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Development of a groundwater biobarrier for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, BTEX, and heterocyclic hydrocarbons


Abstract and Figures

A full scale funnel-and-gate biobarrier has been developed for the removal of tar oil pollutants at an abandoned tar factory site near the city of Offenbach, Germany. Laboratory and on-site column studies were done to determine the operation parameters for microbiological clean-up of the groundwater polluted with 12,000 microg/L mono- aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and the xylenes, 4,800 microg/L polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene and acenaphthene, and 4,700 microg/L heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzofuran and benzothiophene. In the laboratory study, a residence time of approx. 70 h proved to be sufficient for aerobic pollutant biodegradation. Up to 180 mg/L H(2)O(2) were added and did not lead to any toxic effects to the degrading bacteria. The feasibility of the concept was confirmed in an on-site pilot study performed with a sedimentation tank (removal of ferric iron) and two bioreactors. In the bioreactors, >99.3% of the pollutants were degraded. Biodegradation activity corresponded to a significant increase in numbers of pollutant degrading bacteria. In the bioreactors, a fast dissociation of H(2)O(2) was observed resulting in losses of oxygen and temporary gas clogging. Therefore, a repeated addition of moderate concentrations of H(2)O(2) proved to be more favourable than the addition of high concentrations at a single dosing port. The full scale biobarrier consists of three separated bioreactors thus enabling extended control and access to the reactors. The operation of the funnel-and-gate biobarrier started in April 2007, and represents the first biological permeable reactive barrier with extended control (EC-PRB) in Germany.
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Development of a groundwater biobarrier for the removal
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, BTEX, and
heterocyclic hydrocarbons
A. Tiehm, A. Mu
¨ller, S. Alt, H. Jacob, H. Schad and C. Weingran
A. Tiehm
A. Mu
Department of Environmental Biotechnology,
Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Str. 84,
Karlsruhe 76139,
S. Alt
H. Jacob
CDM Consult GmbH, Neue Bergstr. 9-13,
¨hnlein 64665,
H. Schad
I.M.E.S. GmbH, Martinstr. 1, Amtzell 88279,
C. Weingran
HIM GmbH, Waldstrasse 11, Biebesheim 64584,
A full scale funnel-and-gate biobarrier has been developed for the removal of tar oil pollutants at
an abandoned tar factory site near the city of Offenbach, Germany. Laboratory and on-site
column studies were done to determine the operation parameters for microbiological clean-up of
the groundwater polluted with 12,000 mg/L mono- aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and
the xylenes, 4,800 mg/L polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene and
acenaphthene, and 4,700 mg/L heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzofuran and
benzothiophene. In the laboratory study, a residence time of approx. 70h proved to be sufficient
for aerobic pollutant biodegradation. Up to 180 mg/L H
were added and did not lead to any
toxic effects to the degrading bacteria. The feasibility of the concept was confirmed in an on-site
pilot study performed with a sedimentation tank (removal of ferric iron) and two bioreactors. In
the bioreactors, .99.3% of the pollutants were degraded. Biodegradation activity corresponded
to a significant increase in numbers of pollutant degrading bacteria. In the bioreactors, a fast
dissociation of H
was observed resulting in losses of oxygen and temporary gas clogging.
Therefore, a repeated addition of moderate concentrations of H
proved to be more favourable
than the addition of high concentrations at a single dosing port. The full scale biobarrier consists
of three separated bioreactors thus enabling extended control and access to the reactors. The
operation of the funnel-and-gate biobarrier started in April 2007, and represents the first
biological permeable reactive barrier with extended control (EC-PRB) in Germany.
Key words
biobarrier, BTEX, heterocyclic compounds, H
, microbial numbers, PAH, toxicity
At an abandoned tar factory site near the city of Offenbach,
Germany, the groundwater is contaminated with tar oil
pollutants. A plume of dissolved contaminants extends in the
aquifer from the hot spot area downgradient towards the
Main river. Under the strictly anaerobic, i.e. methanogenic,
conditions in the groundwater plume at the site, biodegra-
dation of the pollutants is limited resulting in a long plume.
However, most low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH), the BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl-
benzene, xylenes), other mono-aromatic hydrocarbons
(AHC) and heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HCY)—
toxic pollutants often occuring at tar oil polluted sites—are
degradable in the presence of oxygen (Cerniglia 1992;Fritsche
& Hofrichter 2000;Ka¨ stner 2000;Sagner & Tiehm 2005). In
the presence of nitrate, biodegradation of some specific tar oil
pollutants also has been demonstrated (Hutchins 1991;Leduc
et al. 1992;Tiehm et al. 1997;Lovley 2000;Rockne et al. 2000;
Tiehm & Schulze 2003;Sagner et al. 2005).
