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Screening antioxidant activity of extracts from different tea samples,


Abstract and Figures

The antioxidant activity of water extracts from white, green and black tea was measured using three methods. The highest antioxidant activity was found to be related to white tea. Hot water extracts of green and normal black tea showed also statistically significant antioxidant activities (P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the antioxidant activities of black tea and tea wastes, i.e. barks and old leaves discarded in the factory. In conclusion, the antioxidant capacities of water extracts of green tea leaves were almost comparable to similar extracts obtained from white tea, i.e. very young tea leaves together with blossoms. It was concluded that, although white and green tea are excellent sources of antioxidants, still old tea leaves and barks which are often considered as agricultural and factory wastes, can also be used as potential source of natural antioxidants.
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Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
Screening antioxidant activity of extracts from different tea samples
Mohammad Taheri
, Reyhaneh Sariri
Masoud Giahi
, and Hosein Ghafoori
Deparment of Biology, University if Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Department of Chemistry, Islamic Azad University Lahijan Branch, Lahijan, Iran
The antioxidant activity of water extracts from white, green and black tea was measured
using three methods. The highest antioxidant activity was found to be related to white tea.
Hot water extracts of green and normal black tea showed also statistically significant
antioxidant activities (P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between
the antioxidant activities of black tea and tea wastes, i.e. barks and old leaves discarded in
the factory. In conclusion, the antioxidant capacities of water extracts of green tea leaves
were almost comparable to similar extracts obtained from white tea, i.e. very young tea
leaves together with blossoms. It was concluded that, although white and green tea are
excellent sources of antioxidants, still old tea leaves and barks which are often considered
as agricultural and factory wastes, can also be used as potential source of natural
1. Introduction
Tea extracts are powerful antioxidants due to the presence of chemical compounds such
as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC)
and epicatechin (EC) as shown in Figure 1 (1). Most of these compounds act as effective
scavengers of free radicals (2). It has been shown that tea, the common drink world wide,
is able to reduce risk of coronary heart disease in aged men (3). Many research works
have focused on the natural antioxidants present in tea extracts. It has been reported that
ethanolic extracts of tea strongly inhibit oxidation of canola oil (4). Tea polyphenols are
considered to be responsible for the anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and protection
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
against cardiovascular diseases of tea (5). It has been shown that natural antioxidants in
tea possess stronger antioxidative activity than synthetic antioxidants such as butylated
hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene and dl-α-tocopherol interestingly, tea
polyphenols are much less toxic than that of butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated
hydroxytoluene and dl-α-tocopherol (6). However, the composition of various chemical
compounds in tea may differ depending to growth conditions and region of production
Figure 1. Some important tea catechins.
Traditionally, both green and black tea is manufactured from young shoots, mainly the
first 2-4 leaves and a bud. However, old tea leaves and plant barks, are not commonly
used in tea manufacture and are usually discarded as waste. While green tea is found for
many years as a useful drink for health, the beautiful and aromatic tea blossoms are
recently considered as a drink. In this study, the water extracts of all types of tea were
compared for their antioxidant capacity.
2. Materials and methods
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
Fresh green tea leaves and tea wastes (Camellia sinensis (L.) were collected from tea
lands in Lahijan (Northern Iran). The wastes were a mixture of old leaves comprised
leaves barks and stems, whereas green tea was considered as the first 2-4 leaves and a
bud. White tea was a Korean brand tea and purchased from a special supermarket in
Tehran. In order to inactivate polyphenol oxidase, all tea samples were soaked into
boiling water for 3 min. They were then drained, dried at room temperature and ground to
a fine powder. 2, 2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH).
(TPTZ), sodium acetate, ferric chloride, gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent and
ferrous sulphate were purchased from Sigma representative in Iran. All solvents were of
reagent grade and obtained from Merck representative in Iran.
2.1. Preparation of methanolic extract from tea leaves
In a typical procedure, 10 g of the ground tea samples were boiled in 100 ml distilled
water on a magnetic hot plate for 2 hours. The initial extracts were then re-extracted with
60 ml of distilled water at a temperature from 100 to 130 °C for 30 minutes. The two
fractions were the cooled to room temperature, filtered and combined. The extracted
mixture was then dried 40 °C and weighed to determine the yield (8).
DPPH radical scavenging assay
This method is based on the reduction of stable DPPH
when it accepts a hydrogen from
an antioxidant compound. Radical scavenging activity of water extracts from white,
green, black and tea factory wastes against stable DPPH
was determined
spectrophotometrically. The changes in color (from deep-violet to light-yellow) were
measured at 515 nm using a UV/visible light spectrophotometer (Ultrospec 3000 from
Pharmacia Biotech).
