
Discrediting the late Eocene microspherule layer at Cynthia, Mississippi

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Glassy microspherules recently reported from the late Eocene of central Mississippi are physically and chemically similar to impact-produced microspherules, especially those from Molino de Cobo, Spain, leading several investigators to conclude that these samples document another late Eocene impact event. A careful evaluation of the sample site and spherule compositions, however, suggests that these glasses are modern contaminants. Similar contaminants could be widespread throughout industrialized countries.

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... Some workers have suggested that they can resolve six layers in the composite stratigraphic section, using a graphic correlation technique of microfossil assemblages [23,24] (Fig. 2A). Others argue that the ¢rst and last occurrences of these fossils can be diachronous, and so the correlation of layers separated by only a few thousand years exceeds the limits of resolution of this technique [25]. ...
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Late Eocene microtektites and crystal-bearing microkrystites extracted from DSDP and ODP cores from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans have been analyzed to address their provenance. A new analysis of Nd and Sr isotopic compositions confirms previous work and the assignment of the uppermost microtektite layer to the North American tektites, which are associated with the 35.5 Ma, 85 km diameter Chesapeake impact structure of Virginia, USA. Extensive major element and Nd and Sr isotopic analyses of the microkrystites from the lowermost layer were obtained. The melanocratic microkrystites from Sites 216 and 462 in the Indian and Pacific oceans possess major element chemistries, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures and Sm–Nd, TCHUR, model ages similar to those of tagamite melt rocks in the Popigai impact structure. They also possess Rb–Sr, TUR, model ages that are younger than the tagamite TCHUR ages by up to ∼1 Ga, which require a process, as yet undefined, of Rb/Sr enrichment. These melanocratic microkrystites are consistent with a provenance from the 35.7 Ma, 100 km diameter Popigai impact structure of Siberia, Russia, while ruling out other contemporaneous structures as a source. Melanocratic microkrystites from other sites and leucocratic microkrystites from all sites possess a wide range of isotopic compositions (ϵ(143Nd) values of −16 to −27.7 and ϵ(87Sr) values of 4.1–354.0), making the association with Popigai tagamites less clear. These microkrystites may have been derived by the melting of target rocks of mixed composition, which were ejected without homogenization. Dark glass and felsic inclusions extracted from Popigai tagamites possess ϵ(143Nd) and ϵ(87Sr) values of −26.7 to −27.8 and 374.7 and 432.4, respectively, and TCHUR and TUR model ages of 1640–1870 Ma and 240–1830 Ma, respectively, which require the preservation of initially present heterogeneity in the source materials. The leucocratic microkrystites possess diverse isotopic compositions that may reflect the melting of supra-basement sedimentary rocks from Popigai, or early basement melts that were ejected prior to homogenization of the Popigai tagamites. The ejection of melt rocks with chemistries consistent with a basement provenance, rather than the surface ∼1 km of sedimentary cover rocks, atypically indicates a non-surficial source to some of the ejecta. Microkrystites from two adjacent biozones possess statistically indistinguishable major element compositions, suggesting they have a single source. The occurrence of microkrystites derived from a single impact event, but in different biozones, can be explained by: (1) diachronous biozone boundaries; (2) post-accumulation sedimentary reworking; or (3) erroneous biozonation.
