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A comparison of human and canine kinematics during level walking, Stair ascent, and Stair descent


Abstract and Figures

Stair ambulation is sometimes unavoidable for humans and canines, and changes several parameters of the gait cycle in comparison to level walking. The purpose of this paper is to review and investigate stair ambulation kinematics and kinetics for the human and canine when compared with gait on level surfaces. Data collected from 2 laboratories in a similar manner were analyzed to compare the ankle (tarsal) joint, knee (stifle) joint, and hip joint kinematics for level walking, stair ascent, and stair descent in dogs and humans. The comparison of humans and dogs reveals humans use a greater overall range of motion (ROM) in the hip and knee compared to dogs in all tasks. Dogs use a much greater ROM in the ankle or tarsal joint compared to humans in all tasks. The decreased amount of ROM used at the hip and stifle joints of dogs during level gait, stair climbing, and stair descent when compared to humans is likely a direct result of the increased amount of tarsal flexion dogs use when compared to people. This paper identifies the peak angles of flexion and extension, overall ranges of motion of the hindlimb during normal walking, stair ascent and descent. This information may be used to help devise rehabilitation programs for dogs that need to increase the motion in a particular hindlimb joint through targeted movement tasks.
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Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010), 92 - 100
From the Allied Health Profession Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire1, UK, from the Movement Science
Group Vienna, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna2, the Section for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinic for
Surgery and Ophthalmology, Clinical Department for Companion Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna3, and the Department of Physical Therapy, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga4
A comparison of human and canine kinematics during
level walking, stair ascent, and stair descent
received July 13, 2009
accepted for publication November 9, 2009
Keywords: biomechanics, kinematics, dog, human, stair
Stair ambulation is sometimes unavoidable for humans
and canines, and changes several parameters of the gait
cycle in comparison to level walking. The purpose of this
paper is to review and investigate stair ambulation kine-
matics and kinetics for the human and canine when com-
pared with gait on level surfaces. Data collected from 2
laboratories in a similar manner were analyzed to compa-
re the ankle (tarsal) joint, knee (stifle) joint, and hip joint
kinematics for level walking, stair ascent, and stair descent
in dogs and humans.The comparison of humans and dogs
reveals humans use a greater overall range of motion
(ROM) in the hip and knee compared to dogs in all tasks.
Dogs use a much greater ROM in the ankle or tarsal joint
compared to humans in all tasks. The decreased amount
of ROM used at the hip and stifle joints of dogs during level
gait, stair climbing, and stair descent when compared to
humans is likely a direct result of the increased amount of
tarsal flexion dogs use when compared to people. This
paper identifies the peak angles of flexion and extension,
overall ranges of motion of the hindlimb during normal wal-
king, stair ascent and descent. This information may be
used to help devise rehabilitation programs for dogs that
need to increase the motion in a particular hindlimb joint
through targeted movement tasks.
Schlüsselwörter: Biomechanik, Kinematik, Hund,
Mensch, Treppensteigen.
Ein kinematischer Vergleich des Gehens von Mensch
und Hund auf ebener Fläche und auf Treppen
Das Steigen von Treppen ist für Menschen und Hunde
oftmals unvermeidbar und bedingt Veränderungen ver-
schiedener Parameter des Bewegungszyklus im Vergleich
zum Gehen auf der Ebene. Das Ziel der vorliegenden
Arbeit war es, die Kinematik von Mensch und Hund
während des Treppensteigens zu untersuchen und mit der
Kinematik während des normalen Gehens zu vergleichen.
In 2 verschiedenen Laboratorien wurde auf die gleiche Art
und Weise die Kinematik des Tarsal-, Knie- und Hüftge-
lenks während des Gehens auf der Ebene und auf Treppen
(auf- und abwärts) analysiert. Der Vergleich von Menschen
und Hunden ergab beim Menschen ein größeres gesam-
tes Bewegungsausmaß des Knie- und Hüftgelenks
während aller getesteten Bewegungen. Hunde verwenden
im Rahmen aller untersuchten Bewegungen ein sehr viel
größeres Bewegungsausmaß des Tarsalgelenkes als Men-
schen. Das im Vergleich zum Menschen verminderte
Bewegungsausmaß von Hüft- und Kniegelenk der Hunde
während des Gehens auf der Ebene und auf Treppen ist
wahrscheinlich ein direktes Resultat der gesteigerten Fle-
xion des kaninen Tarsalgelenkes. Die in dieser Studie
untersuchten Parameter (maximale Flexion und Extension
der Winkel und das Bewegungsausmaß) können dazu bei-
tragen, Rehabilitationsprogramme für Hunde zu planen,
bei denen die Beweglichkeit der entsprechenden Gelenke
der Hinterextremität trainiert werden muss.
Walking, or gait, is a motor skill essential to every day
living. Humans and terrestrial animals alike depend on the
ability to move from place to place to hunt or gather food,
find shelter and complete other tasks that are important to
sustain or enhance life. Geographic surfaces vary in topo-
graphy and ambulation over uneven terrain is often neces-
sary. Stairs were developed over 6,000 years ago to add
semi-permanency to steep paths (TEMPLER, 1995).
Stair ambulation is often unavoidable for humans and
canines, and changes the joint kinematics in comparison
to level walking. The degree of difference is dependent
upon the characteristics of the specific step. The tread and
riser are 2 important components of stair construction.
Risers are the vertical stair height whereas the tread com-
prises the horizontal stair depth. Dimensions of a standard
step vary from country to country, and whether it is out-
doors or indoors (TEMPLER, 1995). According to the
INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL (2003) a standard out-
door step has a tread of 0.25 meters and a riser no more
than 0.21 meters high (ANDRIACCHI et al., 1980).
The convention of goniometry is different in humans
and dogs and to fully understand the similarities and diffe-
rences between the species in gait the normal angles need
Abbreviations: CAST = calibrated anatomical system technique;
ROM = range of motion
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
to be understood. Many references discuss human gonio-
metry (NORKIN et al., 2009), in dogs the standard con-
vention was described and examined for reliability and vali-
dity by JAEGGER et al. (2002). In this study, level gait and
stair ascent and descent was compared between bipeds
Homo sapiens
or humans), and quadrupeds (
Canis fami-
or dogs). Only one study to the authors’ knowledge
has compared the gait characteristics of these species
(CHARTERIS et al., 1979).
Stair ambulation
Stairs are different from level-surface gait in that one
must either ascend or descend to cover a specified
distance. Stair ascent and descent present unique chal-
lenges from the context of joint kinematics and muscle
effort. In humans, several studies have been conducted
investigating the special challenge of stair ambulation.
When ascending, humans are required to raise their cent-
re of gravity during the pull up and then actively carry it for-
ward to the next step. This is achieved through concentric
muscular contraction, which displaces the centre of gravity
vertically (SELFE et al., 2008). Stair ascent has stance and
swing phases. Stance during ascent includes weight
acceptance, pull-up, and forward continuance whereas
swing phase includes foot clearance, swing, and foot pla-
cement (MCFADYEN and WINTER, 1988). The muscle
actions are concentric within the lower extremity and pri-
marily employ extensor activity during stance and flexor
activity during swing phase (SELFE et al., 2008). When
descending, humans must actively carry their centre of
gravity forwards and then resist gravity during the control-
led lowering phase. This is achieved through eccentric
muscular contraction, which controls the rate of lowering of
the centre of gravity by absorbing kinetic energy. Descent
on a staircase also contains stance and swing phases, and
is relatively more demanding than stair ascension with res-
pect to angular motion and muscle control. Stance during
descent consists of weight acceptance, forward continuan-
ce, and controlled lowering whereas swing consists of leg
pull-through and foot placement (MCFADYEN and WIN-
TER, 1988). Eccentric muscle action predominates during
descent, and the quadriceps must provide the majority of
muscle force for controlled lowering of body mass while
stepping down (MCFADYEN and WINTER, 1988; LIVING-
STON et al., 1991; PROTOPAPADAKI et al., 2007). If strong
eccentric contractions were not employed, the centre of gra-
vity would accelerate under the influence of the gravitational
pull of the earth (WHITTLE, 2007).