Briefly, each dry extract (0.025 g) was added to 10 ml of hot water. A freshly prepared
solution of DPPH
in ethanol (6×10
M) was always used for UV measurements. 3 ml of
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
ethanolic solution of DPPH
was then added to 77 µl extract solution in 1 cm path length
disposable microcuvettes and mixed. The final mass ratio of extracts with DPPH
approximately 3:1, 1.5:1, 0.75:1. The samples were kept in the dark for 15 min at room
temperature and then the decrease in absorption was measured. Absorption of blank
sample containing the same amount of ethanol and DPPH
solution was prepared and
measured daily. The experiment was carried out in triplicate. Radical scavenging activity
was calculated using the following relationship:
% Inhibition = [ (A
– A
) /A
] × 100
Where: A
-absorption of blank sample (t=0 min); A
-absorption of extract solution (t=15
Total phenolic content by the Folin–Ciocalteu assay
The amount of total phenolic content (TPC) in aqueous tea extracts (100 °C, with
stirring) was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure described in (9). In
short, an aliquot of 12.5 µl of water-soluble tea extract was mixed with 250 µl of 2%
sodium carbonate solution in 96-well microplates and allowed to react for 5 min at room
temperature. 12.5 µl of Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent (50%) was then added and
allowed to stand for 30 min at room temperature before the absorbance of the reaction
mixture was read at 650 nm using a plate reader. Calibration was achieved with an
aqueous gallic acid solution (100–1000 µg/ml). Total phenol values were expressed as
gallic acid equivalents (GAE) based on the calibration curve. The assay was carried out
in triplicate for duplicate extractions giving six observations for each sample. Values
given for each sample are means of six observations.
Evaluation of antioxidant activity using FRAP assay
The antioxidant activity (AOA) of water-soluble tea extracts (100 °C, with stirring) was
determined using the ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) assay (10). The working
FRAP reagent was prepared by mixing 10 volumes of 300 mmol/l acetate buffer, pH 3.6,
with 1 volume of 10 mmol/l 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ) in 40 mmol/l hydrochloric
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
acid and with 1 volume of 20 mmol/l ferric chloride. Freshly prepared FRAP reagent
(250 µl) was warmed to 37 °C for 10 min, followed by addition of 8.5 µl extract and
25 µl deionized water. Sample absorbance was then read at 595 nm after 30 min in a plate
A standard curve was prepared using different concentrations (1-12 mmol/l) of
O. The results were corrected for dilution and expressed in mmol FeSO
/l. All
solutions were used on the day of preparation. All determinations were performed in
triplicate for duplicate extractions, giving six observations for each sample. Values for
each sample are means of six observations.
Statistical analysis
All determinations were carried out in three triplicate and data were subjected to analysis
of variance. Analysis of variance was performed using the ANOVA procedure. Statistical
analyses were performed according to the MSTATC software. Significant differences
between means were determined by Duncan’s multiple range tests. P values less than 0.05
were considered statistically significant.
Results and Discussion
The results obtained from DPPH assay are presented in Figure 1. The effect of
fermentation could be explained by comparing the antioxidant activity of black tea with
the two unfermented tea leaves, white and green. The wastes obtained from the tea
factory were other parts of the plant such as barks and stems which had been fermented
during the total fermentation process. Interestingly, these showed antioxidant activity
similar to black tea.
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
White tea Green tea Black tea Tea wastes
% Scavenging activity
against DPPH
Figure 1. The antioxidant power of water extracts of different tea samples measured by
DPPH assay. All values are means (±SD) of triplicate measurement for two separate runs
The results of total phenolic content, shown in Figure 2, are in agreement with the results
obtained by DPPH assay. It has been shown that many factors affect the extraction yield
including temperature and stirring during extraction on the FRAP and TPC values of
green tea. Based on the results of our literature survey, all extractions in this study were
performed at 100 °C with magnetic stirring (11). The higher antioxidant power for white
and green tea is expected as, it has been shown that fermented tea possesses significantly
lower reducing power than unfermented tea (12).
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
White tea Green tea Black tea Tea wastes
TPC (mg GAL/gdw)
Figure 2. Total phenol content (mg gallic acid equivalent GAE/gram dry weight) in hot
water extracts of different tea samples.
In Figure 3, the results obtained from another important antioxidant activity test are
compared in aqueous extracts of different tea types. It was found that all techniques used
in this research confirm that white tea contains the highest source of antioxidants.
white.t ea green .t ea black.t ea waste.t ea
Ext racts
FRAP (mmol Fe/ml)
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
Figure 3. Ferric reducing power (FRAP, mmol/ml) of water extracts from tea samples
measured by FRAP test.