As part of the RUBIN research and development
network (“RUBIN” 2007) focusing on permeable reactive
doi: 10.2166/wst.2008.730
1349 QIWA Publishing 2008 Water Science & Technology—WST
barriers (PRB), a funnel-and-gate system was constructed at
the site (Figure 1). The concept for water clean-up is based
on a three step process including (i) sedimentation of ferric
iron, (ii) aerobic biodegradation of the aromatic hydro-
carbons and heterocyclic compounds, and (iii) a subsequent
zone with granular activated carbon (GAC) removing
remaining pollutants. This paper focuses on the studies
leading to the operation and design parameters of the
microbiological in-situ reactor.
In the bioreactor, the availability of suitable electron
acceptors and nutrients has to be considered as important
factor affecting biodegradation efficiency. Due to the high
pollutant concentration in the groundwater at this site (approx.
25 mg/L tar oil pollutants), hydrogen peroxide was selected
as oxygen carrier due to its higher water solubility as compared
to oxygen. Additionally, nitrate was added as alternative
electron acceptor. Laboratory and pilot scale experiments
were done to determine (i) the site-specific efficiency and
sequence of pollutant biodegradation, (ii) the locations and
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide addition, and (iii) the
suitable operation parameters of the in-situ biobarrier.
The laboratory column experiments were performed at
groundwater temperature (12148C) with groundwater
samples taken from well GWM19. The groundwater
samples were filled into 30 L Teflon bags enclosed in
nitrogen flushed vessels and stored under anaerobic
conditions. The laboratory column (B25 cm, length
100 cm, volume 12.7 L) was filled with silica sand (grain
size 1– 2.5 mm), and the flow direction was top—down. In
order to remove precipitated ferric iron, reversal flushing
was performed discontinuously. Hydrogen peroxide (H
and nitrate were added at the column inlet. During column
operation a second dosing port of H
in the upper part of
the column was installed. Column experiments were carried
out for a period of 300 d.
The pilot plant columns were operated on-site in an air-
conditioned container. Two bioreactors (stainless steel
columns, filled with silica sand) were operated with
groundwater taken from well GWM19. A sedimentation
tank with a lamella separator to remove ferric iron after the
first H
-addition was installed in front of the bioreactors.
(35 Vol.-% H
) was added to the sedimentation
tank and to the two bioreactors. Nitrate was added to the
first bioreactor. Phosphate (KH
-buffer) was
dosed discontinuously at both bioreactors. A GAC column
was installed at the bioreactor effluent to remove remaining
pollutants. The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 2.
The on-site column experiments were operated for a
period of 270 d.
Determination of microbial numbers
Microbial numbers were determined by the most probable
number (MPN) microplate technique with groundwater
samples (Stieber et al. 1994). Total heterotrophs and
denitrifying bacteria were determined in complex media
containing easily degradable compounds under aerobic or
anoxic conditions, respectively. Pollutant degrading bac-
teria were determined under aerobic conditions in mineral
medium with BTEX or 2-/3-ring PAH as sole carbon
source. Samples are diluted in microplates. Increased
turbidity or the formation of coloured metabolites indicated
the growth of aerobic heterotrophs and aerobic pollutant
degraders. Increased turbidity and consumption of nitrate
indicated denitrification. Incubation was done at 20 8Cin
the dark for 7 days (total heterotrophs), 21 days (2-/3-ring
Figure 1
Site map with location of the funnel-and-gate biobarrier.
1350 A. Tiehm et al.
Development of a groundwater biobarries Water Science & Technology—WST
PAH- degrading bacteria, denitrifying bacteria) and 42 days
(BTEX- degrading bacteria).
Chemical analysis
Benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene, and methane
were routinely analysed with a gas chromatograph (HP 5890,
Germany) with flame ionization detector (FID) equipped
with a headspace autosampler. Analysis of groundwater
extracts was performed by gas chromatography-mass spec-
trometry (HP 6890N, Germany). Extracting agents were
pentane to quantify monoaromatic hydrocarbons and PAH,
and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) for HCY. Chemical
oxygen demand (COD) was determined with the Nano-
color test kit (Macherey & Nagel, Germany) according to
ISO 15 705.
Toxicity test
The aquatic toxicity tests were carried out according
to ISO11348-3 L34 with a LUMIStox-Photometer and
LUMIStherm-incubation unit (Dr. Lange, Germany) using
lyophilized Vibrio fischeri as test organism.
Laboratory column studies
The microbiological investigations at the Offenbach site
revealed that sufficient numbers of microorganisms capable
to degrade BTEX and PAH under aerobic conditions were
present in the contaminated soil and groundwater. Deni-
trifying bacteria were also detected. Therefore, additional
inoculation of allochthonous microorganism was not
required to establish aerobic and denitrifying consortia in
the bioreactor.