Both stair ambulation and level walking could be perfor-
med while walking backwards, but the focus of the discus-
sion the following sections is upon various parameters whi-
le walking forwards.
Clinical relevance of stair ambulation
The rehabilitation implications for stair ambulation are to
restore adequate joint range of motion, motor control,
muscle strength, and appropriate balance. Assuming that
stair descent is relatively more demanding than ascension
from a control perspective, the rehabilitation specialist
should pattern exercise interventions specific to the
demands of descent (SELFE et al., 2008).
The danger of stair ambulation is present during ascent
and descent. According to MCFADYEN and WINTER
(1988), the point of greatest instability during stair activities
occurs when the support limb moves into single support
with all 3 joints in a flexed position. Of the various motions
necessary in humans, knee flexion requires the relatively
greatest amount of motion within the lower extremities and
should be targeted with specific range of motion activities
to ensure adequate rehabilitation prior to stair training.
Motor control and muscle strength are also important for
stair ambulation. Eccentric muscle strength of the quadri-
ceps is especially important to regain following lower extre-
mity injury. Eccentric activity of the quadriceps controls the
lowering of one’s body mass during descent, and reduced
motor control from arthrogenic inhibition may cause collap-
se and subject the person to falling.
Activities that promote controlled loading of the quadri-
ceps during stair descent should progress gradually in
rehabilitation. For example, mini-squats and small step-
ups should be employed prior to introducing the patient to
stairs of normal height. Step-up height can be adjusted
until the person has enough strength and muscle control to
attempt stair ambulation.
To the authors’ knowledge, in contrast to human beings,
there is no study investigating effects of stair ambulation in
canines. Knowledge in canine biomechanics during stair
ambulation is therefore lacking, despite the fact clinically
the majority of dogs suffering from conditions such as
osteoarthritis have problems during stair ambulation. The-
refore, the purpose of this paper is to review and investi-
gate stair ambulation kinematics for the humans and cani-
nes when compared with gait on level surfaces.
Material and methods
5 client-owned dogs (1 Labrador Retriever, 3 Golden
Retrievers, and 1 Large Münsterländer) were used in this
study. The mean and standard deviation of their age was
4.1 ± 1.9 years and the mean and standard deviation of
their body mass was 26.9 ± 3.3 kg at the time of measure-
ment. All dogs received a thorough medical, neurological
(BAUMGARTNER, 2005), and orthopedic examination
(BRUNNBERG, 2001) and no orthopedic or neurological
problems were identified.
Equipment and measurement procedure for canine
5 reflective markers with a diameter of 10 mm were
used for digitalization of the movement which were posi-
tioned in anatomical defined places on the right rear leg.
The markers were directly fixed to the skin. The markers
were placed on the cranial dorsal iliacal spine of the tuber
sacrale, greater trochanter, stifle joint between the lateral
epicondyle of the femur and fibular head, lateral malleolus,
and the distal aspect of the fifth metatarsal bone of the
right hind leg (BOCKSTAHLER et al., 2007, 2009) (Fig. 1).
Motion capture was performed using 10 infra red Eagle
Digital Cameras (Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa
Rosa, CA, USA), at a frequency of 120 Hz. For each ses-
sion, the system was calibrated with a calibration frame of
known dimensions. The stairs were made of wood with
non-slip carpeting and consisted of 4 steps purpose built at
the laboratory. The dimensions of the stairs were 0.16 m
riser and 0.25 m tread. Prior to measurements, each dog
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
was led over the stairs multiple times to get the dogs
accustomed to the experimental setup, each dog was
allowed to walk at a comfortable walking speed. After the
training period, the dogs were led over the stairs for 3 to 6
times to obtain consistent data on the correct stairs. The 3
dimensional angles of the coxofemoral, femorotibial, and
tarsal joints were calculated for each time frame using a
minimum of 5 motion cycles of each trial. Data were cap-
tured with EVaRT (Version 5.0.4, Motion Analyses Corpo-
ration, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) and analyzed with SIMI
(SIMI Motion 3D, Simi Reality Motion Systems GmbH,
Unterschleissheim, Germany). Parameters were calcula-
ted as described previously (BOCKSTAHLER et al. 2008a,
2008b). In this convention of measurement (Fig. 1), flexion
angles of the hip, stifle, and tarsus are described in a sim-
ilar manner to human angles. As the joint flexes, the angle
becomes larger, and as the joint extends the angle
becomes smaller.
6 healthy participants, with a mean age of 38 ± 9.1
years and a mean body mass of 67.8 ± 6.5 kg were recrui-
ted from staff and student populations at the University of
Central Lancashire. All participants reported to be free
from any pain or pathology affecting the spine or lower
limbs at the time of testing.
Equipment and measurement procedure for human
Data were collected using a 10 camera Oqus motion
analysis system (Qualisys medical AB, Gothenburg, Swe-
den) at 100 Hz. 12 10 mm reflective markers were placed on
the foot, shank and thigh using the Calibrated Anatomical
System Technique (CAST) (CAPPOZZO et al., 1995). Raw
kinematic and kinetic data were exported to Visual 3D (CMo-
tion Inc., Germantown, MD, USA).Kinematic data were filte-
red using fourth order Butterworth filters with cut off fre-
quencies of 6 Hz.The sagittal plane ankle, knee and hip joint
angles were quantified from initial contact to initial contact
for the different tasks data about the providing information
on stance and swing phase for the motion cycle.
Statistical analysis
All data were tested for normal distribution using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test. Data are given as arithmetic
mean ± SD. To detect differences between the evaluated
parameters during normal gait and stair up and stair down
walk respectively, we used an ANOVA for repeated meas-
urements with a Bonferroni-post hoc test. The ROM and
temporal parameters of humans and dogs were compared
using an unpaired t-test. Values of p<0.05 were considered
significant. Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office 2007 for Win-
dows, Microsoft, Redmont, WA, USA) and SPSS (Version
14.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) were used for statisti-
cal analysis.
All data were found to be normally distributed. For dogs
the mean walking velocity on normal ground was 1.09 ±
0.2 m/s, during stair ascent 0.73 ± 0.2 m/s and 0.81 ± 0.1
m/s during stair descent. For human mean walking veloci-
ty on normal ground was 1.42 ± 0.22 m/s, during stair
ascent 0.48 ± 0.04 m/s and 0.60 ± 0.05 m/s during stair
descent. Joint kinematics during ascent and descent from
previous studies are presented in comparison to this current
study of both human and dog ascent and descent (Tab. 1).