The activity of this tea is almost comparable with galic acid, a well known effective
antioxidant. Table 1 has summarized the results, indicating that regardless of type of
assay used to measure the antioxidant power, white tea remained at the top. The other
interesting point emerged from this Table is that wastes obtained from the factory are
almost comparable to black tea in terms of antioxidant power. We have also examined
the antibacterial properties of aqueous tea extract (the results not show). It was found that
factory wastes could show antibacterial activity against both gram positive and gram
negative bacteria similar to black tea extracts. This part of investigation will be published
in due course. Studies have shown an overall positive relationship between FRAP and
TPC, but not among DPPH and TPC, or between DPPH and FRAP (13). We also found
that there is a statistically significant (P < 0.05) correlation between FRAP, DPPH and
TPC for fermented tea and for unfermented samples, white and green teas. It was found
that extracts from white and green tea had significantly higher (P < 0.05–0.0001) FRAP
and TPC values than fermented, black tea leaves. It has been reported by other
researchers that total phenolic content in different teas reduced with fermentation (14).
Table 1. A comparison between antioxidant activities of tea samples examined by
various techniques.
Tea sample FRAP (mmol Fe/ml) DPPH (%) TPC (mg/gDW)
White tea
Green tea
Black tea
Tea wastes
Pharmacologyonline 2: 674-683 (2011) Taheri et al.
The results obtained from this study demonstrated that a considerable variation is present
among both various tea samples determined by TPC as well as antioxidant properties
expressed by FRAP and DPPH. The antioxidant activity of tea increased significantly
(about two times) during various stages of fermentation when comparing white
(unfermented) to black tea and black tea wastes (fully fermented). Interestingly, tea
factory wastes showed antioxidant activity almost equal to that of black tea. Considering
the very low price of wastes, the comparatively clean conditions they are processed and
separated from the mail black tea and their significant antioxidant capacity, they could be
considered for used in pharmaceutical applications.
The authors express their sincere thanks to University of Guilan for financial support.
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... The assay was carried out according to literature with slight modifications [8][9][10]. The main principle is based on the ability of tea samples (DBT, ABT and NBT) to scavenge 2,2'-azino-bis (ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid or ABTS + ) radical cation. ...
... Total antioxidant activity was determined by the FRAP assay as per the standard operating procedure laid down by literature with slight modifications [8][9][10]. The procedure is based on the reduction of ferric to ferrous form in the presence of antioxidants in the black tea infusion. ...
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Tea is a very popular commercial crop and India is the world's largest consumer of tea in the world and the second largest producer of tea. Black tea is mostly preferred in Indian context and its multifaceted health benefits are being largely explored. This research article made a comparative study of antioxidant, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of Assam, Darjeeling and Nilgiri varieties of black tea. Research results have shown that Assam variety of tea has the highest antioxidant, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic potentials followed by Nilgiri and Darjeeling variety.
... mgGAE/g. The phenolic content in methanolic extract of green tea possesses 24.3mg/g 35 (Taheri et al., 2011). This variation may be due to different solvents used for extract preparation. ...
... The percentage scavenging activity was varying from 48.66 % -82.47 % of green tea extract at concentration of 0.25-0.5 mg/ml (table 3b) and the IC 50 value for green tea is 0.2569 mg/ml. From the previous reports, it was found that green tea has a % inhibition activity of 80.3 % in the methanolic extract35 . Two different studies have shown that the IC50 value for green tea on using Gallic acid and Ascorbic acid as a positive control was calculated as 0.02326 mg/ml and 0.0195 mg/ml 40 .The present study suggests that the % scavenging activity of curcumin varies from 44.63±3.903%-66.46±7.883% ...
The popular treatment approaches of neurodegenerative diseases are generally for symptom management, but unfortunately, there is no significant curative approach present so far that can signifcantly reduce its progression. Indian traditional medicine is being used alone or in a combination of herbs to fight against these diseases. The commonly used herbs/traditional medicine(s) for this purpose are Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Curcuma longa (curcumin) and Camellia sinensis (green tea). In the present study, herbs were judged for its free radical scavenging activity through DPPH free radical scavenging assay, Total Phenolic Content (TPC) and also Total Flavonoid Content (TFC). Among them, green tea exhibited highest total phenolic content and also higher total flavonoid content (99.667±3.547 mg GA/g and with 7.633±2.532 mg QE/g, respectively) followed by Bacopa monnieri and Curcumin. In this context, Green tea showed maximum free radical scavenging activity than curcumin followed by Brahmi (GT>CUR>BM). These herbs were evaluated to check their potential in the improvement of the climbing ability of flies and acetylcholinesterase enzyme activities using Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies). In this study, fruit flies were fed normal food, chlorpyrifos contaminated food and also chlorpyrifos (Chlor) along with individual herbs as mentioned above (Chlor+GT, Chlor+CUR, Chlor+BM). Interestingly, we found that the free radical scavenging activity and antioxidant activities, of Brahmi (97%) has the highest improvement in climbing activity as compared to green tea (90%) followed by curcumin (86%) and organisms treated with these herbs show a trend BM>GT>CUR. Moreover, Brahmi also exhibited maximum improvement in AChE activities as compared to curcumin and green tea and showed a trend BM>CUR>GT.
