Comparison of air-purification characteristics
for potted Golden Hahnii and Warneckii
T. ~ ~ a b u ' , H. ~ u r o d a ' , A. sauada2, K. ~akenaka~ &
B.C. ~ o l v e r t o n ~
1 Post Glvrduutc School oj Regional Econoinic, S'tem, Kunuzawa Seiryo
Iinivcrsiij), ./apart
" Japan Atlvanced In~titzrte oj Science and 7'echnolo~i. Jupun ' Tukmaku Guyden Afforestu/ion ('o Lid, Japarz.
'' Wolvertotl
... [Show full abstract] Etn'i,unmenlul Ser~*iccs Inc . USA
Golden Hahnii and Warneckii are two kinds of small l'oliage plants that have a
healing effect on humans. These potted plants also havc thc capability to purify
not only air pollution but also soil and water pollution. In this paper, the air
purification capability is esamined using a tin oxidc gas sensor. The resistivity of
the sensor decreased in polluting gases, which are kinds of reducing gases. As
for the results these potted plants have a high capability to formaldehyde. xylem
and toluene. Warneckii had a higher capability than that of Golden Hahnii.
Golden Ilah