... Multiple studies have been conducted to show the benefits of aquatics in other populations such as people with Parkinson's, arthritis, stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, and more. In these studies, aquatic therapy has improved quality of life while reducing muscle tension, stress, anxiety, and pain (Al-Qubaeissy, Fatoye, Goodwin, & Yohannes, 2012; Brown & Gerbarg, 2005;Cadmus et al., 2010;Konlian, 1999;Munguia-Izquierdo and Legaz-Arrese, 2008;Neville, Clifton, Henwood, Beattie, & McKenzie, 2013;Roehrs & Karst, 2004;Stroller, Greuel, Cimini, Fowler, & Koomar, 2012;Tecic, Lefering, Althaus, Rangger, & Neugebauer, 2012). According to one systematic review determining the effectiveness of aquatic exercise for relieving pain in adults with neurologic or musculoskeletal disease, aquatic exercise has shown a small but significant pain-relieving effect on pain intensity when compared to controlled treatment groups (Hall, Swinkels, Briddon, & McCabe, 2008). ...