... (GT1: 35.46 mg QE per g; OT1: 33.57 mg QE per g; BT1: 28.83 mg QE per g; P ≤ 0.05) as depicted in Fig. 5. Previous comparative studies have demonstrated that green tea is more potent in scavenging radicals than black tea (Zuo et al., 2002;Quan et al., 2007;Chan et al., 2011;Taheri et al., 2011). A study reported that water extract of oolong tea contains more scavenging activity than black tea (Xie et al., 1993). ...
... A comparison between various herbal teas and green tea showed NO-scavenging activities in the following order: green tea > rosemary, sweet osmanthus, rose and lavender > jasmine, lemongrass and daisy (Tsai et al., 2007). Earlier studies also reported that TPC and TFC are higher in GT than BT (Quan et al., 2007;Taheri et al., 2011;Carloni et al., 2013;Pavlovi c et al., 2013;Zielinski et al., 2015). It was also reported that green tea contains more TPC than oolong tea followed by black tea (Zhao et al., 2014). ...
Full-text available
After water, tea is considered to be one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. To get the maximum benefit from the whole-leaf teas, the manufacturers provide instruction that these teas can be steeped 2–3 times over 6–8 h. In this study, the effect of consecutive steeping on radical-scavenging ability of whole leaf green tea (unfermented), oolong tea (partially fermented) and black tea (fully fermented) was determined. Green tea showed the highest level of antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid content followed by oolong tea and black tea irrespective of the number of steeping done. The result also demonstrated that re-steeping reduced the antioxidant potential of teas. Moreover, it was revealed that green tea is the best candidate for re-steeping followed by oolong and then black tea.
... The free radical scavenging activity of the CME and FCME was determined using ABTS [22] and DPPH radical scavenging assay [23]. After the experiment procedure, the absorbance of ABTS and DPPH was measured using a microplate reader (BMG LABTECH, Offenburg, Germany) at 734 and 515 nm, respectively. ...
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Obesity, a major global health concern, is represented by an accumulation of adipose tissue and body mass, leading to a higher incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Camellia sinensis var. assamica, known as cha-miang, contains catechin and its derivatives, which have been reported to affect several health-related concerns such as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemia, and against cardiovascular disease. The research aimed to examine the anti-obesity and insulin resistance effects of fresh cha-miang extract (CME) and fermented cha-miang extract (FCME), and to investigate the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of CME and FCME in obese rats generated by a high-fat diet. The extracts demonstrated significant antioxidant potential, with CME demonstrating greater DPPH radical scavenging activity, whereas FCME excelled in ABTS radical scavenging. In the animal model, CME and FCME significantly reduced body weight, plasma insulin levels, insulin resistance, and accumulation of fat compared to the obese control group. Moreover, plasma biochemical analysis indicated that both extracts enhanced lipid profiles by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol levels, while elevating HDL-cholesterol. Histological analysis revealed decreased hepatic fat accumulation, especially when extracts were concurrently treated with metformin. The research indicates that CME and FCME, especially in conjunction with metformin, have potential anti-obesity and anti-insulin resistance benefits attributed to their abundant polyphenolic content and antioxidant characteristics. This indicates that cha-miang may serve as an effective option for the management of obesity and metabolic diseases.
... As per literature methodologies, in vitro antioxidant potentials of CBT and BT was determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl or DPPH radical scavenging [9][10][11], 2, 2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid or ABTS [11][12][13] and Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power or FRAP assay [13,14]. The comparative in vitro hypoglycemic and in vitro hypolipidemic effect of CBT and BT were studied by in vitro alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibitory assays [15,16] and in vitro lipase inhibitory assay [17][18][19]. ...
... There was high correlation between the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity test. Interesting this result shows that green tea leaves from Malaysia contains high antioxidants when comparable with other reports on green tea leaves(Chan et al., 2007;Taheri, Sariri, Giahi, & Ghafoori, 2011). The result of this study showed that the type of solvent employed significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affects the antioxidant potential of green tea extracts. ...
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Supercritical fluid and solvent extraction of catechin from green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves was studied. Response surface methodology was used to design the experiment and optimize the operating variables (pressure, temperature and dynamic time). The optimum recovery of the extractable crude yield (6.65%), TPC (28.07g/100gGAE), EGCG (263.06mg/100ml), and total catechin (844.25mg/100ml) were obtained at pressure (30Mpa), temperature (47.99 o C and dynamic time(40 minutes) with a co-solvent (50% v/v water :ethanol) and CO 2 flow rates of 1,5 and 1.0ml/ minute respectively. When organic solvent was used, the extractable components were in the range of: total crude extract (2.05-3.57%), TPC (153.22-94.95g/(100gGAE), and TC (285.27mg/100ml) respectively. (With methanol 70 % (v/v), ethanol 50% (v/v), and ethanol 70% (v/v) being the most effective in term of extracts. The result of the extracts obtained by SFE extraction when compared to that of solvent shows that SFE was more effective in the recovery of catechin polyphenols from green tea leaves. By comparing conventional solvent and SFE extraction we were able to identify the abundance of green tea polyphenol from Malaysia which can compete favourably with those obtained from other tea producing countries. The knowledge can be useful to functional food manufacturers. Index Term-Extraction, Supercritical Fluid extraction (SFE), solvent extraction, green tea catechin and functional food.
