne bakım verme ve ekonomik destek sağlama gibi birtakım roller yüklemiş olsa da bu roller zaman içerisinde değişmiş, bebeğin bakım verme ve yetiştirme sürecine baba da dahil olmuştur. Babaların bebekleriyle etkileşimde bulunurken daha çok fiziksel oyunları tercih ettiği bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, kitap ve oyun aracılığıyla baba-bebek etkileşiminin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden gözlem modeli kullanılmış, durum çalışması yaklaşımı benimsenmiştir. Çalışma grubunu bebek kütüphanesine kayıtlı 2-3 yaş aralığındaki 13 bebek ve babası oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Baba-Bebek Duygulanım, Yanıt Verme ve Meşguliyet Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler video kayıt ile toplanarak anekdot kaydına dönüştürülmüş, ölçeğin bazı maddelerinden yararlanılarak kodlama yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, betimsel analizden yararlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak baba-bebek etkileşiminde babaların müdahaleci, yönlendirici, kontrol edici olma davranışlarına rastlanılsa da bebeklerine karşı daha çok olumlu duygulanıma sahip oldukları, onların aktivitelerine duyarlı katılım sağladıkları ve öğretsellik bakımından oyunlarını yapılandırdıkları bulunmuştur.
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The impacts of electronic media on child development are mixed and beget benefits and vice versa. Home is the children's immediate environment; hence, parents' beliefs directly or indirectly impact the children's exposure to electronic media. The literature on parents' perception of electronic media by preschoolers and associated consequences is scantily in Sri Lanka. Thus, a study assessed the parents' views on preschoolers' electronic media use and its potential impacts. A piloted and validated questionnaire was administered online to a parent sample of 377 in the Kalutara district, and the data were subjected to frequency distribution and χ 2 analyses. The majority of respondents were (76.7%) from the rural sector, qualified with G C E (A/L) (45.6%), and 25.7% were unemployed. Sedentary behaviour, vision problems, and consumption of unhealthy foods resulting from electronic media use were rated negatively, reflecting the parents' awareness of the impacts except for feeding children while watching TV. Parents' neutrality in rating implies the unawareness of the impacts of electronic media on child development. Despite the weak associations among the parent's ratings with demographics, parents were well aware of the impacts of electronic media on the physical development of children. There is a need to implement strategies to build awareness among parents on the impacts of electronic media on child development. Further studies are required to establish the real impact of electronic media on child development and correlate parental perceptions.
Çocukları dijital çağa uygun yetiştirme ve dijital okuryazarlık farkındalığı kazandırma konusunda kitle iletişim araçları önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Dijital Tayfa adlı çizgi filmin içinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağda ihtiyaç duyulan bir beceri olan dijital okuryazarlık açısından incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla dijital okuryazarlık kapsamında işlenen mesajlar, çocuklara kazandırılması hedeflenen dijital okuryazarlık becerileri ve kullanılan dijital terminolojiler incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma evreni Dijital Tayfa çizgi filminin bölümleridir. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi ve kelime bulutu analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda çizgi filmde dijital okuryazarlık kavramının nasıl işlendiği ortaya konulmuştur. Çizgi filmde dijital okuryazarlıkla ilgili mesajların ve becerilerin oldukça geniş bir yelpazede ele alındığı görülmüştür. Çizgi filmde en fazla kullanılan dijital terminolojilerin telefon, teknoloji, bilgisayar, drone, video, yorum, internet, paylaşım, robot, sanal, yazılım, bağlantı, uygulama, sunucu, bilgi, makine, yapay zekâ etiği, şifre, seviye, bilgisayar virüsü ve yapay zekâ olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca çizgi filmde dijital teknolojilere ve arayüzlere ilişkin farklı görsellere yer verilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda çizgi filmin dijital okuryazarlık farkındalığı kazandırmada önemli bir rol üstlendiği söylenebilir. Çalışma bulguları dikkate alınarak ailelere, öğretmenlere, medya yapımcılarına ve yetkililere yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.