The results of the laboratory column studies with
groundwater from the site showed that ethylbenzene
and naphthalene were already degraded under O
ted/denitrifying conditions. In particular the degradation
of ethylbenzene was already stimulated by the addition of
nitrate (20 mg/L). The subsequent addition of increasing
amounts of H
up to a concentration of 180 mg/L
resulted in increasing biodegradation of the pollutants.
Methane degradation started after removal of the hydro-
carbons (Figure 3). The main pollutants were eliminated
in the following sequence: ethylbenzene, naphthalene,
m-/p-xylene, benzene, o-xylene. Also heterocyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons such as benzothiophene and benzofuran
Figure 2
Scheme of the experimental set-up of the on-site biosorption system.
1351 A. Tiehm et al.
Development of a groundwater biobarries Water Science & Technology—WST
were degraded. The increasing consumption of electron
acceptors was corresponding to a decreasing chemical
oxygen demand (COD).
Pollutant biodegradation was also demonstrated in
additional batch studies (data not shown). In abiotic
controls, operated with field samples inhibited by addition
of HgCl
, high pollutant recovery was obtained even after
incubation with H
for periods of several months.
Therefore, our study does not indicate any significant
advanced oxidation processes, most probably due to the
groundwater pH values between 6.6 and 8.0.
In the lab column study, a flow rate between 2 and 4 L/d
proved to be suitable for complete microbiological pollutant
removal. The corresponding residence time of approx. 36 to
72 h was also chosen for the subsequent field study.
Pilot plant field study
The laboratory results were confirmed by a subsequent pilot
study performed at the Offenbach site. The flow rate was
adjusted to 22 –44 L/d resulting in residence times between
36 to 72 h. In the pilot plant, a ferric iron-sedimentation
tank with a lamella separator was installed prior to the
biodegradation step in order to avoid clogging effects by
precipitation of ferric iron (up to 25 mg/L ferrous iron in
groundwater) and to avoid degassing of supersaturated
gases (methane) in the bioreactor.
The addition of H
into the sedimentation tank also
resulted in aerobic biodegradation of part of the pollutants
in this area. However, degradation was most pronounced in
the bioreactors. After an adaptation and operation time of
270 d, concentrations decreased to 28 mg/l BTEX (10 mg/L
benzene), 16 mg/L other monoaromatic hydrocarbons,
32 mg/L heterocyclic hydrocarbons (17 mg/L benzofuran),
1.2 mg/L naphthalene and 2.6 mg/L other PAH in the two
bioreactors. Elimination of the main contaminants was
.99% at a residence time of 72 hours (Table 1). Toxicity
(inhibition of bacterial luminescence) was also significantly
reduced (Figure 4).
Overall approximately 20–25 mg/L of the monitored
organic compounds were degraded. The stoichiometrically
calculated oxygen demand for the complete mineralisation of
the hydrocarbons corresponds to 60– 75 mg O
/L (130
160 mg/L H
). In the pilot plant, an influent COD of
142 mg/L was observed indicating the presence of other
oxidizable compounds that were not detected by the analysis
of the specific hydrocarbons. In the bioreactors, approximately
100 mg/L of the influent COD was removed. This removal
efficiency is consistent with the amounts of H
added, taking
into consideration biomass formation (Figure 5) resulting
in incomplete mineralisation of the organic substrates.
The stimulated aerobic biodegradation resulted in
increasing microbial numbers in the biobarrier system.
Figure 3
Effect of increasing H
addition on pollutant biodegradation.
1352 A. Tiehm et al.
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Table 1
Bioreactor elimination performance after an operation period of 270 days (d)
Influent concentration
bioreactor 1 [mg/L]
Effluent concentration
bioreactor 2 [mg/L]
Bioreactor elimination [% of input concentration]
Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Reactor 1 12
Naphthalene 2,400 1.2 97 3 99.95
Ethylbenzene 550 0.54 94 6 99.9
Benzene 5,300 10 89 11 99.8
Carbazole 150 0.5 85 14 99.7
1-benzothiophene 570 9.4 83 15 98.4
Acenaphthylene 12 0.16 81 18 98.7
Dibenzofuran 171 0.9 73 27 99.5
Toluene 66 0.88 73 26 98.7
Acenaphthene 110 1.8 72 27 98.4
2-methyl-benzofuran 165 3.9 70 27 97.6
m- þp- xylene 1,500 10 68 31 99.3
Benzofuran 2,500 17 67 33 99.3
Phenathrene 13 0.078 59 40 99.4
Fluorine 26 0.27 58 41 99.0
2,3-dimethylbenzofuran 16 ,0.1 58 .42 .99.4
o-xylene 660 7.0 50 49 98.9
Dibenzothiophene 9.1 0.4 33 63 95.6
Fluoranthene 0.66 ,0.02 11 .86 .97.0
Anthracene 1.0 0.092 5 .86 .90.8
Pyrene 0.40 ,0.02 0 .95 .95.0
Methane 5,140 2,320 3 52 55
Classes of pollutants
BTEX 8,076 28 82 17 99.6
other AHC 5,588 16 83 16 99.6
HCY 3,575 32 70 29 99.1
PAH w/o NAP 163 2.6 68 30 98.5
COD [mg O
/L] 142 37 42 21 63.4
Figure 4
Toxicity reduction before treatment and after passage of the iron
sedimentation, the bioreactors and the activated carbon column. (
value: dilution factor resulting in an inhibition ,20%).
