Content uploaded by Salvatore Solimeno
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All content in this area was uploaded by Salvatore Solimeno
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F.Acernese6, P.Amico10, M. Alshourbagy11, S.Aoudia7, S. Avino6, D.Babusci4, G.Ballardin2,
F.Barone6, L.Barsotti11, M.Barsuglia8, F.Beauville1, M.A.Bizouard8, C.Boccara9, F.Bondu7,
L.Bosi10, C.Bradaschia11, S. Birindelli11,S.Braccini11, A.Brillet7, V.Brisson8, L.Brocco12,
D.Buskulic1, E.Calloni6, E.Campagna3, F.Carbognani2,F.Cavalier8, R.Cavalieri2, G.Cella11,
E.Chassande-Mottin7, C. Corda11, A.-C.Clapson8, F.Cleva7, J.-P.Coulon7, E.Cuoco2,
V.Dattilo2, M.Davier8, R.De Rosa6, L.Di Fiore6, A.Di Virgilio11, B.Dujardin7, A.Eleuteri6,
D.Enard2, I.Ferrante11, F.Fidecaro11, I.Fiori11, R.Flaminio1,2, J.-D.Fournier7, O.Francois2,
S.Frasca12, F.Frasconi2;11, A. Freise2, L.Gammaitoni10, A.Gennai11, A.Giazotto11, G.Giordano4,
L. Giordano6, R. Gouaty1, D. Grosjean1, G.Guidi3, S.Hebri2, H.Heitmann7, P.Hello8,
L.Holloway2, S. Karkar1, S.Kreckelbergh8, P.La Penna2, N.Letendre1, V.Loriette9, M.Loupias2,
G.Losurdo3, J.-M.Mackowski5, E.Majorana12 , C.N.Man7, M. Mantovani11, F. Marchesoni10,
F.Marion1, J. Marque2, F.Martelli3, A.Masserot1, M.Mazzoni3, L.Milano6, C. Moins2,
J.Moreau9, N.Morgado5, B.Mours1, A. Pai12, C.Palomba12, F.Paoletti2;11, S. Pardi6, A.
Pasqualetti2, R.Passaquieti11, D.Passuello11, B.Perniola3, F. Piergiovanni3, L.Pinard5,
R.Poggiani11, M.Punturo10, P.Puppo12, K.Qipiani6, P.Rapagnani12, V.Reita9, A.Remillieux5,
F.Ricci12, I.Ricciardi6, P. Ruggi2, G.Russo6, S.Solimeno6, A. Spallicci7, R.Stanga3, R. Taddei2,
M. Tonelli11, A. Toncelli11, E.Tournefier1, F.Travasso10, G. Vajente11, D.Verkindt1, F.Vetrano3,
A.Viceré3, J.-Y.Vinet7, H.Vocca10, M.Yvert1, Z. Zhang2, J. D. Wet2
1Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de physique des particules, Chemin de Bellevue - BP 110, 74941 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex – France
2European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), Via E. Amaldi, I-56021 Cascina (PI) Italia
3INFN – Sezione di Firenze/Urbino, Via G.Sansone 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino and/or Università di Firenze, Largo E.Fermi 2, I - 50125
Firenze, and/or Università di Urbino, Via S.Chiara, 27, I-61029 Urbino, Italia
4 INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via E. Fermi, 40, I-00044 Frascati (Roma) - Italia
5LMA, 22, Boulevard Niels Bohr, 69622 - Villeurbanne- Lyon Cedex, France
6IINFN – sezione di Napoli and/or Università di Napoli "Federico II", Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cinthia, I-80126
Napoli, Italia and/or Università di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italia.
7 Departement Artemis - Observatoire Cote d'Azur, BP 42209, 06304 Nice , Cedex 4, France
8Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL),IN2P3/CNRS-Université de Paris-Sud, B.P. 34, 91898 Orsay Cedex – France
9 ESPCI - 10, rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris - France
10INFN Sezione di Perugia and/or Università di Perugia, Via A. Pascoli, I-06123 Perugia – Italia
11INFN - Sezione di Pisa and/or Università di Pisa, Via Filippo Buonarroti, 2 I-56127 PISA – Italia
12 INFN, Sezione di Roma and/or Università "La Sapienza", P.le A. Moro 2, I-00185, Roma
Corresponding author e-mail address:
The VIRGO Gravitational Waves Detector is continuing its commissioning phase. An important
element in this phase is the application of Software Engineering (SE) practices to the Control and Data
Analysis Software. This article focuses on the most recent achievements in applying and evolving
those SE practices as a simple but effective set of standards and tools. The main areas covered are
software configuration management, problem reporting, integration planning, software testing,
documentation and systems performance monitoring. For each of these key areas a specific tool has
been developed or customized, respectively: SCVS (developed on top of CVS) for configuration
management, Software Problem Reports (SPR, implemented on top of the WREQ tool) for tracking
bugs and change requests, automated test tool (TAT) for software testing, Doxygen for documentation
and BigBrother for system performance monitoring. Efforts are underway in building on top of those
simple tools an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and in introducing tools and procedures
that will aid in the analysis and design phase. This includes templates for writing requirements and
10th ICALEPCS Int. Conf. on Accelerator & Large Expt. Physics Control Systems. Geneva, 10 - 14 Oct 2005, FR2.2-60 (2005)
design specifications as well as making use of UML as standard modelling language. The final goal is
to effectively support every phase of the Software Development Life-Cycle.