In the geological sciences it has only recently been recognized how important the process of impact cratering is on a planetary scale, where it is commonly the most important surface-modifying process. On the Moon and other planetary bodies that lack an appreciable atmosphere, meteorite impact craters are well preserved, and they can commonly be recognized from morphological characteristics, but on Earth complications arise as a consequence of the weathering, obliteration, deformation, or burial of impact craters and the projectiles that formed them. These problems made it necessary to develop diagnostic criteria for the identification and confirmation of impact structures on Earth. Diagnostic evidence for impact events is often present in the target rocks that were affected by the impact. The conditions of impact produce an unusual group of melted, shocked, and brecciated rocks, some of which fill the resulting crater, and others which are transported, in some cases to considerable distances from the source crater. Only the presence of diagnostic shock-metamorphic effects and, in some cases, the discovery of meteorites, or traces thereof, is generally accepted as unambiguous evidence for an impact origin. Shock deformation can be expressed in macroscopic form (shatter cones) or in microscopic forms (e.g., distinctive planar deformation features [PDFs] in quartz). In nature, shock-metamorphic effects are uniquely characteristic of shock levels associated with hypervelocity impact. The same two criteria (shock-metamorphic effects or traces of the impacting meteorite) apply to distal impact ejecta layers, and their presence confirms that materials found in such layers originated in an impact event at a possibly still unknown location. As of 2009 about 175 impact structures have been identified on Earth based on these criteria. A wide variety of shock-metamorphic effects has been identified, with the best diagnostic indicators for shock metamorphism being features that can be studied easily by using the polarizing microscope. These include specific planar microdeformation features (planar fractures [PFs], PDFs), isotropization (e.g., formation of diaplectic glasses), and phase changes (high pressure phases; melting). The present review provides a detailed discussion of shock effects and geochemical tracers that can be used for the unambiguous identification of impact structures, as well as an overview of doubtful criteria or ambiguous lines of evidence that have erroneously been applied in the past.
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Site 612, Core 21, Section 5 contains a tektite horizon. Ranges of magnetostratigraphically calibrated marker taxa firmly constrain the biostratigraphic position of these layers. Radiolarian and foraminiferal biostratigraphy indicate that the tektite layer at Site 612 is biostratigraphically older than a microtektite layer in Barbados which has been correlated with the North American strewn field. The Site 612 tektites are approximately 0.5-1.0 m.y. older than the Barbados microtektites. An alternative interpretation correlates the Barbados microtektites with the Site 612 tektites using 40Ar/ 39Ar age measurements and some compositional similarities; this requires that biostratigraphic first and last occurrences were diachronous. The late Eocene impact events do not correlate with climate changes inferred from the marine isotope record. -from Authors
The properties of microspherules recovered from an Upper Devonian marine limestone immediately overlain by a geochemical anomaly of siderophile and chalcophile elements are similar to those of impact-derived microtektites. These microspherules are glass, have splash-form shapes, contain spherical vesicles and lechatelierite inclusions, and show oxide compositional variations similar to those in known microtektites. These characteristics suggest that these Upper Devonian microspherules have an impact origin. A bolide impact may have occurred about 365 million years ago on the South China Plate and caused a faunal extinction on eastern Gondwana.
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Major, minor, and trace element composition of the candidate micro tektites from Yukon Territory suggest a possible impact site of hydrothermally altered limestone and sand or chert, or possibly a carbonatite. Their REE/chondrite curve is similar in character to, but higher than, shale composites of North America, Australia, and Europe. Relative to these same composites, the Yukon droplets are enriched in Y, F, S, Sr, P, Mn, Mg, and Ca. They are depleted in Rb, Li, Th, Nb, Ti, K, Na, Fe, Si, and Al. Biostratigraphic constraints on the droplets indicate they are Middle to Late Devonian, more likely Middle Devonian, in age.
Impact-glass microspherules occur at numerous localities in rocks that can be dated as late Eocene. There is debate as to whether the discovered microspherule layers are the result of two or three impact events. Standard biostratigraphic techniques have been employed to date the microspherule layers. However, analysis of the available data indicates that zonal biostratigraphy has been insufficient for the task, particularly if practiced with only one taxonomic group. A chronostratigraphic framework model constructed using the Graphic Correlation technique is used with calcareous and siliceous microfossil data to determine the position in time of the microspherule layers. The results indicate that there are not two or three different layers, but at least six and possibly more. All of the proven layers are spread out over a one-million-year period in the middle and upper Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Biochronozone. A chronostratigraphic table contains correlations of various upper Eocene fossil and stratigraphic events. -Author
Several thousand microtektites (125 to 1,000 μm in diameter) have been found in cores from two Deep Sea Drilling Project sites: site 94 in the Gulf of Mexico and site 149 in the Caribbean Sea. The microtektites occur in upper Eocene sediments associated with the last occurrence of at least five species of Radiolaria. X-ray diffraction data, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and petrographic studies indicate the presence of inclusions of quartz, cristobalite, and lechatelierite. Major-element compositions were determined for 57 of the microtektites using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The geographical location, age, petrography, and chemistry of the microtektites indicate that they belong to the North American tektite strewn field (∼34 m.y. old). Calculations indicate that there may be as much as 109 t (metric tons) of microtektites in this strewn field.