Figure 5
Numbers (MPN) of pollutant degrading microorganisms in the original
groundwater and after passage of the lamella separator and the biobarrier
1353 A. Tiehm et al.
Development of a groundwater biobarries Water Science & Technology—WST
The highest density of BTEX- and PAH-degrading bacteria
was observed in the first bioreactor (Figure 5) where most
of the pollutants were eliminated (Table 1).
In the on-site bioreactors and also during the laboratory
bioreactor study, the addition of high concentrations of
resulted in oxygen gas bubble formation and a
reduction of hydraulic conductivity, due to the fast
dissociation of H
and limited solubility of O
. Therefore,
the column experiments revealed that moderate additions
of H
at several dosing ports are favourable as compared
to the addition of a high amount of H
at a single dosing
port. Taking into consideration these findings and—in
general—the better ability to control the system, a modular
full scale system was developed.
The laboratory experiments and the pilot plant field study
confirmed the feasibility of the biobarrier system. Within the
bioreactor 99% of the monitored influent contaminants
were eliminated at a residence time of 72 h. Due to a fast
dissociation of H
, a repeated addition of moderate
concentrations is recommended in order to avoid losses of
oxygen and gas clogging in the biobarrier.
In the full scale funnel-and-gate biobarrier (Figure 6)
the contaminated water is collected from the aquifer
through a gravel filter. An open water area is separated
from the gravel through a steel screen. Within the open
water area (open water zone 1), the groundwater flow is
focused to a connecting pipe, where hydrogen peroxide is
added (dosing port 1). The following lamella separator is
needed for the sedimentation of precipitated iron. At the
outlet tube from the lamella separator (inlet of the first
bioreactor), hydrogen peroxide and nutrients are added
(dosing port 2). Distribution of the water to the entire cross-
section of the bioreactor is accomplished through the open
water zones. All bioreactors are filled with coarse sand. In
between the different bioreactors again hydrogen peroxide
and nutrients are added at the connection of the open water
areas for complete degradation (dosing ports 3 þ4).
Samples for monitoring are taken in front of the dosing
ports and in several sampling wells. If pollutant elimination
in the full scale system is not sufficient to reach the
compliance values, activated carbon will be filled into the
last chamber to remove the remaining pollutants.
The modular design of the biobarrier with three separated
bioreactors follows the concept of permeable reactive
barriers with extended control (EC-PRB) which enable
access to the reactors in case of malfunction. A successful
operation of EC-PRBs has been reported for Zero Valent
Figure 6
Longitudinal section of the full-scale biobarrier system.
1354 A. Tiehm et al.
Development of a groundwater biobarries Water Science & Technology—WST
Iron (ZVI) and GAC barriers (Birke et al. 2005). The
operation of the funnel-and-gate biobarrier started in April
2007, and represents the first biological EC-PRB in Germany.
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support by the
HIM GmbH and the German Ministry of Education and
Research (RUBIN funding priority, BMBF, grant no
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FZK/TNO conference on soil-water systems, Bordeaux, 3– 7 Oct.
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1355 A. Tiehm et al.
Development of a groundwater biobarries Water Science & Technology—WST
... A pilot scale PRB was designed, erected, and investigated within the RUBIN R&D program in 2007 for the removal of tar oil pollutants from contami nated groundwater at an abandoned tar factory site in the city of Offenbach, Germany (Schad et al., 2005;Tiehm et al., 2008;Birke et al., 2010;Weingran et al., 2011). A three-step process was used, wherein the contaminated groundwater was treated inside the PRB comprising (i) sedimentation of ferric iron, (ii) aerobic biodegradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons (HCs) and heterocyclic compounds, and (iii) a subsequent zone packed with GAC for removing the remaining pollutants. ...
... To obtain a sufficient operation period under optimum con ditions, the test phase was extended until September 2009 (around 2 years in total). It was subsequently decided that the system would be extended by longer funnels and (probably) a second gate for a full hydraulic containment of the site (Tiehm et al., 2008;Weingran et al., 2009Weingran et al., , 2011Birke et al., 2010;Birke and Burmeier, 2012a). ...
Full-text available
Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are an important component of established technologies for the remediation of contaminated groundwater. Since the first field-scale PRB was built in Sunnyvale, California in 1994-1995, more than 200 PRB systems have been installed worldwide (Gavaskar et al., 2000, 2002; Birke et al., 2003; Parbs and Birke, 2005; Birke and Parbs, 2006; ITRC, 2011; Bone, 2012; Burmeier et al., 2006; Birke and Burmeier, 2012a, b; see Chapter 2).