Canine tarsal joint
During canine walking, the tarsal joint (Fig. 2a) reached
its maximal flexion (55.2 ± 11.6°) in the middle of the swing
phase at 80.6 ± 1.3 % of the motion cycle. After flexion, the
joint quickly extended throughout remainder of the swing
phase and the paw touched the ground while the joint was
slightly extended. During the early and middle stance pha-
se, the joint was slightly flexed to reach its maximal exten-
sion (20.1 ± 10.4 °, 61.4 ± 2.9 % of the motion cycle) at
transition of the stance to the swing phase. There was a
statistical significant increase in the degree of flexion when
stair ascent (88.3 ± 9.7 °, p < 0.01) and stair descent (91.6
± 15.2 °, p < 0.01) compared to walking. Walking caused
flexion later than descending stairs (75.8 ± 2.9 % of the
motion cycle, p = 0.04). Stair ascending caused a later fle-
xion (83.8 ± 1.9 % of the motion cycle, p = 0.02) compared
to walking stair down. The amount of extension showed no
significant differences between stair ascending (22.2 ± 9.4 °),
descending (26.7 ± 9.8 °) and level walking although both
stair activities did show an increased in the amount exten-
sion in relation to level walking.However when descending
stairs we found that maximal extension switched to the end
of the swing phase (at 98.6 ± 1.5 % of the motion cycle, p =
0.01), which also caused a significant difference to going
stairs up (59.8 ± 1.8 % of the motion cycle, p = 0.01). The
range of motion (ROM) of the tarsal joint showed a signifi-
cant difference in both stair ascent (66.0 ± 5.3 °, p < 0.01)
and stairs descent (64.9 ± 6.8 °, p < 0.01) compared to that
of level walking (35.1 ± 7.2 °).
Previous studies Current study
Author ANDRIACCHI et al. (1980) LIVINGSTON et al.
Joint Ascent
Hip 40.8 ά 8.7 23.0 ά 10.5 52 ά 3.5 33 ά 4.0 65.1 ά 7.2 40.0 ά 7.8 72.7 ά 7.3 31.7 ά 5.2 26.0 ά 2.6 16.1 ά 6.4
Knee 73.4 ά 12.4 81.6 ά 11.3 101 ά 6.5 103 ά 3.0 93.9 ά 7.4 90.5 ά 7.1 98.1 ά 5.2 97.4 ά 5.0 61.9ά 3.3 73.1 ά 6.0
25.3 ά 11.5 25.6 ά 5.3 25 ά 12.0 28 ά 1.5 31.3 ά 5.1 40.1 ά 6.0 18.9 ά 4.2 32.9 ά 3.7 22.2 ά 9.4 26.7 ά 9.8
13.6 ά 8.6 24.7 ά 8.9 19 ά 5.0 26 ά 2.0 11.2 ά 3.8 21.1 ά 4.5 15.9 ά 4.3 24.1 ά 6.8 88.3 ά 9.7 91.6 ά 15.2
Tab. 1: Peak sagittal plane joint motion in humans (in degrees of flexion, given in mean ± SD) at various joints during stair
ascent and descent from previous studies, compared with humans and dogs in the current study
PF = plantar flexion; DF = dorsiflexion
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
Human ankle joint
Tarsal flexion in the dog is the equivalent of human
ankle dorsiflexion and tarsal extension in dogs is the equi-
valent of plantarflexion in humans. During human walking
the ankle joint (Fig. 2b) reached its maximal dorsiflexion
(10.5 ± 3.6 °) at 47 % of the motion cycle. After dorsiflexi-
on the joint quickly plantarflexed (-18.9 ± 6.9 °) at transiti-
on of the stance to the swing phase (64 % of the motion
cycle). There was a statistical significant increase in the
amount of dorsiflexion during stair ascent (15.9 ± 4.3 °, p =
0.05) and stair descent (24.1 ± 6.8 °, p = 0.04) compared to
level walking. Significant differences were also seen be-
tween the amount of plantarflexion during stair descent
(32.9 ± 3.7 °) compared to both level walking (18.9 ± 6.9 °,
p = 0.02) and stair ascent (18.9 ± 4.2 °, p = 0.01), with stair
descent causing a peak plantarflexion at 98 % of the moti-
on cycle, much later than ascending stairs (67 % of the
motion cycle) and level walking. Stair descent showed a
significantly greater ankle ROM (57.0 ± 5.2 °) compared to
that of stair ascent (34.8 ± 6.3 °, p < 0.01) and level wal-
king (29.5 ± 5.2 °, p < 0.01).
Comparison of dog tarsal joint and human ankle joint
(Fig. 3)
There was no significant difference in the ROM of the
tarsal joint between dogs and humans ROM during level
walking and stair descent. However significant differences
were seen during ascent (p < 0.01) with the dogs tarsal
ROM being increased compared to human ankle ROM.
Canine knee (stifle) joint
During canine walking, the stifle joint (Fig. 4a) reached
its maximal flexion (60.3 ± 10.6 °) during the first part of
the swing phase (76.8 ± 2.3 % of the motion cycle), follo-
wed by a rapid extension resulting in its maximal extensi-
on (17.4 ± 11.3 °) at touchdown (99.4 ± 0.9 % of the moti-
on cycle) which then decreases throughout the stance
phase.The joint was significantly more flexed when ascen-
ding (93.6 ± 6.8 °, p < 0.01) and descending stairs (88.7 ±
Fig. 1: Marker placement and
definitions of joint angles in
dogs; a = cranial dorsal iliacal
spine of the tuber sacrale; b =
greater trochanter; c = stifle
joint between the lateral epi-
condyle of the femur and fibu-
lar head; d = lateral malleo-
lus, and e = the distal aspect
of the fifth metatarsal bone;
grey arrow = extension; black
arrow: flexion
12.3 °, p < 0.01), when compared with level walking.Again
the flexion during normal gait was significantly later than
when walking stair down (71.2 ± 3.1 % of the motion cycle,
p = 0.01). Ascending stairs (80.0 ± 1.7 % of the motion
cycle) caused flexion later than stair descending (p = 0.02).
Descending stairs (15.6 ± 10.6 °) and walking (17.4 ±
11.3 °) caused a decreased amount of extension compa-
red to stair ascent (31.8 ± 10.6 °, p < 0.01). The maximal
extension occurred at about the same time during level wal-
king and stair descent (99.0 ± 1.0 % of the motion cycle),
whereas during stair ascent the maximal extension was
found at the transition from the stance to the swing phase
(55.4 ± 2.1 % of the motion cycle) resulting in significant dif-
ferences to level walking and stair descent (p = 0.01).
The overall ROM used was significantly higher during
stair ascent (61.9 ± 3.3 °, p < 0.01) and stair descent (73.1 ±
6.0 °, p < 0.01) when compared to level walking (42.9 ± 4.4 °).
Comparing the overall ROM of ascending and descending
stairs displayed no significant differences.
Human knee joint
During human walking, the knee joint (Fig. 4b) reached
its maximal flexion (70.6 ± 6.9 °) during the first part of the
swing phase, followed by a rapid extension resulting in its
maximal extension (4.9 ± 6.3 °) during initial contact (99.4
± 0.9 % of the motion cycle). The knee joint was signifi-
cantly more flexed when ascending (110.5 ± 4.7 °, p < 0.01)
and descending stairs (106.4 ± 8.5 °, p < 0.01) than during
level walking.The flexion during walking (72 % of the moti-
on cycle) was also later than when stair descent (67 % of
the motion cycle) and earlier than stair ascent (83 % of the
motion cycle). Ascending stairs caused a increase in the
amount of movement towards extension (12.5 ± 5.9 °)
compared to normal walking (4.9± 6.3 °, p = 0.05). No sig-
nificant differences were seen between stair descent (9.1 ±
5.1 °) and ascent or level walking. The maximal extension
occurred at about the same time during normal walk and
stair descent, 98 % and 96 % of the motion cycle, respec-
tively, however during stair ascent, as with dogs, the maxi-
mal extension was found at the transition from the stance
to the swing phase (61 % of the motion cycle) resulting in
significant differences to level walk and stair down (p =
The overall ROM used was significantly higher when
ascending (98.1 ± 5.2 °, p < 0.01) and descending stairs
(97.4 ± 5.0 °, p < 0.01) compared to level walking (65.7 ±
6.4 °). Comparing the overall ROM of ascending stairs and
descending stairs displayed no significant differences.