... There was high correlation between the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity test. Interestingly, this result showed that green tea leaves from Malaysia contained antioxidants comparable to other reports on green tea leaves from other tea producing areas (Chan et al., 2007;Taheri, Sariri, Giahi, & Ghafoori, 2011). ...
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The interest of consumers in food products that provide health benefits beyond standard nutrient requirements has increased globally. Green tea is rich in functional compounds referred to as catechins. There have been several studies on the major catechin monomers including epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and epicatechin gallate (ECG) because of the many health benefits associated with the consumption of tea. Tea has been proved to contain significant levels of bioactive compounds such as catechins, which have demonstrated good antioxidant properties, but the problem with these compounds is instability during extraction and storage, which this study has addressed. In this study supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) method was used to solve the problem with solvent extraction and to improve extraction yield of the bioactive components of the tea leaves. Microencapsulation was used to enhance the stability of the extracted compounds during storage. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to design the experiment and to optimise the operating variables (pressure, temperature, and time) for the SFE extraction based on crude extract yield, total phenolic contents, and total catechin and epigallocatechin contents. The effects of pressure, temperature and time on the extraction yields were evaluated. The optimum extraction conditions for SFE were at a pressure of 30Mpa, temperature, 47.99oC and time of 40 minutes. Extraction yields obtained from the SFE were: crude at 6.65%, with total phenolic content of 28.07gGAE/100g, epigallocatechin gallate 44.11mg/g, and total catechin was 96.67mg/g. The extractable components of the solvent extracts were: crude yield in the range of 2.05 to 3.57%, total phenolic content between 11.43 and 22.43gGAE /100g, total catechin in the range of 45.22 to 79.33mg/g and epigallocatechin gallate from 22.55 to 38.55mg/g. These showed that the extractable components from the SFE were better than those obtained from standard solvent extraction. Microencapsulation by spray drying technology using three biopolymer materials; maltodextrin, gum arabic and chitosan was investigated. The spray-dried green tea extracts microparticles achieved encapsulation efficiency of between 71.41 and 88.08%. It was found out that the blend of maltodextrin /gum arabic /chitosan (25 :74:1) swelled most in simulated gastrointestinal fluid (SGF) whereas maltodextrin 100%. swelled most at the same time released most in simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) .The shelf-life study showed that catechins was best protected using gum arabic 100%, maltodextrin 100% whereas the blends of gum arabic: maltodextrin: chitosan (25:74:1) and maltodextrin: chitosan (99:1) showed better antioxidant properties when stored at 4oC with a half-life period in the range of 231 -288 weeks compared to half-life of 35 - 56 weeks and 41 -60 weeks at storage temperature of 40oc and 25oC respectively. The result of this study showed that microencapsulation substantially enhanced the stability of green tea extracts obtained from SFE. This study will serve as a useful reference for future applications of green tea extracts by functional food designers in the food industry.
... The result of the antioxidant capacity obtained in this study for cold and hot tea extract by DPPH assay is presented in the table 1. The analysis of variance ANOVA showed significant differences between two extraction temperatures in the studied brands of green tea, in the following way: Oriental ® (D for cold tea extracts and G for hot tea extracts), Lipton ® (B for cold tea extracts and F for hot tea extracts), Hindú ® (CD for cold tea extracts and E for hot tea extracts), Jaibel ® (A for cold tea extracts and C for hot tea extracts), these results are similar to the study conducted by Taheri et al, (22), where they found that the antioxidant activity of tea increased significantly in hot extracts when comparing white and black tea and black tea wastes. Interestingly, tea factory wastes showed an antioxidant activity almost equal to that of black tea, these results can be explained because the water extraction of green tea at different temperatures varied in the yield of extracts and composition. ...