... The stimulation of the RD by injecting fermentable electron donors in the groundwater, followed by the application of in situ biosparging has been already tested leading to a considerable VC degradation [15,16]. Despite the good removal rates, this remediation approach showed some limitations and disadvantages, such as the decrease of the aquifer quality and the clogging effects due to ferric iron precipitation [17]. Bioelectrochemical remediation strategies are good candidates to overcome these limitations [18,19]. ...
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In this paper, a bioelectrochemical process has been developed by the combination of two membrane-less reactors equipped with an internal graphite granules counterelectrode for the perchloroethylene (PCE) removal through a reductive/oxidative sequence. In the reductive reactor, the cathodic chamber supplied the reducing power to PCE dechlorinating biomass while a rutile electrode promoted the aerobic dechlorination of the less chlorinated PCE byproducts by oxygen in situ evolution. Two potentiostatic conditions, -350 and -550 mV vs SHE, were tested on the reductive reactor, which showed the capability to completely reduce the PCE into vinyl chloride (VC) and ethylene (Eth). These compounds were completely removed by the oxidative reactor with an average VC and Eth removal efficiency of 94 ± 1% and 98 ± 1%. The -350 mV vs SHE condition resulted in the higher coulombic efficiency for the reductive dechlorination which reached 22 ± 7 % while by increasing the reductive potential to -550 mV the coulombic efficiency drop down to 6 ± 1 % in favor of the methanogenesis reaction. Dehalococcoides mccartyi was found at high abundance in the reducing reactor while a heterogeneous bacterial consortium was observed in the oxidative reactor. Microbiome characterization of the reductive and oxidative reactors showed the concomitant presence of different redox niches in each compartment suggesting that the exchange of ionic species between the electrode and the counterelectrode allowed the co-existence of both reducing and oxidative reactions.
... Permeable barriers provide immobilization of a wide range of contaminants, including radionuclides, metals, and organic matter. In addition to sorption processes, by creating specific conditions, barriers can also provide conditions for the conversion of metals into insoluble forms (Blowes et al. 2000;Flury et al. 2009;Yin et al. 2017), as well as reduction of chlorinated organic substances (Tiehm et al. 2008). Although PRBs are generally efficient at contaminant removal, redox and microbial processes can inadvertently enhance the mobility of contaminants in the form of inorganic or organic complexes and colloidal particles from downstream aquifer sediment (Kumar et al. 2016a, b;Buchs et al. 2013;Liang et al. 2019). ...
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The sorption characteristics of raw and biofilm-coated materials: vermiculite, lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA), perlite, zeolite, and shungite toward Cd and Cr(VI) ions were investigated to evaluate the possibility of their use as filtration barrier in the aquifer near a solid domestic waste landfill. The effectiveness of Cr(VI) removal by the raw materials changed in the following order: shungite > zeolite > perlite > vermiculite > LECA and for Cd: zeolite > shungite > vermiculite > perlite > LECA. After biofilm formation on the surface of the materials, the sorption capacity increased in some (perlite, LECA), while in others (zeolite) it was reduced. Four kinetic models were used to describe the experimental data. Mechanisms of metal removal were proposed: for Cr(VI), a characteristic combination of sorption processes was suggested, while the removal of Cd ions could occur by ion exchange and by complexation on the surface of the sorbent. Cr(VI) reduction by living bacterial cells forming a biofilm on the sorbent surface was assessed.
... The sequential stimulation of anaerobic/aerobic biodegradation has been applied in pilot tests by injecting electron donors and nutrients in an aquifer to stimulate anaerobic RD, while oxygen was provided through biosparging or direct water electrolysis [14,15]. However, some limitations and disadvantages need to be carefully considered, such as the possibility of decreasing aquifer quality as well as the precipitation of ferric iron and related clogging effects when oxygen is injected into an aquifer [16]. ...
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An innovative bioelectrochemical reductive/oxidative sequential process was developed and tested on a laboratory scale to obtain the complete mineralization of perchloroethylene (PCE) in a synthetic medium. The sequential bioelectrochemical process consisted of two separate tubular bioelectrochemical reactors that adopted a novel reactor configuration, avoiding the use of an ion exchange membrane to separate the anodic and cathodic chamber and reducing the cost of the reactor. In the reductive reactor, a dechlorinating mixed inoculum received reducing power to perform the reductive dechlorination of perchloroethylene (PCE) through a cathode chamber, while the less chlorinated daughter products were removed in the oxidative reactor, which supported an aerobic dechlorinating culture through in situ electrochemical oxygen evolution. Preliminary fluid dynamics and electrochemical tests were performed to characterize both the reductive and oxidative reactors, which were electrically independent of each other, with each having its own counterelectrode. The first continuous-flow potentiostatic run with the reductive reactor (polarized at −450 mV vs SHE) resulted in obtaining 100% ± 1% removal efficiency of the influent PCE, while the oxidative reactor (polarized at +1.4 V vs SHE) oxidized the vinyl chloride and ethylene from the reductive reactor, with removal efficiencies of 100% ± 2% and 92% ± 1%, respectively.