Comparison of dog stifle joint and human knee joint (Fig. 5)
Significant differences were seen in the ROM for stifle
compared with the knee joint for walking (p < 0.01), for
stair ascent (p < 0.01) and for stair descent (p < 0.01), with
the human knee requiring greater ROM compared with the
dogs stifle.
Canine hip joint
During canine walking the hip joint (Fig. 6a) reached its
maximal flexion (62.0 ± 3.6 °) during the late swing phase
(93.0 ± 4.7 % of the motion cycle), followed by a constant
increase of the extension during the stance phase resul-
ting in its maximum value of extension (32.1 ± 2.0 °) at the
end of the stance phase (56.8 ± 0.8 % of the motion
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
cycle). Stair descent showed a significant increase in the
amount of flexion (70.9 ± 7.4 °) of the hip joint compared to
normal walk (p < 0.05). No significant changes in the temp-
oral occurrence of the maximal flexion could be detected.
The maximal amount of extension, during stair descent
(54.8 ± 9.0 °) caused significant higher values in comparison
to walking (p < 0.01) and stair ascent (26.0 ± 2.6 °, p = 0.01),
without any changes in the timing. In contrast to the tarsal
and stifle joint, the hip joint showed a significant lower ran-
ge of motion when walking stair descent down (16.1 ±
6.4.°, p = 0.02) compared to level gait (29.9 ± 3.4 °). Inter-
estingly, there was a significant higher ROM during stair
ascent (36.3 ± 7.2 °, p < 0.01) than stair descent.
Human hip joint
During human walking the hip joint (Fig. 6b) reached its
maximal flexion (30.4 ± 5.1 °) during the late swing phase
(88 % of the motion cycle), followed by a constant increa-
se of the extension during the stance phase resulting in its
maximum value of extension (-13.4 ± 6.0 °) at the end of
mid stance (52 % of the motion cycle). Stair descent cau-
sed a significant difference in the amount of flexion (41.2 ±
7.6 °) of the hip joint at 75 % of the motion cycle compared
to normal walk (p = 0.03) and compared to stair ascent
(68.0 ± 5.8 °, p = 0.01) which occurred at 91 % of the moti-
on cycle. Significant differences were also seen between
stair ascent and walking (p < 0.01).The maximal amount of
extension when descending stairs (9.5 ± 5.8 °) at 30 % of
the motion cycle and ascending stairs (-4.7 ± 4.9 °) at 60.%
of the motion cycle showed significant less extension in
comparison to walking (p < 0.01), and between stair des-
cent and stair ascent (p < 0.01). The hip joint showed a sig-
nificant lower ROM during stair descent (31.7 ± 5.2 °, p =
0.05) compared to walking (43.8 ± 3.9 °) and stair ascent
(72.7 ± 7.3 °, p < 0.01). Significant differences were also
seen between stair ascent and walking (p < 0.01).
Comparison of dog hip joint and human hip joint (Fig. 7)
The dogs’ hip joint required significantly lower hip ROM
for all tasks than humans (p < 0.01), with the greatest
numerical difference between dog and human during stair
Kinematics of stair ambulation
Normal gait on even surfaces and stairs consists of
single and double support phases. Stance and swing pha-
ses are similar between level-surfaces and stair ambulati-
on accounting for 60 and 40 % of the gait cycle, respec-
tively. Stance phase during stair ambulation occurs from 0-
60 % of the cycle regardless of whether one is ascending
or descending the stairs whereas swing phase occurs from
60-100 % of the cycle (PROTOPAPADAKI et al., 2007).
However the joint kinematics are very different during stair
ambulation compared to that required during level ambula-
tion in humans (LIVINGSTON et al., 1991).
The changed kinematical patterns of the joint have been
described by PROTOPAPADAKI et al. (2007) for humans,
although the range of joint motion varies according to the
specific step dimensions and also for different height and
limb characteristics of the subjects (LIVINGSTON et al.,
1991). During stance phase in ascension, the hip and
knee extend towards more stable joint positions, and the
ankle into plantarflexion. Joint angles during ascent swing
phase with normal step dimensions have previously been
reported, however the amount of joint movement is depen-
dant on the stair height and depth. Typical maximum joint
angles for stair ascension are: 65 degrees of hip flexion, 94
degrees of knee flexion and 11 degrees of dorsiflexion to
31 degrees of plantarflexion at the ankle.
During stance phase in descent, the hip and knee move
Fig. 2a: Angulations of the tarsal joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in dogs;
*indicates an significant earlier occurrence and higher fle-
xion during stair down compared to normal walk, °a signi-
ficant higher degree of extension than during normal walk
and the maximal extension switched from the late stance
during normal walk and stair up to the late swing phase, +
a significant higher flexion during stair up compared to
normal walk and a significant later flexion compared to
stair down, #a significant higher extension compared to
normal walk and earlier extension compared to stair down
Fig. 2b: Angulations of the ankle joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in
humans; significant difference between the amount of
ankle dorsiflexion (*), with the peak dorsiflexion occurring
earlier during step up than level walking and step down;
peak plantarflexion showed a significant difference bet-
ween step down and walk (°), and step down and step up
(+), but no significant difference between step up and level
walking (#).
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
Fig. 3: Peak tarsal/ankle flexion (a), peak
tarsal/ankle extension (b) and total tarsal/
ankle ROM (c) in degrees (°) with error
bars showing standard deviations; whereas
* indicating significant differences between
Walk and Ascent, + between Walk and
Descent and ° significant differences bet-
ween Ascent and Descent; ~ indicates a
significant alteration of the human and
canine ROM during Ascent.
Fig. 4a: Angulations of the knee joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in dogs;
* indicates a significant earlier occurrence and higher fle-
xion during stair down compared to level walk, ° a signifi-
cant higher extension than during normal walk and stair
up. The time of occurrence of the maximal extension
occurred significant later than during stair up. + indicates a
significant higher flexion during stair up compared to nor-
mal walk and a significant later flexion compared to stair
down, # a significant earlier extension compared to stair
down and level walking.
Fig. 4b: Angulations of the knee joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in
humans; * indicates a significantly higher flexion during
stair down compared to normal walk, ° no significant diffe-
rence between stair up and walking in extension than
during normal walk, but a significant difference between
walk and step down compared with stair up. The time of
occurrence of the maximal extension occurred significant
later than during stair up. + indicates a significant higher
flexion during stair up compared to normal walk and a sig-
nificant later flexion compared to stair down, # stair up
shows a significant later movement towards extension
compared to stair down and normal gait.
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
into further flexion from an initially slightly flexed position,
into a more unstable position, and the ankle into dorsiflexi-
on from an initially plantarflexed position at foot contact.
Stair descent swing phase on steps of normal dimensions
require hip flexion of 40 degrees, 91 degrees of knee flexi-
on, and the ankle moves through a range from 21 degrees
of dorsiflexion during stance to 40 degrees of plantarflexi-
on just prior to foot contact (PROTOPAPADAKI et al.,
2007). Maximal hip and knee flexion occurred during swing
phase for both ascent and descent, which is consistent for
gait on level surfaces. Likewise, maximal extension for the
hip and knee occurs in terminal stance (PROTOPAPADAKI
et al., 2007).
Comparison of joint kinematics in humans and dogs
At the hip joint, the pattern of motion is very similar
during level walking with flexion peaking during the swing
phase and extension peaking during stance for push off.
However, humans tend to use a greater amount of ROM for
this task compared to dogs. Climbing stairs again displays
a very similar pattern of hip movement between humans
and dogs although humans increase their extension to a
greater degree than dogs, and again use a greater overall
amount of ROM. Stair descent produces the least overall
ROM in both humans and dogs when compared to level
waking and stair ascent although dogs again use less
ROM when compared to humans.