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Background: Tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most highly consumed beverage in the world in addition to water. The most common way of preparation is by immersing the tea bag in hot or cold water. In Colom-bia, it is a recent trend and the market is growing continuously. Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the antioxidant characteristics of four brands of green tea sold in Colombia at room and hot-temperature in relation to the preparation conditions. Methods: Four commercial brands of green tea (Oriental ® , Lipton ® , Hindú ® , Jaibel ®) were used in an aqueous extraction at two temperatures: Cold tea extract (25°C) and hot tea extract (80°C). Total polyphenol concentration (TPC) was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method; Total flavonoid content (TFC) was determined by spectrophotometric method and the antioxidant capacity was determined by two methods: DPPH radical capture assay, and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Finally, a method to quantify the catechins of the tea extracts, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was applied. Results: The TPC vary between: 2.53-14.63 mg GAE/ g sample for cold tea extract and 29.34-55.06 mg GAE/g sample for hot tea extract. The TFC vary between: 2.67-7.08 mg CE/g per sample for the cold tea extract and 5.43-8.41 mg CE/ g sample for hot tea extract. A similar profile assays: for cold tea extract: 22.36-41.29 mg TE /g sample for DPPH and 22.95-46.25 mg TE/g sample for ORAC. Similarly, for hot tea extract the following ranges were: 38.50-110.01 mg TE/g sample for DPPH and 23.40-113.60 mg TE/g sample for ORAC. In general, the values obtained in each assay for each brand were as follows: Oriental ® > Lipton ® > Hindú ® > Jaibel ®. The chromatographic profiles showed the presence of ten compounds. Conclusions: These results confirm that the aqueous extraction of green tea at 80°C leads to the formation of infusions made up of compounds with higher antioxidant capacity in comparison with extractions at room temperature.
... The result of the antioxidant capacity obtained in this study for cold and hot tea extract by DPPH assay is presented in the table 1. The analysis of variance ANOVA showed significant differences between two extraction temperatures in the studied brands of green tea, in the following way: Oriental ® (D for cold tea extracts and G for hot tea extracts), Lipton ® (B for cold tea extracts and F for hot tea extracts), Hindú ® (CD for cold tea extracts and E for hot tea extracts), Jaibel ® (A for cold tea extracts and C for hot tea extracts), these results are similar to the study conducted by Taheri et al, (22), where they found that the antioxidant activity of tea increased significantly in hot extracts when comparing white and black tea and black tea wastes. Interestingly, tea factory wastes showed an antioxidant activity almost equal to that of black tea, these results can be explained because the water extraction of green tea at different temperatures varied in the yield of extracts and composition. ...
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Background: Tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most highly consumed beverage in the world in addition to water. The most common way of preparation is by immersing the tea bag in hot or cold water. In Colombia, it is a recent trend and the market is growing continuously. Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the antioxidant characteristics of four brands of green tea sold in Colombia at room and hot-temperature in relation to the preparation conditions. Methods: Four commercial brands of green tea (Oriental®, Lipton®, Hindú®, Jaibel®) were used in an aqueous extraction at two temperatures: Cold tea extract (25°C) and hot tea extract (80°C). Total polyphenol concentration (TPC) was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method; Total flavonoid content (TFC) was determined by spectrophotometric method and the antioxidant capacity was determined by two methods: DPPH radical capture assay, and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Finally, a method to quantify the catechins of the tea extracts, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was applied. Results: The TPC vary between: 2.53-14.63 mg GAE/ g sample for cold tea extract and 29.34-55.06mg GAE/g sample for hot tea extract. The TFC vary between: 2.67-7.08mg CE/g per sample for the cold tea extract and 5.43-8.41 mg CE/ g sample for hot tea extract. A similar profile assays: for cold tea extract: 22.36 - 41.29 mg TE /g sample for DPPH and 22.95-46.25mg TE/g sample for ORAC. Similarly, for hot tea extract the following ranges were: 38.50 - 110.01 mg TE/g sample for DPPH and 23.40- 113.60 mg TE/g sample for ORAC. In general, the values obtained in each assay for each brand were as follows: Oriental®> Lipton®> Hindú®> Jaibel®. The chromatographic profiles showed the presence of ten compounds. Conclusions: These results confirm that the aqueous extraction of green tea at 80°C leads to the formation of infusions made up of compounds with higher antioxidant capacity in comparison with extractions at room temperature.