... This substitution makes NSO-HETs more watersoluble and thus mobile compared with their homocyclic analogues (Blotevogel et al. 2008), resulting in long plumes of contamination in groundwater at contaminated sites (Zamfirescu and Grathwohl 2001) and a substantial risk of contaminating drinking water resources (Kuhn and Suflita 1989;Meyer 1999). Particularly high concentrations are found at sites contaminated with tar oil (Brack and Schirmer 2003;Rasmussen and Olsena 2004;Tiehm et al. 2008;Blum et al. 2011), a complex mixture of roughly 10 000 chemicals (Collin and Höke 1995), approximately 85% of which are PAHs and 5 to 13% NSO-HETs (Meyer 1999). Also, NSO-HETs have been detected at sites contaminated with crude oil and petrochemical products (Mundt and Hollender 2005), coke manufacturing sites, gasworks, and wood impregnation plants (Kohler et al. 2000). ...
Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NSO‐HET) and short‐chained alkyl phenols (SCAP) are commonly detected in groundwater at contaminated sites and in the surrounding environment. It is now scientific consensus that these chemicals pose a risk to human and ecosystem health. However, toxicity data are comparably fragmentary and only few studies have addressed the ecotoxicity of NSO‐HET and SCAP in a systematic and comparative fashion. To overcome this shortcoming, we tested 18 SCAP, 16 NSO‐HET, as well as the homocyclic hydrocarbons indane and indene in the Microtox® assay with Aliivibrio fischeri, the growth inhibition test with Desmodesmus subspicatus, the acute immobilization assay with Daphnia magna, as well as the fish embryo toxicity (FET) test with embryos of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Because of the physicochemical properties of the tested chemicals (limited water solubility, volatility and sorption to test vessels), actual exposure concentrations in test media and their dissipation over time were analytically quantified by means of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Analytically corrected effect levels (EC/LC50s) ranged from 0.017 to 180 mg L‐1, underlining the environmental relevance of some NSO‐HET and SCAP. Para‐substituted phenols showed the overall greatest toxicities in all four toxicity tests. Here, we provide, for the first time, a complete high‐quality dataset in support of better environmental risk assessments of these chemicals. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The microbes are often ever-present, particularly in the upper layers of the aquifer, so it is quite easy to use them for removing contaminants (Di-Nardo et al., 2010;ITRC, 2011). In this technology, the microorganisms that are used as a reactive medium to debase or alleviate the contaminants are clung to a porous support (Tiehm et al., 2008). The main restrictions on this type of approach are that the microorganisms or consortium must form biofilm with the degradative ability for the target pollutants on the reactive materials in PRBB. ...
It is an indisputable fact that any environmental clean-up technology generating certain kind of effective result would be easily supported. One of them includes Permeable reactive bio-barrier which is an innovative technology started from 90’s to treat a variety of contaminants along the natural gradient flow of groundwater through immobilization or transformation of pollutants into less toxic and harmful form. Despite of any broad acknowledgement, there are lesser known knowledge about use of microorganisms in permeable reactive barriers, mingling of microorganisms with other reactive media and their effect on each other’s reactivity. The current review deals with an overview of the types of reactive media used in Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) as well as different bio-barriers (PRBBs) utilized for the treatment of various contaminants, long–term performance of permeable reactive barrier and combination of microorganism and reactive media to look forward for their symbiotic relationship in permeable reactive barrier for environmental remediation.
... A pilot scale PRB was designed, erected, and investigated within the RUBIN R&D program in 2007 for the removal of tar oil pollutants from contami nated groundwater at an abandoned tar factory site in the city of Offenbach, Germany (Schad et al., 2005;Tiehm et al., 2008;Birke et al., 2010;Weingran et al., 2011). A three-step process was used, wherein the contaminated groundwater was treated inside the PRB comprising (i) sedimentation of ferric iron, (ii) aerobic biodegradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons (HCs) and heterocyclic compounds, and (iii) a subsequent zone packed with GAC for removing the remaining pollutants. ...