The VIRGO project consist of a suspended Michelson Interferometer with two 3 Km arms aimed at
the detection of gravitational wave signals from cosmic sources [1]. The VIRGO Control Software
provides the VIRGO installation of all control and monitor functions and can be summarized by the
following values:
700933 Lines of Code (LOC) of C/C++ and Assembler (See Figure 1)
50 Workstation + 60 Local Control Units (RIOs) for the Interferometer operation
2 countries, 6 laboratories, 18 teams, almost 100 developers over the current lifespan of the project.
A tool called SCVS has been developed on top of CVS in order to provide an easy and structured
approach to software configuration management. It manages packages more than files, and blocks the
access whenever a package is being modified. By archiving a package the developer tells the others
that a new consistent set of files is ready for use.
Figure 2. Virgo Software Archive Access and Size
Figure 1. Lines of Code (LOC) of the Virgo Software and the Supported External Packages
10th ICALEPCS 2005; F.Carbognani et al. : Software Engineering for the Virgo Project at EGO 2 of 6
Just a glance at the comments is usually enough for the others to decide whether to take the new
version or not. SCVS does not currently prevent archive access via native CVS command.
Experienced CVS users can work directly at CVS level and even in this case the workflow
underlined by SCVS can still be followed. Figure 2 shows the total number of CVS/SCVS transactions
executed per year and the growing in size of the software archive in terms of number of packages over
the last eight years. For 2005 the data are up to the month of August. It is possible to see how the
introduction of SCVS in February 2003 coincides with a steep increase of the archive use and size.
For the VIRGO SPR system the tool WREQ has been chosen and customized in order to handle
software change requests and problem reports. Figure 3 shows the trend of the SPR archive as of
middle of September 2005. It is possible to see that the tool is finally leaving its start-up phase and
getting wide adoption since patterns like the release cycle can be identified in the graph. Statistics like
these could provide indicators useful for the evaluation of the software maintenance effort.
In order to deal with a huge amount of developers spread over several geographic locations the tool
CMT [6][7][8] is used to provide a standard common environment. It provides features like, e.g., a
structured make usage, easy encapsulation of third party tools and libraries, and standardization of the
users UNIX environment set-up. The development environment is completed by the definition of a
common development area, an integration area and a released code area.
For documentation the main effort in this area focused mainly in supporting documentation that can
be extracted from the code itself. The tool selected for this purpose is Doxygen [9], which extracts the
information from the commented code and creates reference manuals with different levels of detail
depending on the tags used in the commented code and on the configuration file Doxyfile. Specific
CMT fragments have been made available for the generation of the Doxygen documents via “make”
and a Doxyfile template has been provided.
To support automatic tests on the VIRGO software the Tool for Automated Testing (TAT, originally
developed at ESO for the VLT project [2]) has been adopted and slightly modified for the VIRGO
Figure 3. SPR Statistics
10th ICALEPCS 2005; F.Carbognani et al. : Software Engineering for the Virgo Project at EGO 3 of 6
software specificities. This tool is easy to use and configure, it is able to prepare the environment,
execute the tests, filter out variant data (dates, time, host names), compare results against reference
and provide a final FAILED or PASSED as result. On the other hand, to provide a system simulator
the VIRGO Test Facility (VTF) has been set up. It has been designed to permit the simulation of the
hardware and software environment and can so be used for integration tests, measurement of
performance, etc. It is used to validate new releases before they are put online and also to reproduce
problems, being so an important element for the Interferometer commissioning and science phases.
One of the major problems on software development is the software integration. At VIRGO the
integration plan is based on a slow upgrade cycle of 3-6 months for major (external) releases, and on
demand for minor (internal) releases. Each major release has a specific configuration in terms of
platform, e.g., the operating system is part of the release baseline. For each software release the
supported configuration in terms of hardware and software are detailed at a dedicated Web page. The
VIRGO Common Software includes also third party software used in the development process like,
e.g., GNU tools, Java, Tcl/tk and support packages like root or FFTW. From the release baseline three
software distributions are generated: two containing data analysis/simulation tools, and the third
supporting data analysis users at the VIRGO Computing Centers (CNAF in Bologna and CCIN2P3 in
Lyon). The introduction of Software Releases is already giving tangible results. Before its introduction
the software was more or less periodically installed in the integration area without a complete
realignment process. This mechanism was very flexible since any software could be installed at any
time, but at the price that old libraries required by not fully-aligned packages were still in use. The first
VIRGO Software Release VCS-1.0 was still suffering this problem and could be put together in
reasonable time only by compromising on such aspect. All of this is clearly shown on Figure 4 by the
CMT use dependency graph among some of the packages running on the Local Control Units.