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Bu çalışmada, yeşil çay fabrika atıklarından antioksidan bileşiklerin klasik (KE), ultrason (UDE) ve mikrodalga destekli ekstraksiyon (MDE) yöntemlerinin ekstraksiyon koşulları, yanıt yüzey yöntemi ve Box-Behnken tasarımı kullanılarak faktörler ve yanıtlara göre optimize edilmiştir. Faktörler, KE ve UDE için; sıcaklık (20-60 °C), süre (15-45 dakika) ve etanol konsantrasyonu (% 40-60), MDE için; güç (300-600 Watt), süre (2-6 dakika) ve etanol konsantrasyonu (% 40-60) olarak seçilmiştir. İstenilirlik fonksiyonuna göre optimum ekstraksiyon koşulları KE için; 51.51 °C, 39.34 dakika, % 62.63 etanol konsantrasyonu, UDE için; 44.96 °C, 45 dakika, % 66.7 etanol konsantrasyonu ve MDE için; 599.39 Watt, 4.21 dakika, % 79.54 etanol konsantrasyonu olarak belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen optimum koşullarda elde edilen tahminsel ve deneysel toplam fenolik madde (TFM), FRAP ve EC50 değerleri sırası ile KE için; 22.75 mg GAE/g, 592.97 mmol/g, 8.90 μg/mL; 38.20±0.29 mg GAE/g, 585.61±24.16 mmol/g ve 10.42 ±0.29 μg/mL, UDE için; 25.47 mg GAE/g, 594.61 mmol/g, 12.29 μg/mL; 33.14±0.45 mg GAE/g, 377.37±27.31 mmol/g ve 10.28±0.81 μg/mL ve MDE için; 623.26 mmol/g, 9.95 μg/mL; 40.72±0.85 mg GAE/g, 529.44±22.07 mmol/g ve 8.56±0.11 μg/mL’dir. Optimum koşullarda HPLC ile belirlenen kafein, GA, C, EC, ECG, EGC ve EGCG oranları sırası ile KE için; % 2, 0.35, 0.78, 0.02, 1, 0.27 ve 6.15, UDE için; % 1.69, 0.51, 0.54, 0.03, 0.82, 0.01 ve 5.81 ve MDE için; % 2.06, 0.2, 0.51, 0.03, 0.93, 0.05 ve 6.3’tür. Tüm yanıtlar üzerinde etkili faktörler; KE’da sıcaklık, UDE’da sıcaklık ve etanol konsantrasyonu ve MDE’da güç ve etanol konsantrasyonu olarak bulunmuştur. Antioksidan aktivite, bireysel kateşin verimi ve süre açısından bakıldığında MDE yönteminin KE ve UDE yöntemlerine göre daha üstün olduğu bulunmuştur.
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Production of black tea from the same vegetatively propagated (VP) cultivars, in Kenya and Malawi, shows variations in both chemical composition and quality. Whereas it is possible to produce black teas with similar total theaflavins and individual theaflavins, brightness and total colour levels, black teas from Kenya generally have higher thearubigins, total volatile flavour compounds and flavour index. The black tea fermentation process is much faster in Malawi compared to that in Kenya, as evidenced by faster production of plain black tea chemical parameters, especially theaflavins. Consequently, in Malawi the maximum amount of theaflavins formation takes a shorter fermentation duration than in Kenya. Given ample fermentation duration, fermentation in Kenya produces a similar amount of theaflavins. This makes it necessary to optimise fermentation time, in different geographical regions even when the same cultivar is being processed. The other plain black tea quality parameters (thearubigins, brightness and total colour) were higher in black tea which was processed in Kenya than those processed in Malawi. However, the pattern in the changes in the individual theaflavins or theaflavins digallate equivalent followed that of total (Flavognost) theaflavins, suggesting that the flavan-3-ols patterns in tea leaf might not have been affected by the geographical area of production. The total volatile flavour compounds (VFC), Group I and II VFC and the flavour index were higher in black teas processed in Kenya, further demonstrating the fact that high grown Kenyan teas are more flavoury. In both Kenya and Malawi black teas, aroma quality declined with a long duration of fermentation. Short fermentation time is therefore a method of producing more aromatic black teas. The variations in black tea quality between Malawi and Kenya were possibly due to difference in environmental conditions, leading to different shoot growth rates and biochemical composition in the shoots.
There is an increasing interest in the biological effects of natural antioxidants present in teas on formation ofin vivo free radicals, carcinogenesis, and atherogenesis. Teas are traditionally classified into six major groups, namely, green, yellow, white, black, dark-green, and oolong teas. The present study examined the antioxidative activity of ethanol extracts from these six major groups of teas against oxidation of heated canola oil. The oxidation was conducted at 100°C by monitoring oxygen consumption and changes in linoleic and linolenic acids in canola oil. The ethanol extracts of green, yellow, and white teas strongly inhibited oxidation of canola oil compared to butylated hydroxytoluene, probably due to the presence of natural polyphenols. In contrast, oolong teas examined exhibited only moderate antioxidative activity because of the partial destruction of natural polyphenols by semifermentation. The ethanol extracts of black, dark-green, and ginseng teas studied showed little or no protection to canola oil from lipid oxidation, probably due to the complete destruction of natural polyphenols by fermentation during manufacturing processes.
The effects of selenium-containing green tea (SGT: 1.4 mg selenium/kg) and China green tea (CGT: 0.13 mg selenium/kg) on the in vitro growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria were investigated using pure and mixed cultures. SGT had significantly higher phenolic contents (TPC), higher reducing activity, higher DPPH free-radical scavenging activity, and higher ferrous-ion chelating activity (P < 0.05-0.0001) than CGT. The addition of aqueous extracts from CGT to Mann-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) broth at 10% and 25% (v/v) resulted in small but nonsignificant (P > 0.05) increases in the numbers of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium breve over the control incubations (without tea). Addition of 10% and 25% of SGT extract resulted in a significant increase (P < 0.05-0.0001) in the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria recovered from batch fermentation while CGT did not increase the number of bifidobacteria. The higher prebiotic activity of SGT over CGT may be related to the higher TPC or minerals, notably selenium or a combination of these factors. To test whether selenium itself has an effect on bacterial growth, Na-selenite and Na-selenate were added alone or in combination with CGT to the MRS broth containing pure culture of L rhamnosus. Growth of this bacterium was enhanced relative to the control incubation of MRS only. When added in combination with CGT, Na-selenate was more effective at enhancing the growth of L rhamnosus than Na-selenite. The prebiotic effect of SGT could be largely explained by its selenium content.