At the knee joint, the pattern of motion between humans
and dogs is very similar during walking with flexion peaking
during the first half of the swing phase and extension pea-
king just before heel strike (or touchdown). Humans achie-
ving close to a straight knee at heel strike, approximately
5.°flexed, whereas dogs are approximately 17 degrees
short of full extension. Humans tend to use a greater over-
all amount of knee ROM during walking compared to dogs.
Climbing stairs again displays a very similar pattern of
knee movement between humans and dogs although
humans increase their flexion to a greater degree than
dogs, and again use a greater overall amount of ROM.
Stair descent produces a very similar peak angle of flexion
to stair ascent in both humans and dogs but in both spe-
cies it is slightly earlier in the swing phase. Stair descent
in humans again produces a greater amount of overall
ROM used when compared to dogs.
The tarsal or ankle joint produced some of the greatest
differences between the species. During walking, both
dogs and humans produce maximal dorsiflexion (tarsal fle-
xion) during swing and produce maximal plantarflexion
(tarsal extension) during push-off. Dogs use a much grea-
ter tarsal flexion and lower extension during normal wal-
king than humans do. During descent, the same holds true
although the difference is not as dramatic due to the
increased amount of plantarflexion humans use during
descent. During stair ascent, dogs use a much greater
overall ROM than people do.
The decreased amount of ROM used at the hip and sti-
fle joints of dogs during normal gait, stair climbing, and
stair descent when compared to humans is likely a direct
result of the increased amount of tarsal motion dogs use
when compared to people. The tarsal joint is a relatively
Fig. 5: Peak knee/stifle flexion (a), peak
knee/stifle extension (b) and total knee/stif-
le ROM (c) in degrees (°) with error bars
showing standard deviations; whereas
* indicates significant differences between
Walk and Ascent, + between Walk and Des-
cent and ° significant differences between
Ascent and Descent, # indicates a signifi-
cant alteration of the human and canine
ROM during Walk, ~ during Ascent and ^
during Descent.
Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr.- Vet. Med. Austria 97 (2010)
Fig. 6a: Angulations of the hip joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in dogs;
* indicates a significant decrease of flexion compared to
normal walk and to stair up, ° a significant lower degree of
extension while stair descent than during normal walk and
stair up, + a significant higher flexion during stair up com-
pared to walking and stair down and # a significant higher
extension compared to stair down.
Fig. 6b: Angulations of the hip joint during walk (black),
stair up (dotted line) and stair down (dashed line) in
humans; * indicates a significant decrease of flexion com-
pared to stair up, ° a significant lower degree of extension
while stair descent than during normal walk and stair up, +
a significant higher flexion during stair up compared to
walking and stair down, and # a significant higher extensi-
on compared to stair down.
long limb segment of the lower limb, compared to people,
and as the metatarsals create a long lever arm the tarsal
joint must flex enough for the metatarsals and phalanges to
clear the ground. In doing so it allows less motion to occur
at more proximal joints. In addition, it is reasonable to
believe that it is much more efficient to flex the tarsus
rather than larger, heavier joints like the knee and hip and
dogs preferentially use the tarsal joint.
In all such studies some limitations should be conside-
red, these include the error due to skin movement and dif-
ferences in the velocities during the different tasks. Howe-
ver despite these potential sources of error the differences
in movement strategy seen between the different tasks and
between humans and dogs are unlikely to have been affec-
ted unduly.
Clinical relevance
To create adequate physical therapy programs it is of
vital importance to acquire closer insights into the distinc-
tive biomechanics of the limbs during stair ascent and des-
cent. In many physical therapy treatments, such as trans-
cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, knowledge from the
human medicine can be translated to veterinary usage,
however this is not the case in stair ambulation as dogs
and humans have notably different strategies. This paper
identifies the peak angles of flexion and extension, and
overall ranges of motion used during normal walking, and
stair ascent and descent. This can be used to help devise
rehabilitation programs for dogs that need to increase the
motion in a particular hindlimb joint. At the tarsal joint, the
peak angles of flexion occur during stair ascent and des-
cent, and the peak extension angles are similar in all 3 con-
ditions although they occur at different times (Fig. 2a).
Overall range of motion at the tarsal joint is much greater
during both stair ascent and descent compared to level
walking (Fig. 3). At the stifle joint walking up and down
stairs provides much greater peak flexion than level wal-
king. If increased stifle extension is desired, walking down
stairs and level walking provides more peak extension than
walking up stairs. Overall range of motion at the stifle joint
is greatest during stair decent followed by stair ascent, fol-
lowed by level walking (Fig. 5). At the hip joint walking down
stairs provides the greatest peak flexion, followed by level
walking, followed by stair ascent. Peak hip extension is
greatest during stair ascent followed by level walking follo-
wed by stair descent. Overall range of motion at the hip is
greatest during stair ascent, followed by level walking, fol-
lowed by stair descent (Fig. 7).
This information is very valuable, as dogs cannot be told
to perform an exercise such as range of motion. It either
must be performed manually or through specific tasks, for
example stair climbing or wheel barreling. If a dog has
decreased stifle extension, which is common after extra-
capsular imbrication for cruciate stabilization, information
from this study would indicate that walking on level ground
would promote more peak stifle extension than walking
either up or down stairs. Having exercises either clinicians
or owners can perform to help regain range of motion of
joints is useful for dogs with a variety of conditions such as
osteoarthritis, cranial cruciate ligament stabilization, frac-
ture repair, and other rearlimb conditions seen clinically.
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Author’s address:
Jim Richards, PhD, MSc, BEng (Hons), John Burston, James Sel-
fe, PhD, MA, GD, Phys MCSP, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2HE, UK;
Mag. Peter Holler, Priv.Doz.Dr. Barbara Bockstahler, Dr. Marion
Mueller,Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria; Barry Dale, PhD,
PT, OCS, SCS, ATC, CSCS, David Levine, PT, PhD, DPT, OCS,
CCRP, 302 Davenport Hall, Dept. 3253, 615 McCallie Avenue,
Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA.
... Although the effect of lateralization was not evaluated in our study, the unbalanced number of dysfunctions between the right and left hind limbs suggests that effect of stresses on both legs is not symmetrical and that lateralization could affect hind limb dysfunctions. However, lateralization demonstrated between male and female [35] or between breeds or morphotype [36,37] is not supported by our study. ...
This first clinical study evaluates the benefits of using manual veterinary medicine to assess and treat musculoskeletal dysfunction in very young puppies. Osteoarticular dysfunction was assessed in 75 dogs at one and two months of age. Manual therapy was performed after each evaluation. Our results show that puppies develop osteoarticular dysfunction as early as their first month of life with more dysfunctions appearing during the first month than during the second month of life. Within the musculoskeletal system, dysfunctions are not evenly distributed with limb dysfunctions accounting for around 3/4 (at one month) and 2/3 (at two months) of all dysfunctions. The shoulder is responsible for almost all disorders of the front limb, and the hip and patella for those of the rear limb. The withers region and the craniocervical junction are the most affected areas for the spine. The breed has a significant impact on the number of osteoarticular dysfunctions but morphotype, farrowing condition, and sex, have no effect on dysfunction in our study. The location of the main dysfunctions could provide a biomechanical explanation for certain orthopedic diseases that dogs can develop at an early age. Therefore, the assessment and treatment of osteoarticular dysfunctions could contribute to the prevention of orthopedic diseases in young dogs.
