
Components of Self Regulation in the Preschool Years: Developmental Stability, Validity, and Relationship to Classroom Behavior

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This study explored the inter-relationships and developmental stability of inhibitory motor control, attentional control, delay of gratification, and resistance to temptation with 32 preschool children, and related these components of self-regulation to children's behavior at home and in the classroom. The children completed the T.O.V.A. (Greenberg & Waldman, 1993), the Cookie Delay Task (Campbell et al., 1982), the Draw-a-Line Slowly task (Maccoby et al., 1965), and a Resistance to Temptation task (Campbell et al., 1994). Parents and teachers reported on children's social skills and behavior problems, and naturalistic observations of children's behavior in the preschool classroom were conducted. The self-regulation measures showed high validity in terms of their relation with children's behavior at school, poor to modest cross-measure correlations, and modest to moderate temporal stability. In general, children who had greater self-regulation had fewer behavior problems at school, demonstrated better social skills, had more positive and frequent peer interactions at school, and engaged more often in on-task classroom activities. Laboratory measures were more strongly related to children's classroom behavior than behavior at home and most relations observed strengthened with age. (Author/JPB)

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... Thus, attention regulation can be expected to have broad-ranging implications for both emotional and behavioral regulation and thus internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Attention regulation has been shown to predict externalizing (e.g., Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, et al., 1996; Lengua et al., 1998; Winsler et al., 1997) and internalizing problems and social skills (Winsler et al., 1997). Inhibitory control involves regulation of behavioral responses (Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, et al., 1996) and refers to the ability to plan and suppress inappropriate approach responses under instruction or in novel or uncertain situations (Goldsmith & Rothbart, 1991; Rothbart, 1989). ...
... Thus, attention regulation can be expected to have broad-ranging implications for both emotional and behavioral regulation and thus internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Attention regulation has been shown to predict externalizing (e.g., Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, et al., 1996; Lengua et al., 1998; Winsler et al., 1997) and internalizing problems and social skills (Winsler et al., 1997). Inhibitory control involves regulation of behavioral responses (Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, et al., 1996) and refers to the ability to plan and suppress inappropriate approach responses under instruction or in novel or uncertain situations (Goldsmith & Rothbart, 1991; Rothbart, 1989). ...
... Inhibitory control involves regulation of behavioral responses (Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, et al., 1996) and refers to the ability to plan and suppress inappropriate approach responses under instruction or in novel or uncertain situations (Goldsmith & Rothbart, 1991; Rothbart, 1989). Inhibitory control appears to be related to lower levels of negative affectivity, particularly irritability (Rothbart et al., 2000), and appears to have implications for active inhibition of antisocial behaviors and acquisition of prosocial behavior (Kochanska, Murray, & Coy, 1997; Winsler et al., 1997). Inhibitory control may also play a role in decreasing the likelihood of the development of internalizing problems. ...
The combined effects of emotionality and self-regulation in predicting child adjustment problems and positive adjustment were examined using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from a community sample of mothers and children grades 3–5 (n = 89). Specificity in the associations of emotionality and self-regulation with adjustment was examined. Emotionality and self-regulation each predicted children's adjustment controlling for the other. Irritability was related to higher internalizing and externalizing problems and lower social competence; positive emotionality predicted higher well-being and social competence. Attention regulation was related to lower depression and higher social competence and well-being; inhibitory control was related to lower internalizing and externalizing problems and higher social competence. Impulsivity was unrelated to adjustment after the other emotionality and self-regulation variables were accounted. The findings support separate dimensions of emotionality and self-regulation and their unique contributions to child adjustment.
... Attentional processes may also be used to manage overt behaviors associated with emotions when the emotion itself is not adequately regulated (Eisenberg et al., 2000). Attention regulation has been shown to predict externalizing problems (e.g., Eisenberg et al., 1996;Lengua et al., 1998;Winsler et al., 1997), internalizing problems, and social skills (Winsler et al., 1997). Inhibitory control involves regulation of emotion-related behaviors (Eisenberg et al., 1996). ...
... Attentional processes may also be used to manage overt behaviors associated with emotions when the emotion itself is not adequately regulated (Eisenberg et al., 2000). Attention regulation has been shown to predict externalizing problems (e.g., Eisenberg et al., 1996;Lengua et al., 1998;Winsler et al., 1997), internalizing problems, and social skills (Winsler et al., 1997). Inhibitory control involves regulation of emotion-related behaviors (Eisenberg et al., 1996). ...
... It refers to the ability to plan and suppress inappropriate approach responses (Goldsmith & Rothbart, 1991), or to initiate and maintain unpleasant activities (Rothbart, 1989). Inhibitory control appears to be related to lower levels of negative affectivity, particularly irritability (Rothbart et al., 2000), and appears to have important implications for active inhibition of antisocial behaviors and acquisition of prosocial behaviors (Kochanska, Murray, & Coy, 1997;Winsler et al., 1997). Impulsivity has been defined as speed of response initiation (Goldsmith & Rothbart, 1991) or inability to wait for a desired goal or object (Mischel, Shoda & Rodriguez, 1989). ...