The purpose of this investigation was to establish the relative antioxidant activities in vitro of the flavanolic polyphenols, the catechins, and catechin-gallate esters. The relative antioxidant potentials were measured against radicals generated in the aqueous phase and against propagating lipid peroxyl radicals. The results show that in the aqueous phase their order of effectiveness as radical scavengers is epicatechin gallate (ECG) > epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) > epigallocatechin (EGC) > gallic acid (GA) > epicatechin congruent to catechin; against propagating lipid peroxyl radical species, epicatechin and catechin are as effective as ECG and EGCG, the least efficacious being EGC and GA. This is consistent with their relative abilities to protect against consumption of LDL alpha-tocopherol. The results are discussed in the context of the most relevant antioxidant constituents of green tea extracts.
A simple, automated test measuring the ferric reducing ability of plasma, the FRAP assay, is presented as a novel method for assessing "antioxidant power." Ferric to ferrous ion reduction at low pH causes a colored ferrous-tripyridyltriazine complex to form. FRAP values are obtained by comparing the absorbance change at 593 nm in test reaction mixtures with those containing ferrous ions in known concentration. Absorbance changes are linear over a wide concentration range with antioxidant mixtures, including plasma, and with solutions containing one antioxidant in purified form. There is no apparent interaction between antioxidants. Measured stoichiometric factors of Trolox, alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and uric acid are all 2.0; that of bilirubin is 4.0. Activity of albumin is very low. Within- and between-run CVs are <1.0 and <3.0%, respectively, at 100-1000 micromol/liter. FRAP values of fresh plasma of healthy Chinese adults: 612-1634 micromol/liter (mean, 1017; SD, 206; n = 141). The FRAP assay is inexpensive, reagents are simple to prepare, results are highly reproducible, and the procedure is straightforward and speedy. The FRAP assay offers a putative index of antioxidant, or reducing, potential of biological fluids within the technological reach of every laboratory and researcher interested in oxidative stress and its effects.
Levels of total phenol, catechins, and caffeine in teas commonly consumed in the United Kingdom have been determined using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Tea bags or tea leaves were purchased from local supermarkets and extracted in boiling water for 5 min. The resulting data showed considerable variability in both total phenols [80.5-134.9 mg/g of dry matter (DM) in black teas and 87-106.2 mg/g of DM in green teas] and catechins (5.6-47.5, 51.5-84.3, and 8.5-13.9 mg/g of DM in black, green, and fruit teas, respectively); this was most probably a result of differing agronomic conditions, leaf age, and storage during and after transport, as well as the degree of fermentation. Caffeine contents of black teas (22-28 mg/g of DM) were significantly higher than in less fermented green teas (11-20 mg/g of DM). The relative concentration of the five major tea catechins ranked EGCG > ECG > EC > EGC > C. The estimated U.K. dietary intakes of total tea catechins, calculated on the basis of an average tea consumption of three cups of tea (200 mL cup, 1% tea leaves w/v), were 61.5, 92.7, and 405.5 mg/day from fruit teas, black teas, and green teas, respectively. The coefficients of variation were 19.4, 88.6, and 17.3%, respectively, indicating the wide variation in these intakes. The calculated caffeine intake ranged between 92 and 146 mg/day. In addition, many individuals will consume much larger quantities of tea, of various strengths (as determined by the brewing conditions employed). This broad spread of U.K. daily intakes further emphasizes the need for additional research to relate intake and effect in various population groups.
Although the antioxidant properties of green, oolong, and black teas have been well studied, antioxidant activity has not been examined in roasted tea. Therefore, in the current studies, we investigated the antioxidant activity of roasted tea in comparison with those of green, oolong, and black teas. Using water extracts of the various teas, we examined the total phenolic content as well as the antioxidant activities, including the reducing power, the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, and the inhibition of hemolysis caused by 2,2'-azo-bis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH)-induced lipid oxidation in erythrocyte membranes. The roasted tea contained lower levels of total phenolics than green, oolong, or black tea (green tea > oolong tea > black tea > roasted tea). The relative reducing power and DPPH scavenging activity decreased in the following order: green tea > roasted tea > oolong tea > black tea. Also, green tea was more effective against AAPH-induced erythrocyte hemolysis than other teas (green tea>roasted tea = oolong tea = black tea). These results suggest that roasted tea is beneficial to health, in humans, because of its high antioxidant activity.