An analysis of 640 posts from the social media platforms of 14 students at a historically Black university revealed that entertainment accounted for 68% of their social media content, “uplift” 17%, and empowerment 14%. Educators worry that students may be squandering online resources that could help improve their lives when they choose entertainment over uplift and empowerment. The study examines why entertainment trumps uplift and empowerment, and more broadly, how it may serve as a catalyst to combat disinformation.
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Reading storybooks are one of the most preferred pastime activities in childhood. In addition to entertaining feature, storybooks can be used to improve children’s social and cognitive skills. However, there is limited research on whether and what kind of information children can learn from storybooks and what kind of storybooks promote this learning process. Study 1 investigated whether story theme (i.e., realistic, anthropomorphic, or fantastical) and the problem context (i.e., physical or social) influence children’s learning of analogical problem solutions. In Study 1, 91 preschool children listened to storybooks and were asked to solve problem solution analogies. Results showed that children who listened to realistic stories were more successful while solving physical problem solution analogies. However, this was not the case for the stories which had more social context. In Study 2, we examined whether story theme has an impact on children’s learning of pro-social behaviors such as sharing, helping and honesty. Seventy-eighty 6-year-old children were administered pro-social behavioral tasks before and after listening to either realistic, anthropomorphic or fantastical storybooks. It was found that children who listened to realistic storybooks showed an increase in their sharing behavior from pre-test to post-test compared to children in either anthropomorphic or fantastical conditions. Even though we did not find this kind of story theme effect on children’s helping or honesty behaviors, children’s scores on these behaviors increased from pre to post- tests which suggested that listening to storybooks promoted children’s prosocial behaviors.
This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of the screen media time of young children on the relationship between mothers’ reasons for allowing young children to use screen media and their children’s ability to regulate screen media. The participants consisted of 614 children aged 5-6 (312 boys and 302 girls), and all the survey questions were answered by their mothers. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, structural equation modeling, and bootstrapping analysis were employed to analyze the data using SPSS 25.0 and Mplus 8.6. The results were as follows. First, mothers’ educational and ritualized reasons for allowing young children to use screen media and children’s screen media time directly affected young children’s ability to regulate screen media. Second, children’s screen media time mediated the relationship between mothers’ educational and ritualized reasons for allowing their children to use screen media and children’s ability to regulate screen media. When mothers permitted their children to use screen media for educational purposes, their children were likely to spend less time on screen media usage which, in turn, increased their ability to regulate screen media. Conversely, the more mothers allowed their children to use screen media for ceremonial purposes, the more time their children spent on screen media and the less ability they had to regulate screen media usage. These outcomes suggest that, to improve children’s screen media regulation ability, mothers must not routinely allow their children to use screen media and should manage their children’s screen media time.
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Latar Belakang : Penggunaan gadget oleh orangtua merupakan kebutuhan primer diera sekarang, tak terkecuali anak-anak yang rasa ingin tahu sedang berkembang. Orang tua yang sibuk, sering menjadikan gadget sebagai salah satu alternatif mereka, untuk mengatasi anak yang sedang meminta perhatian yang dianggap mengganggu aktivitas orang tua. Perlu menjadi perhatian, karena periode perkembangan anak yang sangat sensitif adalah saat usia 1-5 tahun. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui tingkat ketergantungan penggunaan gadget pada anak prasekolah sebelum dan selama masa pandemi Covid-19 di TK Pembina Kota Samarinda Tahun 2020. Metode: deskriptif analitik dengan melakukan observasi dan mengukur variabel pada saat yang sama, tiap subjek hanya di observasi sekali saja dan pengambilan data dilakukan pada saat itu juga. Sampel adalah semua anak usia prasekolah di TK Pembina Kota Samarinda, sebanyak 50 anak dengan teknik total sampilng. Hasil : Didapatkan bahwa median tingkat ketergantungan gadget pada anak prasekolah di TK Pembina mengalami peningkatan, dimana dengan nilai p value sebesar 0,001 (< ? = 0,05) dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan rata-rata dari tingkat ketergantungan penggunaan gadget pada anak prasekolah pada masa sebelum dan selama masa pandemi Covid-19 pada anak yang bersekolah di TK Pembina kota Samarinda pada tahun 2020.