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Remediation of groundwater is complex and often challenging. But the cost of pump and treat technology, coupled with the dismal results achieved, has paved the way for newer, better technologies to be developed. Among these techniques is permeable reactive barrier (PRB) technology, which allows groundwater to pass through a buried porous barrier that either captures the contaminants or breaks them down. And although this approach is gaining popularity, there are few references available on the subject. Until now. Permeable Reactive Barrier: Sustainable Groundwater Remediation brings together the information required to plan, design/model, and apply a successful, cost-effective, and sustainable PRB technology. With contributions from pioneers in this area, the book covers state-of-the-art information on PRB technology. It details design criteria, predictive modeling, and application to contaminants beyond petroleum hydrocarbons, including inorganics and radionuclides. The text also examines implementation stages such as the initial feasibility assessment, laboratory treatability studies (including column studies), estimation of PRB design parameters, and development of a long-term monitoring network for the performance evaluation of the barrier. It also outlines the predictive tools required for life cycle analysis and cost/performance assessment. A review of current PRB technology and its applications, this book includes case studies that exemplify the concepts discussed. It helps you determine when to recommend PRB, what information is needed from the site investigation to design it, and what regulatory validation is required.
Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are significant among all the promising remediation technologies for treating contaminated aquifers and groundwater. Since the first commercial full field-scale PRB emplacement in Sunnyvale, California, in 1994–1995, >200 PRB systems have been installed worldwide. The main working principle of PRB is to treat a variety of contaminants downstream from the contaminated source zone (“hot spot”). However, to accurately assess the longevity of PRB, it is essential to know the total contaminant mass in the source area and its approximate geometry. PRBs are regarded as both a safeguarding technique and an advanced decontamination technique, depending on the contamination scenario and its outcome during the operational life of the barrier. In the last three decades, many PRBs were performed very well and provided a likely designated performance for the contaminated sites. However, there is still the necessity of its potential implications for different PRBs worldwide. Therefore, this study presents a comprehensive overview of field-scale PRBs applications and their long-term performance after on-site emplacements. This paper provides in-depth insight into PRBs as a potential passive remedial measure, covering all significant dimensions, for eliminating the contaminated plume over a long time in the subsurface. The overview will help all the stakeholders worldwide to understand the implications of PRB's field-scale application and help them take all the required measures before its on-site application to avoid any potential failure.
Natural Attenuation (NA) processes have been demonstrated to reduce pollutant loads at different contaminated groundwater sites world-wide and are increasingly considered in contaminated site management concepts. However, data are mainly available for steady state groundwater flow and stable redox conditions as well as pollutants listed in standard regulatory schemes. In this study, the influence of transient groundwater flow and redox conditions on NA was examined at a former gas works site near the river Rhine in Germany. The investigated 78 pollutants included 40 mono- and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs, PAHs) and 38 NSO-heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NSO-HET). In the highly polluted areas, the MAHs benzene, indene and indane, the PAHs naphthalene, acenaphthene, 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene and the NSO-HET 2-methylquinoline, carbazole, benzothiophene, dibenzofuran and benzofuran were predominant. Pollutant concentrations decreased with increasing distance from the sources of contamination. At the plume fringes, the MAHs benzene and indane, the PAH acenaphthene, the NSO-HET carbazole, 5-methylbenzothiophene, 2- and 3-methylbenzofuran and 2-methyldibenzofuran were predominant, indicating low retention and slow intrinsic biodegradation of these compounds. The influence of surface water on groundwater level, pollutant concentrations, and redox conditions in the monitoring wells was observed with a permanently installed groundwater sensor. The temporary availability of oxygen was observed at the plume fringes, resulting in aerobic and ferric iron reducing biodegradation processes. Field and laboratory data were used to set-up a groundwater flow and reactive transport model used for quantification of the field mass transfer rates. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that NA is effective under transient flow and redox conditions. A conceptual model and reactive transport simulation can facilitate the interpretation of pronounced fluctuations of pollutant concentration in monitoring wells. Based on the analysis of 78 pollutants, indane, indene and several NSO-HET like carbazole, benzothiophene and 2-methyldibenzofuran are recommended for monitoring at tar oil polluted sites, besides EPA-PAHs and BTEX.
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Introduction: Characteristics of Aerobic Microorganisms Capable of Degrading Organic PollutantsPrinciples of Bacterial DegradationDegradative Capacities of FungiConclusions
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Biotic and abiotic disappearance, mainly in terms of biodegradation and volatilisation respectively, of flooded soil contaminated with acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, fluorene and anthracene, was studied in erlenmeyer flasks and in bench-scale bioreactors. The erlenmeyer experiments were conducted under four different redox conditions. Disappearance kinetics followed zero order. Under aerobic and denitrifying environments, biodegradation of all four compounds occurred; the rates observed ranged from 0.38 to 0.53 ppm/day for the aerobic environment and from 0.29 to 0.35 ppm/day for the denitrifying one. However, no significant biodegradation occurred under the sulphate-reducing nor methanogenic environments. Aerobic abiotic losses were very significant; the ratio of the volatilisation to the biodegradation rates ranged from 2.4 to 3.6. The ratio of the aerobic to the denitrifying volatilisation rates ranged from 5.0 to 10.1. In the light of these results, the denitrifying environment was chosen for a further experiment to investigate the performance of a bench-scale bioreactor. Results showed that by enlarging the scale of the bioreactor approximately 8 times and simultaneously reducing the mixing intensity of the soil/water system, the biodegradation rates remained virtually unchanged. This study suggests that the denitrifying environment could play an important role in the development of an effective, economical and environmentally safe decontamination technology for treating PAH-contaminated soils.