Figure 5. CMT Dependency Graph for VCS-3.0 (Package VirgoNoUI)
Figure 4. CMT Dependency Graph for VCS-1.0 (Package VirgoNoUI)
10th ICALEPCS 2005; F.Carbognani et al. : Software Engineering for the Virgo Project at EGO 4 of 6
Figure 5 show the same relationships for the latest VCS-3.0 Release. It could be seen that no more
than a single version of each package is present. This is true for the whole VCS-3.0 release software
meaning it implement a fully aligned baseline
The monitoring of the different VIRGO subsystems has been identified as crucial for the
commissioning phase. For this purpose the tool BigBrother (BB) is used. BB is a widely used tool for
the monitoring of system and network services. For VIRGO the scope of BB has been extended to the
tracking of failures and alarm management. For example, custom scripts have been developed and
integrated in BB that permit to monitor the Cm name-server (being Cm the layer providing
interprocess communication), the database server and the error logging system. With those BB
extensions it is then possible to provide alarms on essential VIRGO common services, monitoring
their performance and robustness.
As an example Figure 6 shows the number of active Cm-connections and database access latency.
Those graphs have been very effectives in spotting specific software problems.
Figure 7. DAQ Room BBMAP display
Figure 6. Big Brother trend graph for the Virgo Cm Name Server and Database Server
10th ICALEPCS 2005; F.Carbognani et al. : Software Engineering for the Virgo Project at EGO 5 of 6
The tool is currently being enhanced with new tests like, e.g., the monitoring of the most critical
servers of the data acquisition chain. A new feature has also been added via the BBMAP plug-in.
BBMAP is a set of PHP pages that give a status map capacity to Big Brother. With this functionality is
possible to link the error information with the location of the involved hardware. This is facilitating the
problem diagnosis and speeding up intervention time. Figure 7 show a BBMAP screenshot detailing
the position of workstations and racks on the Data Acquisition Room.
All described SE practices are currently in place and getting part of the daily routine. To further
improve and evolve these practices several pilot projects are currently carried out like, e.g., the Noise
Analysis Package (NAP) [10]. Within the context of the NAP development an effort is made to evolve
to an object-oriented approach. This includes the definition of templates for requirements analysis and
design documents based on UML models, C++ class templates with Doxygen tags, and the usage of
tools like Umbrello [11]. Also the incorporation of the Web as platform for documentation, knowledge
base and shared workspace is a major goal. For this purpose the Wiki tool has been set up and is
currently being evaluated. Another topic of interest is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
For the moment the tool KDevelop [12] has been customized for fully automated Doxygen
documentation generation and for CMT integration. Higher level of integration with the existing tools
is being studied. Also different IDEs are under evaluation. The NAP project has already reached a
good level of maturity at the mentioned areas and the feedback from users is generally positive.
The VIRGO SE Practices represent a balance between heavyweight existing standards and
pragmatic choices. The approach taken for implementing these practices was to embed them in a set of
consistent tools rather than enforcing a set of rules to which developers must adhere to.
Scientific software projects like VIRGO are becoming too large and complex to be managed without
proper SE procedures. Obviously SE does not come for free, but our experience demonstrates that it
can be brought into the project at a reasonable cost. We have chosen to implement SE in gradual steps,
providing first the most urgent tools and procedures, and then let focused pilot projects lead the way
for the “full SE approach” that we will improve and evolve continuously.
[1] S.Braccini et al., “Status of Virgo”, Proc. of Amaldi 6 Conference, August 2005.
[2] G.Filippi, “Software Engineering for ESO's VLT Project”, ICALEPCS 1993.
[3] G.Filippi, F.Carbognani, " Software practices used in the ESO Very Large Telescope Control
Software", ICALEPCS 1999.
[4] G.Filippi, F. Carbognani, P. Siviera, “Software Engineering Practices for the ESO Very Large
Telescope”, ADASS Conference, Boston USA, November 2000.
[5] F.Carbognani, Jacques de Wet, “Software Engineering Practices for the EGO Virgo Project”,
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2004 Conference, Glasgow Scotland, June
[7] C. Arnault, "CMT, a software configuration tool", CHEP2000 (paper F033).
[8] C. Arnault, B. Mansoux, A. Pérus, "Experiencing CMT in Software Production of Large and
Complex Projects. Issues in the scalability of software production management", CHEP01
[9] D. van Hee, “Doxygen”,
[10] E. Cuoco et al, “NAP: A Tool for Noise Data Analysis. Application to Virgo Engineering Runs”,
Procedures of GWDAW2004, March 2005.
[11] P. Hensegen, “UML umbrello modeler”,
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