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Folklor Akademi Dergisi, dört ayda bir elektronik ortamda yayımlanan uluslararası ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanan yazıların sorumluluğu yazarına ait olup yayın hakları ise Folklor Akademi Dergisi’ne aittir. Yayıncının yazılı izin belgesi olmaksızın dergide yayımlanan yazıların bir kısmı ya da tamamı basılamaz ve çoğaltılamaz. Yayın kurulu dergiye gönderilen yazıları yayınlayıp yayınlamama hakkına sahiptir.
Background: The neurocognitive consequences of exposure to screens in school-aged children have been the subject of multiple studies. However, the relationship between screen exposure and neurocognitive development, especially attentional functions, remains unclear in preschool children. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the immediate and long-term impact of screen exposure on attentional functions in preschoolers. Methods: Three electronic databases (PubMed, COCHRANE, and SCOPUS) were searched for studies published between January 1, 2000, and November 30, 2020. Two reviewers independently selected studies. Inclusion criteria were observational studies, inclusion of children aged less than seven years with no neurodevelopmental disorders, evaluation of screen time, and evaluation of attentional functions. Data extracted including participants' ages, number of participants, screen exposure time, attention assessment tool, and confounding factors. Study quality was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results: Five cross-sectional studies were included: all reported significant, positive associations between high levels of screen exposure and attention difficulties. Ten longitudinal studies were included: six found a significant impact of earlier screen exposure on subsequent attentional function and four found no relationship. Eight of the studies included evaluated the direction of the relationship between screen exposure and attentional difficulties: seven suggested the relationship is bidirectional. Conclusions: These findings support current guidelines to limit screen time in preschoolers to prevent the development of attention difficulties.
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DECLARATION I declare that Ph.D. research entitled "Adolescents' television viewing patterns: Effect on Quality of family, peer relationships, academic performance and health behaviors", is my own original and bonafide work. This thesis is being submitted in candidacy for the award of Ph.D. degree in Psychology in the month of 31 st July, 2009 .This thesis or parts there of have not been submitted to any other university for any purpose so far. Date: SHILPI NANGLU
The study was carried out in order to examine the suitability of the film "Goodbye Christopher Robin" about Christopher Robin Milne's biography, which was determined by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) in the "Family and Children's Films" category with the recommendations of the critics. In this research, the movie "Goodbye Christopher Robin"; a) the fact that children spend most of their time in front of the screen as a habit that is an achievement of the pandemic period, b) The film, which was screened in cinemas in our country in 2017, is broadcast in the broadcast zone on television channels, c) In the context of social learning theory, children's learning by modelling, d) the content of the film is suitable for children and includes concepts related to the development of children, for these reasons, it was found appropriate to analyze this film from a developmental point of view. In this study, which has a qualitative research design, document analysis technique was used. The film Goodbye Christopher Robin was evaluated with the Content Evaluation Form for Children's Programs, which was used as a measurement tool in the study. The form used has 5 basic sub-dimensions. These; the content of children's programs for the physical development of children (contents for psychomotor development, content for the sexual development of the child), the content of children's programs for the cognitive/perceptual development of children, the content of children's programs for the social and emotional development of children, the dimension of other content for the development of the child in children's programs (violence, modeling, family values, family structure) and is the content dimension of children's programs for language development of children. Findings of the evaluation results were presented with descriptive statistics. It was determined that the content of the analyzed film included more content for social and emotional development area, followed by the content for the development of the child, including violence, modeling, family structure, family values, cognitive/perceptual development area content, language development area content, content for psychomotor and sexual development areas within the physical development area, respectively. It was seen that the least amount of content related to sexual development was included in the film. In addition to elements such as anger/violence, which we can evaluate negatively, elements of love that we can express positively are also frequently included in the film. As a result, it was concluded that Goodbye Christopher Robin is a film that can have a positive impact on children from an intellectual point of view when watched purposefully and under adult control.
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