... 26 Stair descent results in greater ROM in the hip (27 ) compared with ramp descent (23 ). 27 With knowledge of the kinematics of exercises, one can create a plan to improve hip ROM and improve muscle mass and comfort. For example, in the beginning stages, one may use slow controlled leash walking on level ground beginning at 15-to 20-minute intervals 2 to 3 times daily. ...
Hip dysplasia is one of the most common orthopedic conditions affecting dogs. Initially, laxity of the femur leads to subluxation, and subluxation can lead to an abnormal development or to progressive degeneration of the femoral head and dorsal acetabular rim. Osteoarthritis and its clinical impact progress over time. Changes to the femoral head and neck and the acetabulum and the impact on joint motion and pain vary widely among dogs. The rehabilitation of dogs with hip dysplasia includes rehabilitation therapy in dogs managed conservatively and the rehabilitation of dogs managed with surgery.
... Descending exercises in-crease the ROM of the limbs and challenge balance and proprioception, 4,9 which makes them useful for the treatment of various conditions at various stages of rehabilitation to promote and restore clinically normal function. 10 It is believed that, in dogs, the TL is mainly responsible for braking momentum on a downhill slope. 5 The kinetic load increases in the TLs of horses trotting on downhill slopes, which supports the theory that the TL is responsible for braking momentum during descending excercises 5,11 ; however, that theory has yet to be investigated in dogs. ...
OBJECTIVE To compare the kinematics of the thoracic limb of healthy dogs during descent of stairs and a ramp with those during a trot across a flat surface (control). ANIMALS 8 privately owned dogs. PROCEDURES For each dog, the left thoracic limb was instrumented with 5 anatomic markers to facilitate collection of 2-D kinematic data during each of 3 exercises (descending stairs, descending a ramp, and trotting over a flat surface). The stair exercise consisted of 4 steps with a 35° slope. For the ramp exercise, a solid plank was placed over the steps to create a ramp with a 35° slope. For the flat exercise, dogs were trotted across a flat surface for 2 m. Mean peak extension, peak flexion, and range of movement (ROM) of the shoulder, elbow, and carpal joints were compared among the 3 exercises. RESULTS Mean ROM for the shoulder and elbow joints during the stair exercise were significantly greater than during the flat exercise. Mean peak extension of the elbow joint during the flat exercise was significantly greater than that during both the stair and ramp exercises. Mean peak flexion of the elbow joint during the stair exercise was significantly greater than that during the flat exercise. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that descending stairs may be beneficial for increasing the ROM of the shoulder and elbow joints of dogs. Descending stair exercises may increase elbow joint flexion, whereas flat exercises may be better for targeting elbow joint extension.
... 24 Stair descent results in greater total ROM in the hip (27 ) compared with ramp descent (23 ). 25 Having the knowledge of the kinematics of various walking exercises, one is able to create a plan to improve hip ROM as well as improve muscle mass and comfort. For example, in the beginning stages one may use slow controlled leash walking on level ground beginning at 15-to 20-minute intervals 2 to 3 times daily. ...
Hip dysplasia is among the most common orthopedic conditions affecting dogs. Joint laxity is responsible for abnormal development of the femoral head and acetabulum, leading to excessive wear of the articular cartilage. Wear leads to secondary osteoarthritis. Rehabilitation is either conservative or after surgical management. Conservative rehabilitation therapies are directed at decreasing pain, improving hip range of motion (ROM), and building or maintaining muscle mass. Postoperatively, rehabilitation focuses on decreasing postoperative pain and inflammation, improving comfort and limb use, and protecting the surgical site. Once the patient has healed, rehabilitation is directed at improving ROM and promoting muscle mass.
... Bei dieser Studie erwies sich das Gehen über Cavaletti als geeignete Übung um die Flexion des Karpal-und Ellbogengelenkes der Vorderextremität zu trainieren. Auch bezüglich der Auswirkungen des oftmals empfohlenen Steigens von Treppen auf die Gelenke sind bisher nur wenige Arbeiten veröffentlicht worden (RICHARD et al., 2010). Beide Arbeiten beziehen sich jedoch auf die Kinematik gesunder Hunde. ...
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Kinematical motion analysis of the front legs of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis of the elbow joint during special physical therapy exercise regimes Introduction Aim of this study was the kinematical analysis of the forelimb of dogs suffering from cubarthrosis while going uphill, downhill and over obstacles (Cavaletti). Our general hypothesis was that during the performance of these 3 exercises the elbow joints of dogs suffering from cubarthrosis would show decreased flexion and extension in comparison to healthy ones. Material and methods 10 adult dogs of various breeds, clinically and radio-graphically diagnosed with elbow arthrosis, were used as test group for this study. 8 clinically sound adult dogs served as control group. For all dogs, ground reaction forces were evaluated on a treadmill with integrated force plates for kinetic gait analysis. Furthermore the dogs were equipped with reflecting markers on their forelimbs for kinematic analysis at the Motion Analysis Research Laboratory of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. Specially constructed Dog-Cavaletti were used for the Cavaletti experiments. The uphill and downhill exercises were carried out with an inclination of 11 %. Following parameters of the shoulder, elbow and carpal joint were used: maximal extension angle, maximal flexion angle and the range of motion of the joint (ROM). Results The statistical analysis showed that during the Cavaletti exercise the elbow joints of the lame and contralateral forelimb of the dogs suffering from elbow arthrosis had an increased flexion and a higher ROM than those of the healthy dogs. Furthermore, we observed that the elbow of the lame forelimb was less extended than the contralateral forelimb during the downhill exercise. During the uphill exercise, it could also be shown that the angle of the shoulder joint of the lame and contralateral forelimb of the dogs with elbow arthrosis had a decreased flexion, the contralateral shoulder joint also showed a decreased extension and ROM. In addition, it was ascertained that in comparison with its contralateral limb, the shoulder joint of the lame forelimb of the dogs afflicted with arthrosis had a stronger extension while going over the Cavaletti. The carpal joint of the lame forelimbs showed a smaller ROM during the uphill exercise than that of the healthy dogs. Conclusion Especially the results pertaining to the elbow joint during Cavaletti exercising were unexpected and surprising, so that our hypothesis that dogs suffering from elbow arthrosis have decreased extension and flexion in comparison to dogs that do not could not be affirmed. Thus the results of the kinematic gait analysis at hand convey new insights concerning the mechanics of joints of arthrosis patients and must be taken into account in further investigations of the musculoskeletal system and its orthopaedic diagnosis. In addition, kinematic control can be applied in the course of follow-up examinations after conventional or surgical therapy as well as in developing protheses. The precise knowledge of joint kinematics serves the optimization of therapy measures in the field of physiotherapy, in particular for active exercise therapy.
... Compared to dogs, humans use a greater overall ROM in the hip and stifle joint when walking on level surfaces and on stairs, though the ROM of the tarsal joint is greater in dogs [14]. A kinematic analysis of joint biomechanics during uphill and downhill walking and walking over an obstacle by Holler et al. [15] showed that uphill walking caused increased hip joint flexion and decreased stifle joint flexion compared to downhill walking. ...
