There is an annually rising number of performed total hip arthroplasty (THA) surgeries in Denmark and this is expected to become even more common. However, there are still risks of adverse events, which become the basis for compensation claims. In Denmark, there are no studies available concerning filed claims after THA. The aims of this study were to determine: incidence of claims related to THAs in Denmark, the reasons to claim, which claims lead to compensation, the amount of compensation, and trends over time.
In this observational study, we analyzed all closed claims between 2005-2017 from the Danish Patient Compensation Association (DPCA). With the intention to contribute to prevention, we have identified the number and outcome of claims.
There were 2,924 cases (i.e. 2.5% of all THAs performed in this period). The approval rate was 54%. The number of claims filed was stagnant over time, except for a spike of Metal on Metal (MoM) prosthesis-cases. The total payout was USD 29,591,045, and 87% of this was due to nerve damage (USD 9,106,118), infection (USD 6,046,948), metal on metal (MoM) prosthesis (USD 4,624,353), insufficient or incorrect treatment (USD 472,500), and fracture (USD 2,088,110).
2.5% of all THAs performed between 2005-2017 lead to a claim submission at the DPCA. 1 out of 2 claims were approved. The majority of payouts were due to nerve damage, infection, MoM prosthesis, insufficient or incorrect treatment, and fracture. Although DPCA manages claims for patients, the data can also provide beneficial feedback to arthroplasty surgeons with the aim of improving patient care.