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This study investigated the additive and interactive effects of multiple risk, emotionality, and self-regulation in predicting children's adjustment problems and positive adjustment using a community sample (N = 101) of children in third through fifth grades. Multiple measures of emotionality and self-regulation were used, including observational measures and mother and child report on questionnaires. Results indicated that questionnaire measures of emotionality and self-regulation predicted children's positive and negative adjustment over and above the effects of multiple risk, as well as resilience and vulnerability. Negative emotionality predicted adjustment problems, positive emotionality predicted positive adjustment, and self-regulation predicted both. In addition, observational measures of self-regulation moderated the association between multiple risk and adjustment such that children low in self-regulation were more vulnerable to multiple risk. The results suggest that emotionality and self-regulation operate as additional risk and protective factors in multiple-risk models.
... Inhibitory control refers to the ability to plan and suppress inappropriate approach responses or to initiate and maintain unpleasant activities (Rothbart, 1989), and it involves regulation of emotion-related behaviors . Inhibitory control is related to lower levels of negative affectivity, particularly irritability , and appears to have important implications for active inhibition of antisocial behaviors and acquisition of prosocial behavior (Kochanska, 1997;Winsler et al., 1997). Effortful control is related to children's social competence, internalizing, and externalizing problems (e.g., Kochanska et al., 1996;Lengua, 2003;Olson, Sameroff, Kerr, Lopez, & Wellman, 2005;Rothbart, Ahadi, & Hershey, 1994). ...
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Effortful control was examined as a moderator of the relations of three domains of contextual risk factors to growth in internalizing and externalizing problems in a community sample (N = 189) of children (8-12 years at Time 1). Socioeconomic, maternal, and environmental risk factors were examined as predictors of initial levels and growth in children's adjustment problems across 3 years. The effects of the risk factors depended on children's level of effortful control. For children lower in effortful control, socioeconomic risk was related to significantly higher initial levels of internalizing and externalizing problems and decreases over time. However, children lower in effortful control had higher levels of problems at all three time points than children higher in effortful control. Maternal risk was associated with increases in internalizing for children lower in effortful control, and environmental risk was related to increases in internalizing and externalizing problems for children lower in effortful control, but not those higher in effortful control. Children who were lower in effortful control appeared to experience more adverse effects of contextual risk than those higher in effortful control, suggesting that interventions aimed at improving children's effortful control might serve to protect children from increased risk of adjustment problems associated with contextual risk factors.
z AraĢtırmanın amacı, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Öz-Düzenleme Eğitim Programı'nın okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. AraĢtırmada-Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Eğitim Programı‖nın 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerindeki etkisini test etmek amacıyla deneme modeli (Solomon Dört Grup Deseni) kullanılmıĢtır. ÇalıĢma grubu, iki deney ve iki kontrol grubu olmak üzere dört farklı gruptan oluĢmaktadır. ÇalıĢma grubunu 31 deney grubu, 32 kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 63 çocuk oluĢturmaktadır. Çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimlerini belirlemek için 48-60 Aylık Çocuklar Ġçin Öz-Düzenleme Bataryası kullanılmıĢtır. Deney gruplarına dâhil olan çocuklara, araĢtırmacılar tarafından oluĢturulan, öz-düzenleme geliĢimine yönelik 6 haftalık eğitim programı uygulanmıĢtır. Verilerin analizinde, deney ve kontrol grupları arasındaki farklılığı tespit etmek için nonparametrik fark tes tleri kullanılmıĢtır. GerçekleĢtirilen analizler sonucunda ön test uygulamasına dâhil olan ve eğitim programına katılan çocukların, çalıĢma belleği ve planlama, doyumu erteleme ve baĢlatma/bastırma boyutlarına iliĢkin ön test ve son test puanları arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiĢtir. AraĢtırma sonucundaÇalıĢma Belleği ve Planlama açısından sunulan uyaranların yanı sıra sistemli bir eğitim programının uygulanması durumunda, çocukların bu alanda ilerlemeler gösterdiği tespit edilmiĢtir. Bunun yanı sıra BaĢlatma-Bastırma boyutu ve Doyumu Erteleme boyutu açısından Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram'ınsavları doğrultusunda hazırlanan eğitim programının etkili olduğu saptanmıĢtır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul öncesi eğitim, öz-düzenleme, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram. Abstract The aim of the research is to examine the effect of the Self-Regulation Training Program which is designed based on Cultural-Historical Theory on self-regulated development of 48-60 month old children who are attending to preschool education. In the study, an experimental model (Solomon Four Group Design) was used to test the effect of "Educational Program Prepared in the Context of Cultural-Historical Theory" on the self-regulated development of 48-60 month old children. The study group consisted of four groups: two experimental and two control groups. The study group consisted of 31 children in experimental groups and 32 children in control groups. 48-60 Months Children's Self-Regulation Battery was used to determine children's self-regulatory developments. For the children in the experimental groups, a 6-week training program for self-regulation development was developed by the researchers. To analyze the data, nonparametric difference tests were used to determine the difference between the experimental and control groups. As the result of the analysis, it was seen that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores on working memory and planning, the delay of gratification and inhibition dimensions of the children included in the pre-test and participation in the training program. As a result of the study, it has been found that, in addition to the stimuli * Bu çalıĢma Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü'nde Prof. Dr. Fatma ALĠSĠNANOĞLU danıĢmanlığında Sadiye KELEġ tarafından hazırlanan doktora tezinden üretilmiĢ olup, 4. Uluslararası Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuĢtur .