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Intrinsic biodegradation, representing the key process in natural attenuation, is increasingly considered for the remediation of contaminated sites as an alternative to more active measures. In this paper, intrinsic biodegradation is discussed with respect to BTEX and PAH. In the first part, an overview is given summarizing the current understanding of microbial aromatic hydrocarbon degradation and the methods available for the assessment of intrinsic bioremediation. In the second part, the concept and selected results of a case study are presented. Both aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons contribute to pollutant elimination at contaminated sites such as former manufactured gas plants and tar-oil polluted disposal sites. Intrinsic biodegradation processes usually result in a sequence of redox zones (methanogenic, sulfate-reducing, Fe(III)-reducing, denitrifying, aerobic) in the groundwater plume downgradient the source of contamination. Methods to assess redox zonation include hydro- and geochemical analysis, measurement of the redox potential, and determination of hydrogen. Biodegradation of target pollutants can be demonstrated by alterations in the pollutant profiles, isotopic fractionation, specific metabolic products, and by microcosm studies with authentic field samples. Microcosm studies in particular are a useful tool to identify degradation mechanisms and to understand the role of specific electron acceptors and redox conditions. In a case study, intrinsic biodegradation was examined at a tar-oil polluted disposal site. Due to the low sorption capacity of the aquifer, decreasing pollutant concentrations with increasing plume length were attributed predominantly to biodegradation. Sulfate reduction and Fe(III) reduction were the most important redox processes in the anaerobic core of the groundwater plume. Changing pollutant profiles with increasing plume length indicated active biodegradation processes, e.g. biodegradation of toluene and naphthalene in the anaerobic zones. In microcosms amended with model pollutants, biodegradation of toluene and ethylbenzene was observed under sulfate-reducing conditions. Degradation of toluene, ethylbenzene, benzene and naphthalene occurred in the presence of Fe(III). Under aerobic conditions, all BTEX and PAH were rapidly degraded.
Aromatic CompoundsPolycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsSummary and Concluding Remarks
The bioremediation of soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) often is limited by a low bioavailability of the contaminants. The effect of two nonionic surfactants of the alkylphenolethoxylate type, Arkopal N-300 and Sapogenat T-300, on bioavailability of PAH in manufactured gas plant soil was evaluated in soil columns percolated by recirculating flushing water. Both surfactants enhanced the mass transfer rate of sorbed PAH into the aqueous phase due to solubilization. Solubilized PAH were available for biodegradation. Degradation of the surfactants themselves was monitored by counting cell numbers of surfactant degraders. It could be demonstrated that the rapid degradation of Arkopal N-300 resulted in a lack of oxygen and an inhibition of PAH degradation. Sapogenat T-300 was degraded more slowly, but a depletion of oxygen occurred after 54 d of incubation. Until then the surfactant-enhanced PAH mobilization resulted in an increased PAH degradation as compared to the treatment without surfactant. Therefore, biodegradability of the surfactants was shown to be one of the key functions for the use of surfactants in practice. Reduction of PAH content and toxicity of the contaminated soil was obtained in all cases. Decrease of soil toxicity as indicated by the bioluminescence test was most pronounced in case of the Sapogenat T-300-amended treatment. It is concluded that surfactants can be a useful tool for stimulating biodegradation of PAH in contaminated soil.
Aromatic CompoundsPolycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsSummary and Concluding Remarks
Introduction: Characteristics of Aerobic Microorganisms Capable of Degrading Organic PollutantsPrinciples of Bacterial DegradationDegradative Capacities of FungiConclusions
A method for enumerating micro-organisms degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was developed. The micro-organisms present in water samples are incubated in 96-well microplates, in which the desired PAHs are available as sole carbon source in a liquid mineral-salts medium (MSM). Walls and bottoms of the wells in the microplates are covered with PAHs by dissolving them in a non-polar solvent and pipetting this solution into the wells. After solvent elimination under vacuum, the PAHs remain on the surface of the wells. The formation of coloured products during microbial degradation of PAHs causes colouring of the MSM, thus allowing evaluation of the cell titre by determining the most probable number. Usage of an electronic multichannel pipette makes the work faster and more effective. This allows the inoculation of several microplates pre-treated with different PAHs out of one serial dilution. On the one hand, this method is very effective in screening the usability spectrum of different PAHs microorganisms; on the other hand it allows the additional employment of other sources of hydrocarbons.