Late Eocene clinopyroxene ('CPX') spherules are studied, with a view to settling the question as to whether they represent two different events or a single one. The similarities in both composition and petrography between the late Eocene crystal-bearing spherules are found to be greater than the differences, and there appears to be a systematic change in composition and in amount of iridium excess from east to west, when all the sites that contain these crystal-bearing spherules are considered. It is therefore judged likely that the late Eocene crystal-bearing spherules all belong to a single event.
The major element composition of microspherules from all three late Eocene stratigraphic layers was analyzed using an electron microprobe. The results indicate a major element compositional overlap beween individual microspherules of different microtektite layers or strewn fields. However, multivariate factor analysis shows that the microtektites of the three late Eocene layers follow recognizably different compositional trends. The microtektite population of the North American strewn field is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, Al2O3, and TiO2; the microspherules of an older layer, the Gl. cerroazulensis Zone, are relatively enriched in FeO and MgO and impoverished in SiO2 and TiO2; while those of the oldest layer in the uppermost G. semiinvoluta Zone are relatively enriched in CaO and impoverished in Al2O3 and Na2O.
Species ranges and relative abundances of dominant planktonic foraminifers of eight late Eocene to early Oligocene deep-sea sections are discussed to determine the nature and magnitude of extinctions and to investigate a possible cause-effect relationship between impact events and mass extinctions.Late Eocene extinctions are neither catastrophic nor mass extinctions, but occur stepwise over a period of about 1–2 million years. Four stepwise extinctions are identified at the middle/late Eocene boundary, the upperGlobigerapsis semiinvoluta zone, theG. semiinvoluta/Globorotalia cerroazulensis zone boundary and at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Each stepwise extinction event represents a time of accelerated faunal turnover characterized by generally less than 15% species extinct and in itself is not a significant extinction event. Relative species abundance changes at each stepwise extinction event, however, indicate a turnover involving > 60% of the population implying major environmental changes.There microtektite horizons are present in late Eocene sediments; one in the upperG. semiinvoluta zone (38.2 Ma) and two closely spaced layers only a few thousand years apart in the lower part of theGloborotalia cerroazulensis zone (37.2 Ma). Each of the three impact events appears to have had some effect on microplankton communities. However, the overriding factor that led to the stepwise mass extinctions may have been the result of multiple causes as there is no evidence of impacts associated with the step preceding, or the step following the deposition of the presently known microtektite horizons.
Much progress has been made in our understanding of the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) and other extinction events throughout Phanerozoic time. Scenarios for the K/T extinctions have been outlined. Suggested exogenic causes include a large asteroid impact or a number of smaller impacts over a year or soon both continental and oceanic terranes, or a comet shower of six to ten impacts over a 1- to 3-m.y. period. Suggested endogenic causes include the environmental effects of a major sea level regression and intense global volcanism.
As part of a study to investigate the feasibility of putting nuclear wastes in glass containers and burying them on land or dumping them in the ocean, the amount of solution experience by naturally occurring glasses from two land sites and thirty-four deep sea sites was studied. The glasses are microtektites from three strewn fields and from the Zhamanshin impact crater. The microtektites range in age from 0.7 to 35 m.y. and have a wide range in composition. The weight percent SiO2, for example, ranges from 44.8 to 81.7. Although several criteria for determining the amount of solution were considered, most of the conclusions are based on two criteria: (1) width of cracks, and (2) elevation of silica rich inclusions above the adjacent microtektite surface. All the measurements were made on scanning electron microscope photomicrographs of the microtektites.
A new late Eocene microspherule layer in central Mississippi
  • Byerly G. R.
Age of the upper Yazoo Formation in central Mississippi
  • Dockery D. T.