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Inclined or slippery surfaces and various other types of obstacles are common demands in our environment. Dogs with impaired locomotion might have difficulties to manage rough terrain. Gait analyses using force plates or pressure plates, which are well established to characterize limb loads in human medicine as well as in animals, are mostly limited to level surfaces. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cross-slope walking in ten healthy Labrador Retrievers using a pressure plate walkway system. The dogs walked over the pressure plate on a level surface, with a lateral elevation angle of 10° (CS1) or 15° (CS2) until five valid trials were achieved. Three measurements were obtained at weekly intervals. Peak vertical force (PFz), vertical impulse (IFz), step length, and velocity were determined. Compared to level walking (LW), cross-slope walking was associated with a significant decrease in GRF of the up-slope (US) hindlimb, which was compensated for by the down-slope (DS) forelimb. The other diagonal limb pair showed less pronounced effects during CS1, but in CS2 more weight was shifted onto the DS hindlimb during the first two measurements, thus reducing weight on the US forelimb (for IFz). The effect diminished from trial to trial, with GRF values approaching LW standards finally. The IFz was a more sensitive measure than the PFz. The step length of the DS forelimb was significantly decreased in both cross-slope conditions, while the step length of the US forelimb only decreased during CS2. The dogs adapted their gait pattern and step length to compensate for the discrepancy in apparent leg length caused by the cross-slope. The results suggest that cross-slope walking requires functional musculoskeletal adaptations that may be difficult for animals with impaired locomotion. Further, this knowledge might be of clinical impact for early diagnosis of neurological disorders, mild lameness and proprioceptive deficits.
To design and manufacture better artificial joints, it is necessary to obtain the motion range of lower limb statistically. General Staircase as an experimental device had been designed; motion capture system and plantar force measurement system were used to establish a systematic measurement method during stairs descent. The variation and range of hip, knee and ankle joints of 40 samples along different directions in a cycle have been calculated. During stair decent, motion range of hip, knee and ankle joints reach maximum in the sagittal plane and are larger comparing to joint motion range in walking and jogging.
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Introduction Military working dogs are used to provide force-protection support in security as well as in detection of e.g. narcotics and explosives, but also for patrol work or to parachute down. The acquisition cost and training of these dogs is extremely expensive and therefore it is mandatory to provide a high working quality and long working period. MOORE et al. (2001) performed a study to detect causes of death/euthanasia in working dogs. They have found degenerative joint diseases to be the leading cause of death or euthanasia in the population evaluated. This fact shows that because of the high physical strain exerted on these dogs a close veterinary care and careful selection of the animals is necessary. The progress in veterinary diagnostics achieved during the recent years should find application to provide a high quality preventive medicine for these valuable and expensive dogs. Methods like ground reaction force (GFR) measurements and evaluation of joint kinematics have been widely used in orthopaedic research, and are established as reliable and objective methods. The analysis of GRF is usually done by single force plates mounted into the floor, but the results of this method are weakened by the influence of trial repetitions and different measurement velocities. These disadvantages can be overcome by the use of treadmill integrated force plates. Whereas the GRF describes the summation of the forces acting during the stance phase, the kinematics describes the temporal and spatial parameters of the joint motion during the motion cycle. Both methods can be influenced by breed specific morphometric characteristics, resulting in the need to sample data of dogs with the same breed and/or morphology to get basic data for a valid evaluation of kinematical values. It was the aim of the presented study to collect kinematical data of a homogenous group of dogs, which can be used as reference base for comparative, clinical and long-term studies. Further the data can be used for the intensive research of the biomechanics of working dogs and the effects of the special stress exerted on their musculoskeletal system. Material and methods 7 Malinois, owned by the Ministry of Defence, Republic of Slovenia were used. The mean age was 3.9 ± 1.3 years, body mass 26.3 ± 2.9 kg, height at the dorsal scapula border 62.5 ± 3.8 cm. All dogs were free of clinical lameness and/or pain of joints, muscle and vertebral spine, the elbows and shoulder joints did not show any abnormality in a computed tomography examination. Measurements at walk were performed at a treadmill with integrated force plates; dogs were fitted with retroflective markers at selected points on the forelimbs. Measurement velocity was 1.22 m/s in all dogs. Ground reaction forces were evaluated to exclude a clinically non-detected lameness. Different kinematical parameters (extreme values of joint angles and angle velocities in the sagittal plane and their time of occurrence, changes of angles and velocities over the motion cycle, correlations between the joints) were calculated. Differences between contralateral limbs were evaluated using Student's t-test, changes over time using an ANOVA for repeated measurements with Bonferroni post hoc test. p<0.05 was considered significant. Results None of the evaluated parameters showed differences between left and right forelimb. The shoulder joint shows its maximal extension directly at the stance phase's start; during support the extension is slowly decreased and followed by a rapid flexion, which reaches its maximum in the middle of the swing phase. The angle velocity remains constant during most parts of the stance phase and at the beginning of the swing phase. In contrast, the elbow joint is slightly flexed at the touch down of the paws and during the stance phase it goes into an extension, which reaches its maximum at the transition of stance and swing phase. Again, the angle velocity is constant during the stance, with exception of their early parts. Like in the shoulder, the swing phase begins with a quick fl xion which finds its maximum in the last third of the swing phase. The carpal joint reveals the highest range of motion in the forelimb and is slightly extended at the motion cycle's start, which is increased during the first part of the support and, together with a constant angle velocity, hold constant until the toe off, the maximal flexion was detected in the middle of the swing phase. There is a significant correlation between the angles of the 3 investigated joints, showing that the elbow joint is negative correlated to the shoulder-and carpal joint during most parts of the motion cycle, whereas shoulder and carpus revealed a positive correlation. Discussion It was the aim of the study to collect basic data providing kinematical parameters of a homogenous group of dogs. The main limitation building of such a data base is to gain out the data from a standardized, repeatable and valid measurement setup. The first problem in choosing patients for kinetic and kinematical studies is caused by the "human made" decision "clinical sound or lame", which is strongly influenced by subjective nature. An objective method to overcome this is the implementation of kinetic data in the lameness evaluation. But as useful the ground reaction forces are, their value is diminished by the fact that they only represent the summation of force acting during stance, and therefore an evaluation of the joint function is not possible. To describe the dynamic events during the motion cycle the kinematic analysis is necessary. In this paper extreme values of temporal and spatial parameters were evaluated - these parameters provide representative values to describe the physiologic and pathological gait. We found a high symmetry between the contralateral legs as well as a high correlation between the sagittal joint angles. The main advantage of this study is, beside the homogenous group, the standardized measurement setup, provided by the use of a treadmill system, which diminishes factors, influencing the results, like the measurement velocity and the trial repetitions. Conclusion The presented study enables the development of a basic kinematical data base of sound Malinois dogs. Data can be used for comparative and clinical studies as well as for long-term studies to investigate the impact of the work as military/police dog on the musculoskeletal system.