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z AraĢtırmanın amacı, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Öz-Düzenleme Eğitim Programı'nın okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. AraĢtırmada-Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Eğitim Programı‖nın 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerindeki etkisini test etmek amacıyla deneme modeli (Solomon Dört Grup Deseni) kullanılmıĢtır. ÇalıĢma grubu, iki deney ve iki kontrol grubu olmak üzere dört farklı gruptan oluĢmaktadır. ÇalıĢma grubunu 31 deney grubu, 32 kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 63 çocuk oluĢturmaktadır. Çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimlerini belirlemek için 48-60 Aylık Çocuklar Ġçin Öz-Düzenleme Bataryası kullanılmıĢtır. Deney gruplarına dâhil olan çocuklara, araĢtırmacılar tarafından oluĢturulan, öz-düzenleme geliĢimine yönelik 6 haftalık eğitim programı uygulanmıĢtır. Verilerin analizinde, deney ve kontrol grupları arasındaki farklılığı tespit etmek için nonparametrik fark tes tleri kullanılmıĢtır. GerçekleĢtirilen analizler sonucunda ön test uygulamasına dâhil olan ve eğitim programına katılan çocukların, çalıĢma belleği ve planlama, doyumu erteleme ve baĢlatma/bastırma boyutlarına iliĢkin ön test ve son test puanları arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiĢtir. AraĢtırma sonucundaÇalıĢma Belleği ve Planlama açısından sunulan uyaranların yanı sıra sistemli bir eğitim programının uygulanması durumunda, çocukların bu alanda ilerlemeler gösterdiği tespit edilmiĢtir. Bunun yanı sıra BaĢlatma-Bastırma boyutu ve Doyumu Erteleme boyutu açısından Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram'ınsavları doğrultusunda hazırlanan eğitim programının etkili olduğu saptanmıĢtır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul öncesi eğitim, öz-düzenleme, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram. Abstract The aim of the research is to examine the effect of the Self-Regulation Training Program which is designed based on Cultural-Historical Theory on self-regulated development of 48-60 month old children who are attending to preschool education. In the study, an experimental model (Solomon Four Group Design) was used to test the effect of "Educational Program Prepared in the Context of Cultural-Historical Theory" on the self-regulated development of 48-60 month old children. The study group consisted of four groups: two experimental and two control groups. The study group consisted of 31 children in experimental groups and 32 children in control groups. 48-60 Months Children's Self-Regulation Battery was used to determine children's self-regulatory developments. For the children in the experimental groups, a 6-week training program for self-regulation development was developed by the researchers. To analyze the data, nonparametric difference tests were used to determine the difference between the experimental and control groups. As the result of the analysis, it was seen that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores on working memory and planning, the delay of gratification and inhibition dimensions of the children included in the pre-test and participation in the training program. As a result of the study, it has been found that, in addition to the stimuli * Bu çalıĢma Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü'nde Prof. Dr. Fatma ALĠSĠNANOĞLU danıĢmanlığında Sadiye KELEġ tarafından hazırlanan doktora tezinden üretilmiĢ olup, 4. Uluslararası Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuĢtur .
This chapter reviews evidence regarding the cognitive functioning of children with Conduct Disorder (CD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). General topics include overall intellectual functioning as assessed by IQ tests, as well as executive function abilities, social-cognitive development, and information processing.
This study examined relations among effortful control, motivation, and attention regulation in preschoolers within the context of parent–child interactions. Sixty-one low-income children and their mothers participated in a puzzle-matching task. One week later, the children completed a puzzle-matching task independently. Hierarchical regression analyses supported the hypothesis that children's effortful control and motivation is related to the amount of children's attention regulation in the parent–child interaction. The role of effortful control on attention regulation differed for children classified as having mastery- or performance-oriented motivation. Analyses also supported the hypothesis that children's effortful control, motivation and attention regulation predicted children's accuracy on the puzzle-task when working independently. Findings from this study demonstrate the utility of studying individual differences in temperament, motivation, and attention regulation within the context of the parent–child learning environment. Implications for understanding how children's social–cognitive status is related to academic success in impoverished environments are discussed.
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