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Introduction The use of kinetic and kinematic gait analysis has been used commonly to describe normal and pathological gait in dogs. Especially the use of ground reaction force (GRF) measurements is very common, because GRF enables the objective and reproducible description of lameness and the follow up of therapeutic interventions. The usually evaluated parameters like the peak vertical force and the vertical impulse enable the investigation of compensatory changes of body mass distribution between limbs, but do not provide information about the function of the joints. For this purpose the use of kinematic measurement systems is necessary. Many kinematic studies have been published describing the effects of different orthopedic disorders of the hind limbs, but only few studies regarding the forelimbs are available. These studies prove that joint diseases cause complex biomechanical gait alterations, not only affecting the diseased joint, but also the other joints of the limbs. Beside the knowledge about these effects of clinical evident lameness on joint kinematics, it has been shown, that also subclinical morphological alterations can cause altered joint kinematics of the vertebral spine and the hind legs. Because of the rare information about altered joint motion patterns in the literature, it is recommended to perform studies investigating these topics for the fore limbs. It was the aim of the presented paper to investigate if sub-clinical morphological changes of the tendon of the shoulder joint cause changed joint kinematics in a homogenous group of dogs. Material and methods 7 dogs of group 1 (G1) served as sound controls, the data were gained from a previously published study. All dogs were Malinois owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia. The age was 3.9 ± 1.3 years, the body mass 26.3 ± 2.9 kg, 6 animals were male, one was female. The height of the body (measured from the ground to the dorsal aspect of the scapula) was 62.5 ± 3.8 cm. 5 animals were included in group 2 (G2), all dogs were Malinois owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia. The age was 3.6 ± 2.4 years, the body mass 29.7 ± 4.0 kg, all animals were male. The height of the body (measured from the ground to the dorsal aspect of the scapula) was 62.5 ± 1.8 cm. All 5 animals of G2 underwent a thorough clinical and orthopedic examination, animals were included in the study, if no lameness or pain during manipulation of joints, muscles or vertebral spine was present. All dogs underwent CT examination of the shoulder and elbow joints under general anaesthesia in sternal recumbency with the front legs extended cranially as much as possible. The scanning plane was perpendicular to the shoulder joint and perpendicular to the radius for the elbow joint, respectively. A slice thickness of 2 mm without gap provided a sufficient resolution of all subchondral areas of each joint, all images were reconstructed in a bone algorithm and stored digitally at the Clinic of Diagnostic Imaging as well as printed as hard copies on a laser printer Dry View system of Kodak. The motion analysis was performed as described by BOCKSTAHLER et al. (2008). Evaluated parameters were peak vertical force, vertical impulse, maxima of extension and flexion angulations and angle velocities, and their time of occurrence. After testing of normal distribution, Student's t-test was used to detect differences between the contralateral limb pairs and G1 and G2. Results 2 animals (G2) suffered from a bilateral tendinopathy of the infraspinatus muscle, one animal from a unilateral, one from a bilateral tendinopathy of the supraspinatus muscle, and one dog from a unilateral tendinopathy of the biceps brachii muscle. No differences were found between GRF of G1 and G2 and the left and right forelimb. No differences between G1 and G2 were found the shoulder joint regarding kinematics. The elbow joint revealed a significant later onset of the maximal flexion, and the first maximal angle velocity during the swing phase was higher in G2 than in G1. T e carpal joint showed a higher range of motion, a later onset of the maximal flexion and of the first maximal angle velocity during the swing phase in G2 than in G1, further the mean angle velocity during the stance phase was higher in G2. Discussion This study showed that even subclinical tendinopathies can cause changes in the joint's movement patterns. Interestingly, the affected joint itself did not exhibit any kinematical changes, whereas the elbow- and the carpal joint revealed altered dynamic movement patterns. With respect to the high value of the military working dogs, the early detection of joint alterations enables the close monitoring and early therapeutic interventions. Further, the results can be used for long-term studies to investigate possible negative effects through the compensatory movement patterns of the sound joints. Although a homogenous group of dogs was used, due to the relatively low number of animals included in the study, the results should be interpreted carefully. Nevertheless the anatomical function of the involved muscle could explain the detected changes. All muscles fix the shoulder joint and pull the humerus forward during the swing phase. The carpal joint is in functional connection with the elbow- and shoulder joint through the biceps brachii muscle. The later onset of the maximal elbow flexion could be explained by problems to pull the humerus forwards, the higher range of motion of the carpal joint could be due to the functional connection and the possible disturbed stability of the shoulder joint. The changes in the angular velocity are probably compensatory to the altered temporal parameters. Further studies including kinematic and kinetic investigations, but also surface electromyography of the involved muscles should be performed to substantiate the present results. Conclusion This paper shows that even subclinical changes affect the joint kinematics. The results should be used as basic data for long term studies. Investigations using more animals and such with clinical evident tendinopathies should be performed to approve and extend the insights gained from this study.
To describe the activity pattern of the vastus lateralis muscle in dogs at walk measured by surface electromyography (EMG) in relation to kinematics and kinetics of the pelvic limb. Experimental. Malinois dogs (n=11). Dogs (mean +/- SD age, 5.5 +/- 2.9 years; weight, 27.3 +/- 3.8 kg; shoulder height, 62.7 +/- 3.3 cm) walked on a treadmill system with integrated force plates, which allowed simultaneous analysis of kinematics, kinetics, and EMG data from all limbs. The maxima, minima, and their time of occurrence in the motion cycle of the EMG and the pelvic limb kinematics and kinetics were calculated; correlations between joint movement patterns, ground reaction forces (GRF), and activity pattern of the muscle group were investigated. The vastus lateralis muscle had an activity pattern with 2 peaks and a close positive correlation with GRF. The 1st peak occurred in early stance, followed by a decrease in activity during mid-stance. The 2nd peak occurred directly before the quick activity decrease in late stance phase, reaching its minimum early in swing phase. These results suggest that the vastus lateralis muscle supports the vertical position and elevation of the pelvis during stance and push-off. During early stance, the muscle acts as a coantagonist to the hamstring muscle group and the gastrocnemius muscle, and restrains flexion during the late stance. Results of this study could enhance diagnosis of locomotor system disorders and facilitate monitoring effects of treatments (e.g., therapeutic exercises) on gait ability and muscle function.
This paper shows the convention for, and applicability of, a new computer-aided cyclographic technique for kinematic analysis of locomotion in quadrupeds. Comparison is made of the walking, trotting and galloping patterns of a reference quadruped, Canis familiaris. The method is effective where an investigator required an accurate evaluation of limb movement in the cranio-caudal plane.
The purpose of this study was to provide a kinematic description of the task of stair ascent and descent. Fifteen women were divided into short, medium, and tall subject groups. Three testing staircases of different riser and tread dimensions were used. Temporal and cinematographic data were collected simultaneously via switchmats and a high-speed camera, respectively. Measures of stairclimbing gait cycle duration, swing and stance phase durations, cadence, and velocity appeared to be systematically related to subject height. Stance (19% to 64%) and swing (36% to 81%) phase durations varied considerably depending on stair dimensions during stair descent. Less variation was observed in stance (50% to 60%) and swing (40% to 50%) values during tasks of stair ascent. Individuals appeared to adjust to stair dimensions by varying the flexion/extension patterns of the knee rather than those of the ankle or hip. Depending on the staircase climbed, knee flexion angles ranging from 83 degrees to 105 degrees were required. Stair dimensions, therefore, appeared to influence the temporal and angular kinematics of the lower limb during stairclimbing.
Three normal males of similar height and weight ascended and descended a five step staircase with a riser height of 22 cm and a tread of 28 cm. EMG, force plate and cine data were collected for the stride over the second to fourth step during each mode. Kinematic and kinetic analyses were integrated with EMG to yield an interpretation of the mechanics of normal stair walking. Movement from one step to the next involved simultaneous lifting and horizontal translation of the body, and each stride showed specific phases for progression. The extensor muscles about the knee played a dominant role in progression from one step to the next in both modes coupled with the ankle plantar flexors. The total lower limb extensor pattern, called the support moment, was highly correlated between subjects and to level walking. Intra- and inter-subject variability of the motor patterns were also determined. The greatest variability was seen at the hip, while stereotypic kinetic patterns emerged at the ankle and knee for all subjects across the 24 trials of each mode.
The motions, forces, and moments at the major joints of the lower limbs of ten men ascending and descending stairs were analyzed using an optoelectronic system, a force-plate, and electromyography. The mean values for the maximum sagittalplane motions of the hip, knee, and ankle were 42, 88, and 27 degrees, respectively. The mean maximum net flexion-extension moments were: at the hip, 123.9 newton-meters going up and 112.5 newton-meters going down stairs; at the knee, 57.1 newton-meters going up and 146.6 newton-meters going down stairs; and at the ankle, 137.2 newton-meters going up and 107.5 newton-meters going down stairs. When going up and down stairs large moments are present about weight-bearing joints, but descending movements produce the largest moments. The magnitudes of these moments are considerably higher than those produced during level walking.